Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

The BBC​ (The United Kingdom). "Koreas Switch off Loudspeakers." June 15, 2004. Accessed
December 18, 2018. ​​.
This BBC article is about the Koreas switching off their loudspeaker systems for the first time
since 1953 that blasted propaganda across the DMZ.

The Guardian​. "On Patrol in the DMZ: North Korean Landmines, Biting Winds and Tin Cans."
March 21, 2016. Accessed December 13, 2018.
This Guardian article is about life patrolling the DMZ from the perspective of a former South
Korean patrol officer. It describes the training this officer had to go through, the
temperatures, and incidents that happened on patrol.

Herskovitz, Jon. "North Korea Asks South Korea to Tear down Imaginary Wall." ​Reuters​,
December 31, 2007. Accessed December 13, 2018.
This article is about how North Korea created an imaginary wall on the DMZ as part of its
propaganda during the Cold War, and now (2007), as it's communist allies faded away, it
is asking South Korea to 'tear down' this wall.

Kim, Kwan S. ​The Korean Miracle (1962-1980) Revisited: Myths and Realities in Strategy and
Development​. Research report no. 166. Kellogg Institute, 1991. Accessed December 5,
2018. ​​.
this paper talks about how Korea swiftly rose from being one of the poorest countries in the
world to being one of the most powerful economies in just two decades, and the factors
that helped in this swift rise to power.

"Korean Demilitarized Zone." Wikipedia. Last modified December 14, 2018. Accessed
December 18, 2018. ​​.
This Wikipedia page was used for background information for the interviews and for finding

The Korean War Armistice Agreement​. July 27, 1953. Accessed December 18, 2018.​.
This is a copy of the Korean Armistice Treaty: it lists the terms of the agreement as well as a
description of the DMZ, the rules of the DMZ, and what it will be used for.

Martin, Glen. "All Quiet on the DMZ: The History of the Cold War Didn’t Always Make
History." Cal Alumni Association. Last modified 2016. Accessed December 5, 2018.
This article describes the story of a veteran who was an officer stationed at the DMZ who
prevented a group of students from crossing the DMZ during what was known as the
Second Korean War, which was a time in the late 60s where there was a series of
low-level skirmishes across the border

Mayer, Joseph. Interview by Rebecca McChesney. Audio file. December 9, 2018. Accessed
December 18, 2018.​.
This is the second interview between myself and my grandfather about the Korean economy at
the time he was there, the living conditions of the compound and the area, the civilians
attitude towards the military and North Korea, and the US government's decisions
regarding war.

———. "Midterm 1st Interview." By Rebecca McChesney. MP3 audio file, 22:14. Soundcloud.​.
This interview is between myself and my grandfather about his experiences after the Korean War
when he was stationed close to the DMZ

Pike, John, ed. "Korea Demilitarized Zone Incidents: Serious Incidents in the DMZ 1967 -
2001." Last modified May 7, 2011. Accessed December 18, 2018.​.
This web page is a list of the incidents at the DMZ that resulted in casualties from 1967 to 2003.
It gives a description for each incident as well as the date and the number of people
wounded and killed.

Wilson, Justin. "The Korean Peninsula: Dynasty, Colonialism, War, and Reunification." Master's
thesis, Stanford University, 2002. Accessed December 5, 2018.​.
This paper is a master's thesis on the global development of the Korean Peninsula. It includes
details about how the Korean war started and ended as well as the state of the economy
during and after the war, as well as Korea's globalization.

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