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Review Article Ann C/in Biochem 1990; 27: 532-541

Sex hormone binding globulin: origin, function and

clinical significance
Colin Selby
From the Department of Clinical Chemistry, City Hospital, Hucknall Road, Nottingham NG5 lPB, UK

SUMMARY. Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is a glycoprotein possessing high

affinity binding for 17 P-hydroxysteriod hormones such as testosterone and
oestradiol. It is probably synthesized in the liver, plasma concentrations being
regulated by, amongst other things, androgen/oestrogen balance, thyroid hormones,
isulin and dietary factors. it is involved in transport of sex steroids in plasma and its
concentration is a major factor regulating their distribution between the protein-
bound and free states. Its detailed role in the delivery of hormones to target tissues
is not yet clear.
Plasma SHBG concentrations are affected by a number of different diseases, high
values being found in hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, androgen insensitivity and
hepatic cirrhosis in men. Low concentrations are found in myxoedema, hyperprolac-
tinaemia and syndromes of excessive androgen activity. Concentrations are also
affected by drugs such as androgens, oestrogens, thyroid hormones and anti-convul-
Measurement of SHBG is useful in the evaluation of mild disorders of androgen
metabolism and enables identification of those women with hirsutism who are more
likely to respond to oestrogen therapy. Testosterone: SHBG ratios correlate well with
both measured and calculated values of free testosterone and help to discriminate
subjects with excessive androgen activity from normal individuals.
Additional key phrases: dihydrotestosterone; testostyerone; oestradiol; sex steriod

Although the presence of a specific plasma ISOLATION, PURIFICATION AND

androgen binding protein was postulated in CHARACTERIZATION
19581 it was not isolated until 1965.2 The same SHBG is most readily isolated from late preg-
year an oestradiol binding protein was indepen- nancy plasma by affinity chromatography fol-
dently isolated' and by competitive steroid lowed by further purification steps."" Monomer-
binding studies the two proteins were shown to ic SHBG is a glycoprotein containing 373 amino
be identical." It consequently became known as acid residues and three carbohydrate side
Testosterone-estradiol Binding Globulin (TeBG) chains." The total carbohydrate content is 28-
but has since been shown to bind many other 34%6,7.9 and consists largely of sialic acid (36%)
steroids and drugs. It is now more commonly and N-acetylglucosamine (33%). The molecular
known as Sex Hormone Binding Globulin structure of circulating SHBG is in dispute, a
(SHBG) but has also been called SBP (Sex variety of monomeric to four unit structures
Steroid Binding Protein) and SSBG (Sex Steroid being suggested.Y'" The most obvious property
Binding Globulin). The protein is present in the of SHBG is its high affinity for steroids,
plasma of primates, rabbits, goats, cows, sheep, SHBG binds most readily to planar steroids
reptiles and amphibians.! which have 18 or 19 carbon atoms and a 17P-
hydroxyl group." Binding occurs by Van der
Waals forces and polar attraction and one mole
This paper was prepared at the invitation of the Clinical of dime ric SHBG binds approximately one mole
Laboratory Investigation Sub Committee of the Scientific of steroid. 6,7,9 Steroid binding depends on both
Committee of the Association of Clinical Biochemists, but does
not necessarily reftect their views. temperature and pH, being some 2·5 times higher

Sex hormone binding globulin 533
at 4°C than at 37°C but is irreversibly destroyed by androgens," possibly by regulation of hepatic
above 60°C and below pH 5. The three most synthesis.
avidly bound naturally occurring steroids are Recently, growth hormone, somatomedin-C,
dihydrotestosterone (DHT), testosterone (T) and other growth factors and nutritional status have
oestradiol (E 2 ) . been suggested" as the primary homeostatic
mechanism for control of SHBG concentrations.
In vivo growth hormone" and prolactin" reduce
SHBG concentration whilst in vitro, insulin
decreases SHBG production inhibiting the
SHBG has been localized in the hepatocytes of stimulatory effect of thyroxine and oestradiol."
adult monkeys" and is secreted along with cor- Dietary lipids affect SHBG concentration,
tisol binding globulin by cultures of the human which falls significantly in men after 2 weeks on
hepatoma cell line HepG2. 13 Concentrations are a high fat diet." SHBG concentrations are lower
higher in hepatic venous than arterial blood." in obese subjects of both sexes23,24 and rise follow-
Plasma concentrations are increased by ing weight reduction. Congenital absence of
oestrogen" and thyroid hormones" and reduced SHBG has been described in two sisters."

