R Data Visualization

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- Data analytics help organizations harness their data and use it to identify new opportunities

(Cost reduction, Faster Better decision making, Better marketing & product analysis,
Organization analysis)

- Business analytics examines large and different types of data to uncover hidden patterns,
correlations and other insights
- R is a programming and statistical language. (Analysis and data visualization)
- When defining variables, there is no need to define the type of variable (eg: int/string)
Eg: x=25; y <- “Hi” ; TRUE -> c; a-->3
- In the operators , %% will give the remainder of the division whereas %/%(flow division) will
give the rounded number of the division (will give to the rounded lower number always
- Other operators are ==; != ; >; <;
- And logical operator (&) will return TRUE only and only if both values(left and right) are true
- Or logical operator (|) will return TRUE when one of the values is TRUE
- Not operator(!) gives the opposite value of the variable
- The special character ‘:’ indicates a range; a variable can be defined as a range of numbers.
Eg- 1:10
- The special character (%in%) gives TRUE when the indicated value is inside the specified

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