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BSUH 3Ts Scheme


OBC Refresh October 2011

(Revision 4 February 2012)

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 1 of 74 February 2012


1. Introduction
2. Ensuring Best Possible Value for Money (VfM)
3. Risk Management
4. PSCP – Crown House Technologies Limited
5. In House Capability – Expanded Limited


A. The Procurement Process

B. Supply Chain
C. Procurement Process Map v8
D. Package Procurement Strategy Schedule
E. Procurement Plan
F. Delivery Model and Market Testing Breakdown (dated 01 February 2012)
G. Package by Package Procurement Strategy v3 February 2012
H. Example: Subcontract Tender Analysis
I. Example: Package Control Sheet

Revision By Purpose Date

- NJK Draft issued for comments 26 August 2011
1 NJK Revised following review meeting 05 October 2011
2 KH Quality check 06 October 2011
3 NJK Revised following T&T comments (06/01/12) and a meeting with the Trust 30 January 2012
4 NJK Revised following T&T comments (15 February 2012) 16 February 2012

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 2 of 74 February 2012


The purpose of this document is to describe the procurement strategy which will be adopted by Laing
O’Rourke (LOR) to deliver the market testing of the Brighton 3Ts Hospital Scheme for the Brighton and
Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust.

LOR will work collaboratively with the Client and their representatives to ensure that all market testing is
undertaken in an ‘open book’ manner, providing full visibility and utilising robust procedures and
systems which will demonstrate and deliver affordability and best value for money to the Client at all
times. This visibility will extend into our in-house companies Crown House Technologies and Expanded

LOR will use this document as a vehicle to alleviate other stakeholders concerns over demonstrating
and obtaining the best possible value for money.

This report aims to address any concerns whilst acknowledging the challenges of the project and the
need to satisfy a number of important requirements such as the drivers of value, transparency and

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 3 of 74 February 2012


LOR has a team of dedicated professionals within all disciplines with a wealth of experience in delivering
world class health care buildings through an array of procurement routes and in this Scheme itself.
Healthcare and Education/Laboratory projects currently make up approximately 50@ of our construction
business which currently employ approx 3,700 personnel, of which over 700 are Professional Engineers.

The LOR procurement strategy for Brighton 3Ts has been written with a key driver 'to obtain the best
possible value for money (VfM) from the market place that is compliant to an agreed and signed off
design' whilst recognising that best value is derived through a combination of the following criteria:

• Design Robustness

• Purchase and installation cost

• Build quality

• Lasting quality

• Ability to commission

• Ease and cost of maintenance

• Adaptability in future use

• Effect on delivery programme

With the planned delivery of the market testing exercise utilising comprehensive trade package
procurement programme (Appendix E - Procurement Plan) and adhering to the methodology as
described within our processes and procedures (Appendix A - Procurement Process), LOR will provide
governance and visibility throughout each stage of the process.

Governance will be achieved by the use of the LOR Core Process, which provides consistency to our
business approach through a detailed high authority level sign–off process within a fully structured
governance process. This process is mandatory for all LOR Construction Ltd activities.

During the design development process the procurement team will work closely with the designers to
promote and progress wherever possible any agreed alternatives, options or build-ability opportunities
to bring added value benefits to the Client. LOR has strong and managed relationships with key sub-
contractors, suppliers and manufacturers representing various specialist sectors.

Where agreed with the Client, its Project Manager and Cost Advisor, LOR will engage with members of
its supply chain in order to develop design details and specifications prior to issuing ‘invitations to
tender’ to the market. We believe this is pivotal to our role during the market testing period and our
team is resourced with specialist support to make a real difference in this area.

Within the LOR group we have a number of in-house specialist companies (in addition to Crown House
Technologies (CHt) and Expanded) whom can be introduced to the project to offer advice on the
design, cost, build-ability, programme and sequence of the project.

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Cost build ups of all non market tested elements will be provided to ensure value for money is
demonstrated in the market. This will be in sufficient detail to allow analysis and scrutiny by the
independent cost advisors.

Our track record working with our in-house resources can be demonstrated by a portfolio of
successfully completed projects where LOR has provided technical solutions to overcome logistical
constraints, adding considerable value and benefit to the Client. All in-house specialist companies will
competitively market test their sub-contracted work packages. Visibility of this process will be given to
the Client’s Project Manager and Cost Advisor as identified within Appendix C – Procurement Process

Example: Oxford Brookes University Student Centre.

From the outset there was a strict requirement to provide a landmark award –winning building within a
very tight budget. The façade package in particular presented many challenges: to procure the right
team and product within budget, achieving the high quality design requirements and eliminating risks.

Through collaboration with the University and designers and our team from the construction business,
Expanded and LOR Facades, we were able to secure competitive package returns whilst maintaining a
very strong position to negotiate out risk.

Example: Oxford University Earth Sciences

The procurement of the ‘metal-free’ laboratory package was an important part of the initial main
contractor selection process. The LOR delivery model, using CHt and Expanded at an early stage
allowed the management of the procurement process to jointly select the most appropriate specialist
subcontractor to work under a two stage process. This would not have been possible if the package was
a second tier appointment under the MDE package.

Example: Barking & Dagenham BSF – Sydney Russell School

With the offsite manufacture of precast twin wall facade panels (complete with offsite installed windows)
and lattice concrete floor planks the construction of the 7,500m² building was completed in 12 weeks
achieving a onsite installation programme saving of 30@ comparing to that of a tradition build.

Interface with service modules such as cast in suspension hangers and fixings were identified using CHt
and Expanded at the design and coordination stage and then later incorporated during manufacture
thus eliminating the need to diamond drill at height on site.

The process of market testing the subcontract packages for the in house specialist subcontractor’s
packages will involve detailed component cost breakdowns for every element of the works. The project
will benefit from the leverage gained by LOR’s overall Group’s international purchasing spend and

At all times, we will ensure that our team work collaboratively with our Client and the Client’s Project
Manager and Cost Advisor with core values of transparency, trust and openness.

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Appendix F – Delivery Model and Market Testing Breakdown details the different procurement routes:

Procurement Route Value (£) Value (%)

ECC Option A Lump Sum £100.8m 42@

Competitive Tender £83.5m 35@

Validation of Costs £54.1m 23@

£238.4m 100%

Transparent Process

LOR will work closely with the Designers and the Client’s Project Manager and Cost Advisor providing
full visibility to achieve and demonstrate the very best possible value for money from the market place.
Within the tendering process LOR will provide all the necessary information that will assist the Client’s
Project Manager and Cost Advisor to review fully, consider and provide where necessary any input to
ensure that every aspect of that package is audited and verified for technical compliance, affordability
and best value for money (as identified within Appendix C – Procurement Process Map).