100 1 P:Z:=:I:I:l .....1'TTTT1.,..., ._. '--1KIl iiiiiiii f-U..LLLLLLJ..1


0 50



Men Women Third trimester
(Foil iculcr ) pregnancy

FIGURE I. The distribution of plasma dihydrotestosterone, testosterone and oestradiol between the free. albumin.
SHBG and CBG bound states in normal subjects in different physiological situations. Results are expressed as the
percentage of the total steroid concentrations circulating in each fraction. Data from Ref 28. • Albumin bound; 0
SHBG bound; • CBG bound; • free.
534 Selby

In human beings the biological half life of is metabolically active. However, it has been
SHBG calculated from the rate of decline post argued that the concentration of some free
partum is about 7 days." Little is known of the steroids (e.g. oestradiol) is too low to generate a
biological degradation although evidence" from significant biological response" and it is possible
rats injected with bovine SHBG suggests the that protein-bound steroid may also be available
sialic acid moiety is important in preventing ---either dissociating in the immediate vicinity of
rapid hepatic disposal. the target tissue surface or entering the cell intact.
A number of models'"?' depicting hormone
delivery by dissociation have been proposed but
the factors governing the kinetics of dissociation
and tissue uptake remain contentious.P:"
Less than 2% of biologically active steroids are However in all situations studied to date, spon-
free in the circulation, the remainder being taneous dissociation of the protein-hormone
bound to transport proteins, mostly SHBG and complex is sufficiently rapid to account for the
albumin. The bound and free fractions appear to observed tissue uptake."
exist in a state of dynamic equilibrium, governed Evidence is also accumulating that the intact
overall by the Law of Mass Action; thus the size SHBG-steroid complex interacts directly with
ofthe free fraction of a given steroid is dependent certain target tissues. Prostatic" and decidual
on: endometrial cell membranes" possess SHBG
binding sites having characteristics typical of
(i) Its total plasma concentration other membrane receptors, and SHBG and CBG
(ii) The avidity ofbinding to transport proteins have been located within the cytosol of a number
(iii) The concentration of each binding protein of human and animal cells." These proteins may
(iv) The concentration and avidity of compet- have a role in the specific transport of steroid to
ing steriods intra-cellular locations."
Other roles for SHBG have been proposed: the
Computer simulation of the distribution of some metabolic clearance rate of steroids with a high
steroids between the free and protein bound affinity for SHBG is reduced.":" and it seems
states is summarized in Fig. 1.28 In normal men likely that SHBG protects such steroids from
about 44%, and in normal women over 80% of hepatic disposal. SHBG may also modify the rate
the available SHBG binding sites remain unoc- of conversion of androstenedione to testosterone
cupied. Over 99% of the available steroid as this is higher in individuals with a low
binding sites on albumin always remain unoc- SHBG. 4 1 Finally, it has been suggested that dif-
cupied. This large excess of steroid binding sites ferences in association characteristics of testos-
means that changes in total hormone concentra- terone and oestradiol for SHBG may mean that
tion produce relatively small changes in the size increases in SHBG produce a more oestrogenic
of the free hormone fractions. However, changes environment, i.e. oestrogen amplification."
in SHBG concentration produce dramatic
changes in both free and albumin bound
hormone. Thus, the large increase in SHBG in
pregnancy results in a rise in total testosterone
(despite a fall in albumin concentration) and a In cord blood SHBG concentrations are low
fall in the percentage of free testosterone. Con- (approximately 30-40 nmol DHT bound/L)
versely, a reduction in SHBG concentration mean concentrations being higher in boys than
results in an increase of both albumin-bound and girls." In male (but not female) infants SHBG
of percentage free testosterone. It follows that concentrations are reported" to increase sharply
both absolute and relative protein concentrations from birth to 3 months before declining to
play an important role in controlling the normal pre-pubertal concentrations. Peak pre-
distribution of steroids between the bound and pubertal concentrations (80-l00nmol DHT
free states. A major metabolic role for both bound/L) are reached in both sexes between the
albumin and SHBG is thought to be that of a ages of 5-7 years thereafter declining with
buffer store modulating fluctuations in steroid approaching puberty, possibly as a result of
concentration and providing a reservoir of increasing secretions of adrenal and gonadal
bioavailable hormone. androgens." However this pre-pubertal decline
Hitherto it has been assumed that it is only the in SHBG still occurs in individuals with complete
lipid-soluble readily-diffusible free steroid which androgen insensitivity" and the prepubertal
Sex hormone binding globulin 535

