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“Carlos, Old Schoolmates Facebook Group organizes a meeting in Belchite old village,
it sounds interesting” said Alex to his friend Carlos.

Carlos had heard about paranormal phenomenons there, also he wanted to see his
old mates. It looked interesting so they decided to go.

They arrived to Belchite at night, later than expected, as they had suffered a
strange incident on the road. A car crossed them in opposite direction, they were
very lucky to react in time.

The entrance door to the old village was open, so they went quickly to the monastery,
which was the meeting point.

Promptly, they found a dense cloud of dust and a few later they saw a terrible image.
The walls of the ruined building had fallen over all people there.

Carlos and Alex had a panic attack, they could´t find their mobile phones. They had
to return to the entrance to ask for help. There was nobody alive in the village.

Surprisingly the entrance gate was closed now, they tried to force it without exit.

Suddenly they heard some steps and saw in the distance how two figures entered a
ruined house. One of them, was a cripple, and he entered behind the first man.

Immediately, Alex and Carlos ran towards them, but then they were paralyzed by
shock, when they saw how the man who had first entered the house fell from the

The two friends looked at the balcony. Where was the cripple person? The balcony
had not floor.

Alex stuttered “Carlos…has… has… has… youuuu seen the cripple person enter the
house?, I´m sure he was Iván Ga… Ga …Ga…rrido”.

Carlos trembled with fear, as he reminded that Garrido had died in a terrible
accident during a school trip, in strange circumstances.

Only Carlos and Alex left in that ghost village. This time Garrido won´t fail.

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