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A t the end of this course the student shall have knowledge of methods of prestressing advantages of
prestressing concrete, the losses involved and the design methods for prestressed concrete elements
under codal provisions.


Basic concepts – Advantages – Materials required – Systems and methods of prestressing – Analysis of
sections – Stress concepts – Strength concepts – Load balancing concept – Effect of loading on the
tensile stresses in tendons – Effect of tendon profile on deflections – Factors influencing deflections –
Calculation of deflections – Short term and long term deflections – Losses of prestress – Estimation of
crack width .


Flexural strength – Simplified procedures as per codes – strain compatibility method – Basic concepts in
selection of cross section for bending – stress distribution in end block, Design of anchorage zone
reinforcement – Limit state design criteria – Partial prestressing – Applications.


Design of prestressed concrete tanks – Pipes.


Analysis for stresses – Estimate for deflections – Flexural and shear strength of composite members.


General aspects – pretensioned prestressed bridge decks – Post tensioned prestressed bridge decks –
Principle of design only.



1. Krishna Raju N., Prestressed concrete, Tata Mcgraw Hill Company, New Delhi, 1998
2. Mallic.S.K. and Gupta A.P., Prestressed concrete , Oxbord and IBH publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd 1997.
3. Rajagopalan, N” Prestressed Concrete”, Alpha Science, 2002.
1. Ramaswamy G.S.Modern prestressed concrete design, Arnold Heinimen, Newdelhi, 1990
2. LinT.Y., Design of prestressed concrete structures, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1995
3. David A.Sheppard, William R and Philphs, Plant Cast precast and prestressed concrete – A
design guide, McGraw Hill,Newdelhi 1992

Basic concepts – Advantages – Materials required – Systems and methods of prestressing – Analysis of
sections – Stress concepts – Strength concepts – Load balancing concept – Effect of loading on the
tensile stresses in tendons – Effect of tendon profile on deflections – Factors influencing deflections –
Calculation of deflections – Short term and long term deflections – Losses of prestress – Estimation of
crack width .

Pre-stressed concrete
Definition: Concrete in which there have been introduced internal stresses of such magnitude and
distribution that the stresses resulting from given external loadings are countered to a desired degree -

Types of pre-stressing

Pre-tensioning & Post-tensioning

In pre-tensioning the tendons are tensioned before the concrete is placed. The tendons are temporarily
anchored to abutments or stressing beds. Then the concrete member is cast between and over the
wires. After the concrete has attained the required strength, the wires are cut from the bulkhead and
pre-stress is transferred to the concrete member.

In post-tensioning the concrete member is cast with ducts for the wires. After concrete has attained
sufficient strength, wires are threaded into the ducts, tensioned from both or one end by means of
jack/jacks and at the precise level of pre-stress the wires are anchored by means of wedges to the
anchorage plates at the ends.

Bonded & Un-bonded tendon

In post-tensioned members, the wires are either left free to slide in the ducts or the duct is filled with
grout. In the former, the tendon is un-bonded and in the latter it is bonded.

Stages of loading

Initial stage
The member is under pre-stress but is not subjected to any superimposed external loads. Further
subdivision of this stage is possible.

1. Before pre-stressing: Concrete is weak in carrying loads. Yielding of supports must be prevented.
2. During pre-stress:
a. Steel: This stage is critical for the strength of tendons. Often the maximum stress to
which the wires will be subjected throughout their life may occur at this stage.
b. Concrete: As concrete has not aged at this stage, crushing of concrete at anchorages is
possible, if its quality is inferior or the concrete is honeycombed. Order of pre-stressing
is important to avoid overstress in the concrete.
3. At transfer of pre-stress: For pre-tensioned members, where transfer is within a short period,
and for post-tensioned members where transfer may be gradual, there are no external loads on
the member except its own weight.
4. De-shuttering: The removal of form-work must be done after due consideration
Thus the initial pre-stress with little loss imposes a serious condition n the concrete and often controls
the design of the member.

Final stage
This is the stage when actual working loads come on the structure. The designer must consider various
combinations of live loads on different parts of the structure with lateral loads such as wind and
earthquake forces and strain loads produced by settlement of supports and temperature. The major
loads in this stage are:

1. Sustained load: It is often desirable to limit the deflection under sustained loads sue to its own
weight and dead loads.
2. Working load: The member must be designed for the working load. Check for excessive stress
and deflection must be made. But this design may not guarantee sufficient strength to carry
3. Cracking load: Cracking in a pre-stress member signifies a sudden change in bond and shearing
stresses. This stage is also important
4. Ultimate load: This strength denotes the maximum load the member can carry before collapse.


Elastic Shortening (ES) – Cl

Shortening in steel that occurs as soon as Fi is transferred to the concrete member and the member as
a whole shortens.

Fi = Pre-stress just before transfer

F = Final stress after losses

Fo = Immediately after transfer – very difficult to estimate

Note: The value of Fo may not be known, but it is not necessary, as the losses from Fi to Fo is only a
small percentage of Fi . Total accuracy is relative anyway, as Ec – the young’s modulus of concrete –
cannot be determined accurately.

ES = E s 

where  is the shortening in steel that occurs as soon as Fi is transferred to the

concrete member and the member as a whole shortens. Thus  is the shortening in the
member due to Fi at the level of steel.



Since f c is the stress in concrete at level of steel and is


Taking n


As Fo cannot be estimated, Fi can be used to calculate ES.

 at level of steel 

ES  Es
 Es

AC  nAS

Taking At  AC EC  AS E S
ES 

 whichever way the ES is calculated

ES = n (concrete stress at level of steel)

If external loads are acting on the member, then concrete, then concrete stress due to
all loads at level of steel must be determined.

FO FO e 2 M G e
fc    

Note: AG , the gross-area, instead of the transformed sectional area, leads to simpler calculations and
fairly accurate results.

Fo  0.9Fi for pre-tensioned member

fc  

ES  nf c

Creep (CR) Cl

Among the many factors affecting creep are volume to surface ratio, age of concrete at time of pre-
stress, relative humidity, type of concrete (lightweight / normal). Creep is assumed to occur in the
member after permanent loads are imposed after pre-stress. Creep occurs over a long period of time
under sustained load. Part of initial compressive strain induced in concrete immediately after transfer is
reduced by the tensile strain produced by superimposed permanent loads.

Therefore for bonded members, loss due to creep

CR  n f cir  f cds  f c


 = Creep coefficient – Cl 4.5.3 & Cl

f cir = concrete stress at level of steel immediately after transfer.

f cds = stress in concrete at steel level due to superimposed dead loads applied to the
member after transfer of pre-stress

Shrinkage of concrete (SH) Cl

Factors like volume to surface ratio, relative humidity, time from end of moist curing to application of
pre-stress, affect shrinkage in concrete. Shrinkage is time-dependant and about 80% of the final loss due
to shrinkage occurs in the first year and 100% after several years.

Shrinkage strain

 sh  0.0003 for pretensioned member

 for posttensioned member and
log 10 t  2 Cl
may be increased by 50% in dry condition
but not more than 0.0003

Relaxation of steel (RE) Cl

When elongation is sustained over pre-stressing cable for a long time, the pre-stress will decrease
gradually. The RE – loss due to relaxation depends on type of steel, time, as well as the ratio of
where f i is the initial pre-stress and f p is the characteristic strength of steel.





0.5 fp 0

0.6 fp 35

0.7 fp 70

0.8 fp 90
Anchorage slip (ANC) Cl
In post-tensioning, when the jack is released, the full pre-stress is transferred to the anchorage and they
tend to deform, allowing the tendon to slacken. Friction wedges will slip a little before they grip the wire
firmly. So, in post-tensioning the wedges are positively engaged before the jack is released. In pre-
tensioning also, the anchorage slip is compensated for during stressing operation.

The loss is caused by a fixed shortening of the anchorages, so the percentage loss is
higher in shorter wires than in long ones.

If a tendon is stressed to 1035 MPa, with E s  210 5 MPa and the anchorage slips by 2.5 mm,

 Total   0.005175
2 10 5

In a cable of 3m length, elongation  l  0.005175  3000  15.53 mm , ie %  l  100  16%

But in a cable of 30 m length, elongation  l  0.005175  30000  155.30 mm , ie

%l  100  1.6% only

Frictional loss Cl

Frictional loss comprise of two parts: (1) The length effect and (2) The curvature effect.

The length effect or the wobble effect of the duct is the friction that will exist between straight tendon
and the surrounding material. This loss is dependant on the length and stress in the tendon, the
coefficient of friction between the contact materials, the workmanship and the method used in aligning
and obtaining the duct.

The curvature effect is the loss due to intended curvature of the tendon. This again depends on the
coefficient of friction between the materials and the pressure exerted by the tendon on the curvature.

For un-bonded tendon, lubrication, in the form of grease and plastic tube wrapping can be used to

For bonded tendon lubricant in the form of water soluble oils are used during stressing operation and
flushed off with after before grouting.

Jacking from both ends of the beam will also reduce loss due to friction.
For straight or moderately curved structures, with curved or straight cables, the value of pre-stressing
force Px at a distance x meters from tensioning end and acting in the direction of the tangent to the
curve of the cable, shall be calculated as below:

Px = Poe– ( μα + kx ).

