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PRONOUNS: When they burned the world down, they didn’t know  Deep brain scan*: When you have time to study someone,
what would grow in its ashes. They didn’t know that we you can read them more deeply than usual. Read someone,
would be born, we with our eager, hungry brains, our but roll+Weird, and in addition to the usual questions, you
1st IMPRESSION unblinkered eyes, our whispering, dangerous voices. can choose from these:
• What was your lowest moment?
• What unfinished business do you have, and with whom?
• What is your deepest secret fear?
IMPROVEMENT • How could I really get my hooks into you?
Mark 4 Experience >>  >> Improve:
On a miss, their brain freaks out and they suffer Ψ-harm
 Get +1Aggro (max Aggro+2). instead.
 Get +1Cool (max Cool+2).
 Embrace the maelstrom: You get +1Weird (max Weird+3).
STATS MOVES EFFECTS  Get +1Sharp (max Sharp+2). You get +1Ψ (max Ψ+2).
 Get a new Brain-picker move.
Confront someone  In-brain puppet strings*: When you have the time and
 Get a new Brain-picker move. opportunity to work on someone, you can put psychic
 Get 2 new Brain-picker gear. puppet strings into their brain. Roll+Weird. On a 10+, hold
AGGRO  Experience
WEAPON  Establish a venue and get wealth. 3 against them. On a 7–9, hold 1. From then on, whenever
you want, you can spend 1 of your hold to whisper an order
 Establish a following and get devotion. directly into their brain. If they follow it, good. If they resist,
Act under fire  Get a move from an unused playbook. they suffer Ψ-harm instead, but your hold is still spent.
Charm or deceive someone  Get a move from an unused playbook.  Mesmerizing whisper*: When you whisper gently to
ARMOR  Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3). someone, you can charm or deceive them, but roll+Weird.
Furthermore, when they choose how to respond, they can’t
 Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3).
Do battle choose to call you out to your face.
 Unlock a game changer.
 The maelstrom, manifest: You can unleash the world’s
 Create an additional character to play.
psychic maelstrom as a destructive physical force: environ+1,
HARD  Experience
Ψ  Retire your character to safety. close/far, messy.

Read someone
Read a situation
Choose 1:
SHARP  Experience
BARTER  You’re known, and feared by some, but you won’t
use your psychic abilities just to exploit or extort
people. You have Barter+2.
Open your brain to the
world’s psychic maelstrom  When your resources run thin, you’re more than
willing to use your psychic abilities to exploit and
extort people. You have Barter+3.
WEIRD  Experience
Hx Help someone
Countdown  Experience
Interrupt someone
12 When life becomes untenable:
 Return to play with -1Hard.
9 3  Return to play with +1Weird.
 Return to play with a new
6 playbook.
  Experience  Stabilized  Die.
* This is a highly interruptible move.
 Brain frequency resonator (hi-tech, worn)
Gives the wearer Ψ+1.
To create your Brain-picker, choose name & pronouns,
1st impression, stats, effects, moves, gear, and Hx.
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and
 Deep earplugs (hi-tech, worn) outlook. Take your turn.
Protects the wearer from all Brain‑picker moves and gear,
and from many other sources of Ψ-harm.
NAME List the other characters’ names.
Smith, Jones, Jackson, Marsh, Lively, Burroughs, or
 Engineered nerve tick (hi-tech, touch) Gritch. Go around again for Hx. On your turn, ask 1 or both:
Apply to someone’s skin. Embeds itself into their nerve Joyette, Iris, Marie, Amiette, Suselle, or Cybelle. • Are any of you actually, honestly uncomfortable hanging
pathways. From now on, simple proximity to them counts Pallor, Sin, Charmer, Pity, Brace, or Sundown. out with me?
as the time and opportunity to work on them. (Applies to For those characters, write Hx+3.
in-brain puppet strings and potentially to other moves Choose your pronouns.
• Do any of you seem dangerous and unpredictable to me?
and effects.) For those character, write Hx+2.
 In-eye brain-lenses (hi-tech, worn) 1st IMPRESSION For everyone else, or if no one volunteers at all, write
For the wearer, casually watching someone for a moment Choose 1 or more, and add your own: Hx+1. You have weird insights into everyone.
counts as taking the time to study them. (Applies to deep Awkward, beautiful, cold, courteous, creepy, distracted,
brain scan and potentially to other moves and effects.) hungry, impatient, implacable, inquisitive, kindly, On the others’ turns, volunteer if you like.
 Pain-wave projector (harm+1 ap, area, hi-tech, loud, reset) nervous, restrained, secretive, serious, staring, strange,
Goes off like a reusable grenade. Hits everyone but you. sweet, unhealthy. IMPROVEMENT
When you roll a stat, roll Hx, or suffer harm, mark
 Psychic overload chamber
You have an enclosed chamber that acts as a psychic STATS Experience. When you’ve marked 4 Experience, erase
those marks and mark 1 toward Improvement.
antenna, giving you access to augury. Choose a set:
• Aggro-2, Cool+1, Hard+1, Sharp+1, Weird+2 Then, when you’ve marked 5 Improvement, erase those
SMALL FANCY WEAPONS • Aggro+1, Cool=0, Hard=0, Sharp=0, Weird+2 marks and choose an option for your character. Check it
off; you can’t choose that option again.
 Antique handgun (harm+2, close, loud, reload, valuable) • Aggro-1, Cool+1, Hard-2, Sharp+2, Weird+2
 Handmade silenced handgun (harm+2, close, hi-tech) • Aggro-1, Cool+2, Hard-1, Sharp=0, Weird+2
 Hidden knives (harm+2, hand, hidden)
 Ornate dagger (harm+2, hand, valuable) EFFECTS
 Scalpels (harm+3, hi-tech, intimate, valuable) When you choose your gear, list your armor and your
weapon, including tags and harm.
CLOTHING, LIVING SPACE & INCIDENTALS You have Ψ+0, but your gear and moves might increase it.
You have Barter per your Scavenge.
By default you have Environ+0, but a move might give you

You get all the basic moves. Choose 2 Brain-picker moves.

