Student Learning Outcomes:: Spring 2004

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Spring 2004


Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, San Jose State University

Course Objectives:
1. To integrate the concepts that students learn in their civil engineering educational program with
practical experience by providing a training program that supplements and complements
classroom work.
Student Learning Outcomes:
a) Solve realistic engineering planning and design problems
b) Become familiar with current codes, standards, and specifications
c) Develop skills for interacting with practicing professionals
d) Develop skills for interacting with individuals outside of the profession.
2. To provide opportunities for students to learn about and evaluate issues related to professional
Student Learning Outcomes:
a) Understand the process for professional licensing
b) Assess personal and professional ethics in the workplace
c) Assess the impact of projects on the community

Schedule: Students must work a minimum of 120 hours to fulfill the internship requirements for this
course. Schedules may be somewhat flexible and can be arranged between the student, the employer.
Students must attend and report on two professional development activities that will be announced
during the semester.

Employer Requirements: Once an employer indicates their willingness to participate in the program,
the student needs to make sure the employer is provided with a copy of the information concerning
their participation in the program and the attached employer evaluation form. It is the student’s
responsibility to make sure this form is turned in to Dr. Anagnos before the deadline for the report.

University Responsibility: The responsibility of the University is to administer the program and to
ensure that the objectives of the program are achieved. The Faculty Coordinator maintains contact
with the students and their internship supervisors (employer), reviews reports submitted by the
students and the employers, schedules the professional development seminars, and assigns a grade
(Credit/No Credit) for the internship course. Students can receive one semester credit for
participating in this program.

Employer Responsibility: The employer must agree to provide a significant, well-rounded work
experience. The most desirable situation is for the student to be assigned to work with a senior
person (department head, project engineer, etc.) in the organization, so that he/she can obtain an
overview of the engineering operation. He/she may be assigned to routine tasks and calculations, but
only for limited periods where the training effect is significant. Tasks such as surveying, drafting,
computer data entry and laboratory testing are not considered acceptable internship experiences.
The employer must prepare a written evaluation each semester. A request for a letter of evaluation is
enclosed with this packet.

Student Responsibility: The student has the usual responsibilities of an employee and must prepare
reports as required by the Faculty Coordinator. A description of the report is enclosed with this

Spring 2004
Notice to all Students in CE 105

All students must attend TWO professional development activities that will be posted during the
semester. The seminar dates will be posted outside the Civil Engineering Office, room 145, and on
the CE 105 web site. It is the student’s responsibility to look for the notice. One seminar will cover
professional registration and the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination.

In order to earn a passing grade in CE 105 students MUST be currently registered, or have a
previous incomplete, and must:

1. Confirm their employment with Dr. Anagnos by the third week of the semester. The attached
"Information Form" should be filled out and submitted as soon as possible.

2. Have your employer send a letter of evaluation of your work, and the employer evaluation form
to Dr. Anagnos. Dr. Anagnos must receive this letter and form by May 14, 2004. A memo from
the Department, to your supervisor, which indicates the information requested in the letter of
evaluation along with the employer evaluation form, is provided in this packet.

3. Submit a report by May 14, 2004 (no late reports will be accepted – if you miss the deadline
your report will have to be turned in the next semester by the deadline date for that semester).
Make sure to fill out the incomplete form by the deadline of May 7, 2004 if you will not
complete your report on time or you will receive a grade of “NO CREDIT” for the course and
you will have to register for it again the next semester.

4. Submit the technical report in the following format (10 pages minimum and 12 pages
maximum for the text):
The report should be typed, double spaced, 10-point font, and placed in a folder; that is labeled
on the outside with your name, your Student ID number, your phone number, the course name
and number, the date of the report, and if you have an incomplete, when you were originally
enrolled in the course.)

LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL This letter should be addressed to Dr. Anagnos and include your name,
address, and telephone number. In the letter you should indicate what you are submitting as if you were
submitting it to someone in your company. It should be in proper letter format and include your name and
signature at the bottom.
TITLE PAGE – described under number 4 above.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - all pages in the report should be numbered including the appendices.
LIST OF FIGURES – with page numbers
LIST OF TABLES – with page numbers
INTRODUCTION – introduce what will be discussed in the report with a short introduction to the topic.
your should describe what you did during your internship with examples of the project or projects. Do not
merely write about what your company does or the projects.
1) Identify a personal, or professional, ethics issue that you have encountered in your internship. Analyze
the ethical situation and provide at least two possible solutions to the issue. Identify which solution you
would most likely choose and why.
2) What social and or economic impacts has your project had on the community or society? What were the
challenges associated with it and how did you overcome these challenges?
3) Discuss an interdisciplinary experience you were involved with at work (situations where you had to
work with people from different groups within the organization or outside of the organization). How did

