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Biocompatible and Biodegradable Materials for Organic
Field-Effect Transistors
By Mihai Irimia-Vladu,* Pavel A. Troshin, Melanie Reisinger, Lyuba Shmygleva,
Yasin Kanbur, Günther Schwabegger, Marius Bodea, Reinhard Schwödiauer,
Alexander Mumyatov, Jeffrey W. Fergus, Vladimir F. Razumov, Helmut Sitter,
Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci, and Siegfried Bauer

the negative impact of the increasing pro-

Biocompatible-ingestible electronic circuits and capsules for medical diag- duction, consumption and disposal of both
nosis and monitoring are currently based on traditional silicon technology. polymer materials and electronic circuits is a
Organic electronics has huge potential for developing biodegradable, biocom- crucial goal in reaching environmental pro-
tection and sustainability. Here we describe
patible, bioresorbable, or even metabolizable products. An ideal pathway for a first approach for such environmentally
such electronic devices involves fabrication with materials from nature, or friendly electronics, based on natural mate-
materials found in common commodity products. Transistors with an opera- rials, nature-inspired materials or materials
tional voltage as low as 4–5 V, a source drain current of up to 0.5 μA and an familiar to the public. We limit our work
on-off ratio of 3–5 orders of magnitude have been fabricated with such mate- to the demonstration of field-effect transis-
tors, which are the building blocks of more
rials. This work comprises steps towards environmentally safe devices in low-
complex integrated circuits. Key to the suc-
cost, large volume, disposable or throwaway electronic applications, such as cessful demonstration of high-performance,
in food packaging, plastic bags, and disposable dishware. In addition, there is biocompatible and biodegradable organic
significant potential to use such electronic items in biomedical implants. field-effect transistors operating at low volt-
ages is the evaporation of ultrathin layers of
natural organic dielectrics, such as adenine,
1. Introduction guanine or glucose on inorganic oxide dielectrics, a viable alter-
native to the passivation of such oxide dielectrics with self assem-
Plastic waste is a huge concern in the world. Plastics consump-
bled monolayers.[3]
tion is expected to increase by a factor of two to three in a few
years, particularly due to the growth in developing countries.[1]
As an example, household hazardous waste in the UK alone
2. Results and Discussion
reaches 437 000 tons per year, 47.5% of which is electronic prod-
ucts and plastics.[2] With increased use of plastic electronics in Biocompatible electronic circuits and capsules based on tradi-
low-cost, large volume, disposable or throwaway applications, tional silicon technology have been reported recently in medical
plastic waste problems may increase dramatically over the diagnosis and drug delivery.[4,5] Organic electronics also has
already forecasted enormous increase. Therefore minimizing potential to develop similar products, finally leading to an even

[*] Dr. M. Irimia-Vladu, M. Reisinger, Dr. R. Schwödiauer, Prof. S. Bauer M. Bodea

Department of Soft Matter Physics Institute of Applied Physics
Johannes Kepler University Johannes Kepler University
Altenberger Strasse Nr. 69, 4040 Linz (Austria) Altenberger Strasse Nr. 69, 4040 Linz (Austria)
E-mail: G. Schwabegger, Prof. H. Sitter
Dr. P. A. Troshin, L. Shmygleva, A. Mumyatov, Prof. V. F. Razumov Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of Russian Johannes Kepler University
Academy of Sciences Altenberger Strasse Nr. 69, 4040 Linz (Austria)
Semenov prospect 1, 142432, Chernogolovka Prof. J. W. Fergus
Moscow Region (Russian Federation) Materials Research and Education Center
Y. Kanbur Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849 (USA)
Department of Polymer Science and Technology Dr. M. Irimia-Vladu, Prof. N. S. Sariciftci
Middle East Technical University Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS)
Balgat, Ankara, 06531 (Turkey) Physical Chemistry
Johannes Kepler University
Altenberger Strasse Nr. 69
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201001031 4040 Linz (Austria)