increase in insulin may be the major controlling bound testosterone from SHBG and the resulting
factor." In male subjects adult SHBG concentra- increase in free testosterone lowers SHBG
tions (approximately 20-45 nmol DHT bound/L) synthesis. Others, such as medroxyprogesterone
are reached by about 18 years of age, but in acetate do not displace endogenous steroids"
female subjects adult concentrations and there is a fall in both total and free testos-
(approximately 35-90 nmol DHT bound/L) are terone concentration." This difference is impor-
not reached until about 20 years of age. In both tant if these drugs are used in combination with
sexes SHBG concentrations slowly increase oestrogens for treating acne, hirsutism or viril-
throughout life until by the mid-eighties they are ism.
about twice as high as those at 20.4S In healthy
rested men SHBG concentrations have been
reported to show a significant circadian rhythm
characterized by a peak in the early afternoon STATES
and a nadir about midnight," although such a Changes in SHBG occur in a wide variety of
rhythm is difficult to reconcile with the biological pathological conditions. Elevated concentrations
halflife. SHBG has been shown by some authors are found in hypo gonadal men; both testicular
to vary throughout the menstrual cycle being failure and defective gonadotrophin secretion are
some 15% higher during the luteal phase" but associated with low plasma concentrations of
this is not a consistent finding." total and free testosterone/" SHBG concentra-
Plasma concentrations of SHBG rise rapidly tions fall with androgen replacement therapy. In
from conception" until the 30th week of gesta- syndromes of androgen insensitivity both total
tion when they are 6-10 fold higher than non- testosterone and SHBG may be elevated,60,70 the
pregnancy concentrations. 53 degree of elevation being dependent on the sever-
ity of the defect and the degree of conversion of
androgen to oestrogen (oestradiol concentra-
tions are usually high). SHBG concentrations are
Many different drugs modify circulating con- elevated in a proportion of male diabetics" but
centrations of SHBG and in such cases care is the cause and clinical significance remain to be
required in the interpretation of measurements of clarified. In men" (but not women?") severe
both testosterone and oestradiol. SHBG alcoholic liver disease is associated with
synthesis is increased by natural" and synthetic increased SHBG (possibly due to increased
oestrogens," thyroid hormones, 16 anticonvul- oestrone formation) and free androgen con-
sants" and rifampicin. 56 In general there is an centrations are reduced, partly due to high
increase in SHBG and total plasma steroid con- SHBG concentrations and partly to impaired
centration but a fall in the free fraction. However gonadal function. In women high concentrations
synthetic oestrogens produce a fall in total en- of SHBG are found in primary biliary cirrhosis."
dogenous steroid due to suppression of steroid High concentrations of SHBG are found in
biosynthesis and negligible binding to SHBG. 2S women with anorexia nervosa" despite low
Oestrogens administered orally are a more oestradiol concentrations and failure to ovulate.
powerful stimulant of SHBG synthesis than In men with anorexia nervosa elevated SHBG
those given percutaneously due to their direct concentrations are much less common" and
absorption into the portal system." Anti- refeeding has no demonstrable effect. Hyper-
oestrogens such as clomiphene" and tamoxifen" thyroid subjects, including those overtreated
also induce SHBG synthesis presumably as a with thyroid hormones, also have elevated
result of their inherent weak oestrogenic activity. SHBG concentrations":" probably due to
Dexamethasone," progesterone" and exogenous increased hepatic synthesis, whereas those with
gonadotrophins'? have also been reported to myxoedema tend to have reduced levels. In
increase SHBG concentration. women with breast cancer SHBG concentrations
SHBG concentrations are reduced by drugs have been reported as normal" or low" and a
with androgenic or progestagenic activity includ- relationship between tumour oestrogen receptor
ing natural and synthetic androgens," synthetic status and SHBG concentration has been ob-
gestagens 63•64 (but not progesterone) and some served."
anabolic steroids." Lowering of SHBG is Reduced concentrations of SHBG and
thought to be due to a reduction in synthesis elevated androgens are frequently found in
rather than increased metabolic clearance. Some women with hyperprolactinaemiar" Prolactin
drugs such as danazol" and norgestrel" displace and growth hormone are structurally and
536 Selby