Where Po = pre-stressing force in the pre-stressed steel at the tensioning end acting in the direction of
the tangent to the curve of the cable, α = cumulative angle in radians through which the tangent to the
cable profile has turned between any two points under consideration, μ = coefficient of friction in curve;
unless otherwise proved by tests, μ may be taken as: 0.55 for steel moving on smooth concrete, 0.30 for
steel moving on steel fixed to duct, and 0.25 for steel moving on lead, k = coefficient for wobble or wave
effect varying from 15 × 10–4 to 50 × 10–4 per meter. The expansion of the equation for Px for small
values of (μα + kx) may be Px = Po (1 – μα – kx).


To calculate ES in Pre-tensioned beam - eccentric tendon

A pre-tensioned beam of 100 mm x 300 mm is pre-stressed by straight wires with Fi = 150 kN at an e =
50 mm. E S = 2.1x105 MPa, E C = 0.35x105 MPa and AP = 188 mm2. Estimate ES.

AG = 100 x 300 = 30000 mm2

100  300 3
I = = 225x106 mm4

n = = 6.0
Fi Fi e 2
fc   

150 10 3 150 10 3  50  50

fc =  = -6.67 MPa
30000 225 10 6

ES  nf c

ES = 6 6.67 = 40.02 MPa

40.02 188
Loss = = 5.02%
150 10 3

ES in Pre-tensioned beam - concentric tendon

A straight pre-tensioned beam 12 m long of 380 mm x 380 mm is concentrically pre-stressed with 780
mm2 wires anchored to bulkheads with a f i = 1035 MPa. E S = 2x105 MPa, E C = 0.33x105 MPa.
Estimate ES at transfer.

Fi = 1035 x 780 = 807.30 kN

AG = 380 x 380 = 144400 mm2

AC = AG - AS

= 144400 – 780 = 143620 mm2

AT = AC + nAS
= 143620 + 6x780 = 148300 mm2

n = = 6.0

fc  

807.30 10 3
fc = = -5.44 MPa

ES  nf c

ES = 6 5.44 = 32.66 MPa

If Fo  0.9Fi

FO = 0.90x807.30 = 726.57 kN

fc  

726.57 10 3
fc = = 5.03 MPa

ES = 5.03x6 = 30.18 MPa

ES in Pre-tensioned beam - Eccentric tendons at top & bot

A pre-tensioned beam of 200 mm x 300 mm is pre-stressed with 15#5mm  wires located at 65 mm
from the bottom of the beam and 3#5mm  wires located at 25 mm from the top of the beam. f i =
840 MPa. E S = 2.1x105 MPa, E C = 0.315x105 MPa. Estimate ES at transfer.
Aw = Area of one wire

  52
= = 19.63 mm2

Fi = 18x19.63x840 = 296.81 kN

200  300 3
I = = 450x106 mm4

n = = 6.67

eeq =
15 19.63  840 85  3 19.63  840125 = 50 mm
18 19.63  840

Fi Fi e
f CTop    yt

296.8110 3 296.8110 3  50
f CTop =  125 = -0.824 MPa
60000 450 10 6

Fi Fi e
f CBot    yt
296.81  10 3 296.81  10 3  50
f CBot =  85 = -7.75 MPa
60000 450  10 6

ES  nf c

ESTop = 6.67  0.824 = 5.50 MPa

ESBot = 6.67  7.75 = 51.69 MPa

To calculate ES in Post-tensioned beam

A straight post-tensioned beam 12 m long of 380 mm x 380 mm is concentrically pre-stressed with 780
mm2 wires made up of 4 tendons with 195 mm2 and the tendons are pre-stressed sequentially with a f i
= 1035 MPa. E S = 2x105 MPa, E C = 0.33x105 MPa. Estimate ES at transfer.

The loss in the 1st tendon is due to the shortening of concrete by the pre-stressing of the previous 3
tendons. We can assume that Fi in each of these tendons are constant and f c  n .

 for the 1st tendon

3 195 1035
ES1 = 6 = 25.16 MPa
380  380

for the 2nd tendon

2 195 1035
ES2 = 6 = 16.77 MPa
380  380
for the 3rd tendon

1195 1035
ES3 = 6 = 8.39 MPa
380  380

There is no loss in the 4th tendon

 The average loss

25.16  16.77  8.39

ESav = = 12.58 MPa

When there are many cables, it is quite enough to assume that ESav of the loss in the 1st cable.

Thus ESav =  25.16 = 12.58 MPa

If it is desired that there should be no loss at all, then the cables can be overstressed before anchorage.

f i in 1st cable = 1035+25.16 = 1060.16 MPa

f i in 2nd cable = 1035+16.77 = 1051.77 MPa

f i in 3rd cable = 1035+8.39 = 1043.39 MPa

f i in 4th cable = 1035.00 MPa

But this stressing pattern is highly theoretical.

To calculate CR, SH and RE in post-tensioned beam

A straight post-tensioned beam of size 100 mm x 300 mm is pre-stressed with 5 wires of 7 mm  . The
average pre-stress after short-term losses is f pe = 1200 MPa. The gae at loading is 28 days. E S = 2x105
MPa, E C = 0.35x105 MPa. Estimate CR, SH and RE assuming fp = 1715 MPa.
 = 1.6 T.2c.1, Cl

n = = 5.71

Aw = Area of one wire

 72
= = 38.45 mm2

Fpe = 5x38.45x1200 = 230.7 kN

AG = 300 x 100 = 30000 mm2

100  300 3
I = = 225x106 mm4

F pe F pe e
f cir    y

230700 230700  50
=  50 = -10.25 MPa
30000 225 10 6

CR = 1.6  5.7110.25 = 93.64 MPa

t = 28 days

 sh  Cl
log 10 t  2

= = 1.35x10-4
log 10 28  2

SH =  sh  E S

= 1.35x10-4 x (2x105) = 27 MPa

f pe = 1200 MPa

f pe 1200
= = 0.699
fp 1715

 70 %

f pe = 0.70 f p

RE = 70 MPa T.4, Cl

To calculate frictional losses – tensioned from one end

A post-tensioned beam 100 mm × 300 mm of le = 10 m is stressed by successive tensioning and
anchoring of 3 cables A, B, and C respectively as shown in figure. Each cable has cross section area of
200 mm2 and has initial stress of 1200 MPa. If the cables are tensioned from one end, estimate the
percentage loss in each cable due to friction at the anchored end. Assume μ = 0.35, K = 0.0015 / m.
 , the cable being considered a parabola of segment length = x and y = central sag.

L = 10000 mm for all cables

 = 0.35

K = 0.0015 / m

Let F1 be the pre-stress at beginning of the 1st segment

Cable L KL y   KL   e KL   Stress @

mm end of seg
mm rad

A 10000 0.015 100 0.08 0.028 0.043 0.958 0.958F1

B 10000 0.015 50 0.04 0.014 0.029 0.971 0.931F1

C 10000 0.015 0 0 0 0.015 0.985 0.917F1

Loss = 1 – 0.917 = 0.08

= 8%

To calculate frictional losses – tensioned from both ends

A pre-stressed concrete beam is continuous over two spans and its curved tendon is to be tensioned
from both ends. Compute the percentage of loss of pre-stress due to friction from one end to the center
of the beam (A-E). The coefficient of friction between the cable and the duct is 0.40 and the average
wobble or length effect is represented by k = 0.0026/m. The cable is straight between A-B and C-D. The
change in angle between BC is 0.167 radians and that between DE is 0.100 radians.
Segment L KL   KL   e KL   Stress @
end of seg
m rad

AB 5.334 0.014 0 0 0.014 0.986 0.986F1

BC 7.620 0.020 0.167 0.067 0.087 0.917 0.904F1

CD 5.334 0.014 0 0 0.014 0.986 0.892F1

DE 3.048 0.008 0.100 0.040 0.048 0.953 0.850F1

Loss = 1 – 0.850 = 0.15

= 15%

Flexural strength – Simplified procedures as per codes – strain compatibility method – Basic concepts in
selection of cross section for bending – stress distribution in end block, Design of anchorage zone
reinforcement – Limit state design criteria – Partial prestressing – Applications.

Analysis of beam section - concept

Sign convention
1. Tension is (+)
2. Compression is (-)

Different concepts
Different concepts can be applied to the analysis if PSC concrete beams, namely

1. Pre-stressing transforms concrete into an elastic material.

2. Pre-stressing is a combination of high-strength steel and concrete.
3. Pre-stress balances loads.

Elastic material
This concept treats concrete as an elastic material and is the most common among engineers. Here
concrete is visualized as being subjected to:

1. Internal pre-stress
2. External loads.
So long as there are no cracks in the section, the stresses, strains and deflections of the concrete due to
the two systems of forces can be considered separately and superimposed if needed.

Due to a tensile pre-stressing force F, thee resulting stress at a section is given below.
F Fey My
f   

The concrete stress at a section due to pre-stress f is dependant only on the magnitude and location of
pre-stress at that section, ie., F and e, regardless of how the tendon profile varies elsewhere along the

[Note: Stresses are calculated with force and eccentricity in steel.]