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20, 4069–4076 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 4069

more ambitious goal: environmentally friendly, biodegradable exciting material for photonics and electronics in, for instance,
electronics.[6] Industrial interest for the fabrication of such elec- optical waveguides and as gate dielectric in organic field-effect
tronics will only be raised with the availability and amenability transistors and memory elements.[10,11] These initial studies on
of large-scale roll-to-roll production processes. Avenues toward bio-electronics are significantly extended here by developing
large-scale industrial roll-to-roll (R2R) fabrication comprise transistors with the list of natural, nature inspired or common
solution-based large-area printing processes, possible with our commodity materials displayed in Figure 1 to form organic
solution processed materials from solvents like deionized water, field-effect transistors. The list of materials selected in Figure 1
ethyl alcohol, DMSO, hexane, etc. On the other hand, vacuum- is of course, by no means comprehensive, it just illustrates
based thermal evaporation R2R processes are often used in food the enormous potential such materials may have in electronic
industry, like for example in the metallization of polymer foils product development. The transistors are fabricated on a degra-
for food packaging. Therefore, using R2R thermal evaporation dable substrate, which is often coated with a smoothing layer
as a technology for the mass production of biocompatible/bio- to reduce the surface roughness of the material. Metal con-
degradable electronics based on organic dielectrics and small- tacts form the gate, source and drain electrodes, while dielec-
molecule active materials may represent an alternative route to trics are needed as gate insulator, and semiconductors for the
solution-processed large-area printing. gate-controlled charge transport between the source and drain
Science and engineering are often inspired by nature. Beau- electrodes.
tiful examples in materials research are the mimicking of Substrates made of caramelized glucose, edible hard gelatine
dirt-repelling lotus leafs, or adhesives following strategies of and commercially available plastics based on potato and corn
Gecko’s footpads, so inspiration by nature may also be used as starch provide examples for metabolizable or biodegradable
a guideline for the development of environmentally friendly substrates.[12] Smoothing is efficiently achieved by rosolic acid,
electronics.[7,8] First steps towards biodegradable electronics also known as aurin, a well known organic compound with a
have been reported, with a field-effect transistor based on poly- simple fabrication route.[13] Aurin is currently investigated in
vinyl alcohol as gate dielectric, 5,5’-bis-(7-dodecyl-9H-fluoren-2- the medical and pharmacological fields as heme-oxygenase
yl)-2,2’-bithiophene (DDFTTF) as organic semiconductor and activity regulator in aortic endothelial cells or as a generator
poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) as degradable substrate.[9] of androgen receptors in binding assays that mimic the func-
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has recently been shown to be an tions of natural hormones and has been extracted also from the

Figure 1. Natural materials or materials inspired by nature and their use in organic field effect transistors. Ecoflex made from potato and corn starch,
hard gelatine capsule produced from collagen or caramelized glucose form the substrate; aurin originating from Plantago Asiatica L. acts as smoothing
layer; glucose, sucrose, lactose, adenine and guanine are few examples of natural dielectrics with good insulating properties; beta carotene and indigo
are natural p- and n-type organic semiconductors; indanthrene yellow G and indanthrene brilliant orange RF are semiconductors inspired by nature
and perylene diimide, a cosmetic color. Transistors and integrated circuits from natural or nature-inspired materials may ultimately provide the basis
for “green electronics.”

4070 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20, 4069–4076

free-growing plant, Plantago Asiatica L.[14,15] Dielectrics may be semiconductors is their intrinsic low mobility (∼4 × 10−4 cm2

