Managing Mediastinitis After Cardiac Surgery

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Managing mediastinitis after cardiac surgery

Learn what causes this deep infection, how to recognize and manage it,
and what you can do to prevent it.
By Diane M. Bosen, RN, APRN,BC, CCRN, MSN, and Soundra D. Mackavich, RN, CVSFE, BSN

ore than 600,000 patients un-
dergo cardiac procedures each
year. Those who have a me- Apex of left lung
dian sternotomy, or midline chest inci-
sion, are at risk for mediastinitis, an
uncommon but potentially fatal deep
wound infection.
Occurring in about 5% of patients Sternum
who undergo sternotomy, mediastinitis
increases morbidity and lengthens hos- Heart
4th rib
pital stays. Also called deep sternal
wound infection, mediastinitis may
progress to osteomyelitis, sternal dehis- Apex of heart
cence, sepsis, or right ventricular rupture. process
Up to 47% of patients who develop it die. Diaphragm
Here’s what you need to know about
the causes of mediastinitis, signs and
symptoms, prevention, and treatment
options. For anatomic details, see Chest
the facts.
Chest the facts
Sternal separation The mediastinum, the area between the right and left pleural cavities, is
Why does mediastinitis develop? Re- bordered by the diaphragm and the thoracic inlet. The middle medias-
tinum, the area affected by the midline sternotomy incision, includes
searchers believe these events open the
the heart, the aorta and aortic arch, vena cavae, main pulmonary arter-
door to infection:
ies and veins, phrenic nerves, the tracheal bifurcation and the main
• A localized area of sternal osteo- bronchus, the hilum of each lung, the esophagus, and lymph nodes.
myelitis extends, separating the ster- Blood is supplied to the area primarily by the left and right internal tho-
num. racic mammary arteries.
• Separation of the sternum leads to
skin breakdown and bacterial contami-
nation of deep tissues. Mediastinitis may occur as early as 3 days postop-
• If the mediastinum isn’t sufficiently drained after eratively or as late as 3 months, but it typically occurs
surgery, large amounts of fluids can collect in the between postoperative days five and seven.
retrosternum and contribute to a deep infection. Depending on the causative organism, the wound
However, new investigations suggest that medias- may or may not look infected.
tinitis also is the result of a systemic inflammatory Patients with chronic diseases and those undergo-
reaction involving the activation of complement, ing lengthy surgeries are at particular risk for medias-
cytokines such as chemokines and interleukins, and tinitis. (See Who’s at risk?) In some patients, fever,
other cell-derived proteins. leukocytosis, and a positive blood culture may be the Nursing2006, August 64cc1

