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Project Report

“Imperative Study of Mapro Products in Modern Trade Division”

Submitted By
Shubham satish jagdale
Summer Internship

MBA (2017-19) Batch

Submitted To

Mapro Food Private Limited



I, Mr Shubham jagdale, student of Aims- Akemi Business School

Pune, hereby declare that this project report entitled to “Imperative Study of
Mapro products in Modern Trade division” is a Bonafide record of work done by

me during the course of summer internship project work of MBA programme

and all contents and facts are prepared and presented by me without any bias.

I also declare that it has not previously formed the basis for the award to
me for any degree/diploma associate ship, fellowship or other similar title, of
any Institute/Society.



First and for most, I wish to thank Mapro Food Pvt. Ltd. for giving me this opportunity to
study and present the report on “To Imperative Study of Mapro Brand in Modern Trade
at Pune City”. It has been my first exposure to practical work life and the experience which I
have got here while working on this project “To Imperative Study of Mapro Brand in
Modern Trade at “Pune City” in MAPRO will indeed be one of my most cherished ones.
I am heartily thankful to my project guide Mr Ganesh Bagal (Area Sales Manager) Pune,
Mapro Food Pvt. Limited), and Mr Mahabir Sharma (Sales Officer) Pune, Mapro Food
Pvt. Ltd.) who gave me opportunity to work on such a new concept. It is his inspiration that
has kept me motivated all along my project and the discipline and integrity he expected from
a summer trainee that made me learn the real lessons of life.

I would like to express my earnest gratitude and thanks to Prof. Manish Sinha Director
(AIMS- Akemi Group of institute) & Mrs, masoom esmillie (placement coordinator) for
their support and blessings. They have always been a source of inspiration and guidance.
I express my heartfelt gratitude to my internal guide Prof. col S.P Sharma sir (Faculty
Guide) for his timely and valuable suggestion. The report is the result of contributions of
numerous people –too many to mention individually. I also thank all the respondents who
have given their valuable time, views and authentic information for this project.
I owe everything to my parents and all my MBA classmates and friends for their
constant support that has encouraged me to give my best.
Last but not the least; I thank each and everybody who has contributed directly or
indirectly to the successful completion of this project.

(Shubham Jagdale)
(AIMS-Akemi, PUNE)


This is to certify that Mr Shubham Satish Jagdale has completed his Summer Internship
from 14th May 2018 to 17th July 2018 and prepared a Project Report titled on “To
Imperative Study of Mapro Products in Modern Trade Division at Pune City” under my
supervision and guidance.

Mr Ganesh Bagal
(Area Sales Manager Mapro, Pune District)


Project Title: “To Imperative Study of Mapro Products in Modern Trade Division at
Pune City”.
Organization: Mapro Food Private Limited.
Project Guide: Mr.Mahabir Sharma
Faculty Guide: Col. S.P Sharma
Scope of the study:
 This project helps to Mapro food for develop the target strategy of Mapro product as well
as to know the major sources of marketing and branding of Mapro food and allied
 This project helps to know presently major competitors of Mapro Product in Market.
 This project explains the awareness of Mapro and its product between the Juices
 This project helps to know the perception customers with Mapro products.

1. To find out the potential food processing companies from targeted Area.

2. To study the single company first come in mind of customer.

3. To study the leader company in Market. To identify major competitors in food Industries
to the Mapro in market.

4. To analyse brand attributes associate with MAPRO products.

5. To study the awareness about MAPRO’s products and sources of awareness in customers.
6. To study perception of MAPRO’s support on field.

7. To study the satisfaction level of customers about using of MAPRO’s Product.

8. To understand customer loyalty of MAPRO products.

9. To evaluate customer trust on MAPRO products.

10. To study Mapro sharbat, squash, crush, jam, toppings, falero promotional activities of
Targeted Area: Pune and Satara District of Maharashtra.


TITLE Page No.
1 Introduction of FMCG 09

2 Introduction of Food Processing Industry 15

3 Research Methodology 22

4 Company Profile 27

5 Data Interpretation and Inferences 37

6 Findings 52

7 Suggestions 54

8 SWOT Analysis 56

9 Annexure 58

10 Bibliography 63

11 Conclusion


1. Introduction of FMCG
1.1 What is FMCG?

Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) are defined as products which are sold quickly at
relatively low costs. These are mainly non-durable consumer goods which are required
extremely frequently and in some cases almost daily by a consumer. This sector covers a
wide range of products such as detergents, toiletries, food products, tooth paste, shampoos,
beverages, milk etc.

1.2 Some of the Major FMCG Companies in India are:


*Hindustan Unilver

*Nestle India

*Godrej Consumer products Ltd

*Dabur India Ltd

1.3 FMCG products have following characteristics:

1. Individual products are of small value. However all FMCG products put
together form a significant part of an individual’s monthly budget. For example a
consumer biscuits, tooth paste, shampoos, food products etc. in a month. Each of these
individual items are not very expensive ,however the total cost of all these products
account for about 97% of a consumer’s monthly budget.

2. A Consumer tends to purchase FMCG products extremely frequently and whenever

the products are required by him. The reason for this is that most of the products are
perishable and non-durable and hence a consumer buys them as and when the need

3. A consumer does not spend too much time in making his/her decision when it
comes to buying a FMCG product.

4. Advertising and suggestions of friends and neighbours usually play a major role for
trial of new FMCG products.

5. FMCG products come in wide range and often cater to necessities, comfort and
luxury items. Since FMCG products cover such a wide range, they often cater to the
entire population. Hence price and income elasticity of demand varies across products
and consumer.

At present the FMCG Industry in India is worth US$13.1 Billion and it is the
fourth largest sector in the Indian Economy. This sector generates 5% of the total
factory employment in the country and is creating employment of 3 million people,
especially in small towns and rural India. Despite all this, the penetration levels as
well as per capita consumption in most product categories are very low, indicating the
untapped market potential.

