Cambridge International Examinations: AS ICT (9626)

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Cambridge International Examinations

AS ICT (9626)

Theory Workbook
September 2016

Student Name:

Topic 1: Data, information, knowledge and processing ............................................................................. 4

1.1 Data, information and knowledge .......................................................................................................................................................................4

1.2 Sources of data ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................4

1.3 Quality of information .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

1.4 Coding, encoding and encrypting data ........................................................................................................................................................ 11

1.5 Checking the accuracy of data ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Topic 2: Hardware and software ........................................................................................................................... 26

2.1 Hardware ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26

2.2 System, application and user interface software .................................................................................................................................. 33

2.3 Utility software ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50

2.4 Custom written software and off-the-shelf software ........................................................................................................................... 52

2.5 Compiler and interpreter ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 53

Topic 3: Monitoring and control ........................................................................................................................... 56

Topic 4: E-safety and health and safety .......................................................................................................... 60

Topic 5 : The digital divide ..................................................................................................................................... 67

Topic 6: Using networks ............................................................................................................................................ 69

6.1 Network types ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 69

6.2 Video and web conferencing ............................................................................................................................................................................... 78

Topic 7: Expert systems ............................................................................................................................................. 84

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Topic 1: Data, information, knowledge and processing

Week 1 – Lesson 1

1.1 Data, information and knowledge

• define data, clearly identifying that data has no meaning



• define information and show how data can become information through context and meaning



• define knowledge and Explain that information becomes knowledge when human experience is applied



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Exam Practice Questions

Specimen - 2017

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1.2 Sources of data

1) Define static data and give an example

Static Information Sources - Advantages Static Information Sources - Disadvantages

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2) Define dynamic data and give an example

Dynamic Information Sources - Advantages Dynamic Information Sources - Disadvantages

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3) Define direct data source and explain the advantages and disadvantages of gathering data from direct data

Direct Information Sources - Advantages Direct Information Sources - Disadvantages

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4) Define indirect data source and explain the advantages and disadvantages of gathering data from indirect data

Indirect Information Sources - Advantages Indirect Information Sources - Disadvantages

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1.3 Quality of information
• Explain how the following can affect the quality of information:

 Accuracy





 Relevance





 Age





 level of detail and completeness of the information





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1.4 Coding, encoding and encrypting data
• describe the coding of data (including: M for male, F for female) and more intricate codes (including: clothing type,
sizes and colour of garment)

Give examples of coded data:





• discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the coding of data

Coding Data - Advantages Coding Data - Disadvantages

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• evaluate the need for encoding data

It is common for much of the data collected and entered into a system to have some degree of repetition and
redundancy i.e. extra information that does not add anything.

And this pattern or repetition is why it is efficient to code the data in some way.

Need 1: Speeding up data entry

Let's take the example of collecting data about a person's gender. People can be either 'Male' or 'Female'.

Whilst these two options are easily understood by all, imagine having to enter the word 'Male' and 'Female' into a
system many hundreds of times. It is a waste of time and effort because no extra information is contained in the full
words compared to a single letter.

Need 2: Increase accuracy of data entry

The other issue is that no matter how accurate a person is at data entry, at some stage they are likely to make a
mistake and might spell 'Male' as 'Mail' or 'Female' as 'Femal'. This type of mistake will make any results from your
database queries unreliable.

Instead of entering 'Male' or 'Female' you could code the data and instead enter it as 'M' or 'F'.

Simply having to enter one letter instead of a possible six will speed up data entry. It will also cut down on the risk
of mistakes being made with spelling.

Need 3: Use of validation

In our example, the words 'Male' or 'Female' have been coded so that they become 'M' or 'F'.

When data has been coded it makes it easier to use validation to check if the data entered is sensible. With the
example above, the person entering the data could still make a mistake and enter 'S' instead of 'M' or 'F'.

But if you set up validation so that the field will only accept the letters 'M' or 'F' and absolutely nothing else then
that should further cut down on possible mistakes.