During the market testing exercise the design information that will be sent for tendering will allow us to
obtain a price for the entire scheme. Using pricing schedules and bills of quantities LOR will ensure
that every tender that is returned is broken down into each phase of the project and will be capable of
being let as such. This will allow other alternative opportunities to be explored at a later date under a
phased GMP should this be of interest to the Trust.

Competitive Tendering

The LOR team in conjunction with our design team will ensure that the procurement process is aligned
to the particular demands of this project. Our processes will ensure that the most competitive tenders
are obtained from carefully selected pre-qualified tenderers. Through innovative design solutions and
competitively market testing of our work packages (using specialist sub-contractors within this market)
we will demonstrate the benefits of applying a downward pressure on the market to maximise the
competitive tension that exists.

Robust Tenders

The quality, level and timing of tender information for each package is critical and will play a vital role
determining the correct time to procure.

The design release programme requires a considerable number of works packages to be tendered
concurrently. For this reason each tender document must be well defined to aid efficient evaluation
and package sum agreement.

We will work closely with the Design Team to develop thorough and robust tender documents that will
make pricing for the supply chain as straightforward as possible. A clear process will ensure each
package is set up correctly from the start.

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Contract Selection for Key Subcontractors

With the exception of Expanded Structures Limited and Crown House Technologies who we propose to
contract with under an ECC Option C Target Cost we have initially set out our strategy to procure and
contract under an Option A Lump Sum for the remaining work packages. However, it should be noted
that we will work in a collaborative manner with the Trust’s Project Manager and Cost Advisor during
the tendering process to identify any packages that would provide benefits to the project from changing
from an Option A to C.

P21 PSCP Using a Single Sourced Strategy

Single sourcing for major or critical elements of schemes is supported by OGC and the National Audit
Office, both of which have endorsed Procure 21 as a best practise procurement model. Single sourcing
allows a much higher level of input into design, value and risk management, resulting in a better
solution for the Client and greater certainty of successful delivery to site. Single sourced Supply Chain
Members will demonstrate market levels and value for money within their pricing including:

• Visibility of the sub sub-contract market testing

• Open book costing with a gain share mechanism

• Agreement of a GMP

• Validation of costs against similar recently tendered schemes or previously delivered projects

• Commitment to continuous improvement

These and other issues must be identified within the procurement strategy as agreed by the Client and
the PSCP. This approach provides the benefits of single sourcing with the commercial tension created
by market testing.

Whilst single sourcing at an early stage will have a cost burden during Phase 3 of the project, the many
benefits it brings during the construction stage will far outweigh these costs. These benefits may be
summarised under the following headings together with some examples of the opportunities that have
already been created on this project and others:


Alignment of the developing design with construction requirements is achieved simultaneously with the
other design drivers for the project.

Example: Piling Design- The design on the 3T’s scheme has been able to be concluded at a early
stage. This will enable not only the most efficient piling design to be incorporated into the scheme; it
will facilitate time to consider other improvements to be incorporated into the scheme (possible benefits
include larger clinical spaces, reduced land take and reduced vibration).

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Construction methodology can be considered at an early stage to inform the design i.e. crane

Example: Whilst not on the Brighton project, on Oxford Brookes University project, as a result of the
early involvement of Expanded and CHt, plastic conduit was included in the precast slab design to
avoid first fix MDE work.


A construction logistics plan can be developed at an early stage which can be used to inform the
planning process and the design.

Example: Trauma Lift -The trauma lift attached to the Thomas Kemp Tower linking the helipad with
the Major trauma centre has been designed as an offsite solution from the outset with detailed
involvement from the LOR supply chain. This has the substantial benefit of minimising disruption to the
south service road – reducing the amount of time the south service road would be closed. Without
involvement from the supply chain, this solution would not be confirmed at this stage.

Example: Impact on local residents-The site is within a residential urban area and one of the key
issues that have arisen through the planning process is that disruption to the surrounding area should
be minimised. In order to achieve this, an offsite manufacturing solution was absolutely critical to the
delivery method. Due to the early involvement of the supply chain a strategy to provide an offsite
solution has been in place since the outset of the project and has been embedded into the design
avoiding the need for costly retrofitting of the required solution at a later date.


The access to the MDE supply chain provides the ability to select preferred equipment to ensure
standardisation across assets and more efficient life cycle costs.

Example :Specialist Suppliers & Major Services Elements -The early identification (in agreement
with the Trust) of 3 specialist suppliers for major services elements has ensured that design, operation
and maintenance information will be incorporated into the scheme at an early point (e.g. pneumatic
tube suppliers).

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LOR use their Design for Manufacture D Assembly (DfMA) protocols to accelerate the construction of
the concrete frames. Similarly, we use our design expertise to promote the use of preassembled
windows and precast components to reduce onsite assembly of the external frame and secure quality.

Example: Facade Involvement during the planning process of the facade manufacturing and
construction team (concrete panels and curtain walling/windows) has been much greater than would
otherwise be feasible. The construction and the design have been brought together at an early stage to
ensure the facade can be delivered efficiently and in an offsite construction manner. This took the form
of guidance as to the constraints associated with the design.

Example: On the Mint Hotel (City Inn) project, due to delays to one part of the RC frame the critical
path moved from the frame to the cladding. This meant that the Cladding Subcontractor had priority
on the use of the cranes ahead of Expanded. This team were able to utilise their efforts to minimizing
the cost effects to the project and not in managing claims between the businesses.


Single sourcing internal companies within the LOR delivery model has the unique benefit of aligning
behaviours so all parties act exclusively for the benefit of the project and not for their own respective
businesses. This is achieved by every internal business reporting and being targeted on the project as a
whole and not the individual performance of the business unit. All businesses report to a single Director
responsible for the project.


Our delivery model ensures we bring expertise in design and construction of all major aspects of the
work. We add value to the construction of buildings to perform efficiently when in use and provide
energy savings solutions.

Example: At our Mint Hotel (City Inn) project we proposed offsite assembly techniques for precast
concrete façade panels and internal walls. The build solution had a higher thermal mass and much
improved air tightness, leading to the energy performance of the building being much lower than
forecast. The hotel won the European Hotels Sustainability Award 2011.

Implications from the financial climate

With the current market conditions major Sub-contractors and suppliers are very keen to offer their
technical, design and estimating services in an effort to secure workload. Having ensured tenders are
compliant and robust we will push for the best rates available.

However it should be noted that due the longevity of this project, the forecast of price fluctuation and
cost certainty will be key when negotiating a robust GMP per package.

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Although the current market does present risk of sub-contractor and supplier insolvency LOR has a
series of evaluation and control measures in place to reduce or mitigate this. We carry out a detailed
financial analysis and risk assessment for all key sub-contractors and suppliers and continue to monitor
each company with an alert system based upon data obtained daily.

Market conditions

A constant review of economic and market conditions affecting the resource costs will be carried out.
Within LOR, key resources are analysed and tracked to provide guidance on changes to the market.
Inputs from the broader Project Team will be encouraged to gain consensus.