Ex 1
A pre-stress concrete rectangular beam of size 500 mm x 750 mm has a simple span of 7.3 m and is
loaded with a udl of 45 kN/m including its self-weight. An effective pre-stress of 1620 kN is produced.
Compute the fiber stresses in concrete at mid-span section.
F = 1620 kN

A = 500 x 750 = 375000 mm2

e = 145 mm

500  750 3
I = = 1.758 x1010 mm4

y = = 375 mm

45  7.3 2
M = = 299.76 kN-m

F Fey My
f   

1620000 1620000 145  375 299.76 10 6  375

f =  
375000 1.758 1010 1.758 1010

=  4.32  5.01  6.39

f top =  4.32  5.01  6.39 = -5.70 MPa

f bot =  4.32  5.01  6.39 = -2.94 MPa

High strength steel and concrete

This considers the pre-stressed concrete as combination of steel and concrete similar to RCC. Tension
exists in steel and compression in concrete. These two form a internal resisting couple against external
moment produced by loads.

C Cey
f  

[Note: Stresses are calculated with force and eccentricity in concrete. e is the eccentricity of C, the
compressive force in concrete.]

Ex 2
Solve Ex.1 using this concept.
45  7.3 2
M = = 299.76 kN-m

C=T = 1620 kN

Lever arm a =

299.76 10 6
= = 185 mm
1620 10 3

C acts at = 185 + 230 = 415 mm from top

e for C = 415  = 40 mm

C Cey
f  

1620000 1620000  40  375

f = 
375000 1.758 1010

=  4.32  1.38

f top =  4.32  1.38 = -5.70 MPa

f bot =  4.32  1.38 = -2.94 MPa

Load balancing
The effect of pre-stressing is considered as the balancing of gravity loads so that the member under
bending will not be subjected to flexural stresses under a given loading condition.

wup 
4 Pe
wup 

wup 

Due to a parabolic tendon of length l, sag h and stressed to F, wb 

F My
f   where M is the moment due to net loads.

Ex 3
Solve Ex.1 using this concept.
wb 

8 1620  0.145
wb = = -35.30 kN/m (up)
7.3 2

Net udl = 45.0 – 35.30 = 9.70 kN/m (down)

9.7  7.3 2
M = = 64.60 kN-m

F My
fc   

1620000 64.60 10 6  375

fc = 
375000 1.758 1010

=  4.32  1.38

f top =  4.32  1.38 = -5.70 MPa

f bot =  4.32  1.38 = -2.94 MPa

Analysis of beam section for flexure

Stress in concrete and steel due to pre-stress only


F = pre-stress (whether initial or final) and applied through the centroid.

fc =  where A is the area of concrete

Using the transformed method, stress in concrete is uniform even at the level of steel

fc =
AC  nAS

Fi F
= or  i

Stress in steel

fs = n f c

AC  nAS

= Which represents the immediate reduction in pre-stress in steel at transfer.
But is approximated to,

= where AG is the gross area, the error being about 2% to 3 %

Example - Pre-tensioned member – concentric tendon

A pre-tensioned beam of size 200 mm x 300 mm is concentrically pre-stressed with 520 mm2 wires
anchored to bulkheads with a f i = 1035 MPa. Assuming n = 6, compute the stresses in concrete and
steel immediately after transfer due to pre-stress only.
AG = 200 x 300 = 60000 mm2

Fi = 520 x 1035 = 538.20 kN

538.20  10 3
fc = at level of steel = -8.97

ES 

=  6  8.97 = -53.82 MPa

f Pe (aft. loss) = 1035.00 – 53.82 = 981.00 MPa

f cTop, Bot (aft. loss)


981 520
= = -8.50 MPa

Example - Pre-tensioned member – eccentric tendon

A pre-tensioned beam of size 200 mm x 300 mm is eccentrically pre-stressed with 520 mm2 wires
anchored to bulkheads with a f i = 1035 MPa. The cgs is 100 mm above the bottom of the beam.
Assuming n = 6, compute the stresses in concrete and steel immediately after transfer due to pre-stress

Fi = 1035 x 520 = 538.20 kN

e = 150 – 50 = 50 mm

AG = 200 x 300 = 60000 mm2

200  300 3
I = = 450 x106 mm4

Fi Fi e 2
fc    at level of steel

538.20 10 3 538.20 10 3  50  50

fc =  = -11.96 MPa
60000 450 10 6

ES  nf c

ES = 611.96 = 71.76 MPa

f Pe (aft. loss) = 1035.00 – 71.76 = 963.24 MPa

Fe = 983.24 x 520 = 500.88 kN

f cTop, Bot (aft. loss)

Fe Fe e
=  y

500.88 10 3 500.88 10 3  50

=  150
60000 450 10 6

=  8.348  8.348

f top =  8.348  8.348 = 0 MPa

f bot =  8.348  8.348 = -16.70 MPa

f c at level of steel could also be approximated to

fc  

In that case

500.88 10 3
fc = = 8.348
ES  nf c

ES = 6 x 8.348 = 53.82 MPa

f Pe (aft. loss) = 1035.00 – 53.82 = 981.18 MPa

Fe = 981.18 x 520 = 510.21 kN

f cTop, Bot (aft. loss)

510.2110 3 510.2110 3  50
=  150
60000 450 10 6

f top =  8.50  8.50 = 0 MPa

f bot =  8.50  8.50 = -17.0 MPa

Which show that the approximate method is fast and quite accurate.

Example - Post-tensioned member – eccentric tendon

A post-tensioned beam of size 200 mm x 300 mm is eccentrically pre-stressed with 520 mm2 wires
stressed to a f i = 1035 MPa. The cgs is 75 mm above the bottom of the beam. Immediately after
transfer the stress reduces by 5% owing to anchorage and other losses. The size of the duct is 50 mm x
75 mm. Compute the stresses in concrete and steel immediately after transfer due to pre-stress only.

Fi = 1035 x 520 = 538.20 kN

Fe = 0.95 x Fi

= 0.95 x 538.20 = 511.29 kN

e = 150 – 50 = 50 mm

AG = 200 x 300 = 60000 mm2

200  300 3
I = = 450 x106 mm4
f cTop, Bot (aft. loss)

Fe Fe e
=  y

511.29 10 3 511.29 10 3  75

=  150
60000 450 10 6

=  8.52  12.78

f top =  8.52  12.78 = 4.26 MPa

f bot =  8.52  12.78 = -21.30 MPa

Stress in concrete due to pre-stress & loads

Stresses in concrete produced by external bending moment, whether due to the beam’s self-weight or
applied load is:

fc  y

The resulting stress in concrete due to both the pre-stress and loads is:

F Fe M
fc    y y

Example - Post-tensioned member with loads

A post-tensioned beam of size 300 mm x 600 mm and le = 12 m is pre-stressed with1575 kN which
eventually reduces to 1350 kN due to losses. The cgs is 175 mm above the bottom of the beam. The
beam carries two live loads of 45 kN each in addition to its self-weight of 4.5 kN/m. Compute the
extreme fiber stresses at mid-span for (a) initial condition with full pre-stress and no live load and (b)
pre-stress after losses with full live load.

Fi = 1575 kN
Fe = 1350 kN

e = 300 – 175 = 125 mm

AG = 300 x 600 = 180000 mm2

300  600 3
I = = 5400 x106 mm4

4.5 10 3 12 2

MG = = 81 kN-m

ML = 45  4.5 = 202.5 kN-m

MT = 81 + 202.5 = 283.50 kN-m

Initial condition

Fi Fi e M
fc    y y

1575 10 3 1575 10 3 125 8110 6

=  300  300
180000 5400 10 6 5400 10 6

=  8.75  10.94  4.5

f cTop =  8.75  10.94  4.5 = -2.31 MPa

f cBot =  8.75  10.94  4.5 = -15.19 MPa

Final condition

Fe Fe e M
fc    y y

1350 10 3 1350 10 3 125 283.5 10 6

=  300  300
180000 5400 10 6 5400 10 6

=  7.5  9.38  15.75

f cTop = -13.87 MPa

f cBot = -1.13 MPa

Example - Post-tensioned member with loads

Solve Ex 6.2.1 by locating the center of pressure C for concrete section.

Fe = 1350 kN

MT = 81 + 202.5 = 283.50 kN-m

283.50 10 6
a = = 210 mm
1350 10 3

e = 210 – 125 = 85 mm

C = Fe = 1350 kN

C Cey
fc   

1350 10 3 1350 10 3  85

=  300
180000 5400 10 6

=  7.5  6.37

f cTop =  7.5  6.37 = -13.87 MPa

f cBot =  7.5  6.37 = -1.13 MPa

Stress in steel due to loads

In RCC members, the lever arm between the resultant compression and tension remains almost
constant but the tension in steel increases almost proportionately with increasing moment till yielding.
In pre-stress concrete resistance to external bending moments is furnished by a lengthening of the lever
arm between the resisting forces C and T which remain relatively unchanged in magnitude.

After cracking, the stress in pre-stressing steel increases rapidly with moment.

The following sketch explains the variations of the stress in pre-stressing steel f p with increasing load.
The variations are shown for bonded and un bonded tendons.

After the pre-stress is transferred while the member is supported at the ends, the stress will tend to
increase from the value after losses f po due to the moment under self weight. Simultaneously the stress
will tend to drop due to the time dependent losses such as creep, shrinkage and relaxation. The
effective pre-stress after time dependent losses is denoted as f pe .
Due to the moment under service loads, the stress in the pre-stressing steel will slightly increase from
f pe . The increase is more at the section of maximum moment in a bonded tendon as compared to the
increase in average stress for an un bonded tendon.

