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Read before using the control

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Wittmann Battenfeld GmbH
Wr.Neustädter Straße 81 • 2542 Kottingbrunn • Österreich
Tel. +43 (0) 2252 404-0 • Fax +43 (0) 2252 404-6102


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List of contents

The Unilog B6 control system

A.1 ................................................................................................................................................................Preface
A.2 ............................................................................................................................................... Function overview
A.3 .................................................................................................................................................Control elements
A.4 ............................................................................................................. Description of the screen page (menus)
A.5 .............................................................................................................................................................. Numpad
A.6 .............................................................................................................................................................Alphapad
A.7 ................................................................................................................................................System password
A.8 ................................................................................................................................................Change language
A.9 ............................................................................................................................................Programs in general
A.10 ............................................................................................................................................Program sequence

1..................................................................................Machine in general
1.1................................................................................................................................................................ General
1.1.1..........................................................................................................................................General / Start page
1.1.2........................................................................................................................................ General / Information
1.1.3................................................................................................................................... General / Screw change
1.1.4............................................................................................................................................. General / Settings
......................................................................................................................................................... System of units
............................................................................................................................................................... Text system
..................................................................................................... User-specific limiting input value system (option)
1.1.5.................................................................................................................................. General / System control
............................................................................................................................................................Date and time
.......................................................................................................................................................... System control
1.1.6......................................................................................................................................General / touch screen
1.3............................................................................................................................................................. Zerorising
1.3.1.............................................................................................................................................Zeroizing / Page 1
1.3.2...................................................................................................................... Zeroizing / Page 2 (MicroPower)
1.5.1......................................................................................................................................... Drive / Pump system
1.5.2........................................................................................................................... Drive / Hydraulic accumulator
1.5.3................................................................................................................................Drive / Pump configuration
1.6.1................................................................................................................................................ Safety / General
1.6.2........................................................................................................................................ Safety / Maintenance
1.6.3........................................................................................................................ Safety / Danger zone boundary
.......................................................................................................................... Explanation of the interface signals
.................................................................................................................... Signal bridges in the DAB dummy plug
1.6.4.................................................................................................................. Safety / External collision detection
1.6.5.................................................................................................................................. Safety / Injection plunger

2.......................................................................................... Temperatures
2.1................................................................................................................................................... Cylinder heating
2.1.1.................................................................................................................Barrel heating / Barrel temperatures
..........................................................................................................................Overview (option of special barrels)
2.1.2......................................................................................................................Barrel heating / Controller values
2.1.3........................................................................................................................... Barrel heating / Configuration
2.1.4................................................................................................................................Barrel heating / Monitoring
2.2......................................................................................................................................... Mould heating (option)
2.2.1................................................................................................................ Mould heating / Mould temperatures
2.2.2....................................................................................................................................Mould heating / General
2.2.3................................................................................................................................. Mould heating / Overview

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List of contents
2.2.4..................................................................................................................... Mould heating / Controller values
2.2.5........................................................................................................................... Mould heating / Configuration
2.2.6................................................................................................................... Mould heating / Start-up programs
2.3....................................................................................................................... Temperature control units (option)
2.3.1................................................................................................................................. Temperature control units
2.3.2..................................................................................................................Temperature control units / General
2.3.3........................................................................................... Temperature control units / Configuration - analog
2.3.4............................................................................................ Temperature control units / Configuration - digital
2.3.5...............................................................................................................Temperature control units / Diagnosis Temperature control units / Diagnostic - digital control units / Diagnosis 2
2.3.6.................................................................................................. Temperature control units / COM Parameters
2.3.7.......................................................................................................Temperature control units / VARIOMOULD
2.3.8..........................................................................................................................................TEMPRO integrated TEMPRO configuration
2.4..................................................................................................................... Temperature control zones (option)
2.4.1............................................................................................................................... Temperature control zones
2.4.2...........................................................................Temperature control zones / Controller values (optimisation)
2.4.3............................................................................................................Temperature control zones / Monitoring
2.5................................................................................................................... Integrated Wittmann dryer (optional)
2.5.1................................................................................................................................................................. Dryer
2.6........................................................................................................................ WFC Water Flow Control (option)
2.6.1................................................................................................................................................ WFC / Overview
2.6.2.............................................................................................................................................. WFC / Monitoring
2.6.3......................................................................................................................................... WFC / Channel 1 (2)
2.6.4......................................................................................................................................... WFC / Configuration
2.6.5.......................................................................................................................................... WFC / Valve circuits
2.7............................................................................................................................ FLOWCON integrated (option)
2.7.1......................................................................................................................................... FLOWCON / Display
2.7.2............................................................................................................................... FLOWCON / Configuration
2.8............................................................................................................................ Gammaflux integrated (option)
2.8.1.........................................................................................................................................Gammaflux / Display
2.8.2............................................................................................................................... Gammaflux / Configuration

3.......................................................................................... Clamping unit

3.1................................................................................................................................................................ General
3.1.1...............................................................................................................................................General / Page 1
3.1.2...............................................................................................................................................General / Page 2
3.1.3 ..............................................................................................................................................General / Page 3
3.1.4 ...............................................................................................................................General / Mould protection
3.1.5............................................................................................General / Clamping force build-up Profile (option)
3.1.6..........................................................................................General / Clamping force reduction Profile (option)
3.1.7 ....................................................................................................................... General / Status (MacroPower)
3.1.8............................................................................................... General / active opening/closing (MacroPower)
3.2 ................................................................................................................................................................. Toggle
3.3.................................................................................................................................................Stamping (option)
3.3.1............................................................................................................................................ Stamping / Page 1
3.3.2............................................................................................................................................ Stamping / Page 2
3.4...............................................................................................................................................Degassing (option)
3.5.................................................................................................................................................. Mouldfix (option)
3.5.1.............................................................................................................................................Mouldfix / Settings
3.5.2..........................................................................................................................................Mouldfix / Diagnosis
3.6......................................................................................................................................... HiQ Opening (option)


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List of contents

4............................................................................................Injection unit
4.1................................................................................................................................................................ General
4.1.1...............................................................................................................................................General / Page 1
4.1.2...............................................................................................................................................General / Page 2
4.1.3......................................................................................................................................General / EES (option)

5.1................................................................................................................................................................ General
5.1.1...............................................................................................................................................General / Page 1
5.1.2...............................................................................................................................................General / Page 2 2 for all machine types except for MicroPower Page 2 for MicroPower
5.1.3...............................................................................................................................................General / Page 3
5.2 ................................................................................................................................................................ Integral
5.3 ............................................................................................................................................. Flow figure (option)
5.4.2..................................................................................................................................... Purging / Configuration
5.4.3........................................................................................................................................... Purging / Cold plug
5.5..................................................................................................................................................... Shut-off nozzle

6.....................................................................................Holding pressure
6.1................................................................................................................................................................ General
6.1.1............................................................................................................................... General / Holding pressure
6.1.2...................................................................................................... General / Change over to holding pressure
6.1.3............................................................................................................................ General / Slave change-over
6.1.4.......................................................................................................................General / Slave change-over (2)
6.1.5.................................................................................................................................... General / CPT selection
6.2.................................................................................................................................. Cavity pressure transducer

7...................................................................... Metering / Decompression

7.1................................................................................................................................................................ General
7.1.1...............................................................................................................................................General / Page 1
7.1.2...............................................................................................................................................General / Page 2
7.2................................................................................................................................................................. Integral
7.3.........................................................................................................................................................Melt cushion
7.4............................................................................................................................................................. Cellmould
7.4.1........................................................................................................................................ Cellmould / Selection
7.4.2................................................................................................................................Cellmould / Gas feed point
7.4.3 .......................................................................................................................................... Cellmould / Manual
7.4.4 ....................................................................................................................................... Cellmould / Zeroising
7.5......................................................................................................................................... GRAVIMAX integrated
7.5.1.........................................................................................................................................GRAVIMAX / Display
7.5.2............................................................................................................................... GRAVIMAX / Configuration

8.1...............................................................................................................................General (upper parts ejector)
8.1.1...............................................................................................................................................General / Page 1
8.1.2...............................................................................................................................................General / Page 2
8.1.3...............................................................................................................................................General / Page 3
8.2................................................................................................................................................ Air valves (option)

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List of contents
8.2.1.......................................................................................................................................................... Air valves
8.2.2...........................................................................................................................................Air valves / General
8.3.......................................................................................................................................... Screw-off unit (option)
8.3.1.................................................................................................................................... Screw-off unit / Settings
8.3.2................................................................................................................................. Screw-off unit / Diagnosis
8.3.3...................................................................................................................................... Screw-off unit / Setting
8.4.......................................................................................................................Station ejector (vertical machines)
8.4.1.....................................................................................................................................Station ejector / Page 1
8.4.2.....................................................................................................................................Station ejector / Page 2

9 ............................................................................................. Core puller

9.1................................................................................................................................................Core puller setting
9.1.1...........................................................................................................................Core puller setting / Overview
9.1.2 ............................................................................................................................ Core puller setting / General
9.1.3.............................................................................................................Core puller setting / Enlarged setting 1
9.1.4.............................................................................................................Core puller setting / Enlarged setting 2
9.2........................................................................................................................................... Core puller programs
9.2.1..........................................................................................................................Core puller programs / Page 1
9.2.2..........................................................................................................................Core puller programs / Page 2
9.2.3.............................................................................................................................Core puller programs / Copy
9.3..........................................................................................................................................Diagnosis Core puller.
9.4....................................................................................................................................................................... Info
9.4.1.............................................................................................................................. Information / Standard area
9.4.2................................................................................................................................... Information / User range

10........................................................................ Robot interface (option)

10.1................................................................................................. Robot interface 1 (for horizontal clamping unit)
10.1.1.............................................................................................................................. Robot interface 1 / Setting
10.1.2..........................................................................................................................Robot interface 1 / Diagnosis
........................................................................................................................................................ Machine signals
............................................................................................................................................................ Robot signals
10.1.3................................................................................................................................. Wittmann config (option)
10.1.4....................................................................................................................Image processing config (option)
10.1.5.................................................................................................................................... QS evaluation (option)
10.1.6 .................................................................................................................................... Configuration (option)
10.2 .............................................................................................. Robot interface 1 (for V machines, MicroPower)
10.2.1.............................................................................................................................. Robot interface 1 / Setting
10.2.2..........................................................................................................................Robot interface 1 / Diagnosis
............................................................................................................................................................ Robot signals
........................................................................................................................................................ Machine signals
10.2.3..........................................................................................................Robot interface 1 / Diagnosis 2 (option)
............................................................................................................................................................ Robot signals
........................................................................................................................................................ Machine signals
10.2.4................................................................................................................................. Wittmann config (option)
10.2.5 ...................................................................................................................Image processing config (option)
10.2.6 ................................................................................................................................... QS evaluation (option)
10.2.7 .................................................................................................................................... Configuration (option)
10.3.............................................................................................................................. Parts removal robot (option)
10.4..........................................................................................................................................UNIPICK P5 (option)
10.4.1......................................................................................................................................UNIPICK P5 / Setting
10.4.2................................................................................................................................. UNIPICK P5 / Diagnosis
10.4.3......................................................................................................................................UNIPICK P5 / Setting
10.5 ............................................................................................................................................. Periphery (option)
10.6..................................................................................................................................... Wittmann robot (option)
10.6.1....................................................................................................................................... Wittmann robot 1 (2)
10.7 .............................................................................................................Handling interface 1 (EUROMAP 67.1)


Index - 4 0515MC
List of contents
10.7.1.........................................................................................................................Handling interface 1 / settings
10.7.2......................................................................................................................Handling interface 1 / settings 2
10.7.3.............................................................................................................. Handling interface 1 / signal group 1
10.8................................................................................................................................. Image processing (option)
10.8.1................................................................................................................................... Image processing 1 (2)
10.8.2...................................................................................................................................................... Description Introduction to Image Processing Principles The Lens The Camera
10.8.3.............................................................................................................. Hardware and software components Hardware IP addresses
10.8.4.............................................................................Setting of camera, measuring instruments and tolerances

11 ..........................................................Rotary unit / Mould table (option)

11.1 ..............................................................................................Rotary unit servoelectric / Tandem Mould locking
11.1.1 ..................................................................................................................Rotary unit servoelectric / General
11.1.2 ................................................................................................................... Rotary unit servoelectric / Setting
11.1.3 ...............................................................................................................Rotary unit servoelectric / Index bolt
11.2 ................................................................................................................................................... Tandem Mould
11.3 ................................................................................................. Rotary unit (hydraulic) / Tandem Mould locking
11.3.1 .........................................................................................................................................Rotary unit Settings
11.3.2 ......................................................................................................................................Rotary unit Diagnosis
11.3.3 .......................................................................................................................................Rotary unit Zeroising
11.4 ........................................................................................................................................................ Mould table
11.4.1 ........................................................................................................................................ Mould table / Status
11.4.2 ......................................................................................................................................Mould table / General
11.4.3 ...................................................................................................................... Mould table / End of production
11.4.4 ......................................................................................................................... Configuration mould / Page 1
11.4.5 ......................................................................................................................... Configuration mould / Page 2
11.4.6 ......................................................................................................................... Configuration mould / Page 3
11.4.7 ......................................................................................................................... Configuration mould / Page 4
11.4.8 ......................................................................................................................... Configuration mould / Page 5
11.4.9 ...........................................................................................................................Configuration mould / Status
11.4.10 .......................................................................................................................Configuration station / Page 1
11.4.11 ........................................................................................................................Configuration station / Status
11.4.12 ............................................................................................................................Mould table / configuration
11.4.13 .................................................................................................................. Mould table / Multilevel injection
11.5 ............................................................................................................................................External rotary unit
11.5.1 ...........................................................................................................................External rotary unit / general
11.5.2 ........................................................................................................................External rotary unit / diagnosis
................................................................................................................................. Description of interface signals
11.6 ...........................................................................................................................................Monitoring functions
11.6.1 ..................................................................................................................................Monitorings / Monitoring
......................................................................................................................................... Mould monitoring (option)
11.6.2 ..................................................................................................................................Monitorings / Programs

Index - 5
List of contents

12...................................................................... Multi-component settings

12.1.................................................................................................................... Multicomponent settings / General
12.2....................................................................................................... Multicomponent settings / Interval injection
12.2.1......................................................................................Multicomponent settings / Interval injection / Page 1
12.2.2.....................................................................................................................Multicomponent settings Page 2
12.3............................................................................................... Multicomponent settings / External injection unit
12.4 ................................................................................................... Multicomponent settings / Multilevel injection

Kapitel 13 ................................................................................. SmartEdit

13.1.1................................................................................................................................................... Editing mode
13.1.2......................................................................................................................................................... Overview
13.2........................................................................................................................................................ Monitorings
13.3.............................................................................................................................................................. Settings

14...........................................................................Function keys (option)

14.1 ..................................................................................................................................... Function keys / Page 1
14.2 ..................................................................................................................................... Function keys / Page 2

15.................................................................................. Special programs

15.1.............................................................................................................................................Weekly time switch
15.2..................................................................................................................................Special programs (option)
15.2.1..............................................................................................................................Special programs / Page 1
........................................................................................................................................ Material conveyor (option)
.............................................................................................................................................. Socket cut-off (Option)
............................................................................................................................Central grease lubrication (option)
15.2.2..............................................................................................................................Special programs / Page 2
............................................................................................................................................... Belt conveyor (option)
........................................................................................................................................ Ejector coupling (optional)
...................................................................................................................................Clean room module (optional)
15.2.3..............................................................................................................................Special programs / Page 3
............................................................................................................................... Cooling water valve 1-4 (option)
15.2.4..............................................................................................................................Special programs / Page 4
................................................................................................................................................ Drop-out flap (option)
15.2.5..............................................................................................................................Special programs / Page 5
.......................................................................................................................................... Mould area lamp (option)
I.........................................................................................................................................onization module (option)
15.3.................................................................................................................................... Mobile Airmould (option)
15.4............................................................................................................................Mould shut-off nozzle (option)
15.4.1...................................................................................................................................... Mould shut-off nozzle
15.4.2........................................................................................................... Mould mould shut-off nozzle / General
15.5................................................................................................................................................. Vacuum (option)
15.5.1..............................................................................................................................Vacuum / for clamping unit
15.5.2.......................................................................................................................... Vacuum / for operator station
15.6......................................................................................................... Cleaning (option for horizontal machines)
15.7..........................................................................................................................Airmould / Aquamould (Option)
15.7.1................................................................................................................... Airmould / Aquamould / Selection
15.7.2...................................................................................................................... Airmould / Aquamould / Manual
15.7.3....................................................................................... Airmould / Aquamould / Pressure regulator module
15.8..............................................................................................................Cleaning (option for vertical machines)
15.9.............................................................................................................................. Sprue knock device (option)


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List of contents
15.10.............................................................................................................................. External servo unit (option)
15.10.1........................................................................................................................ External servo unit / General
15.10.2........................................................................................................ External servo unit / Core puller setting
15.10.3.......................................................................................................................... External servo unit / Setting
15.10.4......................................................................................................................... External servo unit / Service
15.11 ..................................................................................................................................................Scale (option)

16.......................................................................................... Quality table

16.1....................................................................................................................................................... Quality table
16.1.1.................................................................................................................................. Quality table / Overview
16.1.2.................................................................................................................. Quality table (QT1-6 and QT7-12)
16.1.3............................................................................. Quality table / Configuration (Config.1-6 and Config.7-12)
16.1.4........................................................................................... Quality table / Trend 1-6 and Trend 7-12 (option)
16.1.5...........................................................................................................................Quality table / Specifications
16.2............................................................................................................................................. SPC chart (option)
16.2.1........................................................................................................................................................SPC chart
16.2.2............................................................................................................................... SPC chart / Configuration
16.2.3.............................................................................................................................. SPC chart / Specifications

17............................................................................Actual value graphics

17.1.........................................................................................................................................Actual value graphics
17.1.1....................................................................................................................... Actual value graphics / Display
17.1.2............................................................................................................. Actual value graphics / Configuration
17.2............................................................................................................................................................ Envelope
17.2.1.......................................................................................................................................... Envelope / Display
17.2.2.................................................................................................................................Envelope / Configuration
17.2.3....................................................................................................................................... Envelope / Overview

18.....................................................................................Production data
18.1..................................................................................................................................................Production data
18.1.1................................................................................................................................ Production data / Page 1
18.1.2................................................................................................................................ Production data / Page 2
18.1.3................................................................................................................................ Production data / Page 3
18.1.4................................................................................................................. Production data / Large scale view
18.2................................................................................................................................................................. Times
18.2.1................................................................................................................................................ Times / Page 1
18.2.2................................................................................................................................... Times / Mould / Station
18.2.3........................................................................................................................................ Times / Demoulding
18.3...........................................................................................................................................Monitoring functions
18.3.1......................................................................................................................... Monitoring functions / Page 1
18.3.2......................................................................................................................... Monitoring functions / Page 2
.......................................................................................................................... Monitoring of the injection pressure
.........................................................................................................................Evaluation of the slave change-over
......................................................................................................................Evaluation of the envelope monitoring
18.3.3.............................................................................................................Monitoring functions / Mould / Station
18.3.4..................................................................................................................Monitoring functions / Demoulding
18.4............................................................................................................................................ Cycle time analysis
18.4.1............................................................................................................Cycle time Analysis / Analysis 1 and 2
18.4.2....................................................................................................Cycle time Analysis / Configuration 1 and 2
18.5.................................................................................................................................. Display of energy (option)
18.6.................................................................................................................................Start-up programs (option)

Index - 7
List of contents
18.7.................................................................................................................................... Process control (option)
18.7.1 .......................................................................................................................................................PRIAMUS
........................................................................................................... Signals from the PRIAMUS BlueLine system
........................................................................................................................................................ Machine signals
18.7.2 ............................................................................................................................................ PRIAMUS config

20.1............................................................................................................................................................... Manual
20.1.1.................................................................................................................................................... Manual 1 / 2
20.2............................................................................................................................................................... Manual
20.2.1............................................................................................................................... Miscellaneous / Selection

21......................................................................................... Media centre

21.1...........................................................................................................................................................Status bar
21.1.1......................................................................................................................................... Status bar / Page 1
21.1.2......................................................................................................................................... Status bar / Page 2
21.1.3......................................................................................................................................... Status bar / Page 3
21.1.4......................................................................................................................................... Status bar / Page 4
21.1.5................................................................................................................. Status bar / Function keys (option)
21.1.6................................................................................................... Status bar /Wittmann robot 1 and 2 (option)
21.2................................................................................................................................................ Notepad (option)
21.2.1............................................................................................................................................ Notepad / Page 1

22............................................................................................. Diagnostic
22.1........................................................................................................................................................ PV Monitor.
22.2.1........................................................................................................................................... Scope / Curve 1-8
22.2.2..................................................................................................................................... Scope / Configuration
22.3.................................................................................................................................................................... PLC
22.3.1................................................................................................................................................. PLC / General
22.3.2.....................................................................................................................................................PLC / Pump
22.3.3....................................................................................................................................................... PLC / Axis
22.3.4........................................................................................................................................................ PLC / Log
22.3.5 .....................................................................................................................................PLC / Error diagnosis
22.4........................................................................................................................................................... Hardware
22.5......................................................................................................................................................NC diagnosis
22.5.1 ...................................................................................................................................NC diagnosis / general
22.5.2................................................................................................................................... NC diagnostic / Page 1
22.6 .................................................................................................................................................. CAN diagnosis
22.7 ............................................................................................................................. CAB/MB/PM/E67 (CAN IOs)
22.8 ........................................................................................................................................................ CAN pump
22.8.1.......................................................................................................................................CAN pump / DFEC 1
22.8.2.......................................................................................................................................CAN pump / DFEC 2
22.8.3....................................................................................................................CAN Pump / Emergency Objects

23........................................................................................APS (Option)
23.1....................................................................................................................................................APS operation
23.1.1..................................................................................................................................APS operation / general
23.1.2...............................................................................................................................APS operation / general 1
23.1.3...............................................................................................................................APS operation / general 2
23.1.4...............................................................................................................................APS operation / general 3


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24................................................................................ Userpage (Option)

24.1.............................................................................................................................................................. General
24.1.1....................................................................................................... Transfer objects from image to userpage
24.1.2.................................................................................................................................. Write text into userpage
24.1.3..................................................................................................................................... Draw line in userpage
24.1.4..................................................................................................................................Draw frame in userpage
24.2.....................................................................................................................................................Edit userpage

25......................................................................................... Data records

25.1...................................................................................................................................................... Data records
25.2.............................................................................................................................................................. General
25.3..........................................................................................................................Integration Wittmann periphery

26 ....................................................................Intranet / Internet (Option)

26.1.......................................................................................................................... BDE - product data acquisition
26.1.1.................................................................................................................................................. BDE / Page 1
26.1.2.................................................................................................................................................. BDE / Page 2
26.1.3................................................................................................................................................... BDE / Status
26.1.4........................................................................................................................................ BDE / Configuration
26.2....................................................................................................................................................E-Mail (option)
26.2.1.............................................................................................................................................. E-Mail / General
26.2.2..................................................................................................................................... E-Mail / Configuration
26.3.............................................................................................................................................................. Network
26.4........................................................................................................................................................... Diagnosis
26.5....................................................................................................................................................... Web service
26.6................................................................ Remote diagnosis / Remoting (option, supported up to Master V06)
26.6.1................................................................................................................................................Port forwarding
26.6.2.................................................................................................................................... Fixed VPN connection
26.6.3........................................................................................................................................VPN Client software
26.7.................................................................................................................................................. K4Web (option)
26.7.1..................................................................................................................................................... K4Web / K4
26.7.2.................................................................................................................................... K4Web / Configuration
26.8............................................................................................................................................................ WebCam
26.8.1....................................................................................................................................... WebCam / WebCam
26.8.2..................................................................................................................................WebCam / configuration
26.9.............................................................................................................................................................. Browser
26.10................................................................................................................................................... T.I.G. (option)
26.10.1..........................................................................................................................................T.I.G. / T.I.G. Web
26.10.2..................................................................................................................................... T.I.G. / Configuration

27................................................................................................... Printer
27.1...................................................................................................................................................... Data printout
27.2.............................................................................................................................................Alarm / log printout
27.3.......................................................................................................................................... Quality table printout

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List of contents

28.1 ....................................................................................................................................................... Interrupt list
28.2................................................................................................................................................... Alarm statistics
28.3..................................................................................................................................................................... Log
28.4 ............................................................................................................................................................ Log filter
28.5.............................................................................................................................................................NC erros
28.5.1......................................................................................................................................... NC error / overview
28.5.2............................................................................................................................................ NC error / page 1

29 .................................................................... System control information

29.1.......................................................................................................................................................... Disclaimer
29.2.......................................................................................................................Changes to network connections
29.3..................................................................................................................................Changing computer name
29.4.................................................................................................................................. Changing internet options
29.5........................................................................................................................COMMIT and RESTART system

AL.................................................................... List of all alarm messages


Index - 10 0515MC
The Unilog B6 control system

The Unilog B6 control system

A.1 Preface

Who is this manual intended for?

This manual is intended for all persons who are to operate and to monitor the injection moulding
Your task is to monitor the proper functioning of the machine. In case a malfunction occurs, you
should be able to retrieve information as to the cause of malfunction as well as the essential
machine data. To this end, you must be familiar with the operation of the control unit. This
manual provides the knowledge by means of which you may safely operate the control unit.

What are the contents of this manual?

To keep this manual as short and as accessible as possible, only those operations are
described which you can / are permitted to carry out yourself. Functions and information
concerning initiating and special service measures are combines in a separate service manual.
The service manual is only at the disposal of those Battenfeld employees who are trained for
these works.
At first, an overview on the control elements of the control system will be provided. An example
of the typical operational procedure will be given, followed by a detailed description of the
individual display menus.
As a rule, the description will always follow the same pattern: after a short introduction to the
respective function, the individual parameters will be described in detail.

Usage to the intended purpose

The control system UNILOG B6 is designed for the operation and control of injection moulding
machines. The operation of the control unit is reserved for trained personnel only (e.g. tool
setters, service technicians). Other usage is not permitted.

Safety measures
This manual is part of the technical documentation on the injection moulding machine. Before
operating the control system, make sure you are familiar with all the safety measures required
for the operation of the injection moulding machine.

Chapter A - 1
The Unilog B6 control system

A.2 Function overview

The digital control unit UNILOG B6 has been developed from the control unit UNILOG B4.
All functions of the injection moulding machine may be controlled via the display menus. The
functions are classified according to the subassemblies or the respective activities.
For the manual operation, the machines disposes of 10 given keys operating the main functions
of the machine (drive, heating, and operating mode). Another 48 keys are assigned other
functions, depending on the machine type (e.g. opening/closing the mould).
The control system comes with a dust-proof easy to clean membrane keyboard and a

Cleaning note
Clean the touchscreen with a moistened non-fibrous cloth. Only use water with a washing-up
liquid, screen cleaner, or alcohol (ethanol) for moistening the cloth. Do not spray the cleaning
agent directly on the touchscreen but spray it on the cloth! Under no circumstances use
aggressive solvents, chemicals, or scouring agents. When cleaning is carried out while the
machine is running, the touchscreen should be deactivated (see System control / Touchscreen,
chapter 1).


Chapter A - 2 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system

A.3 Control elements

1 Screen
Touchscreen. Numbers and texts are entered via touchpads displayed on the screen.

2 Function keys (Operator panel option)

Manual mode: assignment depending on the machine.


4 Function keys (Operator panel option)

Machine operation: Main functions.

Chapter A - 3
The Unilog B6 control system
Function keys for machine operation (main functions)
They are used to switch on the drive and the heating as well as to select the operating mode.
The selected function is displayed by means of luminous rings in red, green, and yellow.

Drive Stop (red)

Drive Start (green, yellow)

Drive Stop
The red luminous ring will be lit up if the drive has been switched off manually (using the "Stop"
The red luminous ring will flash if the drive has been switched off using either a monitoring
program or the weekly time switch.

Drive Start
The green luminous ring will flash if the drive is in the start-up phase and will be lit up if the drive
The green luminous ring is lit up when the oil heating starts or the drive is ready for operation.
The yellow luminous ring will flash if, in the automatic mode, acknowledgement is required for
starting or continuing the cycle.
The green luminous ring will flash if an acknowledgeable error is active in the manual mode.

Setting mode
Manual mode

Semiautomatic mode
Automatic mode
• Operating mode activated (green)
• Operating mode activated, safety device can be opened (yellow)
• Operating mode activated, safety device opened or safety device must be
acknowledged (plusating in yellow)


Chapter A - 4 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
Cylinder heating
• off (red)
• on (green)
• lower (yellow)

Mould heating
• off (red)
• on (green)
• lower (yellow)

Pressing the "Heater on" key once again will change the setting to "Lower heater".
Use the keys for the barrel heating to activate the barrel heating and the temperature control
units (option).

The temperature control units must be activated in the respective displays (see chapter 2).

Heater off
The red luminous ring will be lit up if the heater has been switched off manually (using the
"Heater off" key).
The red luminous ring will flash, if the heater has been switched off using either a monitoring
program or the weekly time switch.

Heater on
The green luminous ring will be lit up if the heater is switched on.

Decrease temperature in heater

The green luminous ring is lit up if the temperature in the heater is either decreased manually or
by using a monitoring program.
The green luminous ring flashes during the Delay time Temperature decrease until the
temperature decrease is activated.
The green luminous ring will flash if the heating is switched off and the temperature decrease
is activated. Switching the heating on by means of the "Heating on" key, it is activated with the
operating mode "Temperature decrease".

Chapter A - 5
The Unilog B6 control system
Movement keys

Open / close mould

Ejector - forward / back

Injection unit - forward / back

Injection piston - Injection and holding pressure - Decompression /


Injection plunger (with MicroPower only) - injection and holding

pressure / injection plunger back

Meterin piston (with MicroPower only)

Mould mounting height

When pressing a key for the first time, the mould height adjustment
is activated. Only with the second pressing of a key, the mould height
adjustment is carried out (see also chapter 3.2).

Material conveyor

Air valve


Chapter A - 6 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
Move in / out core puller

Safety gate - open / close

Turn rotary table cw/ccw - sliding table left/right

Manual mode: Turn / move rotary table / sliding table left / right to the next station
In case the rotary table / sliding table is not within any station, it will automatically
be moved into the next station at setting speed (Settings see "Setting Rotary table
/ Sliding table" page.
Setting mode: Move rotary table / sliding table ccw and cw at setting speed in the
touch control operation.

Ejector coupling - release / couple

Injection unit - preselection A/B/C

Cycle start

Manual end of production (also refer to this chapter under "Program sequence")

Function test of the Airmould® injection module: Is it possible that nitrogen can
escape from the needle of the Airmould® injection module; can the needle of the
Airmould® injection module be moved freely (with the mould open).

Chapter A - 7
The Unilog B6 control system
NC QUIT - NC error acknowledgement (with electric drives)

Cooling water valve

If the Cooling water valve key is pressed, the cooling water valve is switched off
independent of the selected program. The yellow LED above the key is off. The
yellow LED is illuminated if the cooling water valve is switched on depending on the
seleced program. The yellow LED flashes if the selected program switches off the
cooling water valve.

Rotate rotary unit ccw / cw

Tandem Mould - Open mould half 2 (nozzle side) / mould half 1 (ejector side)

Tiebar pulling
(see chapter 10, Special description Tiebar pulling)

Move pressure boxes

Pressure discharge core puller

In case of hydraulic components with quick-action couplings, the pressure of the
hydraulic system must be released before the hose lines are disconnected.

Screw-off unit



Chapter A - 8 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
Activate / deactivate start-up parameter
Use this key to activate and deactivate the second injection parameter record in the
manual mode (setting mode) (see chapter 18, Start-up programs).

Activate / deactivate hot runner start-up circuit

Use this key to activate and deactivate the time-dependent start-up circuit (see
chapter 18, Start-up programs).

Latch / release Mouldfix (nozzle side)

Latch / release Mouldfix (ejector side)


Purging / Spraying device

Sprue knock off device

Mould shut-off nozzle

Drop-out flap / Good / reject part separation

This motion key is active in the setting and manual mode only. Pressing this key will
switch the drop-out flap to the good part separation.

Starting the automatic injection cycle

This motion key is active in the manual mode only. Pressing this key starts the
automatic injection cycle.

Chapter A - 9
The Unilog B6 control system
External servo unit back (closing, moving out) / forward (opening, moving in)
Manual mode: Pulse control. i.e. a short pressing of the key causes the external
servo unit to move into position with the set profile data. If the external servo unit is
in an undifined position, the setting values are used for movement.
Setting mode: Touch control operation with setting values.


Chapter A - 10 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
Key-operated switch

At the end of installation work, for safety reasons, the keys should be removed from all key-
operated switches and kept in a safe place.

Unlock mould. The key-operated switch enables the movements of the

Cellmould® (optional)

Ejector forward/back and Move in / out core puller or Ejector forward and
Move in / out core puller with open safety gate

Pressure discharge core puller

In case of hydraulic components with quick-action couplings, the pressure of
the hydraulic system must be released before the hose lines are disconnected.
(Left-side position: clamping platen, right-side: nozzle platen)

Pressure discharge Mouldmaster nozzle

In case of hydraulic components with quick-action couplings, the pressure of
the hydraulic system must be released before the hose lines are disconnected.

Block change of operating modes

Left-side position: change of operating modes possible; right-side: change of
operating modes is blocked)

Chapter A - 11
The Unilog B6 control system
Tie-bar pulling
(see chapter 10, Special description Tiebar pulling)

Zylinder maintenance
(see Chapter 6, Strucuture and Function)

Lock drive
The hydraulic drive cannot be started if the key-operated switch is activated.
In case of a vertical injection assembly, the switch has to be activated and the key
to be removed before carrying out any work (cleaning the nozzle, refilling material
...) at the assembly.

Oscillation on / off
Switch Program Rotary table oscillation on / off. If the Rotary table oscillation is
activated, an oscillation range has to be preselected (Setting see "Rotary table
Page 1").

Machine with / without robot

Purging open mould

Magnetic platens


Chapter A - 12 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
2-hand operation On

Photoelectric barrier deactivated

Chapter A - 13
The Unilog B6 control system
Acknowledgement key

Ejector forward/back and Move in / out core puller or Ejector forward and Move
in / out core puller with open safety gate

Acknowledgement Safety gate on operator's side / safety gate on rear side

This key is used to acknowledge the closing of the safety gate.

EMERGENCY STOP acknowledgement

The emergency-off function is disactivated only after having pressed this key.

Cycle start

Selector button

Mould area lamp On


Chapter A - 14 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
BNC socekts

p v s p

1 2 3 4

1 Injection pressure
2 Injection speed
3 Screw stroke
4 Cavity pressure

Chapter A - 15
The Unilog B6 control system

A.4 Description of the screen page (menus)

Via the menus shown on the display, you may obtain all the information required for the
operation of the machine.

2 1 4 5 6 7 14




12.1 11


1 Screen photo
An activation of the symbol opens the window for for the screen photo. The currently
selected page can be printed as a picture in different formats and saved as file. All pages
marked for page printout (for marking the pages see paragraph 4) can be printed once or
Procedure for printing selected pages once:
• Activate program preselection "All selected pages"
• Acknowledgement -> The selected pages are printed.
• If the program preselection "Saving into file" was selected, another window is opened.
• Here, the data carrier and the prestring are entered. The file name is composed of the
prestring, the title of the corresponding page and a consecutive number.
• Acknowledgement -> The selected pages are saved as a file.


Chapter A - 16 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
Procedure for cyclically printing selected pages:
• Activate program preselection „All selected pages“ and „Random sampling of selected
pages“. To the right of the program preselection, enter the desired printout interval. The
set path, the prestring and the file format can be read by pressing the „Path“ button.
• Confirmation -> the selected pages are printed. When the printout interval is reached
(indicated below the screen photo symbol), the next printout is started.
• With program preselection „Saving into file“, another window is opened.
• Enter here the storage device (data carrier) and the prestring.
The file name is composed of the prestring, the heading of the respective page, the
number of copies and a consecutive number.
• Confirmation -> the selected pages are saved in file format. When the next printout
interval is reached, the selected pages are again saved in file format.
If program preselection „Random sampling of selected pages“ is activated and the
„Printout interval“ is entered, the interval is recalculated upon the next printout.
If the pages cannot be stored, e.g. because no memory stick is connected or no storage
space is available on the selected medium, message „No memory available“ is displayed.

2 Headline
The headline indicates the current menu (e.g. holding pressure).
A click on the title displays the help of the current menu.
In the case of multicolour machines, the injection unit is additionally shown if the menu
is related to injection units. The menus of the individual injection units are changed by
activating this button. Additionally, the colour of the title is changed.
If the option "Multiple data records" is selected, the injection parameter record (injection
parameter record 1..P1, injection parameter record 2..P2) is additionally shown. The
menus of the individual injection parameter records are changed by activating this button.
On the very right in the title line, time and date will be displayed. An activation of the time
and date opens the setting window (see chapter 1, too).

3 Alarm line
If an error (alarm) occurs, an alarm line will be displayed below the headline in which the
current error will be indicated.
When clicking on alarm, a change to the alarm list menu is made. Here, all currently
pending alarms are displayed.

4 Page printout
An activation of the symbol activates/deactivates the page printout for this page
(description see chapter 27).

Printout for this page deactivated

Printout for this page activated

Chapter A - 17
The Unilog B6 control system
5 Languages
A language can be selected here. An activation of the symbol opens the window for
"Change language" (see present chapter).

6 User level
Here the user level of your login will be indicated. An activation of the symbol opens the
window for "System password" (see present chapter).

7 Status displays
The following statuses are displayed here:

USB device plugged in when the green LED will be lit up (e.g. USB stick)

Active note available when the green LED will be lit up (see also notepad,
chapter 21).

Status of the network connection (also refer to Network, chapter26).

State of the remote connection (remote maintenance).

Customer texts active, blue flashing when customer texts are edited (see also
text system, chapter 1).

User-specific input limiting value system (option) active, blue flashing

for editing user-specific input limits (also refer to user-specific input
limiting value system, chapter 1).

8 Status bar
In the status bar, the states, strokes of the axes and other states of the machine will
be displayed. Use the tabs in the lower part of the status bar to change between three
different status bars (description see chapter 21).

9 Input fields
An activation of the input fields will display an input pad (numpad for the input of
numbers, alphapad when entering texts).

10 Actual value fields

Often you can see the actual values next to or below the input fields for the set values. In
general, these values will be displayed in SI units.


Chapter A - 18 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
11 Navigation bar
Direct selection of the individual functions. Tabs can be used in the function to call up
submenus. The selected menu of the function is stored and jumped too again when
pressing the navigation bar again.

The menus are divided in 4 groups: Machine sequence, injection process, process
monitoring of data and special functions (see function key MENU).

Machine sequence:

Machine in general (see chapter 1)

Injection unit (see chapter 4).

Clamping unit (see chapter 3).

Ejector (see chapterl 8)

Special programs (see chapter 15)

Rotary unit / Mould table (see chapter 11)

Core puller (see chapter 9)

Robot (see chapter 10)

Injection process:

Injection (see chapter 5)

Holding pressure (see chapter 6)

Metering (see chapter 7)

Temperatures (see chapter 2)

Process monitoring of data:

Actual value graphics (see chapter 17)

Production data (see chapter 18)

Quality table (see chapter 16)

Data records (see chapter 25)

Alarms (see chapter 28).

Chapter A - 19
The Unilog B6 control system

Function keys (this navigation key is only visible if the option is available on the
machine, see chapter 14)
Service (this navigation key is only visible if your are in the service level).

Pressing the navigation key MENU will call up the 4th group with the special

Special functions
SmartEdit (see chapter 13)

Multicomponent settings (see chapter 12)

Mediacenter (see chapter 21)

Diagnosis (see chapter 22)

APS (see chapter 23)

Userpage (see chapter 24)

Intranet / Internet (see chapter 26)

Printer (see chapter 27)

Help (see chapter 20)

Site map
Select this function to display an overview of all menus in the order of the menu keys.
Direct jumps to the individual menus and submenus are possible.
Additionally, a printer symbol is displayed in that menus in which a page printout is

Special keys

Page up / down menus

The last 20 selected menus are stored. Use this key to page up the last menus selected. The
menus paged up can also be paged down again.

12.1 Main tabs and 12.2 Sub-tabs

The wished function is called by selecting the main tab. Functions may contain several
pages. They are valled via the sub-tabs.


Chapter A - 20 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
13 Program preselection (check box and radio button)
The program preselections distinguish between two types:

13.1 Check box

These fields are used for program activations.

Program is not active

Program is active

13.2 Radio button

When using the radio button, only 1 selection of several can be made. When changing to
another selection, the initially active selection will be automatically deactivated.

Program is not active

Program is active

Program is not active

Program is not active

14 Function selection (buttons)

If you want to carry out a function, e.g. „Copy P1 to P2“; press the button.

15 Pull Down Menu

Pull Down menus are used to select parameters. The
currently selected parameter is displayed in the Pull
Down menu.
• Activate the pull down menu (visible line). The Pull Down menu is opened.
• Select the wished parameter. If several entries are available, a scroll bar is displayed
which can be used to scroll to other entries.
• After selection, the pull down menu is closed automatically.

If you want to close an opened pull down menu without any selection, activate an area outside
the pull down menu.

Chapter A - 21
The Unilog B6 control system
16 Pull down menu for changing pages

A pull down menu for changing pages is displayed on some pages in the uppermost part of the
input range. A message is displayed if no further pages are available. A message is displayed if
no further pages are available.

Pull down menus for changing pages are, for instance, on the following pages, too:
• Mould heating.
• Temperature control units.
• Air valves.
• Cooling water valves.
• Core puller
• ...


Chapter A - 22 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system

A.5 Numpad

The numpad is opened by activating an input field (input of numbers).

7 8 9

1 min / max
Display of the input range (limit value).
On top a bar is displayed representing the input range. When entering values outside the
input range, the bar is displayed in red and an error symbol is displayed to the left of the
input range of the numpad.
Set values with user-specific input limits are marked by the symbol (option) in the

Chapter A - 23
The Unilog B6 control system
2 Old value
The old value of the input is displayed here.

3 Clipboard
The last correctly entered value is automatically stored in the clipboard. This stored value
can be inserted into the numpad input field by activating the "Insert key".

4 Backspace
Cancel the last number entered

5 Cancel
Cancel the complete entry

6 Acknowledgement
Acknowledgement of the entry.

7 Insert
Insert the clipboard value.

8 Increment
Increment the value (value + 1).

9 Decrement
Decrement the value (value - 1).

What happens in case of a maloperation?

The entire input will be entered in the selected field. When pressing the "ENTER" key, the
control system only accepts those values which are valid, i.e. those being within the allowed
value range and containing correct characters. If the entered value is not valid, an error symbol
is displayed to the left of the input field of the numpad. Additionally, the bar is displayed in red.


Chapter A - 24 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system

A.6 Alphapad

The alphapad is opened by activating an input field (input of text).

3 2 1 7 8 9

10 11

1 Number of characters
Here, the remaining, current, and maximum number of characters for entering the text is

2 old text
The old text of the input is displayed here.

3 Clipboard
The last correctly entered text is automatically stored in the clipboard. This stored value
can be inserted into the alphapad input field by activating the "Insert key".

4 Backspace
Cancel the last number entered

Chapter A - 25
The Unilog B6 control system
5 Cancel
Cancel the complete entry

6 Acknowledgement
Acknowledgement of the entry.

7 Insert
Insert the clipboard text.

8 Cursor to the left

The cursor is moved to the left within the text.

9 Cursor to the right

The cursor is moved to the right within the text.

10 Caps lock
Activation of upper case letters. Upper case letter remain activated until they are

11 Caps
Activation of upper case letters. Upper case letters remain activated for entering a


Chapter A - 26 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system

A.7 System password

For the initial operation procedure of the machine, a password has been assigned ex works.
This password enables the operator of the machine or the person adjusting the machine to carry
out the initial operation procedure.

USER: bat

Please note the use of small initial letters when entering the user.

To prevent the machine from interventions by non-authorised persons, the user should assign a
new password.

An activation of the user level symbol opens the window for "System password". In these
menus, the following actions can be carried out:
• Login and logout on the machine.
• Create users.
• Delete existent users (limited possibility).
• Change passwords and assign new passwords.
• Assign a USB stick to a user. By plugging the assigned USB stick you will be
automatically logged in on the machine.
• Determine a user name for the service level.

The actions carried out will be entered in the log. A message is displayed when wrong entries
are made.
The access to the control system is protected on several levels (user levels) by means of a
If no password has been entered, most of the user menus may be selected; however, the input
of set values is not possible.
There are different user levels with different rights for the users, depending on their status.

Chapter A - 27
The Unilog B6 control system
User level
90 No rights for data input, pages may only be viewed (the user will be assigned this level
after the start-up or logout).
40 Loading and printing of data records (see chapter 25 and 27).
Print quality table and SPC (see also chapter 16).
ASCII high-speed printout (see chapter 27).
30 Customer (user may change all data contained in the production data record).
20 Customer service (In addition to the production data record, the user may also change
the bar. parameters and perform the calibration of the stroke transducers).
15 Customer service IT level
Change system settings (see chapters 1.1.5 and 29
Change address for Wille system, WebCam and Browser, see chapter 26.7 to 26.9
External collision deteection, see chaper 1.6.4
For save/load user list refer to "User list" in the present chapter.


• Select the "User name" input field.

• Enter user name or select it in the Pull Down menu
• Select the "User password" input field.
• Enter password.
• Press the "LOGIN" key.
If the login is successful, the window is automatically closed. As an acknowledgement, the
current user level is displayed in the "User level symbol".
Now you are logged on to the program. It is only now that you have the possibility to create or
delete users.


Chapter A - 28 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
If you want to interrupt or finish your work at the control unit, you will have to logout first. This
procedure prevents unauthorised input at the control unit.
• Select the "Logout" key.
If the logout is successful, the window is automatically closed. As an acknowledgement, user
level 90 is displayed in the "User level symbol".

Automatic LOGOUT
This program can be used to activate the "Automatic LOGOUT". Set the wished "Waiting time"
at which an automatic logout from the machine should take place. The "Automatic logout"
occurs if during a set period (waiting time) no actions are made on the monitor.

Create user (possible from user level 20)

You may create new users having different rights at the machine and thus different user levels.

The user level of the new user may not be lower than your own user level.

Chapter A - 29
The Unilog B6 control system
• Select the "User name" input field.
• Enter user name (15 characters at the most).
• Select the "User password" input field.
• Enter password (minimum 3 and maximum 15 characters).
• Enter the password again in line "Password confirmation".
• Enter user level.
• Select the "Create user" key.

The input fields are deleted if "Create user" was successful. The user is now displayed in the
"User list".

Delete users (only possible in user level 20)

• Select the "User name" input field.
• Enter the user name to be deleted.
• Select the "Delete user" key.
• Confirm "User deleted".

The user is no longer displayed in the "User list".

You may only delete users in the same or a higher user level (i.e. having less rights than you


Chapter A - 30 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
Change password

If you want to change your own password, you have to be logged on with your user name first,
see login function.
• Select the "User password" input field.
• Enter the new password.
• Enter the same password again in line "Password confirmation".
• Select the "Change password" key.

The input fields are deleted if "Change password" was successful.

Assign the new password (only possible in user level 20)

If you want to assign the password of a user anew, proceed as follows:
• Select the "User name" input field.
• Enter user name.
• Select the "User password" input field.
• Enter the new password.
• Enter the same password again in line "Password confirmation".
• Select the "Change password" key.

The input fields are deleted if "Change password" was successful.

Chapter A - 31
The Unilog B6 control system
User list

You can view the possible users of the control unit in this menu. The respective user level will be
displayed for each user.

User level 15 shows two buttons for saving and loading the user list (UserInfo). You can transfer
the user list to other machines.

Save user list (UserInfo) on USB stick:

• Select buttons "SAVE UserInfo"
• Select data carrier (typical: USB1)
• Acknowledgement
• The "UserInfo.db" file is now on the USB stick.

Load user list (UserInfo) from the USB stick:

• Select buttons "LOAD UserInfo"
• Select the data carrier where the UserInfo is located (typical: USB1)
• The "UserInfo" file is displayed for information, the file is automatically specified.
• Acknowledgement
• As a last step, view now the user list for checking purposes


Chapter A - 32 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
Access control
Login is carried out automatically by plugging an assigned USB stick.

For a login, the USB stick must be assigned to a user on the machine.

Chapter A - 33
The Unilog B6 control system
Password forgotten?
If you forgot your password and do not have any possibility to log in, please contact the
Battenfeld Customer service and ask for a password for the service level. You can then assign
passwords again in this user level.

Determine the name used for the service level.

If changes must be made for the settings of the service level, this function allows to request a
password for the service level from the Battenfeld customer service. With this password, you
can once log on to the service level for an hour.

User name
Activating the function selection "Determine user name for service level" calculates and displays
a user name by chance. Please contact the Battenfeld customer service to obtain the user
You must give the following information to the Battenfeld customer service:
• User name.
• Machine order number.
• Order version number of the machine.
• RPS master number.
• RPS submaster number.
The user name is automatically entered in the "Login" menu. You can now login using the
requested user password.

Remaining time in the service level

Display of the remaining time in the service level. After this time has elapsed, you will
automatically be logged off from the service level. In order to reenter the service level you must
again deterine a user level and to request the corresponding user password from the Battenfeld
customer service.


Chapter A - 34 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system

A.8 Change language

You may change the language of the control system if necessary. An activation of the user
language symbol opens the window for "Change language".

• Select language.
• The language is changed automatically and the window is closed.

Each machine has been set up in terms of a language as to fulfill the customer’s needs.
Ask your BATTENFELD customer contact in case you require further information.

Chapter A - 35
The Unilog B6 control system

A.9 Programs in general

Manual mode
The respective membrane keys at the manual control panel may carry out all movements. The
set strokes will be triggered and controlled at the respective speeds and forces.
The manual movement of Injection plunger back will become self-locking after 2 sec., i.e. you
can release the key and the movement will be continued. Pressing the key again will interrupt
the movement again.

Setting mode
If this program is activated, all movements [Except for "Spring-loaded mould" (option), see
chapter 3 "Clamping unit"] are performed at reduces speed, reduced force, and reduced
pressure. The specifications for speed, force and pressure will be entered in the "Setting" menu.
The setting mode is activated using the "Setting mode" key at the manual control panel.
The set limit positions defined by the profiles will be approached. After reaching this limit
position press the respective keys at the manual control panel to approach the mechanical limit
positions of the movements.
After the minimum position of the respective movement has been reached (e.g. Mould closed),
the new zero point may be accepted.
Zerorising is neither possible in the automatic nor in the semiautomatic mode.
If the machine is equipped with the option "Setting movements during oil heating", it is possible
to carry out movements in the setting mode already while the oil heating is active.

If you open the safety gate during a movement, the machine has to be moved back to the
starting position. Only then may the working cycle be resumed.

Fully-automatic mode
If the "Fully automatic mode" program has been switched on, the machine will be operated in
the fully automatic mode. The "Automatic" key has to be pressed (LED on). Press the "Close"
key to start the first cycle.
Starting from size 10000 / -, first press the "Mould Closing" and then (within 3 seconds) the
"Close safety gate" key. If the safety gate is completely closed, hold down the "Mould closing"
key (approx. 1 sec.) to start the cycle.

If the "Semiautomatic mode" program has been switched on, the machine will be operated in
the semiautomatic mode. The "Semiautomatic" key must be pressed. Press the "Close" key to
start the new cycle. 2 ejector programs can be preselected for the semiautomatic mode. Setting
is made in the menu "Ejector / General information / Page 2" (also refer to chapter 8).


Chapter A - 36 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system

A.10 Program sequence

Semiautomatic and "Ejector forward / back -> Parts removal / insertion"

(also refer to chapter 8)
• Close safety gate.
"Close safety gate" key in case of a power-operated safety gate (option).
• Press the "Mould Closing" key.
Not present in the program "Cycle start with Close safety gate" (Option).
• The cycle starts (Nozzle forward, Injection, etc.) up to "Mould opened"
• The ejector moves forward, (ejects the injection moulded part) and moves back again.
The "Ejector forward" start depends on the respective selection in the "Ejector" menu.
• The safety gate can be opened by means of "Mould opened" and "Ejector is back".
Power-operated safety gates are automatically opened.
• The injection moulded part can be removed (depending on the tool). For example, it is
also possible to position insert parts in the mould.
• Close safety gate.
"Close safety gate" key in case of a power-operated safety gate (option).
• Press "Mould Closing" key to start the next cycle.
Not present in the program "Cycle start with Close safety gate" (Option).

Semiautomatic and "Ejector forward -> Parts removal / insertion -> Ejector back"
• Close safety gate.
"Close safety gate" key in case of a power-operated safety gate (option).
• Press the "Mould Closing" key.
Not present in the program "Cycle start with Close safety gate" (Option).
• The cycle starts (Nozzle forward, Injection, etc.) up to "Mould opened"
• The ejector moves forward to the stroke marker "Ejector in front position"
The "Ejector forward" start depends on the respective selection in the "Ejector" menu.
• Safety gate open. Power-operated safety gates are automatically opened.
• The moulding can be removed.
• Close safety gate.
"Close safety gate" key in case of a power-operated safety gate (option).
• The ejector moves back
• Press the "Mould Closing" key. The next cycle is started.
Not present in the program "Cycle start with Close safety gate" (Option).

Chapter A - 37
The Unilog B6 control system
Semiautomatic and "Ejector forward -> Parts removal / insertion -> Ejector back" and manual
removal of moulded articles" (option)
• Close safety gate.
"Close safety gate" key in case of a power-operated safety gate (option).
• Press the "Mould Closing" key.
Not present in the program "Cycle start with Close safety gate" (Option).
• The cycle starts (Nozzle forward, Injection, etc.)
• The safety gate can be opened with "Mould open".
Power-operated safety gates are automatically opened.

Semiautomatic mode and „ejector forward -> removal -> ejector back -> insertion“
• Close safety gate.
„Close safety gate“ button with mechanically operated safety gate (optional).
• Press „Close mould“ button.
Omitted with program „Cycle start with safety gate closing“ (optional).
• The cycle is started (nozzle forward, injection, etc.) until „Mould opened“.
• The ejector moves forward until it reaches the „Ejector in front position“ mark.
The start of „Ejector forward“ depends on the actual selection in the „Ejector“ menu.
• Open safety gate. Mechanically operated safety gates are opened automatically.
• The injection moulding can be removed.
• Close safety gate.
„Close safety gate“ button with mechanically operated safety gate (optional).
• Press „Close mould“ button.
Omitted with program „Cycle start with safety gate closing“ (optional).
• The ejector is moved back.
• Open safety gate. Mechanically operated safety gates are opened automatically.
• The insert part can be inserted.
• Close safety gate.
„Close safety gate“ button with mechanically operated safety gate (optional).
• Press „Close mould“ button. The next cycle is started.
Omitted with program „Cycle start with safety gate closing“ (optional).

Risk of injury! If the ejector or core pullers are operated with the safety gate open, it must be
ensured that there are no pinching and / or crushing points on the mould.


Chapter A - 38 0115MC
The Unilog B6 control system
This program must be deactivated before switching off the machine!

• Press the acknowledgement key or the key-operated switch "Ejector forward and Move
out core puller for opened safety gate".
The "Ejector forward" start depends on the respective selection in the "Ejector" menu.
• The moulding can be removed.
• Close safety gate.
"Close safety gate" key in case of a power-operated safety gate (option).
• The ejector moves back
• Press the "Mould Closing" key. The next cycle is started.
Not present in the program "Cycle start with Close safety gate" (Option).

Initiate manual production end (horizontal machines)

By pressing the "Open mould" key during the fully automatic mode or the semiautomatic mode,
a "manual production end will be initiated". I. e. the cycle will be interrupted for Mould opened,
Ejector back and Jolt ejector Stroke rate End. In addition, this will be indicated by means of an
error message. Pressing the "Open mould" key again, "Initiate manual production end" will be
stopped during the cycle.
The production end is finished if the "Machine cycle stopped" alarm is displayed.
The new cycle is started again by pressing the "Close mould" key after having pressed "Initiate
manual production end."

Initiate manual production end (vertical machines)

By pressing the "Manual production end" key during the fully automatic mode or the
semiautomatic mode, a "Manual production end will be initiated". The way in which the
production end is to be initiated is configured in the "Mould table / Production end" menu (see
chapter 11). In addition, this will be indicated by means of an error message. Pressing the
"Manual production end" key again, "Initiate manual production end" will be stopped during the
Manual production end is active as long as the LED (of the key) is permanently on. The
production end has been finished if the LED is pulsating with 100 ms (quick flashing). In
addition, the "Machine cycle stopped" alarm will be displayed. Pressing the "Manual production
end" key again will end the sequence. The LED is pulsating with 500 ms (slow flashing) to
indicate this procedure.
The new cycle is started again by pressing the "Cycle Start" key after having pressed "Initiate
manual production end."

Chapter A - 39
The Unilog B6 control system
Shut-down sequence
Machines with mould table:
Insertion stations will no longer be approached. The injection procedure will only completed
for those lower moulds which contain insert parts. The machine cycle will be continued until
all injection mouldings are ejected (demoulded). If the shut-down sequence is caused by a
monitoring which blocks a new injection cycle (e.g. material monitoring), production will continue
only until all injection mouldings will have been ejected (demoulded).
Machines without mould table:
The machine cycle will be continued until all injection mouldings are ejected (demoulded).

Cycle counter switch-off

If this program is switched on, the control system switches the drive motor off automatically
when reaching the set "Number of parts Good" (Monitoring functions menu, chapter 18).
After switching the machine to the manual mode, the drive motor may be switched on again.
To be able to run the machine in the automatic mode again, either the actual value of the cycle
counter has to be reset or the set value has to be increased. Otherwise the machine will switch
off immediately when changing over to the automatic mode.

Drop-out preventer (option)

If the photoelectric barrier remains interrupted during the entire cycle (e.g. if ejected parts
project into the drop-out area of the machine), the next closing procedure will also be disabled.

Automatic stop function for cooling water (option)

If the program is switched on, the valve for the automatic stop function for the cooling water
(mounted at the cooling water distributor) will be closed for Motor stop in the automatic mode.
The valve is always opened in the manual mode or if the program is switched off.


Chapter A - 40 0115MC
Machine in general

1 Machine in general

1.1 General
1.1.1 General / Start page


The start page is displayed when switching on the machine. You can read the machine size
An activation of the symbol "Contact" in the right lower part of the picture shows a list of all
Battenfeld agencies.

Ready for QuickLook App

If this symbol is located in the lower right part of the start page, the prerequisites for establishing
a connection to the QuickLookApp are given. The App can be connected with Witmann R8
robots and Wittmann Battenfeld B6 injection moulding machines. With the App, you can quickly
and easily view the most important operating data and conditions of your devices.

Chapter 1 - 1
Machine in general
Functions of the QuickLookApp
• Quick overview in the device lists due to coloured coding of the operating conditions.
• Display of operating data, alarms and user-specific program values in the detailed views
of the individual devices.
• Grouping of devices.
• The listed devices can be sorted manually.
• Alternative grid view with automatic sorting of the device by condition.
• Simple setting by entering the IP addresses of the wished devices.
• Simple passing of settings by email.

• The App can be reached from Wittmann R8 robots and Wittmann Battenfeld B6 injection
moulding machines in the LAN/WLAN of the injection moulding operation.
• Wittmann R8 robot, software version 8.20.15 or higher.
• Wittmann Battenfeld B6 injection moulding machines, software version V07.2 or higher.

WiBa QuickLook is available:


Chapter 1 - 2 0515MC
Machine in general

1.1.2 General / Information


Different version of the machine and the control unit are displayed in this menu. Furthermore,
you can read the total shot number in the automatic mode and the total operating hours of the
machine since its first start-up.

Machine designation
Here, a designation of the respective machine can be entered. This designation is displayed on
the "Start page".

Available memory:
The available memory can be seen by pressing the button above the memory display.

Display log file

An activation of the button shows the log file. Start procedure and visualisation errors will be
recorded in the log file.

Safe log file

An activation of the button saves the log file on a USB stick.

Chapter 1 - 3
Machine in general

1.1.3 General / Screw change


In the upper part of the menu, the screw diameter currently set on the machine is displayed.

Screw change
• Select function selection "Change-over to new screw diameter".
• The input field for the screw diameter and the function selection "ABORT" will be
• Enter the new screw diameter.
• The function selection "Change screw diameter" is displayed.
• The new screw diameter is accepted with the activation of the "Change screw diameter"
function selection.
• The process is aborted by activating the "ABORT" function selection.


Chapter 1 - 4 0515MC
Machine in general
The current product data are temporarily stored after having selected the "Schange screw
diameter" function selection. Then, the screw diameter is changed and the temporary product
data loaded again. The instruction "Please wait!" will be displayed during this time!

The Min./Max. limits will be changed when changing the screw diameter. Thus, it may happen
that, when loading the temporary product data, some values are no longer within the permitted
range. If one of the set values is not within the permitted range, it will be limited to min./ max.
and entered into the log. This will be indicated by the instruction "Values were limited, see log".

If data are limited by a change of the screw diameter, you must load again the original data
record (see chapter 25) if the screw diameter is reset again.

Only change the screw diameter value if the machine has been retrofitted with a screw barrel
with a different screw diameter.
You may only enter the screw diameters listed below:

[mm] [inch] [mm] [inch]

3 0,119 85 3,346
3,2 0,126 90 3,543
5 0,197 100 3,937
8 0,315 120 4,724
14 0,551 135 5,315
18 0,709 150 5,906
22 0,866 165 6,496
25 0,984 170 6,693
30 1,181 180 7,087
35 1,378 190 7,480
40 1,575 200 7,874
45 1,772 210 8,268
50 1,969 220 8,661
55 2,165 240 9,449
60 2,362 250 9,843
65 2,559 280 11,024
75 2,953

Chapter 1 - 5
Machine in general
Screw barrel coding (option)
The machine is equipped with a screw barrel coding and thus, the screw diameter will be sent
to the machine via the coding plug on the screw barrel. If the "Screw barrel coding" does not
match die "Screw diameter (injection plunger" set on the machine, an error message will be
displayed. You will then be requested to change the screw diameter. Additionally, the screw
diameter set on the machine is displayed in "red".
"Screw barrel coding" = 0 ....No screw barrel coding plug is connected or the screw barrel
coding is not known.
In the case of multi-component machines, Caution must be paid that the injection unit change-
over is correctly set in the headline before changing the screw diameter.


Chapter 1 - 6 0515MC
Machine in general

1.1.4 General / Settings


System of units
In this pull down menu, you set the respective system of units of the machine. Usually, the
metric system of units will be set.
In the following, you find a list of the metric and the US units (SPI) with the respective
conversion factors:

mm inch 25,4 mm = 1 inch

ccm cuin 16,387 ccm = 1 cuin
l gal 3,7854 l = 1 gal
kN shtn 8,8964 kN = 1 shtn
bar psi 0,0689 bar = 1 psi
Nm lbfin 0,11298 Nm = 1 lbfin
Nmm lbfin 112,98 Nmm = 1 lbfin
ccm/s cuin/ 16,387 ccm/s = 1 cuin/s
g oz 28,35 g = 21 oz

Chapter 1 - 7
Machine in general
In this pull down menu, you set the system of units for temperatures. Celsius [C] and Fahrenheit
[F] can be selected.
Temperature conversion
x °C = (x 1.8 + 32) °F absolute (set temperature values)
x °C = (x 1.8) °F (set tolerance values)
Injection piston
In this pull down menus, you set the system of units of the injection piston. The injection pistion
stroke can be selected in [ccm] / [cuin] or in [mm] / [in]. The injection pression can be set
specifically or hydraulically. For information, ps and/or ph is displayed for the profile specifications
for injection (chapter 5.1.1), holding pressure (chapter 6.1.1) and metering (chapter 7.1.1).
ps ... specific injection pressure (pressure of the moulding compound in the cylinder)
ph ... hydraulic injection pressure (injection pressure in the hydraulic cylinder)

The unit of the injection and metering integral is determined in this pull down menu. For the
integral settings refer to the "Metering / Integral" function (see chapter 7).

Integral in [Nmm] / [lbfin]

Select this setting if the integral is to be recorded in [Nmm] / [lbfin]. This is reasonable when
integrating minor shot volumes.

Integral in [Nm] / [lbfft]

Select this setting if the integral is to be recorded in [Nm] / [lbfft]. This is reasonable when
integrating major shot volumes.

Text system
Use this text system to change the texts of the input range. All texts which more often appear in
the visualisation will be changed.
Ex.: If the text "move in" on the core puller page will be changed into "hold", the new text is then
displayed in the complete visualisation.

If a text, which should be changed, is displayed in the alphapad with the replacement character
{00}, {01}, or {02}, these replacement characters must be kept in the changed text. They are
used to serialize the texts.
Text "Air valve 1" is to be changed to "Air core puller 1". Display in alphapad "Air valve {00}".
The text must now be changed to "Air core puller {00}". The text "Air core puller 1" or "Air core
puller 2" etc. is now displayed on that page.


Chapter 1 - 8 0515MC
Machine in general
Activate customer texts
If this program preselection is active, the entered customer texts are displayed. Additionally, the
editing of the customer texts can be activated. In the area of the status displays, a status for
activation and editing of the customer texts is displayed.
Customer texts active (blue), edit customer texts (blue flashing)

Edit customer texts

If this program preselection is active, the customer texts can be entered.
• Click on the text which should be entered.
• The alphapad is opened.
• Enter and acknowledge the new text.

Export / import customer texts

The created customer texts can be exported on a USB stick and imported again.

Delete customer texts

All created customer texts are deleted again.

User-specific limiting input value system (option)

By means of the user-specific limiting input value system, the input limits (user level greater
than 20) can be limited for the user and program preselections can be blocked.

User-specific input limiting value system for user level

Here, the user level, from which the user-specific input limits are active, will be entered.
User-specific input limiting value system active (yellow)
Edit user-specific input limiting value system (yellow flashing)

ACTIVATE user-specific input limits

This program selection is used to activate the user-specific input limiting value system for set
value data. This program can be activated in user level 20 (customer service) and offers the
option to set special input limits for set values and to block program preselections.

Chapter 1 - 9
Machine in general
Starting with the user level, defined under "User-specific input limiting value system for user
levels", all set values can be edited, however, only within the previously set user-specific input
limits. Set values with user-specific input limits are marked by the symbol in the NumPad.
The normal machine limits are valid for all set values without user-specific limits. The user-
specific input limits are not active in user level 20.

If this limiting value system is deactivated, the machine limits will then be active as the input
limits again. However, the input values will not be lost - they are only not valid!

EDIT user-specific input limits

Use this program selection to assign user-specific input limits to individual set value in user level
20. However, these input limit cannot be without the machine limits.
Select a set value (program preselection). The input pad of the user-specifid input limit value
system will be opened. Now, the desired new limit values can be entered. Progam preselections
can be blocked. The limited set value field and blocked program preselections are now marked
by a yellow background.
This procedure is now repeated for all relevant set values. Set values with limiting values, which
cannot be changed, are marked by a red background.

After having limited all set values, the product data record should be stored again. When loading
this product data record, the new user-specific limiting values will then be loaded, too.

Reset of user-specific input limits

Using this function selection, all activated user-specific input limits and all limited set values
can be reset in user level 20 to the machine limits (yellow backgrounds of set value fields are

If this is wished to be permanent for the loaded data record, the data record must be stored


Chapter 1 - 10 0515MC
Machine in general
Special features
If limiting values are set and the respective set values are already outside the wished limiting
input values, the set values are not affected! Only if a new value is entered, the input limiting will
become active and informs the user correspondingly.
If existing product data records are loaded which do not show any user-specific limits, the
machine limits will be valid.
In user level 20, the machine limits are, in general, valid for the set value input!

Chapter 1 - 11
Machine in general

1.1.5 General / System control


Date and time

Time zone
An activation of the button calls up the window for the time zone setting. Before setting the time,
you should be sure at any rate that the correct time zone is set. Date and time can also be set in
this window.

Set date and time

You can set the correct time by clicking on a date or a time and then clicking on the arrow keys
at the right between date and time. Pressing the button "Set date and time" will take the set time
into the control.

Updating data carrier

There are certain data carriers that are connected via USB and are not automatically detected
(e.g. floppy drive with USB connection). Press this button to search for external data carriers to
activate them.


Chapter 1 - 12 0515MC
Machine in general

System control

To read the system control information, click this button. A new window is opened.

After having carefully read the system control information, click the “Information system control
read” button. The system control can now be edited.

Network connections
Computer name
Internet options
Press the respective button to edit the system control dialog to change the network connections,
computer name or internet options (only available with motor stop and from user level 15 (customer
service IT level)).
Network connections: Here, you can edit the IP address of the machine.
Computer name: Here, you can edit the computer name of the machine.
Internet options: Here, you can edit the proxy server settings.
To make changes in the system control, you must use an external keyboard.
Upon calling up the network connections, the RPS (AR010) is stopped for safety reasons.
For information regarding the changing of settings, refer to chapter 29.


After the necessary changes have been made, you must execute COMMIT and RESTART (only
available with motor stop and at user level 15).

The operating system including its settings are installed on a write-protected drive. To
permanently save changes made to the system control, you must execute COMMIT (transfer of
change to write-protected system) and RESTART the system.

Chapter 1 - 13
Machine in general

1.1.6 General / touch screen


Start touchscreen calibration!

Calibration must be carried out if the hitting accuracy of the touchscreen is not given.
The screen can be calibrated in the touchscreen menu. Press the button "Start calibration of
touchscreen!". The calibration program is now started. Follow the instructions.
Safety function: The touchscreen is set with a "UntouchTimeOut" of 30 sec. This means that,
after a constant "Touch" on a point, an "Untouch" is initiated after 30 sec.
Ex.: If a button is pressed too long, it is automatically deactivated after 30 sec.

Deactivate touchscreen for cleaning!

Pressing the button deactivates the touchscreen for 30 seconds. A counter shows when the
touchscreen is activated again.

darker / lighter
Pressing the button will change the lightness of the touchscreen.


Chapter 1 - 14 0515MC
Machine in general
This program preselection can be used to activate the screensaver. Set the wished "Waiting
time" at which the screensaver is to be activated. The screensaver occurs if during a set period
(waiting time) no actions are made on the monitor.

Chapter 1 - 15
Machine in general

1.2 Setting


In this menu you define the parameters for the setup of the machine.

Dry operation Clamping unit

(Horizontal machines only)
In addition to the selected automatic mode, the follow selection options are available. If the
program is activated, the injection assembly will not be triggered (i.e. no injection, holding
pressure, metering, dekompression, injection unit forward and backward). Movements
and operating modes, which are started by the injection piston, must not be activated (e.g.
compression, degassing, core puller program 7). The positions of injection piston, injection unit
and the barrel heating status are not relevant. Activation of this operating mode is indicated by
the status "Test run".


Chapter 1 - 16 0515MC
Machine in general
Close Setting-v to Decompression Setting-Q
If the setting mode is active, all movements are performed at the reduced set values set in this
For a description of the setting mode, please refer to "Programs in general" in chapter A.9.

Setting mode 2 (see program preselection for decompression)

With activated program preselection, the manual movement of Injection plunger back will
become self-locking after 6 sec., i.e. you can release the key and the movement will be
continued. Pressing the key again will interrupt the movement again.

To avoid the risk of damage to the mould the ejector movements should only be checked with
the mould open!
Purged material must not be touched. Burns hazard!

Chapter 1 - 17
Machine in general

1.3 Zerorising
1.3.1 Zeroizing / Page 1


The profiles for Close, Open, Nozzle forward, Nozzle back, Ejector forward, Ejector back are
always entered from "0" to "Desired stroke". I.e. the new zero points of the respective mould
have to be determined.
The individual axes are either zerorised in setting or in the manual mode. After reaching this
limit position, the new zero point ("Mould closed", "Nozzle contact point", and "Ejector is back")
can be accepted for the respective movement by pressing the respective screen button.
If, due to a new zerorising procedure, a movement exceeded the maximum absolute stroke, the
"Error Zerorising ..." error message would be displayed. The respective movement can only be
performed in the setting mode.

In other menus, stroke transducers, as e.g. for station ejectors (in the case of vertical machines)
can be zeroized additionally.
A stroke measuring system can be zeroized only via the „Automatic determination of the zero
value“ (description see present chapter) with:
• Movement keys via the touchscreen
• Zeroising of the clamping unit in the case of MacroPower


Chapter 1 - 18 0515MC
Machine in general
Zerorising Injection unit
Use this function to zerorise the stroke measuring system of the injection unit to the nozzle
contact point value. The actual value in this line indicates the absolute stroke for the nozzle;
i.e. if the nozzle is at the mechanical nozzle contact point, the nozzle immersion depth will be
Activation of this button accepts this actual value as the new zero point for the stroke measuring
system of the nozzle.
The value by which the stroke measuring system has been zerorised (nozzle immersion depth)
will be indicated in the set value field. The actual value on the status bar will now indicate the
relative stroke from "0" to "Desired stroke".

Zerorising Ejector
Use this function to zerorise the stroke measuring system of the ejector to the desired stroke
for "Ejector is back". The actual value in this line indicates the absolute stroke for the ejector,
i.e. if the ejector is, for example, mechanically coupled to the mould, the value for Ejector
mechanically back will be indicated here.
Activation of this button accepts this actual value as the new zero point for the stroke measuring
system of the ejector.
The value by which the stroke measuring system has been zeroized (Stroke Ejector is back)
will be indicated in the set value field. The actual value on the status bar will now indicate the
relative stroke from "0" to "Desired stroke".

Zerorising Clampig unit

(For toggle machines, the mould mounting height is set using the key-operated switch at the
manual control panel or the movement keys for the mould mounting height).
Use this function to zerorise the stroke measuring system of the clamping unit to the mould
mounting height value.
The actual value in this line indicates the absolute stroke for the clamping unit; i.e. if the
clamping unit is at the mechanical "Mould closed" position, the mould mounting height will be
The actual value will be accepted by buttons as the new zero point for the "Clamping unit"
stroke measuring system. The value by which the stroke measuring system has been zerorised
(mould mounting height) will be indicated in the set value field. The actual value on the status
bar will now indicate the relative stroke from "0" to "Desired stroke".

Automatic zeroising, pressure box positioning (with MacroPower only)

This program preselection can be activated in the setting mode only. The status of automatic
zeroising and an error message will be displayed during the entire program sequence.
"Automatic zeroising" is cancelled by pressing the "Cancel" button.

Chapter 1 - 19
Machine in general
- Program activation:
- A query is made whether core pullers are installed.
- After acknowledgement by the respective button, the automatic zeroising will be
- Clamping unit is closing
- If no stroke change is recognised any longer, zeroising is carried out and the position of
the pressure box will be determiend.
- Then, the pressure boxes move to the determined pressure box positions
- The pressure boxes are locked and clamping force will be built up
- Then, the second mould half can be screwed tight.
- Automatic zeroising completed, the program preselection is reset.

Zeroizing Melt pressure sensor (option)

This function is used to zeroize the melt pressure sensor. If the set temperature of the nozzle
heating zone by more than 10 °C (50 °F), it is recommended to zeroize the melt pressure
sensor. Wait, however, until the set temperature has been reached.

Mould safety device Stroke

Apart from the "Clamping unit" screen page, the set value for the mould safety device stroke
can also be entered on this page. The entry will also be accepted on the "Clamping unit" screen

Automatic determination of the zero value

If, in the setting mode, it is no longer possible to recognise a position change (e.g. Mould height
reached) during the closing movement (injection unit forward, ejector back), the time for the
determination of the zero value (5 seconds) starts running. The symbol "Determination of the
zero value active" will be displayed during this time! At the end of the time for the determination
of the zero value, the zero value will be temporarily stored. This will be signalled by the symbol
"Zero value determined". Now, the button "Zeroizing of clamping unit" (zeroizing of injection unit,
ejector zeroizing) can be pressed. The axis was then zeroized.
The status "Zero value determined" will be reset in the case of:
• Successful zeroizing.
• Change of operating modes.
• Another movement of this axis.

Determination of the zero value active (red/yellow colour)

Zero value determined (black/yellow colour) - the axis can now be zeroized.


Chapter 1 - 20 0515MC
Machine in general

1.3.2 Zeroizing / Page 2 (MicroPower)


Zeroizing offset Injection plunger

This function is used to zeroize the injection plunger. The actual value in this line shows the
absolute stroke of the injection plunger.
The value in the set value field is the zero point (as absolute value) for the injection plunger.
Mechanically, this position corresponds to: Injection plunger flush with the nozzle front side. This
zero point position is displayed in the status bar with the relative stroke of "0 mm". In the set
value field, the absolute value for the zero point can also be entered manually.
Zerorising Injection plunger
Please check whether the injection plunger is flush with the nozzle front side. The actual
position of the injection plunger is accepted as the new zero point in the set value field by
activating the button "Zeroizing injection plunger".
The actual value in the status bar now shows the relative stroke of "0 mm".
Is the measure from the nozzle front side (zero point) to the beginning of the transfer hole. This
measure is responsible for a correct material transfer. When mounting another nozzle, this value
must be entered correspondingly.

Chapter 1 - 21
Machine in general

1.4 Calibration


In this menu, the stroke transducers of the following units will be calibrated:
• Clamping unit.
• Injection unit.
• Ejector.
• Injection piston.

The stroke transducers can only be calibrated in the setting mode.
In other menus it is additionally possible to calibrate stroke transducers such as, e.g., for the
excentric injection system EES (option), station ejector (in the case of vertical machines).
If there are CAN stroke transducers on the machine, the calibration of the respecive axis is
changed to the CAN referencing. When referencing CAN stroke transducers, only a set value
must be specified.


Chapter 1 - 22 0515MC
Machine in general
Procedure (for stroke transducers):
• Switch machine to the setting mode.
• Activate the "Start Calibration" program of the desired stroke transducer (e.g.: Clamping
• Now approach the minimum value (e.g.: Mould closed). Enter the measured minimum
value (e.g. distance between nozzle platen and clamping platen) and confirm it with "OK".
• Now approach the maximum value (e.g. Mould opened). Enter the measured maximum
value (e.g. distance between nozzle platen and clamping platen) and confirm it with "OK".
• To recalibrate the stroke transducer trigger the "Calibration" switch.

Procedure (for CAN stroke transducers):

• Switch machine to the setting mode.
• Enter the measured value under "Set value".
• To reference the NC axis again, press the "Referencing" switch.

Clamping unit
Expand the toggle completely. Now measure the distance between clamping platen and nozzle
platen. Open clamping unit up to more than 2/3 of the maximum stroke. Measure this value
again. Enter the difference between the two measured values as the set value for calibration.
Measure the distance between ejector plate and mechanical end stop. Substract a safety
tolerance of 3mm (3.05 mm) from the measured value. Enter this value as the set value for
Injection unit
Measure the distance between the mould mounting surface of the nozzle platen and the nozzle
point. Enter this value as the set value for calibration.
injection piston
Heat up the barrel. Move the injection unit into the hindmost position. Move the injection piston
manullay into the foremost position. For this, the front-side guarding panel must be removed.
Screw in an M16 screw with locking nuts into the driving spindle and fasten it by means of the
locking nut. Now put the scew to the mechanicla front stop by turning the screw clockwise. Enter
-3 mm (-0.12 inch) as the set value for the calibration.

Remove the screw with locking nut after successful calibration and put the guarding panel in
place again.

Chapter 1 - 23
Machine in general

1.5 Drive
1.5.1 Drive / Pump system


Pump system 1 - 4 System pressure

Display of the current pump pressure of the respective system.

Oil temperature
Here, the oil temperature is displayed for your information. The set value can be changed within
a range of 35-45 °C / 95-113 °F. A change of the oil temperature improves the energetic setting
of the machine (see also Mechancial description, chapter 8 Maintenance)
Also depending on the type of oil used:
HLP32 35-40 °C / 95-104 °F
HLP46 40-45 °C / 104-113 °F
If the drive is switched on the hydraulic oil will be heated up to 5 °C / 9 °F below the specified
set value.. Afterwards the tolerance range is spread by 5 °C / 9 °F, i.e. when falling short by 10
°C / 18 °F, the hydraulic oil will be heated up again. While the oil is being heated, all movements
of the machine will be disabled. An exceeding of this value by 15 °C / 27 °F will cause a
prewarning, an exceeding by 20 °C / 36 °F will switch off the machine. When reaching the
maximum temperature of 70 °C / 158 °F the machine cannot be started again.


Chapter 1 - 24 0515MC
Machine in general
Pump rinsing program (machines with DFE hydraulics only)
Activation of the pump rinsing program for the respective system. If there is air present in the
pump system, e.g. due to a pump or oil change, activate this program to eliminate the air from
the system.
The pump rinsing program is to be activated for 20 minutes approx. The program must be
deactivated afterwards.

Oil heating during cooling time and change-over time (option)

While the program preselection is activated, the oil heating is activated in the automatic mode
during cooling time and change-over time. If, during long cycle times, the oil cools down too
much, the temperature of the hydraulic oil can be kept by this procedure.

Activate supplemental assembly unit (option for EM)

If this program is selected, the supplemental assembly unit is switched on when pressing the
"Drive Start" key twice. If this program is activated while the drive is running, the "Drive Start"
key must be pressed again in order to switch on the supplemental assembly unit.

Drive off at Production stoppage

With activated program preselection, the timer "Drive off at production stoppage in xx [min]"
is started in the case of production stoppage. After the timer has run down, the drive will be
switched off.
• The sequence will become active after having started the drive, and after having
terminated the oil heating and the pump rinsing program.
• 3 minutes before switching off the drive, the alarm "Prewarning Drive off at Production
stoppage" is displayed.During this time it is possible to reset the time by pressing the
"Drive On key" The timer starts then running again.
• After having switched off and restarted the drives, wait for 1 second before reactivating
the sequence..
• If, with active switch-off, the pump is in the charging mode of the hydraulic accumulator
(option), switch-off is retarded by 1 minute.

Chapter 1 - 25
Machine in general

1.5.2 Drive / Hydraulic accumulator


Hydraulic accumulator switched off (Option)

If the machine is equipped with a hydraulic accumulator system you may activate an operation
of the machine without hydraulic accumulator using this selection box.
If this program is selected, the hydraulic accumulator is switched off.

Hydr. accumulator pressure

Display of the current hydraulic pressure in the hydraulic accumulator.

Charge hydraulic accumulator via pressure switch (Hysteresis)

The loading of the hydraulic accumulator is controlled via a pressure switch including hysteresis.
When reaching the set pressure, the loading of the hydraulic accumulator will be finished. The
loading of the hydraulic accumulator will only be reactivated if the pressure value falls short
of the hysteresis value. The energy consumption will be reduced but the total cycle time will,
however, increase.


Chapter 1 - 26 0515MC
Machine in general
Charge hydraulic accumulator permanent
The loading of the hydraulic accumulator is performed permanently. By means of this setting the
total cycle time will be reduced, the energy consumption, however, will increase.

Chapter 1 - 27
Machine in general

1.5.3 Drive / Pump configuration


The pump configuration and program preselections are determined by the scope of equipment
of the machine.

Rapid movement
Activation of the high speed for the respective movement. The maximum values of the
respective movement are raised and displayed in the left part of the picture. Then, the higher
speed of the respective movement can be entered in the speed profile.
Parallel movement
If parallel movements are wished, this pump configuration must be activated. Additinally, the
corresponding program must be activated on the setting pages.
Ex.: "Start ejector for open stroke" (see chapter 8.1.1) -> the parallel "Ejector" movement" must
be activated during "Opening".
Tthe right column shows the pump configuration numbers with the activated pumps for the
respective movement.
If the customer selects an invalid combination, "Please wait" will be displayed and then the
combination will be cancelled.
Eco-mode servodrive
Active the energy-saving mode. Explanation: The pump motor speed will be reduced at low
profile velocities of the axes movements (variablespeed mode).


Chapter 1 - 28 0515MC
Machine in general

1.6 Safety
1.6.1 Safety / General


Confirmation message for program switch

By activating this program preselection, a confirmation message is displayed at the buttons
each time a program is preselected. To activate the program, you must now check the box
(green tick for confirmation, red cross for abort).
There are a number of safety-relevant program preselections that require confirmation even if
the „Confirmation message for program switch“ option is deactivated.

Mould released for fully automatic operation

If the program is to be run in fully automatic operation, the program preselection "Mould
released for fully automatic operation" must be activated.

Chapter 1 - 29
Machine in general
Mould table enabled for continuous rotary movement
If this program is activated, the mould table is released for continuous operation only. Oszillation
(setting in the "Mould table / General" menu) must be deactivated.
If this program is deactivated, the mould table is released for oscillating operation only. An
oszillation range (setting in the "Mould table / General" menu) must be selected.
This setting is not saved in the data record.

Clamping unit safety position for start mould table

The safety position serves as protection for the mould table. Set the safety position in such a
way that no damage to the mould is caused by movements of the mould table.
If the safety position was not reached, the movement of the mould table are blocked. An error
message will be displayed.

Clamping unit safety position for index moved in

If this position is not reached, the index of the rotary mould must be moved in. If not, the
movement of the clamping unit is stopped.

Clamping unit safety position for start robot

A start signal to the robot will be passed only if the safety position has been reached.

Clamping unit safety position for ejector (station ejector) back

If this position is not reached, the ejector (station ejector) must be moved back. If not, the
movement of the clamping unit is stopped.
The entry of the safety position will not be saved in the product data record.

No barrel heating (mould heating) stop upon EMERGENCY STOP

If this program is activated, the barrel heating (mould heating) is not switched off in the event of
i.e.: After a voltage failure or main switch Off/On, the barrel heating (mould heating) adopts the
state at the time of switching off.

Additionally, more preselections can be made via the program preselections "Swich off heating
for motor stop" or "Decrease heating for Motor Stop" (see monitorings, chapter 18).
This setting is not saved in the data record.


Chapter 1 - 30 0515MC
Machine in general
Open shut-off nozzle at production stoppage
With activated program preselection, the timer "Open shut-off nozzle at production stoppage in
xx [min]" is started in the case of production stoppage. After the timer has run down, the shut-off
nozzle is opened if the corresponding safety devices are closed (safety opening due to pressure

Chapter 1 - 31
Machine in general

1.6.2 Safety / Maintenance


Machine maintenance
Maintenance work on the machine must be carried out in specified intervals (see also Manual 1,
Chapter 8 Maintenance).
If a maintenance interval has run out, the error message "Carry out machine maintenance" will
be displayed for information. Additionally, the actual time is displayed in red. The work indicated
in the maintenance table (see Manual 1, Chapter 8.5) under the respective maintenance interval
must now be carried out. The maintenance carried out must be acknowledged by pressing the
respective button "Machine maintenance Interval xxx carried out". The maintenance interval
starts runnung only after that action.
The first two machine maintenance intervals can be deactivated by entering "Interval = 0".

General maintenance
Two maintenance intervals can be defined here. If a maintenance interval has run out, the error
message "Carry out general maintenance" will be displayed for information. For the remaining
procedure please refer to the machine maintenance.
By entering "Interval = 0", the general maintenance will be deactivated.


Chapter 1 - 32 0515MC
Machine in general
Two hours before the end of the maintenance interval, a yellow warning triangle is shown to the
left as a note.
If maintenance is carried out before the end of a maintenance interval, it must also be
acknowledged by pressing the button "Machine maintenance Interval xxx carried out", so that
the interval will start again.

Chapter 1 - 33
Machine in general

1.6.3 Safety / Danger zone boundary


Danger zone boundary (DZB):

Definition: Separating protective facility
Part of a machine which is especially used as a kind of solid blocking for protection purposes.
According to the structure, a separating protective facility can be called housing, cover, screen,
door, guarding, etc.

DZB modes for access door locked

• Access door locked with HIGH level
• Access door locked with LOW level
This mode is set in the factory and cannot be changed.

DZB modes for release access door

• Release access door with status "green"
• Release access door with status "red"
This mode is set in the factory and cannot be changed. According to the setting, the display of
"Status "green (red)" - release of access door" and the display of "DZB status" in the
status bar will change.


Chapter 1 - 34 0515MC
Machine in general
DZB modes for cycle start (for DZB interface only)
• Restart cycle of IMM.
• Restart cycle of DBZ.
• Restart cycle of DBZ or IMM.
• Cycle restart automatically after acknowledgement.
This mode is set in the factory and cannot be changed.
Note: IMM is the synonym for injection moulding machine.

DBZ signals
An exact description of the DAB and machine signals is given in the "Explanation of the
interface signals" under the respective interface pin.

System stopped
(Pin C8 of the Euromap 67 interface)

Access door locked

(Pin 31 of the DAB interface)

Access door open

(Pin 24 of the DAB interface)

Safety door/Maintenance door IMM deactivated

(Pin 26 of the DAB interface)

Light barrier IMM deactivated

(pin 26 of DZB interface)

DZB not connected

(pin 25 of DZB interface)

(Pin 5 of the DAB interface)

Cycle start
(Pin 32 of the DAB interface)

(Pin 33 of the DAB interface)

Chapter 1 - 35
Machine in general
Machine signals
Stop/continue system
(Pin ZC8 of the Euromap 67 interface)

Lock access door

(Pin 34 of the DAB interface)

Status "green (red)" - release of access door

(Pin 35 of the DAB interface)
The display depends on the setting "Release of access door with status green (red).

Status information of the DZB safety door

GREEN Safety door unlocked, safe access possible
GREY Safety door locked
FLASHING 1Hz Login to open the safety gate completed
DOUBLE FLASHING Acknowledgement to DZB required (cycle start)

Status display Danger zone boundary 1 - 4 (DZB)

The display depends on the setting "Release of access door with status green (red).

(Pin 36 and 37 of the DAB interface)

RED (GREEN) Safety door locked
GREEN (RED) Safety door unlocked, safe access possible
GREEN (RED) flashing 1 Hz Login to open the safety gate completed
Acknowledgement to DZB required (cycle start)
RED / GREEN flashing Active during locking
(see also status bar, chapter 21)

If the DZB is the safety device of the injection moulding machine (safety gate, safety doors/
maintenance doors, purge guard) for personal safety with electromechanical tumbler and simple
filing/acknowledgement system, only the relevant signals are displayed. The safety devices
cannot be deactivated.


Chapter 1 - 36 0515MC
Machine in general

Explanation of the interface signals

Interface definition on the Euromap 67

a) Additional signals from the injection moulding machine to the robot
Pin ZC8: Stop/continue system (ROB move to safe STOP position)
During a login on the DZB (with the intention to open / unlock the access door), the Master
(injection moulding machine) shall change the signal on the Pin ZC8 to LOW and announce the
coming STOP for safety reasons to the connected system(s) to reach a state which is defined to
be safe. The signal changes to HIGH as soon as the safety devices have been closed or locked
and a cycle was started (only automatic mode). In manual mode, the signal will change to HIGH
immediately after closing and acknowleding all safety devices.

b) Additional signals from the robot to the injection moulding machine

Pin C8: Stop system (ROB in safe STOP position)
With this, the connected system (robot) informs the injection moulding machine that it is on a
safe STOP (HIGH signal) as required according to Pin ZC8. This signal is the prerquisite for
opening the access door of the DZB. Only if the injection moulding machine has come to a
STOP, will the release for unlocking the access door be given to the DZB interface.
The signal on pin C8 changes to LOW again as soon as the signal on pin ZC8 will become
HIGH (continue system).
This signal must be bridged with 24 VDC in the dummy plug of the Euromap 67 interface!
The time "Delay Switch-off for Cycle End" (see chapter 18.3.1) must be chosen so that the robot
can be moved into a safe STOP within this time.

Interface definition on the DAB:

a) Signals from the DAB (jacks on the machine side):

Pins 1-2: EMERGENCY STOP channel 1

For hardware circuit of the IMM (floating contact)

Pin 3-4: EMERGENCY STOP channel 2

For hardware circuit of the IMM (floating contact)


EMERGENCY STOP from DZB for PLC circuit of IMM (LOW activated). The signal changes to
LOW if an EMERGENCY STOP has been performed at the DZB. Simultaneously, the signals to
pin 1-4 are enabled!

Chapter 1 - 37
Machine in general
Pins 6-7: DZB access door - EM 67 channel 1
For transfer to the robot interface "Euromap 67" (floating break contact)

Pins 8-9: DZB access door - EM 67 channel 2

For transfer to the robot interface "Euromap 67" (floating break contact)

Pins 10-11: DZB access door - ROB integrated channel 1

For transfer to the robot interface "Robot W8xx integrated" (floating break contact) - if applicable

Pins 12-13: DZB access door - ROB integrated channel 2

For transfer to the robot interface "Robot W8xx integrated" (floating break contact) - if applicable

Pins 14-15: DZB access door - machine channel 1

For hardware circuit "Safety gate" of the IMM (with opening effect - with open DAB safety door,
floating) Carried out via safety switching device of EN954 - category 4.

Pins 16-17: DZB access door - machine channel 2

For hardware circuit "Safety gate" of the IMM (with opening effect - with open DAB safety door,
floating) Carried out via safety switching device of EN954 - category 4.

Pins 18-19: DZB access door - machine channel 2.1

For hardware circuit "Safety gate" of the IMM (with opening effect - with open DAB safety door,
floating) Carried out via safety switching device of EN954 - category 4. (required for machines
with 2 hydraulic safety valves - HM650)

Pin 20-23: Reserve

Pin 24: DZB access door open

This signal shows whether the access door of the DAP is open. For SPC circuit "Safety gate"
of the IMM (with closing effect - HIGH signal with open DAP access door. Non-floating 24 VDC.
Carried out via safety switching device of EN954 - category 4.


Chapter 1 - 38 0515MC
Machine in general
Pin 25: DZB not connected
(wire bridge in dummy plug, if no DZB is connected)! HIGH -> deactivated!
The EMERGENCY STOP function remains activated, with the exception of the check routine
(mandatory check of EMERGENCY STOP button after „Main switch ON“.

The above-mentioned measure must not be carried out in the DAB plug!

Pin 26: Safety door/Maintenance door IMM deactivated

HIGH Signal -> deactivated!
Additionally, the following signals are set by the DAB in this case:
Between pin 27 and pin 28
Between pin 29 and pin 30
With this measure, operation with robot can be realised while the rear safety device of the IMM
(rear maintenance door or safety gate) is open. Thus, lateral access to the mould area of the
IMM can be realised for the robot.

The above-mentioned measure must not be carried out in the dummy plug of the IMM!
If no DAB has been connected, the safety device of the IMM (safety door / maintenance
door) is always active and ensures the protection of the mould area.

Pin 26: Light barrier IMM deactivated

HIGH signal -> deactivated!
In this case, the following additional signals are set by the DZB:
Between pins 27 and 28
Between pins 29 and 30
This ensures that operation with handling can be implemented even if the safety devices of the
IMM (light barriers) are triggered. It is thus possible to implement access from the side to the
mould area of the IMM for handling.
Do not attempt to make the above changes in the dummy plug of the IMM!
If no DZB is connected, the safety devices of the IMM (light barriers) are always activated, to
ensure that the mould area is protected.

Pins 27-28: Deactivate safety door/maintenance door IMM channel 1

Pins 27-28: Deactivate light barriers channel 1
(Hardware circuit channel 1)

Chapter 1 - 39
Machine in general
Pins 29-30: Deactivate safety door/maintenance door IMM channel 2
Pins 29-30: Deactivate light barriers channel 2
(Hardware circuit channel 2)
Pin 31: DZB access door locked
Full safety is ensured in combination with signals 14-19 and 24. Is used as acknowledgement
that the locking / unlocking procedure of the DAB access door was successful.
HIGH Signal if locked! This signal is created by means of a door position switch with
electromechanical locking (at least 1 kN locking force)!
The acknowledgement signal (integrated in the DAB by means of key-operated switch
1 - activated on the RIGHT side) directly acts on the safety switching device which is then
connected to the IMM (signals to pins 14 - 19 and 24) as soon as the access door has been
At this moment, the machine can at once initiate locking!

Pin 32: Cycle start (or resumption of the automatic cycle)

In the factory, resumption of the automatic cycle is predefined by the DAB mode. Here
determination is made whether the cycle can be continued on the operator panel of the IMM
and/or on the operator panel of the DAB. Signal to the IMM SPC (illuminated pushbutton 1
GREEN - make-contact non-floating, 24 VDC).

Pin 33: Login (for opening the DAB safety door)

Signal to the IMM SPC (key-operated switch 1 - activated on the LEFT side, make-contact non-
floating, 24 VDC). Pulse of approx. 0.5 s necessary!
By this, the access to the DAB is initiated. In this case, the order (Pin ZC8) is given by the robot
interface to stop the system! Injection moulding machine and robot finish / interrupt their current
activity and change into a state which is defined to be safe.

b) Signals to the DAB (jacks on the machine side):

Pin 34: Locking DZB access door

Machine signal for locking the DAB access door.
HIGH Signal: DAB access door locked
LOW signal: DAB access door unlocked


Chapter 1 - 40 0515MC
Machine in general
Pin 35: Status "green" (Status information of the DZB safety door)
Signal from the IMM SPC (illuminated pushbutton 1 GREEN - make-contact non-floating, 24
VDC, 0.5 A max.).
Illuminated pushbutton LIT UP: Safety door unlocked, safe access possible
Illuminated pushbutton DARK: Safety door locked
Illuminated pushbutton FLASHING 1 Hz: Login for opening the safety door carried out

DOUBLEFLASH illuminated button: Acknowledgement to DZB required (cycle start).

Pins 38-40: Selection switch auto/stop/reference

These optional signals are used for the preselection for Wittmann robots (with full robot
integration) in order to select additional robot operating modes.

Pins 41-42: DZB contactor check

These optional signals are used to establish a feedback circuit to the safety switching device
of the DZB, for example to monitor a connected Wittmann robot (with full robot integration) for

Pins 43-44: Reserve

Pin 45: 0 VDC voltage supply from IMM
Pin 46: 24 VDC voltage supply 2 A from IMM

Chapter 1 - 41
Machine in general

Signal bridges in the DAB dummy plug

Signals of the security device for the DAB access door:

Between pin 14 and pin 15
Between pin 16 and pin 17
Between pin 18 and pin 19

If a dummy plug is connected, the safety-relevant signals (EMERGENCY STOP and safety
devices) at the Euromap 67 handling interface are interrupted (required for safety reasons).
Handling operation is thus not possible!

Signals of EMERGENCY STOP system:

Between pin 1 and pin 2
Between pin 3 and pin 4
Between pin 5 and pin 46
Between pin 25 and pin 46


Chapter 1 - 42 0515MC
Machine in general

1.6.4 Safety / External collision detection


External collision detection

Monitoring of machine positions compared with an external position. Damage may be caused if
the current positions of the machine axes exceed an set monitoring stroke. Any damage should
be avoided by stopping these machine axes. The stop can be carried out by the following
monitoring positions or by means of a limit switch.

Deactivate external collision detection

This program can be used to deactivate the external collision control. This program will not be
safed and set to „0“ when restarting the machine.

Collision detection
Movements can be made up to this monitoring stroke.

Levelling mounts
Here, the height of the machine levelling mounts can be set. This stroke is added to the current
monitoring stroke of all monitored vertical axes.

Chapter 1 - 43
Machine in general
Clamping unit height
Nozzle assembly height A (B, C)
Injection assembly height A (B, C)
Display of the top points of the corresponding axis. If one of the axes exceeds the set
monitoring stroke, the corresponding axis is blocked and an error message will be displayed.

The entries on this page are only enabled in user level 15 (customer service IT level).


Chapter 1 - 44 0515MC
Machine in general

1.6.5 Safety / Injection plunger


The "Injection volume monitoring" is used to monitor an excessive deviation from the specified
metering stroke.
Injection volume monitoring
With the monitoring being activated, the set hysteresis is automatically corrected to the
standard values after "Load data record" if the standard values were set outside the maximum
range. Additionally, the "Max. monitoring in manual and automatic mode" is activated if it was
deactivated before.
2 different types of injection volume monitoring are available:
• with relative volume hysteresis.
The volume hysteresis is entered in the set unit of the injection plunger.
• with volume hysteresis in percentages.
The volume hysteresis is entered in %.

Min./max. monitoring
• in automatic mode.
The injection volume is monitored in the automatic mode only.
• in manual and automatic mode.
The injection volume is monitored both in manual and automatic mode.

Chapter 1 - 45
Machine in general
Adopting the monitoring profile during automatic mode
• permanent.
The monitoring value is adopted at once when changing the metering volume.
• at the start of metering and decompression.
When changing the metering volume, the monitoring value is adopted at the start of
metering, i.e. a change of the metering volume after the start of metering does not trigger
an "Injection volume monitoring".

Monitoring of metering volume

Monitoring the set metering volume.
Possible causes for a deviation of the injection volume:
• Metering was increased by the machine and a data record with another metering stroke
was read in.
• During manual operation, metering took place at a high level in order to clean the barrel.
Subsequently, the original value was set again, but there was no metering to this value

Monitoring of metering volume + decompression

Monitoring the set metering volume + decompression.
Possible cause for a deviation of the injection volume:
• Use of blowing agents which cause a movement of the injection plunger (decompression)
if the standstill after metering is too long.

Here, the kind of monitoring (min./max.) which responded to any of the injection units (A, B, C)
and injection parameter records (P1, P2) is displayed.


Chapter 1 - 46 0515MC

2 Temperatures

2.1 Cylinder heating

2.1.1 Barrel heating / Barrel temperatures


In the "Barrel temperatures" menus, you specify the set and tolerance values for the
temperature control zones of the screw barrel.
The upper part of the display shows an overview of the barrel.
If an error has been recognised by the heating relay, it will be shown by an error symbol in the
respective zone (optional for barrel heating with SOLID state relay).

Delay Temperature decrease

Enter the delay for the temperature decrease in [min] in this field. After this delay time, the
decrease for the barrel heating will be activated for "Motor Stop", if the "Decrease heating for
Motor stop" program has been selected in the "Monitoring functions" menu (chapter 18). When
pressing the key at the terminal station, the decrease will be activated immediately.

Chapter 2 - 1
Delay Release-Tolerance Barrel heating
Specify the time in [min] after which the injection cylinder is to be released. After the first heating
procedure, the injection cylinder will only be released at the end of the set time "Delay Release
Tolerance Barrel heating".
Explanation: To guarantee an optimum homogeneous heating of the material of the screw
barrel, the release of the injection cylinder is delayed.
Guide value: 5 - 15 min., depending on the barrel size

Maximum barrel temperature

The "Maximum barrel temperature" must be specified here. This entry limits the set values of
the barrel zones. If one of the barrel zones exceeds this temperature, all barrel heating zones
will be switched off and a possibly available main contactor will cut off the power supply to the
band heaters. At the same time, the "Barrel heating: Maximum temperature" error message will
be displayed.

Minimum barrel temperature

The "Minimum barrel temperature" must be specified here. This entry limits the set values of the
barrel zones, i.e. no temperature lower than that entered here can be specified as set value.

Set C (Set values Temperature control zones)

In this input line, you enter a set value in [°C] / [°F] for any temperature probe of the screw barrel
You may switch off the zone by means of the set value 0.

A barrel heating zone can be switched off by deactivating the program preselection or by
entering the set value "0".
If all barrel heating zones are switched off, the barrel heating is deactivated. For your
information a heating symbol crossed out in red will be displayed in the status bar.
If the barrel heating is deactivated, tolerances will no longer be requested. This will be
necessary if one of the production cycles is exclusively run with the mould heating (LIM).


Chapter 2 - 2 0515MC
Inactive temperature sensor inputs have to be bridged.

Act C (Actual values Temperature control zones)

Display of the current temperature of the respective temperature control zones of the screw
In the graphics above the actual value will be represented in a bar diagram
green = Actual values within tolerance
blue = Insufficient temperature
red = Excess temperature
red arrow = + tolerance
blue arrow = - tolerance

ED (on-period)
Display of the on-period of the respective zone in [%] (related to the scanning time of the
controller). If the scanning time amounts to 16 s and the on-period is set to 50 %, the on-period
amounts to 8 s and the off-period amounts to 8 s as well.

+Tol. C (Upper Tolerance)

You may specify by how many degrees the selected set value may be exceeded. The tolerance
value is valid for all temperature control zones of the screw barrel. When exceeding the
tolerance in the automatic mode, the control system disables the functions Injection, Metering,
and Decompression.

In the manual mode, material may be injected despite exceeding the tolerance.

-Tol. C (Lower Tolerance)

You may specify by how many degrees the selected set value may be fallen short of. The
tolerance value is valid for all temperature control zones of the screw barrel. When falling short
of the tolerance in the automatic mode, the control system disables the functions Injection,
Metering, and Decompression.

Low. C (Lowered temperature)

Enter the lowered temperature in [°C] / [°F] in this field. The decrease will be activated pressing
the barrel heating switch at the operator panel or via the selected program "Decrease Heater for
Motor Stop".

Chapter 2 - 3
Temperature profile decrease/increase

The two function buttons for decrease (arrow down) and increase (arrow up) are used to set the
temperature profile increase/decrease.
By activating the respective function, the temperature profile of the zones shown on this page is
shifted by the value set in “ T in [°C] / [°F]”.
Requirement: The set value of the zone must not be “0”.

If the temperature profile increase results in a situation where the maximum mould temperature
is exceeded, the function is deactivated and a red exclamation mark is shown in the affected
If the temperature profile increase results in a situation where the maximum mould temperature
is exceeded, the function is deactivated and a red exclamation mark is shown in the affected

Melt (option)
If there is a melt temperature sensor available, enter the respective temperature in [°C] / [°F] in
the "Melt" column.

Cool (option)
In case there is a cooling ring (material feed section) with temperature probe available, enter the
respective temperature in [°C] / [°F] in the "Cool" column.

Overview (option of special barrels)

The menu "Barrel heating / Overview" shows the allocation of the individual temperature zones
for a special barrel (e.g. sandwich head). Additionally, the set value can be changed and the
current state of the individual zones can be read (temp. ok. ... green, overtemperature ... red,
insufficient temperature ... blue).
If an error has been recognised by the heating relay, it will be shown by an error symbol in the
respective zone (optional for barrel heating with SOLID state relay).
All other settings of the individual zones are changed in the "Barrel temperature" menu.


Chapter 2 - 4 0515MC

2.1.2 Barrel heating / Controller values


In these menus, you enter the parameters for temperature control of the respective temperature
zones of the barrel. You may enter your own values or those established and displayed after

Before starting the optimisation, the heater has to be switched off, i.e. the actual values of the
barrel or mould temperatures have to be nearly identical to the ambient temperature to achieve
an ideal learning result.
Back up the current control parameters (refer to the data records, chapter 25). If the optimisation
does not provide any satisfying results, you careload the former data.

Chapter 2 - 5
You select the optimisation by means of this option.

Sensor breakage
The sensor breakage will be indicated here.
1 = Sensor breakage
0 = No sensor breakage

Act. mode%
Enter "1" in the "Sensor breakage behaviour" field to activate the actuator mode in order to
maintain the production despite the sensor breakage. The entry of "Act.mode%" determines the
heating capacity for this zone.
0% Zone switched off
10 % Low heating capacity
50 % Half heating capacity
100 % Maximum heating capacity

The learning status will be displayed in this field. The following values have the following
0 Wait until the set values of all zones are big enough. Wait for the correct input of all
zones. In this state, the heating main switch must be in the "OFF" position and must be
switched on as soon as all zones have reached the appropriate set temperatures. You
must enter the set temperatures in this state or preferably beforehand. Any of the set
temperatures has to exceed the current actual temperature of the zone by at least 70 °C /
158 °F.
1 Wait until the starting temperature has been determined. Initialisation of all values.
2 Switching on the heating capacity to 100 %. After the temperature (set value = 60 °C /
140 °F) has been reached, the first point for the inflectional tangent (= slew rate) will be
saved. - Switch over to status 3.
3 The gradient of the inflectional tangent up to the temperature (set value = 50 °C / 122 °F)
will be established. In addition, checking of the inflectional tangent by establishing the
real point of inflection and the values for the point of inflection no. 3. Switching off (2-step
controller) or cooling of the distance (3-step controller) and calculation of the gradient of
the inflectional tangent takes place.


Chapter 2 - 6 0515MC
4 Establishment of the temperature maximum (max. overshoots) after having switched off. -
Switch over to status 8.
7 Calculation of the parameters and the scanning time.
8 If there is a 3-step controller, the cooling parameters will be calculated here.
10 Optimisation correctly terminated. End of optimisation and automatic start of the
controlling to set temperature with the former controller parameters, or by pressing the
"Acceptance" switch for each zone, the new parameters will control to set temperature.
20 Error in the optimisation process
- Set temperature too low.
- The switch-off temperature of 50 °C / 122 °F (set value) has not been reached.
- Overflow of the internal counter due to time-out. In case of error, switch off the
optimisation and restart later after the temperatures have cooled down.

P- Fraction
Proportional action factor [%] Set and actual value each

Reset time [s] Set and actual value each

D- Fraction
Rate time [s] Set and actual value each

The set values will be used by the controller. The actual values have been gained from the

Scanning time [s] (is derived from the optimisation).

Use this selection to accept the set values from the optimisation.

Chapter 2 - 7
Tol.range C
Tolerance range [°C] / [°F].
The tolerance limits are expanded by the value entered here. This tolerance range spread is
active in the manual mode and during the first ten minutes after changing over to the automatic
During the first ten minutes of operation, an expanded tolerance range is valid to be able to
compensate for measurement inaccuracies.

Corr Tmp C
Correction temperature [°C] / [°F]
In this field, the temperature measured via an external measuring instrument (e.g. 205 °C /
401 °F) will be entered.

Use this field to calculate and send the correction value to the control unit.

Act C
Actual temperature [°C] / [°F].
The corrected actual temperature is indicated here. The temperature has to correspond to the
entered "Corr Tmp C" after correction.

Sensor breakage behaviour

When a sensor breakage occurs, the heating is switched off immediately since the defective
zone reaches the maximum temperature. With entering "Sensor breakage behaviour" you
determine whether the defective zone will continue to heat in the actuator mode after a sensor
0= The heating can be started again after a change-over to manual mode. No actuator mode
is performed. The zone is not heated.
1= The heating can be started again after a change-over to manual mode. An actuator mode
is performed. The wished heating capacity is specified in the "Act.mode%" field.


Chapter 2 - 8 0515MC
Important information on the optimisation

After finishing the optimisation procedure, the controlling on the basis of the new set values
starts automatically. If the parameters are not automatically transferred, undesirable actions
(e.g. overshooting) might occur.

Select set values within the range of temperatures applied during normal operation.
Ensure that all sensors provide correct temperature values during optimisation.
If one of the control zones heats up faster than the neighbouring zones,
• the control parameters are probably incorrect or
• they depend on the heating section or the arrangement of the zones.

To optimise the temperature control, proceed as follows:

• Switch off the heater ("Heater off" key)
• Enter the set values of the temperature control zones on the pages "Bar. Para 1" and
"Bar. Para 2". The set values have to exceed the actual values by at least 70 °C / 158 °F!
• Select the "Learning" fied
• Switch on the heater ("Heater on" key).
The optimisation starts. Depending on the machine, this procedure make take an hour or even

Power [W] (optional)

If the machine is equipped with the optional energy display (see chapter 18.5), enter here the
power of the individual barrel heating zones (heating bands).

Chapter 2 - 9

2.1.3 Barrel heating / Configuration


Delay Switch-off after temperature decrease

This delay time is active only in combination with the program preselection "Decrease heating
for Motor Stop" (see Chapter 18, Monitorings).
Enter the delay for the heating switch-off after temperature decrease in [min] in this field. The
delay time is started at "Decrease heating". After this time has elapsed, the barrel heating will be
switched off.
By entering "0" for the set value, this function will be deactivated.


Chapter 2 - 10 0515MC

2.1.4 Barrel heating / Monitoring


Heating capacity monitoring (option)

With this function, the heater bands and the solid-state relays will be monitored. Monitoring
is carried out for solid-state relays with corresponding function only, these solid-state relays
with monitoring function are set in the factory. No error message will be sent for heating zones
without monitoring.
For monitoring, the current under full load of the respective heating zone must be recorded for
each solid-state relay. This will be done by activating the following "Learning" program.

Monitoring the complete group

In this version, all solid-state relays activated in the factory are monitored at the same time,
and the learning process also takes place for all zones simultaneously (all zones must be
If an error occurs, it cannot be assigned to a heating zone and it will thus be displayed for all
available solid-state relays.

Chapter 2 - 11
Monitoring of the individual heating zone
In this version, the learning and monitoring process can be activated for each individual heating
zone. An error is displayed separately for each heating zone and a more exact diagnosis will
become possible.

With this program preselection, the current is recorded for all monitored heating zones. With
activating this program, a signal is sent to all monitored solid-state relays. All solid-state relays
are switched to full load for the time of the current registration. The program preselection is
automatically deactivated after the current registration has been finished.

With this program preselection, a pulse for resetting the error is sent for all available solid-
state relays. The program preselection will be deactivated again after having reset the error. If,
however, the error still exists, the error message is set again.

With these program preselections, the monitoring of the solid-state relay for each heating
zone is activated, the learning process is also carried out only for heating zones with activated
This program can only be activated if the monitoring of the individual zones has been released.
When monitoring the complete heating group, the programs do not exist and all available solid-
state relays will be monitored.

This line shows the current error of the solid-state relays for each heating zone. When
monitoring the complete group, a separate evaluation for each zone is not possible and thus an
error will be displayed for all monitored heating zones. When monitoring the individual heating
zones, a more exact diagnosis of each individual heating zone can be made.
Status description:
0 no error
1 Error given on zone
2 Error undervoltage or thyristor does not switch
3 Error heating capacity too low
4 Error solid-state relay overtemperature or measured current exceeds monitoring range of
the device
5 Error thyristor short-circuit
99 unknown error


Chapter 2 - 12 0515MC
Status display Solid-state relay
Two light emitting diodes (one red and one green) are on the solid-state relay to indicate the
device status.
Both light emitting diodes are flashing at the same time:
No current set value has been recorded or the last learning process was not correctly
Red light emitting diode:
A fault of this heating zone or the solid-state relay was detected, the light emitting diode is
cleared during a reset.
Both light emitting diodes are flashing once alternatively: Learning process carried out and
completed, stored current set value is now monitored.

Chapter 2 - 13

2.2 Mould heating (option)

2.2.1 Mould heating / Mould temperatures


In the "Mould heating" menu, you specify the set and toerlance values for the temperature
control zones of the mould.

Mould heating
When activating this program preselection, the mould heating will be switched on or off using
the mould heating switch.
Only if the "Motor stop and Heater stop" menu has been activated, will the heater be switched
off for a switched-off drive motor. The decrease of the mould heating will be carried out together
with the decrease of the barrel heating.

Delay Temperature decrease

Enter the time in [min] in this field, by which the temperature decrease of the mould heating is to
be delayed.


Chapter 2 - 14 0515MC
To obtain a better overview, an info text can be assigned to each mould heating zone. This info
text can be entered in user level 20 only.
An activation of the program preselection will activate the respective mould heating zone.

Set C (Production set values Temperature control zones)

Enter a set value for each temperature probe used.

Set 2 C (option)
Enter the set value for the "Hot runner start-up circuit (option)" or the "Variothermal process
control (option)" for each temperature sensor used. If the "Hot runner start-up circuit" or the
"Variothermal process control" is active, the "Set 2" colour is changed to "magenta".

Start-up circuit hot runner (option)Enter a set value (Set 2) for the start-up circuit for each
temperature sensor used. This set value is then active until there is a change-over to production
temperature (Set). The change-over between start-up temperature and production temperature
can be made dependent on cycle or time (see chapter 18, Start-up programs).
Prerequisite is that the start-up temperature (Set 2) is always higher than the production
temperature (Set). In the automatic mode, the start-up circuit is active until the production
temperature has been reached. At the end of the start-up circuit and after having reached again
the production temperature, the tolerance expansion is activated again for the hot runner.

Variothermal process control (option)

Enter a set value for the variothermal process control for each temperature sensor used. This
set value is active after having finished the injection process. This means, cooling is carried out
to this lower set value. Change-over to production temperature is carried out when opening the
mould and reaching the „Start stroke Heating / Cooling“ (see chapter 2.2.2., Mould Heating /
Prerequisite is that the Set 2 temperature is always lower than the production temperature.

Inactive temperature sensor inputs have to be bridged.

Chapter 2 - 15
Act C (Actual values Temperature control zones)
Display of the current temperature of the respective temperature control zone of the mould. In
the graphics above the actual value will be represented in a bar diagram.
green = Actual values within tolerance
blue = Insufficient temperature
red = Excess temperature
red arrow = + tolerance
blue arrow = - tolerance

ED (on-period)
Display of the on-period of the respective zone in [%] (related to the scanning time of the
controller). If the scanning time amounts to 16 s and the on-period is set to 50 %, the on-period
amounts to 8 s and the off-period amounts to 8 s as well.

+Tol. C (Upper Tolerance)

You may specify by how many degrees the selected set value may be exceeded. When
exceeding the tolerance in the automatic mode, the control system disables the functions
Injection, Metering, and Decompression.

In the manual mode, material may be injected despite exceeding the tolerance.

-Tol. C (Lower Tolerance)

You may specify by how many degrees the selected set value may be fallen short of. The
tolerance value is valid for all temperature control zones of the mould.
When falling short of the tolerance in the automatic mode, the control system disables the
functions Injection, Metering, and Decompression.

In the manual mode, material may be injected despite falling short of the tolerance, if the
injection unit has gone back.

Low. C (Decrease)
Enter the lowered temperature in [°C] / [°F] in this field. The decrease will be activated pressing
the mould heating switch at the operator panel or via the selected program "Decrease Heater
for Motor Stop".


Chapter 2 - 16 0515MC

2.2.2 Mould heating / General


Soft start
If the mould is to be heated up slowly, select the "Soft start" option. After all zones have reached
the starting temperature the start-up time (soft start time ) will start to run. At the end of this time
the zones will be heated up to the preset set value.
Set the desired start-up time (soft start time) for the mould heating in minutes in the right input
The currently expired start-up time (soft start time) can be seen on the left of this input field.

If hot runner controllers are connected via the CAN bus interface (EUROMAP 66-2), the
"Softstart" function cannot be selected.

Chapter 2 - 17
Starting temperature
Enter the desired temperature for the soft start in this field.

Start-up heating capacity

It is recommended to run the soft start at a reduced maximum heating capacity. Enter the set
value for the reduced heating capacity in [%].
During the start-up time, condensation water possibly occurring at this temperature will be
evaporated. Due to slower evaporation, damage to the mould or to the heating element may be

Variothermal process control (option)

When the program is activated, the temperature oscillates between production temperature and
Set 2.
At the end of the injection process, cooling to the lower set value (Set 2) is carried out (open
loop cooling process). The mould is opened as soon as the set value is reached.

Start stroke Heating / Cooling

If the mould is opened and the set position reached, heating is carried out until the production
temperature is reached. The injection process is started as soon as the temperature is reached.


Chapter 2 - 18 0515MC

2.2.3 Mould heating / Overview


In the „Mould heating overview“ menu, the status of 48 mould heating zones is indicated (
(,, In addition, the set value can
be changed on this page.

If the heating relay detects an error, an error symbol is displayed at the respective zone (option
with mould heating equipped with SOLID state relay).

Temperature profile decrease/increase

The two function buttons for decrease (arrow down) and increase (arrow up) are used to set the
temperature profile for increase/decrease.
By activating the respective function, the temperature profile of the zones shown on this page is
shifted by the value set in “ T in [°C] / [°F]”.
Requirements: The set value of the zone is not “0” and program preselection “ T” of the zone
is activated.

Chapter 2 - 19
If the temperature profile increase results in a situation where the maximum mould temperature
is exceeded, the function is deactivated and a red exclamation mark is shown in the affected
If the temperature profile increase results in a situation where the maximum mould temperature
is exceeded, the function is deactivated and a red exclamation mark is shown in the affected

Press the 3 buttons to activate, deactivate or invert the program preselection “ T” for all shown

Activate program preselection “ T” for all zones shown on this page

Deactivate program preselection “ T” for all zones shown on this page

Invert program preselection “ T” for all zones shown on this page


Chapter 2 - 20 0515MC

2.2.4 Mould heating / Controller values


In these menus, you enter the parameters for the temperature control of the respective
temperature zones of the mould. You may enter your own values or those established and
displayed after optimisation.

Before starting the optimisation the heater has to be switched off.
Back up the current control parameters (refer to the data records, chapter 25). If the optimisation
does not provide any satisfying results, you careload the former data.

You select the optimisation by means of this option.

Chapter 2 - 21
Sensor breakage
The sensor breakage will be indicated here.
1 = Sensor breakage
0 = No sensor breakage

Act. mode%
Enter "1" in the "Sensor breakage behaviour" field to activate the actuator mode in order to
maintain the production despite the sensor breakage. The entry of "Act.mode%" determines the
heating capacity for this zone.
0% Zone switched off
10 % Low heating capacity
50 % Half heating capacity
100 % Maximum heating capacity

The learning status will be displayed in this field. The following values have the following
0 Wait until the set values of all zones are big enough. Wait for the correct input of all
zones. In this state, the heating main switch must be in the "OFF" position and must be
switched on as soon as all zones have reached the appropriate set temperatures. You
must enter the set temperatures in this state or preferably beforehand. Any of the set
temperatures has to exceed the current actual temperature of the zone by at least 70 °C /
158 °F.
1 Wait until the starting temperature has been determined. Initialisation of all values.
2 Switching on the heating capacity to 100 %. After the temperature (set value = 60 °C /
140 °F) has been reached, the first point for the inflectional tangent (= slew rate) will be
saved. - Switch over to status 3.
3 The gradient of the inflectional tangent up to the temperature (set value = 50 °C / 122 °F)
will be established. In addition, checking of the inflectional tangent by establishing the
real point of inflection and the values for the point of inflection no. 3. Switching off (2-step
controller) or cooling of the distance (3-step controller) and calculation of the gradient of
the inflectional tangent takes place.
4 Establishment of the temperature maximum (max. overshoots) after having switched off. -
Switch over to status 8.


Chapter 2 - 22 0515MC
7 Calculation of the parameters and the scanning time.
8 If there is a 3-step controller, the cooling parameters will be calculated here.
10 Optimisation correctly terminated. End of optimisation and automatic start of the
controlling to set temperature with the former controller parameters, or by pressing the
"Acceptance" switch for each zone, the new parameters will control to set temperature.
20 Error in the optimisation process
- Set temperature too low.
- The switch-off temperature of 50 °C / 122 °F (set value) has not been reached.
- Overflow of the internal counter due to time-out. In case of error, switch off the
optimisation and restart later after the temperatures have cooled down.
In case of error, switch off the optimisation and restart later after the temperatures have cooled

P- Fraction
Proportional action factor [%] Set and actual value each

Reset time [s] Set and actual value each

D- Fraction
Rate time [s] Set and actual value each

The set values will be used by the controller. The actual values have been gained from the

Scanning time [s] (is derived from the optimisation).

Use this selection to accept the set values from the optimisation.

Chapter 2 - 23
Tol.range C
Tolerance range [°C ] / [°F]
The tolerance limits are expanded by the value entered here. This tolerance range spread is
active in the manual mode and during the first ten minutes after having changed over to the
automatic mode.
Since there will naturally be larger variations in temperature during the start-up phase than
in the stable operating state, an expanded tolerance range will be active during the first ten

Corr Tmp C
Correction temperature [°C] / [°F]
In this field, the temperature measured via an external measuring instrument (e.g. 205 °C /
401 °F) will be entered.

Use this field to calculate and send the correction value to the control unit.

Act C
Actual temperature [°C] / [°F]
The corrected actual temperature is indicated here. The temperature has to correspond to the
entered "Corr Tmp C" after correction.

Sensor breakage behaviour

When a sensor breakage occurs, the heating is switched off immediately since the defective
zone reaches the maximum temperature. With entering "Sensor breakage behaviour" you
determine whether the defective zone will continue to heat in the actuator mode after a sensor
0= The heating can be started again after a change-over to manual mode. No actuator mode
is performed. The zone is not heated.
1= The heating can be started again after a change-over to manual mode. An actuator mode
is performed. The wished heating capacity is specified in the "Act.mode%" field.


Chapter 2 - 24 0515MC
Important information on the optimisation

After finishing the optimisation procedure, the controlling on the basis of the new set values
starts automatically. If the parameters are not automatically transferred, undesirable actions
(e.g. overshooting) might occur.

Select set values within the range of temperatures applied during normal operation.
Ensure that all sensors provide correct temperature values during optimisation.
If one of the control zones heats up faster than the neighbouring zones, the control parameters
are probably incorrect.
To optimise the temperature control, proceed as follows:
• Switch off the heater ("Heater off" key)
• Enter the set values of the temperature control zones on the pages "Mou. Para 1" and
Mou. Para 2". The set values have to exceed the actual values by at least 70 °C / 158 °F!
• Select the "Learning" fied
• Switch on the heater ("Heater on" key).
The optimisation starts. Depending on the machine, this procedure make take an hour or even

Power [W] (optional)

If the machine is equipped with the optional energy display (see chapter 18.5), enter here the
power of the individual mould heating zones (heating elements).

Chapter 2 - 25

2.2.5 Mould heating / Configuration


Delay Temperature decrease after automatic mode

Enter the delay for the temperature decrease in [min] in this field. The delay time is started when
leaving the automatic mode. After this time has elapsed, the mould heating will be switched off.
By entering "0" for the set value, this function will be deactivated.

Delay Switch-off after temperature decrease

This delay time is active only in combination with the program preselection "Decrease heating
for Motor Stop" (see Chapter 18, Monitorings).
Enter the delay for the heating switch-off after temperature decrease in [min] in this field. The
delay time is started at "Decrease heating". After this time has elapsed, the mould heating will
be switched off.
By entering "0" for the set value, this function will be deactivated.


Chapter 2 - 26 0515MC

2.2.6 Mould heating / Start-up programs

Start-up circuit hot runner (option)

Description see Chapter 18.6 Start-up programs.

Chapter 2 - 27

2.3 Temperature control units (option)

2.3.1 Temperature control units


If one or more temperature control units is / are connected to your machine, you may enter the
set and the tolerance values via the input fields in this menu.

An activation of the program preselection will activate the respective heater.
The activated temperature control units are switched on or off depending on the set "OnMODE".

0 Activated temperature control units are switched on using the barrel heating switch.
1 Activated temperature control units are switched on using the drive.
2 Activated temperature control units are always switched on.
3 Activated temperaure control units are switched on by the external device


Chapter 2 - 28 0515MC
Enter the set value of the temperature control unit. The actual value is displayed below. In the
graphics above the actual value will be represented in a bar diagram
green = Actual values within tolerance
blue = Insufficient temperature
red = Excess temperature
red arrow = + tolerance
blue arrow = - tolerance

You may specify by how many degrees the selected set value may be exceeded.
When exceeding the tolerance, the "Tolerance Temperature control units" error message will
immediately be displayed and the time limit will be started.

The tolerances directly set at the temperature control unit will not be monitored by the machine.

You may specify by how many degrees the selected set value may be fallen short of.
When falling short of the tolerance, the "Tolerance Temperature control units" error message will
immediately be displayed and the time limit will be started.

Enter the lowered temperature in [°C] / [°F] in this field. The decrease will be activated pressing
the barrel heating switch at the operator panel or via the selected program "Decrease Heater for
Motor Stop".

Display of the current flow rate of the temperature control unit, as far as it is supported by the
temperature control unit.

Chapter 2 - 29

2.3.2 Temperature control units / General


Monitoring time
Input of the monitoring time and indication of the time already expired in [s].
If an error occurs at the temperature control unit, the monitoring time will be started. At the end
of this time, the machine cycle will be stopped before clamping force build-up.


Chapter 2 - 30 0515MC

2.3.3 Temperature control units / Configuration - analog


If temperature control units are connected to your machine via an analog interface, this menu
can be used to scale the temperature control units.

Temperature range
Input of the temperature range according to the name plate of the heater; e.g.: 0-400 —> input

corresponds to
Input of the voltage range according to the name plate of the heater; e.g.: 0-10 V —> input 10.

Chapter 2 - 31
Max. operating temperature
Input of the maximum operating temperature range. Corresponds to the input limit at the user

Max. temp
Input of the maximum temperature. When reaching this temperature, the temperature control
unit will be switched off. The temperature control unit may be reactivated by switching on and off
the mould heating switch.

Switch-off for Lowered temperature reached

In case this program is active, the temperature control unit will be switched off after having
reached the lowered temperature.


Chapter 2 - 32 0515MC

2.3.4 Temperature control units / Configuration - digital


If temperature control units are connected to your machine via a serial interface with TTY/CL or
EUROMAP 66 communication protocol (20 mA interface), this menu can be used to scale the
temperature control units.
The device interface (9-pole D-sub socket, pin 2 and 3) was configured according to the TTY/CL
communication protocol:
(4,800 bauds, 8 data bits, 1 start and stop bit, even parity).

Switch-off mode Temperature control unit (Controller_Switch_Off_Mode)

A switch-off mode for the respective temperature control unit can be selected here. The set
switch-off mode is taken into consideration when switching off the temperature control unit.
During normal operation the switch has to be set to "closed loop control".

Cooling, extraction, switch-off

Cool the temperature control unit down to pump after-running temperature, extract heating
medium and switch off the temperature control unit.

Chapter 2 - 33
Cooling, switch-off
Cool the temperature control unit down to pump after-running temperature and then switch off
the temperature control unit.

Closed-loop control (= normal operation)

A switch-off is carried out immediately when the temperature control unit is switched off. This
operating mode has to be set for the normal closed-loop operation.

Safety discharge
Cool the temperature control unit below safety limit (open system) and extract heating medium
and then switch off the temperature control unit.


This operating mode will not be supported by all manufacturers.
The current status of the operating mode is displayed in the "Temperature control units
Diagnosis" menu.

Network name
This setting is preset in the factory and cannot be changed.
"CAN-OPEN" will be displayed on heaters which are connected via the EUROMAP 66
communication protocol.


A maximum of 6 temperature control units per network is possible, i.e. if there are more than 6
temperature control units on your machine, a second network has to be physically available.
IF1 .. Serial interface 1 (COM 1)
IF2 .. Serial interface 2 (COM 2)

The network name is stored in the service data record.


