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Brian Shadwick
© Science Press 2007
First published 2007
Reprinted 2007, 2008, 2011
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Introduction v
Verbs to Watch vi

Dot Points

Moving About vii

The World Communicates ix
Electrical Energy in the Home xi
The Cosmic Engine xiii


Moving About 1
The World Communicates 45
Electrical Energy in the Home 77
The Cosmic Engine 113


Moving About 147

The World Communicates 157
Electrical Energy in the Home 167
The Cosmic Engine 179


Data Sheet 187

Formula Sheet 188
Periodic Table 189

Science Press

Dot Point Preliminary Physics iii Contents









































Science Press

Contents iv Dot Point Preliminary Physics

What the book includes

syllabus for each topic in the Year 11 Physics course:

Also included are typical experimental results for students to analyse if the third column of the syllabus indicates

Format of the book

The book has been formatted in the following way:

1. Main topic statement (column 1 of syllabus)

1.1etc Syllabus requirement from columns 2 and 3.


worth in an examination. As a rough rule, every two lines of answer might be worth one mark. Note that in any
involved is worth only one mark.

How to use the book

You may have done work in addition to this with your teacher as extension work. Obviously this is not covered,
but you may need to know this additional work for your school exams.

spend more time revising later, and allow you to spend your study time more productively.

Science Press

Dot Point Preliminary Physics v Introduction

Verbs to Watch

account/account for distinguish

State reasons for, report on, give an account of, Recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or
narrate a series of events or transactions. different from, note difference between things.
analyse evaluate
Identify components and the relationships among Make a judgement based on criteria.
them, draw out and relate implications.
Use, utilise, employ in a particular situation.
appreciate Relate cause and effect, make the relationship
Make a judgement about the value of something. between things evident, provide why and/or how.

assess extract
0DNHDMXGJHPHQWRIYDOXHTXDOLW\RXWFRPHV Choose relevant and/or appropriate details.
results or size. extrapolate
calculate Infer from what is known.
clarify Recognise and name.
Make clear or plain. interpret
classify Draw meaning from.
Arrange into classes, groups or categories. investigate
Show how things are similar and different. justify
construct Support an argument or conclusion.
Make, build, put together items or arguments. outline
contrast Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features.
Show how things are different or opposite. predict
critically (analyse/evaluate) Suggest what may happen based on available data.
Add a degree or level of accuracy, depth, knowledge propose
DQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJORJLFTXHVWLRQLQJUHÀHFWLRQDQG Put forward (a point of view, idea, argument,
TXDOLW\WRDQDQDO\VLVRUHYDOXDWLRQ suggestion etc) for consideration or action.
deduce recall
Draw conclusions. Present remembered ideas, facts or experiences.
GH¿QH recommend
demonstrate recount
Show by example. Retell a series of events.
describe summarise
Provide characteristics and features. Express concisely the relevant details.
discuss synthesise
Identify issues and provide points for and against. Put together various elements to make a whole.

Science Press

Verbs to Watch vi Dot Point Preliminary Physics

Moving About

Dot Point Page Dot Point Page


1.1 Identify that a typical journey aav ǻvǻt = (v – u)/t 15
involves speed changes. 2 2.8 Gather information about different
1.2 Distinguish between average and situations where acceleration is
instantaneous speed. 2 positive and negative. 16
1.3 Distinguish between scalar and  'H¿QHWKHWHUPVPDVVDQGZHLJKW
 YHFWRUTXDQWLWLHV  with reference to effects of gravity. 16
 'H¿QHDYHUDJHYHORFLW\DV 2.10 Outline forces involved in causing
vav ǻrǻt 4 a change in the velocity of a vehicle. 17
1.5 Compare instantaneous and  ,QWHUSUHW1HZWRQ¶V6HFRQG/DZRI
average speed and velocity. 4  0RWLRQDQGUHODWHLWWRȈF = ma 18
1.6 Solve problems and analyse 2.12 Solve problems and analyse
information using:  LQIRUPDWLRQXVLQJȈF = ma 19
vav ǻrǻt 5 2.13 Identify the net force in a wide
 3HUIRUPD¿UVWKDQGLQYHVWLJDWLRQWR variety of transport situations and
measure average speed of an object. 6  H[SODLQLWVFRQVHTXHQFHVLQWHUPVRI
1.8 Graph displacement vs. time data
for objects with uniform linear velocity. 8 2.14 Solve problems and analyse
information involving: F = mv2/r
1.9 Graph displacement vs. time data
for vehicles travelling around curves. 24
1.10 Present graphically velocity vs. time
show the relationship between force,
data for objects with uniform linear
mass and acceleration. 26
velocity. 11
2.16 Solve problems using vector
1.11 Present graphically velocity vs. time
acceleration and force. 28
linear velocity. 12
2. Forces, acceleration and deceleration 13
to demonstrate vector addition and
2.1 Describe the motion of one body subtraction. 29
relative to another. 13
3. Motion and energy changes 30
2.2 Identify the usefulness of using
3.1 Identify that a moving object has
vector diagrams. 13
kinetic energy and that work done
2.3 Explain the need for a net external on it can increase that energy. 30
force to act to change velocity. 14
3.2 Solve problems involving the kinetic
2.4 Describe the actions that must be energy of vehicles and the work
taken for a vehicle to change done using: Ek = ½mv2 and W = Fs 30
direction, speed up and slow down. 14
3.3 Describe the energy transformations
2.5 Describe effects of external forces that occur in collisions. 31
on bodies including friction and
air resistance. 15
2.6 Analyse the effects of external
forces on vehicles. 15

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Dot Point Preliminary Physics vii Moving About

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3.4 Analyse information to trace the energy 4.9 Solve problems to apply the law of
transfers and transformations in collisions conservation of momentum to the
leading to irreversible distortions. 32 collision between objects moving
 'H¿QHWKHODZRIFRQVHUYDWLRQRIHQHUJ\  in the same direction. 38
4. Momentum 33 5. Safety devices 40
tendency to remain in uniform
motion or at rest. 40
4.3 Explain conservation of momentum
about the potential danger presented
4.4 Solve problems and analyse data by loose objects in a vehicle. 40
using: p = mv and I = Ft 33
4.5 Perform investigations to analyse  )LUVW/DZRI0RWLRQLVQRWDSSDUHQW
data for the change in momentum in many real world situations. 41
in collisions. 36
5.4 Assess reasons for low speed zones
4.6 Solve problems to apply the law of  LQEXLOWXSDUHDVDQGWKHDGGLWLRQRI
conservation of momentum to airbags and crumple zones to vehicles
describe the collision between a with respect to impulse and momentum. 41
moving and a stationary vehicle. 37
5.5 Evaluate the effectiveness of some
4.7 Solve problems to apply the law of safety features of motor vehicles. 42
conservation of momentum to
describe the collision of a moving
avoiding or reducing the effect of a
vehicle with an immovable object. 37
collision. 43
4.8 Solve problems to apply the law of
Answers to Moving About 147
conservation of momentum to the
collision between objects moving
in opposite directions. 38

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Moving About viii Dot Point Preliminary Physics

