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cakes in the pans for 2 or 3 m cover ¢ach pan with a large rack and invert, Remove the pan and turn the cupcakes right side up to cool on the rack. t Chocolate Cupcakes — joracatesse, 24 CUPCAKES orrionat: Ice following Chocolate Cupcake Icing. pall A4-Git CHOCOLATE CUPCAKE ICING bt as Goel aS .6O 6 ounces semisweet chocolate (see Notes) 0 MLL. Cade. V5 cup heary cream €5t oF ingredd- 1 tablespoon granulated sugar N00, Saattey weet. 115 tablespoons sweet butter Duteh process) 5¥% ounces (1035 tablespoons) sweet butter 1 teaspoor 1¥4 cups granulated sugar xaded large, extra-large, or jumbo) 1 chocolate is complet auld the mixture is smooth, Transfer to a small, shallow bowl. Let stand, the icing reaches room temperature. Hold a cupcake upside down and dip the top into the icing; twitl the and then continue to hold it upside down for a few seconds of the cakes. Then, after If there ikes may be dipped a third time. When a custard cup, or a coffee or teacup, but don {the cakes won't look as smooth. 10 pans of cupcake forms, each pan with tu suring about 2% inches in diameter. Sift a bit of flour | tap to shake out excess. Or line twenty-four ores: 1, When baking cupcakes, if you have only one pan with twelve forms, reserve the remaining batter and bake additional cakes after the first panful. If you bake only one pan at a time, bake it in the center of the oven. nceand a timesaver. The cakes take om a b i id they stay fresh longer. semisweet. If you use 1- bur , of course, should be eC que sures, oF ld be coarsely chopped. wuld be broken or chopped. (I have most often used Baker's Se Maitlard’s Eagle Sweet.) To freeze cupeakes after they have been iced, frst let ther i longer sticky. Then place them on a pin hey are frozen firm. Then cover them with t down securely on to the prepared pans, filing the foro |. There is no need to smooth the tops the tops spring back when lightly pressed at room temperature until thawed before removing the wrap

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