2 Distinguishing Features of the FMCG Industry

2.1 Low Capital Intensity

Most of the product categories that come under the FMCG sector do not require a
major investment in plant, machinery and other fixed assets. Since the investment in
plants is not very high, it is highly unlikely that there would be any product shortage
due to lack of capacity. Also, the business has low working capital intensity as bulk of
sales from manufacturing take place on a cash basis.

2.2 High Initial Launch Cost

Even though the FMCG is a low capital intensive sector, new products requires a large
front ended investment in product development, market research, test making and
launch. The biggest challenge in launching any FMCG product is creating its
awareness amongst consumers. Hence enormous initial expenditure is spent on its

advertisements, free samples and product promotions. The launch costs in some cases
as high as 50-100% of the revenue in the first year as compared to a mere 5-12% for
the existing brands.

2.3 Technology

The basic technology for manufacturing is easily available and is also fairly stable.
Modifications and changes in technology rarely change the basic process. Despite all
this, global FMCG players pay huge amounts on research and development (R&D)
due to their ability to spread cost over the wider base of their global operations.

2.4 Marketing Drive

Marketing of products plays one of the most important roles in the FMCG sector. This
is because most FMCG companies have to reach out to the masses and compete with
several other players at the same time. Most of these players are offering the same
goods or products and hence the perceived differences are greater than the real
differences in the market.

2.5 Market Research

The purchase decision of any consumer is mostly influenced by the consumer’s

perception about the brand. Other factors such as changing fashions, change in
income, change in lifestyle also plays a major role in the purchase decision. However
FMCG products are rarely differentiated on technical or functional basis. Hence
market research and test marketing becomes inevitable. As a result, due to increasing
competition, companies are spending enormous amount of money on product

3. Success Factors of FMCG Products

3.1 Brand Equity

Brand equity refers to the intangible asset in the form of brand names. The consumer’s
loyalty for a particular brand is due to the perception that the product has distinctively
superior and consistent quality and also satisfies his/her specific needs. Further provides
better value for money than other competing brands. In FMCG products, brand equities are
relatively stronger as the consumer is reluctant to try unknown brands/unbranded products as
most of these products are for personal use. It is often difficult to differentiate a product on
technical or functional grounds and therefore little reason to switch from a known brand. A
successful brand generates strong cash flows, which enables the owner of the brand to
reinvest a part of in it form of aggressive advertisements/promotion to keep up the superiority
of the brand. The worth of a brand is manifested in the consumer’s insistence on a particular
brand or willingness to pay a price premium for the preferred brand.

3.2 Distribution Network

In FMCG sector, one of the most critical success factors is the ability to build, develop and
maintain a robust distribution network. Availability near consumer is vital for wider
penetration as most products are low units and are frequently purchased. Distribution network
refers to the consumer buying points where products are available (almost always). It takes
enormous time and effort to build a chain of stockists, retailers, dealers etc and establish their
loyalties. There are entry barriers for a new entrant as a new product is typically slow moving
and has lesser consumer demand. Therefore dealers/retailers are reluctant to allocate
recourses and time. Establishes players use their established network to inhibit new entrants.
Thus the distribution factor is the most critical factor which at times even drives the brand
equity factor.

3.3 Understanding Consumer Behaviour

Producing what the consumer wants and customising it as per their needs has now become a
critical success factor for the FMCG Industry in today’s time where there are several
competing brands producing the same product. So to outshine, understanding the Consumer
behaviour towards a particular product has become very essential. Companies spend quite a

huge amount on this research just to deliver the best to the customers and keep the success for
its products going. The behaviour of customers keep changing with time thus regular
monitoring of this behaviour is done by companies so as they don’t lose out on their existing
loyal customers but even gain new potential customers by producing goods as per their needs
and requirement

3.4 Importance of Super Markets in FMCG Industry

Grocery Stores, Super Markets are the face from where the customer actually buys his
necessity products. In today’s fast moving time customers does not want to spend much time
hopping from one shop to another just to buy the basic items, thus with the concept of Super
Markets the customer is given with all the choices and all products under one roof which
minimises his shopping time and gives variety options at the same time. Some Big names in

3.4.1 These Markets have following distinguishing features:

 High quality, Variety Products under one roof

 FMCG ranging from food, milk products, bakeries, toiletries, stationary etc all are
available under one roof
 Special discounts are also offered on selected products on the basis of day, time. For
example after 7 pm some stores offer some selective discount on milk and bakery
 Big Brands are associated with these super markets which establish confidence in
customer’s mind easily. For example Reliance fresh is an undertaking of Reliance
Industries, Safal shops are opened by Mother Dairy which instantly reflect quality in the
products offered by them
 In metro city’s like Delhi-Mumbai-Chennai-Kolkata etc these markets have overtaken
the small grocery stores
 Customer Care and Staff help is kept as prime concern in supermarkets to deliver best to
the customer

 The Retail Market of FMCG products has seen a new breeze with opening of these
markets as it fastens the distribution process and delivers products to customers at much
faster pace.


FMCG products are necessity products which a consumer purchases within a short interval of
time. The companies producing these products needs to establish a strong distribution
network so as to deliver the products to the customers on time along with building a strong
brand equity for its products as competion in this industry is growing at a very fast pace. With
Super Markets like Big Bazaar, Easy Day, Reliance Fresh which keep all these necessity
products under one roof are giving tough competion to local grocery stores.