The stress in a bonded tendon is not uniform along the length. Usually the increase in stress is neglected
in the calculations under service loads. If the loads are further increased, the stress increases slightly till

After cracking, there is a jump of the stress in the pre-stressing steel. Beyond that, the stress increases
rapidly with moment till the ultimate load. At ultimate, the stress is f pu .

Similar to the observation for pre-cracking, the average stress in an un bonded tendon is less than the
stress at the section of maximum moment for a bonded tendon.

As discussed above, at the section of maximum moment, the stresses in the un bonded tendon
increases more slowly than that for bonded tendon. This is because any strain in an un bonded tendon
will be distributed throughout its entire length.

If MR is the resultant moment in at a cross-section of a bonded beam and the beam deflects downwards,
there is an increase in steel stress due to this bending given by

f s  nf c  n y

Let M be the moment at any given point of an un bonded beam, f c the stress in concrete at a section,

fc  y

If  c is the strain in concrete in that section

f M
c   y
Ec Ec I

Then  , the total strain along the cable is,

   dx   ydx
Ec I

 M
 ydx is the average strain
L E c IL

The stress in steel f s

 E M
f s  E s   s ydx
L E c IL
n M
L I
 ydx

Example – stress in steel

A post-tensioned beam of span le = 12 m and size 300 mm x 600 mm, carries a superimposed load of 11
kN/m in addition to its own weight of 4.5 kN/m. The initial pre-stress in steel is 950 MPa and reduces to
820 MPa after all losses and assuming no bending in beam. The cable of are 1600 mm2 is parabolic. N=6.
Compute the stress in steel at mid-span assuming (a) the steel is bonded by grouting and (b) the steel is
un bonded and entirely free to slip.

Bonded tendon:

Fi = 1600 x 950 = 1520 kN

Fe = 1600 x 820 = 1312 kN

e at mid span = 125 mm

A = 300 x 600 = 180000

300  600 3
I = = 5400 x106 mm4

wt  ws  wG

= 4.5 + 11.0 = 15.50 kN/m

MT  t e

15.5 10 3 12 2

= = 279 kN-m

Moment due to Fe

= 1312 x 125 = -164 kN-m

MR = 279 – 164 = 115 kN-m

At level of steel

fc  y

115 10 6
= 125 = 2.66 MPa
5400 10 6

Increase in stress in steel

f s = nf c

= 6 x 2.66 = 15.97 MPa

Resultant f s = 820 + 16 = 836 MPa

Un bonded beam

n M
L I
f s  ydx
from the BMD and y diagram

  2 
 x 
M  M o 1    
 L 
  2  
 

  2 
 x 
y  y o 1    
 L 
  2  
 
  2 
n 2  x 
    dx
f s  M o o 1
 l  
  2  
 

8n M o y o nM o y o
f s  where is the stress at mid span of a bonded beam = 16 MPa.
15 I I

f s  16 = 8.53 MPa

Resultant f s = 820 + 8.53 = 828.53 MPa

Cracking moment
Moments producing first crack in a pre-stressed concrete beam, assuming cracks start when tensile
stress in the extreme fiber of concrete reaches its modulus of rupture, f cr ,

f cr  0.7 f ck cl 5.2.2

Therefore cracks appear when

Fe Fe e M
f cr    y y or

Fe I f cr I
M  Fe e  
Ay y
For the problem in 6.3.1 compute the total dead and live load that can be carried by the beam for (a)
zero tensile stress at bottom fiber and (2) cracking in the bottom fiber assuming f cr  4.2MPa and Fe =
1350 kN.

To obtain zero stress in the bottom fiber, the center of pressure must be located at the top kern point

a = (e+kt)

= 125 + 100 = 225 mm

M = Fe x a

= 1350000 x 225 = 303.75 kN-m

wT 

8  303.75 10 6
= = 16.87 kN/m
12000 2

For cracking moment, additional moment

f cr I

4.2  5400 10 6

= = 75.6 kN-m

M = 303.75 + 75.60 = 379.35 kN-m

8  379.35 10 6
wT = = 21.07 kN/m
12000 2
Elastic Design for flexure


At transfer: At working load

Fi Fi e M G Fe Fe e M G M L
Top:     f tt  (1) Top:      f cw  (3)
A Zt Zt A Zt Zt Zt

Fi Fi e M G Fe Fe e M G M L
Bot:     f ct  (2) Bot:      f tw  (4)
A Zb Zb A Zb Zb Zb

Taking 
Fi Fi e M Fi Fi e M
   f tt  G  (1)    f ct  G  (2)
A Zt Zt A Zb Zb

 Fi Fi e  M G M L  Fi Fi e  M G M L
       f cw  (3)        f tw  (4)
 A Zt  Zt Zt  A Zb  Zb Zb

 MG  MG ML  MG  MG ML
  f tt      f cw  (3)   f ct      f tw  (4)
 Zt  Z t Z t  Zb  Z b Z b

M G 1  n   M L M G 1  n   M L
  f cw  f tt  f tr  (3)  f tw  f ct  f cr  (4)
Zt Zb

M G 1  n   M L M G 1  n   M L
Zt   (5) Zb   (6)
f tr f cr

Max. pre-stressing force is limited by

1. Tension at top - f tt during transfer – Eq.1

2. Min. Comp stress at bottom - f tw during working load – Eq.4
Therefore from Eq.1 and Eq.2 and taking

Fi Fi e
ft   
A Zt

Fi Fi e
fb   
A Zb

f t  f tt   (7) form Eq.1

 f b    f tw  (8) from Eq.4
Zb Zb

1 M ML 
fb   f tw  G   (8)
 Zb 
Also, since:

Fi Fi e
ft    (a)
A Zt

Fi Fi e
fb     (b)
A Zb

 F 
Fi e   f t  i  Z t (a )
 A

Fi  F Z
fb     f t  i  t (b)
A  A  Zb

Fi  Z b  Z t  Z
fb      f t t
A  Z b  Zb

Fi  f b Z b  f t Z t
  (9)
A Zb  Zt

 1 e 
f t  Fi     (a )
 A Zt 

 1 e 
f b  Fi     (b)
 A Zb 

f t Z b Ae  Z t

f b Z t  Ae  Z b

Zb Zt  fb  ft 
Ae  (10)
ft Zt  fb Zb

Remember, in these equations:

f t  f tt 
1 M ML 
fb   f tw  G 
 Zb 

When MG is large as will be the case for long span and/or heavy girders, the computed eccentricity e
from Eq.10, may fall below the bottom of the beam. In that case, the e available is worked out and Fi is
increased suitably.

Fi for know eccentricity e working load is:

Fi Fi e 1  M ML 
fb      f tw  G  from Eq.4
A Zb   Zb 

From the first part of the above equation

Fi Fi e
fb   
A Zb
 Z  Ae 
  Fi  b 
 AZ b 

 f AZ 
Fi   b b   (11)
 Z b  Ae 

Permissible stresses for flexure member

Steel – Cl 8.5.1
Steel stress for pre-tensioned tendons immediately after transfer or post-tensioned tendons after
anchorage is:

f pi  0.87 f pu

Where f pi = Maximum initial pre-stress, and f pu = Ultimate tensile stress in tendon.

Concrete in compression – Cl,

Concrete stress after transfer and before losses in extreme fiber

Compression = 0.54 fck to 0.37 fck (for M30 to M60) for post-tension

= 0.51 fck to 0.44 fck (or M40 to M60) for pre-tension

Concrete stress at service loads after transfer and after losses in extreme fiber

Compression = 0.41 fck to 0.35 fck (for M30 to M60) for post-tension

= 0.34 fck to 0.27 fck (or M40 to M60) for pre-tension

Concrete in tension – Cl 22.7.1

Concrete stress after transfer and before losses in extreme fiber

1. For Type 1 members, Tension = 0.

2. For Type 2 members, Tension = 3.0 MPa to 4.5 MPa
3. For Type 3 members, Tension = 4.1 MPa to 4.8 MPa

Concrete stress at service loads after transfer and after losses in extreme fiber

Tension = same as at transfer before losses


Depth not restricted - beam

Design a post-tensioned beam of le = 12 m to carry a live load of 12 kN/m throughout its length. The
width of beam b = 250 mm. f ct  f cw  17MPa and f tt  f tw  1.4MPa .  = 0.85.