The World Communicates

Dot Point Page Dot Point Page

1. The wave model and information 2. Sound waves 54

transfer 46 2.1 Identify that sound waves are
1.1 Describe the energy transformations vibrations of particles in a medium. 54
in one of: mobile telephone, fax or 2.2 Relate compressions and rarefactions
modem, radio, TV (see 3.9). 46 of sound waves to crests and troughs
1.2 Describe waves as a transfer of energy of transverse waves. 54
that may occur in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. 46  ([SODLQTXDOLWDWLYHO\WKDWSLWFKLV
1.3 Identify that mechanical waves need  UHODWHGWRIUHTXHQF\DQGYROXPHWR
a medium while electromagnetic amplitude of sound waves. 54
displacement, amplitude, period, 2.5 Describe the principle of superposition
compression, rarefaction, crest, and compare the resulting waves to the
trough, transverse, longitudinal, original waves in sound. 55
2.6 Present graphs, solve problems and
velocity to the wave model. 47
analyse data for superposition of waves. 55
1.5 Describe the relationship between
particle motion and direction of
observe the superposition of two waves
energy transfer in waves. 48
using a CRO or computer. 56
1.6 Draw diagrams for transverse and
longitudinal waves, directions of
analyse sound waves. 57
particle movement and propagation. 48
3. Using the electromagnetic spectrum 58
1.7 Quantify the relationship between
 YHORFLW\IUHTXHQF\DQGZDYHOHQJWK 3.1 Describe emr in terms of their speed
Y IȜ 49 in space and their lack of need of a
medium for propagation. 58
1.8 Perform an experiment to gather
 LQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHIUHTXHQF\ 3.2 Identify electromagnetic wavebands
and amplitude of waves. 50  ¿OWHUHGRXWE\WKHDWPRVSKHUH
1.9 Solve problems and analyse data
by applying: Y IȜ to a range of 3.3 Identify methods for the detection
situations. 50 of various wave bands in the em
spectrum. 59
1.10 Present and analyse information
 IURPGLVSODFHPHQWWLPHJUDSKVIRU 3.4 Explain the relationship between the
transverse wave motion. 51 intensity of emr and the distance
from a source as an example of the
1.11 Perform an experiment to identify
the relationship between the
sound wave at constant velocity. 53  PRGHOWKHLQYHUVHVTXDUHODZ 
1.12 Perform an experiment to observe  2XWOLQHKRZDPSOLWXGHRUIUHTXHQF\
the transfer of waves in slinky springs, modulation of visible light, microwaves
water and ropes. 53 and/or radio waves is used to transmit
information. 61

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Dot Point Preliminary Physics ix The World Communicates

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3.7 Analyse data to identify the em  'H¿QHUHIUDFWLYHLQGH[LQWHUPVRI

spectrum range used in modern the changes in velocity of a wave in
communications. 61 passing from one medium to another. 68
3.8 Discuss problems produced by the  'H¿QH6QHOO¶V/DZ 
limited range of the em spectrum 4.9 Solve problems and analyse
available for communications. 62  LQIRUPDWLRQXVLQJ6QHOO¶V/DZ 
1.1 Describe the energy transformations 4.10 Perform an investigation to graph
 UHTXLUHGLQRQHRIPRELOHWHOHSKRQH the angle of incidence and refraction
fax or modem, radio, TV. 62 for light encountering a medium
3.9 Analyse data to identify the waves change showing the relationship
involved in the transfer of energy in between these angles. 71
one of: mobile telephones, TV or radar. 63  3HUIRUPD¿UVWKDQGLQYHVWLJDWLRQWR
4. 5HÀHFWLRQDQGUHIUDFWLRQRI calculate the refractive index of glass
electromagnetic waves 64 or perspex. 72
4.1 Describe and apply the law of 4.12 Identify the conditions necessary for
4.2 Perform an experiment to observe  2XWOLQHKRZWRWDOLQWHUQDOUHÀHFWLRQ
the path of light rays and draw  LVXVHGLQRSWLFDO¿EUHV 
diagrams to show direction of travel 5. Technology and electromagnetic waves 75
of light rays and wavefronts. 64
5.1 Identify types of communication data
4.3 Present information using ray that are stored or transmitted in
diagrams to show the path of waves digital form. 75
5.2 Discuss some of the physical
 'HVFULEHRQHDSSOLFDWLRQRIUHÀHFWLRQ principles used in one application of
for various surfaces. 66 physics related to waves in one of the
4.5 Describe ways in which applications following: GPS, CD technology, DVD
of light, radio and microwaves have technology, the Internet. 76
helped information transfer. 67 Answers to The World Communicates 157
4.6 Explain that refraction is related to
the velocity of a wave in different
media and outline how this may
result in the bending of a wavefront. 67

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The World Communicates x Dot Point Preliminary Physics

Electrical Energy in the Home
Dot Point Page Dot Point Page

1. History of electricity 78 2.11 Discuss how potential difference

1.1 Discuss how the main sources of domestic changes at points around a circuit. 88
energy have changed over time. 78 2.12 Perform an experiment to show how
1.2 Assess some of the impacts of changes potential difference varies between
in, and increased access to, sources points in a circuit (also 3.3). 89
of energy. 78 2.13 Perform an experiment to show the
1.3 Discuss some of the ways on which relationship between voltage across,
electricity can be provided in remote and current in, a circuit (also 3.3). 90
locations. 79 2.14 Solve problems and analyse
1.4 Analyse differing views of Volta and information using: R = V/I 91
Galvani on animal and chemical electricity. 79 2.15 Identify differences between conductors
1.5 Discuss whether their (Volta and and insulators. 92
Galvani) different views contributed  'H¿QHUHVLVWDQFHDVWKHUDWLRRIYROWDJH
to increased understanding of electricity. 81 to current for a particular conductor. 92
2. Electricity and electric circuits 82  'HVFULEHTXDOLWDWLYHO\KRZYDULRXV
2.1 Describe the behaviour of electrostatic factors affect the movement of
charges. 82 electricity through a conductor. 92
2.2 Describe the behaviour of 2.18 Identify materials used as conductors
 HOHFWURVWDWLF¿HOGV  to provide household electricity. 93
2.3 Present diagrams to describe electric 3. Series and parallel circuits 95
 ¿HOGVWUHQJWKDQGGLUHFWLRQEHWZHHQ 3.1 Identify differences between series
parallel plates. 83 and parallel circuits. 95
2.4 Present diagrams to describe electric 3.2 Compare parallel and series circuits
 ¿HOGVWUHQJWKDQGGLUHFWLRQDERXWDQG in terms of voltage across components
between positive and negative point and current through them. 96
charges. 84 3.3 Perform experiments to compare
 'H¿QHWKHXQLWRIHOHFWULFFKDUJHDV current and voltage in series circuits
the coulomb. 84 (see 2.12 and 2.13). 97
 ZLWKVWUHQJWKHTXDOWRWKHIRUFHSHU compare measurements of current
unit charge at that point, i.e. E = F/Q 85 and voltage in parallel circuits. 97
2.7 Solve problems and analyse information 3.5 Identify uses of ammeters and voltmeters. 98
using: E = F/Q 85 3.6 Explain why ammeters and voltmeters
 'H¿QHHOHFWULFFXUUHQWDVWKHUDWHDW are connected differently in a circuit. 98
 ZKLFKFKDUJHÀRZVXQGHUWKHLQÀXHQFH 3.7 Explain why there are different circuits
 RIDQHOHFWULF¿HOG  for lighting, heating and other
2.9 Identify that current can be either appliances in a house. 99
direct or alternating. 87 3.8 Construct a model to show household
2.10 Describe electric potential difference circuits. 100
(voltage) between points as the change
in potential energy per unit charge
moving from one point to the other. 87

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Dot Point Preliminary Physics xi Electrical Energy in the Home

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4.1 Explain that power is the rate at which pairs of magnetic poles. 106
energy is transformed from one form 5.5 Describe the production of a magnetic
4.2 Identify the relationship between conductor and how the right hand
power, potential difference and current. 101  JULSUXOHFDQ¿QGWKHGLUHFWLRQRI
demonstrate the relationship between  3HUIRUPD¿UVWKDQGLQYHVWLJDWLRQWR
current, voltage and power. 101 build an electromagnet. 107
4.4 Explain why the kWh is used to 5.7 Compare the nature and generation
measure electrical energy consumption  RIPDJQHWLF¿HOGVE\VROHQRLGVDQG
rather than the joule. 103 a bar magnet. 108
4.5 Identify that the total amount of energy 5.8 Perform an experiment to observe
used depends on the length of time  PDJQHWLF¿HOGVDURXQGEDUPDJQHWV
 FXUUHQWLVÀRZLQJDQGFDQEH straight conductors and solenoids. 108
calculated using: Energy = VIt 104 5.9 Explain one application of magnetic
4.6 Solve problems using:  ¿HOGVLQKRXVHKROGV 
P = VI and Energy = VIt 104 6. Safety devices 110
5. 0DJQHWLF¿HOGV 106 6.1 Discuss the dangers of electric shock
5.1 Describe the behaviour of the magnetic from both 240 volt AC mains supply
poles of bar magnets when they are and various DC voltages, from appliances,
brought close together. 106 on the muscles of the human body. 110
 'H¿QHWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKHPDJQHWLF 6.2 Describe the functions of circuit breakers,
 ¿HOGDWDSRLQWDVWKHGLUHFWLRQRI fuses, earthing, double insulation and
force on a small north magnetic pole other safety devices in the home. 110
when placed at that point. 106 Answers to Electrical Energy in the Home 167
5.3 Use and to show the direction
of current and and to show the