Company Address
Hindustan Unilever Limited
ITC Limited
Dabur India Limited
Britannia Industries
Godrej Consumer Product Ltd (GCPL)
Parle Agro
Pidilite Industries
Patanjali Ayurved




2. Introduction of Food Processing Industry

India is second- large fruit production country in the world. The Indian food industry is
poised for huge growth, increasing its contribution to world food Tradeee every year. In
India, the food sector has emerged as a high-growth and high-profit sector due to its immense
potential for value addition, particularly within the food processing industry.
2 Introduction

The food industry, which is currently valued at US$ 39.71 billion!, is expected to grow at a
Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11 per cent to US$ 65.4 billion by 2018. Food
and grocery account for around 31 per cent of India’s consumption basket.
Accounting for about 32 per cent of the country’s total food market, The Government of India
has been instrumental in the growth and development of the food processing industry. The
government through the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) is making all efforts
to encourage investments in the business. It has approved proposals for joint ventures (JV),
foreign collaborations, industrial licenses, and 100 per cent export oriented units.
Market Size

The Indian food and grocery market is the world’s sixth largest, with retail contributing 70
per cent of the sales. The Indian food retail market is expected to reach Rs 61 lakh crore (US$
915 billion) by 2020.
The Indian food processing industry accounts for 32 per cent of the country’s total food
market, one of the largest industries in India and is ranked fifth in terms of production,
consumption, export and expected growth. It contributes around 14 per cent of manufacturing
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 13 per cent of India’s exports and six per cent of total
industrial investment. Indian food service industry is expected to reach US$ 78 billion by
2018.The Indian gourmet food market is currently valued at US$ 1.3 billion and is growing at
a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 20 per cent. India's organic food market is
expected to increase by three times by 2020##.
The online food ordering business in India is in its nascent stage, but witnessing exponential
growth. The organised food business in India is worth US$ 48 billion, of which food delivery
is valued at US$ 15 billion. With online food delivery players like FoodPanda, Zomato,
TinyOwl and Swiggy building scale through partnerships, the organised food business has a
huge potential and a promising future. The online food delivery industry grew at 150 per cent
year-on-year with an estimated Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) of US$ 300 million in

According to the data provided by the Department of Industrial Policies and Promotion
(DIPP), the food processing sector in India has received around US$ 7.47 billion worth of
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) during the period April 2000-December 2016. The
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) estimates that the food processing sectors have the

potential to attract as much as US$ 33 billion of investment over the next 10 years and also to
generate employment of nine million person-days.
Mr Tomasz Lukaszuk, the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland had also highlighted the
keen interest shown by Polish companies looking for opportunities in India to expand
collaboration and invest food processing.
Some of the major investments in this sector in the recent past are:

 US-based food company Cargill Inc., aims to double its branded consumer business in
India by 2020, by doubling its retail reach to about 800,000 outlets and increase
market share to become national leader in the sunflower oil category which will help
the company be among the top three leading brands in India.
 Mad over Donuts (MoD), outlined plans of expanding its operations in India by
opening nine new MOD stores by March 2017.
 Danone SA plans to focus on nutrition business in India, its fastest growing market in
South Asia, by launching 10 new products in 2017, and aiming to double its revenue
in India by 2020.
 Uber Technologies Inc. plans to launch UberEATS, its food delivery service to India,
with investments made across multiple cities and regions.
 Di Bella, the Australia-based coffee chain, plans to invest Rs 67 crore (US$ 10
million) for setting up around 20 new outlets in Mumbai, besides entering Delhi and
Bangalore by 2017.
 KKR & Co LP, the US-based private equity firm, plans to invest about Rs 520 crore
(US$ 77.38 million) in dairy company Kwality Ltd, which will be used to strengthen
its milk procurement infrastructure and increase processing capacity.
 Henry Ford Health Systems (HFHS), a US-based health and wellness group, plans to
enter India by signing a franchise partnership with Chandigarh-based hospitality and
food services firm KWalls Hospitality, and set up 'Culinary Wellness' branded stores
across the country.
 Mondelez International, the US-based confectionery, food, and beverage major,
inaugurated its new manufacturing plant in Andhra Pradesh set up for Rs 1,265 crore
(US$ 190 million), with an annual production capacity of 250,000 tonnes.

 Pure Circle, a Malaysia-based natural sweetener producer, plans to invest around Rs
1,300 crore (US$ 200 million) in India to set up a manufacturing plant and make the
country its regional production and export hub in the next five years.
 Swiggy, a food delivery start-up owned by Bundle Technologies Private Limited, has
raised Rs 230.34 crore (US$ 33.80 million) in a Series C funding round, with its
existing investors SAIF Partners, Accel Partners, Norwest Venture Partners and
Apoletto Asia Ltd contributing 79 per cent of the new funds raised.
 Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), popularly known as
'Amul', plans to invest Rs 5,000 crore (US$ 733.6 million) to establish ten new
processing plants as well as expand the current capacity to touch 32 million litres per
day (MLPD) capacity by 2020.
 Private Equity (PE) firm India Value Fund Advisors (IVFA) plans to invest around
US$ 100-150 million in the food business in India over the next two years.
 Zomato, a restaurant search and discovery platform, has raised US$ 60 million from
Singapore government-owned investment company Temasek, along with existing
investor VY Capital, in order to explore new business verticals.
 ITC Limited plans to invest Rs 800 crore (US$ 117.4 million) to set up a world-class
food processing facility in Medak, a district located in Telangana. The company has
also formulated plans to enter the dairy market.

Government Initiatives

Some of the major initiatives taken by the Government of India to improve the food
processing sector in India are as follows:

 In Union Budget 2017-18, the Government of India has set up a dairy processing infra
fund worth Rs 8,000 Cr (US$ 1.2 billion).
 Union Budget 2016-17 proposed 100 per cent FDI through FIPB (Foreign Investment
Promotion Board) route in marketing of food products produced and manufactured in