Note that validation can only check if the data is sensible and within reasonable limits, it cannot check whether the
data is accurate. Somebody could still enter 'F' instead of 'M'.

Need 4: Less storage space required

Every letter that you store in your database system will take at least one byte of storage. If you store 'Female' as 'F'
then you will save five bytes of storage space. If the system belongs to a large organisation, there might be many
thousands or millions of records stored - simply by coding one field, a huge amount of hard disk storage can be

Need 5: Faster searching for data

It stands to reason that the smaller the size of your database, the faster it will be to search and produce results.

Thus by coding data and keeping the size of the system to a minimum the more time you can save in the long run
when running queries.

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Analyse the different methods that can be used to encode data (including: codecs)

 Analogue to Digital convertor

 Codecs

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Exam Questions Practice

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• define encryption and describe different methods of encryption (including: symmetric, asymmetric, public key, private

Data Encryption:

 Symmetric Key Encryption (plain text, cypher text and use of a key)
 Asymmetric Key Encryption (plain text, cypher text and use of a private and public key)
 Cipher Encryption (Substitution and reposition)

Encryption is the process of converting information into a form that is meaningless to anyone except holders of a ‘key’.

What is plain text?

In cryptography, plaintext is ordinary readable text before being encrypted into ciphertext or after being decrypted

About Cyphers

There are many types of ciphers developed over time.

Most common ciphers involved some form or substitution or transposition of alphabetical letters. Substitution means to
substitute one character for another while transposition is some form of repositioning characters within the message (which
literally scrambles the information).

In the digital age, ciphers changed and are generally based on two types of algorithms--one using the same key to encrypt and
decrypt (symmetric encryption), and one using different keys to encrypt and decrypt (asymmetric encryption). The one that uses
symmetric keys falls under private-key cryptography, while asymmetric key algorithms falls under public-key cryptography.

Example of symmetric encryption also known as private-key cryptography

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First Alice needs to generate a secret ‘key’ using encryption software. The key is usually a very long, random number.

Alice must then give a copy of this key to Bob. She must make sure that nobody else can get to the key. (So maybe Alice will visit
Bob and give him a copy of the key on a memory stick or floppy disc).

Now that Bob has a copy of the key, each time Alice needs to send him a message she starts by encrypting it using special
encryption software and the secret key.

The encrypted message now looks like a jumble of random letters and numbers. Alice then sends the encrypted message to

She can use a public network like the Internet, since, even if it gets stolen, the encrypted message cannot be read or
understood without the key.

When Bob receives the message, he uses special decryption software and his copy of the secret key to decrypt the message.

Bob can now read the original message from Alice.


a) Data is scrambled into unreadable form/only person/computer with key can understand data
b) increasing the length of a key increases the strength of the encryption


a) It is slower than normal browsing. It takes a while for the browser to do the maths required to scramble the message and
another delay on the server that has to unscramble the data.

b) The recipient may lose the private key.

c) It can be a complicated business running a secure server, so very often, ordinary online shops will hire a specialist 'Payment
Gateway' such as 'WorldPay' or 'Paypal' to handle payments for them.

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Symmetric Encryption

Symmetric encryption is the oldest and best-known technique. A secret key, which can be a number, a word, or just a string of
random letters, is applied to the text of a message to change the content in a particular way. This might be as simple as shifting
each letter by a number of places in the alphabet. As long as both sender and recipient know the secret key, they can encrypt
and decrypt all messages that use this key.

Asymmetric encryption also known as Public-key cryptography

Public-key cryptography, also known as asymmetric cryptography, is a class of cryptographic algorithms which require two
separate keys, one of which is secret (or private) and one of which is public.

Asymmetric Encryption

The problem with secret keys is exchanging them over the Internet or a large network while preventing them from falling into
the wrong hands. Anyone who knows the secret key can decrypt the message. One answer is asymmetric encryption, in which
there are two related keys--a key pair. A public key is made freely available to anyone who might want to send you a message. A
second, private key is kept secret, so that only you know it.

Any message (text, binary files, or documents) that are encrypted by using the public key can only be decrypted by applying the
same algorithm, but by using the matching private key. Any message that is encrypted by using the private key can only be
decrypted by using the matching public key.

