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A Seminar Report












I hereby declare that the Seminar Report entitled, MOBILE COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY
AND ITS APPLICATION was carried out and written by me under the guidance of DR
MOHAMMED FAISEL, he guided me from the starting of the project for everything how I do
this seminar report and thanks a lot for his help. This work has not been previously formed the
basis for the award of any degree or diploma or certificate nor has been submitted elsewhere for
the award of any degree or diploma.


Place: Samara University

Date: Dec 2018


First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to instructors Dr. Mohammed Faisel for his
motivative and constructive guidance right from the moments of problem formulation to the
completion of the work. Many thanks and appreciations go to him for the discussions with him
always made me think that things are possible. His enthusiasm and encouragement has always
inspired me to accelerate to the completion of the work.
I am also very thankful to my friends and all staffs members of the business application development
and management team for their contribution in one way or another for the success of my study.


In today's computing world, different technologies have emerged. These have grown to support
the existing computer networks all over the world. With mobile computing, we find that the need
to be confined within one physical location has been eradicated. We hear of terms such as
telecommuting, which is being able to work from home or the field but at the same time
accessing resources as if one is in the office.

Mobile computing is a generic term that refers to a variety of devices that allow people to
access data and information from wherever they are. Sometimes referred to as "human-computer
interaction," mobile computing transports data, voice, and video over a network via a mobile
device. It is a technology that allows transmission of data, voice and video via a computer or any
other wireless enabled device without having to be connected to a fixed physical link. The main
concept mobile computing technology and its application involve Mobile communication,
Mobile hardware and Mobile software.

Mobile computing is not only limited to mobile phones, but there are various gadgets available in
the markets that are built on a platform to support mobile computing which includes that
Personal Digital Assistance(PDA),Smartphone, Tablet PC and IPAD.

Mobile computing has changed the complete landscape of our day-to-day life. It has to enable
users to work from anywhere as long as there is a connection established and used to avoid time
consumed or wasted while travelling from different locations.

Today's computing has rapidly grown from being confined to a single location. With mobile
computing, people can work from the comfort of any location they wish to as long as the
connection and the security concerns are properly factored. In the same light, the presence of
high speed connections has also promoted the use of mobile computing.

Contents Page No
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... I
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................................................... II
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................. III
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................... VII
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 MOBILE COMMUNICATION ........................................................................................... 2
1.1.2 MOBILE HARDWARE ....................................................................................................... 3
1.1.3 MOBILE SOFTWARE ......................................................................................................... 4
1.2 OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 MAJOR ADVANTAGES OF MOBILE COMPUTING - ........................................................... 5
1.3.1 LOCATION FLEXIBILITY ................................................................................................. 5
1.3.2 SAVES TIME ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.3 ENHANCED PRODUCTIVITY .......................................................................................... 5
1.3.4 EASE OF RESEARCH ......................................................................................................... 5
1.3.5 ENTERTAINMENT ............................................................................................................. 6
1.3.6 Streamlining of Business Processes ...................................................................................... 6
1.3.7 Improved Information Accessibility ..................................................................................... 6
1.4 CHARACTERISTICS OF MOBILE COMPUTING ................................................................... 7
1.6 THE BENEFITS OF MOBILE COMPUTING ............................................................................ 8
1.7 LIMITATIONS OF MOBILE COMPUTING .............................................................................. 8
1.8 MOBILE COMPUTING CONSTRAINTS .................................................................................. 9
1.9 MAIN PRINCIPLE MOBILE COMPUTING ............................................................................ 10
1.10 CLASSIFICATION OF MOBILE COMPUTING ..................................................................... 10
1.10.1 PERSONAL DIGITAL ASSISTANT (PDA) ..................................................................... 10
1.10.2 SMART PHONES .............................................................................................................. 11
1.10.3 TABLET PC AND IPADS ................................................................................................. 12
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................................ 13
2.1 MOBILE COMPUTING CURRENT TRENDS ........................................................................ 13
2.1.1 3G (THIRD GENERATION) .................................................................................................... 13
2.1.2 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) ...................................................................... 13