masked by postoperative pain.) Extensive cellulitis
Who’s at risk? may surround the sternal incision.
Patient risk factors for mediastinitis include obesity,
Suspect a serious sternal wound infection if your
diabetes (especially if uncontrolled), chronic obstruc-
patient has chest wall pain or a slow recovery not
tive pulmonary disease (COPD), smoking, renal dys-
function, peripheral vascular disease, advanced age,
explained by other conditions, Gram-positive bac-
impaired nutritional status, advanced heart failure teremia, leukocytosis, or fever. The infected area may
(New York Heart Association class IV), and preexisting involve any or all areas of the mediastinum, including
infection. Patients with a tracheostomy, those with a the surgical cannulation and anastomosis sites.
preoperative hospital stay of more than 5 days, and Obtain specimens for blood culture if your patient
women also are at higher risk for mediastinitis. develops a temperature above 100.4º F (38º C) after
Intraoperative risk factors include emergency the first 48 postoperative hours. The initial chest X-
surgery, repeat surgery, surgery lasting more than 4 ray may appear normal, but serial X-rays may be use-
hours, cardiopulmonary bypass lasting more than 2 ful. As the infection develops, X-rays may reveal air in
hours, cross-clamping of the aorta, intra-aortic balloon
the mediastinum and a “sternal stripe” (a vertical
pump therapy, and use of both internal mammary
sternal lucency), indicating that air is separating the
arteries (especially in patients with diabetes).
Postoperative risk factors include excessive medi-
two halves of the sternum. A computed tomography
astinal bleeding, reexploration for bleeding, transfu- (CT) scan may reveal the loss of integrity of soft tis-
sions of more than five units of blood, prolonged ven- sue in the retrosternum, bilateral pleural effusions, or
tilatory support, delayed sternal closure, low cardiac bone destruction. It may also show fluid in the nor-
output requiring inotropic support, long ICU stay, post- mally air-filled retrosternal space. (Interpretive skills
operative tracheostomy, and infection at another site. are required because it may be difficult to distinguish
The more risk factors the patient has, the greater the hematoma formation from an infection.) Needle aspi-
risk of developing mediastinitis. You can estimate his ration of this fluid guided by CT may help with the
risk using one of two tools. The Pre-operative diagnosis. Radionucleotide scans may also help iden-
Estimation of Risk of Cerebrovascular Accident and
tify the presence and location of infection.
Mediastinitis, developed by the Northern New England
Up to 50% of sternal wound infections are related
Cardiovascular Disease Study Group, assigns weighted
values to patient characteristics, such as diabetes and
to Gram-positive bacteremias. The cause of most
COPD. The higher the score, the higher the patient’s mediastinal infections is Staphylococcus aureus,
risk of developing mediastinitis. including methicillin-resistant S. aureus; other
A second tool is the National Nosocomial Infections causative organisms include coagulase-negative
Surveillance risk index, which is based on three vari- staphylococci, Staphylococcus epidermidis,
ables proven to be predictive of surgical site infections: Enterobacter, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas,
the intrinsic degree of microbial contamination at the and Serratia. When secondary bacteremias occur,
surgical site, the duration of the operative procedure, they’re typically associated with S. aureus. Mixed
and host susceptibility. Patients who score more than infections and fungal infections are rare.
2 on the 0 (no risk)-to-3 (highest risk) scale are at
increased risk for mediastinitis.
Treatment priorities
The first step in treating mediastinitis is to assess the
warning signs of an impending wound infection. degree of sternal stability and classify the infection
Minor or superficial infections may occur first; you’ll by type. (See Defining mediastinitis.)
note localized erythema and tenderness. The sternal Sternal preservation is a primary goal of treatment
incision may produce serous drainage, or you may for a deep wound infection such as mediastinitis. If
find a localized area of tissue breakdown at the inci- surgery is performed early, before the sternum deteri-
sion site with purulent drainage. The sternum usually orates (type I mediastinitis), the procedure may con-
is stable. sist of debridement of the sternal edges, exposing
In some patients, purulent drainage is the first sign fresh bone and cartilage, and rigorous irrigation of
of trouble; between 70% and 90% of these patients the mediastinum with placement of drainage
have an unstable sternum. The patient also may have catheters. The sternum is rewired, the incision is
fever, chills, lethargy, leukocytosis, wound pain, and closed, and the patient is put on antibiotic therapy.
chest wall pain. (Pain from the infection can be More serious infections (generally types IV or V)