You get:
• 2 Brain-picker gear.
• 1 small fancy weapon.
• Clothing you detail, including at your option a piece
worth armor-1.
• Living space and incidentals you detail, suitable to your
Scavenge and moves.
PRONOUNS: When you’re lying in the ashes, burned and smashed  Field medic: When somebody’s suffered harm, you can help.
and spilt, what do you hope for? More time, revenge, Roll+Sharp. On any hit, you stabilize them: their injuries
restitution, to finish what you started, to undo what won’t get worse, and you can safely move them. On a 10+,
1st IMPRESSION you did, to do what you didn’t? A second chance? they recover 1harm as well. On a miss, you see at once that
there’s nothing you can do for them. Choose 1:
Friend, here it is.
• I do my best for them, even though it won’t make a difference.
• I break it to them compassionately and stay with them.
IMPROVEMENT • I walk away.
Mark 4 Experience >>  >> Improve:
 Guardian angel: When you kneel over someone who has
 Get +1Sharp (max Sharp+3).
fallen, you and they both get +2armor.
 Get +1Aggro (max Aggro+2).
STATS MOVES EFFECTS  Get +1Cool (max Cool+2).
 Healing touch: Put your hands on someone injured and
roll+Weird. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7–9, choose 2:
 Get a new Medic move. • Your touch takes their pain away.
Confront someone
 Get a new Medic move. • Your touch heals their tissue damage and stops their bleeding.
 Add an option to your sanctuary. • Your touch knits their bones back together.
AGGRO  Experience
WEAPON  Add an option to your sanctuary. • Your touch removes their disease or purges their infection.
…And ask the MC whether they heal 1harm or 2harm.
 Add an option to your sanctuary.
Act under fire On a miss, you take their pain away, but they heal 0harm.
 Get a move from an unused playbook.
Charm or deceive someone  Know your enemy: When you read a situation, as a free
 Get a move from an unused playbook.
additional question, always ask:
ARMOR  Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3). • How might this situation turn [more] violent?
 Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3).  Sixth sense: At the beginning of the session, roll+Sharp. On
Do battle
 Unlock a game changer. a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. Any time during the session,
 Create an additional character to play. spend 1 of your hold to ask the MC what your sixth sense

is telling you. The MC should answer with a warning, an
HARD  Experience  Retire your character to safety.
assurance, a clue, or an insight of some kind. On a miss, your
sixth sense makes you paranoid and mistrustful. Choose
Read someone
Read a situation
SCAVENGE another player’s character and take -1 to your Hx with them.
Choose 1:
SHARP  Experience
BARTER  People support you out of appreciation, and you OTHER MOVES
turn all their support back into resources for
providing more care. You have Barter+0.
Open your brain to the
world’s psychic maelstrom  People support you out of appreciation, and you’re
able to live a little comfortably on their gratitude for
your care. You have Barter+2.
WEIRD  Experience
Hx Help someone
Countdown  Experience
Interrupt someone
12 When life becomes untenable:
 Return to play with -1Hard.
9 3  Return to play with +1Weird.
 Return to play with a new
6 playbook.
  Experience  Stabilized  Die.
* This is a highly interruptible move.
You have a sanctuary where people can live, work, and heal. It
includes (choose 4):
To create your Medic, choose name & pronouns, 1st
impression, stats, effects, moves, gear, and Hx.
 Access to unexplored underground chambers Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and
outlook. Take your turn.
Vast, ancient, echoing, and mysterious.
 Armed guards (gang: small, harm+2 armor-1)
NAME List the other characters’ names.
Dou, Bon, Abe, Boo, T, Kal, Bai, Char, Jav, Ruth, Wei, Jay,
You also get leadership. Go around again for Hx. On your turn, ask 1, 2 or all 3:
Nee, Kim, Lan, Di, or Dez.
 Armored walls • Do I figure that any of you are doomed to self-destruction?
Doc, Core, Wheels, Buzz, Key, Gabe, Biz, Bish, Line, Inch,
Provides an armor-1 bonus to defenders. For those characters, write Hx-2.
Grip, or Setter.
 A cult (following: small; devotions: comfort, worship; demands: • Have any of you ever put a hand in when it mattered, and
Choose your pronouns.
teaching, worship) helped me save lives?
Worshipers of the (circle 1) ghosts / life / gods that your For those characters, write Hx+2.
sanctuary represents to them. You also get devotion. 1st IMPRESSION • Have any of you been beside me all along, and seen
 A garden of green, growing plants Choose 1 or more, and add your own: everything I’ve seen?
Providing healthy food and simple medicines. Angry, caring, crude, cute, dogged, fixated, giving, gunshy, For those characters, write Hx+3.
 Life support & medlab (workspace: healing) handsome, haunted, impatient, intense, irreverent, For everyone else, or if no one volunteers at all, write
You also get tinkering. patient, skeptical, standoffish, worn down. Hx+1. You keep your eyes open.
 A reliable source of fresh, clean water
A beautiful fountain, giant collection tanks, or just a cracked
underground pipe that somehow runs clear.
STATS On the others’ turns, volunteer if you like.

