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21CFR11 281 292

acknowledgement 135 203 285

mechanism 142
ActiveX 18–21 25 45
56 67 97
131 146 172
195 290
components 92 113 143
148 153–154 167–168
ActiveX data objects (ADO) 301
active server page (ASP) 27
addressing (see IP address)
administrator rights 67 194 283–284
(see also network administrator)
ADO 11 127 198
advanced process control (APC) 199 301
aggregates 15 129 131
alarm 4 6 10–11
17 46 97

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alarm (Cont.)
116 133–139 142–148
150 167 172
175 181 197–198
203 212 214
222 226 234
242 244 254
276 315
acknowledgements 292 295
conditions 133 135 138–139
generators 68 133 138
limits 131 140 202
logger 68 145 150
management 201–202
priorities 227
report 150
viewer 143
alarming 89 113
alerts 138 203
annotations 126 133
anonymous login 81 264
ANSI/ISA-18.1-1979 144
ANSI/ISA-88.01 99
ANSI/ISA-88.01-1995 137 209
ANSI/ISA-95 179
ANSI/ISA-TR99.00.02-2004 291
API (see application programming interface)

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application 35 37 43
46 67 69
79 87–88 126
136 148 152
156 165 171
184 194–195 197–219
222 233–235 239
242 250
proxy 87 268
application programming interface (API) 10 35 37
archive 11 126 175
ASP (see active server page)
asset management 13 45 59
asynchronous 109 152
attachment 276
attributes 313
audit 3 275 292
trail 129 134 287
authentication 28 61 75
292 245 258
278 293
authenticity 168
authorization 278 293
availability 16 51 63
73 159 171
207 225 241
246 255

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backup 91 223 233

235 239 246
batch 2 46 99
128 133 149
208 244 254
bar chart 150
biometrics 61 282 293
biometrics-based authentication 61
bridging (see OPC bridge)
brownout 253
bugs 188 195 239
bypass/override 244

capital expenditure (CAPEX) 43 54

centralized 1 73 91
certification 48
CFR (see Code of Federal Regulations)
challenge response authentication 287
chart (see also bar chart; trend chart)
generation 209
recorder 1 50
CIS 87 301
client 32 35 39
48 62 67
74 87 89

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client (Cont.)
97 148 154
160 165 174
181 183 186
194–195 203 212
224 236 240
242 246 260
294 316
client-server architecture (COM, DCOM) 4
clone 233
cluster 47 73 254–255
CMMS 44 174 301
Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 3 49 129
COM (see component object model)
communication 1–2 49 62
69 87–88 98
140 153 159
183 186 194
199 236 240
links 242
protocol 38
community string 277
compliance 45 206
compliant 7
component 18 44 56–57
63 68 76
88 130 153
167 195 231
240 278

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component (Cont.)
object model (COM) 5 34–35 51
62 76 87
computer 24
condition-related 135
consoles 219
COTS 62 301
credentials 278
CSV 50 103 151
cyber security 61 227 255

data access (DA) 6

data server 10 69 90
database 11 35 38
43 51 55
57 89 103
108 134 148
152 157 164
172 184 204
221 223–224 237–239
256 295
applications 233
storage 3
data-mining 175 199
DBMS 12 302

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DCOM 4 36 44
56 62 67
70 74 76
82 87 90
106 156 173
183 186 206
222 227 265
security 184
tunnelling 85
DCOMCNFG 68 76 185
DCS 2 33 37
54 57 102
131 154 164
165 180 198
212 302
DD (see device description)
DDE (see dynamic data exchange)
deadband 109 129 140
188 315
decentralized 53
Delphi 12 208
demilitarized zone (DMZ) 61 269 270
denial-of-service 241 256
addresses 51–52 119
driver 7 31 35
37–39 45 64
105 108 119
description (DD) 101–102
diagram 228

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dial-up 70 168
modem 4 61 257
DLLHell 194 239
DMZ (see demilitarized zone)
DNA 27 302
domain 9 50 67
70 55 74
165 173 186
223 228 279
dongle 88
drawing 227
dynamic data exchange (DDE) 9 36 38
45 62 97
120 175 194
210 244
client 121
gateway 214
server 119

eavesdrop 192 278

EEMUA 138 144 227
encryption 62 86 168
256 297
enterprise resource planning (ERP) 2 33 46
55 59 70
171 199 259
Ethernet 5 33 69
82 98 156
164 165 175