2.1.3 LONG TERM EVOLUTION (LTE) .................................................................................. 13
2.1.4 WiMAX ................................................................................................................................ 13
2.1 NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION .......................................................................................... 14
2.2 APPLICATIONS OF MOBILE COMPUTING ......................................................................... 14
2.2.1 BUSINESS APPLICATION............................................................................................... 14
2.2.2 FOR ESTATE AGENTS .................................................................................................... 14
2.2.3 EMERGENCY SERVICES ................................................................................................ 15
2.2.4 IN COURTS........................................................................................................................ 15
2.2.5 IN COMPANIES ................................................................................................................ 15
2.2.6 CREDIT CARD VERIFICATION ..................................................................................... 15
2.2.7 INFOTAINMENT .............................................................................................................. 16
2.2.8 HORIZONTAL APPLICATION ........................................................................................ 16
2.2.9 VERTICAL APPLICATION .............................................................................................. 16
2.3 ISSUES IN MOBILE COMPUTING ......................................................................................... 17
2.3.1 SECURITY ISSUES ........................................................................................................... 17
2.3.2 BANDWIDTH .................................................................................................................... 17
2.3.3 LOCATION INTELLIGENCE........................................................................................... 17
2.3.4 POWER CONSUMPTION ................................................................................................. 18
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 19
3.1 PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (PCS) ................................................................. 19
3.2 MOBILITY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................... 19
3.2.1 HANDOFF .......................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.2 ROAMING ......................................................................................................................... 19
3.3 GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATION (GSM) .......................................... 21
3.4 GSM ARFCHITECTURE .......................................................................................................... 21
3.4.1 MS (MOBILE STATION) .................................................................................................. 21
3.4.2 ME (Mobile Equipment) ..................................................................................................... 22
3.4.3 SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) ...................................................................................... 22
3.4.4 FUNCTIONS OF MS ......................................................................................................... 22
3.4.5 BASE TRANSCEIVER STATION (BTS) ......................................................................... 22
3.4.6 BASE STATION CONTROLLER (BSC) .......................................................................... 23
3.4.7 MOBILE SWITCHING CENTER (MSC) ......................................................................... 24

3.4.8 GATEWAY MSC (GMSC) ................................................................................................ 24
3.4.9 HLR (HOME LOCATION REGISTER) ............................................................................ 24
3.4.10 VLR (VISITOR LOCATION RESISTER) ........................................................................ 24
3.4.11 EIR (EQUIPMENT IDENTITY REGISTER) .................................................................... 25
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................................... 26
4.1 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................ 27
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 28


Fig 1-1: Mobile Communication……………………………………………………………………..3

Fig 1-2: Mobile Hardware………………………………………………………………………………4
Fig 1-3: Mobile Software………………………………………………………………………………..4
Fig 1-4: PDA……………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Fig 1-5: Smart Phones……………………………………………….........................................12
Fig 1-6: Mobile Tablets………………………………………………………………………………….12
Fig 3-1: Mobile roaming registration………………………………………………………………..20
Fig 3-2: GSM Architecture……………………………………………………………………………...21
Fig 3-3: Base Transceiver Station……………………………………………………………..23
Fig 3-4: BSC and BTS Arrangement…………………………………………………………………..24
Fig 3-5: MSC, HLR and VLR………………………………………………………………………..25


In today's computing world, different technologies have emerged. These have grown to support
the existing computer networks all over the world. With mobile computing, we find that the need
to be confined within one physical location has been eradicated. We hear of terms such as
telecommuting, which is being able to work from home or the field but at the same time
accessing resources as if one is in the office.

Mobile computing technology enables the mobile worker to create, access, process, store and
communicate information without being constrained to a single location.

It provides the continuous access to the wireless network services and the flexible
communication between the people. It provides the real-time business to employee
communication, enhanced customers interactions, and fastest communication between the
individuals. The communication occurs with the real-time wireless connection. It provides the
data, audio and video access to any user, any time with a wireless enable device.

Computing: It can be used to check the email via the mobile phones, sending SMS, accessing
internet and sending MMS.

Mobile computing devices can access any type of wireless network such as Wi-Fi, Wimax and
wireless conventional network to access the internet and the network. Mobile computing services
can be provided for the specific purposes and its cost varies from company to company.
Additionally, there are customized mobile computing solutions that are designed for the different
commercial fields like health care, business, education, pharmaceutical, IT and service providers.

Mobile computing technology allows the mobile employee to form, access, process, and store
and communicates data while not being affected to one location. Mobile computing is that the
discipline for making a data management platform, that is free from abstraction and temporal
Mobile computing is a generic term that refers to a variety of devices that allow people to access data
and information from wherever they are. Sometimes referred to as "human-computer interaction," mobile
computing transports data, voice, and video over a network via a mobile device. It enables the mobile
personnel to interact with fixed organizational information system and effectively communicate by
physical location.
Mobile computing is an extremely versatile, capable, and exciting technology that offers many
otherwise unattainable benefits to organizations that choose to integrate it into their fixed
information system.