Science Press

Electrical Energy in the Home xii Dot Point Preliminary Physics

The Cosmic Engine
Dot Point Page Dot Point Page

1. Models of the Universe 114  'HVFULEHD+HUW]VSUXQJ5XVVHOO

1.1 Outline historical models of the  GLDJUDPDVWKHJUDSKRIDVWDU¶V
Universe from the time of Aristotle luminosity against its colour or
to that of Newton. 114 surface temperature. 133
1.2 Assess one model of the Universe  8VHWKH+HUW]VSUXQJ5XVVHOOGLDJUDP
developed from the time of Aristotle to examine the variety of star groups
to the time of Newton to identify  LQFOXGLQJ0DLQ6HTXHQFHUHGJLDQWV
limitations placed on the development and white dwarfs. 134
of each by available technology. 115 3.7 Identify energy sources characteristic
2. Origins of the Universe 118 of each star group including Main
2.1 Describe probable origins of the
Universe. 118 4. The Sun 138
2.2 Outline the discovery of the expansion 4.1 Identify that energy may be released
of the Universe by Hubble, following from the nuclei of atoms. 138
its earlier prediction by Friedmann. 122 4.2 Describe the nature of emissions
2.3 Describe the transformation of from the nuclei of atoms as radiation
radiation into matter following the of alpha and beta particles and gamma
Big Bang. 123 rays in terms of ionising power,
penetrating power, effect of magnetic
2.4 Identify that Einstein described the
2.5 Outline how the accretion of galaxies
compare the penetrating power of
and stars occurred through expansion
alpha, beta and gamma radiation. 139
and cooling of the Universe,
 VXEVHTXHQWORVVRISDUWLFOHNLQHWLF 4.4 Identify the nature of emissions
energy, gravitational attraction of reaching Earth from the Sun. 140
particles, and lumpiness of gas clouds 4.5 Describe the particulate nature of the
that allows gravitational collapse. 124 solar winds. 141
3. Stars and their life cycles 127 4.6 Outline the cyclic nature of sunspot
 'H¿QHWKHUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQWKH activity and its impact on Earth
temperature of a body and the through solar winds. 141
dominant wavelength of the radiation 4.7 Describe sunspots as representing
emitted from that body. 127 regions of strong magnetic activity
3.2 Identify that the surface temperature and lower temperature. 142
of a star is related to its colour. 127 4.8 Assess the effect of sunspot activity
3.3 Relate the brightness of an object to  RQ(DUWK¶VSRZHUJULGDQGVDWHOOLWH
its luminosity and distance. 128 communications. 143
3.4 Solve problems to apply the inverse Answers to The Cosmic Engine 179
the brightness of a star to its luminosity
and distance from the observer. 131

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Dot Point Preliminary Physics xiii The Cosmic Engine









































Science Press

The Cosmic Engine xiv Dot Point Preliminary Physics

Moving About

Science Press

Dot Point Preliminary Physics 1 Moving About

1. Vehicles do not typically travel at a constant speed.

1.1 Identify that a typical journey involves speed changes.

1.1.1 Describe two speed changes which occur during typical journeys in a car and state one reason
for each change.







1.2 Distinguish between the average and instantaneous speed of vehicles and other bodies.
1.2.1 Compare average and instantaneous speed.







1.3 Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities in equations.






Scalar quantities Vector quantities

1.3.3 Compare the distance travelled by an object with its displacement.





Science Press

Moving About 2 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

1.3.4 Three objects travel from X to Y by three different roads as shown in the diagram. Y is due
east of X.
Road 1 = 75 km

Road 2 = 50 km

Road 3 = 150 km

Use the information to complete the table.

Object travelling by Distance travelled (km) Displacement (km)

Road 1
Road 2
Road 3

1.3.5 Clarify the idea of expressing direction of travel as a bearing.



1.3.6 The diagram shows the paths taken by four wombats as they came out of their burrow to
search for food. The diagram is drawn to scale where 1 cm = 10 m.
Wombat 1 N Ç Wombat 2

Wombat 3

Wombat 4

Use the information to complete the table.

Displacement (m) (directions Displacement (m)
Wombat Distance travelled (m)
as compass readings) (directions as bearing)

Science Press

Dot Point Preliminary Physics 3 Moving About

r t







1.5 Compare instantaneous and average speed with instantaneous and average velocity.







1.5.3 Identify the essential difference between instantaneous speed and instantaneous velocity.





1.5.4 Identify the essential difference between average speed and average velocity.





1.5.5 A car takes 2.5 hours to travel along the 150 km road from X and Y as shown in the diagram
at a constant speed of 60 kph. X and Y are 120 km apart.


Science Press

Moving About 4 Dot Point Preliminary Physics













r t

1.6.1 A swimmer dives from the blocks into the pool and races 50 m to the other end of the pool.
This takes her 32.6 s.

(a) Calculate her average speed.



(b) Calculate her average velocity.



(a) Calculate her average speed.



(b) Calculate her average velocity.



Science Press

Dot Point Preliminary Physics 5 Moving About

1.6.3 Consider three cars travelling from X to Y along three roads shown. Y is due east of X.
Road 1 = 120 km

Road 2 = 90 km

Road 3 = 200 km

Use this information to complete the table.

Distance Displacement Average speed Average velocity
travelling Time taken (hr)
travelled (km) (km) of cars (kph) of cars (kph)
Road 1 3.0
Road 2 2.0
Road 3 5.0

1.7.1 In an experiment, a ball was rolled down a ramp from rest, from various starting positions as
shown in the diagram. The results of the experiment are shown in the table.

Distance up Average time Average
Starting speed
the slope Time to roll down slope (s) to roll down speed down
position squared
(m) slope (s) slope (m s–1)
(m2 s–2)
P 1.0 0.64 0.65 0.63
Q 1.5 0.76 0.79 0.79
R 2.0 0.92 0.91 0.87
S 2.5 1.03 0.99 1.01
T 3.0 1.14 1.09 1.10

(a) Complete the table by calculating values for the missing data (to 2 decimal places).
(b) If you were to draw a graph to show the relationship between the distance the object started
up the slope and its average speed as it rolled down the slope, identify the:
independent variable ..............................................................................................................................................................
dependent variable ..................................................................................................................................................................

Science Press

Moving About 6 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

(c) Draw this graph.
(d) What conclusion can be made from this graph?






(e) Explain your answer.




(f) Calculate appropriate values and write them in

the last column of the results table and then use
these to draw another graph which will enable
you to make a conclusion for the experiment.
(g) Write your conclusion for the experiment based
on this second graph.







(h) Use your graph to predict the average speed of the ball if it was rolled down the slope from a
1.25 m starting position.




Science Press

Dot Point Preliminary Physics 7 Moving About

1.8 Present information graphically of displacement vs. time for objects with uniform linear
1.8.1 Consider the following graph

Displacement (m north)
representing the motion of a car.
(a) How far did the car travel in the
¿UVWV" 10

0 5 10 15 20
(b) Determine its change in displacement.
Time (s)

(c) Calculate the average velocity of the car.



(d) Determine the velocity of the car at time 8 s.


(e) Predict the velocity of the car at time 30 s.


1.8.2 Consider the following graph

Displacement (m north)

representing the motion of a car.

(a) How far did the car travel in the
...................................................................................................... 5
(b) Determine its change in displacement. 0 5 10 15 20

Time (s)

(c) Calculate the average velocity of the car.



(d) Determine the velocity of the car at time 8 s.


(e) Describe the journey of the car.




Science Press

Moving About 8 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

1.8.3 Consider the following graph
representing the motion of a car. 20

Displacement (m north)
10 s?
5 10 15 20
(b) Calculate the average speed of the
car. -20
Time (s)

(c) Calculate the average velocity of the car.



(d) Determine its displacement after 16 s.



(e) Determine the velocity of the car at time 8 s.


