The Implementation of Cooperative Learning in Teaching Reading Skill at Vii Grade of SMPN 14 Buru

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Hanapi Hanapi
Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku


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Nur Anisa Rizky Ilahi Ternate

Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku

Riki Bugis
Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku

Hanapi Hanapi
Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku

The objectives of this research were (1) to know the implementation of
cooperative learning in improving the students reading skill. And (2) what are the
students’ respond about the implementation of cooperative learning. This research
employed classroom action research as the methodology of this research. This
research conducted two cycles and there were three meetings in each cycle. The
researcher used written test and questionnaire in collecting the data. The use of
reading test was to measure the students’ skill in reading after giving the
treatment, the use of questionnaire was to know the students’ interest in learning
process using the cooperative learning. The result of the test showed that the
students’ score in cycle I test was 61.20 and the students’ score in the cycle II test
was 77. The achievement of the test showed that the cooperative learning was
successful because the result of the cycle II test was higher than cycle I test. It is
also supported by questionnaire result was 80 with category very high. It shows
that students are most interest to join in learning process using the cooperative
learning. In line with this result, the researcher concluded that the technique
improved students’ ability in reading skill.

Keywords: cooperative learning, reading skill, response

English has a great role many aspect of life to day. It becomes the best
instrument and the most practical medium to access new information for global
communication. The development of the new technology has rapidly expand the
use of English and it mean that the future of English as international language
become an unavoidable trend. It is undeniable that English is use in many aspect
either in education, economic development, tourism, or intergovernmental
communication in this modern world.
In Indonesia, English has become a compulsory subject taught at
elementary school to university level. It’s has been explicitly state in several
official document release by the government especially those relate to education.
The first document is the competent based English curriculum realize by the
department of nation education in Indonesia (Depdiknas : 2001). In this
curriculum it is explain that as language which is use by more than half of the
world’s population, English has a role as the global language. This language can
become a tool to achieve the goal economy, relationship among countries, social
cultural process, education career development for people. Mastering English can
be consider a main requirement for the success individual, the society and the
nation of Indonesia to complete with other countries in the global era.
English have four skills that have to be learn by the students. They are
listening, speaking, reading and writing. Reading is one of the productive skills
that must be learn by the students of English as a foreign language. Reading
English in descriptive text still seems difficult for them. Many of them face some
problems in comprehending this text.
Based writer observation At SMPN 14 BURU . SMPN 14 BURU
located in Ubung village, Kecamatan Lilialy Kabupaten Buru, Jln Raya Ubung.
SMPN 14 BURU have 6 class 24 teachers and 110 student. Then writer found
students problems in learn english.Students difficult to understanding English,
because English is not their mother language and english is foreign language.
However, there were several problems faced by the students. Some of the
problems were: lack of vocabulary, inability in understanding structure,
unsuitable material give by teacher and students spend much time to check the
meaning of words in the dictionary.
Based on problems above, writer use technique cooperative learning for
overcome problems, because teaching have to use a technique, so students can
understanding english lesson. The students cannot understand the teacher’s
explanation. without technique Many students will be passive in the classroom as
long as teaching and learning process. So, writer try to implementation new
technique for improve the students reading skill.
Based on explanation above, the writer is interest to conduct a research
entitle: the implementation of cooperative learning in teaching reading skill of
descriptive text at vii grade of smpn 14 buru and writer hope this technique can
improve the students reading skill