Assume depth of beam = h mm

A = 250h mm2
 h 
 0.25    24 12

 1000 
MG = = 0.108h kN-m

12 12 2
ML = = 216 kN-m

Min Z is governed by Zb. From Eq.4

f cr  f tw f ct

f cr = 1.4  0.85 17 = 15.85 MPa

M G 1  n   M L
Zb   (6)
f cr

0.108h1  0.8510 6  216 10 6 =
10 6 216  0.0162h 
15.85 15.85

250h 2
Z b also =

From which

h = 580 mm

A = 250 x 580 = 145x103 mm2

250  580 2
Zt = Zb = Z = = 14x106 mm3

MG = 62.64 kN-m

f t  f tt 

62.64 10 6
= 1.4  = 5.87 MPa
14 10 6

1 M ML 
fb   f tw  G 
 Zb 
1 
1.4 
62.64  21610 6 
 = -21.76 MPa
0.85  14 10 6 

Fi  f b Z b  f t Z t
  (9)
A Zb  Zt

21.76  5.8714 10 6

 
= = 7.945
2  14 10 6

Fi = 7.945 x 145 x103 = 1152 kN

Zb Zt  fb  ft 
Ae  (10)
ft Zt  fb Zb

14 14 1012  21.76  5.87 

= = 24.3436x106
14 10 6 5.87  21.76

e = 167.89 mm

Depth restricted - slab

A post-tensioned concrete bridge slab of le = 10 m is 380 mm thick. It is stressed with parallel cables
stressed to 360 kN each. wL = 25 kN/m2. Losses are 20%. f tt  f tw  0.7MPa . Calculate the emax and
spacing of cable at mid-span.

 = 0.80
A = 1000 X 380 = 380000 mm2

1000  380 3
I = = 4572.66 x106 mm4

4572.66 10 6
Zt = Zb = Z = = 24.07 x106 mm3
 380 
 
 2 

ws = 1 x 0.38 x 24 = 9.12 kN/m

9.12 10 2
MG = = 114 kN-m

25 10 2
ML = = 312.50 kN-m

MG 114  10 6
= = 4.74
Z 24.07  10 6

ML 312.5 10 6
= = 12.98
Z 24.07 10 6

At mid-span

f t  f tt 

= 0.7  4.74 = 5.44 MPa

1 M ML 
fb   f tw  G 
 Zb 

0.7  4.74  12.98 = -21.275 MPa

Fi  f b Z b  f t Z t
  (9)
A Zb  Zt

21.275  5.44 24.07 10 6

 
= = 7.9175
2  24.07 10 6
Fi = 7.9175 x 380 x103 = 3008.65 kN

Zb Zt  fb  ft 
Ae  (10)
ft Zt  fb Zb

24.07  24.07 1012  21.275  5.44

= = 40.6081 x106
24.07 10 6 5.44  21.275

e mid-span = 106.86 mm

At support

MG = M L = 0

e at support = 68.944

A more complicated solution is:

At mid-span, the stress at top and bottom at transfer and working load are respectively.

Fi Fi e M G
    f tt  (1)
A Zt Zt

Fe Fe e M G M L
     f tw  (4)
A Zb Zb Zb

Fi Fe M M
ie.    i  G  L  f tw  (4)
A Zb Zb Zb

Multiplying Eq.1 by  and adding it to Eq.4 above, and remembering Zt = Zb = Z,

Fi M M
 2  1   G  L  f tw  f tt

 2  0.8  1  0.84.74  12.98  0.7  0.8  0.7 from which

Fi = 3009 kN

Likewise, multiplying Eq.1 by  and subtracting it from Eq.4 above,

Fi e M M
 2  1    G  L  f tw f tt

Fi e
 2  0.8  1  0.84.74  12.98  0.7  0.8  0.7

e at mid-span = 106.358 mm

At support

MG = M L = 0

Fi Fi e
   0  f tt  (1)
A Zt

3009 10 6 3009 10 6  e

   0.7
380000 24.07 10 6

e at support = 68.944

Spacing of cables

Fi = 3009 kN

Force per cable = 360 kN

3009 10 3
No of cables =  9 Nos
360 10 3

Spacing = = 112 mm c/c

Depth not restricted - slab

A post-tensioned concrete one-way bridge slab of le = 10 m is stressed with parallel cables stressed to
500 kN each. wL = 25 kN/m2. Losses are 20%. f ct  f cw  15MPa and f tt  f tw  0 .
 = 0.80

Assume depth of slab = h mm

Width of slab = 1000 mm

A = 1000h mm2

 h 
1    24 10

 1000 
MG = = 0.3 kN-m

25 10 2
ML = = 312.5 kN-m

Min Z is governed by Zb. From Eq.4

f cr  f tw f ct

f cr = 0  0.8 15 = 12 MPa

M G 1  n   M L
Zb   (6)
f cr

0.3h1  0.810 6  312.5 10 6 10 6 312.5  0.06h 

= =
12 12
100h 2
Z b also =

From which

h = 410 mm

A = 1000 x 410 = 410000 mm2

1000  410 2
Zt = Zb = Z = = 28.02x106 mm3

MG = 123 kN-m

f t  f tt 

123 10 6
= 0 = 4.39 MPa
28.02 10 6

1 M ML 
fb   f tw  G 
 Zb 

1 
 0 
123  312.5010 6 
 = -91.43 MPa
0.8  28.02 10 6 

Fi  f b Z b  f t Z t
  (9)
A Zb  Zt

19.43  4.39
= = 7.52

Fi = 7.52 x 410000 = 3083.20 kN

Zb Zt  fb  ft 
Ae  (10)
ft Zt  fb Zb

28.0210 6  19.43  4.39

= = 443.774 x106
4.39  19.43
e mid-span = 108.24 mm
3084  10 3
No of cables =  7 Nos
500  10 3

Spacing = = 143 mm c/c

Depth restricted - beam

A pre-tensioned simply supported beam of size 80 mm x 120 mm and le = 3 m caries two 4 kN loads at
third points along the span. Losses are 20%. f tt  0, f tw  1.4MPa . Design the beam with 3mm wires
for f i  1400 MPa each.

 = 0.80

A = 80 X 120 = 9600 mm2

80  120 3
I = = 11.52 x106 mm4

11.52 10 6
Zt = Zb = Z = = 0.192 x106 mm3
 120 
 
 2 

ws = 0.08 x 0.12 x 24 = 0.23 kN/m

0.23  3 2
MG = = 0.2592 kN-m

ML = 41 = 4.0 kN-m

MG 0.2592 10 6
= = 1.35
Z 0.192 10 6

ML 4.0  10 6
= = 20.83
Z 0.192  10 6

At mid-span

f t  f tt 

= 0  1.35 = 1.35 MPa

1 M ML 
fb   f tw  G 
 Zb 

1.4  1.35  20.83 = -25.975 MPa

Fi  f b Z b  f t Z t
  (9)
A Zb  Zt

25.975  1.35 = 12.3125

Fi = 12.3125 x 9600 = 118.20 kN

Zb Zt  fb  ft 
Ae  (10)
ft Zt  fb Zb

0.192 10 6  25.975  1.35

= = 0.213x106
1.35  25.975
e = 22.193 mm

Aw = Area of one wire

  32
= = 7.07 mm2
f i in one wire = 7.07 x 1400 = 9.896 kN

118.20  10 3
No of cables =  12 Nos
9.896  10 3

Spacing = = 112 mm c/c

below bottom in heavy girder - beam

An unsymmetrical I section has the following sectional property: h = 1000 mm, A = 345 000 mm 2, Zt = 95
x106 mm3, Zb = 75 x 106 mm3, cgc = 440 mm from top, MG = 1012 kN-m, ML = 450 kN-m. Design the
section if f ct  f cw  15MPa and f tt  f tw  0 .  = 0.85

f t  f tt 

1012 x10 6
= 0 = 10.65 MPa
95 10 6

1 M ML 
fb   f tw  G 
 Zb 

1 
 0 
1012  45010 6 
 = -22.93 MPa
0.85  75 10 6 

Fi  f b Z b  f t Z t
  (9)
A Zb  Zt

22.93  75  10.65  95
= = 4.1647
75  95

Fi = 4.1647 x 345000 = 1436.82 kN

Zb Zt  fb  ft 
Ae  (10)
ft Zt  fb Zb

75  95 1012  22.93  10.65

= = 361.339 x106
10.65  95  22.93  7510 6
e = 1047.36 mm
eavil = yb – cover

= (1000-440) – 100 = 460 mm

For this eavil, the Fi required is:

 f AZ 
Fi   b b   (11)
 Z b  Ae 

22.93  345000  75 10 6

Fi = = 2538.78 kN
75 10 6  345000  460
End block

Bursting force
A portion of a pre-stressed member surrounding the anchorage is the end block. Through the length of
the end block, pre-stress is transferred from concentrated areas to become linearly distributed fiber
stresses at the end of the block. The theoretical length of this block, called the lead length is not more
than the height of the beam.

But the stress distribution within this block is rather complicate.

The larger transverse dimension of the end zone is represented as yo. The corresponding dimension of
the bearing plate is represented as ypo. For analysis, the end zone is divided into a local zone and a
general zone.
The local zone is the region behind the bearing plate and is subjected to high bearing stress and internal
stresses. The behavior of the local zone is influenced by the anchorage device and the additional
confining spiral reinforcement.

The general zone is the end zone region which is subjected to spalling of concrete. The zone is
strengthened by end zone reinforcement.

The transverse stress (σt) at the CGC varies along the length of the end zone. It is compressive for a
distance 0.1yo from the end and tensile thereafter, which drops down to zero at a distance yo from the

The transverse tensile stress is known as splitting tensile stress. The resultant of the tensile stress in a
transverse direction is known as the bursting force (Fbst).
Besides the bursting force there is spalling forces in the general zone.