 The Government of India has relaxed foreign direct investment (FDI) norms for the
sector, allowing up to 100 per cent FDI in food product e-commerce through
automatic route.
 The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) plans to invest around Rs
482 Cr (US$ 72.3 million) to strengthen the food testing infrastructure in India, by
upgrading 59 existing food testing laboratories and setting up 62 new mobile testing
labs across the country.
 The Indian Council for Fertilizer and Nutrient Research (ICFNR) will adopt
international best practices for research in fertiliser sector, which will enable farmers
to get good quality fertilisers at affordable rates and thereby achieve food security for
the common man.
 The Government of India allocated Rs 1,500 crore (US$ 225.7 million) and
announced various measures under the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme
(MEIS), including setting up of agencies for aquaculture and fisheries in coastal states
and export incentives for marine products.
 Government of India plans to allow two Indian dairy companies, Parag Milk Foods
and Schreiber Dynamic Dairies, to export milk products to Russia for six months,
after these companies got approval for their products by Russian inspection
 Ms. Harsimrat Kaur Badal, Union Minister for Food Processing Industries,
Government of India inaugurated the first of its kind Rs 136 crore (US$ 20 million)
mega international food park at Dabwala Kalan, Punjab. She has also expressed
confidence that the decision to allow 100 per cent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in
multi-brand retail with 100 per cent local sourcing condition, will act as a catalyst for
the food processing sector, thereby controlling inflation, uplifting the condition of
farmers, and creating more jobs in the country.
 FSSAI has issued new rules for importing products, to address concerns over the entry
of sub-standard items and simplify the process by setting shelf-life norms and relaxing
labelling guidelines.
 The Ministry of Food Processing Industries announced a scheme for Human Resource
Development (HRD) in the food processing sector. The HRD scheme is being

implemented through State Governments under the National Mission on Food
Processing. The scheme has the following four components:
o Creation of infrastructure facilities for degree/diploma courses in food
processing sector
o Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP)
o Food Processing Training Centres (FPTC)
o Training at recognised institutions at State/National level
 FSSAI under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued the Food Safety
and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 and
the Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and Residues) Regulations,
2011 which prescribe the quality and safety standards, respectively for food products.
 Spices Board, set up by the Ministry of Commerce to develop and promote Indian
spices worldwide, aims spice exports of US$ 3 billion by 2017.
 The Government of India has approved the setting up of five numbers of Mega Food
Parks in the states of Bihar, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. The
Government plans to set up 42 such mega food parks across the country in next three
to four years.

Road Ahead

Going forward, the adoption of food safety and quality assurance mechanisms such as Total
Quality Management (TQM) including ISO 9000, ISO 22000, Hazard Analysis and Critical
Control Points (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Good Hygienic
Practices (GHP) by the food processing industry offers several benefits. It would enable
adherence to stringent quality and hygiene norms and thereby protect consumer health,
prepare the industry to face global competition, enhance product acceptance by overseas
buyers and keep the industry technologically abreast of international best practices.

Name of the Top 10 Food Processing Companies in India.

Company Address
Nestle India
REI Agro Limited
Parle Agro
Britannia Industries Limited
GlaxoSmithKline consumer Health
Cadbury India Limited
Kwality Dairy India Limited
Rasana International Pvt.Ltd
Vadilal Industries Limited
MTR Foods


3. Research Methodology

In the process of achieving the objectives of the study, it is very essential to follow a
systematic and scientific approach so as to present and interpret the results of the study or
investigation conduct. This chapter on methodology consists of the details of the description
of the study area, the sampling procedure, nature and sources of data, the analytical tools and
techniques employed and other information to support the existing results like secondary
sources of information required to keep the reader inferred for reference and documentation.
The methodology chapter is discussed under the following heads.

3.1 Nature and Sources of data:

In order to evaluate the objectives of the study, data was collected from both primary and
secondary sources.

Primary data:
The primary data forms an important component of any research investigation. As the
study focuses on the preferences of Customer over purchase of Mapro product, behaviour of
customers towards the juices purchase decisions and adoption of brands, a subjective
phenomenon focuses on the behaviour of Customer. Hence, greater thrust was given to collect
information at Customer’s level. The primary data was collected using a pre-structured
questionnaire encompassing a number of variables/parameters which could explain their
behaviour towards purchase of Mapro product and useful information of Regarding Mapro
Food product.

Secondary data:

The secondary data required were collected from company officials, Books, Magazines
and Internet.

Sampling design:
In order to proceed with investigation as per the objectives stated, it was necessary to
adopt an appropriate sampling design. It was proposed at the outset to study the consumer

behaviour towards Mapro Food product and for this purpose the secondary source data of
company field officials were used.

Selection of District:

The area under fruits in Maharashtra when observed indicated that the southern
district of Maharashtra namely Pune and Satara reported to have the highest area under fruit
production. Hence, it was allotted by MAPRO for the study so as to investigate into the
research problem.

Geographical Information of Pune District:

Pune is situated in Maharashtra state of India. Pune city is the district headquarters. In the
most recent census on 2011, the total population of the district was 9,426,959, making it the
fourth most populous district in India (out of 640). Urban population comprises 58.08% of
the total population. The current population of Pune urban agglomerate is over 5 million.
Pune District is in the western region in Maharashtra in India. It is bounded by Thane
District to the northwest, Raigad District to the west, Satara District to the south, Sholapur
District to the southeast, and Ahmednagar District to the north and northeast. Pune district
lies in the Western Ghats or Sahyadri mountain range and it extends on to the Deccan Plateau
on the east. Pune stands on the leeward side of the Western Ghats. Pune is at an altitude of
559m.(1863 ft.). Pune district is located between 17.5° to 19.2° North and 73.2° to 75.1° East.
In Pune district, there are two municipal corporations, namely Pune Municipal Corporation
(PMC) and Pimpri-Chinchawad Municipal Corporation (PCMC).

Pimpri Chinchwad is located at the West of Pune city, touching the Pune- Mumbai National
highway. The corporation covers the area of Nigdi, Akurdi, Pimpri, Chinchwad and Bhosari.
The said area is developed by MIDC as an industrial zone.

Average rainfall in the district is 600 to 700 mm. This is usually during the monsoon months
from July – October. Moderate temperatures are mainly observed here. The rainfall is
unpredictable in tune with the Indian monsoon. Summers here begin from early March to
July. Summers are dry and hot. The temperature ranges from 20 °C to 38 °C, though at the
peak they may reach 40 °C.

