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A Tern Paper

“China- Philippines International Relation”

Jesica B. Galve
Student, MAEd- SSt

''A bad neighbor is a misfortune, as much as a good one is a great blessing.'' (Hesiod).
That means, we should at least know our neighbors. It has no importance if we like them or
we dislike them. But there is an importance to communicate with our neighbors, that we
tolerate and accept them. Keeping good relations is a two-way street. State- to- stae
relations among nations provide an essential framework for the conduct of foreign
relations. Diplomatic relations should always be maintained, unless security requires
closing the embassy. Communication and relationship building are important
cornerstones in peace building.
Philippines is not new to making diplomatic relations with its neighbouring
countries. China being one of its neighbors has been subject to relationship building of
the country. The relationship between China and Philippines has gradually improved over
the years. However, relations between the two countries have suffered due to the
worsening South China Sea disputes. It is significant to conduct this research about the
relationship between the two countries since it is timely and it is to promote awareness
and understanding of the officials’ decision on maintaining diplomatic relations with
China despite the on-going dispute.
The said disputes involve both island and maritime claims among several
sovereign states within the region, namely Brunei, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia
and Philippines. The disputes include the islands, reefs, banks and other features of South
China Sea, including Spratly Islands- a disputed group of islands, islets and cays and
more than 100 reefs. The Spratlys are one of the major archipelagos in the South China
Sea which complicate governance and economics in this part of Southeast Asia due to
their location in strategic shipping lanes. The Philippines wins in this case against China
by the ruling of arbitral tribunal after three years but China remained aggressive in
putting up different Chinese establishments in the islands. Since Preseident Duterte took
office, the China and the Philippines have reengaged in consultation for the proper
handling of the South China Sea issue. In this issue, the Philippine President Rodrigo
Duterte and Chinese President Xi Jin Ping agreed to pursue bilateral talks. These bilateral
talks include 13 documents on cooperation in a variety of areas, from agriculture to law

The Duterte administration lauds improving relations with China even at the
expense of Philippines- America relations. His warm sentiment toward China is no secret.
He hailed the benefits of the Philippines’ progressing relationship with the Asian
neighbour during his 3rd State of the Nation Address (SONA). Re-energized ties with the
Asian giant, he said, have led to an “unprecedented level of cooperation” in the fight
against drugs. Many Filipinos bad talk about the President’s decision in maintaining the
diplomatic relation with China. Our relations have now seen a rainbow after the rain. In
just a little more than two years, China has become the Philippines largest trading partner,
largest export market and largest source of imports and the second largest source of
tourist. China firmly supports the Philippine’s fight against drugs and terrorism and its
post- conflict reconstruction efforts in Marawi, thus contributing peace in the country. In
the face of disasters and issues between the two countries, our two peoples have stood
together and come to each other’s help, writing new chapters of friendship.

Philstar Global

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