1.9.1 Consider the following graph 60
Displacement (m north)

representing the motion of a car. 50

.................................................................................................. 20
(b) Determine its total displacement. 0
0 5 10 15 20
Time (s)

(c) Calculate the average velocity of the car.



(d) Determine the velocity of the car at time 12.5 s.


(e) Describe the journey of the car.



Science Press

Dot Point Preliminary Physics 9 Moving About

1.9.2 Consider the following graph
representing the motion of a car. 40

Displacement (m north)

.................................................................................................. 0
5 10 15 20
(b) Determine its total displacement.
.................................................................................................. -40
Time (s)

(c) Calculate the average speed of the car.



(d) Calculate the average velocity of the car.



(e) Determine the velocity of the car at time 3 s.



1.9.3 Consider the following graph representing the motion of a car.

12 s? 80
Displacement (m north)

(b) Determine its total displacement. 0
5 10 15 20
(c) Calculate the average speed of the
Time (s)



(d) Calculate the average velocity of the car.



(e) Determine the velocity of the car at time 15 s.



Science Press

Moving About 10 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

1.10 Present information graphically of velocity vs. time for objects with uniform linear velocity.

1.10.1 Consider the following graph

representing the motion of a car. 18

Velocity (m/s east)

(a) How far did the car travel in 20 s?
5 10 15 20
(b) Find its displacement after 10 s. -12

........................................................................................ -18
Time (s)

(c) Calculate the average velocity

of the car.



(d) Calculate the acceleration of the car.



1.10.2 Consider the following graphs representing the motion of four cars.


Velocity (m/s north)

5 C

5 10 15 20


Time (s)

Use this information to complete the table.

Average speed Average velocity Acceleration Displacement after
(m s–1) (m s–1) (m s–2) 10 s

Science Press

Dot Point Preliminary Physics 11 Moving About

1.11.1 Consider the following graph representing the motion of a car.
(a) How far did the car travel in 20 s?



Velocity (m/s north)

(b) Calculate the average velocity of the

(c) Calculate the acceleration of the car
at time 12 s. 0
0 5 10 15 20
..................................................................................................... Time (s)


(d) Calculate the average acceleration of the car.



1.11.2 Consider the following graph representing the motion of a car.

(a) How far did the car travel in 20 s?

Velocity (m/s south)

(b) Calculate its displacement at time 20 s.


(c) Calculate the average speed of the car.
0 5 10 15 20

...................................................................................................... Time (s)

(d) Calculate the average velocity of the car.




(e) Determine the acceleration of the car at times 3, 7 and 16 s.



Science Press

Moving About 12 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

2. An analysis of the external forces on vehicles helps us understand the effects of
acceleration and deceleration.

2.1 Describe the motion of one body relative to another.

2.1.1 Object X is moving east at 30 m s–1. Object Y is moving west at 25 m s–1. Object Z is
moving east at 15 m s–1. Calculate the velocity of:
(a) X relative to Y ...........................................................................................................................................................................

(b) X relative to Z ...........................................................................................................................................................................

(c) Y relative to X ...........................................................................................................................................................................

(d) Y relative to Z ............................................................................................................................................................................

(e) Z relative to X ...........................................................................................................................................................................

(f) Z relative to Y ............................................................................................................................................................................

2.1.2 From your answers above, identify the relationship between the velocity of object A relative
to object B and the velocity of object B relative to object A.



2.1.3 A person can row a boat at 1.75 m s–1LQVWLOOZDWHU+HURZVRQDULYHUZKLFKÀRZVDW

0.45 m s–1. Calculate the velocity of the person relative to the banks of the river if he rows:
D  ZLWKWKHÀRZ...............................................................................................................................................................................
E  DJDLQVWWKHÀRZ .........................................................................................................................................................................

Calculate the velocity of the boat relative to the water if he rows:

F  ZLWKWKHÀRZ...............................................................................................................................................................................
G  DJDLQVWWKHÀRZ .........................................................................................................................................................................

2.2 Identify the usefulness of using vector diagrams to assist in solving problems.
2.2.1 Object X is moving east at 24 m s–1. Object Y is moving north at 18 m s–1. With the aid of an
appropriate vector diagram, calculate the velocity of:

(a) X relative to Y








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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 13 Moving About

(b) Y relative to X








2.3 Explain the need for a net external force to act in order to change the velocity of an object.









2.3.3 Describe a situation where an object is travelling with constant speed and yet its velocity is
constantly changing.



2.3.4 Describe the force acting on the object in 2.3.3 above.



2.4 Describe the actions that must be taken for a vehicle to change direction, speed up and slow

2.4.1 Identify what is needed to change the direction or speed of an object.



2.4.2 What is an object doing if its speed is changing?



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Moving About 14 Dot Point Preliminary Physics






2.5 Describe the typical effects

of external forces on bodies
including friction and air
2.5.1 A car travels along a
straight road at constant
speed. Draw a diagram
to show all the forces
acting on it.

2.5.2 Describe what each of these forces does to the car.





2.5.3 What is the net force on the car? Explain how you determine this.



2.6 Analyse the effects of external forces operating on a vehicle.

2.6.1 Identify three changes a force acting on a vehicle can cause to its motion.




 'H¿QHDYHUDJHDFFHOHUDWLRQDV  aav = ǻv/ǻt = (v – u)/t




2.7.2 A force acts on a car for 4.0 s to increase its velocity from 5 m s–1 to 25 m s–1. Calculate the
acceleration of the car.



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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 15 Moving About

2.7.3 A car accelerates at 4.0 m s–2IRUV&DOFXODWHLWV¿QDOYHORFLW\
(a) if its initial velocity was 2.0 m s–1 in the same direction as the force





(b) if its initial velocity was 3.5 m s–1 in the opposite direction to the force








2.8.2 Identify three different situations where the acceleration of a car would be considered to be




2.8.3 Identify three different situations where the acceleration of a car would be considered to be





2.9.1 'H¿QHPDVV





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Moving About 16 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

2.9.3 Complete the table by comparing various properties of mass and weight.
Mass Weight

2.10.1 It is coasting on a horizontal surface with no pressure on the accelerator.




2.10.2 The car is moving on a horizontal surface with the driver pressing on the accelerator.




2.10.3 The car is moving on a horizontal surface with the driver pressing on the brakes.




2.10.4 The vehicle is passing over an icy patch on a horizontal road.




2.10.5 The vehicle is climbing a hill.




2.10.6 The vehicle is descending a hill.




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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 17 Moving About

2.10.7 The vehicle is following a curve on a horizontal road.










2.11.2 A car is accelerating uniformly along a road. Sketch graphs on the axes below to show the
relationships indicated.
F v r

t t t

2.11.3 Forces act on several cars of different masses to produce identical accelerations. Sketch
graphs on the axes below to show the relationships indicated.
F ǻv ǻr

m m m

2.11.4 Forces act on several cars of different masses to produce identical velocity changes. Sketch
graphs on the axes below to show the relationships indicated.
F a ǻr

m m m

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Moving About 18 Dot Point Preliminary Physics


2.12.1 Calculate the force acting on a 5.0 kg mass which accelerates for 3.0 s. During this time its
velocity changes from 2.5 m s–1 east to 17.5 m s–1 west.





2.12.2 A 12 N force acts on a body and accelerates it from rest to 4.5 m s–1 south. This takes 15 s.
Calculate the mass of the body.





2.12.3 An 80 g object is initially at rest. A 0.16 N force to the north acts on it for 5 s. Calculate:
(a) the acceleration produced by the force






(c) its displacement after 5 s



2.13 Identify the net force in a wide variety of situations involving modes of transport and explain
the consequences of that net force in terms of Newton’s Second law of Motion.
Note that the syllabus says ‘a wide variety of situations’. If you have not studied the examples given
here in class, then you don’t have to do them.

2.13.1 Consider the two blocks shown in the diagram. They are resting on a surface which provides
a frictional force of 0.25 N kg–1.

18 N
2.5 kg 5.5 kg

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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 19 Moving About

(a) Calculate the acceleration of the system.



(b) Calculate the net force on each block.



(c) Calculate the force block X puts on block Y.



(d) Calculate the force block Y puts on block X.



2.13.2 Consider the two blocks shown in the diagram. They are resting on a smooth surface.

36 N string
3.0 kg 6.0 kg

(a) Calculate the acceleration of the system.