From November to February, is the winter season. Temperatures at the peak drop to single
digits but usually they hover around 7 °C to 12 °C sometimes lowers up to 3 °C. January to
March are the months with moderate temperatures. In year due rainfall stress in June, and up
to 20 September agriculture sector come in danger.

It is an industrial centre as well as an agriculture based economy. It is one of the IT
destinations of India. There are many automotive manufacturing businesses in Pune district

Selection of Consumer:
In order to initiate first-hand information using primary source techniques on various
variables in the purchase of Food processing product as well as Mapro product , brand
awareness, brand attribute, customer loyalty and trust of consumers on MAPRO food
product. The consumer was selected randomly from pune which come under various D-Marts
and Big Bazaar in Pune city.

3.3 Sampling and Sealing Locations:

Name of D-Mart’s & Big Bazaar’s

Satara road D- Nanded City Aundh D- PCMC D-Mart
Mart D-Mart Mart

Hadpsar D- Thergoan D- Hinjewadi PCMC Big Bazaar

Mart Mart Big Bazar
Kondhwa Kalyani Nagar
NIBM D-Mart D-Mart D-Mart Satara D-Mart

Methodology of Research:

 Convenience sampling has been adopted for the study.

 The district was selected as high potential area of sealing of Food processing product
and juices.

Instrument of Data collection: Questionnaires.

Analysis Tool: Excel 2007.

Sample size: 100 consumers from 8 different locations.

Method of contact: By using the sampling and selling at time.

Period: The research work was carried from 14th May to 17th July.

3.4 Limitations

1 A few consumers were reluctant to share information.

2 Non-availability of consumers and busy schedule of Consumers during day time.
3 Time was major limiting factor for this project because of random selection of
Consumers and such a huge market has to cover.


4. Company profile:

Corporate Identification Number U15110MH1990PTC054865

Establishment 1956
RoC RoC-Mumbai
Registration Number 54865
Company Category Company limited by shares
Class of Company Private Company
203, Lalani Quantum, Patil Nagar, Bavdhan - Pune,
Office Address
Pune, Maharashtra 411021
City Pune
State Maharashtra
Country INDIA
Pin 411021
Whether listed or not Unlisted
Company Status Active

Mapro is a leading innovator of processed fruit product in western India. It is the leading
processor of strawberries in India and our products included Jam, Crushes, Squashes, Syrups
and preserves. Mapro has also developed innovative “fruit jellies” (soft confectionary with
fruit juice and fruit pectin)

Over 40 year ago, in small town Panchgani, near Mahabaleshwar, a businessman/Pharmacist

named Kishor Vora decided to make some strawberry Jam. Today his hobby has borne fruit in
the shape of Mapro. One of the most modern, hygienic, quality conscious jam and fruit
Product Manufacturing concerns in western India.

Mr Vora could have rested easy on success of his fruit recipe. But he wanted to developed
innovative ideas such as vegetarian jelly sweets, fruits cubes with fruits juice and Rose syrups
with rose petals. Everything for the first time in Country. Mapro naturally grew on it

founder’s philosophy of good, wholesome nutritious value made it a market leader and a
household name today.

At present is headed by Shri Mayur J.Vora who is the managing director of the company.
Mayur Vora, an alumnus of IIM-B, is heading the organization for last 20 year and has
enhanced the vision of Kishor Vora by transforming Mahabaleshwar, Panchgani . The scenic
hill station of Maharastra, into fruit processing zone of the nation.

About the Company

Mapro Food Pvt. Ltd IS fruit processing company, which is situated of Panchgani (near
Mahabaleshwar) A panoramic and beautiful hill station of western India. It is in the fruit
processing business over more than 40 year and it known for quality and innovation in the
Industry. The brand Mapro is a well recognized brand in India.

The company has shown organic growth over the last four decades representing sound
financials with sustained profitability set up as a family business our 45 year ago, it has
earned a name for quality and consistency. Mapro product enjoys premium status in the
Indian market. The manufacturing facilities are certified ISO 9001:2000 and HACCP by

The company has expanded capacity to now produce 3000MT of processed frozen food p.a. it
is setting up a frozen and fresh food distribution chain in Indian metros to being set up in
India. Today mapro is leading supplier of tasty as well as nutritious fruit product to the
International market.

Mapro is known to care for its employees. Mapro is a home where there is mutual
understanding between employee and employer like member in the family. It features a blend
of hard work and dedication. There are more than 600 employees all over. Mapro food has a
turnover above 500 Cr. And it’s looking at a 50 percent growth annually.


Mapro food Pvt. Ltd is the flat organization where management work along with their
technical and sales functionaries to achieve the vision and mission of MFPL.

“Mapro will develop, produce, package and sell food products, with high regard for safety,
nutrition and test, which we can confidently give to our customer by implementing and
continually improving quality management system and food safety management to meet and
exceed customer expectations.”


Mapro’s portfolio of products provides a high quotient of natural fruit in the form of Jams,
Fruit bars and chews, Syrups, Crushes, Squashes, and Dessert Toppings. Its range of
premium products such as Thandai crush and Kesar syrup are made from the finest selection
of exotic ingredients. Mapro’s products are known for their wholesome taste and quality, as
also their natural goodness and nutritive value.

Mapro was the pioneer of fruit-based confectionery in India, with its first jelly sweets being
made from fruit juices and liquid glucose. The ‘Falero’ pulpy fruit chews, which are better
known as ‘pates de Fruit’ in the rest of the world – are excellent exemplars of Mapro’s very
own Innovation Labs. Faleros come in unique indigenous flavours that are suited to the
Indian palate, like Kacchi Kairi (Raw Mango), Alphonso Mango and Strawberry.

Mapro product a number of items ranging from jams, jellies, crushes, syrups, etc. Their
leading product is Rose syrup, made from rose petals and their extract.

