Craig Miller: Name: Big Question: How Did Industrialization and Urbanization Affect British Cities?

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Name: Craig Miller Big Question: How did industrialization and urbanization affect British cities?


1. Using the first set of pictures across the top, list one way in which the domes c system and factory system were
similar, and TWO ways that they were different.

Similar Different
Making Goods the factory systems used machines and more people

the factories created more pollu on.

2a. How do the portraits of Manchester, England differ?

Portrait 2 shows more pollu on land than Portrait 1.

2b. Explain the historical context that caused these changes (this is OI, see your notes).

The Industrial Revolu on. People moved in big ci es and worked in factories which caused pollu on.

Video Clip:

3. Why did so many people move to Manchester in the 4. What innova on made it possible to have factories in
1700s? Manchester?

inven on of steam made from coal.

People wanted to work in factories. They came for a new

5. Describe the living condi ons in Manchester during the 6. What were the effects of industrializa on and
Industrial Revolu on. urbaniza on on the health of people who lived in
Manchester during the Industrial Revolu on? WHY were
there so many nega ve effects on health?

The air was filthy. rooms were filled with 10 or 12 people. The disease Cholera spread through Manchester. This was
Filth was everywhere caused by filthy water that people drank and
cooked with. The water was dirty because it was
contaminated by factories..
Document 1

7. What happened to the popula on of these Bri sh ci es from 1801 to 1891? Increased

8. Which city’s popula on was the highest by 1891? Liverpool

9. What process is reflected in the informa on in this chart (one word answer)? Migra on

10. Explain the geographic context that caused these changes (this is OI, see your notes).

The Factories were built in the ci es, so that's where everyone went

Document 2

Popula on density in these maps is defined as the number of people per square kilometer (sq. km.).

LIverpool was the largest because it was on the water.

Document 3

13. Find evidence in the doc to support the idea that 14. Find evidence in the doc to support the enduring
Bri sh ci es during the 19th century were dirty and issue of causes or effects of inequity/social classes.

a great many people live huddled together in a very small every great town has one or more slum areas into which
area and so it was easy to imagine the nature of the air in the working classes are packed.
these workers quarters.

15. Based on the excerpt, explain Engel’s purpose for wri ng about the condi on of Bri sh ci es during the 19th century.

He wanted to tell people that the condi ons were bad and he wanted to make the city good again.

16. Based on this excerpt from Engel’s book, iden fy his point of view concerning Bri sh ci es during the Industrial
revolu on.

Engel’s point of view was that people are being overcrowded into the ci es which is causing poor living condi ons.

Reliability – determined based on how useful the information found in a source is for a particular purpose.

17. Explain the extent to which Engel’s excerpt is a reliable source of evidence for understanding how industrializa on
and urbaniza on affected Bri sh ci es during the 19th century.

I believe that Engel’s excerpt is a reliable source because he was a manager of a factory and he saw the condi ons there.

Document Set 4

18. Who do you think is the intended audience for Jerrold and Dore’s work London; A Pilgrimage with 180 Engravings

The intended audience was the Rich people to show them the bad condi ons for the poor.

19. Based upon the engravings (4a-4d), explain how purpose affects the way Jerrold and Dore present life in London
during the 19th century.

it’s purpose was to show the poor and bad living condi ons.

20. Why might cri cs of the book have been concerned about its inaccuracies?

It showed only the bad condi ons of the poor.

21. How do the engravings support Engel’s excerpt from document 3?

The engraving supports Engel’s idea that England has slums that are overcrowded.

22. Explain the extent to which Jerrold and Dore’s engravings are a reliable source of evidence for understanding the
impact of industrializa on and urbaniza on in Bri sh ci es during the 19th century.

I believe the engravings are a reliable source of evidence for understanding the impact of industrializa on and
urbaniza on because they showed poor condi ons caused by overcrowding.
Document Set 5

23. What was the Great S nk and what caused it?

Hot weather combined with untreated human waste and industrial

pollu on in the Thames River.

24. What led to outbreaks of disease like cholera?

Overcrowding and poor sanita on

25. How does audience affect the way the ar sts present their

The public was the audience for the ar sts. They were trying to warn the public about disease that were killing people.

26. Explain the extent to which these cartoons are a reliable source of evidence for understanding how industrializa on
and urbaniza on affected Bri sh ci es in the 19th century.

I believe the cartoons were a reliable source because they showed death and disease caused by pollu on from factories.

27. Assume that Documents 5a and 5b were part of an E.I. essay and fill out the chart below.

Main Idea Outside Info (some HC or GC here…) Enduring Issue

Overcrowding caused a lot of Cholera is a water-born disease Environmental Impact and popula on
contamina on of water and the growth
spread of disease.

Document 6

28. How does this photograph reflect the transi on from domes c to factory system in the city of Widnes, England?

The photograph shows the transi on from farmland to factories and from clean air to dirty air.

29. List ONE similarity and TWO differences between documents 5a/b and document 6.

Similarity Differences
5a and b talks about diseases
Pollu on

5a and b show pollu on of water and document 6 shows

the pollu on of air.

30. Iden fy one enduring issue that this photograph might support.

Environmental impact
Document 7

31. Iden fy and explain Booth’s purpose for crea ng Map Descriptive of London Poverty, 1898-9.

Booth wanted to show where people lived based on how much money they had.

32. Iden fy and explain any bias that you see in the map or map key.

4 of the 7 economic classes are poor. This might make the map look like there are more poor people than there really

33. Explain the extent to which Booth’s map is a reliable source of evidence for understanding the impact of
industrializa on and urbaniza on in Bri sh ci es during the 19th century.

I don’t believe that knowing where people lived based on how much money they had made the map a reliable source for
understanding the impact of industrializa on and urbaniza on in Bri sh ci es during the 19th century.

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