chosen among naturally occurring nucleobases, such as ade- V−1 s−1 for beta-carotene and ∼2 × 10−4 cm2 V−1 s−1 for indigo,
nine and guanine, as well as various sugars (glucose, lactose, both values obtained from the devices fabricated here).[27] Con-
sucrose) or even caffeine.[16,17] These dielectric materials have tinued searching for new natural compounds and improved
a long history in biochemistry.[18,19] Glucose, adenine, and gua- processing (careful cleaning of available materials and opti-
nine are excellent dielectrics, with low dielectric losses (10−2 at mization of deposition processes) may reveal much higher
10 mHz for adenine and guanine; 10−1 at 10 mHz for glucose) mobility semiconductors, as observed by the current progress
and high breakdown strengths (between 1.5 to 3.5 MV cm−1 in synthetic high mobility organic semiconductors.[28]
respectively, as shown in the Supporting Information, In the quest for expanding the materials base, inspiration
Figure S1a,b and Figure S2a). A brief demonstration of caffeine from nature is an excellent guide for identifying new promising
as a stand-alone dielectric is presented in Figure S2b and confir- low cost semiconductors that are biodegradable and have very
mations that the evaporation phases of adenine and glucose are low toxicity. Examples include indanthrene yellow G and indan-
identical with their precursors are shown in Figure S3, S4 and S5 threne brilliant orange RF, which are derived from natural
in the Supporting Information. Semiconductors employed anthraquinone, a laxative drug extensively discussed in interna-
are indanthrene yellow G (vat yellow 1), indanthrene brilliant tional symposia.[29]
orange RF (vat orange 3), and perylene diimide. The indan- Indanthrene yellow G and indanthrene brilliant orange
threne dyes are derived from natural anthraquinone[20], are RF are both amenable for vacuum processing, which is com-
slowly biodegradable[21] and found applications as colors in tex- monly used in packaging and in the roll-to-roll processing of
tile[22], electronics[23] and food industry.[24,25] Perylene diimide, transistors.[30,31] The field effect mobility of OFETs with vacuum
a dye, which is extensively employed in cosmetics[26] and has processed n-type indanthrene yellow G deposited on top of
a remarkably high tolerance of more than 8000 mg kg−1 (from alternating layers of vacuum processed guanine and adenine
in vivo mouse tests in our laboratories), is also demonstrated. is ∼0.012 cm2 V−1 s−1, as measured in the devices displayed in
Other potential semiconductor candidates for the production Figure 2a,b, which have a gate capacitance per unit area, C0d =
of fully natural organic field effect transistors are p-type beta- 5.6 nF cm−2. The field effect mobility is calculated as described
carotene and n-type indigo (see the Supporting Information in Ref.[32]. The transistors in Figure 2a and 2b were fabri-
Figure S6 and S7). The current limitation of natural organic cated on caramelized glucose substrates, which allows for the

Figure 2. a,b) Transfer and output characteristics of biocompatible and biodegradable OFETs on caramelized glucose substrates; Four alternating layers
of guanine and adenine form the gate dielectric, indanthrene yellow G is the organic semiconductor. The field effect mobility is μ = 0.012 cm2 V−1 s−1;
and the gate capacitance per area C0d = 5.6 nF cm−2; c,d) Transfer and output characteristics of an OFET with an inorganic (aluminum oxide)-organic
(six layers of adenine and guanine) gate dielectric and indanthrene yellow G organic semiconductor; the field effect mobility is μ = 0.015 cm2 V−1 s−1;
and the gate capacitance per area is C0d = 23.4 nF cm−2.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20, 4069–4076 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 4071