(b) Calculate the net force on each block.



(c) Calculate the force tension in the string.



2.13.3 Consider the object shown in the diagram.

Several forces act on this object which is at rest 15 N
on a smooth, horizontal surface.

26 N 6N
4 kg

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(a) Calculate the net force on the object.









(b) Calculate the acceleration of the object.



(c) Calculate its velocity after 5.0 s.



(d) Calculate its displacement after 5 s.



2.13.4 Consider the two blocks shown in the diagram. They are connected by a light string over a
frictionless pulley.
(b) Calculate the acceleration of the system.



2 kg Y
4 kg

(c) Calculate the net force on each block.



(d) Calculate the tension in the string connecting the blocks.




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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 21 Moving About

2.13.5 Consider the two blocks
2 kg
shown in the diagram. They
are connected by a light
string over a frictionless
pulley. Block X is resting
on a smooth surface.
/ 5 kg
this pulley system.
(b) Calculate the acceleration of the system.





(c) Calculate the net force on each block.



(d) Calculate the tension in the string connecting the blocks.





2.13.6 A 3 kg mass is resting on a Newton balance in an elevator. Complete the table to show the
reading on the balance in each of the following situations.
Movement of elevator Reading on Newton balance
(a) Stationary
(b) Moving up at 2.0 m s–1
(c) Moving down at 2.0 m s–1
(d) Moving up at 2.0 m s–2
(e) Moving down at 2.0 m s–2

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Moving About 22 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

2.13.7 Two masses are connected by a string and are hanging from
the ceiling of an elevator as shown. Complete the table to
show the tensions in each string in the following situations. String 1

Tension in Tension in 4 kg
Movement of elevator
String 1 (N) String 2 (N)
(a) Stationary
(b) Moving up at 3.0 m s–1 String 2

(c) Moving down at 3.0 m s–1

(d) Moving up at 3.0 m s–2
6 kg
(e) Moving down at 3.0 m s–2

2.13.8 A ball is hanging by a string from the ceiling of a bus.

Describe the motion of the bus when the string is:

(a) hanging straight down


(b) hanging down towards the rear of the bus


(c) hanging down towards the front of the bus


2.13.9 A 3.0 kg ball is hanging by a string from the ceiling of a bus as

shown in the diagram.
(b) Using an appropriate vector diagram, calculate the tension in the
string when the ball is in the position shown.


3 kg ball

(c) Calculate the acceleration of the bus.





(d) See over page.

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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 23 Moving About

(d) At what angle would the ball and string hang if the bus was
braking at 2.5 m s–2?













around curves.
2.14.1 Two 60 kg boys on 20 kg bikes are riding at 15 m s–1 directly towards a wall which is 30 m
from them. X continues towards the wall, but slams on his brakes applying a 400 N force.
Y does not put on his brakes, but turns his bike with the same force in a circular path in the
hope of not hitting the wall.
Analyse this information to determine whether or not the boys hit the wall.

For X For Y

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

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2.14.2 A toy racing car of mass 150 g is racing around a circular track of diameter 80 cm. It takes
8.4 s to do one lap of the track. Calculate:
(a) the speed of the car




(a) the acceleration of the car




(b) the centripetal force acting on the car



2.14.3 A 1500 kg racing car goes around a circular track of radius 200 m at a constant speed of 270 kph.
(a) Calculate the speed of the car in m s–1.



(b) Calculate the acceleration of the car.





(c) What force holds the car to the road as it speeds around this corner.



(d) Calculate the value of this force.



(e) State the direction this force acts.



(f) Predict the value of this force if the speed of the car was to halve.


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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 25 Moving About

2.15.1 Experiment 1
Trolley Pulley
In this experiment, a trolley of
mass 1.5 kg was placed on the
bench accelerated by a force
attached to it by a string, which
passed over a pulley. The mass
of the trolley was kept constant
and different forces used to
accelerate it from rest across the
bench top. The time it took the
trolley to travel 1.0 m across the
benchtop was measured. The
results are shown in the table.
Average speed Acceleration
Accelerating Time to travel Initial speed of Final speed of
Run of trolley of trolley
Force (N) 1.0 m (s) trolley (m s–1) trolley (m s–1)
(m s–1) (m s–2)
1 1F 0.89
2 2F 0.63
3 3F 0.52
4 4F 0.45
5 5F 0.40

(a) Complete the table by calculating values for all missing data.
(b) Draw a graph to show the relationship between the force and acceleration produced. (Place
force on the yD[LV

(c) Use your graph to write a conclusion for the experiment.



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Moving About 26 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

2.15.2 Experiment 2
The students did another experiment using the same apparatus. This time they kept the
accelerating force constant, and changed the mass of the trolley. They measured how long it
took the trolley to move 1.0 m across the benchtop.

Time to Initial speed Final speed Acceleration
Trolley speed of
Run travel of trolley of trolley of trolley (Acceleration)–1
mass (kg) trolley
1.0 m (s) (m s–1) (m s–1) (m s–2)
(m s–1)
1 1.0 1.83
2 2.0 2.58
3 3.0 3.16
4 4.0 3.65
5 5.0 4.08

(a) Complete the table of results by

calculating values for all missing
(b) Graph mass vs. (acceleration)–1.
(c) Use your graph to write a conclusion for
the experiment.





Combining your conclusions for Experiments 1 and 2

relationship between the mass of an object, the force acting on it, and the acceleration the
force produces.


experiments above.

Experiment 1



Experiment 2



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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 27 Moving About

2.16 Solve problems using vector diagrams to determine resultant velocity, acceleration and force.

2.16.1 A 2.5 kg object moving at 5.0 m s–1 east is acted upon by a force which changes its velocity to
12 m s–1 south over a period of 4 s. By drawing an appropriate vector diagram, calculate:

(a) the change in velocity of the object



(b) the acceleration of the object





(c) the force that acted on the object



2.16.2 The velocity of an object changes from 6.0 m s–1 west to 8.0 m s–1 north when a force of 12 N
acts on it for 1.25 s. By drawing an appropriate vector diagram, calculate:

(a) the change in velocity of the object



(b) the acceleration of the object





(c) the direction of the force that acted on the object



(d) the mass of the object



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Moving About 28 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

2.17.1 A group of students set up the following apparatus to investigate the addition of vectors. They
hung masses on mass carriers to produce forces F1 and F2 on the ends of a long string, then
placed a third mass carrier and masses, F3 on the string between the pulleys. They adjusted
results for three sets of forces are shown in the table.

F1 F2 F3 ș
60 g 90 g 132 g 59°
40 g 70 g 95 g 68°
45 g 55 g 70 g 93°

F1 F2


By drawing appropriate vector diagrams, show that these results are consistent with F3 being the
resultant of F1 and F2.

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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 29 Moving About

3. Moving vehicles have kinetic energy and energy transformations are an important aspect
in understanding motion.

3.1 Identify that a moving object possesses kinetic energy and that work done on that object can
increase that energy.
3.1.1 Explain, in terms of the law of conservation of energy, the relationship between the work
done on a falling object and its kinetic energy.





3.2 Solve problems and analyse information to determine the kinetic energy of vehicles and the
Ek = ½mv2 and W = Fs

3.2.1 A 12 kg car, at rest, is acted upon by a force acting towards the north, for 5 s. This changes its
kinetic energy by 2400 J.
(a) Calculate the work done on the object by the force.







(c) Calculate how far the object moves while the force is acting on it.





(d) Calculate the acceleration of the object.



(e) Calculate the magnitude of the force acting on the object.




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Moving About 30 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

3.2.2 If the car in Question 3.2.1 had been moving at 10 m s–1 south initially, and the same force
acted on it for the same time, calculate:
(a) the initial kinetic energy of the car











(d) the displacement of the car during the 5 seconds



on the car by the force.




(f) Account for your answer to (e).





3.3 Describe the energy transformations that occur in collisions.

3.3.1 A car of mass 1000 kg is moving at 15 m s–1 when the driver loses control and it runs off the
road, slamming into a tree and stopping.
(a) Calculate the initial kinetic energy of the car.





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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 31 Moving About

(b) Calculate the kinetic energy of the car after it has hit the tree.


(c) Account for the difference.