This means that you do not have to worry about passing public keys over the Internet (the keys are supposed to be public). A
problem with asymmetric encryption, however, is that it is slower than symmetric encryption. It requires far more processing
power to both encrypt and decrypt the content of the message.

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Explain how encryption can be used to protect data:

 On a hard disk








 In e-mail








 On HTTPS websites








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Exam Questions Practice

• discuss encryption protocols (including: the purpose of Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS)
and the use of SSL/TLS in client server communication)

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Certificates

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It provides a secure connection between internet browsers and websites,
allowing you to transmit private data online. Sites secured with SSL display a padlock in the browsers URL .

What is SSL used for?

The SSL protocol is used by millions of e-Business providers to protect their customers, ensuring their online
transactions remain confidential. A web page should use encryption expected to submit confidential data, including
credit card details, passwords or any personal information. All web browsers have the ability to interact with secured
sites so long as the site's certificate is from a recognized certificate authority.

SSL exists for two reasons:

 Encryption Hiding what is sent from one computer to another. The data is scrambled up so that it
becomes meaningless to someone without the key to decrypt it.

 Identification Making sure that the computer you speaking to is the one you trust

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Encryption Protects Data during Transmission

Web servers and web browsers rely on the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to help users protect their data during
transfer by creating a uniquely encrypted channel for private communications over the public Internet. Each SSL
Certificate consists of a key pair as well as verified identification information. When a web browser (or client) points
to a secured website, the server shares the public key with the client to establish an encryption method and a unique
session key. The client confirms that it recognizes and trusts the issuer of the SSL Certificate. This process is known as
the "SSL handshake" and it begins a secure session that protects message privacy, message integrity, and server

How does SSL work?

1. A browser attempts to connect to a website secured with SSL.

2. The browser requests that the web server identify itself.
3. The server sends the browser a copy of its SSL Certificate.
4. The browser checks the certificate root against a list of trusted Certificate Authorities and that the certificate
is unexpired, unrevoked, and that its common name is valid for the website that it is connecting to.
5. The server sends back a digitally signed acknowledgement to start an SSL encrypted session.
6. Encrypted data is shared between the browser and the server and https appears.

What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s details. When installed
on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure connections from a web server to a
browser. Typically, SSL is used to secure credit card transactions, data transfer and logins, and more recently is
becoming the norm when securing browsing of social media sites. SSL Certificates bind together:

• A domain name, server name or hostname.

• An organizational identity (i.e. company name) and location.

An organization needs to install the SSL Certificate onto its web server to initiate secure sessions with browsers.
Depending on the type of SSL Certificate applied for, the organization will need to go through differing levels of
vetting. Once installed, it is possible to connect to the website over, as this tells the server
to establish a secure connection with the browser. Once a secure connection is established, all web traffic between
the web server and the web browser will be secure. Browsers tell visitors a website is SSL secure via several visible
trust indicators:

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To view the details of an SSL Certificate, go to a secure site, click on the padlock and select “View Certificate”. All
browsers are slightly different, but the Certificate always contains the same information.

SSL Certificate Details

To view the actual contents of the Certificate click the "Details" tab:

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Detailed steps on how SSL works:

 What are the two main purposes of SSL?
 Which applications use SSL?
 What is a SSL certificate and what does it contain?
 How does SSL work? Draw a block diagram to represent the steps

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TLS (Transport Layer Security)

 What is the purpose of TLS?
 What are the two main layers that make up a TLS?
 How is TLS different to SSL?

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1.5 Checking the accuracy of data
• Define validation




Description Example
presence check

range check

type check

length check

format check

check digit

lookup check

consistency check

limit check

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• define verification





Analyse verification methods (including: visual checking and double data entry)

 Visual Checking





 Double Entry





• explain the need for both validation and verification









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Topic 2: Hardware and software

2.1 Hardware

• Define the term hardware

Computer hardware is the collection of physical elements that constitutes a computer system. Computer hardware is
the physical parts or components of a computer, such as the monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer data storage, hard
disk drive (HDD), graphic cards, sound cards, memory, motherboard, and so on, all of which are physical objects that
are tangible. In contrast, software is instructions that can be stored and run by hardware.