Fruit sweets with real fruit jam:

These soft fruits sweets and jelly sweets are 100% vegetarian as they are made with pectin’s,
a fruit extract. They contain no gelatine. Contain nutritious fruit juice and energy. Are the
instant hits with kids?

 Fruity sweets

 Jelly sweets
 Falchoos
 Jelly cubes
 Fruit cubes
 Fruit pebbels


A whole range of delicious fruity jams are produced by Mapro units in panchgani and wai.
These jams are made with certain specific fruits and fruit pulps as required by the recipe. The
various types produced involve:-

 Mango
 Orange marmalade
 Strawberry
 Pineapple
 Raspberry
 Mix fruit


 Ideal with milkshakes ice- creams, puddings, desserts and new even Mithai. This
bestseller makes milkshakes thicker and ice creams richer.
 Strawberry crush
 Litchi crush
 Alphanso mango
 Mango crush
 Kiwi crush
 Kokum crush
 Pineapple crush

Syrup / sharbat:

Syrup are made with pure contents for the exclusive natural flavours and properties. The
syrup recipes are balanced to allow use in sharbats, milkshakes, faloodas and even ice-cream.

 Rose syrup
 Khush syrup
 Thandai syrup
 Mahakool syrup
 Strawberry syrup
 Kesar syrup
 Pineapple syrup


Mapro squashes with their high fruit content are terrific for sharbat and fruit punch.

 Orange squash
 Lemon squash
 Lemon barley water
 Lemon ginger squash
 Strawberry squash
 Lime juice cordial
 strawberry cordial
 pineapple cordial

Ice- cream:

 Strawberry
 Mango
 Pineapple
 Bitter chocolate almond honey (sugar free)

Others product

 Gulkand
 Topping chocolate

 Felero
 Frubbles

Major Product Details:

1) Lemon Barley Water

Barley is best known for its diuretic, digestive and coolant attributes. When mixed with
lemon, it makes a healthy, refreshing drink with the added goodness of vitamin C. ‘Lemon
barley water' has long been associated with Wimbledon, being the official drink for players.
Make your own drink by mixing one part lemon barley water with three parts water or soda.

• Product Name: Lemon Barley Water

• Price- Rs.144
• Ingredients: sugar, lemon juice (25%), water, Acidity
regulator (INS-330), Barley Extract (6%)
Nutritional value per 100ml
• Energy- 202.00 kcal
• Total sugar- 51.00 g
• Carbohydrate- 52.00 g
• Fat- 00.01 g
• Protein- 00.07 g

2) Lemon ginger squash:

Abundant in antioxidants, this golden blend of lemon and ginger is sweet, sour and tangy.
Ginger helps digestion and blood circulation, while lemon, rich in vitamin C, has a number of
healing properties. Make a healthy drink with one part squash to three parts chilled water or
soda; make lollies and sloshes for kids; and mock tails for your guests.

• Product Name: Lemon ginger squash

• Price- Rs.144
• Ingredients: sugar, lemon juice (27%),water, Acidity
regulator(INS-330), Ginger paste (0.5%)
Nutritional value per 100ml
• Energy- 204.000 kcal
• Total sugar- 51.00 g
• Carbohydrate- 52.00 g
• Fat- 00.02 g
Protein- 00.08

3) Mango crush :

Succulent and fragrant, mangoes are a good source of dietary fibre, potassium, vitamin B6, A
and C. While raw mangoes are widely used in chutneys and pickles, ripe mangoes are used in
ice-creams, jams, juices and milkshakes. Mix one part of crush with either four parts water or
five parts milk to get a scrumptious beverage.

• Product Name: Mango crush

• Price- Rs.198
• Ingredients: sugar, Mango pulp (27%),water, Acidity
regulator(INS-330), Thickner (INS-440)
Nutritional value per 100ml
• Energy- 282.000 kcal
• Total sugar-72.00 g
• Carbohydrate- 73.00 g
• Fat- 00.00 g
• Protein- 00.11g

4) Khush sharabat:

Vetiver or khus is known for its cooling and soothing properties that make it popular in
various medicinal uses. Made from the root extract of khus plant, cool off with this green,
sweet, refreshing, musky tasting sharbat by diluting it with six parts chilled milk or five parts
water. You can also use it for mock tails and ice lollies. Feel the temperature drop!

• Product Name: Khush Sharbat

• Price- Rs.198
• Ingredients: sugar, Khush Root (10%), water, Acidity
regulator(INS-330) .
Nutritional value per 100ml
• Energy- 358.00 kcal
• Total sugar- 92.00 g
• Carbohydrate- 92.00 g
• Fat- 00.00 g
• Protein- 00.00 g

5) Rose Sharbat:

Valued for its beauty and fragrance, rose petals have an uplifting, cooling and restoring effect,
and possess a number of medicinal properties. Made from real rose petals, this sharbat is ideal
for consumption with puddings and ice-creams. For a cooling drink on a hot summer’s day,
mix one part sharbat with six parts milk or five parts water.

• Product Name: Rose Sharbat

• Price- Rs.198
• Ingredients: sugar, Rose petals (2%), water, Acidity
regulator (INS-330), Ginger paste (0.5%)
Nutritional value per 100ml
• Energy- 360.00 kcal
• Total sugar- 92.00 g
• Carbohydrate- 93.00 g
• Fat- 00.00 g
• Protein- 00.00 g

6) Mix Fruit Jam:

Mix Fruit' boasts of fruit of every season with tropical mangoes, papayas and pineapples;
delectable apples, strawberries and grapes; and citric oranges. Get a head start to your day
with this balanced, healthy, irresistible jam. A perfect topping for toast at breakfast, it is also
used on cakes, cookies and tarts. Roll some jam for a quick snack in a chapatti or Puri or just
lick it off a spoon for a lip-smacking, delightful explosion of fruitiliciousness.