Chapter 2 - 34 0515MC
Device address
TTY/CL communication protocol: Enter the device address. This entry has to correspond to the
setting on the respective temperature control unit.
EUROMAP 66: Can-Open node number. This setting is preset in the factory and must not be
This entry has to correspond to the setting on the respective temperature control unit.

Mould type
TTY/CL communication protocol: Enter the mould type to assign different control parameter
records. Any mould type from 0 to 10 may be entered.
EUROMAP 66: without meaning
Explanation of the mould types:
0 freely selectable parameter record (automatic optimisation)
1 Parameter record 1, small mould
10 Parameter record 10, large mould

Max. operating temperature

Input of the maximum operating temperature range. Corresponds to the input limit at the user

Max. temp
Input of the maximum temperature. When reaching this temperature, the temperature control
unit will be switched off. The temperature control unit may be reactivated by switching on and off
the mould heating switch.

Switch-off for Lowered temperature reached

In case this program selection is active, the temperature control unit will be switched off after
having reached the lowered temperature.

Internal sensor
Control is carried out via the internal sensor of the temperature control unit (Main_Line_Mode).

External sensor
Control is carried out via en external sensor (External_Sensor_Mode).

Chapter 2 - 35
Proper working of the external sensor for the TTY/CL interface is only possible in combination
with a Wittmann temperature control unit. Additionally, "Wittmann" must be set as the telegram.

Telegram: default
Telegram: Wittmann
Telegram: Regloplas
The external sensor can be used for TTY/CL interfaces in combination with a Wittmann
temperature control unit and the setting: "Wittmann Telegram". With all other interfaces and
heaters, use setting „Telegram: default“. There is no external sensor installed.

Log: alternating
The system switches between the default and extension log.

Log: default
The temperature and the duty cycle time are read and transferred.

Log: extension
The temperature, the duty cycle time and the flow rate are read and transferred.


Chapter 2 - 36 0515MC

2.3.5 Temperature control units / Diagnosis Temperature control units / Diagnostic - digital


If temperature control units are connected to your machine via a serial interface with TTY/CL
communication protocol (20 mA interface) or EUROMAP 66 communication protocol, a detailed
information concerning the individual temperature control units is displayed via this menu.

Collective alarm(s) occurred for temperature control unit(s):

Display of the temperature control units for which an alarm occurred. For a detailed alarm
evaluation refer to "Alarms Temperature control unit".

A detailed alarm evaluation will only be displayed for the temperature control unit displayed
under "Diagnosis for temperature control unit no.".

Chapter 2 - 37
Diagnosis for temperature control unit no.
Enter the "Temperature control unit no" to have the status and the alarms of the respective
temperature control unit displayed.

Status Status signal Operating mode

The following statuses are displayed:
• Undefined status.
• Extract heating medium active.
• Switch on cooling active.
• Optimise control parameters active.
(not for EUROMAP 66)
• Pump, heating and cooling switched off.
• Closed-loop control (=normal operation) active.
• Safety discharge (= heating and cooling off) active.
• Controller mode (computer) or (manual).
• Sensor mode (external) or (internal).
• Non permissible set value passed on.
• An alarm has occurred.

Alarms Temperature control units

The following alarms are displayed:
• Sensor breakage.
• Heating defective.
• Cooling defective.
• Level monitor has responded.
• Flow controller has responded.
• Temperature exceeds safety limit.
• Pump defective.
• Phase failure.
• System error.


Chapter 2 - 38 0515MC
Temperatures Temperature control units / Diagnosis 2

If temperature control units are connected to your machine via a serial interface with TTY/CL
communication protocol (20 mA interface), a detailed information concerning the communication
is displayed via this menu.
The following is displayed:
• Interface identification
• Direction: RD ... read, WR ... write
• Data
• Status (description of the status numbers see alarm 238, chapter AL)

Chapter 2 - 39

2.3.6 Temperature control units / COM Parameters


If temperature control units are connected to your machine via a serial interface with TTY/CL
communication protocol (20 mA interface) or EUROMAP 66 with CanOpen communication
protocol, information concerning the COM parameters is displayed via this menu.

Temperature control unit(s) COM mode

Here, the communication mode of the temperature control units is set. After having changed
the mode, the button „Temperature control unit(s): Send COM parameters“ must be pressed in
order to take over the settings. This is only possible if all temperature control units are switched
WIBA M1: Baud rate=4800, data bits=8, stop bits=1, even parity
WIBA M2: Baud rate=4800, data bits=8, stop bits=1, no parity

Temperature control unit(s): Send COM parameter

The button is only visbile if all temperature control units are switched off.


Chapter 2 - 40 0515MC

2.3.7 Temperature control units / VARIOMOULD


As is known, the cavity surface precisely appears when injecting plastic material into a hot
mould which, on the one hand, is of advantage for the parts quality. However, thermoplastics
must be cooled down again to low temperatures for hardening. On the other hand, this
circumstance normally causes longer cycle times.
When using BFMOLDTM, mould areas near the cavity will be heated. This means that both
heating and cooling of the cavity surface can be made very quickly and energy-saving when
using water. For this, special temperature control units, such as WITTMANN TEMPRO plus
C160 VARIO will be used.

Start signal, Heating with

Here, the start signal for heating the temperature control unit is determined. Additionally, „Delay
time start heating“ can be specified.

Delay time Start Heating

The delay time starts with the „Start signal, heating with“. At the end of this delay time, heating
of the temperature control unit is started.

Stop signal, Heating with

Here, the stop signal for heating the temperature control unit is determined. Additionally, "Delay
time stop heating" can be specified.

Chapter 2 - 41
Heating time Variotherm process
Entry of the heating time for the temperature control unit. At the end of this time, cooling of the
temperature control unit is started.

Heating time / Monitoring time Variotherm process

When preselecting "Stop signal Heating with" -> heating time
Entry of the heating time for the temperature control unit. At the end of this time, the "Delay time
stop heating" is started.

When preselecting "Stop signal, Heating with" -> "Start Injection" or "Change-over to holding
Input of the monitoring time. In case the monitoring time ends before "Start Injection" or
"Change-over to holding pressure, the "Delay time stop heating" will be started.

Delay time Stop Heating

The delay time starts with the "Stop signal, heating with". At the end of this delay time, heating
of the temperature control unit is stopped.

Cooling time / Monitoring time

This is the well-known machine cooling time.

Delay time Start Cooling

Indicates the time after which cooling is actively started.

Upper change-over point

The mould must be heated up to this temperature before injection can be started.

Lower change-over point

The mould must be cooled down to this temperature before the mould can be opened.

Tank temperature Cooling / Heating

They are the tank temperatures orepared by the BFMold in the cooling and/or heating circuit in
order to cool down and/or heat up the mould.


Chapter 2 - 42 0515MC

2.3.8 TEMPRO integrated TEMPRO


This menu is used to preset the set values for the integrated Wittmann TEMPRO. The
description of settings and error numbers can be found in the Wittmann TEMPRO manual.
The TEMPRO setting data can be stored in the product data record (see chapter 25.3 Data
records / Integration Wittmann periphery).

Chapter 2 - 43
Temperatures TEMPRO configuration


The connection to the Wittmann TEMPRO is configurated in this menu.

IP address
Enter the IP address of the Wittmann TEMPRO.

Hold display in the memory

When leaving the page and at the end of tis time (e.g. 600 s) the TEMPRO display is deleted
from the memory. When calling the display again, TEMPRO must be loaded again. Typical
entry: 600 s (10 min).

This field displays the version number of the UpdateControl. The UpdateControl is responsible
for establishing the connection and displaying the TEMPRO on the machines.

An activation of the program preselection will activate the respective temperature control unit.
The activated temperature control units are switched on or off depending on the set "OnMODE".


Chapter 2 - 44 0515MC
If a TEMPRO circuit has be deactivated, the error analysis of the respective TEMPRO circuit is
disconnected, i.e. no display of or reaction on a TEMPRO alarm (alarms 1193 to 1195) will be

0 Activated temperature control units are switched on using the barrel heating switch.
1 Activated temperature control units are switched on using the drive.
2 Activated temperature control units are always switched on.
3 Activated temperaure control units are switched on by the external device

Chapter 2 - 45

2.4 Temperature control zones (option)

2.4.1 Temperature control zones


In this menu, you specify the set and tolerance values for the independent temperature control
• Heating circuits: an independent group of heating zones which do not belong to any
existing group;
• Cooling circuits: an indenpendent group of cooling circuits;
• Monitoring circuits: an independent group of temperature monitoring zones without
heating or cooling function.
The individual zones are released and assigned to a group according to the required function.
This required assignment can change according to the machine.

Heating circuits
An indenpendent group of heating circuits. The heating zones can be recognised by a red text
and the red numbering of the individual zones.
When activating this program preselection, the heating circuint will be switched on or off using
the heating switch.


Chapter 2 - 46 0515MC
Cooling circuits
An indenpendent group of cooling circuits. The cooling zones can be recognised by a blue text
and the blue numbering of the individual zones.
When activating this program preselection, the cooling circuit will be switched on or off using the
heating switch.

Monitororing circuits
An indenpendent group of temperature monitoring circuits. The monitoring zones can be
recognised by a magenta text and the magenta numbering of the individual zones.
When activating this program preselection, the monitoring circuit will be switched on or off using
the heating switch.

Maximum operating temperature

Here, the "Maximum operating temperature" for the respective circuit is preset. This entry limits
the set values of the respective circuit.
If one of the barrel zones exceeds this temperature, all barrel heating zones will be switched off
and a possibly available main contactor will cut off the power supply to the band heaters. At the
same time, the "Heating circuits: Maximum temperature" error message will be displayed.

To obtain a better overview, an info text can be assigned to each zone. This info text can be
entered in user level 20 only.

Set C (set values for heating, cooling, and monitoring circuits)

Enter a set value for each temperature probe used.

Inactive temperature sensor inputs have to be bridged.

Chapter 2 - 47
Actual C (actual values for heating, cooling, and monitoring circuits)
Display of the current temperature of the respective zone. In the graphics above the actual
value will be represented in a bar diagram
green = Actual values within tolerance
blue = Insufficient temperature
red = Excess temperature
red arrow = + tolerance
blue arrow = - tolerance

ED (on-period)
Display of the on-period of the respective zone in [%] (related to the scanning time of the
controller). If the scanning time amounts to 16 s and the on-period is set to 50 %, the on-period
amounts to 8 s and the off-period amounts to 8 s as well.
Cooling circuits display a negative on-period.

+Tol. C (Upper Tolerance)

You may specify by how many degrees the selected set value may be exceeded.

-Tol. C (Lower Tolerance)

You may specify by how many degrees the selected set value may be fallen short of.

Low. C (Decrease)
Enter the lowered temperature in [°C] / [°F] in this field.

Delay Temperature decrease

Enter the time in [min] in this field, by which the temperature decrease of the temperature
control zones is to be delayed.


Chapter 2 - 48 0515MC

2.4.2 Temperature control zones / Controller values (optimisation)


Use these menus to enter the parameters for the temperature control of the respective heating
and/or cooling zones. You may enter your own values or those established and displayed after
For the monitoring zones, no adjustment of the controller parameters is required.

Before starting the optimisation, the heating has to be switched off, i.e. the actual values of the
heating and/or cooling zones have to be nearly identical to the ambient temperature to achieve
an ideal learning result.
Back up the current control parameters (refer to the data record management chap. 25). If the
optimisation does not provide any satisfying results, you careload the former data.

You select the optimisation by means of this option.

Chapter 2 - 49
Sensor breakage
The sensor breakage will be indicated here.
1= Sensor breakage
0= No sensor breakage

Actuator mode
To be able to maintain the production despite the sensor breakage, the heating capacity the
heating of this zone is to be continued with must be stated here.
For cooling circuits, a negative actuator mode must be entered.

min. actuator mode

For cooling circuits in the return, when using an immersion sensor. Typical: 25%

The learning status will be displayed in this field. The following values have the following
0 Wait until the set values of all zones are big enough. Wait for the correct input of all
zones. In this state, the heating main switch must be in the "OFF" position and must be
switched on as soon as all zones have reached the appropriate set temperatures. You
must enter the set temperatures in this state or preferably beforehand. Any of the set
temperatures has to exceed the current actual temperature of the zone by at least 70 °C /
158 °F.
1 Wait until the starting temperature has been determined. Initialisation of all values.
2 Switching on the heating capacity to 100 %. After the temperature (set value = 60 °C /
140 °F) has been reached, the first point for the inflectional tangent (= slew rate) will be
saved. - Switch over to status 3.
3 The gradient of the inflectional tangent up to the temperature (set value = 50 °C / 122 °F)
will be established. In addition, checking of the inflectional tangent by establishing the
real point of inflection and the values for the point of inflection no. 3. Switching off (2-step
controller) or cooling of the distance (3-step controller) and calculation of the gradient of
the inflectional tangent takes place.
4 Establishment of the temperature maximum (max. overshoots) after having switched off. -
Switch over to status 8.
7 Calculation of the parameters and the scanning time.
8 If there is a 3-step controller, the cooling parameters will be calculated here.
10 Optimisation correctly terminated. End of optimisation and automatic start of the
controlling to set temperature with the former controller parameters, or by pressing the
"Acceptance" switch for each zone, the new parameters will control to set temperature.


Chapter 2 - 50 0515MC
20 Error in the optimisation process
- Set temperature too low.
- The switch-off temperature of 50 °C / 122 °F (set value) has not been reached.
- Overflow of the internal counter due to time-out. In case of error, switch off the
optimisation and restart later after the temperatures have cooled down.

P- Fraction
Proportional action factor [%] Set and actual value each

Reset time [s] Set and actual value each

D- Fraction
Rate time [s] Set and actual value each

The set values will be used by the controller. The actual values have been gained from the

Scanning time [s] (is derived from the optimisation).

Use this selection to accept the set values from the optimisation.

Tol.range C
Tolerance range [°C] / [°F].
The tolerance limits are expanded by the value entered here. This tolerance range spread is
active in the manual mode and during the first ten minutes after changing over to the automatic
During the first ten minutes of operation, an expanded tolerance range is valid to be able to
compensate for measurement inaccuracies.

Corr Tmp C
Correction temperature [°C] / [°F]
In this field, the temperature measured via an external measuring instrument (e.g. 205 °C /
401 °F) will be entered.

Chapter 2 - 51

2.4.3 Temperature control zones / Monitoring


This menu is used to set the machine behaviour during errors caused by the temperature
control zones. This assignment can be set separately for the heating, cooling, and monitoring

Block Clamping force build-up

The clamping force build-up remains blocked as long as one of the error messages of the
respective group exists.

Block Injection piston

Injection, metering, and decompression remain blocked as long as one of the error messages of
the respective group exists.

Stop for Cylce End

The next machine cycle remains blocked as long as one of the error messages of the groups
exists. After all error messages have been cleared, the next cycle can be started using the cylce
start key.


Chapter 2 - 52 0515MC

2.5 Integrated Wittmann dryer (optional)

2.5.1 Dryer


In this menu, enter the set values for the integrated Wittmann dryer. For a description of the
settings and error numbers, please refer to the Wittmann dryer manual.

Error number
0-99 Dryer error (see Wittmann dryer manual)
200 Dryer communication error (no connection)
255 No error

Chapter 2 - 53

2.6 WFC Water Flow Control (option)

2.6.1 WFC / Overview


An overview of the WFC zones (Water Flow Control) is displayed under status. The current
state of the WFC zones can be seen here. Pressing the button to the right of the status display
causes a direct change to the monitoring menu.
Outside - tolerance ... BLUE
Temperature ok. ... green
Overtemperature ... red
max. working area exceeded
Diagnosis muxx board (WFC single step mode), channel stopped

The statuses are stored in the automatic mode and represented in this menu.
The errors are acknowledged by pressing the key „Cycle start“ (automatic mode) or the key
„Drive Start“ (manual mode).
The valve circuit configured for the respective group (option).

Explanation of the valve circuit statuses see chapter 2.6.5 WFC valve circuits.


Chapter 2 - 54 0515MC

2.6.2 WFC / Monitoring


In this menu, he WFC (Water Flow Control) zones can be activated and set value specified.

No monitoring of WFC groups

The tolerances for all WFC groups are not evaluated.

No monitoring of WFC
The tolerances for the respective WFC group are not evaluated.

Activate cooling circuit

The respective group and all groups assigned to this cooling circuit are switched to cooling. This
function is active only if the operating mode of the respective group is set to automatic mode
(see chapter 2.6.5 WFV / Valve circuits).

To obtain a better overview, an info text can be assigned to each WFC zone. This info text is
also displayed on the overview page.
An activation of the program preselection will activate the respective WFC zone.

Chapter 2 - 55
Enter the set value of the WFC zone. The actual value is displayed below. In the graphics above
the actual value will be represented in a bar diagram
green = Actual values within tolerance
blue = Outside - tolerance
red = Outside + tolerance
red arrow = + tolerance
blue arrow = - tolerance

You may specify by how many degrees (or l/min) the selected set value may be exceeded (or
fallen short of).
When exceeding the tolerance, an error message will be displayed and the machine stopped at
cycle end.

Entry of a correction value.

The valve circuit (option) configured for the respective group is displayed above the zone
information. The valve circuit statuses are displayed to the right. Explanation of the valve circuit
statuses see chapter 2.6.5 WFC valve circuits.


Chapter 2 - 56 0515MC

2.6.3 WFC / Channel 1 (2)


The WFC channels are configurated in this menu.

Number of zones in group

Here, the number of zones which are in the group, will be determined.

To obtain a better overview, an info text can be assigned to each WFC group. This info text is
also displayed on the channel page and the overview page.

Here setting is made as to whether the WFC group displays a temperature or the flow.

Temperature control medium

Cooling circuit Cooling water, medium comes from external point;
Heating circuit Hot water, medium comes from external point or on the machine by a
temperature control unit connected via the interface.

Chapter 2 - 57
Assignment Temperature control unit
Assignment of the temperature control unit connected to the machine via the interface. Here,
the zone number is entered.

Assignment Temperature control zone (Forward flow temperature sensor)

Enter here the zone number of the temperture control unit which determines the temperature of
the external medium.

Delay + / - Tolerance analysis

If an error occurs at the temperature control unit, the monitoring time will be started. At the end
of this time, the machine cycle will be stopped before clamping force build-up.

min. (max.) range

Input of the min. (max.) range according to the name plate of the temperature control unit;
e.g. min. 0, max. 400

corresponds to
Input of the voltage range according to the name plate of the temperature control unit;
e.g. min. 0, max. 10 V

max. working range

Enter the maximum working range. Corresponds to the input limit at the user level.

Assignment Valve circuit

Here, the valve circuit is assigned to the respective WFC group.


Chapter 2 - 58 0515MC

2.6.4 WFC / Configuration


In this menu, the configuration of the error analysis from the temperature and flow channels will
be made.
Additionally, a single step mode can be activated for the diagnosis of the muxx board.

Error analysis of temperature channels (flow channels)

No evaluation of the WFC temperature channels (flow channels)
Activating this program preselection will switch off the error analysis of the WFC channels.

Response to WFC temperature error (flow error)

Set here the respons to a temperature error (flow error) of the WFC channels.

Start diagnosis muxx board (WFC single step mode)
Activating the program preselection will activate the single step mode. Additionally, a button for
switching on the the next channel and addresses are displayed.

Chapter 2 - 59

2.6.5 WFC / Valve circuits


The WFC valve circuits (option) are configurated in this menu.

Operating mode of all valve circuits

Possible settings:
• Off
The supply and return flow of all valve circuits is blocked (if no valve circuit is set to safety
• Automode
The setting of the operating mode of the respective valve circuit is active.
• Cooling mode
All WFC groups are switched to cooling (if no valve circuit is set to safety mode).
• Heating mode
All WFC groups are switched to heating (if no valve circuit is set to safety mode).
• Safety mode
The safety mode setting has utmost priority. Switching is made to the set safety mode
of the respective valve circuit. Thus, the temperature control circuits in the mould are


Chapter 2 - 60 0515MC
Setting for each valve circuit
To obtain a better overview, an info text can be assigned to each WFC valve circuit.

Operating mode
The setting of operating mode for each valve circuit is effective only if the "Operating mode of all
valve circuits" was set to "Automode".
Possible settings:
• Off
The supply and return flow of the respective valve circuit is blocked.
• Automode
The operating mode is set by the respective WFC group (see "Assignment of groups" in
the right status display).
• Cooling mode
The respective WFC group is switched to cooling
• Heating mode
The respective WFC group is switched to heating
• Safety mode
The safety mode setting has utmost priority, i.e. it is independent of the "Operating mode
of all valve circuits" setting.

The priority activation is signalled by highlighting the text.
The priority is active if the following settings were made:
• Valve circuits mus be set to Automode
• "No monitoring of WFC" of the assigned WFC group must not be activated (see
chapter 2.6.2 WFC / Monitoring)
• "Activate cooling circuit" of the assigned WFC group must not be activated (see
chapter 2.6.2 WFC / Monitoring)

Possible settings:
• none
• Cooling.
Switching is made to cooling if a WFC zone within this valve circuit is smaller than/equal
to the flow temperature.
• Heating
Switching is made to heating if a WFC zone within this valve circuit is greater than the
flow temperature.

Chapter 2 - 61
Safety mode
Setting is made as to which valves remain open in the safety mode. The safety mode is
activated if
• the safety mode of all valve circuits or of the respective valve circuit is activated manually.
• if a safety device in the mould area (e.g. safety gate) is opened.
Note: If a temperature control unit is installed in the valve circuit, it is set to "Start suction".

Possible settings:
• Off
Supply and return flow for heating and cooling circuit are blocked.
• Heating circuit
Supply and return flow for heating circuit are opened.

Supply and return flow for cooling circuit are blocked.

• Cooling circuit
Supply and return flow for cooling circuit are opened.
Supply and return flow for heatingg circuit are blocked.
• Return flow Heating circuit
Return flow for heating circuit is opened
All other valves are blocked.
• Return flow Cooling circuit
Return flow for cooling circuit is opened
All other valves are blocked.
• Return flow Circuit
Return flow for heating and cooling circuit is opened.
Supply valves are blocked

Assignment of groups
Display of the assigned WFC groups for the respective valve circuit. Assignment is done under
WFC channel 1 or 2 (see chapter 2.6.3).


Chapter 2 - 62 0515MC
Valve circuit diagnosis

Supply Heating circuit

Return flow Heating circuit

Heating circuit closed / safety mode active and heating circuit closed

Heating circuit opened / safety mode active and heating circuit opened

Supply Cooling circuit

Return flow Cooling circuit

Cooling circuit closed / safety mode active and cooling circuit closed

Cooling circuit opened / safety mode active and cooling circuit opened

Chapter 2 - 63

2.7 FLOWCON integrated (option)

2.7.1 FLOWCON / Display


This menu is used to preset the set values for the integrated Wittmann FLOWCON. The
description of settings and error numbers can be found in the Wittmann FLOWCON manual.

The FLOWCON setting data can be stored in the product data record (see chapter 25.3 Data
records / Integration Wittmann periphery).


Chapter 2 - 64 0515MC

2.7.2 FLOWCON / Configuration


The connection to the Wittmann FLOWCON is configurated in this menu.

IP address
Enter the IP address of the Wittmann FLOWCON.

Hold display in the memory

When leaving the page and at the end of tis time (e.g. 600 s) the FLOWCON display is deleted
from the memory. When calling the display again, FLOWCON must be loaded again. Typical
entry: 600 s (10 min).

This field displays the version number of the UpdateControl. The UpdateControl is responsible
for establishing the connection and displaying the FLOWCON on the machines.

Chapter 2 - 65

No evaluation of the FLOWCON alarms

An activation of this program preselection will disconnect the error analysis of the FLOWCON
alarms. i.e. no display of or reaction on a FLOWCON alarm (alarms 1190 to 1192) will be given.

Reaction on FLOWCON tolerance errors

Here, the reaction on the "FLOWCON: tolerance error" (alarm 1191) is set.


Chapter 2 - 66 0515MC

2.8 Gammaflux integrated (option)

2.8.1 Gammaflux / Display


This menu is used to preset the set values for the integrated Gammaflux. The description of
settings and error numbers can be found in the Gammaflux manual.

The operation of the Gammaflux surface is locked in user level 90 (Logout). You must at least
have user level 30 (user can change all data from the product data record) to be able to operate
the Gammaflux via the IMM.

Chapter 2 - 67

2.8.2 Gammaflux / Configuration


The connection to the Gammaflux is configurated in this menu.

VNC is used to establish the connection to the Gammaflux (tested with Real VNC® Server
5.2.1). The Real VNC server is not pre-installed on the Gammaflux. Please contact the
Gammaflux manufacturer.
When installing the VNC server, the password query must be deactivated. This can also be set
after having installed the VNC server.

"VNC Server Options / Security" -> Authentication: None“.


Chapter 2 - 68 0515MC
Clamping unit

3 Clamping unit

3.1 General
3.1.1 General / Page 1


In the "Clamping unit" menu, you enter the set values for the closing movement of two fixed and
three stroke positions which may be activated. You can assign separate speeds, strokes, and
forces to these stroke markers.
Enter the set values for the speeds in [mm/s]/[inch/s], the set values for the strokes in [mm]/
[inch], and the set values for the forces in [kN]/[shtn]. The appropriate maximum values can be
read off next to the diagram axes.

Open (example)
Up to 25 mm (1.96 inch), the
movement will be performed at a speed
464.0 464.0 636.0 663.0 464.0 of 150 mm/s (5.90 inch/s) and at a
350.0 90.0 50.0 40.0 10.0 force of 10 kN (1.12 shtn). For the first
60.0 70.0 89.0 70.0 10.0 stroke (which has to be entered), you
should make the clamping unit open at
a smaller force than for the rest of the opening stroke.

Chapter 3 - 1
Clamping unit
In the example, two of the three strokes which may be activated have been selected. The
clamping platen is opened at speeds and forces which may be set in stages while the strokes
• Up to 490 mm (19.29 inch), the movement will be performed at a speed of 450 mm/s
(17.71 inch/s) and at a force of 85 kN (9.95 shtn).
• Up to 510 mm (20.07 inch), the movement will be performed at a speed of 350 mm/s
(13.77 inch/s) and at a force of 70 kN (7.900 shtn).
• Up to 550 mm (21.65 inch) (Mould is opened), the movement will be performed at a
speed of 150 mm/s (5.91 inch/s) and at a force of 30 kN (3.38 shtn).

Close (example)
The velocity profile for the clamping procedure
is similiar to that of the opening procedure of the
445.0 636.0 636.0 445.0 125.0
clamping unit. It is important that you reduce the
120.0 100.0 20.0 20.0 0.0
speeds in stages and set increasingly shorter
80.0 92.0 92.0 70.0 5.0 strokes the more the clamping unit approaches
the closed status.

Move the clamping unit in the mould safety zone at reduced force (in our example 20 kN / 2.30
shtn) and a very low speed to prevent the mould from being damaged.

Rapid opening
Rapid closing
If the machine is equipped with the "Rapid closing / opening" option, a second pump will also be
activated for high speeds. At present no parallel movement of the ejector is possible. (Example:
if the opening movement is not additionally made with the second pump, a movement of the
ejector parallel to the opening movement is not possible).
Addition of the second pump is displayed by two yellow arrows above the diagram. The limit
value at which the second pump is added is displayed above the diagram under vmax2.

Spring-loaded mould (option)

A symbol (yellow warning triangle with a tool) is displayed if the program preselection "Spring-
loaded mould" is active. The program preseleciton is located on page 2.

Clamping force [kN] / [shtn]

Entry of the desired clamping force (depending on the clamping system) and indication of the
current clamping force.


Chapter 3 - 2 0515MC
Clamping unit
Mould protection programs
Starting from stroke marker "Mould safety device Stroke", the movement of the clamping unit is
monitored. If the clamping unit stops inbetween this stroke position, the mould protection time
will run. If the clamping plate does not move within this period, the mould protection program
selected in "Mould safety strokes" will automatically be activated. 10 mould protection programs
are available. Program "0" just interrupts the closing movement, programs 1 through 9 carry out
the respective number of opening strokes. A maximum of 9 multiple strokes may be selected.

Mould safety strokes [programs]

Select the appropriate mould protection program.
0 Interrupt closing
When the mould safety device responds, the clamping procedure will be interrupted. The
error symbol will be flashing on the display.
1 1 Stroke
When the mould safety device responds, the clamping procedure will be interrupted. The
mould opens and the ejector will be activated. Afterwards, the cycle will be interrupted.
2 ... 9 Multiple strokes
When the mould safety device responds, the clamping procedure will be interrupted. The
mould opens and the ejector will be activated. The clamping procedure will be restarted. If
the mould safety device responds again, the mould re-opens, the ejector will be activated
and the clamping procedure will be continued afterwards. This procedure will be repeated
until reaching the selected stroke rate or until the mould safety device does no longer
respond during the clamping procedure.

In the case of vertical machines, the mould safety strokes are limited with "1".

Mould protection Monitoring time [s]

Enter the time for the mould safety device. This time will start if the clamping unit stops within
the mould safety stroke and the "Start Clamping force build-up" stroke has not yet been
If the clamping unit continues to move, the time will be stopped. If the clamping unit stops again
before reaching the "Start Clamping force build-up" stroke, the time continues. At the end of the
time the mould safety device will respond.

Chapter 3 - 3
Clamping unit
Mould safety device Stroke [mm] / [inch]
Entry of the mould safety device stroke. The set mould safety device stroke is shown in the
diagram by a red vertical line.

Mould protection time [s]

Display of the current mould protection time in [s]. Measuring will take place from Start of mould
protection time („Mould protection Stroke“) to „Start of clamping force build-up“.

Change over time [s]

This time will only be started in the fully-automatic mode at the end of a cycle. During this time,
the machine stops in opened position before the next cycle will be started.
The current change-over time (actual value) will not only be displayed on the left of the set
value, but also in the bottom field of the status bar.


Chapter 3 - 4 0515MC
Clamping unit

3.1.2 General / Page 2


Spring-loaded mould (option)

You have to select this program if a spring-loaded mould is installed.A symbol (yellow warning
triangle with a tool) is displayed as an indication on page 1 of the settings for the closing
movement if the program preselection "Spring-loaded mould" is active.

Force Spring-weighed mould [kN] / [shtn]

This set value will determine the force the spring-weighed mould is closed with in the setting
mode, the manual mode, and the automatic mode.

Speed Spring-weighed mould [%]

This set value will determine the speed the spring-weighed mould is closed with in the setting
mode, the manual mode, and the automatic mode.

Chapter 3 - 5
Clamping unit
Stroke Spring-weighed mould [mm] / [inch]
This set value determines the relative stroke of the spring assembly where the activation of the
force and speed for the spring-weighed mould will start.

Clamping force control (option)

This function is only available for toggle machines. Press the switch to activate the clamping
force control. If the clamping force is too small, the cycle will be stopped, the clamping unit
will be opened and the clamping force will be readjusted. If the clamping force is too big, the
clamping force will be reduced at the end of the cycle.

Clamping force [kN] / [shtn]

Entry of the desired clamping force (depending on the clamping system) and indication of the
current clamping force.

+ Tolerance [kN] / [shtn]

In this input field you specify by how many kN / shtn the clamping force may be exceeded.

- Tolerance [kN] / [shtn]

In this input field you specify by how many kN / shtn the clamping force may be undershot.

Delay Open [s]

Specify the delay for the "Open" movement in [s] in this field. The actual value will be displayed
on the left of this value.

Delay Close [s]

Specify the delay for the "Closing" movement in [s] in this field. The actual value will be
displayed on the left of this value.


Chapter 3 - 6 0515MC
Clamping unit
Time Open safety gate [s] (option pneumatic safety gate)
This set value determines the time for opening the safety gate on the operating side. Use this
value to specify how far the safety gate will be opened.

Open / close safety gate speed [%] (option electrical safety gate)
This set value will determine the speed with which the electrical safety gate is opened and
closed with in the setting mode, the manual mode, and the automatic mode.

Safety gate opening stroke [mm] / [in] (option electrical safety gate)
This set value determines the opening stroke of the electrical safety gate in the manual and
automatic mode. In the manual mode, the safety gate is completely opened by pressing the key
"Open safety gate" again. In the setting mode, this entry has no effect. I.e., the safety gate will
always be opened completely.

Lowering tolerance Clamping unit (for vertical machines)

Due to longer pause times, the clamping unit can possibly lower. To prevent the automatic cycle
from being interrupted, you have to increase the lowering tolerance for the clamping unit in this
field. Entries are only possible from user level 20.

Chapter 3 - 7
Clamping unit

3.1.3 General / Page 3

Automatic respindling (BA machine)

Automatic readjustment of the mould height adjustment.


Chapter 3 - 8 0515MC
Clamping unit

3.1.4 General / Mould protection


Monitoring mould protecting force with tolerance range (option)

Apart from the mould protection program (see page 1), the required moving force and speed
can be monitored in the mould safety zone via a tolerance range. Two tolerance ranges (start-
up tol. and permissible tol., light-blue chart) are available. The arising deviation of the moving
force relative to the previous cycle will be displayed as the actual value (green chart). The dark-
blue line indicates the zero line (no deviation).
In the expert mode, the force curves are displayed in absolute values. The green chart shows
the force curve of the current cycle. The dark-blue chart shows the force curve of the previous
cycle. Additionally, an ideal curve can be saved and displayed in the expert mode (magenta
The active monitoring (start-up tolerance, permissible tolerance, basic protection) is displayed
by a colour change of the texts to black. Exceeding the mould protecting force is displayed
as a yellow warning triangle to the left of the respective text (start-up tolerance, permissible
tolerance, basic protection).

Chapter 3 - 9
Clamping unit
Expert mode
The view of the recorded curves is changed by activating the expert mode. Additionally, the
"Ideal curve" and "Basic protection" function is activated.
Expert mode on:
• Curve view: light blue Tolerance
green Force curve of current cycle
dark blue Force curve of previous cycle
magenta Ideal curve
• Ideal curve: Storing and displaying an ideal curve
• Basic protection active

Expert mode off:

• Curve view: light blue Tolerance
green Deviation of force curve relative to the previous cycle
dark blue Zero line (no deviation)
• no ideal curve
• no basic protection (basic protection not active)

Cycles Start-up tol.

Enter the number of cycles for which the start-up tol. for monitoring the mould safety force will
be active. The cycle counter for the start-up tol. will be reset when changing to automatic mode,
i.e. the start-up tol. will be monitored at the beginning of the automatic cycle. When reaching
the cycles, change-over to monitoring with permissible tol. will take place. In manual mode, the
start-up tolerance is always active.
The cycle counter for the start-up tolerance will not be increased in the manual mode.
The basic protection is active with cycle 0 and activated expert mode. With cycle 0 and
deactivated expert mode, only the mould protection program (see page 1) is active.

Start-up tol.
Entry of the start-up tol in [%] (related to the maximum torque / pressure of the drive). The start-
up tolerance is generally active in the manual mode. In the automatic mode, it is active until
"Cycles start-up tol." will be reached.

Permissible tol.
Entry of the permissible tol in [%] (related to the maximum torque / pressure of the drive).
The permissible tol. is active in the automatic mode only if the "Cycles start-up tol." has been
TIP: Specify the displayed maximum value slightly increased as the set value after several
hours or press "Reset" to carry out another determination of the setting suggestion.


Chapter 3 - 10 0515MC
Clamping unit
Basic protection (in the export mode only)
Entry of the maximum change in force during the mould protection in [%]. This monitoring is only
active from cycle 0 with activated expert mode, in addition to the start-up tolerance. This setting
is of special importance for cycle 0, thus for the protection during the recording of the reference

Record ideal curve (in the expert mode only)

Pressing the "Record ideal curve" button stores the force curve of the previous cycle (dark-blue
curve) as the reference curve (magenta curve).

Ideal curve (in the expert mode only)

With this program preselection, the stored ideal curve (magenta curve) is displayed in the chart.
The ideal curve is stored in the product data record.

Mould protection Reset

The mould protection is re-initialised and starts at cycle 0. A new reference curve is recorded
internally and a new setting suggestion is determined.
If profile data of the clamping movement are changed, an automatic reset will be carried out and
a new setting suggestion will be determined.

Determination of a setting suggestion

Pressing "Reset" will start the determination of a new setting suggestion.
After 5 Close/Open movements in the manual mode or 10 cycles + start-up cycles in the
automatic mode, a new setting suggestion will be determined and displayed. Now you will also
specify the wished sensibility of the mould protection. The values are accepted by pressing the
button to the right of the setting suggestion.

General tips for setting the mould protection

• No scaled velocity profiles within the mould protection stroke.
• Specify a constant velocity already shortly before starting the mould protection stroke.
• Select no unnecessarily large mould protection stroke.
• Low mould protection velocity
• Set the mould closed stroke as exactly as possible, but pay Caution that the chart does
not yet show an increase of the moving force at the end of the mould protection phase.
• Observe the actual value for several cycles and specify a slightly increased maximum
value as the set value.

Chapter 3 - 11
Clamping unit

3.1.5 General / Clamping force build-up Profile (option)


In the „Clamping force build-up“ menu, you specify the set values for the clamping force build-
up of two fixed and four time or injection volume markers which may be activated. The time
markers must be entered with continuous increase, and the volume markes with continuous
decrease (see picture). You can assign separate forces to these markers.
The program preselection to the left of the marker entries can be used to change between
clamping force build-up via time or injection volume.Enter the set force values in [kN] / [shtn].
The appropriate maximum values can be read off next to the diagram axes.
If the machine is equipped with the “Injection parallel to clamping force build-up, without
hydraulic accumulator” option, the rate Q for the clamping force build-up must be pre-set.

If the machine is equipped with the “Injection parallel to clamping force build-up, without
hydraulic accumulator” option, the rate Q for the clamping force build-up must be pre-set.
The clamping force can be recorded in the actual value graphics.


Chapter 3 - 12 0515MC
Clamping unit
Q (with option “Injection parallel to clamping force build-up, without hydraulic accumulator”)

Functional routine:
• The injection process can be started from the adjustable „Clamping force for start of
injection“ (see chapter 5.1.2.).
• From this point, the clamping force can be increased further based on a preselected
profile with 6 steps.
• As there is only a specific flow rate available from the pump, the rate of the clamping
force build-up (Q) and the injection rate (see chapter 5.1.1) can be adjusted accordingly.
If the required quantity exceeds the pump flow rate, error message „Pump system:
request quantity too high“ is displayed.

The actual value graphics can be used to check whether the respective forces and rates are

Chapter 3 - 13
Clamping unit

3.1.6 General / Clamping force reduction Profile (option)


In the "Clamping force reduction" menu, you specify the set values for the clamping force
reduction of two fixed and four time markers which may be activated. The time markers must be
entered with continuous increase (see picture). You can assign separate forces to these time
Enter the set force values in [kN] / [shtn]. The appropriate maximum values can be read off next
to the diagram axes.

The clamping force can be recorded in the actual value graphics.


Chapter 3 - 14 0515MC
Clamping unit

3.1.7 General / Status (MacroPower)


This menu shows the status of the clamping unit (for MacroPower).

Here, the current state of the locking is being displayed. Lockings 1/3 and 2/4 are mechanically
connected with each other.
green ...... Locking unlocked (the clamping unit can be opened)
red ...... Locking locked (the clamping force can be built up)

Pressure box 1-4

in position
Pressure box is in position (the pressure boxes must be in position before the locking)
Pressure box not in position (the pressure boxes lose their position while the clamping force
is built up)
Current stroke
Here, the current stroke of the 4 pressure boxes is displayed.

Chapter 3 - 15
Clamping unit
Emergency program Opening
This emergency program for releasing jammed pressure boxes can be activated in the
setting mode (with locked pressure boxes).
After having activated this program, press the key "Open locking". The pressure boxes
and the clamping unit are now moved into the position in which the pressure boxes can be
released. Keep the key pressed unti the pressure boxes are released (see locking status).


Chapter 3 - 16 0515MC
Clamping unit

3.1.8 General / active opening/closing (MacroPower)


Active opening
The pressure boxes are used for opening to the degassing gap, only then unlocking takes
place and the remaining opening movement is made by means of overdrive cylinders. Thus, an
increased opening force is available. The complete opening procedure will take more time.
Opening velocity
Velocity for opening to the degassing gap.
Opening stroke
Starting from the opening stroke, the opening movement is carried out with the Open profile
settings (see General / Page 1, chapter 3.1.1).
Degassing gap
Starting from the degassing gap, the opening movement is carried out with the Open profile
settings (see General / Page 1, chapter 3.1.1).
Opening moving force
Moving force for opening to the degassing gap.

Active closing
Up to the set force threshold (in percent of the set clamping force), the aim is to keep the mould
in parallel by means of the synchronisation control. After having exceeded the threshold, the
synchronisation control is ended and the force is distributed evenly to all 4 pressure boxes.

Chapter 3 - 17
Clamping unit
Locking without closing active (for MacroPower)
During locking, the clamping platen is not pulled into the clamping direction by the fast stroke
cylinders when the program preselection is activated.
During locking, the clamping platen is pulled into the clamping direction by the fast stroke
cylinders when the program preselection is deactivated.


Chapter 3 - 18 0515MC
Clamping unit

3.2 Toggle


Expand toggle Speed

This entry is only valid for machines with toggles. When applying a small amount of clamping
force, you can preselect a reduced speed in or to make the pushing through of the toggle softer.

Release toggle Speed

This entry is only valid for machines with toggles. When applying a small amount of clamping
force, you can preselect a reduced speed in or to make the opening movement of the toggle

Mounting height (regulated mounting height positioning)

Here, the wished mould mounting height is specified. In the setting und manual mode, moving
into the corresponding height is carried out by pressing the respective key.

Chapter 3 - 19
Clamping unit
Accept mould height
By pressing this button, the current mould height is accepted as the set value. The clamping
movement is blocked in the manual and automatic mode if the current mould height is lowr than
the set value.

Move to mould height

By pressing this button, the set position of the mould height is approached automatically.

Automatic mould height determination (with EcoPower only)

This program preselection can be activated in the setting mode only. The status of automatic
mould height determination and an error message will be displayed during the entire program
sequence. "Automatic mould height determination" is cancelled by pressing the "Cancel" button.

- Program activation:
- A query is made whether core pullers are installed.
- After acknowledgement by the respective button, the automatic mould height
determination will be continued.
- Clamping unit is closing
- Determine mould height
- Set mould height / determine clamping force
- Stretch toggle and clamping force built up
- Automatic mould height determination completed, the program preselection is reset.


Chapter 3 - 20 0515MC
Clamping unit

3.3 Stamping (option)

3.3.1 Stamping / Page 1


Stamping means closing the clamping unit via a defined stamping gap with the plastic melt
injected or being injected. Difference is made between the sequential stamping, where injection
is generally made with fixed clamping platen, and the parallel stamping, where injection can also
take place while the clamping platen is moving.
The real stamping speed is determined by means of a 6-level stamping profile. A speed as
well as a stamping force can be specified for each level. The machine tries to keep the speed
specified in the profile. Only if the stamping force is exceeded by the entered value, the speed
breaks down until the value falls below the set force.
If, even during stamping at closing speed 0, the injected melt still excercises any force in
opening direction which exceeds the specified stamping force, the machine is pressed open.
The change-over from one stamping level to the next can be determined either on a time basis
or via stroke markers which are passed by the clamping platen.

Chapter 3 - 21
Clamping unit
Activation of the stamping program. The stamping program may not be used in the manual
mode, the standard clamping movement will be triggered.

Stamping sequential
Stamping parallel (option)
Some machines cannot use this selection, i.e. only sequential stamping is possible. See
Restrictions paragraph.
Different starting criteria are displayed for stamping by selecting "Stamping sequential" or
"Stamping parallel".
When selecting "Stamping sequential", the starting criteria "Start volume-specific" or "Start for
change over to HP" can be selected.
When selecting "Stamping parallel", the starting criteria "Start time-dependent", "Start injection
pressure-dependent", or "Start volume-dependent" can be selected.

Stamping sequential
Start volume-dependent
This preselection sets a volume-specific starting criterion which is to start the stamping
• Closing the mould up to the stamping gap.
• Building up the nozzle contact force.
• Injection up to the injection piston volume "Start volume-dependent", the injection
procedure is then interrupted (at the latest, however, when reaching the change over to
holding pressure point) and the "Stamping Delay time" is started.
• During the complete stamping procedure, the injection plunger will be held at the position.
• During the Compression Delay time the injection piston will be held at the position.
• When selecting "Stroke-dependent stamping profile (s)":
When passing the last selected profile point or at the end of the stamping time, the
clamping force is built up unless the "No clamping force build-up after Stamping End"
program selection was activated.
• When selecting "Time-dependent stamping profile (t)":
At the end of the stamping time of the last selected profile point, the clamping force is
built up unless the "No clamping force build-up after Stamping End" program selection
was activated.
• The injection process is continued and/or holding pressure started unless the "Injection
without holding pressure" program selection was activated.
• Start cooling time after the end of holding pressure.


Chapter 3 - 22 0515MC
Clamping unit
Stamping sequential
Start for change over to HP
For this preselection the injection procedure will be interrupted at the time of the change over to
holding pressure (no matter which criterion has been preselected).
• Closing the mould up to the stamping gap.
• Building up the nozzle contact force.
• Injection until reaching the time of the change over to holding pressure (no matter which
criterion has be preselected), the injection procedure is then interrupted (i.e. no holding
pressure) and the "Stamping Delay time" is started.
• During the complete stamping procedure, the injection plunger will be held at the position.
• At the end of the "Stamping Delay time" the stamping procedure is started.
• When selecting "Stroke-dependent stamping profile (s)":
When passing the last selected profile point or at the end of the stamping time, the
clamping force is built up unless the "No clamping force build-up after Stamping End"
program selection was activated.
• When selecting "Time-dependent stamping profile (t)":
At the end of the stamping time of the last selected profile point, the clamping force is
built up unless the "No clamping force build-up after Stamping End" program selection
was activated.
• The holding pressure is started unless the "Injection without holding pressure" program
selection was activated.
• Start cooling time after the end of holding pressure.

Stamping sequential
Start at end of holding pressure
With this selection, the stamping procedure is started at the end of the holding pressure.
• Closing the mould up to the stamping gap.
• Building up the nozzle contact force.
• Injection until the end of holding pressure, start of the "Stamping delay time".
• During the complete stamping procedure, the injection plunger will be held at the position.
• At the end of the "Stamping Delay time" the stamping procedure is started.
• When selecting "Stroke-dependent stamping profile (s)":
When passing the last selected profile point or at the end of the stamping time, the
clamping force is built up unless the "No clamping force build-up after Stamping End"
program selection was activated.
• When selecting "Time-dependent stamping profile (t)":
At the end of the stamping time of the last selected profile point, the clamping force is
built up unless the "No clamping force build-up after Stamping End" program selection
was activated.
• Start of "Cooling time".

Chapter 3 - 23
Clamping unit
Stamping parallel (option)
Start time dependent
This preselection sets a time-dependent starting criterion which is to start the stamping
• Closing the mould up to the stamping gap.
• Building up the nozzle contact force.
• Injection until reaching the "Start time-dependent" injection time, then the "Stamping
Delay time" is started. The injection process is not interrupted.
• At the end of the "Stamping Delay time" the stamping procedure is started.
• When selecting "Stroke-dependent stamping profile (s)":
When passing the last selected profile point or at the end of the stamping time, the
clamping force is built up unless the "No clamping force build-up after Stamping End"
program selection was activated.
• When selecting "Time-dependent stamping profile (t)":
At the end of the stamping time of the last selected profile point, the clamping force is
built up unless the "No clamping force build-up after Stamping End" program selection
was activated.
• Start cooling time after the end of holding pressure (unless the "Injection without holding
pressure" program selection was activated) and the clamping force is built up.

Stamping parallel (option)

Start injection pressure dependent
This preselection sets an injection pressure dependent starting criterion which is to start the
stamping procedure.
• Closing the mould up to the stamping gap.
• Building up the nozzle contact force.
• Injection until reaching the "Start injection pressure dependent" injection pressure, then
the "Stamping Delay time" is started. The injection process is not interrupted.
• At the end of the "Stamping Delay time" the stamping procedure is started.
• When selecting "Stroke-dependent stamping profile (s)":
When passing the last selected profile point or at the end of the stamping time, the
clamping force is built up unless the "No clamping force build-up after Stamping End"
program selection was activated.
• When selecting "Time-dependent stamping profile (t)":
At the end of the stamping time of the last selected profile point, the clamping force is
built up unless the "No clamping force build-up after Stamping End" program selection
was activated.
• Start cooling time after the end of holding pressure (unless the "Injection without holding
pressure" program selection was activated) and the clamping force is built up.


Chapter 3 - 24 0515MC
Clamping unit
Stamping parallel (option)
Start volume-dependent
This preselection sets a volume-specific starting criterion which is to start the stamping
• Closing the mould up to the stamping gap.
• Building up the nozzle contact force.
• Injection until reaching the "Start volume-specific" injection piston volume, then the
"Stamping Delay time" is started. The injection process is not interrupted.
• At the end of the "Stamping Delay time" the stamping procedure is started.
• When selecting "Stroke-dependent stamping profile (s)":
When passing the last selected profile point or at the end of the stamping time, the
clamping force is built up unless the "No clamping force build-up after Stamping End"
program selection was activated.
• When selecting "Time-dependent stamping profile (t)":
At the end of the stamping time of the last selected profile point, the clamping force is
built up unless the "No clamping force build-up after Stamping End" program selection
was activated.
• Start cooling time after the end of holding pressure (unless the "Injection without holding
pressure" program selection was activated) and the clamping force is built up.

Stamping gap
Stroke marker at which the mould will be closed before injection. In case this stroke marker is
set to "Mould closed" stroke position, the clamping procedure will be performed up to the "Mould
closed" stroke marker; however no high pressure will be built up.

Stamping Delay time

After reaching the starting criterion the stamping procedure will be delayed by this time.

Stamping time
This entry is required only when selecting the "Stroke-dependent stamping profile". When
selecting the "Time-dependent stamping profile", this entry is ineffective.
At the end of the compression delay, the mould will be closed. This is done with the settings
under "Stamping Clamping force profile". These preselections will be triggered until either
the stamping time has expired or the stroke marker "Mould closed" has been reached. High
pressure will then be built up as a standard unless the "No clamping force build-up after
Stamping End" program selection was activated.

Chapter 3 - 25
Clamping unit
Stamping Clamping force profile
A maximum of 6 levels is available. A speed as well as a stamping force can be specified for
each level. The change-over from one stamping level to the next can be determined either on
a time basis (t) or via stroke markers (s) which are passed by the clamping platen. Use the
selector switch t/s for this setting.

HiQ Shaping (with MicroPower only)

A maximum of 6 levels is available. A speed as well as a cavity pressure is specified for the first
3 levels.. For the last 3 levels, a speed and a stamping force is specified. The change-over from
one stamping level to the next can be determined either on a time basis (t), via stroke markers
(s) which are passed by the clamping platen or by the temperature (T). Use the selector
switch t/s/T for this purpose. When reaching the stamping level, attempts are made to reach a
previously specified cavity pressure. There are 3 profile points available. Then, there will be a
change-over to clamping force control, which can also be defined by means of 3 profile points.

Stamping degassing (combined with activated degassing):

• Close mould up to stamping gap.
• Injection assembly forward up to nozzle contact.
• Start Injection up to Start Stamping.
• End of the Stamping Delay time.
• Stamping procedure.
• High pressure build-up.
• Injection will be continued until Start Degassing. If the starting point for compression and
breathing is identical the breathing cycle will follow immediately.
• High pressure reduction.
• Opening up to degassing gap.
• Wait for the Degassing Dwell time.
• Degassing Clamping procedure.
• High pressure build-up.
• Injection will be continued Status bar.


Chapter 3 - 26 0515MC
Clamping unit
While the clamping unit is at the stamping gap and the injection procedure is active the
clamping unit is held in position. This will be indicated by the symbol in the status bar.

During the sequential stamping procedure, the injection piston will be held at the position. This
will be indicated by the symbol in the status bar.

Stamping can be carried out on toggle machines with restrictions only since, due to the varying
transmission of the toggle mechanics depending on the clamping stroke, the clamping unit can
achieve its full stamping force with a stamping gap of 0 only.
Parallel stamping means simultaneous moving of the clamping unit and of the injection unit,
i.e. the driving technique of the machine must be designed accordingly. If the machine does
not met this conditions, the selection "Stamping parallel" is shielded on the control panel. Only
sequential stamping is then possible.
The maximum entries for stamping gap, stamping speed and stamping force depend on the size
and type of the machine.

During stamping, the mould connection to the nozzle platen must be able to absorb the nozzle
contact force with open mould, too.
If it is not wished that the injected plastic melt will be pressed back into the screw barrel during
stamping, this should be prevented by the mould design or by using shut-off nozzles (mould or
machien). Although the screw position is controlled during stamping, it can be possible that the
temporary system pressure is not enough to keep the position.

Chapter 3 - 27
Clamping unit

3.3.2 Stamping / Page 2


No clamping force build-up after Stamping End

If this program is selected, no clamping force will be built up after the stamping procedure. If this
program is not selected, the clamping force is built up as set on the clamping unit image.

Injection without holding pressure

The injection will be terminated without holding pressure. This program selection can be found
on the "Holding pressure" image, too.

Counterpressure stamping (option)

Selection of this program prevents the mould from being pressed open up to a force to be set.


Chapter 3 - 28 0515MC
Clamping unit
Closing Speed (Degassing/Stamping)
Closing Moving force (Degassing / Stamping)
This speed and moving force is triggered during stamping or degassing until the mould is closed
or until the end of the "Stamping time" or "Degassing closing time", afterwards the clamping
force will be built up.
Caution: If the mould is not closed during clamping force build-up, the clamping process is
carried out with the set clamping force. It must, however, be taken into consideration that the
clamping force cannot be completely built up if the clamping stroke is too long.

Nozzle back (degassing/stamping)

In the case of machines with horizontal or L injection group, the group must be lifted during the
stamping process. Furthermore, this stroke is also triggered if the "Contacting nozzle" program
has been switched off. This stroke position can be entered to avoid moving the group back on
the "Nozzle back" stroke. This stroke position is used for stamping and degassing.

Chapter 3 - 29
Clamping unit

3.4 Degassing (option)


Activation of the degassing program. The degassing program may not be used in the manual
mode, the standard clamping and injection movement will be triggered.

Combiform (option)
Use this program preselection to activate the Combiform program.
Using this program, two different melts can be injected into a mould or a cavity. For doing so,
the mould must be equipped with sliding inserts which, at first, close one or several areas of the
injection moulding part.
First, the first moulding compount is injected into the mould. Only a part of the cavity is filled in
this procedure. Then the sliding inserts are moved and the area of the second melt is available.
The second meld is injected.

Degassing and Combiform cannot be carried out together.


Chapter 3 - 30 0515MC
Clamping unit
Program procedure in the automatic mode:
• The following core puller programs must be activated at the respective „Start priorities
(injection cycle)“:
Injection cycle A before B - Core puller program move in 41
Core puller program move out 42
Injection cycle B before A - Core puller program move in 42
Core puller program move out 41
Injection cycle C before A - Core puller program move in 43
Core puller program move out 41
Injection cycle A before C - Core puller program move in 41
Core puller program move out 43
Injection cycle B before C - Core puller program move in 42
Core puller program move out 43
Injection cycle C before B - Core puller program move in 43
Core puller program move out 42
„Start priority (injection cycle“) must be adjusted depending on the preselection (see
chapter 12 „Multi-component settings“.
• Close mould during clamping force build-up.
• „Move in core puller“. If there are more than one core puller, the sequence for „Move core
puller in“ is determined by the selection made for „Priority“ (see core puller settings).
• Injection unit forward to nozzle contact at mould.
• „Injection“ with injection unit with 1st start priority (injection cycle).
• „Holding pressure phase“.
• „Cooling time“ of 1st injection moulding.
• „Degassing delay time“.
• Clamping force reduction.
• Open mould with „Opening velocity (degassing)“ and „Opening force (degassing)“ until
mark „Degassing stroke“ is reached (only if set value for „Degassing stroke“ is > 0).
• „Degassing dwell time“.
• „Move out core puller“. If there are more than one core puller, the sequence for „Move out
core puller“ is determined by the selection made for „Priority“ (see core puller settings).
• Close mould during clamping force build-up.
• „Injection“ with injection unit with 2nd start priority (injection cycle).
• „Holding pressure phase“.
• „Cooling time“ of 2nd injection moulding.
• Open mould to „Mould is opened“.
• Remove injection moulding.
• Cycle start.

Chapter 3 - 31
Clamping unit
Start volume-dependent
This preselection sets a volume-dependent starting criterion which is to start the degassing
When not reaching the volume set here, the injection process is interrupted at the end of the
"Degassing delay time". At the latest, the injection process is interrupted when reaching the
change over to holding pressure point. At the end of the "Degassing delay time", the degassing
process is started and the injection or holding pressure process is continued after having
terminated the degassing process. During the complete degassing procedure, the injection
plunger will be held at the position.
Start for change over to HP
For this preselection the injection procedure will be interrupted at the time of the change over to
holding pressure (no matter which criterion has been preselected). At the end of the "Degassing
delay time", the degassing process is started and the injection or holding pressure process
is continued after having terminated the degassing process. During the complete degassing
procedure, the injection plunger will be held at the position.
Start at end of holding pressure
With this preselection, the degassing delay time is started at the end of holding pressure. At the
end of the "Degassing delay time", the degassing process is started and the cycle is continued
after having terminated the degassing process.

Degassing Delay time

After reaching the starting criterion the degassing procedure will be delayed by this time.

Opening Speed (Degassing)

Opening Moving force (Degassing)
At the end of the delay time the mould will be opened up to the preselected "Degassing gap"
using these settings.

Degassing gap
Stroke marker up to which the mould will be opened after the degassing delay. If this
preselection is set to "0" no opening movement will be performed but only the high pressure will
be built up instead.

Degassing Dwell time

After reaching the degassing gap (or after the high pressure build-up) the subsequent clamping
or high pressure procedure will be delayed by this time i.e. during this time, no movement will be

Degassing Closing time

At the end of the "Degassing Dwell time", the mould will be closed. This is done by means of the
"Speed" and the "Moving force" for degassing. This preselections will be triggered until either
the Degassing Closing time has expired or the stroke marker "Mould closed" has been reached.
High pressure will then be built up as a standard.


Chapter 3 - 32 0515MC
Clamping unit
Closing Speed (Degassing)
Closing Moving force (Degassing)
This speed and moving force is triggered during stamping or degassing until the mould is closed
or until the end of the "Stamping time" or "Degassing closing time", afterwards the clamping
force will be built up.

Clamping force (degassing)

Entry of the wished clamping force after degassing (end of "Degassing clamping time" or if
mould closed, depending on the clamping system).
Caution: If the mould is not closed during clamping force build-up, the clamping process is
carried out with the set clamping force. It must, however, be taken into consideration that the
clamping force cannot be completely built up if the clamping stroke is too long.

Nozzle back (degassing/stamping)

In the case of machines with horizontal or L injection group, the group must be lifted before
degassing during opening, and after the degassing process during clamping force build-up.
Furthermore, this stroke is also triggered if the "Contacting nozzle" program has been switched
off This stroke position can be entered to avoid moving the group back on the "Nozzle back"
stroke. This stroke position is used for stamping and degassing.
Active degassing (for MacroPower)
With activated program preselection, the clamping platen is positioned by the pressure pad in
the opening direction.
With activated program preselection, the clamping platen is positioned by the fast stroke
cylinders and pressure pad in the opening direction.

Program sequence
• Close mould up to high pressure build-up.
• Injection assembly forward up to nozzle contact.
• Start Injection up to Start Degassing.
• High pressure reduction.
• Opening up to degassing gap.
• Wait for the Degassing Dwell time.
• Degassing Clamping procedure.
• High pressure build-up.
• Injection will be continued.

Status bar
During the degassing procedure, the injection piston will be held at the position.
This will be indicated by the symbol in the status bar.

Chapter 3 - 33
Clamping unit

3.5 Mouldfix (option)

3.5.1 Mouldfix / Settings



With magnetic mounting platens from Teconmagnete:
After 10 minutes, the magnetic mounting platens changes into a monitoring mode. From this
time, locking/unlocking can no longer be done at will. Both sides must be demagnetised and
the proximity switches released in order to make magnetising possible again. A defect proximity
switch is thus recognised directly after the first mould change. To allow subsequent adjustment
of a mould (multiple demagnetising and magnetising without releasing the proximity switches),
monitoring will be activated only 10 minutes after the last magnetising/demagnetising.

Off / On (standard procedure for mould clamping / releasing)

If the program is not active you cannot change the mould.
Note: For reasons of safety, switching-off is possibly only if both mould halves were unlocked
correctly before.


Chapter 3 - 34 0515MC
Clamping unit
All Mouldfix monitorings will be deactivated if the program is switched off!

Lock/unlock mould also possible with open mould
Additionally to the standard procedure, the mould can be locked/unlocked even while the mould
is open (only with horizontal clamping unit).
The following requirements have to be met:
• Mouldfix key-operated switch active
• Setting mode active
• Clamping unit in Mouldfix position tolerance
• Injection assemblies completely back (Euromap 70.1: for loosening the fixed platen)
• All ejectors completely back (Euromap 70.1: for loosening the moving platen)
If these requirements have been met, the operater decides where the moving platen will be
locked or unlocked.

When loosening the mould in the mould open position, both mould halves must be secured
against falling down by means of a crane or a mould-change slide.

Mould change in the setting mode

As soon as the key-operated switch "Mouldfix" has been switched in the setting mode, the
message "Mouldfix active" will be displayed.
Pressing the keys (or key-operated switches) "Clamp / release moving platen" and/or "Clamp /
release fixed platen", the clamping and/or release procedure is carried out.

Hydraulic mould mounting system (Standard procedure):
The moving platen can be closed only if the mould is closed. The moving platen can be released
from the position Mould closed to the position tolerance (0-1 mm).
In this operating mode, clamping / release of the fixed platen can be carried out without
Restriction for clamping: The respective proximity switch on the fixed or moving platen must be
Restriction for release: The proximity switch on the moving platen must be pressed.

Chapter 3 - 35
Clamping unit
Magnetic mould mounting system according to EUROMAP 70.0 (standard procedure):
The fixed platen and the moving platen can be clamped (magnetised) only if the mould is
closed, the ejector is back, and the injection unit is back. The fixed platen and the moving platen
can be released (demagnetised) from the position Mould closed to the position tolerance (0-1

Magnetic mould mounting system according to EUROMAP 70.1 (standard procedure):

The fixed platen can be clamped (magnetised) only if the mould is closed and the injection unit
is back. The moving platen can be clamped (magnetised) only if the mould is closed and the
ejector is back. The fixed platen and the moving platen can be released (demagnetised) from
the position Mould closed to the position tolerance (0-1 mm).

After having correctly clamped / released the two mould halves, the key-operated switch
"Mouldfix" can be deactivated.
The respective states are displayed in the Mouldfix diagnosis.

Pull Down Menu "Euromap 70.0 / Euromap 70.1" (Option)

If a magnetic clamping system according to Euromap 70.1 has been installed, change-over to
Euromap 70.0 is possible as emergency operation.
The following requirement has to be met:
• Mouldfix program and key-operated switch deactivated.

No position monitoring for release of magnetising/demagnetising

This program preselection can be activated with Euromap 70.0 only. As soon as the key-
operated switch for the mould clamping system is switched on, the position monitoring (of
clamping unit, injection unit, ejector) can be deactivated by activating this program preselection.
As soon as the key-operated switch has been switched off again, monitoring is activated again
(i.e. this program preselection is deactivated).

Deactivation of the position monitorings (of clamping unit, injection unit, ejector) makes all
claims of guaranty for damages to mould or machine invalid.

Release clamping force build-up

This program preselection can be activated only with Mould closed and active mould change.
If now the "Close" key is pressed again while the mould is closed and the program preselection
activated, the clamping force (see page 1) is built up.
The program preselection is automatically reset at:
• Pressing the "Open" key
• Change of operating modes
• Switch off mould change


Chapter 3 - 36 0515MC
Clamping unit
Automatic resetting of clamping unit zeroing

This program preselection causes an automatic resetting of the clamping unit zeroing during
mould change. Closing is blocked until a new zeroing will be carried out.This function is carried
out if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Mouldfix mode active
• Program switch activated
• Both Mouldfix platens were clamped or magnetised already before the Mouldfix mode
• Both Mouldfix platens are released or demagnetised.
• With hydraulic Mouldfix, the mould presence sensors must not be activated either (mould
With magnetic Mouldfix, the mould presence sensors are not monitored.

Chapter 3 - 37
Clamping unit

3.5.2 Mouldfix / Diagnosis


This menu shows the current status of Mouldfix. The displayed statuses depend on the scope of
equipment of the Mouldfix.


Chapter 3 - 38 0515MC
Clamping unit

3.6 HiQ Opening (option)


HiQ Opening
Activating the HiQ Opening. The HiQ Opening can not be used in the manual mode, the
standard clamping and injection movement will be triggered.

Start volume-dependent
This preselection sets a volume-dependent starting criterion which is to start the HiQ Opening.
When falling down the here set volume and at the end of the "Delay time", the HiQ Opening
is started. The injection and holding pressure process will continue unchanged. The mould is
opened to the degassing gap. The mould opening will continue at the end of the cooling time.

Start for change over to HP

For this preselection and at the end of the precision opening delay time, the HiQ Opening will be
started at the time of the change over to holding pressure (no matter which criterion has been
preselected). The injection and holding pressure process will continue unchanged. The mould is
opened to the degassing gap. The mould opening will continue at the end of the cooling time.

Chapter 3 - 39
Clamping unit
Delay time
After reaching the starting criterion the HiQ Opening will be delayed by this time.

Opening velocity
Opening force
At the end of the delay time the mould will be opened up to the preselected "Degassing gap"
using these settings.

Degassing gap
Stroke marker up to which the mould will be opened after the delay time. If this preselection
is set to '0' no opening movement will be performed but only the high pressure will be built up


Chapter 3 - 40 0515MC
Injection unit

4 Injection unit

4.1 General
4.1.1 General / Page 1


In the "Injection unit" menu, you may determine the running characteristics of the injection unit.
To this end, you specify the set values for a fixed and two movement profile points which may
be activated. You can assign separate speeds and strokes to all these profile points. For any
movement direction you may specify a set value for the force of movement.
Enter the set values for the speeds in [mm/s]/[inch/s], the set values for the strokes in [mm]/
[inch], and the set values for the forces in [kN]/[shtn]. The respective maximum values can be
read off above the set value fields.

Injection unit forward

In this field, you have to specify at least one stroke (the fixed one = "Injection unit is in front
position" ), the appropriate speed and the force for the forward movement of the injection unit.
In addition, you may select two other strokes which may be activated to make the injection unit
approach faster during the initial phase and very slowly during the last movement phase, for


Chapter 4 - 1
Injection unit

The lower the speed when injection unit and mould meet the lower the wear of both parts is.

Injection unit back

In this field, you have to specify at least one stroke (the fixed one = "Injection unit is back"), the
appropriate speed and the force for the backward movement of the injection unit.
In addition, you can select two other strokes which may be activated to make the injection
unit move backwards more slowly during the initial phase and faster during the last movement
phase, for example.

No default value of the movements is possible for injection units with pneumatic drive.

Nozzle contact force (Option)

When the program selection is activated, the here entered nozzle contact force is built up in a
defined way after having set the injection unit in contact with the mould. During the following
injection process, the injection pressure is not transferred to the driving cylinders of the injection

If the value is selected too low, undesired melt delivery can be caused between nozzle and
sprue bush.
A slightly longer total cycle time is the result of the time needed for the defined build-up of the
nozzle contact force.
Input of the wished nozzle contact force in kN / shtn.

Max. nozzle contact force with open mould (option for EM and option "Ejection through the
open mould")
Input of the wished nozzle contact force with open mould in [kN / shtn]. The force for Injection
unit forward with open mould (nozzle contace force) is here limited to the entered nozzle contact
force in order to prevent a separation of the mould half.

Hydraulic machines with option "Ejection with open mould":

Input of the wished nozzle contact force with open mould in [kN / shtn]. The force for Injection
unit forward with open mould in manual mode (nozzle contace force) is here limited to the
entered nozzle contact force in order to prevent a separation of the mould half.
This input is not valid in the automatic mode while the mould is open!


Chapter 4 - 2 0115MC
Injection unit

Nozzle contact force for injection enabling (optional)

Input of the wished nozzle contact force for injection release in [kN / shtn]. The force is used to
optimise the cycle time. If the nozzle contact force, which has been entered here, the injection
cycle is released.

This function is only available if the nozzle contact force and the injection are not provided
by the same pump system or performed electrically (example: electrical drive, injunction with
bladder accumulator). If this function cannot be performed due to the system configuration
(nozzle contact force and injection with same pump system), it is displayed in grey.

Contacting nozzle
The nozzle stops at the "Nozzle contact point" position and does not move.

Injection unit back before metering

The delay time for "Injection unit back" will be started for holding pressure end. If the
"Decompression before metering" program is active, the delay time will be started after the
decompression stroke.

Injection unit backward after metering

The delay time for "Injection unit backward" will be started after having reached the shot
volume. If the "Decompression after metering" program is active, the delay time will be started
after the decompression stroke.

Injection unit back parallel to metering

This selection is available for machines with separate metering drive (e.g. "servo drive").
If this program selection is activated, the delay times for "Injection unit back" and "Delay
Decompression / Metering" are started for "Holding pressure End". If the "Decompression
before metering" program is active, the delay times will be started after the decompression

Injection unit back (for EM with injection unit without stroke transducer system)
Input of the wished injection unit back time in [s]. The injection unit continues moving back until
the end of the time entered here. This time is effective in the automatic mode only.


Chapter 4 - 3
Injection unit

Delay Injection unit forward

Current delay time before the beginning of the forward movement of the injection unit.

Delay Injection unit backward

Currently expiring delay time before the backward movement of the injection unit.

Injection unit Safety stroke

The safety stroke serves as protection for the mould and the injection unit. The safety stroke
has to to be set as to prevent damage at the mould and the injection unit from opening / closing
and movements of the mould table.
In case the safety stroke has been fallen short of, the movements of the clamping unit, the
mould table, and the starting of the automatic cycle will be disabled. An error message will be
The safety stroke is entered as absolute stroke (absolute stroke = stroke without zeroizing
Injection unit). The current absolute stroke will be displayed. If the safety stroke is entered <=
than the zeroising offset of the injection unit, it is automatically corrected to maximum.
Entering the minimum value (Ssmin, normal value = 0) will deactivate the safetey stroke

The entry of the safety stroke will not be saved in the product data record.
For all vertical machines, this stroke marker must be changed, if necessary, in the case of
critical mould sizes or longer nozzles in the injection cylinder (possible in the customer level 20).
In the factory, the stroke marker is adjusted such that, in the case of a horizontal injection
assembly, the nozzle point is outside the danger zone of the mould table, and the movable
mounting platen.

Ejecting into the open mould (option)

If the machine is equipped with the "Purging progam through the open mould" option, the
injection unit can be moved forward with the mould open and may be purged through the open

The nozzle contact point (stroke 0) has to be reached since otherwise the program is not active
and the injection unit hits the mechanical stop at the set driving force.
The force for Injection unit forward for purging through the open mould (nozzle contact force)
will be reduced to 50 % of the maximum moving force, even if a higher force has been entered
for Injection unit forward.
If 50 % of the max. moving force for Injection unit forward for purging through the open mould is
too much, the moving force value for "Injection unit forward" can be reduced below this value.


Chapter 4 - 4 0115MC
Injection unit

4.1.2 General / Page 2


Simultaneous operation Injection unit (option)

Injection unit forward parallel Closing
Parallel to the closing movement, the injection unit is moved forward to the preselected mould
protection stroke unless the Mould closed point has been reached.

Injection unit back parallel Opening

Parallel to the opening movement, the injection unit is moved back from the preselected mould
protection stroke.

Injection unit forward parallel Closing/Opening

A combination from the two program preselections described above.


Chapter 4 - 5
Injection unit

Injection unit mould safety device stroke

Enter the mould protection stroke for the injection assembly.

The injection unit is moved in parallel operation with the current force and speed parameters of
the clamping unit. Thus, select the process parameters of the clamping unit correspondingly in
order to avoid hydraulic and mechanic shocks to the injection assembly.

Nozzle contact force (Option)

max. nozzle contact force with open mould
Nozzle contact force for injection enabling
Description see Chapter 4.1.1.

Nozzle contact force parallel to clamping force build-up (option)

When selecting this program selection, the start of building up the nozzle contact force can be
started as soon as a preset clamping force (during clamping force build-up) has been reached.

In hydraulic machines (if the injection unit is equipped without P/Q valve), the pressure of the
clamping force build-up is used parallel to the build-up of the nozzle contact force.


Chapter 4 - 6 0115MC
Injection unit

4.1.3 General / EES (option)


If your machine is equipped with an "Eccentric injection system (EIS)", you can carry out the
settings for the EIS system in this menu.

Eccentric injection system EES (option)

If the machine is equipped with an eccentric injection system (EES), the height setting of
the injection unit will be monitored via this function. The respective actual value will also be
displayed. If the injection unit is outside the entered Monitoring stroke Tolerance, an error
message will be displayed.

EIS monitoring stroke

Enter the EIS monitoring stroke (height of the injection unit).

EIS monitoring stroke Tolerance

Enter the EIS monitoring stroke Tolerance. Enter the tolerance relative to the set value. If the
actual value of the tolerance window, is outside the set tolerance, the "Nozzle forward" and
"Injection" movements will be disabled.


Chapter 4 - 7
Injection unit


Chapter 4 - 8 0115MC

5 Injection

5.1 General
5.1.1 General / Page 1


In this menu, you specify the set values for the injection stroke.
You can specify separate volume flows, volumes and pressures for two fixed stroke sections
and eight stroke sections which may be activated. The running characteristics themselves will
then be subject to linear interpolation by the control system, i.e., there is no sudden change
between the different speeds, but a balanced adaptation to the appropriate set values (see set
value diagram for injection). The set shot volume and the change over volume (injection area)
will be indicated by the twoo green vertical lines in the set value diagram.
The program preselection to the left of the graphic can be used to change to a staircase profile.
The number of stairs is limited to 5.


When entering the number of profile points for the staircase profile, the number must be higher
by 1 than wished since the starting point ("0.00 cm³") is counted, too. The maximum input value
for the number of profile points is "6" which means 5 stairs.

Chapter 5 - 1
Enter the set values for the volume flows "Q" in [cm³/s] / [cuin/s] or [mm/s] / [in/s] , for the
volume "V" in [cm³] / [cuin] or [mm] / [in] and the specific injection pressures "ps" or hydraulic
injection pressures "ph" in [bar] / [psi]. The appropriate maximum values can be read off next to
the diagram axes.
The wished unit system can be configured in the "General / Setings" menu (see chapter 1.1.4).
ps ... specific injection pressure (pressure of the moulding compound in the cylinder)
ph ... hydraulic injection pressure (pressure in the hydraulic cylinder)

The injection pressure profile is a pressure control profile (injection pressure monitoring).
I.e. in case the injection pressure exceeds the limiting pressure (pressure set in the injection
pressure profile), the injection speed (volume flow) will be reduced until the injection pressure
corresponds again to the limiting pressure. The evaluation of the injection pressure monitoring is
activated in the "Production data / Monitoring / Page 3" menu (see chapter 18).

First enter the volume flows, the volumes and the pressure for the fixed stroke sections. If you
would like to have a differentiated injection behaviour, first select the respective stroke sections
which may be activated and enter the desired set values.

Injection pressure / holding pressure at high temperature (option)

If the injection unit is designed as a high-temperature model (barrel temperatures > 350 °C / 662
°F), the injection pressure / holding pressure is limited provided that this limit can be exceeded
in the normal temperature range which is indicated by an additiona maximum value (pmax T >
350 °C / 662 °F) on the right to the diagram axis.
SPA 60 to 1330:
At T > 350 °C (T > 662 °F), the injection pressure is limited to 2500 bar (36359 psi).
from SPA 2200:
At T > 350 °C (T > 662 °F), the injection pressure is limited to 2200 bar (29007 psi).
If one or several barrel temperature zones greater than 350 °C (662 °F) are entered and a
profile value of injection pressure / holding pressure is higher than the new injection pressure
limit, the injection and the holding pressure are blocked. Additionally, the "Injection pressure /
holding pressure too high" alarm is displayed.


Chapter 5 - 2 0515MC
Delay Injection
In the automatic mode only, "Delay Injection" will be started after reaching the nozzle contact
point. At the end of the time, the injection procedure starts.
You specify the delay for the injection in [s].
„Delay injection“ will only be processed while the program preselection „Injection plunger is
waiting at wait positon before material transfer“ is active.

Current injection pressure

The current injection pressure is indicated in [bar] / [psi].

Current melt pressure

The current melt pressure is indicated in [bar] / [psi].

The colour change of the "Current injection pressure" text displays the kind of the injection
holding pressure control.
• The "Current injection pressure" text is displayed in black for the injection holding
pressure control via injection pressure transducer.
• The "Current injection pressure" text is displayed in grey for the injection holding pressure
control via melt pressure transducer.

Current cavity pressure MASTER

The actual value of the selected cavity pressure transducer is displayed. The current cavity
pressure will be indicated in [bar] / [psi].

Current mould wall temperature MASTER

The actual temperature of the selected cavity pressure amplifier is displayed. The current mould
wall temperature will be indicated in [C] / [F].

Chapter 5 - 3
Peak value Injection pressure
The peak value of the injection pressure is indicated in [bar] / [psi].

Peak value cavity pressure MASTER

The peak value of the cavity pressure is indicated in [bar] / [psi].

Peak value Melt pressure

The peak value of the melt pressure will be indicated in [bar] / [psi].
The peak values will be determined during the whole injection phase including holding pressure.

Peak value mould wall temperature MASTER

The peak value of the mould wall temperature will be indicated in [C] / [F].

Change over volume

The change over volume is indicated in [ccm] / [cuin].

Change over injection pressure

The change over injection pressure is indicated in [bar] / [psi].

Change-over cavity pressure MASTER

The change over cavity pressure is indicated in [bar] / [psi].

Change over melt pressure

The change over melt pressure is indicated in [bar] / [psi].
The change over values will be determined when changing over from injection to holding

Mould wall change-over temperature MASTER

The mould wall change-over temperature will be indicated in [C] / [F].

Copy P1 to P2 (for machines with 2 injection parameter records)

Copy injection parameter 1 to injection parameter record 2. Pressing this button will copy all
settings of the 1st injection parameter record to the 2nd injection parameter record.


Chapter 5 - 4 0515MC

5.1.2 General / Page 2 Page 2 for all machine types except for MicroPower


In the upper part of the picture, the same current values, peak values, and change-over values
as on page 1 are displayed. Additionally, the values for cavity pressure SLAVE 1 to 7 are
displayed in these menus.

Pump pressure during injection (or hydraulic machines)

When selecting this program, the pump pressure during the injection process is specified. The
set value will be stated as hydraulic pressure in [bar] / [ psi].
In order to enable an trouble-free injection process, this pressure setting should be higher than
the hydraulic pressure of the pump which is necessary for the specific injection pressure.
See also "Injection pressure charts" (chapter "Technical data").
If this program is deactivated, the pump pressure during the injection process is calculated from
the maximum specific injection pressure (injection pressure profile) which has been preselected.

Chapter 5 - 5
Rapid injection (option)
You may select this option if the machine is equipped with a hydraulic accumulator.

If the injection unit has been lifted, ejection in manual mode is carried out only with setting

Injection parallel to clamping force build-up (option)

When selecting this program selection, the injection process can be started as soon as a preset
clamping force (during clamping force build-up) has been reached.
If “Injection parallel to clamping force build-up” and “Clamping force control” are selected
together, it is possible to inject even if the clamping force is not reached.
To ensure that the clamping force is adjusted prior to injection, deselect „Injection parallel to
clamping force build-up“.

The clamping force can be recorded in the actual value graphics.

Clamping force for start of injection (option)

Injection is started as soon as the here preset clamping force has been reached. This set value
is entered in [kN] / [shtn].


Chapter 5 - 6 0515MC
Injection Page 2 for MicroPower


Injection plunger back Speed

Enter the speed required for the backward movement of the injection plunger in this field.

Move back injection plunger

When selecting this program, the injection plunger is moved back up to the adjusted value (in
order to release the sprue from the piston tip while the mould is still closed).

No injection plunger ejector (program preselection ComboBox)

In case you do not need an injection plunger ejector, select this program preselection.

Start injection plunger ejector for mould opened (program preselection ComboBox)
Select this program preselection if the injection plunger ejector should only start for an opened
mould and at the end of the „Delay Injection plunger ejector forward“.

Chapter 5 - 7
Start injection plunger ejector for open stroke (program preselection ComboBox)
Select this program preselection if the injection plunger ejector is to start at this stroke position
during the opening movement and at the end of the „Delay Injection plunger ejector forward“.

Injection plunger - Ejector Strokes

Enter the number of strokes to be performed by the injection plunger ejector.

Injection plunger position - Ejector in front position

Here the distance is indicated by which the injection plunger is to exceed the parting surfaces.

Injection plunger position - Ejector back

Here the distance is indicated by which the injection plunger is to move back from the parting

Injection plunger - Ejector Speed

Enter the speed required for the injection plunger ejector in this field.

Injection plunger - Ejector Delay forward

By means of this function, the forward movement of the injection plunger can be delayed.

Injection plunger - Ejector Delay back

By means of this function, the backward movement of the injection plunger can be delayed.

Injection plunger is waiting in front position (program preselection ComboBox)

When activating this program preselection, the injection plunger remains in the front position (up
to the material transfer by the metering piston).
„Delay Injection“ is ignored.

Injection plunger is waiting at wait positon before material transfer (program preselection
When activating this program preselection, the injection plunger remains in the defined waiting
position (up to the material transfer by the metering piston).
„Delay Injection“ is ignored.

Injection plunger is waiting at wait positon after material transfer (program preselection
When activating this program preselection, the injection plunger remains in the defined waiting
position (after the material transfer by the metering piston).


Chapter 5 - 8 0515MC
Wait position
Enter the wished waiting position in this field.

Start Injection with Closing Stroke

When activating this program preselection, the injection process is already started as soon as
the clamping unit has reached the specified stroke (injection parallel to clamping process).

Closing Stroke with Start Filling

Here that clamping stroke is displayed at which the melt flow front wil reach the mould (material
change-over into the mould)
Ideal value: 0.00 mm

Clamping force built up before Start Filling

Here, the time difference from „Clamping force is built up“ to „the material has reached the
mould“ is displayed.
Ideal value: 0.00 s

- With a negative value, the melt flow front has reached the mould before the clamping
force has been built up.
- A too high value causes an increase of the cycle times.

Injection parallel to clamping force build-up (option)

When selecting this program selection, the injection process can be started as soon as a preset
clamping force (during clamping force build-up) has been reached.
If "Injection parallel to clamping force build-up" and "Clamping force control" are selected at
the same time, it may be that injection takes place although the clamping force has not been
"Injection parallel to clamping force build-up" must be deselected in order to ensure that the
clamping force is regulated before injection.
The clamping force can be recorded in the actual value graphics.

Clamping force for start of injection (option)

Injection is started as soon as the here preset clamping force has been reached. This set value
is entered in [kN] / [shtn].

Metering piston material transfer velocity

In this field, you must enter the speed required for the material transfer by the metering piston.

Chapter 5 - 9

5.1.3 General / Page 3


In this menu, the same current values, peak values, and change-over values as on page 1 are
displayed. Additionally, the values for cavity pressure SLAVE 1 to 7 and mould wall temperature
SLAVE 1 to 7 are displayed in these menus.


Chapter 5 - 10 0515MC

5.2 Integral


The injection integral principle is based on the detection of differences in viscosity. The injection
work will be determined by integrating the injection pressure between two selectable volumes of
the injection stroke which may be freely selected.
Make sure that the stop volume of the injection integral recording is not within the change over
to holding pressure range, i.e. the recording of the integral has to be finished before a pressure
change over. Otherwise, the determination of the integral will be aborted when changing over to
holding pressure and the value will be output. No (HiQ Flow) correction will be carried out
The determination of the actual integral will always be active, provided that a start and stop
volume have been specified.

HiQ Flow (injection integral control)

A correction is calculated from the deviation SET integral to ACTUAL integral. Based on this
correction and according to the integral mode, the pressure change-over and/or the holding
pressure are modified. Additionally, the control mode indicates whether a multiplicative or
additive correction is to be made. The measurement of the pressure integral as well as the
subsequent correction for each cycle is known as HiQ Flow (integral control)..
The change-over pressure can be corrected only with corresponding pressure change-over type
(depending on injection, cavity or melt pressure), otherwise, only the holding pressure profile is

Chapter 5 - 11
The integral can be recored in [Nmm] / [lbfin] (when recording small injection volumes) or in
[Nm] / [lbfft] (when recording large injection volumes). The unit for the integral is set in the menu
„Machine in general / Settings“ (see chapter 1).

Injection Integral monitoring

If this program has been selected, the integral monitoring will be activated.

HiQ Flow (control of switchover pressure) (option)

Preselection for controlling the change-over pressure with corresponding pressure change-over
type (depending on injection, cavity or melt pressure)

HiQ Flow (control of holding pressure) (option)

Üreselction for controlling the holding pressure profile.

HiQ Flow (control of switchover- and holding pressure) (option)

Preselection for controlling the change-over and holding pressure with corresponding pressure
change-over type (depending on injection, cavity or melt pressure)

Control mode (option)

Subtractive correction
Correction calculation with the unit pressure (1 bar). If the actual integral is lower than the set
value, the pressure is decreased.

Additive correction
Correction calculation with the unit pressure (1 bar). If the actual integral is lower than the set
value, the pressure is increased.

we......... Difference work in [%]

ws......... Set work in (integral) in [Nmm]
wi.......... Actual work in (integral) in [Nmm]
pd.......... Pressure correction in [bar]
kr........... P-fraction in [1/Nmm*A]
ps.......... Set pressure ( or HP) in [bar]
pe.......... Unit pressure 1 [bar]
pk.......... Corrected set pressure ( or HP) in [bar]
The proportional part „kr“ defines the amount of correction for the pressure with a difference
work of 1 Nmm.


Chapter 5 - 12 0515MC
1.) Subtractive correction
ws = 1000 [Nmm] wi = 900 [Nmm] pe = unit pressure 1 [bar]
we = 10 [%]...deviation from set work
kr = 50 [%] corresponds to 0.5

pd = we * kr * pe = 10 [%] * 0,5 [1/%] * 1 = 5 [bar]

and for sufficient maximum or minimum correction
pk = ps - pd = 400 - 5 = 395 [bar]

2.) additive correction

ws = 1000 [Nmm] wi = 900 [Nmm] pe = unit pressure 1 [bar]
we = 10 [%]...deviation from set work
kr = 50 [%] corresponds to 0.5

pd = we * kr * pe = 10 [%] * 0,5 [1/%] * 1 = 5 [bar]

and for sufficient maximum or minimum correction
pk = pd + ps = 5 + 400 = 405 [bar]

Display of the actual value and input of the set value for the integral monitoring. Depending your
choice, the integral will either be displayed in [Nmm] / [lbfin] or [Nm] / [lbfft].

+ Tolerance
Input of the maximum tolerance by which the actual integral value may differ from the set value
without risking an error analysis.

- Tolerance
Input of the minimum tolerance by which the actual integral value may differ from the set value
without risking an error analysis.

Allowed integral tolerance

This ist the dead zone where no correction is made.

Start volume Integral recording

Input of the volume for which the integral recording of the injection work starts.

Chapter 5 - 13
Stop volume Integral monitoring
Input of the volume for which the integral recording of the injection work will be finished (for the
injection integral, it has to be larger than the change over volume).

The input of the start / stop volume of the integral recording will also be required for the display
and evaluation of the integral within the quality table.

Minimum correction of the injection (cavity, melt) change-over pressure

Introduction of the minimum pressure in bar by which the change-over pressure may be

Maximum correction of the injection (cavity, melt) change-over pressure

Introduction of the maximum pressure in bar by which the change-over pressure may be

Minimum correction of holding pressure

Introduction of the minimum pressure in bar by which the holding pressure may be corrected.

Maximum correction of holding pressure

Introduction of the maximum pressure in bar by which the holding pressure may be corrected.

P-fraction HiQ Flow

Introduction of the percentage by which the pressure is to be corrected when indicating the
deviation of the injection work in percentage.

Ready for new integral recording
Integral recording active
Integral recording finished
Correction of injection change-over pressure
Correction of cavity-change-over pressure
Correction of melt change-over pressure
Integral recording aborted by change-over to holding pressure
Correction of holding pressure
Correction of injection change-over pressure and holding pressure
Correction of cavity change-over pressure and holding pressure
Correction of melt change-over pressure and holding pressure


Chapter 5 - 14 0515MC

5.3 Flow figure (option)


During injection, the screw is moved witch constant speed into the direction of the nozzle and,
in doing so, it injects the material into the mould. For the consistent quality of the injection
mouldings it is important that the material is injected with constant speed. Therefore, the
injection process must be monitored and the corresponding parameters controlled. The flow
figure is a measure for the injection speed. It corresponds to the time in which the screw passes
two pre-defined stroke markers. This time is monitored and corrected accordingly in the case of
Make sure that the stop volume of the flow figure recording is not within the change over to
holding pressure range, i.e. the recording of the flow figure has to be finished before a pressure
change over. Otherwise, the determination of the flow figure will be stopped when changing over
to holding pressure and the value will be output. No correction will be carried out either.
The determination of the flow figure will always be active, provided that a start and stop volume
have been specified.

Injection flow figure mode

Flow figure display
Only display of the flow figure.

Chapter 5 - 15
Flow figure monitoring
If this program has been selected, the flow figure monitoring will be activated.

Flow figure control in Automatic mode

Preselection for controlling the flow figure in automatic mode only.

Flow figure control in Manual- and Automatic mode

Preselection for controlling the flow figure in manual and automatic mode only.

Control Mode
Here you can select the correction which is to be carried out.

Flow figure
Display of the actual value and input of the set value for monitoring and controlling the flow

+ Tolerance
Input of the maximum tolerance by which the flow figure value may differ from the set value
without risking an error analysis or a correction of the p profile.

- Tolerance
Input of the minimum tolerance by which the flow figure value may differ from the set value
without risking an error analysis or a correction of the p profile.

Allowed flow figure tolerance

This ist the dead zone where no correction is made.

Start volume Flow figure recording

Input of the volume for which the flow figure recording will be started.

Stop volume Flow figure recording

Input of the volume for which the flow figure recording will be terminated (has to be larger than
the change over volume).

The input of the start / stop volume of the flow figure recording will also be required for the
display and evaluation of the flow figure within the quality table.


Chapter 5 - 16 0515MC
Offset Q injection profile (option)
The total of all corrections will be displayed here. The value can be reset by entering „0“.
The effect is that the corrections of the set flow figure are corrected again. The set value is
overwritten by a new correction.

Correction step / Q injection profile

This is the value by which the Q injection profile is increased or decreased for each shot so that
the actual flow figure is again inside the tolerance.

max.correction / Q injection profile

This is the maximum permissible value of the increase or decrease of the Q injection profile
which is given in order to correct the actual flow figure to the tolerance value.

Offset p-profile (option)

The total of all corrections will be displayed here. The value can be reset by entering „0“.
The effect is that the corrections of the set flow figure are corrected again. The set value is
overwritten by a new correction.

Correction step / p-profile

This is the value by which the p injection profile (holding pressure profile) is increased or
decreased for each shot so that the actual flow figure is again inside the tolerance.

max. correction p-profile

This is the maximum permissible value of the increase or decrease of the p injection profile
(holding pressure profile) which is given in order to correct the actual flow figure to the tolerance

Accept profile offset of flow figure control

Pressing this button will transfer the current correction value of the v profile to the injection

Injection pressure
The first profile point of the injection pressure can be specified here. This value is then copied to
the injection pressure profile.

Chapter 5 - 17
Ready for new flow figure recording
Flow figure recording active
Flow figure recording finished
v-Injection profile increased
v-Injection profile decreased
v-Injection profile maximally increased
v-Injection profile maximally decreased
Flow figure recording aborted by change-over to holding pressure
p-profile increased
p-profile decreased
p-profile max. increased
p-profile max. decreased


Chapter 5 - 18 0515MC

5.4 Purging
5.4.1 Purging


No purging
The purging program is deactivated.

Purging in the manual mode only

The purging program is activated in the manual mode only.
In order to start the purging procedure in the manual mode, move the injection unit into the
"Injection unit purging position" and press the "Injection" key. With vertical clamping unit and
horizontal injection unit, the mould must be closed additionally unless a purging equipment is
available. The "Purging is active" error message will be displayed.
Press the "Injection" or "Metering / Decompression" keys to interrupt the purging procedure in
the manual mode.
Note for vertical machines:
If the injection unit is not equipped with the purging flap or purging cup option (purging
equipment), the nozzle assembly for the purging process must be moved to the maximum limit
position (purging position).

Chapter 5 - 19
Purging in manual and automatic mode
The purging program is activated both in the manual and the automatic mode.
For the manual mode procedure see paragraph "Purging in the manual mode only". In the
automatic mode, the purging program is started when an alarm of error class 4, 6, or 7 occurs.
Note for vertical machines:
If the injection unit is not equipped with the purging flap or purging cup option, no purging is
possible in the automatic mode.
When ejecting in the automatic mode, the time "Delay Switch-off for Cycle End" (see chapter
18.3.1) must be chosen so that the purging process can be finished within this time.
Purging in manual and automatic mode at Material monitoring
If the manual monitoring system is triggered, the current machine cycle is stopped and the
respective purging process is performed. The exact procedure depends on the preselected
„Error analysis material monitoring“ (see chapter 5.2.2). Material monitoring remains activated,
i.e. a purging process is initiated each time the material monitoring system is triggered.
The material monitoring functions „Cycle stop during material monitoring (at cycle end)“ and
„Shut-down sequence for material monitoring (cycle stop)“ are not activated in conjunction with
this program preselection, as injection has already taken place during the current cycle.
This program preselection should not be chosen in multi-component machines with handling
systems, as they are not equipped with injection mouldings analysis functions at the Euromap
handling interface.

Purging through the open mould

By activating the program preselection, a purging sequence can be started in manual mode with
contacting injection unit if all release conditions are met. This will be signalled by highlighting the
Release conditions:
• Manual mode, mould is open, injection unit is in the front position.
• Key-operated switch "Purging through the open mould" activated.
• Purge guard was attached.

Material monitoring
The "Material monitoring Time” monitors a down-time of the machine. The time between 2
injection procedures is measured. At the end of the "Material monitoring Time”, the "Material
monitoring” error message will be displayed and the following injection process and/or machine
cycle is disabled. To continue the production, the injection cylinder must be cleaned using
the preselected cylinder rinsing program (purging / residue metering). To be able to start the
purging process in the manual mode even without purging program, the "injection” key must be
pressed permanently until the end of the preselected cylinder rinsing program (purging / residue
In the manual mode, the "Nozzle forward" movement is blocked while an error message is
activated. If the error message occurs during the injection process, this process will not be
interrupted any more.


Chapter 5 - 20 0515MC
Material monitoring Time
This time is started at the beginning of metering, pre-extrusion (or >= minimum material
monitoring position) and reset at the end of the injection process (holding pressure change-
over). At the end of this time, an error message will be sent and the injection cylinder must be
As a standard, the mimimum material monitoring position (melt cushion) is defined with value 0
in order to monitor the material even in the screw channels. Optionally, this value can be set.
Above the actual value, the current time of the metering piston is shown as a second actual
value in the case of MicroPower machines.

The purging procedure will be performed by purging followed by metering. Purging is performed
with "Purging Speed” and "Purging Pressure”. Metering is performed with "Metering Peripheral
velocity” without back pressure until "Shot volume when purging”. "Metering Monitoring time”
runs parallel to metering. After each purging procedure, the "Purging strokes” counter will be
incremented and when reaching the set value, the error message will be reset (In case there
are several injection units available at the machine, the error message will only be reset after all
purging procedures have been finished). The injection cylinder remains in the front position after
the last purging stroke and the metering monitoring time will not be started.
Unless the purging procedure has been finished, the "Injection unit forward" and "Injection into
the mould" movements will remain disabled.
If the injection unit is moved back to the mechanical limit position in the manual mode without
the "Material monitoring" error message, the purging cup (option) will be moved forward and
the purging procedure can be run. At the end of the purging procedure, the purging cup can
be moved back by moving the injection unit foward. In case the end of the "Material monitoring
Time" has been reached during the purging procedure, the "Purging is active" error message
will be displayed and the purging procedure has to be run completely.

Residue metering
Residue metering is performed with "Metering Peripheral velocity” with maximum back pressure.
If the injection unit is not in the foremost position, on purging will be performed before starting
the residue metering. "Residue metering Time” runs parallel to metering. At the end of "Residue
metering time”, the residue metering process is finished and the error message reset. (In case
there are several injection units available at the machine, the error message will only be reset
after all residue metering procedures have been finished). Unless the purging procedure has
been finished, the "Injection unit forward” and "Injection into the mould” movements will remain

Purging strokes
Number of purging strokes required. This entry is not required if the "Residue metering" program
selection is activated.

Chapter 5 - 21
Shot volume when purging
Enter the metering volum in [ccm] / [cuin] up to which metering is performed if the "Purging"
program selection is activated. This entry is not required if the "Residue metering" program
selection is activated.

Purging Speed
Enter the speed required for purging in [ccm/s] / [cuin/s].

Purging Pressure
Enter the pressure for purging in [bar] / [psi] in this field.

Metering Peripheral velocity

Enter the peripheral velocity in [mm/s] / [in/s] for the metering during the purging process and
the residue metering.

Metering Monitoring time

This entry will be displayed if the "Purging" program selection is activated.
At the end of the time [s], a last purging procedure will be performed and the program finished.

Residue metering Time

This entry will be displayed if the "Residue metering" program selection is activated. Enter the
time in [s] during which the residue metering is to be performed.

Injection unit Ejection position

Enter here the purging position of the injeciton unit in [mm] / [in]. When reaching this position
the purging is started in the automatic mode. In the manual mode, purging must be started
This input is not available in the case of EM machines. When reaching the "Injection unit
back" time, the purging is started in the automatic mode. If this time was specified with "0", the
injection unit is moved back for 10 seconds during purging.

Purging equipment (option)

Display of the current statuses of the purging cup and/or purging flap.
The "Injection unit purging position" is that position of the injection unit from which the ejection
cup and/or purging flap is moved into the purging position.
If there is a purging cup available for the purging function, the cup will automatically be moved
back when in the rear limit position and only after the last purging stroke.


Chapter 5 - 22 0515MC

5.4.2 Purging / Configuration


Error analysis material monitoring

Cycle stop during material monitoring (at once) / (at cycle end)
Select the corresponding field if the material monitoring is to stop the cycle at once or at the end
of the cycle. The machine is not switched ofg. Additionally, an alarm is displayed. After having
pressed Cycle start (closing key), the cycle is continued. After successful acknowledgement, the
cycle is continued.

Motor switch-off during material monitoring (at once) / (at cycle end)
Select the corresponding field if the material monitoring is to switch off the machine at once or at
the end of the cycle. Additionally, an alarm is displayed.

Chapter 5 - 23
Shut-down sequence for material monitoring (cycle stop)
Select the corresponding field if, during material monitoring, the shut-down sequence is to be
start started (all injection mouldings are ejected) and to be stopped at the end of the cycle. The
machine is not switched ofg. Additionally, an alarm is displayed. After having pressed Cycle start
(closing key), the cycle is continued.

Shut-down sequence for material monitoring (drive stop)

Select the corresponding field if, during material monitoring, the shut-down sequence is to be
started and the drive is to stopped at the end of the cycle. Additionally, an alarm is displayed.

Cycle stop during material monitoring (at once), continue with cycle start
Select this option, if the material monitoring system is to stop the cycle immediately. The
machine is not shut down. In addition, an alarm message is displayed. After confirmation of the
cycle start („Close“ button), the cycle is continued.

Description shut-down sequence

see chapter A under program sequence

Delay for start decrease mode barrel heating for material monitoring
Delay for start decrease mode mould heating for material monitoring
When activating the program preselection, the timer "Start delay temperature decrease in xx
[min]" is started if the material monitoring has reacted- After the timer has run down, the "Delay
temperature decrease" (barrel heating see chapter 2.1.1, mould heating see chapter 2.2.1) will
be started.

Automatic metering to production data at the end of the purging sequence

When activating the program preselection, an automatic metering to the metering stroke set in
the production data will be carried out at the end of the purging sequence.


Chapter 5 - 24 0515MC

5.4.3 Purging / Cold plug

F05-Ausspritzen-kalter Pfropfen_01

If the machine is equipped with the "Purging of the cold plug" program (option), you may carry
out the settings for the program in this menu.

Purging of the cold plug (option)

When activating the program selection, the cold plug is purged from the nozzle. Before the
injection unit moves forward the cold plug is purged at the "Purging Speed" and the "Purging
Pressure" up to the "Purging Volume".
If the "Simultaneous operation Injection unit" program in the "Setting" menu has been selected
for machines with two hydraulic systems, the cold plug will be purged before closing the mould.

With vertical machines, the function is carried out only when the injection unit is completely
moved back, in the case of horizontal machines and vertical machines with purging cup / purge
guard flap, it is carried out only after having reached the "Injection unit purging position" (entry
see "Purging" menu).

Chapter 5 - 25
Purging Volume
Set value for the volume to be purged. If, e.g., 100 cm³ are to be purged, 100 must be entered.

Purging Speed
Enter the speed required for purging in [ccm/s] / [cuin/s].

Purging Pressure
Enter the pressure for purging in [bar] / [psi] in this field.


Chapter 5 - 26 0515MC

5.5 Shut-off nozzle


If the machine is equipped with a shut-off nozzle (option), you can use this menu for the settings
for this program.

Shut-off nozzle (option)

If this program is deactivated, the shut-off nozzle is opened permanently.
If the program is activated, the shut-off nozzle will be operated depening on the program
selections for the opening and closing sequences.

Deactivate position monitoring

This program preselection is available in the case of position-monitored shut-off nozzles. It is
used as emergency program if the limit switches for position monitoring are defective or there
are no limit switches at all.

Time Shut-off nozzle

The time entered in this field determines the duration for Close and Open shut-off nozzle. This
time will become effective when starting the shut-off nozzle program.

Chapter 5 - 27
Speed Shut-off nozzle
The set value entered in this field determines the speed for Close and Open shut-off nozzle.
This speed will be active during "Time Shut-off nozzle".

Pressure Shut-off nozzle

The set value entered in this field determines the pressure for Close and Open shut-off nozzle.
This speed will be active during "Time Shut-off nozzle".

Delay close Shut-off nozzle (option)

This time starts at the end of the injection procedure. After the time has elapsed the shut-off
nozzle is closed.

Delay open Shut-off nozzle (option)

This time starts with the injection procedure. After the time has elapsed the shut-off nozzle is

Sequential opening sequence forward

Sequential closing sequence forward
When setting a sequential openind sequence (closing sequence), the shut-off nozzle opens
(closes) before the respective set movement with its own pressure and speed default value. The
respective movement is started only after the shut-off nozzle has been opened (closed).

Parallel opening sequence with

Parallel closing sequence with
When setting a parallel opening sequence (closing sequence), the shut-off nozzle opens
(closes) parallel to starting the respective set movement. Here, no separate pressure and speed
default values for the shut-off nozzle are triggered. This version is mainly used for pneumatic
shut-off nozzles.

The shut-off nozzle can be opened and closed several times in a cycle.
If "Opening sequence before decompression after metering" is selected, the shut-off nozzle is
automatically closed again after this decompression.


Chapter 5 - 28 0515MC
Shut-off nozzle with activated Foammould (option)
Activating the Foammould automatically switches on the shut-off nozzle and the program
preselections "Parallel opening sequence with injection process" and "Parallel closing sequence
with holding pressure end". With activated Foammould, the program preselections of the
Foammould cannot be changed.
Sequential opening sequence forward
Injection process
Decompression after Metering
Sequential closing sequence forward
This results in the following shut-off nozzle process.
The shut-off nozzle is opened before injection. The shut-off nozzle is closed beforem metering.
Before the second decompression phase, the shut-off nozzle is opened again and then closed

Chapter 5 - 29

5.6 PressureMold


PressureMold, open Shut-off nozzle (option)

A special shut-off nozzle which remains impervious even with higher injection pressures, is
required for this option.

Select the mode for Open the shut-off nozzle for the following options.

Time dependent
The time will be started with Start Injection. The shut-off nozzle opens at the end of the set time.
The set value will be stated in [s].

Volume dependent
The shut-off nozzle opens when reaching the set injection piston volume. The set value will be
stated in [ccm] / [cuin].


Chapter 5 - 30 0515MC
Depending on injection pressure
The shut-off nozzle opens when reaching the set injection pressure. The set value will be stated
in [bar] / [ psi].

Depending on melt pressure

The shut-off nozzle opens when reaching the set melt pressure. The set value will be stated in
[bar] / [ psi].

Chapter 5 - 31


Chapter 5 - 32 0515MC
Holding pressure

6 Holding pressure

6.1 General
6.1.1 General / Holding pressure


In this menu, you establish a time profile for the holding pressure phase. You may enter the set
values for two fixed points of time and eight points of time which may be activated. Each point
of time will then be assigned a set pressure. Until the respective point of time the specified
pressure will be triggered. The last time value signifies the entire holding pressure time.
In addition, you may enter the set value for the secondary cooling time.
The program preselection to the right of the graphic can be used to change to a staircase
profile. The number of stairs is limited to 5.


When entering the number of profile points for the staircase profile, the number must be higher
by 1 than wished since the starting point ("0.00 s") is counted, too. The maximum input value for
the number of profile points is "6" which means 5 stairs. The times for the staircase profile are
entered relatively, i.e. the sum of all partial times is the complete holding pressure time.

Chapter 6 - 1
Holding pressure
Holding pressure
Enter the values for the specific holding pressures "ps" or hydraulic holding pressures "ph"
in [bar] / [psi] and the set values for the holding pressure times "t" in [sec]. The appropriate
maximum values can be read off next to the diagram axes.
The wished unit system can be configured in the "General / Setings" menu (see chapter 1.1.4).
ps ... specific holding pressure (pressure of the moulding compound in the cylinder)
ph ... hydraulic holding pressure (pressure in the hydraulic cylinder)

Injection pressure / holding pressure at high temperature (option)

If the injection unit is designed as a high-temperature model (barrel temperatures > 350 °C / 662
°F), the injection pressure / holding pressure is limited provided that this limit can be exceeded
in the normal temperature range which is indicated by an additional maximum value (pmax T >
350 °C / 662 °F) on the right to the diagram axis.
SPA 60 to 1330:
At T > 350 °C (T > 662 °F), the injection pressure is limited to 2500 bar (36359 psi).
from SPA 2200:
At T > 350 °C (T > 662 °F), the injection pressure is limited to 2200 bar (29007 psi).
If one or several barrel temperature zones greater than 350 °C (662 °F) are entered and a
profile value of injection pressure / holding pressure is higher than the new injection pressure
limit, the injection and the holding pressure are blocked. Additionally, the "Injection pressure /
holding pressure too high" alarm is displayed.

For the profile shift of the holding pressure time, the individual times will be proportionally
shifted, i.e. a change of the holding pressure time will not change the ramps of the holding
pressure profile.

Injection without holding pressure

The injection will be terminated without holding pressure.

Start ....
The change over to holding pressure mode is set on the change over to holding pressure page.
The change-over value of the selected change-over criterion can be set here, too.

Current holding pressure time

Currently expiring holding pressure time. The holding pressure time will be started for a change-
over to holding pressure time (see "Injection" menu, chapter 5).


Chapter 6 - 2 0515MC
Holding pressure
Cooling time (heating time)
The cooling time (heating time) will be started at the end of the last given holding pressure time.
At the end of the cooling time (heating time), the function Open mould will be started.
The actual value for the currently expiring cooling time (heating time) will be indicated on the left
of the set value.
Current injection pressure
Here, the current injection pressure will be indicated in [bar] / [psi].

Current melt pressure (option)

The current melt pressure is indicated in [bar] / [psi].

Current cavity pressure MASTER (option)

The current cavity pressure will be indicated in [bar] / [psi].

Current mould wall temperature MASTER (option)

The current mould wall temperature will be indicated in [C] / [F].

Copy P1 to P2 (for machines with 2 injection parameter records)

Copy injection parameter 1 to injection parameter record 2. Pressing this button will copy all
settings of the 1st injection parameter record to the 2nd injection parameter record.

Chapter 6 - 3
Holding pressure

6.1.2 General / Change over to holding pressure


For the following options select the change over to holding pressure mode (master change-

Start time dependent

At the end of the set time, there will be a change-over to holding pressure. The set value will be
stated in [s].

Start volume-dependent
After reaching the set volume, there will be a change over to holding pressure. The set value will
be stated in [ccm] / [cuin].

Start injection pressure dependent

After reaching the set injection pressure there will be a change over to holding pressure. The set
value will be stated in [bar] / [ psi].


Chapter 6 - 4 0515MC
Holding pressure
Start cavity pressure dependent
After having reached the set cavity pressure, there will be a change-over to holding pressure.
The set value will be stated in [bar] / [ psi].

Start melt pressure depedent

After reaching the set the melt pressure, there will be a change over to holding pressure. The
set value will be stated in [bar] / [ psi].

Start from external device (option)

A digital input signal caused the change-over to holding pressure.

Start depending on mould wall temperature

After reaching the set mould wall temperature, there will be a change over to holding pressure.
The set value will be stated in [C] / [ Fi].

Release from volume

In case you have preselected the injection pressure-, cavity pressure- or melt pressure-
dependent change over to holding pressure, the change over to holding pressure may only be
carried out from this volume onwards (safety function due to pressure injection when starting the
injection function). The set value will be stated in [ccm] / [cuin].

Monitoring time Change over to holding pressure

If none of the criteria stated above has been reached, the monitoring time set in this field will
start. The set value will be stated in [s].

After the end of the monitoring time, the error message "Incorrect change-over to holding
pressure" will be displayed.

Change-over by cavity pressure transducer

The cavity pressure transducer (master or slave) which has released a change over to holding
pressure will be displayed here.

Change-over by mould wall temperature sensor

The mould wall temperature sensor (master or slave) which has released a change over to
holding pressure will be displayed here.

The reaction to a slave change over is set in the "Production data / Monitoring / Page 4" menu
(see chapter 18).

Chapter 6 - 5
Holding pressure
Dynamics change-over to holding pressure (optional for MicroPower)
With this setting, over-/undershooting of the pressure during change-over to holding pressure
can be changed. A high percentage results in a very quick braking at the change-over to holding
pressure. A low percentage results in a slow braking at the change-over to holding pressure.


Chapter 6 - 6 0515MC
Holding pressure

6.1.3 General / Slave change-over


Slave change-over
The slave change over is a second criterion for changing over to holding pressure. While the
program selection is activated, the change over to holding pressure is released by the slave
change over if it was not be released by the master change over.

Change-over by cavity pressure transducer

The cavity pressure transducer (master or slave) which has released a change over to holding
pressure will be displayed here.

The reaction to a slave change over is set in the "Production data / Monitoring / Page 4" menu
(see chapter 18).

Chapter 6 - 7
Holding pressure

6.1.4 General / Slave change-over (2)


In this menu, the set values for the slave change-over to holding pressure depending on the
mould wall temperature are entered in [C] / [F].

Change-over by mould wall temperature sensor

The mould wall temperature sensor (master or slave) which has released a change over to
holding pressure will be displayed here.


Chapter 6 - 8 0515MC
Holding pressure

6.1.5 General / CPT selection

F06-Allgemein_Auswahl FID_02

In this menu, you select the desired cavity pressure transducer for the change over to holding

Cavity pressure transducer depending on mould

This program selection is required for machines with several lower moulds (rotary table, sliding
table, Tandem Mould).
If the program selection "Cavity pressure transducer depending on mould" is activated, the
cavity pressure transducers are set depending on the mould. These settings are carried out on
the page for lower mould settings (see chapter 11). The just active cavity pressure transducers
(cavity pressure transducers of the just active lower mould) are displayed below CPT master or
CPT slave.

Active lower mould (LM)

Display of the just active lower mould.

Chapter 6 - 9
Holding pressure
Cavity pressure transducer CPT master
Select which cavity pressure transducer will be active. The set cavity pressure transducer (in
case the cavity pressure dependent change over has been activated) will performed the change
over to holding pressure. Enter "0" if no master cavity pressure transducer is required.

Cavity pressure transducer CPT slave 1 to 7

Select the cavity pressure transducer which is responsible for the slave change over (if slave
change over is to be used). Enter "0" if no slave cavity pressure transducer is required.


Chapter 6 - 10 0515MC
Holding pressure

6.2 Cavity pressure transducer


In this menu, you select the desired cavity pressure transducer and the respective type.
Additionally, the thermocouple can be scaled for a two-channel amplifier.

Selection Cavity pressure transducer

The selection of the cavity pressure transducer being active for the change over to holding
pressure or slave change over is set in the "CPT selection" menu.

Cavity pressure transducer

Here, you may choose between the different CPT types. The data required for the respective
pressure transducers can be found in the pressure transducer description.

Chapter 6 - 11
Holding pressure
Enter the sensitivity in [pC/bar] / [pC/psi] and the amplifier measuring range in [pC]. The
amplifier measuring range refers to the charge amplifier range.
Name plate of the charge amplifier or the pressure sensor:
Charge amplifier: 10000 pC/10 V
Pressure sensor: 2.5 pC/bar
Entry in the menu:
Sensitivity: 2.5 pC/bar
Amplifier measuring range: 10000 pC

WSG indirect
Enter the sensitivity in [mV/V], the measuring range in [bar] / [psi] and the amplifier measuring
range in [mV]. The amplifier measuring range refers to the WSG amplifier range.
Name plate of the WSG amplifier or the pressure sensor:
WSG amplifier: 10000 mV
Pressure sensor Range: 2500 bar
Pressure sensor Sens.: 4 mV/V
Entry in the menu:
Sensitivity: 4 mV/V
Measuring range: 2500 bar
Amplifier measuring range: 10000 mV


Chapter 6 - 12 0515MC
Holding pressure
WSG direct
Enter the measuring range in [bar] / [psi] and the amplifier measuring range in [mV]. The
amplifier measuring range refers to the WSG amplifier range.
Name plate of the WSG amplifier or the pressure sensor:
WSG amplifier: 10000 mV
Pressure sensor Range: 2500 bar
Entry in the menu:Measuring range: 2500 bar
Amplifier measuring range: 10000 mV

As a standard, amplifier measuring range 1 will be preselected and the gain will be entered in
the left input field.

If the cavity pressure transducer is equipped with a range switching, you can change over
to range 2 (small pressure range / amplifier measuring range 2) by pressing the "Âmplifier
measuring range" switch. The gain for this range will be entered in the right input field.

All CPT types may also be force transducers; for this reason, there is an additional option field
for force transducers including the measuring pin diameter input.

max. pressure measurement range

The maximum pressure measuring range which results from the cavity transducer settings is
displayed in this field.

Manual activation of the CPT measurement

An activation of this function selection activates the manual measurement of the cavity pressure
which is used to check the cavity pressure transducer. Additionally, the measurement status is
displayed by a colour change of the "CPT measurement active" text to green.

Chapter 6 - 13
Holding pressure
Thermocouple (mould wall temperature = MWT)
Here, the thermocouple for the mould wall temperature (MWT) will be scaled.

Temperature control zone

If not two-channel amplifier is used, an external thermocouple can here be defined for
measuring the mould wall temperature. For this it is necessary to specify the temperture control
zone of the thermocouple.

Zero point
Entry of the zero point scaling in [mV]. Zero point voltage is that voltage at which the
thermocouple shows 0 [C] / 32 [F].

Measuring range
Enter the maximum temperature range in [C] / [F] and the maximum voltage range in [mV].

Current mould wall temperture

The current mould wall temperature will be indicated in [C] / [F].


Chapter 6 - 14 0515MC

7 Metering / Decompression

7.1 General
7.1.1 General / Page 1


In this menu, you set the parameters for Metering and decompression.
You may specify separate peripheral velocities, volumes and back pressures for two fixed
stroke sections and four stroke sections which may be activated. The running characteristics
themselves will then be subject to linear interpolation by the control system, i.e., there is no
sudden change between the different speeds, but a balanced adaptation to the appropriate set
values (see set value diagram for holding pressure).

Chapter 7 - 1
Enter the set values for the shot volume "V" in [ccm] / [cuin] or [mm] / [in], for the peripheral
velocities "v" in [mm/s] / [inch/s], and the set values for the specific back pressures "ps" or
hydraulic back pressures "ph" in [bar] / [psi]. The appropriate maximum values can be read off
next to the diagram axes. The wished unit system can be configured in the "General / Setings"
menu (see chapter 1.1.4).
ps ... specific back pressure (pressure of the moulding compound in the cylinder)
ph ... hydraulic back pressure (pressure in the hydraulic cylinder)

Holding pressure (with MicroPower only)

From end of metering to material transfer to the injection plunger by means of screw rotation.
Typical value: 1/3 of the last back pressure value.

The shot volume is to be entered as absolute value, i.e. when entering 45.00 ccm the volume is
increased to 45.00 ccm.

Dec. 1 (Decompression before metering)

Enter the set values for the decompression volume flows "Q" in [ccm/s] / [cuin/s] or [mm] / [in],
for the volumes "V" in [ccm] / [cuin].
Use this program to activate the decompression stroke before metering. At the end of the set
holding pressure time, the screw retracts by the set decompression volume.

Decompression volume 1 is to be entered relatively i.e. when entering 1.00 ccm the screw
retracts by 1.00 ccm from the current position.

In the automatic mode, the "Decompression before metering" program is activated immediately
after the end of the holding pressure phase, in the manual mode by pressing the "Metering /
decompression" key.

Q (Volume flow)
Before the beginning of the metering stroke, the screw goes back at the entered volume flow, if
the "Decompression before metering" program is switched on.

V (Volume)
Specify the set value for the volume for "Decompression before metering" in this field.


Chapter 7 - 2 0515MC
Dec. 2 (decompression after metering)
Use the "Dec. 2" program to activate the decompression stroke after metering. After the shot
volume has been reached, the screw retracts by the set decompression volume.

Decompression volume 2 is to be entered relatively to the metering volume i.e. when entering
1.00 ccm the screw retracts by 1.00 ccm from the current position (Metering End).

Q (Volume flow)
After metering, the screw goes back at the entered volume flow, if the "Decompression after
metering" program is switched on.

V (Volume)
Specify the set value for the volume for "Decompression after metering" in this field.

back pressure
Back pressure signifies the pressure acting upon the injection piston while the screw retracts.
The back pressure is active during the metering phase. It acts against the metering direction to
compress the material in the barrel.

No back pressure
The back pressure is deactivated, i.e. no back pressure profile will be carried out.

For hydraulic machines with the "Position-controlled injection piston" option, enter a set value
for "No back pressure" and "Back pressure in automatic mode only" on the right to the selection
switch. This set value should be set in such a way that no material flows out of the nozzle during
metering, but that material can be metered via a slight back pressure. According to material and
nozzle bore, the value should be between 10 and 30 bar. The screw moves back empty when 0
is entered. The screw actively moves back by entering a negative back pressure value.

Chapter 7 - 3
Back pressure in the automatic mode only
The back pressure is active in the automatic mode only.

Back pressure in manual and automatic mode

The back pressure is active in the manual and the automatic mode.

Delay Decompression / Metering

Specify the delay "Decompression / Metering" in [s]. The delay "Decompression / Metering"
starts at the end of the holding pressure time. At the end of the delay time starts the "Metering /
decompression" phase.

The start of the "Metering / decompression" phase depends on your program selection in the
"Injection unit" menu:
• "Injection unit backw. before metering".
• "Injection unit backw. after metering".

Current peripheral velocity

Display of the current peripheral velocity of the screw in [mm/s] / [inch/s] and [rpm].

min. melt cushion

Display of the min. melt cushion in [ccm] / [cuin].

An activation of the "Finger symbol" to
the left of the set value graphics causes a
change-over from the set value graphichs to
the shot volume overview.


Copy P1 to P2 (for machines with 2 injection parameter records)

Copy injection parameter 1 to injection parameter record 2. Pressing this button will copy all
settings of the 1st injection parameter record to the 2nd injection parameter record.


Chapter 7 - 4 0515MC

7.1.2 General / Page 2



If this program is switched on, the control system activates the "Metering" function (Turn screw)
at the end of the "Delay time Injection" and before "Injection" to feed the material to the mould.
The duration of the pre-extrusion may be set by means of the set value Time. The actual
injection procedure starts only after this function has been finished.
This program is only effective in the manual and the automatic mode.

Pre-extrusion Time
The set value entered in this field determines the duration of the pre-extrusion, and becomes
effective if the "Pre-extrusion" program is switched on.

Chapter 7 - 5
Peripheral velocity Pre-extrusion
The set value entered in this field determines the peripheral velocity of the pre-extrusion, and
becomes effective if the "Pre-extrusion" program is switched on.

Back pressure Pre-extrusion

The set value entered in this field determines the back pressure of the pre-extrusion, and
becomes effective if the "Pre-extrusion" program is switched on.

High rotational speed / Low torque

If the machine disposes of a two-speed drive, you can use this program to change over between
the higher and lower speed.

Clamping Injection piston

When activating this program preselection the injection piston will be position controlled after
metering at the last "Metering" stroke marker (Metering End) with the limiting pressure set in this
field; i.e. as long as the set pressure is not exceeded the "Metering End" position is maintained.
When exceeding the set pressure the pressure has to be reduced. The position will not be left.
This function is required for gassing materials for example to prevent the injection piston from
moving backward after metering.

Clamping injection plunger pressure-controlled (optionally for Cellmould)

When selecting this program preselection, the back pressure is regulated to the adjusted
pressure set value after having finished the metering process. This pressure set value should
be adapted to the back pressure in the metering profile. This function is required during the
Cellmould application in order to keep under pressure the melt which is mixed with gas.

Simultaneous operation Metering (option)

With the program preselection activated, metering can be moved parallel to the opening and
closing movement, i.e. At the end of the cooling time, the clamping unit will be opened no matter
whether "Metering End" was reached or not.

Plasticizing time monitoring

If „Simultaneous operation metering“ is activated, metering can be monitored across the respective
time interval. If the metering volume is not reached within the time set here, the cycle is continued
to its end. Subsequently, the motor is stopped and alarm message „Plasticizing time monitoring
- Material“ is displayed.
If the set value is “0”, metering is monitored during a time that corresponds to four times the cool-
ing time.


Chapter 7 - 6 0515MC
Dyeing unit
Permanent pulse
The signal for the dyeing unit is triggered parallel to metering.

Adjustable pulse
The signal for the dyeing unit is triggered with start of metering until the "Dyeing unit pulse
duration" has run down or metering has been finished.

Dyeing unit pulse duration

Setting the pulse duration for the dyeing unit signal. This time is effective only if the program
preselection "Adjustable pulse" has been selected.

Chapter 7 - 7

7.2 Integral


Metering Integral supervision

The principle of metering integral monitoring is based on the detection of differences in viscosity.
The metering work will be determined by integrating the metering pressure between two
selectable volumes of the metering stroke which may be freely selected.
If this program has been selected, the integral monitoring will be activated.
The determination of the actual integral will always be active, provided that a start and stop
volume have been specified.

The integral can be recored in [Nmm] / [lbfin] (when recording small metering volumes) or in
[Nm] / [lbfft] (when recording large metering volumes). The unit for the integral is set in the menu
„Machine in general / Settings“ (see chapter 1).


Chapter 7 - 8 0515MC
Display of the actual value and input of the set value for the integral monitoring. Depending your
choice, the integral will either be displayed in [Nmm] / [lbfin] or [Nm] / [lbfft].

+ Tolerance
Input of the maximum tolerance by which the actual integral value may differ from the set value
without risking an error analysis.

- Tolerance
Input of the minimum tolerance by which the actual integral value may differ from the set value
without risking an error analysis.

Start volume Integral recording

Input of the volume for which the integral recording of the metering work starts.

Stop volume Integral monitoring

Input of the volume for which the integral recording of the metering work ends.

The input of the start / stop volume of the integral recording will also be required for the display
and evaluation of the integral within the quality table.

Chapter 7 - 9

7.3 Melt cushion


Melt cushion display

Only display of the melt cushion.

HiQ Cushion (option)

The HiQ Cushion program (melt cushion control) corrects the shot volume to reach the set melt
To activate the HiQ Cushionprogram, select the "HiQ Cushion" field.
When activating the "HiQ cushion" the last point of the metering profile is entered as set value.

Melt cushion monitoring (option)

If this program has been selected, the melt cushion monitoring will be activated.

min. melt cushion

Specify the set value for the HiQ Cushion or monitoring in [cm³] / [cuin].


Chapter 7 - 10 0515MC
+ Tolerance
Specify by how many [ccm] / [cuin] the set value may be exceeded.

- Tolerance
Specify by how many [ccm] / [cuin] the set value may be fallen short of.

Step size
If the melt cushion is outside the tolerance range, the set value will be corrected by the deviation
from the melt cushion set value. If the deviation is larger than the "Step size" entered in this
field, the correction will be limited to this value.

Max. correction value

Enter the maximum correction volume in [ccm] / [cuin] in this field. When reaching the max.
correction value, the "HiQ Cushion: +/- Tolerance" error message will be displayed and the
machine switches of for Cycle End.

Metering limit stroke

The current value is copied once into this preselection when activating the HiQ Cushion and
limits the metering volume (i.e. value will not be exceeded). Regulation will then be carried out
starting with this value.

Regulation changes the set value profile for metering. The starting point before starting the
regulation can be read on the "Metering limit stroke" in this menu.

Chapter 7 - 11

7.4 Cellmould
7.4.1 Cellmould / Selection


Use this menu to make the wished programs and set value presettings for a "Modular
Cellmould® System" (option) integrated into the IMM.

General information
In this procedure, gass is entered under pressure into the melt in the screw barrel during the
metering process. In this procedure, the screw cannot be depressurised (opening the shut-off
nozzle or release of the screw) if the safety devices of the machine are opened since otherwise
the mixtue of melt and gas would separate and the complete process would have been started
again - the metered material is then without any use!

When shutting down the machine or working on the screw barrel, it is absolutely necessary to
purge the screw barrel and to block the gas supply.
Activating the Cellmould automatically switches on the shut-off nozzle and the program
preselections "Parallel opening sequence with injection process" and "Parallel closing sequence
with holding pressure end". With activated Cellmould, the program preselections of the
Foammould cannot be changed.


Chapter 7 - 12 0515MC
The integrated modular Foammould system is activated with this program preselection.

Gas feed point 1

Gas feed point 1 can be activated or deactivated by this selection. Additionally, the key-operated
switch „CELLMOULD“ on the operation panel must be activated or deactivated.

Start criterion
Start volume gas feed point 1 [ccm] / [cuin]
When the set volume is reached the Cellmould is started. Enter the set value for the volume
dependent start of the Cellmould here.

Gas feed point 2

Gas feed point 2 can be activated or deactivated by this selection. Additionally, the key-operated
switch „CELLMOULD“ on the operation panel must be activated or deactivated.

Start criterion
Start volume gas feed point 1 [ccm] / [cuin]
When the set volume is reached the Cellmould is started. Enter the set value for the volume
dependent start of the Cellmould here.

Release pressure for injector start

The injector must be opened if fluid pressure is required. When reaching this release pressure,
the injector will be opened. Otherwise, the alarm message „Min. fluid pressure not reached“ will
be displayed and the machine cycle finished in the automatic mode.

Calculation of the volume of gas feed

In order to facilitate the process setting it is possible to have the value of the gas volume
calculated for a basic setting if the metering time, the weight of the moulded part and a gas feed
factor is specified.

Metering time
The metering time which will be measured for the duration of gas feed is entered here.

Weight of moulded part without gas

Enter the weight of the moulded part without gas.

Chapter 7 - 13
Gas feed factor
According to the type of the raw material and the requirement for the moulded part, the gas
feed factor can be between 0.2 and 1.5. The gas feed factor indicates the amount of gas in
grams in relation to the weight of the moulded part which will be introduced into the plastic melt.
Experience has shown that a start value of 0.3 is realistic.

Recommendation for the set value of the gas feed volume

This set volume value is a recommendation for the basic setting in the gas feed profile.


Chapter 7 - 14 0515MC

7.4.2 Cellmould / Gas feed point


Use this menu to enter the set values for the gas feed profile for the Cellmould module.
After the set value input the set value graphic shows the pressure / Q development of the set
values via a volume axis.

Cellmould with volume profile

The X axis represents the volume. The Y axis shows the pressure or Q respectively. The set
metering volume and the change-over volume (injection range) is indicated by two red vertical
lines in the set value diagram.
The current injection volume is indicated by a green vertical line in the set value diagram.

Chapter 7 - 15
GGas feed profile
• Cellmould with volume profile
You can enter separate Q profile values (gas feed speed) for one fixed volume section
and four volume sections which may be activated.
• Activate the wished number of volume or time intervals.
• Specify the different volume sections „V“ in [ccm] / [cuin] and the corresponding pressure
values „p“ in [bar] / [psi] and Q in [l/min] / [gal/min].

The volume sections must be entered in absolute values. I.e. the right set value must always be
greater than the left set value!
It is not always necessary to use all gradations for simple injection moulded parts. However, in
case of complex injection moulded parts, it is useful to set all profile points.
Deactivate not used profile points!

Maximum gas feedt time

Enter the delay time in seconds in this field. According to program preselection, this time is
started depending on the stroke or pressure or when metering begins. At the end of "Delay time
Gas feed" the gas feed into the liquid melt is started.

Time gas feed

Display of current gas feed time in [s].

Current fluid pressure

Display of the current absolute injection pressure in [bar] / [psi].

Current melt pressure Screw antichamber

Display of the current melt pressure in [bar] / [psi].

Current back pressure

Display of the current back pressure in [bar]/[psi].


Chapter 7 - 16 0515MC
Current melt pressure gas feed point 1
Display of the current melt pressure in [bar] / [psi].

Current melt pressure gas feed point 1

Display of the current melt pressure in [bar] / [psi].

Chapter 7 - 17

7.4.3 Cellmould / Manual


Use this menu to check the injector functions in the „Setting“ operating mode.