Since caramelized glucose is a highly

unusual substrate material, we have also
investigated the use of commercially avail-
able bio-degradable plastic substrates in
the production of degradable transistors.
Ecoflex (BASF) is a commercially available,
compostable polymer based on potato and
corn starch. Its rough surface (rms ∼80 nm,
Figure 4a and Figure S8) requires the addi-
tion of a smoothing layer formed by spin-
coating for example rosolic acid (aurin) from
ethyl-alcohol. The roughness measured on
top of the adenine layer on the evaporated
Figure 3. a,b) Transfer and output characteristics of an OFET with an inorganic (aluminum aluminium gate electrode is rms ∼17 nm
oxide)-organic (two layers of adenine and guanine) gate dielectric and indanthrene brilliant (reduced from rms ∼55 nm) after spin
orange RF organic semiconductor; the field effect mobility is μ = 1.75 × 10−3 cm2 V−1 s−1; and
the gate capacitance per area C0d = 81.6 nF cm−2.
coating aurin on Ecoflex (Figure 4c and 4e).
In fact, the simple use of a smoothening
layer of aurin reduces the roughness of
production of biocompatible and fully biode-
gradable OFETs as required when electronic
products are intended to be used for example
in food packaging, or any other low-end dis-
posable or throw away application. Although
the structure was not fully optimized, a 102
on-off ratio was achieved. The calculated
amount of organic materials deposited on
the caramelized glucose was: 10.2 μg aurin,
1.4 μg guanine, 3.6 μg adenine and 0.65 μg
indanthrene yellow G. The amount of purines
(adenine and guanine) that are present in the
respective OFET for example, are at least 3
orders of magnitude lower than the level nor-
mally found in various edible food items.[33]
Higher transistor performances are pos-
sible when very thin layers of organic dielec-
trics are evaporated on top of anodized alu-
minium gates[34] (Figure 2c,d). The on-current
achieved is 0.5 μA with a 103 on-off ratio,
and ∼0.015 cm2 V−1 s−1 field effect mobility of
the organic semiconductor for a capacitance
per unit area, C0d, of 23.4 nF cm−2 of the
inorganic-organic dielectric.
Results for a transistor with indanthrene
brilliant orange RF as organic semicon-
ductor and a gate dielectric of anodized alu-
minium with two thin layers of guanine and
adenine are presented in Figure 3a,b. The
capacitance per unit area of the combination
inorganic-organic dielectric is 81.6 nF cm−2
and the calculated field effect mobility of
the indanthrene brilliant orange RF organic
semiconductor is ∼1.75 × 10−3 cm2 V−1 s−1
for an OFET with an operation voltage as low
as 7–8 V. The field effect mobilities of the
two widely employed vat dyes (indanthrene
Figure 4. AFM pictograms of a)-plain Ecoflex foil (rms ∼80 nm); b)-aluminium gate on Ecoflex
yellow G and indanthrene brilliant orange (rms ∼50 nm); c)-adenine on top of the aluminium gate on Ecoflex (rms ∼55 nm); d)-perylene
RF) are on par with the ones recently diimide on top of the adenine dielectric; e)-adenine on top of the aluminium gate on an aurin
reported for synthetic high mobility ambi- coated Ecoflex foil (rms ∼17 nm); f)-adenine on top of an aluminium gate on plain glass
polar polyselenophene.[35] (rms ∼14 nm).

