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In many countries peole are moving from urban to rural areas, why do you think that it is,

what problems it can cause.

People moving from urban areas to rural areas has become common these days due to
significant amount of reasons like pollutions, traffic and expenses. Owning to this , it causes a
considerable amount of problems like , deforestration and environmental damage. This essay
will discuss the reasons and problems of moving to the urban area.

To begin with, People move to urban area for several reasons, firstly, the urban area is more
polluted and it cause a lot of health related issues to the individuals, where as in the rural area
the air is clean due to the large number of trees present. Secondly, the country side is less
expensive when compared to the city. Due to the large number of industires, health and
medical facilities available in the city makes all the products expensive. For instance, It is next
to impossible for a common man to buy a house in the city because of its higher rates. All
these reasons cause people to move from urban areas to rural area.

On the other hand, Moving to rural area cause significant amount of troubles to the local
people living there. Firstly, When people move in the require more space , as a result, the
agricultural lands will be destroyed for constructing new houses or industries. Agriculture is
one of the main occupation of the rural area people and they will be forced to sell their lands
for cheaper rates, and it makes hard for them to make their ends meet. Secondly, the newly
occupied people need water and transport facilities. In order to achieve that, they cut down a
large number of trees to construct roads and pump water from the ground to meet their basic
needs. It causes damages to the environment. Thus moving to the rural areas cause major
issues to the people and to the environment.
To sum up, Life in rural area is already better with the basic needs and with the natures gift, It
will be much better when the life in rural area is untouched.

the impact that the growing demand for more flights has had on the environment is a major
concern for many coutnries. Some people believe that one way to limit the number of people
travelling by air is to increase tax on flights. To what extend do you think this could solve the

In many countries , the increasing demand for more flights and its impact on enviroment is
being a major concern. While Some people assume that By increasing the tax on flights , the
number of people travelling by air can be reduced, I don’t agree this could solve the problem
and this essay will discuss it in detail.

To begin with, Flights have been a most preferred mode of transportation between countries
and it has benefited the nation and the people in many ways. Firstly, Air travel help to people
to visit other countires and expand their businesses. Most of the MNC companies have
branches all over the world and flights make the travel easier. More over this helps in
developing the local community by providing job opportunites to them. As a result, The life
standard of the local people has been improved. Secondly, Tourism is another important factor
which helps the whole nation grow economically. Airtravel enables a significant amount of
visitors to visit the country, and when they visit they spent a huge amount of money on buying
local products , thus it helps the local vendors to get benefited through that. Thus , the flights
provide a considerable amount benefits to the nation and to the people.
On the other hand, Some people argue that air travel causes environmetnal issues and the
usage must be limited by implying heavy tax. But it will result in bringing up negative effects.
Firstly, Majority of the countries economoy is purely dependent on tourism, and the heavy tax
will prevent tourists from entering into their country. Also, the people who purely depend only
on tourists will struggle to make their ends meet. In addition to that, levying tax affects the
import and export and the people who depended on those. Thus levying tax will affect the
individual and country as whole.

To sum up, While there are a lot of disadvantages like environmental hazards, advatages which
overlook the disadvantages. In addition to that the disadvantages can be easily overcome if
proper steps are taken. Hence, there is no need to imply heavy tax on flights.

Planting treees is important for the environmnet, Some people says trees should be planted
in the vacant areas of cities and towns while others says housing facilityes should be build
instead. Do you agree or disagree.

It is very essential to protect the environment by planting more number of trees. While Some
people imply that the trees must be planted in all the empty areas of cities and towns , others
say houses must be built on that. This essay will argue why trees must be planted in the
vacant areas of cities despite the need the of buildings in cities and towns.

To begin with, Planting trees in vacant area reduces pollution. A significant amount of
industries are present in cities and towns, which emits too much carbondioxide into the air and
pollutes the environment. Planting trees absorbs the excess carbodioxide present in the air and
purifies it. Thus it makes city a healthier place to live in. In addition to that trees help to cool
the air, thus reducing the urban heat island effect, and help urban communites to adapt to the
effects of climate change.
On the other hand, some people advocate that it is essential to build houses in the empty
places. They say, Cities need more houses as the population is really more when compared to
the other rural parts of the country. Most of the industries, hospitals are targetting only cities
and towns ,as they get all the basic facilities to run their businesses. This attracts a large
population towards cities and towns , thus makes them more conjusted. Hence a lot of houses
must be built in the empty spaces to accomodate people from the rural areas.

To conclude, Although cities and towns need to built houses to give shelter to more number of
people , it must not be done by compromising the trees growth. To avoid the population
issues, more apartments can be constructed which can accommodate more number of people
and the trees can be planted in the empty areas.
1. reduces pollution
2.purifies air
3. prevent soil erosion.

need more houses
more space,
less pollution
less expensive

destroys environment

forests will be destroyed,animals become extinct

more space for children to play
due to a large number of trees present, and less number of vehi
land rate is cheaper, plenty of resources available, cheaper to s

more population, more industires, more pollution

need more space for newly occupants

2. More fuel requirement
3. Big airport required

1. business needs

2. tourists
3. export and import

1. economy will be down

2. products price will be increased
3. job opportunites
improves their health
can save up money
ozone layer depletion
fuel shortage

branches in other countires job opportunities

increases economy
availablity of global products
Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on children. Do you
agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

In this modern world, everything has become computerized and it is important for everyone to
learn about it inorder to survive in the future. While using a computer daily has a lot of
advantages which includes quick learning, updating information etc. , it also has disadvantages
like health hazards, misleading informations and so on. In my opinion, computers have positive
effects on children despite some demerits which will be discussed in this essay.

To begin with, Computer is a very good piece of technology which provides every information
needed. The children can learn their subjects using the internet and they can learn it quickly.
More over , the studies are made intresting by providing pictorial representations and videos
which helps the students to learn things easily. For instance, when the subject is taught in the
form of a pictures, it becomes easy for the children to learn and it helps them to remember it
easily. In addition to that, If children are using computers daily , they will become used to using
computers, which will help them in the career as most of the careers require the usage of
computers in the future. Thus using computers daily will help the children in many ways.

On the other hand, A significant amount of health issues have been reported by the children
who uses computer for a prolonged period of time which includes, vission problems and obesity.
Children get addicted to computers when they use for a long time and the UV light which is
emitted from the computer screen causes vision related issues. In addition to that, they will not
engage themselves in the outdoor activities,when they are so much addicted into computers,
which leads to health conditions like obesity, diabetes and heart related issues. Furthermore,
Using computers can distract the children by enabling them to access sensitive information,
which might lead their life in a wrong path. Thus children who use computers for a long period
of time will have negavtive impacts on them
To sum up, despite its few disadvantages like health hazards, there are a considerable amount of
good things which computer offers which can be considered.
1. learn things quickly
Learning to operate can help in the future career

1. health issues, vision problem

2. Unwanted information, misleading informations
3. unwated websites
internet, books, eductional videos
computer plays a role in all the without computer nowledge

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