A function test is only possible if the safety gate of the clamping unit and the injection unit
(nozzle) are closed!

Manual gas feed

• Enter a set value in the numerical field „Pressure and volume“. Press the „ENTER“ key to
acknowledge this value.
• Actuate the key „Manual gas feed 1 (2)“. Nitrogen flows through the Cellmould module to
the injector nozzle.
• Check the undisturbed flowing off of the nitrogen.
• Check whether the injectors have been correctly connected.
When you release the key, the injector will be closed and the nitrogen supply will be switched


Chapter 7 - 18 0515MC
Injection unit A: Safety stroke
Display of the safety stroke of the injection unit for Cellmould. The safety stroke is used for
securing the safety gate on the clamping unit.
With the safety stroke not being reached, the clamping unit's safety gate cannot be opened. An
error message will be displayed.

Injector 1 (2) open / closed

Status display of the injector.

Chapter 7 - 19

7.4.4 Cellmould / Zeroising


Zeroising fluid flow rate

This function is used to zeroize the fluid flow sensor for Cellmould. Selecting the function
„Zeroising“ will automatic calculate a new offset, and thus the current fluid flow „0“ will be

Zeroising melt pressure sensor gas feed point 1 (2)

This function is used to zeroize the melt pressure sensor. Zeroising should be done in the
heated and pressure-less state. A request message for zeroising is displayed when switching to
the Manual operating mode for the first time after having switched on the machine.


Chapter 7 - 20 0515MC

7.5 GRAVIMAX integrated

7.5.1 GRAVIMAX / Display


This menu is used to preset the set values for the integrated Wittmann GRAVIMAX. The
description of settings and error numbers can be found in the Wittmann GRAVIMAX manual.

The GRAVIMAX setting data can be stored in the product data record (see chapter 25.3 Data
records / Integration Wittmann periphery).7.5 GRAVIMAX integrated

Chapter 7 - 21

7.5.2 GRAVIMAX / Configuration


The connection to the Wittmann GRAVIMAX is configurated in this menu.

IP address
Enter the IP address of the Wittmann GRAVIMAX.

Hold display in the memory

When leaving the page and at the end of tis time (e.g. 600 s) the FLOWCON display is deleted
from the memory. When calling the display again, GRAVIMAX must be loaded again. Typical
entry: 600 s (10 min).

This field displays the version number of the UpdateControl. The UpdateControl is responsible
for establishing the connection and displaying the GRAVIMAX on the machines.

No evaluation of the GRAVIMAX alarms

An activation of this program preselection will disconnect the error analysis of the GRAVIMAX
alarms. i.e. no display of or reaction on a GRAVIMAX alarm (alarms 1196 to 1198) will be given.


Chapter 7 - 22 0515MC

8 Ejector

8.1 General (upper parts ejector)

8.1.1 General / Page 1


In this menu, you may activate the ejector and set the respective parameters.
Enter the set values for the speeds in [mm/s] / [inch/s], the set values for the strokes in [mm] /
[inch], and the set values for the forces in [kN] / [shtn]. The respective maximum values can be
read off above the set value fields.

No ejector
In case you do not need an ejector, select this field.

In the "Setting mode" this setting will not influence the ejector, i.e. the ejector can be moved in
the setting mode although this program preselection has been activated.

Chapter 8 - 1
Start ejector for Mould opened
Select this field if the ejector should only start for an opened mould and at the end of the "Delay
Ejector forward".

Start ejector for Open Stroke

Select this field if the ejector is to start at this stroke position during the opening movement and
at the end of the "Delay Ejector forward".

Ejector with core puller program (option)

The ejector sequence is controlled by a core puller program. Specify a core puller program and
a priority each on page 2 for the movements "Ejector forward" and "Ejector back". Chapter 9
shows an overview of the core puller programs.

Jolt ejector Stroke rate

Enter the number of strokes to be performed by the ejector (without robot). The actual value will
be displayed on the left of this value.
On the left, the number of strokes when using a robot (option) can be entered. Enter the number
of strokes to be performed by the ejector with activated robot.

Vibrating stroke
If the ejector is operated with a stroke rate larger than 1, the "Ejector backward" movement will
be carried out up to this stroke position. Thus a small vibrating stroke in [mm] / [inch] may be
selected in the front ejector range. If this is not desirable, the vibrating stroke has to equated to
the limit position for "Ejector backward".

Delay Ejector backward

Specify the delay for the "Ejector backward" movement in [s] in this field. The actual value will
be displayed on the left of this value.

Delay Ejector forward

Specify the delay for the "Ejector forward" movement in [s] in this field. The actual value will be
displayed on the left of this value.


Chapter 8 - 2 0515MC
Ejector safety stroke
While the rotary unit (option) is activated, the "Ejector safety stroke" is activated which is shown
by a colour change of the text to black. These settings can be changed in user level only.
The safety stroke serves as protection for the mould and the ejector. The safety stroke must be
set in such a way that the mould cannot be damaged by turning the rotary unit.
In case the safety stroke has been exceeded, the movements of the rotary unit, closing
movement and the starting of the automatic cycle will be disabled and an error message will be

The safety stroke is entered as absolute stroke (absolute stroke = stroke without zeroizing
Ejector). The current absolute stroke will be displayed.

Chapter 8 - 3

8.1.2 General / Page 2


Ejector forward / back -> Parts removal / insertion

If the "Ejector forward / back -> Parts removal / insertion" program is switched on, only one of
the machine cycles will be completed automatically. The "Semiautomatic" key must be pressed.
In this program the operator can take the injected part from the mould (is loosened in the cavity
by a short ejector stroke "forward / backward"). For example, it is also possible to position insert
parts in the mould. For the program sequence refer to "Chapter A, Programs in general".

Ejector forward -> Parts removal / insertion -> Ejector back

The program "Ejector forward -> Parts removal / insertion -> Ejector back" enables the user to
discharge the injection moulding part from the machine himself. The "Semiautomatic" key must
be pressed. For the program sequence refer to "Chapter A, Programs in general".

Ejector forward -> removal -> ejector back -> insertion

The program „Ejector forward -> removal -> ejector back -> insertion“ allows the operator to
remove the injection mouldings manually from the machine. To do this, the „Semiautomatic
mode“ button must be pressed. For the program sequence refer to "Chapter A, Programs in


Chapter 8 - 4 0515MC
It is recommended to choose the stroke marker "Ejector front" so that the injection moulding is
just prevented from falling down and may easily be discharged while the safety gate is opened.

Drop-out preventer (option)

If this program is switched on, a new cycle will be disabled until the injection moulding has
passed the photoelectric barrier. If the injection moulding does not pass the photoelectric barrier
during the change over time (injection moulding will be ejected), the next cycle will not be
started. The control system signals an error.

Ejector plate protection (option)

The ejector plate protection (at the clamping unit) is a limit switch in the mould monitoring the
ejector plate in the mould.
This ejector plate can be monitored (moved) by the ejector or a core puller. This function will
be electrically connected by the customer. Battenfeld provides the appropriate interface. The
monitoring using the limit switch will be activated if selected.

The ejector plate protection is not monitored.
Close mould / move in core(s)
If not active during input for the mould platen protection, closing and move in core(s) will be
Mould close
If not active during input for the mould platen protection, closing will be disabled.
Closing mould up to safety position
If not active during input for the mould platen protection, closing until safety position ("Clamping
unit safety position") will be disabled.
Closing mould from safety position
If not active during input for the mould platen protection, closing from safety position ("Clamping
unit safety position") will be disabled.
Move in core(s)
If not active during input for the mould platen protection, move in core(s) will be disabled.
Move out core(s)
If not active during input for the mould platen protection, move out core(s) will be disabled.
Ejector back
If not active during input for the mould platen protection, the ejector back movement will be

Clamping unit safety position

Input of the safety position when preselecting "Close mould until (from) safety position".

Chapter 8 - 5
For vertical machines, the ejector platen protection is configured in the "Configuration Mould /
Page 3" menu under "Mould platen protection".

Plausibility monitoring Ejector plate protection (option)

When activating this program preselection, the plausibility of the ejector plate protection will
be monitored. i.e.: With the ejector being in front, a check will be carried out whether the limit
switches of the ejector plate protection are no longer operated. The plausibility monitoring is
active only with "Classical montioring": The plate protection must be operated again before the
clamping (HIGH LEVEL).

Ejector forward, move cores for an opened safety gate.

Risk of injury! If the ejector or core pullers are operated with the safety gate open, it must be
ensured that there are no pinching and / or crushing points on the mould.
This program must be deactivated before switching off the machine!

If this program has been selected (for machines destined for the U.S. you also have to activate
the key-operated switch), you can open the mould, move the ejector forward and the core
pullers in and out although the safety gate on the operator’s side is opened.
If the mould is opened, press the key "Ejector forward" and the "Move in / out core puller with
the safety gate open" (option). The ejector will move forward and the part can be removed. The
safety gate now has to be closed via the "Close safety gate" function key. After pressing the
"Close" function key, the ejector moves backward and the next cycle starts.
Europe: VIS switch for ejector forward/back, move in/out core pullers
Acknowledgement key for ejector forward/back, move in/out core pullers
Asia: Key-operated switch (VIS switch automatically adjusted) for ejector forward/
back, move in/out core pullers
USA: Key-operated switch (VIS switch automatically adjusted) for ejector forward,
move out core pullers

Ejector back parallel to close

If this program is activated, moving back the ejector is possible parallel to closing. The ejector
must be moved back until the "Clamping unit safety position for ejector back (see chapter
1.6.1)" has been reached, otherwise the clamping unit will be stopped.
This program is possible only in combination with "Removal/insertion in front".


Chapter 8 - 6 0515MC
Ejector with core puller program
If the program "Ejector with core puller program activated" (activation on page 1), enter the core
puller programs and priorities for the ejector forward and back movements in this field. Chapter
9 shows an overview of the core puller programs.

Ejector dismantled
Activate this program preselection after having dismantled the ejector. The signals of the stroke
transducer will no longer be processed.

Ejection from middle platen (option)

This program preselection is intended for demoulding the parts. To this end, the moulding platen
will be lifted and a robot or a demoulding platen will be moved in for the demoulding procedure.
If this program preselection is activated none of the cleaning /spraying devices can be activated.
Parallel operation of these two programs is not possible.

Chapter 8 - 7

8.1.3 General / Page 3


1st stroke Ejector forward

Here, the stroke of the first ejector stroke is set. This stroke is approached with activated
program preselection only.

Delay Ejector forward/back, even with vibrating stroke

If this program preselection is selected the delay times for the ejector (forward and back) are
active also for each vibrating stroke.


Chapter 8 - 8 0515MC

8.2 Air valves (option)

8.2.1 Air valves


This option may under no circumstances be used for triggering axis drives, such as pneumatic
cylinders, pneumatic motors or similar devices! In this option, there is no safety-related
connection with the safety doors and thus this air valve is triggered even if the safety gates are
open! This option may only be used for blowing functions without any risk for the user and would
not offer any protection against axis motions with threads to shearing and pinching.

Air valve 1/2/3/4

In these fields, the respective air valve will be highlighted and selected.

Start stroke Air valve

This stroke position is the start stroke of the respective air valve for a set program preselection
1, 4, 6, or 7.

Chapter 8 - 9
Delay Air valve
This time in [s] will be started depending on the program preselection. At the end of this time the
air valve will be activated.

Blowing duration Air valve

This time in [s] will be started at the end of the delay time. At the same time, the air valve will be
activated until the end of this time.

Counter Air valve

Setting of the shot number after which, in case the program preselection 6 or 7 has been
activated, an air cleaning is to be carried out.

Program preselection 0
As soon as the "Start stroke" position has been reached for "Close mould", the delay time starts
and at the end of this time, the air valve will remain active until the beginning of the cooling time.
The set blowing time is of no importance here.

Program preselection 1
As soon as the "Start stroke" position has been reached for "Close mould", the delay time starts
and at the end of this time, the air valve will remain active for the set blowing duration.

Program preselection 2
The delay time starts for "Start Injection" and at the end of this time, the air valve will remain
active for the set blowing duration.

Program preselection 3
The delay time starts for "Start Cooling time" and at the end of this time, the air valve will remain
active for the set blowing duration.

Program preselection 4
As soon as the "Start stroke" position has been reached for "Open mould", the delay time will
start and at the end of this time, the air valve will remain active for the set blowing duration.

Program preselection 5 (option)

For this program preselection, the air valve may be started externally. As soon as the external
signal is active, the delay time starts and at the end of this time, the air valve will remain active
for the set blowing duration.


Chapter 8 - 10 0515MC
Program preselection 6
As soon as the "Start stroke" position and the set shot number has been reached for "Close
mould", the delay time starts and at the end of this time, the air valve will remain active for the
set blowing duration.

Program preselection 7
As soon as the "Start stroke" position and the set shot number has been reached for "Open
mould", the delay time will start and at the end of this time, the air valve will remain active for the
set blowing duration.

Program preselection 8
The delay time starts as soon as "Ejector forward" is started, and at the end of this time, the air
valve will remain active for the set blowing duration.

Program preselection 9
The delay time starts before the "End of cooling time". Together with the delay time (which in
this time has the function of a setup time), the air valve will remain active for the set blowing
Cooling time 3 seconds, delay time 0.5 seconds, blowing time 1 second. 2.5 seconds after the
beginning of the cooling time (0.5 seconds before the "End of cooling time"), the air valve will
become active during the blowing time of 1 second.

Program preselection 10 (13, 14, 15, 16)

With robot 1 (2, 3, 4, 5): The blowing time starts with the "Ejector forward" signal if the set value
entered at "Start stroke Air valve" ("Open mould") has been exceeded.
Without robot: As soon as the "Start stroke Air valve" position is reached with "Open mould", the
air valve remains active for the set blowing duration.

Program preselection 11
This program preselection causes an alternating change-over of two air valves.
The air valve performing the alternating change-over is preset in the "Counter Air valve" set
value field.
This program preselection is also active in the manual mode.
Enter 1 for "Counter Air valve" for the "Air valve 2". If the program preselection 11 was selected
for the "Air valve 2", the "Air valve 2" will become active always if the "Air valve 1" is not active.
If the "Air valve 1" is active, "Air valve 2" will not be active.

Chapter 8 - 11
Program preselection 12
The delay time starts as soon as „Move in core puller 1“ is started, and at the end of this time,
the air valve will remain active for the set blowing duration.

Program preselection 50 (option for vertical machines)

The delay time starts as soon as "Mould table" is started, and at the end of this time, the air
valve will remain active for the set blowing duration.

Program preselection 51 (52 to 56) (option for vertical machines)

As soon as the "Lower mould 1 (2 to 6)" is started from an operator station, the delay time starts
and at the end of this time, the air valve will remain active for the set blowing duration.

Program preselection 57 (58, 59) (option for vertical machines)

The delay time starts as soon as the movement "Station ejector 1 (2, 3) forward" is started, and
at the end of this time, the air valve will remain active for the set blowing duration.

Program preselection 61 (62 to 66) (option for vertical machines)

As soon as the "Lower mould 1 (2 to 6)" is started from an insertion station, the delay time starts
and at the end of this time, the air valve will remain active for the set blowing duration.

Manual operation (option for vertical machines)

In the manual mode, activate the air valve by pressing the manual switch at the manual control
panel and it will remain active as long as the switch is pressed.

The available air valve programs are shown in the „Air valves / info“ menu. Programs labelled
with VM are only available in VM machines. Us the two arrow buttons at the top right to change
to other pages.


Chapter 8 - 12 0515MC

8.2.2 Air valves / General


Air valves Manual cycle

Use this program preselection to start the air vale in the manual mode according to the settings
for the automatic mode.
For "Air valve 2", 4 was entered in the "Program preselection" field and the set value 150 in
the "Start stroke Air valve" field. In the manual mode, the blowing time then starts at the "Start
stroke Air valve" stroke marker ("Open mould")
"Program preselection 9" is an exception. With this selection, the blowing time is started with
"Open mould".

Chapter 8 - 13

Pressure release (option)

no pressure relief
The air valves will be relieved only when pressing an EMERGENCY STOP key.

for Motor Stop

The air valves are relieved when the drive motor stops.

when setting
The air valves are relieved in the setting mode.

for open safety gate

The air valves are relieved when opening the clamping unit's safety gate (or the photoelectric
barrier) The relief of the air valves will remain active until the safety gate is closed, or the
clamping unit's safety device is acknowledged.

In general, the air valves are relieved in the case of EMERGENCY STOP.


Chapter 8 - 14 0515MC

8.3 Screw-off unit (option)

8.3.1 Screw-off unit / Settings


In this menu, you may activate the screw-off unit and set the respective parameters.
Additionally, the status of the screw-off unit is displayed.

Screw-off unit
Use this program preselection to activate the screw-off unit.

Direction of rotation: screwing in is cw turning

Direction of rotation: screwing in is ccw turning
Select the wished direction of rotation in this field.

Chapter 8 - 15
Screw off to core puller robot signals 1 or 2
When activating this program preselection, the screwing in or out can only be carried out if the
respective release signal is set by the robot interface 1 (or 2, 3, 4, 5).

For an EUROMAP 67 interface it will be possible to request two core puller release signals
screwing off. Use setting 1 or to to activate the wished release signal. For the EUROMAP 12
interface, the „1“ setting is valid only.

F (force)
Enter here the required force in [kN] for screwing the screw-off unit in and out.

v (speed)
Enter here the required speed in [degree/s] for screwing the screw-off unit in and out.

Preset here the required number of revolutions under "U" and the additional partial revolution
under "degree". Read the current position on the right of that entry.

Motion time
Read the duratin for screwing in and out here.

Pr.No. Program number

Select the appropriate program number in this field.

This column is at the moment still under way.

You may only activate the program numbers described here for the screw-off unit.
Changes of the programs in the automatic mode are not recommended since these changes will
not be accepted unless there is no active movement (e.g. during the change over or the cooling


Chapter 8 - 16 0515MC
Program number 1
"Screw in" (screw out) screw-off unit at the "Mould open" position.
When removing the moulded articles manually (option), the "Screw in screw-off unit" movement
in the semiautomatic mode and with the key-operated switch activated or the acknowledgement
key pressed is also possible if the operational safety gate is opened.
Screwing in:
• Screw-off unit disabled if ejector not back.
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out before the screwing-in process and screwed in
after the movement (during the whole clamping procedure).
• Ejector disabled if screw-off unit not screwed out.
Screwing out:
• Screw-off unit disabled if ejector not back.
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out after the movement (during the whole opening

Program number 2
"Screw in" (screw out) screw-off unit for "Intermediate stop Closing" (open). The stroke position
for "Intermediate stop" will be entered in the "Start" column. If the screw-off unit is "screwed in"
(screwed out), "Closing" (Open) will be continued.
Screwing in:
• Screw-off unit disabled if ejector not back.
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out before the screwing-in process (until the
"Intermediate stop Closing") and screwed in after the movement (after the intermediate
stop until "Mould closed").
• Ejector disabled if screw-off unit not screwed out.
Screwing out:
• Screw-off unit disabled if ejector not back.
• The screw-off unit must be screwed in after the movement (after the intermediate stop
until "Mould opened").

Chapter 8 - 17
Program number 3
"Screw in" screw-off unit for "Mould closed" (before clamping force build-up). "Screw out" screw-
off unit after clamping force reduction.
Screwing in:
• Screw-off unit disabled if ejector not back.
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out before the screwing-in process (before high
pressure build-up) and screwed in after the movement (during high pressure build-up).
• Ejector disabled if screw-off unit not screwed out.
Screwing out:
• Screw-off unit disabled if ejector not back.
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out after the movement (after high pressure

Program number 4
"Screw in" screw-off unit after clamping force build-up. "Screw out" screw-off unit before
clamping force reduction.
Screwing in:
• Screw-off unit disabled if ejector not back.
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out before the screwing-in process (during the whole
clamping procedure) and screwed in after the movement.
• Injection disabled if the screw-off unit is not screwed in.
• Ejector disabled if screw-off unit not screwed out.
Screwing out:
• Screw-off unit disabled if ejector not back.
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out after the movement ("Mould opened").
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out after the movement (during the whole opening


Chapter 8 - 18 0515MC
Program number 5

"Screw in" screw-off unit after "Mould opened". "Screw out" screw-off unit immediately after
reaching the "Screw-off unit is screwed in" position.
When removing the moulded articles manually (option), the "Screw in / out screw-off unit"
movements in the semiautomatic mode and with the key-operated switch activated or the
acknowledgement key pressed are also possible if the operational safety gate is opened.

This program is intended for the screw-off unit, which, in combination with the rotary unit,
assumes the function of an ejector. The actual ejector program must be deactivated during this
process (see chapter 8, no ejector).
Screwing in:
• Screw-off unit disabled if ejector not back.
• Closing disabled if screw-off unit not screwed out.
Screwing out:
• Screw-off unit disabled if ejector not back.
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out after the movement (during the whole closing
• Closing disabled if screw-off unit not screwed out.

Chapter 8 - 19
Program number 6
"Screw in" (screw out) screw-off unit for "Start stroke Closing" (Opening) parallel to the
movement. The stroke marker for "Start stroke" will be entered in the "Start" column.
After the screw-off unit has been "screwed in" (screwed out) when reaching the stop stroke,
"Closing" (Opening) will be continued.
After the screw-off unit has not yet been "screwed in" (screwed out) when reaching the stop
stroke, "Closing" (Opening) will be interrupted. Only after the screw-off unit has been "screwed
in" (screwed out), will "Closing" (Opening) be continued. The stroke position for "Stop stroke"
will be entered in the "Stop" column.
Screwing in:
• Screw-off unit disabled if ejector not back.
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out before the screwing-in process (until start stroke)
and screwed in after the movement of the screw-off unit.
• Ejector disabled if screw-off unit not screwed out.
Screwing out:
• Screw-off unit disabled if ejector not back.
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out after the movement of the screw-off unit.

This program can only be used if the machine is designed for parallel movements.

Program number 7
"Screw in" screw-off unit before injeciton. "Screw out" screw-off unit after holding pressure end.
Screwing in:
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out before the screwing-in process (before injection)
and screwed in after the movement (during injection).
• Opening disabled if the screw-off unit is not screwed out.
Screwing out:
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out after the movement (after holding pressure end).
• Opening disabled if the screw-off unit is not screwed out.
• Closing disabled if screw-off unit not screwed out.


Chapter 8 - 20 0515MC
Program number 8
"Screw in" Screw-off unit after "Ejector is in front position". "Screw out" screw-off unit before the
movement "Ejector backward".
Screwing in:
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out before the screwing-in process (ejector forward)
and screwed in after the movement of the screw-off unit.
• Opening disabled if the screw-off unit is not screwed out.
• Closing disabled if screw-off unit not screwed out.
Screwing out:
• The screw-off unit must be screwed out after the movement (during ejector backward).
• Opening disabled if the screw-off unit is not screwed out.
• Closing disabled if screw-off unit not screwed out.

Enter the start stroke for "Screwing in" and / or "Screwing out" in [mm] / [inch] in this field.
This input is only required for program preselections 2, 6, and 8 which will be indicated by
changing the colour of the set value from grey to blue.

Enter the stop stroke for "Screwing in" and / or "Screwing out" in [mm] / [inch] in this field.
This input is only required for program preselections 6 and 8 which will be indicated by changing
the colour of the set value from grey to blue.

s (current stroke)
The current start / stop stroke is displayed in [mm] / [inch]. This is the stroke which will trigger a
screwing in or screwing out.

Chapter 8 - 21
Lock Axis
The axis (movement) blocked by the screw-off unit will be displayed here.
Description of the abbreviations displayed:
CU1+ opening
CU1- closing
EU1+ Ejector forward (upper parts ejector)
EU1- Ejector back (upper parts ejector)
RE1+ Station ejector 1 forward (rotary table machines only)
RE1- Station ejector 1 back (rotary table machines only)
RE2+ Station ejector 2 forward (rotary table machines only)
RE2- Station ejector 2 back (rotary table machines only)
RE3+ Station ejector 3 forward (rotary table machines only)
RE3- Station ejector 3 back (rotary table machines only)
RT1+ Turn rotary table ccw (rotary table machines only)
RT1- Turn rotary table cw (rotary table machines only)
NU1- Injection unit 1 (A) forward
NU1+ Injection unit 1 (A) back
NU2- Injection unit 2 (B) forward
NU2+ Injection unit 2 (B) back.
IP1+ Metering / Decompression (Injection unit 1 = A).
IP1- Injection (Injection unit 1 = A).
IP2+ Metering / Decompression (Injection unit 2 = B).
IP2- Injection (Injection unit 2 = B).

Display EU1 - (when screwing out):
Ejector backward movement is disabled until screwing off is performed.

Reference axis
In this field, it will be indicated to which axis (movement) the respective screw-off unit refers, i.e.
depending on which movement the screw-off unit will be screwed in or out.
For a description of the abbreviations displayed please refer to "Block Axis" (see present


Chapter 8 - 22 0515MC
2nd movement of screw-off unit
The second movement of the screw-off unit refers to a second screwing in and/or out in a
machine cycle. Select the programs for the second screw-in and screw-out- motion and
determine the parameters.

Entering the program number 0 switches off the 2nd movement of the screw-off unit.

Chapter 8 - 23

8.3.2 Screw-off unit / Diagnosis


Status Screw-off unit

Screw-off unit is screwed in (green colour)

Screwing-in movement active

Screw-off unit is screwed out (yellow colour)

Screwing-out movement active

Screw-off unit is screwed in (green colour) and valve remains triggered

Screw-off unit is screwed out (yellow colour) and valve remains triggered

Screw-off unit Limit switch monitoring


Chapter 8 - 24 0515MC
A red X, which is displayed before the movement arrows of the status, means that the
movement was stopped.

In the menu "Media centre / status bar", the status can be added to the status bar (see chapter

Chapter 8 - 25

8.3.3 Screw-off unit / Setting


Use this menu to preset the setting speed and the setting force for the screw-off unit.

Reduced downtime force

If the index bolt is stationary, this downtime force [kN] / [shtn] will regulate the screw-off unit to
its position. Select such a high downtime force that the drive of the screw-off unit can maintain
the position when being idle. However, the value of the downtime force should be selected low
enough to prevent any overtemperature (see errore message on NC error analysis).
An overtemperature could be reached if moulds are used which displace the rotary unit during
the clamping procedure.

Screw in screw-off unit Setting-v

Screw in screw-off unit Setting-F
Screw out screw-off unit Setting-v
Screw out screw-off unit Setting-F
If the setting mode is active, the screw-off unit is operated at the reduced set values set in this


Chapter 8 - 26 0515MC
Referencing procedure
The reference point must be newly determined after having assembled the adaptive screw-off
unit. Referencing is only possible in user level 20. If the screw-off unit is not referenced, this will
be indicated by changing the colour of the actual value to red. The actual value is indicated in
green after the referencing has been successfully completed.
1. Specifiy the actually determined position of the screw-off unit as the set value.
2. Activate function selection "Referencing".

NC error analysis
This menu lists the number of errors, the number of warnings, the error number and the error
text of the corresponding error message of the servo-electrical screw-off unit.
Activate the function key "Alarms, submenu NC errors" (also refer to chapter 28) to access this

Motor diagnosis
In the NC diagnosis menu, the current motor temperature and the drive utilization of the screw-
off unit can be read. Additionally, motor-specific data of the screw-off unit are displayed.
Activate the function key "Diagnosis, submenu NC diagnosis" (also refer to chapter 22) to
access this menu.

Chapter 8 - 27

8.4 Station ejector (vertical machines)

8.4.1 Station ejector / Page 1


In this menu, you can set the corresponding parameters of station ejector 1-3.

The station ejector can be deactivated on "Mould table Configuration Page 1" of the stations
(see chapter 11).
If the station ejector has been deactivated, this information will be displayed in the "Station
ejector 1 (-3) not used" headline.
If the station ejector is activated, the defined assignment "Station ejector 1 (-3) on station" will
be displayed in the headline.
The station ejector programs will be determined by defining the station ejector (Setting on
"Mould table Configuration Page 1" of the stations, see chapter 11) A station ejector may be
defined as insertion unit, as ejector (parts removal) or as insertion unit / ejector (parts removal).
If no definition has been set for the station ejector, this will be signalled by means of the "Parts
removal and insertion not defined" message on the right of the program preselection for station


Chapter 8 - 28 0515MC
The parts removal / insertion procedure has to be acknowledged by pressing the "Cycle Start"
key. After the acknowledgement the cycle will be continued.

Vibrating stroke rate Station ejector 1-3

Enter the number of strokes to be performed by the station ejector (without robot). The actual
value will be displayed on the left of this value.
On the left, the number of strokes when using a robot (option) can be entered. Enter the number
of strokes to be performed by the ejector with activated robot.

Vibrating stroke Station ejector 1-3

If the station ejector is operated with a stroke rate larger than 1, the "Station ejector backward"
movement will be carried out up to this stroke position. Thus a small vibrating stroke in [mm]
may be selected in the front ejector range. If this is not desirable, the vibrating stroke has to
equated to the limit position for "Station ejector backward".

Delay Station ejector 1-3 back

Specify the delay for the "Station ejector backward" movement in [s] in this field. The actual
value will be displayed on the left of this value.

Delay Station ejector 1-3 forward

Specify the delay for the "Station ejector forward" movement in [s] in this field. The actual value
will be displayed on the left of this value.

This delay time should be longer than the delay for "Close mould" since, otherwisse, the ejector
is started before the closing procedure.
Safety stroke Station ejector 1-3
The safety stroke serves as protection for the mould and the ejector. The safety stroke must be
set in such a way that the mould cannot be damaged.
In case the safety stroke has been exceeded, the movements of the mould table, closing
movement and the starting of the automatic cycle will be disabled and an error message will be
The safety stroke is entered as absolute stroke (absolute stroke = stroke without zeroizing
Ejector). The current absolute stroke will be displayed.
Ejector intermediate stop
If this field is activated, the ejector always moves to intermediate stop while moving in before it
reaches its limit position
Stroke Ejector Intermediate stop
Introduction of the stroke where the intermediate stop is to be carried out.
Delay Ejector Intermediate stop
Introduction of the delay time during which the ejector is in the intermediate stop.

Chapter 8 - 29

8.4.2 Station ejector / Page 2


Use this menu to activate the station ejector.

No ejector
In case you do not need an station ejector, select this field.

Station ejector defined as insertion unit / ejector (parts removal):

Stat. ejec. forward/back ->Parts removal/insertion

When activating this program preselection the parts removal / insertion procedure will be
performed after the station ejector forward / back movement. Upon acknowledgement with the
cycle start key, the cycle will be continued after having finished all defined insertion procedures.

Stat. ejec. forward/back ->Parts removal/insertion -> Stat. ejec. back

When activating this program preselection the parts removal / insertion procedure will be
performed after the station ejector forward movement. Press "Cycle Start" to acknowledge and
the station ejector will move back again.


Chapter 8 - 30 0515MC
Stat. ejec. forward ->Parts removal -> Stat. ejec. back -> Insertion
When activating this program preselection the parts removal procedure will be performed
after the station ejector forward movement. Press "Cycle Start" to acknowledge and the
station ejector will move back again. Now the insertion procedure starts. Press "Cycle Start" to
acknowledge and to continue the cycle.

Stat. ejec. forward -> Parts removal/insertion -> Stat. ejec. back -> ínsertion
When activating this program preselection the parts removal / 1st insertion procedure will be
performed after the station ejector forward movement. Press "Cycle Start" to acknowledge
and the station ejector will move back again. Now the second insertion procedure starts. Upon
acknowledgement with the cycle start key, the cycle will be continued after having finished all
defined insertion procedures.

This program is available only in combination with several insertion cycles.

Stat. ejec. forward ->Parts removal -> Stat. ejec. back -> Variable insertion (option)
When activating this program preselection the parts removal procedure will be performed after
the station ejector forward movement. Press "Cycle Start" to acknowledge and the station
ejector will move back again. Now the insertion procedure starts. Upon acknowledgement
with the cycle start key, the cycle will be continued after having finished all defined insertion

While the option program "Intermediate stop Station ejector backward" is activated, the insertion
procedure is carried out in the respective intermediate stop position.

Station ejector defined as insertion unit:

Stat. ejec. forward/back -> Insertion

When activating this program preselection the insertion procedure will be performed after the
station ejector forward / back movement. Upon acknowledgement with the cycle start key, the
cycle will be continued after having finished all defined insertion procedures.

Stat. ejec. forward -> Insertion -> Stat. ejec. back

When activating this program preselection the insertion procedure will be performed after the
station ejector forward movement. Press "Cycle Start" to acknowledge and the station ejector
will move back again.

Chapter 8 - 31
Station ejector defined as ejector (parts removal):

Stat. ejec. forward/back -> Parts removal

When activating this program preselection the part removal procedure will be performed after
the station ejector forward / backward movement. Press "Cycle Start" to acknowledge and to
continue the cycle.

Stat. ejec. forward -> Parts removal -> Stat. ejec. back
When activating this program preselection the parts removal procedure will be performed after
the station ejector forward movement. Press "Cycle Start" to acknowledge and the station
ejector will move back again.

Start ejector for Mould opened

Select this field if the ejector should only start for an opened mould and at the end of the "Delay
Ejector forward".

Start ejector for Open Stroke

Select this field if the ejector is to start at this stroke position during the opening movement and
at the end of the "Delay Ejector forward".

The program preselections "Start ejector for Mould opened" and "Start ejector for Open stroke"
are available only if a station ejector has been defined for "Station A".

Ejector plate protection (mould platen protection)

For vertical machines, the ejector platen protection is configured in the "Configuration Mould /
Page 3" menu under "Mould platen protection".

Plausibility monitoring Ejector plate protection (option)

When activating this program preselection, the plausibility of the ejector plate protection will
be monitored. i.e.: With the ejector being in front, a check will be carried out whether the limit
switches of the ejector plate protection are no longer operated. The plausibility monitoring is
active only with "Classical montioring": The plate protection must be operated again before the
clamping (HIGH LEVEL).


Chapter 8 - 32 0515MC
Station ejector back parallel to close
If this program is activated, moving back the station ejector is possible parallel to closing. The
station ejector must be moved back until the "Clamping unit safety position for station ejector
back (see chapter 1.6.1)" has been reached, otherwise the clamping unit will be stopped.
This program is possible only in combination with "Removal/insertion in front".

Chapter 8 - 33


Chapter 8 - 34 0515MC
Core puller

9 Core puller

9.1 Core puller setting

9.1.1 Core puller setting / Overview


In the "Core puller" menu, you set the number of core pullers and the parameters required. For
the settings for valve switch-off, delay time, vibrating stroke, and various actual value displays
please refer to the "Enlarged core puller setting".

The control system is designed for core puller programs, however, the programs may only be
activated, if there are core pullers installed.

Core puller 1 - 12
Select the programs for the move-in and move-out- motion of the desired core pullers and
determine the parameters. To obtain a better overview, an info text can be assigned to each
core puller. This info text can be entered in user level 20 only.

Chapter 9 - 1
Core puller
In the manual and the setting mode, the movement of the core pullers will be carried out by
means of manual switches for the "Open" (Move out core puller) and "Close" (Move in core
puller) functions depending on the program preselection settings.
If the core puller is switched off, the limit switches will not be checked and other movements will
not be locked.

Pr. No. (Program number)

Select the appropriate program number in this field.

Entering the program number 0 deactivates the respective core puller movement inspite of the
core puller being activated.
We do not recommend to perform any changes in the core puller programs in the automatic
mode,since these changes will not be accepted unless there is no active movement (e.g. during
the change over or the cooling time).
Pressing the information key shows an overview of the available core puller programs.


Chapter 9 - 2 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 1
"Move in" core puller before closing (in position "Mould open") "Move out" core puller after
mould open
When removing the moulded articles manually (option), the "Move in core puller" movement for
horizontal machines in the semiautomatic mode and with the key-operated switch activated or
the acknowledgement key pressed is also possible if the operational safety gate is opened.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) not back.
• Ejector (Upper parts ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) is not back (for vertical machines only
"Move in" core puller.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station (only possible for vertical machines), this program
will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Chapter 9 - 3
Core puller
Program number 2
"Move in" (move out) core puller for "Intermediate stop Close" (open). The stroke position for
"Intermediate stop" will be entered in the "Start" column. After the core puller has been "moved
in" (moved out), "Close" (open) will be continued.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) not back.
• Ejector (Upper parts ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) is not back (for vertical machines only
"Move in" core puller.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station (only possible for vertical machines), this program
will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.


Chapter 9 - 4 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 3
"Move in" core puller for "Mould closed" (before clamping force build-up). "Move out" core puller
after clamping force reduction.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) not back.
• Ejector (Upper parts ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) is not back (for vertical machines only
"Move in" core puller.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station (only possible for vertical machines), this program
will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Chapter 9 - 5
Core puller
Program number 4
"Move in" core puller after clamping force build-up. "Move out" core puller before clamping force
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) not back.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
• Ejector (Upper parts ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
Program Move out core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) is not back (for vertical machines only
"Move in" core puller.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station (only possible for vertical machines), this program
will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.


Chapter 9 - 6 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 5
"Move in" core puller after "Mould opened". "Move out" core puller immediately after reaching
the "Core puller is moved in" position.
When removing the moulded articles manually (option), the "Move in / move out core puller"
movements on horizontal machines in the semiautomatic mode and with the key-operated
switch activated or the acknowledgement key pressed are also possible if the operational safety
gate is opened.

This program is intended for the core puller, which, in combination with the circular disc
or a cirular table, assumes the function of an ejector. The actual ejector program must be
deactivated during this process (see chapter 8, no ejector).
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) not back.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Ejector (Upper parts ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
Program Move out core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) is not back (for vertical machines only
"Move in" core puller.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Ejector (Upper parts ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station (only possible for vertical machines), this program
will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Chapter 9 - 7
Core puller
Program number 6
"Move in" (move out) core puller for "Start stroke Close" (open) parallel to the movement. The
stroke marker for "Start stroke" will be entered in the "Start" column.
After the core puller has been "moved in" (moved out) when reaching the stop stroke, "Close"
(open) will be continued.
If the core puller has not yet been "moved in" (moved out) when reaching the stop stroke,
"Close" (open) will be interrupted. Only after the core puller has been "moved in" (moved out),
will "Close" (open) be continued. The stroke position for "Stop stroke" will be entered in the
"Stop" column.

This program can only be used if the machine is designed for parallel movements.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) not back.
• Ejector (Upper parts ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) is not back (for vertical machines only
"Move in" core puller.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station (only possible for vertical machines), this program
will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.


Chapter 9 - 8 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 7
"Move in" core puller before injection. "Move out" core puller after Holding pressure End
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Ejector (Upper parts ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
Program Move out core:
• Ejector (Upper parts ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Opening disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) is not back (for vertical machines only
"Move in" core puller.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

The program will not be carried out during injection.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during injection.

Chapter 9 - 9
Core puller
Program number 8 (horizontal machines only)
"Move in" core puller after "Ejector is in front position". "Move out" core puller before the
movement "Ejector backward".
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Opening disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
Program Move out core:
• Opening disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.


Chapter 9 - 10 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 8 (for vertical machines only)
Program number 9 (horizontal machines only)
"Move in" (move out) core puller for "Start stroke Injection" parallel to the movement. "Move out"
core puller for "Start stroke Injection" parallel starting with movement. The stroke marker for
"Start stroke" will be entered in the "Start" column.
If the core puller has not yet been "moved in" when reaching the stop stroke, "Injection" will be
interrupted. Only after the core puller has been "moved in", will "Injection" be continued. The
stroke position for "Stop stroke" will be entered in the "Stop" column.

This program can only be used if the machine is designed for parallel movements. Furthermore,
this program cannot be used simultaneously for moving in and moving out. A combination with
program 7 is not allowed either.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) not back.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Ejector (Upper parts ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
Program Move out core:
• Ejector (Upper parts ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Opening disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (upper parts ejector) not back.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

The program will not be carried out during injection.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during injection.

Chapter 9 - 11
Core puller
Program number 10
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the injection station (Station A). The core puller will be assigned to the lower mould
on the "Mould table / Tandem Mould configuration page 1", see chapter 20.
"Move in" core puller after "Mould opened". "Move out" core puller immediately after reaching
the "Core puller is moved in" position.
When removing the moulded articles manually (option), the "Move in / move out core puller"
movements on horizontal machines in the semiautomatic mode and with the key-operated
switch activated or the acknowledgement key pressed are also possible if the operational safety
gate is opened.
This program is intended for the core puller, which, in combination with the mould table,
assumes the function of an ejector. The actual ejector program should be deactivated during
this process (see chapter 8, no ejector).
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) not back.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
Program Move out core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) is not back (for vertical machines only
"Move in" core puller.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station, this program will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.


Chapter 9 - 12 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 11
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the injection station (Station A). The core puller will be assigned to the lower mould
on the "Mould table / Tandem Mould configuration page 1", see chapter 20.
"Move in" core puller before closing "Mould opened". "Move outn" core puller after Mould
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station, this program will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Chapter 9 - 13
Core puller
Program number 12
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the injection station (Station A). The core puller will be assigned to the lower mould
on the "Mould table / Tandem Mould configuration page 1", see chapter 20.
"Move in" (move out) core puller for "Intermediate stop Close" (open). The stroke position for
"Intermediate stop" will be entered in the "Start" column. After the core puller has been "moved
in" (moved out), "Close" (open) will be continued.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station, this program will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.


Chapter 9 - 14 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 13
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the injection station (Station A). The core puller will be assigned to the lower mould
on the "Mould table / Tandem Mould configuration page 1", see chapter 20.
"Move in" core puller for "Mould closed" (before clamping force build-up). "Move out" core puller
after clamping force reduction.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station, this program will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Chapter 9 - 15
Core puller
Program number 14
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the injection station (Station A). The core puller will be assigned to the lower mould
on the "Mould table / Tandem Mould configuration page 1", see chapter 20.
"Move in" core puller after clamping force build-up. "Move out" core puller before clamping force
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station, this program will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.


Chapter 9 - 16 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 15
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the injection station (Station A). The core puller will be assigned to the lower mould
on the "Mould table / Tandem Mould configuration page 1", see chapter 20.
"Move in" core puller after "Mould opened". "Move out" core puller immediately after reaching
the "Core puller is moved in" position.
When removing the moulded articles manually (option), the "Move in / move out core puller"
movements on horizontal machines in the semiautomatic mode and with the key-operated
switch activated or the acknowledgement key pressed are also possible if the operational safety
gate is opened.
This program is intended for the core puller, which, in combination with the mould table,
assumes the function of an ejector. The actual ejector program should be deactivated during
this process (see chapter 8, no ejector).
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) not back.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
Program Move out core:
• Core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) is not back (for vertical machines only
"Move in" core puller.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station, this program will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Chapter 9 - 17
Core puller
Program number 16
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the injection station (Station A). The core puller will be assigned to the lower mould
on the "Mould table / Tandem Mould configuration page 1", see chapter 20.
"Move in" (move out) core puller for "Start stroke Close" (open) parallel to the movement. The
stroke marker for "Start stroke" will be entered in the "Start" column.
If the core puller has not yet been "moved in" (moved out) when reaching the stop stroke,
"Close" (open) will be interrupted. Only after the core puller has been "moved in" (moved out),
will "Close" (open) be continued. The stroke position for "Stop stroke" will be entered in the
"Stop" column.

This program can only be used if the machine is designed for parallel movements.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

If a "Lower dummy" is in the injection station, this program will not be carried out.
The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during the breathing cycle.


Chapter 9 - 18 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 17
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the injection station (Station A). The core puller will be assigned to the lower mould
on the "Mould table / Tandem Mould configuration page 1", see chapter 20.
"Move in" core puller before injection. "Move out" core puller after Holding pressure End
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
Program Move out core:
• Opening disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

The program will not be carried out during injection.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during injection.

Chapter 9 - 19
Core puller
Program number 18 (horizontal machines only)
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the injection station (Station A). The core puller will be assigned to the lower mould
on the "Mould table / Tandem Mould configuration page 1", see chapter 20.
"Move in" core puller after "Ejector is in front position". "Move out" core puller before the
movement "Ejector backward".
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Opening disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
Program Move out core:
• Opening disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.


Chapter 9 - 20 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 18 (for vertical machines only)
Program number 19 (horizontal machines only)
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the injection station (Station A). The core puller will be assigned to the lower mould
on the "Mould table / Tandem Mould configuration page 1", see chapter 20.
"Move in" core puller for "Start stroke Injection" parallel to the movement. "Move out" core puller
for "Start stroke Injection" parallel starting with movement. The stroke marker for "Start stroke"
will be entered in the "Start" column.
If the core puller has not yet been "moved in" (moved out) when reaching the stop stroke,
"Injection" will be interrupted. Only after the core puller has been "moved in" (moved out), will
"Injection" be continued. The stroke position for "Stop stroke" will be entered in the "Stop"

This program can only be used if the machine is designed for parallel movements. Furthermore,
this program cannot be used simultaneously for moving in and moving out. A combination with
program 7 is not allowed either.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
Program Move out core:
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Opening disabled if the core puller is not moved out.

Note for program "Move in core puller":

The program will not be carried out during injection.

Note for program "Move out core puller":

The program will not be carried out during injection.

Chapter 9 - 21
Core puller
Program number 21 (22 / 23) (for vertical machines only)
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the respective ejector station. The core puller will be assigned to the lower mould on
the "Mould table configuration page 1", see chapter 20.
"Move in" core puller after station ejector 1 (2 / 3) has reached the "back" position.
"Move out" core puller before station ejector 1, (2 / 3) moves forward.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.


Chapter 9 - 22 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 24 (25 / 26 / 27 / 28) (for vertical machines only)
Lower mould dependent program.
The program is carried out in the automatic mode only if the corresponding lower mould is in the
operator station and the 1st (2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th) insert part has been inserted.
"Move in" core puller after "Operation enabled" unless the respective operator station is a fully
automatic insertion station (manual loading).
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.

Operation enabled: Cycle start key illuminated.
After operation enabled: Cycle start key was pressed.

Chapter 9 - 23
Core puller
Program number 29 (for vertical machines only)
Lower mould dependent program. The program is only carried out in the automatic mode if the
respective lower mould is in the corresponding operator station (removal station) and no station
ejector was activated in this station.
"Move in" core puller after "Operation enabled".
"Move out" core puller before "Operation enabled".
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Ejector (station ejector) forward disabled if the core puller is not moved out.
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.

Operation enabled: Cycle start key illuminated.
After operation enabled: Cycle start key pressed.


Chapter 9 - 24 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 31 (32 / 33) (for vertical machines only)
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the respective ejector station.
"Move in" core puller parallel to the "Ejector backward" movement via start stroke of station
ejector 1 (2 / 3).
"Move out" core puller parallel to the "Ejector forward" movement via start stroke of station
ejector 1 (2 / 3).
If the core puller has not yet been "moved in" (moved out) when reaching the stop stroke, the
"Ejector movement" will be interrupted. Only after the core puller has been "moved in" (moved
out), will the "Ejector movement" be continued. The stroke position for "Stop stroke" will be
entered in the "Stop" column.

This program can only be used if the machine is designed for parallel movements.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.

Chapter 9 - 25
Core puller
Program number 34 (35 / 36) (for vertical machines only)
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the respective ejector station.
"Move in" core puller parallel to the "Ejector forward" movement via start stroke of station ejector
1 (2 / 3).
"Move out" core puller parallel to the "Ejector backward" movement via start stroke of station
ejector 1 (2 / 3).
If the core puller has not yet been "moved in" (moved out) when reaching the stop stroke, the
"Ejector movement" will be interrupted. Only after the core puller has been "moved in" (moved
out), will the "Ejector movement" be continued. The stroke position for "Stop stroke" will be
entered in the "Stop" column.

This program can only be used if the machine is designed for parallel movements.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
Program Move out core:
• "Move in" core puller disabled if ejector (station ejector) of the corresponding lower mould
not back.


Chapter 9 - 26 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 37 (38 / 39) (for vertical machines only)
Lower mould dependent program. The program will only be carried out if the appropriate lower
mould is in the respective ejector station.
"Move in" core puller after the movement "Ejector forward" if the station ejector 1 (2 / 3) also
reached its limit position.
Monitoring functions:
Program Move in core:
• Closing disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
• Start injection into the mould disabled if the core puller is not moved in.
• Ejector (station ejector) back disabled if the core puller is not moved in.

Chapter 9 - 27
Core puller
Program number 40 (option - "Combiform" only)
"Move in" core puller after clamping force reduction or "Degassing Dwell time".
"Move out" core puller after clamping force reduction or "Degassing Dwell time".

This program can be used only if the "Combiform program" is activated.
The program for moving in and moving out can be used onyl alternatively, i.e. the core cannot
be moved in and out at the same time.
Monitoring functions:

Monitoring functions:
„Move in core“ program:
• Core puller locked, if ejector (station ejector) is not back
• Injection with unit A is locked, if core puller is not moved out
• Injection with unit B is locked, if core puller is not moved in
• Injection with unit C is locked, if core puller is not moved in
„Move out core“ program:
• Core puller locked, if ejector (station ejector) is not back
• Injection with unit A is locked, if core puller is not moved in
• Injection with unit B is locked, if core puller is not moved out
• Injection with unit C is locked, if core puller is not moved out


Chapter 9 - 28 0114WT
Core puller
Program number 41 (42, 43) (optional - only with „Combiform“)
„Moving in“ core puller after clamping force build-up.
„Moving out“ core puller after „degassing dwell time“.

This program can only be run, if the „Combiform“ program is activated.
The program is used, if injection is to take place with the injection unit A (B, C) after the respective
core puller movement.

Monitoring functions:
„Move in core“ program:
• Core puller locked, if ejector (station ejector) is not back
• Injection with unit A (B, C) is locked, if core puller is not moved in
„Move out core“ program:
• Core puller locked, if ejector (station ejector) is not back
• Injection with unit A (B, C) is locked, if core puller is not moved out

By means of the priorities you can set an order for the core pullers for the same start conditions.
The lower the value of the number = higher priority.

Priority "1" = highest priority

p (pressure)
Enter the required pressure in [bar] / [psi] for moving in and out the core in this field.

v (speed)
Enter the required speed in [%] for moving in and out the core in this field.

Start / Stop
Enter the start value (stop value) for "Move in" (move out) core puller in this field. If a start value
(stop value) is required for a core puller program, this will be displayed by a colour change of
the set value from grey to blue. The unit of the start value (stroke value) is displayed on the right
of the input.

Chapter 9 - 29
Core puller
Core via time
Select in the left field whether the core puller is to be monitored via limit switches or moved in
(1) or out (2) via time.
The following inputs are possible:
0= Core puller via limit switch.
Entering this set value will cause a monitoring of the limit position.
When ever possible, core puller positions should be monitored by limit switches. If this is
not the case, there is no certainty that all core puller movements have been completed,
and damage to the mould may easily occur (especially when setting the machine).
1= Core puller via time.
When entering this set value, the limit position will not be monitored.

After this selection, the core puller has to be moved once to the "Core puller is moved out"
position in order to be able to recognise the limit position.

2= Core puller via limit switch with additional triggering after having moved in (moved out).
Entering this set value will also cause a monitoring of the limit position.
In this field, you enter the time for which the core puller is still to be triggered after having
reached the limit position.
3= Core puller via limit switch with additional time monitoring.
Entering this set value will also cause a monitoring of the limit position.
In this field, you enter the time during which the core puller must have reached the limit
position. With core puller operation via button, this monitoring is inactive.

Limit switch monitoring for Core puller is moved in (moved out)

This program selection activates the limit switch monitoring for "Core puller is moved in (moved
The core puller limit switch "Core puller is moved in (moved out)" may change its state only if a
movement of the core puller is triggered. If the state of a core puller limit switch is not changed
during active core puller movement, the monitoring reacts and the alarm "707 Limit switch
monitoring Core puller" will be displayed. The reaction to this alarm is set in the menu "Enlarged
core puller settings" under "Evaluation error class".

The program selections for limit switch monitoring are valid only for core pullers which are
operated via limit switches.


Chapter 9 - 30 0114WT
Core puller

9.1.2 Core puller setting / General


Core pullers via keys (in the manual and setting mode) (option)
If this program preselection is active, those core pullers equipped with manual switches will be
operated using these switches in the manual as well as in the setting mode.
If this program preselection is deactivated, the core puller movement will be performed using
the keys for the "Mould Open" (Move out core puller) and " Mould Close" (Move in core puller)
function in the manual and in the setting modes, depending on the program preselections.

Switch mode without lockings (setting mode) (option)

In addition to the "Core pullers via switches" program preselection the lockings can be
deactivated in the setting mode. This preselection is only effective in the setting mode and may
only be activated in user level 20.

The core puller movements can always be performed, independently of any limit positions.

Chapter 9 - 31
Core puller
Ejector forward, move cores for an opened safety gate (option for horizontal machine).

Risk of injury! If the ejector or core pullers are operated with the safety gate open, it must be
ensured that there are no pinching and / or crushing points on the mould.
This program must be deactivated before switching off the machine!

If this program has been selected (for machines destined for the U.S. you also have to activate
the key-operated switch), you can open the mould, move the ejector forward and the core
pullers in and out although the safety gate on the operator’s side is opened. In the operating
mode "Semiautomatic" and "Ejector forward -> Parts removal / insertion -> Ejector back", the
safety gate will open while the mould is opened.
If the mould is opened, press the key "Ejector forward" and the "Move in / out core puller with
the safety gate open" (option). The ejector will move forward and the part can be removed. The
safety gate now has to be closed via the "Close safety gate" function key. After pressing the
"Close" function key, the ejector moves backward and the next cycle starts.

Pressure discharge
No pressure relief
The cores are only released if the EMERGENCY STOP button is pressed.

For Motor Stop

The cores are relieved when the drive motor stops.

When setting
The cores are relieved only when changing over to the setting mode.

In the event of an EMERGENCY STOP, the cores are always released.
These program preselections apply to all cores, and the respective function will be always
carried out even if the respective core puller was switched off.


Chapter 9 - 32 0114WT
Core puller

9.1.3 Core puller setting / Enlarged setting 1


Use the menu "Enlarged core puller setting" for additional settings for the core puller which are
not available on the core puller overview page.

Pull down menu for core puller selection

Select the wished core puller and determine the parameters. To obtain a better overview, an info
text can be assigned to each core puller. This info text can be entered in user level 20 only.

Pneumatic core puller

When activating this program preselection the respective core puller will be defined as
pneumatic core puller, i.e. neither hydraulic pressure nor speed will be triggered. Pressure and
speed need not be entered.

If this program preselection is deactivated the hydraulic core puller is activated.

Chapter 9 - 33
Core puller
Core puller to robot signals 1 or 2
When activating this program preselection the core puller will only move in or out if the
respective release signal is set by the robot interface 1 (or 2, 3, 4, 5).
In case several core pullers are activated, these releases will apply to all core pullers. If several
core puller have been activated, the output signals at the robot interface will only be set if all
preselected core pullers have reached similiar limit positions.

For an EUROMAP 67 interface it will be possible to request two release signals for the core
puller. Use setting 1 or to to activate the wished release signal. For the EUROMAP 12 interface,
the "1" setting is valid only.

Evaluation error class

The setting of the error class refers to the alarm "707 Limit switch monitoring Core puller" The
following settings are possible:
• Only alarm.
• Cycle stop (at once).
• Cycle stop (at cycle end).
• Motor switch-off (at once).
• Motor switch-off (at cycle end).

The error reaction can only be set for all limit switch monitorings together.

Prog.number (program number)

p (pressure)
v (speed)
For the description refer to the core puller overview page.

Time p2+v2
Pressure p2
Speed v2
The "Time p2xv2" is started with the core puller movement (the core puller is moving with preset
pressure and speed). At the end of this time, pressure p2 and speed v2 will be triggered.


Chapter 9 - 34 0114WT
Core puller

9.1.4 Core puller setting / Enlarged setting 2


For the description refer to the core puller overview page.
Additonally, the current start / stop value is displayed here. This is the stroke which will trigger a
core puller movement.

Core via time

For the description refer to the core puller overview page.

Motion time Core puller

Display of the current motion time for Move in and move out core puller in [s].

When setting a vibrating core puller the individual motion times per stroke are measured and not
the total time of the entire vibration procedure.

Chapter 9 - 35
Core puller
Valve switch-off
If this program preselection is activated, the valve for core puller „moving in“ (moving out) is
switched on after the position „Core puller is moved in“ (moved out) is reached. This is also
indicated in the core puller status bar.
If this program preselection is deactivated, the valve is switched off when the respective position
is reached.

Delay Time
Specify the delay for the "Move in core puller" or "Move out core puller" movement in [s] in this

Vibrating stroke (Vibrating core puller Stroke rate)

Enter the number of strokes to be performed by the core puller. If you want to perform the
movements without vibrating core puller enter "1" in this field.
Only after the Vibrating core puller Stroke rate has been reached will the signal "Core puller is
moved in" or "Core puller is moved out" be set, i.e. the following movement will only be started
after the vibrating core puller has completed its strokes.

Reference Axis
In this field, it will be indicated to which axis (movement) the respective core puller refers, i.e.
depending on which movement the core puller will be moved in or out.
For a description of the abbreviations displayed please refer to "Block Axis" (see present
chapter, Core puller Page 1).

Lock Axis
The axis (movement) blocked by the respective core puller will be displayed here.
Description of the abbreviations displayed:
CU1+ Opening
CU1- Cosing
EU1+ Ejector forward (upper parts ejector)
EU1- Ejector back (upper parts ejector)
RE1+ Station ejector 1 forward (vertical machines only)
RE1- Station ejector 1 back (vertical machines only)
RE2+ Station ejector 2 forward (vertical machines only)
RE2- Station ejector 2 back (vertical machines only)
RE3+ Station ejector 3 forward (vertical machines only)
RE3- Station ejector 3 back (vertical machines only)
RT1+ Mould table left (mould table machines only)
RT1- Mould table right (mould table machines only)
TT1+ Turn circular disc or cirular table ccw


Chapter 9 - 36 0114WT
Core puller
TT1- Turn circular disc or cirular table cw
NU1- Injection unit 1 (A) forward
NU1+ Injection unit 1 (A) back
NU2- Injection unit 2 (B) forward
NU2+ Injection unit 2 (B) back.
NU3- Injection unit 3 (C) forward
NU3+ Injection unit 3 (C) back
IP1+ Metering / Decompression (Injection unit 1 = A).
IP1- Injection (Injection unit 1 = A).
IP2+ Metering / Decompression (Injection unit 2 = B).
IP2- Injection (Injection unit 2 = B).
IP3+ Metering / Decompression (Injection unit 3 = C).
IP3- Injection (Injection unit 3 = C).
Display EU1- (for Move out core puller 1). Ejector back movement will be disabled unless core
puller 1 is moved out.

Limit switch monitoring for Core puller is moved in (moved out)

For the description refer to the core puller overview page.

2nd core movement

The second core movement refers to a second moving in and/or out of the core puller in a
machine cycle. Select the programs for the 2nd move-in and move-out- motion of the desired
core pullers and determine the parameters.

Entering the program number 0 switches off the 2nd core movement.

Chapter 9 - 37
Core puller

9.2 Core puller programs

9.2.1 Core puller programs / Page 1


This menu can be used to create core puller programs in the user area. The user are is the
program number area of the freely programmable core puller programs and will be indicated in
the title line.
Core puller programs, which are not within the user area,cannot be changed but only viewed.

Program active in
The operating mode (manual, automatic, setting), in which the respective core puller program is
active, is preselected here. If not operatating mode is selected, the program is not available or


Chapter 9 - 38 0114WT
Core puller
Program number

The program number and the Pull Down menu on the right of the program numer will be used
to determine the program which is to be used. Moving in uses another memory position than
Moving out. It is thus possible to use the same program numbers for Move in core puller and
Move out core puller. When setting the "Enlarged groups 0-3", the start number must be entered

Move in, move in Intermediate stop, enlarged group 0 (move out, move out Intermediate stop,
enlarged group 1) use the same memory position.
Only use the enlarged groups 0 and 1 if the corresponding start commands were programmed.
The enlarged groups 2 and 3 are not responsible for the core pullers but for other free
proceedings (robot, rotary unit ...).

Program name
The program number of the respective core puller program is entered here. This text is
displayed in the core puller programs information. You can reach the core puller programs
information by pressing the "Online information key".

The basic definition of the program is made here. The right Pull Down menu represents the
main movements with direction. The number beside this Pull Down menu is used to dstinguish
between axes of the same type.
"Injection piston forward" and "Setting 2" means that the program refers to the second injection
piston (injection piston of injection unit B).

In the left Pull Down menu, the following versions can be set:
• For intermediate stop.
The main movement (e.g. clamping) moves to the preset intermediate stop, then the core
puller is moving, afterwards the main movement continues moving to its end.
• Before.
The core puller is moving still before the main movement, only then will the main axis
start its movement.

Chapter 9 - 39
Core puller
• After.
After having finished the main movement, the core puller is started.
• Parallel to.
The core puller is started together with the main movement, or the core puller waits until
its start condition has met. Core puller movement and main movement can be carried out
at the same time (prerequisite: the hydraulic system is designed for parallel movements).
The main movement is deemed to be finished when both core puller and main movement
have reached their targets.
• Serial.
If the main movement is active and the start condition is met, the core puller is moving
and the main movement is stopped. The main movement continues moving only after the
core puller has reached its target. The main movement is deemed to be finished when
both core puller and main movement have reached their targets.
• Parallel from.
If the main movement is active and the start condition is met, the core puller is moving
parallel to the main movement (prerequisite: the hydraulic system is designed for parallel
movements). In this case, the core puller must, however, not be finished for finishing the
main movement.

Start condition

The start condition for the core puller is preselected here. The type of the start condition is
selected via the program selection.

Ditigal start condition

Predefined statuses of the selected main

movement can be selected here. Selecting "not" can be used to negate this start condition.
Ex.: "If not home position" means that the core puller only moves in not open status.
The complete start condition can be switched off if "..." is selected in the Pull Down menu. With
"Enl. setting" any internal version can be entered on page 2. However, knowledge concerning
the internal procedures of the machine is required for this purpose.


Chapter 9 - 40 0114WT
Core puller
Analog start condition

Analog start conditions can be selected here. Use the right Pull Down menu to set the
comparative operator.
Ex.: "if position >= start value"
The core puller is moving if the position of the main axis (e.g. clamping unit) is greater than /
equal to the start value on the core puller side.

If "Start for intermediate stop" was preselected, "Position" must be preselected as the analog
start condition.

Core puller inactive if

The setting in this field determines that the core puller does not move under certain conditions.
The left Pull Down menu is used to select an axis (e.g. ejector). The number beside this Pull
Down menu is used to dstinguish between axes of the same type. ("1" Ejector 1). The right Pull
Down menu can be used to request the respective status of the axis. The complete blocking can
be switched off if "..." is selected in the Pull Down menu. With "Enl. setting" any internal version
can be entered on page 2.
Ex.: "Core puller inactive if not ejector limit position" means that this program is valid only
if Ejector is not in front position, otherwise it will be ignored. Contrary to monitorings, no error
message will be created here.
Internal variable for enlarged settings:
CP_NUmon[0] <> 0: Injection unit 1(A) not in injection position
CP_NUmon[1] <> 0: Injection unit 2(B) not in injection position
CP_NUmon[2] <> 0: Injection unit 3(C) not in injection position
CP_NUxmon <> 0: Injection unit 1-3 not in injection position
CP_EUmon <> 0: Ejector not back (Upper part ejector in the case of vertical machines)
CP_DEGmon <> 0: Breathing sequence active
CPxCUmon[0] <> 0: Blocking device for core puller start if the blocking device
is active in all stations (A - F)
CPxCUmon[1] <> 0: Blocking device for core puller start in station A
CPxCUmon[2] <> 0: Blocking device for core puller start in station B
CPxCUmon[3] <> 0: Blocking device for core puller start in station C
CPxCUmon[4] <> 0: Blocking device for core puller start in station D
CPxCUmon[5] <> 0: Blocking device for core puller start in station E
CPxCUmon[6] <> 0: Blocking device for core puller start in station F

Chapter 9 - 41
Core puller
Internal variable for vertical machine only:
CP_CUmon <> 0: Breathing sequence active, dummy mould active
CP_REmon[0] <> 0: Station ejector 1-3 not back
CP_REmon[1] <> 0: Station ejector 1 not back
CP_REmon[2] <> 0: Station ejector 2 not back
CP_REmon[3] <> 0: Station ejector 3 not back
CP_DY1mon[0] <> 0: part inserted
CP_DY1mon[1] <> 0: Part 1 inserted / 1st insertion cycle
CP_DY1mon[2] <> 0: Part 2 inserted / second insertion cycle
CP_DY1mon[3] <> 0: Part 3 inserted / third insertion cycle
CP_DY1mon[4] <> 0: Part 4 inserted / 4th insertion cycle
CP_DY1mon[5] <> 0: Part 5 inserted / 5th insertion cycle

Mould-dependent (lower mould)

If the program selection "mould-depending (lower mould)" has been selected, the program is
only valid if the mould number of the core puller (in most cases fixed) and the mould number of
the main axis (depending on the position of a rotary table or circular disc) are identical.
If this program preselection is selected in combination with the main axis "Clamping" or
"Opening" (setting "Start", right pull down menu), an additional station selected is displayed at
its right side after having stored the program.
This selection is required if the campling platen is closing several lower moulds (e.g. rotary
unit with horizontal clamping unit). A mould number per station is assigned to the main axis
(clamping unit).
Standard Core puller program valid if the mould of the respective core puller
is in the injection station of injection unit A.
Station A (B, C, D, E, F) Core puller program valid if the mould of the respective core puller
is in the selected station.
Station A - F Core puller program valid if the mould of the respective core puller
is in one of the stations A - F.

Skip start condition if core puller in position

If the core puller is already in the correct limit position, the start condition is ignored.
Ex.: Start condition: The core puller only moves with "Mould opened".
If the closing movement is interrupted, closing can no longer be carried out due to the fact that
the start condition for the core puller does not apply. This can be avoided by skipping the start
condition. This switch can be set generally for core pullers.


Chapter 9 - 42 0114WT
Core puller

9.2.2 Core puller programs / Page 2



Here, the monitorings are assigned to the core puller program. Up to 5 monitorings can be
programmed. The best explanation is given by an example: "At injection piston forward 1 core
moved in stop" means that the core puller must have moved in during the movement of injection
piston 1 (injection unit A) forward (injection and holding pressure), otherwise both movements
are stopped.
The left Pull Down menu is used to activate the monitoring:
• …
Monitoring deactivated.
• At.
Monitoring during the complete movement.
• Before
Monitoring only during the start of the movement.

Chapter 9 - 43
Core puller
The next Pull Down menu, on its right, a predefined axis direction can be selected. If no axis
is available in the Pull Down menu, an axis abbreviation can be entered on page 2 using "Enl.
Use the next Pull Down menu, on its right, to set the status "Core moved in and moved out".
With "Enl. setting" any status of the core puller can be entered on page 2.

Note for vertical machine

Activate standard locking for core puller:
1. Pull Down Menu Axis direction:
Select "Move in (out) own axis".
2. Pull Down Menu Status:
Select "Enlarged settings".
3. Core puller programs Page 2:
Enter value 7 in the respective status field.
This configuration disables the movement "Move in (out) core puller" should the ejector in
the respective lower mould or upper mould not in the back position.

The next Pull Down menu, on its right, is used to set the error reaction of the monitoring.

• Stop.
Display of alarm "302 Monitoring core puller programs" and stop of both movements.
• Stop/Quit.
The automatic cycle is immediately stopped. After having pressed Cycle start (closing
key), the cycle is continued. Furthermore, this monitoring is used to start the core puller
again when pressing cycle start (closing key) so that the process in the automatic mode
can be continued. Alarm "705 Core puller movement can be acknowledged at once" will
be displayed.
Ex.: "At Open 1 core moved in Stop/Ackn." means: The alarm is activated if the core has
not been moved in when opening the clamping unit. After having pressed Cycle start
(closing key), the core is moved in the opening is continued.
• Quit/End.
The automatic cycle is stopped at cycle end. After having pressed Cycle start (closing
key), a new cycle is started. Alarm "704 Core puller movement at cycle end can be
acknowledged" will be displayed.
• Stop/End.
The automatic cylce is stopped at cycle end and all drives are switched off. Alarm "706
Core puller movement stop at cycle end" will be displayed.


Chapter 9 - 44 0114WT
Core puller
Monitoring at core puller movement
The function of "Monitoring at core puller movement" is similar to that of "Core puller inactive if".
If the condition is valid, however, alarm "302 Monitoring core puller programs" is activated and
both movements are stopped.
The condition is set using the two Pull Down menus. The left Pull Down menu is used to select
an axis (e.g. ejector). The number beside this Pull Down menu is used to dstinguish between
axes of the same type. ("1" Ejector 1). The right Pull Down menu can be used to request the
respective status of the axis. The monitoring can be switched off if "..." is selected in the left Pull
Down menu. With "Enl. setting" any internal version can be entered on page 2.
Ex.: "At core puller movement not ejector home position" means that the monitoring reacts if the
ejector is not back.

Accept core puller program

With this function selection, the core puller program and/or the modifications will become active
and be stored. If "Enlarged setting" is selected in one of the Pull Down menus, the core puller
program on page 2 must be accepted.

The modifications will be lost when leaving the core puller program pages without having
accepted them.
Core puller programs cannot be modified in the automatic mode.

Chapter 9 - 45
Core puller

9.2.3 Core puller programs / Copy


This menu can be used to copy core puller programs and to delete the complete user area.

Copy core puller program

Source / Target
Set the core puller program to be copied in "Source". The core puller program can be taken both
from the standard area (those core puller programs which cannot be modified) and from the
user area.
Set the wished core puller program number of the copy as the "Target". The target program
number of the core puller must be within the user area. Subsequently, actuate the function
selection "Copy core puller program".


Chapter 9 - 46 0114WT
Core puller
Delete user area
The complete user area is deleted by actuating the function selection. Afterwards, no core puller
program of the user area is available.

If you want to delete a single core puller program, all operating modes (automatic, manual,
setting) of the "Core puller program active in" entry of the respective core puller program must
be deactivated (see Core puller programs page 1).

Loading and storing of core puller programs

Core puller programs are loaded and stroed in the "Data records" menu (see chapter 25). "Core
puller program" must be activated as the data record type. This selection is only possible in user
level 20.

When saving core puller programs, the complete user area available on the machine is stored
as data record for core puller programs.
When loading core puller programs, the existing core puller programs are overwrittne, the
remaining programs will, however, not be deleted. It is thus possible to load different programs
from several data records to the control.
If you want to make available on the machine only the core puller programs of a certain data
record for core puller programs, the user area must first be deleted and then the wished data
record for core puller programs be loaded.

Chapter 9 - 47
Core puller

9.3 Diagnosis Core puller.

Additional information is displayed in the "Diagnosis" menu if the following alarms appear:
301 Overflow Core puller programs
302 Monitoring Core puller program
704 Core puller monitoring at cycle end can be acknowledged
705 Core puller monitoring can be acknowledged at once
706 Core puller monitoring stop at cycle end
Additionally, information during the interruption of axis movements is displayed.


Chapter 9 - 48 0114WT
Core puller

9.4 Info
9.4.1 Information / Standard area


The available core puller programs of the standard area displayed in this menu. This are those
core puller programs made available by Battenfeld. These programs cannot be modified.

If there are more than 27 core puller programs of the standard area, the two arrow keys at the
right top can be used to change to another page.

Chapter 9 - 49
Core puller

9.4.2 Information / User range


The available core puller programs of the user area (program number area of the freely
programmable core puller programs) are displayed in this menu. This are those core puller
programs which were programmed online or loaded as data record for core puller programs.
These programs can be modified.

If there are more than 27 core puller programs of the standard area, the two arrow keys at the
right top can be used to change to another page.


Chapter 9 - 50 0114WT

10 Robot interface (option)

10.1 Robot interface 1 (for horizontal clamping unit)

10.1.1 Robot interface 1 / Setting


In horizontal machines only, this function will be designed as part of a special type of machine.

Robot Interface
If you highlight and select this field all signals of the robot interface will be activated. If not all
signals are required for a single robot, the missing release signals will have to be bridged. This
field is shielded in the automatic mode.
In case this field has not been selected no interface signals will be expected by the robot,
except for the release signal for Mould area free. This means that pins 18-26 (according to
EUROMAP 12) of the robot interface have to be bridged.

For further information please refer to the wiring diagram of the machine.

Chapter 10 - 1
Start for Mould opened
If you have started this program, the robot will move in for "Mould opened". The cycle will be
continued after the robot has finished.

Start for Open Stroke

This program is required to gain some cycle time.

If the present set value has been set to small there is a risk of the robot bumping into the mould
or the clamping platen!
If you start this program the robot will move in at the set stroke position and the opening
procedure will be continued.

Start for Intermediate stop

If you have activated this program, the opening procedure will be interrupted at the entered
stroke marker and the robot will move in. The opening procedure will be continued after the
robot has finished.

Start for Intermediate stop Ejector (option)

If this program is activated, the ejector forward movement is interruptet at the entered stroke
marker. The ejector forward movement will be continued after the robot has finished the
This option is used for the separate removal of parts and runners.
1st operator station
A list of the selection parameter to which the robot interface is referring is given at the right to
the program information.

MRI (Mould Robot Interpolation)

If this function is selected, the machine has to be equipped with an MRI interface and has to be
connected to a Battenfeld robot which also disposes of an integrated MRI function.
With this program selection the handling moves forward to remove the mouldings according
to the opening movement of the clamping platen. This is especially useful with long opening
strokes as cycle times can be considerably reduced.
Version 1:
Start Stroke (Mould Robot Interpolation)
Enter the stroke marker in [mm] / [inch] for which the forward movement of the robot is to be
By means of "Mould Robot Interpolation" the current stroke position of the clamping platen is
sent to the robot’s control unit which uses the position to calculate the robot’s forward motion.
The smaller the "MRI Start Stroke" set value is set, the sooner will the robot start.
The zero point of the stroke measuring system is the minimum mould height, i.e. the numerical
values increase as the mould opens.


Chapter 10 - 2 0514MC
Version 2:
Start at Open stroke (Mould Robot Interpolation)
Version 2 is used for UNIROB S. With the MRI program being activated, the program switch
(above the MRI program) is automatically set to "Start at Open stroke". Enter the stroke marker
in [mm] / [inch] for which the forward movement of the robot is to be activated.

The MRI program at the UNIROB S must be activated. For further information please refer tot
he UNIROB S manual.

Chapter 10 - 3

10.1.2 Robot interface 1 / Diagnosis


Diagnosis Robot Interface

The current status of the Robot Interface will be displayed in this field. According to the optional
scope of the machine, the diagnosis signals may differ from the picture shown here.

Machine signals
"Mould is opened" signal
(Pin ZA7 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The "Mould is open" signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Mould is opened.
• Mould area 1 opened - at the clamping unit (for Tandem Mould).
The "Mould is open" signal will be deactivated using the positive edge of "Release Close", i.e.
the robot has finished the parts removal procedure.


Chapter 10 - 4 0514MC
"Mould is closed" signal
(Pin ZA6 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Clamping force has been built up.
The signal will be deactivated after the clamping force has been reduced.

"Ejector is back" signal

(Pin ZB3 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Ejector is in the home position (back).
The signal will be deactivated when leaving the position.

"Ejector is in the front position" signal

(Pin ZB4 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• After the last stroke the ejector is in the foremost position (front position).
The signal will be deactivated when leaving the position.

"Intermediate stop position reached" signal:

(Pin ZA8 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Clamping unit has reached the "Intermediate stop" position.
The signal will deactivated when either reaching the intermediate stop position or when reaching
the "Mould opened" stroke marker.

"Reject part" signal

(Pin ZA5 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• A "reject part" has been injected.
The signal will be deactivated for the next "good part".

"Cores 1 (2) are moved in" signal (pos. 2)

(Pins ZB6 and ZB8 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Core puller (screw off) is in the „Moved in (screwed in)“ limit position.
The signal will be deactivated when leaving the position.

Chapter 10 - 5
"Cores 1 (2) are moved out" signal (pos. 2)
(Pins ZB5 and ZB7 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• The core puller (screw off) is in the „moved out (screwed off)“ home position
The signal will be deactivated when leaving the position.

The core puller signals refer to those core pullers which have activated the "Start core puller
via robot interface" program (setting on Core puller / Core puller settings / Enl. setting 1, see
chapter 9). The "Core pullers 2 are moved in / out (pos. 2 / pos. 1)" signals are available only for
the EUROMAP 67 interface.

"Machine cycle stopped" signal

(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• The "Machine cycle stopped" signal from the robot is available in the automatic mode,
and the machine has finished the cycle and the mould is open.
• "Stop machine cycle" signal from the robot is not available in the automatic mode, and the
machine stops the machine cycle (Error classes 2 or 3).
• The signal is always set in the manual mode.

"Stop/continue system" signal

Description see "1.6.3 Safety / Danger zone boundary" (explanation of the interface signals: pin
ZC8 - stop/continue system).

"Automatic mode with robot" signal

(Pin ZB2 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Robot is activated.
• Machine was switched to automatic mode.
• The robot is activated ("Robot off" signal is deactivated).

Signal "Tandem Mould is activated" (with option "Tandem Mould")

(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal "Tandem Mould is activated" will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Machine option "Tandem Mould" and "Rotary unit" enabled.
• Rotary unit on the visualisation activated.
When deactivating the rotary unit, the signal "Tandem Mould" is deactivated.


Chapter 10 - 6 0514MC
Signal "Mould 2 is open" (with option "Tandem Mould")
(Special Battenfeld signal)
The "Mould 2 is open" signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Mould area 2 opened - at the nozzle side (for Tandem Mould).
When starting the clamping process, the signal "Mould 2 is open" is deactivated.

"Start 2" signal: Insertion station"

(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Activated mould in the insertion station
• Rotary table is "in position"

"Start 3" signal: Removal station"

(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Activated mould in the removal station
• Rotary table is "in position"

Chapter 10 - 7

Robot signals
"Mould area free" signal
(Pin B2 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• Closing movement is enabled.
("Release Close" signal will additionally be required)
• Opening movement enabled.
(For Start via intermediate stop or start stroke, the opening can also be performed when
the signal is deactivated (starting from "Start stroke")
• Ejector enabled in the manual mode.

"Release Close mould" signal

(Pin A6 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The closing movement will be enabled (see also "Mould area free" signal).
The signal has to be activated up to the "Mould is closed" output signal.

"Enable ejector forward" signal

(Pin B4 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The ejector movement "forward" will be enabled (see also "Mould area free" signal).
A multiple stroke is performed up to the last forward stroke. The signal has to be activated up to
the "Ejector is in front position" output signal.

"Enable ejector back" signal

(Pin B3 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The ejector "back" movement will be enabled (see also "Mould area free" signal).
A multiple stroke is performed up to the last back stroke, independently of the release signal.
The signal has to be activated up to the "Ejector is back" output signal.


Chapter 10 - 8 0514MC
"Release Open mould completely" signal
(Pin A7 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The opening movement will be enabled starting from the intermediate stop position (see
"Mould area free" signal).
The signal has to be activated up to the "Start Robot" output signal.

"Robot off" signal

(Pin B2 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The robot interface will be deactivated, the "Mould area free" signal, however, still has to
be evaluated.

"Release Move in core pullers 1 (2) (pos. 2)" signal

(Pins B6 and B8 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The „Move in (screw in)“ core puller movement will be enabled
The signal has to be activated up to the "Core puller is moved in" output signal.

"Release Move out core pullers 1 (2) (pos. 1)" signal

(Pins B5 and B7 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The „Move out (screw off)“ core puller movement will be enabled
The signal has to be activated up to the "Core puller is moved out" output signal.

The "Release Mouve in/out core pullers 2 (pos. 2 / pos. 1)" signals are available only for the
EUROMAP 67 interface.

Chapter 10 - 9
"Stop machine cycle" signal
(Special Battenfeld signal)
Signal from the robot to stop the machine cycle in the automatic mode without interrupting the
automatic cycle.

"System stopped" signal

Description see "1.6.3 Safety / Danger zone boundary" (explanation of the interface signals: pin
C8 - system stopped).

"Box changing" signal

(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• An alarm and the blue error lamp are activated.

"External alarm" signal

(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• An alarm and the red error lamp are activated.

"Deposit rejected part externally" signal

(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• An alarm and the yellow (pulsating) error lamp are activated.
• If this signal is sent during opening, the PMS signal is set to reject part.

"Release of mould table movement" signal

(Pin A6 of the Euromap 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The mould table movement will be enabled ("Mould area free" signal will additionally
In the "Automatic" mode, the signal has to be deactived for a short time before a new table
movement (cannot be bridged).
The signal has to be activated up to the "Start 1 for operator station 1/2" output signal.


Chapter 10 - 10 0514MC

10.1.3 Wittmann config (option)


IP address
Entry of the IP address of the Wittmann robot (works only with correct CAN connection). If the
IP address was changed, the confirmation window "Turn out / in robot after having changed the
IP address!" is displayed. When confirming the query with OK (green tick), the Wittmann robot
will be rebooted automatically. When confirming the query with "Cancel" (red x), the Wittmann
robot must be switched OFF/ON manually. Thus, the new IP address of the Wittmann robot is
If a proxy server was set on the network setting of the machine, the IP address of the Wittmann
robot mus be defined as exception, otherwise it is not possible to establish an "Ethernet
connection". For this setting refer to Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Connections -> LAN
settings -> Proxy server "Advanced .." -> the IP address of the Wittmann robot must be entered
as exception in the "Exceptions" field.

Pressing the "Reboot" buttin will reboot the Wittmann robot (works only with correct Ethernet

Chapter 10 - 11

Net mask of the network.

Gateway IP adress of the network.

Robot control with machine

With the program selection being active, the machine is used to control the robot.
• Changing the mode of operation:
When changing to automatic mode, the reference run of the robot is started (except the
original reference is missing, this must be carried out manually).
When switching off the automatic mode, the robot is switched to "Manual".
• Cycle start:
When pressing Cycle start, the robot is switched to automatic mode.
• Program preselection "Robot Interface":
The program preselection "Robot interface" controls the preselection "with robot / without
robot" of the robot.
The basic requirement for using the program preselection "Robot control with machine" is a
functioning reference program of the robot. A crash can be caused if no or a defective reference
program was stored.

Connection to robot via IP address

Settings "0" ... The IP address is automatically determined. This setting is the standard setting.
Exception: If there are two active network cards on the APC, setting "0" always used the last IP
address found. If it is wrong, the correct IP index must be entered via "Entry". "Intra-Internet /
Diagnosis" (see chapter 26.4) contains a survey of the IP addresses.

Connection state
The version of the Wittmann robot is displayed in the first line. Starting with version 8.16.00 it
is possible to put the keys of the Robot Emergency-off block into the status bar of the machine
(see chapter 21.1.6).
Starting with line 2, the VNC status, the connection status of Ethernet and CAN will be
displayed. Additional information is displayed in the case of a connection problem.


Chapter 10 - 12 0514MC

10.1.4 Image processing config (option)


IP address
Enter the IP address of the image processing.

Chapter 10 - 13

10.1.5 QS evaluation (option)


Together with the external QS evaluation (QS = quality selection) signal from the robot
evaluating the injection moulding will be sent to the machine. The external QS selection is
started at the end of the start-up reject of the machine. This evaluation is carried out, e.g., by
means of a camera. The signals of the robot interface are displayed in the lower part of the

QS evaluation of robot (external)

The external evaluation of the robot is switched off. No signal is sent to the injection moulding

QS evaluation - good parts and reject parts (IMM)

The external evaluation of the robot is activated. The good parts and reject parts of the injection
moulding machine are used for the external QS evaluation. The result is sent to the injection
moulding machine (IMM).

QS evaluation - only good parts

The external evaluation of the robot is activated. Only the good parts of the injection moulding
machine are used for the external QS evaluation. The result is sent to the injection moulding
machine (IMM).


Chapter 10 - 14 0514MC
QS-evaluation - Start-up-, good- and reject parts (IMM)

The external evaluation of the robot is activated. The start-up, good and reject parts (thus all
parts) of the injection moulding machine are used for the external QS evaluation. The result is
sent to the injection moulding machine (IMM)

Number of parts - external REJECT

Here, the externally evaluated reject of the respective robot is displayed.
In the menu "Product data / Page 1" the total number of the externally evaluated reject is
displayed to the right of "Number of parts - REJECT".

Parameters for the quality table:

The signal of the QS evaluation can also be entered into the quality table.
150.QS of robot 1
151.QS of robot 2
• Value 0 ... Good part
• Value 1 ... Reject
Specify "0" for set value and tolerance in the quality table in order to achieve a correct
functioning of the colour evaluation.

Chapter 10 - 15

10.1.6 Configuration (option)


Delay Error analysis of Robot signals

Entering "0" deactivates the error analysis of the robot signals.

for release of the next movement

Within the delay time set here, the next movement of the machine must be released by the
robot. Otherwise, an error message is displayed (see alarms 1008 to 1021).

for release of the next machine cycle

Within the delay time set here, the next machine cycle must be released by the robot.
Otherwise, an error message is displayed (see alarms 1008 to 1021).


Chapter 10 - 16 0514MC
Compatibility mode for the release of the next machine cycle without checking "Release Close
mould" signal change
The following steps will be checked if this program is NOT activated:
If no mould change is carried out (typical: machines without mould table, rotary unit), a check
is carried out whether for the release signal a change from LOW to HIGH was made after an
injection cycle in the automatid mode (explanation: the robot carried out a cycle).Only then will
"Close mould" be released.
If this program is activated, these checks will not be carried out. Typical application: For
example: Euromap triggering for mill.

Compatibility mode for the release of the next machine cycle without checking "Release Close
mould" signal level on HIGH, ("Mould area free" signal level on HIGH, "Release of mould tyble
movement" signal level on HIGH)
The following steps will be checked if this program is NOT activated:
If no mould change is carried out (typical, machines without mould table, rotary unit), a check is
carried out whether the respective release signal is on signal level HIGH.Only then will "Close
mould" be released.
If this program is activated, these checks will not be carried out. Typical application: For
example: Operation with core puller program 1 or 11.

Chapter 10 - 17

10.2 Robot interface 1 (for V machines, MicroPower)

10.2.1 Robot interface 1 / Setting


This function is included in vertical V machines without mould table as an optional function. It
provides the option of a 2nd handling interface.
Vertical V machines with mould table (rotary table, sliding table) are equipped with a handling
interface according to EUROMAP 67.1 (see chapter 10.7).

Robot interface 1 (2)

If you highlight and select this field all signals of the robot interface will be activated. If not all
signals are required for a single robot, the missing release signals will have to be bridged.
In case this field has not been selected no interface signals will be expected by the robot,
except for the release signal "Mould area free". This means that pins A3-C3 of the robot
interface have to be bridged.


Chapter 10 - 18 0514MC
For further information please refer to the wiring diagram of the machine.

1st operator station

A list of the selection parameter to which the robot interface is referring is given at the right to
the program information.

2nd operator station

A list of the selection parameter to which the robot interface is referring is given at the right to
the program information.
Note for selecton parameters of the respective operator station:
The selected station for the robot will also be displayed in menu "Mould table / Status" (see
chapter 11) for your information.

Insertion (2nd operator station)

Activation of an alternative robot station for this robot interface. In this station it is only possible
to insert parts into a lower mould. If this program is activated, the insertion statuses refer to this
set insertion station and the injection mouldings to the set removal station (operator station 1).
In this case, robot operator station 1 can only be a removal station.
Note for insertion statuses:
"Insert parts available" signal
"Insertion cycle 1-9" signal (option)

Removal / Insertion (2nd operator station)

(Option for rotary table machines)
Activation of an alternative robot station for this robot interface. If an active mould is in this
station, all robot signals refer to this station and an alternative start signal is sent ("Start 1 for
operator station 2" signal).
This program will be used if 2 lower moulds must be operated alternatively by one robot
interface. Only one active lower mould may be in one of the two operator stations respectively.
Application example:
Oscillating operation of 2 lower moulds among 3 statins (e.g. sliding table machines, swivel
table machines).

Chapter 10 - 19
Pre-start 1 for operator station 1
The pre-start robot is defined with reaching the position tolerance of the mould table (the mould
table axis is still moving) and can be used for initiating a premature starting movement of the
robot systems without hindering the mould table axis and vice versa!

The "Release mould table movement" must by all means be maintained until the signal "Start 1
robot" is given, otherwise the mould table cannot be positioned if there is no release!

Number of removal cycles (option)

Define the number of removal cycles here.
Each removal cycle must be acknowledged by means of the "Injection mouldings removed"

Number of insertion cycles (option)

Define the number of insertion cycles here.
Each insertion cycle must be acknowledged by means of the "Insert parts inserted" signal.

Start with mould open (possible only for "Robot on clamping unit" - operator station 1)
If you have started this program, the robot will move in for "Mould opened". The cycle will be
continued after the robot has finished.

Start with open stroke (possible only for "Robot on clamping unit" - operator station 1)
This program is required to gain some cycle time. If you start this program the robot will move
in at the set stroke position and the opening procedure will be continued. (From this stroke
marker the opening can also carried out if the "Mould area free" signal is deactivated - the signal
"Release Open Intermediate stop" is not required)

If the present set value has been set to small there is a risk of the robot bumping into the mould
or the clamping platen!

Start with intermediate stop (possible only for "Robot on clamping unit" - operator station 1)
If you have activated this program, the opening procedure will be interrupted at the entered
stroke marker and the robot will move in. The opening procedure will be continued after the
robot has finished. (For Start via intermediate stop, the opening can also be performed from this
stroke marker if the "Mould area free" signal is deactivated (starting from "Start stroke") - the
"Release Opening Intermediate stop" signal will however be required)


Chapter 10 - 20 0514MC
Ejector without intermediate stop
The ejector is operated without an intermediate stop position.

Ejector forward with intermediate stop (only available with “handling at stations A-E”)
Activating an intermediate stop position when moving the ejector forward. The intermediate
stop is carried out only if an injection moulding is available in this station. The "Release
Ejector forward" signal must be reset and set again in order to move on the ejector after the
intermediate stop.

Ejector back with intermediate stop (possible only for "Robot on station A - E")
Activating an intermediate stop position when moving the ejector back. The "Release Ejector
backward" signal must be reset and set again in order to move on the ejector after the
intermediate stop. If an intermediate stop program is activated for the ejector, the adjacent
stroke point for the ejector will mean move forward or move back depending on the program

Chapter 10 - 21

10.2.2 Robot interface 1 / Diagnosis


The current status of the Robot Interface will be displayed in this field. According to the optional
scope of the machine, the diagnosis signals may differ from the picture shown here.

Robot signals
"Robot off" signal
(Pin B2 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The robot interface will be deactivated, the "Mould area free" signal, however, still has to
be evaluated.

"Release Close mould" signal

(Pin A6 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The closing movement will be enabled (see also "Mould area free" signal).
The signal has to be activated up to the "Mould is closed" output signal.


Chapter 10 - 22 0514MC
"Release of mould table movement" signal
(Pin A6 of the Euromap 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The rotary table and/or sliding table movement will be enabled ("Mould area free" signal
will additionally required)
In the "Automatic" mode, the signal has to be deactived for a short time before a new table
movement (cannot be bridged).
The signal has to be activated up to the "Start 1 for operator station 1/2" output signal.

"Enable ejector forward" signal

(Pin B4 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The ejector movement "forward" will be enabled (see also "Mould area free" signal).
• With the intermediate stop for ejector forward being activated, the ejector is moved on
when setting the signal a second time.
A multiple stroke is performed up to the last forward stroke.
The signal has to be activated up to the "Ejector is in front position" output signal.

"Enable Ejector back" signal:

(Pin B3 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The ejector "back" movement will be enabled (see also "Mould area free" signal).
• With the intermediate stop for ejector back being activated, the ejector is moved on when
setting the signal a second time.
A multiple stroke is performed up to the last back stroke, independently of the release signal.
The signal has to be activated up to the "Ejector is back" output signal.

The station ejector movements will only be started, if the "Release Mould table movement or
Mould area free" signal is not active.

"Release Move in core pullers 1 (2) (pos. 2)" signal

(Pins B6 and B8 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The core puller movement „Move in (screw in)“ will be released for core pullers assigned
to this signal.
The signal has to be activated up to the "Core puller is moved in" output signal. The assignment
of the core pullers to signal 1 or signal 2 is carried out at the core puller.

Chapter 10 - 23
"Release Move out core pullers 1 (2) (pos. 1)" signal
(Pins B5 and B7 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The core puller movement „Move out (screw out)“ will be released for core pullers
assigned to this signal.
The signal has to be activated up to the "Core puller is moved out" output signal. The
assignment of the core pullers to signal 1 or signal 2 is carried out at the core puller.

"Release Open mould completely" signal

(Pin A7 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The opening movement will be enabled starting from the intermediate stop position (see
"Mould area free" signal).
The signal will only be effective when selecting "Robot on clamping unit" at the same time.
The signal has to be activated up to the "Start 1 for operator station 1" output signal.

"Mould area free" signal

(Pin C3 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will trigger the following actions:
When selecting "Robot for station up to E" ...
• the mould table movement is released ("Release mould table movement" signal will
additionally be required).
• The ejector movement in the manual mode is enabled.
When selecting "Robot on station A" ...
• The closing movement is enabled ("Release Close" signal will additionally be required).
• Opening movement enabled.
When selecting "Robot on clamping unit" ...
• The closing movement is enabled ("Release Close" signal will additionally be required).
• Opening movement enabled (For Start via intermediate stop or start stroke, the opening
can also be performed from the "Start stroke" when the signal is deactivated (starting
from "Start stroke") - The "Release Opening Intermediate stop" signal will however be
• a possibly available upper parts ejector is enabled in the manual mode.


Chapter 10 - 24 0514MC
"Injection mouldings removed" signal
(Pin C7 of the Euromap 67.1 interface)
After having removed the injection mouldings, the removal of the injection mouldings will be
displayed by the positive edge of this signal. This signal must be send before Release Mould
table and before inserting the next parts.
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The "Injection moulding" and "Insert part" statuses (see rotary table, sliding table, page 1)
will be reset and the "Injection mouldings available" and "Insert parts available" statuses
of the EUROMAP interface will be reset at the same time.
The signal will be evaluated only if the signals for "Release Mould table" are not available.

"Insert part inserted" signal

(Pin C6 of the Euromap 67.1 interface)
After having inserted new parts, the insertion of these parts will be displayed by the positive
edge of this signal. This signal must be send before Release Mould table and before removing
the injection mouldings.
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The "Insert part" status (see rotary table - sliding table, page 1) will be set and the "Insert
parts available" and "Insertion cycle 1-9" signals of the EUROMAP interface will be set at
the same time.
The signal will be evaluated only if the signals for "Release Mould table" are not available.

"Stop machine cycle" signal

(Special Battenfeld signal)
Signal from the robot to stop the machine cycle in the automatic mode without interrupting the
automatic cycle.

Signal „EMERGENCY STOP channel 1“

Signal „EMERGENCY STOP channel 2“
(Pins A1, C1 / A2, C2 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
Display of the two emergency-stop channels of the robot.

Chapter 10 - 25

Machine signals
"Start 1 for operator station 1" signal
"Start 1 for operator station 2" signal
(Pin ZA7 of the Euromap 67.1 interface)
When selecting " Robot on station up to E", the signal "Start Robot" will be set if the following
requirements are met:
• Activated mould in the robot station.
• Rotary table is "in position".
• For the preselection „Robot on operator station A“ the mould has to be opened.
When selecting " Robot to clamping unit", the signal "Start 1 for operator station 1" will be set if
the start condition is met:
If the "Injection mouldings available" signal is active during "Start 1 for operator station 1/2",
the robot must remove injection mouldings if a "Removal" was defined in the robot station (see
menu "Mould table, / Status", chapter 11).
If the "Insert parts available" signal is active during "Start 1 for operator station 1/2", the robot
must insert insert parts if an "Insertion" was defined in the robot station (see menu "Mould table
/ Status"; chapter 11).

"Start 2 Robot" signal

(Pin ZA6 of the Euromap 67.1 interface)
This signal is set with the following program settings:
This signal will be set for "Robot on clamping unit" if the following requirements are met:
• Clamping unit has reached the "Intermediate stop" position.
The signal will deactivated when falling below the intermediate stop position.
This signal will be set for "Robot on station A - E" if the following requirements are met:
• Ejector has reached the set intermediate stop position, an injection moulding must be in
the ejector station at intermediate stop Ejector forward.
This signal will be set for "Pre-start for operator station 1" if the following requirements are met:
• The mould table reached its position tolerance (pre-start position) (typical: 0.25 degrees
before limit position).


Chapter 10 - 26 0514MC
"Mould is closed" signal
(Pin ZA6 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Clamping force has been built up.
The signal will be deactivated after the clamping force has been reduced.

"Ejector is back" signal

(Pin ZB3 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Ejector is in the home position (back).
• Mould platen protection o.k. or deactivated or the mould platen protection is acting as the
release signal for Ejector backward (program 7).
The signal will be deactivated when leaving the position.

"Ejector is in the front position" signal

(Pin ZB4 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• After the last stroke the ejector is in the foremost position (front position).
The signal will be deactivated when leaving the position.

"Cores 1 (2) are moved in" signal (pos. 2)

(Pins ZB6 and ZB8 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Core puller of the release group 1 (2) are in the robot station.
• Core puller (screw off) is in the „Moved in (screwed in)“ limit position.
The signal will be deactivated when leaving the position.

"Cores 1 (2) are moved out" signal (pos. 2)

(Pins ZB5 and ZB7 of the Euromap 67 / 67.1 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Core puller of the release group 1 (2) are in the robot station.
• Core puller (screw off) is in the „Moved out (screwed off)“ limit position.
The signal will be deactivated when leaving the position.

Chapter 10 - 27
The core puller signals refer to those core pullers which have activated the "Start core puller via
robot interface" program (setting on Core puller Page "Enlarged settings", see chapter 9).
For lower mould dependent core pullers (Setting in menu "Mould table / Configuration, chapter
11), the core puller signals refer to those core pullers which are in the robot station.

"Reject part" signal

(Pin ZA5 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• A "Reject part" is in the current robot mould.
The signal will be deactivated for the next "good part".

"Automatic mode with robot" signal

(Pin ZB2 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Robot is activated.
• Machine was switched to automatic mode.
• The robot is activated ("Robot off" signal is deactivated).

"Injection mouldings available" signal

(Pin ZC7 of the Euromap 67.1 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Parts which can be removed are in the lower part of the robot station.
The signal will be deactivated again with the "Parts removed" signal.

"Insert parts available" signal

(Pin ZC6 of the Euromap 67.1 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• This robot interface already inserted parts into the lower mould of the robot station, "Parts
inserted" signal.
If the second operator station is activated with the "Insertion" program, this signal refers to the
2nd operator station.


Chapter 10 - 28 0514MC
"Machine cycle stopped" signal
(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• The "Machine cycle stopped" signal from the robot is available in the automatic mode,
and the machine has finished the cycle and the mould is open.
• "Stop machine cycle" signal from the robot is not available in the automatic mode, and the
machine stops the machine cycle (Error classes 2 or 3).
• The signal is always set in the manual mode.

"Shut-down sequence - removal only" signal

(Pin ZC5 of the Euromap 67.1 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Program "Shut-down sequence" activated (in menu "Mould table / End of production",
chapter 11).
• "Shut-down sequence" is activated by an error class.
From this point of time, no parts must be inserted by the robot.

Signal „EMERGENCY STOP circuits closed“

(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• The EMERGENCY STOP circuit is closed; the machine is ready for operation

"Safety circuits closed" signal

(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Safety gate and maintenance doors are closed, the light curtain is not interrupted.

Chapter 10 - 29

10.2.3 Robot interface 1 / Diagnosis 2 (option)


The current status of the Robot Interface will be displayed in this field. According to the optional
scope of the machine, the diagnosis signals may differ from the picture shown here.

Robot signals
„System stopped“ signal
Description see „1.6.3 Safety / Danger zone boundary“ (explanation of the interface signals: pin
C8 - system stopped).


Chapter 10 - 30 0514MC

Machine signals
„Stop/continue system“ signal
Description see „1.6.3 Safety / Danger zone boundary“ (explanation of the interface signals: pin
ZC8 - stop/continue system).

"Pre-start 1 for operator station 1" signal

(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal is set when reaching the position tolerance (pre-start position) of the mould table
(typical: 0.25 degrees before limit position).

"Mould is opened" signal

(Pin ZA7 of the Euromap 67 interface)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Mould is opened.

"Error in the automatic mode" signal

(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal is set when a machine fault in the automatic mode occurs.

„Lower mould 1 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6)“ signal

(Special Battenfeld signal)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• If the respective mould is in the removal station. If a 2nd (3rd) operator station was
activated with the „Insertion“ program, the respective signals always refer to the removal

Chapter 10 - 31

10.2.4 Wittmann config (option)

Description see Chapter 10.1.3.

10.2.5 Image processing config (option)

Description see Chapter 10.1.4.

10.2.6 QS evaluation (option)

Description see Chapter 10.1.5.

10.2.7 Configuration (option)

Description see Chapter 10.1.6.


Chapter 10 - 32 0514MC

10.3 Parts removal robot (option)


Parts removal robot

For a switched off program only the positions of the parts removal robot will be checked. If the
device has not been assembled, the inputs have to be bridged.

Close tongs at nozzle platen

For an activated program, the parts removal robot will be operated independently of the position
of the ejector.

parts removal stroke

Operation of the parts removal robot with "Parts removal stroke". For a switched off program
there will only be move in - and move out -motions.

Chapter 10 - 33
Parts removal stroke before moving in
If this program has been started, the parts removal stroke will be carried out before moving in.
For a deactivated program, the parts removal stroke will be carried out after moving in.

Parts removal stroke before moving out

If this program has been started, the parts removal stroke will be carried out before moving out.
For a deactivated program, the parts removal stroke will be carried out after moving out.

Start from ejector position

The program preselection "Close tongs at nozzle platen" must not be activated and only one
ejector stroke may be set.
If this program preselection is activated the ejector movement is only carried out up to "Start
from ejector position". The ejector will be released after the parts removal routine has been

Delay Close tongs

Delay from reaching the "Parts removal position" until "Start Close tongs" (safe reaching of the
parts removal position).

Time Parts clamping

During this time, the tongs may close; however, the next movement of the parts removal robot
will only be started at the end of this time. This time guarantees a safe closing of the tongs.

Stroke for Open tongs

If this stroke point is fallen short of during the closing movement, the tongs start to open.

Manual mode
All movements of the parts removal robot will be carried out according to the program setting by
means of keys (right switch position). The left switch position moves the parts removal robot to
the home position again.


Chapter 10 - 34 0514MC
Parts monitoring
For the "Closed tong" position it will be monitored in the automatic mode whether the part has
been properly removed. In case of an error the cycle will be interrupted and may be continued in
the manual mode. There will be no parts monitoring in the manual mode. If the parts monitoring
is not required or if there is no limit switch installed the input has to be bridged.

Program setting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Close tongs at nozzle platen 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Parts removal stroke 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Parts rem. stroke bef. moving in 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

Parts rem. stroke bef. moving out 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

Program setting 1:
• Move in.
• Ejector forward.
• Close tongs.
• Move out.

Program setting 2:
• Move in.
• Close tongs.
• Move out.

Program setting 3:
• Move in.
• Ejector forward.
• Close tongs.
• Parts removal stroke forward.
• Move out.
• Parts removal stroke backward.

Program setting 4:
• Move in.
• Parts removal stroke forward.
• Close tongs.
• Move out.
• Parts removal stroke backward.

Chapter 10 - 35
Program setting 5:
• Move in.
• Ejector forward.
• Close tongs.
• Parts removal stroke forward.
• Parts removal stroke backward.
• Move out.

Program setting 6:
• Move in.
• Parts removal stroke forward.
• Close tongs.
• Parts removal stroke backward.
• Move out.

Program setting 7:
• Parts removal stroke forward.
• Move in.
• Parts removal stroke backward.
• Ejector forward.
• Close tongs.
• Parts removal stroke forward.
• Move out.
• Parts removal stroke backward.

Program setting 8:
• Parts removal stroke forward.
• Move in.
• Close tongs.
• Move out.
• Parts removal stroke backward.


Chapter 10 - 36 0514MC
Program setting 9:
• Parts removal stroke forward.
• Move in.
• Parts removal stroke backward.
• Ejector forward.
• Close tongs.
• Move out.

Program setting 10:

• Parts removal stroke forward.
• Move in.
• Close tongs.
• Parts removal stroke backward.
• Move out.

Chapter 10 - 37

10.4 UNIPICK P5 (option)

10.4.1 UNIPICK P5 / Setting

F10-UNIPICK P5-Einstellungen_01

In this text line, the function of the robot will be enabled. If this program is switched off, the
Y-axis has to be in the home position to enable the interface signal for the injection moulding
machine (Close mould, Ejector for- and backward).

Tilt / swing in home position

The selection of this program makes the gripper (depending on the program preselection) tilt or
swing in the "home position".
If this program is switched off, the tilting / swinging (if preselected) takes place in the "Z-limit


Chapter 10 - 38 0514MC
Y-Lowering Stacking
The selection of this program makes the Y-axis lower in the "Z -limit position" to stack the parts
in the "Y-limit position".
If this program is switched off, the parts in the "Z-limit position" and the "Y-home position" will be

Tilt (C-axis)
The selection of this program makes the gripper tilt around the C-axis. For the preselected
program, the lowering of the Y-axis is only possible if the gripper is tilted.

Swing (B-axis)
The selection of this program makes the gripper swing around the B-axis. For the preselected
program, the lowering of the Y-axis is only possible if the gripper is swung.

Parts clamping
When using a gripper finger, this program has to be switched on. Then the parts monitoring will
also be effective. If parts monitoring is not desired, the inputs have to be bridged.
When using a vacuum gripper, this program has to be switched off. Then the vacuum monitoring
will also be effective. If no vacuum monitoring is desired, the adjusting screw SET at the venturi
nozzle has to be turned until the red LED is lit up.

2nd deposit position Z - axis (option)

The selection of this program causes the parts to be stacked in turns on two different stacking

Start from ejector position

Only one ejector stroke may be set. If this program preselection is activated the ejector
movement is only carried out up to "Start from ejector position". The ejector will be released
after the parts removal routine has been completed.

Chapter 10 - 39
Parts removal stroke after ejector
• Lower Y-axis.
• Ejector forward.
• X-axis forward.
• Parts transfer.

Parts removal stroke before ejector

• Lower Y-axis.
• X-axis forward.
• Ejector forward.
• Parts transfer.

Parts removal stroke parallel to ejector

• Lower Y-axis.
• Ejector and X-axis simultaneously forward.
• Parts transfer.

Manual mode
All movements of the LC robot will be carried out according to the program setting by means of
keys (right switch position). Use the left switch position to move back individual movements of
the LC handling.


Chapter 10 - 40 0514MC

10.4.2 UNIPICK P5 / Diagnosis

F10-UNIPICK P5-Diagnose_01

Here, the current state of the UNIPICK P5 is being displayed.

Chapter 10 - 41

10.4.3 UNIPICK P5 / Setting

F10-UNIPICK P5-Einrichten_01

Time Parts removal

The Time "Parts removal" will be started as soon as the ejector is forward and the "X-axis" in the
"limit position". At the end of the time, the part will be clamped or sucked. This will steady the
gripper and the ejector before the transfer.

Time Parts clamping

The Time "Parts clamping" starts when the part is clamped or sucked. At the end of the time, the
"X-axis" moves to the "home position" and the ejector backward. This ensures a secure transfer
of the part.

Time Stacking
The Time "Stacking" will be started as soon as the "Z-axis" and the "Y-axis" of the robot are in
the "limit position". At the end of the time, the part will be loosened. This ensures that the gripper
is steadied in the stacking position.


Chapter 10 - 42 0514MC
Time Parts loosening
The Time "Parts loosening" starts when the part is loosened. At the end of the time the " Y-axis"
moves back to the " home position". This ensures a secure stacking of the part.
If the "Y-Lowering Stacking" program is switched off, the Time "Parts loosening" in the "Y-home
position" will be started when reaching the "Z-limit position" to loosen the part at the end of this

Time Belt Conveyor

Input of the time during which the belt coveyor is to be triggered. The Time "Belt conveyor" will
be started after the part has been stacked and the " Y-axis" has moved to the "Home position".
By entering "0" for the set value, the belt conveyor will be deactivated.

UNIPICK P5 - Setting
UNIPICK P5 - setting can be selected in the setting mode only. After having selected the
function, an axis can be selected which can then be moved via the "+" and "-" keys. This
function will automatically be deactivated when changing the operating mode or leaving this

Teach Y axis (P01 + P02) - limit positions -

Teach Y axis Limit positions can be selected in the setting mode only. This function will
automatically be deactivated when changing the operating mode or leaving this image.
This function must be carried out only when putting the device into operation and after having
changed the limit positions.

1. Reset all active moving commands.
2. ventilate brake
3. Initiate Remote mode.
4. Start Teaching between the limit positions via the "+" key. The SPC 11 automatically
learns the positions of the limit positions.
5. At the end of the teaching movement the SPC 11 device delivers a "1" to exit A1.
This information is used to recognise the end of teaching. The teaching function is
automatically reset.

Chapter 10 - 43
Teach Y axis (P03 + P04) - central position -
Teach Y axis Mid positions can be selected in the setting mode only. Automatic teaching of the
limit positions must have be carried out before. This function will automatically be deactivated
when changing the operating mode or leaving this image.
1. Reset all active moving commands.
2. ventilate brake
3. Initiate Remote mode by means of the "+" or "-" keys.
4. The Teach mode is initiated. The possible "Teaching position", eg. P03 is flashing in the
display of the SPC 11.
5. Press the "Cancel" key to teach the next position (P04).
6. Use the "+" or "-" keys to move the drive into the wished position.
7. To save the position at the end of the teaching movement, the operator has to
acknowledge it by selecting the "O.K." button.
8. The output A3 or A4 is set.
9. The operator has to end the teaching function (switch off the function selection).

Acceptance of the "teached" position.

Change over to the next position.

For the implementation of the described functions it is necessary to connect the following inputs
and outputs of the SPC 11 with the control (Beckhoff I/O module).

Inputs SPC 11:

The following inputs of the SPC 11 must be connected with the outputs of the Beckhoff I/O
E5 Remote "+"
E6 Remote Enter/Teach/Esc
E7 Remote "-"
E8 Remote activation

Outputs SPC 11:

The following output of the SPC 11 must be connected with the input of the Beckhoff I/O
A5 Error


Chapter 10 - 44 0514MC

10.5 Periphery (option)


Periphery interface 1 (2, 3)

If you highlight and select this field, the signals of the periphery interface 1 (2, 3) will be
activated. If the release signal (mould area free) is not needed for a periphery, it must be
In case this field has not been selected no interface signals will be expected by the periphery,
except for the release signal "Mould area free". This means that bridging must be carried out on
the periphery interface.

Info text
Enter an info text to show the periphery concerned. This entry is used to obtain a better

Operator station
Selection of the operator station to which the periphery interface refers.

Chapter 10 - 45
The current status of the periphery interface will be displayed in this field.

Signals to the machine (periphery signals)

"Mould area free" signal
The signal will trigger the following actions:
When selecting "Periphery on station A to E" ...
• The mould table movement is released.
When selecting "Periphery on station A" ...
• The closing movement is enabled.
• Opening movement enabled.
When selecting "Periphery on clamping unit" ...
• The closing movement is enabled.
• Opening movement enabled.

Signals from the machine (machine signals)

"Start Periphery" signal
This signal is set with the following program settings:
• If an active lower mould is in the respective station.

"Lower mould 1 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6)" signal

The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• If the respective mould is in the defined station. The signal is set also if the lower mould is


Chapter 10 - 46 0514MC

10.6 Wittmann robot (option)

10.6.1 Wittmann robot 1 (2)

F10-Wittmann Roboter1_01

When changing into this menu, a connection to the Wittmann robot is automatically established.
From then, the robot can be operated via this menu only.
You can store the teach program of the Wittmann robot in the machine (see chapter 25.1 and
The alarms of the Wittmann robot are displayed in a separate error class on the machine and
entered into the log (see chapter 28).
The robot interface 1 (2) must be activated in order to be able to operate the Wittmann robot 1
(2) (see chapter 10.1.1).
The configuration for the Wittmann robot 1 (2) is in the menu "Robot interface 1 (2) / Wittmann
config" (see chapter 10.1.3)
For more information refer to the Wittmann robot manual.

Chapter 10 - 47
When a connection is established to the Wittmann robot, the Wittmann profile is set depending
on the user leves activated on the machine.
User level 90 —> Wittmann profile 7
User level 30 —> Wittmann profile 2
User level 20 —> Wittmann profile 1

Every 60 seconds, the time of the Wittmann robot will be synchronised with the machine time.
I.e. any time changes will not influence the Wittmann robot as long as the Wittmann robot is
connected with the machine.

If access to the machine is made via a remote connection (remote maintenance), the operation
of the robot on the remote PC is blocked. The menu „Wittmann Robot“ is displayed on the
remote PC only if it is not selected on the machine (only a VNC connection can be established).


Chapter 10 - 48 0514MC

10.7 Handling interface 1 (EUROMAP 67.1)

10.7.1 Handling interface 1 / settings


This function is included in vertical V machines with mould table (rotary table, sliding table) as
an optional function. It provides the option of a 2nd handling interface.

Handling interface 1 (2)

If this option is selected, all signals of the handling interface are activated. If a robot does not
require all signals, the missing release signals must be bridged.
If this option is not selected, the system does not expect interface signals from the robot, with
the exception of the „Mould area free“ release signal. This means that pin A3-C3 of the handling
interface must be bridged.

Chapter 10 - 49
For details, refer to the circuit diagram of the machine.

Start 1 for operator station

To the right of the program information, you find the list of selection parameters to which the
handling interface refers.
Configuration for hardware signal ZA7 (start trigger 1)
Clamping unit -> handling start for upper mould (optional)
Station A (B, C, D, E, F) -> handling start for respective station (optional)
Table in position -> handling start for table in position (according to EM67.1)
(see also chapter 10.7.3 “Signals from machine / “Start 1” signal”)

Start 2 for operator station

To the right of the program information, you find the list of selection parameters to which the
handling interface refers.
Configuration for hardware signal ZA6 (start trigger 2)
Clamping unit -> handling start for upper mould (optional)
Station A (B, C, D, E, F) -> handling start for respective station (optional)
Station E (rotary table) -> handling start for station E (according to EM67.1)
Station B (sliding table) -> handling start for station B (according to EM67.1)
Table in position -> handling start for table in position (optional)
(see also chapter 10.7.3 “Signals from machine / “Start 2” signal”)

Start 3 for operator station

To the right of the program information, you find the list of selection parameters to which the
handling interface refers.
Configuration for hardware signal ZA8 (start trigger 3)
Clamping unit -> handling start for upper mould (optional)
Station A (B, C, D, E, F) -> handling start for respective station (optional)
Station F (rotary table) -> handling start for station F (according to EM67.1)
Station C (sliding table) -> handling start for station C (according to EM67.1)
Table in position -> handling start for table in position (optional)
(see also chapter 10.7.3 “Signals from machine / “Start 3” signal”)


Chapter 10 - 50 0514MC
Insertion (start 2/3 for operator station)
Activation of an alternative handling station for this handling interface In this station, only parts
with a lower mould can be inserted. If this program is activated, the insertion statuses refer to
the set insertion station and the injection mouldings refer to the set removal station. In this case,
the other stations of the handling interface must be removal stations.

Removal/insertion (start 2/3 for operator station)

Preselect this program, if parts are to be removed (and also inserted) at this station.
If parts are also to be inserted at this station, ensure that no 2nd insertion station is defined in the
handling interface.
Only one active lower mould must be located in one of the two handling stations.
Typical application:
Oscillating operation of 2 lower moulds between 3 stations (e.g. sliding table machines,
swivelling table machines).

Pre-start 1 (2) for operator station (start 2/3 for operator station)
The handling pre-start is defined when the position tolerance of the mould table is reached
(while mould table axis is still in motion) and can be used to initiate a preliminary start
movement of the handling systems without interfering with the mould table axes!
„Release mould table movement“ must remain activated until signal „Start handling“ is issued,
as the mould table can otherwise not be positioned, due to missing release signal!

Number of removal cycles (optional)

Enter here the desired number of removal cycles.
Each removal cycle must be confirmed with the „Injection mouldings removed“ signal.

Chapter 10 - 51
Number of insertion cycles (optional)
Enter here the desired number of insertion cycles.
Each insertion cycle must be confirmed with the „Injection mouldings inserted“ signal.


Chapter 10 - 52 0514MC

10.7.2 Handling interface 1 / settings 2


This program is optional and might not be included in this menu.

Start with mould open (possible only for "Robot on clamping unit" - operator station 1)
If you have started this program, the robot will move in for "Mould opened". The cycle will be
continued after the robot has finished.

Start with open stroke (possible only for "Robot on clamping unit" - operator station 1)
This program is required to gain some cycle time. If you start this program the robot will move
in at the set stroke position and the opening procedure will be continued. (From this stroke
marker the opening can also carried out if the "Mould area free" signal is deactivated - the signal
"Release Open Intermediate stop" is not required)

If the present set value has been set to small there is a risk of the robot bumping into the mould
or the clamping platen!

Chapter 10 - 53
Start with intermediate stop (possible only for "Robot on clamping unit" - operator station 1)
If you have activated this program, the opening procedure will be interrupted at the entered
stroke marker and the robot will move in. The opening procedure will be continued after the
robot has finished. (For Start via intermediate stop, the opening can also be performed from this
stroke marker if the "Mould area free" signal is deactivated (starting from "Start stroke") - the
"Release Opening Intermediate stop" signal will however be required)

Ejector without intermediate stop

The ejector is operated without an intermediate stop position.

Ejector forward with intermediate stop (only available with “handling at stations A-E”)
Activating an intermediate stop position when moving the ejector forward. The intermediate
stop is carried out only if an injection moulding is available in this station. The "Release
Ejector forward" signal must be reset and set again in order to move on the ejector after the
intermediate stop.

Ejector back with intermediate stop (possible only for "Robot on station A - E")
Activating an intermediate stop position when moving the ejector back. The "Release Ejector
backward" signal must be reset and set again in order to move on the ejector after the
intermediate stop. If an intermediate stop program is activated for the ejector, the adjacent
stroke point for the ejector will mean move forward or move back depending on the program


Chapter 10 - 54 0514MC

10.7.3 Handling interface 1 / signal group 1


The current status of the Robot Interface will be displayed in this field. According to the optional
scope of the machine, the diagnosis signals may differ from the picture shown here.

Signals to the machine

"Robot off" signal

The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The robot interface will be deactivated, the "Mould area free" signal, however, still has to
be evaluated.

"Mould area free" signal

The signal will trigger the following actions:
When selecting "Robot for station up to E" ...
• the mould table movement is released ("Release mould table movement" signal will
additionally be required).
• The ejector movement in the manual mode is enabled.

Chapter 10 - 55
When selecting "Robot on station A" ...
• The closing movement is enabled ("Release Close" signal will additionally be required).
• Opening movement enabled.
When selecting "Robot on clamping unit" ...
• The closing movement is enabled ("Release Close" signal will additionally be required).
• Opening movement enabled (For Start via intermediate stop or start stroke, the opening
can also be performed from the "Start stroke" when the signal is deactivated (starting
from "Start stroke") - The "Release Opening Intermediate stop" signal will however be
• a possibly available upper parts ejector is enabled in the manual mode.

"Release of mould table movement" signal

The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The rotary table and/or sliding table movement will be enabled ("Mould area free" signal
will additionally required)
In the "Automatic" mode, the signal has to be deactived for a short time before a new table
movement (cannot be bridged).
The signal has to be activated up to the "Start 1 for operator station 1/2" output signal.

"Enable ejector forward" signal

The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The ejector movement "forward" will be enabled (see also "Mould area free" signal).
• With the intermediate stop for ejector forward being activated, the ejector is moved on
when setting the signal a second time.
A multiple stroke is performed up to the last forward stroke.
The signal has to be activated up to the "Ejector is in front position" output signal.

"Enable Ejector back" signal:

The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The ejector "back" movement will be enabled (see also "Mould area free" signal).
• With the intermediate stop for ejector back being activated, the ejector is moved on when
setting the signal a second time.
A multiple stroke is performed up to the last back stroke, independently of the release signal.
The signal has to be activated up to the "Ejector is back" output signal.

The station ejector movements will only be started, if the "Release Mould table movement or
Mould area free" signal is not active.


Chapter 10 - 56 0514MC
"Release Move in core pullers 1" signal
"Release Move in core pullers 2" signal
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The core puller movement „Move in (screw in)“ will be released for core pullers assigned
to this signal.
The signal has to be activated up to the "Core puller is moved in" output signal. The assignment
of the core pullers to signal 1 or signal 2 is carried out at the core puller.

"Release Move out core pullers 1" signal

"Release Move out core pullers 2" signal
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The core puller movement „Move out (screw out)“ will be released for core pullers
assigned to this signal.
The signal has to be activated up to the "Core puller is moved out" output signal. The
assignment of the core pullers to signal 1 or signal 2 is carried out at the core puller.

"Injection mouldings removed" signal

After having removed the injection mouldings, the removal of the injection mouldings will be
displayed by the positive edge of this signal. This signal must be send before Release Mould
table and before inserting the next parts.
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The "Injection moulding" and "Insert part" statuses (see rotary table, sliding table, page 1)
will be reset and the "Injection mouldings available" and "Insert parts available" statuses
of the EUROMAP interface will be reset at the same time.
The signal will be evaluated only if the signals for "Release Mould table" are not available.

"Insert part inserted" signal

After having inserted new parts, the insertion of these parts will be displayed by the positive
edge of this signal. This signal must be send before Release Mould table and before removing
the injection mouldings.
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• The "Insert part" status (see rotary table - sliding table, page 1) will be set and the "Insert
parts available" and "Insertion cycle 1-9" signals of the EUROMAP interface will be set at
the same time.
The signal will be evaluated only if the signals for "Release Mould table" are not available.

Chapter 10 - 57
Signal „EMERGENCY STOP channel 1“
Signal „EMERGENCY STOP channel 2“
Display of the two EMERGENCY STOP channels of handling.

Signals from the machine

Signal „Start 1 / 2 / 3“
With preselection „Start for operator station - table in position“, signal „Start handling“ is set,
provided the following conditions are met:
• Activated mould is located in one of the handling stations for removal/insertion.
• Mould table is „in position“.

With preselection „Start for operator station - station A to E“, signal „Start handling“ is set,
provided the following conditions are met:
• Activated mould is in the respective handling station.
• Mould table is „in position“.
• With preselection „Handling at operator station A“, the mould must be open.

With preselection „Start for operator station - clamping unit“, the „Start“ signal is set, if the start
condition is met.

If signal „Injection mouldings available“ is active upon „Start for operator station“, the handling
system must remove the injection mouldings, provided that „removal“ is configured in the
handling station (see „Mould table / status“ menu, chapter 11).
If signal „Insert parts available“ is active upon „Start for operator station“, the handling system
must insert insert parts, provided that an „insertion unit“ is configured in the handling station
(see „Mould table / status“ menu, chapter 11).

"Ejector is back" signal

The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Ejector is in the home position (back).
• Mould platen protection o.k. or deactivated or the mould platen protection is acting as the
release signal for Ejector backward (program 7).
The signal will be deactivated when leaving the position.


Chapter 10 - 58 0514MC
"Ejector is in the front position" signal
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• After the last stroke the ejector is in the foremost position (front position).
The signal will be deactivated when leaving the position.

"Cores 1 (2) are moved in" signal

The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Core puller of the release group 1 (2) are in the robot station.
• Core puller (screw off) is in the „Moved in (screwed in)“ limit position.
The signal will be deactivated when leaving the position.

"Cores 1 (2) are moved out" signal

The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Core puller of the release group 1 (2) are in the robot station.
• Core puller (screw off) is in the „Moved out (screwed off)“ limit position.
The signal will be deactivated when leaving the position.

The core puller signals refer to those core pullers which have activated the "Start core puller via
robot interface" program (setting on Core puller Page "Enlarged settings", see chapter 9).
For lower mould dependent core pullers (Setting in menu "Mould table / Configuration, chapter
11), the core puller signals refer to those core pullers which are in the robot station.

"Reject part" signal

The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• A "Reject part" is in the current robot mould.
The signal will be deactivated for the next "good part".

"Automatic mode with robot" signal

The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Robot is activated.
• Machine was switched to automatic mode.
• The robot is activated ("Robot off" signal is deactivated).

Chapter 10 - 59
"Injection mouldings available" signal
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Parts which can be removed are in the lower part of the robot station.
The signal will be deactivated again with the "Parts removed" signal.

"Insert parts available" signal

The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• This robot interface already inserted parts into the lower mould of the robot station, "Parts
inserted" signal.
If the second operator station is activated with the "Insertion" program, this signal refers to the
2nd operator station.

End of production
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• The "Machine cycle stopped" signal from the robot is available in the automatic mode,
and the machine has finished the cycle and the mould is open.
• "Stop machine cycle" signal from the robot is not available in the automatic mode, and the
machine stops the machine cycle (Error classes 2 or 3).
• The signal is always set in the manual mode.

Signal „EMERGENCY STOP circuits closed“

The signal is set, if the following conditions are met:
• The EMERGENCY STOP circuit is closed; the machine is ready for operation

"Safety circuits closed" signal

The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Safety gate and maintenance doors are closed, the light curtain is not interrupted.


Chapter 10 - 60 0514MC

10.8 Image processing (option)

10.8.1 Image processing 1 (2)


When changing into this menu, a connection to the image processing system is automatically
established. From then, the image processing system can be operated via this menu only.
The configuration for the image processing system (setting of the IP address) is in the menu
„Robot interface 1 (2) / Image processing config“ (see chapter 10.1.4).

Chapter 10 - 61

10.8.2 Description Introduction to Image Processing Principles

Medical seeing:
… takes place mostly in the 3D-area and is accompanied by many additional pieces of
information (sensory organs,…) "that one just knows".

Image processing:
… the camera receives the light reflected differently from the part as only information. As a
result, image processing technology can analyse only this type of information, which exists as
black/white transitions and/or gray values.

A high-quality image is a prerequisite for a suitable result!

• Selection of components on the product (lens, lighting, …)

• Sharp edges (minimum grey transfer)
• Minimum mirror-effects
• Low external light influences
• No contamination of the lens


Chapter 10 - 62 0514MC
Robot The Lens

The size of the object to be measured or the desired object field is decisive for lens selection.

Zoom measurement lens

A large number of focal distances

Variable focusing
Variable testing area

Compact dimensions
Conical projection


Chapter 10 - 63
Telecentric measurement lenses

Fixed focal lengths

Fixed range of focus sharpness
Fixed focus range
Large dimensions
Parallel projection


Close the aperture as far as possible in order to achieve greater depth of field.


Chapter 10 - 64 0514MC
Robot Illumination

A carefully selected illumination is particularly important for reliably evaluating an image. It is

important to have a strong source of light that will allow you to reduce the aperture and thereby
achieve greater depth of field. At the same time, reduction of the exposure time is possible to
reduce blurred images from vibrations.

Possible influences:
• Inconsistent ambient light (standard room illumination, sun reflections, etc.)
• Light source aging (=> changing grey values)
• Frequency-dependent flickering of the light source (especially with incandescent lamps)
• Heat transfer from the light source to the measurement object and the measuring range

The measuring lenses are usually very different in practice (colour/material, size, shape, …).
Therefore, the illumination for the object to be measured must be selected to achieve best

Different types of material also react differently to the affects of light.

Type of illumination:
Illumination itself is divided into the categories of incident light and transmitted light:

Incident light
• The most common and simplest means of illumination
• Higher influence of ambience lighting
• Simple gripper construction
• Shadows and reflections visible (also for recognition of surface defects)
• Flexible use


Chapter 10 - 65
Transmitted light
• High contrast (rule of thumb: three times higher edge quality than with incident light)
• Lower influence of ambient light
• Gripper must be transparent,
• Light must be guided on gripper.
• Surfaces and unevenness invisible (for contours)


LED lighting
• Longevity
• Different sizes, colours, shapes
• Practical
• Cost-efficient


Chapter 10 - 66 0514MC
Cold light
• Homogenous light The Camera

These cameras record the image over a sensor field that consists of many small CCD sensors,
also known as pixels. When these sensors are struck by light, they release electrical charges.
These charges are recorded by means of vertical and horizontal shift registers. The source job
delivers the trigger signal.

Chapter 10 - 67

10.8.3 Hardware and software components Hardware

Camera system
"In-Sight Micro 1403-10" camera
It is an "intelligent camera" which contains the corresponding assessment program, i.e. the
job, carries out the assessment accordingly and sends the result to the robot via an interface.
It is a monochrome 2 megapixel camera with a resolution of 1200x1600 pixels. The special
computational algorithm PatMax makes complex measuring functions possible. The lens thread
is a "C mount".

"CIO-MICRO" I/O Module

The switch cabinet of robot contains a digital input / output module which is used for
communicating between the camera and the robot.


Chapter 10 - 68 0514MC
Spacer ring set
The set consists of rings with C-mount-thread and different lengths. These rings enable changes
to the camera's field of vision. For a small section / part to be displayed on the camera recording
(visual field) as large as possible, one or several spacer rings are screwed between the lens
and camera. This changes not only the field of vision but also the working distance between the
camera and object.

The lens has a focal length of 25 mm, a manually adjustable focus ring and a ring for the

Chapter 10 - 69
Lighting "LED ring lamp"
Lighting is performed by a red LED ring lamp triggered by the camera.

Located on the lighting, serves to distribute light to prevent reflections.

"Wiba*.job" file - standard application

This file serves assessment of presence + parts quality (filled out / overpacked) with
communication with the robot R8VS2. These monitorings can be set up independently for up
to 8 cavities (incl. tolerance fields). With two lower moulds, separate assessment of 16 cavities
is thus possible. Furthermore, there is the option of detecting the shot by one recording (robot
stop) or a recording for each cavity. This programme is designed to form a solid base and to
cover the largest part of the applications. If the area of application deviates, there is the option
of changing this job accordingly.

