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Column Diameter and Pressure Drop

In determining the column diameter, we need to know what is the limiting (maximum) gas velocity that
can be used. This is because the higher the gas velocity, the greater the resistance that will be
encountered by the down-flowing liquid and the higher the pressure drop across the packings.

Too high a gas velocity will lead to a condition known as flooding whereby the liquid filled the entire
column and the operation became difficult to carry out. High pressure will crush and damage the packings
in the column.

We will begin our analysis by examining the relationship between the gas pressure drop and gas
velocity. Refer to the Figure below that shows a typical gas pressure drop in a packed column.

The horizontal axis is the logarithmic value of the gas velocity G, and the vertical axis is the logarithmic value of
pressure drop per height of packing [ pressure drop in a packed bed is the result of fluid friction that is created by the
flow of gas and liquid around the individual solid packing materials ].

Note: Each packing has its own characteristics pressure drop chart as reported by the manufacturer - for
example, see the Figure above (right).

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Analysis of Gas Pressure Drop in Packing

With a dry packing (i.e. no liquid flow, L = 0),

pressure drop increases as gas velocity increases
according to the linear relationship as shown by line
a-a. This is a straight line on a log-log plot.

With liquid flowing in the column, the packings

now become wetted (irrigated). Part of void
volume in the packings now filled with liquid,
thereby reducing the cross-sectional area available
for gas flow.

At the same gas velocity, the pressure drop is

higher for wetted packings compared to dry
packings. For example, compare the case for L = 0 vs. L = 5. The line for DP/L under wetted condition
lies to the left of line a-a.

For a constant liquid flow (say L = 5), at low to moderate gas velocity G; the pressure drop
characteristics is similar to that of dry packings, i.e. section b-c of the plot is still straight on log-log plot. Up
to this point, there is an orderly trickling of the liquid down the packings. There is no observable liquid
being trapped among the packings (no liquid hold-up).

As the gas velocity is increased further, the pressure drop increased. Some liquid started to be
retained in the packings. When point c is reached, the quantity of liquid retained in the packed bed
increases significantly. There is a change in slope of the line at point c as pressure drop increases more
rapidly with G. Point c is known as the loading point, as liquid starts to accumulate (load) in the packings.

From point c to d to e, there is a sharp increase in pressure drop at higher G: there is a greater amount of
liquid hold-up, a gradual filling of the packing voids with liquid (starting at the bottom of the column), and
the column is slowly "drowned" in the liquid.

At point e, there is another sharp change in the slope. At this point the entire column is filled liquid and
the gas now has to bubble through the liquid in the packing voids. The gas pressure drop is now very
high. Point e is known as the flooding point. The gas velocity at this point is known as the flooding
velocity (limiting velocity).

Points to note :

- at constant liquid rate, gas pressure drop increases with gas velocity.

- at constant gas velocity, the gas pressure drop is higher at larger liquid rate.

- each liquid rate has its own loading and flooding points.

- at higher liquid rate, the loading and flooding points occur at lower gas pressure drop.

Operation of a gas absorption column is not practical above the loading point. For optimum design, the
recommended gas velocity is 1/2 of the flooding velocity. Alternatively, some design can be based on
a specified pressure drop condition, usually well below the pressure drop at which flooding would

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