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EEE About the Authors ‘Dr. Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis have both been deeply concerned with the history and use of the English language for many years. As editors, lexicographers, teachers, and authors, they have each contributed ex- tensively to this important field. But success- ful as chey each have been individually, their success as collaboratdrs isrproducing 30 Days 404 More Powerful Vocabulary has been even greater. In various editions, at various prices, this book has sold nearly 4,000,000 copies. Ie is the most popular and most widely used | manual of its kind produced in the twentieth century. ee j By Wilfred Fonk ond ‘Hermon Lewis sgh: Weoks to: Words of Power fy Norman Levis i ‘Word Power Mode Easy cha by POEKET BOOKS “30 Daye a More Powerful Vocobulany 30 Days to _aMore - Powerful Vocabulary | WILFRED FUNK: oie : NORMAN LEwIs = NEWLY REVISED BY NORMAN LEWIS. ie Te SS ah ROCKET BOOKS; a'ivision 6 Silo & Schuser, le Thao avenue of te Aer, New Yk, N.Y, 10020 ivion ley aranget ith Fuk & Weal oe. Eitan ot Cones Cane Gu Neb All ights reserved, pent bt ee ranean Waal ne ‘55 Eat Th Steet, New York, NY. 10081 IBN, 067150013 Firs Pocket Bonk printing (vite ein) Ape, 197. ee ee) OCKET sd cokphin rept demas Fines ee ‘ To Walter M. Garcia

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