Ethernet interface
The interface enables direct access to the camera. For example, connection of an external
customer-side computer and use of the programme Vision View PC (demo version on USB
drive) or the programme In-Sight Explorer (on included CD) can be used here to set the WiBa
standard job for the product and generate an individual job. The interface is accessible by
opening the left door on the operator's side.

In-Sight Explorer on CD
The programme enables changes to the included file WiBa*.job or generation of a separate job.

USB stick
contains important data such as the Wiba*.job file.


Chapter 10 - 70 0514MC
Camera system with integrate visualisation
In addition to the camera system scope, this development level has a control integrated in
the B6 via the "Vision View VGA" converter. The interfaces are accessible by opening the left
operating-side door.

VGA interface: To set up image processing at product changes, it is possible to connect an
external screen via the VGA connection.

USB interface: A USB mouse can be connected here for setting up image processing. This
USB interface also enables exporting images or a sensor backup on a USB storage medium.
Depending on settings, e.g. all reject part images can be stored at intervals.

The interfaces for this are on the machine operator side and accessible by opening the hinged
door in the left lower area.

Display / operation of the image processing via B6

A dedicated operating interface can be used to perform simple changes like tolerance

Chapter 10 - 71
Robot IP addresses

The individual components (camera, CIO-Micro, Vision View VGA, robot, machine)
communicate via an Ethernet connection. Thus, each component has a fixed IP address.
IP addresses preset

CIO-MICRO - Board:

Vision View PC / Vision View VGA:



Chapter 10 - 72 0514MC
Setting of IP addresses
All / some IP addresses must be set in the following situations:
• Commissioning of the machine
• Replacement of components (camera, CIO-MICRO, Vision View VGA)
• Connection to a company network (e.g. for Web service)

The setting of the IP addresses on the individual components is described in the following.

1.) Establishing the hardware connection

Install the Cognex software "In-Sight-Explorer" ( on an external desktop or
laptop computer. This external computer must have a fixed IP address (e.g., and be connected with the machine via an Ethernet cable. Corresponding
interfaces are e.g. below the camera slight and/or on the HUB (switch cabinet).

Chapter 10 - 73
2.) Changing the IP address of camera and CIO-MICRO
Scan for new devices ....


Chapter 10 - 74 0514MC
Changing the IP address of the camera (In-Sight-Micro 1403):

Changing the IP address of the CIO-MICRO:

Chapter 10 - 75
3.) VisionViewVGA settting (option)
Connect a VGA monitor and a USB mouse to the appropriate interface below the camera slight.
Set the language...

Display setting...


Chapter 10 - 76 0514MC

Chapter 10 - 77
Picture setting


Chapter 10 - 78 0514MC
Network setting

Chapter 10 - 79


Chapter 10 - 80 0514MC
Select camera ...

For setting the IP address of the VisionViewVGA refer to chapter 10.1.4

Note: Operation via BS touch screen is only possible if you are logged in on the BS machine

Chapter 10 - 81

10.8.4 Setting of camera, measuring instruments and tolerances

This chapter describes the setting of the image processing for a product, i.e. injection moulding.
The following guidelines include the setting of the hardware components (lens, light, working
distance, image position / detail) and/or the delivered file Wiba*.job (measuring instruments,
tolerances) for the respective product.

The display on the B6 machine control is mainly used for visualising the camera image. If any
change to the tolerances or measuring windows is required, this is possible by logging into the
B6-control as of level 20. However, it is recommended to connect an external screen to the
intended VGA connection or a USB mouse or external computer to the Ethernet interface.

1. According to the application, one picture per shot / production cycle may be taken.
Activation of "Whole Shot: One Robot-Stop/One Evaluation/One Result"

Required robot setting:

• Only one X/Y position must be set in the robot deposit pattern.
• Camera / optics must be set so that all features / entire shot are present on the recording.
• The number of features / cavities (max. 8) to be displayed on this recording can be set in
the same screen.
• Robot stops for the camera once per shot.
• Camera takes one picture per shot
• Camera outputs a total result for this recording for "Part Detection" and a total result for
"Part Inspection" to robot.
• Cycle time savings from lack of repositioning of the gripper and by simplified
• At very small cavities far apart, the number of available pixels may become too low.


Chapter 10 - 82 0514MC
Deactivation of "Whole Shot: One Robot-Stop/One Evaluation/One Result"

Required robot setting:

• Position for each cavity in X-direction (robot-deposit programme) and Z-direction
(counters for Z-axis)
• Or only one X/Y-position must be set in the robot deposit template. (Soft key must be
• Camera / optics must be set so that each recording (cavity or robot stop) displays all
features as well as possible.
• For each recording (cavity or robot stop)

• Robot stops once per shot depending on the number of camera positions set.
• Camera outputs a separate result for "Part Detection" and "Part Inspection" to robot for
each recording / camera position.
• For very small cavities / decision criteria, a maximum resolution of the area can be
achieved, leading to maximum measuring accuracy.
• Due to the separate assessment for each cavity + new placement of the gripper, this is
included in the cycle time.

The basic settings activation / deactivation of mode "Whole Shot: One Robot-Stop/One
Evaluation/One Result" is described in the following items. The change cannot be made during
automatic operation because a change into offline operation leads to machine stop.

Chapter 10 - 83
1.1. Change to offline mode

1.2. Opening the "ONE Stop/Evaluation/Result" menu item


Chapter 10 - 84 0514MC
1.3. Activation / Deactivation of "Whole Shot:
ONE Stop/Evaluation/Result". When this function is activated, the number of cavities /
monitoring areas to be monitored per shot during this one recording must be pre-selected by
checkmark. Four cavities were selected in this example. Subsequent acknowledgement with OK

1.4. Change to online mode

Chapter 10 - 85
2. Good part placement via camera.
This can be done by injecting parts and stopping the gripper via the camera or by suction /
clamping of parts with the gripper, followed by placement above the camera.

3. Set image
3.1. Vision View: Offline mode

3.2. Adjust image


Chapter 10 - 86 0514MC
3.3. Focus

3.4. Placement of the good part above the camera (see robot documentation)
3.4.1. Positioning the robot gripper in the X axis
3.4.2. Setting the camera slight in the Z axis

Checking the lens for cleanliness before any other settings are made saves time!

3.5. Selecting image section + ensuring best image quality.

3.5.1. Lens type
If required, another lens with C-mount thread can be used.

3.5.2. Set zoom ring at the lens

3.5.3. Spacer rings
Adjust the image section to the "area of interest" with the spacer rings if required.

3.5.4. Setting the working distance

Use the distance between part and camera (mechanic axis height adjustment, robot Y-position).

Chapter 10 - 87
3.6. Contrast / brightness
Clear light-dark transfers with minimum grey area at the edge are usually the objective.

Factors of influence …

3.6.1. Aperture
Choose aperture (on lens) as small as possible (=> minimise ambience influences)

3.6.2. Exposure time

Choose as small as possible (=> minimise ambience influences). The machine standard scope
contains a ring lamp used by the camera as a flash. Setting the "Exposure" time in the Vision
View display makes the image lighter / darker.


Chapter 10 - 88 0514MC
4. Align measuring window for base A / B for image.
The file WiBa*.job is set up so that the measuring fields and tolerances for each cavity can be
determined separately.

4.1. Part Found In Gripper

This measuring tool can be activated as additional form safety. When activating the robot's
teach box, the machine waits before closing the mould until image processing recognises that
all parts have been removed. => influence on cycle time

The measuring tool is placed at the part gate area. The average grey value of all pixels is
determined within the measuring instrument. If this value is within the upper / lower thresholds,
the corresponding cavity in the gripper is considered present, i.e. removed from the mould.

Chapter 10 - 89
Define "Detection Area"
Position and size can be adjusted by the button.

The measuring instrument is placed above the area filled first. This should mainly ensure that
presence is recognised even in case of parts not fully filled.

The measuring field size should not be larger than necessary to avoid unnecessary influence on
the cycle time.

Position and size can be adjusted with the button "Search Area: ADJUST“.

Upper Limit [0…255]

The upper threshold for the average grey value can be adjusted by the button.
The maximum value is grey value 255 - white / minimum value is grey value 0 - black

Lower Limit [0…255]

The lower threshold for the average grey value can be adjusted by the button.
The maximum value is grey value 255 - white / minimum value is grey value 0 - black

In the delivery condition, all upper limit values are set to 255 and the lower limit values to 0,
opening the measuring range as far as possible, so that assessment is always in the tolerance
range, i.e. present!


Chapter 10 - 90 0514MC
4.2. Part Inspection

This measuring tool is used to differentiate between good and reject parts. Depending on this,
the parts are placed in the respective deposit position by the robot.

The measuring tool lends a reference contour (measuring window 1) and finds it in a definable
area (measuring window 2). Placement is in the area where over-/underpacking is most likely.

This measuring instrument looks for an edge; if no edge is present in the measuring window,
the program searches until the fixed timeout time has elapsed. This influences the cycle time
afterwards! In particular in case of several cavities for which no contour can be found, this
becomes obvious by long waiting times of the gripper above the camera.

Chapter 10 - 91
1. Determination of measuring window 1
"Reference Picture: DIMENSION+POSITION: ADJUST": Determine position / size of the
measuring window.

• If possible, a camera image area should be selected that is present in this manner
only once to avoid wrong measurements. The selected area must be a contour. The
measuring window should not be too large, because it may influence the cycle time.

2. Teaching the reference contour

„Reference Picture: TRAIN: EXECUTE“: Teaching the reference pattern

3. Determination of measuring window 2

“area where "Reference Picture” has to be looked for: Determination of ADJUST position / size
of the measuring window.


Chapter 10 - 92 0514MC
4. Determination of minimum matches of measuring window 1 in measuring window 2 by
threshold value for:
Min. value for pattern match [%]

Once the match between reference pattern found "measured value for Pattern Match" and
reference pattern taught in undercuts the threshold value "min. value for Pattern Match", the
part is recognised as reject part. To receive sensible assessment, the threshold value of "min.
value for Pattern Match" should be as high as possible and no smaller than 70 %.

> Example "not filled" => Assessment "NG":

> Example "Part ok" => Asessment "OK"

Chapter 10 - 93
> Example "overpacked" => Assessment "NG"

In the delivery condition, the value for "Min. value for Pattern Match [%]" is set to 0 %. Once
an edge contour is taught in and recognised approximately in measuring window 2, the part is
assessed to be OK.

5. After all settings were performed, the job must be saved actively so that all changes /
adjustments are maintained after loss of the supply voltage. This should be done using
a new name so that the standard application "WiBa*.job" can also be used as a basis for
other products. It is also recommended to store the reference images for OK parts and
NOK parts for each cavity or to back up the camera sensor. This can be done via the
USB interface. For precise procedure, see the instructions for Vision View.


Chapter 10 - 94 0514MC
Rotary unit / Mould table

11 Rotary unit / Mould table (option)

11.1 Rotary unit servoelectric / Tandem Mould locking

11.1.1 Rotary unit servoelectric / General


Use the Servo-electric rotary unit menu (option for machines with horizontal clamping unit and
ACOPOS rotary unit) to set the rotary unit and the parameters required.
If a tandem mould is operated with the servoelectric rotary unit, the menu text is changed
from "Rotary unit servoelectric" to "Tandem Mould locking". Additionally, the "Information:
servoelectric rotary unit for tandem mould locking" is displayed below the "Rotary unit" program
Rotary unit servoelectric
Use this program preselection to activate the servo-electric rotary unit. If the rotary unit is
switched off, the limit switches will not be checked and other movements will not be locked.

With the rotary unit being activated, an "Ejector safety stroke" is requested which disables
the rotary unit, the closing unit, and the cycle start if the safety stroke is exceeded. The safety

Chapter 11 - 1
Rotary unit / Mould table
stroke can be entered in the ejector menu (see also chapter 8).
Please also observe the safety settings in the menu „Safety / General“ (see chapter 1.6.1).

Preselection of direction of rotation

Define here the direction of rotation of the rotary unit. If oscillation is switched on, also activate
program preselection „Mould table enabled for continuous rotary movement“ (see „Machine
general / safety“ menu, chapter 1).

Oscillation preselection
Oscillation off
Oscillation mode is activated with program preselection „Mould table enabled for continuous
rotary movement“ in the „Machine general / safety“ menu, see chapter 1. In addition „Oscillation
range 1“ or „Oscillation range 2“ must be activated. If program preselection „Mould table
enabled for continuous rotary movement“ and the oscillation preselection do not correspond,
error message „Incorrect oscillation configuration“ is displayed.
After this program is activated, the system checks the activated lower moulds. The lower moulds
that can be used are determined by „Oscillation range 1“ and „Oscillation range 2“. In the „Mould
table / status“ menu, only the lower moulds defined for the oscillation range are shown.

Oscillation range 1
Oscillation range 2 (3, 4 option)
Here you can choose between the available oscillation ranges: The oscillation ranges have
been preset at the factory. The valid oscillation range is shown in the „Mould table / status“
menu. Only the lower moulds that can reach „Station A (closing station“ with the set oscillation
This means that oscillation is only possible between the lower moulds shown here.
There are not additional oscillation range end switches, i.e. the oscillation ranges are defined by
the program preselection only.

Mould platen protection

• No monitoring
• Permanent monitoring: All lower moulds are monitored.
• Monitoring of clamping station: The lower mould in the clamping station is monitored
The mould platen protection is active in monitoring programs where the mould platen protection
must be OK before the closing (see chapter 11.4.6):
• Program "Close mould / move in core(s)"
• Program "Close mould"
• Program "Close mould up to safety position": The safety position must be less than the
stroke position Mould open, otherwise the monitoring becomes inactive.
In the case of a monitoring error, the "Mould table movement" will be locked.


Chapter 11 - 2 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
v (speed)
Enter here the required speed in [degrees/s] for turning the rotary unit cw and ccw.

Here, a correction value [degrees] for correcting the limit positions of the rotary unit can be
specified. Only trained specialists may change these positions. Changing these entries is only
possible in user level 20.

Current position
The current position of the rotary unit is indicated in [degrees].

Motion time
Display of the current motion time for turning the rotary unit cw or ccw in [s].

Pr.No. (Program number)

Select the appropriate program number in this field.

You may only activate the program numbers described below for the rotary unit. Changes of
the rotary unit programs in the automatic mode are not recommended since these changes will
not be accepted unless there is no active movement (e.g. during the change over or the cooling

Program number 0
"Turn rotary unit ccw / cw" before closing (depending on the mould statuses). This program will
be carried out only in combination with the "Mould table" menu.

Program number 20 (index platen mould)

Turn rotary unit "cw" after the ejector is in the front position and turn the rotary unit "ccw" before
the ejector moves back again (Rotary unit turns for the "Ejector is in front position" position.

Program number 21
Turn rotary unit "cw / ccw" for Mould opened but, however, before the ejector movement is
started (or if the ejector is switched off).

Program number 22
Turn rotary unit "cw / ccw" for Mould opened and ejection finished.

Chapter 11 - 3
Rotary unit / Mould table
Program number 23
Turn circular disc "cw / ccw" for Position Intermediate stop Open. The intermediate stop for
Open will be entered in the "Start" column.

Program number 24
Turn rotary unit "cw" (ccw) for "Start stroke Open" parallel to the movement. The stroke marker
for "Start stroke" will be entered in the "Start" column.
If the rotary unit is in position when reaching the stop stroke, "Open" will be continued.
If the rotary unit has not yet reached its position when reaching the stop stroke, "Open" will be
interrupted. Only after the rotary unit has reached its position will "Open" be continued. The
stroke position for "Stop stroke" will be entered in the "Stop" column.
If the rotary unit is configured with the mould table menu (menu "Mould table" available), the
following reasonable combinations with the program number will be possible.
The removal and insertion station will be defined in the "Mould table" menu (see present chapter
11.4.10 "Configuration station").
First injection station is that station in which the first pre-moulded part is produced (assembly
with the start priority injection cycle = 1).
Last injection station is that station in which the complete injection moulding is completely filled.

Program number 0 was preselected:

Removal station and insertion station should be the first or last injection station.

Program number 20 was preselected (index platen mould):

Removal if index platen is back or ejector is back: Removal station should be that station in
which the complete injection moulding is filled.

Removal if index platen is in front position or ejector is in front position: The removal station
should be the first station and ejector program 2 or 3 should be preselected. The operator
intervention is enabled after having turned the index platen.
Insertion station can only be the first or last injection station.

Program number 21, 23, or 24 was preselected:

Removal station and insertion station should be the first injection station.

Program number 22 was preselected:

Removal if index platen is in front position or ejector is in front position: Removal station should
be that station in which the complete injection moulding is filled.
Insertion station should be the first injection station.


Chapter 11 - 4 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
If rotary unit and core pullers are to react to the same event, priority can be used to determine a
(e.g. After the clamping unit has been opened, first the cores are to move out and then the
rotary unit is to be turned)

Enter the start stroke for Turn rotary unit "cw" (ccw) in [mm] / [inch] in this field.
This input is only required for program preselections 23 and 24 which will be indicated by
changing the colour of the set value from grey to blue.

Enter the stop stroke for Turn rotary unit "cw" (ccw) in [mm] / [inch] in this field.
This input is only required for program preselection 24 which will be indicated by changing the
colour of the set value from grey to blue.

s (current stroke)
The current start / stop stroke is displayed in [mm] / [inch]. This is the stroke which will trigger a
rotary unit movement.

Chapter 11 - 5
Rotary unit / Mould table
The axis (movement) blocked by the rotary unit will be displayed here.
Description of the abbreviations displayed:
CU1+ Opening
CU1- Closing
EU1+ Ejector forward (upper parts ejector)
EU1- Ejector back (upper parts ejector)
RE1+ Station ejector 1 forward (rotary table machines only)
RE1- Station ejector 1 back (rotary table machines only)
RE2+ Station ejector 2 forward (rotary table machines only)
RE2- Station ejector 2 back (rotary table machines only)
RE3+ Station ejector 3 forward (rotary table machines only)
RE3- Station ejector 3 back (rotary table machines only)
RT1+ Mould table left (mould table machines only)
RT1- Mould table right (mould table machines only)
NU1- Injection unit 1 (A) forward
NU1+ Injection unit 1 (A) back
NU2- Injection unit 2 (B) forward
NU2+ Injection unit 2 (B) back.
IP1+ Metering / Decompression (Injection unit 1 = A).
IP1- Injection (Injection unit 1 = A).
IP2+ Metering / Decompression (Injection unit 2 = B).
IP2- Injection (Injection unit 2 = B).

Display EU1- (for Turn rotary unit ccw). Ejector back movement will be disabled as long as the
rotary unit has not reached the left limit position.


Chapter 11 - 6 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
In this field the axis (movement) the rotary unit refers to will be indicated i.e. depending on
which movement the rotary unit will turn cw or ccw.
For a description of the abbreviations displayed please refer to "Block Axis" (see present

Status Rotary unit

Rotary unit is on the left / counterclockwise (green colour)

Movement rotary unit turning to the left / counterclockwise active

Rotary unit is on the right / clockwise (yellow colour)

Movement rotary unit turning to the right / clockwise active

Rotary unit Limit switch monitoring

A red X, which is displayed before the movement arrows of the status, means that the
movement was stopped.

Release Rotary unit

Safety release for operating the rotary unit. This signal can be used for additionaly blocking the
rotary unit, e.g. by means of a monitoring switch. If this signal is not required, it must be bridged
in the matching plug.

Index bolt is moved in

Index bolt is moved out
The status of the index bolt is displayed.

Chapter 11 - 7
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.1.2 Rotary unit servoelectric / Setting


Reduced downtime force Rotary unit

If the index bolt is not moved out or the clamping unit not opened, this downtime force [kN] /
[shtn] will regulate the rotary unit to its position. Select such a high downtime force that the drive
of the rotary unit can maintain the position when being idle. However, the value of the downtime
force should be selected low enough to prevent any overtemperature (see errore message on
NC error analysis).
An overtemperature could be reached if moulds are used which displace the rotary unit during
the clamping procedure.


Chapter 11 - 8 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Turn rotary unit cw Setting-v
Turn rotary unit ccw Setting-v
If the setting mode is active, the rotary unit is operated at the reduced set values set in this field.

Referencing procedure
The reference point must be newly determined after having assembled the adaptive rotary unit.
Referencing is only possible in user level 20.
1. Specifiy the actually determined position of the rotary unit as the set value.
2. Activate function selection "Referencing".

Rotary unit Release brakes (option)

When assembling and dismantling the adaptive rotary unit, it may be helpful to release the
brake. This program preselection activates a release of the brakes with the motor being
switched off. A change of this operating mode is only possible in user level 20.

Chapter 11 - 9
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.1.3 Rotary unit servoelectric / Index bolt


Index bolt
Rotary unit Index bolt remains moved in
After positioning the rotary unit, the index bolt moves in and remains moved in until the next
movement of the rotary unit. A change of this operating mode is only possible in user level 20.

Rotary unit Index bolt is moving out

After positioning the rotary unit, the index bolt moves in and then immediately out. A change of
this operating mode is only possible in user level 20.

Rotary unit Index bolt simultaneous operation

In manual mode, the index moves forward after having positioned the table and remains in the
front position. In automatic mode, the index moves forward after having positioned the table and
remains in the front position. Parallel to this, the closing movement is released. If the index bolt
is not moved in to the position "Clamping unit safety position for index moved in", the closing
movement is stopped and continues as soon as the index bolt has been moved in. Parallel to
the opening movement, the index bolt is moved out at position "Start move out index for Open
Stroke" or "Mould open".


Chapter 11 - 10 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
also refer to „Clamping unit safety position for index moved in“, chapter 1.6.1
also refer to „Start move out index for Open Stroke“,Chapter 11.4.12

Move in (out) the index bolt Pressure

Use this field to enter the pressure in [bar] required for the index bolt.

Index bolt speed

Use this field to enter the speed in [%] required for the index bolt.

Monitoring time Move out index bolt

Monitoring time Move in index bolt
If, at the end of the monitoring time, the index bolt has not reached the correct position, a
corresponding error message is displayed and the machine stopped.
A wrong positioning of the rotary unit could be the possible cause.

Move out the index bolt

Move in the index bolt
These operating modes are necessary if operation without rotary unit is preselected.
Definition is made here whether the index bolt must be moved in our out while the rotary unit is
deactivated. A change of this operating modes is only possible in user level 20.

NC error analysis
This menu lists the number of errors, the number of warnings, the error number and the error
text of the corresponding error message of the servo-electrical rotary unit.
Activate the function key "Alarms, submenu NC errors" (also refer to chapter 28) to access this

Motor diagnosis
In the NC diagnosis menu, the current motor temperature and the drive utilization of the rotary
unit can be read. Additionally, motor-specific data of the rotary unit are displayed.
Activate the function key "Diagnosis, submenu NC diagnosis" (also refer to chapter 22) to
access this menu.

Chapter 11 - 11
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.2 Tandem Mould


via this menu. A description of the individual buttons and statuses is given in chapter 11.4 Mould
The menus "Production data page 1 and page 3" and "Monitorings page 2" show separate
settings for Tandem Mould LM1 and LM2 (see chapter 18).

The program switch of the rotary unit activates the "Tandem Mould" option.

The activation of the Tandem Mould (locking mechanism of the mould half) is set via the rotary
unit (see chapter 19).
The status of the locking can be taken from the rotary unit, too.
Rotary unit left = mould LM1 locked
Rotary unitright = mould LM2 locked


Chapter 11 - 12 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Injection moulding cycle:
- Mould LM1 active (LM2 is locked)
- Cycle start
- Clamping process
- High pressure build-up.
- Injection process for LM1
- Lock LM1 (= unlock LM2)
- Form this time, LM2 is active
- Metering for LM2
- High pressure reduction.
- Opening movement
- Ejecting the unlocked mould LM2 via core puller
- Clamping process
- High pressure build-up.
- Injection process for LM2
- Lock LM2 (= unlock LM1)
- Form this time, LM1 is active
- Metering for LM1
- High pressure reduction.
- Opening movement
- Ejecting the unlocked mould LM1 via machine ejector

Status Display
The menu "Media centre" contains a status for Tandem Mould which can be copied into the
status bar.

Chapter 11 - 13
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.3 Rotary unit (hydraulic) / Tandem Mould locking

11.3.1 Rotary unit Settings


Use the Rotary unit menu (option for machines with horizontal clamping unit and hydraulic
rotary unit) to set the rotary unit and the parameters required.
If a tandem mould is operated with the hydraulic rotary unit, the menu text is changed from
"Rotary unit" to "Tandem Mould locking". Additionally, the "Information: rotary unit for tandem
mould locking" is displayed below the "Rotary unit" program preselection.

Rotary unit
Use this program preselection to activate the rotary unit. If the rotary unit is switched off, the
limit switches will not be checked and other movements will not be locked.

With the rotary unit being activated, an "Ejector safety stroke" is requested which disables
the rotary unit, the closing unit, and the cycle start if the safety stroke is exceeded. The safety
stroke can be entered in the ejector menu (see also chapter 8).
Please also observe the safety settings in the menu „Safety / General“ (see chapter 1.6.1).


Chapter 11 - 14 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Preselection of direction of rotation
The direction of rotation of the rotary unit is set in this field. If the oscillation operation is
switched on, the program preselection "Mould table enabled for continuous rotary movement"
(see menu Machine in general / Safety, see chapter 1) must be activated additionally.

Mould platen protection

• No monitoring
• Permanent monitoring: All lower moulds are monitored.
• Monitoring of clamping station: The lower mould in the clamping station is monitored
The mould platen protection is active in monitoring programs where the mould platen protection
must be OK before the closing (see chapter 11.4.6):
• Program "Close mould / move in core(s)"
• Program "Close mould"
• Program "Close mould up to safety position": The safety position must be less than the
stroke position Mould open, otherwise the monitoring becomes inactive.
In the case of a monitoring error, the "Mould table movement" will be locked.

Pr.No. Program number

Select the appropriate program number in this field.

You may only activate the program numbers described below for the rotary unit.
If the machine is equipped with the Tandem Mould option, the entry of the program number
must not be changed and, thus, it is shielded.

Program number 0
"Turn rotary unit ccw / cw" before closing (depending on the mould statuses). This program will
be carried out only in combination with the "Mould table" menu.

Program number 20 (index platen mould)

Turn rotary unit "cw" after the ejector is in the front position and turn the rotary unit "ccw" before
the ejector moves back again (Rotary unit turns for the "Ejector is in front position" position.

Program number 21
Turn rotary unit "cw / ccw" for Mould opened but, however, before the ejector movement is
started (or if the ejector is switched off).

Chapter 11 - 15
Rotary unit / Mould table
Program number 22
Turn rotary unit "cw / ccw" for Mould opened and ejection finished.

Program number 23
Turn rotary unit "cw / ccw" for Position Intermediate stop Open. The intermediate stop for Open
will be entered in the "Start" column.

Program number 24
Turn rotary unit "cw" (ccw) for "Start stroke Open" parallel to the movement. The stroke marker
for "Start stroke" will be entered in the "Start" column.
If the rotary unit is in position when reaching the stop stroke, "Open" will be continued.
If the rotary unit has not yet reached its position when reaching the stop stroke, "Open" will be
interrupted. Only after the rotary unit has reached its position will "Open" be continued. The
stroke position for "Stop stroke" will be entered in the "Stop" column.

This program can be run only if the machine has been designed for parallel movement or if the
"Pneumatic rotary unit" program has been preselected.

If the rotary unit is configured with the mould table menu (menu "Mould table" available), the
following reasonable combinations with the program number will be possible.
The removal and insertion station will be defined in the "Mould table" menu (see present chapter
11.4.10 "Configuration station").
First injection station is that station in which the first pre-moulded part is produced (assembly
with the start priority injection cycle = 1).
Last injection station is that station in which the complete injection moulding is completely filled.

Program number 0 was preselected:

Removal station and insertion station should be the first or last injection station.

Program number 20 was preselected:

Removal station should be that station in which the complete injection moulding is filled.
Insertion station can only be the first or last injection station.

Program number 21, 23, or 24 was preselected:

Removal station and insertion station should be the first injection station.


Chapter 11 - 16 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Program number 22 was preselected:
Removal station should be that station in which the complete injection moulding is filled.
Insertion station should be the first injection station.

p Pressure
Enter the required pressure in [bar] for turning the circular disc cw or ccw or damping turning the
rotary unit cw or ccw.

v Speed
Enter the required speed in [%] for turning the circular disc cw or ccw or damping turning the
rotary unit cw or ccw in this field.

Enter the start stroke for Turn rotary unit "cw" (ccw) in [mm] / [inch] in this field. This input is only
required for program preselection 24 which will be indicated by changing the colour of the set
value from grey to blue.

Enter the stop stroke for Turn rotary unit "cw" (ccw) in [mm] / [inch] in this field. This input is only
required for program preselection 24 which will be indicated by changing the colour of the set
value from grey to blue.

s Current stroke
The current start / stop stroke is displayed in [mm] / [inch]. This is the stroke which will trigger a
rotary unit movement.

Chapter 11 - 17
Rotary unit / Mould table
Block Axis
The axis (movement) blocked by the rotary unit will be displayed here.
Description of the abbreviations displayed:
CU1+ Opening
CU1- Closing
EU1+ Ejector forward (upper parts ejector)
EU1- Ejector back (upper parts ejector)
RE1+ Station ejector 1 forward (rotary table machines only)
RE1- Station ejector 1 back (rotary table machines only)
RE2+ Station ejector 2 forward (rotary table machines only)
RE2- Station ejector 2 back (rotary table machines only)
RE3+ Station ejector 3 forward (rotary table machines only)
RE3- Station ejector 3 back (rotary table machines only)
RT1+ Mould table left (mould table machines only)
RT1- Mould table right (mould table machines only)
NU1- Injection unit 1 (A) forward
NU1+ Injection unit 1 (A) back
NU2- Injection unit 2 (B) forward
NU2+ Injection unit 2 (B) back.
IP1+ Metering / Decompression (Injection unit 1 = A).
IP1- Injection (Injection unit 1 = A).
IP2+ Metering / Decompression (Injection unit 2 = B).
IP2- Injection (Injection unit 2 = B).

Display EU1- (for Turn rotary unit ccw). Ejector back movement will be disabled as long as the
rotary unit has not reached the left limit position.


Chapter 11 - 18 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Program Time
In addition to the other parameters, there is also an option to make the rotary unit turn cw or ccw
via the time in [s].

Time for turning ccw / cw is the absolute rotation time. The input into the damping line will be
subtracted from the absolute rotation time.
Turn cw 2.0 s
Damping 0.5 s
The rotary will be moved for 1.5 s with the "Pressure / Speed turn cw" setting. The remaining
0.5 s, it will be turned to its limit position with the damping settings.

After switching on this program the rotary unit has to be moved to either of the two limit

Delay Time

Specify the delay for the "Turn rotary unit cw" or "Turn rotary unit ccw" movement in [s] in this

This column is at the moment still under way.

Valve switch-off
When activating this program preselection, the valve will remain switched on for rotary unit
"left" (right) after the position "Rotary unit is left" (is right) has been reached. This will also be
displayed under rotary unit status.
If this program preselection is deactivated the valve will be switched off after reaching the
respective position.

Chapter 11 - 19
Rotary unit / Mould table
Pneumatic rotary unit
When activating this program preselection the rotary unit will be triggered pneumatically.
i.e. Hydraulic pressure and speed will not be triggered. Pressure and speed need not be
entered. The activation of the pneumatic rotary unit will additionally be indicated by changing the
colour of these entries to grey.
If this program preselection is deactivated, the hydraulic rotary unit is activated.

Reference Axis
In this field the axis (movement) the rotary unit refers to will be indicated i.e. depending on
which movement the rotary unit will turn cw or ccw.

For a description of the abbreviations displayed please refer to "Block Axis" (see present


Chapter 11 - 20 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.3.2 Rotary unit Diagnosis


Status Rotary unit

If the program preselection "Program Time" is not activated, the rotary unit is operated with the
limit / proximity switch. The status of these limit / proximity switches will be displayed.
If the program preselection "Program Time" is not activated, the rotary unit is operated via time.
The status of the times expired will be displayed.

Chapter 11 - 21
Rotary unit / Mould table

Rotary unit is on the left / counterclockwise (green colour)

Movement rotary unit turning to the left / counterclockwise active

Rotary unit is on the right / clockwise (yellow colour)

Movement rotary unit turning to the right / clockwise active

Rotary unit is on the left (green colour) and valve remains triggered

Rotary unit is on the right (yellow colour) and valve remains triggered

Rotary unit Limit switch monitoring

A red X, which is displayed before the movement arrows of the status, means that the
movement was stopped.

Release Rotary unit

Safety release for operating the rotary unit. This signal can be used for additionaly blocking the
rotary unit, e.g. by means of a monitoring switch. If this signal is not required, it must be bridged
in the matching plug.


Chapter 11 - 22 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.3.3 Rotary unit Zeroising


Zeroising Mould table position 1 (angle calibration)

Turn Mould table lower mould 1 into station A and press the "Zerozing Mould table position 1"
button; an actual value of "0°" must appear in the "Actual mould table position" actual value line.

Chapter 11 - 23
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4 Mould table

11.4.1 Mould table / Status


All presettings required for the operation of the mould table will be performed in the following
menus. The settings may only be changed in manual mode under user level 20. The current
angle position is displayed in the centre of the table. The graphic representation of this menu is
adapted to the respective machine type (rotary table, sliding table, V machine, Tandem Mould).
Please also observe the safety settings in the menu „Safety / General“ (see chapter 1.6.1).
General information
Fully automatic operation for all vertical machines will only be enabled if the machine is
equipped with an attached robot interface. Without this interface the machine can only be
operated in the semiautomatic mode.
In the semiautomatic mode, the safety gate (pneumatic safety gate) will be opened if the
operation is enabled, or, in case of a light curtain, a light (white illuminated pushbutton for Cycle
Start, optional: green light opposite to the operator) will be activated. This light indicates that
the part can be removed from the mould or that a part can be inserted without interrupting the
cycle. In case the parts removal procedure cannot be finished within the injection procedure,
the nozzle movement and the opening movement (rotary and sliding table machines only), the
subsequent cycle will be interrupted until the parts removal procedure has been finished. After
finishing the parts removal procedure the cycle will be continued when pressing the Cycle Start


Chapter 11 - 24 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Lower moulds

Pressing the button in the left upper part of the lower mould, change is made to the menu for the
lower mould configuration. The status of the lower mould is displayed on the right of that entry.
Four flexible statuses are displayed in the lower part of the mould. The configuration of this
statuses are entered in the menu "Configuration / Status".

Explanation of the statuses

Mould not active

Dummy mould
The lower mould was defined as the "Dummy mould".
Lower mould empty
Neither insert parts nor injection mouldings are in the respective lower mould.

Status Removal / Insertion cycle

The left status shows the number of the current removal cycles and the right status shows the
number of the current insertion cycles. The digit shows the number of the removal / insertion
cycles carried out.

Information for vertical machines without robot (or deactivated robot interface):
After acknowledging "Insert part inserted" using the "Cycle Start" key, the lower mould status
will be accepted. (see also chapter 8, station ejector programs). The operator station has to be
defined as insertion station.

Information for rotary and sliding table machines with robot:

If the robot interface is activated, the "No part inserted" status will only be transferred to the
lower mould status when:
• EM12 the edge of "Release Rotary table" robot signal is positive.
EM67 the edge of the "Injection moulding removed / insert part inserted" robot signal
is positive.

Chapter 11 - 25
Rotary unit / Mould table

Lower mould not empty

All insert parts have been inserted into the respective lower mould (if insert parts are
necessary). The mould is released for an injection cycle.

Status Injection moulding

Status green The injection process of injection unig A (B, C) was considered as good part
Status red The injection process of injection unig A (B, C) was considered as reject part
Status grey No consideration of good / reject part possible (e.g. by manual resetting the
removal cycles)

Configuraton error
The display of this symbol indicates a configuration error of this mould half. In
the configuration mould menu, the wrong entry is marked by a warning triangle.

Lower mould blocked by mould monitoring (option)

For the settings of the mould monitoring refer to chapter 11.6.


Chapter 11 - 26 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Upper mould

Pressing the button in the left upper part of the upper mould, change is made to the menu for
the upper mould configuration. The status of the upper mould is displayed on the right of that
entry. Four flexible statuses are displayed in the lower part of the mould. The configuration of
this statuses are entered in the menu "Configuration / Status".

Explanation of the statuses

Display of the just active injection parameter record

If the machine is equipped with several injection parameter records (Setting in menu
"Configuration / Mould"), the currently active parameter record for injection unit A (B, C) will
be displayed. The change over between parameter records always takes place after Holding
pressure End. In case the "Injection parameter records" option is not available, "P1" will always
be displayed.

Upper parts ejector available

This symbol (to the left of the upper mould) shows whether the upper parts ejector is available
on the machine.

Assigned robot station

This symbol (to the right of the upper mould) indicates whether the handling (option) has been
activated on the clamping unit. For the setting please refer to the Robot Page (see chapter 10).
Additionally, the number of the assigned robot interface will be displayed.

Chapter 11 - 27
Rotary unit / Mould table

Pressing the button in the left upper part of the

station, change is made to the menu for the station configuration. The status of the station is
displayed on the right of that entry. Four flexible statuses are displayed in the lower part of the
station. The configuration of this statuses are entered in the menu "Configuration / Status".

Explanation of the statuses

Assigned station ejector 1-3
For the settings refer to menu "Configuration / Station".
Removal station activated
Insertion station activated
Removal / Insertion station activated
For the settings refer to menu "Configuration / Station".
Cycle start key 1-3 active
The cycle start key will become active for the respective station only with defined removal /
insertion station.

Configuraton error
The display of this symbol indicates a configuration error of this station. In the configuration
station menu, the wrong entry is marked by a warning triangle.

Assigned robot station

This symbol indicates on which station the robot (option) has been activated. For the setting of
the station number please refer to the Robot Page (see chapter 10). Additionally, the number of
the assigned robot interface will be displayed.
The programs which are defined in the "Station ejector" menu depend on these settings. Even
the entire machine routine will be influenced by these settings.

Assigned overmoulding station

This symbol indicates on which station the overmoulding station of the injection unit A (B, C)
was activated. For the setting of the station number please refer to the page "Mould table /
Configuration" (see chapter 11.4.13).


Chapter 11 - 28 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Set and reset statuses
Use these buttons to correct the statuses of the individual lower moulds. In case the lower
moulds have to be emptied / equipped manually (e.g.: in case of a down-time of the machine),
the mould status of the respective lower mould also has to be corrected by means of the

Resetting a removal cycle

The last injection mouldings removed are inserted into the mould again.

Setting a removal cycle

The injections mouldings of a removal cycle were removed.

Resetting an insertion cycle

The parts of an insertion cycle were removed.

Setting an insertion cycle

The parts of an insertion cycle were inserted.

Status display Direction of rotation / Oscillation

In the upper part of the table, the preselected setting of the direction of rotation and the
oscillation is shown. For the settings refer to the menu "Mould table / General".

Mould table right / clockwise (setting "Oscillation off")

Mould table leftt / counterclockwise (setting "Oscillation off")

Oscillation (oscillation range 1)

The oscillation range shows which mould is rotating into station A from which side. In this
example, lower mould 3 is rotating to the rigt into station A and lower mould 1 is rotating to the
left into station A (standard setting).

Oscillation (oscillation range 2)

In this example, lower mould 4 is rotating to the rigt into station A and lower mould 2 is rotating
to the left into station A (standard setting).

Chapter 11 - 29
Rotary unit / Mould table
All parts removed
Use this program preselection to reset all lower mould statuses. In case the lower moulds have
to be emptied manually (e.g.: in case of a down-time of the machine), the mould status also has
to be reset.

Setting and resetting the mould statuses can only be carried out in manual operation if the table
is in position. Otherwise, the buttons are shielded.


Chapter 11 - 30 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4.2 Mould table / General


The graphic representation and the number of entries of this menu is adapted to the respective
machine type (rotary table, sliding table, V machine).

Preselection of direction of rotation

The direction of rotation of the mould table is set in this field. If oscillation is switched on
(program preselection "Mould table enabled for continuous rotary movement" in the menu
"Machine in general / Safety", see chapter 1), this setting is of no importance.

Oscillation preselection
Oscillation off
The oscillation operation is activated in the menu "Machine in general / Safety" (see chapter 1)
via the program preselection "Mould table enabled for continuous rotary movement". In addition
"Oscillation range 1" or "Oscillation range 2" has to be activated. If the program preselection
"Mould table enabled for continuous rotary movement" and the preselection for the oscillation
preselection do not match, the "Incorrect oscillation configuration" error message will be

Chapter 11 - 31
Rotary unit / Mould table
After switching on this program the activated lower moulds will be checked. The possible lower
moulds are determined by "Oscillation range 1" and Oscillation range 2". In the menu "Mould
table / Status" only those lower moulds determined by the oscillation range will be displayed.
Oscillation range 1
Oscillation range 2
Here you can choose between two oscillation ranges: The oscillation ranges have been preset
at the factory. The valid oscillation range is displayed in the menu "Mould table / Status". Only
those lower moulds are visible which are able to reach "Station A (clamping station)" for the set
oscillation range.
I.e. the oscillation can only take place between the lower mould displayed on this screen page.

There are no additional oscillation range switches i.e. the oscillation ranges will only be
determined by means of the program preselection.

Mould platen protection

• No monitoring
• Permanent monitoring: All lower moulds are monitored.
• Monitoring of clamping station: The lower mould in the clamping station is monitored
The mould platen protection is active in monitoring programs where the mould platen protection
must be OK before the closing (see chapter 11.4.6):
• Program "Close mould / move in core(s)"
• Program "Close mould"
• Program "Close mould up to safety position": The safety position must be less than the
stroke position Mould open, otherwise the monitoring becomes inactive.
In the case of a monitoring error, the "Mould table movement" will be locked.

Index preselection
Mould table Index moves back
After positioning the table, the index moves forward and then immediately backward.
mechanical limit positioning sequentially - table not locked


Chapter 11 - 32 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Mould table Index remains forward
After positioning the table, the index moves forward and remains forward until the next
movement of the table. If with the start of the opening movement, processing of all operator
stations has already been finished (removal / insertion), the mould table index is moving out
already parallel to the open mould movement.
Mechanical limit positioning - table locked

Mould table Index Simultaneous operation

In manual mode, the index moves forward and then immediately backward after having
positioned the table. In automatic mode, the index moves forward and back again parallel to
the closing movement after having positioned the table (when the index is in front position, the
movements closing and ejector is released - cycle time optimisation).
mechanical limit positioning in parallel - table not locked

Speed Mould table left / counterclockwise

Speed Mould table right / clockwise
Set speed for "Mould table left / counterclockwise" and "Mould table right / clockwise". This
setting is active in the manual and in the automatic mode.

Cycle simulation
Simulate cycle start key
A time delay (in seconds) for triggering a cycle start pulse is entered in the entry field "Simulate
cycle start key". A cycle start pulse is always triggered if the cycle start key is illuminated
(release operation).
When activating this preselection, the machine has to be started manually in the semiautomatic
mode during the first cycle only. Afterwards, the actuation of the cycle start key is simulated.

Program 2
Same procedure as for "Simulate cycle start key" The first manual cycle start is not necessary.
This program can only be used for service purposes.

Program 3

Chapter 11 - 33
Rotary unit / Mould table
Dry operation cycle
All movements are active
All activated machine axes are active.

Cycle without injection

When activating this preselection, the machine is operated in the automatic mode without

Cycle without injection, nozzle forward

When activating this preselection, the machine is operated in the automatic mode without
injection and without nozzle movement.

Cycle without injection, nozzle forward, closing

When activating this preselection, the machine is operated in the automatic mode without
injection, without nozzle movement and without movement of the clamping unit.

With mould table movement

When activating this preselection, the machine is operated in the automatic mode with mould
table movement.

Without mould table movement

When activating this preselection, the machine is operated in the automatic mode without mould
table movement.

Configuration mould station for manual operator stations

Set insertion station in the automatic mode only
When activating this program preslection, the insertion station in the manual mode is not set.

Set injection status in the automatic mode only

When activating this program preslection, the injection station in the manual mode is not set.

Delete injection status Removal station when changing over to automatic mode
When changing to the automatic mode, the "Status injection moulding" is deleted (all injection
mouldings removed).

Insertion status Insertion station when changing over to automatic mode

When changing to the automatic mode, the "Status injection cycle" is set (insert parts of the
respective insertion station inserted) and the "Status injecion moulding) is deleted (all injection
mouldings removed).


Chapter 11 - 34 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Drop-out preventer (optional for MicroPower)
If this program is switched on, a new cycle will be disabled until the injection moulding has
passed the photoelectric barrier. If the injection moulding does not pass the photoelectric barrier
during the change over time (injection moulding will be ejected), the next cycle will not be
started. The control system signals an error.

Chapter 11 - 35
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4.3 Mould table / End of production


In this menu, the reaction of the "Manual end of production" key is defined. The key "End of
production" initiates the manual end of production.
Furthermore, the reaction of the robot signal "End of production by robot" is defined.

Key "End of production" is deactivated. Pressing the key does not initiate an end of production.

Manual production end without shut-down sequence

Pressing the key initiates an end of production without shut-down sequence. The machine cycle
will be stopped at Cycle End.

Manual production end with shut-down sequence

Pressing the key initiates an end of production with shut-down sequence. At the end of the shut-
down sequence (description see "Definiton of shut-down sequence"), the machine cycle will be
stopped at Cycle End.


Chapter 11 - 36 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Automatic production end with shut-down sequence
The automatic end of production is initiated by alarms of error class 6, 7 and "Parts counter
switch-off". In automatic mode, the machine cycle will be stopped at Cycle End at the end of the
shut-down sequence (description see "Definiton of shut-down sequence").

Manual production stop (at once)

Pressing this key immediately stops all movements. Pressing this key again, releases all
movements again.

Description shut-down sequence

see chapter A under program sequence

Stopping the metering cycle for manual (automatic) end of production

At a manual (automatic) end of production, the metering cycle is immediately interrupted and
the cycle is finished. An activation of "Cycle start" will continue the metering cycle. After having
reached the metering volume, the automatic cycle will be started again by pressing "Cycle

Chapter 11 - 37
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4.4 Configuration mould / Page 1


Mould selection
In the right upper part of the Pull Down menu, you select the mould half to which the following
settings refer. Depending on the machine type, up to 6 lower moulds (LM1 to LM6) can be

Mould operating mode

Inactive in the production process
A deactivated lower mould will not be integrated in the machine procedure i.e. neither the
injection station nor the ejector station take the lower mould into consideration.
This program preselection cannot be selected if the clamping unit closes moulds of different
stations at the same time (standard design for machines with horizontal clamping unit).


Chapter 11 - 38 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Active in the production process
Use this preselection to activate the respective lower mould. An activated lower mould has to be
installed and will be integrated in the machine procedure.

Active for the clampind process (dummy) only

Use this preselection to activate the respective lower mould dummy. An activated lower mould
dummy must be installed and is partly integrated in the machine routine, i.e. the lower mould
dummy is not taken into consideration neither by the injection assembly nor by the station
ejectors, and the programs for Move in core puller will also be ignored for this lower mould. If
such a lower mould dummy is in the injection station, the mould is closed with clamping force
build-up and the mould only opens when all activated operator stations have been processed.

The program monitorings for Move in core puller remain active and the performance of the
programs for Move out core pullers are continued.
This lower mould program will be used with very heavy lower moulds where the mould table will
be unevenly loaded with the mould weight. Tilting of the mould table is avoided and thus the
mechanical stress reduced (bearing, drive, ...).

Assignment Core puller

In these eight Pull Down menus the core pullers will be assigned. Which core puller is installed
on which mould half can be set here. Eight core pullers can be defined for one mould half.
For the settings for the core pullers (Core puller program number, Core puller Pressures, Core
puller Speeds...), please refer to the "Core puller" menu.

Chapter 11 - 39
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4.5 Configuration mould / Page 2


Assignment Cavity pressure transducer (CPT)

In these eight Pull Down menus the cavity pressure transducers will be assigned. Here, setting
is made which cavity pressure transducer for CPT master and slave is installed on which mould
half. Eight cavity pressure transducers for each lower mould can be set.
In the case of multicolour machines, the CPT master / slave assignment must be made for each
injection unit.

The program preselection "Cavity pressure transducer depending on mould" must be set (see
"Holding pressure / General / CPT selection", chapter 6).


Chapter 11 - 40 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Assignment Injection parameter record (option)
Assignment of an injection parameter record for the preselected mould.
This entry can only be made if there is an injection parameter record option available. If this
option is not available, "Injection parameter record 1" has been entered.
This means that the lower moulds can be run with different settings (for the injection cycle). You
can select two injection parameter records.
The settings for the actual injection parameters will be made on the pages for "Injection",
"Holding pressure" and "Metering". The two injection parameter records are changed over in the
headline (see chapter 0).

Chapter 11 - 41
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4.6 Configuration mould / Page 3


Mould platen protection (option)

Monitoring programs: Mould signals active during
Use these Pull Down menus to assign mould platen protections 1 - 4 to upper mould and lower
moulds. If this option is not available, the assignment will not be effective. The mould platen
protection can be assigned to several lower moulds.
The mould platen protection is a limit switch in the lower mould (upper mould) which monitors
the position of the ejector plate. This function will be electrically connected by the customer.
Battenfeld provides the appropriate interface.
When trying to start a movement blocked by the mould platen protection, the error message
"Ejector plate protection / Mould platen protection" will be displayed.

The ejector plate protection is not monitored.


Chapter 11 - 42 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Close mould / move in core(s)
Mould platen protection disables Close
If the lower mould is in the clamping station (for an activated mould platen protection) and the
input for the mould platen protection is not active, the closing procedure will be disabled.

Ejector plate protection disables Core pullers

Core puller movement (move in) will be disabled, if the mould platen protection and the core
puller are assigned to the same lower mould (upper mould).

The mould table can be moved. However, the "Ejector plate protection / Mould platen protection"
error message will be displayed.

Close mould
Mould platen protection disables Close
If the lower mould is in the clamping station (for an activated mould platen protection) and the
input for the mould platen protection is not active, the closing procedure will be disabled.

The mould table can be moved. However, the "Ejector plate protection / Mould platen protection"
error message will be displayed.

Closing mould up to safety position

Mould platen protection disables Close
If the lower mould is in the clamping station (for an activated mould platen protection) and the
input for the mould platen protection is not active, closing until safety position ("Clamping unit
safety position") will be disabled.

Closing mould from safety position

Mould platen protection disables Close
If the lower mould is in the clamping station (for an activated mould platen protection) and the
input for the mould platen protection is not active, closing from safety position ("Clamping unit
safety position") will be disabled.

Chapter 11 - 43
Rotary unit / Mould table
Move in core(s)
Mould platen protection disables core pullers
Core puller movement (move in) will be disabled, if the mould platen protection and the core
puller are assigned to the same lower mould (upper mould).

Move out core(s)

Mould platen protection disables core pullers
Core puller movement (move out) will be disabled, if the mould platen protection and the core
puller are assigned to the same lower mould (upper mould).

Ejector back
Mould platen protection disables ejector
If the lower mould is in the ejector station (for an activated mould platen protection) and the
input for the mould platen protection is not active, the respective station ejector backward
movement will be disabled.

If the lower mould is in the clamping station (for an activated mould platen protection to upper
mould) and the input for the mould platen protection is not active, the upper mould ejector
backward movement will be disabled.

Clamping unit safety position

Input of the safety position when preselecting "Close mould until (from) safety position".


Chapter 11 - 44 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4.7 Configuration mould / Page 4


Assignment Mould heating zone

Assignment of one or several mould heating zones for the preselected mould.
If mould heating zones are assigned to a mould, the error reaction of the respective heating
zone will only come if the respective lower mould is in the injection station.

Assignment Temperature control zone

Assignment of one or several temperature control zones for the preselected mould.
If heater zones (heating circuit, cooling circuit, or monitoring circuit) are assigned to a mould,
the error reaction "Stop for cycle end" of the respective temperature control zone will come if the
corresponding lower mould is in the clamping station without injection mouldings.

Chapter 11 - 45
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4.8 Configuration mould / Page 5


Assignment of temperature control units

Assignment of one or several temperature control units for the preselected mould.
If temperature control units are assigned to a mould, the error reaction of the respective
temperature control unit zone will only come if the respective lower mould is in the injection


Chapter 11 - 46 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4.9 Configuration mould / Status


In this menu, flexible statuses can be assigned to the individual mould halves. An info text can
be assigned to the selected statuses. These statuses with info text will then be displayed in the
respective mould halves in the menu "Mould table / Status".

Assignment Flexible statuses

Injection status
Status 0 No injection moulding in the respective lower mould
Status 1-3 The value corresponds to the number of injected injection groups into the
respective mould.

Removal cycles
The status shows the number of the current removal cycles.

Chapter 11 - 47
Rotary unit / Mould table
Insertion status
Status 0 No insert part in the respective lower mould
Status 1 Insert parts of the first insertion station inserted in the respective lower mould
Status 2 Insert parts of the first and second insertion station inserted in the respective
lower mould
Status 3 Insert parts of the first to third insertion station inserted in the respective lower

Insertion cycles
The status shows the number of the current insertion cycles.

Vacuum status
Here, the vacuum status of the respective mould is displayed.
Status 0 Vacuum off
Status 1 vacuum valve on
Status 2 Vacuum OK (production pressure reached)
Status 3 Vacuum not OK (production pressure not reached)
Status 4 Pre-evacuation OK (demoulding pressure reached)
Status 5 Pre-evacuation not OK (demoulding pressure not reached)

General temperature error

Status 0 No temperature error
Status 1 General temperature erron in the temperature zones assigned to the respective
mould (assignment mould heating zone, temperature control zone, temperature
control unit).

Temperature control zone in the mould

Additionally, the wished temperature control zone must be selected. Entering "Zone 0" means a
monitoring of all temperture control zones assigned to the mould.
Zone 1-4 corresponds to the "First (to 4th) temperature control zone in the mould" assigned.

Status 0 Temperature control zone switched off (this evaluation is valid only for individual
Status 1 Temperature control zone o.k.
Status -1 General temperature error in the temperature control zone assigned to the
respective mould.


Chapter 11 - 48 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Mould heating zone in the mould
Additionally, the wished temperature control zone must be selected. Entering "Zone 0" means a
monitoring of all mould heating zones assigned to the mould. Zone 1-4 corresponds to the "First
(to 4th) mould heating zone in the mould" assigned.

Status 0 Mould heating zone switched off (this evaluation is valid only for individual
Status 1 Mould heating zone o.k.
Status -1 General temperature error in the mould heating zone assigned to the respective

Temperature control unit in the mould

Additionally, the wished temperature control unit zone must be selected. Entering "Zone 0"
means a monitoring of all temperture control unit zones assigned to the mould.
Zone 1-4 corresponds to the "First (to 4th) temperature control unit zone in the mould" assigned.
Status 0 Temperature control unit zone switched off (this evaluation is valid only for
individual zones)
Status 1 Temperature control unit zone o.k.
Status -1 General temperature error in the temperature control unit zone assigned to the
respective mould.
Rejected part
Additionally, a parameter must be entered.
Entering "Parameter 0" means a monitoring of all quality parameters.
Status 0 No reject part
Status 1 Reject part (general error)
Status 2 Reject part due to start up waste
Status 3 Reject part due to quality table monitoring
Status 4 Reject part due to envelope monitoring
Status 5 Reject part due to injection monitoring
Status 6 Reject part due to change over to holding pressure SLAVE
Status 7 Reject part due to injection integral monitoring
Status 8 Reject part due to CPT monitoring
Status 9 Reject part due to demoulding time monitoring
Status 10 Reject part due to "Injection cycle was interrupted" alarm
Status 11 Reject part due to metering integral monitoring

Chapter 11 - 49
Rotary unit / Mould table
Entering "Parameter 1-9" means a monitoring of the following quality parameters.
Parameter 1 Start-up waste
Parameter 2 Quality table
Parameter 3 Envelope
Parameter 4 Injection monitoring
Parameter 5 HP SLAVE change-over
Parameter 6 Injection integral monitoring
Parameter 7 CPT monitoring
Parameter 8 Demoulding time monitoring
Parameter 9 Injection stopped
Parameter 10 Metering integral monitoring
Status 0 No reject part
Status 1 Reject part (due to the selected parameter 1-9).

Reject part from injection piston

Additionally, the wished injection piston must be selected. Entering "Parameter 0" means a
monitoring of all activated injection pistons.
Number 1-3 corresponds to injection piston A - C.
Status 0 No reject part
Status 1 Rejected part

Mould platen protection

Additionally, the wished mould platen protection must be selected. Entering "Number 0" means
a monitoring of all mould platen protections assigned to the mould.
Number 1-4 corresponds to the "First (to 4th) mould platen protection" assigned.
Status 0 Mould platen protection switched off (this evaluation is valid only for individual
mould platen protections)
Status 1 Mould platen protection o.k.
Status -1 Error of mould platen protection.


Chapter 11 - 50 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4.10 Configuration station / Page 1


In the station settings, the ejector assignments will be made and the respective station will be
defined. The settings assigned her are displayed for your information in the menu "Mould table /
Status" for the corresponding station.

Assignment Station ejector

The Pull Down menu "Station ejector for station" assigns a station ejector to the station.
For the settings for the station ejectors (station ejector program, profile settings for station
ejectors...), please refer to the menu "Station ejector".

Assignment Removal station

With the Pull Down menu, the removal for the respective station can be activated and

Chapter 11 - 51
Rotary unit / Mould table
In machines with horizontal clamping station, the ejector is automatically assigned to the
removal station.
Exception: in the case of index platen mould (rotary unit program 20).
Up to 3 removal stations can be defined. The removal station number defines the order of the
removal stations. For the definition of a second (third) removal station the machine must be
equipped with a second (third) independent operator station (cycle start key 2 (3)).
For example: Removal station 1: sprue removal, removal station 2: injection moulding removal

Assignment Insertion station

With the Pull Down menu, the insertion station for the respective station can be activated and
Up to 3 insertion stations can be defined. The insertion station number defines the order of the
insertion stations. For the definition of a second (third) insertion station the machine must be
equipped with a second (third) independent operator station (cycle start key 2 (3)).

Number of insertion cycles for station

The entering value defines the number of insertion cycles in this station.
This function should be used to lock certain insert parts via a core puller after having carried out
the insertion process.


Chapter 11 - 52 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4.11 Configuration station / Status


In this menu, flexible statuses can be assigned to the individual stations. An info text can be
assigned to the selected statuses. These statuses with info text will then be displayed in the
respective stations in the menu "Mould table / Status".

Assignment Flexible statuses

Enable operator station
Status 0 Cycle start lamp deactivated. No operation required.
Status 1 Cycle start lamp activated. Request for operation. A safety device was
interrupted or parts must be inserted / removed.

Vacuum pump
Status of the vacuum pump in the respective station
Status 0 Vacuum pump switched off
Status 1 Vacuum pump OK
Status -1 Vacuum pump error (e.g. Motor protection triggered)

Chapter 11 - 53
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4.12 Mould table / configuration


Rotate view of stations by

These settings refer only to the arrangement of the stations and moulds on the „Mould table /
status“ page and therefore do not affect the machine process.

0° - standard
With this preselection, the default view of the mould table status is shown. This option is
normally used for rotary table machines.

90° (60°) clockwise

90° (60°) counterclockwise
In machines equipped with a rotary unit, it might occur that station A (injection station) is not lo-
cated at the top but to the right or left. With this option, you can adjust the view of the mould table
status to your mould.


Chapter 11 - 54 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Fading of the stations and moulds not used
This program preselection can be used to hide the moulds and stations which are not active
and/or cannot be approached.
These settings only refer to the display of the stations and moulds on the page "Mould table /
Status" and do not influence the machine sequence.

Set Configuration mould table/station to factory setting

An activation of this button sets all settings relevant to the mould table and the station to the
factory settings.

Configuration 3 Station operation (option)

An activation of this button will make all relevant settings for the 3-station operation.

Start move out index for Open Stroke

The index is moved out parallel to the opening movement.
Horizontal clamping unit:
- When entering „0“, the index only moves out with mould opened.
Vertical clamping unit:
- When entering „0“, the index only moves out at the end of all operating stations (removal /
insertion process finished).

Overmoulding station Injection unit A (B, C) (option)

With the pull down menu "Overmoulding station Injection unit A (B, C)", an injection station is
assigned to the respective injection unit. The "Standard" setting is used for configurating the
factory setting.

Chapter 11 - 55
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.4.13 Mould table / Multilevel injection

F11-Werkzeugtisch-Mehrstufiges Einspritzen_01

Use this menu to perform the settings for the multilvel injection.
Note: Only the last shot in the respective shot parameter record is used for the QT evaluation.

Definition of the injection levels

1st application example:
If the material is injected in a common cavity, when using 2 injeciton levels.
Injection level 1:
Pre-injection level (prefilling of the cavities), can even consist of up to 10 injection
Injection level 2:
Main injection level (normal injection process with holding pressure), for filling the
moulding completely and sealingit. Injection level 2 can also consist of up to 10 injection


Chapter 11 - 56 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
2nd application example:
If the material is injected in independent cavities. Injection level 1 is used to fill cavity 1, and
injection level 2 is used to fill cavity 2. Each injection level 2 can consist of up to 10 injection

Injection in two levels

Sequential injection levels: Injection in two levels switched on. The injection levels occur
consecutively in one machine cycle.
Alternating injection levels (option): Injection in two levels switched on. The injection levels can
occur in 2 machine cycles.

Injection priority for injection level

This selection is optional. Here, the injection level to begin with is selected.

Multiple injection per injection level

Off: means only 1 injection cycle
Sequential injection: First, the injection cycles of the first injection level and then the injection
levels of the second injection level are processed.
Alternating injection (option): The injection cycles of the two injection levels alternate. This
setting is possible only in combination with "Alternating injection levels".

Settings for each lower mould and each injection assembly

Allocation of the second injection level
Injection level 1: The respective lower mould only has one injection level. i.e. there is no pre-
injection level. Injection level 1 is thus the main injection level.
Injection level 2: The respective lower mould only has two injection levels.
at the end of the cooling time: The cooling time is started at the end of the first injection level.
Injection level 2 is started at the end of the cooling time.

Release holding pressure for injection level

for each injection level: In both injection levels, a holding pressure change-over depending on
the preselection (see chapter Holding pressure, master change-over) will be carried out for each
injection cycle.
for the last injection cycle: In both injection levels, a holding pressure change-over depending on
the preselection (see chapter Holding pressure, master change-over) will be carried out for the
last injection cycle only.
for injection level 2 only: In injection level 2 only, a holding pressure change-over depending on
the preselection (see chapter Holding pressure, master change-over) will be carried out for each
injection cycle.

Chapter 11 - 57
Rotary unit / Mould table
for the last injection cycle of level 2: In injection level 2 only, a holding pressure change-over
depending on the preselection (see chapter Holding pressure, master change-over) will be
carried out for the last injection cycle.

Note: If no holding pressure change-over in the respective injection cycle is released, material is
filled into the mould up to the last injection profile point (suggestion: 1 mm).

Number of injection cycles of the first (second) injection level

Here, the number of injection cycles within the injection level is preselected.

Allocation of injection parameter record (per lower mould)

for injection level 1 (2)
Allocation of an injection parameter record for the corresponding injection level.
i.e. the injection levels can be run with different settings (for the injection cycle). You can select
two injection parameter records.
The settings for the actual injection parameters will be made on the pages for "Injection",
"Holding pressure" and "Metering". The two injection parameter records are changed over in the
headline (see chapter 0).
Note: The settings of injection level 1 must also entered in the menu "Configuration Mould /
Page 2" (see chapter 11.4.5).


Chapter 11 - 58 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.5 External rotary unit

11.5.1 External rotary unit / general


In the „External rotary unit“ menu (option in machines with horizontal clamping unit and external
rotary unit), you can configure the rotary unit and the associated parameters.
The parameters and program settings for the „External rotary unit“ are the same as for the
„Rotary unit servoelectric“. For a description of the parameters and programs, see chapter
11.1.1 „Rotary unit servoelectric / general“.

Status rotary unit

The status of the „External rotary unit“ is indicated by the plug symbol. The individual
statuses have the same meaning as those for „Rotary unit servoelectric“. For details, see
chapter 11.1.1 „Rotary unit servoelectric / general“.

Chapter 11 - 59
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.5.2 External rotary unit / diagnosis


Status rotary unit

For a detailed description of the rotary unit and machine signals, refer to the respective interface
pins listed in „Description of interface signals“.

Rotary unit ready

(pin 14)

Rotary unit position OK

(pin 15)

Rotary unit position 0 degrees (90, 120, 180, 240, 270 degrees)
(pins 16 to 21)

EMERGENCY STOP of rotary unit OK

(pins 23 and 24)


Chapter 11 - 60 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Door opening release
(pin 22)

Rotate cw
(pin 4)

Rotate ccw
(pin 5)

Ejector is back
(pin 6)

Ejector is in front position

(pin 7)

Safety doors kept closed

(pins 3 and 8)

Description of interface signals

a) Signals from machine:

Pins 1 and 2: Hardware circuit EMERGENCY STOP

Pins 3 and 8: Signal from PLC to ensure that the safety doors are kept closed!
This signal also serves as a 2nd additional release signal for the rotary unit and thus ensures
that the rotation is safe and only possible when the safety devices are closed.
The signal is active, if the doors are closed and the lock magnets are fully powered (keeping
doors locked).

Pin 4: Rotate cw
This signal starts clockwise rotation. The signal remains active until the feedback signal
„Rotation unit position OK“ is received from pin 15.

Chapter 11 - 61
Rotary unit / Mould table
Pin 5: Rotate ccw
This signal starts counterclockwise rotation. The signal remains active until the feedback signal
„Rotation unit position OK“ is received from pin 16.
If the rotary unit is in an intermediate position, the following signals are not issued: „Position OK“
(pin 15) and „Rotary unit ready“ (pin 14).
In this status, rotation can be started at a low speed. For details see the manual of the external
rotary unit.

Pin 6: Ejector is back

The signal is set, if the following conditions are met:
• Ejector is in its home position (back)
• Mould plate protection OK or deactivated, or mould plate protection results in a release
signal for the ejector to return to its home position (program 7).
The signal is deactivated when the ejector leaves this position.

Pin 7: Ejector is in front position

The signal is set, if the following conditions are met:
• Ejector has completed its last stroke and is located in its front position.
The signal is deactivated when the ejector leaves this position.

Pin 9: Hardware circuit SAFETY DOORS CLOSED

1. Release signal for rotary unit

Pins 10-12: Reserve

b) Signals from rotary unit:

Pin 13: 0V Reference signal

Pin 14: Rotary unit ready

With this signal, the rotary unit communicates that it is ready for rotation (left or right). It signals
that the unit is in an end position (position OK - pin 15).
If the rotary unit is in an intermediate position, the following signals are not issued: „Position OK“
(pin 15) and „Rotary unit ready“ (pin 14).


Chapter 11 - 62 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Pin 15: Rotary unit position OK
This signal communicates that the rotary unit is located at one of its end positions (end positions
are signalled through pins 16 to 21, (0 to 270 degrees)).

Pin 16: Rotary unit position 0 degrees

The rotary unit is in end position 0 degrees. This signal is used for machine release (machine

Pin 17: Rotary unit position 90 degrees

The rotary unit is in end position 90 degrees. This signal is used for machine release (machine

Pin 18: Rotary unit position 120 degrees

The rotary unit is in end position 120 degrees. This signal is used for machine release (machine

Pin 19: Rotary unit position 180 degrees

The rotary unit is in end position 180 degrees. This signal is used for machine release (machine

Pin 20: Rotary unit position 240 degrees

The rotary unit is in end position 240 degrees. This signal is used for machine release (machine

Pin 21: Rotary unit position 270 degrees

The rotary unit is in end position 270 degrees. This signal is used for machine release (machine

Pin 22: Door opening release

When this signal is issued, the safety doors can be opened. It thus indicates that the rotary unit
is not performing movements that can cause damage or injury.
If this signal is LOW, the lock magnets (hardware) are fully powered.
If the rotary unit is deactivated, a dummy plug must be connected and this signal must be
bridged to 24 V.

Pins 23 and 24: Hardware circuit EMERGENCY STOP

If this circuit is interrupted, the associated PLC input signal is LOW and alarm message „Rotary
unit: EMERGENCY STOP triggered“ is displayed and the machine drive is switched off.

Chapter 11 - 63
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.6 Monitoring functions

11.6.1 Monitorings / Monitoring


Mould monitoring (option)

This function can be used to monitor several groups with up to 12 limit switches for 1 or 2 limit
positions. The limit switches are not allocated to a certain function, the function of the individual
limit switches is determined by the electrical documentation.
The limit switch groups are monitored via monitoring programs which can be set separately for
the upper mould or in the individual stations.

Mould monitoring
Activating the mould monitoring.

Group 1-6
Activating the limit switch group.


Chapter 11 - 64 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Monitoring active
Under this line, the set monitoring function for the operating mode required at the time (setting,
manual, or automatic mode) can be activated. If monitoring is not active for an operating mode,
all blockings are removed when changing to this operating mode, the monitorings are no longer

Assignment lower mould / station to group

Here, the current group can be allocated to the upper mould, a lower mould, or a station.
When assignment is made to an upper mould or to a station, the limit switches to be monitored
are mounted in the respective position and will only be monitored for these axes in the upper
mould or in this station.
If a limit switch group is assigned to a lower mould, it is mounted in the lower mould. Since the
monitoring programs are always set for the upper mould or a station, only the lower mould in the
station in which it is placed, will be monitored.
Limit switches, which are assigned to a lower mould, cannot be monitored in the upper mould,
or when assigned to the upper mould, no monitoring for the lower mould in the station can be

Monitoring program no.

Here, a monitoring program (program number 1 - 9) can be activated whose setting is made in
the monitoring programs (see chapter 11.6.2). These monitoring programs can be set separately
for each group ou, if limit switch groups are assigned to the lower moulds, several groups can
use the monitoring programs in the set station.

Here, a short description of the group can be given, the description is displayed on the status
bar of the group.

Configuration limit switches

The individual limit switches can be activated in this field.

Chapter 11 - 65
Rotary unit / Mould table
No limit switch active
Limit switch in position A active
Limit switch in position B active
Limit switch in position A+B active
Activating the limit switches for monitoring the respective position. Always the limit switches and
the edges of the two limit positions are monitored for a position.
If only 1 limit switch is required for a function (e.g. insert part monitoring), monitoring can
be carried out for limit switch available (e.g. position A) or not available (e.g. position B). If
monitoring is made for limit switch not available (e.g. limit switch available for position A and
monitoring is made for position B), the negative edges of the limit switch of position A are
checked if the edges are monitored.


Chapter 11 - 66 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table

11.6.2 Monitorings / Programs


The monitoring programs can be set for the upper mould or separately for each station. Each
individual cell can be assigned to a monitoring program.

Setting of the monitoring program. When preselecting "0", the current cell is no longer treated.

Here the setting is made when the monitoring program will be active.
• ...: This preselection deactivates the current program line.
• before: The axis is monitored only before start from the limit position, no monitoring is made
during the movement.
• during: The axis is monitored during the complete movement. For example, this setting
cannot be made for the table unit.

Chapter 11 - 67
Rotary unit / Mould table
• to pos.: This setting can only be made for the clamping unit. Monitoring takes place only to
the set stroke position "Clamping unit safety position". This stroke position must be set
under the settings of the ejector plate protection.
• from pos.: This setting can only be made for the clamping unit. Monitoring takes place only
from the set stroke position "Clamping unit safety position". This stroke position must be
set under the settings of the ejector plate protection.
• after: This function is valid only for the closing movement. Monitoring is made with closed
mould during the clamping force build-up.

The axis to be monitored is set in this line. If there are several axes of this type (e.g. core puller
2), also the axis index (e.g. "2") must be set in the next field.

(Insert parts)
In this line, the insert parts of the lower mould in the station can be monitored.
• 0: The insert parts are not taken into consideration for this monitoring program.
• 1: The monitoring is active only if there are insert parts available.
• -1: The monitoring is active only if there are no insert parts available.

(Injection mouldings)
In this line, the injection mouldings of the lower mould in the station can be monitored.
• 0: The injection mouldings are not taken into consideration for this monitoring program.
• 1: The monitoring is active only if there are injection mouldings available.
• -1: The monitoring is active only if there are no injection mouldings available.

(Release by limit switch)

In this line the setting is made for the status with which the limit switch will release the
respective axis.
• Pos.A (B): The axis is released if all limit switches of position A (B) are HIGH and all limit
switches of position B (A) are LOW. All active limit switches of the group are concerned.
• Pos.A (B) + edge: Additionally to the limit switch another check is made to indicate whether
the status of the limit switches changed from pos. B (A) to pos. A (B). The movements are
released with correct edges only.
• Pos.A (B) + edge (autom.): These programs are used to check the edges of the limit
switches in the automatic mode only. Although, the edges of the limit switches can
also be formed in the manual mode, a blocking by the edges will only be made in the
automatic mode.


Chapter 11 - 68 0515MC
Rotary unit / Mould table
Formation of edges: When changing the statuses of the limit switches between HIGH and LOW,
the corresponding edges are saved and can be monitored. The edge saving is deleted in the
clamping station during the rotation (rotary table, rotary unit) or at start opening.

(Response on monitoring)
In this line the setting is made how the reaction on an incorrect position of the limit switches
should be.
• Stop: The axis is blocked until all limit switches are in their correct positions. The blocking
can be reset only in manual or setting mode, an automatic mode must therefore be
• Stop / Back: The axis is blocked until all limit switches are in their correct positions and
the axis was moved back to its starting position. The axis can be returned in the manual
mode only..
• Stop/Ackn.: If an error of the limit switches occurs, the axis is blocked. In the automatic
mode its is possible, after all active movements were finished, to intervene into the
machine and correct the error. Opening a safety door or breaking through the light curtain
will activate the cycle start lamp, the machine continues after having remedied the error
and operated the cycle start key.
• Alarm / removal: This program only checks the limit switches, the machine continues
even with an incorrect position of the limit switches, only the status is written on the lower
mould. If the lower mould is in the removal station, the machine is stopped and a manual
removal can be carried out. No removal with the robot will take place. The program is
possible only for the clamping unit, the injection unit or the injection plunger.
• End / removal: With an incorrect position of the limit switches, this program is used to stop
the movement (only during clsoing or injection unit forward) and to return it immediately.
The status is written on the lower mould and the movement will be continued to the
insertion station. Here, the insertion process can be repeated manually. No insertion with
the robot will take place.
• Alarm / bl.dem.: (Alarm / blocking demoulding): This program operates as "Alarms /
removal", the machine is stopped in the removal station. The blocking can be reset only in
the manual mode after having remedied the problem.
• End / blocking dem. (End / blocking demoulding): The program operates as "End
/ insertion". In case of an errore movement is continued to the removal station and the
machine is topped here. The blocking can be reset only in the manual mode after having
remedied the problem.
• Stop/continue: The axis is blocked until all limit switches are in their correct positions. The
movement is immediately started as soon as the limit switch is in its correct position. The
block must not be acknowledged.

(Change of direction)
If this program is active, a started movement must be completely ended in order to be able for
an movement in the opposite direction.
A blocking by this program does not cause a status display for the axis.

Chapter 11 - 69
Rotary unit / Mould table

Ax (status of the axis)

A status display of the set monitoring program is made in this line. A red surface shows a
blocking of the set axis, a green surface shows that the limit switches are in their correct
• Grey colour:
• No monitoring program set
• The set monitoring program is not assigned to any limit switch group.
• The set operating mode of the group is not active.
• The set lower mould is not in this station (only for machine with table unit or rotary unit).
• The set axis is not in this station (e.g. core puller, only for machine with table unit or
rotary unit).
• A group to be monitored with this monitoring program is not in this station (only for
machine with table unit or rotary unit).
• Light green colour: Monitoring of this axis is currently not active due to the set conditions
and the movement is enabled.
• Monitoring with/without insert parts
• Monitoring with/without injection mouldings
• Injection unit axis selected and mould not connected
• Injection plunger axis selected and mould not closed or injection unit without contact
• Green colour: Limit switches are in their correct positions
• Red colour: Set axis is blocked

(Invalid monitoring program)

This symbol is used to display an incorrect program setting of the current line. If this symbol is
active, all axes of the machine are blocked, no movement is possible.
The following settings may cause this error:
• "Monitoring program "Start" is not possible for this axis.
• The set axis cannot be monitored in this station.
• The set stop condition is not possible for the set axis.


Chapter 11 - 70 0515MC
Multi-component settings

12 Multi-component settings

12.1 Multicomponent settings / General


Use the "Multicomponent settings" menu to select the multi-component programs.

Multi-component settings
These settings will determine the status of the injection units of the multi-component machine.
The program selection "Injection unit active in the automatic mode" determines the injection
units being active in the automatic cycle. Independent of the activated injection units of the
program preselection "Injection unit active in the automatic mode", the preselection keys of the
injection units on the operator panel can be used for selecting which one will be active in the
manual or setting mode.
The automatic mode always starts with a start cycle by which stepwise producing of pre-
moulded part 1, pre-moulded part 2 (only for 3-components) and finished moulded part is made
possible. The start cycle is active if a rotary unit (see chapter Rotary unit) has been selected.
The "Start priority" program preselection indicates the injection unit with which the start cycle is
started and the order in which other injection units are added in the following cycles.

Chapter 12 - 1
Multi-component settings
For the 2-component operation, only the injection unit with "Start priority" 1 is active in the first
machine cycle to produce the pre-moulded part. In the second cycle, a second injection unit with
"Start priority" 2 is added to inject the second component for the finished moulded part, while
the first injection unit is, at the same time, again producing a pre-moulded part.

Injection unit built up (release of drive)

If the injection unit is removed, this unit must be deactivated by means of this program
preselection. A hydraulic drive, which might be exclusively available for this unit, is thus shut
down. Additionally, the cylinder heating is switched off and the monitorings of this injection unit
are deactivated.

The consequence is that, with an installed but deactivated injection unit, its position is no longer
inquired. For this reason, a lowering of the injection unit, e.g., can cause damage to the mould.

Barrel heating deactivated

With this program preselection, the barrel heating can be switched on / off for each unit.
Prerequisite is, however, that the "Heating on" key in the operator panel has been switched on.

Cylinder heating lowering

This program preselection can be used to lower each cylinder heating separately. Prerequisite is
that the "Cylinder heating" program preselection has been selected.
It is thus possible to heat or cool not used injection units to lowering temperature.

Injection unit active in automatic mode

Use this program preselection to select the respective injection units for automatic mode.
Independent of the injection units being selected on the operator panel, this setting is effective
in the automatic mode only. The preselection of the injection units depends on the mould and is
stored in the product data record.

After having loaded a product data record for the current mould, the correctness of the setting
"Injection unit active in automatic mode" should be checked before starting automatic operation.


Chapter 12 - 2 0115MC
Multi-component settings
Start priority (injection cycle)
The start priority determines the order of the injection units activated in the program preselection
"Injection unit active in automatic mode". If the program preselection "Injection unit parallel
advance" is active, the priority applies only to the injection sequence.

The start priority must begin with "1". Start priority must be assigned in ascending order.
e.g.: 2-component machine
Injection unit A starts before injection unit B
Enter start priority A: 1
Enter start priority B: 2

e.g.: 3-component machine

Injection unit A starts, second injection unit is injection unit C, injection unit B starts after C
Enter start priority A: 1
Enter start priority B: 3
Enter start priority B: 2

Injection unit forward parallel

When activating this program preselection, the injection units move forward parallel in automatic
mode independent of the start priority.

Injection unit sequentially deactivated

Sequential moving of the injection units and/or injection piston is deactivated.

Injection unit sequential

When activating this program preselection, the injection units and/or the injection pistons
sequentially move forward and back depending on the start priority.

Injection unit sequential with nozzle contact

When activating this program preselection, all injection units first move forward sequentially
depending on the start priority and, after all injection assemblies have reached the nozzle
contact point, the injection pistons start forward sequentially depending on the start priority.
Afterwards, the movements Injection unit back and Injection piston back start depending on the
respective start priority.

Chapter 12 - 3
Multi-component settings
Start priority (metering cycle)
The start priority determines the order of the injection assemblies which are in sequential
operation (marked by the green tick at the right of the program preselection). The priority only
influences the order of metering.

Configuration Overmoulding technology

This program preselection is used for 2 typical applications.
Multi-station technique:
Automatic turning of the pre-moulded part by means of available turning technology (circular
table machine/mould, sliding table unit).
If this program preselection is active, the automatic mode always starts with a start cycle by
which stepwise producing of pre-moulded part and finished moulded part is made possible. The
start cycle is active is at least 2 injection assemblies have been selected. The "Injection cycle
start priority", which has been selected each time, indicates the injection unit with which the start
cycle is started and the order in which other injection units are added in the following cycles.
1-station technique
Multicolour/multi-component injection moulding, interval injection moulding, sandwich injection
moulding, core-back technique (Combiform)
If this program preselection has been activated, the automatic mode always starts with all
activated injection assemblies. The injection cycle start priority which was selected each time
defines then the order in the injection process.

Transfer technology (without turning technology)

If this program preselection is active, the automatic mode always starts with a start cycle by
which stepwise producing of pre-moulded part and finished moulded part is made possible. The
start cycle is active is at least 2 injection assemblies have been selected. The "Start-up priority",
which has been selected each time, indicates the injection unit with which the start cycle is
started and the order in which other injection units are added in the following cycles.

The start-up priority is independent of the injection priority selected. This priority is used to
enable the individual injection assemblies for the production cycle.
Thus, as soon as 2 injection units are used for production, the preselected injection priority (start
priority) defines the order of the injection sequence.

Sliding technology (without turning technology)

Typical application: Transfer of the pre-moulded part by means of core puller movement at each
end of the cycle.
If this program preselection is active, the injection assemblies start in the automatic mode only
sequentially alternating per machine cycle by which stepwise producing of pre-moulded part
and finished moulded part is made possible. The cycle is active is at least 2 injection assemblies
have been selected. The "Start-up priority", which has been selected each time, indicates the
injection unit with which the start cycle is started and the order in which the injection units are
added or switched off in the following cycles with sequential alternation.


Chapter 12 - 4 0115MC
Multi-component settings
Typical application example for cavity sliding technology by means of core puller 1:
• Move in core puller 1, closing, pre-moulded part injection, metering/cooling with injection
unit B (IP2), opening, (central) ejector forward/back (sprue demoulding)
• Move out core puller 1, closing, main moulded part injection, metering/cooling with
injection unit B (IP2), opening, (central) ejector forward/back (demoulding of moulded
As soon as 3 injection units are used for production, the preselected injection priority (start
priority) defines the order of the injection sequence of the respectively active injection
assemblies in a cycle.
Central ejector
This program preselection is required if the pre-moulded parts must be demoulded with the
respective ejector, too. When deactivating the central ejector, demoulding is carried out only
for the complete injection moulding (all injection units have injected). Application with transfer
system (starting control).

Description shut-down sequence

see chapter A under program sequence

Release Close mould to injection moulding

It this program preselection has been activated, another clamping of the mould to the injection
moulding is enabled.
Release Removal to injection moulding
It this program preselection has been activated, ejection of the injection moulding which is not
yet ready is enabled.

Chapter 12 - 5
Multi-component settings

12.2 Multicomponent settings / Interval injection

12.2.1 Multicomponent settings / Interval injection / Page 1


Interval injection moulding

With interval injection moulding, two units can inject as a function of each other. In this process,
one unit starts and a stopping point is specified. The other units waits until the start point has
been reached so that it can start too. This function can be repeated 8 times at the most.

Interval with A, B
1. Start with A
2. B is started by A
3. A is started by B
4. etc.

Injection unit A
Injection unit B


Chapter 12 - 6 0115MC
Multi-component settings
Sandwich operation (1 interval)
Sandwich operation starts with one unit. The other component enters at a starting point. The
main component generally switches over to holding pressure whereas the auxiliary component
does not have to switch over.

Injection unit A
Injection unit B

Holding pressure

Sealing (2 intervals)
For sealing, the order of events is the same as with sandwich operation. However, the main
component moves to a stopping point and is restarted by the other component.

Injection unit A
Injection unit B

Holding pressure

Interval injection moulding

With this preselection, more than 2 interval steps can be run. The number of interval steps is
preset under "Number of intervals". The individiual starting and stopping points of the intervals
are entered on page 2.

Interval injection moulding with injection piston

Determine here with which unit the interval will be carried out. (Only two units can move

Start Interval injection moulding with

Determine here with which unit the interval will be started. (Also applies for sandwich and

Changes in the program preselections performed in the automatic mode will only be accepted
when changing over to the manual mode.

Chapter 12 - 7
Multi-component settings

12.2.2 Multicomponent settings Page 2


Set the individual interval steps for interval injection in the "Multicomponent settings Page
2" menu. To obtain a better overview, an info text can be assigned to the two injection units.
Additionally, the "Volume of the last cycle" is displayed in [cm³] for the two injection units and the
"complete volume of the last cycle". "V[%]" displays the percentages of the two volumes in the
complete volume.
Interval steps Start, Stop
Enter the volume into the Start input field, at which the other component is to be started. Enter
the target position for the component into the Stop input field. The injection unit which will start
first is alway on the left side. The second injection unit (which will follow) is always on the right
side. Wrong entries are marked by a yellow warning triangle.

Changes in the program preselections performed in the automatic mode will only be accepted
when changing over to the manual mode.
Whether a component terminates the injection cycle with or without holding pressure depends
on the entered stopping point.
i.e.: if the injection plunger reaches the stopping point before it reaches the change-over point
for holding pressure and no further interval steps are defined, the injection cycle ends without
holding pressure. If however, an additional interval step is set with set value "0", the injection
cycle ends with the selected holding pressure.


Chapter 12 - 8 0115MC
Multi-component settings

12.3 Multicomponent settings / External injection unit


Cooling time
Cooling time begins at „Injection finished“. At the end of the cooling time, the function Open
mould will be started.
The actual value for the currently expiring cooling time will be indicated on the left of the set

Simultaneous operation Metering

With the program preselection activated, metering can be moved parallel to the opening and
closing movement, i.e. At the end of the cooling time, the clamping unit will be opened no matter
whether „Metering End“ was reached or not.

Metering time monitoring

If „Parallel operation metering“ is activated, metering can be monitored for this period of time. If
the metering volume is not reached within the time set here, the cycle is finished. Then there will
be a Motor Stop and the alarm „Metering time monitoring - material“ will be displayed.
If „0“ is specified as the set value, metering is monitored with four times the coolling time.

Chapter 12 - 9
Multi-component settings
Remote power of the external injection unit
An activation of the button will switch on or out the external injection unit. After activation, the
button will automatically be reset.

Here, the current interface state of the external injection unit is being displayed.

Signals to the machine (signals of the supplementary injection unit)

„General error“ signal (pin 18-26)

This signal is set if the pump motor is running, but the external injection unit signals an error.
If this signal is set, the automatic cycle of the machine will be stopped at Cycle End.

„External injection unit ready to start“ signal (pin 19-27)

The signal is set if the external injection unit is ready to start. This means that the pump and the
heating are switched on, the temperatures of the plasticating unit are within the tolerance range.
If this signal is not set, the automatic cycle of the machine will be stopped at Cycle End.

„Cycle terminated“ signal (pin 20-28)

The signal is set if the (semi-)automatic cycle of the external injection unit is terminated. The
external injection unit is waiting for a new start pulse.

„Injection process terminated“ signal (pin 21-29)

The signal is set if the injection process of the external injection unit was terminated.

Signal „Triggering of the needle valve nozzle on the mould“ (pin 22-30)
This signal is used for direct triggering a needle valve nozzle for the second component in the

„Quality control“ signal (pin 23-31)

The signal is set if the external injection unit signals the error „Cushion outside tolerance“. The
current shot will be considered as reject part.

Signal „(Semi-) automatic operating mode“ (pin 24-32)

The signal is set if the external injection unit is in the (semi-) automatic mode.
The signal is deactivated if the external injection unit is in the manual mode.


Chapter 12 - 10 0115MC
Multi-component settings
Signals from the machine (machine signals)
Signal „Remote changeover Manual - Automatic“ (pin 4-12)
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• The machine is operating in the (semi-) automatic mode.
The signal will be deactivated if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• The machine runs in manual mode.

Signal „Remote switch-on of the external injection unit“ (pin 7-15)

The pulse signal is set if the external injection unit is switched on or off by means of the button
„Remote switch-on of the external injection unit“.

„Start injection cycle“ signal (pin 8-16)

The signal is set if the injection cycle of the external injection unit is to be started.

Status bar
Please refer to „Main axes“ in the menu „Media Centre / Status bar / Page 1“ for the status
display for the status bar of the external injection units.

Monitoring functions
The monitoring of filling and metering times can be found in the menu „Production data /
Monitoring functions / External injection unit“.

Cycle time analysis

The selection of the external injection units for the cycle time analysis can be found in the menu
„Production data / Cycle time analysis / Configuration“.
Injection plunger 2 selection corresponds to external injection unit B
Injection plunger 3 selection corresponds to external injection unit C

Quality table
The following parameters are available for recording in the quality table:
140-142 External injection units A-C: Filling time
143-145 External injection units A-C: Metering time

Chapter 12 - 11
Multi-component settings

12.4 Multicomponent settings / Multilevel injection

F12-Mehrstufiges Einspritzen_01

Start priority (injection cycle)

Also refer to "Start priority (injection cycle) in the menu "Multicomponent settings / Multilevel
injection". Setting for standard injection process (single-level injection).
The start priority determines the order of the injection units activated in the program preselection
"Injection unit active in automatic mode". If the program preselection "Injection unit parallel
advance" is active, the priority applies only to the injection sequence.

Start priority (injection level 1 (2))

The start priority determines the sequence of the injection levels. If only one injection level is
defined for an injection unit, only the start priority (injection level 2) is displayed since it is then
the main injection level.


Chapter 12 - 12 0115MC

13 SmartEdit

13.1 Editor

All available sequences are displayed in the "Editor" menu.

Edit sequence
Activation of this button will open the editing mode (see 13.1.1 Editing mode).
Activation of this button will open the routine overview (see 13.1.2 Overview).
A sequence is allocated to each tab with the first always being the main sequence and any
further sequence representing a partial sequence.


Chapter 13 - 1

13.1.1 Editing mode


The previously read routine can be enlarged in the editing mode.

Here, you can define an object and insert it into the routine.

Here, you can delete single objects from the routine.

Delete all
When pressing the button, all flexible object (inserted by you) will be deleted at once.


Chapter 13 - 2 0515MC

"Insert" procedure
• Press the "Insert" button
• Select the wished object by clicking on it.
• The configuration pad opens
• Select the wished configuration (e.g. core puller / core puller 1 / move in)
• Press the "Insert node" button
• Selection panel and configuration pad close again
• All objects where insertions can be made are marked with "+"
• Search the wished position and then press the "+" marking.
• The configured object is now inserted at the selected position.

"Delete" procedure
• Press the "Delete" button
• All objects which can be deleted are marked with "X"
• Search the wished object and then press the "X" marking.
• The selected object is now removed from the routine.
• You can leave the delete mode by pressing the button again.

Description of the symbols (insert)

The configured object is inserted before the selected object

The configured object is inserted after the selected object

The selected object is duplicated and the configuted object is inserted between the given object
and the duplicated object.

An intermediate stop position must be set at the first movement of the intermediate stop. This
can be done by clicking on the object.


Chapter 13 - 3

Description of the symbols (delete)

The object is deleted from the routine by pressing the "X" mariking.

General description of the symbols

Symbol...Symbol of axis, periphery, etc. (here "Injection plunger axis")
Number...Number of axis, periphery, etc. (here "Injection plunger 1")
Arrow...Direction of movement (here "Metering / Decompression")
Start main sequence
This object marks the beginning of the main sequence (no other function)
Start partial sequence

This object marks the start of a partial sequence (e.g. partial sequence "M4"

Fix object (grey frame)

These objects cannot be changed or deleted.

Flexible object (orange frame)

These objects can be changed or deleted.

Wait object (black corner marking)

Routine is done to this object and then stopped. It is continued only after having fulfilled the
configured condition.

According to the defined condition for this object decision is made which branch (condition
fulfilled / not fullfilled) should be continued.

Open parallel branch

A parallel branch or a parallel movement is started from this object.

Close parallel branch

Routine is done to this object and then stopped. Only after having finished the parallel branch
will the routine be continued.


Chapter 13 - 4 0515MC

Close decision
The decision branch is closed. This does, however, not stop the routine.

End of a sequence
This object signifies the end of an individual sequence.

Dummy ejector (axis index "D")

This object marks a so-called "Dummy ejector".
If the actual ejector of the machine is deactivated, or a routine with insertion process is set, this
virtual ejector is required. This object is preset and cannot be changed or deleted.

Change to SmartEdit main page

SmartEdit PageChange SmartEdit Corepull_00

This symbol is displayed on the setting pages of the objectes which were inserted into the

If, for example, core puller 1 was inserted in the routine, this symbol will be shown on the core
puller side (program numbers are faded out). This will show you at once that this axes is started
via SmartEdit (and not via the program number). Clicking on the symbol will cause a page
change to the SmartEdit main page.


Chapter 13 - 5

Description of the statuses

Object during standstill

Object / movement active (display of progress over filling)

Object / movement finished

Object / movement was stopped

Object / movement was not activated (e.g. core puller 1 deactivated)

Not Available
Object not available
This will be displayed if a data record was loaded on a machine where, for example, core puller
1 is not available.

Description of the insert panel

Pressing the "Insert" button will display the insert panel.
It is used for a pre-selection of the wished objects.
Clicking on the wished selection will display the insert pad.

Selection Periphery - air valve

Selection Axis - core puller

Selection Timer (e.g. for delays)

Selection Parallel branch (open / close)

Selection Wait for (movement / periphery / timer / variable)

Selection Decision (movement / periphery / timer / variable)

SmartEdit InsertPanel_00


Chapter 13 - 6 0515MC

Description of the insert pad

Configuration of the pre-selection can be continued here.
The Comboboxes are dynamically generated and depend on the type (axis, periphery, timer,
parallel branche, "Wait for", and "Decision")
Pressing the "Insert node" button will accept the setting and the possible insertion
positions are displayed in the routine.
Below you will find some examples for the configuration of your object.

Start axis / periphery / timer

Here, an axis, a periphery or a timer can be started.

Name of the axis

Number of the axis
Direction of the movement
End position of the movement (optional)

SmartEdit Adjustmentpad Insert corepull_00

Symbol in the routine:

"Start move in core puller 1"

Parallel branch
Here you can open or close a parallel branch.
It is required to insert a parallel movement (e.g. move in core puller parallel to closing)

Open / close parallel branch, close decision

SmartEdit Adjustmentpad Insert parallel branch_00

Symbolsin the routine:

Open parallel branch

Closed decision


Chapter 13 - 7

Wait for ...

You can insert a wait-object here in order to stop the routine for a certain condition. It is
continued again after having fulfilled the condition.

Selection of the type

Name of the axis
Number of the axis
Condition to be waited for
= / <> (equal / unequal)

SmartEdit Adjustmentpad Insert waitfor_00

In this case the routine is stopped until the clamping force has been built up.
Symbol in the routine:
Waiting for clamping force built up

A decision object can be inserted here.
It is required to be able to switch to an alternative branch, if necessary, if the configured
condition has not been fulfilled.

Selection of the type

Name of the axis
Number of the axis
Condition to be queried
= / <> (equal / unequal)

SmartEdit Adjustmentpad Insert decision_00

Here a query is made whether the clamping force has been built up.
If so, the routine is continued via the "yes" branch.
If not, the routine is continued via the "no" branch and the "yes" branch will be skipped.
Symbol in the routine:
Decision with "yes" and "no" branches


Chapter 13 - 8 0515MC

Description of the change pad

Here, objects can be corrected or changed which were already inserted by you in the routine.
The pad is called by clicking on the object (with active edit mode, but not in automatic mode
and only for flexible objects).
However, it is not possible to change all selections. For example, the axis cannot be changed,
however, axis number, direction of movement, and stop position can be changed.

SmartEdit Adjustmentpad unlocked_00

After having carried out the wished changes, the "Change node" button must be pressed in
order to accept these changes in the routine.

Description of the information pad

This pad can display information concerning the object inserted by you in the routine.
The information pad is only used for information and is called by clicking on the object
(in the automatic mode, with edit mode switched off and for fixed objects).
You cannot make any changes here.

SmartEdit Adjustmentpad locked_00

Change to the main page of the respective axis

(in this case, to the Metering / Injection unit A page)

Change to SmartEdit monitoring page

(see chapter 13.2 Monitorings)


Chapter 13 - 9

Description of the object symbols

Clamping unit

Movement Close mould

Movement Close mould active
Movement Close mould stopped
Movement Close mould finished
Movement Open mould
Movement Open mould active
Movement Open mould stopped
Movement Open mould finished

A vertical clamping unit is represented by a vertical symbol.


Movement Ejector forward

Movement Ejector forward active
Movement Ejector forward stopped
Movement Ejector forward finished
Movement Ejector back
Movement Ejector back active
Movement Ejector back stopped
Movement Ejector back finished

The upper parts ejector of vertical machines is represented by a vertical symbol.


Chapter 13 - 10 0515MC

Station ejector

Movement Station ejector forward

Movement Station ejector forward active
Movement Station ejector forward stopped
Movement Station ejector forward finished
Movement Station ejector back
Movement Station ejector back active
Movement Station ejector back stopped
Movement Station ejector back finished

Injection unit

Movement Injection unit forward

Movement Injection unit forward active
Movement Injection unit forward stopped
Movement Injection unit forward finished
Movement Injection unit back
Movement Injection unit back active
Movement Injection unit back stopped
Movement Injection unit back finished

A vertical injection unit is represented by a vertical symbol.


Chapter 13 - 11

Metering piston (with MicroPower only)

Metering piston back / Metering

Metering piston back / Metering active
Metering piston back / Metering stopped
Metering piston back / Metering finished
Material transferred to the injection plunger (metering piston forward)
Material transferred to the injection plunger (metering piston forward) active
Material transferred to the injection plunger (metering piston forward) stopped
Material transferred to the injection plunger (metering piston forward) finished

Injection plunger

Movement Injection
Movement Injection active
Movement Injection stopped
Movement Injection finished
Movement Metering / Decompression
Movement Metering / Decompression active
Movement Metering / Decompression stopped
Movement Metering / Decompression finished

A vertical injection unit is represented by a vertical symbol.


Chapter 13 - 12 0515MC

MicroPower injection plunger (or injection plunger ejector)

MicroPower injection plunger ejector

Movement Injection plunger forward

Movement Injection plunger forward active
Movement Injection plunger forward stopped
Movement Injection plunger forward finished
Movement Injection plunger back
Movement Injection plunger back active
Movement Injection plunger back stopped
Movement Injection plunger back finished

Core pullers (option)

Movement Move in core puller

Movement Move in core puller active
Movement Move in core puller stopped
Movement Move in core puller finished
Movement Move out core puller
Movement Move out core puller active
Movement Move out core puller stopped
Movement Move out core puller finished

Screw-off unit (option)

Screwing-out movement
Screwing-out movement active
Screwing-out movement stopped
Screwing-out movement finished
Screwing-in movement
Screwing-in movement active
Screwing-in movement stopped
Screwing-in movement finished


Chapter 13 - 13

Rotary unit (option)

Movement Turn rotary unit cw

Movement Turn rotary unit cw active
Movement Turn rotary unit cw stopped
Movement Turn rotary unit cw finished
Movement Turn rotary unit ccw
Movement Turn rotary unit ccw active
Movement Turn rotary unit ccw stopped
Movement Turn rotary unit ccw finished

Symbol "Rotary unit servoelectric"

Symbol "Mould table (rotary table)"

Mould table (sliding table)

Movement Mould table to the left

Movement Mould table to the left active
Movement Mould table to the left stopped
Movement Mould table to the left finished
Movement Mould table to the right
Movement Mould table to the right active
Movement Mould table to the right stopped
Movement Mould table to the right finished


Chapter 13 - 14 0515MC


Start robot
Robot started
Robot stopped
Robot finished


Timer Time started
Timer Time stopped
Timer Time elapsed

Air valve

Air valve Blowing off

Air valve Blowing off started
Air valve Blowing off stopped
Air valve Blowing off finished

Cooling time

Cooling time
Cooling time started
Cooling time stopped
Cooling time elapsed


Chapter 13 - 15

13.1.2 Overview


The selected seuqence is completely displayed in the overview pad.

Thus, larger routines can be better coordinated.

Zoom Out (magnifying glass -)

Here, you can gradually reduce the routine view.

Zoom In (magnifying glass +)

Here, you can gradually increase the routine view.

Screenshot (camera)
An activation of the symbol opens the window for for the screen photo. The displayed routine
can be printed as a picture and saved as file in different formats.


Chapter 13 - 16 0515MC

13.2 Monitorings


The monitoring sequence(s) can be freely defined in the "Monitoring" menu.

Here, different objects (monitorings, axis stops) can be inserted.

Here, different objects (monitorings, axis stops) can be deleted.

Delete all
Here, all inserted objects can be deleted at once.


Chapter 13 - 17

Please refer to chapter 13.1.1 (Edit mode) for the procedures concerning inserting or deleting
an object.

Description of the symbols

Monitoring object (blue frame)

These objects monitor a defined status of an axis, a periphery, a timer of a variable.

Stop axis object (red frame)

These objects cause a stop of a defined axis.

Object link ("OR")

This object is a linkage of several monitoring objects (logical "OR")

Object link ("AND")

This object is a linkage of several monitoring objects (logical "AND")

Add the monitoring sequence object

When activating the object, a new monitoring sequence is added.

Description of the statuses

Monitoring active
This object means that the axis status will be monitored.

Axis stopped
This object means that the axis was stopeed by a monitoring object.


Chapter 13 - 18 0515MC

Description of the insert panel

Pressing the "Insert" button will display the insert panel.
It is used for a pre-selection of the wished objects.

Monitoring selection

Stop axis selection

SmartEdit MonitoringPanel_00

Description of the monitoring function

You can define the monitoring sequence here.

Display of an alarm message

Stop type (see "Stop types" further below)

SmartEdit Adjustmentpad Monitoring Definition_GB00

Only for the "Interruption" stop type can the alarm message be hidden (with alarm message:
OFF) Alarm messages are always issued for all other stop types.


Chapter 13 - 19

Description of the insert pad

Configuration of the pre-selection can be continued here.
The Comboboxes are dynamically generated and depend on the type (axis, periphery, timer,
parallel branche, "Wait for", and "Decision")
Pressing the "Insert node" button will accept the setting and the possible insertion
positions are displayed in the routine.
Below you will find some examples for the configuration of your object.

A monitoring object can be inserted here.

Selection of the type

Name of the axis
Number of the axis
Condition to be monitored
= / <> (equal / unequal)

SmartEdit Adjustmentpad Monitoring_00

In this case monitoring reacts if core puller 1 has not been moved in.
Symbol in the routine:
Monitor Core puller 1 moved in

Stop axis
A stop axis object can be inserted here.

Name of the axis

Number of the axis
Condition to be stopped
Stop type of the axis
(is explained in the following paragraph)
SmartEdit Adjustmentpad Stop Axis_00

Here closing is stopped.

Symbol in the routine:
Stop closing


Chapter 13 - 20 0515MC

Selection stop type

• Stop
Axis stop without acknowledgement. The automatic cycle is stopped at once.
• Stop/Ackn.
The automatic cycle is immediately stopped. After having pressed Cycle start (closing
key), the cycle is continued. An alarm message is displayed.
The alarm is activated and closing is stopped if the core has not been
moved in when closing the clamping unit. After having pressed Cycle
start (closing key), the core is moved in the closing is continued.

• Ackn/End
The automatic cycle is stopped at cycle end. After having pressed Cycle start (closing
key), a new cycle is started. An alarm message is displayed.
• Stop/End
The automatic cylce is stopped at cycle end and all drives are switched off. An alarm
message is displayed.
• Interruption
Stopping of an automatic cycle until the corresponding monitoring enables the cycle
again. An alarm message is displayed.


Chapter 13 - 21

13.3 Settings


In the "Settings" menu, you can deactivate the SmartEdit or specify settings to be viewed.

Machine control via SmartEdit

Specify here whether the machine should be operated via SmartEdit or via program switches.

Sequence view
Specify here whether the sequence should be displayed "horizontally" or "vertically".

Autoscroll (with active movement)

Specify here whether the routine display should continue scrolling while the movement is active.
Hence if the active movement is outisde of the viewing area, it is scrolled back into the visible

Percentage display of the movement

Specify here whether the movement progress should be displayed in percent (below the object)


Chapter 13 - 22 0515MC

Switch mode without lockings (setting mode)

With this setting, the lockings can be deactivated in the setting mode. This preselection is
effective in the setting mode only.

The movements can always be performed, independently of any limit positions.

Show scrollbars
You can specify here whether the scrollbars (for shifting the routine view) shall be displayed.
If you deactivate the scrollbars, the routine view can be shifted by pressing or pulling.


Chapter 13 - 23


Chapter 13 - 24 0515MC
Function keys (B6E)

14 Function keys (option)

14.1 Function keys / Page 1


The main functions of the machine can be selected in this menu. They are used to switch on the
drive and the heating as well as to select the operating mode. The selected function is displayed
by means of luminous rings in red, green, and yellow.
Additionally, the movement keys of the main axes and the special programs can be selected in
this menu.
A detailed description of the individual function keys is given in Chapter A.2 Control elements.

If access to the machine is made via a remote connection (remote maintenance), the operation
of the machine on the remote PC is blocked.


Chapter 14 - 1
Function keys (B6E)

14.2 Function keys / Page 2


The main functions of the machine can be selected in this menu, too.
Additionally, the movement keys of the core puller can be selected in this menu.


Chapter 14 - 2 0114WT
Special programs

15 Special programs

15.1 Weekly time switch


The control system includes a weekly time switch. The control system includes a weekly time
switch you can use to activate the automatic switching on and off of the heaters, the hydraulic
motor, and the periphery.

Weekly time switch

Mark this field in order to switch on the weekly time switch. In addition, the day of the week and
the "Unit to be switched" have to be selected.
A status is displayed on the left side of the "Unit to be triggered" (yellow flashing warning
triangle) if the respective unit will be switched on soon. If the machine is equipped with the
hooter option, the hooter is additionally activated during this period of time (independent of the
program preselection Hooter, see also 15.2.2)

Select the day(s) of the week to which the following settings should apply. The current day of
the week is displayed in black.

Chapter 15 - 1
Special programs
Start / Stop
Enter the time for the switching on and off of the units to be switched for each weekday
If "Switch-on delay" or "Switch-off delay" is entered, this will be started at the time entered. The
respective unit will only be switched on or off at the end of this delay period.

.... Switch-on delay

These times refer to the start time for the current day of the week. By entering a switch-on delay
the respective unit will be switched on after a delay of the length of time which has been entered
later than the set start time.

.... Switch-off delay

These times refer to the stop time for the current day of the week. By entering a switch-off delay
the respective unit will be switched off after a delay of the length of time which has been entered
later than the set stop time.
By entering delay times, different switch-on / switch-off times can be set for the individual units.

"Barrel heating" unit to be triggered

Due to the program preselection for the barrel heating, the barrel heating will be activated as
"Unit to be switched".

"Mould heating" unit to be triggered

"Heaters" unit to be triggered
Due to the program preselection for mould heating and/or heaters, the respective heating is
activated as "Unit to be switched".

The mould heating and the temperature control units have to be switched on in the respective
displays (see Chapter 2).

"Motor" unit to be triggered

Due to the program preselection for the motor, the motor will be activated as "Unit to be

"Periphery" unit to be switched (option)

Due to the program preselection for periphery, peripheral equipment (such as sockets) will be
activated as "Unit to be switched".

"Dryer" unit to be switched (option)

Due to the program preselection for the dryer, dryers will be activated as "Unit to be switched".


Chapter 15 - 2 0515MC
Special programs

15.2 Special programs (option)

15.2.1 Special programs / Page 1


Material conveyor (option)

There are three different program procedures available.

Material conveyor standard procedure

Enter the "Material Conveying time" and the "Material Conveying monitoring time".
When falling short of the "Material level reached" limit switch, the material output and the
"Material conveying time" starts.
This time monitors the conveying of the material. The "Material level reached" limit switch must
be triggered within this time; otherwise the material output will be switched off and the "Error
material conveyor" message will be displayed. The machine continues to run, however, until the
switch-off function of the metering time monitoring responds.
Acknowledge the error message "Error material conveyor" by switching off / on the material
conveyor on the manual control panel.

Chapter 15 - 3
Special programs
Material conveyor with intervals
Enter the "Number of material conveying intervals", the "Material conveying time" and the
"Material change over time".
When falling short of the "Material level reached" limit switch, the material output and the
"Material conveying time" starts. When this has been completed the "Material change over time"
is started. When the material change over time has been completed the "Material conveying
time" restarts. The limit switch "Material level reached" must be activated within the "Number of
material conveying intervals", otherwise the material output will be switched off and the "Error
material conveyor" message will be displayed. The machine continues to run, however, until the
switch-off function of the metering time monitoring responds.
Acknowledge the error message "Error material conveyor" by switching off / on the material
conveyor on the manual control panel.

Material conveyor parallel to metering

Enter the "Number of material conveying intervals", the "Material conveying time" and the
"Material change over time".
When falling short of the "Material level reached" limit switch, the material output and the
"Material conveying time" is started parallel to the metering procedure. At the end of this
time the "Material pause time" will be started. When the material change over time has been
completed the conveying time restarts as long as the metering procedure is still active.
If the limit stop "Material level reached" is reached, the material output stops. As long as the limit
switch "Material level reached" is activated and the metering procedure is running the "Number
of material conveying intervals" will be increased. Within the "Number of material conveying
intervals" the limit switch "Material level reached" has to be released again, otherwise the
material output will be switched off and the "Error material conveyor" message will be displayed.
The machine continues to run, however, until the switch-off function of the metering time
monitoring responds.
Acknowledge the error message "Error material conveyor" by switching off / on the material
conveyor on the manual control panel.

Number of material conveying intervals

Required for the program preselection "Material conveyor with intervals" and "Material conveyor
parallel to metering".

Material conveying time

Required for all three program preselections.

Material conveying monitoring time

Required for the "Material conveyor Standard procedure" program preselection.


Chapter 15 - 4 0515MC
Special programs
Material Change over time
Required for the program preselection "Material conveyor with intervals" and "Material conveyor
parallel to metering".

Socket cut-off (Option)

This preselection determines whether the socket is always switched on or whether it is switched
parallel to the heating programs, the motor or the peripheral equipment.
One of the following options is available:

Socket cut-off
Always on
The sockets are continuously switched on.

For Heater Stop

The sockets are switched on or off parallel to the heating.

For Heater Decrease

The sockets are switched off when the barrel heating decreases.

For Heater stop or Decrease

The sockets are switched on parallel to the heating or off when the barrel heating decreases.

For Motor Stop

The sockets are switched on or off parallel to the motor.

For weekly time switch Peripheral equipment

The sockets are switched on or off via the preselection Peripheral equipment of the weekly time

always off
The sockets are continuously switched off.

Chapter 15 - 5
Special programs

Central grease lubrication (option)

Central lubrication Manual mode

By means of this program, you can start a central lubrication in the manual mode.
The lubricating time depends on the respective setting on the service menu page.
If the manual lubricating mode is switched off, the central lubrication will be activated after the
number of machine cycles selected in the service menu.


Chapter 15 - 6 0515MC
Special programs

15.2.2 Special programs / Page 2


Hooter / horn (option)

The hooter is deactivated.

For Motor Stop in the automatic mode

The hooter will be activated for Motor Stop in the automatic mode.

For reject parts recognition

The hooter will be activated for the reject parts recognition in the automatic mode.

For Motor Stop in the automatic mode or reject part recognition

The hooter will be activated in the automatic mode for Motor Stop or reject part recognition.

For Error in the automatic mode

The hooter will be activated in the case of an error in the automatic mode.

Chapter 15 - 7
Special programs
During the prewarning for weekly time switch (if the respective unit is to be switched on before
long), the hooter is additionally activated (independent of the program preselection Hooter).

Belt conveyor (option)

With the program activated the "Counter Belt Conveyor" will be increased for each clamping
force build up. When the set counter set value is reached the "Delay Time Conveyor Belt" is
started. When this time has ended the conveyor belt will be triggered as input under "Conveyor
Belt Time".

Counter Belt conveyor

Entry of the shot number (Counter clamping force build-up) for which the delay time of the belt
conveyor is to be started.

Delay time Belt conveyor

When the set value "Counter Conveyor Belt" is reached the time is started. When this time ends
the converyor belt begins to run.

Time Belt Conveyor

Input of the time during which the belt coveyor is to be triggered.

Ejector coupling (optional)

Seleciton of the ejector coupling function. Coupling and releasing is carried out by means of
buttons on the manual control panel in the setting mode only. Coupling only if the ejector is in
front position. Releasing only if the ejector is back. The current operating mode of the ejector
coupling is displayed.

If the program is not selected, the monitoring of the coupling is deactivated, too.


Chapter 15 - 8 0515MC
Special programs

Clean room module (optional)

A continuous air flow is generated across the entire mould area to keep the area clean in
accordance with the required cleanliness class.

Velocity airflow (for control by means of air flow speed sensor)

Enter the desired air flow speed in mm/sec.

Differential pressure (for control by means of differential pressure sensor)

Enter the desired pressure. Entry „40 Pa“ corresponds to a continuous air flow of approx. 0.35

Fan activation (option)

This field shows the speed rate of the fan. „100%“ corresponds to the maximum speed of the

Man. fan activation (option)

Activation of the manual fan control. In this mode, the fan is operated at a constant rate by
means of entry „Fan activation“. This means that there is no control possible.

Fan activation (option)

Enter here the activation parameters for the fan for manual operation. „100%“ corresponds to
the maximum speed of the fan.

Accept set value for controller (option)

By activating this function, the currently measured value is adopted as the set value for the
controller. The manual fan control is thereby not reset.

Chapter 15 - 9
Special programs

15.2.3 Special programs / Page 3


Cooling water valve 1-4 (option)

Switch-off for Motor Stop

If this program is selected, the switch-off delay time is started as soon as the hydraulic system is
switched off. The cooling water valve is switched off at the end of the delay time.

Switch-off for Mould heating off

If this program is selected, the switch-off delay time is started as soon as the mould heating is
switched off. The cooling water valve is switched off at the end of the delay time.

Switch-off for Automatic off

If this program is selected, the switch-off delay time is started as soon as the automatic mode
will be left or the machine has come to a standstill due to an error in the automatic mode. The
cooling water valve is switched off at the end of the delay time.


Chapter 15 - 10 0515MC
Special programs
Delay time Switch-off
The cooling water valve is switched off at the end of this delay time.

Key Cooling water valve 1 (option)

Key Cooling water valve 2 (option)
If the Cooling water valve key is pressed, the cooling water valve is switched off independent of
the selected program. The green LED above the key is off.
The green LED is illuminated if the cooling water valve is switched on depending on the seleced
The green LED flashes if the selected program switches off the cooling water valve.

Chapter 15 - 11
Special programs

15.2.4 Special programs / Page 4


Drop-out flap (option)

If you select and highlight this field, the drop-out flap will be activated.

Good parts towards operator’s side

This preseletion is used to determine the direction into which the flap is swung for the quality
selection of good or reject parts.
If this program is activated, the flap of quality selection is operated in inverse direction, i.e. good
parts in the direction of the operator’s side and reject parts in the direction of the rear side of the

Sprue separation (option)

If the machine is operated with the sprue separation activated, the "Ejector forward" movement
is carried out until the stroke marker "Ejector intermediate stop". After having reached this
stroke marker the ejector remains in this position until the end of the time "Delay time Ejector" at
intermediate stop. At the end of this time, the ejector continues moving.
Two operating modes can be selected for the separating flap:


Chapter 15 - 12 0515MC
Special programs
First sprue then parts
Procedure in the automatic mode if jolt ejector Stroke rate = 0:
• Close mould -> flap is switched to position "Reject parts".
• Injection process -> if a reject part is evaluated, the flap remains in the position "Reject
parts" until the next cycle, thus the sprue and the injection moulding (reject part) will be
disposed of to the sprue side.
• Injection process -> if a good part is evaluated, the mould is opened, the ejector moves to
the intermediate stop and the sprue is ejected.
• Start of the "Delay time Ejector back" at intermediate stop and, at the same time, of the
"Delay time Drop-out flap".
• At the end of the "Delay time Drop-out flap", the flap is switched to the position "Good
• At the end of the "Delay time Ejector back" at intermediate stop, the ejector continues
moving to its limit position (perhaps with vibrating stroke) and the injection moulding is
• Start of the next cycle.

Procedure in the automatic mode if jolt ejector Stroke rate >= 1:

• Close mould -> flap is switched to position "Reject parts".
• Injection process -> if a reject part is evaluated, the flap remains in the position "Reject
parts" until the next cycle, thus the sprue and the injection moulding (reject part) will be
disposed of to the sprue side.
• Injection process -> if a good part is evaluated, the mould is opened, the ejector moves to
the intermediate stop and the sprue is ejected.
• The ejector moves back on vibrating stroke marker at intermediate stop and then forward
again until intermediate stop. During the last movement from the vibrating stroke marker
to the intermediate stop, the end of the "Delay time Ejector forward" at intermediate
stop will be waited for before starting the movement. During the last movement from the
intermediate stop to the vibrating stroke marker, the end of the "Delay time Ejector back"
at intermediate stop will be waited for before starting the movement.
• Start of the "Delay time Drop-out flap" at the beginning of the last vibrating stroke.
• At the end of the "Delay time Drop-out flap", the flap is switched to the position "Good
• After having reached the vibrating position for the last time, the ejector continues moving
to its limit position (perhaps with vibrating stroke) and the injection moulding is ejected.
• Start of the next cycle.

Chapter 15 - 13
Special programs
First parts then sprue
Procedure in the automatic mode if jolt ejector Stroke rate = 0:
• Close mould -> flap is switched to position "Good parts".
• Injection process -> if a reject part is evaluated, the flap is switched to the position "Reject
parts" and remains in this position until the next injection process, thus the sprue and the
injection moulding (reject part) will be disposed of to the sprue side.
• Injection process -> if a good part is evaluated, the mould is opened, the ejector moves to
the intermediate stop and the injection moulding is ejected.
• Start of the "Delay time Ejector back" at intermediate stop and, at the same time, of the
"Delay time Drop-out flap".
• At the end of the "Delay time Drop-out flap", the flap is switched to the position "Reject
• At the end of the "Delay time Ejector back" at intermediate stop, the ejector continues
moving to its limit position (perhaps with vibrating stroke) and the sprue is ejected.
• Start of the next cycle.

Procedure in the automatic mode if jolt ejector Stroke rate >= 1:

• Close mould -> flap is switched to position "Good parts".
• Injection process -> if a reject part is evaluated, the flap is switched to the position "Reject
parts" and remains in this position until the next injection process, thus the sprue and the
injection moulding (reject part) will be disposed of to the sprue side.
• Injection process -> if a good part is evaluated, the mould is opened, the ejector moves to
the intermediate stop and the injection moulding is ejected.
• The ejector moves back on vibrating stroke marker at intermediate stop and then forward
again until intermediate stop. During the last movement from the vibrating stroke marker
to the intermediate stop, the end of the "Delay time Ejector forward" at intermediate
stop will be waited for before starting the movement. During the last movement from the
intermediate stop to the vibrating stroke marker, the end of the "Delay time Ejector back"
intermediate stop will be waited for before starting the movement.
• Start of the "Delay time Drop-out flap" at the beginning of the last vibrating stroke.
• At the end of the "Delay time Drop-out flap", the flap is switched to the position "Reject
• After having reached the vibrating position for the last time, the ejector continues moving
to its limit position (perhaps with vibrating stroke) and the sprue is ejected.
• Start of the next cycle.

In manual operation, the flap generally remain in the position "Reject parts".


Chapter 15 - 14 0515MC
Special programs
Delay time Drop-out flap
Enter the delay time for the drop-out flap in [s] in this field. The actual value will be displayed on
the left of this value.

Ejector intermediate stop

Enter the position for the sprue separation in [mm] in this field.
The actual value will be displayed on the left of this value.

Vibrating stroke at intermediate stop

If the ejector at stroke 1 is operated with a stroke rate larger than 0, the "Ejector backward"
movement will be carried out up to this stroke marker. Thus a small vibrating stroke in [mm] /
[inch] may be selected in the first ejector range. If this is not desirable, the vibrating stroke has
to equated to the limit position for "Ejector backward".

Jolt ejector Stroke rate

Enter the number of strokes to be performed by the ejector. The actual value will be displayed
on the left of this value.

Delay time Ejector forward

Enter the delay time for Ejector forward in [s] in this field. The actual value will be displayed on
the left of this value.

Delay time Ejector backward

Enter the delay time for Ejector back in [s] in this field. The actual value will be displayed on the
left of this value.

Chapter 15 - 15
Special programs

15.2.5 Special programs / Page 5


Mould area lamp (option)

The mould area lamp is switched off.

always on
The mould area lamp is always switched on.

On at reject parts or Setting / Manual mode

In the fully and semi-automatic mode, the mould area lamp is switched on for the period „Mould
area lamp switch-on period“ when recognising a reject part.
In the setting and manual mode, the mould area lamp is always switched on.

On at rejected parts or Setting / Manual / Semiautomatic mode

In the fully automatic mode, the mould area lamp is switched on for the period „Mould area lamp
switch-on period“ when recognising a reject part.
In the setting, manual, and semi-automatic mode, the mould area lamp is always switched on.


Chapter 15 - 16 0515MC
Special programs

Ionization module (option)

An activation of the ionization module results in a reduction of the static electricity.
In addition, this activation automatically activates the clean air treatment system (optional).

Discharge Start / Stop

An activation of this function selection starts or stops the discharge. The current activation
status will be displayed on the right of this value.

Reset Ionization module

An activation of this function selection resets the error signal of the ionization module.

Clean air treatment system (option)

The clean air treatment system is activated if this function selection is activated and the drive
switched on.
The status for the clean air treatment system is set only with activated ionizatin module.

Chapter 15 - 17
Special programs

15.3 Mobile Airmould (option)

15.3.1 Airmould


The "Modular Airmould® System" permits the production of high-quality mouldings by means
of the "Airmould®" (internal gas pressure) and the "Airmould® Contour" (surface gas pressure)
process. For this reason, the machine, for example, may be operated with shorter cycle times
and lower clamping forces.
Use this menu, to activate the "Airmould Mobile" and to preselect the start time for injecting the
nitrogen into the mould.

Airmould / Aquamould (option)

The Modular Airmould System is activated with this switch.

Injection unit
This Pull Down menu is for machines with two or more injection units. Enter the injection unit to
determine for which injection unit the air mould settings will become effective.


Chapter 15 - 18 0515MC
Special programs
Start volume-dependent
When the set volume is reached the Airmould is started. Enter the set value for the volume
dependent start of the Airmould here.

Start time dependent

When the set time has been completed the Airmould is started. Enter the set value for the time
dependent start of the Airmould here. This time will be started with Start Injection.

Start injection pressure dependent

When the set injection pressure is reached the Airmould is started. Enter the set value for the
injection pressure dependent start of the Airmould here.

The injection pressure dependent start of the Airmould will only be enabled after having reached
the release volume. See entry "Release after volume".

Release from volume

If the injection pressure dependent start of the Airmould has been preselected, the start can only
take place after this volume has been reached. This is a safety function designed to filter peak
pressures when starting the injection procedure.

Chapter 15 - 19
Special programs

15.4 Mould shut-off nozzle (option)

15.4.1 Mould shut-off nozzle


When using mould shut-off nozzles (mould shut-off nozzles), the operator has to ensure that
there are no hazardous pinching or shearing points!

On this screen page the opening and closing can be set, stroke or time dependently, as well as
both stroke and time dependently.

Mould shut-off nozzle 1 to 36 (option)

Selecting the corresponding programs can activate or deactivate the wished mould shut-off
nozzles. The entries have to be preselected in such a way that at least one mould shut-offr
nozzle is open during the injection procedure.
If there is only one mould shut-off nozzle, the "Start" stroke of the mould shut-off nozzle has
to be specified larger than the "Metering End" or "Decompression back" stroke and the "Stop"
stroke of the mould shut-off has to be specified smaller than the current stroke "Holding
Pressure End".
To obtain a better overview, an info text can be assigned to each mould shut-off nozzle to the
right of the preselection.


Chapter 15 - 20 0515MC
Special programs
njection unit
This Pull Down menu is for machines with two or more injection units. Enter the injection unit to
determine for which injection unit (master group) the mould shut-off nozzle settings will become
effective. A slave group or slave groups can be given inside the brackets. Slave groups initiate
an opening of the standard mould shut-off nozzle. i.e. The mould shut-off nozzle is opened
before injection and closed again at the end of the injection process (see 1).
Injection parameter record
This Pull Down menu is for machines with two or more injection parameter records. Entering
the injection parameter records determines the active injection parameter record with which the
mould shut-off nozzles will be started. Setting "1-x" means that the settings of the mould shut-off
nozzles will be started independent of the active injection parameter record.
Prog.No. (option)
This program preselection is used to determine the function of the respective mould shut-off
Entering value:
0: Cascade (parallel to the injection process)
1: Mould clamp (serial to the injection). The mould shut-off nozzle is opened before injection
and closed again at the end of the injection process.
2: Mould clamp (parallel to the injection). The mould shut-off nozzle is opened parallel to
injection and closed again at the end of the injection process.
3: Mould clamp (parallel to nozzle contact force build-up, in the automatic mode only). In the
automatic mode, the start time of the mould shut-off nozzle is started parallel to the build-
up of the nozzle contact force. At the end of the time the mould shut-off nozzle is opened
(with start of injection at the latest) and closed again after the injection process.
4: Cascade (parallel to the injection process, delayed closing after end of holding pressure).
The program preselection "Open during holding pressure" must be activated. The time
"Open during holding pressure" is started at the end of holding pressure. At the and of the
time, the mould shut-off nozzle is closed.
5: Cascade (parallel to the nozzle contact force build-up, delayed closing after end of
holding pressure). Open mould shut-off nozzle, see prog. 3, close mould shut-off nozzle,
see progr. 4;
6: Cascade (parallel to nozzle contact force build-up, in the automatic mode only). Open
mould shut-off nozzle, see prog. 3, close mould shut-off nozzle after the injection process.
permanently open
If the selected mould shut-off nozzle is to remain continuously open this program has to be
switched on.

Start [ccm] / [cuin] (program)

If the selected mould shut-off nozzle is to start stroke dependently during injection this program
has to be switched on.

Chapter 15 - 21
Special programs
Start [ccm] / [cuin]
This stroke marker sends the start pulse for the mould shut-off nozzle during the forward
movement of the injection plunger.
The zero point of the stroke measuring system is the foremost position of the injection plunger,
i.e. the numerical values increase towards maximum as the injection plunger moves back.

Start [ccm] / [cuin] (program)

If the selected mould shut-off nozzle is to stop stroke dependently this program has to be
switched on.

Stop [ccm] / [cuin]

This stroke marker sends the stop pulse for the mould shut-off nozzle during the forward
movement of the injection plunger.

Start [s] (program)

If the selected mould shut-off nozzle is to start time dependently this program has to be
switched on.

Start [s]
This time specifies the start pulse for the mould shut-off nozzle. It starts at the same time as
"Injection start".
With program preselection "3", this time is started parallel to the build up of the nozzle contact

Cascade control
If the mould shut-off nozzles are to be switched on one after the other (cascade format) the
stroke marker "Start [mm]" has to be preselected in such a way that it is prior to the stroke
marker "Stop [mm]" of the preceding mould shut-offnozzle.
Mould shut-off nozzle 1 Start: 200 Stop: 180
Mould shut-off nozzle 2 Start: 185 Stop: 150
Mould shut-off nozzle 3 Start: 155 Stop: 130
This ensures that one mould shut-off nozzle is always open. The stroke marker "Stop [mm]"
of the preceding mould shut-off nozzle always has to receive the set value "0", otherwise the
"Injection" function will be interrupted.

Stop [s] (program)

If the selected mould shut-off nozzle is to stop time dependently this program has to be switched


Chapter 15 - 22 0515MC
Special programs
Stop [s]
This time will be started with Start Injection. The stop pulse is sent at the end of the "Stop [s]"
The Start via stroke or time or Stop via stroke or time programs can be combined or all can be
selected. The mould shut-off nozzles then start or stop depending on the preselection, when the
stroke marker has been reached or at the end of the respective times.

open during holding pressure

Program number 0-3 (The mould shut-off nozzle remains open or during holding
pressure or is opened):
when entering the time = 0 Mould shut-off nozzle closes with end of holding pressure.
when entering the time > 0 The time starts running at the start of the holding pressure
(positive entering value). At the and of the time, the mould
shut-off nozzle is closed.
when entering the time < 0: The mould shut-off nozzle is closed before time end of holding
pressure (negative entering value)

pressure (negative entering value)

Program number 4-5 (The mould shut-off nozzle remains open or during holding
pressure or is opened):
when entering the time = 0 Mould shut-off nozzle closes with end of holding pressure.
when entering the time > 0 The time starts running at the start of holding pressure end
(positive entering value). At the and of the time, the mould
shut-off nozzle is closed.

Diagnosis Mould shut-off nozzle

The diagnosis field on the extreme right of the respective line of the mould shut-off nozzle
(under the valve symbol) indicates when the mould shut-off nozzle will be triggered.

Status bar
During Clamping injection plunger (Metering limit position) the injection plunger is maintained in
This will be indicated by the symbol in the status bar.

Chapter 15 - 23
Special programs

15.4.2 Mould mould shut-off nozzle / General


Pressure release (option)

No pressure relief
The mould shut-off nozzles will be relieved only when pressing an EMERGENCY STOP key.

for Motor Stop

The mould shut-off nozzles are relieved when the drive motor stops.

when setting
The mould shut-off nozzles are relieved in the setting mode.


Chapter 15 - 24 0515MC
Special programs
when the mould heating is blocked
The mould shut-off nozzles are relieved if the mould heating and/or the hot runner show one of
the following errors:
• Switched off
• Learning mode active
• Sensor breakage
• Short circuit
• Softstart (starting control active)
• Set value error
• Outside the minus tolerance

In general, the mould shut-off nozzles are relieved in the case of EMERGENCY STOP. These
program preselections are deemed to protect your mould.