4072 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20, 4069–4076

adenine to those obtained on samples built on glass (rms ∼14 nm,

administration. Figure 6a,b demonstrates an edible OFET built
Figure 4f). on an aurin coated gelatine capsule substrate with an operating
Figure 5a,b shows that an OFET built on an aurin-coated voltage of 20 V and an on-off ratio of ∼105. The gate dielec-
Ecoflex foil has an operating voltage as low as 15 V. The organic tric is formed from layers of vacuum processed guanine and
layers are vacuum processed adenine as gate dielectric and adenine, perylene diimide is the organic semiconductor, and
perylene diimide as semiconductor. Perylene diimide, which is gold is used as gate, source and drain electrodes. Gold is an
the chromophore in the commercial nail polish color displayed edible substance that can leave the human body unaltered; it
in the inserted photographs in Figure 5 and Figure S8, has a is accepted in food industry as a color and additive to various
field effect mobility of 0.01 cm2 V−1 s−1 for a capacitance per food items with the E 175 number assigned in the food produc-
unit area of 3.1 nF cm−2 of the adenine dielectric. Lower oper- tion nomenclature. Adenine and guanine are commonly found
ating voltages (i.e. 4–5 V) are feasible when ultra-thin layers of in various food items and perylene diimide is a cosmetic color
organic dielectrics (0.25 nm glucose) are vacuum deposited on with market applications in lip sticks and nail polish.[26,33] The
a thin inorganic (i.e., aluminium oxide) dielectric (Figure 5c,d). field effect mobility of perylene diimide in the device displayed
The field effect mobility for perylene diimide in an OFET in Figure 6 is 0.02 cm2 V−1 s−1, and the gate capacitance per
having the above structure is 0.01 cm2 V−1 s−1 for a capacitance unit area is 5.1 nF cm−2.
per unit area of 138.8 nF cm−2 of the inorganic-organic dielec- A summary of material parameters, including dielectric con-
tric. For comparison, the capacitance per unit area of our plain stant, loss, dielectric breakdown field for the dielectrics, and
anodized aluminium oxide gate electrode is 140 nF cm−2. Alter- field-effect mobility for the semiconductors are presented in
natively, thin layers of adenine and guanine (i.e. 2.5 nm gua- Table 1 together with commonly used materials in organic elec-
nine and 15 nm adenine) were vacuum evaporated on the inor- tronic devices.
ganic dielectric layer (aluminium oxide) and perylene diimide
was employed as organic semiconductor. The operating voltage
of an OFET in such a configuration is only 5–6 V and the field
3. Conclusion
effect mobility is ∼0.016 cm2 V−1 s−1 for a capacitance per unit
area of 81.6 nF cm−2 of the gate dielectric (Figure S9a,b). Nature provides an overwhelming diversity of materials, so
Hard gelatine capsule is a fully edible substrate used exten- looking for natural dielectrics, natural or nature-inspired
sively in pharmaceutical industry as a case for oral drug semiconductors appears to be a promising route for fabrication

Figure 5. a,b) Transfer and output characteristics of an OFET on a biodegradable Ecoflex substrate; the roughness of the Ecoflex foil is reduced with
a smoothing layer of aurin. The transfer curve displays the temporal stability of the transistor characteristics after 1000 continuous scan cycles in
12 hours; Adenine forms the dielectric and perylene diimide is the semiconductor; μ = 0.01 cm2 V−1 s−1; C0d = 3.1 nF cm−2; c,d) Transfer and output
characteristics of an OFET with an inorganic (aluminium oxide)-organic (0.25 nm evaporated glucose) gate dielectric and perylene diimide as organic
semiconductor; μ = 0.01 cm2 V−1 s−1; C0d = 138.8 nF cm−2.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20, 4069–4076 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 4073

already compare favorably with such mate-

rials, like PVA and BCB. More difficult to
identify are natural and nature inspired
organic semiconductors; they should display
sufficiently large mobilities, together with
stability against environmental influences,
such as temperature and humidity varia-
tions, resistance against oxidation, etc. The
mobilities found in vat yellow 1 are quite
encouraging, so there is a large chance that
more or even better organic semiconductors
within the anthraquinone vat dyes may be
found. Work in these directions provides nat-
Figure 6. a,b) Transfer and output characteristics of an edible OFET on a hard gelatine capsule ural steps for further research. Additionally
substrate; the roughness of the substrate foil is reduced with a smoothing layer of aurin. Ade- extensive biocompatibility studies (including
nine and guanine form the gate dielectric and perylene diimide is the organic semiconductor; inflammation tests) should be performed
μ = 0.02 cm2 V−1 s−1; C0d = 5.1 nF cm−2. on biodegradable (compatible) circuits, such
as inverters, ring oscillators and memory
elements, to prove the feasibility of a nature based organic
of fully biodegradable and biocompatible organic electronics. electronics.
Dielectrics in the nucleobase or sugar families, naturally occur- Although we have illustrated here many examples of OFETs
ring semiconductors like indigo or various carotenoid polyenes, from natural, nature-inspired or daily life materials, the devel-
as well as semiconductors derived from natural compounds oped technology is still in its infancy. Nevertheless, such transis-
(like for example many yet unexplored anthraquinone vat dyes) tors may ultimately form the basis for “green” electronic items,
share their natural abundance, their large scale use in various being largely based on solvent-free evaporation processes, or
fields of applications, their low cost and their low toxicity to on solution processing from solvents such as deionized water,
make them interesting for sustainable organic electronics. Ide- ethyl alcohol, DMSO, hexane, etc. Just imagine enjoying your
ally, the dielectrics display excellent insulating properties, with continental breakfast, while reading your electronic newspaper
a high dielectric breakdown field, comparable to commonly made from many of the same materials you have on your break-
employed dielectrics. In this respect, our chosen dielectrics fast table.