 A security system of some kind

Choose a set:
• Aggro+1, Cool+1, Hard=0, Sharp+2, Weird-1
Cameras & motion detectors, or else tripwires, booby traps, When you roll a stat, roll Hx, or suffer harm, mark
• Aggro=0, Cool+1, Hard+1, Sharp+2, Weird-1
and rigged floors. Experience. When you’ve marked 4 Experience, erase
• Aggro=0, Cool-1, Hard+1, Sharp+2, Weird+1 those marks and mark 1 toward Improvement.
 Skilled assistants
• Aggro-1, Cool+2, Hard-1, Sharp+2, Weird=0
Give them names, looks and outlooks with the MC. Then, when you’ve marked 5 Improvement, erase those
 A thoughtful NPC caretaker (advisor) marks and choose an option for your character. Check it
You also get insight. EFFECTS off; you can’t choose that option again.
When you choose your gear, list your armor and your
DEFENSIVE WEAPONS weapon, including tags and harm.
 Big knife (harm+2, hand) You have Ψ+0.
 Crude handmade pistol (harm+2, close, loud, reload) You have Barter per your Scavenge.
 Stun gun (s-harm, hand, reload) You have Environ+0.


You get all the basic moves. You get field medic, and
choose 1 more Medic move.

You get:
• Your sanctuary.
• 1 defensive weapon.
• Clothing you detail, including at your option a piece
worth armor-1.
• Living space and incidentals you detail, suitable to your
Scavenge, moves, and sanctuary.
PRONOUNS: When they set fire to the world, they burned away  Armed to the teeth: You get one additional heavy weapon
every nuance, every subtlety in creation. They reduced and two additional handy weapons.
the world to the flammable and the flame.  Bug out: Name your escape route and roll+Hard. On a 10+,
1st IMPRESSION sweet, you’re gone. On a 7–9, you can go or stay, but if you
go it costs you: leave something behind, or take something
with you, the MC will tell you what. On a miss, you’re caught
IMPROVEMENT vulnerable, half in and half out.
Mark 4 Experience >>  >> Improve:  Dangerous presence: When you enter into a situation,
 Get +1Aggro (max Aggro+3). roll+Hard. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7–9, choose 1:
• If I have any enemies here, they put their hands to their weapons.
 Get +1Hard (max Hard+3).
Who does?
STATS MOVES EFFECTS  Get +1Cool (max Cool+2). • If I have any enemies here, they freeze and try to make
 Get +1Sharp (max Sharp+2). themselves inconspicuous. Who does?
Confront someone
SEE —»  Get a new Volatile move. • If anybody here wants or needs my help, even if they don’t dare
REVER SE  Get a new Volatile move.
signal me, they look relieved to see me. Who does?
• If I have any allies here, they make eye contact with me. Who
AGGRO  Experience
WEAPON  Establish a gang and get leadership. does?
 Establish a stronghold and get wealth. On a miss, if you have any enemies here, they immediately
Act under fire  Get a move from an unused playbook. move against you.
Charm or deceive someone  Get a move from an unused playbook.  Hold your own: When you do battle against a gang, you
ARMOR  Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3). count as a small gang yourself.
 Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3).  Visions of death: When you go into battle, roll+Weird. On
Do battle a 10+, name one person who’ll die and one who’ll live. On
 Unlock a game changer.
a 7–9, name one person who’ll die OR one person who’ll
 Create an additional character to play.
live. Don’t name a player’s character; name NPCs only. The
HARD  Experience
Ψ  Retire your character to safety. MC will make your vision come true, if it’s even remotely
possible. On a miss, you foresee your own death, and
accordingly take -1 throughout the battle.
Read someone
Read a situation
Choose 1:
SHARP  Experience
BARTER  You get by on jobs and trading favors. You won’t
straight-out rob people or murder them for their
goods. You have Barter+1.
Open your brain to the
world’s psychic maelstrom  You’re never willing to suffer an empty belly or an
unsatisfied want, not when you can rob and reave.
You have Barter+3.
WEIRD  Experience
Hx Help someone
Countdown  Experience
Interrupt someone
12 When life becomes untenable:
 Return to play with -1Hard.
9 3  Return to play with +1Weird.
 Return to play with a new
6 playbook.
  Experience  Stabilized  Die.
* This is a highly interruptible move.
SERIOUS WEAPONS To create your Volatile, choose name & pronouns, 1st
impression, stats, effects, moves, gear, and Hx.
 Blade thrower (harm+4, close, harness, loud, reload) Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and
 Flamethrower (f-harm, environ+1, harness, close, messy) outlook. Take your turn.
 Handmade gatling gun (harm+3, area, close/far, harness)
NAME List the other characters’ names.
Vonk the Sculptor, Batty, Jonker, A.T., Rue Wakeman,
 Heavy shrapnel gun (harm+3, close/far, messy) Navarre, Man, Kartak, Barbarossa, Keeler, Grekkor, Crille, Go around again for Hx. On your turn, ask 1, 2 or all 3:
 RPG (environ+2, close/far, single use: ) Doom, or Chaplain. • Have any of you fought shoulder to shoulder with me?
 Scoped sniper rifle (harm+3, far, hi-tech, loud) Raksha, Kickskirt, Kite, Monsoon, Smith, Beastie, Baaba, For those characters, write Hx+3.
Melody, Mar, Tavi, Absinthe, or Honeytree. • Do any of you think that I’m the problem?
HANDY WEAPONS Choose your pronouns. For those characters, write Hx-2.
• Do any of you actually, honestly need protecting?
 Big knife (harm+2, hand)
 Crossbow (harm+2, close/far, reload) 1st IMPRESSION For those characters, write Hx+2.
For everyone else, or if no one volunteers at all, write
 Crowbar (harm+2, hand, brutal) Choose 1 or more, and add your own:
Hx=0. You don’t see much reason to dig too deeply into
 Demo hammer (harm+2, hand, brutal) Brash, brave, cool, disciplined, easygoing, held in check, people.
hostile, hot, impatient, imperturbable, no-nonsense,
 Hatchet (harm+3, hand) on a hair trigger, patient, seething, self-assured, On the others’ turns, volunteer if you like.
 Machete (harm+3, hand, brutal) self‑destructive, self-possessed, tempestuous, vicious.
 Molotov (environ+1, thrown, single use: ) IMPROVEMENT
 Revolver (harm+2, close, loud, reload) STATS When you roll a stat, roll Hx, or suffer harm, mark
 Sawed off (harm+3, close, messy, reload) Choose a set: Experience. When you’ve marked 4 Experience, erase
 Shrapnel gun (harm+2, close, messy) • Aggro+2, Cool+1, Hard+1, Sharp=0, Weird-1 those marks and mark 1 toward Improvement.
• Aggro+2, Cool=0, Hard+1, Sharp+1, Weird-1 Then, when you’ve marked 5 Improvement, erase those
BODY ARMOR • Aggro+2, Cool-2, Hard+1, Sharp=0, Weird+2 marks and choose an option for your character. Check it
• Aggro+2, Cool-1, Hard+2, Sharp-1, Weird=0 off; you can’t choose that option again.
 Beautiful custom-made body armor (armor-2, valuable)
 Dull, utilitarian body armor (armor-2)
 Intimidating body armor (armor-2) EFFECTS
When you choose your gear, list your armor.
 Preapocalyptic military body armor (armor-2, hi-tech)
You have Ψ+0.
 Scavenged body armor (armor-2)
You have Barter per your Scavenge.
CLOTHING, LIVING SPACE & INCIDENTALS By default you have Environ+0, but your weapons might
give you Environ+1.