Time Open (Close) mould shut-off nozzle (option)

Enter the time in [s] at which the Mouldmaster nozzles should actively open (close) here.

During this time, the pump is actively triggered in the case of a hydraulic mould shut-off nozzle.

Position monitoring
The position of the mould shut-off nozzles towards the injection process is monitored here.

• Mould shut-off nozzle must be open during injection.

At least one mould shut-off nozzle must be open during the injection process including
holding pressure. If this is not the case, injection will be stopped and an error message
will be displayed.
• Mould shut-off nozzle can be closed during injection.
No position monitoring of the mould shut-off nozzle towards the injection process is
carried out.

Chapter 15 - 25
Special programs
Plausibility monitoring of Start / Stop
Here is checked whether the plausability of the start and stop points are correct during cascade
connection. An error message will be displayed in the case of error. i.e. if one mould shut-off
nozzle is closed, another Mouldmaster nozzle must be opened.
• No monitoring
• stroke-dependent monitoring
• Time-dependent monitoring
• Monitoring depending on stroke and time

Mould shut-off nozzle Speed

Enter the speed in [%] at which the mould shut-off nozzles should open and close here.

Mould shut-off nozzle Pressure

Enter the pressure in [bar] / [psi] at which the mould shut-off nozzles should open and close


Chapter 15 - 26 0515MC
Special programs

15.5 Vacuum (option)

15.5.1 Vacuum / for clamping unit


Vacuum - Valve
Injection unit
This Pull Down menu is for machines with two or more injection units. Enter the injection unit to
determine for which injection unit the vacuum valve settings will become effective.

Use this preselection to switch off the vacuum valve.

On, without monitoring

Use this preselection to switch on the vacuum valve while no pressure monitoring or time
monitoring is activated.

Chapter 15 - 27
Special programs
On, with pressure monitoring
Use this preselection to switch the vacuum valve on with the pressure monitoring activated.
The pressure monitoring is only activated "For evacuate start stroke (Intermediate stop)" or
Clamping force build-up.
If the pressure switch of the vacuum monitoring is activated the clamping procedure will be
Version 1:
The vacuum pressure must be set directly at the pressure switch.

Version 2:
The vacuum pressure must be preset via the screen page under "Vacuum pressure".
At the end of the "Time Intermediate Stop" the pressure switch of the vacuum monitoring has
to be activated. If this is not the case, the machine cycle will be stopped and the "Vacuum
monitoring Pressure" alarm message will be displayed.

On, with time monitoring

Use this preselection to switch the vacuum valve on with the pressure monitoring activated.
The pressure monitoring is only activated "For evacuate start stroke (Intermediate stop)" or
Clamping force build-up.
At the end of the "Time Intermediate Stop" the pressure switch of the vacuum monitoring has to
be activated. When reaching "Time Intermediate Stop" the clamping procedure will be continued
(but only if the pressure switch has been activated). If this is not the case, the machine cycle will
be stopped and the "Vacuum monitoring time" alarm message will be displayed.
If the mould protection program (Setting Mould safety strokes) is activated the machine will
be opened and the machine cycle stopped if the pressure switch has not been reached. By
acknowledging the error message with Cycle Start a new clamping procedure will be started.


Chapter 15 - 28 0515MC
Special programs
For start stroke (Intermediate stop)
Closing of the mould is interrupted by "Evacuate start stroke". The times"Time Intermediate
Stop" and "Time evacuation before injection" begin to run and the evacuation is started.
At the end of the "Time Intermediate stop", the mould will be closed.

Before Clamping force Build-up

The form is closed but no clamping force is built up. The times"Time Intermediate Stop" and
"Time evacuation before injection" begin to run and the evacuation is started.
At the end of the "Time Intermediate stop", the clamping force builds up.

After Clamping force Build-up

The form is closed and the clamping force is built up. The "Time Evaucation before Injection"
begins to run and the evacuation is started.

for Start stroke (parallel to the movement)

After reaching "Evacuate start stroke" the "Time Evacuation before injection" starts to run
and the evacuation is started. The clamping procedure with clamping force build-up is not

Vacuum pressure (for version 2)

The closing procedure will be continued after having reached the vacuum pressure set here.
Typical entry: -0.1 to -0.9 bar (-1.45 to -13.05 psi)

Pre-evacuate start stroke

Enter the start stroke at which the pre-evacuation is started. The pre-evacuation is intended to
empty the lines before the actual evacuation.

Chapter 15 - 29
Special programs
Evacuate start stroke
Enter the start stroke at which the actual evacuation is started. The "Time Evaucation before
Injection" begins to run and the evacuation is started.
This set value is to be entered when preselecting the programs "for Start stroke (Intermediate
stop Close)" and "for Start stroke (parallel to Close)".

Time Intermediate stop

Input of the intermediate stop time. At the end of this time the mould will be closed or the high
pressure will be built-up.
This set value is to be entered when preselecting the programs "for Start stroke (Intermediate
stop Close)" and "before Clamping force build-up".

Time Evacuation before injection

Input of the evacuation time.
This time sets the time range up to pre-evacuation. At the end of this time injection is enabled.

Time Evacuation after Start Injection

This time starts with the start of injection. The evacuation is active during the injection,
corresponding to this time.


Chapter 15 - 30 0515MC
Special programs

15.5.2 Vacuum / for operator station


Vacuum valve depending on the station

Use this preselection to switch on the vacuum valve depending on the station. The vacuum
valve for the clamping unit (if available) is then automatically deactivated.

Vacuum pump for station

This entry determines the station where the vacuum pump is installed.

Vacuum valve x for lower mould

This entry determines the lower mould which the setting of the vacuum valves 1-4 have effect.

Vacuum pump mode

The activation of the vacuum pump in the respective operating mode is configured here.
Possible settings:
• Vacuum pump permanently on
• Vacuum pump on in the automatic mode
• Vacuum pump on in the automatic and manual mode

Chapter 15 - 31
Special programs
Vaccum shut-off at production stoppage in
With activated program preselection, the timer "Vacuum switch-off at production stoppage in xx
[min]" is started in the case of production stoppage. After the timer has run down, the vacuum
pump and the valves will be switched off.

Vacuum valve
Vacuum valve mode
Possible settings:
• off
Use this preselection to switch off the vacuum valve.
• on, without monitoring
Use this preselection to switch on the vacuum valve while no pressure monitoring or time
monitoring is activated.
• on, with production pressure monitoring
Use this preselection to switch the vacuum valve on with the pressure monitoring
Version 1:
The vacuum pressure must be set directly at the pressure switch.
Version 2:
The vacuum pressure must be preset via the screen page under "Vacuum pressure".
Evacuation is finished as soon as the monitoring pressure has reached. At the end of
the "Time Evacuation" the pressure switch of the vacuum monitoring has to be activated
at the latest. If this is not the case, the machine cycle will be stopped and the "Vacuum
monitoring Pressure" alarm message will be displayed.
• on, with time monitoring
Use this preselection to switch the vacuum valve on with the pressure monitoring
activated. The pressure monitoring is only activated "For evacuate start stroke
(Intermediate stop)" or Clamping force build-up.
At the end of the "Time Evacuation" the pressure switch of the vacuum monitoring has to
be activated. If this is not the case, the machine cycle will be stopped and the "Vacuum
monitoring Pressure" alarm message will be displayed.

Pre-evacuation mode (demoulding pressure monitoring)

When activating the demoulding pressure monitoring, pressure must be reduced to normal
pressure (ambient pressure) at the end of pre-evacuation. With this, all injection mouldings are
checked to ensure that they are demoulded (lower mould is empty).
Possible settings:
• Pre-evacuation off, demoulding pressure monitoring
• Pre-evacuation on, no demoulding pressure monitoring
• Pre-evacuation on, with demoulding pressure monitoring and valve switch-off
• Pre-evacuation on, with demoulding pressure monitoring, without valve switch-off


Chapter 15 - 32 0515MC
Special programs
Evacuation Start
This setting starts evacuation.
Possible settings:
• Evacuation off
• Evacuation before Ejector backward
• Evacuation with Intermediate stop Ejector backward
• Evacuation parallel to Ejector backward
• Evacuation after Ejector backward
• Evacuation after first insertion cycle
• Evacuation after second insertion cycle
• Evacuation Start with application program (special solution via core puller programs
starting with 50)

Pre-evacuation Start
This setting starts pre-evacuation. Pre-evacuation is determined to monitor the demoulding
pressure. Alternatively, it can be used to empty the lines before starting the actual evacuation.
Possible settings:
• Pre-evacuation off
• Pre-evacuation before Ejector backward
• Pre-evacuation with Intermediate stop Ejector backward
• Pre-evacuation parallel to Ejector backward
• Pre-evacuation after Ejector backward
• Pre-evacuation after first insertion cycle
• Pre-evacuation after second insertion cycle
• Pre-evacuation Start with application program

Preliminary switch-off of the vacuum valves

If preliminary switch-off is not activated, the valves remain activated until Start Demoulding.
Possible settings:
• Preliminary switch-off of the vacuum valves off
• Preliminary switch-off at cycle end/start
• Preliminary switch-off of the vacuum valves with end of cooling time

Monitoring pressure pre-evacuation

Here, the normal pressure (ambient pressure) is specified. Only active with demoulding
pressure monitoring.
Typical entry: -0.1 to 0.0 bar (-1.45 to -0.00 psi)

Chapter 15 - 33
Special programs
Monitoring pressure evacuation
The cycle will be continued after having reached the vacuum pressure set here.
Typical entry: -0.1 to -0.9 bar (-1.45 to -13.05 psi)

Pre-evacuate start stroke

Enter the start stroke at which the pre-evacuation is started.

Evacuate start stroke

Enter the start stroke at which the actual evacuation is started.

Time Intermediate stop

Input of the intermediate stop time. Only active when preselecting an intermediate stop
program. When the set time has been completed, the actual evacuation process is started.

Time pre-evacuation
Input of the pre-evacuation time.

Time post-evauation
Input of the evacuation time.


Chapter 15 - 34 0515MC
Special programs

15.6 Cleaning (option for horizontal machines)


Use this preselection to activate the demoulding / brushing device.

If the home position of the demoulding / brushing device is not available when closing the
mould, the error message "Parts removal robot: Home position is missing" will be displayed.

Use this preselection to switch off the demoulding / brushing device.

Ejection from middle platen

This program is intended for demoulding the parts. To this end, the moulding platen will be lifted
and a robot or a demoulding platen will be moved in for the demoulding procedure.

Procedure in the automatic mode:

• Open mould up to Position Mould open.
• Ejector forward to Position Ejector in front position.

Chapter 15 - 35
Special programs
• Move in the robot unit or move a platen (to eject the parts) to Position moved in.
• Ejector back to Position Vibrating stroke.
• Ejector forward to Position Ejector in front position.
• Move out the robot unit or move back the platen to Position moved out.

Sequence selection
Using this selection, individual sequences of the demoulding / brushing device can be created.

Moving in while ejector is in front position

If this program is active, the demoulding / brushing device is moved in as soon as the ejector
has reached its front position.
Otherwise, moving in is carried out as soon as the ejector is ready.

Moving out while ejector is in front position

With the program "Moving in while ejector is in front position" being selected, you can select
whether the demoulding / brushing device shall be moved out again before the ejector is moving

Number of strokes
Enter the number of strokes which the demoulding / brushing device shall be moved out and
moved in for each cleaning cycle.

Rotating during moving in

Select whether the brush shall rotate during moving in.

Selection of the direction of rotation of the brush during moving in


Chapter 15 - 36 0515MC
Special programs
Rotating during moving out
Select whether the brush shall rotate during moving out.

Selection of the direction of rotation of the brush during moving out

No valve switch-off
When activating this program selection, the valves for the demoulding / brushing device remain
switched on after having reached the corresponding limit position. This prevents the cleaning /
spraying device from lowering.
If this program preselection is deactivated the valve will be switched off after reaching this

Interval cleaning / spraying

Enter the number of machine cycles after which a cleaning / spraying procedure is to be started.

Delay time cleaning / spraying

The "Delay time Cleaning / spraying" starts at the same time as the moving in. At the end of this
time the cleaning / spraying starts.

Time cleaning / spraying

The actual cleaning / spraying time is set in this input field.
Manual mode:
According to the selected program "Moving in while ejector is in front position" and/or "Moving
out while ejector is in front position", the demoulding / brushing device can be moved in and out
by means of the manual control key.
The ejector must be moved into the correct position before.

Chapter 15 - 37
Special programs

15.7 Airmould / Aquamould (Option)

15.7.1 Airmould / Aquamould / Selection


Use this menu to make the wished programs and set value presettings for a "Modular Airmould /
Aquamould® System integrated into the IMM.

Airmould / Aquamould (Option)

The Modular Airmould / Aquamould® System is activated with this switch.

Pressure regulator module 1 to 8

Selecting the corresponding programs can activate or deactivate the wished pressure regulator

Start criterion Volume [ccm] / [cuin]

When the set volume is reached the Airmould / Aquamould is started. Enter the set value for the
volume dependent start of the Airmould / Aquamould here.


Chapter 15 - 38 0515MC
Special programs
Start criterion Time [s]
When the set time has been completed the Airmould / Aquamould is started. Enter the set value
for the time-dependent start of the Airmould / Aquamould here. This time will be started with
Start Injection.

Start criterion Injection pressure [bar] / [psi]

When the set injection pressure is reached the Airmould / Aquamould is started. Enter the set
value for the injection pressure dependent start of the Airmould here.

The injection pressure dependent start of the Airmould / Aquamould will only be enabled after
having reached the release volume. See entry "Release after volume".

Release from volume

If the injection pressure dependent start of the Airmould / Aquamould has been preselected, the
start can only take place after this volume has been reached. This is a safety function designed
to filter peak pressures when starting the injection procedure.

Injection unit
This Pull Down menu is for machines with two or more injection units. Enter the injection unit to
determine for which injection unit the Airmould / Aquamould settings will become effective.

Injection parameter record

This Pull Down menu is for machines with two or more injection parameter records. Entering
the injection parameter records determines the active injection parameter record with which the
Airmould / Aquamould will be started. Setting "1-x" means that the settings of the Airmould /
Aquamould will be started independent of the active injection parameter record.

Injection modules 1 to 8
Pulse pressure program 1 to 8
Selecting this screen activates or deactivates the pulse program for the wished injection
In the IMM’s "Automatic" mode the "Pulse pressure program" enables the cleaning of the pin
from plastics residues. To this end, the pin is blown out with nitrogen at regular intervals. The
mould is in the "Mould open" position and the ejector in the "Ejector is forward" position.

Chapter 15 - 39
Special programs
Pulse pressure
The pressure for blowing out the injection module pin is entered in this field.

Pulse interval
Enter the number of intervals (injection cycles) after which the pin should be blown out
(Example: after 5 injection cycles the pin should be blown out, pulse interval = 5).

Pulse counter
Enter the number of pressure pulses per interval for blowing out the injection module pin.

Pulse time
The time for blowing out the injection module pin is entered in this field.


Chapter 15 - 40 0515MC
Special programs

15.7.2 Airmould / Aquamould / Manual


Use this menu to check the function of the Airmould / Aquamould in the "Manual" operating

A function test is only possible if the safety gate of the clamping unit and the injection unit
(nozzle) are closed!

Chapter 15 - 41
Special programs
Pressure regulator module 1 to 8
• Actuate the "Manual mode" key.
• Activate the field "Pressure regulator module 1" in the menu "Airmould / Aquamould /
• Enter a set value in the numerical field "Pressure regulator module 1". Press the "ENTER"
key to acknowledge this value.
• Actuate the "Airmould" key. Nitrogen is flowing through the mono or pressure regulator
module 1 to the machine nozzle or the injection modules.
• Check the undisturbed flowing off of the nitrogen.
• Check whether the "appropriate" injection module has been connected.
• Check whether there are leakages within the pipework, if any, remedy the leakages.

When you release the key, the Airmould mono- or pressure regulator module will be switched
off. However, the respective exhaust air valve will remain triggered until the nitrogen pressure
has dropped below 5 bar (73 psi).
Proceed accordingly for all other pressure regulator modules.


Chapter 15 - 42 0515MC
Special programs

15.7.3 Airmould / Aquamould / Pressure regulator module


Use this menu to enter the set values for the injection profile of the pressure regulator module 1
to 8.
After the set value input the set value graphic shows the time / pressure development of the
set values. Time is shown on the X axis and pressure is shown on the Y axis. The appropriate
maximum values can be read off next to the diagram axes.

Pressure profile
• You can specify pressure profile values separately for two fixed time sections
and seven time sections which may be activated. The pressure profile is subject to linear
interpolation between the individual time sections. Activate the wished number of time intervals.
• Specify the individual time values and the corresponding pressure values.
• The pressure profile starts at the end of the "Delay time Gas feed"

Chapter 15 - 43
Special programs
Note that for the "Point of time [s]:" set values the total time must be entered! I.e. the right set
value must always be greater than the left set value!
It is not always necessary to use all gradations for simple injection moulded parts. However, in
case of complex injection moulded parts, it is useful to set all profile points.
Deactivate not used profile points!
Generally, the nitrogen injection profile should be set so that all injection moulded parts will be
"good" even if the setting differs from the therotical ideal setting.

Activation pressure regulator module 1 to 8

The respective pressure regulator module is activated by selecting the field, the field is ticked in

Delay time Inject fluid

Enter the delay time in seconds in this field. Depending on the IMM preselection, this time starts
stroke or pressure dependently. At the end of the "Delay time Inject fluid" time, the nitrogen
injection into the moulding starts.

Delay time Degassing

The "Delay time Degassing" starts at the end of the last set value presetting "t".
With the last set value presetting "p", a nitrogen holding pressure will be generated during this
"Delay time Degassing" until the injection moulded part has cooled down (i.e. the dimensions of
the part remain stable). In the entire nitrogen channel there is a constant pressure. At the end of
the "Delay time Degassing" the nitrogen pressure will be decreased to a residual pressure of 4
bar (58 psi).

Monitoring time
The "Monitoring time" starts at the same time as "Delay time Degassing".
The "Monitoring time" ends if it has run out or if the "Dealy time Degassing" has run out, even if
the "Monitoring time" has been set longer.
During the "Monitoring time", the nitrogen pressure of all activated pressure regulator modules
must not be decreased by more than the "Monitoring pressure" in its last profile point.
Enter a set value >0 to activate the "pressure monitoring".


Chapter 15 - 44 0515MC
Special programs
Monitoring pressure
For reasons of quality assurance, you may monitor the nitrogen pressure after injection into the
injection moulded part in the "Automatic mode".
An extreme pressure drop is significant for leakages within the mould or at the nitrogen injection
points, e.g. nitrogen leakage between the injection module pin and the plastics.
During the "Monitoring time", the nitrogen pressure of all activated mono- or pressure regulator
modules must not be decreased by more than the "Monitoring pressure" in its last pressure
The "monitoring pressure" will only be effective, if a set value > 0 has been entered for the
"Monitoring time".
If for example a pressure profile with a set value of "p 1" to "p 3" has been preselected, the
pressure in step "p 3" will be monitored.
If the monitoring pressure value ("Set pressure" minus "monitoring pressure") has been fallen
short of during the "Monitoring time", the "Pressure monitoring Airmould controller n" alarm
message will be displayed.

Time Exhaust air off

The set value setting "Time Exhaust air Off" should be set as to allow the residual pressure to
decay completely (0 - 1 bar / 0 -14.5 psi).
The "Time Exhaust air Off" starts when the nitrogen pressure has reached a residual pressure
of 4 bar (58 psi).

Pressure regulator module

The current pressure and the current time of the respective pressure regulator module is
displayed to the left of the set value graphics.

Chapter 15 - 45
Special programs

15.8 Cleaning (option for vertical machines)


Cleaning / Spraying device 1 (2)

Use this program preselection to activate the cleaning / spraying device.
If the home position of the cleaning / spraying device is not available when closing the mould,
the error message "Parts removal robot: Home position is missing" will be displayed.

Monitoring functions
The monitoring inputs and the "Brush moved out" signal are requested even with the brush
being switched off and must be bridged if the brush is not connected.
The mould table movement is enabled only with the brush being moved out.

Brush partial return

If this signal is used and several "Cleaning / spraying cycles" were set, the return of the brush
is stopped and immediately moved forward again with this signal. The brush is completely
returned at the last stroke only.


Chapter 15 - 46 0515MC
Special programs
Manual mode:
Press the "Next position" kontrol key (right key) to carry out a cleaning / spraying cycle.
Press the "Home position" control key (left key) to move the cleaning / spraying device back to
its home position.
A complete brushing process is carried out by pressing the "Move brush in" key.
The cleaning / spraying device always starts a cleaning / spraying cycle if the respective start
condition has been met according to the program preselection.

Setting mode:
Press the "Next position" control key (right key) to move the cleaning / spraying device into the
next target position (single-step operation).
Press the "Home position" control key (left key) to move the cleaning / spraying device back to
its home position.
A complete brushing process is carried out by pressing the "Move brush in" key.
The cleaning / spraying device always starts a cleaning / spraying cycle if the respective start
condition has been met according to the program preselection.

Option for manual and setting mode:

In the manual and setting mode, the cleaning / spraying device is to be controlled only by
means of the control keys or the "Move brush in" key.

Automatic mode:
After having reached the preset "Interval cleaning / spraying", the cleaning / spraying device
starts the preselected cleaning / spraying cycles if the respective start condition has been met
according to the program preselection.
The brush is started only if the "Move brush in" key has been pressed. The blue "Move brush in"
lamp indicates that a brushing process can be started.

Chapter 15 - 47
Special programs
Operator station preselection
The selection parameters of the station to which the cleaning / spraying device interface refers
is listed in the right pull down menu.

Program preselections of the cleaning / spraying device (robot) for clamping unit

Start for Mould opened

If you have started this program, the robot will move in for "Mould opened". The cycle will be
continued after the robot has finished.

Start for Open Stroke

This program is required to gain some cycle time.
If you start this program the robot will move in at the set stroke position and the opening
procedure will be continued.

If the present set value has been set to small there is a risk of the robot bumping into the mould
or the clamping platen!

Start for Intermediate stop

If you have activated this program, the opening procedure will be interrupted at the entered
stroke marker and the robot will move in. The opening procedure will be continued after the
robot has finished.

Start after upper mould ejector back

If you have activated this program, the robot will move in after the "Upper mould ejector back"
movement. The cycle will be continued after the robot has finished.

Start before upper mould ejector back

If you have activated this program, the robot will move in before the "Upper mould ejector back"
movement. The cycle will be continued after the robot has finished.

Start after closing

If you have activated this program, the robot will move in before the "Close mould" movement.
The cycle will be continued after the robot has finished.

Start before the 1st clamping procedure

With this program, the robot moves in only before the first clamping procedure after having
changed over to automatic mode. The cycle will be continued after the robot has finished.


Chapter 15 - 48 0515MC
Special programs
Start before clamping during start-up waste
If you have activated this program, the robot will move in before the "Close mould" movement.
The cycle will be continued after the robot has finished. This process will be continued until the
end of the start-up waste.

Release parallel to mould table movement

If you have activated this program, the mould table movement is not locked during the cleaning /
spraying cycle. This program is required to gain some cycle time.

If the "Mould opened" position has been set to small there is a risk of the robot bumping into the
lower mould and being damaged subsequently.

Clean / spray upper mould

After having started the robot, the "Delay time cleaning / spraying" starts to run. If there is a
cleaning device, the brush motor is started at the same time with anti-clockwise rotation. If there
is a spraying device, the robot moves into the mould area at the same time. At the end of the
delay time, the robot moves into the mould area and starts to clean / spray the upper mould.

Clean / spray lower mould

After having started the robot, the "Delay time cleaning / spraying" starts to run. If there is a
cleaning device, the brush motor is started at the same time with clockwise rotation. If there is a
spraying device, the robot moves into the mould area at the same time. At the end of the delay
time, the robot moves into the mould area and starts to clean / spray the lower mould.

Clean / spray mould

After having started the robot, the "Delay time cleaning / spraying" starts to run. If there is a
cleaning device, the brush motor is started at the same time with anti-clockwise rotation. If there
is a spraying device, the robot moves into the mould area at the same time. At the end of the
delay time, the robot moves into the mould area and starts to clean / spray the upper mould.
After the robot having reached its limit position, the brush motor is started with clockwise
rotation. At the end of the delay time, the robot again moves into its home position and starts to
clean / spray the lower mould.

If the robot moves from the home position to the limit position, it is always the upper mould
which will be cleaned / sprayed.
If the robot moves from the limit position to the home position, it is always the lower mould
which will be cleaned / sprayed.

Chapter 15 - 49
Special programs
Program preselections of the cleaning / spraying device (robot) for station A-F
Start after station ejector back
If you have activated this program, the robot will move in after the "Station ejector back"
movement. The cycle will be continued after the robot has finished.

Start before station ejector back

If you have activated this program, the robot will move in before the "Station ejector back"
movement. The cycle will be continued after the robot has finished.

Start after insertion cycle 1

Here, the robot is started after the first insertion cycle. After having removed the parts,
an isertion cycle (according to the ejector setting) is carried out (first part inserted,
acknowledgement by key "Cycle start") and the brush is started, another insertion cycle is
carried out after the brushing process.
For this function, two insertion cycles must be set (see rotary table "Multiple insertion unit"). If
only one insertion cycle is set, the machine cycle is continued immediately after the brushin

Cleaning / Spraying cycles

Here, the number of cleaning / spraying cycles is set which are to be carried out after the start of
the robot.

Interval cleaning / spraying

Enter the number of machine cycles after which a cleaning / spraying procedure is to be started.

Delay time cleaning / spraying

This time is started before the first stroke when starting the brush.


Chapter 15 - 50 0515MC
Special programs

15.9 Sprue knock device (option)


1st (2nd) sprue knock off device

Use this program preselection to activate the sprue knock device.

Monitoring functions
The monitoring inputs and the „Sprue knock device moved out“ signal are requested even with
the sprue knock device being switched off and must be bridged if the sprue knock device is not
The mould table movement is enabled only with the sprue knock device being moved out.

Chapter 15 - 51
Special programs
Manual mode:
Press the „Next position“ control key (right key) to carry out a knock-off cycle.
Press the „Home position“ control key (left key) to move the sprue knock device back to its
home position.
A complete knock-off process is carried out by pressing the „Move in sprue knock device“ key.
The sprue knock device always starts a knock-off cycle if the respective start condition has been
met according to the program preselection.

Setting mode:
Press the „Next position“ control key (right key) to move the sprue knock device into the next
target position (single-step operation).
Press the „Home position“ control key (left key) to move the sprue knock device back to its
home position.
A complete knock-off process is carried out by pressing the „Move in sprue knock device“ key.
The sprue knock device always starts a knock-off cycle if the respective start condition has been
met according to the program preselection.

Option for manual and setting mode:

In the manual and setting mode, the sprue knock device is to be controlled only by means of the
control keys or the „Move in sprue knock device“ key.

Automatic mode:
The sprue knock device always starts the preselected knock-off cycles if the respective start
condition has been met according to the program preselection.
The sprue knock device is started only if the „Move in sprue knock device“ key has been
pressed. The blue „Move in sprue knock device“ lamp indicates that a knock-off process can be


Chapter 15 - 52 0515MC
Special programs
Operator station preselection
The selection parameters of the station to which the sprue knock device refers is listed in the
right pull down menu.

1st program preselection of the sprue knock device for clamping unit

Start for Mould opened

If you have activated this program, the sprue knock device will move in for „Mould opened“. The
cycle will be continued after the sprue knock device has finished.

Start for Open Stroke

This program is required to gain some cycle time.
If you start this program the sprue knock device will move in at the set stroke position and the
opening procedure will be continued.

If the present set value has been set to small there is a risk of the sprue knock device bumping
into the mould or the clamping platen!

Start for Intermediate stop

If you have activated this program, the opening procedure will be interrupted at the entered
stroke marker and the sprue knock device will move in. The opening procedure will be continued
after the sprue knock device has finished.

Start after upper mould ejector back

If you have activated this program, the sprue knock device will move in after the „Upper mould
ejector back“ movement. The cycle will be continued after the sprue knock device has finished.

Start before upper mould ejector back

If you have activated this program, the sprue knock device will move in before the „Upper mould
ejector back“ movement. The cycle will be continued after the sprue knock device has finished.

Start after Injection plunger - ejector back

If you have activated this program, the sprue knock device will move in after the „Injection
plunger ejector back“ movement. In a parallel operation, the cycle will be continued.

Chapter 15 - 53
Special programs
Start before Injection plunger - ejector back
If you have activated this program, the sprue knock device will move in before the „Injection
plunger ejector back“ movement. The cycle will be continued after the sprue knock device has

Start before/after Injection plunger ejector back

If this program has been activated, the sprue knock device is moved in before the "Injection
plunger ejector back" movement and out after the "Injection plunger ejector back" movement or
carries out stroke 2 - x. The cycle will be continued after the sprue knock device has finished.

Start with application program

If you have activated this program, the sprue knock device will move in with the entered
application program. Application programs are core puller programs (see chapter 9.2).

2nd program preselection

Start before closing

If this program has been activated the sprue knock device is moved in before the mould closing
movement. The cycle will be continued after the sprue knock device has finished.

Start before the first clamping procedure

With this program, the sprue knock device moves in only before the first clamping procedure
after having changed over to automatic mode. The cycle will be continued after the sprue knock
device has finished.

Start before clamping during start-up waste

If this program has been activated the sprue knock device is moved in before the mould closing
movement. The cycle will be continued after the sprue knock device has finished. This process
will be continued until the end of the start-up waste.


Chapter 15 - 54 0515MC
Special programs
Release parallel to mould table movement
If you have activated this program, the mould table movement is not locked during the knock-off
cycle. This program is required to gain some cycle time.

If the „Mould opened“ position has been set to small there is a risk of the sprue knock device
bumping into the lower mould and being damaged subsequently.

Blow out
If this program has been activated, blowing out is activated. Blowing off is started at the position
„Sprue knock device is in front position“. Now the „Delay time Move out sprue knock device“
starts running. After the time has elapsed the sprue knock device is moved out and blowing off
is finished..

Knock-off cycles
Here, the number of knock-off cycles is set which are to be carried out after the start of the
sprue knock device.

Delay time Move in sprue knock device

This time is started before the first stroke when starting the sprue knock device.

Delay time Move out sprue knock device

This time is started at the position „Sprue knock device is in front position“. At the end of this
time the sprue knock device is moved out.

Chapter 15 - 55
Special programs

15.10 External servo unit (option)

15.10.1 External servo unit / General


In this menu, the parameters for the external servo unit can be set. The external servo unit can
be used for operation a mould shut-off nozzle or a core puller.
Enter the set values for the speeds in [mm/s] / [inch/s], the set values for the strokes in [mm] /
[inch], and the set values for the forces in [kN] / [shtn]. The respective maximum values can be
read off above the set value fields.

Limit switch monitoring for External servo unit is back (in front position)
This program selection activates the limit switch monitoring for "External servo unit is back (in
front position)". In addition, the position of the corresponding limit switch is displayed.
The limit switch "External servo unit is back (in front position)" may change its state only if a
movement of the external servo unit is triggered. If the state of a limit switch is not changed
during active movement, the monitoring reacts and the alarm "1139 External servo unit: Limit
switch monitoring" will be displayed. The response to this alarm is set under "Evaluation Limit
switch monitoring".
The program selections for limit switch monitoring are valid only for external servo units which
are operated via limit switches.


Chapter 15 - 56 0515MC
Special programs
Evaluation Limit switch monitoring
The setting of the error class refers to the alarm "1139 External servo unit: Limit switch
monitoring" The following settings are possible:
• Only alarm
• Cycle stop (at once)
• Cycle stop (at cycle end)
• Motor switch-off (at once)
• Motor switch-off (at cycle end)

Chapter 15 - 57
Special programs

15.10.2 External servo unit / Core puller setting


In this menu, core puller settings for the external servo unit can be specified. For this, the
external servo unit must be defined as core puller control (see chapter 15.10.4). The different
parameters are described in chapter 9 Core puller.

Core pullers via keys (in the manual and setting mode)
Switch mode without lockings (setting mode)
Description see chapter 9.1.2

Core puller to robot signals 1 or 2

Description see chapter 9.1.3

Info, progr. number, priority, start, stop

Description see chapter 9.1.1

Delay time, vibrating stroke, reference, block, 2nd movement ext. servo unit
Description see chapter 9.1.4


Chapter 15 - 58 0515MC
Special programs

15.10.3 External servo unit / Setting


Use this menu to preset the setting speed and the setting force for the external servo unit.

External servo unit forward (back) Setting velocity/force

If the setting mode is active, the external servo unit is operated at the reduced set values set in
this field.

Zeroizing External servo unit

Use this function to zerorise the stroke measuring system of the external servo unit to the
desired stroke for "External servo unit is back". The actual value in this line shows the absolute
stroke of the external servo unit. Activation of this button accepts this actual value as the new
zero point for the stroke measuring system of the external servo unit.
The value by which the stroke measuring system has been zeroized (Stroke External servo
unit is back) will be indicated in the set value field. The actual value on the status bar will now
indicate the relative stroke from "0" to "Desired stroke".

Chapter 15 - 59
Special programs

15.10.4 External servo unit / Service


The basic settings of the external servo unit are specified in this menu.

OFF / Mould shut-off nozzle control / Core puller control

Activation and assignment of the external servo unit to a mould shut-off nozzle or a core puller.

Servo unit dismantled

Activate this program preselection after having dismantled the external servo unit. The signals
of the stroke transducer will no longer be processed.

Monitoring the mechanical end position inverted

Activate this program preselection after having inverted the limit switches of theexternal servo
unit. (Standard: query is made for HIGH level)

NC counting inverted
Activate this program preselection if you wish to invert the direction of rotation of theexternal
servo unit.


Chapter 15 - 60 0515MC
Special programs
Referencing procedure
The reference point must be newly determined after having assembled the external servo unit.
Referencing is only possible in user level 20.
1. Specify the actually determined position of the external servo unit as the set value.
2. Activate function selection "Referencing".

Sensor interface
Number of motor rotations.

Example: Stroke External servo unit in 1/100 mm.
Take the two values from the technical data and enter them in the appropriate input field.
With 1000 motor rotations, the axis is moved by 60970 units (609.7 mm). This means, with one
revolution, the axis is moving by 0.6097 mm.

The "NC counting inverted" program preselection and the parameters from the "Sensor
interface" can be changed only if the servo unit has been deactivated (Program preselection
"Off / Mould shut-off nozzle control / Core puller control" must be switched off). Re-
referencing is required after having changed one of these parameters.

Chapter 15 - 61
Special programs

15.11 Scale (option)


On the present page, you enter all the parameters required to operate the scale and you
may obtain all parameters returned by the scale. A basic distinction in made between the two
operating modes of the scale.

Manual mode
This mode is determined by the selection of the manual or the setting mode at the IMM and is
not explicitly selected on the present screen page. In the manual mode, the scale is activated
by a cyclical signal which enables permanent measuring. In addition, the following information
has to be observed. In the manual mode, the good / reject part display is inactive and no signal
will be sent to the robot. Although automatic taring can be selected, it will not be effective in the
manual mode.

Automatic mode
This mode is determined by the selection of the automatic mode at the IMM. In the automatic
mode, in case a robot is used, the scale is activated by a signal the robot sends to the scale.


Chapter 15 - 62 0515MC
Special programs
The following settings at the weigher are indispensable:
Mass unit: "g"
Baud rate: "1200 bauds"
Parity: "Odd"
Stop bits: "1 stop bit"
Operating mode: "Handshake Software"
Type of communication: "SBI"
Printing during weighing: "manually without stopping"

These settings are the factory settings. They will also be activated by a reset to factory settings.

Use this program preselection to activate the scale (Note that the scale has to be switched on
i.e. the mains plug has to be plugged in!). Besides this function, this program preselection is
used to acknowledge error conditions.

The taring function enables the zeroizing of the scale. This is necessary at regular intervals,
since the scale may indicate an incorrect value due to the ingress of dust, dirt or simply drift in
the course of time. This page provides different taring options, which differ by the IMM operating
modes (manual, automatic, etc.). The different taring modes are interlocked, i.e. manual taring ,
for example, is not possible in the automatic mode of the IMM. Please make sure that there are
no objects placed on the scale while the taring procedure is being carried out!

Manual taring
If the IMM runs in the manual or the setting mode, the scale can be zeroized at any time by
selecting the "Manual taring" field.

Automatic taring
The present taring function will predominantly be carried out in the automatic mode of the
IMM. At the end of the refresh time, after which the taring is to be repeated automatically, and
when the clamping unit opens, the taring procedure will be started. The time can be entered
under "Taring refresh time, but should, however, not exceed a maximum of 24 hours and not
undershoot a minimum of one hour.

Chapter 15 - 63
Special programs
Delay time Measurement
You can set the time (only active in the automatic mode of the IMM) which is to expire between
"Start Weighing" and the actual weighing procedure in this field. This time makes sense for the
following reason: when the injection moulding is placed on the scale, the scale needs a certain
time to reach a level position and to indicate a stable value. To give the scale the time required,
you can enter a delay value in this field. A suggested value cannot be provided since the level
out time of the scale depends on the scale type used. If the scale was set to "Printing during
weighing - manually after stopping", no "Delay time Measurement" must be set.

On the right of this field, the actual weight of the last injection moulding is displayed in green
writing. In the field on the right of the actual weight, you can enter the set value for your injection

+/- tolerance
You can enter the tolerances for the monitoring of the set weight in this field.

Scale display
Here, the information of the scale display can be read, too.

Diagnosis scale interface

Scale signals
"Start Weighing" signal
The signal will trigger the following actions:
• Weighing the part

Machine signals
"Scale ready" signal
The "Scale ready" signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Scale sends steady value
The "Scale ready" signal is deactivated using the positive edge of "Start Weighing".
In the manual mode, the "Scale ready signal" is always set when weighing is not active.


Chapter 15 - 64 0515MC
Special programs
"Reject part" signal
The signal will be set if the following requirements are fulfilled:
• Scale is ready
• Weight is outside the +/- tolerance

If the "Weight" parameter has been entered in the QT, the +/- tolerances of the scale should be
equal to the +/- tolerances of the QT column, otherwise the coloured display in the QT does not
correspond to the reject part signal.

Chapter 15 - 65
Special programs


Chapter 15 - 66 0515MC
Quality table

16 Quality table

16.1 Quality table

16.1.1 Quality table / Overview


The quality table (QT) is designed for the evaluation of different machine parameters (maximum:
12, depending on the option) for quality assessment (Assessment of the injection moulds as
good or reject parts).
All set machine parameters of a shot are displayed graphically in the menu Quality table /
Overview. Additionally, the mean value (yellow) is displayed.
Values within the tolerance limits are shown in green. Values outside the prewarning range are
shown in magenta. Values outside the tolerance limits are shown in red.

Use the "Quality table / Specifications" menu to configure the style of the bar view.

Chapter 16 - 1
Quality table

16.1.2 Quality table (QT1-6 and QT7-12)


The quality table (QT) is designed for the evaluation of different machine parameters (maximum:
12, depending on the option) for quality assessment (Assessment of the injection moulds as
good or reject parts).
The actual values of the last 500 - 10,000 cycles (depending on the option) will be stored and
evaluated statistically in the quality table. Eight of these cycles will be depicted in the menu.

The "Evaluation" line will indicate whether an error message (good part, rejected part selection)
will be displayed if a recorded value is outside the set tolerance values. Activation of monitoring
is in the "Config. 1-6" and "Config. 7-12" menu.


Chapter 16 - 2 0515MC
Quality table
Line No. and Shot rate
In the two columns on the left, the line number and the respective shot rate will be displayed in
the table (the last 10,000 cycles will be stored.)

Min. value
This line displays the minimum values (since the start of recording) for the respective actual
values in the entire ongoing process.

Max. value
In this line, the maximum values for the respective actual values of the entire process under way
will be displayed (maximum value since the beginning of the record).

This line displays the means of the last 200 stored actual values.

Xlat = Σ Xi / i

Xlat Mean
Xi Actual value
i Number of stored actual values (1..0.200)

Overall mean
In this line, the mean values of the complete active process are displayed. Every 200 machine
cycles the total mean value will be determined.

Xgeslat = Σ Xlat / m

Xgeslat Overall mean

Xlat Mean
m Number of machine cycles / 200

Chapter 16 - 3
Quality table
Standard dev.
The standard deviations for the last 200 stored actual values will be displayed in this line.

s =  (xSQ / (n - 1))
xSQ = Σ (xi - xlat)2
xlat = Σ xi / i

s Standard deviation (average square deviation from the mean)

xlat Mean
xSQ Total of the squares of all differences compared to the mean value
xi Actual value
i Number of stored actual values (1..0.200)
n Number of stored actual values (2..0.200)

Total errors
Displays the occurring tolerance errors (with "Evaluation" activated) for the complete ongoing

Displayed parameters
Values within the tolerance limits are shown in green. Values outside the prewarning range are
shown in magenta. Values outside the tolerance limits are shown in red.


Chapter 16 - 4 0515MC
Quality table

16.1.3 Quality table / Configuration (Config.1-6 and Config.7-12)


Use the "Quality table configuration" menu to set the parameters for the quality table.
Use the Pull Down menus to select the machine parameters and set the corresponding set
values, tolerances, and prewarning limits. Parameters which are not available on this machine
will be shielded.

Parameters for the quality table

000. Total cycle time
001. Closing time
002. Opening time
003. clamping force
004. Ejector back Time
005. Ejector forward Time
006. Injection unit forward Time
007. Injection unit back Time
008. filling time
009. metering time
010. Decompression before Metering Time

Chapter 16 - 5
Quality table
011. Decompression after Metering Time
012. min. melt cushion
013. Change over volume
014. Volume at HP end
015. Peak value Injection pressure
016. Change over injection pressure
017. Peak value Melt pressure
018. Change over melt pressure
019.Peak value cavity pressure MASTER
020.Change-over cavity pressure MASTER
021.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 1
022.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 1
023.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 2
024.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 2
025.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 3
026.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 3
027.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 4
028.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 4
029.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 5
030.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 5
031.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 6
032.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 6
033.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 7
034.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 7
035.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 8
036.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 8
037.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 9
038.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 9
039.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 10
040.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 10
041.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 11
042.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 11
043.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 12
044.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 12
045.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 13
046.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 13
047.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 14


Chapter 16 - 6 0515MC
Quality table
048. Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 14
049.Peak value cavity pressure SLAVE 15
050.Change-over cavity pressure SLAVE 15
051.Shot volume before injection
052. Integral Injection
053. Integral Metering
054. Vacuum unit Pressure
055. Vacuum unit Change-over stroke
056. Current time
MMQ (monitoring of material quality) is an analysis tool for injection moulding in order to
be able to detect batch fluctuations in the material or material mixes (e.g. new material
mixed with regenerated material).
The "MMQ" value is determined from the energy, which is taken at the screw during
metering, and the metered melt volume. The metered melt volume result from the start to
the stop signal of the metering process, without decompression.
058.Scale weight
059.Metering piston forward Time
060.Peak value mould wall temperature MASTER
061.Change-over value Mould wall temperature MASTER
062.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 1
063.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 1
064.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 2
065.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 2
066.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 3
067.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 3
068.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 4
069.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 4
070.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 5
071.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 5
072.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 6
073.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 6
074.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 7
075.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 7
076.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 8
077.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 8
078.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 9
079.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 9
080.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 10

Chapter 16 - 7
Quality table
081.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 10
082.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 11
083.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 11
084.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 12
085.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 12
086.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 13
087.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 13
088.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 14
089.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 14
090.Peak value mould wall temperature SLAVE 15
091.Change-over value Mould wall temperature SLAVE 15
092.Peak value Holding pressure
093.max.torque screw in
094.max.torque screw out
095.Screw in time
096.Screw out time
100. Melt temperature
101. Yoke temperature
102. Temperat. barrel zone 0.1
103. Temperat. barrel zone 0.2
104. Temper. barrel zone
106. Temperature Heater
107. Optional temperature control zone
108. Temperature Mould zone 1-41
109.Temperature Mould zone 42-65
110.Temperature Mould zone 66-96


Chapter 16 - 8 0515MC
Quality table
120. Mould table ri (cw) Time
121. Mould table le (ccw) Time
122. Stat.ejector 1 back Time
123. Stat.ejector 1 forward Time
124. Stat.ejector 2 back Time
125. Stat.ejector 2 forward Time
126. Stat.ejector 3 back Time
127. Stat.ejector 3 forward Time
128.Cellmould 1 fluid flow rate / cycl
129.Cellmould 2 fluid flow rate / cycl
130.Flow figure
131.Stroke holding pressure (= stroke change-over to holding pressure - stroke holding
pressure end)
132.Max. back pressure metering
133.Max. stroke metering
140.Ext.injection unit A: Filling time
141.Ext.injection unit B: Filling time
142.Ext. injection unit C: Filling time
143.Ext.injection unit A: Metering time
144.Ext.injection unit B: Metering time
145.Ext. injection unit C: Metering time
150.QS of robot 1 (see also chapter 10.1.5)
151.QS of robot 2 (see also chapter 10.1.5)

Chapter 16 - 9
Quality table
160.QS from external device
161.Total energy per cycle

Additional entries for machine parameters

Some machine parameters require an additional entry of the record number for zone parameter
or injection parameter and of the injection unit. In this case, the required entries are displayed
on the right side of the Pull Down.

Entry of the zone number additionally to the machine parameter.
Example: Setting of barrel heating zone 1
034. Temper. barrel zone zone 1

Parameter record
Enter the record number of the injection parameter additionally to the machine parameter, if the
machine is equipped with the option injection parameter records.
0 The set machine parameter is recored independent of the injection parameter record of
each machine cycle.
1 Injection parameter record 1
2 Injection parameter record 2
When selecting injection parameter records 1 or 2, only the values of the currently
activated injection parameter record will be entered in the quality table, i. e. there will be
blank lines in the quality table if the other injection parameter record is active at present.

Injection unit
In the case of a multicolour machine, the injection unit is entered additionally to the machine


Chapter 16 - 10 0515MC
Quality table
In the program preselection fields of the "Monitoring" line, choose whether an error message
(good part, reject part selection) will be displayed if one of the recorded values is outside the set
tolerance values.
off No monitoring active
Reject parts Reject part if tolerance has been exceeded
Demoulding blocked No demoulding and reject part if tolerance has been exceeded
Only alarm Only alarm display if tolerance has been exceeded (the part is not
considered as reject part)

Change machine parameter

Whenever a machine parameter is changed, the data previously recorded in the respective
column will be deleted
If the parts counter is reset, the data of all columns will be deleted.

Line No. and shot rate

In the two columns on the left, the line number and the respective shot rate will be displayed in
the table (the last 200 cycles will be stored.) If you enter "1" into this field, the ongoing mould
cycle’s actual values will be displayed.

set value
Enter into this line the required set values for the respective parameters .

+ Tolerance
In this line you specify by how many shots the set value may be exceeded. If one of the values
is outside this tolerance, this will be indicated in red. On the printout of the quality table, a "+"
can be found on the right of the actual value if one value is outside this tolerance.

- Tolerance
In this line you specify by how many shots the set value may be fallen short of. If one of the
values is outside this tolerance, this will be indicated in red. On the printout of the quality table, a
"-" can be found on the right of the actual value if one value is outside this tolerance.

+ Prewarning %
In this line you specify by how many per cent of the "+Tolerance" the set value may be
exceeded to trigger a prewarning. If one of the values is outside this prewarning range, this will
be indicated in magenta. On the printout of the quality table, a ">" can be found on the right of
the actual value if one value is outside this prewarning range.
Example: When entering a "+ Tolerance" of 10.0 and a "+ Prewarn." of 50.0 %, the Error
Prewarning will be displayed if the set value has been exceeded by 5.0.

Chapter 16 - 11
Quality table
- Prewarning %
In this line you specify by how many per cent of the "- Tolerance" the set value may be fallen
short of to trigger a prewarning. If one of the values is outside this prewarning range, this will be
indicated in magenta. On the printout of the quality table, a "<" can be found on the right of the
actual value if one value is outside this prewarning range.

Manual reset of the entire quality table

By activating this function selection, the data of all columns will be deleted without having to
reset the parts counter.

Reset is carried out only when triggering the quality table, i.e. in the automatic mode when the
next values are entered into the quality table.

Set quality standards

An activation of the "Set" button will automatically set the quality standards (set value,
+/-tolerance and +/- prewarning) of all 12 columns. The required factor and specification
for the prewarning are entered in the "Prewarnings" field (see chapter 16.1.5 Quality table /
• Set value = mean value
• +/- toleranz = Standard deviation * factor
• +/- prewarning = specification for +/-prewarning


Chapter 16 - 12 0515MC
Quality table

16.1.4 Quality table / Trend 1-6 and Trend 7-12 (option)


The last 200 actual values (from the quality table) will be displayed graphically in the trend
diagrams as a trend curve.
The curves of the trend diagrams 1-12 correspond to the columns 1-12 of the quality table.
The respective parameters of each trend depiction are located above the diagrams.

x-min. / x-max.
In this field you select the automatic or the manual adjustment of the display range of the trend
diagrams. We recommend to activate the automatic adjustment since the optimum display
range will be set and determined.
If values are entered for "x-min" and "x-max", the X axis is scaled according to these values.

Chapter 16 - 13
Quality table
Entering "x-min" and "x-max" of "0" activates the automatic setting of the display area.
The value for "x-max." must be greater than the value for "x-min" since otherwise the automatic
setting of the display area is activated.

Diagram representation
The trend curves (actual values from the quality table) are shown in green and the tolerances in
red. The actual value of the adjusted QT parameter is applied to the X-axis and the respective
shot number will be depicted on the Y-axis.


Chapter 16 - 14 0515MC
Quality table

16.1.5 Quality table / Specifications


Battenfeld default parameters

An activation of the "Set" button will enter the Battenfeld default parameters into the quality
Caution: To record the integral start- and stop volume must be adjusted. When
activating the "Finger symbol"; you will directly change to the "Integral" menu.

Quality standards
An activation of the "Set quality standards" button in the "Config. 1-6" and "Config. 7-12" menu
will automatically set the quality standards (set value, +/-tolerance and +/- prewarning) of all 12
columns. The required factor and specification for the prewarning are entered here.

• Set value = mean value

• +/- toleranz = Standard deviation * factor
• +/- prewarning = specification for +/-prewarning

Chapter 16 - 15
Quality table

Quality table overview Style

This key is used to set the style of the quality table overview.
Style 1 The actual value is shown as a vertical line
Style 2 The actual value is shown as a bar from set value to actual value.


Chapter 16 - 16 0515MC
Quality table

16.2 SPC chart (option)

16.2.1 SPC chart

F16-SPC Chart-SPC Chart_01

The SPC chart function evaluates the preselected actual values from the columns of the quality
table (QT) for process parameter control cards.

The calculated statistics will be graphically depicted in this menu. Data for the last 25 random
samples will be displayed.

Chapter 16 - 17
Quality table
Quality control card for the mean value (upper left)

F16-SPC Chart-SPC Chart_01

The course of the mean random sample values for the individual random samples is recorded
on this control card.

The individual curves represent the following parameters:

Green curve Mean value (Xlat)
Blue curve Mean via the random sampling means (MVlat)
Red curve Upper and lower action limits (UAL / LAL)
Cyan curve Upper and lower tolerance (UT/LT).
The values are entered in the "SPC chart / Configuration" menu.

Mean: Xlat = (x1 + x2 + ...x-n) / n

Grand mean: MVlat = (Xlat1 + Xlat2 + ...Xlatm) / m

Upper action limit: UAL = MVlat+ A2Rlat

Lower action limit: LAL = MVlat - A2Rlat

Characters used in the formulas:

x1- xN = Random sampling values
n = Random sampling depth
m = Number of random samples
A2 = Constant (see table)
Rlat = Range mean


Chapter 16 - 18 0515MC
Quality table
Distribution (upper right)

F16-SPC Chart-SPC Chart_01

The standard distribution of the mean random sample values are depicted in a bar diagram. The
range between the upper (UAL) - and the lower action limit (LAL) will be divided into 8 sections.
The frequency of the individual mean random sampling values being within these ranges will be
shown by means of bars.

The distribution field indicates whether the present distribution is a Gaussian distribution (Gauß,

Chapter 16 - 19
Quality table
Quality control card for the standard deviation (lower left)

F16-SPC Chart-SPC Chart_01

The progression of the standard deviations for the last 25 random samples is recorded on this
control card. In addition, the resulting mean and the upper action limit for the standard deviation
are also shown.

The individual curves represent the following parameters:

Green curve Standard deviation (S)
Blue curve Mean value via the mean random sampling standard (Slat)
Red curve Upper action limit (UAL)

Standard deviation: S = ((S(Xi - Xlat)2) / n - 1)

Mean of the standard deviations: Slat= (S1 + S2 + ... Sm) / m

Upper action limit UALs = B4Slat

Characters used in the formulas:

Xi = Random sampling value
Xlat = Mean
S1- Sm = Standard deviations
n = Random sampling depth
m = Number of random samples
B4 = Constant (see table)


Chapter 16 - 20 0515MC
Quality table
Quality control card for Range (lower right)

F16-SPC Chart-SPC Chart_01

The course of the difference between maximum and minimum value (Range) of the last 25
random samples is recorded on this control card.

The individual curves represent the following parameters:

Green curve Range (R)

Blue curve Mean via range random samples (Rlat.)
Red curve Upper action limit (UAL)

Range R = xmax - xmin

Range mean: Rlat = (R1 + R2 + ... Rm) / m

Upper action limit: UAL = D4Rlat

Characters used in the formulas:

xmax = Maximum value of a random sample
xmin = Minimum value of a random sample
R1 - Rm = Range values
m = Number of random samples
D4 = Constant (see table)

Chapter 16 - 21
Quality table
The process capability indices "CP" and "CPK" will be shown in the menu’s footer.

The CP value defines the process capability. It is calculated from the last 25 means.

CP = (UT - LT) / (6 * SS)
SS = Rlat / d2

The CPK value defines the process’ position relative to the tolerance limit. It also is calculated
from the last 25 mean values.

CPK = Zcrit / 3
Zcrit = (UT - MVlat) / SS
Zcrit = (MVlat - LT) / SS

Characters used in the formulas:

UT = Upper Tolerance
LT = Lower Tolerance
Rlat = Range mean
d2 = Constant (see table)
SS = Estimate of Standard deviation
Zcrit = Mean’s distance from the specification limits, expressed in units of standard deviation.
MVlat = Mean of the random sample means


Chapter 16 - 22 0515MC
Quality table
Y axis automat.
In this field you select the automatic or the manual adjustment of the display range of the SPC
charts. We recommend to activate the automatic adjustment since the optimum display range
will be set and determined.

If the selection has been activated, you can set the Y axes of the respective SPC chart.

Chapter 16 - 23
Quality table
Table of constants used in the calculations:

n A2 d2 D4 B4
2 1,880 1,128 3,267 3,267
3 1,023 1,693 2,574 2,568
4 0,729 2,059 2,282 2,266
5 0,577 2,326 2,114 2,089
6 0,483 2,534 2,004 1,970
7 0,419 2,704 1,924 1,882
8 0,373 2,847 1,864 1,815
9 0,337 2,970 1,816 1,761
10 0,308 3,078 1,777 1,716
11 0,285 3,173 1,744 1,679
12 0,266 3,258 1,717 1,646
13 0,249 3,336 1,693 1,618
14 0,235 3,407 1,672 1,594
15 0,223 3,472 1,653 1,572
16 0,212 3,532 1,637 1,552
17 0,203 3,588 1,622 1,534
18 0,194 3,640 1,608 1,518
19 0,187 3,689 1,597 1,503
20 0,180 3,735 1,585 1,490
21 0,173 3,778 1,575 1,477
22 0,167 3,819 1,566 1,466
23 0,162 3,858 1,557 1,455
24 0,157 3,895 1,548 1,445
25 0,153 3,931 1,541 1,435


Chapter 16 - 24 0515MC
Quality table

16.2.2 SPC chart / Configuration

F16-SPC Chart-Konfiguration_GB02

Mean value / Standard deviation

The monitored parameter and the display of mean value and standard deviation are derived
automatically from the quality table setting.

Upper/ lower tolerance

For statistics calculations, values may be entered which differ from the QT tolerances. Enter
these values as absolute values.

Enter the cycle number after which a random sample is taken in this field.
Minimum: 3.

Chapter 16 - 25
Quality table
Random sampling depth
Enter the number of cycles to be taken into account for the random samples in this field.
Input range: 2 to 25.

The random sampling depth must not exceed the entered interval.

Set quality standards

An activation of the "Set quality standards" button will automatically set the quality standards
(upper/lower tolerance, interval and random sampling depth) of all 12 SPC charts. The
required factor and the specification for Interval / Random sampling depth are entered in the
"Prewarnings" field (see chapter 16.2.3 SPC chart / Specifications).

• Upper tolerance = mean value + standard deviation * factor

• Lower tolerance = mean value - standard deviation * factor
• Interval = specification for interval
• Random sampling depth = specification for random sampling depth


Chapter 16 - 26 0515MC
Quality table

16.2.3 SPC chart / Specifications

F16-SPC Chart-Vorgaben_GB00

Quality standards
An activation of the "Set quality standards" button in the "SPC chart / Configuration" menu will
automatically set the quality standards (upper/lower tolerance, interval and random sampling
depth) of all 12 SPC charts. The required factor and specification for Interval / Random sampling
depth are entered here.

• Upper tolerance = mean value + standard deviation * factor

• Lower tolerance = mean value - standard deviation * factor
• Interval = specification for interval
• Random sampling depth = specification for random sampling depth

Chapter 16 - 27
Quality table


Chapter 16 - 28 0515MC
Actual value graphics

17 Actual value graphics

17.1 Actual value graphics

17.1.1 Actual value graphics / Display


The actual value graphics is used to record machine parameters during the injection and
holding pressure phase. The machine parameters are set in the menu "Configuration". Up to 16
curves (according to the option) can be displayed.
You can have the current data displayed by means of the measuring cursor (vertical black short-
dash line). The measuring cursor values are displayed below the actual value graphics.

Left diagram
The course of the injection phase (left diagram) will be entered on the stroke axis (shot volume).
The value in the lower left specifies the beginning of the injection procedure; the value on its
right shows the volume for the change over to holding pressure time.

Chapter 17 - 1
Actual value graphics
Right diagram
The course of the holding pressure phase (right diagram) is represented on a time axis.
The holding pressure time, starting with 0 (change-over time) until the end of the holding
pressure procedure is represented on the "X axis".

Measuring cursor values

The curves displayed can be measured using a measuring cursor (vertical black short-dash
line). The buttons for shifting are displayed below the diagram. The current value of the X axis
is displayed between the two buttons. Clicking on the corresponding diagram will activate the
measuring cursor and shift the measuring cursor position.
The current Y values of the curves measured at the measuring cursor position are displayed in
the "Measuring cursor values" column.


Chapter 17 - 2 0114WT
Actual value graphics

17.1.2 Actual value graphics / Configuration


The menu "Actual value graphics Configuration" is used to set the machine parameters for
recordings in the actual value graphics.
Select the machine parameters via the Pull Down menus and set the corresponding maximum
value (Ymax) for the display in the graphcis.

Activating and adjusting curves

The wished machine parameter which is to be recorded in the actual value graphics will be
selected via the Pull Down menus. Use the selection fields (on the left of the Pull Down menus
of the individual curves) to overlay or shield the recorded curves. When switching on a curve,
the colour of the text will changed to that of the curve.
You now have to determine the Y-axis range (maximum value) for the curves in the "Ymax"

Chapter 17 - 3
Actual value graphics
Parameters for the actual value graphics and the envelope
00. Volume flow (injection speed)
01. Volume
02. Injection pressure (for a controlled injection unit)
03. Melt pressure (option)
04. Cavity pressure MASTER (option)
05. Cavity pressure SLAVE 1 (option)
06. Cavity pressure SLAVE 2 (option)
07. Cavity pressure SLAVE 3 (option)
08. Cavity pressure SLAVE 4 (option)
09. Cavity pressure SLAVE 5 (option)
10. Cavity pressure SLAVE 6 (option)
11. Cavity pressure SLAVE 7 (option)
12. Clamping force (option)
13. Airmould / Aquamould pressure 1 (option)
14. Airmould / Aquamould pressure 2 (option)
15. Airmould / Aquamould pressure 3 (option)
16. Airmould / Aquamould pressure 4 (option)
17. Airmould / Aquamould pressure 5 (option)
18. Airmould / Aquamould pressure 6 (option)
19. Airmould / Aquamould pressure 7 (option)
20. Airmould / Aquamould pressure 8 (option)
21.Cellmould pressure 1 (option)
22.Cellmould pressure 2 (option)
27. System pressure pump system 1
28. System pressure pump system 2 (option)
29. System pressure pump system 3 (option)
30. System pressure pump system 4 (option)
31.Mould wall temperature MASTER
32.Mould wall temperature SLAVE 1
33.Mould wall temperature SLAVE 2
34.Mould wall temperature SLAVE 3
35.Mould wall temperature SLAVE 4
36.Mould wall temperature SLAVE 5


Chapter 17 - 4 0114WT
Actual value graphics
37.Mould wall temperature SLAVE 6
38.Mould wall temperature SLAVE 7

All parameters are displayed. Option-dependent parameters are recorded only if the option is
avalable, too.

Chapter 17 - 5
Actual value graphics

17.2 Envelope
17.2.1 Envelope / Display


In this menu, you may monitor one of the characteristics of injection within tolerance. The
respective curve must be have selected beforehand using the "Configuration" menu. The
characteristics is only recorded in this display. If the envelope monitoring is activated, the
characteristics will be recorded no matter which screen page is currently displayed. Up to eight
envelopes (according to the option) are available and can be selected via the Pull Down menu
in the upper right part of the picture.
The change over moment will be marked by a cyan vertical line.
You can have the current data displayed by means of the measuring cursor (vertical black short-
dash line). The buttons for shifting are displayed below the diagram. A clilck on the diagram can
also shirt the measuring cursor position.
The red arrow above the diagram shows the first envelope error of the respective injection

The family of curves is deleted when changing over from an envelope to another or when
recording the ideal curve..


Chapter 17 - 6 0114WT
Actual value graphics
Measuring cursor values - actual curve
The actual value of the selected characteristics and the current measuring cursor position will
be output in this field.

Measuring cursor values - ideal curve

The ideal value of the selected characteristics and the current measuring cursor position will be
output in this field.

Record ideal curve

Use this field to save the last recorded curve as set curve. The tolerance ranges will be
calculated and represented around the new set curve.

Delete family of curves

The recorded family of curves is deleted via this field.

An activation of this button also delete all families of curves on "Envelopes / Overview".

Acceptance of Start monitoring

Acceptance of Stop monitoring
Move the measuring cursor to the wished start (stop) for the monitoring and then actuate the
corresponding function selection to accept the value.

Chapter 17 - 7
Actual value graphics

17.2.2 Envelope / Configuration


In this menu, the value to be monitored will be adjusted for the desired envelope via the Pull
Down menu. The same machine parameters as in the actual value graphics can be preselected.
An overview of the parameters can be read up in chapter "17.1.2 Actual value graphics /

Injection unit monitoring

If there is a second (third) injection unit available (two-colour machines, three-colour machines),
you may select this unit here and youwill be able to monitor the injection procedure of the
second (third) injection unit (Injection unit B, C).


Chapter 17 - 8 0114WT
Actual value graphics
Injection parameter record monitoring
In case there are several injection parameter records available (option), you may select the
injection parameter record you want to start the injection monitoring with in this field.

The selected injection unit and the selected injection parameter record is shown above the
envelope diagram.

Envelope monitoring
In case you select this field, an error message will be generated if, during an injection process,
the actual curve is outside the envelope range. This will also be indicated by a red arrow above
the diagram (position of red arrow = first envelope error of the respective injection process).

It is not necessary that the envelope covers the complete course of the recorded characteristics.
It is also possible to monitor a part of the segment. This will be set via the entries "Start and stop
of monitoring".

Family of curves
If you have selected this field, the actual curves of the last 100 cycles will still be represented.
If this field is deactivated, the actual curve will be freshly drawn for each shot.

Do not leave the envelope picture to record a family of curves since the characteristics will be
recorded only if you are in this picture.

Upper Tolerance
Use this field to adjust the upper distance to the set curve.

Chapter 17 - 9
Actual value graphics
Lower Tolerance
Use this field to adjust the lower distance to the set curve.

Delay Record
The recording of the envelope starts at the time preset in this field, after the injection procedure
has been started. If the present delay time is changed, this will not influence the recording time.
At the end of the delay time, the recording will be started, i.e. the delay will be added to the
recording time.

Recording time
The time for the recording is determined in this field.

The recording time may be some tenths of a second longer than the set time.
On the upper left of the diagram, the desired range of the Y-axis has to be determined for the

Start monitoring
Stop monitoring
Here, the start time (stop time) for the envelope monitoring is determined. This start value
(stop value) can be entered or accepted. The values are accepted by means of the buttons
"Acceptance start / Stop monitoring" on the envelope page.


Chapter 17 - 10 0114WT
Actual value graphics

17.2.3 Envelope / Overview


This menu shows an overview of the envelopes which can be selected via the Pull Down menu
in the upper right part of the picture.

Chapter 17 - 11
Actual value graphics


Chapter 17 - 12 0114WT
Production data

18 Production data

18.1 Production data

18.1.1 Production data / Page 1


In this menu you enter the data essential to the production (e.g. machine no.).
In addition, separate parts counters for good parts, unfinished parts (which still are to be
produced) and for reject parts (reject) may be found here. You may enter the number of good
parts required as set value.
If the program "Number of parts - GOOD" (in the Monitorings / Page 3 menu) is switched on, the
control system will automatically switch off the drive at the end of the cycle if the set number of
parts has been reached.

Tandem Mould (Option)

In the case of Tandem Mould, the data in this menu refer to lower mould 1. The data for lower
mould 2 are displayed on page 3.

Chapter 18 - 1
Production data
Mould cavity number
Enter the number of mould cavities of the mould. This figure multiplied by the number of cycles
is the total number of parts.

Number of parts - GOOD

Enter the number of good parts required as set value. On the left, the current number of good
parts will be displayed.

Number of parts - REST

The number of injection mouldings to be manufactured is displayed in this field.

Number of parts - REJECT

The current number of reject parts is displayed in this field.
The current injection moulding will be considered as reject part for:
• Injection pressure Monitoring (if the "Reject parts for injection pressure monitoring"
program is activated, see present chapter).
• Integral outside tolerance (if the "Integral monitoring" program is activated see chapter 7).
• Envelope monitoring (if the "Envelope monitoring" program is activated see chapter 17).
• Incorrect change over ot holding pressure (see chapter 6).
• Tolerance QT column 1-6 (if the "Monitoring" program is activated see chapter 16).
• Tolerance QT column 7-12 (option) (if the "Monitoring" program is activated see chapter
• Externally evaluated reject, e.g. by a camera (option)

Number of parts - external REJECT (option)

The total number of the externally evaluated reject is displayed to the right of "Number of parts -
REJECT" (see also chapter 10.1.5).

Shot number
Current total number of injection moulds (good parts + reject parts).

Reject parts manually eliminated

Enter in this field how many reject parts have been manually eliminated.

Start-up reject cycles

Enter the number of cycles the machine has to run until, by experience, the production will run


Chapter 18 - 2 0115MC
Production data
Reset parts counter
Select this field to reset all counters to 0. After resetting the counter, the program will
automatically be switched off.

The quality table will also be reset (see chapter 16) during a parts counter reset.

Shot weight
To be able to calculate the material consumption, the shot weight has to be entered in this field.

Expected material consumption

Display of the expected material consumption. The "Number of parts - REST" and the "Shot
weight" are used for the calculation.

The values for "Shot weight" and "Expected material consumption" refer to the injection unit.

Residual production time

The residual production time will be displayed in this field.

Parts per hour

Here, the residual production time is displayed in hours.

with h/d
Specify the planned production time for a day in hours (example: with production time 08:30
per day you must specify 8.50 h/d). By means of this input calculation is made in which days.
hours:minutes (dd.hh:mm) production will be finished.

Chapter 18 - 3
Production data

18.1.2 Production data / Page 2


Order no.
The job number entered here is printed in the header of the printouts (see chapter 27) for
information purposes.
Article no.
Material no.
Staff ID
Machine no.
Mould no.
Barrel no.
Gripper no.
Enter the respective material number in this field.

Enter your notes in this field. There are two lines available with 30 characters each.


Chapter 18 - 4 0115MC
Production data
This field displays the note of the notepad. Press the button "To to -> edit notepad" to change
into the "Notepad" menu (see chapter 21.2).

Tandem Mould (Option)

This menu is used to enter the data for lower mould 1.

Chapter 18 - 5
Production data

18.1.3 Production data / Page 3


Tandem Mould (Option)

This menu is used to enter the data for lower mould 2.


Chapter 18 - 6 0115MC
Production data

18.1.4 Production data / Large scale view


In this menu the number of GOOD parts and the cycle time is displayed in large scale view.

Chapter 18 - 7
Production data

18.2 Times
18.2.1 Times / Page 1


The values in the menu are a summary of the delay times, change over time and the cooling
time. Changes concerning these entries will be transferred to the respective menus.

Cycle time
Display of the current cycle time in [s]. The cycle part-times are measured without taking into
account the delay times, i.e. total of all part times + total of all delay times = cycle time.

Delay Close [s]

Specify the delay for the "Closing" movement in [s] in this field. The actual value will be
displayed on the left of this value.

Closing time
Display of the current closing time in [s]. The closing time will be measured from "Start Close" to
"End Pressure build-up".


Chapter 18 - 8 0115MC
Production data
Delay Injection unit forward
Enter the delay for the forward movement of the injection unit in [s]. (see also chapter 4).

Injection unit forward Time

Display of the current motion time for the forward movement of the injection unit in [s]. The
Injection unit forward Time will be measured from "Start Injection unit" to "Injection unit contact
point reached".

Delay Injection
Enter the delay for the injection in [s] in this field. (see also chapter 5).

Filling time
Display of the current filling time in [s]. The filling time will be measured from "Start Injection" to
"Change over to holding pressure".

Current holding pressure time

Display of the current holding pressure time in [s]. (see also chapter 6).

Delay Injection unit backward

Enter the delay for the backward movement of the injection unit in [s]. (see also chapter 4).

Injection unit back Time

Display of the current motion time for the forward movement of the injection unit in [s]. The
Injection unit forward Time will be measured from "Start Injection unit back" to "Injection unit is

Delay Decompression / Metering

Enter the delay for Decompression / Metering in [s] in this field. (see also chapter 7).

Metering time
Display of the current metering time in [s]. The metering time will be measured from melt
cushion or "Decompression before Metering Volume End" to "Shot volume reached" (depending
on the "Decompression before metering" program).

Chapter 18 - 9
Production data
Cooling time
Enter the cooling time in [s] in this field. (see also chapter 6).

Delay Open [s]

Specify the delay for the "Open" movement in [s] in this field. The actual value will be displayed
on the left of this value.

Opening time
Display of the current opening time in [s]. The opening time will be measured from "Start Open"
to "Mould open".

Delay Ejector forward

Enter the delay for the forward movement of the ejector in [s]. (see also chapter 8).

Ejector forward Time

Display of the current motion time for the forward movement of the ejector in [s]. The Ejector
forward Time will be measured from "Start Ejector forward" to "Ejector is in front position".

Delay Ejector backward

Enter the delay for the backward movement of the ejector in [s]. (see also chapter 8).

Ejector back Time

Display of the current motion time for the backward movement of the ejector in [s]. The Ejector
back Time will be measured from "Start Ejector back" to "Ejector is back".

Change over time

Enter the change over time in [s] in this field. (see also chapter 3).


Chapter 18 - 10 0115MC
Production data

18.2.2 Times / Mould / Station


(only for vertical machines)
The values from the menu are a summary of the delay times. Changes concerning these entries
will be transferred to the respective menus.

Delay Mould table left / counterclockwise

Delay Mould table right / clockwise
Enter the delay for the movement of the mould table in [s].

Time Mould table left / counterclockwise

Time Mould table right / clockwise
Display of the current motion time for the mould table in [s].

Chapter 18 - 11
Production data
Delay Station ejector 1-3 forward
Enter the delay for the forward movement of the station ejector in [s].

Station ejector 1-3 forward Time

Display of the current motion time for the forward movement of the station ejector in [s]. The
Station ejector forward Time will be measured from Start "Station ejector forward" to "Station
ejector is in front position".

Delay Station ejector 1-3 back

Enter the delay for the backward movement of the station ejector in [s].

Station ejector 1-3 back Time

Display of the current motion time for the backward movement of the station ejector in [s]. The
Station ejector back Time will be measured from Start "Station ejector back" to "Station ejector
is back".


Chapter 18 - 12 0115MC
Production data

18.2.3 Times / Demoulding


Operation Cycle start 1 (2, 3)

Display of the current operating time of the safety gates in station 1 (2, 3) in [s]. The time is
measured from release operator intervention to cycle start acknowledgement and having closed
the safety devices on the clamping unit.

Robot 1 (2, 3, 4, 5)
Display of the current demoulding time (insertion time) of robot 1 (2, 3, 4, 5) in [s]. The time is
measured from Start robot to robot in home position and finished.

Chapter 18 - 13
Production data

18.3 Monitoring functions

18.3.1 Monitoring functions / Page 1


These monitoring functions are only effective in the automatic mode.

You may monitor the times for the total cycle and the "Close", "Open", "Injection", and
"Metering" movements as well as some other movements.
The monitoring starts with the switching on of the respective program in the automatic
mode. You have to enter set values for the monitored procedures. If the set values are being
exceeded, an error message will be triggered and the machine will be switched off immediately
or when reaching Cycle End (depending on the program preselection).

Delay Switch-off for Cycle End

Settings for the delay time after which the machine is to switch-off in case of an error.
If the machine is switched off by a monitoring program for Cycle End, the switch-off may be
delayed by a certain time, e.g. to be able to move a robot to a limit position. Purging with DZB
request so that the robot can still be moved into a safe STOP.


Chapter 18 - 14 0115MC
Production data
Cycle time
Enter the cycle time in [s] in this field. Complete machine cycle time of the previous cycle. The
cycle part-times are measured without taking into account the delay times, i.e. total of all part
times + total of all delay times = cycle time.

Closing time
Enter the monitoring time within which the clamping procedure from "Start Close" to "End
Pressure build-up" in [s] has to be finished in this field.

Injection unit forward Time

Enter the motion time for the forward movement of the injection unit in [s]. From "Start Injection
unit forward" to "Injection unit contact point reached".

filling time
Enter the filling time in [s] in this field. From "Start Injection" to "Change over to holding

Injection unit back Time

Enter the motion time for the backward movement of the injection unit in [s]. From "Start
Injection unit backward" to "Injection unit is back."

Metering time
Enter the metering time in [s] in this field. From melt cushion or "Decompression before
Metering Volume End" to "Shot volume reached" (depending on the "Decompression before
metering" program).

Opening time
Enter the opening time in [s] in this field. From "Start Open" to "Mould opened".

Ejector forward Time

Enter the motion time for the forward movement of the ejector in [s]. From "Start Ejector
forward" to "Ejector is in front position".

Ejector back Time

Enter the motion time for the backward movement of the ejector in [s]. From "Start Ejector
backward" to "Ejector is back."

Chapter 18 - 15
Production data

18.3.2 Monitoring functions / Page 2

Number of parts - GOOD
Enter the number of good parts required in this field. If the program is started the machine
switches off after reaching the " Number of parts - GOOD".

Reject shot series

Enter the number of reject parts in series. In case the set number of "Reject shot series" occurs
in a row (short-time process control), the machine will be switched off if the program is started.

Reject shots per 1000 shots

Enter the number of reject parts per 1000 shots. If the set number of "Reject shot series" occurs
within 1000 machine cycles (long-time process control), the machine will be switched off if the
program is started.

Tandem Mould (Option)

With the Tandem Mould option, "Reject shot series" and "Reject shot per 1000 shots" are
separately determined and monitored for the two mould halves (LM1 and LM2).


Chapter 18 - 16 0115MC
Production data
Switch-off Heater for Motor Stop
Select this field if the complete heating unit (barrel heating, mould heating, temperature control
units) is to be switched off when the motor comes to a standstill.

Decrease Heater for Motor Stop

Select this field if the complete heating unit (barrel heating, mould heating, temperature control
units) is to be decreased when the motor comes to a standstill.

Switch-off Cooling water for Motor Stop (option)

Select this field if the cooling water is to be switched off when the motor comes to a standstill.

Monitoring of the injection pressure

The monitoring curve for the injection pressure monitoring is set in the "Injection" menu (see
chapter 5). Use the selection switch to determine the action to be triggered when the injection
pressure monitoring is activated.

No evaluation of the injection pressure monitoring

If no evaluation is to be carried out during injection pressure monitoring, i.e. neither are reject
parts counted nor is an alarm displayed, select this field.

Alarm for injection pressure monitoring only

If only the "Injection pressure Monitoring" alarm is to be displayed, i.e. no reject parts will be
counted, select this field.

Reject parts for injection pressure monitoring

If the reject parts are to be counted for an injection pressure monitoring, select this field. In
addition, the "Injection pressure Monitoring" alarm will be displayed.

Switch-off Motor for injection pressure monitoring

Select this field if the injection pressure monitoring of the machine is to switch off immediately.
In addition, the "Injection pressure Monitoring" alarm will be displayed.

Change over to holding pressure for injection pressure monitoring

If a change over to holding pressure is to be carried out in case there is an injection pressure
monitoring, select this field. The cycle will be run to the end and the machine switches off for
Cycle End. In addition, the "Injection pressure Monitoring" alarm and "Incorrect change over to
holding pressure" will be displayed.

Chapter 18 - 17
Production data

Evaluation of the slave change-over

The slave change-over for the change-over to holding pressure is set in the menu "Holding
pressure / Holding pressure change-over" (see chapter 6). Use the selection switch to
determine the action to be trigged when the slave change-over is activated.

No evaluation of the slave change-over

If no evaluation is to be carried out during slave change-over, i.e. neither are reject parts
counted nor is an alarm displayed, select this field.

Only alarm during slave change-over

If only the "Change-over to holding pressure by slave change-over" alarm is to be displayed, i.e.
no reject parts will be counted, select this field.

Reject parts during slave change-over

If the reject parts are to be counted for an injection pressure monitoring, select this field.
Additionally, the alarm is displayed.

Cycle stop during slave change-over (at once) / (at cycle end)
Select the corresponding field if the slave change-over is to stop the cycle at once or at the end
of the cycle. The machine is not switched ofg. Additionally, the alarm is displayed. After having
pressed Cycle start (closing key), the cycle is continued.

Motor switch-off during slave change-over (at once) / (at cycle end)

Select the corresponding field if the slave change-over is to switch off the machine at once or at
the end of the cycle. Additionally, the alarm is displayed.

Evaluation of the envelope monitoring

The envelope monitoring is set in the menu "Envelope / Configuration" (see chapter 17). Use
the selection switch to determine the action to be trigged when the envelope monitoring is

Only alarm during envelope monitoring

If only the "Envelope monitoring responded" alarm is to be displayed, i.e. no reject parts will be
counted, select this field.

Reject parts during envelope monitoring

If the reject parts are to be counted for an envelope monitoring, select this field. Additionally, the
alarm is displayed.


Chapter 18 - 18 0115MC
Production data
Cycle stop during envelope monitoring (at once)
Select this field if the envelope monitoring is to stop the cycle immediately. The machine is not
switched ofg. Additionally, the alarm is displayed. The cycle cannot be continued with cycle start.

Cycle stop during envelope monitoring (at cycle end)

Select this field if the envelope monitoring is to stop the cycle at cycle end. The machine is not
switched ofg. Additionally, the alarm is displayed. After having pressed Cycle start (closing key),
the cycle is continued.

Motor switch-off during envelope monitoring (at once) / (at cycle end)
Select the corresponding field if the envelope monitoring is to switch off the machine at once or
at the end of the cycle. Additionally, the alarm is displayed.

Blocking demoulding during envelope monitoring

The error evaluation is active in the automatic mode only.
If no demoulding is to be carried out during envelope monitoring, this field must be selected.
The movements "Ejector forwards" and "Robot start" are not carried out.

Change over to holding pressure during envelope monitoring

If change over to holding pressure with holding pressure is to be carried out during envelope
monitoring, this field must be selected.

Change over to holding pressure without holding pressure during envelope monitoring
If change over to holding pressure without holding pressure is to be carried out during envelope
monitoring, this field must be selected.

Chapter 18 - 19
Production data

18.3.3 Monitoring functions / Mould / Station


(only for vertical machines)
These monitoring functions are only effective in the automatic mode.
You can monitor the times for the mould table and the station ejectors 1 to 3.
The monitoring starts with the switching on of the respective program in the automatic
mode. You have to enter set values for the monitored procedures. If the set values are being
exceeded, an error message will be triggered and the machine will be switched off immediately
or when reaching Cycle End (depending on the program preselection).

Time Mould table left / counterclockwise

Time Mould table right / clockwise
Enter the movement time for the mouvement of the mould table in [s]. From "Start mould table"
to "Mould table in position".


Chapter 18 - 20 0115MC
Production data
Station ejector 1-3 forward Time
Enter the motion time for the forward movement of the station ejector in [s]. From "Start Ejector
forward" to "Ejector is in front position".

Station ejector 1-3 back Time

Enter the motion time for the back movement of the station ejector in [s]. From "Start Ejector
backward" to "Ejector is back."

Chapter 18 - 21
Production data

18.3.4 Monitoring functions / Demoulding


Monitoring max. demoulding time

Monitoring min. demoulding time
(only for vertical machines)
Enter the monitoring time in the form of the max. (min.) demoulding time. The current actual
values for each lower part are displayed.

Function of the monitoring times:

Monitoring of the maximum (minimum) demoulding time starts at the end of the injection into the
respective lower mould.


Chapter 18 - 22 0115MC
Production data
Function of the maximum demoulding time monitoring:
Monitoring of the maximum demoulding time is ended as soon as the station ejector for this
lower mould is started and leaves its home position. Optionally, the maximum demoulding time
can be ended as soon as the ejector has reached its "front" position.
Exceeding the desired value will generate an alarm message and the "Reject part" robot signal
will be activated.

Function of the minimum demoulding time monitoring:

Monitoring of the minimum demoulding time will be ended as soon as the monitoring time for the
respective lower mould has come to an end.
The respective station ejector for this lower mould is blocked until the monitoring time has been
reached and, in the manual mode, an alarm message is generated with the start of the ejector.

Chapter 18 - 23
Production data

18.4 Cycle time analysis

18.4.1 Cycle time Analysis / Analysis 1 and 2


32 times for the cycle time analysis can be selected. For the selection refer to configuration
menu 1 or 2.
The time of the last cycle, the current time and the ideal cycle time are displayed. The graphics
shows a complete cycle. The selected partial times are displayed in the graphics in time.
Additionally, vertical orange lines are displayed in the bar which show the events of the different

The complete movement of an axis is displayed.
Closing is displayed including clamping force build-up. This is why the bar display is different
compared with the closing time shown in the menu "Production data / Times". The start of the
clamping force build-up is shown by means of a vertical orange line in the bar.


Chapter 18 - 24 0115MC
Production data
Event display in the bars (vertical orange line):
Closing: Start Clamping force build-up
Opening: Clamping force reduced:
Injection unit forward: Start of nozzle contact force build-up
Injection (incl. holding pressure) Start of holding pressure
MicroPower: Melt flow front has reached the mould
(Start of the actual filling phase)
Cooling time: Start cooling time of the other injection assemblies
(only for multicolour machine)
Metering: Start metering (if decompression before metering is
activated) and start decompression after metering (if
Injection plunger back (MicroPower): Start of the material transfer boring
Metering piston forward (MicroPower): Material transferred to the injection plunger
Metering piston metering (MicroPower): Metering end reached
Robot: Release clamping, release mould table, and mould
area free
Operation Cycle start: With magnetic safety gate locking, the time of locking
force reduced (safety gate can be opened) will be

Set ideal cycle

By activating the "Set ideal cycle" button, the times of the current cycle are accepted as "Ideal
cycle" and represented in the graphics. Now, the ideal cycle can be taken as reference.

Chapter 18 - 25
Production data

18.4.2 Cycle time Analysis / Configuration 1 and 2


In these two menus, the times for the cycle time analysis are selected. First, select the wished
axis in the left pull down menu. Now, select the wished time of the axis in the right pull down
menu. By activating the program preselection, the selected time is represented in the cycle time

The „Injection plunger 1 (2, 3)“ selection corresponds to the injection plungers of injection unit A
(B, C).


Chapter 18 - 26 0115MC
Production data

18.5 Display of energy (option)


The headline displays the kind of energy consumption which will be calculated.

Energy consumption (calculation by means of energy measurement terminals)

The energy consumption is measured and calculated by means of energy measurement
terminals. This is an exact calculation of the energy consumption.

Energy consumption (calculation by means of power supply module)

The energy consumption is calculated via the consumption in the power supply module. This is
an approximate determination of the energy consumption.
Shot weight
Display of the preset shot weight in g (oz). The shot weight is entered in the "Production data"

Chapter 18 - 27
Production data
Number of cycles for calculating the average energy consumption
The calculation of the average energy consumption will require a number of machine cycles
which can here be specified. The higher the here set number of cycles, the more relevant will
the average energy consumption be.
Changing the "Number of cycles for calculating the average energy consumption" will reset the
average energy consumption "per cycle", "per hour", and "per kg of material" and the calculation
will be started again.
After a restart of the machine and the heating, a relevant result of the average energy
consumption will be given only after approx. 0.5 to 1 hour in a constant cycle. Only at the end
of this time can be assumed that the barrel is evenly heated and the power consumption of the
barrel heating will be constant.

Current power consumption

Display of the currently needed power in W.
Energy consumption last cycle
Display of the consumed energy of the last cycle in Wh.
Average energy consumption per cycle
Display of the average energy, with regard to a machine cycle.
Average energy consumption per hour
Display of the average energy, with regard to one hour.
Average energy consumption per kg of material
Display of the average energy, with regard to the material consumption. These values are based
both on the "Current shot number" and the "Shot weight".

When selecting the "Energy display reset" function, the current time is taken as the reset time
and "Cycles after Reset" and "Total energy after Reset" are set to 0. Recording will be started

The power of the individual zones (heater bands, heating elements) must be specified for the
calculation of the heating energy consumption (when calculation is made via power supply
module). These power values will be specified in the "Barrel heating / Controller values" menu
(see chapter 2.1.2) and in the "Mould heating / Controller values" (see chapter 2.2.4).


Chapter 18 - 28 0115MC
Production data

18.6 Start-up programs (option)


In this menu, you can activate pre-defined production data for a certain period of time
(depending on cycle / time).

Start-up program with injection parameter record 2 (option)

This program is only possible in combination with option 96P01 (Multiple data records).
With the program being activated, injection parameter record 1 is generally the production
parameter record, independently of the parameter record which is assigned to the respective
lower mould (see chapter 11).

In the meny "Media Centre / Status bar / Page 3", a symbol for direct image change to this
menu can be set in the status bar (see chapter 21).

In general, the start-up program is deactivated.

Chapter 18 - 29
Production data
Start-up reject cycles
During the start-up reject cycles, production is carried out with the second injection parameter
record. The program is only active until the start-up reject sequence are ended for the first time.
After having reached the start-up reject cycles, a change-over to the production parameter
record (parameter record which was allocated to the respective lower mould) will be made in
Combined with "Hot runner start-up circuit" and "Defined reject cycles", the start-up reject
sequence can be finished before reaching the start-up reject cycles (if the production
temperatures were reached).

Restart start-up reject cycles

During the "Restart start-up reject cycles" sequence, production is carried out with the second
injection parameter record.
The program is only effective in combination with the "Restart start-up reject cycles" option.

Manual mode switching

The second injection parameter record can be activated in the manual mode by means of the
key „Activate start-up paramters“. Pressing the key again, the second injection parameter record
is deactivated again.

Activate / deactivate start-up parameter

Use this button to activate and deactivate the second injection parameter record in the manual
mode (setting mode). The current status is displayed to the right of the button.

Restart start-up reject cycles (option)

The program will become active after the start-up reject cycle sequence has been ended for the
first time.

In general, the restart program is deactivated.

Start-up reject cycles

After having exceeded the cycle time, the complete start-up reject cycles are started again.
Enter the start-up reject cycles to the right of the program switch.

Defined reject cycles (option)

After having exceeded the cycle time, a defined number of reject cycles is started. Enter the
number to the right of the program switch.


Chapter 18 - 30 0115MC
Production data
Defined reject cycles with start-up circuit hot runner (option)
After having exceeded the cycle time, the "Start-up circuit hot runner" program is started again
(see present cahpter "Start-up circuit hot runner - defined reject cycles").
This program is only possible in combination with the "Start-up circuit hot runner" option and the
activated "Start-up circuit with defined reject cycles" program.

Cycle time
After having exceeded the preselected cycle time, the respective restart program becomes
active unless the restart sequence has been started.
Optionally, the cycle time an also be evaluated during the restart sequence. In this case, the
reject cycles are permanently corrected.

Start-up circuit hot runner (option)

Prerequisite is that the hot runner is switched on the the start temperatures (Set 2) are
parameterised (see chapter 2 - Mould temperature zones).

Variothermal process control (option) and hot runner start-up circuit cannot be used in parallel
since the temperature entry „Set 2“ is used for both options. If the variothermal process control
is activated, the hot runner start-up circuit is automatically deactivated.

In the meny "Media Centre / Status bar / Page 3", a symbol for direct image change to this
menu can be set in the status bar (see chapter 21).

Defined reject cycles (option)

Activate this program and enter a defined number of reject cycles. With this entry, you define the
minimum start-up reject cycles. The maximum start-up reject cycles are automatically defined
by the standard start-up reject cycles (see present chapter "Production data / page 1")
After having reached the minimum start-up reject cycles, a change-over from the hot runner
start temperature (Set 2) to the production temperature will be made. . As long as the maximum
start-up reject cycles were not reached, the machine continues to produce reject parts until the
production temperature will be reached, i.e. the machine is in the start-up reject sequence.
The start-up circuit will be activated after each change-over to automatic mode.

Chapter 18 - 31
Production data
Time-dependent (option)
Activate this program and enter a time. After having reached the adjusted time, a change-over
from the hot runner start temperature (Set 2) to the production temperature will be made. In the
automatic mode, the machine continues to produce reject parts until the production temperature
will be reached.
After having reached the maximum start-up reject cycles, a change-over to the production
temperature will be made in general.
In all operating modes, you can switch on and off the start-up circuit alway by means of the
control keys.
You can activate the time-dependent start-up circuit by means of a defined manual console key
The preselected produciton temperature must be reached in order to activate the start-up circuit.
This means that the hot runner must not be in the learning mode, soft start (start-up circuit) and
not without the minus tolerance.

Activate / deactivate hot runner start-up circuit (option)

Use this button to activate and deactivate the time-dependent start-up circuit. The current status
is displayed to the right of the button.
The preselected produciton temperature must be reached in order to activate the start-up circuit.
This means that the hot runner must not be in the learning mode, soft start (start-up circuit) and
not without the minus tolerance.


Chapter 18 - 32 0115MC
Production data

18.7 Process control (option)

18.7.1 PRIAMUS


The PRIAMUS BlueLine system is a decentralized measuring and control system with modular
structure which can be used for the process control of Plastics injection moulding machines.

PRIAMUS BlueLine system

If you highlight and select this field, the signals of the PRIAMUS BlueLine interface will be

Signals from the PRIAMUS BlueLine system

Signals transferred from the PRIAMUS BlueLine system to the injection moulding system.

Signal "Ext. holding pressure change-over A (SwitchOver1)"

Signal "Ext. holding pressure change-over B (SwitchOver2)" ... Signal for injection unit B
Signal "Ext. holding pressure change-over C (SwitchOver3)" ... Signal for injection unit C
The real-time switching signal SwitchOver1 (2, 3) is used to inform the injection moulding
machine to change over to holding pressure A (B, C).
Signal "Finish holding pressure A (EndHold1)"

Chapter 18 - 33
Production data
Signal "Finish holding pressure B (EndHold2)" ... Signal for injection unit B
Signal "Finish holding pressure C (EndHold3)" ... Signal for injection unit C
The real-time switching signal EndHold1 (2, 3) is used to inform the injection moulding machine
to finish the holding pressure A (B, C).

Signal "Finish cooling time (Demold)"

The real-time switching signal Demold is used to inform the injection moulding machine that the
parts are ready for demoulding.

Signal "Parts quality GOOD (QualGood)"

The QualGood signal is used to inform the injection moulding machine that the produced parts
are good. All defined alarm monitoring limits were kept for this cycle.

Signal "Parts quality WARNING (QualWarn)"

The QualWarn signal is used to inform the injection moulding machine that the produced parts
are outside the defined warning limits. That means that the process possibly starts to leave
the good area. Additionally, alarm "1158, external change over to holding pressure equipment:
Parts quality WARNING" can be sent (see PRIAMUS config.: Behaviour in case of 'QualWarn/

Signal "Parts quality ACTION (QualAction)"

The QualAction signal is used to inform the injection moulding machine that the produced parts
are outside the defined action limits. That means that the process essentially left the good area.
Additionally, alarm "1158, external change over to holding pressure equipment: Parts quality
WARNING" can be sent (see PRIAMUS config.: Behaviour in case of 'QualWarn/QualAction').

Signal "Parts quality BAD (QualBad)"

The QualBad signal is used to inform the injection moulding machine that the produced parts
are bad and the process is outside the defined alarm limits. Additionally, alarm "1040 external
change over to holding pressure equipment: Quality selection is sent.

Signal "Monitoring active (MonOn)"

The MonOn signal is used to inform the injection moulding machine of the monitoring status.
Monitoring is deemed to be active if at least one monitoring function has been defined and the
monitoring is switched on.

Signal "Software module switch active (SwitchOn)"

The SwitchOn signal is used to inform the injection moulding machine of the status of the Switch
software module Switch. It can be used to send a signal to the machine that, e.g. a shut-off
nozzle control has been configured.


Chapter 18 - 34 0115MC
Production data
Signal "Software controller active (ControlOn)"
The ControlOn signal is used to inform the injection moulding machine of the software
controller. With this, the machine can recognise whether the Priamus system controls machine
parameters, hot runner temperatures, or shut-off nozzles. If the signal is LOW, alarm "1043
external change over to holding pressure equipment: error" will be sent.

Signal "Warning 1 active (Warn1)"

Signal "Warning 2 active (Warn2)"
With the Warn1(2) signal, software-internal warnings can be sent out and the machine can react
accordingly. Additionally, an alarm can be sent (see PRIAMUS config: Behaviour in case of
Signal "Stop cycle at cycle end (Stop)"
The stop signal is used to inform the machine that the process is no longer in a stable or
controllable state and that the machine must stop production at the end of the current cycle.
Additionally, alarm "1145 external change over to holding pressure equipment: Process not
stable or no controllable state" will be sent.

Signal "Stop injection cycle (StopInject)"

The real-time output StopInject is used to inform the injection moulding machine that it must
stop the cycle as soony as possible. With this output, a mould protection can be configured to
protect it against demolition or damage due to overloading or similar actions.

Machine signals
Signals transferred from the injection moulding machine to the Priamus BlueLine system.

Signal "Cycle start (Trigger)"

With the Trigger input signal, the injection moulding informs the Priamus BlueLine system that a
new cycle has been started.

Signal "Injection A active (Inject1)"

Signal "Injection B active (Inject2)" ... Signal from injection unit B
Signal "Injection C active (Inject3)" ... Signal from injection unit C
With the Inject1 (2, 3) input signal, the injection moulding informs the Priamus BlueLine system
that injection is currently carried out.

Signal "Holding pressure A active (SwitchOver1)"

Signal "Holding pressure B active (SwitchOver2)" ... Signal from injection unit B
Signal "Holding pressure C active (SwitchOver3)" ... Signal from injection unit C
With the Inject1 (2, 3) input signal, the injection moulding informs the Priamus BlueLine system
that it changed over to holding pressure and currently is in the holding pressure phase.

Chapter 18 - 35
Production data
Signal "End of holding pressure A, cooling time (EndHold1)"
Signal "End of holding pressure B, cooling time (EndHold2)" ... Signal from injection unit B
Signal "End of holding pressure C, cooling time (EndHold3)" ... Signal from injection unit C
With the EndHold1 (2, 3) input signal, the injection moulding machine informs the Priamus
BlueLine system that the holding pressure phase has been ended and the produced part is
currently cooling down.

Signal "End of cooling time, opening active (DeMold)"

With the Demold input signal, the injection moulding machine informs the Priamus BlueLine
system that the cooling phase has been ended and the produced part is now being demoulded
and that the mould is open.

Signal "Start-up phase active (Startup)"

With the Startup input signal, the injection moulding machine informs the Priamus BlueLine
system that the machine currently is in the start-up cycles (start-up reject cycles).

Signal "Mould table position 1 (TablePosition1)"

Signal "Mould table position 2 (TablePosition2)"
Signal "Mould table position 3 (TablePosition3)"
Signal "Mould table position 4 (TablePosition4)"
With the TablePosition1 (2, 3) input signal, the injection moulding machine informs the Priamus
BlueLine system which lower mould is in the injection station.

with 2-stations mould table:

Mould table Position 1 Lower mould 1 is in the injection station
Mould table Position 2 Lower mould 3 is in the injection station

with 3-stations mould table:

Mould table Position 1 Lower mould 1 is in the injection station
Mould table Position 2 Lower mould 5 is in the injection station
Mould table Position 3 Lower mould 6 is in the injection station

with 4-stations mould table:

Mould table Position 1 Lower mould 1 is in the injection station
Mould table Position 2 Lower mould 2 is in the injection station
Mould table Position 3 Lower mould 3 is in the injection station
Mould table Position 4 Lower mould 4 is in the injection station


Chapter 18 - 36 0115MC
Production data

18.7.2 PRIAMUS config


Behaviour in case of 'QualWarn/QualAction'

Here, the machine behaviour to the signals "Parts quality WARNING (QualWarn)" and "Parts
quality ACTION (QualAction)" is defined.
Alarm in case of 'QualWarn/QualAction'
If the signal QualWarn or QualAction is given, alarm "1158, external change over to holding
pressure equipment: Parts quality WARNING" is displayed.
Reject part in case of 'QualWarn/QualAction'
If the signal QualWarn or QualAction is given, the part is counted as reject part.
Cycle stop in case of 'QualWarn/QualAction' (at cycle end)
If the signal QualWarn or QualAction is given, the machine is stopped at the end of the cycle.

Behaviour in case of 'Warn1/Warn2'

Here, the behaviour of the machine to the signals "Warning 1 active (Warn1)" and "Warning 2
active (Warn 2)" is defined.
Alarm in case of 'Warn1/Warn2'
If the signal Warn1 or Warn2 is given, alarm "1159, external change over to holding pressure
equipment: internal software warning" is displayed.

Chapter 18 - 37
Production data
Reject part in case of 'Warn1/Warn2'
If the signal Warn1 or Warn2 is given, the part is counted as reject part.
Cycle stop in case of 'Warn1/Warn2' (at cycle end)
If the signal Warn1 or Warn2 is given, the machine is stopped at the end of the cycle.


Chapter 18 - 38 0115MC

20 Help
20.1 Manual
20.1.1 Manual 1 / 2

F20-Hilfe-Handbuch-Handbuch 2_01

The manual can be read on the help page. Furthermore, the hydraulic plan, the wiring diagram
and the parts list of the machine are on this page.
For reading a chapter of the manual, just activate the wished chapter under selection. The
selected chapter is automatically opened. If you want to change to another chapter, activate
selection again.

Chapter 20 - 1

20.2 Manual
20.2.1 Miscellaneous / Selection


PDF files can be read on the "Miscellaneous" help page. Select the data carrier. Clicking on the
file name will automatically call the PDF file.

With the function „Copy file“ is the currently selected PDF document is stored in internal
memory or on other drives.
With the function „delete file“ is the currently selected PDF document to be deleted from the
internal memory or from other drives.


Chapter 20 - 2 0114WT
Media centre

21 Media centre

21.1 Status bar

21.1.1 Status bar / Page 1


In the status bar, the states, strokes of the axes and other states of the machine will be
displayed. Three configurable status bars are available. An activation of tabs 1-3 in the lower
part of the status bar will change over the 3 status bars.

Configuration of a status bar

The status bars can be directly configured by the user.
• Change over to the wished status bar.
• Select a status by clicking on it.
• The selected status is marked with a green frame.
• Copy the marked status by clicking on a position in the status bar.

Chapter 21 - 1
Media centre
Deleting statuses
• Press the delete button. The delete button is in the lower right part of the picture.
• The delete button is marked with a red frame.
• Delete the wished status from the status bar by clicking on it.

The configured status bars can be stored and loaded (see data records, chapter 25).

Factory settings for current bar

Pressing this button will reset the currently set status bar to the factory settings. The factury
setting can be set in the service level only.

Press this button to reinitialise all status bars. If changes to the status bar depending on the
software were made, the bar must be reinitialised in order to adopt the changes. The status
bars already created will be deleted during this procedure. Initialising of the status bars is only
enabled in user level 15 (customer service IT level).

General information concerning the statuses

Basic positions are displayed in green and limit position are displayed in yellow.
A red X, which is displayed before the movement arrows of the status, means that the
movement was stopped (For an example refer to the clamping unit status). Analogous to the
clampint unit, this status is also valid for all other axis statuses.
The status for referencing (for an example refer to the clamping unit) analogously also applies to
all other electrical axes.


Chapter 21 - 2 0115MC
Media centre
Clamping unit
Mould is opened (green colour)

Movement Close mould active

Movement Close mould stopped.

Mould is closed (yellow colour)

Movement Open mould active

Movement Open mould stopped

Compression active (option)

Clamping unit not referenced

Referencing the clamping unit is activated

A vertical clamping unit is represented by a vertical symbol.
In addition, the current stroke of the clamping unit is displayed.

Ejector is back (green colour)

Movement Ejector forward active

Ejector is in the front position (yellow colour)

Movement Ejector backward active

The upper parts ejector of vertical machines is represented by a vertical symbol.
In addition, the current stroke of the ejector is displayed.

Chapter 21 - 3
Media centre
Station ejector

Ejector is back (green colour)

Movement Ejector forward active

Ejector is in the front position (yellow colour)

Movement Ejector backward active

Additionally, the number and the current stroke of the station ejector are displayed.

Injection unit

Injection unit is in the front position (yellow colour)

Movement Injection unit backward active

Injection unit is back (green colour)

Movement Injection unit forward active

A vertical injection unit is represented by a vertical symbol.

In addition, the current stroke of the injection unit is being displayed.

Meterin piston (with MicroPower only)

Metering piston back / Metering active

Metering piston is back (green colour)

Material transferred to the injection plunger (metering piston forward)
Material was transferred to the injection plunger (yellow colour)

The left arrow indicates the metering piston status and the right arrow indicates the metering
screw status. In addition, the current metering volume of the metering piston is displayed.


Chapter 21 - 4 0115MC
Media centre
injection piston

Injection movement active (yellow colour)

Holding pressure phase is active (yellow colour)

Metering is active

Movement Decompression active

Injection piston is back (green colour)

Compression / breathing active (option) or Clamping Injection piston active (option)

A vertical injection unit is represented by a vertical symbol.
Symbol of the MicroPower injection unit

In addition, the current injection volume of the injection piston is displayed.

Injection plunger ejector (with MicroPower only)

Injection plunger ejector(no limit position)

Movement Injection plunger ejector forward active

Injection plunger ejector is in the front position (yellow colour)

Movement Injection plunger ejector backward active

Injection plunger ejector is back (green colour)

Movement Injection plunger ejector forward stopped

Chapter 21 - 5
Media centre
Core pullers (option)

Core puller is moved in (yellow colour)

Movement Move out core puller active

Core puller is moved out (green colour)

Movement Move in core puller active

Core puller is moved in (yellow colour) and valve remains triggered

Core puller is moved out (green colour) and valve remains triggered

Core puller Limit switch monitoring (red colour)


Chapter 21 - 6 0115MC
Media centre
Screw-off unit status (option)

Screw-off unit is screwed in (green colour)

Screwing-in movement active

Screw-off unit is screwed out (yellow colour)

Screwing-out movement active

Screw-off unit is screwed in (green colour) and valve remains triggered

Screw-off unit is screwed out (yellow colour) and valve remains triggered

Screw-off unit Limit switch monitoring

Rotary unit status (option)

Rotary unit is on the left / counterclockwise (green colour)

Movement rotary unit turning to the left / counterclockwise active

Rotary unit is on the right / clockwise (yellow colour)

Movement rotary unit turning to the right / clockwise active

Rotary unit is on the left (green colour) and valve remains triggered

Rotary unit is on the right (yellow colour) and valve remains triggered

Rotary unit Limit switch monitoring

The status of the “External rotary unit” is indicated by the plug symbol.
The status of "Rotary unit (hydraulic)" is marked with "1".
The status of "Rotary unit servoelectric" is marked with "2"

Chapter 21 - 7
Media centre
Tandem Mould (Option)

LM2 locked and clamping unit open (the injection moulding in the mould half is shown in

LM1 locked and clamping unit open (the injection moulding in the mould half is shown in

Additionally, the active mould half (LM1 or LM2) and the active injection parameter record are

Status / Mould table (Rotary table)

Mould table turning to the left / counterclockwise active

Index Mould table moves back

Limit position after turning to the left / counterclockwise reached

Index Mould table is back

Mould table turning to the right / clockwise active

Index Mould table moves forward

Limit position after turning to the right / clockwise reached

Index Mould table is in front

Mould table turning to the left / counterclockwise turned too far

Mould table turning to the right / clockwise turned too far

The left arrow indicates the mould table status and the right arrow indicates the status of the
mould table index. In addition, the current lower mould which is in the injection station will be


Chapter 21 - 8 0115MC
Media centre
Status Mould table (Sliding table)

Mould table movement to the left active

Index Mould table moves back

Limit position reached after leftward

Index Mould table is back

Mould table movement to the right active

Index Mould table moves forward

Limit position reached after rightward

Index Mould table is in front

Move mould table too far to the left

Move mould table too far to the right

The upper arrow indicates the mould table status and the left bottom arrow indicates the status
of the mould table index. In addition, the current lower mould which is in the injection station will
be displayed.

Chapter 21 - 9
Media centre
Barrel and mould heating, temperature control zones
The red T shows the status of the heating circuits, the blue T the status of the cooling circuits
and the magenta T shows the status of the monitoring circuits.

Barrel heating switched off

Barrel heating on and temperature ok

Barrel heating on and temperature outside the tolerance

Barrel heating switched off by means of weekly time switch

Barrel heating on by means of weekly time switch and temperature ok

Barrel heating on by means of weekly time switch and temperature outside the tolerance

Barrel heating on and decrease active

Barrel heating on by means of weekly time switch and decrease active

Barrel heating deactivated

No tolerances will be requested)


Chapter 21 - 10 0115MC
Media centre

21.1.2 Status bar / Page 2


Quality table column 1 - 12

The current values of the quality table, columns 1 - 2, are represented as status.

Production data
In this region, you can, for instance, select the following statuses:

Number of units:
Display of the number of good and remaining parts (also refer to chapter 18).

Remaining production:
Display of the remaining production time and the expected material consumption (also refer to
chapter 18).

Chapter 21 - 11
Media centre
Display of the current injection, melt, and cavity pressure (option).

Display of the motion times of the individual axes.

Operating mode and total cycle time

Drive Stop

Operating mode: Manual mode

Operating mode: Semiautomatic mode

Operating mode: Automatic mode

Operating mode: Setting mode

Operating mode: Service setting mode

Operating mode: Test run

Cooling time, change over time and holding pressure time

Total cycle time of the last machine cycle

In the lower part of the status, the following partial times are displayed:

Cooling time is active

Change over time is active

Holding pressure time active

In addition, the active cooling time / change over time is displayed.


Chapter 21 - 12 0115MC
Media centre
Working data:
Display of the total shot number in automatic mode and of the total operating hours of the
machine since the first starting up.

Parameter record:
If the machine is equipped with several injection parameter records, here the currently active
parameter record of injection unit A (B, C) is displayed. The change over between parameter
records always takes place after Holding pressure End.

Chapter 21 - 13
Media centre

21.1.3 Status bar / Page 3


Pump system
In this region, you can, for instance, select the following statuses:

Pump system 1 - 4:
Display of the current oil temperature and the current hydraulic pressure of the respective pump

Hydraulic accumulator 1:
Display of the current hydraulic accumulator pressure and of the hydraulic accumulator status.

Special programs (option)

In this region, you can select the statuses of different special programs.


Chapter 21 - 14 0115MC
Media centre
Shut-off nozzle (option):
Display of the shut-off nozzle status (also refer to shut-off nozzle and pressure mould, chapter

Mould shut-off nozzle (option):

Display of the valve status of the mould shut-off nozzles (also refer to mould shut-off nozzles,
chapter 15).

Vacuum - Valve (option):

Display of the set and current vacuum pressure (also refer to vacuum valve, chapter 15).

Total energy: (option):

Display of the total energy consumption per cycle and per hour (also refer to Energy display,
chapter 18).

Parts removal robot: (option):

Display of the position of the X axes and Y axes of the parts removal robot (also refer to Parts
removal robot, chapter 10).

Foammould 1, 2: (option):
Display of the melt pressure and of the current absolute gas feed pressure (also refer to
Foammould, chapter 7).

Air-/Aquamould 1 - 8: (option):
Display of the current pressure regulator module of Air- / Aquamould 1. (also refer to Airmould /
Aquamould, chapter 15). Additionally, a display shows whether the respective pressure regulator
module is just active.

Danger zone boundary 1 - 4 (DZB)

RED (GREEN) Safety door locked.

GREEN (RED) Safety door unlocked, safe access possible.
GREEN (RED) flashing 1 Hz Login for opening the safety door carried out.
GREEN (RED) DOUBLEFLASH Acknowledgement to DZB required (cycle start)
RED / GREEN flashing Active during locking
The display depends on the setting "Release of access door with status green (red). (see
chapter 1.6.3 Safety / Danger zone boundary)

Chapter 21 - 15
Media centre
Start-up program (option)
Display of the status of the start-up program and/or the hut runner start-up circuit. The green tick
means that the start-up parameters and/or the hot runner start-up circuit are active. Additionally,
these two statuses can be used to change to the menu start-up programs (see chapter 18.6).

Error lamp / illuminated post (option)

Display of the error lamp (red).
Display of the illuminated post (yellow to white, option)

External servo unit

External servo unit is back (green colour)

Movement External servo unit forward is active

External servo unit is in front position (green colour)

Movement External servo unit back is active

External servo limit limit switch monitoring (red colour)

Additionally, the number of the external servo unit and the current stroke are displayed.


Chapter 21 - 16 0115MC
Media centre

21.1.4 Status bar / Page 4


Mould / Station
The status of the lower mould which is in the respective station is displayed here. A detailed
explanation is given in chapter 11.4.1 "Mould table / Status".

Mould not active

Dummy mould

Lower mould empty

Status Removal / Insertion cycle

Lower mould not empty

Chapter 21 - 17
Media centre

Status Injection moulding

Lower mould blocked by mould monitoring.

Mould monitoring
Here, the statuses of the mould monitoring of the limit switches (1-12) are displayed for each
group. The statuses are shown by a colour change of the figures 1-12 (limit switches 1-12).
Status grey Limit switch 1 (2-12) not active
Status white Limit switch 1 (2-12) not in limit position
Status green Limit switch 1 (2-12) active in position A
Status yellow Limit switch 1 (2-12) active in position B
Status red Limit switch 1 (2-12) error

Display change.
K4Web IOS (option)
This symbol is used for direct image change to the K4Web (see also chapter 26.7).

This symbol is used to change screen to view the WebCam (see also chapter 26.8).

Ths symbol is used for direct image change to the browser (see also chapter 26.9).

Ths symbol is used for direct image change to the image processing system (see also chapter
This symbol is used for direct image change to display your own PDF documents (see also
chapter 20.2).
T.I.G.Web (option)
This symbol is used for direct image change to the T.I.T.Web (see also chapter 26.10).
This symbol is used for direct image change to the SmartEdit (see also chapter 13).

Userpage 1-3
This symbol is used for direct image change to Userpage 1-3 (see also chapter 24).
All parts removed
All lower mould statuses are reset with this program preselection (also refer to chapter 11.4.1
Mould table / Status)


Chapter 21 - 18 0115MC
Media centre

21.1.5 Status bar / Function keys (option)


In the case of B6E, function keys can be inserted in the status bar for the main functions and
the movements of the machine. It is thus possible to operate the machine from the status bar
(Operation of the machine is blocked for "Remote access" with "Logon Pad" or VNC).

With B6E, the function keys "Drive Stop / Start" and "Setting mode / Manual mode" are fixly
assigned to the lower two keypads. These two keypads cannot be cancelled from the status bar.

Open / close mould (in manual mode) for horizontal machines

In the automatic mode, the function „Initiate manual production end / Cycle start“ will be
assigned to this keypad, when horizontal machines are used.

Close / open mould (in manual mode) for vertical machines

Initiate manual production end / Cycle start (in automatic mode)

Chapter 21 - 19
Media centre
Ejector - forward / back

Station ejector - back / forward

Injection unit - forward / back

Injection piston - Injection and holding

pressure - Decompression / Metering

Injection plunger (with MicroPower only) - injection and holding pressure / injection
plunger back

Metering piston (with MicroPower only)

Mould mounting height

Tie-bar pulling

Move pressure boxes


Air valve

Material conveyor (Injection unit A / B




Chapter 21 - 20 0115MC
Media centre
Activate / deactivate start-up parameter
Activate / deactivate hot runner start-up circuit

Move in / out core puller

Open / close safety gate

Rotary table - rotate ccw / cw

Sliding table - move to the left / right

Injection unit - preselection A/B/C

Rotate rotary unit ccw / cw

Ejector coupling - release / couple

Screw-off unit

Tandem Mould - Open mould half 2 (nozzle side) / mould half 1 (ejector side)

Latch / release Mouldfix (nozzle side)

Latch / release Mouldfix (ejector side)


Pressure discharge core puller

Chapter 21 - 21
Media centre
Cooling water valve


Mould area lamp

Purging / Spraying device

Sprue knock off device

Drive Stop (red)

Drive Start (green)

Barrel heating off (red)

Barrel heating on (green)
Lower barrel heating (yellow)

Mould heating off (red)

Mould heating on (green)
Lower mould heating (yellow)

Setting mode
Manual mode

Semiautomatic mode
Automatic mode

Mould shut-off nozzle

Drop-out flap / Good / reject part separation


Chapter 21 - 22 0115MC
Media centre
A detailed description of the individual function keys is given in Chapter A.2 Control elements or
in the chapter of the corresponding function.

Chapter 21 - 23
Media centre

21.1.6 Status bar /Wittmann robot 1 and 2 (option)


For machines with an integrated Wittmann robot 1 (2) starting from software versin 8.16.00, the
keys of the robot emergency-stop block can be entered into the status bar. It is thus possible
to operate the robot from the status bar (Operation of the robot is blocked for "Remote access"
with "Logon Pad" or VNC).
The configuration for the Wittmann robot 1 (2) is in the menu "Robot interface 1 (2) / Wittmann
config" (see chapter 10.1.3) Here, the software version of the Wittmann robot is displayed, too.
For further information concerning the function of the individual keys refer to the Wittmann robot


Chapter 21 - 24 0115MC
Media centre

21.2 Notepad (option)

21.2.1 Notepad / Page 1


In the notepad, you can store messages (e.g. for the night shift). By activating the note, an
information in the area of the status displays is represented.

Edit note
An activation of the button displays the alphapad. Now, the note can be created and edited.
An activation of the "Confirmation" button (ticked in blue) in the alphapad will store the note.
An activation of the "Abort" button (red x) in the alphapad will discard the changes.

Save note in log

By activating this button, the availble note is placed in the log.

Chapter 21 - 25
Media centre
Importance of note: Low
The importance of the note is set here. With importance "Low", an information is shown in the
area of the status displays when the note is activated.

Importance of note: Medium

With importance "Medium", an information is shown in the area of the status displays when
the note is activated. Additionally, an error message is displayed and a new automatic cycle
cannot be started. Only if the note has been marked as "Note read", is it possible to start a new
automatic cycle.

Importance of note: High

Same function as for importance "Medium". Additionally, the notice is switched active for "Motor
stop in automatic mode".

Note is active
An activation of this program preselection the note will become active. An active note can only
be reset by means of the button "Note read".

Note read
The note will be deactivated again after having read the note and having pressed this button. If
a note with the importance "High" was read, a new automatic cycle can be started afterwards.

All actions done with the notepad are stored in the log.
The not is saved together with the product data record.


Chapter 21 - 26 0115MC

22 Diagnostic

22.1 PV Monitor.


With the PV monitor, you may gain access to any RPS parameter and have the respective
contents displayed.
This page enables faster diagnosis of problems.

RPS variable name

Variable names can be entered here. Note that variable names are case sensitive. Variables
can be displayed / written in two ways:
• Visualisation variable.
Variable access for the display is gained via the visualisation variable.
(RPS-Task: vwd_clc1). This is written / read via an access in the actual RPS variable.
When entering a display (VIS) variable, it must always be preceded by an asterisk *.

Example VIS Variable: *IP1.Ij.Ptstr

Chapter 22 - 1
• RPS Variable :
The variable's spelling is principally determined by the applicable level (local, rps-global/
proc-global, tk- global or dynamic). The " test" variable is shown as an example of the
spelling in each level:
Validity: Local nu__clc1:test
Where nu__clc1 is the task name in the RPS, because this variable is only valid locally in this
Validity: rps-global test.
Only the variable name is entered.
Validity: tk - global.
not used in the RPS.
Validity: dynamic nu__clc1:*test.
Enter the task name and * (asterisk), because this is a dynamic variable.

The content (value) of both variables (Visual display variable and RPS variable) must be the
same. If the variable name appears in "red" (variable not found) after entering the variable name
and pressing ENTER To acknowledge, then either the name has been mistyped, the variable
does not exist in the RPS/VIS or it has the wrong validity range.

Depending on the user level, this field is either used only as a display or the value of the
variable entered can be changed.

The values shown here correspond to the units in the control unit.

Unit Visualisation Control
mm mm 0.1 mm
mm/s mm/s 0.1 mm/s
bar bar 0,1 bar
cm3 cm3 0.1 mm
kN kN 0.1 bar
rpm rpm 0.1 rpm
cm3/s cm3/s mm/s


Chapter 22 - 2 0115MC

22.2 Scope
22.2.1 Scope / Curve 1-8


With the scope, you may gain access to any RPS parameter and have the respective contents
displayed as a curve on a time axis.
This page enables faster diagnosis of problems.

Visibility of the curves

The visibility is determined by selecting the curve in the configuration.

Measuring cursor
The cursor, which is moved by means of the two arrow keys, is displayed as a vertical "black
broken line". The corresponding value to the cursor position is displayed on the RPS. The index
of the array and the time where the measuring cursor blinks are displayed.

Zoom X
The user may change the scale of the x axis. Move the measuring cursor to the wished zoom
position and press the button Zoom (magnifying glass) "X-min" or "X-max". Press the button
"Reset Zoom X" in order to restore the original scaling values. This button is displayed only in
the case of a zoomed graph.

Chapter 22 - 3
New recording
If the single recording preselection (see "Scope / Configuration") is activated, a new recording
is enabled by pressing this button. Recording is done once if there is a trigger event. Another
recording is enabled only if this button is pressed again.

Stop recording
Press this button to stop the scope recording. With activate "Continuous recording" only one
cycle will be recorded. With "Single recording", the data are sent straight to the screen even
if the trigger event has not yet happened. If, however, a cycle has already been recorded and
displayed on the VIS, pressing of "Stop recording" is ignored. Corresponding status messages
are displayed on the lower edge of the screen.

Display of the scope status. The time at the moment of display is shown to the right of the status

Possible status displays:

• Recording in idle mode - waiting for trigger.
Trigger event not yet occurred
• Trigger event released - awaiting recording time.
Trigger event occurred, recording of parameters until the end of the recording time.
• Recording finished - Sending data to screen
The recorded parameters are being sent to the screen.
• Ready for new recording.
Displayed if "Single recording" has been selected and the trigger event has already


Chapter 22 - 4 0115MC

22.2.2 Scope / Configuration


By means of the Scope function you may record and display control data.
This page enables faster diagnosis in the case of problems.

Scope function operating modes

The trigger event has not yet occurred (scope function in the idle mode):
In this case the scanned data are copied into 8 different arrays of 400 values each representing
a ring buffer store. For this reason data prior to the trigger event can also be displayed.

Trigger event has occurred

After the trigger event has occurred, the recording time defined by the VIS variable elapses,
after which the Scope function stops.

Chapter 22 - 5
Sending the data to the visual display
After the Scope function has been stopped, a calculation is carried out in the trc_clc task and
then sent to the screen.

The trigger parameter settings, the recording variables and the recording time can be entered
on the setting pages. With the Tab key "Curves 1-8", the user can change to the picture for the
recording variables.

Settings for the scope variables

Digital Trigger " Dig.Trg.Var."

The digital trigger initiates the scope function whenever specific bits display a positive or
negative edge. The bit numbers for the positive ("Bit No. pos.edge:") and negative ("Bit No. neg.
edge:") edges can be separately selected and activated ("active"). The digital triggers name in
the control must be stated. The digital trigger in the RPS may be any type (except "float").

Analog trigger "Analog Trigger var:"

The analog trigger is initiated with a comparison value during a positive comparison of the
analog variables. The < (less than), = (equal to) or > (greater than) symbols can be used as
comparison operators. Any variable name can be used. If the variable does not exist in the
control, it will automatically be deactivated. The unit for the comparison variable must also be
entered in the Unit input field.
If amplifiers of the B&R-ACOPOS type are installed at the machine (e.g. EM), these amplifiers
may use variables as trigger variables, too. For the syntax see the recording variables.

Total recording time " Total rec. time (sec)"

If the scope is in idle mode (Trigger event not yet occurred), the ring buffer is overwritten
within the total recording time. While the user can select any recording time, the RPS can not
necessarily use it. The effective recording time, which must always be bigger than or equal to
the selected time, is calculated by the RPS and displayed on the screen after one cycle.


Chapter 22 - 6 0115MC
Recording time after triggering "Rec. time after trigger"
By entering a value of 0-100 %, a so-called "Pre-trigger" can be set. Hence if a value of, say, 90
% is entered and 2.4 seconds are recorded, then recording starts 10% (ca. 240ms) before the
actual trigger event

Sgl.(0) or cont.rec. (1) ?

If single recording has been set, only one cycle is displayed on the screen.
After recording the status message "Ready for new recording" appears. With changing to
the"Configuration" display and changing back to the "Curves 1-8" display, the recording is
ready for another single shot. During continuous recording, the data are displayed on the VIS
with each trigger event occurred. It is of course necessary for the trigger event also to occur

Varable name (recording variables in the control)

Any desired variable type (except "float") can be recorded. The user need only enter the name
of the variable in the RPS. If the variable does not exist, a dummy variable is recorded instead,
which always has a value of zero.
If amplifiers of the B&R-ACOPOS type are installed at the machine (e.g. EM), these amplifiers
can also record variables. The ACOPOS independently carries out the recording procedure. The
variable name is entered via the key word ACP:
ACP [axis abbreviation, number]ParNr
or ACP [axis abbreviation]ParNr
Axis abbreviation is the designation of the RPS axis
e.g. CU1 for the closure.
Number is the number of the amplifier for this axis (if only 1 amplifier is given, this parameter is
assigned 0 or it can be left).
ParNr is the parameter number at the ACOPS which is to be recorded (a list will follow below).

The text which was entered here is displaye on the "Curve 1-8" page as curve description. If a
dot or a space is entered as the first character of the info text, the variable name is displayed as
curve description on the "Curve 1-8" page.

Chapter 22 - 7
Example: Actual speed of closure
or ACP[CU1,0]92
Example: Actual speed Metering
Selected list of frequently used parameter numbers:

92: Position controller: Actual speed

111: Position controller: Actual position
112: Position controller: Contouring error
113: Position controller: Set position
114: Position controller: Set speed
213: Current controller: Set stator current quadrature-axis component
214: Current controller: Actual stator current quadrature-axis component
251: Speed controller: Actual rotational speed
250: Speed controller: Set speed
298: Intermediate circuit voltage controller: Actual intermediate circuit voltage
380: Dissipator temperature
381: Measured motor temperature
382: Junction temperature
383: Braking resistor temperature

Restrictions when using ACOPOS variables.

1. No continuous recording possible.
2. If an ACOPOS variable is used as the trigger variable, at least one recording variable
must be adjusted to this ACOPOS.
3. 100 % should be adjusted for "Rec. after triggering".


Chapter 22 - 8 0115MC
Nine different units for the recording variables can be selected by the user for recording.
Available units: °C, mm/s, bar, mm, cm3, mV, %, dig, and kN.

Selection by active axis number

If automatic axis selection has been activated, the recording variables and trigger settings
according to the selected axis are determined by the RPS.

Axis number
The axis number must be given for automatic axis selection. If it is not known which axis has
which number, the axis diagnosis can be accessed by the "PLC" tab key and "Axis" rider and if
a valid entry is made in the "Axis number" field (1 - input limit), the axis type will be displayed to
the right of the axis type input field.
The following axes are currently available:

Axis type English des. German designation

CU clamp unit Schließeinheit
EU ejector unit Auswerfereinheit
NU nozzle unit Düseneinheit
IP injection piston Spritzkolben
MT metering unit Dosiereinheit
MH mould height Einbauhöhenverstellung
CP core pull Kernzug
HU handling unit Handling
IH integrated handling Integriertes Handling
PB pressure box Druckdose
RE roundtable stat. eject. Rundtisch Stationsauswerfer
RT round table Rundtisch
TT turn table Dreheinheit
UU unscrewing unit Abschraubeinheit
AP adv.progr.system APS
VU vacuum unit Vakuumeinheit
RI roundtable index Rundtisch Indexzylinder
SU stuffer unit Stopfereinheit
DY dummy axis Dummy Achse

Chapter 22 - 9

22.3 PLC
22.3.1 PLC / General


Use the main task diagnosis to call the state of the different automatic step by step switches.
This aid may be applied in different situations in case it is not possible to establish an online
communication with the control unit via the service computer.

automatic (PV.Acaut[0])
Display of the current step in the main automatic step sequence the machine is in.

0 No automatic mode / Waiting for Start

1 Waiting for safety gate open/closed, Cycle Start in the semiautomatic mode 1
3 Waiting for safety gate open/closed, Cycle Start in the semiautomatic mode 1
10 Waiting for oil temperature ok
12 Purging cold plug from cycle start
13 Waiting for injection plunger ready
14 Cycle start / start closing
15 Waiting for clamping force built up / start automatic step sequence NU/IP (PV.Aciu[])


Chapter 22 - 10 0115MC
60 Waiting for automatic step sequence NU/IP ready, PC:Aciu[] >= 100
70 Start Opening
71 Waiting for TandemMould
72 Waiting for Mould opened / Start Ejector forward
81 Waiting for Ejector in front position/ Start Ejector back
85 Start Spraying/brushing device
86 Waiting for spraying/brushing device ready
91 Waiting for Ejector back
94 Waiting for tandem mould ejector in front position
95 Waiting for Mould opened / Start Brushing / Spraying device
100 Start Clamping force control
101 Waiting for End Clamping force control
110 Waiting for brushing/ spraying device
111 Mould open time
112 Waiting for nozzle is back
113 Error analysis / start of "New cycle" go to step 1, 3 or 10
114 Stop nozzle assembly
115 Start nozzle ejection position
116 Waiting for nozzle in injection position
117 Start ejection program
118 Waiting for end ejection program
119 Waiting for error analysis for switch-off (Time Switch-off delayed)
120 Waiting for cycle start after error class 3
199 Automatic abort operation not ok

Chapter 22 - 11
IP1 automatic (PV.Aciu[0]):
IP2 automatic (PV.Aciu[1]):
IP3 automatic (PV.Aciu[2]):
Display of the current step in the automatic substep sequence the nozzle assembly / injection
plunger is in.

18 Waiting for purging "Cold plug"

19 Waiting for nozzle is back
20 Start Nozzle forward
21 Waiting Nozzle contact point reached
30 Start Injection / Holding pressure
31 Waiting for holding pressure end / start ejector stamping
32 Waiting for stamping / degassing position injection
33 Start injection/ holding pressure after degassing cycle
35 Waiting for clamping force reduction ready
40 Nozzle back before metering
41 Waiting for nozzle is back
42 Start nozzle forward - sealing
43 Start injection plunger - sealing
44 Waiting for sealing time
50 Start nozzle back
51 Waiting nozzle is back
55 Start metering / decompression before/after
56 Waiting for metering / decompression end
50 Start nozzle back after metering
61 Waiting for nozzle is back
62 Waiting for cooling time end / start TandemMould
63 Waiting TandemMould ready
65 Waiting clamping force built up / start ejector stamping forward
66 Waiting ejector stamping in front position / start ejector stamping back
67 Waiting ejector stamping ready


Chapter 22 - 12 0115MC
Switch cabinet temperature
Display of the switch cabinet temperature. After exceeding 60 °C/ 140 °F, the machine will be
switched off.

This page enables faster diagnosis of problems.

B6 Manager
Click on this button to call up the B6 manager.
The following actions can be carried out in this menu:
• Save log files (RPS, BATVIS, log) on USB data carrier.
• Manuel searching of installation files.
• RPS:
Restart of the RPS.
Terminating the RPS.
Status of operating system.
Warm and cold start of the RPS
• VIS:
Restart of the VIS.
Terminating the VIS
• Display of VIS Control Cen

Chapter 22 - 13

22.3.2 PLC / Pump


Use the pump diagnosis to call the state of the different pump systems. This aid may be applied
in different situations in case it is not possible to establish an online communication with the
control unit via the service computer.
This page enables faster diagnosis of problems.

Possible pump number entry (0... display off, 1... maximum number of pumps).

Display of pump release status.
RPS (PLC) Var.: Pp_com[Pump number].Pbrel
0 Pump is being used by an axis .. not available
1 Pump (pump system) available for next movement
The Pp_com[Pump number].axis variable indicates which axis has called up the pump, or if no
movement is active, this variable shows the number of the last axis to use the pump.


