Assignment PDC 1107

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Lecturer : MR. AROKIA RAJ

Distribution Date : Week 03

Submission Date : Week06 ( MONDAY BEFORE 5 )

Mode of Working : In a group of 7 - 8. Compile a report by MS Word and burn all files into a
CD. You may all share a CD with other students. Simply provide a note
indicating the names and IDs of those sharing the CD. Put files into your
personal folder and name it using the following format: Name : Student

Marks : Reporting – 10 %

Movie – 10 %

1 Description
In the area of personal development, there are many traits and personalities that are exhibited in all
walks of life.

2 Movie Outline
Coming up with a movie is going to be both a fun and challenging task. One major factor to consider
is the scope of your movie. It’s going to have to be relatively simple to ensure you can complete it in one
quarter, however, that does not mean your movie is going to be “easy” to develop or boring.
As we progress through the class and learn more about personality traits of individuals, it is almost
certain that your idea will go through many changes (hopefully to make it better.) Also, the way the
movie actually plays is often quite different than what you had envisioned. So, realize you just need to
come up with a good movie that you can improve on and don’t try and initially design the perfect
3 Presentation

You are going to present your movie to the class in tutorial. You will have 10 minutes to do your
presentation and a few minutes to answer questions from the class. Minimally, you should have:
_ A PowerPoint (or equivalent) slide presentation.
– Try to convince the class that your movie has:
_ Fun and intuitive
_ Has most of the personality traits of individuals.
_ Innovative

4 Deliverables
You are responsible for the following:
1. A 10-minute PowerPoint (or equivalent) slide presentation that pitches your quiz to the class. You
will be graded on your presentation’s organization, quality, and content. You may use your own laptops
to do your presentation.

2. The actual movie.

5. Report Writing
Write a report describing your difficulties and challenges you faced when trying to complete this

Your report should also include the following:

1) Table of contents
2) Project timelines with a description of the duties of each member in the group.
3) Acknowledgement
4) Introduction
5) Difficulties and Challenges
6) Conclusion
7) Peer Evaluations
8) All necessary documentations
9) Enclose movie in CD or upload to youtube and provide a link.
Grading Criteria

The justification of group members for the

task involved.

The use of the 3I’s of Inti philosophy

The complexity of use of the 3 applications

The contents of the report

The event conducted in order


Follows deadline

Level of Performance

Exemplary Accomplished Average Developing Needs Works

5 4 3 2 1

Not justified Poorly justified Somewhat Closely justified Well justified


Does not use the Poorly uses the Somewhat uses Uses the 3 I’s Uses all the
3 I’s 3 I’s the 3I’s most of the time concepts of 3 I’s

Does not use Poorly used the Somewhat used Uses most the Clear evidence
any of the 3 applications the 3 application elements of the of the use of the
applications 3 applications 3 application

No contents Content poorly Has some Has most of the Has all the
developed content required content necessary

Event not Event poorly Has somewhat Has mostly Has completely
conducted conducted conducted an conducted the conducted the
event event event

Has not done Poorly presented Has some Has most Has completely
presentation elements in elements covered all in the
presentation covered presentation

Late more than 2 Late more than a Late for more Late for more On time
weeks week than 3 days than a day submission

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