You get all the basic moves. Choose 2 Volatile moves.

You get:
• 2 serious weapons.
• 2 handy weapons.
• 1 body armor.
• Clothing you detail.
• Living space and incidentals you detail, suitable to your
Scavenge and your moves.
PRONOUNS: When the world burned, there were those then who  Artful & gracious: When you perform your chosen art—any
held power over millions, and they burned hot and act of expression or culture—or when you put its product
bright, and their wealth was gasoline. Now there’s no before an audience, roll+Cool. On a 10+, spend 3. On a 7–9,
1st IMPRESSION wealth. It’s our blood, spilt and shared, that stands us spend 1. Spend 1 to name an NPC member of your audience
and choose one:
together, and who shares blood is not poor.
• This person must meet me.
• This person must have my services.
IMPROVEMENT • This person loves me.
• This person must give me a gift.
Mark 4 Experience >>  >> Improve:
• This person admires my patron.
 Get +1Cool (max Cool+3).
On a miss, you gain no benefit, but suffer no harm or lost
 Get +1Aggro (max Aggro+2). opportunity. You simply perform very well.
STATS MOVES EFFECTS  Get +1Sharp (max Sharp+2).
 Ear to the ground: when you want to know something
 Get +1Weird (max Weird+2). about someone distant, roll+Cool. On a 10+, ask the MC 3
Confront someone
 Get a new Unalone move. questions. On a 7-9, ask 1. The MC has to answer frankly.
 Get a new Unalone move. • How are they doing? what’s up with them?
• What or who do they love best?
AGGRO  Experience
WEAPON  Add 1 to your blood. • Who do they know, like and/or trust?
 Add 1 to your blood. • When next should I expect to see them?
Act under fire  Get a move from an unused playbook. • How could I get to them, physically or emotionally?
Charm or deceive someone On a miss, ask 1 anyway, but they hear about your interest
 Get a move from an unused playbook.
in them.
ARMOR  Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3).
 Incandescent*: When you make a show and display of
 Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3). passion — anguish, love, fury, any — no one who can see
Do battle you can do anything but watch. You command their absolute
 Unlock a game changer.
 Create an additional character to play. attention. If you choose, you can exempt individual people,
by name.
HARD  Experience
Ψ  Retire your character to safety.
 Lost*: When you whisper someone’s name to the world’s
psychic maelstrom, roll+Weird. On a hit, they come to you,
Read someone
Read a situation
SCAVENGE with or without any clear explanation why. On a 10+, take
Choose 1: +1forward against them. On a miss, the MC will ask you 3
questions; answer them truthfully.
SHARP  Experience
BARTER  You are devoted to your blood and share their good
times and bad, you don’t hold yourself above or
Open your brain to the
apart from them. You have Barter+1.
 You’re willing to let your blood support you and live
world’s psychic maelstrom
well off their devotion to you. You have Barter+3.
WEIRD  Experience
Hx Help someone
Countdown  Experience
Interrupt someone
12 When life becomes untenable:
 Return to play with -1Hard.
9 3  Return to play with +1Weird.
 Return to play with a new
6 playbook.
  Experience  Stabilized  Die.
* This is a highly interruptible move.
You have blood, a strong and loyal group of people to whom you
belong. They are your following, and you also get devotion.
To create your Unalone, choose name & pronouns, 1st
impression, stats, effects, moves, gear, and Hx.
Your blood are (choose 2): Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and
outlook. Take your turn.
 Children (devotion: hope, play; demands: protection)
To them you are a parent figure.
NAME List the other characters’ names.
October, Venus, Mercury, Dune, Shade, Heron, Plum,
 Choppers (devotion: battle, transport; demands: discipline, Orchid, Storm, Dusk, Sword, Midnight, Hide, Frost, Lawn, Go around again for Hx. On your turn, ask 1, 2 or all 3:
maintenance) June, Icicle, Tern, Lavender, Spice, Gazelle, Lion, Peacock, • Are any of you my blood?
They are your gang: small harm+2 armor-1 bikes. To them you or Grace. For those characters, write Hx+3.
are their gang boss. You also get leadership.
Choose your pronouns. • Have any of you ever stood up to me for real, and refused to
 A cult (devotion: comfort, worship; demands: teaching) back down, in front of my blood and everything?
To them you are a prophet, so think up your teachings.
 Elders (devotion: insight; demands: obedience) 1st IMPRESSION For those characters, write Hx+2.
• Do any of you wish you were my blood, but aren’t?
They are your advisors. To them you are a young leader, Choose 1 or more, and add your own: For those characters, write Hx+2.
worth their wisdom. You also get insight. Caring, clannish, cold, confident, generous, graceful,
hospitable, open, outgoing, polite, reserved, retiring, For everyone else, or if no one volunteers at all, write
 Guardians (devotion: battle, protection; demands: discipline) Hx+1. You like people and can see them clearly.
They are your gang: small harm+2 armor-1. To them you are self-aware, self-conscious, self-possessed, sly, standoffish,
their gang boss. You also get leadership. temperamental, warm. On the others’ turns, volunteer if you like.
 Laborers (devotion: jingle; demands: R&R, solidarity)
Circle 1–3: farming, hunting, manual labor, scavenging, skilled STATS IMPROVEMENT
labor, trade labor. To them you are a leader and organizer. Choose a set: When you roll a stat, roll Hx, or suffer harm, mark
 A visionary (devotion: insight; demands: flattery) • Aggro+1, Cool+2, Hard-1, Sharp+1, Weird=0 Experience. When you’ve marked 4 Experience, erase
They are your advisor and they know weird things. To them • Aggro=0, Cool+2, Hard=0, Sharp=0, Weird+1 those marks and mark 1 toward Improvement.
you are a supplicant. You also get insight. • Aggro-1, Cool+2, Hard=0, Sharp+2, Weird-1 Then, when you’ve marked 5 Improvement, erase those
 Wanderers (devotion: trade; demands: provisions) • Aggro+1, Cool+2, Hard+1, Sharp+1, Weird-2 marks and choose an option for your character. Check it
To them you are their (circle 1): home base / wayfinder. off; you can’t choose that option again.


