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1. According to Maslow's basic human needs hierarchy, which needs are the most basic?

A) physiologic B) safety and security C) love and belonging D) self-esteem

2. An 80-year-old woman states, “I have successfully raised my family and had a good life.” This
statement illustrates meeting which basic human need?
A) safety and security B) love and belonging C) self-esteem D) self-actualization

3. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs must be met before a person can focus upon safety and security needs?
A) Physiologic B) Self-esteem C) Love and belonging D) Self-actualization

4. A Self-actualized person:
A) is other-directed C) has a future time orientation
B) possesses above-normal intelligence D) has realized his/her full potential.

5. Which of the following is an example of deferred need?

A) thinking about food, which stimulates hunger and the need for food.
B) having cocktail to meet the need for relaxation.
C) withdrawing from school until recovery from an illness is complete.
D) a respiratory obstruction that creates a need for oxygen, which alters security.

6. After the death of her husband, a 67-year-old client goes to live with her daughter, son-in law, and two
grandchildren. With addition, the family unit has changed from a(n):
A) extended family to cohabiting family. C) nuclear family to extended family.
B) blended family to nuclear family. D) cohabiting family to nuclear family.
7. What is the basic role of the family?
A) to protect and socialize its members. C) to establish a primary place of residence.
B) to produce goods necessary for survival. D) to produce offspring to replenish society.

8. Which of the following family structures would fit the current definition of a traditional family?
A) Father provides income. Mother provides care of home and children.
B) Father and mother provide income and share responsibility for household chores and child care.
C) Father and mother provide income. Mother responsible for household duties and child care.
D) Mother provides income. Father provides care of home and children.

9. The developmental task of families with preschool children.

A) Develop financial independence.
B) Let go of young adult children.
C) Extend caring activities to previous generation.
D) Nurture children.

10. The following are developmental task of the unattached young adult except:
A) Develop financial independence. C) Separate from parents as a young adult.
B) Socialize and educate children. D) Accept emotional responsibility for self.

11. A nurse could most logically infer that a "latch-key kid" is a member of a:
A) blended family. B) lesbian family. C) traditional family. D) two-career family.

12. The type of family unit that presents the highest risk for fatigue, role overload, poverty, and depression
is the:
A) blended family. C) single-parent family.
B) gay or lesbian family. D) two-career family.
13. A family consisting of a step mother, two stepsisters, and one half-brother would be considered:
A) a blended family. C) an intra-generational family.
B) a foster family. D) a cohabiting family.

14. An attempt to screen or ignore unacceptable realities y refusing to acknowledge them.

A) Suppression B) Denial C) Compensation D) Projection

15. Covering up weaknesses by emphasizing a more desirable trait or overachievement in a more

comfortable area.
A) Suppression B) Denial C) Compensation D) Projection

16. If this need is not met the person feels lonely, rejected, and rootless.
A) Physiological C) Self-Actualization
B) Safety and security D) Love and Belongingness

17. It refers to a family that both partners are employed and may or may not have children:
A) Foster family B) Two-career family C) Adolescent family D) Traditional family

18. Adolescent family refers to as:

A) Existing family units who join together to form new family
B) Consist of unrelated individuals or families who live under one roof.
C) An autonomous unit in which both parents reside in the home with their children.
D) Young parents are often developmentally, physically, emotionally and financially ill prepared to
undertake the responsibility of parenthood.

19. Which of the following is the correct order of Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs?
1. Safety and Security
2. Love and belongingness
3. Self-actualization needs
4. Physiological needs
5. Self-esteem needs
A) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1 B) 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 C) 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 D) 4, 5, 1, 2, 3

20. A 75-year-old man is being discharged to his home, following a fall in his kitchen that resulted in a
fractured pelvis. The home health nurse makes a home assessment that will be used to design
interventions to meet which priority need?
A) sleep and rest C) protection from potential harm
B) support from family membersD) feeling a sense of accomplishment

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