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English Learning Strategy

Group : 12 (Twelve)

Compiled By :

• Ayu Febriani Amaliaputri (2223090323)

• Siskha Nuraeni (2223090211)
• Siti Mamnuah (2223090314)

English Department

Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

Using Standards to Integrate Academic Language into ESL Fluency (Beckett
& Haley, 2000)

This article speaks to curriculum alignment for ESL instruction. ESL standards can have

a significant impact on ESL student achievement by integrating academic language into the ESL

curriculum. This student population needs to focus on goals of academic competence, focusing

on areas such as literacy, vocabulary, critical thinking, social skills and learning strategies. The

ESL standards provide structure and guidance that can help to increase student academic success.

By linking the ESL standards to state academic standards, ESL students will receive high quality

instruction in English language and content areas.

The TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) standards were

developed to provide teachers with scope and sequence of the language skills that ESL students

need for success in our nation's classrooms. The standards are:

1) to use English to communicate in social settings,

2) to use English to achieve academically in all content areas, and

3) to use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways.

There are several strategies to develop competency in social use of English. They suggest

the use of seating arrangements (such as round tables, quads or pairs) to encourage social

interaction. Teachers can also try to structure opportunities for students to use English outside of

the classroom. Cooperative learning encourages the use of language in a social manner. Positive

social interaction can help students perceive the classroom as a comfortable and friendly place,
where they will feel safe using their new language skills and where they may find intrinsic

motivation for communicating in English.

To enhance academic achievement, teachers can create a language-rich classroom,

provide students with advance organizers, label everything in the classroom to build vocabulary,

help students make connections to their native language and have different media available for

student use (books, magazines, newspapers, audio-tapes, video tapes, computer software) to

address different learning styles and also help build connections. To help students to use English

in appropriate ways, teachers should teach what language is appropriate in what setting so

students can determine when to speak and in what way (for example, formal speech or slang).

Teachers should also recognize diversity and sameness in their classrooms, incorporate

multicultural literature into the curriculum, and invite parents/family members to share their

cultures and talents with the class. Students need to develop an understanding of and

appreciation for others considering the diversity of society.

Analysis/Plans for Application to Teaching

The strategies recommended in these four articles seem to be effective strategies to use

with all students, not just ESL students. As time consuming as it may be, learning about the

students, their cultures and their communities may be among the most important and productive

developmental activities. This can provide a wealth of information about students and their

Relationships with families are critical. Non-English speaking parents may feel they have

no way to communicate with teachers. They are in a new world too and are experiencing all of

the things that their children are experiencing in addition to having the added responsibilities of

work and caring for their families. Additional effort needs to be made to reach these parents and

open the lines of communication.

There are so many factors that influence the lives and learning of ESL students:

immigration history, language use, socio-economic status, educational history and leisure

activities. There are some ways to celebrate diversity of all students to enrich learning. There are

foster peer relationships, create respect for differences, create an understanding of other cultures

and instill a sense of belonging or membership.

Through participation in cooperative learning they encourage to speak and listen. Verbal

activities promote collaboration among students. Verbal interaction is fundamental to learning

both language and content. ESL students need the opportunity to use language in interaction with

both peers and teachers who are competent in the language and serve as models. Cooperative

learning will afford the opportunity to develop relationships with their friends.

Their native language is part of their "self." They need confidence to develop friendships,

problem solve, and master skills in language and content areas. They should not be ashamed of

who they are or their origins. They need their native language in order to maintain valuable

relationships with family members and friends who do not speak English.

The role that a teacher plays in the lives of students and the teacher's potential to improve

the quality of life for students cannot be underestimated. Elementary school teachers have a
major effect on how children will view school, possibly for the next twelve years of their lives.

This effect can be compounded when students do not speak English. In order to foster

acceptance, self-confidence, learning, and achievement, teachers of ESL students need to make

the classroom a haven for children, create meaningful learning situations for their students, and

never give up on them.

Conclusion :

ESL students who learn abroad have to struggle in order to accept in society and trying to

keep their native culture as their identity. What is needed in the education of ESL students is the

development of English and the academic material also to keep their native language.

There are four loads as barriers to meaningful instruction for English learners. To

overcome these, there are several strategies to help them develop the English learning : teachers

should speak slowly, avoid using slang and idiomatic speech, use multi sensory instruction,

relate information, scaffold instruction and developing a creative, wise and passionate


The TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) standards were

developed to provide teacher’s language skills. Then the teachers should do positive social

interaction by trying to make opportunities for students to use English outside the classroom

where they will feel comfortable communicate in English and create a language-rich classroom

with different media available they can use to enhance their academic achievement. With

applying these strategies, ESL students can be more confident to communicate in English. On the

other hand, they also have to keep their native language as their identity so they should not be

ashamed of who they are or their origins.

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