 Beautiful vintage handgun (harm+2, close, loud, reload) When you choose your gear, list your armor and your
weapon, including tags and harm.
 Custom-made handgun (harm+2, close, loud, reload)
You have Ψ+0.
 Hand-forged damascus blade (harm+2, hand)
You have Barter per your Scavenge.
 Lavishly decorated hunting rifle (harm+2, far, loud, reload)
You have Environ+0.
 Weighted, swinging chain (harm+2, hand)


You get all the basic moves. Choose 1 Unalone move.

You get:
• Your blood.
• 1 distinctive weapon.
• Clothing you detail, including at your option a piece
worth armor-1.
• Living space and incidentals you detail, suitable to your
Scavenge, moves, and sanctuary.
PRONOUNS: When the world burned, its psychic walls fell and  Sniff the wind: When you read a situation, ask a free
its psychic gates sagged open. There was born a additional question. Furthermore, include these in the list of
maelstrom, vast and screaming in fear and hate. questions you can ask:
1st IMPRESSION There were born other things too.
• Who here is most afraid?
• Who here is keeping secrets from the rest?
• How close are the wolves?
• Who here would do what I ask?
IMPROVEMENT • What or who is the source of the most pain or fear here?
Mark 4 Experience >>  >> Improve:
 Get +1Aggro (max Aggro+3).  Bolthole: You have a secure, hidden bunker you can go when
things get too hot. It includes: an old sawed-off (3‑harm close
 Get +1Sharp (max Sharp+3). loud reload), food and water for 3 people for 10 days, radio
STATS MOVES EFFECTS  Get +1Cool (max Cool+2). contact maybe with others out in the world, spyholes and
 Get +1Hard (max Hard+2). tripwire alarms in case anyone approaches.
Confront someone
 Get a new Vigilant move.  Lay out a plan: When you lay out a plan, roll+Sharp. On a
 Get a new Vigilant move. 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 2. Over the course of executing
the plan, you or any other PC can spend 1 hold to get +1 to
AGGRO  Experience
WEAPON  Establish a following and get devotion.
any roll, to inflict +1harm, or to suffer -1harm. On a miss,
 Establish a gang and get leadership. hold 1, but tell the MC that if it matters, you spend a long
Act under fire  Get a move from an unused playbook. time working your plan out.
Charm or deceive someone  Get a move from an unused playbook.  Peel back the disguise*: When you are present with a wolf
ARMOR  Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3).
of the maelstrom, you can choose to roll+Weird. On a 10+,
everyone here sees them clearly, albeit for only a moment,
 Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3). before their disguise reasserts itself. On a 7–9, people catch
Do battle a glimpse, unclearly, and get an impression of either what
 Unlock a game changer.
 Create an additional character to play. they look like or but… Ask the MC which. On a miss, people
see wolves where they are not.
HARD  Experience
Ψ  Retire your character to safety.
 Your enemy’s methods*: You get +1Ψ (max Ψ+2). By
concentrating with violent intent, you can use your brain
Read someone
Read a situation
SCAVENGE as a weapon. It inflicts ap harm equal to your Ψ (note: not
Choose 1: Ψ-harm), at close range (harm=Ψ close ap).
SHARP  Experience
BARTER  You don’t make yourself stand out, preferring to live
unobtrusively with the people around you and go
unnoticed by outsiders. You have Barter+1.
Open your brain to the
world’s psychic maelstrom  You provide valuable services — warnings and
insights — to the people around you, and live a
commensurate lifestyle. You have Barter+2.
WEIRD  Experience
Hx Help someone
Countdown  Experience
Interrupt someone
12 When life becomes untenable:
 Return to play with -1Hard.
9 3  Return to play with +1Weird.
 Return to play with a new
6 playbook.
  Experience  Stabilized  Die.
* This is a highly interruptible move.
You know the wolves of the maelstrom. You might be the only
one who does.
To create your Vigilant, choose name & pronouns, 1st
impression, stats, effects, moves, gear, and Hx.
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and
Under their disguises, they look like (choose 1): outlook. Take your turn.
 people  birds  beasts  insects NAME List the other characters’ names.
 angels  shadows  machines Bard, Zand, Vann, Cezar, Giles, Rowan, Greta, Zeus,
But (choose 2): Maggie, Hanna, Orion. Go around again for Hx. On your turn, ask each other
 they have no faces  they don’t stand on the ground Fenris, Zmeya, Gargoyle, Vulture, Vulpes, Cat, Raven, character directly: Are you a wolf of the maelstrom?
 they have human faces  they make terrible grinding noises Peregrine, Roadrunner, Mongoose, Widow. • If they say yes, tell them what they look like under
 they have wolves’ faces  they are made of metal and plastic Choose your pronouns. their disguise, and write Hx+1.
 they have awful voices  they have empty holes for eyes • If they say no, write Hx-1.