Table 1. Electrical properties of investigated materials.

Dielectrics Semiconductors

Material Dielectric Constant (at 1 kHz) Breakdown Field [MV cm−1] Loss Tangent (at 100 mHz) Material Mobility [cm2 V−1 s−1]

Adenine ∼3.85 ∼1.5 ∼4 × 10−3 Vat Yellow 1 0.012–0.015

Guanine ∼4.35 ∼3.5 ∼7 × 10−3 Vat Orange 3 1.75 × 10−3

Glucose ∼6.35 ∼1.5 ∼5 × 10−2 Perylene Diimide 0.01–0.02

Lactose ∼6.55 ∼4.5 ∼2 × 10−2 Indigo 2 × 10−4

Sucrose N/A >3 ∼8 × 10−2 β-carotene 4 × 10−4

Caffeine ∼4.1 ∼2 ∼9 × 10−2 C60 (regular)[30,31] 0.1–0.55

xPVA[9] ∼6.7 ∼1.5–2 N/A C60 (hot wall epitaxial)[37] 6

nPVA[9] ∼7.6 ∼1.5–2 N/A Pentacene[32] >1

μh ∼ 0.02–0.3
PVA[36] ∼6.1 ∼1.5–2 ∼4 × 10−2[36] Polyselenophene[35]
μe ∼ 0.004–0.03