3.4 Analyse information to trace the energy transfers and transformations in collisions leading to
irreversible distortions.
3.4.1 Explain the role of each of the following forms of energy in collisions between moving
(a) Potential energy of deformation




(b) Sound energy




(c) Thermal energy




3.5.1 Recall the law of conservation of energy.





3.5.2 A car has kinetic energy before collision and this is changed to the energy forms above during
collision. Identify where all this energy ends up.




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Moving About 32 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

4. Change of momentum relates to the forces acting on the vehicle or the driver.









4.2.2 Clarify the relationship between impulse and momentum change.





4.3 Explain conservation of momentum in terms of Newton’s Third Law.

conservation of momentum during a collision.








4.4.1 A model of a 60.0 kg man and one of a 25 kg child were placed in an 1000 kg car and secured
with seatbelts. The car was moving at 70.0 kph as it crashed into a brick wall.

(a) Predict what would happen to the models during the collision.




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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 33 Moving About

(b) Identify the law of Physics you are using in your answer to (a).


(c) Explain how and why the effect on the models would differ if the front section of the car was
specially designed to concertina on impact.





(d) If the collision took 0.2 s, calculate the average force exerted on each model by its seatbelt.














(h) By making appropriate calculations, assess if it would be possible for a mother to nurse a
child and protect it from a collision like this.











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Moving About 34 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

4.4.2 The graph shows how the
force acting on a 0.6 kg object 10

changes with time. 8

Force (N east)
(a) Calculate the acceleration of
the object at t = 5 s. 4
....................................................................................... 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s)
(b) Calculate the impulse applied
to the object during the 5 s.









(d) If its initial velocity was 22 m s–1ZHVWFDOFXODWHLWV¿QDOYHORFLW\



4.4.3 A 150 g toy car collides with a padded lounge chair at 0.20 m s–1. The collision takes 0.3 s.
The toy car stops after the collision.
(a) Calculate the impulse the car applies to the lounge.





(b) Calculate the impulse the lounge applies to the car.



(c) Calculate the average force the car applies to the lounge.





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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 35 Moving About

(d) Calculate the average force the lounge applies to the car.



(e) What law are you using to answer Questions (b) and (d)?


stopping her, puts an average force of 12 000 N on her for 1.0 x 10–2 s. Calculate:
(a) the impulse of the force



(b) the impulse of the force if the collision time was 0.1 s.



(c) the initial speed of the car



4.5.1 The diagrams show the results of a experiment where trolley X, mass 200 g, collided with
trolley Y, 300 g. The results were produced using 10 Hz stroboscopic photography. Analyse
the results to determine if momentum was conserved.
Before collision

After collision











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Moving About 36 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

4.6 Solve problems that apply the principle of conservation of momentum to qualitatively and
quantitatively describe the collision of a moving vehicle with a stationary vehicle.
4.6.1 A 3.0 kg block, at rest, is hit by a 4.0 kg block moving at 1.5 m s–1. After collision, the 4 kg
block stops. Calculate the velocity of the 3 kg block after the collision.







4.6.2 A 6.0 × 103 kg train engine, moving at 2.5 m s–1 collides, and couples with a stationary
carriage. They move at 1.2 m s–1&DOFXODWHWKHFDUULDJH¶VPDVV






4.6.3 A 1200 kg car moving at 60 kph collides with an 800 kg parked car. As a result of this collision,
the parked car is pushed forwards at 40 kph. Determine what happens to the other car.





4.7 Solve problems that apply the principle of conservation of momentum to qualitatively and
quantitatively describe the collision of a moving vehicle with an immovable object.
4.7.1 A two tonne truck moving at 15.0 m s–1 collides with a concrete retaining wall. The wall does not
(a) Recall the law of conservation of momentum.





(b) Explain how this collision does not contravene the law of conservation of momentum.





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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 37 Moving About

4.7.2 A 12 kg ball moving at 2.5 m s–1 collides with a brick wall and rebounds at 1.75 m s–1.
(a) Calculate the change in momentum of the ball.





(b) Calculate the impulse the ball applies to the wall.



(c) If the collision lasts 0.15 s, calculate the force the wall places on the ball.



4.8 Solve problems that apply the principle of conservation of momentum to describe the collision
of a moving vehicle with another vehicle moving in the opposite direction.
4.8.1 A 900 kg car, moving at 6.0 m s–1 east collides with a 150 kg motorbike moving west at
8.0 m s–1. The car slows to 4.0 m s–1. Calculate what happens to the motorbike.





The 30 kg cart rebounds at 4.0 m s–1 while the 45 kg cart rebounds at 2.0 m s–1. Calculate the





4.9 Solve problems that apply the principle of conservation of momentum to describe the collision
of a moving vehicle with another vehicle moving in the same direction.
4.9.1 A 350 g toy train engine is moving at 12 cm s–1 when it collides, and couples with a 200 g
carriage moving at 5 cm s–1 in the same direction. Calculate their combined speed.





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Moving About 38 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

4.9.2 A 400 g toy engine pulls four 150 g carriages. They move at 0.3 m s–1 when they run into, and
couple with, two identical carriages moving at 0.15 m s–1 in the same direction. Calculate the
speed of the combination.





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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 39 Moving About

5. Safety devices are utilised to reduce the effects of changing momentum.















5.2.1 Explain, in terms of the principles of Physics involved, why it is potentially dangerous to
leave loose objects on the back shelf of a car.







5.2.2 Explain, in terms of the principles of Physics involved why it is dangerous to drive a car
without wearing a seatbelt.







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Moving About 40 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

5.3 Discuss reasons why Newton’s First law of Motion is not apparent in many real world
how this affects the person involved.













explain why it is not apparent.












airbags and crumple zones to vehicles with respect to the concepts of impulse and momentum.
5.4.1 With reference to the concepts of impulse and momentum, assess the reasons for the
introduction of:






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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 41 Moving About

(b) the use of airbags in collisions







(c) the inclusion of crumple zones in vehicles







5.5 Evaluate the effectiveness of some safety features of motor vehicles.

5.5.1 Evaluate the relative safety of the seatbelt harness worn by racing car drivers and the lap/sash














5.3.3 A passenger in a car that has a synthetic plastic bumper bar will usually sustain less injury than
a passenger in a car with a solid, chromed metal bumper bar. Explain how this is possible.





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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 145 Answers









































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Answers 146 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

Moving About

General comment: Given that we measure things slightly differently from each other and that our measuring instruments might not be
totally accurate, consider all numerical answers derived through measurement as correct if they lie within +1 or –1 of the given answers.
For example, if the given answer is 58, then accept 57, 58 and 59 as correct.

1.1.1 Car may slow down (reaches a corner, up a hill, speed bump, pedestrian crossing etc) or speed up (down hill, moving away
from stop lights, as it starts etc). In each case the change is caused by the force on the car changing due to some factor like
increased friction during braking, gravitational force etc.
speed is the actual speed of a vehicle at a particular instant of time.
1.3.1 Scalars have magnitude only while vectors have both magnitude and direction. Vectors can be represented by scale diagrams.
Scalars are not represented in this way.
1.3.2 Examples include:

Scalar quantities Vector quantities

Mass Displacement
Time Velocity
Speed Acceleration
Distance Force
Length Momentum

1.3.3 Distance travelled is a measure of the total length of the path an object has travelled. Displacement indicates how far, in a
Object travelling by Distance travelled (km) Displacement (km)
Road 1 75 50 east
Road 2 50 50 east
Road 3 150 50 east

1.3.5 $

Displacement (m) Displacement (m)
Wombat Distance travelled (m)
(directions as compass readings) (directions as bearing)
1 58 58 N 62° W 55 b298
2 63 63 N 65° E 58 b065
3 32 32 S 46° E 30 b134
4 33 33 S 22° W 32 b202

1.4.1 ǻr = change in displacement of the object.

1.4.2 Displacement indicates how far, in a straight line, an object is from its starting point, and we must also state the direction it
1.5.1 Average speed = total distance covered ÷ total time taken.
1.5.2 Difference is in the use of distance travelled and displacement, hence average speed instead of average velocity.
1.5.3 Instantaneous speed measures the speed of on object at a particular instant of time while instantaneous velocity measures the
1.5.4 $
object while average speed uses total distance travelled.