Fbst for an individual square end zone loaded by a symmetrically placed square bearing plate according
to Cl is,

 y po 
Fbst  PK 0.32  0.3 
 yo 
Where, PK = pre-stress in the tendon; y po = length of a side of bearing plate; yo = transverse
dimension of the end zone.

It can be observed that with the increase in size of the bearing plate the bursting force

Fbst reduces.

End Zone reinforcement

Transverse reinforcement - end zone reinforcement or anchorage zone

reinforcement or bursting link - is provided in each principle direction based on the value of Fbst. The
reinforcement is distributed within a length from 0.1yo to yo from an end of the member.

The amount of end zone reinforcement in each direction Ast is:

Ast 

The parameter represents the fraction of the transverse dimension covered by the

bearing plate.

The stress in the transverse reinforcement, f s = 0.87fy.

When the cover is less than 50 mm, f s = a value corresponding to a strain of 0.001.

The end zone reinforcement is provided in several forms, some of which are proprietary of the
construction firms. The forms are closed stirrups, mats or links with loops.
Bearing plate & End block
Design the bearing plate and the end zone reinforcement for the following bonded

post-tensioned beam. The strength of concrete at transfer is 50 MPa. A pre-stressing force of 1055 kN is
applied by a single tendon. There is no eccentricity of the tendon at the ends.
Bearing Plate

Assume area of bearing plate to be 200 mm x 300 mm

f br 
A pun

PK = 1055 kN

A pun = 200 x 300 = 60000 mm2

1055 10 3
f br = = 17.58 MPa

Abr = 400 x 600 = 240000 mm2

f br, all  0.48 f ci
A pun

= 0.48  50 = 48 MPa

 0.8  f ci = 40 MPa

f br  f br, all  40MPa

End Block

In vertical direction

 y po 
Fbst  PK 0.32  0.3 
 yo 

 300 
= 10550.32  0.3 = 179.35 kN
 600 

In horizontal direction

 y po 
Fbst  PK 0.32  0.3 
 yo 

 200 
= 10550.32  0.3 = 179.35 kN
 400 

Ast =
0.87 f y

179.35 10 3
= = 824.60 mm2
0.87  250

Provide 10 mm 2L stirrups in both directions as Fbst is same in those

 10 2
Aw = = 78.54 mm2

No of stirrups = = 6 Nos
2  78.54

2 rd 1
Provide Ast from 0.1 yo = 60 mm to 0.5 yo = 300 mm and rd Ast from 0.5 yo = 300 mm to yo = 600
3 3
mm, both vertically and horizontal.

Design of prestressed concrete tanks – Pipes.

Design Procedure for circular tanks


1. Minimum wall thickness

2. Circumferential Prestress

3. Vertical Prestress.


1) Maximum, ring tension Nd

2) Bending Moment Mw

3) Minimum wall thickness = Nd

ηfct – fmin.w

Minimum cover 35mm

4) Circumferential Prestress

fc = Nd + fmin.w N/mm2
ηt η

5) Spacing of wires

As = Cross sectional area of wire coinding, mm2

Wt = average radial Pressure of wires at transfer at a given section N/mm2

D = Diameter of the tank, mm

S = Spacing of wires at the given section mm

fs – Stress in wires at transfer, N/mm2

t – Thickness of the tank wall, mm

fc – compressive stress in concrete, N/mm2

Hoop compression due toprestressing

= wt . D
Equating wt. D = fs As
2 S1

Wt = 2 fs As

Nd – hoop tension due to hydrostatic working pressure, Ww

Nt – hoop compression due to radial pressure of wires, wt

Then Nt = Nd wt

Also Nt = t fc

Spacing of the wire winding

S = 2 Nd . fs. As mm
Ww fc. Dt

Mt = Mw wt

Where Mt = Vertical moment due to the prestress at transfer.

Mw = Vertical moment due to hydrostatic pressure.

The compressive prestress required

Fc = fmin. W + Mw
η ηz

When the tank is empty

fc = fmin. W + Mt
η Z

Vertical prestressing force is required

P = fc. Ac

(Note: Vertical Prestressing force = 30% of hoop compression.]

1. A cylindrical prestressed concrete water tank of internal diameter 30m is required to store
water over a depth of 7.5m. The permissible compressive stress in concrete at transfer is 13
N/mm2 and the minimum compressive stress under working presuure is 1 N/mm2. The loss ratio
is 0.75. Wires of 5mm diameter with an initial stress of 1000N/mm2 are available for
circumferential winding and freyssinet cables made up of 12 wires of 8mm diameter stressed to
1200N/mm2 are to be used for vertical prestressing. Design the tank walls assuming the base as
fixed. The cube strength of concrete is 40N/mm2.

From table 16.1

Assume t = 150mm

H2 = 7.52 = 12.5
Dt 30 x 0.15

Ww = wH = 10 x 7.5 = 75kN/m2 = 0.075N/mm2

From table 16.2 & 16.3

Maximum ring tension Nd = (coefficient) wHR kN/m

= 0.64 x 10 x 7.5 x 15

= 720kN/m = 720N/mm.

Moment in tank wall for the fixed base condition = (coefficient) Wh3 kNm/m

= 0.01 x 10 x 7.53

= 42.5 kNm/m

= 42500Nmm/mm

Minimum wall thickness = t = Nd

ηfct –fmin.w

= 720 = 82.3mm
0.75 x 13 – 1

Net thickness available (allowing for vertical cables of diameter 30mm) is (150 – 30) = 120mm

fc = Nd + fmin.w
ηt η

= 720 + 1 = 9.42N/mm2
0.75 x 120 0.75
Spacing of circumferential wire winding at base.

S = 2 Nd fs. As
Ww fc. Dt

= 2 x 720 x 1000 x π/4)(5)2

0.075 x 9.4 x 30 x 103 x 120

= 11.4mm

Number of wires / metre = 87

Ring tension Nd at 0.1 H (0.75m) from top

Nd = (coeff) wHR kN/m

= 0.097 X 10 X 7.5 X 15 = 109 kN/m = 109N/mm

fs = 2 x 109 x 1000 x 20
0.075 x 2.5 x 30 x 103 x 120

= 64mm

Number of wires / metre t the top of tank = 16

Vertical moment = Mw wt

Wt = 2 fs As = 2 X 1000 X 20 = 0.117 N/mm2

Sd 11.4 x 30 x 103

Mt = 42500 0.117 = 67,000 Nmm / mm = 67 x 106 Nmm / m.


Considering one metre length of tank

Along the circumferential

Z = 100 x 1502 = 375 x 104mm3


fc = fmin. w + Mt
η Z

= 1 + 67X 106 = 19.20N/mm2

0.75 375 X 104

Since this stress exceeds the permissible value of fct = 13N/mm2, the thickness of the tank wall of base is
increased to 200mm.
Z = 1000 x1002 = 666 x104 mm3

fc = 1 + 67 x 106 = 12N/mm2
0.75 666 x 104

Vertical Prestressing force = fc = A = 12 x 1000 x 200


= 2400kN

Using 8mm diameter (12Nos.) Freyssinet cables

Force / cable = π/4 x 82 x 12 x 1200 = 720kN


Spacing = 1000 x 720 = 800mm


App. Vertical Prestress = 0.3 fc

= 0.3 x 9.4 = 2.82 N/mm2

Vertical prestressing force = 2.82 x 1000 x 200


= 564kN

Ultimate tensile force = 87 x 20 x 1500 = 2610kN


Load factor = 2610 / 720 = 3.6

Direct tensile strength of concrete = 0.267 √40

= 1.7N/mm2

Cracking load = 1000 x 200 0.75 x 9.4 + 1.7


= 1760Kn

F.S against cracking = 1760 / 720 = 2.45

Nominal reinft. 0.2 percent circumferential & longitudinal directions

8mm ф @ 300mm spacing on both faces at a cover of 20mm.

Circular pre-stressing

Circumferential pre-stress
Circumferential pre-stressing is done to resist hoop tension in circular structures, like water-tanks and
pipes. Essentially each horizontal slice of the wall forma a ring subjected to uniform internal pressure.
This ring may be considered as a pre-stresses concrete member under tension.

Considering one half of a thin cylindrical slice of a tank as a free-body: under the action of pre-stress Fi in
steel, the total compression C in the concrete equals Fi. The C-line coincides with the cgs line, which is a
concordant cable linearly transformed.

Due to pre-stress, initially after transfer of pre-stress,

fc   , AC = Area of concrete

which after losses in pre-stress reduces to

fc  
When internal liquid pressure is acting at working load stage, the internal pressure intensity,

fc  where

p = internal pressure intensity

R = internal radius of the vessel

AT = transformed area = Ac  nA p

AP = area of steel

The resultant stress in concrete at working load due to internal pressure ‘p’ and pre-stress Fe is

Fe pR
fc     (1)

In Eq.1, if it is assumed that hoop tension is entirely carried by the effective pre-stress, Fe  pR .

