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Public Administration

Course description:
This course introduces the history and practice of public administration in Russia at the national,
state, and local levels. This course focuses on basic problems of public administration,
organizations, management, coordination, responsibility, personnel, the information of policy
needs and means, and the machinery of administration.

Instructor: Sirotkina Nadezhda G.

Pavlovskaya Svetlana V.
Credit points: 6
Faculty: Faculty of Management
Language: Russian
Level: Master
Academic hours: 72
1. Administrative Thought
2. History of management science
3. Government Structure
4. Regional Administration
5. Local Government Administration
6. Public Policy Analysis and Policymaking
7. Anti-corruption regulation
8. GR-management
9. Public-Private Partnership
10. E-Government
1. Hughes, Owen E. Public Management and Administration : An Introduction - Palgrave
2. Poister H Theodore, Streib Gregory. Elements of Strategic Planning and Management in
Municipal Government. Public Administration Review; Jan/Feb 2005.
3. Delmon J. Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure. 2-nd Ed. A Co-publication of the
World Bank and Kluwer Law International, The Netherlands - 2009.
4. Robert Baldwin, Martin Cave, Martin Lodge. The oxford handbook of Regulation.
Oxford University Press 2010.
5. B. v. Maydell, K. Borchardt, K.-D. Henke, R. Leitner, R. Muffels, M. Quante, P.-L.
Rauhala, G. Verschraegen, M. Żukowski, Enabling Social Policy. – Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
6. Hughes, Owen E. Public Management and Administration : An Introduction - Palgrave
7. International Drivers of Corruption: A Tool for Analysis, OECD Publishing OECD.
8. Bin Dong, Uwe Dulleck, Benno Torgler. Conditional corruption Journal of Economic
Psychology 33. 2012
9. Lili Di Puppo. Anti-corruption interventions in Georgia. Global Crime Vol. 11, No. 2,
May 2010.
10. Lee, J. (2010). 10 year retrospect on stage models of e-Government: A qualitative meta-
synthesis, Government Information Quarterly, Volume 27, Issue 3, 220-230.
11. Shareef, M.A., Kumar, V., Kumar, U., Dwivedi, Y.K., (2011). e-Government Adoption
Model (GAM): Differing service maturity levels, Government Information Quarterly,
Volume 28, Issue 1, 17-35.
12. Sharifi, M. and Manian, A., (2010). The study of the success indicators for pre-
implementation activities of Iran's E-Government development projects, Government
Information Quarterly, Volume 27, Issue 1, 63-69.
13. Marshev V.I., History of management thought. M, 2010.

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