Labour market trends will be analysed and workload forecasts reviewed to identify what, if any,
pressures are likely across the specific packages or generally within the construction and specialist
equipment industries.

In addition, the implications on primary costs of production must be monitored to inform the project team of
cost pressures within key commodities, such as oils and gas.

The process and tools described above will enable the identification of inflation costs; their magnitude; and
their sensitivity to changes that will provide overall benefits.

Risk of Construction Inflation

Using exclusive framework agreements and the robustness of our supply chain partners and their global
standing, LOR will illustrate the preferential terms and benefits (such as cost and price fixity) that we can offer
to forecast and manage the risk of inflation during the course of the P21 2-year fixed period from
submission of GMP. We will also provide an insight into our key supply chain partners giving the Client an
understanding into the commercial benefits that each agreement can deliver.

During tender evaluation for each works package it will be important to understand and agree the correct
cost included in each sub-contractor bid to provide a fixed price inclusive of inflationary impact. We will
therefore structure each works package pricing schedule to clearly identify the total value of labour, plant
and materials included within the sub-contractor tender. We will then be able to assess these values against
programmed sub-contractor procurement and installation periods to ensure that each inflation allowance is
both prudent and realistic, irrespective of which party is carrying the risk.

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Managing Inflation Risk

Part 1 – Options for managing inflation risk at the point of sub-contract placement

We will obtain sub-contract tenders on a fully fixed price basis with Sub-contractors taking the full fixed price
risk. In addition a fixed price beyond an identified base date (close to the tender submission date) will be
identified separately.

From this information we can:

• Consider the potential benefit / risk of placing the sub-contract at a later date, closer to the start on site
date should lead-in periods allow.
• Consider placing the sub-contract on a P21 fluctuating basis
• We will invite the sub-contractors to propose with their tender returns innovative methods for reducing the
impact of risk pricing for inflation, for example:
• Advance payments with security provided.
• Early procurement of key resources at risk such as glass, un-fabricated metal.
• Secured production slots in manufacturing processes.

Part 2 – Forecasting of inflation risk up to the point of sub-contract placement

To operate any effective forecasting and control of future cost increases – including inflationary
pressures – certain baseline information is required:

• A detailed breakdown of the elemental costs into their principal components within the budget.
• Programme information identifying the point in time and duration over which expenditure will be
• Knowledge of the factors impacting on cost change over time.

Once this information is established a tool is needed that enables us to take the detailed base line
information; develop this as certainty of costs is established through the market test process; and apply to it
the factors known and considered to impose inflationary pressure.

In this way:
• Implications of anticipated cost pressures are established against the established base line.
• The likely outcomes of alterations to the programme activity can be tested.
• The likely outcome of changes to cost due to alterations to the design and specification of the project can
be measured.
• Changes to the procurement and selection process of significant cost components are identified.
• Challenges can be placed in front of sub-contractors, suppliers and manufacturers as to what is
reasonable in respect of inflation forecasts and allowances.

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Savings & Efficiencies

LOR can deliver savings without reducing the quality and value of the finished project though our
existing supply chain which has evolved with us over a number of years; in addition to surety of cost
and delivery, this offers savings and efficiencies without detriment to safety and quality. We can deliver
benefit through effective supply chain management in the following areas:

Efficient construction methods

By employing efficient construction techniques we will reduce cost, improve programme and enhance
safety. In areas such as off-site modularisation and pre-commissioning of elements we have a detailed
understanding of the benefits and the appropriate opportunities to utilise them.

Our waste minimisation initiatives focus on reducing the environmental impact of waste.

Value Management

There are two tiers to the value process:

• Value Management – establishing the correct elements of the building to deliver the needs of
Brighton 3Ts.

• Value Engineering – finding the most efficient way to deliver the chosen elements in value terms
without loss of performance.

Much of the VM process should have already been progressed ahead of market testing through the
design process there will no doubt still be options for review in areas such as finishes, plant, equipment
and furniture, which will benefit from VE.

LOR will support the Project Team to achieve value as part of the ongoing value management of the
project is described below:

Within LOR we have experienced people knowledgeable in the specific construction methodologies
required to complete the works. Reflecting collectively on our delivery of major hospitals will focus our
experience and knowledge on the performance, quality and function required, such that VM input is
meaningful and of direct practical and commercial benefit.

Value management is the overarching principle which embodies the philosophy for the delivery of this
project. Value management will be implemented to each contributing aspect of our process to
underwrite effective design leading to improved planning and cost management.

As part of a wider approach to value management, our procurement specialists work as part of the
Project Team to engage with manufacturers and sub-contractors for specialist input on alternative
materials and processes. Rather than simply downgrading the specification, the emphasis will be on
considering better value alternatives without reduction in quality. In addition to constructed cost, we can
work collaboratively with stakeholders to understand benefits in whole-life costing.

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Package workshops will be conducted with Client participation to discuss capital and life cycle savings
whilst also opening up our Supply Chain to engage with the Client to combine the specialist knowledge
of both parties to optimise every possible solution. We intend to work in a collaborative relationship
with our Client so that we understand their needs, requirements and desires to explore, invest and
maximise the potential for any value engineering.

We will encourage an environment where all parties including the supply chain contribute their
specialist input and knowledge.

Market Input

During the procurement process – drawing upon our experience in the sector – we will seek out
alternative materials and products. We will facilitate the introduction of supply chain knowledge that
generates additional value in operation, reduced maintenance costs of the building and capital cost

We will constantly review the package procurement strategy to ensure that it is aligned to achieve best
value buying of all packages.

Within the package procurement process we will seek and present (alongside compliant return) input
and suggestions on VE proposals and alternative offers that will reduce the cost of delivery.

Interrogation of the Cost Plan

As part of our responsibility and transparency LOR work with the Client’s Cost Advisor to interrogate
allowances within the cost plan and investigate areas where the potential for savings may exist. The
current cost plan forming part of the OBC refresh, broken down into the various procurement routes is
enclosed in Appendix F - Delivery Model and Market Testing Breakdown

Feedback from other Projects

LOR will obtain feedback on current and recently completed projects such as Pembury, Forth Valley,
Newcastle RVI and North Staffs etc.

Feedback information will include value engineering reviews, tender cost analysis and variation
accounts to establish comparison against entry and exit costs, supplier performance reviews and up
dated scope of works documents to capture elements that contributed to any package growth. Using
this extensive information, opportunities will then be identified to the Client and Project Team to review
and consider.

Identify interfaces between packages and potential scope gaps

On any project Sub-contractors need to link together without gaps in their design or site installation; the
complexity and co-ordination of Brighton 3Ts makes this even more important. Identifying interfaces
between work packages will be crucial to successfully delivering the project.

During the procurement process LOR will facilitate detailed scope review sessions where package teams
will run through the installation process step by step. This will flag items of work that need allocating to
particular packages and expose scope gaps for removal.