Mobile computing technology enables the mobile worker to:
 Create
 Access
 Process
 Store and
 Communicate information without being constrained to a single location.

It is a technology that allows transmission of data, voice and video via a computer or any other
wireless enabled device without having to be connected to a fixed physical link. Mobile
Computing includes the following main concepts:

 Mobile communication
 Mobile hardware
 Mobile software


The mobile communication here refers to the infrastructure put in place to ensure smooth and
clear communication. These would consist of devices such as protocols, services, bandwidth, and
portals necessary to facilitate and support the stated services. The data format is also formulated
at this stage. This guarantees that there is no collision with other existing systems which offer the
same service.

The way a mobile computing device communicates with a fixed information system can be
categorized as:
 Connected
 Weakly connected
 Batch and
 Disconnected.
The connected category implies a continuously available high-speed connection. The ability to
communicate continuously, but at slow speeds (i.e. < 28 Kbps), allows mobile computers to be
weakly connected to the fixed information system. A batch connection means that the mobile
computer is not continuously available for communication with the fixed information system. In
the batch mode, communication is established randomly or periodically to exchange and update
information between the mobile computer and fixed information systems. Mobile computers may
operate in batch mode over communication mediums that are capable of continuous operation,
reducing the wireless airtime and associated fees. Disconnected mobile computers allow users
to improve efficiency by making calculations, storing contact information, keeping a schedule,
and other non-communications oriented tasks.

Fig 1-1: Mobile Communication


Mobile hardware takes account of mobile devices or device components that receive or access the service
of mobility. Portable laptops, smart phones, tablet Pc’s and Personal Digital Assistants are a few
The characteristics of mobile computing hardware are defined by
 Size and form factor
 Weight
 Microprocessor
 Primary storage
 Secondary storage
 Screen size and type
 Means of input
 Means of output
 Battery life `
 Communications capabilities
 Expandability and
 Durability of the device

Fig 1-2: Mobile Hardware


Mobile software is the real program that runs on the mobile hardware. This particular element is
responsible for dealing with the characteristics and requirements of mobile applications. In simpler words
it can be said that this is the engine of the mobile device. Mobile computers make use of a wide
variety of system and application software. The most common system software and operating
environments used on mobile computers include MSDOS, WINDOWs, UNIX , Android and so

All mobile computing application software does not have to be custom-designed. Prewritten
application software can be purchased for many application areas, such as sales force
automation. Additionally, many companies that develop mobile computing software offer
systems integration services, and will work with the client to modify their existing application to
fulfill the client's specific needs.

Fig 1-3: Mobile Software


The goal of mobile computing is to provide decentralized computations on diversified devices,

systems and networks which are mobile, synchronized and interconnected via mobile
communication standards and protocols. It is used to enable people to access network services
anyplace, anytime and anywhere.


Mobile computing has changed the complete landscape of our day-to-day life. Following are the
major advantages of Mobile Computing


This has enabled users to work from anywhere as long as there is a connection established. A
user can work without being in a fixed position. Their mobility ensures that they are able to carry
out numerous tasks at the same time and perform their stated jobs.


The time consumed or wasted while travelling from different locations or to the office and back
has been slashed. One can now access all the important documents and files over a secure
channel or portal and work as if they were on their computer. It has enhanced telecommuting in
many companies. It has also reduced unnecessary incurred expenses.


Users can work efficiently and effectively from whichever location they find comfortable. This
in turn enhances their productivity level.


Research has been made easier, since users earlier were required to go to the field and search for
facts and feed them back into the system. It has also made it easier for field officers and
researchers to collect and feed data from wherever they are without making unnecessary trips to
and from the office to the field.


Video and audio recordings can now be streamed on-the-go using mobile computing. It's easy to
access a wide variety of movies, educational and informative material. With the improvement
and availability of high speed data connections at considerable cost, one is able to get all the
entertainment they want as they browse the internet for streamed data. One is able to watch
news, movies, and documentaries among other entertainment offers over the internet. This was
not possible before mobile computing dawned on the computing world.

1.3.6 Streamlining of Business Processes

Business processes are now easily available through secured connections. Looking into security
issues, adequate measures have been put in place to ensure authentication and authorization of
the user accessing the services. Some business functions can be run over secure links and sharing
of information between business partners can also take place.