And since At  Ac , f c is always negative, implying that there is always a residual compressive stress in

Design method 1
A p = area of steel

Ac = area of concrete

f ct = permissible stress at transfer in concrete

f cw = permissible stress at working load in concrete

Fi = initial pre-stress

Fe = effective pre-stress after losses

m = factor of safety


Fi  A p f i

Fe  A p f e

At transfer

Ac    (2)
f ct

At working load

Fe pR
   f cw  (3) where At  Ac  nAp

Assuming that hoop tension is entirely carried by the effective pre-stress, Fe  pR ,

Ap 

Fi  A p f i

Ac   from Eq.2
f ct

Fe pR
f cw    from Eq.3
Design method 2
If both f ct and f cw are to be kept in concrete, which may be the case when a tensile stress f cw =
cracking stress, may be allowed, and if a factor of safety ‘m’ is required, then Eq.2 and Eq.3 can be
combined together into the following from.

A p = area of steel

Ac = area of concrete

f ct = permissible stress at transfer in concrete

f cw = permissible stress at working load in concrete

Fi = initial pre-stress

Fe = effective pre-stress after losses

m = factor of safety


Fi  A p f i

Fe  A p f e

At transfer

Fi f i Ap
Ac   
f ct f ct

At  Ac  nA p  A p (n  )
f ct

At working load

Fe mpR
   f cw

f e Ap mpR
   f cw
f  f 
 Ap i A p  n  i 
f ct  f ct 
 f  mpR
A p  f ct e  f cw    f ct
 fi  nf ct  f i

 f f  f i f cw  mpR
A p  e ct    f ct
 fi  nf ct  f i

Ap   f f
nf ct  f i  f e f ct  f i f cw  ct i
 f ct f i
 f   f 
f i  n ct  1 f ct  f e  f i cw 
 fi   f ct 

 f  f 
 f e  f i cw 1  n ct 
 f ct  fi 

Design of pipes
Pre-stressed concrete pipes are suitable when the internal pressure is within 0.5 to 2.0

Mpa. There are two types of pre-stressed concrete pipes:

1. Cylinder type which has a steel cylinder core, over which the concrete is cast and pre-stressed.
2. Non-cylinder type which is made of pre-stressed concrete only.

IS:784-2001 Pre-stressed Concrete Pipes (Including Specials), provides guidelines for the design of pre-
stressed concrete pipes with the internal diameter ranging from 200 mm to 2500 mm. The pipes are
designed to withstand the combined effect of internal pressure and external loads. The minimum grade
of concrete in the core should be M40 for non-cylinder type pipes.

The pipes are manufactured either by,

1. Centrifugal method: In the centrifugal method the mould is subjected to spinning till the
concrete is compacted to a uniform thickness throughout the length of the pipe.
2. Vertical casting method: In the vertical casting method, concrete is poured in layers up to a
specified height.

After adequate curing of concrete, first the longitudinal wires are pre-stressed. Subsequently, the
circumferential pre-stressing is done by the wire wound around the core in a helical form. The wire is
wound using a counter weight or a die. Finally a coat of concrete or rich cement mortar is applied over
the wire to prevent from corrosion. For cylinder type pipes, first the steel cylinder is fabricated and
tested. Then the concrete is cast around it.
Example 1 – non-cylinder
Design a non-cylinder pre-stressed pipe for the following specifications: R = 300 mm, p = 1.05 MPa, f i =
1000 MPa, f e = 800 MPa, f ct = -14 MPa, f cw =-0.7 MPa, Es = 2.1x105 MPa, Ec = 0.35 x 105 MPa and 2.5
mm wires are used. And what would be the internal pressure ‘p’ required to balance the pre-stress at
transfer before losses to maintain a stress of -0.7 in concrete?

Method 1:

Assuming that hoop tension is entirely carried by the effective pre-stress, Fe  pR ,

Ap 

1.05  10 3  300
Ap = = 394 mm2

Fi  Ap f i

Fi = 3941000 = 394 kN

Ac  
f ct

394 10 3
Ac = = 28143 mm2

Taking a 1000 mm height of the pipe

t = = 29 mm

 30 mm

Ac = 301000 = 30000 mm2

Checking for final stress

At  Ac  nAp

At = 30000  6  394 = 32364 mm2

Fe pR
f cw   

394  800 1.05 10 3  300

f cw =  = -0.77 MPa
30000 32364

Since f cw is slightly more than specified -0.7 MPa, another trail could be made in the design.

  2.5 2
Aw = = 4.91 mm2

No of wires =

=  81 wires

Spacing = = 12 mm

Method 2:

Ap 
 f  f 
 f e  f i cw 1  n ct 
 f ct  fi 

1.05 10 3  300

Ap = = 388 mm2
  0.7   14 
 800  1000 1  6 
  14  1000 

Fi = 3881000 = 388 kN

388 10 3
Ac = = 27715 mm2

t = = 28 mm

Ac = 281000 = 30000 mm2

Checking for final stress

At = 28000  6  388 = 30328 mm2

388  800 1.05 10 3  300

f cw =  = -0.70 MPa
28000 30328

At transfer before losses,

388 1000 p 10 3  300

f cw =  = -0.7 MPa
28000 30328

p = 1.33 MPa

Example 2 – non-cylinder
Design a non-cylinder pre-stressed pipe for the following specifications: R = 800 mm, p = 1 MPa, f i =
1000 MPa, f e = 800 MPa, f ct = -12 MPa, f cw = 0, Es = 2.1x105 MPa, Ec = 0.35 x 105 MPa and 5 mm wires
are used. If cracking stress is +2 MPa, what is the F.S against cracking?

Ap 
 f  f 
 f e  f i cw 1  n ct 
 f ct  fi 

110 3  800
Ap = = 933 mm2
  0   12 
 800  1000 1  6 
  12  1000 

Fi = 9331000 = 933 kN

933  10 3
Ac = = 77750 mm2

t = = 78 mm

Checking for stresses

Ac = 781000 = 78000 mm2

At = 78000  6  933 = 83598 mm2

933  800 110 3  800
f cw =  =0
78000 83598

If cracking stress is allowed, f cw = 2 MPa

Ap 
 f  f 
 f e  f i cw 1  n ct 
 f ct  fi 

m 110 3  800
933 =
 2   12 
 800  1000 1  6 
  12  1000 

m = 1.2

Design of circular water tanks

Concrete liquid retaining structures must be impervious. Hence, their design is based on no in cracking
in concrete. Circular pre-stressed liquid retaining structures, are stressed to avoid tension in concrete.

Pre-stressed concrete liquid retaining structures require low maintenance and resist seismic forces

Circular pre-stressed concrete tanks are used in water treatment, water distribution, storm water
management, large industrial tanks, bulk storage tanks and for storing liquefied natural gas (LNG).

I Technology Madras

The construction of the circular tanks is in the following sequence. First, the concrete core is cast and
cured. The surface is prepared by sand or hydro blasting. Next, the

circumferential pre-stressing is applied by strand wrapping machine. Shotcrete is

applied to provide a coat of concrete over the pre-stressing strands.

IS:3370-1967 (1-4) Code of Practice for Concrete Structures for the Storage of Liquids provides
guidelines for the analysis and design of liquid storage tanks. The four sections of the code are titled as

Part 1: General Requirement.

Part 2: Reinforced Concrete Structures.

Part 3: Pre-stressed Concrete Structures.

Part 4: Design Tables.

In IS:3370-1967 (3), the design requirements for pre-stressed tanks are mentioned. A few of them are:

1. The computed stress in the concrete and steel, during transfer, handling and construction, and
under working loads, should be within the permissible values as specified in IS:1343-1980.
2. The liquid retaining face should be checked against cracking with a load factor of 1.2.
3. The ultimate load at failure should not be less than twice the working load.
4. When the tank is full, there should be compression in the concrete at all points of at least 0.7
N/mm2. When the tank is empty, there should not be tensile stress greater than 1.0 N/mm2.
Thus, the tank should be analyzed both for the full and empty conditions.
5. There should be provisions to allow for elastic distortion of the structure during pre-stressing.
Any restraint that may lead to the reduction of the pre-stressing force should be considered.
6. The cover requirement is as follows. The minimum cover to the pre-stressing wires should be 35
mm on the liquid face. For faces away from the liquid, the cover requirements are as per

The general equations from Eq 1 to Eq 3, would serve well for the design of circular pre-stressed
liquid retaining structure.

Example 1
Determine the area of steel required per meter height of a circular pre-stressed water tank with an
inside diameter of 18 m and a height of 6 m water pressure. Compute the thickness of concrete

f i = 1034 MPa, f e = 827 MPa, f ct = -5.17, MPa and n = 10.

Design for the following two cases:

1. Assume that the entire hoop-tension is carried by the effective pre-stress.

2. For a load factor of 1.25, producing zero stress in concrete. f ct = -5.17, f cw =0.

Case 1:

p =
6 101000 (on an area of 1m x 1m) = 0.06 MPa
10 6

Assuming that hoop tension is entirely carried by the effective pre-stress, Fe  pR ,

Ap 
0.06 10 3  9000
Ap = = 653 mm2

Fi  Ap f i

Fi = 6531034 = 675 kN

Ac  
f ct

675 10 3
Ac = = 130600 mm2

Taking a 1000 mm height of the pipe

t = = 130.60 mm

 140 mm

Ac = 1401000 = 140000 mm2

Checking for final stress

At  Ac  nAp

At = 140000  10  653 = 146530 mm2

Fe pR
f cw   

653  827 0.06 10 3  9000

f cw =  = -0.172 MPa
140000 146530

Case 2:

Ap 
 f  f 
 f e  f i cw 1  n ct 
 f ct  fi 
1.25  0.06 10 3  9000
Ap = = 778 mm2
 0   5.17 
 827  1034 1  10 
  5.17  1034 

Fi = 7781034 = 805 kN

805  10 3
Ac = = 156 x103 mm2

156 10 3
t = = 156 mm

 165 mm

Ac = 1651000 = 165000 mm2

Checking for final stress

At = 165000  10  778 = 172780 mm2

778  827 0.06 10 3  9000

f cw =  = -0.77 MPa
165000 172780

If we had provided the actual


Analysis for stresses – Estimate for deflections – Flexural and shear strength of composite members.