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To assist, we will produce an interface schedule. This will highlight the design and construction
interfaces between all packages; package teams will refer to this schedule during detailed scope review

In addition to the Package Interface Matrix it is also important to recognise the time interface – when
design is required or made available between one Sub-contractor and another or the Design Team.

LOR will use the developed BIM model to focus the scope review meetings. Improving visualisation of
the physical building will highlight areas of scope or interfaces which can then be allocated to the
appropriate works packages.

Using comprehensive scope of works (containing interfacing responsibilities) with correlating pricing
schedules LOR will seek to obtain fully compliant and all encompassing tender returns. Each work
package will be reviewed through a robust tender analysis process.

Package Gap Analysis

After the returns of package tenders a Sub-contract Tender Analysis is undertaken to compare the
return from each tenderer, item by item. Gaps are identified and allowances made to ensure all
returns are compared on a “like for like” basis. Scope adjustments are also made to ensure that gaps
between packages are also captured (example contained within Appendix H).

A Package Control Sheet is also produced to manage the package against the package budget and
cost plan (example contained with Appendix I).

Elimination of risk

Early involvement of the supply chain for key packages will improve understanding and engineer risk
out of sub-contractor pricing. Procurement specialists will work within the Project Team to identify and
address the areas that require extra focus – effective installation and commissioning of MEP services, in
particular. Working with the Designers, LOR will produce tender documents with clear direction on
exactly what is required. Providing as much relevant detail as possible will remove uncertainty and
therefore sub-contractor risk.

Currency exchange

When finalising our supplier sourcing strategy, LOR will consider whether currency exchange rates can
provide additional benefit.

If the weak pound strengthens during tender process it will improve buying power on products from
outside the UK; the project could benefit from switching its supply source accordingly for trades flexible
on geographical supply.

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Commercial leverage

Strong commercial negotiation will provide significant value. Through our experience with a supply
chain that understands the need for accurate pricing we will achieve the very best competitive rates
without risking unsustainable pricing.

We will source using leverage gained from a global empire that purchases services and materials from
around the World.

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LOR has worked closely with the design team to develop a design solution which brings together
current thinking and a structured approach to defining what value means to the project. This will play
an important part in the assessment of any potential opportunities and how these may impact on the
delivery of the project objectives.

Through various risk review meetings the project team has identified risks, hazards, implications of
potential failure, time scale options available to mitigate failure and remedial actions available whilst
identifying value engineering opportunities. The out workings of these risk review meetings and the
Monte Carlo distributions were included in the OBC refresh submission.

We will seek to provide, wherever possible, demonstrable data with the intention of:

• Reducing project risk (including on-site health and safety)

• Reducing capital cost

• Provide assistance in seeking reductions in ongoing maintenance

• Reducing system complexity

• Reducing energy consumption

• Reducing embodied carbon

• Increasing project quality

• Increasing component life cycle

Risk transfer profile

Monitoring the ownership of risk and mitigation within the members of the Project Team will be carried
out at each risk review meeting. This will ensure that the overall cost is managed to its lowest level.
Challenging the risk ownership profile will ensure that the overall cost or risk is managed to the
optimum benefit of the Client.

Working in partnership with Insite, LOR has developed an inflation modelling tool looking at medium
term inflation rates that meets these requirements. With this in place, the Project Team will be able to
effectively manage inflation risk during the GMP process and provide information that will allow the
development of a procurement strategy for all 3 phases with a detailed understanding of the risks

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The model includes the following detail and facility:

• Package costs allowances, fully adjustable as cost certainty is refined.

• Start and finish dates for each package.
• Package programme profiling to replicate the cost expenditure profile of each package; for example,
front end loaded where high initial outlays are anticipated.
• Package by package resource cost breakdowns to enable detailed consideration of inflationary pressures
on key costs components – both within the package and aggregated across the project.
• Rapid calculation of the impacts on inflationary costs of changes arising, for example, from:
a) Changes to the design and specification that impact the principal resource costs.
b) Impact on overall inflation costs resulting from early or deferred procurement.
c) Programme changes to start and finish dates of the project and / or each package.

As the design and market test processes progresses the model will be populated progressively with the
outputs. Working towards the agreement of the contract sum, inflation risks will be captured within the
package prime costs.

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Crown House Technologies (CHt) are a PSCM for LOR Construction and have been selected as the MEP
services partner for the design and construction of the proposed Brighton 3T’s P21 redevelopment. The
P21 framework enables the risk of cost increases to pass to CHt whilst allowing the full benefits of
engineering or procurement savings to flow back to the Employer in achieving the PSCM GMP and
bettering the GMP when the LOR final account is agreed.

The key features of this CHt procurement strategy for the market testing of the MEP services are –

 Greater levels of openness and transparency subject to full audit and scrutiny

 Value for money proven through competitive tendering

 Greater surety of design completion, delivery and commissioning: mitigation of risk and scope

 Early contractor engagement to assist in design specifically modularisation and BWIC

 Single-point accountability – all works underwritten by the LOR Group

 The provision of a hand-picked, highly competent and dedicated team with a proven track record
of delivering similar complex projects during pre-construction and the delivery of the project.

 An opportunity to generate trust and understanding between all parties to ensure that the best
value agenda is met.

CHt has a wealth of knowledge and previous experience of similar healthcare projects. Through early
engagement, CHt has already added and will continue to add significant value through design and
procurement working with LOR and the wider team to help shape and develop the programme

In summary, this strategy aims to provide surety through the design completion, installation (including
modularisation) and commissioning phases of the project. It will create a single-point of accountability
underwritten by the LOR Group, and provide complete transparency and visibility of the value chain
while proving a market test to back up the GMP.

Further details of the benefits of the integrated supply chain are included within Appendix G – Package
by Package Procurement Strategy v3 February 2012 Section 3 titled PSCM Crown House Technologies.

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The MEDP package net is £68 million in total broken down as follows:

Procurement Route Value (£) Value (%)

Market Tested Packages £43.8m 64@

Direct Materials (tendered) £9.7m 15@

Direct Labour (validated) £14.5m 21@

£68m (excl Prelims & Fees) 100%

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LOR do not believe that value for money is demonstrable only via competitive market pricing; value
benefits and genuine cost savings associated with in-house procurement can equally demonstrate value
for money.

Expanded Structures Limited works will be undertaken on a fully ‘open book’ basis, providing access to
detailed rate build-ups, material and plant costs, and labour outputs which predicate the pricing.

Expanded Structures Limited is happy to share relevant analysis documentation produced for various
NHS Trusts, where single action procurement of civil engineering and structure works, has been
accepted and has demonstrated to the satisfaction of their Project Managers and Cost Advisors to be
value for money.