Meetings, seminars and other informative services can be conducted using video and voice
conferencing. Travel time and expenditure is also considerably reduced.

1.3.7 Improved Information Accessibility

Mobile computing enables improvements in information accessibility. The degree of

improvement is directly dependent upon the mobile hardware and communications equipment in
use. Mobile computing technology (hardware, software, and communications) provides a wide
range of options that can be mixed and matched to fit the needs of each individual mobile
computing application.
The mobile computing enables quick and efficient information retrieval from the central
information system. Mobile computing also significantly speeds information accessibility when
other media, such as: (a) facsimile; (b) audio files; or (c) still images are concerned. Digital
images or audio files can be accessed by the mobile user or transmitted from the mobile user to
the central fixed organizational information system.


2. Portability - The Ability to move a device within a learning environment or to

different environments with ease.
3. Social Interactivity - The ability to share data and collaboration between users.
4. Context Sensitivity - The ability to gather and respond to real or simulated data
unique to a current location, environment, or time.
5. Connectivity - The ability to be digitally connected for the purpose of
communication of data in any environment.
6. Individual - The ability to use the technology to provide scaffolding on difficult
activities and lesson customization for individual learners.
7. Small Size - Mobile devices are also known as handhelds, palmtops and smart
phones due to their roughly phone-like dimensions. A typical mobile device will fit
in the average adult's hand or pocket. Some mobile devices may fold or slide from a
compact, portable mode to a slightly larger size, revealing built-in keyboards or
larger screens. Mobile devices make use of touch screens and small keypads to
receive input, maintaining their small size and independence from external interface
devices. The standard form of a mobile device allows the user to operate it with one
hand, holding the device in the palm or fingers while executing its functions with the
thumb. Net books and small tablet computers are sometimes mistaken for true
mobile devices, based on their similarity in form and function, but if the device's size
prohibits one-handed operation or hinders portability, then it cannot be considered a
true mobile device.
8. Wireless Communication - Mobile devices are typically capable of communication
with other similar devices, with stationary computers and systems, with networks
and portable phones. Base mobile devices are capable of accessing the Internet
through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi networks, and many models are equipped to access cell
phone and wireless data networks as well. Email and texting are standard ways of
communicating with mobile devices, although many are also capable of telephony,
and some specialized mobile devices, such as RFID and barcode


 Connectivity: You can stay connected to all sources at all times.

 Social Engagement: You can interact with a variety of users via the Internet.
 Personalization: You can tailor your mobile computing to your individual


 Insufficient Bandwidth: Mobile Internet access is generally slower than direct

cable connections, using technologies such as GPRS and EDGE, and more recently
3G networks. These networks are usually available within range of commercial
cell phone towers. Higher speed wireless LANs are inexpensive but have very
limited range.
 Security Standards: When working mobile, one is dependent on public networks,
requiring careful use of Virtual Private Network (VPN). Security is a major
concern while concerning the mobile computing standards on the fleet. One can
easily attack the VPN through a huge number of networks interconnected through
the line.
 Power consumption: When a power outlet or portable generator is not available,
mobile computers must rely entirely on battery power. Combined with the compact
size of many mobile devices, this often means unusually expensive batteries must
be used to obtain the necessary battery life. Mobile computing should also look
into Greener IT , in such a way that it saves the power or increases the battery life.
 Transmission interferences: Weather, terrain, and the range from the nearest
signal point can all interfere with signal reception. Reception in tunnels, some
buildings, and rural areas is often poor.
 Potential health hazards: People who use mobile devices while driving are often
distracted from driving are thus assumed more likely to be involved in traffic
accidents. Cell phones may interfere with sensitive medical devices. There are
allegations that cell phone signals may cause health problems.
 Human interface with device: Screens and keyboards tend to be small, which
may make them hard to use. Alternate input methods such as speech or
handwriting recognition require training


Mobile computing environment has three main components which affect their performance.
These are:

A. Mobile devices constraints Due to their limited size, mobile devices will continue to have
limited resources such as processor speed, memory size, display size and resolution.
Hence, designers of mobile applications are faced with a real challenge on how to meet
these constraints while satisfying users demand of fast responsive mobile computing
environment. Some mobile devices may have different input device such as microphone
or a pen point screen to interact with users. These limited input devices must be
addressed carefully when designing a mobile user interface. Power limitations of mobile
devices are also to be addressed in terms of what an application should do when it
recognizes a very limited power to use.
B. Networks Constraints Wireless networks will continue to have limited bandwidth, high
latency and frequent disconnection due to power limitations, available spectrum and
mobility. The most critical aspect of these is the bandwidth. As bandwidth increases,
power consumption also increases which shorten the battery life of mobile devices.
Hence, energy restrictions of mobile devices will limit the effectiveness of data
throughput to and from the device even if wireless networks connections deliver stable
high bandwidth. Therefore, data access technique must be designed for users to overcome
these limitations of bandwidth, latency, disconnected operation and still satisfy user’s
C. Mobility Constraints Mobility is about moving around. This movement can be in one of
the following spaces with respect to users.
1. Physical space movement: in this space is when a user changes his/her physical
location. This can affect network connection (disconnection, Poor connectivity)
while the user is working. Network connection has to adapt to this behavior of user
movement by re-connecting user with respect to new location. Data and file
operations have also to adapt by supporting disconnection file operations as in the
Coda file system.
2. Information space: consists of a large number of applications and data files scatter
in the Internet.
3. Connection space: is the huge network of links that connect between various
computer platforms.


 Portability: Facilitates movement of device(s) within the mobile computing

 Connectivity: Ability to continuously stay connected with minimal amount of
lag/downtime, without being affected by movements of the connected nodes
 Social Interactivity: Maintaining the connectivity to collaborate with other users,
at least within the same environment.
 Individuality: Adapting the technology to suit individual needs.
 Portability: Devices/nodes connected within the mobile computing system should
facilitate mobility. These devices may have limited device capabilities and limited
power supply, but should have a sufficient processing capability and physical
portability to operate in a movable environment.

 Connectivity: This defines the quality of service (QoS) of the network

connectivity. In a mobile computing system, the network availability is expected
to be maintained at a high level with the minimal amount of lag/downtime
without being affected by the mobility of the connected nodes.
 Interactivity: The nodes belonging to a mobile computing system are connected
with one another to communicate and collaborate through active transactions of
 Individuality: A portable device or a mobile node connected to a mobile network
often denotes an individual; a mobile computing system should be able to adopt
the technology to cater the individual needs and also to obtain contextual
information of each node.


Mobile computing is not only limited to mobile phones, but there are various gadgets available in
the markets that are built on a platform to support mobile computing. They are usually classified
in the following categories


The main purpose of this device is to act as an electronic organizer or day planner that is
portable, easy to use and capable of sharing information with your computer systems.

PDA is an extension of the PC, not a replacement. These systems are capable of sharing
information with a computer system through a process or service known as synchronization.
Both devices will access each other to check for changes or updates in the individual devices.
The use of infrared and Bluetooth connections enables these devices to always be synchronized.

Fig 1-4: PDA

With PDA devices, a user can browse the internet, listen to audio clips, watch video clips, edit
and modify office documents, and many more services. The device has a stylus and a touch
sensitive screen for input and output purposes.


This kind of phone combines the features of a PDA with that of a mobile phone or camera
phone. It has a superior edge over other kinds of mobile phones.

Smart phones have the capability to run multiple programs concurrently. These phones include
high-resolution touch screens, web browsers that can access and properly display standard web
pages rather than just mobile-optimized sites, and high-speed data access via Wi-Fi and high
speed cellular broadband.

The most common mobile Operating Systems (OS) used by modern smart phones include
Google's Android, Apple's OS, Nokia's Symbian, RIM's BlackBerry OS, Samsung's Bada,
Microsoft's Windows Phone, and embedded Linux distributions such as Maemo and MeeGo.
Such operating systems can be installed on different phone models, and typically each device can
receive multiple OS software updates over its lifetime.

Fig 1-5: Smart Phones


This mobile device is larger than a mobile phone or a PDA and integrates into a touch screen and
is operated using touch sensitive motions on the screen. They are often controlled by a pen or by
the touch of a finger. They are usually in slate form and are light in weight. Examples would
include ipads, Galaxy Tabs, Blackberry Playbooks etc.

Fig 1-6: Mobile Tablets

They offer the same functionality as portable computers. They support mobile computing in a far
superior way and have enormous processing horsepower. Users can edit and modify document
files, access high speed internet, stream video and audio data, receive and send e-mails,
attend/give lectures and presentations among its very many other functions. They have excellent
screen resolution and clarity

This chapter lists down the current mobile computing technologies starting from 3G technologies which
is the hottest mobile technology available in the market.