Spring 2004
you integrate your knowledge with those outside your field in your project? What were the challenges
associated with working in an interdicsipinary environment and how did you overcome these challenges?
EVALUATION OF THE PROGRAM – Include whether you would recommend your employer to other
REFERENCES – List at least one code, standard, or specification that has been referred to in the text of the
report. You must have at least three references in the reference section and these can include, books, articles,
reports, interviews, or any other references such as plans etc.. Use the APA format for citing references (see
APPENDICES: EXAMPLES OF WORK (which have been described in the text)

(1) NOTE: If you feel uncomfortable writing a technical report, sign up for Engr 90W, the Technical
Writing Laboratory. This is a 1-unit lab where students can get help with their writing. In addition
you may get writing help from the Learning Assistance Resource Center (See )

(2) NOTE "Cr" grades may be earned on the basis of the quality of the report and the evaluation
provided by the employer. Reports that are poorly written and unprofessional will be returned to
the student for a rewrite. If after the rewrite the report is still not acceptable, the report will not
be given credit and a grade of No Credit assigned for the course.

(3) NOTE: If you cannot complete assignments in time, an incomplete grade will be assigned
for the course. You MUST sign an incomplete form at the Department Office prior to
May 7, 2004. You have ONE YEAR to remove the incomplete. In case you cannot
complete all assignments within one year, you should petition to extend the date for
completion; if this is not done, the registrar will turn your grade into an "F" or NC. The
petition form must be turned into the registrar’s office before the end of one year after
you signed up for an incomplete in CE 105 (do not submit it to the CEE department or
the instructor as it must go to the registrar).

(5) A good report: The report should have all figures labeled, all pages numbered, figures should be
discussed in the text, work examples should be discussed in the text, and the report should use
proper grammar and spelling.

(6) These are a reasons students will have to rewrite their reports:
a. more than 3 spelling errors
b. more than 5 grammatical errors
c. appendices are not adequately described
d. sections answering the questions on ethics, impacts on society, and the interdisciplinary
nature of the experience are missing
e. pages are not numbered
f. figures and tables are not properly numbered
g. inadequate description of what the student accomplished
h. insufficient examples of work performed by the student
i. inadequate or imporperly formatted references

Spring 2004

How to Ensure a Successful Job/Project

1. Make sure the employer specifically knows and UNDERSTANDS what type
of work he/she has in mind for you.

2. Discuss their ideas concerning the job they are considering for you
during the interview. This will show them that you are interested in
knowing what the job has to offer and it will tell you if there are any
doubts concerning the job.

3. Once your employer has selected a job for you:

a) Request an outline of the job.
b) In the contract make sure the employer is aware of the amount of
hours you are able to
volunteer for the job (i.e. 120 hours).
c) If the job requires more time than you can personally contribute, the
employer may want
to consider getting a team of volunteers for the job.

4. Make sure your boss is committed to the project (i.e. has enough time to
offer his/her personal comments concerning the project). (You do not
want a substitute employee offering comments on the project because
he/she may not have an understanding of what your boss is trying to
accomplish with the project. As a result, a lot of time will be wasted).

5. Take the time to personally evaluate the internship throughout the

project, ask yourself questions such as:
a) “Is this job/project providing the necessary learning experience
originally intended?
b) “What will I learn in the end?”
(If you don’t like the answers you’re getting to these questions it
might be a good time for both you and your boss to reevaluate the state
of the job/project).

Spring 2004

NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers1

Engineering is an important and learned profession. As members of this profession, engineers
are expected to exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Engineering has a
direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people. Accordingly, the services provided
by engineers require honesty, impartiality, fairness and equity, and must be dedicated to the
protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Engineers must perform under a standard
of professional behavior that requires adherence to the highest principles of ethical conduct.
I. Fundamental Canons
Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall:
1. Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public.
2. Perform services only in areas of their competence.
3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4. Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
5. Avoid deceptive acts.
6. Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the
honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.
II. Rules of Practice
1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
….. (see web page)
III. Professional Obligations (abridged)
1. Engineers shall be guided in all their relations by the highest standards of honesty and
2. Engineers shall at all times strive to serve the public interest.
3. Engineers shall avoid all conduct or practice that deceives the public.
4. Engineers shall not disclose, without consent, confidential information concerning the
business affairs or technical processes of any present or former client or employer, or public
body on which they serve.
5. Engineers shall not be influenced in their professional duties by conflicting interests.
6. Engineers shall not attempt to obtain employment or advancement or professional
engagements by untruthfully criticizing other engineers, or by other improper or questionable
7. Engineers shall not attempt to injure, maliciously or falsely, directly or indirectly, the
professional reputation, prospects, practice, or employment of other engineers. Engineers who
believe others are guilty of unethical or illegal practice shall present such information to the
proper authority for action.
8. Engineers shall accept personal responsibility for their professional activities, provided,
however, that Engineers may seek indemnification for services arising out of their practice for
other than gross negligence, where the Engineer's interests cannot otherwise be protected.
9. Engineers shall give credit for engineering work to those to whom credit is due, and will
recognize the proprietary interests of others.