Each element of the package during the GMP process would be market tested or cost validated as


LOR will provide key validate rates for comparable civil and/or structural installations in the UK. In
addition, LOR will provide validated commercial metrics from other comparable schemes to verify
overall preliminary percentage or other specific allowances.


Concrete, reinforcement, shuttering timber and drainage materials would be market tested in an open
book format to at least three suppliers.


Full details of Expanded Structures Limited cost of employing labour would be provided, including
working hours, outputs etc for key elements


Plant would be provided by Select Plant who would provide detailed build-ups and market comparison


All sub-contractors would be market tested on an ‘open book’ basis as for the main subcontract

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 20 of 74 February 2012

Further details of the benefits of the integrated supply chain are included within Appendix G – Package
by Package Procurement Strategy v3 February 2012 Section 4 titled In House Capability – Expanded
Structures Limited.

The Piling, Ground works, Substructure, Below Ground Drainage, Superstructure, Frame and Cladding
package nett is £29.2 million in total broken down as follows:

Procurement Route Value (£) Value (%)

Labour £12.1m 41@

Plant £4.7m 16@

Materials – concrete £5.7m 20@

Materials – reinforcement £3.3m 11@

Materials – others £2.6m 9@

Subcontractors £672k 3@

£29.2m (excl Prelims & Fees) 100%

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 21 of 74 February 2012


Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 22 of 74 February 2012


LOR use vigorous processes and pr

procedures which link each individual functional disci
iscipline to a number of
key roles and responsibilities.

The importance of procurementt ca

cannot be underestimated and the input from the e entire
e project team is
fundamental to ensure that bestt vvalue is obtained for the Client during the market
et testing phase of the

Each package will be assessed o on its own individual merits in order to agree a specific
s procurement
strategy this will be led by the LO
LOR Procurement Leader, Nick Kennedy. Member ers of the LOR, Client
and Design Team will be activelyely involved in contributing to this process. This is demonstrated in the
package detail responsibilities ma
matrix shown below.

LOR Team Client & Design

sign Team

Structural Engineer
= Leads Activity

Facade Engineer
Project Manager
Design Manager

Cost Consultant
Project Leader

MEP Engineer


= Contributes to / approves activity


H&S Mgr



Bid Lists

Agree Package Strategies

Scope of Works

Agree S/C Design Responsibilities


Tender Design Information (Drawings,

Specifications & Reports)

Programme Information

Site Specifics

Buildability Review

Pricing Schedule

Commercial Requirements

Risk Review

Quality Requirements

Matters Relating to H&S

Local Opportunities

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report

rt V4 23 of 74 February 2012
LOR’s procurement process for the market testing phase of the project is described below.

To be read in conjunction with Appendix C – Brighton 3Ts Procurement Process Map

Gateway 1: Pre-Qualification

Tender list selection including assuring capability and capacity

We will engage with our supply chain, including specialist sub-contractors and suppliers who share our
values and behaviours and can demonstrate their compliance with our high performance standards,
particularly in regard to safety, quality, cost, programme delivery, innovation and environment. All
parties will be encouraged to contribute to a tender long-list.

LOR will then invite the companies on the long-list to prequalify in accordance with the agreed process.
All prequalification returns will be managed by LOR and will be reviewed and rationalised into an
agreed list for tender, which will then be issued to the Client’s Project Manager/Cost Advisor for review
and if necessary provide comments.

Sub-contractors and suppliers will be vetted against relevant criteria including capability, experience,
insurances, tax details, financial stability, previous performance and health, safety and environmental
accreditation. The process will:

• Ensure transparency and verify financial stability, availability and sustainability of each sub-contractor
and supplier through our procurement processes

• Ensure that suppliers are competent and adequately resourced for compliance with the CDM
Regulations, and to meet Client standards and our own best practice standards

• Ensure that local and/or new companies have the opportunity to tender for project packages and that
contract terms are appropriate, including the evaluation and verification as to suitability and continuity of
supply through the project lifecycle.

Gateway 2: Market Testing

Package Strategy

The Project Team will meet regularly to agree strategy, hold workshops on works package
considerations and formulate package tender documents.

LOR will define proposals to ensure each package is tendered to the most suitable sub-contractor or
supplier in accordance with the project’s specific requirements. Each package strategy meeting will
specifically address the procurement influences such as scope, programme, market conditions and
capacity, collaboration requirements and benefits, proposed bidders and selection criteria. It will
recognise programme constraints that force immediate appointment upon award, it will identify the
level of project risk in the event of sub-contractor insolvency and mitigations appropriate to the
package such as vetting, vesting and alternative providers.

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 24 of 74 February 2012

A key factor in achieving clear, robust and well defined subcontract packages will be the approach and
the tools employed to manage and record the information used to form the basis of each subcontract
package. Prior to the issue of any Invitations to Tender a Package Sheet will be completed by the
Project Team for each individual trade package and issued to the Project Leader for agreement and

Each package sheet will contain the following information: -

• Package number
• Package name
• Cost plan allowance / package budget
• Package strategic issues
• Scope of works
• Design responsibilities
• Package specific schedule of attendances
• List of drawings
• List of specifications
• Programme information
• Pricing schedule notes
• Commercial requirements
• Quality requirements
• Package specific health and safety issues
• Local opportunities
• Tender deliverables
• Other details
• Project team commitment and agreement to the package sheet information

Each individual Package Sheet will be issued to the project team not less than 7 days prior to the issue
of the relevant Invitation to Tender to provide the opportunity for any comments and amendments to be
incorporated. LOR will retain a copy of the Package Sheet throughout the market testing period so any
subsequent changes and amendments to individual packages can be clearly monitored and recorded.

The Invitation to Tender will be to a minimum of 3 (maximum of 6) agreed, pre-qualified sub-

contractors and include design information for the sub-Contractors to provide a lump-sum price.
Invitations will be on the basis of a specification and drawings basis against an agreed scope of works
or a detailed bill of quantities.

The Procurement Package Strategy Schedule and Package Sheet of this procurement strategy provide a
summary of:-

• The applicable procurement route for each package

• Any potential LOR in-house opportunities being considered
• Intended basis for each tender price i.e. specifications D drawings or Bills of Quantities
• Overview of package design responsibilities
• Retention requirements for each package

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 25 of 74 February 2012

• Warranty requirements for each package

Stage D Design Information Packages

An Invitation to Tender will be issued to the shortlisted sub-contractors who will be invited to provide a
tender submission to satisfy the following deliverables:-

• Submit tender for the trade package based upon the Stage D design information including;
• A lump sum cost for the identified scope of works
• A lump sum for all necessary preliminaries to deliver the works
• A lump sum for design fees required to provide the advice needed to deliver the overall trade
package design.
• A lump sum that identifies all the package risks that require incorporation to achieve a not to
be exceeded GMP.
• A fixed lump sum for the OHDP required for the construction phase of the project.