phylogenetically related and SHBG concentra- INDICATIONS FOR MEASUREMENT OF

tions tend to be low in acromegaly and subjects SHBG
undergoing treatment with growth hormone."
The diagnosis of hirsutism or virilism is made
Grossly obese subjects of both sexes have
essentially on clinical grounds. Biochemical as-
reduced SHBG and total testosterone concentra-
sessment merely helps to establish the aetiology
tions although free testosterone tends to remain
of the condition. In milder cases of androgen
normal." Increased androgen production rates
excess characterized by acne, hirsutism and
are found in obese women; increased metabolic
menstrual disturbance, total and free testos-
clearance rates are found in obese men and
terone concentrations are likely to be normal in
women possibly due to excessive androgen
over 50% of cases. In a recent survey in Notting-
metabolism in adipose tissue."
ham (Jeffcoate and Selby, unpublished observa-
tion) of 66 untreated women presenting with
Syndromes of androgen excess
hirsutism, SHBG was below 30 nmol/L in 31
A number of different clinical conditions are
(47%) and below 35 nmol/L in 38 (58%) whereas
associated with an effective excess of circulating
testosterone was elevated (greater than 2·8 nmolj
androgens. They present with acne," hirsutism."
L) in only 18 (27%). When SHBG is suppressed
virilism" and features of polycystic ovarian
and total testosterone remains normal or slightly
disease. Biochemically they are a heterogeneous
elevated the ratio of testosterone to SHBG
group characterized by increased androgen
increases. Estimation of this ratio (usually
secretion from the adrenal, ovary or both,"
termed the Free Androgen Index; FAI) and cal-
increased peripheral conversion and increased
culated as:
metabolic clearance rate of androgens'" and pos-
sible variation in target organ sensitivity." Total total testosterone
testosterone is elevated in only about 50%86,87 of SHBG x 100
cases, androstenedione and dehydroepiandro-
sterone and its sulphate may also be elevated" but is a more sensitive means of identifying subjects
SHBG is usually low, often less than 30 nmol with abnormal androgen status84,93- 9S than by
DH T bound/L. measurement of either total or measured free
Although there have been no detailed studies it testosterone (Fig. 2). In non-obese, non-hirsute
is generally assumed that women who complain oligomenorrhoeic women an elevated free
of acne and hirsutism in whom SHBG is normal androgen index during the early follicular phase
are more likely to be suffering from an abnormal- of a spontaneous menstrual cycle is reported to
ity of the skin, e.g. elevated 511. reductase activity, be a sensitive and specific indicator of polycystic
than circulating androgen concentration." overian disease." Knowledge of SHBG con-
Management of hirsutism and acne is usually centration also enables a calculation of free tes-
directed at reducing free androgen concentration tosterone (the 'derived' free testosterone")
by suppressing androgen secretion and/or another extremely sensitive index of abnormal
increasing SHBG synthesis." Most physicians androgen status.
favour use of oestrogen (adminstered with a suit- The finding of a low SHBG is significant and
able progestagen to induce withdrawal bleeding) has several important implications.
to increase SHBG synthesis. The powerful pro-
gestagen cyproterone acetate has several clinic- (i) Total testosterone and SHBG concentrations
ally useful effects. It suppresses gonadotrophin are partially interdependent. A suppressed
secretion and androgen synthesis and inhibits the SHBG in the presence of a high normal or
effects of androgen on the target organ." slightly elevated total testosterone infers an
However, the use of either oestrogen or increase in 'bioavailable' androgen with a
cyproterone acetate is inappropriate in those consequent increase in peripheral androgen
who wish to conceive. activity.
Reduced concentrations of SHBG are also
found in other conditions of androgen excess (ii) Since the aim of oestrogen therapy is to
including congenital adrenal hyperplasia and elevate plasma SHBG concentrations, those
Cushings syndrome." In women with androgen- subjects who have a suppressed SHBG may
secreting ovarian tumours SHBG concentrations be the most likely to respond.
are variously normal" or low-presumably
depending on the degree of peripheral conversion (iii) If SHBG concentrations lie within the refer-
of androgens to oestrogens. ence range in women with hirsutism it is
Sex hormone binding globulin 537