3G or third generation mobile telecommunications is a generation of standards for mobile phones

and mobile telecommunication services fulfilling the International Mobile Telecommunications-
2000 (IMT-2000) specifications by the International Telecommunication Union. Application
services include wide-area wireless voice telephone, mobile Internet access, video calls and
mobile TV, all in a mobile environment.


The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides
location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an
unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. The GPS program provides critical
capabilities to military, civil and commercial users around the world. In addition, GPS is the
backbone for modernizing the global air traffic system, weather, and location services.


LTE is a standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data
terminals. It is based on the GSM network technologies, increasing the capacity and speed using
new modulation techniques. It is related with the implementation of fourth Generation (4G)

2.1.4 WiMAX

WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a wireless communications

standard designed to provide 30 to 40 megabit-per-second data rates, with the latest update
providing up to 1 GB/S for fixed stations. It is a part of a fourth generation or 4G wireless-
communication technology. WiMAX far surpasses the 30-metre wireless range of a conventional
Wi-Fi Local Area Network (LAN), offering a metropolitan area network with a signal radius of
about 50 km. WiMAX offers data transfer rates that can be superior to conventional cable-
modem and DSL connections, however, the bandwidth must be shared among multiple users and
thus yields lower speed in practice.


Near Field Communication (NFC) is a set of standards for smart phones and similar devices to
establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into
close proximity, usually no more than a few centimeters. Present and anticipated applications
include contactless transactions, data exchange, and simplified setup of more complex
communications such as Wi-Fi. Communication is also possible between an NFC device and an
unpowered NFC chip, called a "tag".


Mobile working infrastructure can deliver real time business benefits, companies of all sizes are
walking up to the fact that they can improve productivity and increase profits by giving
employees remote access to mission critical corporate IT system. The importance of Mobile
Computers has been highlighted in many fields of which a few are described below:


Mobile computing is currently focused on business applications. The technology available and
being developed is designed to increase productivity, efficiency and connectivity for workers in a
range of fields from retail to professional. The advent of wireless networking has created new
opportunities in the design of instructional space. Computing systems are currently present in
many forms of customer service; mobile computing has the potential to have applications for a
greater range of these businesses. Travelling sales representatives have the potential to offer
consumers a demonstration of their product, simply through the use of a PDA (Personal Digital
Assistants), wireless laptop, or another mobile device.
Managers can use mobile computers say, critical presentations to major customers. They can
access the latest market share information. At a small recess, they can revise the presentation to
take advantage of this information. They can communicate with the office about possible new
offers and call meetings for discussing responds to the new proposals.


Estate agents can work either at home or out in the field. With mobile computers they can be
more productive. They can obtain current real estate information by accessing multiple listing
services, which they can do from home, office or car when out with clients. They can provide
clients with immediate feedback regarding specific homes or neighborhoods, and with faster loan
approvals, since applications can be submitted on the spot. Therefore, mobile computers allow
them to devote more time to clients.


Emergencies: An ambulance with a high-quality wireless connection to a hospital can carry vital
information about injured persons to the hospital from the scene of the accident. All the
necessary steps for this particular type of accident can be prepared and specialists can be
consulted for an early diagnosis. Wireless networks are the only means of communication in the
case of natural disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes. In the worst cases, only decentralized,
wireless ad-hoc networks survive.


Defense counsels can take mobile computing in court. When the opposing counsel references a
case which they are not familiar, they can use the computer to get direct, real-time access to on-
line legal database services, where they can gather information on the case and related
precedents. Therefore mobile computing allows immediate access to a wealth of information,
making people better informed and prepared.


Managers can use mobile computing in, say, and critical presentations to major customers. They
can access the latest market share information. At a small recess, they can revise the presentation
to take advantage of this information. They can communicate with the office about possible new
offers and call meetings for discussing responds to the new proposals. Therefore, mobile
computers can leverage competitive advantages.


At Point of Sale (POS) terminals in shops and supermarkets, when customers use credit cards for
transactions, the intercommunication is required between the bank central computer and the POS
terminal, in order to effect verification of the card usage, can take place quickly and securely
over cellular channels using a mobile computer unit. This can speed up the transaction process
and relieve congestion at the POS terminals.


Wireless networks can provide up-to-date information at any appropriate location. The travel
guide might tell you something about the history of a building (knowing via GPS, contact to a
local base station, or triangulation where you are) downloading information about a concert in
the building at the same evening via a local wireless network. Another growing field of wireless
network applications lies in entertainment and games to enable, e.g., ad-hoc gaming networks as
soon as people meet to play together.