Stage E Design Information

When the Stage E design information is available from the design team the relevant information will be
forwarded to the proposed sub-contractors for them to review and provide a fixed lump sum for the
project. This will include all the above details or confirmation that the details submitted as part of their
Stage D offer remain unchanged:

• Provide details of the anticipated programme duration for the construction phase of the project
and confirmation that this will fit seamlessly into the LOR proposed construction programme
• Demonstrate abilities in design management to co-ordinate the works and the interfaces with
other trades.
• Provide details of previous experience of working with NHS Trusts and their facilities
management teams
• Provide details of the experience and calibre of people to be employed for both the
preconstruction and construction phases of the project.
• Provide details of previous experience and approach to commissioning of the works on site.

For the identification of Subcontractor design input packages please refer to The Procurement Package
Strategy Schedule contained in Appendix D.

Tendering and Evaluation

Tender stage

Shortlisted sub-contractors and suppliers will be invited to tender using the Asite Tender Manager
application (see below), based on pre-determined quality and price criteria appropriate to individual
packages for supply only or supply and installation work. Mid tender review meetings will be held as
agreed with the project team. Any tender questions will be submitted electronically by the tenderer and
these will be distributed to relevant parties within the project team for response. Responses to tender
queries will be distributed to all tenderers, unless commercially sensitive or confidential or where the
tenderer specifically asks for their question to be treated in confidence.

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 26 of 74 February 2012

Sub-contractor and supplier tender returns will be submitted electronically via the Asite Tender
application, this will allow electronic sealed tender openings. Only members of the Project Team who
have been granted access will be able to view the tender returns.

ASITE Tender Manager

LOR proposes the use of Asite Tender Manager to electronically manage the market testing exercise.

Asite Tender Manager simplifies communications between LOR, the Design Team and tenderers to
ensure consistent information is sent to all. You can also control the format of submissions to speed up
the evaluation process and ensure a level playing field.

Tender Manager invites multiple bidding organisations into a secure Asite Workspace to conduct simply
a competitive tender.

LOR can allow tenderers access to a Tender Document Set and communicate with the bidders to
answer queries and notify bidders of clarifications. The powerful audit trail means that we can all be
sure that the tenderers have received our communications, and the inbuilt security means that we do
not have to worry about blind carbon copying tenderers into e-mails. By managing the LOR market
testing exercise through one consistent tool, we get the added bonus of a clear log of all of the
communications making it easy to see that you have treated each tenderers in the same manner.

We can use Asite Appbuilder to customise the bid return Form of Tender our tenderers will submit. We
can specify exact information you require the tenderer to provide, and quickly and easily change this on
a tender-by-tender basis. As we control the format of the information coming back from the tenderers,
it makes evaluation far easier; saving further time and effort.

Asite Tender Manager handles the complete tender process. It helps us save time and money by
reducing the effort required to run our tender and ensures submissions are in a format we can easily

However, LOR reserves the right to use traditional tender methods such as hard copy or electronic via
e-mail / CD dependant on particular package requirements.

Package evaluation

Tenders will be evaluated in an ‘open book’ environment in accordance with the pre-determined
criteria. Relevant members of the Project Team, including the Client’s project manager, will review
elements of each tender. Post-tender meetings will be arranged by LOR to understand thoroughly each

Once a range of compliant tenders have been established and an appropriate package sum is
negotiated, LOR will issue to the Client’s Project Manager/Cost Advisor a LOR Cost Recommendation.
An appointment recommendation report will then be produced for sign off by Client’s Project
Manager/Cost Advisor as agreeing the package sum, which will then be incorporated into the GMP.

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 27 of 74 February 2012

Gateway 3: GMP

The GMP will be evaluated in terms of risk profile. Market testing alone will not necessarily identify all
costs associated with interfaces and or design development. LOR will use of expertise and experience
of delivering world class healthcare buildings in order to ensure that the GMP includes a robust
allowance to deliver the Client with a GMP.

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 28 of 74 February 2012


Tiered Supply Chain

LOR has recently carried out a full review of the supply chain in order to ensure that the business is best
placed to deliver the Procurement Strategy of the Group to:

• Provide a first class service to our projects

• Maximise our purchasing power
• Develop strong supply chain relationships
• Promote e-commerce to reduce costs
• Prioritise Health, Safety and Environmental issues within our supply chain
• Support the Group vision and strategy through DfMA and maximise opportunities
• Unlock the logistics factor

LOR operates international, national and regional supply chains which helps us to maximise the use of
local labour whilst maintaining our ability to leverage the market. By operating in this way, we are able
to satisfy a Client’s key drivers whether it is delivering lowest cost, best value, maximising the use of
local labour and SMEs or a combination of all of these.

The supply chain review consisted of a detailed analysis of our annual spend and how suppliers are
added and removed from our supply chain.

These reviews have led to the introduction of a tiered system which maintains flexibility with improved
controls and governance with particular emphasis placed on the Bribery Act 2010, ISO 27001
Information Security Management, VAT and insurance.

Our supply chain has now been broken down into four tiers which are illustrated and described in the
table below.

Tier 1 – Strategic sub-contractors, manufacturers and merchants who offer exclusive benefits at
both work winning and operational stages with whom we want to pro-actively extend our

Tier 2 – Preferred sub-contractors, manufacturers and merchants with whom we have pre-agreed
alignment with our HSDE, CSR and DfMA agendas. The aim is to develop our relationship with these

Tier 3 – Tactical sub-contractors and manufacturers. A proven track record with the business but no
key allegiance

Tier 4 – Temporary sub-contractors, manufacturers and Suppliers required due to client

specification or nomination and further bespoke needs on a one off basis

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 29 of 74 February 2012

Supply Chain Audits

As part of our commitment to the tiered supply chain structure, LOR regularly audit the supply chain in
order to satisfy ourselves that our supply chain members are able to meet our requirements in relation
to the following:-

Health and Safety, OHSAS 18001

LOR is the only main contractor who’s own supply chain health and safety audit are recognised by the
HSE as acceptable for inclusion within their Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) organisation. The
SSIP acts as an umbrella organisation to facilitate mutual recognition between health and safety pre-
qualification schemes wherever it is practical to do so. The scheme actively advises and influences
clients in relation to acceptable interpretation and appropriateness of health and safety competence
standards in UK schemes, embracing the core guidance on competence and training contained within
the Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulation 2007.

Environmental, ISO 14001 and Quality, ISO 9001

LOR require that all of our supply chain members operate in accordance with ISO 14001 and 9001 in
relation to their management systems for environmental and quality issues respectively. In order to
assist our supply chain, LOR engaged with an external consultancy business called ISYS who develop a
single intregrated management system (IMS) for Environmental, Quality, Health and Safety.

