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KINGDOM OF SAUDI English Language Department

Course Course Code:
Ministry Of Education
Prince Sattam Bin Title: History of English ENG 2250
Abdulaziz University Literature
College of Sciences and Course Exam Wednesday
Humanities at Instructor: Date:
Dr. Bechir Saoudi 5 – 4 – 1440 H

Time: 2 Hours No. of pages: 4 Total Marks:
Final Exam
for Second Semester Year 1438 / 1439 H
Student Name: Academic
Questions Question1 Question 2 Question3 Question 4 Question5 Question6 Question 7 Obtained
Marks /10 /4 /10 /8 /8 /10 /50

Coursework Total Marks /50

Final Exam Marks /50
Total Marks /100
Course Instructor Signature

1)Fill in the blanks with words from the list. (10 marks)

axe – bargain – belt – cautiously – deserted – disappointed – dismounts – gift –

gratefully – harm – hunt – impending – magic – mound – return – secret – servants –
sets out – sides – whirring

Gawain is woken the next morning by Lady Bercilak, who is very excited to have
a courageous knight staying in the castle.She is -------------------------when Gawain
refuses her advances, but gives him a -------------------------, a green silk belt. She tells
him the belt is -------------------------and will keep the wearer safe from any
------------------------- And Gawain, remembering his -------------------------meeting with the
Green Knight, -------------------------accepts it. As Lady Bercilak gives Gawain the belt,
she insists he must keep it a -------------------------from her husband...

When Sir Bercilak returns home from the-------------------------he offers Gawain his
modest catch; but Gawain offers only a kiss in -------------------------and says nothing

about the -------------------------. The next morning Gawain -------------------------for the Green
Chapel, guided by one of Sir Bercilak's -------------------------Soon he arrives at
a -------------------------, evil-looking hummock. Gawain -------------------------Gringolet and
approaches it-------------------------.

Suddenly Gawain hears a-------------------------, rushing noise coming at him from

all-------------------------, and sees the Green Knight on the top of a nearby-----------------------
sharpening his great -------------------------. The time has come for Gawain to honor his
side of the ------------------------- made a year ago...

2)Fill in the diagram with the appropriate plot elements. (4 marks)

3)Match the parts of sentences in A with their completion from B. (10

1- Wonder was on the wave, … a- a dragon attacks Beowulf's
2- The people in Denmark celebrate, kingdom.
... b- and a description of his heroic
3- The people in Denmark are very qualities.
appreciative and… c- but soon Grendel's mother comes
4- The Land of Promise, for looking for revenge.
Caedmon, … d- departure from Egypt.
5- The Exeter Book e- for the sons of men as a roof to
Riddlescontains… cover them.
6- The Author of all marvels created f- for their dwelling place.
the heavens… g- is Palestine.
7- The Almighty Protector gave h- more than 90 riddles.
people the earth… i- send Beowulf home with many
8- Caedmon sang of Israel’s… presents.

9- Beowulf ends with Beowulf's j- when water became bone.
10- After many years of peace, …

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4)Fill in the boxes and blanks with the appropriate English literary
periods. (8 marks)

Victorian – Romantic –Renaissance – Postmodern – Neoclassical – Modern –

Medieval – Edwardian –

5)Say whether the following statements are true or false. (8marks)

Caedmon and Cynewulf were poets of the Old English Period. ----

Caedmon was interested in the origin of human race. ----

Caedmon wrote Cynewulf’s Hymn in praise of God. ----

Cynewulf sang of the creation of the world. ----

Cynewulf wrote on biblical and religious themes. ----

Something is said to be "inspirational" because it makes someone feel full of hope and
encouraged. ----

The Canterbury Tales isabout a group of pilgrims who pass time on their journey to
the shrine of Thomas Becket by telling 24 stories.----

The Canterbury Tales is not Chaucer’s best-known work. ----

6)Write a paragraph aboutthe Venerable Bede and his book


a paragraph summarizing "The Pardoner's Tale". (10 marks)
























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