they have no expression 
they’re dripping gore 
they come and go impossibly
they’re invisible 1st IMPRESSION • If they say anything else — that they don’t know, that
they used to be, that they’d rather not say, anything —
 they only howl Choose 1 or more, and add your own: write Hx+2.
Afraid, astute, calm, courageous, distracted, insightful,
Tell the MC the above, and that they’re perversions of birth. intense, paranoid, patient, sleep-deprived, standoffish, On the others’ turns, volunteer if you like.
She’ll know what you mean. studious, thoughtful, unhurried, wary, worried.


 Bow (harm+2, close/far, reload)
STATS When you roll a stat, roll Hx, or suffer harm, mark
Experience. When you’ve marked 4 Experience, erase
Choose a set:
 Harpoon gun (harm+2, close/far, harpoon) those marks and mark 1 toward Improvement.
• Aggro=0, Cool+1, Hard-1, Sharp+2, Weird+1
 Spear thrower (harm+2, close/far) • Aggro+1, Cool-1, Hard+1, Sharp+2, Weird=0 Then, when you’ve marked 5 Improvement, erase those
 Tripwire charge (harm+3, close, messy, set) marks and choose an option for your character. Check it
• Aggro+1, Cool+1, Hard=0, Sharp+2, Weird-1
 Hunting knife (harm+2, hand) off; you can’t choose that option again.
• Aggro+2, Cool=0, Hard+1, Sharp+2, Weird-2
 Scoped hunting rifle (harm+2, far, loud)
SPECIAL ARMOR When you choose your gear, list your armor.
 Elaborately decorated leathers (armor-1) You have Ψ+0, but a move might give you Ψ+1.
 Lightweight layered body armor (armor-1) You have Barter per your Scavenge.
 Heavy makeshift armor (armor-2) You have Environ+0, but your weapons might give you
 Tattooed sigils of protection (armor-2, unreliable) Environ+1.


You get all the basic moves. You get sniff the wind, and
choose 1 more Vigilant move.

