Glimpses of Vedic Microbiology

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Lecture 34
Dr T.S.Ramakrishna [Founder and Secretary ESWARA] E-Mail:

Mounting problems of human environment and human values are making life more
complex and more miserable, leading to a revival of the timeless knowledge of Vedas.
Of late, the dedicated work of individuals and organizations in Vedic Sciences is coming
into a better focus of the society. The numerous microbiological phenomena surrounding
life on earth were well understood by the sages who discussed them in various books on
agriculture, environment and health of humans as well as that of flora and fauna.
Unfortunately in several branches of science including microbiology, discoveries made
by ancient Indians centuries ago are wrongly ascribed to western scientists of recent
times. “Gurus of Vedic Microbiology” and “Revised History of Microbiology (Vedic to
Modern)” by Chakradhar Frend et al (2007) of the Rishi Kanva Vedic Microbiological
Research Institute, are some interesting recent additions.


According to Ayurveda Agni (Ojas), one of the Pancha Bhootas is a prime factor in life.
Its presence is life and absence is death. The entire defense mechanism of the body –
thermal, chemical, hormonal, metabolic and tissue changes are controlled by Agni
(Sriramulu, 2007) which is a form of energy. We can also visualize each individual to
carry a biomagnetic field of his own. The constant interaction between the bioenergies
among individuals under the overall influence of cosmic energy explains many
phenomena which are not understood by the modern scientist. In an interesting book
titled “The Biology of Belief” Bruce Lipton, the author says “thoughts are more powerful
and can bring changes in genes or DNA”. This proves the power of positive thinking,
which is not new to ancient Indian philosophy.

Indians also believe that a food or medicine prepared by violent means affect the
consumer! Only Indians know about the Sattvik, Rajasik and Tamasik foods and their
characteristic effects on humans as reflected in the sloka:

Aaharastvapi sarvasya trividhobhavati priyaha

Ygjnasthapa sthatha daanam tesham bheda mimam srunu (Gita 17-7)

The process of fermentation was also mentioned in Rig Veda (1.191.10). Kautilya cites
about six kinds of alcoholic drinks in his famous work ‘Artha Shastra' in the chapter
Suradadyaksha (2.25). Charaka mentions about 14 types of Suras (Pankaj Goyal,
2007). We are also aware of the importance of cow's urine as a great medicine as this
sloka shows:
Gavyam samadhuram kinchidoshagnam krimikusthanutkandoom cha samayet pittam
samyagdoshodare hitam (Chandogyopanishad 1-10)

Which means “the cow's urine is sweetish, it alleviates tumors, is bactericidal, cures
leprosy. If drunk will purify the body and is good for the abdomen”. The US patent and
Trade office has granted patent for the Indian innovation, which has proved that cow's
urine can make antibiotics, anti-fungal agents and also anti-cancer drugs more effective.
This work was done by CSIR's Centre for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow in
collaboration with Gau Vigyana Anusandan Kendra, Nagpur.


It is a pity that centuries old practices of organic farming in India based on the principle
of “ Jivasya jiva bhojanam ” (Vyas, 2007) are replaced by chemical farming for short
term gains in pursuit of “Green Revolution”, leaving behind a sickly soil and subsurface
and a host of allergies, digestive ailments, cancer, physical and mental deformities, and
weakened immunity among people. Is it not a paradox that the developed countries are
now advocating organic farming? Should not our national laboratories and universities
since independence have concentrated on improving the organic methods of cultivation?
Now another hollow slogan “Evergreen Revolution” is coined. Is it possible if we do not
resort to Vedic practices of agriculture with the spirit:

Annat bhavanti bhootani parjanyat annasambhavahYgjnat bhavati parjanyo yagjnah

karma samudbhavah (Gita 3-14)

Lunar radiation

The magical effects Lunar radiation on life on earth are not given much importance in
modern science although some random studies of correlation are made in the West
relating to menstruation, criminal behavior, accidents and hospitalization (Michael
Zimecki, 2006)

The ancient Indians decidedly knew a lot about the amazing effects of moon on all living
organisms on earth, including humans, plants and animals. Moon is considered one of
the visible forms of God Himself. Moon is called “Oushadhipati” the father of medicines.
It is interesting to note that Soma Lata a rare creeper is believed to sprout one leaf every
day from new moon to full moon and shed away one leaf from full moon to new moon!
Lord Krishna says in Gita.

Gaamavisya cha bhootani dharayamyaham ojasaPushnami cha oushadeehi sarvaaha

somo bhootva rasaatmakaha (Gita 15-13) which means “It is I who support all creatures,
with my vital power permeating the soil. Becoming the nectar of the moon, I nourish all
herbs and medicinal plants”.

Even in developed countries there are people who believe in the magic of moonlight.
Richard Chapin of Arizona in the USA, who is no scientist, has reportedly spent four
years and about a crore of rupees to set up a roughly 50' x 50' moonlight reflector
containing an array of mirrors i n Arizona's Sonoran desert. People who are sick and
depressed come to bathe in the ‘gentle blue-white beam' of Chapin's moonlight collector,
which is also hoped to cure arthritis and some cancers.

The importance of Yagjna in creating a safe and better environment for people cannot
be exaggerated. Soon after the leakage of mthylisocynite gas from a factory, which killed
thousands and maimed hundreds of thousands, one Mr. Kushwala a resident and
teacher in Bhopal in India, started performing his usual Agnihotra and in just 20 minutes,
symptoms of gas poisoning were gone from his home. This Agnihotra is nothing but a
miniature version of the Vedic Homa performed to keep the environment from harmful
microorganisms. Unfortunately grotesque perversions have crept into rituals and various
practices, of ancient India , like Ganesh immersions involving massive iron frames tons
of Plaster of Paris, paints, chemical etc.

The Future

Consciousness' is now being termed as a new dimension in science. We have

recognized that the whole world comprising the animate and inanimate objects is full of
consciousness although of different levels. Microbial intelligence observed in the vast
array of microbes is attributed to a lower form of consciousness (Chakradhar Frend,
2007). The art or science of psychometry deals with communicating with inanimate

India with its tremendous Vedic knowledge can be a pioneer in the research of many
microbiological phenomena unknown to the modern world and discarded as superstition.
The International Vedic Microbiology Seminar (August 20-21, 2007) organized by the
Indian Foundation for Vedic Science founded by Ravi Prakash Arya, is a pioneering
effort in highlighting various microbiological phenomena, issues and solutions relating to
human, animal and plant life on earth. Research in Vedic microbiology should be
undertaken by all National laboratories and Universities for a better dissemination of the
Vedic wisdom which is qualitatively the ultimate. To day the world needs, particularly
rural areas and developing countries, countless centers of Yoga, Naturopathy and
Ayurveda more than super specialty hospitals.

At the end one should not get an impression that reverting to Vedic Sciences is very
easy. Present day Vedic scholars may often be found to be unsure, ambiguous, evasive
etc due to the fact that Vedic Sciences suffered serious neglect during a thousand years
of foreign invasion and three hundred years of industrial revolution. We have to make
best use of modern science and technology in understanding the super scientific
concepts of Vedic Science to come out with solutions for the nagging problems of the
present day society. This will definitely make India a world leader in science.

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