Horizontal applications have broad-based appeal and include software that performs functions
such as:
 Email
 Web browsing
 word processing
 Scheduling
 Contact management
 To-do lists
 Messaging
 Presentation


Vertical applications are industry-specific and only have appeal within the specific industry for
which the application was written. Vertical applications are commonly used in industries such as:
 Retailing
 Utilities
 Warehousing
 Shipping
 Medical and
 Law enforcement and public safety.
These vertical applications are often transaction oriented and normally interface with a corporate



A. Confidentiality: Preventing unauthorized users from gaining access to critical

information of any particular user.
B. Integrity: Ensures unauthorized modification, destruction or creation of information
cannot take place.
C. Availability: Ensuring authorized users getting the access they require.
D. Legitimate: Ensuring that only authorized users have access to services.
E. Accountability: Ensuring that the users are held responsible for their security related
activities by arranging the user and his/her activities are linked if and when necessary.


Bandwidth utilization can be improved by logging (bulk operations against short requests) and
compression of data before transmission. Additionally, lazy write back and file perfecting can
help the network in times of peak demands. Lazy write back is very helpful in the sense that the
data to be written may undergo further modifications. The technique of caching frequently
accessed data items can play an important role in reducing contention in narrow bandwidth
wireless networks. The cached data can help improve query response time. Since mobile clients
often disconnect to conserve battery power the cached data can support disconnected operations.


As the mobile computers move they encounter networks with different features. A mobile
computer must be able to switch from infrared mode to radio mode as it moves from indoors to
outdoors. Additionally it should be capable of switching from cellular mode of operation to
satellite mode as the computer moves from urban and rural areas.
In mobile computing as computers are working in cells and are being serviced by different
network providers, the physical distance may not reflect the true network distance. A small
movement may result in a much longer path if cell or network boundaries are crossed. It will also
lead to updating of the location dependent information as described above. This can increase the
network latency as well as risk of disconnection. Service connections must be dynamically
transferred to the nearest server. However, when load balancing is a priority this may not be


Mobile Computers will rely on their batteries as the primary power source. Batteries should be
ideally as light as possible but at the same time they should be capable of longer operation times.
Power consumption should be minimized to increase battery life. Chips can be redesigned to
operate at lower voltages. Power management can also help. Individual Components, be powered
down when they are idle.



PCS stands for Personal Communication System. The objective of PCS is to enable
communication with a person at any time, at any place & in any form. It also manages their
individual call services according to their service by providing unlimited reachability and


Mobility management function handles the function that arises due to mobility of the subscriber.
Main objective of mobility management is location tracking & call set up. There are two aspects
of mobility in a personal communication system network. These are handoff and roaming.


When a mobile user is engaged in conversation, the MS is connected to BS via radio link. If the
user moves to the coverage area of another BS, the radio link to old BS is disconnected and radio
link to new BS is established to continue conversation. This process is called automatic link
transfer or handoff.


When a mobile user moves from one PCS system to another, then the system should be informed
of the current location of the user. Otherwise it is impossible to deliver services. Two basic
operations are performed under roaming management.

1. Registration (location update): Where MS informs the system its current location.
2. Location tracking: Process during which a system locates MS. Location tracking is
required when n/w attempts to deliver call to a mobile user.

The roaming management follows a two level strategy where two tier systems of home and
visited databases are used. When a user subscribes to the services of a network, a record is
created in the system’s database called HLR.

This is referred to as home system of the mobile user. HLR is a net work database, where MS's
identity, profile, current location & validation period is stored. When the mobile user visits a new
network other than home system, a temporary record for the mobile user is created in the VLR of
visited system. VLR temporarily stores information for visiting subscribers so that corresponding
MSC can provide service.

Registration Procedure includes following steps:

1. When mobile user enters into new PCS n/w, it must register in VLR of new system.
2. The new VLR informs mobile user's HLR regarding the current location and address of
user. The HLR sends an acknowledgement which includes MS's profile, to the new VLR.
3. New VLR informs MS about successful registration.
4. HLR sends a deregistration message to cancel the location record of MS in old VLR. The
old VLR acknowledges the deregistration.

Fig 3-1: Mobile roaming registration


GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communication. It is a digital cellular technology
used for transmitting mobile voice and data services. It is the most widely accepted standard in
telecommunications and it is implemented globally.