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Dot Point Preliminary Physics 147 Moving About

1.5.5 (a) They will be the same, 60 kph.
(b) At P instantaneous velocity is 60 kph b160 while at Q it is 60 kph b055.
(c) 72 kph
(d) 48 kph b083
1.6.1 (a) 1.53 m s–1
(b) 1.53 m s–1 towards the end of the pool
1.6.2 (a) 1.47 m s–1
(b) zero (she ends up at her starting position)

Distance travelled Average speed of Average velocity of
Car travelling by Displacement (km) Time taken (hr)
(km) cars (kph) cars (kph)
Road 1 120 90 east 3.0 40 30 east
Road 2 90 90 east 2.0 45 45 east
Road 3 200 90 east 5.0 40 18 east

1.7.1 (a)

Average time Average speed Average speed

Starting Distance up the
Time to roll down slope (s) to roll down down slope squared
position slope (m)
slope (s) (m s–1) (m2 s–2)
P 1.0 0.64 0.65 0.63 0.64 1.56 2.43
Q 1.5 0.76 0.79 0.79 0.78 1.92 3.69
R 2.0 0.92 0.91 0.87 0.90 2.22 4.93
S 2.5 1.03 0.99 1.01 1.01 2.48 6.15
T 3.0 1.14 1.09 1.10 1.11 2.70 7.29

(b) Independent variable: distance up the slope.

Dependent variable: average speed.
Average speed (m/s)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Distance up slope (m)

(d) Average speed down slope increases as distance up slope increases but at a progressively slower rate.
can conclude that the plotted variables are directly proportional to each other.
Average speed (m/s)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Distance up slope (m)

(h) 2.6 m s–1

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Moving About 148 Dot Point Preliminary Physics

1.8.1 (a) 8m
(b) 15 m north
(c) 0.75 m s–1 north
(d) 0.75 m s–1 north
(e) 0.75 m s–1 north
1.8.2 (a) 7m
(b) 20 m south
(c) 1.0 m s–1 south
(d) 1.33 m s–1 south
(e) Car is stationary at displacement 20 m north for 5 seconds then moves at 1.33 m s–1 south for 15 s at which time it is
at displacement zero.
1.8.3 (a) 15 m
(b) 1.5 m s–1
(c) 1.5 m s–1 south
(d) 9 m south
(e) 1.5 m s–1 south
1.9.1 D  DERXWP
 F  DERXWPV–1 north
(d) about 3.5 m s–1 north
(e) Car starts at displacement zero and travels for 20 s with increasing velocity (accelerating) until it reaches displacement
56 m north.
1.9.2 D  P
(b) 70 m south
(c) 3.5 m s–1
(d) 3.5 m s–1 south
(e) about 2.2 m s–1 south
1.9.3 D  DERXWP
(c) 5.5 m s–1
(d) 5.5 m s–1 north
 H  DERXWPV–1 north
1.10.1 (a) 150 m
(b) 75 m west
(c) 0
(d) 1.5 m s–2 east
Average speed Average velocity
Car Acceleration (m s–2) Displacement after 10 s
(m s–1) (m s–1)
A 12 12 north 0 120 m north
B about 5.1 1.25 north 1.0 north 38 m south
C about 7.5 about 0.1 north 0.5 north about 70 m south
D 5 5 south 0.5 south 25 m south

1.11.1 (a) about 390 m

(b) about 19.5 m s–1 north
(c) about 3.3 m s–2 north
(d) 2.75 m s–2 north
1.11.2 (a) about 152 m
(b) about 60 m
(c) about 70.8 m s–1
(d) about 2.0 m s–1 south
(e) at time 3, a = 0
at time 7, a = 4 m s–2 north
at time 16, a = 2.5 m s–2 south

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2.1.1 (a) 55 m s–1 east
(b) 15 m s–1 east
(c) 55 m s–1 west
(d) 40 m s–1 west
(e) 15 m s–1 west
(f) 40 m s–1 east
2.1.2 Velocity of A relative to B = – velocity of B relative to A (i.e. opposite direction).
2.1.3 (a) 2.2 m s–1 downstream
(b) 1.3 m s–1 upstream
(c) 1.75 m s–1 downstream
(d) 1.75 m s–1 upstream
2.2.1 (a) 30 m s–1 E 37º S (or b127)
(b) 30 m s–1 W 37º N (or b307)
2.3.1 An object at rest or moving with constant velocity will remain ar rest or moving with constant velocity while no net
(unbalanced) force acts on it.
2.3.2 A car on an icy road will continue with the same speed in the same direction until the wheels stop sliding allowing the road to
exert a frictional force on the car through the tyres.
2.3.3 Any object moving with constant speed and turning a corner, for example a geostationary satellite in orbit above Earth.
2.3.4 Force acts towards the centre of curvature of the corner. It is also called a centripetal force.
2.4.1 An unbalanced force from outside the system.
2.4.2 Accelerating.
2.4.3 This idea depends on the convention we choose to make for each situation we deal with. One viewpoint of this is that a
positive force acts in the direction of motion of an object causing it to go faster while a negative force acts against the
direction of the motion of the object causing it to go more slowly. A positive force could also be considered to be an attractive
force (between oppositely charged objects) and a negative force a repulsive force between like charges.
2.5.1 Your diagram should show air resistance acting against the motion, and friction between the tyres and the road acting forwards
in the direction of the motion, gravity vertically down and reaction force to gravity perpendicularly up from surface. (Note
2.5.2 Air resistance and friction act against the driving force to reduce its effect. The driving force causes the forward movement.
2.5.3 Zero – car is moving with constant speed – i.e. no acceleration therefore no net force.
2.6.1 Speed it up, slow it down or change its direction of travel.
2.7.2 5.0 m s–2 in the direction of the applied force.
2.7.3 (a) 12.0 m s–1 in the direction of the original motion.
(b) 6.5 m s–1 in the direction the force acts.
2.8.1 A positive acceleration is in the direction of motion of an object causing it to go faster while a negative acceleration is
opposite the direction of the motion of the object causing it to go more slowly.
2.8.2 Accelerating from rest, accelerating away from a corner, coasting downhill.
2.8.3 Braking as it approaches a corner or stop sign, coasting uphill (i.e. foot not on accelerator).
2.9.2 Weight is a measure of the gravitational force acting on an object. Weight is given by W = mg, is measured in newtons and is

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Mass Weight
Measured in kg Measure in newtons
Cannot be zero Can be zero (if no gravitational field)
Does not change with position Changes according to position of object
Measure of amount of matter in an object Measure of force of gravity on an object
Is a scalar quantity Is a vector quantity

2.10.1 Forward force = friction between the tyres and the road
Retarding forces = air resistance
2.10.2 Forward force = friction between the tyres and the road
Retarding forces = air resistance
2.10.3 Forward force = friction between the tyres and the road
Retarding forces = air resistance, friction between brake pads and wheel drums
2.10.4 Forward force = friction between the tyres and the road
Retarding forces = air resistance
2.10.5 Forward force = friction between the tyres and the road
Retarding forces = air resistance, component of gravity down the slope
2.10.6 Forward force = friction between the tyres and the road, component of gravity down the slope
Retarding forces = air resistance
2.10.7 Forward force = friction between the tyres and the road
Retarding forces = air resistance
Turning force = component of the frictional force between the tyres and the road perpendicular to the direction of travel
produced as the wheels change direction.
2.11.1 The acceleration caused by a net force acting on an object is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the
force acting on it (see Year 12 work).