Chapter 22 - 14 0115MC
Display of the step in the programmed step sequence where the starting procedure of the drive
currently is.
RPS Var.:Pp_com[Pump number].CaseStrNo
0 Drive off / Waiting for Start
10 Switching Start Contactor
20 Switching main contactor / Wating for end star run-up
30 Checking "Drive running" (digital input from main contactor
40 Waiting for release (delay)
50 Drive running/ Waiting for stop
60 Waiting for Start key released

Controller control
Display of current pump controller configuration. RPS (PLC) variable (WORD): Pp_com[Pump
Bit Function
Control bits for pump
Bit 0:
Bit 1:
Bit 2: Direct SPC access
Bit 3: Exclusive access
Bit 4:
Bit 5:
Bit 6: Minimum pressure / quantity output

Chapter 22 - 15
Display of current pump status.
RPS (PLC) variable (WORD): Pp_com[Pump number].status
Bit Function
Status bits for pump
Bit 0: Slave
Bit 1:
Bit 2: Direct SPC access
Bit 3: Direct SPC access with Add-/Max term
Bit 4: Idling active
Bit 5: No loading

xx org-status
The field index of the variable Pp_com[Pump number].orgstat[xx] can be entered here.
RPS (PLC) Variable (BYTE[10]) : Pp_com[Pump number].orgstat[xx]
No. Function
Status of Pump organisation task
1 Drive running (e.g. release additional axes)


Chapter 22 - 16 0115MC

22.3.3 PLC / Axis


Use the axis diagnosis to call the state of the different axes. This aid may be applied in different
situations in case it is not possible to establish an online communication with the control unit via
the service computer.
This page enables faster diagnosis of problems.
The wished axis is selected here. Number and type of the axis (e.g. 1, CU1) is displayed on the
right of the selection. The following axis types are currently available (see table):
Axis type English des. German des.
CU clamp unit Schließeinheit
EU ejector unit Auswerfereinheit
NU nozzle unit Düseneinheit
IP injection piston Spritzkolben
MH mould height Einbauhöhenverstellung
MT metering unit Dosiereinheit
CP core pull Kernzug
HU handling unit Handling
IH integrated handling Integriertes Handling

Chapter 22 - 17
PB pressure box Druckdose
RE round table ejector Rundtisch Stationsauswerfer
RT round table Rundtisch
TT turn table Dreheinheit
PB pressure box Druckdose
VU vacuum unit Vakuumeinheit
RI round table index Rundtisch Index
UU unscrewing unit Abschraubeinheit
OU option unit Optionsachse
SG safety gate Schutzgitter
AP APS axis APS Achse
DY Dummy axis Dummy Achse
The number displayed to the right of the axis type, e.g. CP2, indicates that this is the second
axis of this type i.e. core puller 2.
Start - oc
Start - ocom
Display of the number (Start number), used to call up the axis.
Clamping unit: Axis number = CU$[1]
No. Designation
0 idle
1 Close with clamping force build-up
3 Close
5 Clamping force build-up
2 Reduce clamping force with opening
4 Open
6 Clamping force reduction
7 Closing Setting mode
8 Opening Setting mode
9 Closing Service setting mode
10 Opening Service Setting mode
11 Pressure box(es) back Setting mode (HM machines)
12 Pressure box(es) forward Setting mode (HM machines)
15 Move lockings in Setting mode (HM)
16 Move lockings out Setting mode (HM)
17 Mould height adjustment (


Chapter 22 - 18 0115MC
Nozzle unit: Axis number = NU$[1]
No. Designation
0 idle
1 Nozzle forward
2 Nozzle back
7 Nozzle forward Setting mode
8 Nozzle back Setting mode
9 Nozzle forward Service Setting mode
10 Nozzle backward Service Setting mode
The nozzle unit (NU) for the microsystem is available only for a multicolour machine.
The start commands of this NU must be taken from the clamping unit.

Ejector unit: Axis number = EU$[1]

No. Designation
0 idle
1 Ejector back
2 Ejector forward
3 Ejector back - Vibrating stroke (Micro)
7 Ejector back Setting mode
8 Ejector forward Setting mode
9 Ejector back Service Setting mode
10 Ejector forward Service Setting mode

Injection plunger: Axis number = IP$[1]

No. Designation
0 idle
1 Injection incl. holding pressure
3 Injection
5 Holding pressure
2 Metering incl. decompression before/after
6 injection plunger back (Micro)
7 Injection Setting mode
8 Decompression Setting mode
9 Injection Service Setting mode
10 Decompression Service Setting mode
12 Metering service setting mode (Micro)
15 Injection plunger as ejector forward (Micro)
16 Injection plunger as ejector back (Micro)

Chapter 22 - 19
17 Injection plunger forward to the waiting position (Micro)
18 Injection plunger back to the waiting position (Micro)

Circular disc: Axis number = TT$[1]

No. Designation
0 idle
1 Circular disc clockwise (negative direction)
2 Circular disc counterclockwise (positive direction)
9 Service setting mode Circular disc clockwise (negative direction)
10 Service setting mode Circular disc counterclockwise (positive direction)

Mould height adjustment Axis number = MH$[1]

No. Designation
0 idle
1 Reduce mounting height
2 Increase mounting height
3 Automatic mould height readjustment

Core puller: Axis number = CP$[1]

Axis number = CP$[2]
No. Designation
0 idle
1 Move in core puller
2 Move out core puller

Start step
Display of axis step number (internal step number, organisation task in the start routine). See
description of the corresponding axis.
Stop step
Display of axis stop step number (internal step number, organisation task in the stop routine).
See description of the corresponding axis.
If an axis correctly completes its movement (e.g. profile end reached), the lat call (= start -
ocom) is displayed here.


Chapter 22 - 20 0115MC
Stop pos. / Stop neg.
Indicates whether the selected axis is or has been stopped by an interlock in the positive /
negative direction.
0 No stop
<> 0 stop (direction of movement disabled). Cklicking on the finger to the right of the status
value will display a description of the axis/functin which triggered the stop.

Description of the stop numbers for machine axes "ocom_.nStp & ocom_.Stp!"
(Version: 0.02.3, Rev: 1061)
001 Error class 8
002 Gen. safety device (purge guard, safety doors, maintenance doors)
003 CU safety device (safety gate / photoelectric barrier)
004 Scotch on the left or STD scotch / clamping safety device (HM series)
005 Scotch on the right
006 Gen. safety device not closed after cycle start
007 Mould has been injected on
008 Hydr. Mouldmaster nozzle active, MM pump = IP pump
009 Injection pressure / holding pressure too high (temperature)
010 Profile monitoring Mouldmaster nozzle
011 STD / UM ejector not back
012 Safety position Nozzle unit 1
013 Safety position Nozzle unit 2
014 Safety position Nozzle unit 3
015 Mould-depending stop (plate protection ...)
016 Mould table not in position
017 Table index 1 not OK
018 Vacuum unit 1
019 Barrel heating (max. temp. monitoring, OFF, learning. graduated heating-up, screw
thorough-heating time)
020 Mould heating and external heating (temperature control unit)
021 Mouldmaster nozzles
022 Optional temperature control zones (HT group 14, 15, 16)
023 No mould for axis
024 Invalid oscillating range
025 Mould not opened
026 Station ejector 1 not back
027 Station ejector 2 not back
028 Station ejector 3 not back
029 Central lubrication

Chapter 22 - 21
030 Robot release (EM, LC, UNIPICK)
031 Robot release cleaning (BH)
032 Robot release sprue knock device (SK)
033 Reserve
034 Reserve
035 Reserve
036 Station ejector 1 not in safety position
037 Station ejector 2 not in safety position
038 Station ejector 3 not in safety position
039 Block of Mouldfix
040 Actualisation of the robot mould active
041 General stop for robot interface
042 Step sequence station ejector started
043 No robot mould available
044 Table index 1 not back
045 Control job aborted
046 Purging flap
047 Purging cup / Purging box
048 Injection upper mould
049 General blocking for nozzle unit (sequence)
050 General blocking for injection plunger (sequence)
051 Height adjustment injection unit
052 Mould not closed
053 Mould not closed or external injection block
054 Nozzle unit in wrong position
055 Barrel heating stop by weekly time switch
056 CPT maximal value monitoring for each injection profile point
057 No mould for demoulding
058 Pressure discharge for axis active
059 Error class 9
060 No release of safety gate bypass
061 No release of photoelectric barrier bypass
062 Stop envelope monitoring (e.g. demoulding, immediate stop, ...)
063 Mould closed but clamping force not built up and nozzle contact
064 Error Servo motor
065 BM head heating (max. temp.monitoring, OFF, learning)
066 Mould table / rotary unit must be referenced
067 Force not built up


Chapter 22 - 22 0115MC
068 No release of two-hand operation
069 Compression and degassing with equal start point
070 Error class 2
071 Mould full (already injected)
072 Automatic correction Mould open
073 Compression gap reached
074 Safety gate / photoelectric barrier interrupted during breathing sequence
075 Mould full by IP1 (injected)
076 Mould full by IP2 (injected)
077 Mould full by IP3 (injected)
078 No mould for IP1
079 No mould for IP2
080 No mould for IP3
081 Clamping force reduced, but cooling time IP1 still active
082 Clamping force reduced, but cooling time IP2 still active
083 Clamping force reduced, but cooling time IP2 still active
084 Airmould
085 Mould not closed or clamping force build-up active
086 Profile monitoring Holding pressure
087 Profile monitoring Metering
088 Nozzle contact point lost
089 Heating groups in automatic mode
090 StpUSE - Bit 0
091 StpUSE - Bit 1
092 StpUSE - Bit 2
093 StpUSE - Bit 3
094 StpUSE - Bit 4
095 StpUSE - Bit 5
096 StpUSE - Bit 6
097 StpUSE - Bit 7
098 Standard profile monitoring
099 Zerosing
100 StpAPS
101 Minimum demoulding time
102 Incorrect starting order for axis
103 No parts available
104 Clamping unit is blocked by another axis (CU requests pump)
105 External BY-PASS release missing

Chapter 22 - 23
106 Dummy mould: no valid mould for axis
107 StpUSE - Bit >= 8 aktive
108 Release of peripheral interface 1 (mould area free)
109 Release of peripheral interface 2 (mould area free)
110 Release of peripheral interface 3 (mould area free)
111 Block of magnet mounting platen
112 Block Decompression 2 of clamping unit (identical pump system), progr. Parallel metering
113 Error HW coding injection unit (ID check)
114 No release PQ valve
115 Interface for axis triggering not plugged in (NC)
116 Production stop by DZB interface (HMx)
117 Purging active
118 Safety mat (Er_[470])
119 Ejector chute open, rear safety gate open, rear safety gate not acknowledged
120 Table unit 1 not in position (rotary unit 1 -> TT1)
121 Table unit 2 not in position (rotary unit 2 -> TT2)
122 Table unit 1 not in position (external rotary unit 1 -> TX1)
123 Screw-off unit 1-x not in position
124 STD / UM ejector not in safety position
125 Tiebar pulling process not completed
126 Limit switch "Monitoring min. nozzle stroke A" (e.g. L-group in case of multicolour)
127 Limit switch "Monitoring min. nozzle stroke B" (e.g. L-group in case of multicolour)
128 Limit switch "Monitoring min. nozzle stroke C" (e.g. L-group in case of multicolour)
129 Monitoring safety gate block (Er_[478])
130 No release for special solution Argentina (moving the axis in the setting mode with open
safety gate)
131 Barrel heating (-tolerance, cooling ring, melt)
132 BM head (-tolerance)
133 Monitoring needle valve nozzle
134 Blocking Injection to avoid injection to the horizontal group until the horizontal one is not
completely back
135 Barrel maintenance program
136 Limit switch "Collision NU groups"
137 Limit switch "Hopper monitoring"
138 Clamping force built up and nozzle contact, but no nozzle contact pressure built up
139 Nozzle unit to rear mechanical stop
140 Ejector chute opened (Er_[303])
141 Rear safety gate not acknowledged (Er_[514]


Chapter 22 - 24 0115MC
142 Safety door handle pressed (TMS)
143 Fail safe monitoring time after hydraulic system ON
144 Block Injection if nozzle contact force not built up
145 Clamping force outside tolerance
146 Tiebar pulling device
147 Mould height adjustment stopped - Er_[709]
148 Determination of constant dimension stopped - Er_[710]
149 Rear safety gate opened
150 Rotary unit: No rotary unit switched on
151 Rotary unit: Ejector not in front position (rotary program = 20 index platen)
152 Rotary unit: Ejector not back (rotary program <> 20)
153 Rotary unit: Mould not open (rotary program = 21)
154 Rotary unit: Mould not open (rotary program = 22)
155 Rotary unit: Mould not open (rotary program = 24)
156 Rotary unit: Mould not open (rotary program > 24)
157 Rotary unit: Mould not open (rotary program < 20)
158 Mould safety device
159 Ejector platen HM - Er_[660], Er_[661]
160 DZB insider rear side of safety gate not ok
161 Reserve
162 HM2P: CU diff.pressure 12B02/12B03 > CU.PB.Pplim1 (3 bar) -> Sensor failure
163 HM2P: CU pressure 12B02/12B03 > max axis pressure, e.g. mould injected on
164 HM2P: PU1 ... PU4 in position "PU_S_ERR_END"
165 HM2P: PU forward diff.pressure 45B01/46B01 > PU.PU.Pplim1 (3 bar), stored
166 HM2P: PU forward diff.pressure 45B01/46B01 > PU.PU.Pplim2 (20 bar), stored
167 HM2P: PB forward max.pressure 45B01/46B01 deviation, stored
168 HM2P: PU forward diff.pressure 45B01/46B01 > PU.PU.Pplim1 (3 bar), stored
169 HM2P: PU back diff.pressure 46B02/46B02 > PU.PU.Pplim2 (20 bar), stored
170 HM2P: PU back max.pressure 46B02/46B02 deviation, stored
171 HM2P: PU_S_ACT < 0 and PU_S_ACT = TRUE
172 HM2P: Mould mounting height has changed, zero offset required
173 HM2P: Locking is not unlocked Er287
174 HM2P: Locking error acknowledgement received
175 HM2P: Unlocking error acknowledgement received
176 Tandem-Mould not in a def. position
177 HM2P: Opening stroke larger than max. opening stroke
178 HM2P: Locking cylinder not in locking position

Chapter 22 - 25
179 HM2P: Violation of max. opening force "+" tolerance limit
180 Electro-hydr. nozzle contact monitoring
181 Nozzle unit in absolute rear limit position
182 Oil level Injection spindle
183 Tandem-Mould not closed
184 Screw-off unit switched off
185 Part verification
186 Automatic referencing active
187 Rotary unit not plugged in
188 HM2P: Clamping cylinders are in unlocking position and build up clamping force
189 HM2P: Tiebars in the locking system
190 HM2P: Mould mounting height is in min. position
191 HM2P: Rear frame is in max. position for mould height adjustment
192 HM2P: Locking cylinders are in locking position
193 HM2P: Mould mounting height is in max. position
194 MicroPower: Injection plunger 1 is in the danger zone
195 MicroPower: Injection plunger 2 is in the danger zone
196 MicroPower: Injection plunger 3 is in the danger zone
197 MicroPower: Injection plunger not back
198 MicroPower: Clamping unit not completely open (mech. end)
199 MicroPower: Mould no >= release position (injection plunger forward)
200 Tandem-Mould
201 Block of pressure box
202 Time Close / open exceeded
203 Lateal safety gate open
204 Do not acknowledge safety device
205 Clamping unit is not in safety position (mould table, ...)
206 Index not moved in
207 Machine cycle stopped
208 Nozzle unit not in front position (nozzle contact point)
209 Lego: Peripheral release closing of good / reject part separation
210 Release of peripheral interface 4 (mould area free)
211 Release of peripheral interface 5 (mould area free)
212 Release of peripheral interface 1 (Release of closing)
213 Release of peripheral interface 2 (Release of closing)
214 Release of peripheral interface 3 (Release of closing)
215 Release of peripheral interface 4 (Release of closing)
216 Release of peripheral interface 5 (Release of closing)


Chapter 22 - 26 0115MC
217 Block Build up nozzle contact pressure, CU requires Master pump
218 Block Build up nozzle contact pressure, CU requires Slave pump
219 Block Build up nozzle contact pressure, EU requires Master pump
220 Screw-off unit 2 not in position
221 Block Ejector forward since pump is required by nozzle group 1 (priority)
222 Block Ejector forward since pump is required by nozzle group 2 (priority)
223 Block Ejector forward since pump is required by nozzle group 3 (priority)
224 Block Ejector forward since pump is required by injection plunger 1 (priority)
225 Block Ejector forward since pump is required by injection plunger 2 (priority)
226 Block Ejector forward since pump is required by injection plunger 3 (priority)
227 Block of WFC temperature monitoring
228 Block of WFC flow monitoring
229 Screw thorough-heating time barrel heating
230 External collision control
231 External injection group: Error
232 External injection group: Assembly not ready to start
233 External injection group: Incorrect operating mode
234 External injection process control / monitoring (Kistler, Piramus)
235 Safety doors are not acknowledged
236 Safety gate (safety door) safety device not acknowledged or acknowledgement error
237 Safety door safety device not acknowledged or acknowledgement error
238 Tandem Mould mould change active
239 Current injection volume too large
240 Current injection volume too small
241 Injection unit is started in safety position (e.g. Cellmould)
242 Block Injection plunger forward since pump is required by the nozzle group (build up
nozzle contact pressure) -> is required if IP comes to a stop during breathing sequence
243 Mech. skotch / clamping safety device Clamping 1 (HM series, OPT design)
244 Mech. skotch / clamping safety device Clamping 2 (HM series, OPT design)
245 Mech. skotch / clamping safety device (HM series, STD design)
246 Safety doors 3 x opened (safety gate drive - MacroPower)
247 Safety doors opened (safety gate drive - except for MacroPower)
248 Maintenance door open (safety gate drive)
249 EMERGENCY STOP triggered (safety gate drive)
250 No release variothermal process control (external / mobile)
251 Safety position Ejector back reached
252 External QS evaluation active

Chapter 22 - 27
253 EM Robot to clamping platen: Mould neither closed nor open
254 EM Robot to clamping platen: Mould not closed and injection cycle
255 EM Robot to clamping platen: Mould not closed and dummy mould active
256 EM Robot to clamping platen: Mould not open and no injection cycle
257 EM Robot to clamping platen: undefined STOP
258 Safety bar triggered
259 Maximum clamping force exceeded
260 Safety gate was not acknowledged
261 No position definition of the third mould platen (3-platen mould)
262 Wrong position of the third mould platen (3-platen mould)
263 Block of pressure 2K sandwich platen
264 Block injection plunger forward because nozzle contact force is built up first
265 Block injection plunger back because nozzle contact force is built up first
266 Rotary distributor head must be referenced
267 Rotary distributor head is not switched on
268 Rotary distributor head in undefined position
269 Rotary distributor head not plugged in
270 No valid injection channel on the rotary distributor head opened
271 Screw thorough-heating time dstributor head
272 Distributor head (max. temp. monitoring, OFF, learning. graduated heating-up, screw
thorough-heating time)
273 "-" tolerance error distributor head
274 Heating distributor head in automatic mode (max. "+" tolerance error)
275 Filling assembly stopped since shotpot assembly stopped
276 Shotpot assembly stopped since filling assembly stopped
277 NC servo unit in mechanical limit position
278 NC servo unit deactivated
279 Error continuous current utilisation
280 Mould height must be referenced
281 New zeroing of the clamping unit required
282 Wrong mould for Removal/Insertion
283 to 509 Reserve
510 External mould monitoring Block error status
511 External mould monitoring General block
512 to 530 Reserve
901 to 930 Order-specific stop number


Chapter 22 - 28 0115MC
Status 0-59 (Combobox selection)
The field index of the ocom[Axis number].Status[xx] variable can be selected here. The
respective status value will be displayed on the right of this value.

Status description:
0 Org-Task active
1 Org-Task waiting for pump consent
2 Org-Task Job finished
3 Home position reached (e.g. opened, is back, latched / unlatched position)
4 limit position reached (e.g. closed, is forward, active pulling position)
5 Movement in negative direction active (e.g. closing, turn rotary table cw)
6 Movement in positive direction active (e.g. opening, rotary table ccw)
7 Force build-up active
8 Force release active
9 Force is built up
10 Force is reduced
11 Switch-off Hydraulics
12 Minimum monitoring stroke reached (e.g. toggle min. mould height reached)
13 maximum monitoring stroke reached (e.g. toggle max. mould height reached)
14 Force too low
15 Force too high
16 Force ok
17 Mould safety triggered
18 pressure regulator active (holding pressure)
19 Decrease active
20 Increase active
21 Reset active
22 Rotation active (e.g. Metering)
23 Rotation Limit position reached (e.g. metering stroke end)
24 Limit position 1 reached (e.g. Decompression Stroke 1)
25 Limit position 2 reached (e.g. Decompression Stroke 2)
26 Rotation Limit position and Limit position 2 reached (Metering stroke and Dec.2 reached)
27 Limit position safety device ok
28 Time active (Cooling time, pause time)
29 Lockings moved in
30 Lockings moved out
31 Direction of rotation cw "overrev"
32 Direction of rotation ccw "over rev"

Chapter 22 - 29
40 Program activated (depending on the respective axis)
49 Job aborted

Controller step / controller step 2

Display of the internal step-by-step switch of the controller, depending on the respective
Controller job. Can be documentd by the source code only.
RPS-Variable : ccom[Axis number].CaseNo

Controller active
Indicates whether the controller is still active.
0 offline, inactive
1 active
RPS Variable : ccom[Axis number].active

Controller Job
Display of the job which called up the controller.
RPS (PLC) variable (WORD): ccom[Axis number].job

Axis type CU, EU, NU, RE, RT:

Job Function
Jobs for the controller:
00: no function
100: STOP-Function, i.e. stop open or closed loop process with ramp
101: EMERGENCY STOP-Function, i.e. stop open or closed loop process without ramp
102: STOP-Function Service-Setting, i.e. stop open or closed loop process without ramp

Axis type IP:

Job Function
Jobs for the injection plunger controller:
00: No function
01: Activated controller initialisation


Chapter 22 - 30 0115MC
10: Setting mode INJPL FWD / PURGE
11: Setting mode INJPL BACK
14: SETTING MODE metering piston negative direction (Micro)
15: SETTING MODE metering piston positive direction (Micro)
16: SERVICE SETTING MODE metering piston - negative direction (Micro)
17: SERVICE SETTING MODE metering piston - positive direction (Micro)
50: Special function: Arrest injection plunger
51: Special function: PURGING OF COLD PLUG
100: STOP-Function, i.e. stop open or closed loop process with ramp
101: EMERGENCY STOP function Injection, Decompression, Holding pressure, i.e. stop open
or closed loop processwithout ramp
102: STOP-Function Service-Setting, i.e. stop open or closed loop process without ramp
103: STOP function Metering, back-pressure (with ramp)
104: EMERGENCY STOP-Function without ramp
402: Screw speed measurement (required for speed linearisation)

Controller control
Display of controller configuration, depending on machine type and equipment.
RPS (PLC) variable (WORD): ccom[Axis number].control
Axis type CU, EU, NU, RE:
Bit Function
Control bits for axis:
Bit 0: 0 =
Bit 9: 0 = Switch digital directional valve to mid position at end of stroke
1= leave digital directional valve in selected position at end of stroke
Bit 10: 0 = Controller has control of digital outputs (directional valve) assigned to the axis.
1= SPC (PLC) controls axis-assigned digital outputs (directional valve)

Chapter 22 - 31
Bit 11: 0 = Controller controls axis-assigned analog outputs
1= SPC (PLC) controls axis-assigned analog outputs

Axis type IP:

Bit Function
Control bits for Axis injection plunger:
Bit 0: 0 =
Bit 6: 0 =
Bit 10: 0 = Controller has control of digital outputs (directional valve) assigned to the axis.
1= SPC (PLC) controls axis-assigned digital outputs (directional valve)
Bit 11: 0 = Controller controls axis-assigned analog outputs
1= SPC (PLC) controls axis-assigned analog outputs
Display of controller status information.
RPS-Variable (LONG): ccom[Axis number].status

Axis type CU, EU, NU, RE:

Bit Function
Status bits for axis
Bit 0: 0 = Controller Task INACTIVE
1= Controller Task ACTIVE
Bit 1: STOP function carried out (stopped)
Bit 2: STOP function active, i.e. deceleration ramp active
Bit 5: 0 = Moving phase inactive
1= Movement phase active
Bit 6: Target position reached
Bit 7: Ramps ended (PRESSURE and VOLUME)
Bit 8: Max. feedback error Speed controller overshot
Bit 9: Max. feedback error Pressure controller overshot
Bit 10:Preliminary switchoff active
Bit 11:
Bit 24:Mould safety active


Chapter 22 - 32 0115MC
Bit 25:
Bit 26:
Bit 27:

Axis type IP:

Bit Function
Status bits for Axis injection plunger
Bit 0: 0 = Controller Task INACTIVE
1= Controller Task ACTIVE
Bit 1: STOP function carried out (stopped)
Bit 2: STOP function active, i.e. deceleration ramp active
Bit 4: Hybrid controller: Pressure control active
Bit 5: 0 = Moving phase inactive
1= Movement phase active
Bit 6: Profile end reached
Bit 7: Target pressure preached
Bit 8: Max. feedback error Speed controller overshot
Bit 9: Max. feedback error Pressure controller overshot
Bit 10:
Bit 11:
Bit 12:
Bit 24:
Bit 25:Pressure monitoring
Bit 26:Injection phase active
Bit 27:Holding pressure phase active
Bit 28:Function Arrest injection plunger active
Bit 29:

Direction valve in negative direction, (actual stroke value decreases)

Direction valve in positive direction, (actual stroke value inecreases)

Chapter 22 - 33
Output voltage to a proportional directional valve
Volume requirement of the axis to the pump

Pressure requirement of the axis to the pump
Current stroke in digit from an analog stroke transducer


Chapter 22 - 34 0115MC

22.3.4 PLC / Log

Here, the log of the control unit (PLC) is displayed. This aid may be applied in different
situations in case it is not possible to establish an online communication with the control unit via
the service computer.
This page enables faster diagnosis of problems.

Chapter 22 - 35

22.3.5 PLC / Error diagnosis


Here, the errors of the RPS are displayed. This aid may be applied in different situations in
case it is not possible to establish an online communication with the control unit via the service
This page enables faster diagnosis of problems.


Chapter 22 - 36 0115MC

22.4 Hardware


The modules used by the control unit will be indicated. This aid may be applied in different
situations in case it is not possible to establish an online communication with the control unit via
the service computer.
This page enables faster diagnosis of problems.
IO Forcing
IOs can be forced (compulsory setting of actual / set values for / of inputs / outputs). A certain IO
picture for diagnosis purposes can thus be created.
Caution: A change of the IOs can result in negative effects, therefore, this function is to be used
by experienced specialists.
Double click on the wished IO node to open another window where the wished behaviour
(forcing - forcing off - forcing of all IOs off) can be entered. According to the IO nodes, the
wished set value can be specified in the set value field. Forcing the IO node can also be
switched off again here.
When leaving the "Hardware" screen, forcing of all IOs will be deactivated!

Chapter 22 - 37

22.5 NC diagnosis
22.5.1 NC diagnosis / general


Set temperature circuit 1-4

Set temperature Water cooling circuit (option)
Enter the set temperature for all cooled motors and/or drives in this field. On reaching this
temperature the cooling will be switched on. It is recommended to enter this temperature 10 °C
(50 °F) to 20 °C (68 °F) above room temperature.
If the option water cooling circuit is installed in addition to the ventilation, it is recommended to
adjust the set temperature about 10 °C (50 °F) above the set temperature of the ventilation. This
will allow to minimise the cooling water consumption.

In order to be able to empty the motor cooling circuit, enter a lower temperature value (e.g. 10
°C / 50 °F) in this field so that the cooling circuit valve will open, and switch off the cooling water.

The "Cooling active" status is displayed to the right of the set values.


Chapter 22 - 38 0115MC
Temperature monitoring of the driving spindle (option)
Prewarning temperature driving spindle
Switch-off temperature driving spindle
The set prewarning or switch-off temperature for the temperature monitoring of the driving
spindle can be read here. These values are set in the factory and cannot be changed. An error
message is displayed when exceeding the respective temperature.

Current temperature driving spindle 1-3

The current temperature of the respctive driving spindle can be read here. The name of the
monitored axis (e.g. IP1,1 ... injection plunger 1, driving spindle 1) is displayed to the left of the
temperature display.

Chapter 22 - 39

22.5.2 NC diagnostic / Page 1


Use the "NC diagnosis" menu to read the current motor temperatures of the individual axes.
Additionally, the nod number, drive utilization, intermediate circuit voltage, order designation,
and serial number for each axis with electrical drive will be displayed.

Node number
Display of the nod number assigned to this axis in the software. This number must correspond
to the nod number set at the drive (plug-in module AC110 at the ACOPOS).

Drive utilization
Display of the current utilization at the drive in [%]. The drive utilization must not be higher than
99 %. The actual value in the outer right of this line shows the current motor torque in [Nm] /

Intermediate circuit voltage

Display of the current intermediate circuit voltage in [V]. With the drive being switched on, a
display of 0 [V] indicates a cable breakage, phase failure, or a defective drive.


Chapter 22 - 40 0115MC
Motor temperature
Display of the motor temperature of the respective axis in [°C] / [°F].

Order designation, serial number

The display refers to the motor of the respective axis.

Run-up block
Displays the software release for a movement of the respective axis.
0, red No release for a movement of the respective axis (e.g. safety gate is open).
1, green Release for a movement of the respective axis available.
In the automatic moce (no safety devices open and drive started), the release is
immediately given.
In the manual mode, release is given only by operating the respective manual control key.

Indicates the hardware release of the safety chain (i.e.: EMERGENCY STOP, safety gate) of the
respective axis during drive operation.
0, green Release for a movement of the respective axis. Safety chain not interrupted and drive
1, red No release for a movement of the respective axis available.
Safety chain interrupted or drive off.

Chapter 22 - 41

22.6 CAN diagnosis

Use the "CAN diagnosis" menu to read the current actions of the CAN interface. To do so,
the diagnosis display for all interfaces or for a certain interface must be activated via the
The following is displayed:
• Interface identification
• CAN Identifier (CAN ID)
• Direction: RD ... read, WR ... write
• Data
• Call count

22.7 CAB/MB/PM/E67 (CAN IOs)

The inputs and outputs of the individual CAN modules are displayed. This aid may be applied
in different situations in case it is not possible to establish an online communication with the
control unit via the service computer.
This page enables faster diagnosis of problems.


Chapter 22 - 42 0115MC

22.8 CAN pump

Use the CAN pump diagnosis to call the states of the different CAN pumps. This aid may be
applied in different situations in case it is not possible to establish an online communication with
the control unit via the service computer.
This page enables faster diagnosis of problems.

22.8.1 CAN pump / DFEC 1

Node guarding The communication of the individual pumps is monitored by the nodeguarding. If
the value is changing between "0005" and =0085", the communication is in order. The following
values are possible:
• 0005 and 0085 - Communication correct.
• 0001 - Master starts slave (i.e., the control unit tries to start the pump)
• 007F and 00FF Pump is in preoperational mode

If the value "0001" appears and does not change back again to 5 and 85 after a short period of
time, it is very likely that a hardware error occurred. The following errors are possible:
• The 120 ohm terminal resistances are missing
• A shielding problem occurred
• The DFEC pump controller has no 24V voltage supply or is defective
• Cabling is defective
If the values 7F and FF appear and do not change back again to 5 and 85 after a short period of
time, a software problem is given on one page (pump controller or control system). You can try
here to solve the problem by switching the voltage off and on again. In this case, even a more
intensive error diagnosis with WINPED may be successful.

Manufacturer-specific data
These fields show the manufacturer, the hardware and software version of the pump controller.
Always state these specifications in the case of questions or error messages.

Chapter 22 - 43
ADO abort Error
If the communication is faulty, it will be aborted and an SDO abort telegram is sent by the

Node number
Node number of the sensor which caused the error

Job number
Internal SPC parameter number

SDO status
For an explanation refer to table 2 or 3: SDO status

Error class
Error code
Display of error class and error code

Add code
For an explanation see table 1: SDO abort codes according to CanOpen standard

Obj. index
Index of the object according to CanOpen

Obj. subindex
Subindex of the object according to CanOpen


Chapter 22 - 44 0115MC
Table 1: SDO abort codes

Add code Error code Error class Description

0x11 0x9 0x6 Subindex does not exist
0x00 0x1 0x6 only reading or writing possible
0x31 0x9 0x6 Default value too large
0x32 0x9 0x6 Default value too large
0x10 0x7 0x6 Data type not known
0x12 0x7 0x6 Data length too big
0x13 0x7 0x6 Data length too short
0x41 0x4 0x6 Date cannot be mapped
0x42 0x4 0x6 PDO length exceeded
0x43 0x4 0x6 Value invalid
0x00 0x3 0x5 Wrong toggle bit
0x00 0x2 0x6 Object not available
0x21 0x0 0x8 Internal error
0x22 0x0 0x8 Service error
0x00 0x6 0x6 Charging error EEPROM
0x47 0x4 0x6 Initialisation error

Error CAN-OPEN Master - entries in the RPS log

Error which are generated by the CanOpen Master or the CanOpen library are entered in the
CPU log.
Excerpt from the "CANOPENMasterDoku.doc" created by B&R: Within the framework of the
standard modules, an individual error number range is assigned to each standard component.
Range 51300-51499 is assigned to CANopen Master.

Chapter 22 - 45
Table 2: SDO status

Status cause Description

1 No error The process was finished without error.
51300 CANopen() error FUB CANopen() delivered error status (observe error log)
51301 Inv. data type The type of a variable in the PDO configuration will not be
51302 Nil pointer Pointer to pdoInf_s; structure of a drive is nil
51303 Nil pointer Pointer to drvInf_s; structure of a drive is nil
51304 inv. Job Id Unknown job ordered
51305 Timeout No answer from slave (address is in .errorData)
51306 Nil pointer Pointer to the data is nil
51307 Inv. Request type Unknown request ordered (only write and read)
51308 Function active SDO request is still present (no error)
51309 Step error Internal error State machine malfunction
51310 Config. stopped Configuration was stopped by user intervention (no error)
51311 Function active Configuration is still active (no error)
51312 Function active NMT command is still active (no error)
51313 Function active Sync telegram is still active (no error)
51314 PDO robot inactive PDO robot is not active since number of drives per cycle is
51315 Inv. PDO length The total length of the TX-PDO mapping is greater than 8 bytes
51316 Inv. PDO length The total length of the RX-PDO mapping is greater than 8
51317 Nil pointer Pointer to the root table of the drives
51318 Function active Nodeguard request is still active (no error)
51319 PV error Configurated PV cannot be used (make sure that the data type
is correct)
51320 Inv. data format The indicated data format is invalid (ev. 0); check configuration
51321 Slave is busy The addressed slave is busy and, for the time being, it is not
available for the parameter transfer
51322 Error during busy An error at the slave occurred during the busy request
51323 Inv. PDO number The number of the PDO which shall be ordered by means of
RTR is zero
51324 Function active RTR command is still active (no error)
51325 LMT error Error code while LMT service received from slave; LMT error codes
can be found in the data
51326 Incorrect LMT command specifier The received command specifier from the
slave differs from the sent one


Chapter 22 - 46 0115MC
51327 Data buffer too small The delivered data buffer is too small for received LMT
51328 Function active LMT command is still active (no error)
51329 Invalide node ID The delivered node ID (.drv.Adr) is greater than the greatest
existing node ID in the project
51330 Array too small The structure array used for the PDO array configuration has
too less elements (one element is necessary for each slave)
51331 CANqueue() error FUB CANqueue() delivered error status (observe addInfo of the
coMaster structure, e.g.: cm.addInfo)
51332 No free port There is no free CANopen port for instantiation (max.8)
51333 Scaling factor is 0 A scaling factor of 0 is not permissible (division by 0)
51334 Name too long The given name of an API function is too long (max. 32)
51335 Function active The Consume Heart Beat function is busy (no error)
51336 CANxnode() error FUB CANxnode() delivered error status (observe error log). For the
time being it occurs only if the "Producer Heart Beat Protocol" is activated.

Chapter 22 - 47
Table 3: SDO status
Not standardized error numbers

Status Cause Description

10 Station busy Slave is just being served
11 Inv. length Delivered data length is too small for the received telegram
(check .sizeOfData)
12 SDO acknowledge Error by Receive SDO acknowledge
13 SDO acknowledge SDO acknowledge is invalid (ordering answer received from
second master)
14 SDO toggle bit Error in the SDO toggle bit (send and receive)
15 Inv. length Data length to be sent is greater than the actual data length
17 TX-SDO Delivered data length is too small for the received telegram
(check sizeOfData)
65534 enable = 0 Function called with enable = 0

22.8.2 CAN pump / DFEC 2

This menu shows the connection between the individual pumps and the pumps systems. Here,
the following information is available under the respective pump number:

Master / Slave
If the abbreviation "Ma" is shown here, the pump is a master pump. If the abbreviation "Sla" is
shown here, the pump is a slave pump.

Slave of Master
If the pump is a slave pump, it is always the pump of a certain master. This field shows the
pump number (which must be a master) of which the pump is the slave. If the pump, however, is
a master, "0" is shown here since a master can never belong to another master
Pump system
A master pump always automatically represents a certain system. Here the system is shown,
which is represented by the corresponding master pump in the current configuration. In the case
of the slave pump, too, the system to which it belongs is displayed..


Chapter 22 - 48 0115MC
This field shows the communication channel on which the pump is receiving messages.

This field shows the communication channel on which the pump is sending. This sending
channel is only active if ther is another pump which has the same number as the receiving

Master / Slave active

This field shows whether the master-slave operation is active for the respective pump. Only if
the master-slave operation is active, a master is able to communicate with the slaves connected
to it or vice versa.
In principle, Caution must be paid with this information that they may change during the machine
cycle. The reason is that, in different procedures, e.g. metering, the systems are connected
together in another way than, e.g., when moving the clamping unit. This change-over of the
master-slave operation is determined by the respective configuration which states which pump
is the master and which pumps belong to it.

Master Slave configuration

The actual value field shows the configuration which is currently specified by the control unit.
Another configuration can be specified in the input field.
The configuration may be changed only if the hydraulic system is switched off. The manual
change is possible due to the following reasons: The pump must be a master if the DMUs of a
pump are to be calibrated. Fact is, however, that a certain pump is a master in one configuration
and a slave in another configuration. If it is a master, the respective DMU can be calibrated
while the hydraulic system is switched off. Is it, however, a slave, it is first necessary to select a
configuration in which it becomes a master. (see also calibraiton of the DMU).

Time needed by the control unit to change over the configuration.

Chapter 22 - 49

22.8.3 CAN Pump / Emergency Objects

Emergency object Error

Number of emergencies
The value will be incremented when an emergency message occurs.

Emergency error code

Emergency register
All values are shown in hex according to the CanOpen standard.

Error code Error register Significance

Byte 0.1 Byte 2
0x0000 0x00 Error reset or no error
0x3101 0x40 Overvoltage (> 37 V)
0x3102 0x40 Undervoltage (< 19 V)
0x4200 0x08 Temperature warning (approx. 85 °C)
0x4201 0x08 Temp. exceeded (95 °C)
0x8101 0x10 CAN Overflow
0x8102 0x10 CAN Guard Fail
0xFF01 0x80 Control error
0xFF02 0x80 Cable breakage valve
0xFF03 0x80 Cable breakage pivoting angle
0xFF04 0x80 Cable breakage DMU entry 1
0xFF05 0x80 Cable breakage DMU entry 2
0xFF06 0x80 Cable breakage DMU entry 3
0xFF07 0x80 Cable breakage DMU entry 4
Additionally, the emergencies are shown in the form of a predefined list with a "Tick".

Error code
All currently active emergency errors are here shown in the hex format in a time-based
order. Non-active errors are removed from the list either automatically or after having been

Read actual / set position of valve

If this button is pressed, the value for actual valve position and set valve position is shown in %
on the right side. These values are not cyclically updated but only on request!


Chapter 22 - 50 0115MC
Pump controller Temperature
The temperature of the pump electronics will be displayed here. The value is updated every 5
minutes. If the temperature exceeds the value of 85 degrees, error 113 is generated (warning).
If the temperature exceeds 95 degrees, the hydraulic system is switched off and error 689 is

Node number
Node guarding
The complete CAN network is shown here. Active participants are identified by the node
guarding signal and graphically shown by a "Tick".

Chapter 22 - 51


Chapter 22 - 52 0115MC

23 APS (Option)

23.1 APS operation

23.1.1 APS operation / general

F23-APS Bedienung-Allgemein_01

Error analysis for "Axis blocked by APS"

If the axis was stopped by a stop programmed by the APS program (axis variable "nStp"
or "pStp", e.g.: CU1nStp, disabling the clamping unit in negative direction, corresponds to
"Closing"), this program selection determines whether an error should be signalled.

No error analysis
No error signal if axis is stopped by the APS program.

Error analysis in manual, setting and automatic mode

Error analysis in manual and setting mode
If the axis is stopped by the APS program, the error is signalled in the indicated operating

Chapter 23 - 1
APS required for operation of the machine
Whether an APS program is necessary to operate the machine is saved in the product data set
(see section Data Set Management, Page Program Settings).

Product ID
The product ID is required for the identification of the product record (see chapter 23.3 „APS
program creation“, section „Record handling“).

Program ID
The program ID is required for the identification of the APS program. The program ID is entered
in the „APS program creation“ menu.

Status line
This indicates which mode of the APS program is active.
• Inactive
The APS program will not be carried out
• Active
The APS program will be carried out cyclically
• Single step mode active
The program will be carried out in steps.


Chapter 23 - 2 0114WT

23.1.2 APS operation / general 1

F23-APS Bedienung-Seite 1_02

Switch (P1 to P5)

Switches can be programmed as "Program preselections" or "Function selections". The
condition of the switch is saved in the variables AP1 progsw1 to AP1progsw5. A written text can
be assigned to each switch.

Set values (S1 to S20)

The contents of the set value fields are stored in the variables AP1 setval1 to AP1setval20 and
those of the actual value fields in the variables AP1actval1 to AP1actval20. Due to the fact that
internal caculations are only made with whole numbers, the 100 fold value is in the variable
mentioned above. Each set value and actual value can be assigned a written text.

Status line
This is located under the set value and indicates which mode of the APS program is active.
• Inactive The APS program will not be carried
• Active The APS program will be carried out
• Single step mode active The program will be carried out in steps.

Chapter 23 - 3

23.1.3 APS operation / general 2

F23-APS Bedienung-Seite 2_02

Timer (T1 to T10)

In the "SET" column the set time for the timer is entered. In the "ACTUAL" column the time
which has already run on the time is displayed. A written text can be assigned to each timer.

Analog inputs (AI1 to AI4)

The scaled value for the analog inputs is represented here. A written text can be assigned to
each input.

Analog outputs (AO1 to AO4)

The scaled value for the analog outputs is represented here. A written text can be assigned to
each output.


Chapter 23 - 4 0114WT

23.1.4 APS operation / general 3

F23-APS Bedienung-Seite 3_02

Hydraulic system
4 different configurations can be fixed for the hydraulic system. Each configuration consists of
the following entries.
• Description text.
• Amount
Trigger speed of the the hydraulic drive (0 - 10000 mV).
• Pressure
Trigger pressure of the the hydraulic drive (0 - 10000 mV).
• Master pump
Input of the number of the drive which should be run as the master. If only one drive is
available a "1" has to be entered here.

Chapter 23 - 5
• Slave pumps
Activates the drives which should be operated as slaves. If only one drive is available a
"0" has to be entered for all 4 slave pumps (P1 to P4), otherwise an alarm message will
be issued.
• Parallel movements

If several axes require the same configuration of the hydraulic system, activation of this program
preselection will allow parallel movements.
In order to activate a configuration the corresponding variable (AP1hyd1 to AP1hyd4 in the APS
program) has to be set to "1" (see also example 2).

APS core
If this program preselection is activated the commands will be sent to the APS program (variable
"AP1 start"). This enables programming of the core puller according to its use (or individually).

This program number corresponds to the sequence of the corresponding core puller program (in
Chapter 9). The commands will be transferred to the APS program accordingly (variable "AP1
start"). To obtain a better overview, an info text can be assigned to the APS core. This info text
can be entered in user level 20 only.

By means of the priorities you can set an order for the core pullers for the same start conditions.
The lower the value of the number = higher priority.

Priority "0" = highest priority.

If you need a start value for the respective core puller (see Chapter 9) enter it here. Additionally,
the corresponding actual value is displayed.

If you need a stop value for the respective core puller (see Chapter 9) enter it here. Additionally,
the corresponding actual value is displayed.


Chapter 23 - 6 0114WT

23.2 APS Configuration

23.2.1 APS Configuration page 1

F23-APS Konfiguration-Seite 1_01

Set values (S1 to S20)

The input limits for the set values are fixed here.

Timer (T1 to T10)

The input limits for the timer are determined here.

Chapter 23 - 7

23.2.2 APS Configuration page 2

F23-APS Konfiguration-Seite 2_02

Analog inputs (AI1 to AI4)

The scaling of the analog inputs is made here. The voltage which is currently present on the
corresponding analog input is displayed in m V in the "Current" column. The conversion level is
defined with the two restart points. The scaled value is stored in the variables AP1ai1 to Ap1ai4
(see menur APS Oper. 2). Due to the fact that internal calculations are only made with whole
numbers, the 10 fold value is in the variables mentioned above.



0 10000

P1 Restart point 1
P2 Restart point 2


Chapter 23 - 8 0114WT
Analog outputs (AO1 to AO4)
The scaling of the analog outputs is made here. The value which is specified is that which has
to be written to the output in order to output 10 volts. The value to be output is in the variables
AP1ao1 to AP1ao4 (see menu APS Oper. 2). Due to the fact that internal calculations are only
made with whole numbers, the 10 fold value is in the variables mentioned above.

Chapter 23 - 9

23.3 APS program creation

F23-APS Programmerstellung_02

With the User Programming System (APS) customer specific programs can be created.
The APS program can contain up to 200 program lines.
It is possible to delete the entire APS program by means of function selection. In addition,
commands can be added anywhere in the program.
The APS Program can be saved and reloaded.
APS access opportunities(for maximum installation, option)
• 16 digital inputs
• 16 digital outputs
• 4 analog inputs with optional scaling
• 4 analog outputs with optional scaling.
• CAN keyboard.
• Stop movement of one axis (Stopbits in ORG Tasks)
• Specification of a pump pressure / speed.


Chapter 23 - 10 0114WT
• 10 error messages (one for each error class)
• 50 user variables
• 10 timers
• 5 program switches (operation via the visualisation)
• 20 set values and 20 actual values (entered from the visualisation)
• As many variables as required via the RPS software (by entry of the name)

Program ID
The "Program ID" is necessary for the indentification of the APS program (see section Data Set
Management, Page Program Settings).

By selecting a program line, the programming windows is displayed. The selection of the
command takes place via the left pull down menu. The 3 pull down menus to the right are used
to enter the operand.
The parameter can either be entered by hand or combined via three pull down menus (the first
of the three pull down menus is the axis entry, the second specifies the variable names and the
third an index).
In the input field on the right next to the pull down menu a variable or a constant can be entered
directly (if no parameter in the pull down menu has been set) or comments can be entered on
the command line set in the pull down menu.

If comments are entered, they have to begin with an exclamation point (!), otherwise they will be
recognised as parameters or constants.
By activating the function selection "Accept line" the selected program line will be added to the
APS program.

Explanation of the commands

LD Load the accumulator with the specified parameters.
LDN Load a 1 in the accumulator when the parameter is 0, otherwise 0 (load the negated
parameters in the accumulator).
ST Save the accumulator in the specified parameters.
STN Save a 1 in the parameter if the accumulator is 0, otherwise 0 (save in parameter the
negated accumulator contents).
S Set the accumulator.
R Reset the accumulator.

Chapter 23 - 11
Logical operations
AND Akku = Akku and Operand
ANDN Akku = Akku and (not Operand)
OR Akku = Akku or Operand
ORN Akku = Akku or (not Operand)
XOR Akku = Akku xor Operand
XORN Akku = Akku xor (not Operand)
NOT Akku = not Akku

Not linked by bit.

Arithmatical operations
ADD Akku = Akku + Operand
SUB Akku = Akku – Operand
MUL Akku = Akku * Operand
DIV Akku = Akku / Operand

Enter constants directly in the last parameter field.

Comparison commands
The accumulator will be 1 if the comparison has been fulfilled.

GT Akku > Operand

GE Akku >= Operand
NE Akku <> Operand
LT Akku < Operand
LE Akku <= Operand
EQ Akku = Operand


Chapter 23 - 12 0114WT
End of the program

The data type of the accumulator is INT32 (32 Bit Integer). For this reason, for the commands
LD, ADD, SUB, MUL and DIV inaccuracies or errors can occur if the value range is exceeded or
if decimal places after the decimal point are lost as a result of numbers with floating points.

Explanation of the parameters

Axis input
AP1 APS variable
CP1 Core puller 1
CP2 Core puller 2
CP3 Core puller 3
CP4 Core puller 4
CP5 Core puller 5
CP6 Core puller 6
CU1 Clamping unit
EU1 Ejector (upper parts ejector)
RE1 Station ejector 1 (rotary table machines only)
RE2 Station ejector 2 (rotary table machines only)
RE3 Station ejector 3 (rotary table machines only)
RT1 Rotary table (rotary table machines only)
NU1 Injection unit 1 (A)
NU2 Injection unit 2 (B)
IP1 Injection / Metering / Decompression (Injection unit 1 = A)
IP2 Injection / Metering / Decompression (Injection unit 2 = B)
HU1 Robot (option)
VU1 Vacuum valve (option)
PB1 Pressure box 1
PB2 Pressure box 2

Chapter 23 - 13
Variable name (APS variable)
T By setting this variable the timer specified in the index (T1 to T10) is started. If the timer
has come to an end the variable will be reset.
Tact This variable specifies the time which has already come to an end on the timer (T1 to
T10) in 1/100 sec. (see menu "APS Oper. 2").
Tset The set time of the timer is entered here (T1 to T10) in 1/100 sec. (see menu "APS Oper.
active If this variable is set to 1, when a pump is released the set pump speed and pump
pressure is accepted. (see menu "APS oper. 2, hydraulic system)
actval The actual values of the APS program can be recorded here (saved). They will then be
displayed in the menu "APS operation 1" (column "ACTUAL") [1/100 units].
ai Scaled value of the analog input (see menu "APS Configuration 1", AI1 to AI4). The
display of these values takes place in menu "APS Oper. 2" (AI1 to AI4).
ao Scaled value of the analog output (see menu "APS Configuration 1", AO1 to AO4). The
display of these values takes place in menu "APS Oper. 2" (AO1 to AO4).
aut_mod Variable is not equal to 0 when the automatic operation mode is selected.
di Digital input
do Digital output
errcl With this variable the error messages can be displayed. In addition, the alarm "APS user
error class x" is displayed. The index of the variables specifies the following error classes:
0= Switch off machine immediately.
1= Only display error.
2= Stop cycle immediately, continue cycle with quit command.
3= Stop cycle at end of cycle, start new cycle with quit command.
4= Stop cycle at end of cycle and subsequently switch off the machine.
5= Switch off heating.
6= Stop cycle when all mouldings have been ejected.
7= Stop cycle when all mouldings have been ejected and then switch off machine.
8= Not defined.
9= Not defined.
hyd With this variable the pump configuration specified in the index is called up (see example
program 2).


Chapter 23 - 14 0114WT
init This variable is set to 1 for one APS cycle when starting the APS program, as well as
each time the control unit is booted up (when staring the APS program). This variable can
be used for the initialisation of the APS program.
man_mode Variable is not equal to 0 when the operation mode manual is selected.
nStp If this variable is set the self-programmed axis cannot move in a negative direction (see
example program 2).
pStp If this variable is set the self-programmed axis cannot move in a positive direction (see
example program 2).
pmpacc Here the APSprogram receives the confirmation that the pumps have been activated
(see example program 2).
progsw The preselection of the switches in the menu "APS Oper. 1, (P1 to P5)" are saved in
this variable.
drive_on If the drive is switched on the variable has a value not equal to 0.
set_mode Variable is not equal to 0 when the operation mode set is selected.
setval The set values in menu "APS Oper.1, (column SET)" are saved in this variable in 1/100
sse_mode Variable is not equal to 0 when the operation mode service setting (only for
Battenfeld service technicians) is selected.
start If an own axis is programmed, the command transfer takes place here.
Content of the variables:
0 Command axis stop.
1 Command move axis in negative direction (operational mode manual, setting and
2 Command move axis in positive direction (operational mode manual, setting and
automatic) (see also example program 2).
stat The status signal takes place here for self-programmed axes.
Explanation of the index:
0 Movement active.
1 Pumps not yet available (only readable).
2 Command implemented.
3 Axis is in positive limit position.
4 Axis is in negative limit position.

Chapter 23 - 15
5 Movement active in negative direction.
6 Movement active in positive direction.
11 If this variable is set to 1 the drive will be switched off.
40 Programmed axis is switched on (only readable).
41 Number of the core puller program for the movement in negative direction (only
42 Number of the core puller program for the movement in positive direction (only
readable). The remaining statuses are freely available (see also example program 2).
tabkey These variables are set as long as the respective CAN key is depressed (option).
tabled For set variables the LED of the CAN key specified by the index illuminates.
tot_init This variable is set to 1 during the start-up of the APS program for the duration of 1 APS
cycle. It can be used for initialisation in the APS program.
var There are 50 "32 bit interger variables" available for programming an APS program.

Indicates a consecutive number for the variable.

Variable name (axes)

As Actual stroke value
nStp If this variable is set to 1 the movement of the respective axis in the negative direction
pStp If this variable is set to 1 the movement of the respective axis in the positive direction
tabneg These variables are set as long as the respective CAN key (in the negative direction) is
tabpos These variables are set as long as the respective CAN key (in the positive direction) is


Chapter 23 - 16 0114WT

Start commands for the axes

start CU1 (clamping unit) only readable

0 Not active (idle)
1 Close with clamping force build-up
2 Reduce clamping force with opening
3 Close
4 Open
5 Clamping force build-up
6 Clamping force reduction
7 Close (operation mode setting)
8 Open (operation mode setting)
9 Close (operation mode service setting)
10 Open (operation mode service setting)

start NU1 (Injection unit A)

NU2 (Injection unit B)
0 Not active (idle)
1 Injection unit forward
2 Injection unit back
7 Injection unit forward (operation mode setting)
8 Injection unit back (operation mode setting)
9 Injection unit forward service (operation mode setting)
10 Injection unit back (operation mode setting)

start EU1 (ejector)

RE1 (station ejector 1)
RE2 (station ejector 2)
RE3 (station ejector 3)
0 Not active (idle)
1 Ejector back
2 Ejector forward
7 Ejector back (operation mode setting)
8 Auswerfer vor (operation mode setting)
9 Ejector back (operation mode service setting)
10 Ejector forward (operation mode service setting)

Chapter 23 - 17
start MH1 (mould height adjustment)
0 Not active (idle)
1 Reduce mould height
2 Increase mould height
3 Automatic mould height readjustment

start IP1 (Injection piston A)

IP2 (injection piston B)
0 Not active (idle)
1 Injection and holding pressure
2 Metering and decompression before/after
3 Injection
5 Holding pressure
7 Injection (operation mode setting)
8 Decompression (operation mode setting)
9 Injection (operation mode service setting)
10 Decompression (operation mode service setting)
11 Purging "Cold plug"
33 Automatic valve linerisation

start CP1 (Core puller 1)

up to
CP6 (Core puller 6)
0 Not active (idle)
1 Move in core puller (negative direction)
2 Move out core puller (positive direction)

start TT1 (Circular disc - adaptive cirular table)

0 Not active (idle)
1 Circular disc clockwise (negative direction)
2 Circular disc counterclockwise (positive direction)


Chapter 23 - 18 0114WT
start VU1 (vacuum unit)
0 Not active (idle)
1 Vacuum Start with intermediate stop
2 Vacuum Start before clamping force build-up
3 Vacuum Start after clamping force build-up
4 Vacuum Start simultaneous to reaching the intermediate stop stroke

start RI1 (Rotary table Index)

0 Not active (idle)
1 Index forward / back
2 Index back
9 Index forward (operation mode service setting)
10 Index back (operation mode service setting)

start RT1 (rotary table)

0 Not active (idle)
1 Rotary table clockwise (negative direction)
2 Rotary table counterclockwise (positive direction)
7 Rotary table clockwise (negative direction - operation mode setting)
8 Rotary table counterclockwise (operation mode setting) (positive direction)
19 Rotary table clockwise (operation mode service setting) (negativ direction)
20 Rotary table counterclockwise (operation mode service setting) (positive direction)

Status messages for the axes

stat CU1 (clamping unit)

0 Task is is active
1 Waiting for release of the pumps
2 Organisation task "Job finished"
3 Mould is open (limit position reached)
4 Mould is closed (limit position reached)
5 Mould closing active (negative direction)
6 Mould opening active (positive direction)
7 Clamping force build-up active
8 Clamping force decrease active

Chapter 23 - 19
9 Clamping force is built up
10 Clamping force is decreased
11 Switching off of the drive
13 Mould is completely open (maximum opeing stroke)
14 Clamping force too low
15 Clamping force too great
16 Clamping force OK
17 Mould safety device has responded
18 Number of mould safety strokes
19 Clamping force reduction active
20 Clamping force reduction inactive
21 Mould height adjustment active
22 Program clamping force reduction
32 Compression End / Clamping force is built up
33 Compression gap reached
34 Compression active (negative direction)
35 Start breathing (positive direction)
36 Breathing active
37 Breathing End / Clamping force is built up
42 Direction of the axis: 0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical, 2 = horizontal L
49 Job aborted

stat RT1 (rotary table)

0 Task is is active
1 Waiting for release of the pumps
2 Organisation task "Job finished"
3 Limit position clockwise turn reached (negative direction)
4 Limit position counterclockwise turn reached (positive direction)
5 Clockwise turn active (negative direction)
6 Counterclockwise turn active (positive direction)
38 Rotary table deactivated / VV mode
49 Job aborted


Chapter 23 - 20 0114WT
stat EU1 (ejector)
RE1 (station ejector 1)
RE2 (station ejector 2)
RE3 (station ejector 3)
0 Task is is active
1 Waiting for release of the pumps
2 Organisation task "Job finished"
3 Ejector is back (limit position negative direction)
4 Ejector is forward (limit position positive direction)
5 Movement ejector back active (negative direction)
6 Movement ejector forward active (positive direction)
11 Switching off of the drive
13 Ejector is completely back
27 Ejector limit position safety device is back
34 Hydraulic storage is loaded
39 Program eject from middle platen (0 = off, 1 = on)
40 Ejection program (0 = off, 1 = start with mould open, 2 = start with opening stroke
41 Jolt ejector stroke rate reached
42 Direction of the axis: 0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical, 2 = horizontal L
43 Actor type Ejector forward
49 Job aborted

stat NU1 (Injection unit A)

NU2 (Injection unit B)
0 Task is is active
1 Waiting for release of the pumps
2 Organisation task "Job finished"
3 Injection unit is back (limit position negative direction)
4 Injection unit is forward (limit position positive direction)
5 Movement injection unit back active (negative direction)
6 Movement injection unit forward active (positive direction)
7 Nozzle contact force build-up active
9 Nozzle contact force is built-up

Chapter 23 - 21
10 Nozzle contact force reduced
11 Switching off of the drive
12 Program injection unit (0 = contacting nozzle, 1 = injection unit back before metering, 2
injection unit back after metering)
13 Injection unit is completely back
14 Injection unit Stroke is greater than max. stroke + 10,
15 Injection unit calibration is completed / injection piston calibration released
16 Nozzle contact force OK
27 Safety position reached
28 Clamping force built up and operation mode automatic active or clamping force built up
and injection active
42 Direction of the axis: 0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical, 2 = horizontal L
49 Job aborted

stat IP1 (Injection piston A)

IP2 (injection piston B)
0 Task is is active
1 Waiting for release of the pumps
2 Organisation task "Job finished"
3 Injection piston is back (limit position positive direction)
4 Injection piston is forward (limit position negative direction)
5 Injection movement active (negative direction)
6 Decompression movement active (positive direction)
11 Switching off of the drive
13 Injection piston is completely back
14 Injection piston is completely forward
18 Injection pressure monitoring active
22 Metering active
23 Metering volume reached
24 Decompression stroke forward metering reached
25 Decompression stroke back metering reached
26 Metering volume and decompression stroke after metering reached
29 Mould closed and clamping force built up
30 Purging "Cold plug" active


Chapter 23 - 22 0114WT
31 Pre-extrusion active
32 Automatic valve calibration active
33 Program "Rapid injection" active
35 Compression gap reached
36 Air gap reached
39 Program "Purging cold plug"
40 Program dry operation active
42 Direction of the axis: 0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical, 2 = horizontal L
47 Injection started (even if pump release not yet available)
48 Injection delay active
49 Job aborted

stat CP1 (Core puller 1)

up to
CP6 (Core puller 6)

0 Task is is active
1 Waiting for release of the pumps
2 Organisation task "Job finished"
3 Core puller is moved out (limit position positive direction)
4 Core puller is moved in (limit position negative direction)
5 Move in core puller active (negative direction)
6 Move out core puller active (positive direction)
11 Switching off of the drive
40 Program core puller out / in (0 = out, 1 = in)
41 Program number core puller move in
42 Program number core puller move out
49 Job aborted

Accept line
By activating this function selection, the programs set in the pull down menus are accepted in
the APS program.

Chapter 23 - 23
Inser blank line
By activating this function selection, a blank line is inserted into the APS program.

Delete line
By activating this function selection the current line of the APS program is deleted.

Delete program
By activating this function selection the complete APS program will be deleted.

An APS program can only be created when no APS program is running.

Start APS
By activating this function selection the APS program is started. Starting of the APS program is
only possible during "Motor stop".

Stop APS
By activating this function selection the APS program is stopped. Stopping of the APS program
is only possible during "Motor stop".

Single step operation

Risk of damage! If the single step mode is active while the machine is switched on this can lead
to machine damage for self-programmed axes, due to the fact that the lockings may not be run!
The single step mode, therefore, has to be used with great care.

By activating this function selection the APS program is started in single step mode. The single
step mode of the APS program is only possible during "Motor stop".
Following a successful test run of the program the single step mode has to be deactivated


Chapter 23 - 24 0114WT
Start single step

By activating this function selection the next step of the APS program will always be carried out.
The line number of the next step is represented in the colour cyan. This function selection is
only active in single step mode.

Return to line 1
By activating this function selection the position moves to the first line of the APS program. This
key is only active in single step mode.

The contents of the accumulator after processing of the corresponding lines is represented in
the column "Accu".

APS programming status

Error messages are displayed in the field below the APS program. In addition, the line number
of the defective line is represented in red.
Listing of the status messages
• Program OK
• Command not recognised
• Parameter missing
• Too many parameters
• Entry of parameter not necessary
• Variable not available
• Numerical value not allowed for this command
• Parameter is not a valid character string
• Complex variables not allowed
• End command missing.
• Variablemay only be read
• Variable may only be written
• Max. number of floating point operations exceeded.
• Run time error: Division by 0

Chapter 23 - 25

Data set management

The "Product ID" and the data of the APS program (see menu APS Operation 1 to Operation 4)
are saved in the product data record. Also saved in the product data record is whether an APS
program is necessary to operate the machine (see menu APS operation 4).
The APS program and the "Program ID" are saved in the APS program data set (*.r_7) (see
Chapter 25).
An APS program can be loaded with the user level 30. Saving and editing is only possible with
user level 20.

APS programs cn only be loaded when the APS is inactive.

Drive switched on
"Drive on" is possible in the following cases:
1 The program preselection "APS necessary for operation of the machine" is not activated
and the APS program is switched off.
2 The program preselection "APS necessary for operation of the machine" is activated,
"Product ID" and "Program ID" are identical and the APS program is started.
The "Program ID" and the "Product ID" may have a maximum of 9 alphanumeric characters.
When writing a program, e.g. for a brushing device the "Program ID" could be "BRUSH". In all
product data records requiring this program, the product ID must then be "BRUSH". In addition,
for all of these product data sets an entry is made that an APS program is necessary.


Chapter 23 - 26 0114WT
Sample APS program:

Example 1: running light

LD AP1init
MUL AP1var01
ST AP1var02
LD AP1init
MUL -1
ADD AP1var02
ST AP1var01
LD AP1init
MUL AP1var11
ST AP1var11
LD AP1tot_init
MUL AP1var12
ST AP1var12
!— cyclic part
ADD AP1var01
ST AP1var01
LD 1
LD AP1var01 !define cycles
GT 15
ADD AP1var11
ST AP1var11
MUL 100
ST AP1actval01
LD AP1var01 !define cycles total
GT 15
ADD AP1var12
ST AP1var12
MUL 100
ST AP1actval02

Chapter 23 - 27
LD AP1var01
LE 15
MUL AP1var01
ST AP1var01
LD AP1var01
EQ 0
ST AP1do01
LD AP1var01
EQ 1
ST AP1do02
LD AP1var01
EQ 2
ST AP1do03
LD AP1var01
EQ 3
ST AP1do04
LD AP1var01
EQ 4
ST AP1do05
LD AP1var01
EQ 5
ST AP1do06
LD AP1var01
EQ 6
ST AP1do07
LD AP1var01
EQ 7
ST AP1do08
LD AP1var01
EQ 8
ST AP1do09
LD AP1var01
EQ 9
ST AP1do10
LD AP1var01
EQ 10


Chapter 23 - 28 0114WT
ST AP1do11
LD AP1var01
EQ 11
ST AP1do12
LD AP1var01
EQ 12
ST AP1do13
LD AP1var01
EQ 13
ST AP1do14
LD AP1var01
EQ 14
ST AP1do15
LD AP1var01
EQ 15
ST AP1do16

Example 2, Core puller

!---- corepull -----
!--- initialisation
LD AP1var11
ST AP1var11
LD AP1var12
ST AP1var12
LD AP1var31
ST AP1var31
LD AP1var32
ST AP1var32
! test the limit
! switches

Chapter 23 - 29
! and generate the
! stati
LD AP1di01
AND AP1stat40
ST AP1stat04
LD AP1di02
AND AP1stat40
ST AP1stat03
LD AP1stat03
AND AP1stat04
ST AP1errcl00
! reset step
! variables if
! no start
! command
LD AP1start
ST AP1var01
LD AP1var11
AND AP1var01
ST AP1var11
LD AP1var12
AND AP1var01
ST AP1var12
! determine active
! job
LD AP1var01 ! job 1
EQ 1
OR AP1var11
ST AP1var11
AND AP1stat40
ST AP1var11
LD AP1var01 ! job 2
EQ 2
OR AP1var12


Chapter 23 - 30 0114WT
ST AP1var12
AND AP1stat40
ST AP1var12
! execute job 1
LD AP1var11 ! job finished?
AND AP1stat04
ST AP1var21
LD AP1var11 ! get access to
! pump
AND AP1progsw01
ST AP1hyd01
LDN AP1progsw01 ! set status neg.
! move act.
OR AP1pmpacc
AND AP1var11
ST AP1stat05

! execute job 2
LD AP1var12 ! job finished?
AND AP1stat03
ST AP1var22
LD AP1var12 ! get access to
! pump
AND AP1progsw01
ST AP1hyd02
LDN AP1progsw01 ! set status pos.
! move act.
OR AP1pmpacc
AND AP1var12
ST AP1stat06
! test if a job is
! finished

Chapter 23 - 31
LD AP1var21
ST AP1var41
LD AP1var21
ST AP1var31
LD AP1var22
ST AP1var42
LD AP1var22
ST AP1var32
! set status job
! finished
LD AP1stat02
OR AP1var41
OR AP1var42
ST AP1stat02

! set status job

! active
LD AP1var11
OR AP1var12
ST AP1stat00

! activate pump
LD AP1pmpacc
ST AP1active

! set/reset outputs
LD AP1stat05
AND AP1drive_on
ST AP1do01

LD AP1stat06
AND AP1drive_on
ST AP1do02


Chapter 23 - 32 0114WT
Example 3, Tilted slide monitoring
! Program tilted slide
! Up to one to be entered
! stroke has to have input
! or the clamping unit
! will be stopped.
LD AP1progsw01 ! Program selection 1
Load Program switch 1 (selection on APS Oper.)
AND AP1di01 ! Move out slide
and 1 APS input Comments
ST AP1var01 ! Help marker input
store 1 APS marker Comments
LD CU1As ! Actual stroke of the clamping unit
Load Clamping unit stroke Comments
LE AP1setval01 ! Set value stroke monitoring
smaller 1.APS set value (to be set on APS Oper. 1)
/ equal (Caution 300 mm has to be input with 30.00)
ST AP1var02 ! Marker monit. stroke fallen short of
store 2 APS marker Comments
LD AP1var01 ! Move out slide
load 1 APS marker Comments
OR AP1var02 ! Marker monit. stroke fallen short of
or 2 APS marker Comments
AND AP1progsw01 ! Program selection 1
and Program switch 1 (selection on APS Oper.)
ST AP1var03 ! Marker release close
store 3 APS marker Comments
LDN AP1var03 ! Marker release close
Loadnot 3 APS marker Comments
AND AP1progsw01 ! Program selection
and Program switch 1 (selection on APS Oper.)
ST CU1nStp ! Stop bit close
store Stop bit close Comments
store Error message cl.1 (only class 1 errors will be displayed)

END (Program end)

Chapter 23 - 33


Chapter 23 - 34 0114WT

24 Userpage (option)

24.1 General


With the userpage (USP), the user can create his own screen pages. It is possible to copy
objects (texts, set values, actual values, symbols, graphics) from existing screen pages to the
userpage. An individual user level can be assigned to the objects in the userpage. Furthermore,
you can create texts, lines, and frames in the userpage. The userpages can be stored, loaded
and printed.

Edit userpage
This program preselection must be activated to compose or change a userpage. The action
which is to be carried out in the userpage must be selected additionally below.

Transfer objects from image into userpage, edit userpage

By selecting this preselection, objects from images can be inserted in the userpage. Objects
may be shifted and cancelled in the userpage. A new user level can be assigned to the input
fields in the userpage.

Chapter 24 - 1
Write text into userpage
When selecting this preselection, own texts can be written in the userpage.

Draw line in userpage

When selecting this preselection, lines can be drawn in the userpage.

Draw frame in userpage

When selecting this preselection, frames can be drawn in the userpage.

Cancel USP1(2, 3)
Press this button and then acknowledge to cancel the respective user page and the name of the

Load / save userpage

A userpage which has been created can be saved or existing userpages can be loaded.

• Change over to the "Material data records" menu (see chapter 25).
• Select data carrier and type of data record "Userpage 1, 2, or 3 (*.usp).
• Select or enter the "Name of the data record".
• Load userpage:
Activate function selection "Load"
The userpage data record is loaded to the selected userpage The name of the userpage
data record is displayed in the userpage.
• Save userpage:
Activate function selection "Save"
The selected userpage is saved as a data record The name of the userpage data record
is displayed in the userpage. If changes in a userpage were not yet saved, this will be
shown by an * at the end of the userpage name.

Due to safety- or program reasons, some objects cannot be imported into the userpage.
In these cases, the complete menu can be blocked for an import into the userpage. This is
indicated by a symbol in the USP pad. It is, however, also possible that only the blocked objects
of a menu cannot be marked and, thus, cannot be imported into the userpage.


Chapter 24 - 2 0114WT

24.1.1 Transfer objects from image to userpage

The program preselection "Edit userpage" and "Transfer objects from image to userpage, edit
userpage" must be selected.

• Change now to the image from which you wish to transfer objects to the userpage.
• The image is displayed with a yellow background. This means that the marker mode is
active. Additionally, an USP pad is displayed in the area of the status bar.
• Now, objects can be marked by clicking or drawing a frame. Objects of several pages can
be marked.
• If the wished objects were marked, change into one of the three userpages (USP1,
USP2, or USP3).
• Click on the user page in order to copy the marked objects into the userpage to the same
position as in the original image.
Exception: If only one object was marked, it is copied to the position where clicking was

USP pad

The number of the marked objects is displayed in this field.

Press the button "Reset - insert" to cancel all markings again.

Press this button to change from the marking mode to the normal entry
mode. This is, for instance, necessary to operate the "Pull Down menus
for changing pages" (e.g. core puller 1-4 is to be changed to core puller

F24-USP_Menü Objekte markieren_00

Press this button to return to the marking mode.

F24-USP_Menü Seite editieren_00

This symbol is displayed if a transfer of objects from this page is locked.

Chapter 24 - 3

24.1.2 Write text into userpage

Program selection "Edit userpage" and "Write texts in userpage" must be selected.

• Now change into the userpage (USP1, USP2, or USP3) in which you want to write texts.
• The userpage is displayed with a yellow background. This means that the editing mode is
active. Additionally, an USP pad is displayed in the area of the status bar.
• Select the wished font and font colour in the USP pad.
• Click on the area in which the text is to be entered.
• The alphapad is opened. Now enter the wished text and acknowledge.

The text can be shifted subsequently into the "Edit userpage" mode.

USP pad

Press the "Reset" button to change into the "Edit userpage" mode.

Selecting the font

Selecting the font colour

F24-USP_Menü Text_00


Chapter 24 - 4 0114WT

24.1.3 Draw line in userpage

Program selection "Edit userpage" and "Draw lines in userpage" must be selected.

• Now change into the userpage (USP1, USP2, or USP3) in which you want to draw lines.
• The userpage is displayed with a yellow background. This means that the editing mode is
active. Additionally, an USP pad is displayed in the area of the status bar.
• Select the wished line width and line colour in the USP pad.
• Now click on the start point of the line and draw the wished length of the line. Only vertical
and horizontal lines can be drawn.

The line can be shifted subsequently into the "Edit userpage" mode.

USP pad

Press the "Reset" button to change into the "Edit userpage" mode.

Selecting the line width

Selecting the line colour

F24-USP_Menü Linie_00

Chapter 24 - 5

24.1.4 Draw frame in userpage

Program selection "Edit userpage" and "Draw frames in userpage" must be selected.

• Now change into the userpage (USP1, USP2, or USP3) in which you want to draw
• The userpage is displayed with a yellow background. This means that the editing mode is
active. Additionally, an USP pad is displayed in the area of the status bar.
• Select the wished frame type in the USP pad.
• Now click on the start point of the frame and draw the wished size of the frame.

The frame can be shifted subsequently into the "Edit userpage" mode.

USP pad

Press the "Reset" button to change into the "Edit userpage" mode.

Selecting the frame type

F24-USP_Menü Rahmen_DE00


Chapter 24 - 6 0114WT

24.2 Edit userpage

The program preselection "Edit userpage" and "Transfer objects from image to userpage, edit
userpage" must be selected.

• Now change into the userpage (USP1, USP2, or USP3) which you want to edit.
• The userpage is displayed with a yellow background. This means that the editing mode is
active. Additionally, an USP pad is displayed in the area of the status bar.
• Mark the objects you wish to edit by clicking on them or by drawing a frame.
• Now you can shift and delete the marked objects. A new user level can be assigned to the
marked input fields.

USP pad

no function in the editing mode

no function in the editing mode

The number of the objects marked in the USP is displayed in this field.
Press the button "Reset - edit" to cancel all markings again.

Entry of the new user level

Press the "Set level" button to assign the user level entered above to
all marked objects.
The marked objects are shifted to the foreground or background.

Change the mode from multiselect to shifting mode. It is then possible

to shift the marked objects directly with the finger on the screen.

Cursortasten zum Verschieben des markierten Objekts.

Press the button "Delete" to cancel all marked objects. Additionally,

deleting must be acknowledged.
F24-USP_Menü editieren_DE00

Chapter 24 - 7


Chapter 24 - 8 0114WT
Data records

25 Data records

25.1 Data records


You may store the current values of the control parameters as a data record on an external data
carrier (e.g. USB stick) or internally (hard disk HD). You may reload stored files at any time to
work with the recorded control parameters.
Additionally, the created userpages and the configured status bars can be stored and reload.

Back up the data records on other data carriers, e.g. the hard disk of a PC, at regular intervals.
Thus you may possibly avoid data losses.

Never process the data records with other programs. The files may be modified so that the
control system may no longer be able to read them. Always save, load, delete files only by
means of the control system.

Chapter 25 - 1
Data records
Selection of data carrier
Use this function to select where you get your data from and where you want to store them.

Internal memory
Hard disk (HD)

USB1 and USB2 data carriers

External data carrier

Data record types

Product data (*.prod)

In this data record, the settings of the product are stored. Settings of temperatures, movements,
monitorings, special programs, and quality assurance are concerned.

Barrel heating controller values (*.cylpar)

In this data record, the settings of the barrel parameters are stored. (see chapter 2).

Service data (*.serv)

In this data record, the settings of the machine are stored. The selection for service data record
is only possible in user level 20. At user level 20, the service record can only be saved on the
internal memory.
You must only load the sevice data if there are no data available after the reinstallation of the

Diagnosis data (*.diag)

In this data record, the settings of the diagnosis pages are stored. (see chapter 22). The
selection for diagnosis data record is only possible in user level 20.

Scope data (*.scope)

The scope settings are stored in this data record (see also chapter 22). The selection for scope
data record is only possible in user level 20.


Chapter 25 - 2 0115MC
Data records
Core puller programs (*.coreprg)
The core puller programs are stored in this data record (see also chapter 9). The selection for
the core puller program is only possible in user level 20.

User page 1 (*.usp)

User page 2 (*.usp)
User page 3 (*.usp)
In this data record, the selected user page is saved or the user page is loaded into the selected
user page (see also chapter 24). The selection for userpage is only possible in user level 20.

Status bar 1 (*.stb)

Status bar 2 (*.stb)
Status bar 3 (*.stb)
Status bar 4 (*.stb)
In this data record, the selected status bar is stored or the status bar is loaded (also refer to
chapter 21). The selection for status bar is only possible in user level 20.

Product data UNIROB B2 (*.R21)

Product data UNIROB S (*.R41)
Product data UNIROB E (*.R22)
You can store the current values of an UNIROB B2 / E / S on the machine as a data record. You
may reload the robot data recoreds stored on the machine at any time to work with the recorded
The complete sequence program (main program, subprogram, parallel program, and palletising
parameters) and the stop areas 1 to 5 of an UNIROB are stored in this data record.

The data record types for UNIROB are visible and to be activated only with the option "Shared
data storage" and correct connection to the UNIROB.
In case difficulties occur during the transfer of robot data records, the procedure for loading /
saving may take even longer. It will be interrupted by a time out (after 2 minutes at the latest).
This will be signalled by the respective error message.

Chapter 25 - 3
Data records
Service data UNIROB B2 (*.R25)
Service data UNIROB S (*.R45)
Service data UNIROB E (*.R26)
The axis parameters and the stop areas 6 to 10 of an UNIROB are stored in this data record.

Wittmann robot program 1 (2) (*.wip) (option)

You can store the current teach program of a Wittmann robot data record on the machine. You
may reload the robot data recoreds stored on the machine at any time to work with the recorded

If 2 Wittmann robot are on the machine, the identification 1 resp. 2 is automatically assigned to
the data record names.
RobDS.1.wip Teach program of Wittmann robot 1
RobDS.2.wip Teach program of Wittmann robot 2

Selection of the data record type

If you have the right as customer (user level 30), you may select product data and tbarrel
heating controller values.
If you have the right for "Customer Service" (user level 20) you may also select the diagnosis
data, the service data, the scope data, the core puller programs, the userpage, and the status
bars. The service data, however, can only be loaded.
Select data record
The wished data record is selected by clicking on it in the file selection box.
The selected data record is automatically entered in the input field "Name of the data record". In
this field, the name of the data record may be entered or changed manually.
An information of the currently selected product data record is displayed to the right of the
input field "Name of the data record". The article no., mould no., and material no, stored in the
respective product data record are displayed here.
If the product data record contains data of a Wittmann periphery (ROBOT, TEMPRO,
GRAVIMAX, FLOWCON), this is also displayed. For further information see chapter 25.3.
You can now select the wished function (load, store, delete, or copy data record) by activating
the wished field.


Chapter 25 - 4 0115MC
Data records
Status of the data record management
The status of the action carried out is displayed below the buttons for data record management.

Last function:
Display of the last data record handling function.

Last loaded data record

The last loaded data record will be displayed in this field.

The "General information" submenu contains an overview of all last loaded and stored data

Last saved data record

The last saved data record will be displayed in this field.

Available memory
The available memory on the selected data carrier is displayed in this field. The available
memory is displayed in kB.

Function Load data record

Use this function to load a data record. This function is possible from user level "40".
When loading a data record the min./max. limits will be checked again. If one of the set values
is not within the permitted range, it will be limited to min./ max. and entered into the log. This will
be displayed in the "Status of the data record handling" field.
Proceed as follows:
• Select data carrier.
• Select data record type.
• Select the name of the data record using the file selection box.
• Select loading (in the semi-automatic and automatic mode not possible for data records
with machine parameters which influence the sequence).
• Confirm loading.

Chapter 25 - 5
Data records
Function Save data record
Use this function to save a data record.
Proceed as follows:
• Select data record type.
• Select data carrier.
• Enter or select the name of the data record (in case you want to overwrite an old data
record, you may select this record via the file selection box).
• Select storing.

The name of the data record must neither contain special characters nor blanks. Up to 29
characters may be used for the data record name.

Characters which may be used in the data record name:

All letters and numbers. The hyphen (-) and the underscore character (_) may be used as
Special characters which may not be used in the data record name:

Function Delete data record

Use this command to delete data records which are no longer needed.
Proceed as follows:
• Select data carrier.
• Select data record type.
• Select the name of the data record using the file selection box.
• Select delete.
• Confirm delete.

Function Copying data records

Use this function to copy data records.
Proceed as follows:
• Select data carrier.
• Select data record type.
• Select the name of the data record using the file selection box.
• Select copy data record.
• Specifiy and conform target data carrier and name.


Chapter 25 - 6 0115MC
Data records
Accept B4 data records.
B4 data records are shown in magenta. When loading a B4 data record, it is converted into B6
format and then loaded. After having loaded the data record, the settings of the individual data
record version must be checked and, if necessary, corrected (see alarm 479). Then the data
record must be stored under a new name. The data record which was converted into B6 format
should then be deleted.

Chapter 25 - 7
Data records

25.2 General


The last loaded and last stored data records of the different data record types will be displayed
in this menu.


Chapter 25 - 8 0115MC
Data records

25.3 Integration Wittmann periphery


This menu is used to define whether data of a Wittmann periphery (ROBOTER, TEMPRO,
GRAVIMAX, FLOWCON) are to be stored in the product data record and/or loaded. Data could
be stored if the additional information (ok) is displayed in the product data record information
(see data record menu, to the right of the input field "Name of the data record) of the respective
Wittmann device. The additional information (empty) indicates that the data are empty. In
this case, no data from the Wittmann device could be stored (possible causes: the device is
switched off, the settings of the IP address for the Wittmann device are not correct).

Wittmann robot program (option)

With activated program preselection, the "Teach program" of the integrated Wittmann robot
is stored in the product data record or loaded together with the product data record (see also
chapter 10.6 Wittmann Robot).

TEMPRO Data (option)

With activated program preselection, the data of the integrated Wittmann temperature control
units (TEMPRO) are stored in the product data record or loaded together with the product data
record (see also chapter 2.3.8 TEMPRO integrated).

Chapter 25 - 9
Data records
GRAVIMAX Data (option)
With activated program preselection, the data of the integrated Wittmann blender (GRAVIMAX)
are stored in the product data record or loaded together with the product data record (see also
chapter 7.5 GRAVIMAX integrated).

FLOWCON Data (option)

With activated program preselection, the data of the integrated Wittmann FLOWCON are stored
in the product data record or loaded together with the product data record (see also chapter 7.5
FLOWCON integrated).


Chapter 25 - 10 0115MC
Intranet / Internet

26 Intranet / Internet (option)

26.1 BDE - product data acquisition

26.1.1 BDE / Page 1


Activate Euromap
If the program preselection is deactivated, the timer surching the session files is stopped. The
time is also stopped if the "Euromap settings" or the "Network settings BDE" are not correct.
If the program preselection is activated, the initialisation (network connection) is realised again
and the timer restarted.
If the path to the session file has not be found for 3 times in a row during operation, the timer
interval is set to 1 minute. (may be caused by a separated network). If the path is found again,
the interval is reset to 5 seconds.

Euromap setting
Machine name
Enter the machine name.

Chapter 26 - 1
Intranet / Internet
Path to the file machine.ini
Enter the path where the machine.ini file is to be found.
The path describes the position where the machine.ini file has been stored on the master
computer’s hard disk.

Network setting BDE

Network path
The path which indicates the shared directory on the master computer has to be entered in this
field. The directory does not have to be the same as the directory of the machine.ini file but may
also be a parent directory.

The following directory is shared on the master computer (e.g. \\KTNW2120):
In this case you can see from any other Windows computer in the network environment that a
subdirectory called EUROMAP has been shared without having access to C:\ or C:\Quality.

If the green status is not available for Euromap and network settings or if the machine.ini file
cannot be found, alternatively enter the IP address of the BFE server instead of the server name
(in this case the server name cannot be resolved correctly.

User name
User password
Entry of user name and password of the master computer.

Accept settings
If changes were made to the Euromap or network settings, these changes must be accepted by
pressing this button. After having accepted the changed settings, the connection to the master
computer is initialised again.

Log on jobs
When activating this program preselection, the jobs will also be recorded in the log (also refer to
chapter 28.3).
Errors and status information will be displayed in the lower left window. The lower right window
shows the currently present jobs.


Chapter 26 - 2 0515MC
Intranet / Internet

26.1.2 BDE / Page 2


You can use the product data acquisition system to call orders and data records from a host

Order no.
Enter the order number. When loading or finishing an order the order no. is required.

Staff ID
Enter the staff ID. When loading or finishing an order the staff ID is required. The machine
operator must communicate to the host computer who is loading or finishing the order.

Start job
By activating this button the machine operator communicates to the host computer that they are
loading an order.
Before activating this program selection, the desired order no. and the staff ID have to be

Chapter 26 - 3
Intranet / Internet
The host computer sends the following production data:
• Order number.
• Article number.
• Mould number.
• material number.
• Set Number of parts.
These data will automatically be entered in the production data screen (please refer also to
chapter 18).

Finish current job

By activating this button the machine operator communicates to the host computer that they
have finished a job.
Before activating this program selection, the desired order no. and the staff ID have to be

The host computer deletes the following production data again:

• Order number.
• Article number.
• Mould number.
• material number.
• Set Number of parts.

Load / save data record

You may store the current values of the control parameters as a file on a host computer. You
may reload files stored on the host computer at any time to work with the recorded control

When loading or saving data records in connection with the host computer, the entry of the staff
ID is required additionally to the "Name of the data rcord".

In case difficulties occur during the transfer of data records, the procedure for loading / saving
may take even longer. It will be interrupted by a time out (after 5 minutes at the latest). This will
be signalled by the respective error message.

• Enter the name of the data record and staff ID.
• Press button Load or save data record.


Chapter 26 - 4 0515MC
Intranet / Internet

26.1.3 BDE / Status


Assistance required
By activating this program selection the machine operator communicates to the host computer
that they require assistance.

Input machine status

The machine operator communicates the current machine status to the host computer.
Possible machine statuses:
• 0: ...
No equipping or maintenance work is carried out on the machine and the machine is not
The respective machine mode (manual, semiautomatic or automatic mode) will
automatically be sent to the host computer.
• 1: Equipping / Maintenance
If equipping or maintenance work is carried out at the machine this will be communicated
to the host computer by entering the present machine status.
• 2: Idle mode
If the machine is idle this will be communicated to the host computer by entering the
present machine status.

Chapter 26 - 5
Intranet / Internet

Reason for production status

The machine operator communicates the production status to the host computer. The
production status is represented by a digit code you have to define for yourself.

Status displays
The following statuses are evaluated and displayed by the machine. These statuses are sent to
the host computer.

Machine status
• ? Undefined machine status
• 0 Machine is running (powered on)
• 1 Machine is not running (powered off)

Machine mode
• ? Undefined machine mode
• A Automatic mode is selected
• S Semiautomatic mode is selected
• M Manual mode is selected
• U Setting mode is selected
• H Hold to run mode selected
• C Equipping / Maintenance selected
• I Idle mode selected
The machine modes A, S, M, U and H will only be evaluated by the machine and sent to the
host computer, if "0: ..." has been set for "Enter Machine status".
Depending on the "Enter machine status" setting, the machine modes C and I will be evaluated
and sent to the host computer.

Assist call
• ? Undefined assistance call
• 0 No assistance is required
• 2 Assistance required
The status of the assistance call depends on whether the program selection "Assistance
required" has been activated.


Chapter 26 - 6 0515MC
Intranet / Internet
Parts Status
• ? Undefined reject part status
• 0 Last cycle not bad
• 1 Last cycle bad
The parts status (good or reject part) of the last cycle will be communicated to the host

Alarm Status
• ? Undefined alarm status
• 0 No alarms active
• 1 Alarm(s) active
The currently present alarms will be used to communicate the alarm status to the host

Chapter 26 - 7
Intranet / Internet

26.1.4 BDE / Configuration


Host computer type

Enter here the type (manufacturer) of the host computer system.
0 T.I.G.
If this host computer type is chosen, the machine must be switched on and off once with
the main switch in order to call up „DBE / page 2“.
1 Standard (host computer system manufacturer, e.g. IOS, MPDV)
The record is transferred from the host computer to the machine. The record must be
loaded manually.
2 Standard (host computer system manufacturer, e.g.: IOS, MPDV)
The record is transferred from the host computer to the machine and loaded


Chapter 26 - 8 0515MC
Intranet / Internet

26.2 E-Mail (option)

26.2.1 E-Mail / General


The machine must be connected to the E-mail server for being able to send E-mails. These
settings are in the configuration menu.
Enter the E-mail addresses, a "Reference" and, perhaps, an E-mail text. If the program
preselection "Annex: Interrupt list" was activated, the currently pending alarms are also entered
into the E-mail. After having sent the E-mail, a sending state is displayed below the E-mail text.

Pressing the button will send the E-mail to the entered E-mail address.

Automatic sending during switch-off in the automaticmode

An E-mail is automatically sent during switch-of of the machines in the automatic mode when
this program preselection is activated.

Chapter 26 - 9
Intranet / Internet
Example for an e-mail in the case of error



Chapter 26 - 10 0515MC
Intranet / Internet

26.2.2 E-Mail / Configuration


In order to connect the machine to the E-mail server, enter the server name, the user name, and
the user password of the E-mail server.
The sending protocol after having sent an E-mail is displayed below the server configuration.

Chapter 26 - 11
Intranet / Internet

26.3 Network


Up to four network drives (according to the option) can be set.

Accept settings
After having entered the network path, the user name and the user password, the new setting
must be accepted by means of this button. The correct connection of the network drive is shown
by the green tick.

Only network drives, which were activated by means of the program preselection, will be
connected. It is not possible to connect several users to one network path.


Chapter 26 - 12 0515MC
Intranet / Internet

26.4 Diagnosis


Individual computer and network settings

The settings of the "Automation PC" of the machine are displayed in this area.
Pressing this button activates a refresh of the display of the most important settings.
All computer and netword settings (command: ipconfig/all) will be displayed by activating this
Pressing this button will display the available IP address with the IP index In special cases, it is
required for the integrated Wittmann robot. For settings refer to "Robot / Wittmann configuration"
(chapter 10.1.3).

Availability of computer in network (Ping)

Under "Computer name or IP address" you must enter the computer in the network which you
want to check for availability. Press the "Start Ping" button to start the checking.
Ping is a computer program by which the availability of a certain host in an IP network and the
time which is required for routing to and from it can be checked.

Chapter 26 - 13
Intranet / Internet
Activate VNC
A VNC server is started when activating the program preselection Thus, access to the machine
can be made by a VNC client. To do so, you need the computer name or the IP address of the
machine (will be displayed on this page). When connecting the VNC client, enter the password
Recommended with Windows operating systems: UltraVNC, RealVNC.
Recommended with Windows 7 operating systems: UltraVNC with Vista AddOn
RealVNC 4.6.0

Recommended with Android operating systems: androidVNC.


Chapter 26 - 14 0515MC
Intranet / Internet

26.5 Web service


Session number
The Battenfeld Hotline will be pleased to send you the session number (9-digit code). Press the
"Start" button to start the web service.

Chapter 26 - 15
Intranet / Internet

26.6 Remote diagnosis / Remoting (option, supported up to Master

This option will allow you a remote access to the wished machine via network (TCP/IP, Intra-/
Internet). Remote access means that, according to the "Remoting" principle, the machine
visualisation is loaded to a local computer (remote maintenance computer or computer in the
foreman’s office) and you have full access to all machine functions and settings and can change
them as well. The status display area (symbol ) of the machine additionally informs that a
remote connection is started. Additionally, the changed values are recorded in the machine log
together with the computer name and the user name.
The software which is required for the use of this functionality is available as an option.
Possible types of access are described in the following chapters.


Chapter 26 - 16 0515MC
Intranet / Internet

26.6.1 Port forwarding

The following steps are necessary to make a remote maintenance via port forwarding possible.
Clearing the port 5227 (UDP and TCP) from WAN (external) to LAN (internal). This port is
required for the software (LogonPad) to allow data transfer.
Futhermore, port forwardings of arbitrary ports to the internal IP addresses of the B6 control
units must be made.
External IP address of the firewall:
Internal IP addresses of the control units:
B6 control unit machine 1:
B6 control unit machine 2:
B6 control unit machine 3:
Port forwardings:
Port 5228 =>
Port 5229 =>
Port 5230 =>
If now access is made to the external IP address of the firewall ( by means of
one of the above-mentioned ports, the TCP/IP package is forwarded to the respective control


Firewall with port forwarding
Port forwarding 5228 Port forwarding 5229 Port forwarding 5228

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

Chapter 26 - 17
Intranet / Internet

26.6.2 Fixed VPN connection

The following prerequisites are necessary in order to establish a remote maintenance via a fixed
VPN connection.
Firewall with function for fixed VPN connections via IPSEC.
Establishing a VPN tunnel between the customer and Battenfeld.
As soon as this VPN connection has been activated, the maintenance computer has the same
access to the control units as in an internal network.
Example with possible parameters for a VPN connection:
External IP address of the firewalls:
Customer: (local IP)
Battenfeld: (remote IP)
Internal IP addresses of the control units (locak network):
B6 control unit machine 1:
B6 control unit machine 2:
B6 control unit machine 3:
Internal IP address of the maintenance computer at Battenfeld (remote network):
PreShared-Key: individually determined.
Phase1: Phase2:
Crypto: 3DES Activate PFS
Hash: SHA1, MD5 Oakley Group: 1, 2 or 5
Oakley Group 1, 2 or 5 Lifetime: 700 x
Lifetime: 3600 sec.

VPN connection

Firewall with VPN support

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Remote maintenance computer


Chapter 26 - 18 0515MC
Intranet / Internet

26.6.3 VPN Client software

The VPN client software must be provided by the customer.
This software is installed on a maintenance computer at Battenfeld.
Subsequently, access to the control units is possible in the same way as with the fixed VPN


VPN tunnel

Firewall with port forwarding

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

Chapter 26 - 19
Intranet / Internet

26.7 K4Web (option)

26.7.1 K4Web / K4


The K4Web system (IOS) can be operated in this menu.

K4 is a machine data acquisition system. In this system, the setting data of the machine, the
quality assurance, preliminary and final costing, including open item management will be

In the “Mediacenter / status bar / page 4” menu, you have the option to insert a button in the
status bar for direct change to this menu screen (see chapter 21).


Chapter 26 - 20 0515MC
Intranet / Internet

26.7.2 K4Web / Configuration


K4Web address
The address of the K4Web server will be entered here. From user level 15 (IT-level customer
service), the address can be modified.

Pressing this button activates a refresh of the K4Web display.

Machine ID K4Web
The machine ID is entered here. If this input field is empty, the overview page of the machines in
the K4Web is displayed.

Stop K4Web
Pressing this button stops the display of the K4Web on the machine, i.e. menu "K4" displays an
empty page.
If the K4Web is no longer required it may be better to stop it since the K4Web display needs
system resources which will be released again by stopping it.

Start K4Web
Pressing this button restarts the K4Web display.

Chapter 26 - 21
Intranet / Internet

26.8 WebCam
26.8.1 WebCam / WebCam


This menu allows you to view the recordings of a webcam.

In the “Mediacenter / status bar / page 3” menu, you have the option to insert a button in the
status bar for direct change to this menu screen (see chapter 21).

On this page, the WebCam may not be finished by the function „Exit“. Then it can only be
started by the main switch Off/On.
If the WebCam is no longer required, it can be finished by means of the button „Stop WebCam“
in the „Configuration“ menu.


Chapter 26 - 22 0515MC
Intranet / Internet

26.8.2 WebCam / configuration


Address of WebCam
Enter here the address of the webcam. The address can only be edited from user level 15 (cus-
tomer service IT level).

Press this button to refresh the WebCam display.

Stop WebCam
Press this button to stop webcam recording. In this case, a blank page is shown in the „WebCam“
If the webcam is not needed any longer, we recommend stopping it, as its display uses system
resources that can be freed up.

Start WebCam
Press this button to start the WebCam.

Chapter 26 - 23
Intranet / Internet

26.9 Browser


The browser is a menu for viewing web pages, images, and text files (ASCII). Enter the weblink
or the wished file (including the file path) in the input line. If found, the web page or the file are
automatically displayed.

Pressing this button will stop the browser display, i.e. an empty page is displayed.
Pressing this button will start the browser again, i.e. the web page or file (see input line) is
displayed again.
Pressing this button activates a refresh of the web page or file.

In the meny „Media Centre / Status bar / Page 4“, a symbol for direct image change to this
menu can be set in the status bar (see chapter 21).


Chapter 26 - 24 0515MC
Intranet / Internet

26.10 T.I.G. (option)

26.10.1 T.I.G. / T.I.G. Web


The T.I.G.Web system can be operated in this menu.

The T.I.G.Web is a software for process data acquisition (SmartMonitoring). In this system, the
setting data of the machine, the quality assurance, preliminary and final costing, including open
item management will be managed.

In the menu "Media Centre / Status bar / Page 4", a symbol for direct image change to this
menu can be set in the status bar (see chapter 21).

Chapter 26 - 25
Intranet / Internet

26.10.2 T.I.G. / Configuration


T.I.G.Web address
The address of the T.I.G.Web server will be entered here. From user level 15 (IT-level customer
service), the address can be modified.
Pressing this button activates a refresh of the T.I.G.Web display.

Stop T.I.G.Web
Pressing this button stops the display of the T.I.G.Web on the machine, i.e. menu "T.I.G.Web"
displays an empty page.
If the T.I.G.Web is no longer required it may be better to stop it since the T.I.G.Web display
needs system resources which will be released again by stopping it.
Start T.I.G.Web
Pressing this button restarts the T.I.G.Web display.


Chapter 26 - 26 0515MC

27 Printer

27.1 Data printout


The job number entered in „Production data / page 2“ (see chapter 18.1.2) is printed in the
header of printouts for information purposes.
Page printout and data printout only contain data. No graphics, charts, symbols or bars will be
printed. If desired, use the screen photo function (see chapter A.4).

Page printout
This function provides a printout of the menus activated for "Page printout".

Printout for this page deactivated

Printout for this page activated

Number of activated print pages

The number of menus activated for "Page printout" is displayed in this field.

Deactivate all print pages

By selecting this function selection all menus activated for the page printout list will be reset.

Chapter 27 - 1
Data record printout
This function delivers a printout of all data of one data record type. Select the wished data
record type.

Format of output
Use this setting to send the printout to the set printer.

With this setting, the printout is stored into a PDF file. Clicking on the input field will preset the
data carrier and the file name.

An activation of the function selection will print the recorded printout or write it into a file. The
continuation of the page printout is represented by the bar display in the lower part of the


Chapter 27 - 2 0114WT

27.2 Alarm / log printout


Interrupt list
A list with the currently present alarms is output.

A list of the recorded log filter for a period of time is output. Preset the log filtering and the
wished period of time.

Format of output
Use this setting to send the printout to the set printer.

With this setting, the alarm list (log) is stored into a PDF file. Clicking on the input field will
preset the data carrier and the file name.

Chapter 27 - 3
With this setting, the alarm list (log) is stored into a TEXT file. Clicking on the input field will
preset the data carrier and the file name.
An activation of the function selection will output the alarm list (log). The progress of the printout
is shown in the bar display.


Chapter 27 - 4 0114WT

27.3 Quality table printout


In this menu you can output the quality table records and the calculated statistics in a table. The
output can be sent to a printer or to a file. The functions of this menu must be activated from
user level "40".

Quality table column 1 - 6

In the Pull Down menu you select the columns of the quality table which are to be printed.

Evaluation only
The evaluation of the quality table is output.

Actual values only

The "Number of actual value lines" recorded below are output.

Chapter 27 - 5
Actual values and evaluation
The evaluation of the quality table and the "Number of actual value lines" recorded below are

Number of actual value lines to be printed

When actual values are selected, the number of the actual value lines to be printed is preset

The evaluation, minimum value, and maximum value of the quality table is calculated when
printing via the "Number of actual value lines to be printed".

Printing mode for automatic printout

When preselecting this printing mode, a consistend output of all actual value lines is given.

Please specify the number of machine cycles between two printouts or files in this field.

Tolerance error
For each violation of the quality table parameters’ tolerance while the "Evaluation" is active,
either a printout will be sent to the printer or a file will be created on disk.

The cycle has to be finished since the printout will only be started for the following shot (only
then will all actual values actually be available).

Format of output
Use this setting to send the printout to the set printer.


Chapter 27 - 6 0114WT
With this setting, the data of the quality table are stored into an Excel file. Clicking on the input
field will preset the data carrier and the file name.

Only the actual values of all 12 columns can be exported.

With this setting, the data of the quality table are stored into a PDF file. Clicking on the input
field will preset the data carrier and the file name.

An activation of the button will start the output manually.

Chapter 27 - 7


Chapter 27 - 8 0114WT

28 Alarms

28.1 Interrupt list


In case an error occurs at the machine, an alarm line will be displayed below the headline in
which the current error will be indicated.
When clicking on this alarm line, a change to the alarm list menu is made.
The currently present errors with the respective date and time will be entered into the interrupt
list. If an alarm has been reset, it will be deleted from the interrupt list.
When clicking on an alarm in the alarm list, the help of the respective alarm is displayed.

If you are not able to remedy the cause of error yourself, call a service technician, stating the
alarm message currently represented.

Reset the system alarms

An activation of the button resets the system alarms. System alarms are alarms of error class
100 and higher.

Chapter 28 - 1
Information contained in the alarm messages
The following information concerning an alarm will be recorded:
• No. (alarm number), the symbol of the error class is displayed before the alarm number.
• Date (date and time when an alarm occurs).
• Text (alarm text).
• Cat. (error class of the occurring alarm).
• Value
Display of additional information for a detailed description of an alarm. If "1" has been
entered in the Info field, there is no additional information available on this alarm. For a
detailed description of the information refer to the respective alarm description.

For many alarms, the additonal information is shown as a bit-coded value. Several information
bits can be set here. The additional information must then be evaluated as described in the
following example:
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Settings Station ejectors 1
Bit 1, value 2: Settings Station ejectors 2
Bit 2, value 4: Settings Station ejectors 3
Example: Additional information = 5 means that the respective settings for station ejector 1
(bit 0, value 1) and station ejector 3 (bit 2, value 4) are erroneous.

Error classes
Each alarm message is assigned to an error class. The error class defines the effects on the
cycle and the machine when the alarm occurs. The list of all alarms also indicates the error
class for each individual alarm.

Error class 0 (background colour: red)

If an alarm of error class 0 occurs, all drives are switched off immediately.
Error class 1 (background colour: light blue)
The alarm is only displayed.
Error class 2 (background colour: yellow)
The automatic cycle is immediately stopped. The cycle continues as soon as the alarm
was acknowledged.
Error class 3 (background colour: yellow)
The automatic cycle is stopped at cycle end. After having pressed Cycle start (closing
key), a new cycle is started.
Error class 4 (background colour: yellow)
The automatic cylce is stopped at cycle end and all drives are switched off.
Error class 5 (background colour: orange)
The heating is switched off immediately.
Error class 6 (background colour: light grey)
The automatic cycle is stopped as soon as all parts have been removed.


Chapter 28 - 2 0114WT

Error class 7 (background colour: light grey)

The automatic cycle is stopped as soon as all parts have been removed and all drives are
switched off.
Error class 8 (background colour: light grey)
The automatic cycle is immediately stopped. After having pressed Cycle start (closing
key), the cycle is continued.
Error class 9 (background colour: yellow)
Stop of all machine movements (exception: automatic safety gate) in all operating modes.
The machine movement can be continued as soon as the alarm has be acknowledged.

Error class 20 (background colour: pink

Alarm from Wittman robot (a description of these alarms can be found
in the Wittman robot manual)
Error class > 99 (background colour: white)

Chapter 28 - 3

28.2 Alarm statistics


The 15 alarms which occurred most frequently are listed in the alarm statistics.


Chapter 28 - 4 0114WT

28.3 Log


The actions of the machine and the user are also recorded in the log. The entries in the log are
divided in groups which can be distinguished by colours.

Explanation of the log groups:

Alarms (text colour: red / grey)

• Occurring of an alarm (text colour: red)
• Resetting an alarm (text colour: grey)
Additionally, the shot number is also recorded in automatic mode or operating mode:
• Shot number when an alarm occurs (the shot number will only be entered in the
automatic mode).
• Display -1: An alarm occurs for Drive Stop.
• Display -2: An alarm occurs in the manual mode.
• Display -3: An alarm occurs in the setting mode.
• Display -4: An alarm occurs in the service setting mode (Battenfeld service technicians
When clicking on an alarm in the log, the help of the respective alarm is displayed.

Chapter 28 - 5
User management (text colour: green)
• Actions of user management, password system;
Ex.: Login of a user;

Change of values (text colour: blue)

• Modification of set values.

Data records (text colour: magenta)

• Working with data records
Ex.: Load data record,
Value limitation ...
Miscellaneous (text colour: orange)
• Language change.
• EM63 actions.
• PLC actions.
• Networking.
• Change status bar.


Chapter 28 - 6 0114WT

28.4 Log filter


In the log filter, the recorded log entries can be filtered according to the log groups. Select the
wished filterings by ticking them.

The log filter is a copy (bitmap) of the log. Press the refresh key to get the current state of the
log for filtering. Thus, you will receive a new bitmap of the log for the filtering.
If no filter was activated, all entries of the log are visible. Actualisation is then carried out
When clicking on an alarm in the log filter, the help of the respective alarm is displayed.

Chapter 28 - 7
Explanation of the different filters (log groups):

Alarms (text colour: red / grey)

Additionally, an alarm number for filtering can be entered to the right of the alarm symbol. Entry
"0" ... all alarms are displayed

User management (text colour: green)

Change of values (text colour: blue)

Data records (text colour: magenta)



Chapter 28 - 8 0114WT

28.5 NC erros
28.5.1 NC error / overview


This menu shows all errors that were detected by the NC assemblies. If an error is detected,
a symbol is displayed beside the error number. Click this symbol to view detailed error

Chapter 28 - 9

28.5.2 NC error / page 1


The errors recognised by the NC154 subassemblies are displayed in detail in this menu.

The number of the errors recognised in the respective NC subassembly is displayed in this field.
When pressing the "NC error acknowledgement" key, the most recently occurring error will be


Chapter 28 - 10 0114WT
System control information

29 System control information

To make changes in the system control, you must use an external keyboard.

29.1 Disclaimer





29.2 Changes to network connections

In this system control menu, you can edit the IP address of the machine.
• Press the „Network connections“ button in the “Machine general / general / system
control“ menu (see chapter 1.1.5) to open the „Network connections“ system control menu.
• In this menu, call up the properties of the network connection with status „Connected,
Shared“. To do this, place the cursor on the respective network connection and click the right
mouse button. A separate menu is displayed where you can call up the „Properties“.

Chapter 29 - 1
System control information
• The „Local Area Connection Properties“ menu is opened. Scroll to item „Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP)“ and call up the properties.

• The „Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties“ menu is opened. In this menu, you can
change the „IP address“, the „Subnet mask“ and the „Default gateway“. If you wish to avail of
„Remote Service“, we recommend entering a fixed IP address.

• Confirm the changes with „OK“.

• After all changes in the system control have been made, execute „COMMIT and
RESTART system“ (see chapter 29.5).


Chapter 29 - 2 0114WT
System control information

29.3 Changing computer name

In this system control menu, you can change the name of the computer.
• Press the „Computer name“ button in the “Machine general / general / system control“
menu (see chapter 1.1.5) to open the „System Properties / Computer Name“ system control

• Press the „Change“ button to call up the „Computer Name Changes“ system control

• Enter the desired computer name in the „Computer Name“ field and confirm with „OK“
(note: the name of the computer must be unique within the network).

Chapter 29 - 3
System control information
• You are now prompted to restart the computer. Confirm with „OK“.

• In the „System Properties / Computer Name“ system control menu, confirm the new
name of the computer with „OK“.

• You are now prompted to restart the computer. Press „No“ as you must first execute
„COMMIT“ before „RESTART“.

• After all changes in the system control have been made, execute “COMMIT and
RESTART system” (see chapter 29.5).


Chapter 29 - 4 0114WT
System control information

29.4 Changing internet options

In this system control menu, you have the option to change the settings of the proxy server.
• Press the „Internet Options“ button in the“Machine general / general / system control“
menu (see chapter 1.1.5) to open the „Internet Properties / Connections“ system control menu.
Here, you can adjust the settings of a proxy server.

• Click the „LAN Settings“ button to call up the „Local Area Network (LAN) Settings“
system control menu.

• To change the settings of a proxy server, first check the box „Use a proxy server for
your LAN“. Enter the address and port and confirm with „OK“.

Chapter 29 - 5
System control information
• In the „Internet Properties / Connections“ system control menu, confirm the new proxy
server settings with „OK“.

• After all changes in the system control have been made, execute „COMMIT and
RESTART system“ (see chapter 29.5).


Chapter 29 - 6 0114WT
System control information

29.5 COMMIT and RESTART system

After all necessary changes in the system control have been made, execute COMMIT and

The operating system including its settings are installed on a write-protected drive. To
permanently save changes made to the system control, you must execute COMMIT (transfer of
change to write-protected system) and RESTART the system.

• Press the “COMMIT and RESTART system” button in the “Machine general / general /
system control” menu (see chapter 1.1.5). The “COMMIT and RESTART” command is executed
automatically and the system is automatically restarted.
Never shut down the machine while „COMMIT and RESTART“ is being executed.

Chapter 29 - 7
System control information


Chapter 29 - 8 0114WT
List of alarms

AL List of all alarm messages

Error message Error class Error text

001 2 Barrel heating: Switched off

1 2 Barrel heating 2: Switched off

This error occurs if the barrel heating (of injection unit A) is not activated. This error may
occur for the following reasons:
• Heating unit switch is not switched on.
• Program "Motor stop + Heating stop" switched on and motor not switched on.

2 2 Mould heating: Switched off

This error occurs if the mould heating is not activated. This error may occur for the following
• Heating unit switch is not switched on.
• Program "Motor stop + Heating stop" switched on and motor not switched on.

7 2 Barrel heating B: Switched off

Refer to error message 1 (injection unit B).

10 2 Barrel heating C: Switched off

Refer to error message 1 (injection unit C).

11 1 Barrel temperature A: - Tolerance

This error will occur if one or more barrel heating zones (of injection unit A) are outside the
set negative temperature tolerance.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if all barrel heating zones are within the tolerance limit.

12 1 Mould heating: - Tolerance

This error will occur if one or more mould heating zones (hot runners) are outside the set
negative temperature tolerance.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if all mould heating zones (hot runners) are within this
tolerance limit.

13 1 Yoke temperature A: - Tolerance

This error will occur if the yoke temperature (of injection unit A) is outside the set negative
temperature tolerance.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the yoke temperature is within the tolerance limit.

14 1 Melt temperature A: - Tolerance

This error will occur if the melt temperature (of injection unit A) is outside the set negative
temperature tolerance.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the melt temperature is within the tolerance limit.

15 1 Yoke temperature B: - Tolerance

Refer to error message 13 (injection unit B).

16 1 Melt temperature B: - Tolerance

Refer to error message 14 (injection unit B).

Chapter AL - 1
List of alarms

17 1 Barrel heating B: - Tolerance

Refer to error message 11 (injection unit B).

18 1 Yoke temperature C: - Tolerance

Refer to error message 13 (injection unit C).

19 1 Melt temperature C: - Tolerance

Refer to error message 14 (injection unit C).

20 1 Barrel heating C: - Tolerance

Refer to error message 11 (injection unit C).

21 3 Barrel temperature A: + Tolerance

1 for vertical machine
This error will occur if one or more barrel heating zones (of injection unit A) are outside the
set positive temperature tolerance.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if all barrel heating zones are within the tolerance limit.

22 3 Mould heating: + Tolerance

1 for vertical machine
This error will occur if one or more mould heating zones (hot runners) are outside the set
positive temperature tolerance.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if all mould heating zones (hot runners) are within this
tolerance limit.

23 3 Yoke temperature A: + Tolerance

1 for vertical machine
This error will occur if the yoke temperature (of injection unit A) is outside the set positive
temperature tolerance.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the yoke temperature is within the tolerance limit.

24 3 Melt temperature A: + Tolerance

1 for vertical machine
This error will occur if the melt temperature (of injection unit A) is outside the set positive
temperature tolerance.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the melt temperature is within the tolerance limit.

25 3 Yoke temperature B: + Tolerance

1 for vertical machine
Refer to error message 23 (injection unit B).

26 3 Melt temperature B: + Tolerance

1 for vertical machine
Refer to error message 24 (injection unit B).

27 3 Barrel heating B: + Tolerance

1 for vertical machine
Refer to error message 21 (injection unit B).

28 3 Yoke temperature C: + Tolerance

1 for vertical machine
Refer to error message 23 (injection unit C).


Chapter AL - 2 0515MC
List of alarms

29 3 Melt temperature C: + Tolerance

1 for vertical machine
Refer to error message 24 (injection unit C).

30 3 Barrel heating C: + Tolerance

1 for vertical machine
Refer to error message 21 (injection unit C).

31 1 Barrel heating 2: Temperature decrease

This error will occur if the temperature decrease (of injection unit A) has been switched to
active manually, or the program "Decrease heating for Motor Stop" is switched on and the
motor is not switched on.
The temperatures will be decreased to a new uniform set temperature value (which may be
freely set).
Acknowledgement: Switch off temperature decrease.

32 1 Mould heating: Temperature decrease

This error will occur if the temperature decrease has been switched to active manually, or the
program "Decrease heating for Motor Stop" is active and the motor is not switched on. The
temperatures will be decreased to a new uniform set temperature value (which may be freely
Acknowledgement: Switch off temperature decrease.

33 1 Yoke temperature A: Temperature decrease

This error will occur if the temperature decrease (of injection unit A) has been switched to
active manually, or the program "Decrease heating for Motor Stop" is switched on and the
motor is not switched on. The temperatures are decreased to a new set temperature value
(which may be freely set).
Acknowledgement: Switch off temperature decrease.

34 1 Melt temperature A: Temperature decrease

This error will occur if the temperature decrease (of injection unit A) has been switched to
active manually, or the program "Decrease heating for Motor Stop" is switched on and the
motor is not switched on. The temperatures are decreased to a new set temperature value
(which may be freely set).
Acknowledgement: Switch off temperature decrease.

35 1 Yoke temperature B: Temperature decrease

Refer to error message 33 (injection unit B).

36 1 Melt temperature B: Temperature decrease

Refer to error message 34 (injection unit B).

37 1 Barrel heating B: Temperature decrease

Refer to error message 31 (injection unit B).

38 1 Yoke temperature C: Temperature decrease

Refer to error message 33 (injection unit C).

39 1 Melt temperature C: Temperature decrease

Refer to error message 34 (injection unit C).

40 1 Barrel heating C: Temperature decrease

Refr to error message 31 (injection unit C).

Chapter AL - 3
List of alarms

41 5 Barrel heating 2: Maximum temperature control

This error will occur if one of the barrel heating zones (of injection unit A) exceeds the
maximum temperature. The controlled system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Possible cause: Band heater defective.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when falling below the maximum temperature.

42 5 Mould heating: Maximum temperature control

This error will occur if one of the mould heating zones (hot runners) exceeds the maximum
temperature. The controlled system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Possible cause: Band heater defective.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when falling below the maximum temperature.

43 5 Yoke temperature A: Max. temperature monitoring

This error will occur if the yoke heating (of injection unit A) exceeds the maximum
temperature. The controlled system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Possible cause: Band heater defective.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when falling below the maximum temperature.

44 5 Melt temperature A: Maximum temperature control

This error will occur if the melt temperature (of injection unit A) exceeds the maximum
temperature. The controlled system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Possible cause: Band heater defective.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when falling below the maximum temperature.

45 5 Yoke temperature B: Max.temp. monitoring

Refer to error message 43 (injection unit B).

46 5 Melt temperature B: Max. temperature monitoring

Refer to error message 44 (injection unit B).

47 5 Barrel heating B: Max. temperature monitoring

Refer to error message 41 (injection unit B).

48 5 Yoke temperature C: Max. temperature monitoring

Refer to error message 43 (injection unit C).

49 5 Melt temperature C: Max. temperature monitoring

Refer to error message 44 (injection unit C).

50 5 Barrel heating C: Max. temperature monitoring

Refer to error message 41 (injection unit C).

51 1 Barrel heating 2: Learning active

This error will occur if at least one of the barrel controlled systems (of injection unit A) is in
the learning mode for "Learning of the controlled parts".
Acknowledgement: After the learning procedure has been terminated or by switching off the
learning mode.

52 1 Mould heating: Learning active

This error will occur if at least one of the mould controlled systems is in the learning mode for
the "Learning of the controlled parts".
Acknowledgement: After the learning procedure has been terminated or by switching off the
learning mode.


Chapter AL - 4 0515MC
List of alarms

53 1 Yoke temperature A: Learning active

This error will occur if the controlled system for the yoke temperature (of injection unit A) is in
the learning mode for "Learning of the controlled parts".
Acknowledgement: After the learning procedure has been terminated or by switching off the
learning mode.

54 1 Melt temperature A: Learning active

This error will occur if the controlled system for the melt temperature (of injection unit A) is in
the learning mode for "Learning of the controlled parts".
Acknowledgement: After the learning procedure has been terminated or by switching off the
learning mode.

55 1 Yoke temperature B: Learning active

Refer to error message 53 (injection unit B).

56 1 Melt temperature B: Learning active

Refer to error message 54 (injection unit B).

57 1 Barrel heating B: Learning active

Refer to error message 51 (injection unit B).

58 1 Yoke temperature C: Learning active

Refer to error message 53 (injection unit C).

59 1 Melt temperature C: Learning active

Refer to error message 54 (injection unit C).

60 1 Barrel heating C: Learning active

Refer to error message 51 (injection unit C).

61 1 Barrel heating 2: Sensor breakage

This error will occur if one or more barrel heating zones (of injection unit A) signal a sensor
breakage. The controlled system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: After having remedied the sensor breakage. Switch off / on heating main

62 1 Mould heating: Sensor breakage

This error will occur if one or more mould heating zones signal a sensor breakage. The
controlled system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: After having remedied the sensor breakage. Switch off / on heating main

63 1 Yoke temperature A: Sensor breakage

This error will occur if the yoke temperature zone (of injection unit A) signals a sensor
breakage. The controlled system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: After having remedied the sensor breakage. Switch off / on heating main

64 1 Melt temperature A: Sensor breakage

This error will occur if the melt temperature zone (of injection unit A) signals a sensor
breakage. The controlled system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: After having remedied the sensor breakage. Switch off / on heating main

Chapter AL - 5
List of alarms

65 1 Yoke temperature B: Sensor breakage

Refer to error message 63 (injection unit B).

66 1 Melt temperature B: Sensor breakage

Refer to error message 64 (injection unit B).

67 1 Barrel heating B: Sensor breakage

Refer to error message 61 (injection unit B).

68 1 Yoke temperature C: Sensor breakage

Refer to error message 63 (injection unit C).

69 1 Melt temperature C: Sensor breakage

Refer to error message 64 (injection unit C).

70 1 Barrel heating C: Sensor breakage

Refer to error message 61 (injection unit C).

71 1 Barrel heating 2: Short-circuit

This error will occur if one or more barrel heating zones (of injection unit A) signal a short-
circuit. The controlled system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: Switch off / on heating main switch.

72 1 Mould heating: Short-circuit

This error will occur if one or more mould heating zones signal a short-circuit. The controlled
system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Additional information:
Value 20 - 60: Mould heating Zone 1 - 41.
Value 77 - 95: Mould heating Zone 42 - 60.
Acknowledgement: Switch off / on heating main switch.

73 1 Yoke temperature A: Short-circuit

This error will occur if the yoke temperature zone (of injection unit A) signals a short-circuit.
The controlled system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: Switch off / on heating main switch.

74 1 Melt temperature A: Short-circuit

This error will occur if the melt temperature zone (of injection unit A) signals a short-circuit.
The controlled system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: Switch off / on heating main switch.

75 1 Yoke temperature B: Short-circuit

Refer to error message 73 (injection unit B).

76 1 Melt temperature B: Short-circuit

Refer to error message 74 (injection unit B).

77 1 Barrel heating B: Short-circuit

Refer to error message 71 (injection unit B).

78 1 Yoke temperature C: Short-circuit

Refer to error message 73 (injection unit C).


Chapter AL - 6 0515MC
List of alarms

79 1 Melt temperature C: Short-circuit

Refer to error message 74 (injection unit C).

80 1 Barrel heating C: Short-circuit

Refer to error message 71 (injection unit C).

82 1 Hot runner: Starting control active

This message will occur if the hot runner (mould heating) is in the starting control, i.e. the hot
runner is heated up to the starting temperature at a reduced power rate.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when reaching the starting temperature.

91 1 Barrel heating A: Set value error

This error will occur if there is a difference in temperature between the set and the actual
value of less than 70 °C (126 °F) in the learning mode (of the respective heating).
Acknowledgement: Increase set value.
Additional information:
Value 1: Temperature difference less than 70 °C
Value 2: The actual value cannot come up to the actual value. Possible cause: Solid state
relay or sensor defective. The error is reset only if learning of all zones has been properly

92 1 Mould heating: Set value error

Refer to error message 91.

93 1 Yoke temperature A: Set value error

Refer to error message 91.

94 1 Melt temperature A: Set value error

Refer to error message 91.

95 1 Yoke temperature B: Set value error

Refer to error message 91.

96 1 Melt temperature B: Set value error

Refer to error message 91.

97 1 Barrel heating B: Set value error

Refer to error message 91.

98 1 Yoke temperature C: Set value error

Refer to error message 91.

99 1 Melt temperature C: Set value error

Refer to error message 91.

100 1 Barrel heating C: Set value error

Refer to error message 91.

Chapter AL - 7
List of alarms

106 0 Oil temperature too low - drive disabled

This error occurs if the oil temperature is too low. In order to avoid pump damage, the drive
cannot be started as soon as the minimum oil temperature (depending on the oil type used)
has not been reached.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

107 0 Error voltage supply 24 V

This error occurs if there is a problem with the 24 V voltage supply.
Possible cause: Fuse has been triggered, error switched-mode power supply.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the "Drive Start" or "Drive Stop" key if the error has been

108 0 Error Control voltage

This error will occur if the control voltage of the second power supply unit has failed.
Possible cause: Fuse or motor protection of the second power supply unit has been
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

109 1 Prewarning: Switched on by weekly time switch

This message will occur if a unit (heating, motor, or peripheral equipment) will be switched on
soon by the weekly time switch. Additionally a status showing the unit concerned is displayed
in the menu of the weekly time switch on the left of the "Unit to be switched".
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the unit concerned has been activated by the weekly time

110 0 Configuration error Servo axis

This error occurs if an axis shows an incomprehensible status.
Additional information: Is the axis number of the axis concerned. The axis can be determined
by entering this axis number on the Axis Diagnosis Page.
Possible cause:
• Servo motor not connected and no dummy plug connected.
• Servo motor connected and dummy plug connected.
• Dummy plug connected and program preselection of the respective axis activated (rotary
unit, screw-off unit, ...).
• Cable breakage in the dummy plug.
• Sensor on the servo motor defective.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

111 1 Machine cycle stopped

The automatic cycle will not be continued as long as this error message is activated.
Additional information:
Value 1: from EM67 - robot interface 1 (DI)
Value 1001: from EM67 - robot interface 2 (DI)
Value 2001: from EM67 - robot interface 3 (DI)
Value 3001: from DAB interface 1.
Value 4001: from DAB interface 2.
Value 5001: from DAB interface 1
Value 6001: from DAB interface 2
Value 7001: from DAB interface 3
The robot sent the "Stop machine cycle" signal being HIGH and the machine is waiting in its
home position at cycle end for this signal changing to LOW again. During this time, safety
devices can be opened without interrupting the cycle.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the "Stop machine cycle" signal from the robot changes
to LOW.


Chapter AL - 8 0515MC
List of alarms
Value 2: General production end (e.g. manual / automatic production end)
Value 3: Switch-off sequence active (automatic) -> error class 4,7,...
Value 4: Blocking demoulding (ejector forward, robot start).
Value 5: Manual production stop (at once).
Value 6: Cycle stopped by acknowledgeable error class 3.
Value 7: Cycle stopped by acknowledgeable error class 8.
Value 8: Cycle stopped by not acknowledgeable error class 2.
Value 9: Cycle stopped by temperature monitoring.
Value 10: Cycle stopped by safety position injection unit, ejector.
Value 11: Blocking device mould table (not release for mould table movement).
Value 12: Cycle stopped by purging
Value 13: Reserve
Value 14: Cycle stopped by clamping unit
Value 15: Cycle stopped by no release closing by robot
Value 16: Cycle stopped by WFC
Acknowledgement: Automatically, cycle start pulse or when automatic mode not preselected.

112 2 Do not release the mould for fully automatic operation

This error message is displayed if the fully automatic mode was activated via the function
key on the operator panel and the program preselection "Mould released for fully automatic
operation" is not activated. If the program is to be run in fully automatic operation, the
program preselection "Mould released for fully automatic operation" in the menu "Machine in
general / Safety / General" must be activated (also refer to chapter 1.6.1).
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

113 1 DFEC pump: Prewarning Temperature

This error message will be displayed if the temperature of the pump electronics exceeds 85
°C (185 °F).
Additional information: 1-10: Number of the pump on which the error has appeared.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

114 1 Error Air conditioning unit for switch cabinet

This error message will occur if there is an error signalled from the air conditioning unit for
switch cabinet.
Possible cause:
• Exceeding the set temperature (default = 35 °C) by more than 5 °C.
• Error in the high pressure circuit.
• Dirty outer filter mats.
Acknowledgement: In the case of overtemperature and filter error, the error is automatically
acknowledged after trouble shooting. The error in the high pressure circuit must be reset at
the device by pressing the reset key.

115 0 Communication error with UNIROB E/S

This error will occur if the connection to the robot is interrupted.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the "Drive Start" or "Drive Stop" key.

116 1 Robot interface: incorrect operating mode

Horizontal machine: This note is displayed if the robot program is activated in the
visualisation and the robot is, however, switched off via the interface (DIopm) and the
machine is switched to automatic mode, i.e. the machine would produce without robot. This
message is used as note for the user.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the robot is activated again or the automatic mode of the
machine is left.
Vertical machine. Display of signal states - at the robot interface - might cause problems.
Additional information:

Chapter AL - 9
List of alarms
Bit 0, value 1: Robot interface 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Robot interface 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Robot interface 3.
This note is displayed if the robot program is activated in the visualisation and the robot is,
however, switched off via the interface (DIopm) and the machine is switched to automatic
mode and the automatic mode should only be carried out with activated interface, i.e. the
machine would produce without robot. This message is used as note for the user.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the robot is activated again or the automatic mode of the
machine is left.
Additional information:
Bit 3, value 8: Robot interface 1.
Bit 6, value 64: Robot interface 2.
Bit 9, value 512: Robot interface 3.
This note is displayed if insert parts were still available in the mould at the "Injection
moulding removed" signal. The "Insert parts" status is reset and the lower mould is empty
Acknowledgement: When inserting new insert parts or with release of the mould table
Additional information:
Bit 4, value 16: Robot interface 1.
Bit 7, value 128: Robot interface 2.
Bit 10, value 1024: Robot interface 3.
This note is displayed if injection mouldings were still available in the mould at the "Insert
part inserted" signal.
Acknowledgement: Remove injection mouldings and insert new insert parts.

117 0 Handling interface: EMERGENCY-STOP triggered

This error occurs, if, after „Drive on“, the two EMERGENCY STOP circuits are not set to
logical „1“, i.e. the EMERGENCY STOP button at the robot must be pressed.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the "Drive Start" or "Drive Stop" key.

118 0 Handling interface: Error EMERGENCY STOP circle

This error occurs, if, after „Drive on“, one of the two EMERGENCY STOP circuits is not set to
logical „1“.
Additional information
Signal „1“ or „2“ for the respective EMERGENCY STOP circuit is sent.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the "Drive Start" or "Drive Stop" key.

119 1 Key Card communication error No.:

This error will occur if a communication error to the Key Card reader is recognized.
Possible cause: Cable breakage, no supply, incorrect operation.
Additional information:
32001 Address of ReadData or WriteData = 0.
32002 No communication to the reader.
32003 Antenna of the reader cannot be switched on.
32004 Antenna of the reader cannot be switched off.
32005 Reply from GetSystemInfor incorrect.
32006 No card available for "Program Key Card".
32007 Reply from ReadSingleBlock incorrect.
32008 Card was retracted during "Program Key Card", place the card once again.
32009 Reply from WriteSingleBlock incorrect.