Many applications of prestressed concrete involve the combination of precast prestressed concrete
beams and in situ reinforced concrete slabs. Some examples of such composite construction are shown
in Fig. 10.1. An in situ infill between precast beams is shown in Fig. 10.1(a) while an in situ topping is
shown in Fig. 10.1(b). The former type of construction is often used in bridges, while the latter is
common in building construction. The beams are designed to act alone under their own weight plus the
weight of the wet concrete of the slab. Once the concrete in the slab has hardened and provided that
there is adequate horizontal shear connection between them, the slab and beam behave as a composite
section under design load. The beams act as permanent formwork for the slab, which provides the
compression flange of the composite section. The section size of the beam can thus be kept to a
minimum, since a compression flange is only required at the soffit at transfer. This leads to the use of
inverted T-, or ‘top-hat’, sections.


The stress distributions in the various regions of the composite member are shown in Fig. 10.2(a)–(d).
The stress distribution in Fig. 10.2(a) is due to the self weight of the beam, with the maximum
compressive stress at the lower extreme fibre. Once the slab is in place, the stress distribution in the
beam is modified to that shown in Fig. 10.2(b), where the bending moment at the section, Md is that
due to the combined self weight of the beam and slab.

Once the concrete in the slab has hardened and the imposed load acts on the composite section, the
additional stress distribution is shown in Fig. 10.2(c). This is determined by ordinary bending theory, but
using the composite section properties.
The final stress distribution is shown Figure
Stress distribution within a composite section.

The floor slab shown in Fig. 10.3 comprises precast pretensioned beams and an in situ concrete slab. If
the span of the beams is 5 m and the imposed load is 5 kN/m2 (including finishes), determine the stress

distributions at the various load stages. Assume all long-term losses have occurred before the beams are
erected and that the net force in each wire is 19.4 kN. Section properties of the beams:
Ac=1.13×105 mm2
Ic=7.5×108 mm4
Zt=Zb=6×106 mm3.
Eccentricity of the wires=125−40=85 mm.
(i) Self weight of the beams=0.113×24
=2.7 kN/m.
=8.4 kNm.
Total prestress force after all losses have occurred is given by
=116.4 kN.
The stress distribution in the beams is thus given by

(ii) The weight of the slab is supported by the beams acting alone, so that Md=8.4+0.075×0.6×24×52/8
=11.8 kNm.
The stress distribution within the beams is now given by
(iii) The imposed load of 5 kN/m2 is supported by the composite section and the
section properties of this are now required. To find the neutral axis of the composite section, taking
moments about the soffit of the beams gives
∴y=171 mm.
Icomp=7.5×108+1.13×105 (171–125)2
=1.63×109 mm4.
The imposed load bending moment, (Mdes−Md)=0.6×5×52/8
=9.4 kNm.
The stress distribution within the composite section under this extra bending moment
is given by

The maximum compressive stress occurs at the upper fibres of the beams, but is significantly lower than
the level of stress had the beam carried the total imposed load alone. This explains the advantage of
inverted T-sections in composite construction, where only a small compression flange is required for
bending moments Mo and Md, the

Stress distribution for composite section in Example 10.1 (N/mm2): (a) beam; (b)beam and slab; (c)
beam and slab and imposed load.

compression flange for bending moment Mdes being provided by the slab. The maximum compressive
stress in the slab is much lower than in the beam and, for this reason, in many composite structures a
lower grade of concrete is used for the in situ portion. The modulus of elasticity for this concrete is
lower than that for the beam and this effect can be taken into account in finding the composite section
properties by using an approximate modular ratio of 0.8.
The in situ slab in Example 10.1 lies above the composite section neutral axis and, therefore, the slab is
in compression over its full depth under the total design load. However, for composite sections as
shown in Fig. 10.1(a) the in situ portion of the section extends well below the neutral axis, so that the
lower region is in tension. If the tensile strength of this concrete is exceeded then the composite section
properties must be determined on the basis of the in situ section having cracked below the neutral axis.
The basic principles for the analysis of prestressed concrete sections at the ultimate limit state of
flexural strength described in Chapter 5 are also applicable to composite sections. For the section shown
in Fig. 10.5(a), it may be assumed initially that, at the ultimate limit state, the neutral axis lies within the
slab and the section may then be treated effectively as a rectangular beam. The position of the neutral
axis should later be checked to see whether it does, indeed, fall within the slab. For the section shown in
Fig. 10.5(b), the position of the neutral axis may be determined on the assumption that the section is

but the different strengths of the concrete in the slab and beam regions of the compression zone should
be taken into account.

The composite behaviour of the precast beam and in situ slab is only effective if the horizontal shear
stresses at the interface between the two regions can be resisted. For shallow members, such as that
shown in Fig. 10.3, there is usually no mechanical key between the two types of concrete, and reliance is
made on the friction developed between the contact surfaces. For deeper sections, mechanical shear
connectors in the form of links projecting from the beam are used, which provide a much better shear
connection. The determination of the horizontal shear resistance is based on the ultimate limit state,
and if this condition is satisfied it may be assumed that satisfactory horizontal shear resistance is
provided at the serviceability limit state. A simply supported composite section carrying a uniformly
distributed load is shown in Fig. 10.8(a) and the free-body diagram for half the length of the in situ slab
is shown in Fig. 10.8(b). At the simply supported end there must be zero force in the slab, while the
maximum force occurs at the midspan. The distribution of shear forces on the underside of the slab is
also shown in Fig. 10.8(b), being zero at midspan and reaching a maximum at the support. This
behaviour is similar to that in an elastic beam, where the vertical and horizontal shear stresses increase
towards the support for a uniformly distributed load.
The following expression is given in Part 1–3 of EC2 for the horizontal shear stress, where ß is the ratio
of the longitudinal force in the slab to the total longitudinal force, given by Msd/z, both calculated for a
given section; Vsd is the transverse ultimate shear force; z is the lever arm; and bj is the width of the

The design shear resistance for horizontal joints with vertical shear reinforcement is given by
τRdj=kTτRd+μσN+0.87 fykϱ μ≤0.33 vfck,
where kT is a coefficient with kT=0 if the joint is subjected to tension;
τRd is the basic design shear strength from Table

Horizontal shear: (a) composite section; (b) free-body diagram for in situ slab.

The fact that the slab of a composite member is usually cast at a much later stage than the beam means
that most of the time-dependent effects of shrinkage of the slab take place with the section acting
compositely. Most of the shrinkage of the beam will already have occurred by the time the slab is in
place, and the movement due to the shrinkage of the slab will induce stresses throughout the whole of
the composite section. The water content of the slab concrete is often higher than that of the beam,
since a lower strength is required, and this aggravates the problem of differential shrinkage. These extra
stresses, which occur even under zero applied load, are not insignificant and should be considered in
design. Both the slab and beam undergo creep deformations under load and, although some of the
creep deformations in the beam may have taken place before casting of the slab, the level of
compressive stress is higher in the beam, and so the creep deformations are larger.

Load-deflection curve for composite section in Example 10.4.

Differential movements.

composite section which tend to reduce those set up by differential shrinkage. A problem which is
encountered, particularly in connection with bridge decks, is that of varying temperature across a
composite section, although this may still be a problem in composite members used as roof structures.
The hotter upper surface tends to expand more than the cooler lower surface and stresses are induced
throughout the composite section.

A method for determining the stresses due to differential shrinkage will now be outlined, and this can be
adapted to find the stresses due to differential creep and temperature movements. Consider a
composite member as shown in Fig. 10.13, where the slab is shown to have a free shrinkage movement
of δsh relative to the beam. In reality this movement is restrained by the shear forces which are set up
between the slab and beam, putting the slab into tension and the beam into compression. The
magnitude of the tensile force in the slab is given by
where Ac,slab and Ec,slab are the cross-sectional area and modulus of elasticity of the slab, respectively,
and εsh is the free shrinkage strain of the slab concrete.
The compressive force in the beam must be numerically equal to this tensile force. In addition to the
direct stresses described above, bending stresses are also introduced by restraint of the free differential
shrinkage. In order to determine these stresses, the free bodies of the slab and beam are considered, as
shown in Fig. 10.14. Initially, the slab can be regarded as having a force T applied through its centroid, so
that its length is equal to that of the beam. There must be no net external force on the composite
member due to differential shrinkage alone, so a pair of equal and opposite compressive forces must be
applied to maintain equilibrium. However, these compressive forces act on the composite section and
induce a bending moment at the ends of the member of
Internal stress resultants due to differential movements.

Stresses due to differential movements.


General aspects – pretensioned prestressed bridge decks – Post tensioned prestressed bridge decks –
Principle of design only.

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