Fig 3-2: GSM Architecture


An MS is used by a mobile subscriber to communicate with the mobile network. Several types of
MSs exist, each allowing the subscriber to make and receive calls. Manufacturers of MS offer a
variety of design and features to meet the need of different market.

The mobile station consists of:

 Mobile Equipment (ME)
 Subscriber identity module (SIM)

3.4.2 ME (Mobile Equipment)

“Cellular phone without SIM card”

The mobile equipment has a unique international mobile equipment identity (IMEI) which is
used by EIR. The numbers of GSM terminal types are defined within the GSM specification.

Mobile Equipment consists of

 Radios (Cellular, Wi-Wi, Bluetooth)
 Screen
 Processor
 Operating system
 Cameras

3.4.3 SIM (Subscriber Identity Module)

SIM card used in phones are smart processor cards. It possesses a processor and a small memory.
The SIM stores permanent and temporary data about the mobile, the subscriber and the network.
It contains a serial no, PIN, PUK (Pin Unblocking Key), IMSI (International Mobile
Subscriber Identity), Address books (potential personal information).

The SIM can be plugged into any GSM mobile terminal. This brings the advantages of security
and portability for subscriber. Example: Subscriber A’s mobile terminal may have been stolen.
However, A’s own SIM can be used in another person’s mobile terminal and the calls will be
charged to subscriber A.


Function of MS is transmission of signal from MS to BTS (using uplink) and reception of signal
from BTS to MS (using down link).


A BTS is also called a base station (BS) and is commonly referred to as a cell phone tower. A base
transceiver station (BTS) is a piece of equipment that facilitates wireless communication between user
equipment (UE) and a network. UEs are devices like mobile phones (handsets), computers with wireless
Internet connectivity. It is a piece of network equipment that facilitates wireless communication between
a device and network. It is connected to MS via Um or Air interface and connected to BSC via
Abis Interface. It is distributed across the thereby providing GSM and GPRS coverage to the

Fig 3-3: Base Transceiver Station


A base station controller (BSC) is a network element that controls and monitors a number of base
stations and provides the interface between the cell sites and the mobile switching center (MSC). It
connects the BTS and MSC of NSS. It manages radio resources for one or more BTS. It handles
and Handover the radio frequency, radio channel setup from one BTS to another.

Fig 3-4: BSC and BTS Arrangement


It is used for connection between mobile phone to mobile phone within same network. It is used
for connection between mobile phone to fixed phone within a network. It manages BSC within a
geographical area. Used to setup and clear down voice calla, deliver text messages, in addition to
tracking the location of mobile under its management.,


Connection for another network MSC handles all the signaling needed for connection set up and
connection release.


The HLR is a centralized network data base that stores and manages all mobile services
belonging to a specific operator. It acts as a permanent store for a person’s subscription
information until that subscription is cancelled. It provides call routing and roaming facility by
combining with MSC and VLR. It is considered as a Database which stores the information
about the subscriber within covering area of MSC. Information includes current location of the
mobile & all the service providing information, when a phone is powered off this information is
stored in HLR. It is also a database but contains a temporary copy of some of important
information stored in HLR. If a new MS user comes into location area, then VLR will provide
relevant information by bringing it from HLR.


It is a temporary storage device of GSM network. It stores subscribers’ subscription information

for MS which are within the particular MSC service Area. There is one VLR for each MSC
service area

Fig 3-5: MSC, HLR and VLR


A database that contains a list of all valid mobile equipment within the network where each MS
is identified by IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).EIR contains a list of IMEI of
all valid terminals. An IMEI is marked invalid if it is stolen. EIR allows the MSC to forbid calls
from this stolen terminal. The equipment identification procedure uses the identity of the
equipment itself (IMEI) to ensure that the MS terminal equipment is valid.


Mobile computing offers important advantages for organizations that prefer to integrate the
technology into their fastened structure data system. Mobile computing is created attainable by
personal computer hardware, software, and communications systems that move with a non-
mobile structure data system get through from the conventional, fastened work. Mobile
computing may be a versatile and probably strategic technology that improves data quality and
accessibility, will increase operational potency, and enhances management effectiveness. Here
during this paper known a number of the difficult problems, applications of mobile computing
beside few of the characteristics of Mobile computing.


In the current context, different kinds of technologies are innovated around the world. From
these technologies mobile computing system is one of them. So it is recommended that we
practices this technology in the day to day activities and be easy our life style.


1. computing
3. D. P. Agrawal and Q-A. Zeng, Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems,
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