You create the wolves of the maelstrom. You also get:
• 1 hunter’s weapon.
• 1 special armor.
• Clothing you detail.
• Living space and incidentals you detail, suitable to your
Scavenge and your moves.
PRONOUNS: Before they set fire to the world, they knew  Assay the salvage: When you read a situation, as a free
everything. They knew the workings of light, of time, additional question, you can ask:
of human life, of space and of atoms. Everything. • What’s the most useful, valuable, or mysterious thing here?
1st IMPRESSION When you know everything, will you set fire to the  Bonefeel: At the beginning of the session, roll+Weird. On a
world too? 10+, hold 1+1. On a 7–9, hold 1. At any time, either you or
the MC can spend your hold to have you already be there,
IMPROVEMENT with the proper tools and knowledge, with or without any
clear explanation why. If your hold was 1+1, take +1forward
Mark 4 Experience >>  >> Improve:
now. On a miss, the MC holds 1, and can spend it to have
 Get +1Weird (max Weird+3). you be there already, but somehow pinned, caught or
 Get +1Aggro (max Aggro+2). trapped.
STATS MOVES EFFECTS  Get +1Cool (max Cool+2).  The mind’s fraying edge: In your workshop you have one
 Get +1Sharp (max Sharp+2). piece of Brain-picker gear. Ask the MC what it is. You also get
Confront someone +1Ψ (max Ψ+2)
 Get a new Gearcutter move.
 Get a new Gearcutter move.  Oftener right: When another player’s character comes to
AGGRO  Experience
WEAPON  Add a medlab to your workshop (workspace: healing). you for advice, tell them what you honestly think the best
course is. If they do it, they take +1 to any rolls they make in
 Add weird tech to your workshop (workspace: Ψ). the doing, and you mark Experience.
Act under fire  Get a move from an unused playbook.
Charm or deceive someone  Things speak: Whenever you handle or examine something
 Get a move from an unused playbook. interesting, roll+weird. On a hit, you can ask the MC
ARMOR  Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3). questions. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7–9, ask 1:
• Who handled this last before me?
 Get +1 to any stat (max stat+3).
Do battle • Who made this?
 Unlock a game changer.
• What strong emotions have been most recently nearby this?
 Create an additional character to play. • What words have been said most recently nearby this?
HARD  Experience
Ψ  Retire your character to safety. • What has been done most recently with this, or to this?
• What’s wrong with this, and how might I fix it?
Read someone
Read a situation
SCAVENGE Treat a miss as though you’ve opened your brain to the
world’s psychic maelstrom and missed the roll..
Choose 1:
SHARP  Experience
BARTER  You always have an abundance of interesting and
useful things to trade. You have Barter+2. OTHER MOVES
Open your brain to the  In addition to your trade goods, you have a
world’s psychic maelstrom stranglehold, you’re the only source for a particular
thing that the people around you love or need. You
have Barter+3.
WEIRD  Experience
Hx Help someone
Countdown  Experience
Interrupt someone
12 When life becomes untenable:
 Return to play with -1Hard.
9 3  Return to play with +1Weird.
 Return to play with a new
6 playbook.
  Experience  Stabilized  Die.
* This is a highly interruptible move.
You have a workshop full of tools, parts, components, and scrap
(workspace: machinery, tech). You also get tinkering.
To create your Gearcutter, choose name & pronouns, 1st
impression, stats, effects, moves, gear, and Hx.
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and
You go out into dangerous territory to salvage. Your salvage outlook. Take your turn.
grounds are (choose 2): NAME List the other characters’ names.
 Burn flats Leah, Joshua, Tai, Ethan, Bran, Jeremy, Amanuel, Justin,
Scorched and apparently barren, but concealing lost ruins. Jessica, Eliza, Dylan, Adnan, Alan, Nils, Ellen, Lee, Kim, Go around again for Hx. On your turn, ask 1, 2 or all 3:
 Deep, impossible underground chambers or Adele. • Which of you seems to me like the biggest potential
Excavated in the golden age for forgotten purposes, Leone, Burdick, Oliver, Goldman, Whiting, Fauci, problem?
sheltering unknown souls. Hossfield, Lemma, Morrell, Ozair, Robinson, Lemieux, For that character, write Hx+2.
 Free holdings Whitmont, Cullen, or Spector. • I go out into dangerous territory to salvage. Who usually
Where people scavenge and scratch crops from the filthy Choose your pronouns. comes with me?
soil, amid the ruins of towns, mines, and industry. For those characters, write Hx+1.
• Do any of you abuse or really neglect your gear?
 Mucky waters
Once a lake, now shallow water and stinking mud, home to
1st IMPRESSION For those characters, write Hx+1.
big edible mudfish and sometimes drowned treasures. Choose 1 or more, and add your own:
For everyone else, or if no one volunteers at all, write
 The ruins of a city center Artistic, bookish, bored, clueless, creative, curious, Hx‑1. You’re more insightful about things than about
Collapsed into layers of salvage, among upthrust steel distracted, indifferent, insightful, inventive, manipulative, people.
skeletons, warrened through by scavengers. mild, obsessive, remote, restless, shy.
On the others’ turns, volunteer if you like.
 A trade agreement with the Barge People
Plying their poisoned canals, carrying back strange goods STATS
from distant places. Choose a set: IMPROVEMENT
 A trade agreement with the Lighthouse • Aggro-2, Cool+1, Hard+1, Sharp+1, Weird+2 When you roll a stat, roll Hx, or suffer harm, mark
Who prey upon travelers in the salt wastes. Experience. When you’ve marked 4 Experience, erase
• Aggro+1, Cool-1, Hard=0, Sharp+1, Weird+2
those marks and mark 1 toward Improvement.
• Aggro-1, Cool=0, Hard=0, Sharp+2, Weird+2
REPURPOSED WEAPONS • Aggro+1, Cool+1, Hard-1, Sharp=0, Weird+2 Then, when you’ve marked 5 Improvement, erase those
 Blowtorch (f-harm, hand) marks and choose an option for your character. Check it
off; you can’t choose that option again.
 CO2 Spike gun (harm+2, close, reload) EFFECTS
 Demolition hammer (harm+2, hand, messy) When you choose your gear, list your armor.
 Nailgun, safety disabled (harm+1, close, burstfire, loud) You have Ψ+0, but a move might give you Ψ+1.
 Pipe grenade (environ+1, thrown, single use: ) You have Barter per your Scavenge.
You have Environ+0.
You get all the basic moves. Choose 2 Gearcutter moves.