2.12.1 About 33.3 N against the motion.

2.12.2 40 kg

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2.12.3 (a) 2 m s–2 north
(b) 10 m s–1 north
(c) 25 m north
2.13.1 (a) 2 m s–2 right
(b) Force on X = 5 N right
Force on Y = 11 N right
(c) 11 N right
(d) 11 N left
2.13.2 (a) 4 m s–2 left
(b) Force on X = 12 N left
Force on Y = 24 N left
(c) 24 N both directions
2.13.3 (a) 6.25 m s–2 b307
(b) 6.25 m s–2 b307
(c) About 31 m s–1 b307
(d) About 78 m b307
2.13.4 (a) Show gravity down on each mass, and tension in each side of the string acting both ways.
(b) 3.27 m s–2 Y moving down
(c) Force on X = about 6.5 N up
Force on Y = about 13 N down
(d) About 26.1 N acting both ways in string
2.13.5 (a) Show gravity down on each mass, reaction force up on mass X and tension in both bits of the string acting in both
(b) 7 m s–2 Y moving down
(c) Force on X = 14 N right
Force on Y = 35 N down
(d) 14 N acting in both directions
2.13.6 (a) 29.4 N
(b) 29.4 N
(c) 29.4 N
(d) 35.4 N
(e) 23.4 N
2.13.7 (a) 98 N, 58.8 N
(b) 98 N, 58.8 N
(c) 98 N, 58.8 N
(d) 127.4 N, 88.2 N
(e) 68.6 N, 29.4 N
2.13.8 (a) Stopped or moving with constant velocity.
(b) Accelerating forwards.
(c) Accelerating backwards or braking.
2.13.9 (a) Weight force vertically down, tension in string (acting both ways) and a third force (= ma) horizontally to the left
(pulling the ball aside).
(b) 29.85 N
(c) 1.73 m s–2
(d) 14.3° towards the front of the bus
2.14.1 X stops in 22.5 m so does not hit the wall.
Y turns a curve with a radius of 45 m, so Y hits the wall.
2.14.2 (a) 0.3 m s–1
(b) 0.225 m s–2
(c) 0.034 N towards centre of curve

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2.14.3 (a) 75 m s–1
(b) 28.125 m s–2
(c) Friction between the tyres and the road – the inertia of the car tries to keep it going straight and the friction opposes
this, pulling the car around in the curve.
(d) 4.21 × 104 N
(e) Towards the centre of the curve.
(f) Will be four times smaller = 1.05 × 104 N.
2.15.1 (a)
Acceleration of
Accelerating force Time to travel Initial speed of Average speed of Final speed of
Run trolley
(N) 1.0 m (s) trolley (m s–1) trolley (m s–1) trolley (m s–1)
(m s–2)
1 F 0.89 0 1.12 2.25 2.53
2 2F 0.63 0 1.59 3.17 5.03
3 3F 0.52 0 1.92 3.85 7.40
4 4F 0.45 0 2.22 4.44 9.87
5 5F 0.40 0 2.50 5.00 12.5

Force (F units)

0 5 10 15
Acceleration (m s–2)

(c) The acceleration produced by forces applied to a constant mass is directly proportional to the force applied.
2.15.2 (a)
Time to Initial speed Final speed Acceleration of
Trolley mass speed of
Run travel of trolley of trolley trolley (Acceleration)–1
(kg) trolley
1.0 m (s) (m s–1) (m s–1) (m s–2)
(m s–1)
1 1.0 1.83 0 0.55 1.09 0.60 1.67
2 2.0 2.58 0 0.39 0.78 0.30 3.33
3 3.0 3.16 0 0.32 0.63 0.20 5.00
4 4.0 3.65 0 0.27 0.55 0.15 6.67
5 5.0 4.08 0 0.25 0.49 0.12 8.33

Mass (kg)


0 2 4 6 8 10
1/Acceleration (s2 m–1)

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(c) The acceleration produced by a constant force acting on various masses is indirectly proportional to the mass.
(d) F = ma
(e) Experiment 1, force = 3.75 N (use gradient of graph).
Experiment 2, force = 0.6 N.
2.16.1 (a) 13 m s–1 b203
(b) 3.25 m s–2 b203
(c) 8.125 N b203
2.16.2 (a) 10 m s–1 b037
(b) 8 m s–1 b037
(c) b037
(d) 1.5 kg
2.17.1 You need to draw vectors to add F1 and F2DQGVKRZWKDWWKHWKLUGYHFWRULVHTXDOWR)3. If all angles are drawn correctly, F3
will be vertical. If you get lost, ask your teacher for help.
potential energy the objects loses).
3.2.1 (a) 2400 J
(b) 20 m s–1 north
(c) 50 m
(d) 4 m s–2
(e) 48 N
3.2.2 (a) 600 J
(b) 10 m s–1
(c) 600 J
(d) 0
(e) 0
600 J done to accelerate it in the opposite direction.
3.3.1 (a) 1.125 × 105 J
(b) 0
(c) Kinetic energy has been changed into other forms – sound during the collision, deformation of the car, heat involved
of air particles.
3.4.1 (a) The bending of car panels and other metal parts, the breaking of glass and plastic absorbs most of the kinetic energy
of the car.
(b) The sound associated with collisions as parts break and bend and move into and across each other absorbs some of the
3.5.1 In the absence of any external forces, the total energy of a system remains constant.
3.5.2 The energy eventually dissipates as molecular motion of the molecules in the air.
i.e. FA = –FB
impulse on object B, i.e. (Ft)A = –(FT)B or IA = –IB

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4.4.1 (a) They would continue to move forwards at 70 kph because of their inertia until the force of their seatbelts stopped
(c) Crumple sections increase the time of the collision and therefore reduce the forces involved in the collision (I = FT),
so, while the models would still continue to move forwards until their seatbelts stopped them, the decelerating force
of the belts would be less (acting over a longer time) so any detrimental effect on the models would be reduced.
(d) Man = 5833.3 N opposing the motion.
Child = 2430.6 N opposing the motion.
(e) 19.44 m s–1 (70 kph)
(f) There is no forward force acting on them, they simply continue forwards because they are moving forwards until a
backward force stops them.
would be strong enough, so for most mums – impossible to hold the child.
4.4.2 (a) 16.6 m s–2 east
(b) 25 Ns east
(c) 41.67 m s–1 east
(d) 19.67 m s–1 east
4.4.3 (a) 0.03 Ns onto the lounge
(b) 0.03 Ns onto the car
(c) 0.1 N onto the lounge
(d) 0.1 N onto the car
4.4.4 (a) 1.2 Ns backwards
(b) 12 Ns backwards
(c) 2.4 m s–1
4.5.1 Momentum is conserved. If you have problems with this analysis, see your teacher for assistance.
4.6.1 2.0 m s–1 north
4.6.2 6500 kg
4.6.3 The car continues forwards at 33.3 kph.
4.7.1 (a) In the absence of external forces, the total momentum of a system remains the same.
(b) When the truck hits the wall it puts an impulse on the wall. This, while not collapsing the wall, will cause it to move
(vibrate, shake) a little. Hence the momentum of the truck transfers to the wall and then into molecular motion of air
4.7.2 (a) 51 kg m s–1 away from the wall
(b) 51 kg m s–1 onto the wall
(c) 340 N away from the wall
4.8.1 The bike rebounds at 4.0 m s–1
4.8.2 2.67 m s–1
4.9.1 9.45 cm s–1
4.9.2 0.26 m s–1
5.1.1 An object will stay at rest or moving with constant velocity until an unbalanced force acts on it.
hit (the net force) the windscreen and go through it, or hit the steering wheel and dash and receive injuries.

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5.3.1 When you walk along and then step off a moving walkway at normal walking speed, the inertia you have due to the motion of
actually your forward inertia trying to keep you moving straight ahead.
If you are sitting in a car moving with constant velocity in a straight line, your inertia is not apparent. It only becomes
noticeable when the car brakes.
5.4.1 (a) If you are travelling more slowly, then your momentum is less, so in the event of a collision, the impulse on you due
to the collision will be less, both because you do not have as much momentum to lose and also because the time of the
collision will probably be shorter.
(b) During a collision, as your inertia causes you to continue to move forwards, the airbag ensures that you lose
your momentum slowly, by making the time of collision with the bag much longer than it would be if you hit the
windscreen. Therefore, while the impulse will be the same, the force involved will be less.
(c) Crumple zones in vehicles are designed to increase the time of the collision and so while the momentum lost (the
impulse imparted to the car and you) is the same, the forces involved will be smaller.
5.5.2 One reason is that the impulse of the airbag on the child, whose bones are softer can cause more injury than a similar impulse
on an adult.
5.5.3 The plastic bumper bar crumples more easily than a steel bar and so momentum of the collision is absorbed in the crumpling,
5.6.1 Crumple bars, airbags, plastic components instead of all steel, seatbelts, engines that move downwards under the driver
instead of straight back into the driver.
the time of the collision or, in the case of the engine movement, totally avoiding an impact.

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