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Ethernet (Cont.)
213 222 228
247 260
event 3 10 133
134 138 142
144 148 152
172 197 212
223 234 254
275 294 316
log 170
logging 46
Excel 14 64 103
151 152 175
exception-based 62

fail-safe 242
fastEthernet 222
fault 215
fault tolerant 51 63 93
225 246
server 215 254
FDA (see food and drug administration)
FDA21 CFR 3 49 129
134 281
fieldbus 34–35 154 165
171 245 261
networking 2 44
filter 126 134 141
148 188 202
finger printing 282

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firewall 22 61 67
69 75 87
163 166 173
257 261
firewall friendly 23 83 167
171 206 261
HTML 167
web tunnelling 171
first-out 139
food and drug administration (FDA) 14 54 175
292–293 296 298
FTP 263 302
fuzzy logic 199

gateway 120 122 126

130 154
gatewaying (OPC-DX) 16

hackers 23 256
hard key 88 93 235
histogram 211
historian 33 37 46
126 134 148
164 176 198
222 237 254
application 6 11

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historical 145
data access (HDA) 6
data connectivity 14
databases 134 204
loggers 90
report 151
trending 69 113 132
historical database interface (OPCHDA) 126
HMI (see human-machine interface)
host computer 24 49 118
hot-standby 94 207
redundancy 63 246
redundancy OPC servers 249
HTML 24 33 59
64 86 265
302 315
HTTP 23 73 86
206 263 302
HTTPS 263 302
human-machine interface (HMI) 35 37–38 46
57 103 180
197 240
applications 2
hysteresis 140
(see also deadband)

IDS (see intrusion detection system)

impersonate 78
inferential measurement 2 46 159

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information 32 37 43–44
50 55 59
64 69 101
126 134 155
164–165 171 183
190 195 197
214 221 235
245 249 256
architecture 2 32
database 180
historian 148
infrastructure 2
integrate 33 35 37
43 50–51 55
58 61 70
77 100 138
153–154 163 165
171 180 184
197 221 225
242 256 293
applications 54
test 227
interactive 81 185
interface 32 35 37
43–44 54 58
63 78 97
139 148 163
165 172 180
191 197 216

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interface (Cont.)
221 240 246
converter 212
Internet 4 60–61 69
83 87 93
124 166 175
183 186 194
206 243 256
interoperability 13 32 45
Intranet 22 59 61
69 82 166
175 206 256
intrusion detection system (IDS) 267
IP address 71–72 83 228
260 263–264 266–267
IPSec 273 303
IPsec VPN 177
ISA-TR99 257
IT 4 33 56
60 62 71
75 163 171
183 236 238–239
257 297 303

keyboard 60 73 181

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key performance indicators (KPI) 3 50 59

165 175 221

LAN 4 69 82
87 165 213
222 228 235
243 247 256
redundancy 248
laptop 61 257
license 25 88 159
195 211 235
loggers 33 90 126
134 214 237–239
254 294
logging 67 97 126
148 172 192
198 221 262
login 61 69 81
127 167 293

MAC address 265

macro 17 56
man-machine interface (MMI) 2
manufacturing execution system (MES) 26 33 55
70 164 171
180 199 259

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addresses 52
leak 195
MES (see manufacturing execution system)
migration 53 62 131
163 180 202
MMI (see man-machine interface)
model predictive control (MPC) 199
modem 38 70 83
100 147 203
253 297
monitor 4 60 215
monolithic 54 57 126
164 172
DCS 44
motherboard 215 254
mouse 4 73 216
MPC (see model predictive control)
multimedia 4 203

namespace 98 137 159

209 240
NAMUR 145 208 303
NAT (see network address translation)
negative-logic 274
NetDDE 120 194
network 32 36–37 59
67 69 71
74 87 89
97–98 138 156

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network (Cont.)
163 165 171
183 194 212
214 221 228
234–235 240 243
255 295 314
administrator 163 186 273
275 279
address translation (NAT) 83 262 266
architecture 164 222 228
neighborhood 183 186 289
protocol 205
redundancy 246
security 259
neural networks 199
NT service 68
n-tier 27 170

object-oriented 101
obsolescence 62
obsolete 49 298
occurrence 135 316
ODBC 11 35 45
54 127 146
148 175 212
OEE (see overall equipment effectiveness)
OLE 6 34 145
153 304
automation 18

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OLE_DB 5 11 35
37 45 54
59 64 67
73 127 146
148 160 164
170 172 184
198 240 304
OPC 35 37 44
54 59 62
67 74 87
90 97 108–109
120 122 130
134 152 154
160 163 167
172 180 183
186 188 191
195 197 205–206
212 236 240
242 264 304
automation wrapper 208
bridge 8 48 115
154 178 201
205 249
clients 69
funnel 208
redundancy 207 250
server 32 60 62
67 105–106 180
186–187 193–194 214
222 227 235