BCB ∼2.65 ∼3–5 N/A DDFTTF[9] 0.018–0.2

SiO2 ∼3.9 ∼5–15 N/A β-carotene[27] 10−6−10−7

4074 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20, 4069–4076

ethyl-alcohol) at 2000 rpm for 60 s on 1.5 × 1.5 cm2 Ecoflex foils. A

4. Experimental Section
1 mm wide, 100 nm thick aluminium gate was evaporated through a
Preparation and/or Purification of Materials: Commercially available shadow mask. 1.1 μm adenine was evaporated in an EDWARDS High
(Sigma-Aldrich) dielectric and semiconductor compounds employed Vacuum evaporation system to form the gate dielectric; 100 nm thick
(adenine, guanine, caffeine, indigo, indanthrene yellow G) as well as perylene diimide semiconductor was evaporated. The sample holder was
indanthrene brilliant orange RF (Shanghai Jucheng Chemical Co.) were placed 15 cm above the crucibles and evaporation was performed at a
additionally purified by two vacuum sublimation cycles performed in a pressure of 10−6 torr. 100 nm thick aluminium formed the top drain and
closed quartz tube. The chemical composition of indanthrene brilliant source electrodes. The evaporation rate was 3 nm s−1 for adenine, and
orange RF was proven by mass spectrometry. D-(+)-glucose, lactose, 0.1 nm s−1 for perylene diimide. The source and drain electrodes had the
sucrose and beta-carotene were used as received, without further channel dimensions: L = 100 μm, W = 1 mm. The measured capacitance
purification. Ecoflex was purchased from BASF and hard gelatine per unit area of the dielectric was C0d = 3.1 nF cm−2.
capsules from a local pharmacy. Aluminium Oxide-Adenine/Guanine-Perylene Diimide OFET on Glass:
Glucose/Caffeine-Beta-Carotene OFET on Glass: A precursor solution A 1 mm wide, 100 nm thick aluminium gate was evaporated onto
of D-(+)-glucose (0.9 g mL−1) and caffeine (0.02 g mL−1) was prepared 1.5 × 1.5 cm2 glass slides and subsequently anodized by immersing in citric
in deionised water (∼18 MΩ × cm) and the solution was stirred for acid solution and passing a step voltage (up to a maximum of 40 V)
60 minutes on top of a hot plate at 60 °C. Beta-carotene was stored in at a constant current of 0.06 mA. Two alternating layers of guanine
a glove box under nitrogen, and stock solutions were prepared under and adenine (i.e., 2.5 nm thick guanine and 15 nm thick adenine) were
inert atmosphere (10 mg mL−1 in chloroform). Thin films of glucose vacuum deposited; followed by 100 nm thick perylene diimide and
and caffeine were deposited by spin-coating at 2000 rpm on top of a 100 nm aluminium source and drain electrodes. Adenine was evaporated
100 nm thick patterned aluminium gate on a glass substrate (1.5 × 1.5 cm). at a rate of 3 nm s−1, guanine at 0.75 nm s−1 and perylene diimide at
Samples were dried overnight in a vacuum oven at 55 °C. Beta-carotene a rate of 0.1 nm s−1. The source and drain electrodes had the channel
was spin coated at 2000 rpm for 60 s with a spin coater inside the dimensions: L = 100 μm, W = 1 mm. The measured capacitance per unit
glove box. After semiconductor deposition, samples were placed in a area of the dielectric was C0d = 81.6 nF cm−2. The measured capacitance
metal evaporator and 100 nm gold was evaporated through a shadow per unit area of the AlOx alone was 140 nF cm−2.
mask to pattern the top source and drain electrodes. The source and Aluminium Oxide-Adenine/Guanine-Indanthrene Brilliant Orange
drain electrodes had channel dimensions of L = 100 μm, and W = RF OFET on Glass: A 1 mm wide, 100 nm thick aluminium gate was
1 mm. The measured capacitance per unit area of a 3.1 μm thick dielectric evaporated onto 1.5 × 1.5 cm2 glass slides and subsequently anodized
film of glucose and caffeine was C0d = 1.9 nF cm−2. The measured by immersing in citric acid solution, using the method described. Two
capacitance per unit area of a 2.6 μm thick film cast from glucose solution alternating layers of guanine and adenine (i.e., 2.5 nm thick guanine
(0.9 g mL−1 in deionized water) was 2.15 nF cm−2. and 15 nm thick adenine) were vacuum deposited; followed by 100 nm
Adenine/Guanine-Indanthrene Yellow G OFET on Caramelized thick indanthrene brilliant orange RF and 100 nm gold source and drain
Glucose: As received powder of D-(+)-glucose was melted on top of a electrodes. The source and drain electrodes had the channel dimensions:
hot plate at ∼225 °C and droplets were deposited with a glass rod on L = 35 μm, W = 7 mm. In the particular case of indanthrene brilliant
aluminium foil wrapped around 1.5 × 1.5 cm glass slides. Wrapping orange RF, gold was preferred instead of aluminium for contacting the