• Evaluate internal hardware devices (including: central processing unit (CPU), motherboard, random access memory
(RAM), read only memory (ROM), graphics card, sound card, hard disk drive (HDD), solid state drive (SSD))

INTERNAL HARDWARE What does it do?

Central processing unit

Main internal memory


Other internal memory


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Graphics cards

Sound cards

Hard Disk Drive

Solid State Drives

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• evaluate external hardware devices (including: cloud, monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer (laser, inkjet, dot matrix,
plotter), speakers, camera (digital, video), web cam, scanner, magnetic ink character reader (MICR), optical mark reader
(OMR), optical character reader (OCR), bar code reader, pen drive, portable hard disk drive, blue-ray disk drive,
memory card)





Laser Printer


Dot matrix


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Camera (digital, video)

Web cam


Magnetic ink character

reader (MICR)

Optical mark reader


Optical character
reader (OCR)

Bar code reader

Pen drive

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Portable hard disk drive

Blue-ray disk drive

Memory card

In the exam you will expected to:

*Explain the purpose of input and output devices

*Evaluate different input, storage or output devices for a given task

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• Explain the purpose of storage devices




• Evaluate storage devices (including: magnetic tape drive, optical, hard disk drive (HDD), solid state drive (SSD))

What is it? Advantages Disadvantages

tape drive


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What is it? Advantages Disadvantages
Hard disk
drive (HDD)

Solid state
drive (SSD)

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2.2 System, application and user interface software

Software Type 1: ………………………………………………………………… Software Type 2: ……………………………………………………….

Windows MAC


Software can be described as ……………

Operating system/systems software is ……………….

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Exam Questions Practice

Specimen - 2017

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• explain the purpose of system software (including: compilers, linkers, device drivers, operating systems and utilities,

An operating system controls the operation of the computer system by managing the computer's memory, processes,
and all of its software and hardware. Without the operating system the computer will not work. Describe the following
features of systems software:






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• evaluate application software (including: word processing, spreadsheet, database management systems, control
software, measuring software, applets and apps, photo editing software, video editing software, graphics manipulation
software, communications software, web authoring software)

Word processing


Database management systems

Control software

Measuring software

Applets and apps

Photo editing software

Video editing software

Graphics manipulation software

Communications software

Web authoring software

*evaluate application software for a given task

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• evaluate the characteristics of different types of user interface (including: command line interface, graphical user
interface, dialogue interface, gesture based interface)

Graphical User Interface (GUI)


Other GUI operating systems:

A Command Line Interface (CLI)

Windows Command Prompt

Characteristics :

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Dialogue Interface


Gesture Based Interface


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Command line interface Graphical user interface

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Dialogue Interface
Gesture based Interface Advantages Disadvantages

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Exam Questions Practice

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• evaluate the use of colour, layout, font size, quantity of information and controls when designing a user interface

Why is it important in user interface design?


Font size




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• evaluate mental models and how they can be used when designing a user interface

A mental model is an explanation of someone's thought process about how something works in the real world.

 Mental models include what a person thinks is true, not necessarily what is actually true.
 Mental models are similar in structure to the thing or concept they represent.
 Mental models allow a person to predict the results of his actions.
 Mental models are simpler than the thing or concept they represent. They include only enough information to
allow accurate predictions.

We can portray mental models using several key parts:

1. An image (needed if the mental model is of a physical thing). If the mental model is of a physical object, the
model should contain a simplified image that serves as a template for that object

2. A script (needed if the mental model has a process). If the mental model is of a process, it should contain
some sort of description of that process. The best way to present the script will vary—it might be a series of
steps expressed verbally, a flowchart, or a decision tree.

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2.3 Utility software
• Define utility software



• Describe the role of different utility software (including: anti-virus, back-up, data compression, disk defragmentation,
formatting, file-copying, and deleting)

Utility Software What does it do?