Reading can be an enjoyable activity when it is carry out effectively
students should be motivation to acquire this competence. They should read a lot
to cover the information and increase their knowledge. Reading can be enjoyable
activity when it is carry out efficiently. Reading is an activity with a purpose. A
person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in
order to critique a writer’s ideas or writing style. A person may also read for
enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. So, a person
reads the reading materials depend on her or his goal.
Many experts have given their definition about what reading really means.
According to Harmer (1991:90), reading is an exercise dominate by the eyes and
the brain. Then, Ahuja and Ahuja (2001:5) also state that reading is both a
sensory and mental process. It involves use of the eye and the mind. The eyes
receive messages and the brain has to work out the significance of this messages.
It requires the students to read for meaning. It means that they not only read the
text but also understand the meaning of written text being read.
Burnes and Page (1985:45) define reading as an interactive process in
which the readers engage an exchange of ideas with an author via text. In other
words, readers’ understanding of the text is a kind of exchange ideas with the
author. It is the process of expression and reception of meaning as the primary
goal of both parties. Then, Nuttal (1982:14) defines reading as the meaningful
interpretation of printed or written verbal symbols. It means that reading is a
result of interaction between the perception of graphic symbols that represent
language and the reader’s language skills, cognitive skills, and the knowledge of
the world. In this process, the reader tries to create meanings intended by writer.
Latham as quoted by Burnes and Page (1985:25) states that reading is the
art of reconstructing from the printed page the writer’s idea, feelings, moods and
sensory impressions. It means that the reader will try to construct the writer’s
idea, feelings and imagine the visual images during reading the text in
understanding the meaning of the text. Based on definitions above, it can be
concluded that reading is an interactive and a thinking process of transferring
printed letters into meaning in order to communicate certain message between the
writer and the reader. In reading actively a reader brings her or his background
knowledge, emotion, and experience to construct his or her idea in understanding
the meaning of the text.
Reading is an activity with purpose. A person may read in order to gain
information or verity existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer’s idea or
writing styles. A person may also read for enjoyment or to enhance knowledge of
language being read. Talking those as the consideration, the purposes for reading
guide the reader’s selection of the text.
Carrel (1998:70) states that there are four skills taught in the classroom,
but the main object is reading comprehension. It means that reading becomes the
most important skill to develop in the classroom.
According to Burnes and Page (1995:58) they defined reading as an
interactive process in which the readers engage an exchange of ideas with the
author via a text. In other words, reader’s understanding of a text is a kind of
exchange ideas with the author. It is the process of expression and reception of
meaning as the primary goal of both processes.
Cooperative learning is frequently research in education. Cooperative
learning is a learning situation in which two or more students are working
together to complete a common task (Siegel, 2005). Integrating cooperative
learning strategies have proven to be effective in increasing student achievement
across all grade levels and subject areas (Johnson & Johnson, 1989). The use of
cooperative learning is an effective teaching and learning strategy. Consequently,
which cooperative learning strategies promotea significant increase in student
achievement and content literacy?
Schools are faced with pressure to produce competen tstudents in an era
of standardized tests, which has raised many questions about what is the best way
to teach social studies (Soares &Wood, 2010). Educators can choose between
lecture style, teacher centered methods and active or cooperative learning
strategies. Literacy is a natural component of social studies and the social studies
teacher is the key to successful literacy development Key et al, (2010). The
volume of facts and details contained within social studies textbooks often takes
priority over student learning activities Little, et al, (2007). Due to the volume of
content, classroom teachers have a challenge of adapting texts to their students’
needs and deciding which instructional methods will maximize students’ learning
and success (Hendrix, 1999). The expectation of this literature review was to gain
an understanding of some common cooperative learning strategies and then
determine the effectiveness of these strategies on student achievement in the
social studies classroom.
A more complex summary of cooperative learning is detailed by the Office
of Education Research Consumer Guide (1992):
Bern and Erikson (2001: 5) cooperative learning is a learning strategy that
organizes learning by using small study groups where students work together to
achieve learning objectives Jonshon, et al, (1994). Hamid Hasan 1996
"Cooperative learning is the use of small groups (2-5 people in learning that
enable students to work together to maximize their learning and learn other
members in groups.
Based on experience, cooperative learning is a group learning with the
members of 2 - 5 people with the idea to mutually motivate students to help each
other in order to achieve a goal of learning the maximum

Wardiman, et. al. (2008) specify the generic structure of descriptive text
into two parts, that is 1) introduction is the part of paragraph that introduces the
character; and 2) description is the part of paragraph that describes the character.
This indicates that a descriptive text has two elements – an element to identify
phenomenon (identification) and another one (description) to portray parts,
qualities, or characteristics. In terms of significant lexico grammatical features,
the text focuses on specific participants, contains attribute and identifying
process, comprises epithets and classifiers in nominal groups as well as uses
simple present tense (Sutardi & Sukhrian, 2004)
Table 2.1 The Generic Structure Of Descriptive Text
My Grandmother
My grandmother is a very gentle,
loving and caring person. She never
reises her voice at anyone. She has
IDENTIFICATION lived with me for as long as I can
remember. She cakes care of me
when mom and go to work.
My grandmother is a very neat and
tidy person. She has very dry gray
hair which she usually pulls up into a
bun. She has dark brown eyes that
twinkle, whenever. She sees me. I
hardly ever see tham wet.
Grandmother likes to tell stories. She
usually tells me brief stories of her
childhood and expresses them very
well with her tired, old wrinkled
hands. Sometimes, she also tells
story about grandmother who has
pass once told me that he was the
nicest person she ever met.

The syntax of Learning Together (Slavin, 2011) is:

1. The teacher presents lessons.
2. Form a group of 4 to 5 people heterogeneously (mix according to
achievement, gender, ethnicity, etc.)
3. Each group receives the assignment sheet and complete it.
4. Some groups present the results of their work.
5. Giving praise and appreciation based on the results of group work.
Research on this model has found that the forms of rewards given to
groups are based on individual learning of all group members, they increase
student achievement more than individualistic and have a positive influence
on the results issue, such as on race relations and acceptance of classmates
who have disability problems academic (Slavin, 2011)
Research Design
The research study on using cooperative learning strategies in teaching
descriptive text to improve reading skill was action research. This is a pre-
experimental design study including one group pre – test, treatment sessions and
one group pos- test. A single case is observation at two time points, where the
reseach do an experiment in a single group or class only. The result can be
Population and Sample
The population of this research is the seventh grade of SMPN 14 BURU
in the academic year 2018/2019. It consist of 2 class, the total number of the
population is 40 student.
A sample is a subset of a population Gay (1987:101) states that sampling
is the process of selecting of number of individuals representing the large of
group from which they are select. In other word we can say sampling is the
process of selecting a representative numbers of individuals from large group.
In this study the writer use stratified random sampling to take the sample.
stratified random sampling is a method of sampling, which involves the division
of a population into smaller groups, known as strata.
Instrument of the Research
The instrument of the research is:
1. Test
The test is use reading skill test in form of pretest and post-test by use
objectives test. It consist of 15 items to measure the student’ progress and result
of teaching learning activities
2. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is use to obtain information about the students “ interest
toward use cooperative learning technique use likert scale model and it consisit
25 questions.
Data Collecting Technique
Data collecting method is the method that is used by the researcher to
collect data. In collection of data the researcher uses instrument. Instrument is the
tool that use to get the data. In this research the instrument use was only test. The
test is in the form of descriptive text which is to measure the skill and
ability of an individual. There are two kinds of test:
1. Pre-test
Pre-test refers to a measure or test given to the subject prior to the
experimental treatment. Pre-test is a test given to the 30 students of experimental
group to measure their ability before treatment process. This test was given to
know the basic competence for 30 students and to know their earlier knowledge
before they get the treatment. Pre-test was given to the experimental group by
asking the students to tell their good experiences in their won words. The score of
pre-test then were got. Time location of the test was 66 minutes.
2. Post-test
Post-test is a measure on some attribute or characteristic that is assesed for
participant in an experiment after treatment. Pos-test is a measure taken after the
experimental treatment has been applied (Wiersama:1991). Post test was also
given for 30 students of experimental group. Post-test was use to measure
students ability after treatment process, to know their knowledge after they got
treatment. It was done to know the final score and to know the students difference
competence before and after they get treatment.
Before having post-test, the students got treatment. Treatment here means
that the researcher applied picture series as visual media in teaching reading. In
doing the post-test, the researcher gave the material about text grandmother.
The post-test was in the form of descriptive text about text granmother.
Time allocation was 66 minutes. This test was used to measure thestudents’ability
after they were given treatment.. To know whether the test is good or not, there
are two qualities are reliability and validity:
1. Content validity is a kind of validity which depends on careful analysis of the
language being tested and of particular test. A test is said to have content validity
if its content constitutes a representative sample of language skill, structures, etc
being tested. The test of this study had content validity because the items were
taken from source for the first grade students of SMPN 14 BURU that consisted
of 3O students.
2. Construct validity is concept or theory which basis of use skill of language.
Brown (2000) that a construct in any theory, hypothesis or model that attempts to
explain observed phenomena in our universe or perception. Language testing
used in this research was appropriate with the theory of testing reading. In this
research, testing reading used descriptive text
3. Reliability is a necessary characteristic of any good test for it to be valid at all
and a test must be reliable as measuring instrument. A reliable test is consistent
and dependable. The researcher gives test for 30 students to know the reliability
of test.
Data Analysis Technique
Table 3.2.To analyze the data, the reseach use the following sateps :
Aspek Score Descriptor

Pronunciation 5 Excellent : Easy to understand and have native

speaker accents

4 Good : Easy to understand even with certain

3 Average: There is a pronunciation problem that
makes the listener must be fully concentrated and
sometimes there is a misunderstanding

2 Poor : Difficult to understand because of

pronunciation problems, often asked to repeat

1 Verypoor: Serious pronunciation problems that

cannot be understood

Fluency 5 Excellent: Smooth like a native speaker

4 Good: Smoothness seems a little disturbed by

language problems

3 Average: Smoothness is a bit disturbed by

language problems

2 Poor: Often hesitant and stopped due to language


1 Very poor: Talking intermittently and stopping so

that conversation is impossible

Vocabulary 5 Excellent: Use vocabulary and phrases like

native speakers

4 Good: Sometimes using improper vocabulary

3 Average: Often using improper vocabulary,

conversation becomes limited due to limited

2 Poor : Using vocabulary incorrectly and limited

vocabulary so that it is difficult to understand

1 Very poor : Vocabulary is very limited so

conversation is not possible

Scoring the student’s answer of reading skill test of pre- test and post- test,
the reseach use scoring guide as follow:
Table 3.3. score clasification of the students Reading Skill
No Score Category
1 86 – 100 Excellent
2 71 – 85 Very Good
3 56 – 70 Good
4 41 – 55 Average
5 26 – 40 Poor
6 ≤ 25 Very Poor
( depdiknas ( in una, 2011: 53 )
Then the obtain score are analyze by using Descriptive and inferential by
using formula as follow :
A students’ score = The gain score
The maximal score x 100

The data from questionnaire use likert scale model and have be analyze in
percentage to see the students’ interest in reading skill use cooperative learning
(learning together)
Table 3.4. Likert Scale
Positive Statement Category Native Statement
Score Score
5 Strongly Agree 1
4 Agree 2
3 Undecided 3
2 Disagree 4
1 Strongly Disagree 5
( Arikunto, 2006 : 229 )

The choice of the statement are the data of the students’ interest and range
into five categories as in the follow table :
Table 3.5. Rate Interval Score of the Students’ interest
Range Category
85 – 100 Very High

69 – 84 High
53 – 68 Moderate
37 – 52 Low
20 – 36 Very Low
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