120 60
12 •

100 50

• •
..... 80 1.1 40
8 •

...J :::J • .s
<, 0 c
"0 ..c
660 I • ~
~ 6 c
e "0
t; c I • Ql

o (!)
III • tt
l- 4 .1. Ji 40
• •
•• 20

II • I
I • I •
·.1 II
•• • i •
2 ••~"H":;
••• 20 • • 10

•• •
• .-4&- ·:r·
A 8 A B A B

FIGURE 2. SHBG. total T and SHBG:T ratios (T/SHBG x 100) in normal women and women with evidence of
excessive androgen activity. - - Mean value. A, Normal subjects; B. subjects with clinical evidence of excessive
androgen activity.

likely that the predominant effect is excessive MEASUREMENT OF SHBG

skin responsiveness, so called 'idiopathic hir-
Assays for SHBG have recently been
reviewed.F:" They are generally one of two types,
binding assays in which the quantity of tritium
In situations where changes of SHBG con- labelled dihydro-testosterone or testosterone
centration are likely to occur (male hypogonad- specifically bound to SHBG is measured, or a
ism, androgen insensitivity, thyroid disorders, specific immunoassay of the SHBG protein.
diabetes mellitus, liver disease and extreme Where a liquid scintillation counter is available
changes in body weight) interpretation of total there is a choice of relatively inexpensive binding
testosterone measurements without knowledge assays suitable for clinical purposes. In the
of the SHBG concentration is difficult. Thus absence of a liquid scintillation counter the only
SHBG measurements in serum are indicated practical alternative is a commercial immunoas-
when investigating gonadal function in such say (see Appendix)
patients. SHBG measurements are also impor- A National External Quality Assessment
tant in the interpretation of changes in oestradiol Scheme for SHBG measurement is organized
and testosterone in subjects taking drugs known from this laboratory, some 40 laboratories par-
to affect either SHBG synthesis and/or gonadal ticipate, using a variety of methods. Evidence
steroid production. from this scheme suggests that the Farmos
Thus SHBG concentrations are good guide to Immuno-Radiometric assay, and the binding
androgen status and may be regarded as indica- assays of Rosner," Anderson et al.,26 Fattah and
tive of peripheral circulating androgen activity. Chard'?" and Iqbal and Johnson'?' are suitable.
Alternatively, interpretation of measurements of However, the possibility of interference in
total testosterone may be improved by expressing binding assays from drugs such as danazol must
them as a function of SHBG concentration. By be borne in mind.!"
such means abnormalities of androgen status Reagent costs of binding assays are less than
may be revealed which would remain hidden by half of those of a commercial immunoassay
measurement of testosterone alone. (about £3·3D/patient, 1989 prices) assuming com-
538 Selby

plete usage ofa kit for one assay batch. Although J Jeffcoate and C B Marenah for helpful discus-
other commercial assays are represented on the sions and comments, and to Mrs L M Selby for
scheme, at the time of writing insufficient data typing the manuscript.
are available to comment about their perfor-
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Excerpta Medica International Congress Series
resources. The service is best provided on a sub- 1966; 101: 212
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Analytical Working Party Task Force for Testos- 4 Murphy BEP. Binding of testosterone and
estradiol in plasma. Can J Biochem 1968; 46: 299-
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column. Biochemistry 1975; 14: 4813-19
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APPENDIX CWo The role of the carbohydrate moiety on the
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(I) DPC Immuno Radiometric Assay (IRMA) avail- of.human testosterone-estradiol-binding globulin.
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