64cc2 Nursing2006, Volume 36, Number 8

days of therapy to achieve healing and remains under
Defining mediastinitis investigation.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, an infection is considered mediastinitis if it
meets one or more of the following criteria:
What if my patient needs CPR?
• Organisms are cultured from mediastinal tissue or When performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation
fluid obtained during a surgical operation or needle (CPR) on a patient with an unstable sternum, you
aspiration. need to equally distribute the pressure of chest com-
• The patient has evidence of mediastinitis seen dur- pressions across the entire chest wall, rather than
ing surgery of histopathologic examination. applying pressure directly over the sternum. The
• The patient has at least one of the following signs best way to do this is to use a fracture bedpan,
and symptoms that can’t be attributed to another which can be easily placed on the chest to disperse
cause: fever (greater than 100.4º F [38º C]), chest the pressure of compressions while protecting the
pain, or sternal instability. The patient also has at least
sternum. Place the bedpan inside a pillowcase, then
one of the following: purulent discharge from the
place it sideways with the open end over the mid-
mediastinal area, organisms cultured from blood or
discharge from mediastinal area, or mediastinal
sternum and the lipped end on the right side of the
widening on X-ray. chest. The smooth bottom of the pan should be
Mediastinitis can be classified as follows: against the patient’s chest; place your hands in the
• type I—developing within 2 weeks of surgery in a pan opening to perform CPR.
patient with no risk factors
• type II—developing 2 to 6 weeks after surgery in a Perioperative precautions
patient with no risk factors What can you do to reduce your patient’s risk of
• type III—types I and II in patients with risk factors mediastinitis? Take these steps before surgery:
• type IV—type I, II, or III after one or more failed ther- • Identify and treat any preexisting infections, such
apeutic trial
as urinary tract infections or pneumonia.
• type V—developing more than 6 weeks after surgery.
• For patients undergoing elective surgery, use a na-
sopharyngeal swab to determine if they’re carriers of
are treated with aggressive sternal debridement and methicillin-resistant staphylococci. Treat patients
wound packing with moist gauze that’s changed fre- who are carriers with mupirocin (Bactroban) nasal
quently. In the worst cases, the sternum is removed. preoperatively, as ordered.
When the infection is under control, the surgeon • In the operating room (OR), if necessary, the pa-
(usually a plastic surgeon) will use muscle and skin tient’s hair at the incision site will be clipped (not
flaps to close the incision by secondary intention. shaved) immediately before surgery.
The bone may be approximated, depending on the • Provide an antibacterial skin wash the night before
degree of sternal resection required. He may use a surgery. Before surgery, in the OR, the patient’s skin
technique known as the Robicsek procedure to give will be prepared with a topical antiseptic containing
the weakened sternum additional support. chlorhexidine.
The newest method of treating mediastinitis • Administer prophylactic antibiotics 30 to 60 min-
involves vacuum-assisted closure. The wound is utes before the time of incision, as ordered. For
debrided and a polyurethane foam is applied. An more details, see “Best-Practice Interventions: Pre-
evacuation tube, vacuum pump, and transparent venting Surgical Site Infections” in the June issue of
drape complete the dressing. Negative pressure is Nursing2006.
applied to the wound to drain fluid, inhibit bacterial During surgery, these steps reduce infection risks:
colonization, stimulate tissue granulation, and reduce • reducing OR traffic
the frequency of dressing changes. Delayed primary • using laminar airflow ventilation in the OR
closure may occur, or the wound may be prepared for • maintaining meticulous surgical technique, includ-
secondary closure with flaps. ing the use of double-glove barrier techniques for
Patients must be carefully selected for negative- the OR team
pressure wound therapy: If arteries are lying superfi- • using a midline sternotomy incision (as opposed
cially in the wound bed, negative pressure can cause to a “lazy S” incision) with secure sternal closure
arterial thrombosis. This method may require more • using subcuticular sutures and a topical skin adhe- Nursing2006, August 64cc3

sive instead of staples for skin closure • discontinuing prophylactic antibiotics 24 hours af-
• avoiding the use of bone wax to establish hemo- ter incision closure, in accordance with the Centers
stasis and control bleeding. Bone wax provides a for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines for
culture medium for bacteria, particularly S. aureus, surgical site infection prevention for open-heart
and also may embolize to the lungs. surgery. Continued use of antibiotics following the
• minimizing operative time and the use of electro- initial postoperative period should be based upon
cautery, which can make tissue more susceptible to suspected or confirmed infection.
After surgery, you can help reduce your patient’s Staying vigilant
risk of infection by: By understanding how to recognize mediastinitis,
• maintaining tight glycemic control (blood glucose minimize risks, and respond to problems, you can
level of 80 to 110 mg/dL), especially in patients with help your patient avoid serious postoperative com-
diabetes. Blood glucose levels over 180 mg/dL are plications. ‹›
associated with cellular damage. Administer a con-
tinuous insulin infusion to avoid the peaks and Abboud CS, et al. Risk factors for mediastinitis after cardiac surgery.
troughs in blood glucose that can occur with subcu- Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 77(2):676-683, February 2004.

taneous insulin. Bojar RM. Manual of Perioperative Care in Cardiac Surgery. Boston,
Mass., Blackwell Publishing, 2005.
• maintaining the sterile surgical dressing for the Risnes I, et al. Complement activation and cytokine and chemokines re-
first 24 to 48 hours postoperatively, unless gross lease during mediastinitis. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 75(3):981-985,
March 2003.
drainage is evident
• avoiding homologous blood transfusions, which may At St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital in Pontiac, Mich., Diane M. Bosen is a clini-
cal nurse specialist in critical care and Soundra D. Mackavich is an advanced tho-
increase the possibility of viral or bacterial infection racic cardiac surgery physician extender.

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64cc4 Nursing2006, Volume 36, Number 8

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