Pages From Rajesh Bardale Principles of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

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Organic Irritants: Plants and Vegetables 469

Clinical Features • Cerebral edema

• Liver, spleen, kidneys — congested
1. Dermal manifestations: When abrin is injected in skin,
there will be inflammation, swelling, ecchymoses and
Medicolegal Importance
necrosis at the site. Similarly there will be faintness,
vertigo, vomiting, dyspnoea and convulsion occurs 1. Accidental poisoning may occur in children while explor-
before death. The symptoms resemble those of viper ing the seeds.
snakebite. 2. Homicide by sui prepared with abrin (sui is needle or
2. Ocular exposure: Causes redness, chemosis, swelling and spike made with crushed seed alone or mixed with onion
conjunctivitis. paste. Then the needle is dried under sun. The sui is kept
3. Oral ingestion: Causes pain in abdomen, vomiting, diar- between two fingers and is pushed into skin of other
rhoea, bleeding per rectum, cardiac arrhythmias, convul- person).
sions and CNS depression. 3. Cattle poison.
4. Malingerers use powder of abrus seed to produce con-
Management junctivitis.
5. When intact seeds are swallowed or when seeds are
• Gastric lavage
boiled or cooked, they are not poisonous.
• Supportive measures
• Convulsions can be controlled by diazepam/lorazepam
• Local exposure should be treated with copious irrigation Castor
with plain water Botanical name: Ricinus communis
Common name: Castor, arandi
Fatal Dose
• 1 to 2 crushed seeds Features
• 90 to 120 mg of abrin • Castor plants are tall plants and grow all over India. The
Fatal period: 3 to 5 days plant bears lobate leaves with toothed margins (Fig. 37.4).
The fruits are globular and clustered with spiny projec-
Autopsy Findings tions over capsule (Fig. 37.5). The fruit contains castor
• Local-fragments of needle or sui may be found in the seeds (Fig. 37.6).
skin along with oedema, inflammation, local necrosis and • Seeds are flattened-oval in shape and are available in
ecchymoses two sizes. Large variety seeds are mottled, dark brown
• GIT-shows edematous bowel with hemorrhage4 in color with shiny hard seed coat. Small variety seeds



Fig. 37.4: Castor plant Fig. 37.5: Castor fruit

470 Principles of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

• Gastric lavage and administer activated charcoal
• The urine should be alkalinized with sodium bicarbo-
nate. This is to prevent precipitation of hemoglobin in
the renal tubules.7
• Supportive treatment
Fatal dose
• 5 to 10 seeds
• 1 mg/kg body weight for Ricin
Fatal period: 2 to few days

Autopsy Findings
• Mucosa of GIT may be inflamed with hemorrhages
• Crushed seeds with pericarp may be found in stomach
• Hemorrhages in organs.
Fig. 37.6: Castor seeds
Medicolegal Importance
are a about 1 to 2 cm X 0.8 cm in size and resembles
croton seeds (Fig. 37.7). 1. Accidental poisoning
Toxic part of plants: All parts of plant but seeds are more 2. Seeds are used for homicidal purpose
toxic 3. Used to procure criminal abortion
4. Cattle poison
Toxic Principle 5. Seed powder may be used to induce conjunctivitis for
• Ricin (toxalbumin) 6. Small variety seeds may be confused with croton seeds,
differences are mentioned in Table 37.2
Mechanism of Action 7. Can cause anaphylactic type of hypersensitivity in humans.8
• Ricin is composed of two polypeptide chains (A and B).
These chains are connected by a disulfide bond. Croton
• In GIT, chain “B” binds the cell surface and chain “A” Botanical name: Croton tiglium
enters into cytoplasm. Chain “A” acts on 60S ribosomal Common name: Nepala, Jamalgota, croton
unit of cell and disrupt protein synthesis.
Clinical Features5
• Croton plant has elliptical leaves with metallic green in
• Abdominal pain color.
• Vomiting and diarrhea
• Dehydration Table 37.2: Showing difference between castor
• Convulsions and croton seeds
• Drowsiness Features Castor seed Croton seed
• Delirium

Appearance Grayish brown, Dark brown,

• Hepatic failure
mottled, glossy non-glossy, not
• Oliguria mottled
• Uremia Shape Flattened-oval in Oval
• Death may be due to multiorgan failure or cardiovascular shape
B collapse
Cross section Lumen is almost The lumen
• The pulp of seed contains allergenic glycoprotein, which

at tip circular is slit like

may cause dermatitis, rhinitis, asthma, and conjunctivitis with radiating
in allergic individuals.1, 6 creases

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