• Product Name: Mix Fruit Jam

• Price- Rs.162
• Ingredients: sugar, Mix fruit pulp, water, Acidity
regulator (INS-330).
Nutritional value per 100ml
• Energy- 265.00 kcal
• Total sugar- 67.00 g
• Carbohydrate- 68.00 g
• Fat- 00.00 g
• Protein- 00.10 g




5. Data interpretation and Inferences
Data analysis and inferences is an important step in report writing. The data after
collection has to be processed and analysed in accordance with the outline laid down for the
purpose at the time of developing the research plan. This is essential for a scientific study and
for ensuring that we have all relevant data for making contemplated comparison and analysis.
Technically speaking processing implies editing, coding, classification and tabulation of
collected data so that they are amenable to analysis.

The term analysis refers to the computation of certain measures along with searching
for patterns of that exist among data groups. Thus in the process of analysis , relationships or
differences supporting or conflicting with original or new hypothesis should be subjected to
statistical test of significance to determine with what validity data can be said to indicate any

5.1 Age of the respondents which are under the study


20% 10%

5-15 yrs
15-30 yrs
25% 45%
30-45 yrs
45< above

Graph no.: 1 – This graph shows the Age of Consumers:


 From these samples, 10 % consumers come from the age group of 5-15 years & 45%
consumers come from the age group of 15– 30 years. These consumers can be
considered as young farmers. The young consumers are ready to make changes in
existing methods of food processing and adopt new techniques in making the process
of juices.
 Also 25% consumers are under the age of 30– 45 years having greater experience in
food processing & 20% consumers are under the age of 46< above years.
 The age of consumers its effect on selling of product.

5.2 Occupation of the Respondents
In research, under the survey, respondents have an education like as,




30% Series1
10% 14%
Student Self Service Housewife

Graph no.: 2 – This graph shows the Occupation of consumers:


 Literacy level of consumers always helps in to increase his standard of living.

 From samples of the study, 11% consumers are the student.
 After that 14% of consumers are the self employee.
 23% of consumers are the working in services government as well as private sector.
 52% consumers are the housewife. Educated consumers easily shift their brand as per
 As per the graphical representation, MAPRO’s task should be to change the mind-set
of the less educated consumers.

5.3 Income of the consumers which is under the study:

Below 30000
20% 17%
30000 – 50000

50000 – 100000

24% Above 100000


Graph no.: 3 –This graph shows total Income of the Consumers:


 The 17% consumer under the below Rs 30000 Income. That is this type of consumer
not purchases the more product of Mapro.
 20% Consumers under the above Rs100000 income they mostly not using the Mapro
 24% Consumers under the Rs 50000-Rs 100000 Income.
 The 49% consumers under the Rs 30000- Rs 50000 Income. They mostly use the
Mapro product.

5.4 Consumers Prefer the Mapro caused by various Qualities of product

50% 43%

19% 27%

Quality Series1

Graph no.: 4 – This graph shows the consumer preference of the Brand.


 43% consumer accepts the MAPRO product the reason of the Product Quality.
 Cause by high price of Mapro product the only 19% Consumer accepts the Mapro.
 Mapro is the best Brand so 27% consumer accepts the Mapro as a Brand.
 Depends on the availability 115 consumers accept the Mapro Product.

5.5 Preference on the seasons

All Season 18%

Winter 13%

Rainy season 8%

Summer 58%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Graph no.: 5 – This graph shows the Consumer preference on seasons.


 From the above data It has indicated that 58% consumers prefer juice in summer
 13% Consumers prefer juice in winter season.
 The 8% consumers prefer the Mapro juices in Rainy season.
 And 18% consumers prefer the juices in all three season.

5.6 Mostly Customer Buy the Product through the as various Market




20% 15%

Dmart Big Bazar Big Bascket Retailers

Graph no.:6 This graph shows the Customer Buy the Product through the as given


 From the above data, 61% consumer purchases the Mapro product through the D-
 15% consumer Buy the product through the Retailer in a bulk quantity.
 The 14% consumers purchase the Mapro product through the Big Bazaar.
 And 10% consumer purchases the Mapro product through the Big Basket that is order
to the online.

5.7 Known about MAPRO Products:

No 29
Yes 71
Grand Total 100



Graph no.: 7 – This graph shows Consumers Known about MAPRO Products


 From the above data, it is stated that 71 % consumers having an information of Mapro
 Larger part of the graph which is 29 % consumers not known about Mapro products.
 Mapro have large scope to develop in Pune District.
 Mapro has acquired 1/4th of the Beverages Market in Pune and still has scope to
expand itself in the remaining 3/4th in Beverages market.

5.8 Through this ways Consumers know about the Mapro products.





Friends Advertising Print Media Promotion through Sample test

Graph no.: 8– This chart shows to whom known about Mapro Products:


 From the above data, it reveals that 47% consumers known about the Mapro product
through the Promotion through sample test.
 31% consumers known about the Mapro Product through the friends.
 Then 13% consumers known about the Mapro product through the Print Media.
 9% consumers known about the Mapro product through the Advertising.

5.9 Many years / months are you buying MAPRO Products


50% 51%
9% 14% 26%
0–2 Series1
Years 3–5

Graph no.: 9 This graph shows many years / months are you buying MAPRO Products?


 From the above data, It reveals that 51% customers are using Mapro products from
last 3 to 5 years .so analysing above data it has been seen that Mapro have their loyal
customer in market .
 Most of the market captured by Mapro since last 5 years.
 26% Consumers are using Mapro product from above 5 year.
 The 14% consumers are using the Mapro product from 2-3 years.
 9% consumers are using the Mapro product from 0-2 years.

5.10 Which flavour do you like most among all MAPRO juices?

21% 14%

Graph no.: 10 –This chart shows consumers most likely product of Mapro.


 From the above data, it indicated that, 34% consumers like Rose Sharbat.
 21% consumers like Khush Sharbat.
 The 19% consumers like the Strawberry Syrup.
 14% Consumer like Mango crush.
 Then 8% consumers like Pineapple crush.
 Remaining 4% consumers like Pinacolada Squash.