Financial security

LOR has strict internal procedures which govern the financial checking of sub-contractors and suppliers.
We use externally procured risk assessment and analysis tools from Dun and Bradstreet in the form of
their Supplier Portfolio Manager and Global Decision Maker tools. We also use our own Financial
Check Approval Form which is to be used for all package awards over £50k and those deemed as high
risk trades e.g. structural steel, envelope, mechanical and electrical services, lifts, scaffolding and dry

Both Dun and Bradstreet tools are internet based and provide ‘real live data’.

The Supplier Portfolio Manager is a risk analysis and assessment application that provides a powerful
view of total spend and risk across all Suppliers by combining spend data with Dun and Bradstreet data
to provide risk analytics at ‘overview’ and ‘Supplier’ levels. The tool provides significant ability to
analyse credit risks and instigate mitigation measures.

Where a company is not currently on listed on the Supplier Portfolio Manager, LOR uses the Global
Decision Maker. This application will generate a recommendation based on carefully defined criteria
given by LOR. If a Sub-contractor or Supplier is approved, they will then be added to the Supplier
Portfolio Manager system.

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 30 of 74 February 2012

Performance Management

LOR works closely with suppliers to assist them in supporting delivery of the project objectives and
targets. We will integrate our supply chain into the team through training and joint initiatives to ensure
alignment to the project values and goals, mutual benefits from project and wider learning, and
optimised overall performance.

As with all our projects we will deploy an effective process for monitoring the performance of our sub-
contractors and suppliers. The purpose of our supply chain management procedure is not to identify
the shortfalls in performance of individuals but to identify any developing issues at an early stage in
order that a solution or correction plan can be implemented to resolve the issue with minimal
disruption to the delivery of the project.

Our supply chain performance scoring will be carried out monthly. The project team will review the
performance of each sub-contractor and supplier using our iNTELLIGO system. This records performance in
the month for each of the following categories:

• Tender response (time, completeness and design/innovation)

• Pre-site performance
• Safety and environment
• Design
• Quality management
• Quality of workmanship and materials, defects and defect resolution
• Supervision and cooperation
• Adherence to programme
• Settlement with commercial manager

Reviews of performance will be fed back to our sub-contractors and any performance issues
will be discussed with them in review meetings to agree remedial action that the supplier needs to take
to improve. Where necessary we will provide assistance through additional training and support.

Having been given due warning, should any sub-contractor or supplier repeatedly fail to meet our
performance standards, we will replace them on the project and remove them from the supply chain
until they can demonstrate that the necessary improvements have been achieved. The Client will be
welcomed at performance review meetings and will be involved in any decision regarding removal and
replacement of any failing sub-contractor or supplier. This information will be made available to the
Trust and its advisors.

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 31 of 74 February 2012


The Procurement Process Map contained within Appendix C illustrates the process and reflects the
three gateways which have been described previously. It also clearly identifies where it has been
agreed with the Client’s Project Manager/Cost Advisor are invited to provide comments where


The Procurement Package Strategy Schedule contained in Appendix D, provides an economic and
manageable list of packages that can be administered through market testing process. This in turn will
ensure the package splits between each trade are clear and well defined.


On receipt of the design information LOR will review the content for completeness to ensure we are
obtaining adequate tender responses. This review will also seek to eradicate any discrepancies and
divergences between the various documents to ensure the tender returns are submitted in sufficient
detail and without ambiguity.

The dates will be inserted into the TORPS (Tender Information, Out to Tender, Tender Return, Place
Order, Start on Site) Procurement Plan contained in Appendix E the key milestone dates included are
as detailed below: -

• Receipt of initial design information for review

• Issue package sheet and tender list approval form to the Project Team for approval
• Receive approval of the package sheet and tender list approval form from the project team
• Out to tender
• Mid tender interview (if required)
• Tender return
• Tender opening and issue tender opening report to the project team
• Issue tender evaluation form to the Project Team
• Post tender interview (if required)
• Issue tender evaluation form including revised tender evaluation form to the project team
• Receive approval of the tender evaluation form report from the Project Team

The Procurement Plan (TORPS) will be updated every week in line with the Project Team co-ordination

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 32 of 74 February 2012


Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 33 of 74 February 2012

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Process Map V8 21.02.2012



Financial Health
Check Review of Mid Tender Comparison to Close Out
Package Risks Interviews Package Cost Package Risks
NO Plan


Pre- Prepare Package Review Post Tender Agree GMP

Qualification Collate/ Prepare Prepare LOR Cost
Proposed Issue Meeting Tender Meeting for Contractor
Exercise (if Review Invitation to Tender Proposal
Tender List Approved Returns Competitive and Approval
applicable Findings Tender and Analysis
Tender List Compliant
Health, Safety )

Receipt of Initial
Design Tender Technical
Assess Interest Queries YES YES
) Capability YES Information for

Issue to PM/CA Recommendation to Invite to PM/CA. Issue to PM/CA Review GMP

Trust Validation Issue to PM/CA Issue Trust
the Trust and its Issue Tender Proposal
and Agreement for Information Acceptance of for Information
Advisors Analysis for
Purposes / Design (TAD) to Purposes Information
Comment PM Purposes/Comment

1 week 2 Days 10 Days 1 week 2 weeks (subject to comments)



Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 35 of 74 February 2012

Document owner Gateways Document type

Procurement Establish Baseline Procurement Strategy

nt Package Strategy Schedule

Brighton and Sussex University Hospital - 3Ts Project (DRAFT)

No: L2505

Owner: Nick Kennedy

Sub-Contract Package Information Order Type Supply Chain Engagement Tender Method Price Design Supply Chain Contractural Matters HS&E / Quality Tender Deliverables


