Landslide Risk Assessment

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QRA provides a mathematical tool for determining landslide risk. In the context of QRA, the landslide
risk of an individual feature is defined as the product of the probability of landsliding and the
consequence of its occurrence. The global landslide risk is the summation of landslide risk attributed to
individual slopes as given below:

Global Landslide Risk = ∑ ∑ {Probability of Land sliding} {Consequence}

All slopes all landslide

Slopes have been classified into four types, viz. soil cut slopes, rock cut slopes, fill slopes and retaining
walls. In practice, there are different combinations of feature types.

Step 1: Determine the characteristics of the slope and toe facility:

Characteristics of slope: Slope height, Slope length, Surface area of the slope & Slope type

Characteristics of toe facility: Expected no. of fatalities if a reference landslide, Shadow angle

Step 2: Determine the distribution of possible failure debris volume:

It depends on slope height and debris volume.

Step 3: Determine the vulnerability factor for the toe facility:

It depends on landslide debris volume and shadow angle.

Step 4: Determine the landslide consequence:

The consequence of landslide on the subject slope is expressed in terms of Potential Loss of Life (PLL) i.e.
multiplication of Expected no. of fatalities and vulnerability factor.

Step 5: Determine the probability of landslide

Step 6: Determine the landslide risk

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