Data compression

Disk defragmentation


File-copying, and

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2.4 Custom written software and off-the-shelf software
• compare the benefits and drawbacks of custom written software and off-the-shelf software

Advantages Disadvantages
Custom written software
Off-the-shelf software

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2.5 Compiler and interpreter
• describe the function of a compiler and an interpreter

The programmer will choose to use a certain computer language with which to write code. For example they may
favour the language C++ or they may choose Python. In either case the programmer writes a series of statements to
form his computer program.

These statements are called 'source code'.

The purpose of a 'compiler' is to translate source code into machine code.

The code a compiler generates is stored as an 'executable file'. Another name for an executable file is the 'object
file', (not a generally popular term but your exam question may mention it). When this file is run, the machine code
commands that it contains begin to be processed by the CPU.

A compiler produces fast, efficient code that are stored as an executable file. Once the compiler has done its job,
you can pack it away. Just run the 'exe' file.

So why are there different ways of doing things? Why bother with interpreters?

An interpreter will translate each line of source code into machine language and then execute that machine code

An example of this is entering instructions on a BASIC interpreter command line.

Advantages of interpreters

1. Debugging

Imagine you are busy programmer and you want to make sure that each line of the source code you are typing in, is
error free.

As we have mentioned, simple typos will trip you up, miss a comma, semi colon, bracket in the grammar of the high
level language and you wiill see a long, de-moralising, list of errors to be fixed in your source code (many of which are
spurious, adding to the hassle!). What if a program could check each line of code as you generate it.

This is one important role of interpreters, it makes debugging simpler as it immediately checks your source code.

2. Less memory

Another advantage is memory. It uses less memory than an exectuable file because only a few lines of source code
needs to be in memory at any one time.

3. Less prone to crashing

Some interpreters execute code within a 'virtual machine'. For example the Flash Player and the Java Virtual machine.
These have been designed to dis-allow code from directly accessing the computer. So you may crash the virtual
machine with faulty code, but most likely the host computer will still be running just fine.

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Disadvantages of interpreters

The biggest disadvantage is speed. Interpreted code runs slower than compiled code.

This is because the interpreter has to analyse and convert each line of source code (or bytecode) into machine code
before it can be executed.

Evaluate the difference between a compiler and an interpreter

Compiler Interpreter
Fast, creates executable file that runs directly on the CPU Slower, interprets code one line at a time
Debugging is easier. Each line of code is analysed and checked
Debugging is more difficult. One error can produce many before being executed
spurious errors

Less likely to crash as the instructions are being carried out either
More likely to crash the computer. The machine code is on the interpreters' command line or within a virtual machine
running directly on the CPU environment which is protecting the computer from being
directly accessed by the code.
Weaker Intellectual property as the source code (or bytecode)
has to be available at run time. For example if you write a Flash
Easier to protect Intellectual Property as the machine code
Actionscript application, you can easily get de-compilers that
is difficult to understand
convert the p-code back into actionscript source code (unless you
use encryption, but that is another story).
Uses more memory - all the execution code needs to be
Uses less memory, source code only has to be present one line at
loaded into memory, although tricks like Dynamic Link
a time in memory
Libraries lessen this problem
Unauthorised modification to the code more difficult. The
Easier to modify as the instructions are at a high level and so the
executable is in the form of machine code. So it is difficult to
program flow is easier to understand and modify.
understand program flow.

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Exam Questions Practice

Specimen - 2017

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Topic 3: Monitoring and control
Candidates should be able to:
• identify a range of sensors and describe their use in monitoring technologies

Moisture Temperature Pressure Light PH Magnetic field

Gas Sound Humidity Infra-red

Sensor How it works

Produces a signal that depends on the concentration of water vapor in the

Produces a signal based on the temperature of its surroundings

Produces a signal that depends on the pressure to which it is exposed

Produces a signal that depends on the level of light falling on it.

Produces a signal based on the invisible IR radiation falling on it

Produces a signal based on the concentration of gas or vapor .