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OPC (Cont.)
specification 5
status 117
tunneller 206
OPC-A&E 10 62 198
243 304 316
client 140
server 137–138 212 294
OPC-Batch 209
OPC-CDA 101 304
OPC-DA 7 45 83
97 152 155
198 212 242
304 314
client 107 126 133
protocol server 102
server 98 100
version 186
OPC-DX 9 156 158
242 304
OPCEnum 77 87 183
OPC-HDA 13 14 45
148 198 304
client 130
filters 62
server 126
OPC-UA 24 29 64
101 171 265

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OPC-XML-DA 24 28 174
265 304
client 124
server 123
open systems 4 31 37
46 54 60
63 112 126
146 246 257
operating system 4
OPEX 43 57 304
optimization 2 34 46
57 154 197
optimize 86 100 224
overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) 59 175 304
override 105 191 201
244 285

packet filtering 163 262–263

Pareto 211
PAS 33 173 259
password 61 69 75
127 175 186
267 293
performance 36 47 50
54 59 62
90 108 129
156 165 171
213 214 221

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performance (Cont.)
233 235 238
persist 132
persistent storage 139
PIMS (see plant information management
PIN 203 304
plant information management system (PIMS) 13 172 198
plant information architecture 37
PLC 1 2 35
37 38 51
57 64 101
165 180 208
212 240 304
pointing devices 4 215
policy 233 241 257
portal 64 172 177
180 258
positive-logic 274
prioritize 202
priority 135–136 148 277
programmatic 266
programmers 35 37
programming 6 37 44
55 105 150
protocols 212
providers 12 148 240

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proxy 87 106 158

server 261

quality 3 54 58
reports 171

RAID 238 251 304

RAS (see remote access server)
RDBMS 13 304
automation 24
control 40
data 64
optimization 199–200
redundancy 91 115 156
200 229
redundant 51 225 238
253 255
database servers 127
regulatory compliance 241 291
relational database 11 304
reliability 63
access server (RAS) 4 61 71–72
data service (RDS) 170
terminal unit (RTU) 2 30 38

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report 3 33 46
55 58 97
130 140 148
151–153 160 165
175 197 221
resource starvation 265
restore 233–234
retina scan 282
reverse proxy 259
router 23 33 61
70 75 228
244 257 261
RTO (see real-time optimization)
RTU (see remote terminal unit)

safety 16 64 118
156 241–242 256
instrumented system (SIS) 201 242 246
SCADA (see supervisory control and data
scalability 46 57 170
scalable 27 173
schemas 26
script 6 17 43
64 117 148
168 208 240
243 250 293
scripting 56 97 172
152 255
secure sockets layer (SSL) 263

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security 78 241 278

semantics 114 172
server 45 69 74
87 90 97
126 133 152
154 160 165
173 183 194–195
224 227 240
242 255 314
architecture 73
short message service (SMS) 203
simulation 2 46 97
191 227
simulator 201 213
single sign-on (SSO) 279
SIS (see safety instrumented system)
SNMP 106 213 235
276 305
SOAP 24 64 86
258 305
soft key 93
software architecture 37–39 49 59
SPC (see statistical process control)
SQL (see structured query language)
SSL (see secure sockets layer)
SSO (see single sign-on)
statistical process control (SPC) 2 46 174

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structured query language (SQL) 12 33 35

45 67 91
127 146 172
223 237–239 252
database 165 175 212
server 164 199
sub-condition 135 316
subscribe 10 78 140
177 185 191
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) 2 38 58
83 100 197
system architecture 228
systems integrators 2 113

tag 39 51 101
131 139 156
175 187 206
285 294 314
browser function 7
telecommunications 228
terminal server 4 72 90
thin-client 18 73 89
touchscreens 215
tracking events 135

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trend 46 68 89
110 126 132–133
160 164 172
181 197 214
chart 130–132
log 234
logger 127
plots 3
trending 222
trigger 128 137 149
175 275
tunnelling 24 68 84–85

upgrade 57 73 94
181 194 234
239 298
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) 225 253

VBA 17 45 54
64 73 152–153
168 172 208
296 305
script 154
VBScript 18 168
version 36–37 45 63
73–74 92 180
183 194 229
239 255

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virtual LAN (VLAN) 69 223 305

virtual private network (VPN) 62 262 272

WAN 83 206 261

web 18 22 43
63 69 83
88 152 163
165 171–172 186
199 315
portal 59
server 23 33 50
55 64 68
86 90 166
service 28 123 171
180 246
tunnelling 86 167 186
wire equivalent privacy (WEP) 277
workgroup 74 223 279
workstations 225

XML 24 40 59
64 86 171
258 305
schemas 33

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