aluminium around the glass slides helped preventing the solidified n-type semiconductor. Adenine was evaporated at a rate of 3 nm s−1,
glucose from cracking during cooling. The melt was cooled slowly to guanine at 0.75 nm s−1 and indanthrene brilliant orange RF at a rate of
room temperature and a thin layer of rosolic acid (50 nm) was vacuum 0.1 nm s−1. The measured capacitance per unit area of the dielectric was
evaporated in order to prevent the caramelized glucose substrate to C0d = 81.6 nF cm−2.
swollen during the aluminium gate electrode patterning. The slides Aluminium Oxide-Evaporated Glucose-Perylene Diimide OFET on
were transferred to a metal evaporator in a glove box where 100 nm Glass: A 1 mm wide, 100 nm thick aluminium gate was evaporated onto
thick, 1 mm wide aluminium gate electrodes were evaporated. The gate 1.5 × 1.5 cm2 glass slides and subsequently anodized by immersing in
dielectric was formed by four alternating layers of guanine and adenine citric acid solution and passing a step voltage (up to a maximum of
(75 nm thick each of the first three layers of guanine and adenine, 40 V) at a constant current of 0.06 mA. 0.25 nm glucose was vacuum
and 400 nm thick adenine-the fourth layer), while 100 nm indanthrene processed on the top of the inorganic layer and 100 nm perylene diimide
yellow G was used as organic semiconductor. Adenine was evaporated subsequently deposited by vacuum processing. 100 nm aluminium
at a rate of 3 nm s−1, whereas guanine and indanthrene yellow G at a patterned the source and drain electrodes (L = 100 μm, W = 1 mm).
rate of 0.1 nm s−1. 100 nm top source and drain aluminium electrodes The measured capacitance per unit area of the dielectric (AlOx +
were evaporated in glove box. The source and drain electrodes had the 0.25 nm of evaporated glucose) was C0d = 138.8 nF cm−2. The measured
channel dimensions: L = 100 μm, W = 1 mm. The measured capacitance capacitance per unit area of the AlOx alone was 140 nF cm−2. The
per unit area of the dielectric was C0d = 5.6 nF cm−2. glucose was evaporated at a rate of ∼0.02 nm s−1, typically in ∼15 s.
Aluminium Oxide-Adenine/Guanine-Indanthrene Yellow G OFET on Adenine/Guanine-Perylene Diimide OFET on Hard Gelatine
Glass: A 1 mm wide, 100 nm thick aluminium gate was evaporated onto Capsules: Hard gelatine capsules were cut open and stuck with the aid of a
1.5 × 1.5 cm2 glass slides and subsequently anodized by immersing double-side scotch tape on 1.5 × 1.5 cm2 glass substrates in order to force
in citric acid solution and passing a step voltage (up to a maximum the gelatine substrate remain in a flat-open position. Transistor fabrication
of 40 V) at a constant current of 0.06 mA. A transmission electron on hard gelatine capsule starts with spin coating of rosolic acid (0.1 g mL−1
microscopy (TEM) picture of a cross-section of the anodized electrode in pure ethyl-alcohol) at 2000 rpm for 60 s. A 1 mm wide-100 nm thick
revealed a thickness of ∼55 nm of aluminium oxide. Six alternating gold gate was evaporated through a shadow mask. Four alternating
layers of guanine and adenine (i.e., 7.5 nm thick each guanine layer, layers of guanine and adenine (75 nm thick the first and the third layer of
10 nm thick the second and the fourth adenine layer and 75 nm thick guanine, 100 and 500 nm thick the second and fourth layer of adenine)
the last adenine layer) were vacuum deposited, followed by 100 nm were evaporated in an EDWARDS High Vacuum evaporation system to
thick indanthrene yellow G and 100 nm aluminium source and drain form the gate dielectric. 100 nm thick perylene diimide was evaporated to
electrodes. Adenine was evaporated at a rate of 3 nm s−1, guanine at form the semiconductor layer. The sample holder was placed 15 cm above
0.75 nm s−1 and indanthrene yellow G at a rate of 0.1 nm s−1. The source the crucibles and evaporation was performed at a pressure of 10−6 torr.
and drain electrodes had the channel dimensions: L = 100 μm, W = 1 mm. The evaporation rate was 1 nm s−1 for guanine, 3 nm s−1 for adenine,
The measured capacitance per unit area of the dielectric was C0d = and 0.1 nm s−1 for perylene diimide. 100 nm thick gold layer formed the
23.4 nF cm−2. top drain and source electrodes. The source and drain electrodes had
Adenine-Perylene Diimide OFET on Ecoflex: Transistor fabrication the channel dimensions: L = 100 μm, W = 1 mm. The measured
on Ecoflex starts with spin coating of rosolic acid (0.1 g mL−1 in pure capacitance per unit area of the dielectric was C0d = 5.1 nF cm−2.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20, 4069–4076 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 4075

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