120 1 Error during data transfer from robot data record

This error message will be displayed if the transfer of robot data records failed.
Possible cause: Connection problems to the robot.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after successful data transfer.
Additional information:


Chapter AL - 10 0515MC
List of alarms
Value 96: Timeout NET2000 driver.
Value 97: Timeout VIS Control command.
Value 98: Timeout by robot control.
Possible cause: Robot is in "Automatic" mode. It is not possible to load a robot data record in
the automatic mode.
Value 199: Timeout by robot control during data record transfer.
>2000: Error when dealing with the temp. data record in the RPS (please refer to the burtrap-
lib documentation).

121 1 Oil temperature 1: + Tolerance

This error will occur if the hydraulic oil (of pump system 1) exceeds the set maximum oil
temperature (60 °C, 140 °F) (prewarning). When reaching 65 °C, 149 °F, the motor will be
switched off. To cool down, the motor can be started again (check cooling circuit).
Acknowledgement: When reaching the appropriate oil temperature in the manual mode.

122 4 Oil temperature 1: - Tolerance

for vertical machine
This error occurs if the hydraulic oil (of pump system 1) has not yet reached the set
minimum oil temperature (40 °C, 104 °F), or if, after heating up once, the minimum oil
temperature of 35 °C, 95 °F has been fallen short of (Heat up oil will be started again). All
movements of the machine are disabled in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when reaching the appropriate oil temperature.

123 1 Oil temperature 1: Sensor breakage

This error will occur if the oil level sensor (of pump system 1) signals a sensor breakage. The
controlled system is switched off in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: After having remedied the sensor breakage, switch off / on motor.

124 1 Oil temperature 1: Maximum temperature control

This error will occur if the controlled system for the oil heating (of pump system1) exceeds
the maximum temperature (70 °C, 158 °F). The drive will be switched off in case such a error
Acknowledgement: Automatically when falling below the maximum temperature.

125 1 Oil temperature 2: + Tolerance

Refer to error message 121 (pump system 2).

126 4 Oil temperature 2: - Tolerance

Refer to error message 122 (pump system 2).

127 1 Oil temperature 2: Sensor breakage

Refer to error message 123 (pump system 2).

128 1 Oil temperature 2: Maximum temperature control

Refer to error message 124 (pump system 2).

129 1 Oil temperature 3: + Tolerance

Refer to error message 121 (pump system 3).

130 4 Oil temperature 3: - Tolerance

Refer to error message 122 (pump system 3).

131 1 Oil temperature 3: Sensor breakage

Refer to error message 123 (pump system 3).

Chapter AL - 11
List of alarms

132 1 Oil temperature 3: Maximum temperature control

Refer to error message 124 (pump system 3).

133 0 APS: User error Class 0

This error occurs if it had been set by the APS program (variable AP1errcl0). The
acknowledgement also has to be defined in the APS program.

134 1 APS: User error Class 1

See error message 133 (variable AP1errcl1).

135 2 APS: User error Class 2

Refer to error message 133 (variable AP1errcl2).

136 3 APS: User error Class 3

Refer to error message 133 (variable AP1errcl3).

137 4 APS: User error Class 4

Refer to error message 133 (variable AP1errcl4).

138 5 APS: User error Class 5

Refer to error message 133 (variable AP1errcl5).

139 6 APS: User error Class 6

Refer to error message 133 (variable AP1errcl6).

140 7 APS: User error Class 7

Refer to error message 133 (variable AP1errcl7).

141 0 Switch cabinet temperature 1 too high

This error will occur if the switch cabinet temperature control (standard switch cabinet) is
outside the set temperature tolerance (60 °C, 140 °F)! The motor and the heating will be
switched off in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when falling below the max. temperature.

142 1 Switch cabinet temperature 1 Prewarning

This error will occur if the switch cabinet temperature control (standard switch cabinet) is
outside the set prewarning range (55 °C, 131 °F).
Acknowledgement: Automatically when falling below the prewarning temperature.

143 0 Switch cabinet temperature 2 too high

Refer to error 141 (Supplementary switch cabinet).

144 1 Switch cabinet temperature 2 Prewarning

Refer to error 142 (Supplementary switch cabinet).

145 4 Pressure monitoring Cooling water

This error will occur if the cooling water controller signals a falling water pressure for more
than 5 seconds (to suppress short-term pressure variations). The active cycle will be
terminated and the machine switches off.
The desired water pressure will be directly set at the cooling water controlller.
Acknowledgement:Change to the manual mode and cooling water pressure ok.


Chapter AL - 12 0515MC
List of alarms

146 0 APS: Fatal error

Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

147 0 APS: Division by 0

This error message occurs if a division by "0" has occurred during the execution of the active
APS program. The incorrect program line is marked by the red line number.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement is performed by restarting the corrected APS

148 0 APS: Scal. of the AI/AO or pump conf. incorrect

This error message will occur if the scaling of the analog inputs / outputs of the APS is not
possible or if the APS pump configuration has been incorrectly set.
Acknowledgement: After correct APS scaling of the analog inputs / outputs or correction of
the APS pump configuration.

149 0 APS: APS operating mode or product ID incorrect

This error message will occur for the following reasons:
• The APS program has been started although it is not required (Setting APS program
required for machine operation is deactivated).
• The APS program has not been started although it is required (Setting APS program
required for machine operation is activated).
• The APS program is required (Setting APS program required for machine operation is
selected) but the "Program ID" and the "Product ID" are not identical.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

150 2 Mould not closed

This error message occurs if the Tiebar pulling device program has been selected and the
mould is not closed.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically when reaching
the Mould closed stroke marker.

151 2 Tiebar pulling active

This error message indicates that the Tiebar pulling device program has been selected.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically if the program is
either finished or deactivated.

152 2 Purge guard Tiebar opened

This error message will occur if the guard door of the tiebart pulling device is opened.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically when closing the
guard door.

153 2 Tiebar pulling not ready

This error message will occur if you exit the setting mode and the Tiebar pulling device
program has not correctly been terminated.
Possible cause:
• Tiebar pulling device is not in home position:
• Locking is latched.
• Moving platen unlatched.
• Unscrewing device fastened.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically when reaching
the home position.

Chapter AL - 13
List of alarms

154 0 Limit switch monitoring Tiebar pulling device

If this error message is displayed, the hydraulic drive will be switched off.
Possible cause: Both limit switches are activated at once (strokes too short, Error Limit
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Machine stop" key.

155 1 Filling level Central grease lubrication

This error message will occur if the filling level either is too low or has been too low for s
short time.
Acknowledgement: Refill grease according to the specifications in the operating manual. The
acknowledgement will be carried out after trouble-shooting and pressing the Machine stop

156 1 Error Central grease lubrication

This error messages will occur if, during a lubricating interval, the switch for the pressure
build-up does not switch within the set time limit or the grease level of the central lubrication
is too low.
Additional information::
1: Pressure switch signal already available before the lubrication cycle started.
2: Pressure build-up not within the pressure build-up time.
3: Pressure switch did not change its status after the change over time (time between the
lubrication cycles).
Acknowledgement: Check storage tank of the central lubrication, check pressure switch.
Start manual cycle.

157 1 Motor protection Central grease lubrication

This error message will occur if the motor protection switch has been triggered.
Possible cause:
• Motor defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.

158 0 EMERGENCY STOP from external device

If this error occurs, the hydraulic drive is switched off.
Additional information
Value 1: EMERGENCY STOP of DZB interface 1 triggered
Value 2: EMERGENCY STOP of DZB interface 2 triggered
Possible cause:
• EMERGENCY STOP of handling triggered.
• Dummy plug Robot not available.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

159 3 Error Metering plant

This error message will occur if an error occurs at the external metering plant (see
description of the external metering plant). In case this error message is displayed, no new
machine cycle is started.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Metering plant of injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Metering plant of injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Metering plant of injection unit C.


Chapter AL - 14 0515MC
List of alarms
160 1 Motor protection Gear oil motor
This error message will occur if the motor protection switch has been triggered.
Possible cause:
• Motor defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

161 1 Check gear oil pressure

This error message occurs if the gear oil pressure falls below the set pressure.
Possible cause:
• Gear oil motor defective.
• Check gear oil level.
• Pressure switch defective.
• Pressure switch incorrectly set.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

162 1 Error Fans Servo motor

This error message will occur if the motor protection switch has been triggered.
Possible cause:
• Motor defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

163 1 Error Fans Frequency converter

This error message will occur if the motor protection switch has been triggered.
Possible cause:
• Motor defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

164 1 Release Frequency converter is missing

This error message will occur if the frequency converter has not sent the release signal.
Possible cause:
• Voltage failure or parting of a cable at the frequency converter.
• Check frequency converter.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

165 8 APS: User error Class 8

See error message 133 (variable AP1errcl8).

166 9 APS: User error Class 9

See error message 133 (variable AP1errcl9).

167 0 APS is not installed on the machine

This error message will occur if an APS program is required for loading a product data
record, the machine, however, is not equipped with this option. This data record cannot be
used with the present machine.

168 0 Limit switch monitor Ejector coupling

If this error message is displayed, the hydraulic drive will be switched off.
Possible cause: Both limit switches are activated at once (strokes too short, Error Limit
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Machine stop" key.

Chapter AL - 15
List of alarms

169 2 Ejector coupling released

This error message will occur if the ejector coupling is not coupled.
Possible cause: Limit switch either defective or incorrectly set. The Release ejector coupling
key has been triggered.
Acknowledgement: Couple Ejector coupling.

170 1 Injection unitA not in back limit position

This error message will occur if, during the Mouldfix mode, the injection unit is not in the rear
limit position.
Acknowledgement: Move injection unit completely back.

171 2 Mouldfix: Active

This error message indicates that the Latch / release Mouldfix program has been selected.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically if Latch / release
Mouldfix is switched off.

172 2 Mouldfix: Fixed platen not clamped

This error message will be displayed if the Mouldfix Fixed platen is not clamped.
Possible cause: Limit switch either defective or incorrectly set. The key Release Mouldfix
Fixed platen was triggered.
Acknowledgement: Clamp Mouldfix Fixed platen.

173 1 Mouldfix: Safety function

This error message will occur if the clamping platen safety switch remains active after
unlatching the clamping platen within the Mould safety stroke Mouldfix in the Mouldfix mode.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Safety function.
Bit 1, value 2: Limit switch clamping platen not actuated.
Bit 2, value 4: Limit switch nozzle platen not actuated.

174 2 Mouldfix: Moving platen unlatched

This error message will occur if the Mouldfix Moving platen is not latched.
Possible cause: Limit switch either defective or incorrectly set. The Release Mouldfix Moving
platen key has been pressed.
Acknowledgement: Latch Mouldfix Moving platen.

175 1 Mould mounting height not reached

This error message will occur if the current mould mounting height does not correspond to
the value entered on the screen (see chapter 3.2).
Acknowledgement: Enter the correct mould mounting height or use the mould mounting
height adjustment to adjust the correct mould mounting height.

176 1 Mouldfix: Monitoring time resp.

This error message will occur if Latch or Release Mouldfix is not finished during the set
monitoring time.
Possible cause:
• Limit switch either defective or incorrectly set.
• Check Mould Pressure Latching / releasing.
• Monitoring time is set too short.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically if Latch / release
Mouldfix is switched off.

177 2 Mouldfix: Fixed platen Pressure monitoring


Chapter AL - 16 0515MC
List of alarms
This error message will be displayed if the contained Pressure Mouldfix Fixed platen falls
below the set pressure (50 bar / 725 psi).
Possible cause:
• Pressure switch either defective or incorrectly set.
• The key Release Mouldfix Fixed platen was triggered.
Acknowledgement: Eliminate the cause of the error and clamp the fixed plate

178 2 Mouldfix: Moving platen Pressure monitoring

This error message will occur if the contained Pressure Mouldfix Moving platen falls below
the set pressure (50 bar / 725 psi).
Possible cause:
• Pressure switch either defective or incorrectly set.
• The Release Mouldfix Moving platen key has been pressed.
Acknowledgement: Trouble-shooting and latch Mouldfix Moving platen.

179 0 Mouldfix: limit switch monitoring

This error message will occur if during the clamping procedure one of the two pressure
switches does not respond within the monitoring time, or if one of the two pressure switches
does not release within the monitoring time while unlatching.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Machine stop" key.

180 0 Station ejector forward Time Toleranc

This error occurs when exceeding one of the given "Station ejector forward" times and for
an activated monitoring program. The motor will be switched off. The set value and the
monitoring program can be found in the menu "Production data / Monitoring functions /
Mould / Station".
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Station ejector 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Station ejector 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Station ejector 3.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for station ejector 1
(value 1) and station ejector 2 (value 2) have to be checked.

181 0 Station ejector back Time Tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding one of the given " Station ejector backward" times and
for an activated monitoring program. The motor will be switched off. The set value and the
monitoring program can be found in the menu "Production data / Monitoring functions /
Mould / Station".
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Station ejector 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Station ejector 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Station ejector 3.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for station ejector 1
(value 1) and station ejector 2 (value 2) have to be checked.

182 0 Mould table Index Time Tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding the inchangeably set time. The motor will be switched off.
If this error occurs repeatedly please call the Battendfeld customer service.
Possible cause:
• Limit switch defective.

Chapter AL - 17
List of alarms
• Index valve defective.

This error occurs, if an auxiliary contactor for the interruption of the fan circuit has dropped
due to dangerous movements (auxiliary contactor of injection unit or clamping unit), despite
the fact that none of the safety devices and guards (e.g. injection guard, safety gate, light
barrier, EMERGENCY STOP) has been opened/triggered. This monitoring function is only
active if the drive is running.
Additional information (with 1-channel EMERGENCY STOP):
Value 1: Safety devices (safety gate, EMERGENCY STOP) are OK but auxiliary contactors
were not actuated.
Value 2: A safety device (safety gate of EMERGENCY STOP) has been triggered, but the
feedback signal from the auxiliary contactors is logical „0“ (auxiliary contactor energized).
Value 3: Barrel maintenance program.
Value 4: Barrel maintenance: Key-operated switch not in position.
Value 5: Barrel maintenance: Key-operated switch monitoring.
Value 6: Barrel maintenance: Cover injection assembly open.
Additional information (with 2-channel EMERGENCY STOP):
Bit -5 and 10: Contactor relays safety gate energized (NC contact of monitoring)
Bit 00, value 01: Safety circuit control circuit.
Bit 01, value 02: Safety circuit safety doors
Bit 02, value 04: Safety circuit safety gate
Bit 03, value 08: Safety circuit barrel maintenance program
Bit 04, value 16: Safety circuit magnetic mounting platens
Bit 10, value 1024: Safety circuit safety mat
Bit 5: Contactor relays safety gate deenergized (NC contact of monitoring)
Bit 05, value 32: Safety circuit ok
Bit 06, value 64: Barrel maintenance program
Bit 07, value 128: Barrel maintenance: Key-operated switch not in position
Bit 08, value 256: Barrel maintenance: Reserve
Bit 09, value 512: Barrel maintenance: Cover injection assembly open

184 1 APS: Axis blocked by APS program

This error will occur if an axis was stopped by the APS program (variable name of axes:
nStp or pStp) and the program preselection "Error analysis for axis blocked by APS" was
Additional information:
Value 1: Negative moving direction blocked.
Value 2: Positive moving direction blocked.

185 1 USER: Axis blocked by USER program

This error will occur if an axis was stopped by the USER program and the program
preselection "Error analysis for axis blocked by APS" was activated.
Additional information:
Value 1: Negative moving direction blocked.
Value 2: Positive moving direction blocked.

186 0 IO communication error

This error will occur if a communication error to the IO modules is recognized.
Possible cause: The connection to the IO terminals at the LC robot / UNIPICK P5 is
interrupted or not plugged in.
Acknowledgement: Trouble-shooting and switching the "LC robot / UNIPICK P5" program off
and on again.


Chapter AL - 18 0515MC
List of alarms
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: IO module 1.
Bit 1, value 2: IO module 2.
Bit 2, value 4: IO module 3.
Bit 3, value 8: IO module 4.
Bit 4, value 16: IO module 5.

187 2 Set value error Injection - Q

This error will occur if a set value for the injection volume flow (Q) has been recognised
which exceeds the maximum injection volume flow (Qmax).
If the Rapid injection option is deactivated the maximum injection volume flow (Qmax) will be
decreased. If, for this reason, one or more set values of the injection volume flow (Q) exceed
the current Qmax, this error will be displayed.
Acknowledgement:: Correct set values.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

188 1 Decompression stroke > max. stroke

This error occurs when exceeding the maximum injection piston stroke due to
decompression. Check the set decompression volume and the current melt cushion.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

189 2 Stroke overlap Station ejector forward

When entering a Station ejector forward Profile, there will be a stroke overlap. The stroke
input has to increase continuously in moving direction.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if there is no longer a stroke overlap.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Station ejector 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Station ejector 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Station ejector 3.
Example:Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for station ejector 1
(value 1) and station ejector 2 (value 2) have to be checked.

190 2 Stroke overlap Station ejector back

Refer to error message 189 (Station ejector back Profile).

191 2 Stroke overlap Open

There is an overlap of the stroke input for the Opening movement. The stroke input has to
increase continuously in moving direction.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if there is no longer a stroke overlap.

192 2 Stroke overlap Close

Refer to error message 191 (Close Profile).

193 2 Stroke overlap Injection unit forward

When entering an Injection unit forward Profile, there will be a stroke overlap. The stroke
input has to decrease continuously in moving direction.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if there is no longer a stroke overlap.
Chapter AL - 19
List of alarms
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

194 2 Stroke overlap Injection unit back

Refer to error message 193 (Injection unit back Profile).

195 2 Stroke overlap Ejector forward

When entering the Ejector forward Profile (Upper parts ejector for mould table machines),
there will be a stroke overlap. The stroke input has to increase continuously in moving
Acknowledgement: Automatically if there is no longer a stroke overlap.

196 2 Stroke overlap Ejector backward

Refer to error message 195 (Station ejector back Profile).

197 2 Stroke overlap Injection

When entering an injection profile, there will be a volume overlap. The volume input (V) must
be reduced continuously in moving direction.
Acknowledgement:Automatically if there is no longer a volume overlap.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

198 2 Time overlap Holding pressure

There is an overlap of the time input for a holding pressure profile. The time input has to
increase continuously.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if there is no longer a time overlap.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

199 2 Stroke overlap Metering

When entering an metering profile, there will be a volume overlap. The volume input (V) has
to increase continuously in moving direction.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if there is no longer a volume overlap.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

200 1 Mould is not opened

This error occurs if the clamping unit is not opened when starting another movement.
Acknowledgement: Move the clamping unit manually to the "Mould opened" position.


Chapter AL - 20 0515MC
List of alarms

201 1 Ejector is not back

This error occurs if the ejector (upper parts ejector for mould table machines) is not moved
back when starting another movement.
Acknowledgement: Move the ejector manually to the "Ejector back" position.

202 4 Closing time outside tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding the given closing time and for an activated monitoring
program. The drive is switched off. The set value and the monitoring program are to be found
in the "Production data / Monitoring functions" menu.

203 1 Mould safety device has responded

3 for vertical machine
This error will occur if a stopping of the clamping unit has been recognised from the stroke
position "Mould safety device Stroke" onwards.
Possible cause:
• Part stuck in the mould.
• Mould defective.

204 4 Filling time outside tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding a given filling time (injection time) and for an activated
monitoring program. The drive is switched off. The set value and the monitoring program are
to be found in the "Production data / Monitoring functions" menu.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example:Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

205 4 Metering time outside tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding a given metering time and for an activated monitoring
program. The drive is switched off. The set value and the monitoring program are to be found
in the "Production data / Monitoring functions" menu.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

206 4 Opening time outside tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding the give opening time and for an activated monitoring
program. The drive is switched off. The set value and the monitoring program are to be found
in the "Production data / Monitoring functions" menu.

207 0 1. EMERGENCY-STOP triggered

This error occurs if the EMERGENCY STOP button 1 is actuated.
Acknowledgement: Automatic by releasing EMERGENCY STOP button.

208 1 Front safety gate opened

The safety gate is opened. If this error message is displayed, all movements of the machine
will be disabled.
Acknowledgement: Close safety gate and check limit switches.

Chapter AL - 21
List of alarms

209 2 Purge guard has been opened

The purge guard is not closed. If this error message is displayed, all movements of the
machine will be disabled.
Acknowledgement: Close purge guard and check limit switches.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Purge guard 1 (operator's side, front)
Bit 1, value 2: Purge guard 2 (rear side)
Bit 2, value 4: Purge guard vertical

210 0 Purge guard Limit switch monitoring

When checking the limit switch positions, an error has been detected.
Possible cause:
• Limit switch defective.
• Cable breakage.

211 0 Motor protection Drive 1 triggered

This error message will occur if the motor protection switch (of drive 1) has been triggered or
switched off.
Possible cause:
• Motor defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.

212 1 Oil filter 1 contaminated

This error will occur if the pressure switch at the filter (of pump system 1) is pressed. The
course of the machine program will not be influenced, only the contamination of the filter will
be indicated.
Acknowledgement: Replace filter element.

213 0 Oil level 1 under- / overshot

This error message is displayed if the oil level (of pump system 1) is either is too low (too
high) or has been too low (high) for a short time.
Acknowledgement: Refill oil in accordance with the specifications in the operating manual.
If the oil level is to high, oil must be removed from the tank. The acknowledgement will be
carried out automatically after trouble-shooting and pressing the "Machine stop" key.
Additional information:
Value 1: Oil level too low
Value 10: Oil level too high

214 4 Parts counter switch-off - Number of good parts reached

7 for vertical machine
This error message will be displayed if the preselected number of good parts has been
reached and the "Parts counter switch-off" program is active.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Machine-internal parts counter.
Bit 1, value 2: External parts counter (option).
Acknowledgement: Change over machine to the manual mode and enter the number of
good parts again or carry out a parts counter reset.

215 1 Drive 1 STOP

This error message will occur if the drive is not switched on.


Chapter AL - 22 0515MC
List of alarms

216 0 Check all EMERGENCY STOP keys

This error occurs upon switching on the main machine switch.
If one or more DZBs are connected to the machine, also check the EMERGENCY STOP
buttons of the respective DZBs.
Acknowledgement: Actuate and then release each EMERGENCY STOP button to reset the
error signal. This is only possible, if the EMERGENCY STOP system is working properly.
Additional information
Bit 0, value 1: Check EMERGENCY STOP 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Check EMERGENCY STOP 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Check EMERGENCY STOP 3.
Bit 3, value 8: Check EMERGENCY STOP 4.
Bit 4, value 16: Check EMERGENCY STOP 5.
Bit 5, value 32: Check EMERGENCY STOP 6.
Bit 6, value 64: Check EMERGENCY STOP 7.
Example: Additional information = 5: EMERGENCY STOP 1 (value 1) and EMERGENCY
STOP 3 (value 4) must be checked

217 4 Injection unit forward Time Tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding a given "Injection unit forward" time and for an activated
monitoring program. The motor will be switched off. The set value and the monitoring
program are to be found in the "Production data / Monitoring functions" menu.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

218 4 Injection unit back Time Tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding a given "Injection unit back" time and for an activated
monitoring program. The motor will be switched off. The set value and the monitoring
program are to be found in the "Production data / Monitoring functions" menu.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

219 4 Ejector forward Time outside tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding the given "Ejector forward" time (upper parts ejector for
mould table machines) and for an activated monitoring program. The motor will be switched
off. The set value and the monitoring program are to be found in the "Production data /
Monitoring functions" menu.

220 4 Ejector back Time outside tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding the given "Ejector back" time (upper parts ejector for
mould table machines) and for an activated monitoring program. The set value and the
monitoring program are to be found in the "Production data / Monitoring functions" menu.

223 4 Cycle time monitoring

This error occurs when exceeding the given cycle time and for an activated monitoring
program. The motor will be switched off. The set value and the monitoring program are to be
found in the "Production data / Monitoring functions" menu.

Chapter AL - 23
List of alarms

224 4 Reject shot series exceeded

7 for vertical machine
This error occurs when exceeding the given number for the "Reject shot series", i.e. it
will be checked whether the set number for reject parts occurring in a row is reached (short-
time process control). The set value and the monitoring program are to be found in the
"Production data / Monitoring functions" menu.

225 4 Reject shots / 1000 shots

7 for vertical machine
This error occurs when exceeding the given number of "Reject shots per 1000 shots", i.e.
the number of reject parts will be monitored for an interval of 1000 shots (long-time process
control). The set value and the monitoring program are to be found in the "Production data /
Monitoring functions" menu.

226 1 Monitoring of parallelism Clamping unit / Pressure boxes

This error will occur if at least one pressure box is outside of parallelism..
Possible causes:
Clamping platen bent since the clamped mould is too small.
Parallelism of mould not given.
Additional information:
Value 1000: Monitoring of parallelism of pressure box 1
Value 1001: Monitoring of parallelism of pressure box 2
Value 1002: Monitoring of parallelism of pressure box 3
Value 1003: Monitoring of parallelism of pressure box 4

227 1 Injection Integral outside tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding the given "Integral tolerance" and for an activated
monitoring program. The current injection moulding will be considered as reject part. For the
set value, the tolerances, and the monitoring program, please refer to the menu „Injection /
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

228 1 Envelope 1 monitoring responded

Will occur if the set tolerances for the set value curve are being exceeded / fallen short of in
the envelope chart for an activated envelope monitoring of envelope 1. The current injection
moulding will be considered as reject part. The set values and the monitoring program are to
be found in the "Actual value graphics / Envelope" menu.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

229 0 Mould height Limit switch monitoring

Both limit switches of the mould height adjustment are being triggered. The drive is switched
Acknowledgement: Check limit switch Minimum mould height and limit switch Maximum
mould height. After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out automatically.


Chapter AL - 24 0515MC
List of alarms
230 1 Minimum mould height reached
The minimum mould height has been reached. Further reductions of the mould height are
not possible and will be disabled.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after leaving the limit switch Minimum mould height.

231 1 Maximum mould height reached

The maximum mould height has been reached. Another increase in mould height is not
possible and will be disabled.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after leaving the limit switch Maximum mould height.

232 1 Clamping force too small

The minimum clamping force has been undershot for the activated clamping force control.
The cycle will be interrupted and the clamping force will be increased. A new cycle will
automatically follow.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the actual clamping force is within the set tolerance

233 1 Clamping force too big

The maximum clamping force has been exceeded for the activated clamping force control.
The clamping force will automatically be decreased for "Cycle End".
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the actual clamping force is within the set tolerance
range again.

234 4 Plasticizing time monitoring Material

7 In vertical machine
This error occurs, if the metering volume is not reached within a period that corresponds
to twice the cooling time (with „Simultaneous operation Metering“, entered plasticizing time,
see chapter 7.1.2). If the metering volume is not reached within the set cooling time, the
cooling time is restarted. If the metering volume is still not reached after the second cooling
time period (with „Simultaneous operation Metering“, entered plasticizing time) has lapsed,
the cycle is continued to its end. Subsequently, the motor is stopped and the above alarm
message is displayed. If the metering volume is reached within the second cooling time
(with „Simultaneous operation Metering“, entered plasticizing time), the cycle is continued
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

235 1 Injection unit A not in safety positionThis error will occur if the injection unit (A) is not
in the safety position when either starting another movement (clamping unit or mould table)
or starting the automatic cycle. The safety position is set on the Injection unit A page under
"Injection unit Safety stroke".
Acknowledgement: Move the nozzle further backward manually.

236 1 Injection piston A is not back

This error will occur if the injection piston (of injection unit A) is not in the "Injection piston
is back" position when another movement starts (shot volume reached or decompression
volume 2 reached, if activated). In case this error message is active, the automatic cycle will
not be started.
Trouble-shooting: Move the injection piston to the "Injection piston is back" position in the
manual mode (Metering).

Chapter AL - 25
List of alarms

237 1 Error Material conveyor

Material conveyor Standard procedure:
This error will occur if the material monitoring time from "Start Material output" up to reaching
the limit switch "Material level reached" has been exceeded. The material output will be
switched off.
Material conveyor with intervals:
This error occurs if the "Material level reached" limit switch has not been pressed within the
"Number of material conveying intervals". The material output will be switched off.
Material conveyor parallel to metering:
This error occurs if the "Material level reached" limit switch has not been released within the
"Number of material conveying intervals". The material conveying will be switched off.
Possible cause:
• No material available.
• No or a too low level of compressed air.
• Material (wax) clots.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Material conveyor Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Material conveyor Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Material conveyor Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that an error is present at the material conveyor
for injection unit A (value 1) and the material conveyor for injection unit B (value 2).
Acknowledgement: By switching off / on the material conveyor at the manual control panel.

238 3 Temperature control unit(s): Error

This error will occur if one of the heaters signals an error. In case this error is active and the
monitoring time has come to an end, the injection will be disabled.
Possible cause:
• Level of the heating unit fallen short of.
• Motor protection of the heater has triggered.
• Error in the configuration of the ARBURG protocol.
• Error in the communication of the ARBURG protocol.
• The temperature control unit was switched off by the B6 control unit (no additional
Additional information:
1: The temperature control unit signalled a general error.
258: Frame driver not loaded.
3008: Frame driver not loaded.
8072: Wrong buffer passed on.
8078: Overflow transmission buffer.
8079: Buffer incorrect on reception.
8210 to 8241: Incorrect buffer.
8251: Device not opened.
20010: Invalid device address entered.
20011: Invalid frame length.
20012: Invalid CRC check.
20013: Frame identity error.
20014: Communication error.
20015: No answer from device.
20016: Connection error or incorrect network address entered.
20017: Set value error.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

239 0 Error Clamping force build-up

Will occur if the clamping force build-up has not been correctly performed within a set time
(service). The clamping procedure will be stopped.


Chapter AL - 26 0515MC
List of alarms
Acknowledgement:Automatically when changing over to the manual mode, or after the
clamping force build-up has been correctly performed.
Possible cause:
a) Toggle machines:
"Clamping force built up" limit switch defective or mould mounting height set too low.
b) Central hydraulic unit:
Clamping force has not been reached.

240 0 Core puller end position monitor triggered

This error occurs, if the end positions for „Core puller is moved out“ and „Core puller is
moved in“ of a core puller are triggered simultaneously. If this error occurs, the motor is
switched off.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Core puller 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Core puller 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Core puller 3.
Bit 3, value 8: Core puller 4.
Bit 4, value 16: Core puller 5.
Bit 5, value 32: Core puller 6.
Bit 11, value 2048: core puller 12
Example: Additional information = 5 means that an error is present at core puller 1 (value 1)
and core puller 3 (value 4).
Acknowledgement: Eliminate the cause of the error and actuate „Motor Start“ or „Motor

241 5 No injection unit selected

This error will occur if no injection unit has been selected on the manual control panel.
Acknowledgement: After selecting at least one injection unit.

242 1 Core puller locked

This error will occur if the start condition is not met when starting the respective core puller.
The start condition depends on the set core puller program number.
Additional information: The additional information is the axis number of the core puller. The
core puller can be determined by entering this axis number on the Axis Diagnosis Page.
Example: Enter axis number 11 on the Axis Diagnosis Page, indication CP1, i.e. Core puller

243 2 Robot: Preselection not possible

This error will occur if a program setting has been selected which has not been defined. The
possible program settings are described in chapter 10.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after selecting a program setting.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Robot interface 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Robot interface 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Robot interface 3.

244 0 Parts removal robot: limit switch monitoring

This error will occur if the "Home position" and "Limit position" limit switches of an axis are
triggered at the same time. In case this error occurs the motor will be switched off.
Acknowledgement: Check limit switch.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.
Additional information:

Chapter AL - 27
List of alarms
Value 1: Limit switch monitoring Brush Brush not plugged and limit position or home position
Value 2: Limit switch monitoring Ejector middle platen: Ejector middle platend not plugged
and limit position or home position set
Value 3: Program active but no device plugged in
Value 4: Both devices plugged in
Value 5: Limit switch monitoring: Limit position and home position set at the same time

245 1 Parts removal robot: parts monitoring

This error will occur if the limit switch for the part monitoring signals not OK at the end of
the "Time Parts clamping" (part has not been discharged). In case this error occurs the
automatic cycle will be interrupted.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

246 1 Parts removal robot: No home position

This error will occur if the parts removal robot is not in the home position for "Start Closing"
(all axes have to be in the home position).
Acknowledgement: Move part removal handling to home position.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: No release closing
Bit 1, value 2: No release opening
Bit 2, value 4: No release Ejector forward
Bit 3, value 8: No release Ejector back
Bit 4, value 16: No release Mould table
Bit 5, value 32: No release Move in core group 1
Bit 6, value 64: No release Move out core group 1
Bit 7, value 128: No release Move in core group 2
Bit 8, value 256: No release Move out core group 2
Bit 9, value 512: No release Move in core group 3
Bit 10, value 1024: No release Move out core group 3
Bit 11, value 2048: No release Move in core group 4
Bit 12, value 4096: No release Move out core group 4

247 7 Maximum clamping force exceeded

This error will occur if the current clamping force exceeds the maximum clamping force by 10
% during the injection procedure. The machine will be switched off at the end of the cycle.
Acknowledgement: Reduce injection pressure / holding pressure.

248 0 Drive is locked

The drive is disabled by means of the key-operated switch at the manual control panel or by
the waiting time at the ACOPOS. This will prevent the motor from starting up.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: The drive is disabled by means of the key-operated switch at the manual
control panel.
Bit 1, value 2: The drive is disabled by the wait time of the ACOPOS. The wait time is set by
switching it in and off several time in short intervals.
Acknowledgement: Unlock the drive by means of the key-operated switch ont he manual
control panel, automatically at the end of the waiting time.

248 2 Drive is disabled (for EM and MICRO machines)

The drive is disabled by the wait time of the ACOPOS. The wait time is set by switching it in
and off several time in short intervals. This will prevent the motor from starting up.
Additional information: Wait time until the drive may be switched on again.
Acknowledgement: Automatically at the end of the wait time.


Chapter AL - 28 0515MC
List of alarms
249 2 UNIPICK P5: no home position
This error will occur if the UNIPICK P5 is not in its home position (all axes must be in home
Additional information for horizontal machine:
Value 1: If the UNIPICK P5 is not in home position at Start closing.
Value 2: If the program UNIPICK P5 is not activated and the Y axis is not in home position.
Value 3: Limit switch monitoring Home position of Y axis.
Additional information for vertical machine:
If the UNIPICK P5 is not in home position at Cycle start.
Bit 0, value 1: Robot interface 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Robot interface 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Robot interface 3.
If the program UNIPICK P5 is not activated and the Y axis is not in home position.
Bit 3, value 8: Robot interface 1.
Bit 6, value 64: Robot interface 2.
Bit 9, value 512: Robot interface 3.
Limit switch monitoring Home position of Y axis.
Bit 4, value 16: Robot interface 1.
Bit 7, value 128: Robot interface 2.
Bit 10, value 1024: Robot interface 3.
Acknowledgement: Move robot to the home position.

250 4 Incorrect change over to holding pressure

3 for vertical machine
This error message occurs in case a "stroke" or "pressure dependent" change over to
holding pressure has been preselected, the control system, however, has changed over
"time dependently" (change over point not reached within the "Time limit Change over to
holding pressure"). After this message has occurred in the automatic mode, the started cycle
will be terminated and the currrent injection moulding will be considered as reject part. Then
the control system switches off the machine.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when changing over to the manual mode.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

252 1 Injection is active

This error message will be active during the entire injection procedure. The additional
ainformation shows the injection unit from which ejection is active.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.

253 4 Error Clamping force control

Will occur if, for the activated "Clamping force control" program, it was not possible to correct
the clamping force automatically after several attempts to do so.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when changing over to the manual mode.

254 3 Mould safety strokes reached

Will occur in the automatic mode if the number of mould safety strokes has been reached
after several attempts to close the mould. The machine will stop in the home position.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when changing over to the manual mode or after having
triggered the Cycle Start (Close) key.

Chapter AL - 29
List of alarms
255 6 Barrel heating Stop Weekly time switch
If the "Weekly time switch" program is activated and "Heating unit to be triggered"
preselected, these errors will be signalled until reaching the starting time and activating the
barrel heating or the stop time switches off the barrel heating.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the barrel heating is activated or when switching off the
program "Weekly time switch" or the program "Heating unit to be triggered".

256 6 Mould heating Stop Weekly time switch

If the "Weekly time switch" is activated and "Heating unit to be triggered" preselected, these
errors will be signalled until reaching starting time and activating the mould heating or the
stop time switches off the mould heating.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the mould heating is activated or when switching off the
program "Weekly time switch" or the program "Heating unit to be triggered".

257 7 Motor Stop Weekly time switch

If the "Weekly time switch" program is activated and "Motor unit to be triggered" preselected,
this error will be signalled until reaching the starting time for which the drive starts. When
reaching the stop time the motor will not be switched off.
Acknowledgement: Automatically for a started drive of when switching off the program
"Weekly time switch" or the program "Motor unit to be triggered".

258 6 Periphery Stop Weekly time switch

If the "Weekly time switch" program is activated and "Periphery unit to be triggered"
preselected, this error will be signalled until reaching the starting time and activating the
periphery or the stop time switches off the periphery.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the periphery is activated or when switching off the
program "Weekly time switch" or the program "Periphery unit to be triggered".

259 1 Mould is not closed

This error occurs, if the mould is not in position „Mould closed and clamping force built up“
when a movement is started (e.g. „Nozzle forward) or if the nozzle contact force is not built
Additional information
Bit 0, value 001, general (clamping force not built up)
Bit 1, value 002, for start of injection A into mould (nozzle contact force not built up)
Bit 2, value 004, for start of injection B into mould (nozzle contact force not built up)
Bit 3, value 008, for start of injection C into mould (nozzle contact force not built up)
Bit 4, value 016, reserve
Bit 5, value 032, reserve
Bit 6, value 064, reserve
Bit 7, value 128, for confirmation of tandem mould locking mechanism (clamping force not
built up)
Fault elimination: Move the clamping unit to position „Mould closed and clamping force built
up“; build up nozzle contact force.

260 2 Only 1 robot program possible

This error message will occur if the "Robot Interface" and another "Parts removal robot" have
been activated.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after switching off one of the two programs.

261 1 Error Main drive Contactor

This error message will occur if the contactor of the main drive does not switch properly
within a consistently set time or if the hardware circuit is interrupted.
Additional information for servo-electrical machines:
Bit 0, value 1: no acknowledgement by "Drive On", missing EPL connection in the case of
Bit 1, value 2: Cut-off delay for run-up block (safety circuit clamping unit) too high.

Chapter AL - 30 0515MC
List of alarms
Bit 2, value 4: Cut-off delay for run-up block (safety circuit clamping unit) too low.
Bit 3, value 8: Cut-off delay for run-up block (safety circuit injection unit) too high.
Bit 5, value 32: Input "Drive ON" has wrong state.
Possible cause: Contactor defective, EMERGENCY STOP circuit open, catch diode at
auxiliary contactor defective (if installed).
Fault elimination: Replace contactor, check EMERGENCY STOP circuit, replace catch diode.

262 0 Check safety bar

This error message will occur after new main switch "Switching on the machine". In case this
error occurs all movements will be disabled.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Safety bar 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Safety bar 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Safety bar 3.
Bit 3, value 8: Safety bar 4.
Example: Additional information = 5 means that an error is present at the safety bar 1 (value
1) and the safety bar 3 (value 4).
Acknowledgement: The safety bar has to be triggered once. Only after this single triggering
helping to check the safety bar will the error message be reset.

263 1 Service setting mode active

The service setting mode is only required for the commissioning of the machine and for
reasons of service.
Attention: If this program is used to operate the machine, the machine may possibly be
Switch off service setting mode or setting mode.

264 2 Error Zerorising Clamping unit

If this error occurs the clamping unit has been incorrectly zerorised. The movement can only
be performed in the setting mode.
Possible cause: The "Mould opened" stroke is set too long or the zeroising stroke has been
incorrectly approached.
Trouble-shooting: Automatically after correctly performed zeroising in the setting mode or
after reducing the "Mould opened" stroke.

265 2 Error Zerorising Injection unit

If this error occurs the injection unit has been incorrectly zerorised. The movement can only
be performed in the setting mode.
Possible cause: The "Injection unit backward" stroke is set too long or the zeroising stroke
has been incorrectly approached.
Trouble-shooting: Automatically after correctly performed zeroising in the setting mode or
after reducing the "Injection unit backward" stroke.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A (value 1) and
injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

266 2 Error Zerorising Ejector

If this error occurs the ejector has been incorrectly zerorised. The movement can only be

Chapter AL - 31
List of alarms
performed in the setting mode.
Possible cause: The "Ejector forward" stroke is set too long or the zeroising stroke has been
incorrectly approached.
Trouble-shooting: Automatically after correctly performed zeroising in the setting mode or
after reducing the "Ejector forward" stroke.

267 1 Rinsing program active

If this error occurs with the additional information "1", the clamping cylinder will be breathed.
If this error occurs with the additional information "1", the clamping cylinder will be breathed.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Will occur when reaching the "Mould closed" point in the setting mode and
if the key for "Closing" is pressed, while the so-called "Rinsing program" (breathing of the
clamping cylinder) will be activated for the clamping cylinder.
Bit 3, value 8: Will occur if one of the pump rinsing programs (see hydraulic system
illustration) was activated. During the running of the pump rinsing program no machine
movements are possible.
Bit 0, value 1: Automatically if the key for "Closing" is released.
Bit 3, value 8: Automatically if all pump rinsing programs were deactivated.

268 2 Minimum mould height undershot

The set stroke marker "Minimum mould mounting height" has been undershot, the closing
movement switched off, another clamping procedure disabled. This switch- off is intended for
the safety of the machine.
This error is also displayed for machines with vertical clamping unit and EIS system when
falling below the minimum EIS stroke (check EIS settings).
Acknowledgement: Opening of the clamping unit followed by an inspection of the set stroke
markers of the closing movement and the clamping profile.
Additional information:
Bit 5, value 32: Target position not possible due to EES monitoring - the clamping unit can no
longer be closed in the manual and automatic modes.

269 1 Error Set time / data

This error will occur if the time or date format stated is invalid. Please contact the
BATTENFELD customer service.

270 1 Compressed air too lowThis error will occur if the compressed air supply has failed
or if there is not enough pressure available.
Additional information for vertical machine:
Bit 0, value 1: Compressed air Machine.
Bit 1, value 2: Compressed air Peripheral equipment 1 (robot 1).
Bit 2, value 4: Compressed air Peripheral equipment 2 (robot 2).
Bit 3, value 8: Compressed air Peripheral equipment 3 (robot 3).
Acknowledgement: Automatically after reaching the set pressure level.

271 1 Safety bar triggered

This error will occur if the safety bar at the protecting cage has been triggered.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Safety bar 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Safety bar 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Safety bar 3.
Bit 3, value 8: Safety bar 4.
Example: Additional information = 5 means that an error is present at the safety bar 1 (value
1) and the safety bar 3 (value 4).
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the latter is no longer triggered.


Chapter AL - 32 0515MC
List of alarms
272 1 EIS system outside tolerance
2 for vertical machine
This error will occur if the actual stroke value of the eccentric injection system is not within
the specified set value tolerance. All movements of the injection unit will be disabled until the
stroke value for the unit has been corrected.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for EIS injection unit
A (value 1) and EIS injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.
Acknowledgement: Set value adjustment or moving the injection unit to the proper height

273 1 Injection pressure Monitoring

This error occurs if the actual pressure value exceeds the permitted maximum set pressure
value (pressure control curve in the injection chart) during the injection procedure.
Depending on the program preselection, either the machine will be switched off for "Cycle
End" or the parts of the cycle will be considered as reject parts (settings see chapter 18 /
Monitoring functions).
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.
Possible cause:
• Pressure control curve is set too low.
• If this is not possible (already set to maximum), check the injection speed.
• Viscosity of the material.

274 5 Incorrect or no injection unit

There are either none or several injection units connected to the connectors. The motor will
be switched off.
Additional information:
Value 1: No injection assembly A connected.
Value 2: 2 Injection assemblies connected.
Value 3: No injection assembly B connected.
Value 4: 2 Injection assemblies connected.
Value 5: Incorrect injection unit 1.
Value 6: Incorrect injection unit 1.
Value 7: Incorrect injection unit 2.
Value 8: Incorrect injection unit 2.
Acknowledgement: Set the connectors of the injection unit to the proper position.

275 2 Delay Release-Tolerance Cylinder

After the first heating procedure, the injection cylinder will only be released at the end of the
set time "Delay Release Tolerance Barrel heating".
Explanation: To guarantee an optimum homogeneous heating of the material of the screw
barrel, the release of the injection cylinder is delayed.

276 4 Vacuum monitoring Pressure

7 for vertical machine
This error message will occur if the vacuum pressure switch has not been triggered at
the end of the "Time Intermediate Stop" for an activated "Vacuum Valve on, with pressure

Chapter AL - 33
List of alarms
monitoring" program.
Acknowledgement: Automatically for the next clamping procedure or after changing over to
the manual mode.

277 4 Vacuum monitoring Time

7 for vertical machine
This error message will occur if the vacuum pressure switch has not been triggered
at the end of the "Time Intermediate Stop" for an activated "Vacuum valve on, with time
monitoring" program.
Acknowledgement: Automatically for the next clamping procedure or after changing over to
the manual mode.

278 1 Controller error Mould table

This error message will occur in case a contouring error has been recognised. In the manual
or the automatic mode, the drive will be switched off.
In the setting mode, the drive may be started again and the table may move to the limit
position. The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically, if the contouring error has
no longer been detected.
Additional information:
Value 1: When starting the table movement, a contouring error has been detected.
Value 2: During the table movement, a contouring error has been detected.

279 1 Temperature control unit(s): +/- Tolerance

This error will occur if the actual value of a temperature control unit is outside the set
tolerance. In case this error is active and the monitoring time has come to an end, the
injection will be disabled.
This alarm will be displayed also during the "Temperature decrease" function.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if all temperature control units are within the tolerance

280 0 Error Hydraulic safety valve

The hydraulic safety valve will have to switch correctly within a consistently set time, if the
safety gate is opened or closed. If this is not the case, the drive will be switched off.
Acknowledgement: Automatically by opening/ closing the safety gate

281 1 Drop-out preventer / Check weigher

Will be displayed if the "Drop-out preventer / Check weigher" program is activated, unless
the injection moulding breaks through the photoelectric barrier during change over time. If
this is not the case, this error message will also be output.
This error message is also used in combination with the check weigher.
Possible cause:
• Change over time is set too short.
• Photoelectric barrier defective.
• Too many parts in the drop-out shaft.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when changing over to the manual mode.

282 1 Mould has been injected on

Will occur if the mould has been opened during the injection procedure.
Possible cause:
• Too little or no clamping force.
• Zerorising Clamping unit carried out unsatisfactorily.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when changing over to the manual mode.


Chapter AL - 34 0515MC
List of alarms

283 4 HiQ Cushion: +/- tolerance

7 for vertical machine
Will occur if the "Max. correction value" has been exceeded for the activated HiQ
Cushion. The machine will stop at Cycle End.
Possible cause: Incorrect "Max. Correction value" entered - Frozen mould cavity.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when changing over to the manual mode or injection.

284 3 Error dyeing unit

Will occur for an error of the dyeing unit.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Malfunction dyeing unit 1
Bit 1, value 2: Material level dyeing unit 1
Bit 2, value 4: Malfunction dyeing unit 2
Bit 3, value 8: Material level dyeing unit 2
Bit 4, value 16: Malfunction dyeing unit 3
Bit 5, value 32: Material level dyeing unit 3

285 1 Transport system Error no.:

Will occur for an error of the transport system.
Additional information:
Value 1: Not in operation.
Value 2: Motor protection.

286 1 Error Ejector coupling

This error will occur if the limit switch signals not triggered for "Unlock ejector coupling" or
triggered for "Lock ejector coupling".
Possible cause:
• Compressed air too low.
• Mechanical problem.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having reached the appropriate limit switch position.

287 1 Locking not moved out

This error will occur if the "Locking cylinders not in unlocking position" proximity switches are
not triggered during opening or closing.
Possible cause: Proximity switch defective. The lockings are indeed not in the proper
Measure: Check proximity switches. Move out lockings in the adjustment mode.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when reaching the proper proximity switch status.

288 1 Locking not moved in

This error will occur if the "Lockings not in locking position" proximity switches are not
triggered during high-pressure build-up.
Possible cause: Proximity switch defective. The lockings are indeed not in the proper
Measure: Check proximity switches. Move out lockings in the setting mode.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when reaching the proper proximity switch status.

Chapter AL - 35
List of alarms

289 1 Pressure box not in position

This error will occur if the pressure box (es) is (are) not in the proper position when moving
in / out the lockings. If the pressure box locking can no longer be opened, activate the
"Emergency program Opening" (see chapter 3.1.7).
Acknowledgement: Automatically when having reached the proper pressure box position.

290 1 Position monitoring Differential valve

This error will occur if the differential valve for triggering two pressure boxes has not
switched properly.
Possible cause: Defective valve. Measure: Check valve.
Acknowledgement: Automatically for a properly switched valve.

291 1 Mould height exceeds max. mould height

This error will occur if a mould height is established by means of the automatic mould height
calculation, which is larger than the max. mould height permissible for this machine.
Possible cause: Mould too large.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when restarting the mould height calculation.

292 0 Maintenance door 1 open

293 0 Maintenance door 2 open
294 0 Maintenance door 3 open
This error message will occur if maintenance door 1 has been opened. The drive is switched
Acknowledgement: Automatically after closing the maintenance door.

295 0 Maintenance door Switch monitoring

This error message will occur if an incorrect position of the limit switch/ contactor relay has
been recognised during the opening / or closing cycle. The drive may not be started.
Acknowledgement: Check limit switch and limit switch fixing. The acknowledgement will be
carried out automatically if the limit switch position is correct.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Error maintenance door 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Error maintenance door 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Error maintenance door 3.
Bit 3, value 8: Error maintenance door 4.
Bit 4, value 16: Error maintenance door 5.
Bit 5, value 32: Error maintenance door 6.
Additional information = 5 means that an "Error maintenance door 1" (value 1) and an "Error
maintenance door 3" (value 4) are present.

296 4 Time Mould table left / counterclockwise Outside tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding the given "Mould table left / counterclockwise" time and
for an activated monitoring program. The motor will be switched off. The set value and the
monitoring program can be found in the menu "Monitoring functions / Mould / Station" (see
chapter 18).

297 4 Time Mould table right / clockwise Time outside tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding the given "Mould table right / clockwise" time and for
an activated monitoring program. The motor will be switched off. The set value and the
monitoring program can be found in the menu "Monitoring functions / Mould / Station" (see
chapter 18).


Chapter AL - 36 0515MC
List of alarms

298 1 Mechanical clamping safety device

This error message will become active if the mechanical clamping safety device does not
move to the proper position within a certain time.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Error when locking.
Bit 1, value 2: Error when unlocking.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically if the closing
protection has moved to the proper position.

299 0 Hydraulic safety device monitoring

This error message will become active if the hydraulic safety valve has not moved to the
proper position within a certain time. The drive is switched off.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Error when closing the safety valve.
Bit 1, value 2: Error when opening the safety valve.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the "Stop" or "Start" key.

300 0 Init error Core puller programs

Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.
Note : An error has occurred during core puller data module interpretation.
Additional information:
Value = Group x 100 + Program.
Value 60000: Incorrect program or set number.
Value 60001: Axis does not exist.

301 0 Overflow Core puller programs

Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service. Additional information concerning this
error are given in the "Core puller Diagnosis" menu (see chapter 9).
Note An error has occurred during core puller data interpretation.
Additional information:
Value 1: Too many intermediate stops per axis.
Value 2: Too many "before"-type programs per axis.
Value 3: Too many "after"-type programs per axis.
Value 4: Too many "parallel"-type programs per axis.
Value 5: Too many "serial with parallel handling"-type programs per axis.
Value 10: Error Start condition.
Value 11: Wrong bit number.
Value 12: Too many monitoring functions per axis.
Value 13: Too many external monitoring functions per axis.
Value 14: Program number does not exist (data module entry is missing).
Value 15: Wrong locking condition.
Value 16: Monitoring variable not found.
Value 17: Program number not possible.
Value 18: Too many program lines.
Value 19: Reference axis does not exist.

302 1 Monitoring Core puller program

This error will occur if the core puller is not in the appropriate limit position when starting
another movement and, as a consequence, the movement will be disabled. Additional
information concerning this error are given in the "Core puller Diagnosis" menu (see
chapter 9).
Additional information: Is the axis number of the core puller. The core puller can be
determined by entering this axis number on the Axis Diagnosis Page.
Example: Enter axis number 11 on the Axis Diagnosis Page, indication CP1, i.e. Core
puller 1.
Acknowledgement: Move core puller to limit position.

Chapter AL - 37
List of alarms

303 1 Ejector chute opened

This error will occur if the safety gate at the ejector chute is opened. The ejector motion is
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the safety gate at the ejector chute is closed.

304 0 Check front safety gate

This error message will occur after new main switch "Switching on the machine". In case this
error occurs all movements will be disabled.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Close safety gate must be checked
Bit 1, value 2: Open safety gate must be checked
Bit 7, value 128: The safety valve must be checked
Acknowledgement: The safety gate has to be opened and closed correctly once. Only after
this single triggering helping to check the safety gate limit switches will the error message be
The starting of this drive will only be enabled if the check has been carried out properly.

305 0 Safety gate monitoring has responded

This error message will occur if the safety gate limit switches signal an error.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: An error of the safety control circuit was detected when closing the front-side
safety gate.
Bit 1, value 2: An error of the safety control circuit was detected when opening the front-side
safety gate.
Bit 2, value 4: An error of the safety control circuit was detected when closing the rear safety
Bit 3, value 8: An error of the safety control circuit was detected when closopening the rear
safety gate.
Bit 4, value 16: An error of the safety control circuit was detected when closing purge guard
Bit 5, value 32: An error of the safety control circuit was detected when opening purge guard
Bit 6, value 64: The switch for opening the run-up block was not actuated when opening the
front safety gate.
Bit 7, value 128: The switch for opening the run-up block was not actuated when opening the
rear safety gate.
Bit 8, value 256: The switch for the run-up block was actuated with the front safety gate
Bit 9, value 512: The switch for the run-up block was actuated with the rear safety gate
Bit 10, value 1024: An error of the safety control circuit was detected when closing purge
guard 2.
Bit 11, value 2048: An error of the safety control circuit was detected when opening purge
guard 2
Possible cause: Limit switch defective.

306 0 Safety gate monitoring has responded

This error message will occur if the safety gate limit switches signal an error.
Additional information for vertical machine:
Bit 0, value 1: Safety gate 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Safety gate 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Safety gate 3.
Bit 3, value 8: Safety gate 4
Bit 4, value 16: Safety gate 5
Bit 5, value 32: Safety gate 6
Possible cause: Limit switch defective.


Chapter AL - 38 0515MC
List of alarms

307 0 Safety gate monitoring Contactor relays

This error message will occur if the contactor relays do not switch properly within a
consistently set time.
Possible cause: Contactor relay defective.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Error when closing the front safety gate.
Bit 1, value 2: Error when opening the front safety gate.
Bit 2, value 4: Error when closing the rear safety gate.
Bit 3, value 8: Error when opening the rear safety gate.
Bit 4, value 16: Error when closing the purge guard.
Bit 5, value 32: Error when opening the purge guard.
Bit 6, value 64: Error when closing the maintenance door.
Bit 7, value 128: Error when opening the maintenance door
Bit 8, value 256: Error when closing purge guard 2..
Bit 9, value 512: Error when opening purge guard 2..

308 1 Stroke calibration not possible

This error will occur if either the entries during the calibration procedure are identical, or if
the newly calculated gain is not within the valid range. The calibration procedure has been
aborted, the values have not been accepted.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after successful calibration or after the main switch was
switched OFF / ON.

309 1 Pressure calibration not possible

Refer to error message 308.


This error occurs, if the switch position of the two EMERGENCY STOP auxiliary contactors
does not correspond to the electrical actuation.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the "Stop" key.

311 0 2th EMERGENCY-STOP triggered

Refer to error message 207.

312 0 3. EMERGENCY-STOP triggered

Refer to error message 207.

313 0 4th EMERGENCY STOP triggered

Refer to error message 207.

314 1 Injection unit C not in safety position

Refer to error message 235.

315 1 Injection plunger C is not back

Refer to error message 236.

316 1 Tolerance QT column 1

317 1 Tolerance QT column 2
318 1 Tolerance QT column 3
319 1 Tolerance QT column 4
320 1 Tolerance QT column 5

Chapter AL - 39
List of alarms
321 1 Tolerance QT column 6
This error will occur if the respective column in the qualilty table signals that a tolerance
has been exceeded. An evaluation for the reject parts will only be active if the program
"Evaluation active" is switched on.

322 2 Error Compression / Breathing

After the first heating procedure, the injection cylinder will only be released at the end of the
set time "Delay Release Tolerance Barrel heating".

323 4 Oil level Central lubrication

7 for vertical machine
This error message will be displayed if the oil level of the central lubrication is too low
or if the oil level has been undershot for a short time. The clamping unit movements are
Possible cause:
• Oil level in the pump container not reached.
• Sensor or signal cable possibly damaged.
Measure: If necessary, check the cable of the oil level sensor.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Machine stop" key.

324 4 Error Central lubrication

7 for vertical machine
This error messages will occur if, during a lubricating interval, the switch for the pressure
build-up does not switch within the set time limit or the oil level of the central lubrication is too
Additional information:
Value 1: Pressure switch signal already available before the lubrication cycle started.
Value 2: Pressure build-up not within the pressure build-up time (service).
Value 3: Pressure switch did not change its status after the change over time (time between
the lubrication cycles).
Acknowledgement: Check storage tank of the central lubrication, check pressure switch.
Start manual lubrication cycle.

325 0 Check purge guard

This error message will occur after new main switch "Switching on the machine".
Acknowledgement: The purge guard has to be opened and closed correctly once. Only after
this single triggering helping to check the safety gate limit switches will the error message be
The starting of this drive will only be enabled if the check has been carried out properly.

326 1 Cycle End Switch-off delayed

This error will occur if the switch-off of the machine has been delayed due to a monitoring
program. The motor will not be switched off unless reaching the "Delay time Switch-off for
Cycle End". During the delay time, this alarm message will be displayed. For the set value
and the monitoring program, please refer to the "Production data" function key and the
"Monitoring functions" soft keys.

327 1 Mouldfix: Not locked

This error message will occur if the Mouldfix of the clamping platen or the nozzle platen is
not locked.
Possible cause: Limit switch either defective or incorrectly set. The Unlock Mouldfix key has


Chapter AL - 40 0515MC
List of alarms
been triggered.
Acknowledgement: Lock Mouldfix.

328 Mouldfix: check EMERGENCY STOP

This error occurs upon switching on the machine.
Acknowledgement: Actuate and then release the EMERGENCY STOP button to reset the
error signal. This is only possible, if the EMERGENCY STOP system is working properly
(check EMERGENCY STOP system).

329 0 Mouldfix: EMERGENCY-STOP triggered

This error occurs, if the EMERGENCY STOP button is actuated or if the EMERGENCY
STOP circuit is otherwise interrupted.

330 1 Mouldfix: Left safety gate opened

331 1 Mouldfix: Right safety gate opened
This error message will occur if a Mouldfix safety gate has been opened. If this error
message occurs all movements of the Mouldfix table will be disabled.
The injection and clamping unit will only be locked if the gate has been opened. If this error
message occurs all movements of the Mouldfix table will be disabled. The clamping and the
injection unit will only be locked if the changing table is not in the left limit position and the
left safety gate is opened or the changing table is not in the right limit position and the right
safety gate is opened.
Acknowledgement: Close Mouldfix safety gate.

332 0 Mouldfix: Check safety gate

This error message will be displayed if the machine is switched on again.
Acknowledgement: The safety gate has to be opened and closed correctly once. Only after
this single triggering helping to check the safety gate limit switches will the error message be
In case this error occurs all movements will be disabled.

333 1 Mouldfix: Active mould incorrect

The mould number of the mould within the production cycle does not correspond to the
"Active mould" setting.
Possible cause:
• incorrect mould.
• incorrect data record.
• incorrect mould preselection (active mould).
• X93 coding plug not connected ("0" display).
• Incorrect mould coding (diode bridges in the coding plug).
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the mould preselection (active) corresponds to the mould
coding (active).

334 1 Mouldfix: Passive mould incorrect

The mould on the changing table is not the mould required for the next mould change. This
check will be carried out after reaching the "Start Parts data change" differential number of
Possible cause:
• Incorrect mould in wait position.
• Incorrect mould preselection (passive mould).
• X93 coding plug not connected ("0" display).
• Incorrect mould coding (diode bridges in the coding plug).

Chapter AL - 41
List of alarms
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the mould preselection (passive) corresponds to the
mould coding (passive).

335 0 Limit switch monitoring Rotary unit

This error occurs if the "Rotary unit is on the left" and "Rotary unit is on the right" limit
switches are activated at the same time. The motor will be switched off in case such an error
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

336 1 Mouldfix: Mould change Time outside tolerance

This error will occur if the automatic mould change could not be carried out within an
inchangeably set time.
Possible cause:
• No compressed air.
• Clamping element does not open.
• Limit position is missing.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when changing over to the manual mode.

337 1 Temperature control unit(s): Maximum temperature control

This error will occur if one or more temperature control units have reached the preset set
value for "Max. temp".
For the set value, please refer to the "Temperature control units Setting" display.
Acknowledgement: Check temperature control unit. Switch off heating or temperature control
unit in the display.

338 2 Error at multi-component settings

This error will occur if an incorrect setting was made during the program preselections of the
multi-component settings (see multi-colour setting illlustration).
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: If the program preselection "Sandwich process", "Sealing" or "Interval" was
activated but only one injection unit is active.
Bit 1, value 2: If all program preselections for "Injection unit active in the automatic mode" are
deactivated, i.e. no injection unit was activated for the automatic mode.
Bit 2, value 4: If the respective program preselection for "Injection unit built up" was
deactivated and the injection unit has, however, been switched on via manual control panel
Bit 3, value 8: If the respective injection unit cannot keep the preselected start priority. For
example: injection unit not active or the order of the injection priority does not make sense).
Bit 4, value 16: No start priority defined (interval injection). No injection pistons with start
priority "1" were defined.
Bit 5, value 32: If the program preselection for "Injection unit sequential" is deactivated and
the injection assemblies are not designed for paralllel operation.
Bit 6, value 64: If the respective injection unit cannot keep the preselected start-up priority.
For example: injection unit not active or the order of the start-up priority does not make
Bit 7, value 128: If the program preselection for "Injection unit sequential" is activated and no
different start priorities have been defined.
Bit 8, value 256: Start priority for injection unit not possible since injection is made into
different moulds.
Bit 9, value 512: Start priority for injection unit not possible since injection is made into the
same mould.
Bit 10, value 1024: Start-up priority and injection priority cannot be different during interval


Chapter AL - 42 0515MC
List of alarms
Bit 11, value 2048: Start-up priority for injection unit not possible (Combiform)
Bit 12, value 4096: Start-up priority cannot be higher than injection priority
Bit 13, value 8192: Combiform program not possible since IPs are injecting into different
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

339 0 Check rear safety gate

Refer to error message 304.

340 1 Rear safety gate opened

Refer to error message 208.

341 1 Mould table is not in position

This error will occur if the table is not in the limit position or if the index has no defined limit
Acknowledgement: Move the table into position.

342 1 Station ejector 1 not back

This error occurs if the respective station ejector is not moved back when starting another
Acknowledgement: Move the station ejector manually to the "back" position.

343 1 Station ejector 2 not back

Refer to error message 342.

344 1 Station ejector 3 not back

Refer to error message 342.

345 9 Configuration error Assignment Station ejector

Will occur if either the number of the station ejector in the "Mould table / Configuration
Station" menu has been assigned several times or if no valid definition of the ejector type
has been given (ejector designed for insertion or parts removal). All movements will be

Note: As an additional information, a five-digit number is displayed where the ejector number
is shown in the 10000's place ("X") and the station number in the 1000's and 100's place
("YY"). The 10's and 1's place ("FF") then declares the configuration error.
Additional information:
Value XYYFF: Station ejector "X" of station "YY" - has the configuration error "FF".
Value XYY01: Already assigned to station A (used twice)
Value XYY02: Already assigned to station B (used twice)
Value XYY03: Already assigned to station C (used twice)
Value XYY04: Already assigned to station D (used twice)
Value XYY05: Already assigned to station E (used twice)
Value XYY06: Already assigned to station F (used twice)
Value XYY07: Already assigned to station G (used twice)
Value XYY08: Already assigned to station H (used twice)
Value XYY09: Already assigned to station I (used twice)
Value XYY10: Already assigned to station J (used twice)
Value XYY11: Already assigned to station K (used twice)
Value XYY12: Already assigned to station L (used twice)
Value XYY13: No defintion of the ejector type.
Value XYY14: Ejector program switched off.
Value XYY15: Ejector program only possible with removal / insertion definition

Chapter AL - 43
List of alarms
Value XYY16: Ejector program only possible with multiple insertion option
Value XYY17: Ejector program only possible with intermediate stop insertion option
Value XYY18: Ejector program requires at least 2 insertion cycles
Value XYY90: Ejector with this number does not exist.

Ex.: 10304-> Station ejector 1 of station 3 already assigned to station D.

Acknowledgement: Automatically after having remedied the error

346 9 Configuration error Assignment Core puller

Will occur if there is a multiple assignment of the core puller number in the "Mould table /
Configuration Mould" menu. All movements will be disabled.

Note: As an additional information, a five-digit number is displayed where the number of the
assigned core is shown in the 10000's place ("X") and the mould number in the 1000's and
100's place ("YY"). The 10's and 1's place ("FF") then declares the configuration error.
Additional information:
Value XYYFF: „X“. Core puller for mould "YY" - has the configuration error "FF".
Value XYY00: Already assigned to upper mould (used twice)
Value XYY01: Already assigned to lower mould 1 (used twice)
Value XYY02: Already assigned to lower mould 2 (used twice)
Value XYY03: Already assigned to lower mould 3 (used twice)
Value XYY04: Already assigned to lower mould 4 (used twice)
Value XYY05: Already assigned to lower mould 5 (used twice)
Value XYY06: Already assigned to lower mould 6 (used twice)
Value XYY07: Already assigned to lower mould 7 (used twice)
Value XYY08: Already assigned to lower mould 8 (used twice)
Value XYY09: Already assigned to lower mould 9 (used twice)
Value XYY11: Already assigned to lower mould 10 (used twice)
Value XYY12: Already assigned to lower mould 11 (used twice)
Value XYY13: Already assigned to lower mould 12 (used twice)
Value XYY90: Core puller with this number does not exist.

Ex.: 20103-> Second core for lower mould 1 already assigned to lower mould 3.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having remedied the error

347 9 Configuration error Mould table

This error will occur if there has been a configuration error for the lower moulds settings or
the stations in the menu "Mould table / Configuration".

Note: As an additional information, a five-digit number is displayed where the mould table
number is shown in the 10000's place ("X") and the station/mould number in the 1000's and
100's place ("YY/ZZ"). The 10's and 1's place ("FF") then declares the configuration error.
Additional information:
Value XYYFF: Mould table "X": Station "YY" - has the configuration error "FF".
Value XZZFF: Mould table "X": Mould "ZZ" - has the configuration error "FF".
Value XZZ01: Cannot reach a removal station
Value XZZ02: Cannot reach an insertion station
Value X003: No lower mould active
Value X004: No removal station activated
Value XYY05: Not defined as operator station or robot station 1
Value XYY06: Not defined as operator station or robot station 2
Value XYY07: Not defined as operator station or cleaning station 1
Value XZZ08: Order of insertion stations not possible


Chapter AL - 44 0515MC
List of alarms
Value XZZ09: To many insertion cycles (max. 9 insertion cycles possible)
Value XZZ10: Order of removal stations not possible
Value XZZ11: To many removal cycles (max. 9 removal cycles possible)
Value X012: With the option Magnetic mounting platen system, station A cannot be defined
as the removal station.
Value X013:With the option Magnetic mounting platen system, station A cannot be defined
as the insertion station.
Value XYY14: Cannot be defined as an additional removal station (used twice)
Value XYY15: Cannot be defined as an additional insertion station (used twice)
Value XYY16: Lower mould cannot be switched off completely.
Value XYY17: Lower mould 3 cannot produce with lower moulds 5 and 6.
Value XYY18: Not defined as operator station or robot station 3
Value XZZ19: Lower mould Z cannot produce with station E, F
Value XZZ20: Lower mould Z cannot produce with station B, D, D
Value XZZ21: Too many rotary units activated
Value XZZ22: Preremoval station cannot be an insertion station at the same time
Value XZZ23: An preremoval station was defined

Ex.: 10202-> mould table 1: Lower mould 2 cannot reach an insertion station

348 1 Position monitoring Mould table

This error will occur if the stroke transducer (shaft encoder) and the proximity switch (in the
table support) do not match.
Additional information (for mould table):
Value 1: Table has positioned but no signal from the proximity switch located underneath the
Value 2: No change in signal of one of the proximity switches when turning the table.
Value 3: Shaft encoder defective.Caution: Operation can be continued in the setting mode
only (contact the Battenfeld customer service).
Additional information (for external rotary unit):
Value 1: Table is positioned, but position is not defined (no angle specified).
Value 2: Table repositioned, but angle position is the same (contact manufacturer of rotary
Acknowledgement:In the setting mode, the drive may be started again and the table may
move to the limit position. The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically if errors
are no longer detected. In the case of value 3 with repeated zeroising of the shaft encoder.

349 0 Check light curtain

Will occur after switching on the main switch of the machine and requires a single check of
the light curtain.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Light curtain 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Light curtain 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Light curtain 3.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the light curtain 1 (value 1) and light curtain
2 (value 2) have to be checked.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after the curtain has been interrupted once and

Chapter AL - 45
List of alarms

350 1 Light curtain interrupted

Will occur if the light curtain has been interrupted at some point.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Light curtain 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Light curtain 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Light curtain 3.
Additional information = 3 means that light curtain 1 (value 1) and light curtain 2 (value 2) are
Acknowledgement: By pressing "Cycle Start" or "Motor Start".

351 1 Core puller without lockings

This message will be displayed if the program preselection "Key mode without lockings
(setting mode)" has been activated. Now there are no lockings active for the core puller.

352 1 Mould table invalid oscillation range

This error will occur if the table is not within the permissible oscillation range. For the
oscillation range please refer to the "Mould table" menu.
Acknowledgement: In the setting mode, the drive may be started again and the table may
move to the limit position. The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically if errors
are no longer detected.

353 2 No cavity pressure transducer

This error will occur if a cavity pressure dependent change over to holding pressure has
been selected and no cavity pressure transducer is available at the machine. The injection
will be disabled until another type of pressure change over has been selected.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: No cavity pressure tranducer on injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: No cavity pressure tranducer on injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: No cavity pressure tranducer on injection unit C.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having selected another type of pressure change

354 2 No melt pressure transducer

This error will occur if a melt pressure-dependent change over to holding pressure has been
selected and no melt pressure transducer is available at the machine. The injection will be
disabled until another type of pressure change over has been selected.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: No melt pressure tranducer on injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: No melt pressure tranducer on injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: No melt pressure tranducer on injection unit C.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having selected another type of pressure change

355 1 Injection unit C in service position

Refer to error message 384.

356 1 Incorrect injection parameter set

Will occur if the current (metered) data record does not correspond to the lower mould in the
injection station for an operating mode with "multiple data records". The injection procedure
will be disabled.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Bit 3, value 8: Injection units A and B inject into the same station, but have metered different


Chapter AL - 46 0515MC
List of alarms
injection parameters.
Bit 4, value 16: Injection units A and C inject into the same station, but have metered different
injection parameters.
Bit 5, value 32: Injection units B and C inject into the same station, but have metered
different injection parameters.
Bit 6, value 64: Additional metering for injection unit A not possible since metering volume
Bit 7, value 128: Additional metering for injection unit B not possible since metering volume
Bit 8, value 256: Additional metering for injection unit C not possible since metering volume
Acknowledgement: Manual mode: Turn the corresponding lower mould into the injection
station. Automatic mode: Acknowledge via "Cycle Start," the appropriate lower mould will
automatically be turned in.
Acknowledgement Bit 6-8: The additionally metered volume must at least be ejected below
the new target position (new metering volume).

357 0 Stop valve Pump closed

This error message will be displayed if the stop valve of the pump is not opened. In this
case, the hydraulics may not be switched on.
Acknowledgement: After having opened the stop valve.

358 0 Stop valve Tank line closed

This error message will be displayed if the stop valve of the tank line is not opened. In this
case, the hydraulics may not be switched on.
Acknowledgement: After having opened the stop valve.

359 0 Stop valve injection unit closed

This error message will be displayed if the stop valve of the injection unit is not opened. In
this case, the hydraulics may not be switched on.
Acknowledgement: After having opened the stop valve.

360 3 Temperature control unit Stop Weekly time switch

6 for vertical machine
If the "Weekly time switch" is activated and "Heating unit to be triggered" preselected, these
errors will be signalled until reaching starting time and activating the temperature control
units or the stop time switches off the temperature control units.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the temperature control unit is activated or when
switching off the program "Weekly time switch" or the program "Heating unit to be triggered".

361 1 Shut-down sequence active

This message will occur if the "Shut-down sequence" program is active. The program
preselection is integrated in the menu "Mould table / End of production", chapter 11). Neither
are parts injected nor insert positions being approached. The cycle will be continued until all
parts are ejected (demoulded).
Additional information:
Bit 0, Value 1: Shut-down sequence active.
Bit1, Value 2: Via parts counter switch-off.
Bit2, Value 4: Via alarms with error class 6.
Bit3, Value 8: Via alarms with error class 7.
Bit 4, value 16: Special shut-down sequence, next injection cycle blocked (e.g. material
Bit 5, value 32: Special shut-down sequence, next injection cycle blocked
Bit 6, value 64: End of production initiated by robot
Acknowledgement: Automatically, for more information please refer to chapter A.10 Program

Chapter AL - 47
List of alarms

362 1 Injection plunger C is not in front position

Refer to error message 386.

363 1 Drive 3 STOP

Refer to error message 215.

364 0 Motor protection Drive 3 triggered

Refer to error message 211.

365 1 Mould full

Will occur if an injection procedure has already taken place in a mould table position located
on the injection station, but, however, no parts have been removed/ ejected via the station
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection moulding not yet removed from injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection moulding not yet removed from injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection moulding not yet removed from injection unit C.
Bit 10, value 1024: not yet removed all parts from injection unit A.
Bit 11, value 2048: not yet removed all parts from injection unit B.
Bit 12, value 4096: not yet removed all parts from injection unit C.
Acknowledgement (with mould table): Turn the mould located in the injection station towards
the parts removal station and remove the respective part by means of the ejector.
Acknowledgement (without mould table): Remove the respective part by means of the
If the part was already removed, press the key "All parts removed" (see chapter 11.4.1.)

366 3 No mouldWill occur if the mould is to be closed and there is no lower mould in the clamping
Will occur if the Ejector forward movement has been triggered and there is no lower mould in
the ejector station.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Bit 3, value 8: Station ejector 1.
Bit 4, value 16: Station ejector 2.
Bit 5, value 32: Station ejector 3.
Bit 6, value 64: Ejector 1 (upper parts ejector).
Bit 7, value 128: Core puller which is used as ejector (with tandem mould).
Possible cause: Incorrect mould table configuration (lower mould not selected.).

367 1 Valve linearisation Injection active

Will occur if the automatic valve linearisation has been activated.

368 0 Maintenance door 4 open

369 0 Maintenance door 5 open
370 0 Maintenance door 6 open
Refer to error message 292.

371 1 Ejector plate protection / Mould platen protection

(standard machines)
This error will occur if the ejector has reached its "Ejector back" position and the limit switch
for the ejector plate protection has not been triggered.


Chapter AL - 48 0515MC
List of alarms
Possible cause:
• Zerorising Ejector not correct.
• Limit switch for ejector plate protection.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after the limit switch has been triggered.

371 1 Ejector plate protection / Mould platen protection

(vertical machines)
This error will occur if the ejector plate has not yet reached its rear position and one of the
movements (Close, Core pullers, Mould table) has been initiated.
Possible cause:
• Limit switch for the mould platen protection not triggered.
• Incorrect assignment for mould platen protection.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after the limit switch has been triggered.
Additional information:
Value 1: Mould platen protection to lower mould 1.
Value 2-6: Error descripition as described under value 1, refers, however, to lower mould 2
to 6.
Value 10: Mould platen protection to upper mould.
Value 21: Plausibility monitoring Mould platen protection to lower mould 1.
Value 22-26: Error descripition as described under value 21, refers, however, to lower mould
2 to 6.
Value 30: Plausibility monitoring Mould platen protection to upper mould.

372 1 Airmould / Aquamould Error no.:

The additional information displayed in this alarm message will be decoded as explained
Additional information:
Value 1: Release by the Airmould unit for opening the mould is missing.
Value 2: Release by the Airmould unit for injection is missing.
Value 3: Release by the Airmould unit for closing the mould (EM62)
Value 5: Reject part from AIRMOULD/AQUAMOULD (EM62)
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the release signals from the Airmould unit are available.

373 0 Error I/O

A message is displayed if there is an error on an I/O module. More detailed information
concerning the module can be found on the PLC diagnosis/error diagnosis (see error I/O) or
the harware diagnosis.
Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

374 1 Motor protection Filter cooling triggered

This error message will occur if the motor protection switch of the bypass filtration has been

375 1 Motor protection Separate fan 1 triggered

This error message will occur if the motor protection switch of the separate fan has been

376 1 Motor protection Separate fan 2 triggeredRefer to error message 375.

377 0 Motor protection Drive 2 triggered

Refer to error message 211.

378 0 Temperature relay Drive 1 triggered

Chapter AL - 49
List of alarms

379 0 Temperature relay Drive 2 triggered

380 0 Temperature relay Drive 3 triggered
This error message will occur if the PTC thermistor monitoring of the drive has triggered.
Possible cause: Overload of the drive.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Machine stop" key.

381 0 Suction filter 1 contaminated

382 0 Suction filter 2 contaminated
This error will occur if the vacuum switch at suction filter 1 is triggered. The motor will be
switched off in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after the filter has been replaced.

383 1 Replace working filter

This error will occur if the pressure switch at the high-pressure filter is triggered. The
program procedure of the machine will not be influenced, only the contamination of the high-
pressure filter will be indicated.
Acknowledgement: Replace filter element.

384 1 Injection unit A in service position

385 1 Injection unit B in service position
This error message will occur if, in the screw change program, the injection unit has been
moved backwards until exceeding the maximum stroke and if there are attempts to move the
injection piston backwards.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the injection unit stroke is shorter than the maximum

386 1 Injection piston A is not in front position

387 1 Injection piston B is not in front position
This error message will occur if the injection unit is to be moved entirely backwards and the
injection piston is not in front position.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the injection piston is in front position and there are again
attempts to move the injection unit entirely backwards using the screw change program.

388 1 Pump error

Will occur if a pump electronics error is signalled for a switched-on drive.
The following errors may occur:
• Actual pressure value less than -0.5 V or larger than +11.5 V.
• Actual pivoting angle value less than 11.5 V or larger than +11.5 V.
• Control deviation for pressure control of more than ± 5 % for more than 1 sec.
• Control deviation at swash-plate angle control for more than ± 2.5 % for more than 1 sec.
• Actual valve value less than -11.5 V or larger than +11.5 V.
• limiting temperature value of 80 °C (176 °F) in the housing exceeded.
• Voltage symmetry of the internal voltages of the control valve outside the limit value.
• Pump speed too long in the negative range (for constant pumps)
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Pump 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Pump 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Pump 3.
Bit 3, value 8: Pump 4.
Additional information = 5 means that pump 1 (value 1) and pump 2 (value 2) signal an error.


Chapter AL - 50 0515MC
List of alarms

389 1 Oil filter 3 contaminated

Refer to error message 212.

390 1 Stop valve Filtering pump closed

This error message will be displayed if the shut-off valve of the filter pump is not opened.
Acknowledgement: After having opened the stop valve.

391 3 MRI initialisation error

This error message will occur if the MRI interface (Mould Robot Interpolation) was not to be
Possible cause: Machine control not connected to the robot control. Test the connection to
the robot.
Acknowledgement: Switch off the program.

392 0 MRI work area violation

During opening movement of the mould, the robot is moved into the protective zone during
Possible cause: Check the speed of the robot and reduce it, if appropriate, or increase the
opening speed of the clamping platen.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

393 2 Safety door 1 open

This error message will occur if the safety door 1 is opened. All axis movements will be
blocked at once. The hydraulic system is not switched off.
Acknowledgement: Manual and setting mode: Automatically after closing the safety door.
Automatic mode: After having closed the safety door and pressed the "Cycle start" key, the
interrupted cycle is continued.

394 2 Safety door 2 open

395 2 Safety door 3 open
396 2 Safety door 4 open
Refer to error message 393.

397 2 Peripheral equipment / DZB safety door open

1 for horizontal machine
This error message will be displayed if the safety door of the peripheral equipment (e.g.
DAB) is opened or not yet acknowledged. All axis movements will be blocked at once. The
hydraulic system is not switched off.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Peripheral safety door 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Peripheral safety door 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Peripheral safety door 3.
Acknowledgement: Manual and setting mode: Automatically after closing the safety door.
Automatic mode: After having closed the safety door and pressed the "Cycle start" key, the
interrupted cycle is continued.

398 0 Oil level 3 under- / overshot

Refer to error message 213.

399 0 Safety door Limit switch monitoring

This error message will be displayed if an incorrect limit switch position has been recognised
during opening or closing the safety door(s). The drive will be switched off at once or cannot
be started. Each safety door is monitored by means of 3 limit switches, this monitoring will,

Chapter AL - 51
List of alarms
however, be carried out by the limit switches 1 and 2 only.
Limit switch signal will be evaluated by the control to be valid if both input signals are either
activated or deactivated. All other states will activate this alarm.
Acknowledgement: Check limit switch and limit switch fixing. The acknowledgement will be
carried out automatically if both limit switch positions are correct (open / close safety door for
a check).
Additional information:
Bit 1, value 2: Error Safety door 1.
Bit 2, value 4: Error Safety door 2.
Bit 3, value 8: Error Safety door 3.
Bit 4, value 16: Error Safety door 4.
Bit 5, value 32: Error safety door 5
Bit 6, value 64: Error safety door 6
Bit 7, value 128: Error safety door 7
Bit 8, value 254: Error safety door 8
Example: Additional information 6 means that an "Error Safety door 1" (value 2) and an
"Error Safety door 2" (value 4) are present.

400 0 Error during the memory allocation

Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.
Further information may be gained from MEMSTATUS and MEM_ERR_STR in the Task
‘err_new1’ variables.
Additional information: Digits 0 and 1: Axis number, task function
00 maintask, main_cp, main_clc, ex_128, etc.
01..80 Axis number for axis tasks (for get_axis-errors 0 will possibly be entered for
axis tasks (if get_axis does not return an axis number)
81..90 Pump tasks.
91..94 reserve
95 act/ass tasks
96 heating
97 Option tasks.
98 QT, AG, EC ...
99 pan_clc, vwd_clc
Digit 2: Task type
1 clc-task.
2 con-tasks.
3 org-task.
4 other axis tasks (e.g. hp_xcon, cu_pof1....)
5 General tasks
Digits 3 and 4: Consecutive number (starting with 1) (e.g. for the fault diagnosis for several
memory allocations in the same INIT-UP).
For each error type, the consecutive numbers start with 1 (in case there are, for example,
several IO errors and several MEM errors, the consecutive numbers start for IO errors as
well as for MEM errors with 0).
Example: Er_[402] = 01302 -> Error during memory allocation (Error 402), axis con - task
assigned number 2, first place within the task where this error may occur (is to be directly
retrieved from the source code).

401 0 Error when reading from the data module

Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.
Additional information: Refer to error message 400.

402 0 Data module not found

Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.
Additional information: Refer to error message 400.


Chapter AL - 52 0515MC
List of alarms

403 1 Buffer battery empty

If this error occurs, the main switch of the machine should no longer be switched off or
switched off only for a short time (max. 10 sec.).
Information concerning battery change: see "Maintenance" chapter.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: The backplane battery (backplane bus) is empty or missing
Bit 1, value 2: The battery / accu of the processor (CPU) is empty or missing
Bit 2, value 4: The battery / accumulator of the plug-in module at slot 1 is empty or missing.
Bit 3, value 8: The battery / accumulator of the plug-in module at slot 2 is empty or missing.

404 1 Allocation error NC

This error will occur if the drvie was not found.
Possible cause:
• Wiring error.
• Incorrect node number.
• Drive not available.

405 0 Error CAN - communication

Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

406 0 System alarm 406

407 0 System alarm 407
408 0 System alarm 408
409 0 System alarm 409
410 0 System alarm 410
Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

411 1 Oil filter 2 contaminated

Refer to error message 212.

412 0 Oil level 2 under- / overshot

Refer to error message 213.

413 1 Drive 2 STOP

Refer to error message 215.

414 0 Belt conveyor not connected

This error occurs if no belt conveyor has been recognised at the belt conveyor interface.
Possible cause: Belt conveyor not connected or interface signals not compatible.

415 3 PVC fan error

This error message will occur if the motor protection switch has been triggered or switched
off. The automatic cycle will be stopped for Cycle End.
The screw barrel is not cooled.
Possible cause:
• One of the PVC fans defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.

416 0 Close valve - Y0->S134

This error will occur if the position of the electronically monitored valve "Y0 - Close, S 134",
does not correspond to the electrical activation within the inchangeably set times.

Chapter AL - 53
List of alarms
Note: USA: Y0 means valve SOL 0
S134 means limit switch PRS 134
Acknowledgement: Checking of the hydraulic valve circuit, electrical wiring of the valve, limit
switch monitoring included.

417 0 Open valve - Y0->S234

This error will occur if the position of the electronically monitored valve "Y0 - Open, S 234",
does not correspond to the electrical activation within the inchangeably set times.
Note: USA: Y0 means valve SOL 0
S234 means limit switch PRS 234
Acknowledgement: Checking of the hydraulic valve circuit, electrical wiring of the valve, limit
switch monitoring included.

418 0 Close valve - Y293->Y1->S34

This error will occur if the position of the electronically monitored valve "Y1 - Close/Open, S
34," does not correspond to the electrical activation within the inchangeably set times. To be
able to switch the Y1 "Close / Open" valve through, the hydraulic safety valve Y 293 must
also be activated for the clamping procedure.
Note: USA: Y293 means valve SOL 293
Y1 means valve SOL 1
S34 means limit switch PRS 34
Acknowledgement: Checking of the hydraulic valve circuit, electrical wiring of the valve, limit
switch monitoring included.

419 0 Open valve - Y0->Y1->S34

This error will occur if the position of the electronically monitored valve "Y1 - Close/Open, S
34," does not correspond to the electrical activation within the inchangeably set times. To be
able to switch through the "Y1 - Close/Open" valve, the hydraulic control valve has also to be
activated for the opening procedure. The triggering of the hydraulic safety valve Y293 is not
relevant for the opening procedure.
Note: USA: Y0 means valve SOL 0
Y1 means valve SOL 1
S34 means limit switch PRS 34
Acknowledgement: Checking of the hydraulic valve circuit, electrical wiring of the valve, limit
switch monitoring included.

420 0 Valve Mould table-Y294->S334

This error will occur if the position of the electronically monitored "Valve Y294 - Turn, S334,"
does not correspond to the electrical activation within the inchangeably set times.
Note: USA: Y294 means valve SOL 294
S334 means limit switch PRS 334
Acknowledgement: Check hydraulic valve circuit, electrical wiring of the valve including limit
switch monitoring.

421 1 Safety gates opened

The safety gate is opened. If this error message is displayed, all movements of the machine
will be disabled.
Additional information for vertical machine:
Bit 0, value 1: Safety gate 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Safety gate 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Safety gate 3.
Acknowledgement: Close safety gate and check limit switches.


Chapter AL - 54 0515MC
List of alarms
422 1 Nozzle contact point lost
This error will occur if the injection unit has lost the nozzle contact point during the injection
procedure. The injection procedure will be stopped.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.
Possible cause:
• Nozzle contact point set too small.
• Frozen sprue channel (Hot runner not switched on).
Acknowledgement: Automatically when changing over to the manual mode.

423 1 Mech. clamping safety device Y55->S615 (left)

This error will occur if the position of the clamping safety cylinder (left) does not correspond
to the valve control within the inchangeably set times.
Note: USA: Y55 means valve SOL 55
S615 means limit switch PRS 615
Acknowledgement: Check pneumatic valve circuit, electrical wiring of the valve including limit
switch monitoring at the clamping cylinder.
Note: The mechanical clamping safety device will lock if one of the following conditions is
• Main drive switched off.
• Purge guard opened.
• Safety gate opened.
• Light curtain interrupted.
• EMERGENCY STOP triggered
During the mould opening, the mechanical clamping safety device unlocks.

424 1 Mech. clamping safety device Y55->S616 (right)This error will occur if the position
of the clamping safety cylinder (right) does not correspond to the valve control within the
inchangeably set times.
Note: USA: Y55 means valve SOL 55
S616 means limit switch PRS 616
Acknowledgement and note: Refer to error message 423.

425 1 Injection unit no limit position

This error occurs if the rear limit position (ejection position) of the injection unit has not been
reached and ejection is to be initiated.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.
Acknowledgement: Move the injection unit manually to the rear limit position.

426 1 Nozzle contact point not reached

This error will occur if the injection unit has not reached the nozzle contact point for Start
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.

Chapter AL - 55
List of alarms
Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A (value 1) and
injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.
Acknowledgement: Move the clamping unit manually to the "Nozzle contact point" position.

427 0 Contactor relay monitoring Injection unit

This error message will be displayed if the contactor relays for interrupting the valve circuits
of dangerous movements do not switch within a consistently set time or are / were in the
incorrect switch position.
Possible cause:
• Contactor relay(s) defective.
• Error when triggering the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
• Error in the monitoring circuit of the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
Acknowledgement: Automatically when the error has been remedied or a valid state was
Additional information:
Bit 00, value 01: Contactor relays energized, safety circuit control circuit at the injection unit.
with VM, rotary table, sliding table lateral:
Bit 01, value 02: Contactor relays energized, safety circuit control circuit or purge guard
Bit 02, value 04: Contactor relays not energized, safety circuit control circuit or purge guard
with VM without rotary table, sliding table forward:
Bit 01, value 02: Contactor relays energized, safety circuit safety doors, purge guard, safety
gate, magnetic clamping system
Bit 02, value 04: Contactor relays not energized, safety circuit safety doors, purge guard,
safety gate, magnetic clamping system
with horizontal clamping unit:
Bit 02, value 04: Contactor relays energized, purge guard
Bit 03, value 04: Contactor relays energized, purge guard 2
Bit 04, value 04: Contactor relays energized, purge guard vertical
Bit 07, value 04: Contactor relays not energized, safety circuit ok

428 0 Contactor relay monitoring Clamping unit

This error message will be displayed if the contactor relays for interrupting the valve circuits
of dangerous movements do not switch within a consistently set time or are / were in the
incorrect switch position.
Possible cause:
• Contactor relay(s) defective.
• Error when triggering the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
• Error in the monitoring circuit of the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
Acknowledgement: Automatically when the error has been remedied or a valid state was
Additional information:
HU cell: Deactivation of the photoelectric barrier
LB: Photoelectric barrier
Bit 00, value 01: Contactor relays energized, safety circuit control circuit at the clamping unit.
with vertical clamping unit:
Bit 01, value 02: Contactor relays not energized, clamping unit's safety circuit ok
Bit 02, value 04: Contactor relays not energized, clamping unit's safety circuit ok, NC contact
Bit 03, value 08: Contactor relays not energized, clamping unit's safety circuit ok, NO contact
Bit 04, value 16: LB1: HW error restricted guidance contacts (HU cell)
Bit 05, value 32: LB2: HW error restricted guidance contacts (HU cell)
Bit 06, value 64: LB3: HW error restricted guidance contacts (HU cell)
with horizontal clamping unit:
Bit 01, value 02: Contactor relays energized, safety circuit safety doors
Bit 04, value 16: Contactor relays energized, safety circuit safety gate or photoelectric barrier
Bit 05, value 32: Contactor relays energized, safety circuit magnetic clamping system
Bit 06, value 64: Contactor relays not energized, safety circuit ok
Bit 07, value 128: Contactor relays energized, safety circuit safety mat


Chapter AL - 56 0515MC
List of alarms

429 0 Check safety gate

This error message will occur after new main switch "Switching on the machine". In case this
error occurs all movements will be disabled.
Additional information for vertical machine:
Bit 0, value 1: Safety gate 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Safety gate 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Safety gate 3.
Acknowledgement: The safety gate has to be opened and closed correctly once. Only after
this single triggering helping to check the safety gate limit switches will the error message be
The starting of this drive will only be enabled if the check has been carried out properly.

430 0 Incorrect oscillation configuration

This error message is displayed if the program preselection for oscillation (in the "Mould
table" menu) does not correspond to the preselection "Mould table released for continuous
operation" (in the "Machine in general / Safety" menu).
Acknowledgement:Automatically after correcting the program preselection.

431 1 Tolerance QT column 7

432 1 Tolerance QT column 8
433 1 Tolerance QT column 9
434 1 Tolerance QT column 10
435 1 Tolerance QT column 11
436 1 Tolerance QT column 12
Refer to error message 316.

437 1 Error Clamping unit Intermediate stop

438 1 Error Ejector Intermediate stop
This error message will occur if the intermediate stop position is outside the movement
profile. The movement is not started.
Verification: Inspection of the intermediate stop positions (Start stroke Core puller,
Intermediate stop stroke Robot).
Acknowledgement: Automatically after correcting the intermediate stop position and starting
the movement again.

439 1 Error Injection unit Intermediate stop

Refer to error message 437.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.

440 1 Error Injection piston Intermediate stop

Refer to error message 437.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection piston for injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection piston for injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection piston for injection unit C.

Chapter AL - 57
List of alarms
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for the injection
piston of injection unit A (value 1) and the injection piston of injection unit B (value 2) have to
be checked.

441 1 Error Station ejector Intermediate stop

Refer to error message 437.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Station ejector 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Station ejector 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Station ejector 3.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for station ejector 1
(value 1) and station ejector 2 (value 2) have to be checked.

442 1 Error Mould table Intermediate stop

Refer to error message 437.

443 1 Injection unit B Safety position

Refer to error message 235.

444 1 Injection piston B is not back

Refer to error message 236.

445 1 Rotary unit is not in position

This error occurs if the rotary unit has neither reached a right nor a left limit position for Start
Close, and the "Release Turning mould" (+24 V DC) by the interface is not available.
Acknowledgement: Move the rotary unit manually to its position.

446 1 Shut-off valve Charge pump closed

This error occurs if the stop valve between the hydraulic pump of the accumulator hydraulic
system and the hydraulic tank is not opened. The hydraulic motor is switched off.
Acknowledgement: Open the stop valve and lock and release the EMERGENCY STOP push
button or actuate the „Drive stop“ button.

447 0 Motor protection Charge pump triggered

This error message will occur if the motor protection switch has been triggered or switched
off. The automatic cycle will be stopped for Cycle End and the main drive will be switched off.
Possible cause:
• Motor defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.

448 4 Motor protection Vacuum pump

7 for vertical machine
This error message will occur if the motor protection switch has been triggered or
switched off. The automatic cycle will be stopped for Cycle End and the main drive will be
switched off.
Possible cause:
• Motor defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.

449 4 Motor protection Switch cabinet cooling

7 for vertical machine
This error message will occur if the motor protection switch has been triggered or
switched off. The automatic cycle will be stopped for Cycle End and the main drive will be
switched off.


Chapter AL - 58 0515MC
List of alarms
Possible cause:
• Air conditioning unit defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.

450 0 Node already exists

This error message appears if the node number to be programmed already exists.
Before programming the new node number, it will be checked whether the node number to
be programmed already exists.
Possible causes: Possibly the wrong channel has been selected for programming.
Additional information:
10000 + x: Node number in network 1.
20000 + x: Node number in network 2.
Example: Additional information 10005 means that node no. 5 alreay exists in network 1.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key. The programming process must then be

451 1 Object data incorrect, node no:

All parameterising processes are carried out in the control by means of parameter tables. If
one of these parameters could not be read or written, this error will appear.
Additionally error 457 is generated, with the node number of the sensor.
Additional information:
10000 + table entry: Number of the table entry for network 1.
20000 + table entry: Number of the table entry for network 2.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the "Drive Stop" key. The parameterising process must be

452 0 CAN configuration incorrect

This error message will be displayed if there is a software configuration error.
Additional information:
10100 - Error data module configuration, missing node definition - network 1.
20100 - Error data module configuration, missing node definition - network 2.
10000 + channel (channel: 1...10) - Error data module configuration, missing PDO definition
network 1.
20000 + channel (channel: 1...10) - Error data module configuration, missing PDO definition
network 2.
Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

453 0 Stroke transducer: Emergency error code no.

There is a fatal error of the CAN stroke transducer present. The machine is switched off
immediately. For a more detailed error description refer to the "CAN error / Status" line in the
"CAN sensor" menu.
Additionally, error 454 is generated with the node number of the sensor which caused an
Emergency message.
Possible cause:
• Transducer outside measuring range.
• Magnet defective (see description of Emergency error).
• Communication error.
Additional information:
Emergency error number:
0001hex - 0001dec:
CAN controller: Data buffer overflow
0101hex - 257dec: CAN Error State Set: CAN controller is in the Error passive mode.
0201hex - 513dec: CAN-Bus-Off: CAN controller can no longer be addressed.
0003hex - 003dec: RX-Queue: Overflow
0004hex - 004dec: TX-Queue: Overflow.

Chapter AL - 59
List of alarms
0005hex - 005dec: Node guading failure.
0006hex - 006dec: No magnet in the measuring range or number or magnets incorrect.
0007hex - 007dec: Velocity at position sensor 1 too fast (invalid values).
0107hex - 263dec: Velocity at position sensor 2 too fast (invalid values).
0207hex - 519dec: Velocity at position sensor 3 too fast (invalid values).
0307hex - 775dec: Velocity at position sensor 4 too fast (invalid values).
0008hex - 008dec: Position sensor 1 outside the working area.
0108hex - 264dec: Position sensor 2 outside the working area.
0208hex - 520dec: Position sensor 3 outside the working area.
0308hex - 776dec: Position sensor 4 outside the working area.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Hydraulic system OFF" key.

454 0 Stroke transducer: Emergency error node no.

This error message will occur, if the CAN stroke transducer has set an error message by
means of an emergency object.
Due to the large variety of error messages in accordance with the CAN OPEN definition, the
errors are displayed in text format in the "CAN error / Status" line in the "CAN sensor" menu.
Additionally, error 453 is generated with the emergency information of the sensor which
caused an Emergency message.
Additional information:
10000 + x: Node number of the sensor in network 1.
20000 + x: Node number of the sensor in network 2.
Example: Additional information 10005 is the node no. 5 of the stroke transducer in network
Acknowledgement:The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

455 0 Read error Stroke transducer node no.

This error message will occur, if the CAN stroke transducer has set an error message by
means of an emergency object.
Due to the large variety of error messages in accordance with the CAN OPEN definition, the
errors are displayed in text format in the "CAN error / Status" line in the "CAN sensor" menu.
Additionally, error 453 is generated with the emergency information of the sensor which
caused an Emergency message.
Additional information:
10000 + x: Node number of the sensor in network 1.
20000 + x: Node number of the sensor in network 2.
Example: Additional information 10005 is the node no. 5 of the stroke transducer in network
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

456 0 Node programming active

This error message will be displayed if the programming of the node number was started.
Additional information:
10000: Programming in network 1 is started.
20000: Programming in network 2 is started.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement is carried out automatically at the successful end
of the programming. If the programming was faulty, the process must be repeated.

457 0 Error Node programming

All parameterising processes are carried out in the control by means of parameter tables. If
one of these parameters could not be read or written, this error will appear (see error 451).
Additional information:
10000 + x, where x is the node number of the sensor in network 1.
20000 + x, where x is the node number of the sensor in network 2.


Chapter AL - 60 0515MC
List of alarms
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement by pressing the "Drive Stop" key. The parameterising
process must be repeated.

458 0 Mapping not correct

Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

459 0 Initialisation error CAN

This error message will appear if an initialisation error has occurred when rebooting the
control. A more detailed error analysis can be made on the "Diagnosis" page.
Possible cause:
• CAN interface not available.
• Configuraton error.
• Network error.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out
automatically. The control must be rebooted (main switch).

460 1 Parts monitoring

This error message occurs if the signal for parts monitoring is not available for Start Mould
table. The mould table movement is locked.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the signal for parts monitoring is present.

461 4 Material monitoring

4 for vertical machine
This error message will occur if the "Material monitoring Time" of one or more injection
units has been exceeded.
The machine will be stopped for Cycle End.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the material monitoring for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have responded.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after the set number of injection strokes has been injected.

462 1 BDE Timeout Control command

This error message occurs if the transmission of orders or data records in connection with
the host computer leads to a timeout or has failed.
Possible cause: Problems arising from the network, the host computer or the network
Acknowledgement: Automatically after 10 seconds.
Additional information:
Value 1: For Load order.
Value 2: For Finish order
Value 3: For Save data record
Value 4: For Load data record.

463 1 BDE transmission status

This error message occurs if the transmission of orders or data records in connection with
the host computer has failed.
Possible cause: Problems arising from the network, the host computer or the network
Acknowledgement: Automatically after 10 seconds.
Additional information:
Value 1: Invalid control command.

Chapter AL - 61
List of alarms
Value 2: Transmission error.
Value 3: Order not available.
Value 4: Order blocked.
Value 5: No current order.
Value 6: Data record available.
Value 7: Data record not available.
Value 8: Data record blocked.
Value 97: Timeout NET2000 driver.
Value 98: Timeout VIS Control command.
Value 99: Timeout BDE Control command.
>2000: Error when dealing with the temp. data record in the RPS (please refer to the burtrap-
lib documentation).

464 1 BDE parameter is missing

This error message will occur if the parameters required have not been entered when
loading or sending orders or when loading or saving data records on the host computer.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after 10 seconds.
Additional information:
Value 101: Order number or staff ID is missing ( for Loading or Finishing orders).
Value 102: Data record name or staff ID is missing (for Loading or saving data records in
connection with the host computer).

465 1 Material level too low

This error message will occur if the minimum filling level in the material hopper has been
Acknowledgement: Automatically when refilling material.

466 1 Bypass filtration unit: Filter dirty.

This error message will occur if the filter is contaminated. The course of the machine
program will not be influenced, only the contamination of the filter will be indicated.
Acknowledgement: Replace filter element.

467 2 Nozzle contact pressure not reached

This error message will occur if the nozzle unit has approached the nozzle contact point and
the preselected nozzle contact pressure has not been reached within 5 sec.
Possible cause: Check pressure setting Hydraulic pump.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when reaching the nozzle contact pressure.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 001, injection unit A: The nozzle contact force was not reached.
Bit 1, value 002, injection unit B: The nozzle contact force was not reached.
Bit 2, value 004, injection unit C: The nozzle contact force was not reached.
Bit 3, value 008, reserve
Bit 4, value 016, reserve
Bit 5, value 032, for start injection A into mould (nozzle contact force not built up)
Bit 6, value 064, for start injection B into mould (nozzle contact force not built up)
Bit 7, value 128, for start injection C into mould (nozzle contact force not built up)
Bit 8, value 256: Reserve
Bit 9, value 512: Injection unit A: The preselected nozzle contact force cannot be reached
since the preselected clamping force is too small
Bit 10, value 1024: Injection unit B: The preselected nozzle contact force cannot be reached
since the preselected clamping force is too small
Bit 11, value 2048: Injection unit C: The preselected nozzle contact force cannot be reached
since the preselected clamping force is too small


Chapter AL - 62 0515MC
List of alarms

468 1 Mould shut-off nozzles

This error message will occur if none of the mould shut-off nozzles has been triggered during
If there is only one mould shut-off nozzle available, this message will not be displayed since
this mould shut-off nozzle can be used as a switch (for distributing the melt in the sprue
Possible cause: Incorrect setting of the mould shut-off nozzles. A program switch for opening
the mould shut-off nozzles must always be selected.
Hot runner outside the "-" tolerance
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Mould shut-off nozzle of injection unit A
Bit 1, value 2: Mould shut-off nozzle of injection unit B
Bit 2, value 4: Mould shut-off nozzle of injection unit C
Value 32767: if the pressure relief of the mould shut-off nozzles was selected in the setting
mode, injection is disabled;

469 1 Shut-off nozzle not open

This error message will occur if the Shut-off nozzle open limit switch has not been reached.
Possible cause:
• Limit switch defective.
• Input defective.
• Shut-off nozzle Open Pressure setting too low.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

470 1 Safety mat activated

This error message will occur when stepping on the safety mat or if the monitoring inputs do
not switch properly within a consistently set time.
Possible cause: Check monitoring inputs.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

471 1 Check SG clamping latch

This error message will occur if the monitoring relay and the monitoring inputs do not switch
properly within a consistently set time.
Possible cause:
• Check monitoring relay.
• Check monitoring inputs.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

472 1 Error MOOG valve

If this error message is displayed, the hydraulic drive will be switched off.
Possible cause:
• Check monitoring relay.
• Check monitoring inputs.
• Check Moog valves.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

Chapter AL - 63
List of alarms

473 0 Fail-Safe Valve Ejector / Cores

If this error message is displayed, the hydraulic drive will be switched off.
Possible cause:
• The monitoring relay and the monitoring input do not switch properly within a consistently
set time
• Check monitoring relay.
• Check monitoring input
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

474 1 Safety relay Safety gate

This error message occurs, if, for the Movement for open safety guard function, the relay and
the input do not switch properly for a consistently set time.
Possible cause:
• Check monitoring relay.
• Check monitoring input
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

475 1 Relay Release Pressure box

This error message will occur, if, for the Position pressure box during Robot Parts removal
function, the relay does not switch properly within a consistently set time.
Possible cause:
• Check relay.
• Check monitoring input
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

476 0 Check Limit switch Locking

If this error message is displayed, the hydraulic drive will be switched off.
Possible cause: Both limit switches are activated at once (strokes too short, Error Limit
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

477 1 Check Fuse Motor heating

This error message will occur if the motor protection switch has been triggered.
Possible cause:
• Motor defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.

478 2 Safety gate stop opened

In case this error occurs all movements of the clamping unit will be disabled.
Possible cause:
• Safety gate bar opened
• Limit switch defective.
• Check relay
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting and closing the operational safety
gate once.

479 1 An older data record version has been loaded

This error message will occur, if you have loaded a data record of an older data record
version. The data record type is displayed as additional information. Please check all settings
of your data record type up to the current data record version of the machine.


Chapter AL - 64 0515MC
List of alarms
Additional information:
Value 1: An older product data record version has been loaded.
Value 2: An older service data record version has been loaded.
Product data Version 1:
• Pressure monitoring profile during injection.
• Moving forces for Closing / Opening.
• Moving forces for Ejector forward / back.
Product data Version 2:
• Settings of quality table, actual value graphics, and envelope.
• Mould protection stroke.
Product data Version 3:
• Setting of mould protection
Product data Version 4:
• Adoption of the old mould protection data, check of mould protection
Product data Version 5:
• The settings of the old mould monitoring are not adopted by the new mould monitoring.
These settings must be checked in any case (if option "Mould monitoring" is available).
Service data Version 2 - 6:
Switch off and on machine. Copying of the service value is automatically reversed by this
procedure. The corrected service data record can now be stored.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after changing the operating modes.

500 1 Prewarning Tolerance Quality table Column 1

501 1 Prewarning Tolerance Quality table Column 2
502 1 Prewarning Tolerance Quality table Column 3
503 1 Prewarning Tolerance Quality table Column 4
504 1 Prewarning Tolerance Quality table Column 5
505 1 Prewarning Tolerance Quality table Column 6
506 1 Prewarning Tolerance Quality table Column 7
507 1 Prewarning Tolerance Quality table Column 8
508 1 Prewarning Tolerance Quality table Column 9
509 1 Prewarning Tolerance Quality table Column 10
510 1 Prewarning Tolerance Quality table Column 11
511 1 Prewarning Tolerance Quality table Column 12
This error message will occur if the respective column in the quality table signals that the
prewarning value has been exceeded.

512 2 Monitoring Acknowledgement key

In case this error message occurs all movements of the clamping unit will be stopped.
Possible cause: Acknowledgement key defective or held down during the closing movement

513 1 End of production initiated manually

In case this error message occurs an end of production has been initiated manually. The
reaction to the manual end of production is defined in the menu "Mould table / End of
production" (see chapter 11.4.3).
Additional information: (only for vertical machines)
Value 1: Without shut-down sequence.
Value 2: With shut-down sequence.
Value 4: With shut-down sequence.
Value 8: Cycle STOP at once.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after continuation of the automatic cycle. For more

Chapter AL - 65
List of alarms
information please refer to chapter A.10 Program sequence.

514 1 Acknowledge rear safety gate

This error message will be displayed if the rear operational safety gate has been opened.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the "Acknowledgement Rear safety gate closed" key.

515 2 Nozzle magnet Contact lost

This error message will be displayed if there is an early force build-up of the injection unit
(nozzle contact force) thus losing the nozzle magnet contact.
Possible cause:
• Zerorising Injection unit not correct
• Obstruction in the nozzle movement stroke.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

516 1 Hydraulic accumulator not empty

This error message will be displayed if the hydraulic system was switched off and
immediately switched on again and the pressure in the hydraulic accumulator was not yet
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically if the "Drive Start"
key has not been pressed or the pressure in the hydraulic accumulator has been reduced.

517 0 Error MOOG valve Clamping unit

If this error message is displayed, the hydraulic system will be switched off.
Possible cause:
• Check monitoring input
• Check Moog valves.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

518 0 Read error CAN1 node ->

In case this error occurs the machine will be switched off immediately.
Possible cause: CAN connection to mould table shaft encoder interrupted.
Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

519 1 Error Differential valve Clamping unit

This error will occur if the differential valve of the clamping unit has not switched properly.
Possible cause: Defective valve.
Measure: Check valve.
Acknowledgement: Automatically for a properly switched valve.

520 0 NC error Clamping unit (CU error)

521 0 NC error Injection unit (NU error)
522 0 NC error Ejector (EU error)
523 0 NC error Injection piston (IP error)
524 0 NC error Metering unit (Mt error)
525 0 NC error Robot (HU error)
526 0 NC error Rotary unit (TT error)
527 0 NC error Metring piston (MP error)
528 0 NC error Core puller (CP error)
529 0 NC error Mould table (RT error)


Chapter AL - 66 0515MC
List of alarms

530 0 NC error Station ejector (RE error)

This error message will be displayed if one or more errors at the servo amplifier of the
respective unit are given. A detailed description of the actual errors is displayed in the
"Alarms / NC error" menu. In the case of an NC error, the safety gate cannot be opened
(safety function required by the German TÜV).
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Axis 1 (e.g. station ejector 1).
Bit 1, value 2: Axis 2 (e.g. station ejector 2).
Bit 2, value 4: Axis 3 (e.g. station ejector 3).
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement by pressing the "NC error acknowledgement" key.

531 1 NC parameter changed -> Motor off / on

This error message will be displayed if the driving data were change while the controller
was switched on. The changed data are accepted by pressing "Motor off / on" and become

532 1 NC monitoring Synchro controller

This error message will be displayed if the injection axes are inclined. The next injection or
decompression movement will synchronize the two injection axes.
Possible cause:
• Failure of one drive.
• Damaged spindles.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after having
synchronized the two injection axes.

533 1 NC IP single movement selected

Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

534 1 Pressure box positioning active

Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

535 1 Mould height adjustment active

This error message will be displayed if a mould height adjustment (see "Machine in general /
Zeroising / HM2P" menu) has been started.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement is carried out automatically at the end of the
mould height adjustment.

536 1 Close mould and acknowledge

This error message will be displayed during the mould height adjustment (see menu
"Machine in general / Zeroising / HM2P"). The operator is requested to close the mould in
the "Manual mode".
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement is carried out automatically after having closed
the mould.

537 1 Mould dimension too small => new mould height

This error message will be displayed if the entered value of the mould height (tolerance > 10
mm) for the mould height adjustment (see menu "Machine in general / Zeroising / HM2P") is
too small.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement is carried out automatically after a restart of the
mould height adjustment.

Chapter AL - 67
List of alarms
538 1 Mould dimension too large => new mould height
This error message will be displayed if the entered value of the mould height (tolerance > 10
mm) for the mould height adjustment (see menu "Machine in general / Zeroising / HM2P") is
too large.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement is carried out automatically after a restart of the
mould height adjustment.

539 1 Mounting height: Correction after opening

This error message will be displayed after the mould height adjustment (see menu "Machine
in general / Zeroising / HM2P"). The control checks the correct mounting height and corrects
it if necessary.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement is carried out automatically at the end of the
checking procedure.

540 1 Temperature control unit 1: +/- Tolerance

This error message will occur if the actual value of the temperature control unit is outside
the set tolerance. In case this error is active and the monitoring time has come to an end,
the injection will be disabled. The number of the temperature control unit is indicated as an
additional information.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the heater is within the tolerance range.
Additional information:
Value 1: Temperature control unit 1
Value 2: Temperature control unit 2
Value 3: Temperature control unit 3

548 0 Fatal drive error

This error message will be displayed if there is an interruption to the drive or the drive can no
longer be stopped on its own.
Possible cause:
• CAN-Bus interrupted
• Software error at the drive.
• Defective power section of the drive.
• Speed tolerances set too small (to be set in the service level only).
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Start" key.

549 0 Brake control failed

This error occurs if the motor brake of an axis is defective.
The additional information indicates the axis concerned.
Additional information: Is the axis number of the axis concerned. The axis can be determined
by entering this axis number in the "Diagnostic / PLC / Axis" menu.
Acknowledgement: After Motor on.

550 0 Error Quickstop

This error message will be displayed if the set and actual state of the Quickstop input at the
ACOPOS differ.
Additional information: The first two digits (xxx) of the information indicate the axis
concerned. The third digit (xxx) indicated the ACOPOS number if an axis is driven by more
than one ACOPOS.
Note: The axis can be determined by entering the axis number in the "Diagnostic / PLC /


Chapter AL - 68 0515MC
List of alarms
Axis" menu.
Possible cause: Cable breakage, error in the safety chain.
Remedy: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

551 0 Error Run-up block

This error message will be displayed if the set and actual state of the run-up block input at
the ACOPOS differ.
Additional information: The first two digits (xxx) of the information indicate the axis
concerned. The third digit (xxx) indicated the ACOPOS number if an axis is driven by more
than one ACOPOS.
Note: The axis can be determined by entering the axis number in the "Diagnostic / PLC /
Axis" menu.
Possible cause: Cable breakage, error in the safety chain.
Remedy: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

552 1 Error Main contactor

This error message will be displayed if the set and actual state of the main contact differ.
Possible cause: Cable breakage, main switch defective.
Remedy: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

553 1 Excessive speed during holding pressure

This error occurs if injection is done while the melt cushion is too small. The shot volume
is limited to avoid falling below the minimum stroke. It is no longer possible to carry out a
correct holding pressure control.
Possible cause: Melt cushion too small or ejection in manual mode.
Increase shot volume.

554 1 Belt conveyor full

This error occurs if the parts have accumulated on the conveyor belt up to the photoelectric
monitoring barrier at the end of the conveyor belt.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Robot interface 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Robot interface 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Robot interface 3.
Acknowledgement: Empty conveyor belt.

555 1 Safety gate Latch

This error occurs if the safety gate is closed, and the proximity switch behind the safety gate
handle has, however, not been actuated. The closing and opening movements are blocked
in this case.
Possible cause: The latch of the safety gate is not correctly engaged. Limit switch either
defective or incorrectly set.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

556 1 Belt conveyor Deposit position not freeThis error occurs if the deposit area of
the robot on the conveyor belt is not free (is monitored via the photoelectric barrier). The
robot does not deposit the part until the error is remedied.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Robot interface 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Robot interface 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Robot interface 3.
Acknowledgement: Empty conveyor belt.

557 0 Bypass Safety gate / Light curtain

Chapter AL - 69
List of alarms
Value of the additional information <= 100: This error will occur if, during deactivation of a
safety gate or a light curtain, an error occurred in the position monitoring of the respective
contactor relays. When deactivating a safety device, the corresponding contactors must
be activated. This procedure switches off the hydraulic drive! The additional information
indicates the light curtain or safety gate concerned:
Bit 0, value 001: Light curtain / Safety gate 1.
Bit 1, value 002: Light curtain / Safety gate 2.
Bit 2, value 004: Light curtain / Safety gate 3.
Bit 3, value 008: Robot cell 1.
Bit 4, value 016: Robot cell 2.
Bit 5, value 032: Robot cell 3.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after recognition of a correct contactor relay position.
Value of the additional information > 100: This error occurs if a configuration error for the
by-pass connection of the safety device from the menu of the respective machine axis is
present. The hydraulic drive is thus switched off!
The machine axis concerned can be determined by the additional information.
Value information 200 - 299: A by-pass connection for the preseleted station is not possible
due to safety-relevant reasons.
The value of the additional information is comprised of the current axis number and the offset
value 200.
Example: Value information 215
Number of the axis = 15 (e.g.: Core puller 1)
Value information 100 - 199:
A by-pass connection for the preseleted direction of movement is not possible due to safety-
relevant reasons.
The value of the additional information is comprised of the current axis number and the offset
value 100.
Example: Value information 115. Number of the axis = 15 (e.g.: Core puller 1)
Acknowledgement: Remedy the configuration error in the respective axis menu.

558 1 No external release "Ejector forward / back"

This error occurs if the ejector wants to start, but an external release signal from a lower or
upper mould is not active.
The additional information indicates the lower mould or upper mould concerned:
Value 1: Lower mould 1.
Value 2: Lower mould 2.
Value 3: Lower mould 3.
Value 4: Lower mould 4.
Value 5: Lower mould 5.
Value 6: Lower mould 6.
Value 7: Upper mould.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after reactivation of the signal or moving of the mould table.

559 1 Error injection flap

This error occurs if, for each direction of movement, a limit switch position of the injection flap
or purge guard slide will not be reached within a certain amount of time (max. 4 seconds).
The movement of the injection unit (forward and backward) will be disabled.
Possible cause:
• Limit switch defective.
• Injection flap gets stuck or is sluggish.
• Valve triggering or pneumatics defective.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

560 0 Position monitoring Axis No.


Chapter AL - 70 0515MC
List of alarms
This error occurs if an axis (clamping unit, injection unit)
carries out an important position change although it is not triggered actively.
This will immediately switch off the drive motor. Furthermore, position 0mm (toggle locked
out) will be monitored after clamping force build-up (additional information can only be seen
in the log).
Additional information: The addtional information indicates the corresponding axis number
(important for Battenfeld customer service technicians).
Additional information in the log:
An additional info number will be displayed in brackets in the log.
(1): Movement during axis inactive, drive is switched off
(2): When exceeding the tolerance position 2 mm; stop at cycle end
(3): When falling below the tolerance position 2 mm, cycle is interrupted (toggle can be
(4) The cycle is continued when falling below the tolerance positin 1 mm or exceeding the
tolerance position 1 mm.
Possible cause: Directional valve of an axis is not in idle position.
Acknowledgement: During the next start of the machine ("Drive start" key).
However, it is absolutely necessary to find out the cause of the problem before in order to
prevent possible damage to the mould or the robot systems!

561 1 Z axis not in home position

This error occurs if a movement of the Y axis to the removal position is started and the Z axis
is not in its home position.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Robot interface 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Robot interface 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Robot interface 3.
Acknowledgement: Move axis into home position.

562 1 Z axis not in limit position

This error occurs if a movement of the Y axis to the deposit position is started and the Z axis
is not in its limit position.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Robot interface 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Robot interface 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Robot interface 3.
Acknowledgement:Move axis into limit position.

563 1 Y axis not in home position

This error occurs if the Y axis is not in the correct position when moving the Z axis.
Additional information for horizontal machine:
Value 1: If a movement of the Z axis to the limit position is started and the Y axis is not in its
home position.
Value 2: If a movement of the Z axis to the home position is started and the Y axis is not in
its home position.
Additional information for vertical machine:
Bit 0, value 1: Robot interface 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Robot interface 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Robot interface 3.
Acknowledgement: Move axis into home position.

564 1 Mould height was changed

The option "Enlarged mould height" allows changing between the two mould heights by
means of a key-operated switch.
During initial start-up, the two constant dimensions (cover / pot) must be determined. For

Chapter AL - 71
List of alarms
doing so, the pressure box must be positioned once with the cover mounted and once with
the pot mounted.
When using the cover, the key-operated switch must send a "Low signal" at the input 8.6,
and a "High-signal when using the pot. This alarm is displayed for each time the key-
operated switch changes its state. The motor will be switched off.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

565 1 Check Max. Open Stroke

This error occurs if the preselected stroke marker "Mould opened" is too large. This stroke
marker is checked when chaning the mould height. During this error message, "Open mould"
is possible only in the setting mode.
Acknowledgement: Automatically by entering a correct set value.

566 1 Oil temperature 4: + Tolerance

Refer to error message 121 (pump system 4).

567 4 Oil temperature 4: - Tolerance

Refer to error message 122 (pump system 4).

568 1 Oil temperature 4: Sensor breakage

Refer to error message 123 (pump system 4).

569 1 Oil temperature 4: Maximum temperature control

Refer to error message 124 (pump system 4).

570 1 Gear oil Metering unit: Temperature too high

This error message occurs if the maximum temperature of the gear oil of the metering unit
(monitored by a bimetallic-element switch) was exceeded. Metering is stopped.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Gear oil Metering unit A: Temperature too high
Bit 1, value 2: Gear oil Metering unit B: Temperature too high
Bit 2, value 4: Gear oil Metering unit C: Temperature too high
Remedy: Check cooling water temperature and cooling water flow

571 2 Set value error clamping unit - v

This error will occur if a set value for the closing or opening speed (v) has been recognised
to be higher than the maximum closing or opening speed (vmax).
A reduction of the maximum closing or opening speed (vmax) is caused by changing the
pump configuration (see chapter 1.5.3).
Acknowledgement: Correct set values.

572 3 External collision control triggered

The error message shows a response of the external collision control. This can be caused by
exceeding the adjusted monitoring stroke or activating a monitoring limit switch.
Additional information: The collision detection was caused by the following monitorings:
Value 1: Exceeding the monitoring stroke by the first injection unit.
Value 2: Exceeding the monitoring stroke by the second injection unit.
Value 4: Exceeding the monitoring stroke by the third injection unit.
Value 8: Exceeding the monitoring stroke by the clamping unit.
Value 16: Activating the monitoring limit switch by the first injection unit.
Value 32: Activating the monitoring limit switch by the second injection unit.
Value 64: Activating the monitoring limit switch by the third injection unit.
Value 128: Activating the monitoring limit switch by the clamping unit if it has a separate limit
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.


Chapter AL - 72 0515MC
List of alarms

573 0 Error Ejector program: Ejector dismantled

This error occurs if the ejector was dismantled (program preselection „Ejector dismantled“
is activated, see Ejector / General / Page 2) and an ejector program (see Ejector / General /
Page 1) was activated.
Acknowledgement: Activate program preselection „No ejector“.

574 2 Safety door 5 open

575 2 Safety door 6 open
576 2 Safety door 7 open
577 2 Safety door 8 open
Refer to error message 393.

578 0 Peripheral equipment / DZB safety door limit switch monitoring

Refer to error message 399.
Additional information:
Bit 1, value 2: Error peripheral equipment / DZB safety door 1
Bit 2, value 4: Error peripheral equipment / DZB safety door 2
Bit 3, value 8: Error peripheral equipment / DZB safety door 3

579 1 Pump system: request quantity too high

This error occurs, if 2 axes simultaneously request a certain quantity from the pump and if
the total of these quantities is greater than the maximum pump delivery volume.
Example: If this error occurs during „Injection parallel to clamping force build-up“, reduce the
injection rate or the rate of the clamping force build-up.
Acknowledgement: Reduce quantity request of change the time sequence of the 2

600 1 Injection plunger is in the danger zone

This error will occur if the injection plunger exceeds the nozzle point (mould parting level).

601 1 Metering piston not metered

This error occurs if there has been no metering when the automatic cycle starts.

615 1 Injection plunger is not in automatic start position

This error message will be displayed if, when changing the operating mode to the automatic
mode, the injection plunger exceeds the nozzle point (mould parting level) or the current
position is greater than Injection plunger in front position (ideally: 0).
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement will be carried out as soon as the injection plunger
has been moved to the correct position.

616 1 Injection plunger ejector is not in automatic start position

This error message will be displayed if, when changing the operating mode to the automatic
mode, the injection plunger ejector is not in the "Injection plunger ejector back" position.
Acknowledgement: The injection plunger must be moved to the Injection plunger ejector
back position.

617 0 Monitoring rotary unit Index

This error occurs if the index bolt of the rotary unit has no correct position or is blocked. The
drive will be switched off in case such an error occurs.
Additional information (hydraulic rotary unit):
Bit 0, value 1: Monitoring time "Move out index bolt" exceeded.
Bit 1, value 2: Monitoring time "Move in index bolt" exceeded.
Bit 2, value 4: Limit switch monitoring index bolt; limit switch for Index bolt is moved in and

Chapter AL - 73
List of alarms
moved out pressed at the same time.
Additional information (servo-electrical rotary unit):
Bit 10, value 1024: Monitoring time "Move out index bolt" exceeded.
Bit 11, value 2048: Monitoring time "Move in index bolt" exceeded.
Bit 12, value 4096: Limit switch monitoring index bolt; limit switch for Index bolt is moved in
and moved out pressed at the same time.
Possible causes:
• Limit switch positions not correct or limit switch defective.
• Index bolt blocked.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Start" key.

620 0 Shut-off nozzle Limit switch monitoring

This error message will occur if the monitoring relay and the monitoring inputs do not switch
properly within a consistently set time.
Value 1, "Open shut-off nozzle" is triggered. The "Shut-off nozzle is closed" limit switch will
not be enabled. The monitoring relay will not be released.
Value 2, "Close shut-off nozzle" is triggered. The "Shut-off nozzle is closed" limit switch will
not be activated. The monitoring relay does not pick up.
Value 3, the "Shut-off nozzle open" and "Shut-off nozzle closed" limit switches are activated
at the same time.
Value 4, the "Shut-off nozzle open" or "Shut-off nozzle closed" limit switches will not be
activated after having triggered the corresponding movement.
Possible causes:
• Check the limit switches.
• Check monitoring relay.
• Check monitoring inputs.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

621 4 Oil level Injection spindle

This error message will be displayed if the oil level of the injection spindle was too low. The
injection axis may then be moved in the setting mode only.
Acknowledgement: Refill oil in accordance with the specifications in the operating manual.
The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-shooting and pressing
the "Drive Stop" key.

622 0 Motor protection Mould height triggered

This error message will occur if the motor protection switch of the mould height adjustment
has been triggered or switched off.
Possible cause:
• Motor defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.

623 0 Circuit breaker Drives triggered

This error will occur if the circuit breaker of the drives has been triggered.
Possible cause: Drive defective.

624 1 Zeroising of the melt pressure sensor recommended

This warning will be displayed if the set temperature of the nozzle heating zone was changed
by more than 10 °C (50 °F).
Wait until the set temperature has been reached and then zeroize the melt pressure sensor.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after zeroising the melt pressure sensor or changing into
automatic mode.


Chapter AL - 74 0515MC
List of alarms

625 4 Error Clean room module

This error will occur if, in the control mode, the fan actuation is permanently triggered by
more than 99.0% for an interval of approx. 16 minutes. At cycle end, the machine is stopped
and the drive switched off.
Possible cause:
• Cable breakage.
• Filter dirty.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the "Drive Start/Stop" key.

626 1 HP change-over not recommended in case of melt pressure control

This warning will be displayed if the machine with injection holding pressure control is
controlled via melt pressure transducer and "Start injection pressure-dependent" was
selected as the criterion for change over to holding pressure. It is recommended to select
"Start melt pressure-dependent" as the criterion for change over to holding pressure.

627 2 Stroke overlap Stamping gap

This error will occur if the entered value for the stamping gap is smaller than the "Mould
closed" stroke marker. The cycle is stopped when the error message is displayed.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having corrected the wrong entry.

629 1 Screw-off unit not in position

his error occurs if the screw-off unit has neither reached a right nor a left limit position for
Start Close, and the "Release Screw-off unit" (+24 V DC) by the interface is not available.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Screw-off unit 1
Bit 1, value 2: Screw-off unit 2
Acknowledgement: Move the screw-off unit manually to its position.

630 3 Airmould / Aquamould module not moved out

This alarm message will be displayed if one of the injection modules is not in the "Injection
module is back" position.
The additional information indicates the Airmould modules concerned:
Bit 0, value 1: Airmould module 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Airmould module 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Airmould module 3.
Bit 3, value 8: Airmould module 4.
Acknowledgement: Select the "Special programs / Airmould / Aquamould / Manual" menu
and move the injection injection modules to the starting position. Now you can start an
automatic cycle again.

631 3 Airmould / Aquamould modules Limit switch monitoring

This error occurs if the "Injection module is forward" and "Injection module is back" proximity
switches are activated at the same time.
Possible cause: The proximity switch is either defective or has been incorrectly set.
Acknowledgement: Check the setting or replace the defective proximity switch. Select the
"Special programs / Airmould / Aquamould / Manual" menu and move the injection module to
the "Injection module is moved out" position. Now you can start an automatic cycle again.

632 1 Pressure monitoring Airmould / Aquamould manual

This alarm message will be displayed if the injection modules are triggered for cleaning and
the nitrogen pressure at the "A" connection of the Airmould mono- or pressure regulator
module exceeds 10 bar (145 psi).
Check whether:

Chapter AL - 75
List of alarms
• the Airmould mono- or pressure regulator modules have been properly connected to the
• the openings of the injection modules are blocked.
If these two items have not caused the alarm message, the pressure transducer might be
defective. This is illustrated by the fact that there is no nitrogen pressure displayed at the
pressure gauge of the respective Airmould mono- or pressure regulator module although an
actual value will be displayed in the "Airmould 1...4" menu.