Produces a signal based on the moisture of soil or judge if there is water

around the sensor

Produces a signal based on the field around permanent magnets, coils, and
electrical devices. It features a rotating sensor tip to measure both
transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields.

Produces a signal based on the alkalinity and acidity in a solution

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• identify a range of sensors and describe their use in control technologies

• evaluate the use of monitoring technologies in everyday life (including: CCTV monitoring, environmental monitoring,
workplace monitoring)

Create a PPT presentation on the following monitoring technologies:

 CCTV monitoring
 Environmental monitoring
 Workplace monitoring

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• evaluate the use of control technologies in everyday life (including: household appliances, car park barriers, traffic

Air Conditioning System

Touch screen is used to input the required temperature

1. Temperature sensor collects data about the room temperature

2. The temperature sensor sends data to the analogue to digital convertor

3. The convertor converts the analogue data into digital format

4. The convertor sends the data to the micro-processor

5. The microprocessor compares the temperature of the room to the preset


6. If temperature of the room is above the pre-set value the fans remain on/are switched on by the microprocessor
or microprocessor increases their speed

7. If temperature of the room is below the pre-set value the fans remain/switched off by the microprocessor

Central Heating System

1. A number pad is used to input the required temperature.

2. Temperature sensor monitors temperature of room

3. Data from the sensors is converted to digital (using an ADC)

4. The convertor sends the digital signal to the micro-processor

5. Microprocessor compares temperature data from the sensor with the pre-set value

6. If the temperature is higher/lower than preset value a signal is sent to the actuator

7. if lower microprocessor/actuator switches the heater on

8. if higher microprocessor/actuator switches the heater off

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1. A knob allows users to set the desired temperature

2. Temperature sensor monitors temperature of the fridge

3. The temperature sensor sends data to the analogue to digital convertor

4. The convertor converts the analogue data into digital format

5. The convertor sends the data to the micro-processor

6. Microprocessor compares temperature data from the sensor with the pre-set value

7. If the temperature is higher/lower than preset value a signal is sent to the actuator

8. if lower microprocessor/actuator switches the cooler on

9. if higher microprocessor/actuator switches the cooler off

Intensive Care
1. Sensors monitor the patient’s heart rate, pulse rate, body temperature, blood pressure

2. The computer is pre-set with normal range of values which is compared with the ones fed back by the sensors

3. The sensors sends data to the analogue to digital convertor

4. The convertor converts the analogue data into digital format

5. The convertor sends the data to the micro-processor

6. Microprocessor compares the data from the sensor with the pre-set value

7. Microprocessor compares the data from the sensors with the pre-set values

8. If the data received is higher/lower than the pre-set value then the computer sounds an alarm for the Medical staff’s

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 59

Topic 4: E-safety and health and safety
• explain why personal data should be kept confidential




• describe how personal data can be gathered by unauthorised persons (including: by smishing, vishing, phishing and
pharming), and how this might be prevented

What is it? How can it be used to gather How can it be prevented?

personal data?

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What is it? How can it be used to gather How can it be prevented?
personal data?

• discuss why e-safety is necessary







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• describe malware issues (including: Trojan Horse, worms, spyware, adware, rootkit, malicious bots, ransomware)

Malware Description

Trojan Horse



Malicious Bots


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Exam Questions Practice

Specimen - 2017

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• describe a range of potential health issues that could arise from using IT

Health Problem What causes it? How can it be prevented?

Repetitive Strain
Injury (RSI)

Back and Neck


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Health Problem What causes it? How can it be prevented?
Eye Strain

Head Aches

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describe a range of safety issues relating to the use of IT

Safety Issues Preventative measures

Trip hazards e.g. trailing cables

Water by machines

Overloaded sockets


Heavy equipment falling

Over heating


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Topic 5: The digital divide

• Explain that the digital divide refers to the gap between people and regions that have access to aspects of modern
technology (including: telephone, television, personal computers and the internet), and those that do not or those that
have restricted access

• Explain that the digital divide can exist between:

–– people in cities and people in rural areas





–– the educated and the uneducated





–– socioeconomic groups





–– more and less industrially developed nations





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–– high and low performance computers, wireless connections







Exam Questions Practice

Specimen - 2017

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Topic 6: Using networks

6.1 Network types

• discuss the advantages and disadvantages of networking computers

Advantages Disadvantages

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Compare the characteristics of a local area network (LAN) with a wide area network (WAN)

Local area
Network (LAN)

Wide Area
Network (WAN)

• describe client-server and peer-to-peer networks

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• describe the characteristics and purpose of virtual private networks (VPN)

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• discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different network types (including: client-server, peer-to-peer, VPN)

Advantages Disadvantages
Peer to Peer
Client Server
Virtual Private Network

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 72

• describe the characteristics and purpose of the internet, intranets and extranets

Definition Purpose and Characteristics


Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 73

• describe how the internet is used for communication (including: IM, VOIP and news services)
Definition Features
News Services

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 74

• discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using the internet

Advantages Disadvantages

• Explain the difference between the internet and the World Wide Web







Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 75

Exam Questions Practice

Specimen - 2017

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 76

• discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mobile networks

Advantages Disadvantages

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 77

6.2 Video and web conferencing
• describe how to set up a video conference

Hardware required:

Software required:

Process of setting up a video conference

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 78

• describe how to set up a web conference

Hardware required:

Software required:

Process of setting up a web conference

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 79

• describe the use of networks in video and web conferencing (including: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN),
LAN, WAN, VPN, 802.11 a/b/g/n (wireless), Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Lines (ADSL), Synchronous Digital
Subscriber Lines (SDSL), 3G/4G mobile networks)

Use of network in video and web conferencing

Integrated Services Digital
Network (ISDN)
802.11 a/b/g/n
Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Lines

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 80

WAN LAN 3G/4G mobile networks Synchronous Digital Subscriber
Lines (SDSL)

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016


• discuss the impact of video conferencing on society (including: the general public, legislation, education, medicine,
business, media)

Positive Impact of Video Conferencing Negative Impact of Video Conferencing

General public

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 82

• describe how data is transmitted and converted in a video conference (including: use of codecs)

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 83

Topic 7: Expert systems
• describe the components of an expert system
Knowledge Base
Inference Engine
User Interface

• explain how the components of an expert system produce possible solutions







Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 84

• explain how an expert system can be used by organisations









• describe the terms backward chaining and forward chaining















Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 85

• explain the use of master and transaction files (including in: payroll and customer orders)

A payroll system is software which organizes all the tasks of employee payment and the filing of employee taxes. It

 Keeping tracking of hours

 calculating wages
 calculating taxes and deductions
 Printing of pay slips
 Transferring wages to bank accounts
 Paying employment taxes to the government.

Transaction Files

Contains the transactions; changes that are supposed to be made to the data in the
master file. For example, each of the following employees have earned the following for
this particular week.

Each transaction has a code which tells the computer what to do with the data in the
transaction file. For example:
A – Addition - Add a record
C – Change – Change a record
D – Delete a record

Master Files:

Holds the actual data that is supposed to be processed and holds the resultant data after the process is completed
(updated salaries from the transaction file.) The data can be organized using keys.

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 86

Updating a Master File

1. The transaction file is sorted in the same order as the master file e.g. By an ID such as employee number

2. The computer reads the first record record in the transaction file and the first record in the master file

3. If the IDs don‘t match the computer writes the master file record to the new master file

4. Then write the information from the old master file with the updates from the transaction file to the new
master file.

5. If the transaction relates to rate of pay , the computer calculates the pay using the rate of pay from the
master file and hours worked from the transaction file. It also deducts any taxes from total pay.

6. Processed record is written to master file and the process is repeated until the end of the master file

7. If transaction relates to deletion or amendment the then the old master file record is not written to the new
master file

8. If amendment or insertion is required then the data in the transaction file is written to the new master file

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 87

• analyse the different types of processing and their uses (including: batch, online, real processing)

Description Examples

Mr Ashraf, Sept 2016 88

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