As Revised July 1996

Spring 2004

1. National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) web page:


Spring 2004

Information Form
C.E. 105

1. Name_________________________________ Area of Interest ____________________



Advisor_________________Do You Have a Major Form on File?_______________

Expected Graduation Date

Electives ?(1) (2) (3) (4)

List the electives you have completed or are planning on taking

2. Check the appropriate response:

______ a. I have a job which I hope to use for this course.

______ b. I have done work already that I hope to use for CE 105.

Was job obtained through the Civil Engineering Department, or previously

approved by the Department for CE 105? Yes_____ No_____

______ c. I expect to take an "Incomplete" this semester and obtain my work experience
this coming winter and/or summer (You still have to file an incomplete form by
May 7, 2004 - submit to Dr. Anagnos).

______ d. I need a job assignment this semester for CE 105.

If you check “d” If you check this box you must turn in a resume to Dr.
Anagnos as soon as possible that will be reviewed for you so that you may
make the appropriate corrections. Also refer to the job binder that is in
the main civil engineering office room 145.

3. If you have checked a or b above, give the following information:

a. Name of Firm______________________________________________________

b. Address of Firm____________________________________________________

c. Immediate Supervisor________________________________________________

d. Telephone Number__________________________________________________

e. Job Description_____________________________________________________

Spring 2004

CE 105

The following is a summary of the requirements that must be completed in order for you to
receive a credit for CE 105:
 Confirm employment with Dr. Anagnos by filling out the Information Form by week three of
the semester and turning it in to Dr. Anagnos.
 If you do not have a job fill out the form and indicate that you are looking for a position. It
will be your responsibility to locate a position; however, Dr. Anagnos will help you if you need
 Job openings are posted in glass cases in the Civil Engineering hallway, and also in the job
binder in the CE office, room 145
 You are responsible for applying for the positions posted by including a cover letter and your
 If you need assistance with your resume contact Dr. Anagnos or the Career Center at 408-
 You must provide your employer with the Employer Request for Evaluation Memo provided
with this packet.
 The letter of evaluations from your employer must be received by May 14, 2004 (no
exceptions to this deadline).
 Attend two professional seminars during the semester for CE 105.
 You are responsible for reading the posted information on the professional seminars, attending
them, and making sure you sign the attendance sheet.
 If you do not attend a professional seminar in the semester that you are enrolled you will be
required to write a 2 or 3 page paper at the end of the semester for each seminar you missed
and the topic will be posted near the end of the semester.
 Work a minimum of 120 hours for CE 105
 Submit a technical report by May 14, 2004 as per the instructions provided the first day of
 The report must conform to the guidelines provided the first day of class or it will be returned
to you for revisions.
 The reports must be between 10 and 12 pages of text (double spaced, 10 font).
 The report must be double-spaced using 10 point text (not smaller or larger), one inch margins
for all four margins, and printed on a laser jet (or equivalent) printer.
 If you do not plan to turn your report in this semester you must fill out an incomplete form
that is available in the CE office and submit the form to Dr. Anagnos (signature of Dr.
Anagnos is not required, just leave the form in the main office for Dr. Anagnos).
 If you have an incomplete from over a year ago you must fill out an official incomplete
extension form and submit it to the registrar’s office or you will receive a no credit for the
semester for which you were enrolled. (This form is not the same form that is submitted for an
incomplete for the semester that you are currently enrolled).
 If you have an incomplete in either CE 105 from a previous semester DO NOT register for
them again.

If all of the above are completed you will receive a grade of “Credit” for the semester in
which you were enrolled.