633 2 Airmould / Aquamould pressure too high

If the pressure regulator in the Airmould mono module ore pressure regulator module
is switched off and the nitogen pressure at the "A" connection of the Airmould mono- or
pressure regulator module exceeds 10 bar (145 psi), this alarm message will be displayed.
Check whether:
• the Airmould mono- or pressure regulator modules have been properly connected to the
• all Airmould mono- or pressure regulator modules which have not been installed are
switched off.
If these two items have not caused the alarm message, the pressure transducer might be
defective. This is illustrated by the fact that there is no nitrogen pressure displayed at the
pressure gauge of the respective Airmould mono- or pressure regulator module although an
actual value will be displayed in the "Airmould 1...4" menu.
The additional information indicates the Airmould module concerned:
Value 1: Airmould module 1.
Value 2: Airmould module 2.
Value 3: Airmould module 3.
Value 4: Airmould module 4.
Do not repair the pressure transducer yourself!
In this case, please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

634 1 Pressure monitioring Airmould / Aquamould controller

This alarm message will be displayed if the "Monitoring pressure" ("Special programs /
Airmould / Aquamould / Manual" menu) has been activated or if there has been an excessive
drop in nitrogen pressure. Check the respective screw connections, nitrogen lines, etc. for
The additional information indicates the Airmould modules concerned:
Bit 0, value 1: Airmould module 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Airmould module 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Airmould module 3.
Bit 3, value 8: Airmould module 4.

635 3 Release Opening the Airmould / Aquamould is missing

The release by the Airmould for opening the mould is missing.
Possible cause: The nitrogen pressure at the "A" connection of the Airmould mono- or
pressure regulator module exceeds 10 bar (145 psi).
The injection moudules are not moved out. The proximity switch is either defective or has
been incorrectly set.
Check the setting or replace the defective proximity switch. Select the "Manual operation"
menu and move the injection module to the "Injection module is moved out" position.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the release signal from the Airmould is available.

636 3 Release Injection of Airmould / Aquamould is missing

The release by the Airmould for injection is missing.
Possible cause: The injection moudules are not moved in. The proximity switch is either
defective or has been incorrectly set.
Check the setting or replace the defective proximity switch.


Chapter AL - 76 0515MC
List of alarms
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the release signal from the Airmould is available.

637 3 Airmould / Aquamould module not in starting position

This alarm message will be displayed if one injection module is not in the "Injection module is
in front position" position.
Possible causes: The proximity switch is either defective or has been incorrectly set.
Acknowledgement: Check the setting or replace the defective proximity switch.

638 1 Error on CAN module

If there is an error on a CAN module (short-ciruit, wire breakage, ...) this will be displayed in
the message. More detailed information concerning the module can be found on the PLC
diagnosis/error diagnosis (see error I/O) or the harware diagnosis.
Possible causes: Interruption of the CAN bus / 24V supply, incorrect module type inserted,
Measuring range exceeded or fallen short of, wire breakage, overload/short-circuit.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, if the cause was remedied.

639 0 Arrangement of X67 module was changed

An X67 module is identified by means of the position in the X2X bus. This error will occur if
the X67 modules are interchanged or replaced.
This will avoid an accidentally changing of the modules.
Possible causes: Modules were changed or replaced.
Acknowledgement: Reestablish the original state or press key for acknowledgement on the
X67 diagnosis page.

640 1 Rotary unit is not connected

This error will occur if the rotary unit was dismantled.
• If the keys for turning the rotary unit cw or ccw were pressed.
• If change is made to automatic mode and the program selection "Rotary unit" is activated.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

641 0 X67 FirmwareUpdate, do not switch off machine

This error occurs if, after Main switch off/on, a difference in the X67 communication software
was found. The X67 modules must be updated. During this time, the machine must not be
switched off (main switch).
Possible causes: Modules were changed or replaced.
Additional information: X67 module number.

642 0 X67 FirmwareUpdate ready. Machine off / on

The firmware update of all machines was successfully finished. The X67 modules must be
restarted to activate the new firmware. Therefore, the machine must be switched off/on.

643 0 X2X connection error

This error will occur if, while operation is running, an X67 module can no longer be
addressed. The machine is switched off at once, the outputs of all X67 modules are set to 0
and the X67 bus is stopped.
Possible causes:
• No 24 V supply.
• No bus connection.
Acknowledgement: By means of "Start X2X bus again" on diagnosis page 6. If, after a restart
of the X67 bus, an error is found again, the bus is stopped again.
Additional information: X67 module number

644 1 Error Energy consumption

This error occurs if an error has been recognised during energy consumption.

Chapter AL - 77
List of alarms
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Error Voltage Measuring channel L1 of terminal 1. This error will occur if the
measuring voltage between L1 of the terminal 1 and N falls below the value of 10 V. The
error is automatically reset if the voltage has exceeded the value of 10 V.
Bit 1, value 2: Error Voltage Measuring channel L2 of terminal 1. Description see Bit 0.
Bit 2, value 4: Error Voltage Measuring channel L3 of terminal 1. Description see Bit 0.
Bit 3, value 8: Error Voltage Measuring channel L1 of terminal 2. Description see Bit 0.
Bit 4, value 16: Error Voltage Measuring channel L2 of terminal 2. Description see Bit 0.
Bit 5, value 32: Error Voltage Measuring channel L3 of terminal 2. Description see Bit 0.
Bit 7, value 128: Error Node Guarding (no communication to the terminal). The error occurs
with a missing Node Guarding signal and is automatically reset by a correct Node Guarding
Remedy: Check the bus line between RPS and terminal controller. Check the settings of the
node number and baud rate.
Bit 8, value 256: Error Register configuration. This error will occur if it was not possible to
write on the internal terminal register. The error is automatically reset after a restart of the
control system and after having successfully written on the register. The terminal must be
replaced if a new attempt has not been successful.

645 1 Error Teach Y-axis

This error will occur if a started teaching movement of the Y axis was acknowledged by an
error of the "Festo SPC 11" device. Always evaluate this error by means of the digital display
of the "Festo SPC 11" device (see chapter 5 of the Festo Documentation SPC11SYS-D.pdf,
displayed values E01 to E015).
Additional information:
Horizontal machine: Value 1:
Vertical machine.
Bit 0, value 1: Robot interface 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Robot interface 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Robot interface 3.
Error during automatic teaching movement for positions P01, P02 (see also Festo
Documentation SPC11SYS-D, chapter 5).
Horizontal machine: Value 2:
Vertical machine.
Bit 3, value 8: Robot interface 1.
Bit 6, value 64: Robot interface 2.
Bit 9, value 512: Robot interface 3.
Error during the teaching movement for positions P03, P04. The teaching mode at the Festo
SPC 11 could not be activated (see also Festo Documentation SPC11SYS-D, chapter 5).
Horizontal machine: Value 3:
Vertical machine.
Bit 4, value 16: Robot interface 1.
Bit 7, value 128: Robot interface 2.
Bit 10, value 1024: Robot interface 3.
Error during the teaching movement for positions P03, P04. The Z axis is not in the limit
position 1 or 2. In this case, teaching the Y axis for positions P03, P04 is not allowed.
Remedy: Finish the teaching process, move the Z axis into the correct position and then start
the teaching process for the Y axis again.
Horizontal machine: Value 4:
Vertical machine:
Bit 5, value 32: Robot interface 1.
Bit 8, value 256: Robot interface 2.
Bit 11, value 2048: Robot interface 3.
Error during the teaching movement for positions P03, P04. The new position could not be
stored onhe Festo SPC 11.
Acknowledgement: Repeat teaching process (see chapter 5 of the Festo Documentation


Chapter AL - 78 0515MC
List of alarms
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the error was remedied (see chapter 5 of the Festo
Documentation SPC11SYS-D.pdf) or the teaching Y axis function in the VIS was switched

646 0 Safety limit switch Injection unit

This error message is displayed if the stroke measuring system for the "Nozzle" and the
"Screw" (a stroke measuring system for both movements) indicates "Maximum stroke marker
Value 1: Limit switch was pressed: The "Nozzle" moved back too far. The safety limit switch
was pressed. The movements "Move back screw" and "Move back nozzle" are blocked. The
hydraulic drive is switched off.
Value 2: Limit switch was pressed and the "Nozzle" continued to move back. After having
switched on the hydraulic drive, the "Nozzle" (without activation) continued to move back.
The hydraulic drive is switched off again.
Value 3: Limit switch was pressed and the "Screw" continued to move back. After having
switched on the hydraulic drive again, the "Screw" (without activation) continued to move
back. The hydraulic drive is switched off again.
Value 4: Limit switch was pressed and the "Nozzle" or the "Screw" continued to move back
for the fourth time. After having switched on the hydraulic drive again (for the fifth time), the
"Nozzle" (without activation) still continued to move back. The hydraulic drive is switched off
Value 5: Limit switch was pressed, the hydraulic drive switched on: The hydraulic drive was
switched on again ("Drive Start" key). The "Nozzle" or the "Screw" were not moved forward,
the limit switch is still pressed.
Possible cause:
• Limit switch defective.
• Binary entry of the control defective.
• Cable breakage.
• Defective valve.
If this error message is displayed together with the additional information "Value 4", there is a
great risk that the injection unit leaves the guide rails!
Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.
Acknowledgement: The error message is acknowledged using the "Drive Stop" key (not for
the error message with the value 4).
After booting the control and testing the safety gate monitoring, the "Drive Start" key must
be pressed within 5 seconds and the "Nozzle" and the "Screw" must be moved from the limit
switch (towards the nozzle platen).

647 0 Error DFEC pump: Error service data

This error message will be displayed if the transmission of the service data records to the
pumps was incorrect.
Additional information:
4000: Error when transmitting the parameters to the pumps.
30000: Incorrect data record: The number of the pumps stored in the data record is smaller
than the number of pumps in the machine.
XXXXX: Other error during the data record transmission.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after the cause of
error has been remedied and the data records were loaded again.

648 0 Error DFEC pump: Emergency error node no.

This error message will occur, if the DFEC pump has set an error message by means of an
emergency object. Due to the large variety of error messages in accordance with the CAN
OPEN definition, the errors are also displayed in the "Diagnostics / CAN pump" menu.
Additionally, error 689 is generated with the emergency information of the pump which
caused an Emergency message.

Chapter AL - 79
List of alarms
Additional information: 1-10: Node number of the pump.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

649 0 CanOpen participants being initialized

This error message will be displayed while the CAN network is initialised after having
switched on the control. The hydraulic system cannot be switched on until the process has
been finished.
Additional information:
10000 - CanOpen initialising Stroke transducer network 1 active
20000 - CanOpen initialising Stroke transducer network 2 active
50000 - CanOpen initialising DFEC pumps network 1 active
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement is carried out automatically after the initialisation
of all networks has been finished.

650 1 General error CanOpen Master

This error will occur if the CanOpen Master could not be initialized.
Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.
Possible causes: Software problems.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

651 1 Error INIT CanOpen SlaveThis error will occur if the CanOpen Slave could not be
Additional information: The device which caused the error. (Node number)
Possible causes: Incorrect paramters, internal error in the device control.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

652 1 Error Node Guarding Heater

This error will occur if the NG from the Slave was has not been received.
Additional information: The device which caused the error. (Device number)
Possible causes: Network connection to the device (number) interrupted.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

653 1 Temperature control unit is not in the Remote mode

This error will occur if the device is in the manual mode (see diagnosis).
Additional information: The device which caused the error. (Device number)
Possible causes: Attempts were made to transfer remote control commands or set value
changes to a device which is in the manual control mode.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

654 1 Safety discharge Temperature control unit

This error will occur if the device has acknowledged a started safety discharge procedure
with error.
Additional information: The device which caused the error. (Device number)
Possible causes: This mode is not supported by the device.
Internal device failure.
Acknowledgement: Automatically is the error has been remedied or the function switched off.

655 1 Error SDO transmission Temperature control unit

This error will occur if the SDO from the Slave was has been acknowledged with error.
Additional information: The device which caused the error. (Device number)
Possible causes:
Network connection to the device (number) interrupted.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.


Chapter AL - 80 0515MC
List of alarms

656 0 CAN stroke transducer: Error Node guarding

This error message will be displayed if a Node guarding error occurred.
Possible cause:
• CAN interface not available.
• Network error.
Additional information:
10000 + x: Node number of the sensor in network 1.
20000 + x: Node number of the sensor in network 2.
Example: Additional information 10005 is the node no. 5 of the stroke transducer in network
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

657 1 Calibration tolerance exceeded/not reached

This error message will be displayed if, when comparing the actual and the set value of the
pump, the difference is outside the set tolerance.
Additional information:
1-10:Number of the pump on which the error has appeared.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out
automatically. Calibration of the DMUs must be started again.

658 0 1. EMERGENCY STOP door Danger zone domarc.

This error message will be displayed if the safety door of the danger zone demarcation is
opened or not correctly closed.
Possible cause:
• Safety door of the danger zone demarcation not closed.
• Limit switch is not actuated.
• Limit switch defective.
• Cable breakage.
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement is carried out automatically after having remedied the
error and/or having closed the safety door.

659 1 Graduated heating-up active

This message will be displayed if the program "Graduated heating-up until set value is
reached" has been activated.
Acknowledgement: Automatically at the end of the program.

660 1 Ejector plate protection Clamping unit

The ejector plate is moved via a core puller of the clamping platen.
This error will occur if the signal of the "Ejector plate protection" limit switch in the limit
position of the core puller (Move in / out core puller) is faulty. The signal of the limit switch
must be active (1) for the "Core puller is moved in" position and inactive (0) for the "Core
puller is moved out" position.
Possible cause:
• Limit switch in the mould defective.
• Wrong core puller activated (see "Ejector plate protection" menu).
• Bridge in the plug not removed.
Acknowledgement: Automatically with correct signal development.

661 1 Ejector plate protection nozzle side

The ejector plate is moved via a core puller of the nozzle platen.
This error will occur if the signal of the "Ejector plate protection" limit switch in the limit

Chapter AL - 81
List of alarms
position of the core puller (Core puller moved in / out) is faulty. The signal of the limit switch
must be active (1) for the "Core puller is moved in" position and inactive (0) for the "Core
puller is moved out" position.
Possible cause:
• Limit switch in the mould defective.
• Wrong core puller activated (see "Ejector plate protection" menu).
• Bridge in the plug not removed.
Acknowledgement: Automatically with correct signal development.

662 1 Clamping force too small (lower "- tolerance")

This error will occur if the adjusted clamping force less the preselected "- tolerance" is not
Injection is stopped in the automatic cycle. Thus, an overloading of the mould will be
Possible cause:
• Pump setting incorrect. Check the build-up of the clamping force in the manual mode.
• Leakage in a pressure pad. The built-up clamping force is not kept and will be reduced
too quickly.
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement is made automatically by starting a new machine
cycle, changing the operating mode (e.g. into manual mode) or "Motor off".

663 4 Clamping force too big (greater "+ tolerance")

This error will occur if the adjusted clamping force plus the preselected "+ tolerance" is
exceeded. The automatic mode will be stopped with "Cycle End".
Possible cause:
• Set values not correctly preselected.
• Changes in the automatic cycle which will cause an increase of the injection pressure
and thus also increase the force in the mould (e.g. failure of a hot runner or hot runner
Acknowledgement: Automatically by starting a new machine cycle, changing the operating
mode (e.g. into manual mode) or "Drive Stop".

664 1 Locking force driving cylinder clamping unit too small

This error will occur if, in the automatic mode, the locking force cannot be built up during
closing the mould. This pressure keeps the mould closed at the stroke position "Mould is
closed" to ensure a safe locking process. A reopening of the mould (e.g. by springs in the
mould) will thus be prevented.
Possible cause:
• Mould mounting height adjusted too low.
• Leakage in the driving cylinder (clamping unit).
• Pressure sensors faulty.
Select "Manual" operating mode. Check pressure build-up of the driving cylinders during
"Mould is closed".
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

665 2 Error pressure sensors 12B02/12B03

This error will occur if the actual value of these sensors is outside the permissible area.
The permissible area is between -1 bar / -15 psi and 350 bar / 5076 psi (= maximum working
area of the sensor).
Possible cause: Pressure sensors faulty.


Chapter AL - 82 0515MC
List of alarms
• Check pressure sensor.
• Recalibrate or replace.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

666 3 Frequency converter safety gate / monting height torque greater max.
This error will occur if the frequency converter has reached the maximum torque. The
displayed value of this error message (1 - 3, see alarm list or alarm protocol) indicates the
function at which this error was created.
Value 1: Mould height adjustment.
Value 2: Safety gate 1 ("IMM side 1" = the clamping unit is at the left side and the injection
unit at the right side of the operator.
Value 3: Safety gate 2 ("IMM side 2" = the injection unit is at the left side and the clamping
unit at the right side of the operator.
Possible cause:
• Mould height adjustment or safety gate too sluggish.
• Drive motor or gear defective.
Acknowledgement: Autmatically when deactivating the function.

667 2 Maximum pressure monitoring driving cylinder

One of the two sensors exceeded the maximum permissible area (standard = 245 bar /
3553 psi).
Possible cause:
• Too high pressure in the driving cylinder by stongly slowing down, check set value setting.
• Working area of the sensor wrongly adjusted, recalibrate sensors.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out after trouble-shooting and
pressing the "Machine Stop" key.
Additional information: Is the axis number. The axis can be determined by entering this axis
number on the Axis Diagnosis Page.
Example: Enter axis number 11 on the Axis Diagnosis Page, indication CP1, i.e. Core
puller 1.

668 2 Error pressure sensors 45B01/46B01

This error will occur if the difference between the two pressure sensors of 3 bar / 44 psi (see
"Diagnostic / HM2P" menu) is exceeded with the clamping force built up and the pressure
pads being inactive.
Possible cause:
• The pressure in the pressure pads differs, check pressure (manometer, pressure gauge),
check hydraulic components.
• The measuring range of a pressure transducer is out of adjustment, the pressure sensor
must be zeroized.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

669 2 Differential pressure error pr. sensor 45B01/46B01

This error will occur if the difference between the two pressure sensors of 20 bar / 290 psi
(see "Diagnostic / HM2P" menu) is exceeded during the build-up of the clamping force.
Possible cause:
• Leakage of one or several pressure pads, check pressure pads.
• Valve defective, irregular pressure build-up, check valves.

Chapter AL - 83
List of alarms
• Pressure sensors not correctly calibrated or defective, check sensors, calibrate them if
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

670 2 Max. pressure exceeding Pressure sensors 45B01/46B01

One of the two sensors exceeded the maximum permissible area (standard 350 bar /
5076 psi).
Possible cause:
• Pressure in the cylinder of the pressure pads too high, check set value setting and valves.
• Working area of the sensor wrongly adjusted, recalibrate sensors.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

671 2 Error pressure sensors 45B02/46B02

This error will occur if the difference between the two pressure sensors of 3 bar / 44 psi (see
"Diagnostic / HM2P" menu) is exceeded when the pressure pads are inactive.
Possible cause:
• The pressure in the pressure pads differs, check pressure (manometer, pressure gauge),
check hydraulic components.
• The measuring range of a pressure transducer is out of adjustment, the pressure sensor
must be zeroized.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

672 2 Differential pressure error pr. sensor 45B02/46B02

This error will occur if the difference between the two pressure sensors of 20 bar / 290 psi
(see "Diagnostic / HM2P" menu) is exceeded during the build-up of the opening force.
Possible cause:
• Leakage of one or several pressure pads, check pressure pads.
• Valve defective, irregular pressure build-up, check valves.
• Pressure sensors not correctly calibrated or defective, check sensors, recalibrate them if
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

673 2 Max. pressure exceeding Pressure sensors 45B02/46B02

One of the two sensors exceeded the maximum permissible area (standard = 350 bar /
5076 psi).
Possible cause:
• Pressure in the cylinder of the pressure pads too high, check set value setting, check the
• Working area of the sensor wrongly adjusted, recalibrate sensor.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

674 0 Pressure pad advance fuse S511 has responded

This error will occur if the signal of this limit switch ("IMM side 1" above) of the "Pressure pad
advance safety device" is inactive (0).
Possible cause:
• Mould height adjustment is not correctly adjusted. The posts move the pistons (of
the pressure pads) too deep into the pressure pads. The limit switch will be actuated
(mechanically) shortly before the mechanical stop (cover) of the pressure pad.
• The pressure on the piston side of the pressure pads is too hight. The maximum pressure
is monitored and, if necessary, actuates the limit switch, check set value setting in the


Chapter AL - 84 0515MC
List of alarms
mould safety zone, if necessary, check the valves.
• Wiring faulty. One cable was possibly damaged. The signal of the limit switch is not
permanently "1". Check wiring.
Acknowledgement: Select „Setup mode“. Turn and hold the „EMERGENCY STOP bridging“
key switch. Actuate the „Drive start“ button (switching on hydraulics. Actuate the „Open
mould“ button (move pressure pad in direction „Nozzle plate clamping surface“). Open the
clamping plate a little.
Release the „EMERGENCY STOP bridging“ key switch. Select „Manual mode“. Move the
clamping plate to position „Mould opened“. Start a new cycle.

675 0 Pressure pad advance fuse S521 has responded

This error will occur if the signal of this limit switch ("IMM side 2" above) of the "Pressure pad
advance safety device" is inactive (0).
See also error message 674.

676 0 Pressure pad advance fuse S531 has responded

This error will occur if the signal of this limit switch ("IMM side 1" below) of the "Pressure pad
advance safety device" is inactive (0).
See also error message 674.

677 0 Pressure pad advance fuse S541 has responded

This error will occur if the signal of this limit switch ("IMM side 2" below) of the "Pressure pad
advance safety device" is inactive (0).
See also error message 674.

678 1 Pressure pad advance fuse S511...S541 bridged

This message is displayed, if the „EMERGENCY STOP bridging“ key switch (pressure pad
advance fuse) is actuated. See also error message 674.
Acknowledgement: Automatic acknowledgement by deactivation (release) of key switch.

679 1 Limit value infringement Pressure pad stroke (s<0)

This error occurs if the calculation of the locking position for the pressure boxes results in a
value which is outside the valide range.
Possible cause: Mould mounting height too large/small, stamping/breathing gap too large/
Additional information:
Value 1: Mould mounting height too large/small
Value 2: Plausibility at stamping gap and positioning stroke for approaching the locking
Value 3: Plausibility at breathing gap and positioning stroke for approaching the locking
Value 4: Stamping gap too large
Value 5: Breathing gap too large
Checking the mould mounting dimensions and carrying out the mould mounting determinatin
(zeoring) again or correction of the stamping/breathing gap.

680 0 Error DFEC pump: Master Init.error

This error message will be displayed if the CanOpen software master could not be initialised
Possible cause:
• Error during the CAN initialising.
• Software configuration incorrect.
• Hardware defective.
Additional information:
1000: CanOpen Master could not be initialised (org Task).

Chapter AL - 85
List of alarms
3000: CanOpen Master could not be initialised (Master Task).
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out
automatically. The control must be rebooted.

681 0 Error DFEC pump: Node Guarding pump no.

This error message will be displayed if a Node guarding error occurred.
Additional information:
1 - 10: Node number, corresponds to the pump number.
Possible cause:
• CAN interface not available.
• Network error.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

682 0 Error DFEC pump: Initialisation error

This error message will be displayed if the CanOpen network could not be initialised
Possible cause:
• Error during the CAN initialising.
• Software configuration incorrect.
• Hardware defective.
Additional information:
500, 501, 1000: Software configuration incorrect.
1101 - 1110 (the last 2 digits are the pump number):
• Pump could not be initialised.
• General initialisation.
2000: Software error during master / slave configuration.
2001 - 2010 (the last 2 digits are the pump number):
• Pump could not be initialised.
• Master / slave initialisation.
3001 - 3010 (the last 2 digits are the pump number):
• Pump could not be initialised.
• Initialisation of the communication.
4000: Pump parameter record could not be transferred.
6000: Emcy register could not be read.
Possible cause:
• Pump hardware defective.
• Network error.
Acknowledgement: With additional information <> 2000, <> 4000, and <> 6000, the
acknowledgement is carried out automatically after trouble-shooting and pressing the
"Hydraulic system OFF" key. In other cases, please contact the BATTENFELD customer

683 0 Error DFEC pump: Configuraton error

This error message will be displayed if an error occurred during the configuration of the
Possible cause:
• Error during the CAN configuration.
• Software configuration incorrect.
Additional information: 1000, 1500: Software configuration error.
Acknowledgement: Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

684 0 Error DFEC pump: SDO status

This error message will be displayed if an SDO telegram could not be processed correctly.


Chapter AL - 86 0515MC
List of alarms
Additional information:
Standardized error numbers:
1: No error: The process was finished without error.
51300: CANopen() error: FUB CANopen() delivered error status (observe error log).
51301: Inv. data type: The type of a variable in the PDO configuration will not be accepted.
51302: Nil pointer: Pointer to pdoInf_s; structure of a drive is nil.
51303: Nil pointer: Pointer to drvInf_s; structure of a drive is nil.
51304: Inv. Job Id: Unknown job ordered.
51305: Timeout: No answer from slave (address is in .errorData).
51306: Nil pointer: Pointer to the data is nil.
51307: Inv. Request type: Unknown request ordered (only write and read).
51308: Function active: SDO request is still present (no error).
51309: Step error: Internal error: State machine malfunction.
51310: Config. stopped: Configuration was stopped by user intervention (no error).
51311: Function active: Configuration is still active (no error).
51312: Function active: NMT command is still active (no error).
51313: Function active: Sync telegram is still active (no error).
51314: PDO robot inactive: PDO robot is not active since the number of drives per cycle is
51315: Inv. PDO length: The total length of the TX-PDO mapping is greater than 8 bytes.
51316: Inv. PDO length: The total length of the RX-PDO mapping is greater than 8 bytes.
51317: Nil pointer: Pointer to the root table of the drives.
51318: Function active: Nodeguard request is still active (no error).
51319: PV error: Configurated PV cannot be used (make sure that the data type is correct).
51320: Inv. data format: The indicated data format is invalid (ev. 0); check configuration.
51321: Slave is busy: The addressed slave is busy and, for the time being, it is not available
for the parameter transfer.
51322: Error during busy: An error at the slave occurred during the busy request.
51323: Inv. PDO number: The number of the PDO which shall be ordered by means of RTR
is zero.
51324: Function active: RTR command is still active (no error).
51325: LMT error: Error code while LMT service received from slave; LMT error codes can
be found in the data.
51326: Incorrect LMT command specifier: The received command specifier from the slave
differs from the sent one.
51327: Data buffer too small: The delivered data buffer is too small for received LMT
51328: Function active: LMT command is still active (no error).
51329: Invalide node ID: The delivered node ID (.drv.Adr) is greater than the greatest
existing node ID in the project.
51330: Array too small: The structure array used for the PDO array configuration has too less
elements (one element is necessary for each slave).
51331: CANqueue() error: FUB CANqueue() delivered error status (observe addInfo of the
coMaster structure, e.g.: cm.addInfo).
51332: No free port: There is no free CANopen port for instantiation (max.8).
51333: Scaling factor is 0: A scaling factor of 0 is not permissible (division by 0).
51334: Name too long: The given name of an API function is too long (max. 32).
51335: Function active: The Consume Heart Beat function is busy (no error).
51336: CANxnode() error: FUB CANxnode() delivered error status (observe error log). For
the time being it occurs only if the "Producer Heart Beat Protocol" is activated.
Not standardized error numbers:
10: Station busy: Slave is just being served.
11: Inv. length: Delivered data length is too small for the received telegram (check
12: SDO acknowledge: Error by Receive SDO acknowledge.
13: SDO acknowledge: SDO acknowledge is invalid (ordering answer received from
second master).
14: SDO toggle bit: Error in the SDO toggle bit (send and receive).

Chapter AL - 87
List of alarms
15: Inv. length: Data length to be sent is greater than the actual data length.
17: TX-SDO: Delivered data length is too small for the received telegram (check
65534: enable = 0: Function called with enable = 0.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key. The network is initialised again.

685 0 Error DFEC pump: Write / read parameter no.:

This error message will be displayed if writing or reading of the parameters could not be
processed without error.
Additional information:
1000 - 1015: Error when reading the parameters (1000 + parameter number).
2000 - 2015: Error when writingg the parameters (2000 + parameter number).
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key. The network is initialised again:

686 0 DFEC pump parameter Init: Hydraulic system OFF!

This error message will be displayed if the initialisation, the storing of the parameters, or the
calibration of the DMUs is active. The hydraulic system is switched off.
Additional information:
1: Initialisation after switching on the machine.
2: Parameters will be sent to the pumps.
10:DMU calibration is active.
Acknowledgement:The acknowledgement is carried out automatically at the end of the

687 0 Error DFEC pump: Error calibration

This error message will be displayed if an error occurred during the calibration of the DMUs
or the valve calibration.
Additional information:
Calibration status:
0x0000 - Calibration ready and ok.
0x0001 - Calibration is running.
0x0002 - Calibration process already started.
0x1000 - Calibration error (DMU offset outside the tolerance).
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key. The calibration must be started again.

688 0 Error DFEC pump: SDO error

This error message will be displayed if an SDO telegram could not be processed correctly.
Additional information:
144: Incorrect reading of the value for system pressure.
208: Incorrect writing of the value for system pressure.
119: Incorrect reading of the value for PowerLimit.
188: Incorrect writing of the value for PowerLimit.
1 -10 or 501 - 510 (xx1 - x10): Incorrect comparison of the values.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out
automatically. The function must be started again.
With additional information 500 to 510, the acknowledgement is carried out automatically
after trouble-shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

689 0 Error DFEC pump: Emergency error

This error message will be displayed if an emergency telegram was received.
Additionally, error 648 with indication of the pump number is generated.
Possible cause:


Chapter AL - 88 0515MC
List of alarms
• Cable breakage Supply voltage.
• Control error of the pump.
• Pump temperature too high.
• Communication error.
Additional information:
0x0000 00000dez: Error reset or no error.
0x3101 12545dez: Overvoltage (> 37 V).
0x3102 12546dez: Undervoltage (< 19 V).
0x4200 16896dez: Temperature warning (approx. 85 °C).
0x4201 1689 dez: Temperature limit value exceeded (approx. 95 °C).
0x8101 33025dez: CAN Overflow.
0x8102 33026dez: CAN Guard Fail.
0x8105 33029dec: CAN-Error-Passive
0xFF01 65281dez: Control error.
0xFF02 65282dez: Cable breakage valve.
0xFF03 65283dez: Cable breakage swash plate angle.
0xFF04 65284dez: Cable breakage DMU entry 1.
0xFF05 65285dez: Cable breakage DMU entry 2.
0xFF06 65286dez: Cable breakage DMU entry 3.
0xFF07 65287dez: Cable breakage DMU entry 4.
0xFF08 65288dec: Valve error
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

690 0 Referencing of clamping unit

When starting the machine for the first time or exchanging the stroke transducer, the
clamping unit must be moved to the mechanical zero point (without mould). Then,
referencing must be carried out (see service page "Clamping unit / BA").

691 0 Referencing procedure Injection plunger

After the main switch has been switched OFF/ON, the injection plunger must be referenced
in adjustment mode. To do this, press the „Injection“ or „Metering“ button to start the
automated referencing procedure (the injection unit must thereby be lifted and the cylinder
heating must be on). Prior to referencing, movement of the injection plunger and automatic
operation are disabled.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.

692 1 Communication error with robot

This error occurs if an error has been recognised during CAN communication.
Possible cause:
• Cable not connected.
• Robot not switched off.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Robot 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Robot 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Robot 3.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

693 0 Referencing procedure Injection unit

After the main switch has been switched OFF/ON, the injection unit must be referenced
in adjustment mode. To do this, actuate the „Injection unit forward“ or „Injection unit back“
button to start the automatic referencing procedure. Prior to referencing, movement of the
injection unit and automatic operation are disabled.

Chapter AL - 89
List of alarms
Additional information
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C

694 1 Ejector not referenced

This error occurs if the automatic calibration of the second stroke transducer (potentiometer)
has not been finished.
Remedy: Move at least half the maximum stroke of the ejector.

695 0 Referencing procedure mould height

The mould height must be referenced when commissioning the machine or changing the
stroke transducer. Expand the toggle completely. Now measure the distance between
clamping platen and nozzle platen. The measured value is the set value for the referencing

698 1 IO link transmission error

This error will occur if a communication error to the IO link remote sensor is recognized.
Possible cause: The connection to the IO link remote sensor is interrupted or not plugged in.

699 1 Braking resistor (heating zone) inactive: reduced acceleration

This error occurs if the braking resistor is not activated. Only reduced accelerations of the
movements are possible.
Possible cause:
• Barrel heating is switched off

700 Holding pressure change-over by slave change-over

[Error class 2 adjustable]
This error occurs if a change over to holding pressure was released by a slave change
over, i.e. the criterion for changing over to holding pressure of the master change over was
not met. For the setting of the slave change over please refer to menu "Holding pressure /
General / Slave change-over" (see chapter 6). The reaction (error class) is set in the menu
"Production data / Monitoring functions / Page 4" (see chapter 18).
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Acknowledgement: Automatically at the end of a successful master change over.

701 1 Configuration CPT

This error occurs if a change over to holding pressure depending on the cavity pressure was
activated, however, no cavity pressure transducer is active.
Possible cause:
• The assigned cavity pressure transducer is switched off (see menu "Holding pressure /
Cavity pressure", chapter 6).
• CPT Master / Slave assignment is not active since "0" was entered (see menu "Holding
pressure / General / CPT selection", chapter 6).
• Cavity pressure transducer depending on mould is activated (see menu "Holding
pressure / General / CPT selection, chapter 6). No cavity pressure transducer was
assigned to the active lower mould (see chapter 11, Mould table Configuration).
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.


Chapter AL - 90 0515MC
List of alarms
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after having corrected the assignment of the cavity
pressure transducers.

702 1 Automatic axis zeroising active

This message is displayed if the automatic axis zeroising (see chapter 4) is active.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after having finished the automatic axis zeroising.

703 1 Temperature control unit(s): Temperature decrease

This error will occur if the temperature decrease has been switched to active manually, or the
program "Decrease heating for Motor Stop" is switched on and the motor is not switched on.
The temperatures will be decreased to a new uniform set temperature value (which may be
freely set).
Acknowledgement: Switch off temperature decrease.

704 3 Core puller monitoring at cycle end can be acknowledged

This error occurs if a core puller monitoring was programmed with the error reaction "Quit/
End" (see Core puller programs, chapter 9). The alarm causes a stop of the automatic cycle
at the end of the cycle.
Acknowledgement: After having actuated Cycle start (closing key). A new cycle is started.

705 8 Core puller monitoring can be acknowledged at once

This error occurs if a core puller monitoring was programmed with the error reaction "Stop/
Quit" (see Core puller programs, chapter 9). The alarm causes an immediate stop of the
automatic cycle.
Acknowledgement: After having actuated Cycle start (closing key). The cycle is continued.
Furthermore, this monitoring is used to start the core puller again when pressing cycle start
(closing key) so that the process in the automatic mode can be continued.

706 4 Core puller monitoring stop at cycle end

This error occurs if a core puller monitoring was programmed with the error reaction "Stop/
End" (see Core puller programs, chapter 9). The alarm causes a stop of the automatic cycle
at the end of the cycle and the switch-off of all drives.
Acknowledgement: By changing the operating mode.

707 1 Limit switch monitoring Core puller

This error occurs if, with the "Limit switch monitoring for core puller is moved in (moved out)"
being activated, the status of the core puller limit switch was changed while the core puller
movement was not active. The reaction to this alarm is set in the menu "Enlarged core puller
settings" under "Evaluation error class".
Acknowledgement: Depending on the setting "Evaluation of error class" for this alarm.
With setting "Cycle Stop" after having actuated Cycle start (closing key).
With setting "Motor switch-off" by pressing the key "Machine start or stop".

708 1 Constant dimension not reached

This error occurs if, in the manual mode, the locking cannot be moved into the locking
Possible cause: The pressure box or the clamping platen are not in the correct position
"Move in lockings" before the clamping force will be built up.
Acknowledgement: Open the clamping platen and then close it again. If this error message is
displayed again, the mould mounting height must be readjusted.

709 1 Mould height adjustment stopped

This error will occur if the automatic mould height adjustment was stopped.
Possible cause: The "Start mould height adjustment" program was deactivated or the "Close

Chapter AL - 91
List of alarms
mould" key was pressed.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, as soon as sthe "Start mould height adjustment" program
has been activated.

710 1 Determination of constant dimension stopped

This error occurs if the control unit could not calculate the correct position (constant
dimension) for moving in the locking into the locking grooves.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when the determination of constant dimension will be
started again.

711 0 Error Safety gate magnet

This error occurs if the internal current measurement of the magnets results in an incorrect
value. The safety gate test is required when this error has occurred.
Possible cause:
• One or several defective magnets.
• Cable breakage.
• Control voltage too high or too low.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Measured current too low.
Bit 1, value 2: Error at the current input.
Acknowledgement: Automatically at the end of a successful safety gate test.

712 1 Overlap of core puller movements

This warning is displayed if a core puller is just moving and is started again by another core
puller program. The movement of the core puller is nevertheless continued as usual. The
core puller settings should be checked and corrected.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after 5 sec.

713 1 Injection pressure / holding pressure too high

This error occurs if one or several barrel temperature zones were entered greater than 350
°C (662 °F) and a profile value for injection pressure / holding pressure was entered above
the injection pressure limit for high temperature (T > 350 °C / 662 °F). Injection and holding
pressure are disabled.
Additional information:
If a second injection parameter record exist, it must be checked, too.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.
Example: Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for injection unit A
(value 1) and injection unit B (value 2) have to be checked.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having corrected the entry.

714 0 Rotary unit must be referenced

This error occurs if reference values of a servo-electrical rotary unit were changed or a cold
start of the control was triggered.
Additional information: Indicates the axis number of the axis concerned.
Note: The axis can be determined by entering this axis number in the "Diagnostic / PLC /
Axis" menu.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having refereced the rotary unit.

715 0 Limit switch monitoring Screw-off unit

This error occurs if the "Screw-off unit is on the left" and "Screw-off unit is on the right" limit


Chapter AL - 92 0515MC
List of alarms
positions are activated at the same time. The motor will be switched off in case such an error
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Screw-off unit 1
Bit 1, value 2: Screw-off unit 2
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

716 1 Ejector not in safety position

This error will occur if, with the rotary unit being activated, the ejector is not in the safety
position when either starting another movement (closing or rotary unit) or starting the
automatic cycle. The safety position is set in the "Ejector" menu under "Ejector safety
Acknowledgement: Move the ejector manually further back.

717 2 Cover of screw coupling open

This error occurs if the cover over the screw coupling is open. All machine movements are
disabled in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: Automatically by placing the cover correctly.

718 1 Hardware circuit magnetic mounting platens

This error message occurs if the safety circuit of the machine is closed (safety gate) and no
release from the magnetic mounting platen system is available.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting and activation of Drive Start/Stop
Additional information:
MCS... Magnetic mounting platen system
Bit 0-6: Contactor relays safety gate energized
Bit 0, value 1: Machine safety circuit - release of magnetic mounting system active
Bit 1-6: Contactor relays MCS energized
Bit 1, value 2: MCS safety circuit - no release, mould change active
Bit 2, value 4: MCS safety circuit - release, mould change active
Bit 3, value 8: MCS safety circuit - channel 1. Release magnetising / demagnetising to
clamping system
Bit 4, value 16: MCS safety circuit - channel 1. No release magnetising / demagnetising to
clamping system
Bit 5, value 32: MCS safety circuit - channel 2. Release magnetising / demagnetising to
clamping system
Bit 6, value 64: MCS safety circuit - channel 2. No release magnetising / demagnetising to
clamping system

743 1 Collision Nozzle assemblies

The injection assembly is equipped with an additionaly limit switch which monitors a collison
of the injection assemblies. If this limit switch is activated, the movements of the injection
assemblies in collision direction are locked.

744 0 5th EMERGENCY-STOP triggered

Refer to error message 207.

745 0 6th EMERGENCY-STOP triggered

Refer to error message 207.

746 0 7th EMERGENCY-STOP triggered

Refer to error message 207.

Chapter AL - 93
List of alarms

747 0 8th EMERGENCY-STOP triggered

Refer to error message 207.

748 1 Dryer error

An error occurred in the integrated Wittmann dryer. Note the error number in the „Dryer“
menu and acknowledge the error.
Additional information
Bit 0, value 1: Dryer 1
Bit 1, value 2: Dryer 2

749 1 No home position of material hopper

This error will occur if the material hopper is not in the feed zonel. The movement Nozzle
forward is disabled.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the material hopper is in the feed zone.

750 2 Error Stroke measuring system Axis no.:

This error will occur if the contouring error monitoring of the clamping unit responds.
Possible cause:
• The clamping unit stroke measuring system is not working properly.
• With the functions "Clamping" or "Opening" being triggered, the clamping platen stops
(mechanically blocked or error Valve clamping unit).
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

751 2 Stop condition on axis active

This error will occur if one of the axes Clamping platen, Pressure pad or Mould mounting
height / Locking will be stopped.
Possible cause: Incorrect operating modes (e.g. clamping selected but locking not moved
Acknowledgement: Automatically when this axis will no longer be triggered.

752 2 Max. locking force exceeded

This error will occur if the maximum permissible clamping force is exceeded during injection.
These maximum (passive) locking force is + 10 % for clamping forced up and including
13000 kN, and only + 5 % with higher forces. For reasons of safety, the IMM is stopped
Possible cause:
• Set values incorrectly preselected (e.g. injection process too fast with viscous material).
• Changes in the automatic cycle which will cause an increase of the injection pressure
and thus also increase the force in the mould (e.g. failure of a hot runner or hot runner
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement will be carried out automatically by pressing the
"Machine Stop" key.

753 0 Check pressure transducer Pump system no.:

This error message will be displayed if a pressure transducer is defective.
Value 1001: Pump system 1 - pressure transducer 2. The actual pressure value of the
pressure transducer is <= 0. The hydraulic drive is switched off.
Value 1002: Pump system 2 - pressure transducer 2. The actual pressure value of the
pressure transducer is <= 0. The hydraulic drive is switched off.
Value 1003: Pump system 1 - pressure transducer 1 and 2. The actual pressure value
is taken directly at the clamping block if a movement of the clamping unit is active. The
deviation of the two pressure transducers must not exceed 20 bar / 290 psi. If the deviation
is greater, the hydraulic drive is switched off.


Chapter AL - 94 0515MC
List of alarms
Value 2001: Pump system 2 - pressure transducer 2. The actual pressure value of the
pressure transducer is <= 0. The hydraulic drive is switched off.
Possible cause:
• Pressure transducer defective.
• Analgo input defective.
• Cable breakage to the pressure transducer.
• Additionally at value 1003: Clamping block is separated by the robot via the hardware.
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement will be carried out automatically by pressing the "Drive
Stop" key.

754 1 Zeroising of MOULD necessary, mould height wrongly adjusted

This error will occur if the mouting height was misadjusted by more than 2 mm / 0.08 inch.
This messages reminds the user of the clamping unit having to be "zeroized" again. In order
to prevent damage to the mould, the "Clamping" function is only possible in the "Setting
Possible cause:The mould height adjustment was changed by more than 2 mm / 0.08 inch.
Acknowledgement: Automatically when "Zeroising" the mould.

755 1 Oil lubrication B392 too many lubrication cycles

This error message will be displayed if, during the monitoring time, the sensor B392 ("IMM
page 1" clamping platen) carries out more lubrication cycles than the sensor B393 ("IMM
page 2", clamping platen). The permissible difference of the lubrication cycles (of the two
sensors) is stored in the service setting mode (for Battenfeld servician technicians only).
"IMM side 1" = the operator is facing the operating elements of the IMM. The clamping unit is
at the left side and the injection unit at the right side.
Possible cause: One or several hoses between the lubricant distributor and the lubrication
point are cut in two. The lubricant may penetrate without counterpressure.
Acknowledgement: Start "Central oil lubrication" in the "Manual mode". Check lubrication
lines. Replace defective hose.

756 1 Oil lubrication B393 too many lubrication cycles

This error message will be displayed if, during the monitoring time, the sensor B393 ("IMM
page 1" clamping platen) carries out more lubrication cycles than the sensor B392 ("IMM
page 2", clamping platen). The permissible difference of the lubrication cycles (of the two
sensors) is stored in the service setting mode (for Battenfeld servician technicians only).
"IMM side 2" = the operator is facing the operating elements of the IMM. The injection unit is
at the left side and the clamping unit at the right side.
Possible cause: One or several hoses between the lubricant distributor and the lubrication
point are cut in two. The lubricant may penetrate without counterpressure.
Acknowledgement: Start "Central oil lubrication" in the "Manual mode". Check lubrication
lines. Replace defective hose.

757 1 Oil lubrication B392 not enough lubrication cycles

This error message will be displayed if, during the monitoring time, the sensor B392 ("IMM
page 1" clamping platen) carries out less lubrication cycles than the sensor B393 ("IMM page
2", clamping platen). The permissible difference of the lubrication cycles (of the two sensors)
is stored in the service setting mode (for Battenfeld servician technicians only).
"IMM side 1" = the operator is facing the operating elements of the IMM. The clamping unit is
at the left side and the injection unit at the right side.
Possible cause: One or several hoses between the lubricant distributor and the lubrication
point are clogged or squashed. The lubricant cannot or only very slowly be fed to the
lubrication point.
Acknowledgement: Start "Central oil lubrication" in the "Manual mode". Check lubrication
lines. Replace defective hose.

Chapter AL - 95
List of alarms
758 1 Oil lubrication B393 not enough lubrication cycles
This error message will be displayed if, during the monitoring time, the sensor B393 ("IMM
page 1" clamping platen) carries out less lubrication cycles than the sensor B392 ("IMM page
2", clamping platen). The permissible difference of the lubrication cycles (of the two sensors)
is stored in the service setting mode (for Battenfeld servician technicians only).
"IMM side 1" = the operator is facing the operating elements of the IMM. The clamping unit is
at the left side and the injection unit at the right side.
Possible cause: One or several hoses between the lubricant distributor and the lubrication
point are clogged or squashed. The lubricant cannot or only very slowly be fed to the
lubrication point.
Acknowledgement: Start "Central oil lubrication" in the "Manual mode". Check lubrication
lines. Clean the clogged hose. Replace defective hose.

759 2 Motor protection Central grease lubrication triggered

This error will occur if the protective motor switch has been triggered.
Possible cause:
• Motor defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.
Acknowledgement: After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out

760 2 Maintenance door Nozzle platen opened

This error message will be displayed if the maintenance door ("IMM page 2") is opened or is
not closed correctly. "IMM side 2" = the operator is facing the operating elements of the IMM.
The injection unit is at the left side and the clamping unit at the right side.
Possible cause:
• Maintenance door not closed.
• Position of the monitoring switch examine.
• Check cabling.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically when closing the
maintenance door.

761 2 Check main contactor Converter safety gate / mounting height

This error occurs if, within the internal monitoring time, after switching on the hydraulic
drives, the main contactor of the converter (height adjustment and safety gate drive) is not
Possible cause:
• Contactor defective.
• Check cabling.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

762 2 Error converter safety gate / mounting height

This error occurs if, within the internal monitoring time, after switching on the hydraulic
drives, the release of the converter (height adjustment and safety gate drive) is not active.
Possible cause:
• Main contactor defective.
• Converter defective.
• Check cabling.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically after trouble-
shooting and pressing the "Drive Stop" key.

763 0 Monitoring relay safety mat / safety gate

This error message will occur if the monitoring relay (K681 and K511) and the monitoring


Chapter AL - 96 0515MC
List of alarms
inputs do not switch properly within a consistently set time.
Value, Relay K681: The error message 271 ("Safety bar operates") appears for 1 second
the relay K681 is operated. The safety gate can be opened now; the safety bar becomes
free. At the same time (within 400 ms) the monitoring input of the relay K681 must change
its condition. This does not happen the error message 633 is indicated. Upon completion,
the relay drops again and the monitoring input of relay K681 must change its condition again
within 400 ms.
Value2, Relay K511: The relay K511 draws on must within 400 ms the monitoring input of
the relay K511 its condition change. The relay falls again off must the monitoring input of the
relay K511 again within 400 ms its condition change.
Possible cause:
• Check monitoring relay.
• Check monitoring inputs.
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement will be carried out automatically by pressing the "Drive
Stop" key.

764 1 Error MOOG valve Injection piston L-unit

This error message will be displayed if, with the safety gate being open, a movement of the
injection piston, of the L-unit (auxiliary unit) is carried out without triggering.
Value 1: The injection piston of the L-unit has moved forward. The hydraulic drive is switched
Value 2: The Moog valve of the injection unit lost the electrical open-circuit voltage. The
hydraulic drive is switched off.
Possible cause:
• Valve defective.
• Analgo output defective.
• Cable breakage to the valve.
• Additionally at value 2: The electrical open-circuit voltage which shall keep the Moog
valve in the 0 position has changed by +/- 0.3 volt.
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement will be carried out automatically by pressing the "Drive
Stop" key.

765 1 Check safety gate control button

This error message will be displayed if, during the movement of the safety gate, the key for
the opposite direction is pressed or if the two keys for closing and opening the safety gate
were pressed at the same time.
Value 1: Monitoring of the safety gate key on the standard operator’s side. The respective
movement of the safety gate is interrupted.
Value 2: Monitoring of the safety gate key on the standard rear side. The respective
movement of the safety gate is interrupted.
Possible cause:
• Control key defective.
• Input defective.
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement will be carried out automatically by pressing the keys
"Close safety gate" or "Open safety gate".

769 2 Error Magnetic mounting platen system

This error will occur if the external control unit of the magnetic disks does not send a release
signal to the machine.
Possible cause: See operating instructions of the magnetic Mouldfix system.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the two magnetic disks were locked correctly.

770 1 Prewarning oil level

Chapter AL - 97
List of alarms
This error message will occur if the oil level is below the prewarning level.
Acknowledgement: Refill oil in accordance with the specifications in the operating manual.
After trouble-shooting, the acknowledgement will be carried out automatically.

771 4 No oil pressure filter pump

This error occurs, if the oil pressure switch (in the bypass circuit for filtering and cooling of
the hydraulic oil) has dropped off.
At the end of the cycle or latest 40 seconds after the error occurred, the hydraulic drive is
switched off.
Possible cause:
• Recirculation pump standing still
• Recirculation pump defective
• Wire break
• Oil switch defective
Acknowledgement: The error is acknowledged after elimination of the cause of the error by
pressing the „Machine stop“ button.

776 1 Opening force exceeded

This error message will occur if the opening force is exceeded.

777 0 Motor protection Converter safety gate / mounting height triggered

This error message will occur if the motor protection switch has been triggered or switched
Possible cause:
• Converter defective.
• Incorrect motor protection switch setting.

780 0 Pump General error Pump change

This error will occur during an exchange of the hydraulic pump.
Acknowledgement: Calibrate DFEC pumps. (see service manual)

785 1 Mould monitoring Station A

786 1 Mould monitoring Station B
787 1 Mould monitoring Station C
788 1 Mould monitoring Station D
789 1 Mould monitoring Station E
790 1 Mould monitoring Station F
This error message is displayed if a monitoring error of the mould monitoring option is active
in the respective station.
Additional information:
Bit 4, value 01: Mould monitoring group 1
Bit 01, value 02: Mould monitoring group 2
Bit 02, value 04: Mould monitoring group 3
Bit 03, value 08: Mould monitoring group 4
Bit 04, value 16: Mould monitoring group 5
Bit 05, value 32: Mould monitoring group 6
Bit 06, value 64: One monitoring program was assigned to several limit switch groups in
the same station.
Bit 07, value 128: Configuration error monitoring programs (additional information for

791 1 Mould monitoring lower mould 1

792 1 Mould monitoring lower mould 2


Chapter AL - 98 0515MC
List of alarms
793 1 Mould monitoring lower mould 3
794 1 Mould monitoring lower mould 4
795 1 Mould monitoring lower mould 5
796 1 Mould monitoring lower mould 6
This error message is displayed if a monitoring error of the mould monitoring option is active
for the respective lower mould.
Additional information:
Bit 4, value 01: Mould monitoring group 1
Bit 01, value 02: Mould monitoring group 2
Bit 02, value 04: Mould monitoring group 3
Bit 03, value 08: Mould monitoring group 4
Bit 04, value 16: Mould monitoring group 5
Bit 05, value 32: Mould monitoring group 6
Bit 06, value 64: One monitoring program was assigned to several limit switch groups in
the same lower mould.

797 1 Mould limit switch monitoring

Both limit switches of a pair of limit switches of a group are activated and HIGH.
Additional information:
Bit 4, value 01: Mould monitoring group 1
Bit 01, value 02: Mould monitoring group 2
Bit 02, value 04: Mould monitoring group 3
Bit 03, value 08: Mould monitoring group 4
Bit 04, value 16: Mould monitoring group 5
Bit 05, value 32: Mould monitoring group 6

797 1 Mould / station monitoring

This error message is displayed if a configuration error is present with the mould monitoring
option or the limit switches for home and limit position have beeen pressed.
Additional information <= 0999:
Value information 0100 - 0199:
Limit switch monitoring of monitoring 1
Value information 0200 - 0299:
Limit switch monitoring of monitoring 2
Additional information >= 1000:
Value of the thousand’s place (xxxx)
Value 1xxx: Configuration error during monitoring for home position.
Value 2xxx: Configuration error during monitoring for limit position.
Value of the hundred’s place (xxxx)
Value x1xx: Configuration error during monitoring for category 1.
Value x2xx: Configuration error during monitoring for category 2.
Value x3xx: Configuration error during monitoring for category 3.
Value x4xx: Configuration error during monitoring for category 4.
Value of the ten’s and unit’s place (xxxx)
Value xx01: Configuration error for axis group station ejector.
Value xx02: Configuration error for axis group clamping unit.
Value xx03: Configuration error for axis group table unit.
Value xx04: Configuration error for axis group injection unit.
Value xx05: Configuration error for axis group injection piston.
Value xx06: Configuration error for axis group core puller.
Value xx07: Configuration error for axis group robot unit.

798 1 Cavity pressure monitoring

This error message is displayed if a limit value was exceeded on a CPT monitoring channel

Chapter AL - 99
List of alarms
Additional information:
Bit 00, value 0001: Monitoring channel 1.
Bit 01, value 0002: Monitoring channel 2.
Bit 02, value 0004: Monitoring channel 3.
Bit 03, value 0008: Monitoring channel 4.
Bit 04, value 0016: Monitoring channel 5.
Bit 05, value 0032: Monitoring channel 6.
Bit 06, value 0064: Monitoring channel 7.
Bit 07, value 0128: Monitoring channel 8.
Information For more detailed information please refer to the integrated diagnosis monitor.

799 3 Injection cycle was interrupted

This error message is displayed if the injection piston was stopped during the injection cycle.
The cycle is then continued with metering.
Note: The injection cycle stop is displayed on Diagnostic / PLC / Axis under "Stop neg" (stop
number). An activation of the symbol to the right of the stop number will display an info text.
Possible causes:
Mould has been injected on
Injection pressure / holding pressure too high
Safety position Nozzle unit
Purging flap (cup) in wrong position
Compression gap reached
Mould full
No release of mould shut-off nozzle, vacuum unit, Airmould
Acknowledgement: By activation of the cycle start key. In the manual mode by pressing the
Drive ON key.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.

800 1 Monitoring demoulding time (min / max)

This error message is displayed if the respective demoulding time was not reached (min) /
was exceeded (max).
Additional information:
Bit 00, value 01: Lower mould 1.
Bit 01, value 02: Lower mould 2.
Bit 02, value 04: Lower mould 3.
Bit 03, value 08: Lower mould 4.
Bit 04, value 16: Lower mould 5.
Bit 05, value 32: Lower mould 6.
Information The alarm for the mimimum demoulding time monitoring is activated only in the
manual mode or the setting mode.

801 2 BM head heating: Switched off

805 2 Heating circuits: Switched off
806 2 Cooling circuits: Switched off
807 2 Monitoring circuits: Switched off
Refer to error message 1.

811 1 BM head heating: - Tolerance

815 1 Heating circuits: - Tolerance
816 1 Cooling circuits: - Tolerance
817 1 Monitoring circuits: - Tolerance
Refer to error message 11.


Chapter AL - 100 0515MC

List of alarms
821 3 BM head heating: + Tolerance
825 3 Heating circuits: + Tolerance
826 3 Cooling circuits: + Tolerance
827 3 Monitoring circuits: + Tolerance
6 for vertical machine
Refer to error message 21.

831 1 BM head heating: Temperature decrease

835 1 Heating circuits: Temperature decrease
836 1 Cooling circuits: Temperature decrease
837 1 Monitoring circuits: Temperature decrease
Refer to error message 31.

841 5 BM head heating: Maximum temperature control

845 5 Heating circuits: Maximum temperature control
846 5 Cooling circuits: Maximum temperature control
847 5 Monitoring circuits: Maximum temp. control
1 for vertical machine
Refer to error message 41.

851 1 BM head heating: Learning active

855 1 Heating circuits: Learning active
856 1 Cooling circuits: Learning active
857 1 Monitoring circuits: Learning active
Refer to error message 51.

861 1 BM head heating: Sensor breakage

865 1 Heating circuits: Sensor breakage
866 1 Cooling circuits: Sensor breakage
867 1 Monitoring circuits: Sensor breakage
Refer to error message 61.

871 1 BM head heating: Short circuit

875 1 Heating circuits: Short circuit
876 1 Cooling circuits: Short circuit
877 1 Monitoring circuits: Short circuit
Refer to error message 71 (BM head).

891 1 BM head heating: Set value error

895 1 Heating circuits: Set value error
896 1 Cooling circuits: Set value error
897 1 Monitoring circuits: Set value error
Refer to error message 91.

902 1 Timeout locking

This error message will occur if the monitoring time for the locking movement responds.
If the pressure box locking can no longer be opened, activate the "Emergency program

Chapter AL - 101
List of alarms
Opening" (see chapter 3.1.7).
Possible cause:
Mounting height too small.
Mechanism is jamming.

903 1 Locking not possible (incorrect calibration or zeroising)

If this error message occurs, locking is not possible. Please carry out a new calibration or a
new zeroising.
Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

911 3 Level ext. temperature control medium

This error message is displayed if an external heating circuit (option) is activated and the
level of this heating medium is too low.
Additional information:
Bit 00, value 0001: Heating circuit 1.
Bit 01, value 0002: Heating circuit 2.
Bit 02, value 0004: Heating circuit 3.

912 3 Motor protection ext. temperature control zones

This error message is displayed if an external heating circuit (option) is activated and the
motor protection of this heating circuit has not been actuated.
Additional information:
Bit 00, value 0001: Heating circuit 1.
Bit 01, value 0002: Heating circuit 2.
Bit 02, value 0004: Heating circuit 3.

913 3 Error ext. temperature control zones

This error message is displayed if an external heating circuit (option) has been activated and
a general error (e.g. overtemperature) of this temperature control unit circuit is present.
Additional information:
Bit 00, value 0001: Heating circuit 1.
Bit 01, value 0002: Heating circuit 2.
Bit 02, value 0004: Heating circuit 3.

914 9 Configuration error Assignment Temperature control zone

This error message is displayed if a multiple assignment of the temperature control zones
exists in the "Mould table / Configuration Mould" menu.

Note: As an additional information, a five-digit number is displayed where the number of

the assigned temperature control zone is shown in the 10000's place ("X") and the mould
number in the 1000's and 100's place ("YY"). The 10's and 1's place ("FF") then declares
the configuration error.
Additional information:
Value XYYFF: „X“. Temperature control zone for mould "YY" - has the configuration error
Value XYY00: ......... - Already assigned to upper mould (used twice)
Value XYY01: ......... - Already assigned to lower mould 1 (used twice)
Value XYY02: ......... - Already assigned to lower mould 2 (used twice)
Value XYY03: ......... - Already assigned to lower mould 3 (used twice)
Value XYY04: ......... - Already assigned to lower mould 4 (used twice)
Value XYY05: ......... - Already assigned to lower mould 5 (used twice)
Value XYY06: ......... - Already assigned to lower mould 6 (used twice)


Chapter AL - 102 0515MC

List of alarms
Value XYY07: ......... - Already assigned to lower mould 7 (used twice)
Value XYY08: ......... - Already assigned to lower mould 8 (used twice)
Value XYY09: ......... - Already assigned to lower mould 9 (used twice)
Value XYY10: ......... - Already assigned to lower mould 10 (used twice)
Value XYY11: ......... - Already assigned to lower mould 11 (used twice)
Value XYY12: ......... - Already assigned to lower mould 12 (used twice)
Value XYY90: ......... - Temperature control zone with this number does not exist
Value XYY91: ......... - Temperature control zone with this number not possible

Ex.: 10304 -> 1. Temperature control zone for lower mould 3 already assigned to lower
mould 4
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having remedied the error

915 1 Prewarning belt conveyor

This error message will occur if the penultimate optical waveguide on the belt conveyer is

916 1 Max. adjusting range E-EIS reached

This error message will occur if the maximum adjusting range of the EIS system has been

917 1 Min. adjusting range E-EIS reached

This error message will occur if the minimum adjusting range of the EIS system has been

918 1 Time monitoring Cellmould

This error message will be displayed if the Cellmould monitoring time is exceeded. Cellmould
was therefore aborted.
Acknowledgement: Automatically at the end of metering.

919 6 Pressure switch fluid injector control pressure

This error message will occur if the pressure switch indicates a pressure loss in the
pneumatic system. The control pressure required for opening the injector is not available.
The machine cycle will be finished in the automatic mode.
Acknowledgement: Automatically as soon as the pressure switch indicates pressure again.

920 1 Important note available, please read and acknowledge!

This error message will occur if an activated note with the importance "High" is present. A
new automatic cycle cannot be started. Only if the note has been marked as "Note read", is it
possible to start a new automatic cycle (see menu "Media centre / Noteapd").

921 1 Metering integral outside tolerance

Refer to error message 227.

922 1 Plausibility monitoring of Start / Stop mould shut-off nozzle

This error message will occur if the plausability of the start and stop points during the
cascade connection are not correct, i.e. if one mould shut-off nozzle is closed another one
must be opened.
Additional information:
Value XYFF: „X“ Injection parameter record: 0 is injection parameter 1, 1 is injection
parameter 2

Chapter AL - 103
List of alarms
„Y“ Number of profile error
„FF“ Number of the mould shut-off nozzle
Value X0FF: unknown
Value X1FF: Stop stroke before start stroke (closing before opening)
Value X2FF: Stop time before start time (closing before opening)
Value X3FF: Start parameter depending on stroke (too small)
At least one mould shut-off nozzle must be open before start injection.
Value X4FF: Start parameter depending on time (too large ... > 0)
At least one mould shut-off nozzle must be open before start injection.
Value X5FF: Stop parameter depending on stroke (too large)
The mould shut-off nozzle may be closed only if at least one other nozzle is
or is already open.
Value X6FF: Stop parameter depending on time (too small)
The mould shut-off nozzle may be closed only if at least one other nozzle is
or is already open.
Value X7FF: Time holding pressure end before stop time

923 1 Station ejector 1 not in safety position

This error will occur if the station ejector is not in the safety position and not in front position
(mould table active) when the mould table is started or when the automatic cycle is started.
The safety position is defined in the "Station ejector" menu under "Station ejector safety
stroke" (service parameter).
Acknowledgement: Move the station ejector manually further back.

924 1 Station ejector 2 not in safety position

Refer to error message 923.

925 1 Station ejector 3 not in safety position

Refer to error message 923.

926 1 Error Zeroising Station ejector

If this error occurs the station ejector has been incorrectly zerorised. The movement can only
be performed in the setting mode.
Possible cause: The "Ejector forward" stroke is set too long or the zeroising stroke has been
incorrectly approached.
Trouble-shooting: Automatically after correctly performed zeroising in the setting mode or
after reducing the "Ejector forward" stroke.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Station ejector 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Station ejector 2.
Bit 2, value 4: Station ejector 3.

927 3 Start-up parameter

This error will occur if the second injection parameter record has not been activated.
Acknowledgement: Press the program key "Start-up parameter active" in the visualisation
(production data / Start-up programs menu) or on the manual control panel.

928 1 Restart start-up reject cycles

This error message will occur if the cycle time of the restart program was exceeded or
reached (production data / Start-up programs menu).
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after having finished the restart sequence.


Chapter AL - 104 0515MC

List of alarms
929 1 Start-up circuit hot runner
This error message will occur if the hot runner start-up circuit has been activated (production
data / Start-up programs menu).
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after having finished the start-up circuit of the hot runner.

930 1 Hydraulic accumulator not activated

This error message will occur if an axis is to be operated with a hydraulic accumulator (e.g.
program preselection "Fast injection" activated), the hydraulic accumulator is, however,
switched off (see menu "Machine in general / Drive / Hydraulic accumulator").

931 1 Residual pressure monitoring screw barrel / Foammould

This error message will occur if a residual pressure was measured in front of the screw
during an stress removal of the screw of when Foammould is switched off.
ATTENTION: When working on the shut-off nozzle or the nozzle head, special Attention has
to be paid that no residual pressure remained in the screw barrel. When shutting down the
machine or working on the screw barrel, it is absolutely necessary to purge the screw barrel
and to block the gas supply.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the residual pressure is smaller than the pressure
threshold value set by the factory.

932 2 Position monitoring shut-off nozzle / Cellmould

This error message will be displayed if the shut-off nozzle is not closed when Cellmould is
activated. The shut-off nozzle is closed by means of the key "Injection" or "Metering".
Possible cause:
Shut-off nozzle not built up.
No compressed air.
Limit position of Shut-off nozzle closed was not reached.
Acknowledgement: Automatically as soon as the shut-off nozzle is closed.

933 2 Program preselection Cellmould

This error message will be displayed if the position of the key-operated switch "Cellmould
0-1" does not correspond to the program preselection in the menu "Cellmould / Selection".

934 2 Compression air monitoring shut-off nozzle / Cellmould

This error message will occur if the pressure switch indicates a pressure loss in the
pneumatic system. The valve "Clamp screw" switches off to enable the screw to move back
Acknowledgement: Automatically as soon as the pressure switch indicates pressure again.

935 1 Seamless recording not possible

This error message will occur if data are to be writtten on a data carrier / network, however,
the specified data carrier / network cannot be addressed.

936 9 Configuration error Assignment Mould heating zone

This error message is displayed if a multiple assignment of the mould heating zone exists in
the "Mould table / Configuration Mould" menu.

Note: As an additional information, a five-digit number is displayed where the number of the
assigned mould heating zone is shown in the 10000's place ("X") and the mould number
in the 1000's and 100's place ("YY"). The 10's and 1's place ("FF") then declares the
configuration error.

Additional information:

Chapter AL - 105
List of alarms
Value XYYFF: „X“. Mould heating zone for mould "YY" - has the configuration error "FF".
Value XYY00: ......... Already assigned to upper mould (used twice)
Value XYY01: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 1 (used twice)
Value XYY02: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 2 (used twice)
Value XYY03: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 3 (used twice)
Value XYY04: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 4 (used twice)
Value XYY05: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 5 (used twice)
Value XYY06: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 6 (used twice)
Value XYY07: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 7 (used twice)
Value XYY08: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 8 (used twice)
Value XYY09: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 9 (used twice)
Value XYY10: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 10 (used twice)
Value XYY11: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 11 (used twice)
Value XYY12: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 12 (used twice)
Value XYY90: ......... Mould heating zone with this number does not exist
Value XYY91: ......... Mould heating zone with this number not possible

Ex.: 10304 -> 1. Mould heating zone for lower mould 3 already assigned to lower mould 4
(used twice)
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having remedied the error

937 9 Configuration error Assignment Temperature control unit

This error message is displayed if a multiple assignment of the temperature control units
exists in the "Mould table / Configuration Mould" menu.

Note: As an additional information, a four-digit number is displayed where the number of

the assigned temperature control uni is shown in the 10000's place ("X") and the mould
number in the 1000's and 100's place ("YY"). The 10's and 1's place ("FF") then declares
the configuration error.

Additional information:
Value XYYFF: „X“. Temperature control unit for mould "YY" - has the configuration error
Value XYY00 ......... Already assigned to upper mould (used twice)
Value XYY01: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 1 (used twice)
Value XYY02: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 2 (used twice)
Value XYY03: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 3 (used twice)
Value XYY04: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 4 (used twice)
Value XYY05: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 5 (used twice)
Value XYY06: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 6 (used twice)
Value XYY07: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 7 (used twice)
Value XYY08: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 8 (used twice)
Value XYY09: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 9 (used twice)
Value XYY10: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 10 (used twice)
Value XYY11: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 11 (used twice)
Value XYY12: ......... Already assigned to lower mould 12 (used twice)
Value XYY90: ......... Temperature control unit with this number does not exist
Value XYY91: ......... Temperature control unit with this number not possible

Ex.: 10304 -> 1. Temperature control unit for lower mould 3 already assigned to lower mould
4 (used twice)
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having remedied the error


Chapter AL - 106 0515MC

List of alarms

938 9 Configuration error Assignment Cavity pressure transducer (CPT)

This error message is displayed if a multiple assignment of the cavity pressure transducers
exists in the "Mould table / Configuration Mould" menu.

Note: As an additional information, a five-digit number is displayed where the number of the
assigned injection unit is shown in the 10000's place ("X") and the mould number in the
1000's and 100's place ("YY"). The 10's and 1's place ("FF") then declares the configuration

Additional information:
Value XYYFF: „X“. Injection unit for mould "YY" - has the configuration error "FF".
Value XYY01-49: FID 1-49 in mould "YY" injection unit "X" is already assigned (used twice)
Value XYY51-99: FID 1-49 in mould "YY" injection unit "X" does not exist (configuration error
- offset 50 results in the FID number

Ex.: 10304 -> FID 4 in the lower mould 3 of injection unit A is already assigned to another
mould (used twice)
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having remedied the error

939 9 Configuration error Assignment Robot interface

This error message is displayed if there is a multiple assignment or a station definition error
in combination with the robot interface in the menu "Mould table / Configuration Station".
Note: As an additional information, a four-digit number is displayed where the robot interface
is shown in the 10000's place ("X") and the station number in the 1000's and 100's place
("YY"). The 10's and 1's place ("FF") then declares the configuration error.
Additional information:
Value XYYFF: Robot interface "X" of station "YY" - has the configuration error "FF".
Value XYY01: No definition for removal/insertion.
Value XYY02: Second operator station defined as insertion station, however, station Y has
no insertion definition
Value XYY03: Second operator station defined as removal / insertion station, but no
definition for removal / insertion in station Y
Value XYY04: Second operator station was activated and has the same station assignation
as operator station 1
Value XYY05: Second operator station cannot be assigned to the upper mould
Value XYY06: Second operator station only defined as insertion station, however, station Y
(1st operator station) has an insertion definition
Value XYY07: Second operator station defined as removal / insertion station - the two
operator stations (1, 2) by be operated only alternatively
Value XYY08: No definition for parts removal / insertion in station Y (cleaning station)
Value XYY09: Pre-start was preselected; pre-start was activated for the second operator
station and has not the same station assignation as operator station 1
Value XYY10: Second operator station only defined as insertion station, however, station Y
(3rd operator station) has an insertion definition
Value XYY11: Reserve
Value XYY12: Third operator station defined as insertion station, however, station Y has no
insertion definition
Value XYY13: Third operator station defined as removal / insertion station, but no definition
for removal / insertion in station Y
Value XYY14: Third operator station was activated and has the same station assignation as
operator station 1
Value XYY15: Third operator station cannot be assigned to the upper mould
Value XYY16: Third operator station only defined as insertion station, however, station Y (1st

Chapter AL - 107
List of alarms
operator station) has an insertion definition
Value XYY17: Second operator station defined as removal / insertion station - the two
operator stations (1, 3) by be operated only alternatively
Value XYY18: No definition for parts removal / insertion in station Y (3rd operator station)
Value XYY19: Pre-start was preselected; pre-start was activated for the third operator station
and has not the same station assignation as operator station 2
Value XYY20: Third operator station only defined as insertion station, however, station Y
(2nd operator station) has an insertion definition
Value XYY21: First or second operator station must have a clear station assignment (e.g.
"Table in position" was preselected for both stations)
Value XYY22: First or third operator station must have a clear station assignment (e.g. "Table
in position" was preselected for both stations)
Value XYY23: Second or third operator station must have a clear station assignment (e.g.
"Table in position" was preselected for both stations)

Ex.: 10302 -> Robot interface 1: Second operator station defined as insertion station,
however, station 3 has no insertion definition
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having remedied the error

940 1 Carry out machine maintenance

This error message will occur if the time of a machine maintenance interval has elapsed.
The work indicated in the maintenance table (see Manual 1, Chapter 8.5) under the
respective maintenance interval must now be carried out. The maintenance carried out
must be acknowledged by pressing the respective button in the menu "Machine in general
/ Safety / Maintenance" (see the present Manual, Chapter 1.6.2 Safety / Maintenance). The
maintenance interval starts runnung only after that action.

Additional information:
Display of the maintenance interval of the machine maintenance to be carried out.

941 1 Carry out general maintenance

This error message will occur if the time of a general maintenance interval has elapsed.
Now, the maintenance work of the respective interval must be carried out. The maintenance
carried out must be acknowledged by pressing the respective button in the menu "Machine
in general / Safety / Maintenance" (see the present Manual, Chapter 1.6.2 Safety /
Maintenance). The maintenance interval starts runnung only after that action.

Additional information:
Display of the maintenance interval of the general maintenance to be carried out.

942 1 Key pressed too long

This error message will be displayed if the "Drive start" function key was pressed too long.
The drive is stopped again for reasons of safety.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after correct start of the drive.

943 0 Safety limit switch pressure box

This error message will be displayed if the pressure box has reached the maximum stroke
forward (mounting height set too small).

944 1 Scale error

This error meassage will occur if a communciation error of the scale was detected..
Additional information:
Value 1..999: Error from scale
Value 1000: Interface cannot be opened


Chapter AL - 108 0515MC

List of alarms
Value 1001: no connection to the scale
Value 1002: wrong telegram length set (16 instead of 22)
Value >= 1003: other log errors
Value 2000: Scale status message

945 1 Scale not ready at the end of the next cycle.

This error message will occur if weighing has not been ended until the end of the next cycle.

946 1 Reject part from scale

This error message will occur if the weight of the weighed part is not within the set

947 2 No mould wall temperature sensor available

This error will occur if a change over to holding pressure depending on the mould wall
temperature has been selected and no mould wall temperature sensor is available at the
machine. The injection will be disabled until another type of pressure change over has been
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: No mould wall temperature sensor on injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: No mould wall temperature sensor on injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: No mould wall temperature sensor on injection unit C.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having selected another type of pressure change

948 1 Ejector not in front position

This error occurs if the ejector (upper parts ejector for mould table machines) is not moved
forward when starting another movement.
Acknowledgement: Move the ejector manually to the "Ejector in front" position.

949 1 Injection unit Safety stroke / Cellmould

This error occurs if the mould is not closed or the injection plunger has not been released.
The clamping unit's safety gate cannot be opened. The set safety stroke is displayed in the
menu "Cellmould / Manual" (see chapter 7.4.3)
Acknowledgement: Move the nozzle further backward manually.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.

950 0 NC error power supply (PS error)

Refer to error message 520.

951 1 Envelope 2 monitoring responded

952 1 Envelope 3 monitoring responded
953 1 Envelope 4 monitoring responded
954 1 Envelope 5 monitoring responded
955 1 Envelope 6 monitoring responded
956 1 Envelope 7 monitoring responded
957 1 Envelope 8 monitoring responded
958 1 Envelope 9 monitoring responded
959 1 Envelope 10 monitoring responded
960 1 Envelope 11 monitoring responded
961 1 Envelope 12 monitoring responded

Chapter AL - 109
List of alarms
962 1 Envelope 13 monitoring responded
963 1 Envelope 14 monitoring responded
964 1 Envelope 15 monitoring responded
965 1 Envelope 16 monitoring responded
Refer to error message 228.

966 1 Heating capacity monitoring barrel heating A

An error was recognised at one of the solid-state relays for barrel heating A. An evaluation of
the error for zone monitoring can be seen in the menu "Barrel heating / Monitoring".

Acknowledgement: After having remedied and subsequently acknowledged the error. The
error can be reset in the menu "Barrel heating / Monitoring".

967 1 Heating capacity monitoring barrel heating B

968 1 Heating capacity monitoring barrel heating C
969 1 Heating capacity monitoring BM head
970 1 Heating capacity monitoring mould heating
971 1 Heating capacity monitoring temperature control zones
Refer to error message 966.

972 6 Max. fluid pressure not reached

This error message will be displayed if fluid pressure was required and the min. fluid
pressure for opening the injector has not been reached. The machine cycle will be finished in
the automatic mode.
Acknowledgement: With injecting / purging.

973 2 Stroke, Time overlap Cellmould Gas feed

The volumes of the entered gas feed profiles overlap. The entered volume (V) must
gradually increase in the direction of the movement.
There is an overlap in the time entry for the gas feed profile. The entered time (t) must
increase gradually.
Additional information
Bit 0, value 1: Gas feed profile 1
Bit 1, value 2: Gas feed profile 2
Acknowledgement: Automatic, as soon as there is no volume or time overlap.

974 2 Error DBZ/Peripheral equipment locking

This error message will be displayed if locking / unlocking process was not successful.
Check the evaluation unit of the DAB.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having remedied the error, or carry out a new login

975 1 Production stop of DBZ/Peripheral equipment active

This error message will be displayed if the production was stopped by the DAB.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Production stop by DAB interface 1.
Bit 1, value 2: Production stop by DAB interface 2.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having remedied the error, or carry out a new login

976 0 Rotary unit: EMERGENCY-STOP triggered

This error occurs, if, after „Drive on“, the two EMERGENCY STOP circuits are not set to
logical „1“, i.e. the EMERGENCY STOP button at the external rotary unit must be pressed.


Chapter AL - 110 0515MC

List of alarms
Acknowledgement: Press the „Drive start“ or „Drive stop“ button.

977 1 Material transferred already to the injection plunger

This error message is displayed if a material transfer is started and the material was,
however, already transferred.

978 0 Back pressure maximum pressure exceeded

This error message will occur if the back pressure exceeded its maximum pressure. This is
used to protect the back pressure transducer.

979 1 Material monitoring metering piston

This error message will occur if the „Material monitoring Time“ of one or more injection units
has been exceeded. The machine will be stopped for Cycle End.

980 0 NC error pump system (Pp error)

981 0 NC error mounting height (MH error)

See error message 520.

982 2 Check lateral safety gate

Description see alarm 429.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Lateral safety gate 1
Bit 1, value 2: Lateral safety gate 2
Bit 2, value 4: Lateral safety gate 3
Bit 3, value 8: Lateral safety gate 4

983 2 Lateral safety gate is opened

Description see alarm 421.

984 2 Acknowledge safety gate safety device

This error message will occur if the safety relay of the clamping unit (PNOZ) was not
acknowledged. If there is a manual control key for acknowledgement, it must be pressed
within 3 seconds.

985 2 Clamping unit safety position

This error message will occur if the clamping unit is outside the safety position. The set
values are in the menu „Machine in general / Safety“.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Safety position Mould table
Bit 1, value 2: Safety position Index moved in
Bit 2, value 4: Safety position for start robot
Bit 3, value 8: Safety position for ejector back
Bit 4, value 16: Safety position for station ejector 1 back
Bit 5, value 32: Safety position for station ejector 2 back
Bit 6, value 64: Safety position for station ejector 3 back

986 4 HiQ Flow: +/- Tolerance change-over pressure

This error message occurs if the minimum or maximum correction of the change-over
pressure has been reached. No further correction will be carried out. The set values are in
the menu „Injection / Integral“.
Acknowledgement: When changing over to the automatic mode.

Chapter AL - 111
List of alarms

987 4 HiQ Flow: +/- Tolerance holding pressure

This error message occurs if the minimum or maximum correction of the holding pressure
has been reached. No further correction will be carried out. The set values are in the menu
„Injection / Integral“.
Acknowledgement: When changing over to the automatic mode.

988 1 Flow figure outside tolerance

This error occurs when exceeding the given „Flow figure tolerance“ and for an activated
program. The current injection moulding will be considered as reject part. For the set values,
the tolerances, and the monitoring program, please refer to the menu „Injection / Flow
Acknowledgement: When changing over to the automatic mode.

989 4 Flow figure control: max. tolerance Q injection profile

This error message occurs if the max. positive or negative correction has been reached. The
set values are in the menu „Injection / Flow figure“.
Acknowledgement: When changing over to the automatic mode.

990 3 WFC: Temperature outside tolerance

This error will occur if one or more WFC temperature zones are outside the adjusted
temperature tolerance. The statuses are stored in the automatic mode and represented on
the overview page.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the key „Cycle start“ or, in the manual mode, the key „Drive
Start“ if all WFC temperature zones are within this tolerance limit.

991 3 WFC: Maximum temperature control

This error will occur if one of the WFC temperature zones exceeds the maximum
Acknowledgement: By pressing the key „Cycle start“ or, in the manual mode, the key „Drive
Start“ if all WFC temperature zones are within this tolerance limit.

992 3 WFC: Flow outside tolerance

This error will occur if one or more WFC flow zones are outside the adjusted tolerance.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the key „Cycle start“ or, in the manual mode, the key „Drive
Start“ if all WFC temperature zones are within this tolerance limit.

993 3 WFC: Maximum flow control

This error will occur if one of the WFC flow zones exceeds the maximum value.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the key „Cycle start“ or, in the manual mode, the key „Drive
Start“ if all WFC temperature zones are within this tolerance limit.

994 3 Flow figure monitoring / -control necessary for production

This error message will occur if a flow figure monitoring or control is required for production.
The monitoring program is in the menu „Injection / Flow figure“.

995 3 Melt cushion monitoring / control necessary for production

This error message will occur if a melt cushin monitoring or control is required for production.
The monitoring program is in the menu „Injection / Melt cushion“.

996 1 Key „B“ active

This error occurs if the key „B“ program has been activated. The program is activated only in
the automatic mode starting with mould closed.


Chapter AL - 112 0515MC

List of alarms

997 1 Periphery: Release closing

This error message will occur if the clamping unit was not released by the periphery.
Additional information:
Value 1: Peripheral Interface 1
Value 2: Peripheral Interface 2
Value 3: Peripheral Interface 3
Value 4: Peripheral Interface 4
Value 5: Peripheral Interface 5
Value 10: Drop-out preventer / mould equipment interface
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after the release signal being available.

998 1 External error Robot

This error message will be displayed if an external error of the robot is present. In addition,
the red error lamp is activated.
Additional information:
Value 1: Robot interface 1
Value 2: Robot interface 2
Value 3: Robot interface 3
Value 4: Robot interface 4
Value 5: Robot interface 5
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after the release signal being available.


This error message will occur if there is a reject part signalled by the PMS. In addition, the
yellow error lamp is activated.

1000 1 Peripheral cycle stopped

This error message will occur if the periphery cycle was stopped.
Additional information:
Value 1: Peripheral Interface 1
Value 2: Peripheral Interface 2
Value 3: Peripheral Interface 3
Value 4: Peripheral Interface 4
Value 5: Peripheral Interface 5
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after the release signal being available.

1001 1 Box Exchange

This error meassage will occur if a box exchange was initiated.
Additional information:
Value 1: Peripheral Interface 1
Value 2: Peripheral Interface 2
Value 3: Peripheral Interface 3
Value 4: Peripheral Interface 4
Value 5: Peripheral Interface 5
Value 10: PMS interface:
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after the release signal being available.

1002 1 External reject part Robot

This error message will occur if an external reject part was recognised by a robot.
Additional information (LEGO):
Value 1: Robot interface 1
Value 2: Robot interface 2
Value 3: Robot interface 3
Value 4: Robot interface 4
Value 5: Robot interface 5

Chapter AL - 113
List of alarms
Additional information (standard):
Bit 0, value 1: Robot interface 1
Bit 1, value 2: Robot interface 2
Bit 2, value 4: Robot interface 3
Bit 3, value 8: Robot interface 4
Bit 4, value 16: Robot interface 5
Bit 5, value 32: "External reject part" signal from robot 1 must change to HIGH level for a
short time (life sign)
Bit 6, value 64: "External reject part" signal from robot 2 must change to HIGH level for a
short time (life sign)
Bit 7, value 128: "External reject part" signal from robot 3 must change to HIGH level for a
short time (life sign)
Bit 8, value 254: "External reject part" signal from robot 4 must change to HIGH level for a
short time (life sign)
Bit 9, value 512: "External reject part" signal from robot 5 must change to HIGH level for a
short time (life sign)
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after the release signal being available.

1003 0 Circuit breaker triggered

This error message will occur if a circuit breaker has been triggered.

1004 0 Residual-current-operated circuit breaker triggered

This error message will occur if a residual-current-operated circuit breaker has been

1005 1 Parts counter Box exchange

This error message will be displayed, if the number of „GOOD“ parts for a box exchange has
been reached. The set values are in the menu „Robot interface / PMS“.

1006 1 Prewarning Parts counter Box exchange

This error message will be displayed, if the parts number for the box exchange prewarning
has been reached. The „Parts number - prewarning“ must be deducted from the „Number of
„GOOD“ parts“. The set values are in the menu „Robot interface / PMS“.

1007 4 Flow figure control: max. +/- tol. p-profile

This error message occurs if the max. positive or negative correction has been reached. The
set values are in the menu „Injection / Flow figure“.
Acknowledgement: When changing over to the automatic mode.

1008 1 Robot: Mould area free

This error message will occur if the release signal from the robot interface does not release
the machine movement within a period of time to be set (see Robot interface / Configuration,
chapter 10.1.6).
Additional information:
Value 1: Robot interface 1
Value 2: Robot interface 2
Value 3: Robot interface 3
Value 4: Robot interface 4
Value 5: Robot interface 5
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after the release signal being available.

1009 1 Robot: Release closing

Description see alarm 1008.


Chapter AL - 114 0515MC

List of alarms

1010 1 Robot: Release opening

Description see alarm 1008.

1011 1 Robot: Release ejector forward

Description see alarm 1008.

1012 1 Robot: Release ejector back

Description see alarm 1008.

1013 1 Robot: Release mould table

Description see alarm 1008.

1014 1 Robot: Release Move in core puller (1)

Description see alarm 1008.

1015 1 Robot: Release Move out core puller (1)

Description see alarm 1008.

1016 1 Robot: Release Move in core puller (2)

Description see alarm 1008.

1017 1 Robot: Release Move out core puller (2)

Description see alarm 1008.

1018 1 Robot: Release Move in core puller (3)

Description see alarm 1008.

1019 1 Robot: Release Move out core puller (3)

Description see alarm 1008.

1020 1 Robot: Release Move in core puller (4)

Description see alarm 1008.

1021 1 Robot: Release Move out core puller (4)

Description see alarm 1008.

1022 1 Melt cushion too small

1023 1 Melt cushion too large
This error will occur when exceeding the given „Melt cushion tolerance“ and for an activated
monitoring program. The current injection moulding will be considered as reject part. For the
set value, the tolerances, and the monitoring program, please refer to the menu „Metering /
Melt cushion“.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.

1024 1 Filling level Central grease lubrication 2 too low

Description see alarm 155.

1025 1 Error Central grease lubrication 2

Description see alarm 156.

Chapter AL - 115
List of alarms
1026 1 Motor protection Central grease lubrication 2 triggered
Description see alarm 157.

1027 2 Sprue knock off device: not in home position

This error will occur if the sprue knock device is not in the home position for „Start Closing“
(all axes have to be in the home position).
Acknowledgement: Move sprue knock device to home position.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: No release closing
Bit 1, value 2: No release opening
Bit 2, value 4: No release Ejector forward
Bit 3, value 8: No release Ejector back
Bit 4, value 16: No release Mould table

1028 2 Sprue knock off device: limit switch monitoring

This error will occur if the „Home position“ and „Limit position“ limit switches of an axis are
triggered at the same time. In case this error occurs the motor will be switched off.
Acknowledgement: Check limit switch.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

1029 3 Ionization module: Unloading is not running

This error message will occur if the discharge by the ionization module is not running.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Ionization module 1 Removal area
Bit 1, value 2: Ionization module 2 Deposit area
Bit 2, value 4: Ionization module 1 (Parts deposit 1)
Bit 3, value 8: Ionization module 2 (Parts deposit 1)
Bit 4, value 16: Ionization module 3 (Parts deposit 2)
Bit 5, value 32: Ionization module 4 (Parts deposit 2)
Bit 6, value 64: Discharge stopped, entry signals that discharge is running (hardware error)

1030 3 Ionization module: Error Ionization

This error message will occur if an error was signalled by the ionization module (e.g. high-
voltage leakage).
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Ionization module 1 Removal area
Bit 1, value 2: Ionization module 2 Deposit area
Bit 2, value 4: Ionization module 1 (Parts deposit 1)
Bit 3, value 8: Ionization module 2 (Parts deposit 1)
Bit 4, value 16: Ionization module 3 (Parts deposit 2)
Bit 5, value 32: Ionization module 4 (Parts deposit 2)

1031 4 Ionization module: Carry out maintenance - clean electric needles

This error message occurs if a decrease in the reduction power of the static electricity,
caused by contamination or wear of the electric needle, was recognised. Clean the electric
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Ionization module 1 Removal area
Bit 1, value 2: Ionization module 2 Deposit area
Bit 2, value 4: Ionization module 1 (Parts deposit 1)
Bit 3, value 8: Ionization module 2 (Parts deposit 1)
Bit 4, value 16: Ionization module 3 (Parts deposit 2)
Bit 5, value 32: Ionization module 4 (Parts deposit 2)

1032 4 Ionization module: Clean air treatment unit is not running

This error message will occur if the clean air treatment unit was not activated.


Chapter AL - 116 0515MC

List of alarms

1033 3 External injection unit: Error

This error message occurs if the pump motor is running, but the external injection unit
signals an error.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: External injection unit A
Bit 1, value 2: External injection unit B
Bit 2, value 4: External injection unit C

1034 3 External injection unit: Assembly not ready

This error message occurs if the external injection unit is not ready to start.
This means that the pump or the heating not are switched on, the temperatures of the
plasticating unit are outside the tolerance range.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: External injection unit A
Bit 1, value 2: External injection unit B
Bit 2, value 4: External injection unit C

1035 1 External injection unit: Quality Control rejected part

This error message occurs if the external injection unit signals the error „Cushion outside
tolerance“. The current shot will be considered as reject part.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: External injection unit A
Bit 1, value 2: External injection unit B
Bit 2, value 4: External injection unit C

1036 3 External injection unit: Incorrect operating mode

This error message occurs there is a difference between the operating modes of the external
injection unit and of the machine.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: External injection unit A
Bit 1, value 2: external injection unit B
Bit 2, value 4: external injection unit C

1037 1 Zeroising fluid flow rate

This warning occurs if, after Main switch off/on, a change to the „Manual“ operating mode is
made for the first time.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after the zeroising of the fluid flow has been performed.

1038 6 Zeroising melt pressure sensor gas feed point 1

This error occurs if, after Main switch off/on, a change to the „Manual“ operating mode is
made for the first time. Wait until the set temperature of the barrel heating zones has been
reached and then zeroize the melt pressure sensor.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after the zeroising of the melt pressure sensor has been

1039 6 Zeroising melt pressure sensor gas feed point 2

Description see alarm 1038.

1040 1 Process control: Quality selection

The external holding pressure change-over is active and a reject part was signalled by the
external process control unit (e.g.: PRIAMUS BlueLine system). The current part will be
considered as reject part.
Acknowledgement: Automatically with change of operating mode, at the beginning of
injection or when switching off
the program

Chapter AL - 117
List of alarms
1041 3 Process control: Error signal ready for measuring
This error message occurs if the signal "Ready for measurement" of the external process
control unit (e.g. PRIAMUS BlueLine system) is not correctly functioning. In the automatic
cycle, the machine is stopped with the mould open.
Acknowledgement: At the next injection process, change of operating mode, or in the
automatic mode
When pressing the cycle start key or switching off the external holding pressure change-over.

1042 3 Process control: Error

Display of the external process control device (e.g. PRIAMUS BlueLine system):
Possible cause:
- In the manual mode before the start of injection the signal "Ready for measurement" is
- In the automatic mode before the start of closing the signal "Ready for measurement" is
- The signal "Ready for operation" is LOW.
- The signal "Alarm" of the device is HIGH.
In the automatic cycle, the machine is stopped with the mould open.
Acknowledgement: After having remedied the problem, in the manual or automatic mode
pressing the Cycle Start key or switching off the device.

1043 1 Process control: Maximum value monitoring

Change over from the external process control device (e.g. PRIAMUS BlueLine system) to
holding pressure was made by the maximum value monitoring (monitoring threshold 2). In
the automatic cycle, the machine is stopped with the mould open.
Acknowledgement: When changing the operating mode, in the manual mode at the next
injection process, or
in the automatic mode with pressing the Cycle Start key or switching off the device.

1044 3 Error hot runner

This error message occurs if the signal „Alarm Hot runner“ of the external holding
pressure change-over device is sent to the machine.
In the automatic cycle, the machine is stopped with the mould open.
Acknowledgement: After having remedied the problem and pressed the key „Cycle

1045 3 Error temperature control

This error message occurs if the signal „Alarm Temperature control“ of the external
holding pressure change-over device is sent to the machine.
In the automatic cycle, the machine is stopped with the mould open.
Acknowledgement: After having remedied the problem and pressed the key „Cycle

1046 2 Acknowledge safety door safety device

This error message will occur if the safety relay of the safety door (PNOZ) was not
acknowledged. If there is a manual control key for acknowledgement, it must be pressed
within 3 seconds.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Acknowledgement safety door 1 required
Bit 8, value 256: Error acknowledgement safety door 1

1047 1 Motor protection Idle current compensation triggered


Chapter AL - 118 0515MC

List of alarms
Description see alarm 157.

1048 3 Clamping force too small - Injection cycle

This error message occurs if, with the program preselection "Injection parallel to clamping
force build-up" (see chapter, the clamping force is not reached or, with activated
program preselection "Nozzle contact force parallel to clamping force build-up" (see chapter
4.1.2), the nozzle contact force is not reached.
Acknowledgement: With the change of the operating mode, in manual mode when reaching
the force or
in automatic mode when pressing the Cycle Start key.

1049 0 Different screw barred coding

This error message is displayed if the screw diameter set on the machine is different to the
attached screw barrel coding. You will be requested to change the screw diameter (see
chapter 1.1.3).
Acknowledgement: After having remedied the problem and pressed the Drive Start/Stop key.

1050 7 Current metering / decompression volume too large

This error message occurs if additional metering is not possible since the metering volume
has already been exceeded.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C

Acknowledgement: The additionally metered volume must at least be ejected below the new
target position (new metering volume)

1051 3 Current injection volume too large

This error message will occur if the current injection volume is too large. The set monitoring
range and a detailed status display of the error is indicated in the menu "Machine in general /
Safety / Injection plunger - Injection volume monitoring" (see chapter 1.6.5).
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.

1052 3 Current injection volume too small

This error message will occur if the current injection volume is too small. The set monitoring
range and a detailed status display of the error is indicated in the menu "Machine in general /
Safety / Injection plunger - Injection volume monitoring" (see chapter 1.6.5).
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.

1053 9 Configuration error Assignment injection station

This error message is displayed if a configuration error of the injection station assignment
exists in the "Mould table / Configuration Mould" menu.
Note: As an additional information, a five-digit number is displayed where the mould table
number is shown in the 10000's place ("X") and the injection station number in the 1000's
and 100's place ("XX"). The 10's and 1's place then declares the configuration error.
Additional information:
10001: No injection station defined
1xx01: Injection station X not available
1xx02: Injection station X (E/F=5/6) with mould 2 not possible

Chapter AL - 119
List of alarms
1xx03: Injection station X (E/F=5/6) with mould 3 not possible
1xx04: Injection station X (E/F=5/6) with mould 4 not possible
1xx05: Injection station X (B/C/D=2/3/4) with mould 5 not possible
1xx06: Injection station X (B/C/D=2/3/4) with mould 6 not possible
1xx07: Injection station X is not a clamping station
Ex.: 12005 -> Injection station 2 with mould 5 not possible
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having remedied the error

1054 3 Machine cycle is stopped - since no injection cycle has been started
Will occur if the mould is to be closed and there is no lower mould in the clamping station.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: No valid mould for the next machine cycle found
Bit 1, value 2: No valid mould was found for the metered injection parameter record
Possible cause: Incorrect mould table configuration (lower mould not selected.).

1055 3 No valid mould position for Index platen back

Occurs if the mould table is in a position in which the index platen cannot be moved back.
The index platen can be moved back in an injection station only.

1056 1 Monitoring of mechanical clamping safety device Clamping 1

1057 1 Monitoring of mechanical clamping safety device Clamping 2
This error message will become active if the mechanical clamping safety device does not
move to the proper position within a certain time.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: During locking if clamping is open.
Bit 1, value 2: During locking if clamping is not closed.
Bit 2, value 4: During unlocking if clamping is not open.
Bit 3, value 8: During unlocking if clamping is closed.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement will be carried out automatically if the clamping
safety device has moved to the proper position.

1058 1 Variothermal process control - production temperature not reached

This error message will become active if the production temperature has not been reached
before injection. ("Release injection" signal not active)

1059 1 Variothermal process control - demoulding temperature not reached

This error message will become active if the demoulding temperature has not been reached
before opening. ("Release Open mould" signal not active)

1060 1 Safety position Ejector back not reached

The set stroke position "Ejector back Safety position" (see Machine in general / Safety",
chapter 1.6.1) was not reached, the ejector movement switched off and another ejector back
movement is blocked. This switch- off is intended for the safety of the machine.
Acknowledgement: Move ejector forward and then check the set stroke positions of the

1061 1 Robot: External QS evaluation

This error message will be displayed if the machine was stopped by the QS evaluation. (see
also "Robot 1 / QS evaluation", chapter 10.1.5).
Additional information:


Chapter AL - 120 0515MC

List of alarms
Bit 0, value 1: Machine waits for termination of the QS evaluation from robot 1
Bit 1, value 2: Machine waits for termination of the QS evaluation robot 2
Bit 2, value 4: Machine waits for termination of the QS evaluation robot 3
Bit 3, value 8: Machine waits for termination of the QS evaluation robot 4
Bit 4, value 16: Machine waits for termination of the QS evaluation robot 5
Bit 5, value 32: QS evaluation of robot 1 cannot be started. After termination of the QS signal
there must be a change to LOW level.
Bit 6, value 64: QS evaluation of robot 2 cannot be started. After termination of the QS signal
there must be a change to LOW level.
Bit 7, value 128: QS evaluation of robot 3 cannot be started. After termination of the QS
signal there must be a change to LOW level.
Bit 8, value 256: QS evaluation of robot 4 cannot be started. After termination of the QS
signal there must be a change to LOW level.
Bit 9, value 512: QS evaluation of robot 5 cannot be started. After termination of the QS
signal there must be a change to LOW level.

1062 1 Mould monitoring upper mould

This error message is displayed if a monitoring error of the mould monitoring option is active
in the respective station.
Additional information:
Bit 00, value 01: Mould monitoring group 1
Bit 01, value 02: Mould monitoring group 2
Bit 02, value 04: Mould monitoring group 3
Bit 03, value 08: Mould monitoring group 4
Bit 04, value 16: Mould monitoring group 5
Bit 05, value 32: Mould monitoring group 6
Bit 06, value 64: One monitoring program was assigned to several limit switch groups in the
upper mould.
Bit 07, value 128: Configuration error monitoring programs (additional information for station)

1063 1 Mould monitoring: Change of direction only in limit position

A movement was started but not completely finished (limit position not reached) and an
attempt for returning was made.
Additional information:
Bit 00, value 01: Mould monitoring group 1
Bit 01, value 02: Mould monitoring group 2
Bit 02, value 04: Mould monitoring group 3
Bit 03, value 08: Mould monitoring group 4
Bit 04, value 16: Mould monitoring group 5
Bit 05, value 32: Mould monitoring group 6
Acknowledgement: Switching of the mould monitoring program or movement to the limit

1064 6 Dryer Stop Weekly time switch

If the "Weekly time switch" program is activated and "Dryer unit to be triggered" preselected,
this error will be signalled until reaching the starting time and activating the dryer or the stop
time switches off the dryer.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the dryer is activated or when switching off the program
"Weekly time switch" or the program "Periphery unit to be triggered".

1065 0 Configuration error Ejector

Description see alarm 345.

1066 6 Delay for start decrease mode barrel heating for material monitoring active

Chapter AL - 121
List of alarms
1067 6 Delay for start decrease mode mould heating for material monitoring active

1068 6 Delay for start decrease mode temoerature control unit for material monitoring
The delay until the start of the decrease mode of the barrel heating (mould heating,
temperature control unit) is running. For settings and description refer to chapter 5.4.2
"Purging / Configuration".

1069 1 Prewarning Drive switch-off due to standstill in production

3 minutes before switching off the drive, the alarm "Prewarning Drive off at Production
stoppage" is displayed. During this time it is possible to reset the time by pressing the "Drive
On key" The timer starts then running again. For settings and description refer to chapter
1.5.1 Drive / Pump system".

1070 0 Contactor relay monitoring Injection unit

This error message will be displayed if the contactor relays for interrupting the valve circuits
of dangerous movements do not switch within a consistently set time or are / were in the
incorrect switch position.
Possible cause:
• Contactor relay(s) defective.
• Error when triggering the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
• Error in the monitoring circuit of the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
Acknowledgement: Automatically when the error has been remedied or a valid state was
Additional information:
Bit 0-14: Contactor relays purge guard energized (NC contact of monitoring)
Bit 00, value 01: Safety circuit control circuit.
Bit 01, value 02: Safety circuit safety doors
Bit 02, value 04: safety circuit purge guard
Bit 03, value 08: Safety circuit safety gate or photoelectric barrier
Bit 04, value 16: Safety circuit magnetic mounting platens
Bit 05, value 32: Safety circuit safety mat
Bit 15: Contactor relays purge guard deenergized (NC contact of monitoring)
Bit 15, value 32768: Safety circuit ok

1071 0 Contacor relay monitoring Clamping unit

This error message will be displayed if the contactor relays for interrupting the valve circuits
of dangerous movements do not switch within a consistently set time or are / were in the
incorrect switch position.
Possible cause:
• Contactor relay(s) defective.
• Error when triggering the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
• Error in the monitoring circuit of the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
Acknowledgement: Automatically when the error has been remedied or a valid state was
Additional information:
Bit 0-14: Contactor relays safety gate energized (NC contact of monitoring)
Bit 00, value 01: Safety circuit control circuit.
Bit 01, value 02: Safety circuit safety doors
Bit 02, value 04: safety circuit purge guard
Bit 03, value 08: Safety circuit safety gate or photoelectric barrier


Chapter AL - 122 0515MC

List of alarms
Bit 04, value 16: Safety circuit magnetic mounting platens
Bit 05, value 32: Safety circuit safety mat
Bit 06, value 64: ACOPOS safety circuit
Bit 15: Contactor relays safety gate deenergized (NC contact of monitoring)
Bit 15, value 32768: Safety circuit ok

1072 0 Contactor relay monitoring Safety relay (PNOZe1p)

This error message will be displayed if the contactor relays for interrupting the valve circuits
of dangerous movements do not switch within a consistently set time or are / were in the
incorrect switch position.
Possible cause:
• Contactor relay(s) defective.
• Error when triggering the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
• Error in the monitoring circuit of the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
Acknowledgement: Automatically when the error has been remedied or a valid state was
Additional information:
Bit 00, value 01: PNOZe1p 1: Safety circuit control circuit (PNOZ acknowledged)
Bit 01, value 02: PNOZe1p 1: Contactor relays (clamping unit) energized according to PNOZ
Bit 02, value 04: PNOZe1p 2: Safety circuit control circuit (PNOZ acknowledged)
Bit 03, value 08: PNOZe1p 2: Contactor relays (clamping unit) energized according to PNOZ
Bit 04, value 16: PNOZe1p 3: Safety circuit control circuit (PNOZ acknowledged)
Bit 05, value 32: PNOZe1p 3: Contactor relays (clamping unit) energized according to PNOZ
Bit 06, value 64: PNOZe1p 4: Safety circuit control circuit (PNOZ acknowledged)
Bit 07, value 128: PNOZe1p 4: Contactor relays (clamping unit) energized according to
Bit 08, value 256: PNOZe1p 5: Safety circuit control circuit (PNOZ acknowledged)
Bit 09, value 512: PNOZe1p 5: Contactor relays (clamping unit) energized according to
Bit 10, value 1024: PNOZe1p 2: Safety circuit safety gate (1-x)
Bit 11, value 2048: PNOZe1p 3: Safety circuit safety gate (2-x)
Bit 12, value 4096: PNOZe1p 4: Safety circuit safety gate 3
Bit 13, value 8192: PNOZe1p 5: safety circuit purge guard

1073 0 Contactor relay monitoring Photoelectric barrier

This error message will be displayed if the contactor relays for interrupting the valve circuits
of dangerous movements do not switch within a consistently set time or are / were in the
incorrect switch position.
Possible cause:
• Contactor relay(s) defective.
• Error when triggering the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
• Error in the monitoring circuit of the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
Acknowledgement: Automatically when the error has been remedied or a valid state was
Additional information:
LB: Photoelectric barrier
STD: Standard design of photoelectric barrier
HU cell: Deactivation of the photoelectric barrier
FlexSI cell: Additional photoelectric barrier, e.g before the clamping unit
Bit 0-14: Contactor relays photoelectric barrier energized (NC contact of monitoring)
Bit 00, value 01: LB1: Safety circuit control circuit (STD, HU cell, FlexSi cell)
Bit 01, value 02: LB2: Safety circuit control circuit (STD, HU cell, FlexSi cell)
Bit 02, value 04: LB3: Safety circuit control circuit (STD, HU cell, FlexSi cell)
Bit 03, value 08: LB1: HW error restricted guidance contacts (STD, HU cell, FlexSi cell))
Bit 04, value 16: LB2: HW error restricted guidance contacts (STD, HU cell, FlexSi cell))
Bit 05, value 32: LB3: HW error restricted guidance contacts (STD, HU cell, FlexSi cell))

Chapter AL - 123
List of alarms
Bit 06, value 64: LB1: Safety circuit deactivation of the photoelectric barrier (robot cell 1)
Bit 07, value 128: LB2: Safety circuit deactivation of the photoelectric barrier (robot cell 2)
Bit 08, value 256: LB3: Safety circuit deactivation of the photoelectric barrier (robot cell 3)
Bit 09, value 512: LBx: Safety circuit photoelectric barrier before clamping unit (flexible safety
Bit 15: Contactor relays photoelectric barrier deenergized (NC contact of monitoring)
Bit 15, value 32768: Safety circuit ok (reserved)

1074 2 Acknowledge purge guard safety device

This error message will occur if the safety relay of the injection unit (PNOZ) was not
acknowledged. If there is a manual control key for acknowledgement, it must be pressed
within 3 seconds.

1075 3 Vacuum valve: Lower mould not empty

Occurs if there are already insert parts and/or injection mouldings in the lower mould.
Possible cause:
• Setting and/or procedure error.

1076 3 Vacuum valve: Demoulding pressure monitoring

Occurs if no reduction to normal pressure (ambient pressure) is carried out after the pre-
evacuation process. With this, all injection mouldings are checked to ensure that they are
demoulded (lower mould is empty).
Additional information:
Value 01-04: Vacuum valve 1 - 4

1077 3 Vacuum valve: Production pressure monitoring

This error message will occur if, while the vacuum valve is activated, the vacuum pressure
switch has not been activated or was lost at the end of "Time evacuation".
Possible cause:
• Insert part lost

1078 6 Vacuum pump switched off

Will occur if the vacuum pump was switched off.
Additional information:
Value 01: Swtich-off by operating mode (vacuum pump mode)
Value 02: Switch-off due to standstill in production

1079 3 Configuration error Assignment Vacuum interface

This error message is displayed if there is a multiple assignment or a definition error in
combination with the vacuum interface in the menu "Vacuum / for operator station".
Note: As an additional information, a five-digit number is displayed where the vacuum
interface is shown in the 10000's place ("X") and the station number in the 1000's and 100's
place ("YY"). The 10's and 1's place ("FF") then declares the configuration error.
Additional information:
Value XYYFF: Vacuum interface "X" of station "YY" - has the configuration error "FF".
Value XYY01: No definition for removal/insertion.
Value XYY02: No valve was assigned
Value XYY11-22: No vacuum valve was assigned to active lower mould 1-12.

1080 1 Start volume Flow figure recording greater than metering volume
The "Start volume Flow figure recording" (see chapter 5.3) is greater than the metering
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after having adapted the corresponding set values.


Chapter AL - 124 0515MC

List of alarms

1081 1 Start volume Injection integral recording greater than metering volume
The "Start volume Integral recording" for injection (see chapter 5.2) is greater than the
metering volume.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after having adapted the corresponding set values.

1082 1 Start volume Metering integral recording greater than metering volume
The "Start volume Integral recording" for metering (see chapter 7.2) is greater than the
metering volume.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after having adapted the corresponding set values.

1083 1 Stop volume Flow figure recording greater than / equal to start volume
The "Stop volume Flow figure recording" (see chapter 7.2) is greater than or equal to the
metering volume.
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after having adapted the corresponding set values.

1084 1 Stop volume Injection integral recording greater than / equal to start volume
The "Stop volume Integra recording" for injection is greater than the "Start volume Integra
recording" for injection see chapter 5.2).
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after having adapted the corresponding set values.

1085 1 Stop volume Metering integral recording greater than / equal to start volume
The "Stop volume Integral recording" for metering is greater than the "Start volume Integral
recording" for metering see chapter 7.2).
Acknowledgement: Automatically, after having adapted the corresponding set values.

1086 1 Drive switch-off due to standstill in production

The drive was switched off by means of a standstill in production. For settings and
description refer to chapter 1.5.1 Drive / Pump system".

1087 7 Metering time monitoring Purging

This error message occurs if the purging sequence is cancelled due to the metering time
monitoring for purging.
• In this case, the material monitoring is not reset since the complete purging strokes were
not reached (alarm 461.979)
• The purging strokes are not reset. The remaining strokes are processed at restart.
• The program "Automatic metering to production data after purging sequence" is
Acknowledgement: with metering start, start of purging sequence, change of operating

1088 1 End of production initiated by robot

In case this error message occurs, an end of production has been initiated by the robot
interface. The reaction to the end of production is defined in the menu "Mould table / End of
production" (see chapter 11.4.3).
Additional information:
Value 1-5: Robot interface 1-5
Acknowledgement: Automatically after continuation of the automatic cycle.

1089 1 Safety opening of shut-off nozzle by production stoppage

The shut-off nozzle was opened by a production stoppage (safety opening due to pressure
release). For settings and description refer to chapter 1.6.1 Safety / General".
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.

Chapter AL - 125
List of alarms
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.

1090 1 Start-up reject cycles

This message is displayed while the start-up reject is active.

1094 0 Acknowledge EMERGENCY-STOP safety device

This error message will occur if the EMERGENCY-STOP safety relay (PNOZ) was not
acknowledged. If there is a manual control key for acknowledgement, it must be pressed
within 3 seconds.

1095 1 Automatic zeroising, positioning of the pressure box active

Occurs if the "Automatic zeroising" was activated (description see chapter 1.3.1 "Zeroising").

1096 1 No position monitoring for release of magnetising/demagnetising

The position monitorings (of clamping unit, injection unit, ejector) for the release of
magnetising / demagnetising of the magnetic mounting system are deactivated (program
preselection see chapter 3.5.1).

1097 2 Acknowledge safety gate

This error message will occur if the open safety gate (safety door) was closed again.
Then, closing of the safety gate must be acknowledged by means of the "Safety gate
acknowledgement" acknowledgement key.
Acknowledgement: By pressing the "Safety gate acknowledgement" key.
Additional information:
Bit 0-5: Acknowledge safety gate 1-6
Bit 6, value 64: The safety gate must be acknowledged (closed) after having opened the
safety gate stop
Bit 10-15: Acknowledgement key for safety gate 1-6 pressed for more than 3 seconds.

1099 0 Monitoring of pressure transducer

This error message occurs if the maximally admissible injection pressure is exceeded. This
monitoring is used to protect the pressure transducer and the injection plunger.
Possible cause: Pressure transducer defective.
Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

1100 1 Cover injection unit open

This error message will occur if the safety cover of the screw coupling is opened.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Injection unit A.
Bit 1, value 2: Injection unit B.
Bit 2, value 4: Injection unit C.

1101 0 Monitoring safety contactor injection unit

This error message will be displayed if the safety contactors for interrupting the valve circuits
of dangerous movements do not switch within a consistently set time or are / were in the
incorrect switch position.
Possible cause:
• Safety contactor(s) defective.
• Error when triggering the safety contactor (check hardware).
• Error in the monitoring circuit of the safety contactors (check hardware).
Acknowledgement: Automatically when the error has been remedied or a valid state was


Chapter AL - 126 0515MC

List of alarms
Additional information:
Bit 00, value 01: Safety circuit control circuit.
Bit 01, value 02: Injection unit A: Error in the cover safety circuit
Bit 02, value 04: Injection unit B: Error in the cover safety circuit
Bit 03, value 08: Injection unit C: Error in the cover safety circuit
Bit 15, value 32768: Safety circuit ok

1102 0 Monitoring safety contactor screw barrel maintenance

Description see alarm 1101.
Additional information:
Bit 00, value 01: Safety circuit control circuit.
Bit 01, value 02: Screw barrel maintenance not active
Bit 15, value 32768: Safety circuit ok

1103 1 Screw barrel maintenance active

This error message will occur if the barrel maintenance was activated via the key-operated
switch. (see Chapter 6, Strucuture and Function).

1104 9 Error two-hand operation Screw barrel maintenance

After having actuated the key-operated switch, the keys "Nozzle forward/back" or "Injection
plunger forward/back" must be pressed within 1 second, otherwise a stop is triggered on all
Acknowledgement: Deactivate the key-operated switch. Start the process again (key-
operated switch on and movement key pressed within 1 second).

1105 9 Velocity exceeded - Screw barrel maintenance

This error message will occur if the maximum permitted velocity of the screw barrel
maintenance has been exceeded.
Acknowledgement: Deactivate the key-operated switch. Start the process again (key-
operated switch on and movement key pressed within 1 second).

1121 1 Overlap of clamping force build-up profile

There will be an overlap when entering the clamping force build-up profile.
Note for toggle series: The standard clamping force should be reached at the end of the
force profile. If it is not reached, a build-up to the standard clamping force will be made
automatically at the end of the profile.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if there is no longer an overlap.
Additional information:
Value 01-06: Profile point number force profile (the following profile point must always be >=
to the previous point). If the value information is greater thant the selected number of profile
points, the standard clamping force is less than the last selected profile point.
Value 11-16: Profile point number time profile (the following profile point must always be > to
the previous point)
Value 21-26: Profile point number volume profile (the following profile point must always be >
to the previous point)

1122 1 Manual mode: Automatic injection cycle active

The automatic injection cycle was started via the key on the manual control panel.

1123 1 USV/UPS (uninterruptible power supply) active

The power supply for the control unit comes from the USV/UPS unit.

Chapter AL - 127
List of alarms
1124 1 Automatic mould height determination active
Occurs if the "Automatic mould height determination" has been activated (for the description
refer to chapter 3.2 "Toggle").

1125 0 Restart main power supply

A voltage interruption releases the undervoltage unit of the main switch.
Acknowledgement: This message is acknowledged by pressing the key for the "Main power
supply" and the main power supply is switched on again.

1126 1 Stroke overlap external servo unit forward

When entering an external servo unit forward profile, there will be a stroke overlap. The
stroke input has to increase continuously in moving direction.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if there is no longer a stroke overlap.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: External servo unit 1
Bit 1, value 2: External servo unit 2
Example:Additional information = 3 means that the respective settings for external servo unit
1 (value 1) and external servo unit 2 (value 2) have to be checked.

1127 1 Stroke overlap external servo unit back

Refer to error message 1126 (External servo unit back profile).

1128 1 Error Zero offset external servo unit

If this error occurs, the external servo unit has been incorrectly zeroised. The movement can
only be performed in the setting mode.
Possible cause: The "External servo unit forward" stroke is set too long or the zeroizing
stroke has been incorrectly approached.
Trouble-shooting: Automatically after correctly performed zeroizing in the setting mode or
after reducing the "External servo unit forward" stroke.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: External servo unit 1
Bit 1, value 2: External servo unit 2

1129 1 Error external servo unit Intermediate stop

Refer to error message 437.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: External servo unit 1
Bit 1, value 2: External servo unit 2

1130 0 NC error external servo unit (XS error)

Refer to error message 520.

1131 1 Referencing procedure External servo unit

When starting the unit for the first time or exchanging the stroke transducer, the external
servo unit must be moved to the mechanical zero point. Then, referencing must be carried

1132 4 External servo unit forward Time outside tolerance

1133 4 External servo unit back Time outside tolerance
This error occurs when exceeding one of the given "External servo unit forward (back)" times
and for an activated monitoring program. The motor will be switched off. The set value and
the monitoring program are to be found in the "Production data / Monitoring functions" menu.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: External servo unit 1


Chapter AL - 128 0515MC

List of alarms
Bit 1, value 2: External servo unit 2

1134 1 External servo unit not plugged in

This error occurs if the external servo unit was dismantled and the program preselections
"Mould shut--off nozzle control" or "Core puller control" (see chapter 15.10.3) are activated.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after trouble-shooting.

1135 2 External servo unit must be referenced

This error occurs if reference values of the external servo unit were changed or a cold start
of the control was triggered.
Additional information: Indicates the axis number of the axis concerned.
Note: The axis can be determined by entering this axis number in the "Diagnostic / PLC /
Axis" menu.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after having referenced the external servo unit.

1136 2 External servo unit in mechanical limit position (back)

1137 2 External servo unit in mechanical limit position (forward)
If this error occurs, the mechanical limit position was overrun. Movement in this direction is
blocked and a static torque will no longer be output.

1138 9 Configuration error External servo unit

If this error occurs, an incorrect configuration was selected. Refer to program preselections
"Mould shut-off nozzle control" or "Core puller control" (chapter 15.10.3).

1139 1 External servo unit: Limit switch monitoring

This error occurs if, with the "Limit switch monitoring for external servo unit is back (in front
position)" being activated, the status of the limit switch was changed while the core puller
movement was not active. The response to this alarm is set in the menu "Ext. servo unit /
General" under "Evaluation Limit switch monitoring".
Acknowledgement: Depending on the setting "Evaluation of error class" for this alarm.
With setting "Cycle Stop" after having actuated Cycle start (closing key).
With setting "Motor switch-off" by pressing the key "Machine start or stop".

1140 0 External servo unit: Limit position monitoring triggered

This error occurs if the limit positions for "External servo unit is back" and "External servo
unit is in the front position" are activated at the same time. The motor will be switched off in
case such an error occurs.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: External servo unit 1
Bit 1, value 2: External servo unit 2

1141 3 Utilization power supply module (PS)

This error message occurs if the utilization of the power supply module is at 98 % or higher.
Injection and metering will be skipped. The automatic mode is stopped at cycle end.
Acknowledgement: After having pressed Cycle start (closing key) if the utilization of the
power supply module is below 95 % (alarm is no longer applied).

1142 1 Prewarning utilization power supply module (PS)

This error message occurs if the utilization of the power supply module is at 95 % or higher.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if the utilization of the power supply module is below 95 %.

1143 0 Firmware update active

This error occurs if a firmware update is carried out and active at the moment. The main
switch must under no circumstances be switched off!

Chapter AL - 129
List of alarms

1144 0 Firmware update is finished (main switch ON / OFF)

This error occurs if a firmware update was carried out and has been terminated. The main
switch must then be switched OFF/ON in order to finish the update.

1145 3 Process control: Process not stable or no controllable state

The external holding pressure change-over is active and an instable process was signalled
by the external process control unit (e.g.: PRIAMUS BlueLine system).

1146 1 Prewarning spindle temperature

This error message occurs if the set value for the "Prewarning temperature driving spindle"
(see NC Diagnosis / General, chapter 22.5.1) has been reached. The error message is reset
if the temperature of the driving spindle is 5 °C below the "Prewarning temperature driving
1147 4 Maximum spindle temperature reached
This error message occurs if the set value for the "Switch-off temperature driving spindle"
(see NC Diagnosis / General, chapter 22.5.1) has been reached. The machin stops at the
end of the cycle. The error message is reset if the temperature of the driving spindle is 5 °C
below the "Switch-off temperature driving spindle". Only then can a new automatic cycle can
be started.
1148 1 Coolant level warning
This error message occurs if the cooling level in the closed cooling system falls be low the
prewarning level. The cooling system should then be checked for leaks and filled up again.

1149 4 Coolant level too low

This error message occurs if the cooling level in the closed cooling system falls be low the
minimum level. The pump is switched off at once and the machine is stopped at cycle end.
The cooling system must be checked for leaks and filled up again.

1150 1 New zeroing of the clamping unit required

This error message occurs if the zeroing of the clamping unit during mould change was reset
automatically. Clamping is blocked until the clamping unit was zeroed again. Also refer to the
program preselection "Automatic resetting of clamping unit zeroing" in the Mouldfix / Settings
menu (chapter 3.5.1).

1151 1 Air valve: Program not available

The selected air valve program is not available on this machine.
Additional information:
Value 1: Air valve 1
Value 2: Air valve 2
Value 3: Air valve 3
Value 12: Air valve 12

1152 1 Air valve: Start condition not plausible

This error message will be displayed, if the start condition for the air valve has not been
Ex.: The opening stroke of 300.0 mm was indicated as the start stroke but the machine only
opens up to 280.0 mm.
Additional information:
as for alarm 1151

1153 3 Wrong mould for Removal/Insertion

Occurs if the order for the removal/insertion stations was not kept. The respective removal/
insertion process cannot be carried out for this mould.


Chapter AL - 130 0515MC

List of alarms
• Ejector is in removal station 2 and the preremoval in the
removal station 1 was not carried out.
• Ejector is defined as insertion station and injection moulding parts are in the mould
• Ejector is defined as removal station and insert parts are in the mould
Additional information:
Value 1-6: Mould 1-6
Possible cause: Wrong mould or the previous actions of this stations have not yet been
carried out

1154 0 (2.) Contactor relay monitoring Safety relay (PNOZe1p)

This error message will be displayed if the contactor relays for interrupting the valve circuits
of dangerous movements do not switch within a consistently set time or are / were in the
incorrect switch position.
Possible cause:
• Contactor relay(s) defective.
• Error when triggering the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
• Error in the monitoring circuit of the contactor relay(s) (check hardware).
Acknowledgement: Automatically when the error has been remedied or a valid state was
Additional information:
Bit 00, value 01: 2nd contactor relay monitoring (1.HSÜ) PNOZe1p MD1x: Maintenance
doors (MD) Safety circuit control circuit energised according to PNOZ
Bit 01, value 02: 2.HSÜ PNOZe1p MD1x: Maintenance doors (MD) safety circuit
Bit 02, value 04: 2.HSÜ PNOZe1p SD1x: Safety doors (SD) safety circuit control circuit
energised according to PNOZ
Bit 03, value 08: 2.HSÜ PNOZe1p SD1x: Safety doors (SD) safety circuit
Bit 04, value 16: 2.HSÜ PNOZe1p HYsafe: Hydraulics control circuit energised according to
PNOZ (e.g. hydraulic clamping safety device)
Bit 05, value 32: 2.HSÜ PNOZe1p HYsafe: Hydraulics safety circuit (hydraulic clamping
safety device)

1155 0 Acknowledge maintenance door security device

1156 2 Acknowledge safety door security device
1157 2 Acknowledge hydraulics security device
This error message will occur if the respective safety relay (PNOZ) was not acknowledged. If
there is a manual control key for acknowledgement, it must be pressed within 3 seconds.

1158 1 Process control: Parts quality WARNING

The external holding pressure change-over is active and a prewarning of the parts quality
was signalled by the external process control unit (e.g.: PRIAMUS BlueLine system).
Acknowledgement: Automatically with change of operating mode, at the beginning of
injection or when switching off
the program

1159 1 Process control: Internal software warning

The external holding pressure change-over is active and an internal software warning was
signalled by the external process control unit (e.g.: PRIAMUS BlueLine system).
Acknowledgement: Automatically with change of operating mode, at the beginning of
injection or when switching off
the program

Chapter AL - 131
List of alarms

1160 0 Suction filter 3 contaminated

1161 0 Suction filter 4 contaminated
1162 0 Suction filter 5 contaminated
1163 0 Suction filter 6 contaminated
This error will occur if the vacuum switch at the respective suction filter is triggered. The
motor will be switched off in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after the filter has been replaced.

1164 1 Change Moog filter

This error will occur if the vacuum switch of the Moog filter is triggered. The motor will be
switched off in case such an error occurs.
Acknowledgement: Automatically after the filter has been replaced.

1180 9 SmartEdit: Machine routine is read out

This message occurs if the machine routine is read out.
Note: All axes are blocked at this moment.
Acknowledgement: The message is automatically reset if reading out was successful.

1181 1 SmartEdit: Error machine routine

This error occurs if it was not possible to read out the machine routine.
Then, the machine can no longer be operated via SmartEdit.
Acknowledgement: SmartEdit must be deactivated for further production.

1182 1 SmartEdit: Machine routine cannot be displayed

This error occurs if it is not possible to display a routine which is too complex.
Then, the machine can no longer be operated via SmartEdit.
Note: The number of objects is limited (too much objects are in the routine).
Acknowledgement: SmartEdit must be deactivated for further production.

1183 1 Monitoring SmartEdit

This error will occur if, when start a movement, the a monitoring of the SmartEdit (see
monitorings, chapter 13.2) was triggered and, as a consequence, the movement will be
Additional information: Is the number of the SmartEdit monitoring.
Acknowledgement: Remedy the corresponding monitoring

1184 3 SmartEdit: Monitoring can be acknowledged at cycle end

This error occurs if a SmartEdit monitoring with "Ackn. / End" stop type was programmed
(see Monitorings, chapter 13.2). The alarm causes a stop of the automatic cycle at the end
of the cycle.
Acknowledgement: After having actuated Cycle start (closing key). A new cycle is started.

1185 8 SmartEdit: Monitoring can be acknowledged at once

This error occurs if a SmartEdit monitoring with "Stop / Ackn." stop type was programmed
(see Monitorings, chapter 13.2). The alarm causes an immediate stop of the automatic cycle.
Acknowledgement: After having actuated Cycle start (closing key). The cycle is continued.

1186 4 SmartEdit: Monitoring stop at cycle end

This error occurs if a SmartEdit monitoring with "Stop / End" stop type was programmed (see
Monitorings, chapter 13.2). The alarm causes a stop of the automatic cycle at the end of the
cycle and the switch-off of all drives.
Acknowledgement: By changing the operating mode.


Chapter AL - 132 0515MC

List of alarms

1189 1 Servo motor Metering unit: Temperature too high

This error message occurs if the maximum temperature of the servomotor of the metering
unit (monitored by a PTC thermistor triggering unit) was exceeded. Metering is stopped.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: Servo motor Metering unit A: Temperature too high
Bit 1, value 2: Servo motor Metering unit B: Temperature too high
Bit 2, value 4: Servo motor Metering unit C: Temperature too high
Remedy: Check cooling water temperature and cooling water flow

1190 1 FLOWCON: General error

A general error is only used for information and does not cause any further reaction of the
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: FLOWCON 1
Bit 1, value 2: FLOWCON 2
Bit 2, value 4: FLOWCON 3

1191 1 FLOWCON: Tolerance error

This error will occur if one or more FLOWCON channels are outside the adjusted tolerance.
The reaction to this error is set in the "FLOWCON / Configuration" menu (see chapter 2.7.2).
Acknowledgement: By pressing the "Cycle start" key or, in the manual mode, the "Drive
Start" if all FLOWCON channels are within this tolerance limit.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: FLOWCON 1
Bit 1, value 2: FLOWCON 2
Bit 2, value 4: FLOWCON 3

1192 3 FLOWCON: Fatal error

This error will occur if one of the FLOWCON units signals a fatal error. The automatic cycle
will be stopped for Cycle End.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: FLOWCON 1
Bit 1, value 2: FLOWCON 2
Bit 2, value 4: FLOWCON 3

1193 1 TEMPRO: General error

A general error is only used for information and does not cause any further reaction of the
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: TEMPRO 1
Bit 1, value 2: TEMPRO 2
Bit 2, value 4: TEMPRO 3

1194 1 TEMPRO: Tolerance error

This error will occur if the actual value of a heater is outside the set tolerance. In case this
error is active, the injection will be disabled.
Acknowledgement: Automatically if all temperature control units are within the tolerance
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: TEMPRO 1
Bit 1, value 2: TEMPRO 2
Bit 2, value 4: TEMPRO 3

Chapter AL - 133
List of alarms

1195 3 TEMPRO: Fatal error

This error will occur if one of the FLOWCON units signals a fatal error. The automatic cycle
will be stopped for Cycle End.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: TEMPRO 1
Bit 1, value 2: TEMPRO 2
Bit 2, value 4: TEMPRO 3

1196 1 GRAVIMAX: General error

A general error is only used for information and does not cause any further reaction of the
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: GRAVIMAX Injection unit A
Bit 1, value 2: GRAVIMAX Injection unit B
Bit 2, value 4: GRAVIMAX Spritzeinheit C

1197 1 GRAVIMAX: Tolerance error

This error message will occur if a tolerance error is signalled by GRAVIMAX.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: GRAVIMAX Injection unit A
Bit 1, value 2: GRAVIMAX Injection unit B
Bit 2, value 4: GRAVIMAX Spritzeinheit C

1198 3 GRAVIMAX: Fatal error

This error will occur if one of the FLOWCON units signals a fatal error. The automatic cycle
will be stopped for Cycle End.
Additional information:
Bit 0, value 1: GRAVIMAX Injection unit A
Bit 1, value 2: GRAVIMAX Injection unit B
Bit 2, value 4: GRAVIMAX Spritzeinheit C

Alarm from Wittmann robot (a description of these alarms can be found in the Wittmann
robot manual)

System alarm
Here a system alarm is given. Please contact the BATTENFELD customer service.

List of alarms


Chapter AL - 134 0515MC

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