5.11 Rate the following on the scale of 1 to 5, where


8% EXCELLENT [ 5 ]
33% GOOD [ 3 ]
46% POOR [ 1 ]


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Graph no.: 11 This graph shows the rate of Mapro.


 This graphical presentation shows that 46 % consumers are gave the 4

rate i.e. the Mapro product is very good compare to another Brand.
 33% consumers are gave the 3 rate that is the Mapro product is Good
compare to another competitors or companies.
 And 11% consumers gave the rate 5 that means Mapro product is
 The 8% consumers gave the rate 2 i.e. the test and quality of Mapro
product is under in average scale.
 2% consumers gave the rate 1 that means the Mapro product is not good
or poor to compare with other companies products.

5.12 Customer satisfaction with MAPRO products:

YES 88
NO 12
Grand Total 100



Graph no.: 12 This graph shows the Customer satisfaction with MAPRO products:


 This graphical presentation shows that 88%consumer and customers are satisfied with
Mapro’s products.
 12 % consumers is not satisfied with Mapro’s product. Caused by the sugar
percentage of juices as well as another reasons.

5.13 Continue to purchase MAPRO Products:

Yes 98
No 0
Can't Say 2
Grand Total 100

98% 100%
50 No
40 Can't Say
Grand Total
10 0% 2%
Yes No Can't Grand
Say Total

Graph no.: 13 This bar chart shows Consumers continuity to purchase MAPRO’s

 This graphical presentation shows that 98 % Customer and consumer are continue to
purchase Mapro’s products.
 2 % consumers said that they can’t say about continue to purchase.
 Those consumers got very effective results only those consumers ready to continue
use of it and try another Mapro’s products.

5.14 Consumers trust on MAPRO :

Consumers trust on MAPRO

96 %



0% 4%

Yes No Can't Say

Graph no.: 14 This bar chart shows Consumers trust on MAPRO.


 This graphical presentation shows, 96% Consumers and customer have trust on
Mapro’s products because they got good results after using the products.
 4 % consumers could not comment on the attribute as results of the products to yet to
be seen.


7. Findings

1 MAPRO consumers are too happy with company products

2 In few cases the consumers said about that price of product is very high.

3 They needs those food products that are beneficial for their health

4 They are ready to adopt new technical developments and products with low cost

5 Major clients of Mapro in mordent triad are D-Mart, Big Bazaar, Star Bazaar,
Reliance Retail Hyper City etc. from this entire store D-Mart is more profit to the
company because of more footfall and attractive schemes and offers.

6 Falero jelly is the most known product of Mapro. Sale of this product is also very

7 Mala’s and Kissan are the major competitors of Mapro


8. Suggestions

1. Company should conduct sampling of products in the different area.

2. Company should conduct Consumer survey in every possible area it will

help to increase the awareness and create brand image.

3. The company should go for more promotional activities by conducting

one activity after another before the summer season starts, in the month
of January and February.

4. The company should think on price point of view as feedback from



9. SWOT Analysis of MAPRO:

International Brand
high Presentage of sugar
High Quality of Product
Less promotional activities
High skill working staff
High Price
Good relations within MAPRO family
Less distributers
Timely availability of Product
less staff
Use the good quality plastice for the

Well established players in market
Large area available for promotional competitors. i.e. ITC's , Mala's,
activities Kissan.Patanjali.
Increasing demand from Consumers
Consumers moving towards new effctive


.Questionnaire for Consumer

1. Name of the consumer _______________________________________.

2. Sex

A) Male B) Female

3. Age Group of consumer

A) 5-15yr B) 15-30yr C) 30-45yr D) 45 And above

4. Area of residence ________________________

5. Occupation

A) Student B) Self-Employed C) Service D) Housewife

6. Income Monthly

A) Below 30000

B) 30000-50000

C) 50000 – 100000

D) 100000 and Above

7. Do you consume any fruit drinks?

A) Yes B) No

8. Which brand do you normally prefer?

A) ITC’s B – Natural B) Mala’s E) Others

C) Kissan D) Mapro

9. Why did you prefer that particular brand?

A) Quality B) Price C) Brand

B) Availability E) Packaging

10. Which season do you prefer to consume Mapro juices ?

A) Summer B) Rainy Season

C) Winter D) All Seasons

11. Where do you normally buy Mapro products?

A) D-Mart B) Big Bazar

C) Big Basket D) Retailers

12. How did you know about the Mapro products?

A) Friends B) Advertising

C) Print Media D) Promotion through Sample test

13. Do you know that Mapro Product is made up from real fruit pulps ?

A) Yes B) No

13. From how many years / months are you buying Mapro Products?

A) 0 – 2 Year

B) 2 – 3 Years

C) 3 –5 Years

D) Above 5 Years

14. Which flavour do you like most among all Mapro juices?

A) Rose B) Mango C) Orange D) Pineapple

E) Strawberry F) Butterscotch

15. Would you prefer to switch to juices of another brand, if it is available cheaper than
Mapro brand, without change in quality & taste?

A) Yes B) No

Rate the following on the scale of 1 to 5, where


2. VERY GOOD [4]

3. GOOD [3]

4. AVERAGE [2]

5. POOR [1]

Brand Name Mapro ITC Mala’s Kissan Paper boat





Fruit Content


16. Is there anything that you feel is lacking in Mapro brand of Juice, please specify



10. Bibliography



 Most of the customer was satisfied but changes are required according to the changing
scenario as advertisement has a great impact in the working of the company.

 Advertisement is required to increase the brand recognition which will promote more
selling of the products.

 Most of the customer was satisfied with the taste of the Mapro Products.

 Promotion and promotional offers should be taken in order to gain customer attention.

 Pricing can be comparatively lowered making it feasible for the middle class strata to
purchase the products.


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