You get:
• Salvage grounds.
• 1 repurposed weapon.
• Clothing you detail, including at your option a piece
worth armor-1.
• Living space and incidentals you detail, suitable to your
Scavenge and your moves.
When you confront, intimidate, threaten, or bluff When you read someone in a charged interaction, roll+Sharp. To interrupt someone, roll+Hx. On any hit, the MC chooses
someone, roll+Aggro. On a 10+, they have to choose: back On a 10+, hold 3 against them. On a 7–9, hold 2 against the most suitable:
down and give you your way, defy you and fight back, or them. During your interaction, spend your hold 1 for 1 to ask • You’re there first.
else submit to your mercy and ask you to reconsider. On a the MC or their player questions. They have to answer frankly, • You’re in their way.
7–9, you’ve left them some wiggle room, and they can try to from their character’s point of view. • You’re ready for it.
escape, bargain with you, pass off responsibility, or divert you • Are you telling the truth? …And they have to deal with you instead of doing what they
instead. You choose whether and how to follow through. On a • What are you feeling? intended. On a 10+, you also take +1forward against them.
miss, be prepared for the worst. • What are you thinking of doing? On a miss, you still interrupt them, but the MC chooses the
• What do you hope I’ll do? most suitable:
ACT UNDER FIRE • How could I get you to do [x]?
On a miss, the MC might have you ask 1 anyway, but be
• They see what’s happening and can change course smoothly.
• They take +1forward against you.
When you act under fire, roll+Cool. On a 10+, you do it. On a prepared for the worst.
7–9, you flinch, hesitate, or stall, and the MC can offer you a You can’t interrupt someone who’s interrupting you.
worse outcome, a hard bargain, or an unfortunate choice. On When you make a highly interruptible move, you should
a miss, be prepared for the worst. READ A SITUATION announce that you’re making it and explicitly give everyone
When you read a charged situation, roll+Sharp. On a 10+, a chance to interrupt you. Otherwise, they can call a do‑over
CHARM OR DECEIVE SOMEONE ask the MC 3 questions right now. On a 7–9, ask the MC 1
question. They have to answer frankly.
and retroactively interrupt you if they want, even after you’ve
finished your move and play’s continued on.
When you charm or deceive them, roll+Cool. On a 10+, they • Who’s in control here?
have to choose: set skepticism aside and go along with you, or
else call you a fool or a liar to your face. On a 7–9, if they don’t
• What’s my best way in / out / around / through?
• Who or what poses the biggest threat to me?
want to go along with you or call you out, they can choose to • Who or what represents the best opportunity for me to do [x]? It’s your responsibility as a player to choose and announce the
ask you for evidence, time, a compromise, or some concrete • What should I be on the lookout for? moves you’re making.
assurance; they must go along with you if you provide it. On a
miss, be prepared for the worst. On a miss, the MC might have you ask 1 anyway, but be The MC and the other players can suggest moves to you freely,
prepared for the worst. especially if they see that you’re making one but haven’t
realized it yet.
DO BATTLE OPEN YOUR BRAIN The MC can also call for you to make any move they think you
When you do battle with someone, roll+Hard. On a 10+,
When you open your brain to the world’s psychic definitely should.
you hold 4 against your enemy. On a 7–9, you hold 3 against
them. On any hit, if an NPC, your enemy holds 2 against you. maelstrom, roll+Weird. On any hit, the MC must tell you If you and the MC or another player disagree about your
If a PC, they roll to do battle themselves. On a miss, you hold something new and interesting about the current situation, moves, explain yourself, and don’t proceed with play until
1 against your enemy, but they hold 3 against you. and might ask you a question or 2; answer them frankly. On a you’ve worked it out between you.
10+, the MC must give you at least one good, concrete detail.
To conduct the battle, spend your hold on the following. On a 7–9, the MC can stick to impressions and suggestions.
Commit to your spends without knowing your enemy’s. If you already know everything there is to know about the
• Fight for blood: Spend 1 to inflict an additional harm+1. situation, the MC must tell you so. On a miss, be prepared for
• Fight defensively: Spend 1 to get an additional armor-1. the worst.
• Fight opportunistically: Spend 1 to inflict harm on an
additional enemy.
• Guard someone: Spend 1 to give an ally an additional HELP SOMEONE
armor-1. To help someone, ask their player what you can do to help.
• Seize initiative: Whoever spends most to seize initiative, If you do it, roll+Hx. On any hit, the MC chooses the most
does. suitable:
• They weren’t able to make the attempt, but now they are.
If you seize initiative, you get any or all of these, as applicable:
• They get +1 to their roll, +1hold, +1choice, harm+1, armor-1,
• Take +1hold against your enemy into the next round, if
or another suitable bonus.
the battle continues.
• You both roll for it, and the better roll stands.
• Read a situation for 1 question for free, with no roll.
• Take a quick action of any kind, for free, while your enemy is On a 10+, they also get +1Hx with you on their sheet. On a
off balance. miss, be prepared for the worst.
Certain kinds of equipment or NPC allies give you access to
these moves. LEADERSHIP
The standard move for a gang.
AUGURY When you have to order your gang to advance, regroup, hold
The standard move for a psychic antenna. position, or put their backs into it, roll+Hard. On any hit,
they do it. On a 10+, they snap to, and you take +1forward
When you use your psychic antenna for augury, roll+Weird. into whatever you’re having them do. On a miss, they do it,
On any hit, choose 1: but you’ll hear about it later.
• You can reach through the world’s psychic maelstrom to
something or someone connected to it.
• You can isolate and protect a person or thing from the world’s
psychic maelstrom. The standard move for a workspace.
• You can extract and contain a fragment of the world’s psychic When you go into your workspace to create something,
maelstrom itself. repair something, solve a problem, or get to the bottom of
• You can open a window into the world’s psychic maelstrom. something, tell the MC about it and ask if it’s possible. The
By default, the effect lasts only as long as you maintain it, MC will tell you “sure, no problem, but…” and then 1 to 4 of
reaches only shallowly into the world’s psychic maelstrom as the following:
it is local to you, and bleeds instability. On a 10+, choose 2 of • It’s going to take hours/days/weeks/months of work.
the following. On a 7–9, choose 1: • First you’ll have to get/make/fix/figure out [x].
• It persists for a while without your actively maintaining it. • You’re going to need [x] to help you with it.
• It reaches deep into the world’s psychic maelstrom. • It’s going to cost a ton of jingle.
• It reaches broadly, maybe universally, throughout the world’s • The best you’ll be able to do is not great, it’ll be poor, slow,
psychic maelstrom. weak or unreliable.
• It’s stable and contained, no bleeding. • It’s going to mean exposing yourself or others to serious
On a miss, whatever bad happens, your psychic antenna takes danger.
the brunt of it. • You’re going to have to add [x] to your workspace first.
• It’s going to take you several/dozens/hundreds of tries.
DEVOTION • You’re going to have to take [x] apart to do it.
The MC might connect them all with “and,” or might throw in
The standard move for followers.
a merciful “or.”
At the beginning of the session, if your followers are secure
and stable, roll+Cool. On a 10+, during the session, your Once you’ve accomplished the necessaries, you can go ahead
followers offer you all of their devotions. On a 7–9, they offer and accomplish your project.
you all of their devotions, but choose 1 demand. On a miss, or
if your followers are in crisis, all of their demands. WEALTH
If you have more than 1 group of followers, still roll only once The standard move for a stronghold or venue.
for all of them. At the beginning of the session, if your stronghold or venue
is secure and stable, roll+Hard. On a 10+, during the session,
INSIGHT your stronghold or venue has all of its surpluses. On a 7–9,
it has all of its surpluses, but choose 1 want. On a miss, or if
The standard move for advisors.
your stronghold or venue is in crisis, all of its wants.
When you go to your advisors for insight, ask them what
they think your best course is, and the MC will tell you. If
you pursue that course, take +1 to any rolls you make in the
pursuit. If you pursue that course but don’t accomplish your
ends, you mark 1 toward Improvement.

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