Spring 2004



Course Objectives:
1. To integrate the concepts that students learn in their civil engineering educational program
with practical experience by providing a training program that supplements and complements
classroom work.
Student Learning Outcomes:
a) Solve realistic engineering planning and design problems
b) Become familiar with current codes, standards, and specifications
c) Develop skills for interacting with practicing professionals
d) Develop skills for interacting with individuals outside of the profession.
2. To provide opportunities for students to learn about and evaluate issues related to professional
Student Learning Outcomes:
a) Understand the process for professional licensing
b) Assess personal and professional ethics in the workplace
c) Assess the impact of projects on the community

Schedule: Students must work a minimum of 120 hours to fulfill the internship requirements for
this course. Schedules may be somewhat flexible and can be arranged between the student, the
employer. Students must attend two professional development activities that will be announced
during the semester.

Employer Requirements: Once an employer indicates their willingness to participate in the

program, the student needs to make sure the employer is provided with a copy of the information
concerning their participation in the program and the attached employer evaluation form. It is the
student’s responsibility to make sure this form is turned in to Dr. Anagnos before the deadline for
the report.

University Responsibility: The responsibility of the University is to administer the program and to
ensure that the objectives of the program are achieved. The Faculty Coordinator maintains
contact with the students and their internship supervisors (employer), reviews reports submitted
by the students and the employers, schedules the professional development seminars, and assigns
a grade (Credit/No Credit) for the internship course. Students can receive one semester credit for
participating in this program.

Employer Responsibility: The employer must agree to provide a significant, well-rounded work
experience. The most desirable situation is for the student to be assigned to work with a senior
person (department head, project engineer, etc.) in the organization, so that he/she can obtain an
overview of the engineering operation. He/she may be assigned to routine tasks and calculations,
but only for limited periods where the training effect is significant. Tasks such as surveying,
drafting, computer data entry and laboratory testing are not considered acceptable internship
experiences. The employer must prepare a written evaluation each semester. A request for a letter
of evaluation is enclosed with this packet.

Student Responsibility: The student has the usual responsibilities of an employee and must prepare
reports as required by the Faculty Coordinator. A description of the report is enclosed with this


MEMO TO: Supervisors of San Jose State University Civil Engineering

Student Interns in CE 105 – Professional Development
Internship Program

FROM: Dr. Thalia Anagnos, Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

SUBJECT: Request for Letters of Evaluation

Please provide a letter evaluating the student intern from the Civil and
Environmental Engineering Department of San Jose State University that
has been under your supervision and send it by fax to 408-924-4004
Attention: Thalia Anagnos, or mail it to Thalia Anagnos, Civil and
Environmental Engineering Department, San Jose State University, San
Jose, CA 95123-0083 (phone: 408-924-5190).

Attached to this letter is an evaluation form that also needs to be filled out
by the immediate supervisor of the student intern and returned to Dr.
Anagnos. This letter is necessary for the student to receive credit for the
work performed for you as part of the internship program. It should be
received at San Jose State University no later than May 14, 2004.

We request that you evaluate the student intern in the same manner as you
would any employee. The following questions could be addressed in your

1. What general assignments did the student complete?

2. What was the work schedule was of the student?

3. Was the student prompt and regular in meeting his/her


4. Was the student generally responsible in the manner in which

he/she handled his/her assignments?

5. Did the student show initiative? Did he/she exert any extra

6. Did the student have the minimal technical competence that

might be expected?

7. Did the student show competence in communication skills?

Any additional comments will be appreciated. Thank you for your

assistance and your participation in the Civil and Environmental
Engineering Department student internship program at San Jose State

Spring 2004

Evaluation of Student Intern Performance

for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
San Jose State University

Dear Supervisor,

The letter of evaluation you provide, as well as your input on this form, will be used to assess the
quality and long-term focus of the internship program. Please take a few minutes to assess the
performance of the San Jose State University student who has been working for you and return this
form with your letter of evaluation by May 14, 2004.

The scale should be interpreted as: 1 (very low performance) to 5 (very high performance)

Student Name
Ability to work effectively on a team
1 2 3 4 5 Not Assessed

Ability to compose written reports and memos

1 2 3 4 5 Not Assessed

Ability to make an oral presentation

1 2 3 4 5 Not Assessed

Ability to interface with the public or clients

1 2 3 4 5 Not Assessed

Ability to solve problems and think creatively

1 2 3 4 5 Not Assessed

Initiative and ability to work independently

1 2 3 4 5 Not Assessed

Knowledge of computers and software

1 2 3 4 5 Not Assessed

Technical knowledge expected of an entry-level employee

1 2 3 4 5 Not Assessed

Understanding of Professional Issues

1 2 3 4 5 Not Assessed


Your Name: _________________________ Company: __________________________________


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