The Final Review

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Final Review. For Information, you can look at resources on the HUB, on Google.

Write in complete
sentences. Be as specific as possible.

The social system depicted in the illustration is associated with —

Based on the diagram, the societies that adopted feudal systems were organized based on —

What is subsistence farming?

Subsistence agriculture is a self-sufficiency farming system in which the farmers focus on

growing enough food to feed themselves and their entire families. The output is mostly for local
requirements with little or no surplus trade.

How did the development of agriculture during Neolithic times impact people?
When people think of the Neolithic era, they often think of Stonehenge,
the iconic image of this early era. Dating to approximately 3000 B.C.E.
and set on Salisbury Plain in England, it is a structure larger and more
complex than anything built before it in Europe. Stonehenge is an
example of the cultural advances brought about by the
Neolithic revolution—the most important development in human
history. The way we live today, settled in homes, close to other people in
towns and cities, protected by laws, eating food grown on farms, and
with leisure time to learn, explore and invent is all a result of the
Neolithic revolution, which occurred approximately 11,500-5,000 years
ago. The revolution which led to our way of life was the development of
the technology needed to plant and harvest crops and to domesticate

Before the Neolithic revolution, it's likely you would have lived with your
extended family as a nomad, never staying anywhere for more than a few
months, always living in temporary shelters, always searching for food
and never owning anything you couldn’t easily pack in a pocket or a sack.
The change to the Neolithic way of life was huge and led to many of the
pleasures (lots of food, friends and a comfortable home) that we still
enjoy today.
Why were the river valleys of the Yellow River, the Tigris and other civilizations successful?

A river valley civilization or river culture is an agricultural nation or civilization situated beside and
drawing sustenance from a river. A "civilization" means a society with large permanent settlements
featuring urban development, social stratification, specialization of labour, centralized organization,
and written or other formal means of communication. A river gives the inhabitants a reliable source
of water for drinking and agriculture. Additional benefits include fishing, fertile soil due to annual
flooding, and ease of transportation. The first great civilizations, such as those in Mesopotamia and
Egypt, all grew up in river valleys.


Which of the following was necessary to foster the development of early civilizations?

The four river valley civilizations were the Tigris & Euphrates Valleys, the Nile RiverValley,
the Indus River Valley, and the Yellow River Valley. Civilizations developed
around rivers because their waters provided places to hunt and fish. Also, as therivers flooded,
the lands around them became fertile.

What quality did the Tigris, Euphrates, Indus, and Nile Rivers have in common that allowed early
civilizations to flourish along their banks? The name "Mesopotamia" literally means "between
the rivers" which indicates its geographic location. ... Both civilizations were river civilizations
dependent on therivers for their sustenance; however the Nile was far more important to Egypt
than were the Tigris and Euphrates to Mesopotamia.
What do you know about the ancient Sumerian(Mesopotamia) economy is correct?

Mesopotamia included Sumer, Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian empires, all native
to Mesopotamia. Now, what is the difference between Sumerians and
Babylonians? Sumer was one of the ancient civilization in southern Mesopotamiaduring the
Chalcolithic and Early Bronze age.
Sumerian government was similar to the modern US government in that the leader —

The collapse of Mesopotamian society, like the collapse of later civilizations, was caused by —
As new civilizations came to power in the Fertile Crescent, the cultural traditions of the civilizations that
had previously occupied the area —

Explain the invention of writing systems and the growth of cities is correct?

In what way were the ancient civilizations in Egypt and China similar?

Which of the following was not developed by both ancient Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations?

Which of the following was caused by the Neolithic Revolution?

The development of agriculture led to —

What is true about Islam during the period illustrated in this map?

What occurred during the Neolithic Revolution?

How did early civilizations develop in Egypt, China, and Mesopotamia?

How were both the Roman Empire and Han dynasty China able to

gain great wealth?

In which of the following ways did the ancient city of Sparta differ from the ancient city of Athens?
Which of the following is a contribution of ancient Roman culture?

Which of the following was a major effect of the decline of the Roman Empire?

The fall of the Roman Empire resulted in which of the following?

After the fall of Rome, what did the eastern portion of the Roman Empire become known as?
What can be the title for the map above?

The Middle Ages began in Western Europe following the collapse of —

What provided the most societal stability during the Middle Ages in Europe?

What is a definition for the term "feudalism"?

Remember a significant role in the rise of the civilizations of Ghana and Mali?

The list below describes developments associated with a specific historical period.

• Study of classical Greek and Roman culture

• Growing influence of Italian city-states

• A focus on humanist philosophy

These were all aspects of what?

Remember the political system of the ancient Roman Empire

The information below describes what life was like for ancient

Roman women.

• Roman women could own property in their own names.

• Roman women could dispose of their property by will.

Based on this information, what can you infer about ancient Roman women?

Remember the importance of the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages in Europe.

During the Middle Ages, the lives of average Europeans were most affected by what?
What conclusions can be drawn based on the information provided in this map?

During the Middle Ages in Europe, the institution that had almost total power and control was —
In Roman Catholicism, the best description of the pope is —

Which of the following economic systems was dominant in Europe during the Middle Ages?
What determined the amount of power a person held, and that person's position in society, during the
feudal period in Europe?

What was true of a typical medieval manor in Europe?

Feudalism developed in Western Europe after which of the following?

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