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Name : B Kishore mail :

Roll No : 153R1A0311 Mobile : 8498835360

Abstract : Electric fans are used to switched on, you'll feel air blowing
regulate interior temperatures. People through the tube. How does it work?
commonly use them during hot and humid How can an open circle push air into a
summer days to increase air movement breeze without fan blades? As you
throughout a home. Some electric fans are might imagine, there are a few
movable and can be put on a desk or scientific principles at play here.
on the floor. Larger models are There's also an electronic element.
permanently installed on the ceiling. While the tube doesn't have any blades
Nowadays, some electric fans can cause inside it, the pedestal of the fan
danger to people especially to children. It contains a brushless electric motor that
may cause wounds due to its blades and heat takes in air and feeds it into the circular
exhaustion. This study is concerned on tube. Air flows along the inside of the
Dyson Air Multiplier – a bladeless fan. In device until it reaches a slit inside the
relation to the vision and mission of tube. This provides the basic airflow
Mapua Institute of Technology and the that creates the breeze you'd feel if you
SLHS creed, this research aims to learn stood in front of the fan.
more about this new innovation which is a
Operation: The air is drawn in by a
product of a cutting edge research. Thus, the
compressor in the base and then
Wonder Girls group would like to conduct
directed up into a ring. It comes out of a
further research about the invention of such
slit around the ring and passes over a
fan; a fan that blows air from a ring with
shape like that of an aircraft wing.
no blades.
Industrial designer Sir James Dyson
Introduction: In October 2009, James named his fan the Air Multiplier.
Dyson's consumer electronics company,
The Mechanics of the Air Multiplier
famous for its line of vaccum cleaners,
Calling the Dyson Air Multiplier a fan
introduced a new device to the market
with no blades is perhaps a touch
called the Dyson Air Multiplier. The
misleading. There are blades in the fan -
Air Multiplier is a fan with an unusual
- you just can't see them because they're
characteristic: It doesn't have any
hidden in the pedestal. A motor rotates
visible blades. It appears to be a
nine asymmetrically aligned blades to
circular tube mounted on a pedestal.
pull air into the device. According to
The shallow tube is only a few inches
Dyson, these blades can pull in up to
deep. Looking at the device, you
5.28 gallons (about 20 liters) of air per
wouldn't expect to feel a breeze coming
second. The air flows through a channel
from the mounted circle. There are no
in the pedestal up to the tube, which is
moving parts in sight. But if the fan is
hollow. The interior of the tube acts
like a ramp. Air flows along the ramp, As air flows through the slits in the
which curves around and ends in slits in tube and out through the front of the
the back of the fan. Then, the air flows fan, air behind the fan is drawn through
along the surface of the inside of the the tube as well. This is called
tube and out toward the front of the fan. inducement. The flowing air pushed by
the motor induces the air behind the fan
to follow. Air surrounding the edges of
the fan will also begin to flow in the
direction of the breeze. This process is
called entrainment. Through
inducement and entrainment, Dyson
claims the Air Multiplier increases the
output of airflow by 15 times the
amount it takes in through the pedestal's
Yet there's one problem that Dyson
didn't quite overcome with its
newfangled fan. On the next page you'll
see why Dyson changed the design of
its Multiplier when it came time to
make a second version.
But how does the fan multiply the
amount of air coming into the pedestal
of the device? It boils down to physics.
While it's true that the atmosphere is
gaseous, gases obey the physical laws
of fluid dynamics.

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