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As the first emphasis of this study, self- confidence has shown to be a significant personality
variable in determining human behaviour. Self esteem is confidence in one’s capacity to achieve
values. It is subjective and enduring sense of realistic self-approval. Self-confidence, thus, is the
affective, or emotional experience of the evaluations one makes in the frame of one’s personal

Self- confidence is an intrinsic and universal part of human experience and it is a key concept for
explaining the “inherent secrets” of human behaviour as a cure for social and individual
problems (Ward. “Harter” has defined self-confidence as “the level of global regard that one has
for the self as a person”.

Self- confidence is the belief in oneself and abilities, it describes an internal state made up of
what we think and feel about ourselves. This state is changeable according to the situation we are
currently in and our responses to events going on around us. It is not unusual to feel quite
confident in some circumstances and less confident in others. It is also influenced by past events
and how we remember them; recalling former success has a very different outcome in terms of
our confidence levels than thinking about an occasion when we failed.

Self- confidence can refer to how we feel about ourselves and our abilities whereas self-esteem
refers directly to whether or not we appreciate and value ourselves. We may have been
discouraged from being boastful but a healthy amount of self-killing and self-approval is
necessary if we are to have the confidence to meet life’s challenges and participate as fully as we
wish to in whatever makes life enjoyable and rewarding for us. In a sense, we could say that
having healthy self-esteem leads to being self-confident.

Student confidence is an important factor in educational success. As more students are facing
bullying and harassment, confidence in school can suffer and when this occurs, grades often
suffer. When a child loses student self- confidence, they may lose motivation in learning.

Student confidence is a vital to his or her success. The amount of student self- confidence a child
possess will affect every aspect of his or her educational goals. If a child loses confidence in
school, his or her grades will ultimately be affected. When student self- confidence suffers, a
child may give up on his or her hopes, dreams and plans. They may feel that they are unworthy
of obtaining their goals or think it is impossible to achieve them.

Every child struggles with self-confidence at same point in their life. Imagine how much more
challenging self-confidence can be for a child who struggles in school or has a learning
disability. This can really hinder their confidence and how much effort they are willing to put
into their education. When a child has high self-confidence, they don’t waste much time
impressing others. They already know their value. Your child’s judgment of him or herself
influences his or her friends, if they get along with others, the kind of person they marry, and
how productive they will be in the future.

If a child is experiencing self-confidence issues, it will affect their creativity, integrity, stability,
and can and even affect whether he or she will be a leader of follower. Your child’s feelings of
self-worth determine their aptitude and ability, which eventually leads to every child’s success of
failure as a human being.

Self-consciousness can be a major factor and cause of lack of self confidence. For example,
when you are in a social situation and someone puts you on the spot, maybe they ask you an
awkward of difficult question and suddenly you become aware of yourself, you focus on yourself
and your reaction. You start to notice how nervous you feel. This is self consciousness –
focusing on yourself. Your brain cannot come up with an answer and you look worried and
nervous and your confidence drops. You feel embarrassed and more self conscious and it
becomes even worse.

Another example, you are asked suddenly to speak in front of a large group of people. Suddenly
you feel eyes on you and you are aware of the rush of adrenaline, and then you feel yourself
sweating or shaking. You cannot think because you are focused on your own physical reaction.
At the moment when you need to perform you are focused on yourself and you become even
more nervous. This is self consciousness and it is preventing you from being confident and
prevents you from focusing on the task.

Self consciousness really affects your confidence, it destroys it totally is the answer because it
increases your anxiety! When you are in a social situation you need to relax to be confident, and
if you can’t you won’t feel in control and you won’t look relaxed. Your body language will tell
others that you are not confident, which will affect how they act towards you and this will make
you feel even more uncomfortable. When you are relaxed you look and feel confident and in
control and your mind is free to think about the challenge you face.

Perhaps you are talking to an important person or a member of the opposite sex who you find
attractive and all you want is to be yourself and act confidently. Self consciousness makes you
nervous and stops you being natural, n short it affects you negatively.

Public speakers know that self consciousness is an enemy and they learn to overcome it.
Everyone gets nervous about public speaking but beating self consciousness is aone step to being
a confident and successful public speaker.
Self-conscious emotions are tied to self-awareness. Healthy self-conscious emotions can give
you positive motivation and improve social functioning. Unhealthy and overwhelming self -
conscious emotions can result in social anxiety and isolation.


Self-esteem is your opinion of yourself. People with healthy self-esteem like themselves and
value their achievements. And while everyone lacks confidence occasionally, individuals with
low self-esteem are very critical of themselves and depend on the approval and praise of others
for their own evaluation of self-worthiness. Knowing this it is clear as to how the transfer of
power occurs in an individual with low self-esteem. This fear of judgment may impact their
quality of life as they may avoid activities that involve other people because they are afraid they
will be negatively judged.

Having a healthy self-esteem is vitally important to each of us as individuals. It is the foundation

by which we grow. The irony of developing healthier level of self-esteem is that other people
benefit just as much as we do. Socially, we treat others with greater respect and become more
tolerant from those who are different from us. We are also less likely to engage in behaviours
that harm ourselves and the people around us, both physically and emotionally. -self-esteem/
From the beginning parents are the primary persons involved in raising children in every society
that is why the family is recognised as an important agent of socialization. Therefore the
importance of parent / family cannot be overemphasized.
Whenever parents possess the resources and skills apply them efficiently and joyfully for
upbringing of their children. The entire society would benefit and this brings joy and benefit to
the nation and encourages development and peaceful co-existence. The children themselves feel
good and bring happiness to their parents and the whole community.

Vellymalay, (2012) stated that a child’s capability to succeed in school depends on how
successfully the child is managed by his/her parent in the environment. It is an environment
where the child learns skills, attitude and behaviour that could mould them into productive and
successful students.

It is important to note that not every child comes from a home that could provide them with the
requisite educational resource necessary for their academic success. In agreement with that,
apparent socioeconomic status plays a significant role in providing these educational resources
and appears to impose the greater impact on the child’s educational outcomes.
Historically, prior to 1850, teaching is career held predominantly by men. Then starting at 19
century, female starting to become predominantly become a teacher.That's including in the US.
Women educator in 19 century, views that children development is more suited to women.
Furthermore, at that time women are struggle to find jobs. Women can be work at teaching
because it's paid less. At least nowadays, more than 75% of primary teachers is female. Primary
teachers considered as less-masculine in the society. Higher number of men teachers can be
found in high schools, but still the majority is female. I think when teachers paid higher and good
respect of men working as teacher, the more balance number of men-women can be achieved.
Interestingly, in some countries, male have opportunities to hold higher administration role in
education institutions such as by being principal. That makes men easily stand out because its
confidence and competence.

Only 20% of British teachers are men. In New Zealand, the number of male teachers continue to
decline. It also happened in the UK, US, and Canada. Again because teaching is not prestige
jobs, that's makes it predominantly by female. Even though there is no relation between gender
and students achievement, I would argue the more balance gender balanced teachers (men and
women) is also good for children development, including in primary school.

In addition, there is a ‘myth’ that said only women can be a good teachers.

Interestingly, there is also gender imbalance in Africa. There are more male teachers compared
to female teachers. Indeed, girls education need to be promoted in Africa due to cultural barriers.

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