gy Statement
ding A/B/C

m Design


ntal Plan
e Tender




e Num

Spec & Drawings

Design Statemen
PSA Opportunity

SFA Opportunity

e & La
HS&E Questionn
Full Subcontract

Provisionall Sum

s Des

LRTA Opportuni

SWMP Question
ce Bo

Supervisor Com
SMA Opportunit

ce Sp
Tiered Category

Quality Grading
Purchase Order

Retention Bond
Low Risk Trade
LOR One Team

Single Source

Detailed Spec

S/C Warranty

Design Team
Package Subcontractor Name Scope of Works Status Comments



Quality Plan


Lump Sum
LOR /2009


H&S Plan

Staff CVs


B of Q



1100 Enabling Works
1200 Demolition √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
1300 Earthworks
1400 Temporary Works
1500 Sheet Piling
1600 Diaphram Walling
1700 Utilities Diversion
1710 Water
1720 Gas
1730 Electricity
1800 Local Authority (Section 106 Agreement)
1900 Miscellaneous Enabling Works PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
2100 Bearing & Secant Piling √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
2200 Groundworks, Substructure & Below Ground Drainage √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
2200 Gas Membrane
2300 Concrete Superstructure √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
2400 Precast Concrete Frame √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
2500 Structural Steelwork √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
2600 Miscellaneous Substructure/Frame PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
2700 Structural Firestopping √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
2800 Miscellaneous Substructure/Frame PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
2900 Miscellaneous Substructure/Frame PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
3100 Masonry √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3200 Precast Concrete Cladding √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3300 Metal & Glass Cladding (Curtain Walling) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3400 Profiled Sheet Cladding √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3500 Windows & External Doors √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3510 Revolving & Sliding Doors √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3520 Roller Shutters (External & Internal - Fire) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3530 Metal Doors √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3600 Roof Coverings / Mansafe System √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3610 Atrium Roof &Support Steelwork √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3620 Canopies √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3630 Louvres √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3700 Building Maintenance Units (BMU's) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3800 External Render
4100 Brickwork & Blockwork √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4200 Dry Linings & Partitions √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4210 Plastering √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4220 Screeding √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4300 Ceilings √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4400 Floor Finishes √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4410 Raised Access Flooring √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4500 Stone & Ceramic Tiled Finishes √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4600 Metalwork & Balustrading √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4700 Carpentry & Joinery √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4705 Doors & Ironmongery / Glazed Screens √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4710 Glazed Partitions √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4720 Reception Desks / Nurse Base Stations √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4800 Painting & Decoration √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4900 Fire & Acoustic Stopping √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5100 Fit-Out
5110 Bathroom Pods √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5120 IPS Panels √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5130 Bed Hoists √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5140 Folding Screens √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5150 WC Cubicles √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5200 Cubicle Tracks √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5300 Window Blinds √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5310 Black Out / Laser Proof Blinds √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5400 Aseptic Suite Fit-Out √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5500 Audiology Booths √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5600 Wall Protection Rails √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5700 FF&E: Group 1 Equipment √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5710 FF&E: Group 2 Equipment √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5720 Catering Equipment √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5730 Mortuary Equipment √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

The LOR Way Copyright Laing O'Rourke 2011

PRO.T.01.PPSS Brighton 3Ts 010212 (Revised June 2011) All rights reserved 1 of 3
Document owner Gateways Document type

Procurement Establish Baseline Procurement Strategy

nt Package Strategy Schedule

Brighton and Sussex University Hospital - 3Ts Project (DRAFT)

No: L2505

Owner: Nick Kennedy

Sub-Contract Package Information Order Type Supply Chain Engagement Tender Method Price Design Supply Chain Contractural Matters HS&E / Quality Tender Deliverables


gy Statement
ding A/B/C

m Design


ntal Plan
e Tender




e Num

Spec & Drawings

Design Statemen
PSA Opportunity

SFA Opportunity

e & La
HS&E Questionn
Full Subcontract

Provisionall Sum

s Des

LRTA Opportuni

SWMP Question
ce Bo

Supervisor Com
SMA Opportunit

ce Sp
Tiered Category

Quality Grading
Purchase Order

Retention Bond
Low Risk Trade
LOR One Team

Single Source

Detailed Spec

S/C Warranty

Design Team
Package Subcontractor Name Scope of Works Status Comments



Quality Plan


Lump Sum
LOR /2009


H&S Plan

Staff CVs


B of Q



5900 Wayfinding / Signage √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6000 Mechanical & Electrical Services √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6000 AHU's √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6001 BMS √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6002 Bream √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6003 CCTV √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6004 CO plant √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6005 CO2 Sensoring √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6006 Commissioning √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6007 Data & Comms √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6008 Decant √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6009 Dry Risers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6010 Ductwork √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6011 Drainage √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6012 External Lighting √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6013 Fans √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6014 Fire Alarm √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6015 Fire Mains √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6016 Fume Cupboard √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6017 Gas fire fighting √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6018 General Allowance √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6019 HV Installation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6020 HV Housing √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6021 Induction Loops √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6022 Insulation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6023 IPS panels √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6024 Irrigation Systen √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6025 Jet Fans √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6026 Lighting to upper levels √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6027 Lightning Protection √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6028 LV Pannels √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6029 Medical Equipment √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6030 Medical Gasses √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6031 Nurse Call √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6032 Oil Alteration √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6033 PA System √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6034 Package subs √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6035 Pneumatic tube √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6036 Ramp Heating √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6037 Sanitaryware √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6038 Sanitaryware Shut Off √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6039 Security √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6040 Site wide diversions √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6041 Spinklers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6042 Switch board √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6043 Subcontracts √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6044 Strip Out √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6045 Tanks √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6046 Temporary and diversions √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6047 Test & Commission √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6048 Travel Information √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6049 TV System √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6050 Ultra Clean Canopies √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6051 UPS √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6052 Utility Companies √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6053 Water √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6054 Water Consumption √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6055 Water Metering √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6056 Water Recycling √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6057 Electrical Services √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6058 Mechanical services √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6059 Miscellanous √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6700 Escalators
6800 Lift Installations √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6900 Specialist Mechanical & Electrical Equipment √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6950 Services Commissioning √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
7100 Drainage & Ducts √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

The LOR Way Copyright Laing O'Rourke 2011

PRO.T.01.PPSS Brighton 3Ts 010212 (Revised June 2011) All rights reserved 2 of 3
Document owner Gateways Document type

Procurement Establish Baseline Procurement Strategy

nt Package Strategy Schedule

Brighton and Sussex University Hospital - 3Ts Project (DRAFT)

No: L2505

Owner: Nick Kennedy

Sub-Contract Package Information Order Type Supply Chain Engagement Tender Method Price Design Supply Chain Contractural Matters HS&E / Quality Tender Deliverables


gy Statement
ding A/B/C

m Design


ntal Plan
e Tender




e Num

Spec & Drawings

Design Statemen
PSA Opportunity

SFA Opportunity

e & La
HS&E Questionn
Full Subcontract

Provisionall Sum

s Des

LRTA Opportuni

SWMP Question
ce Bo

Supervisor Com
SMA Opportunit

ce Sp
Tiered Category

Quality Grading
Purchase Order

Retention Bond
Low Risk Trade
LOR One Team

Single Source

Detailed Spec

S/C Warranty

Design Team
Package Subcontractor Name Scope of Works Status Comments



Quality Plan


Lump Sum
LOR /2009


H&S Plan

Staff CVs


B of Q



7200 External Works √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
7300 Roads & Car Park Surfacing
7400 External Structures
7500 Hard Landscaping √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
7600 Soft Landscaping √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
8000 Preliminaries
8010 Site Set-Up
8020 Site Security
8030 Temporary Electrics
8040 Temporary Plumbing
8050 Scaffolding & Access Equipment
8060 Waste Management
8070 Tower Cranes
8080 Hoists
8090 Builders Clean
8100 Miscellaneous Prelimaries PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
8200 Miscellaneous Prelimaries PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
8300 Miscellaneous Prelimaries PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
8400 Miscellaneous Prelimaries PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
8500 Miscellaneous Prelimaries PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
8600 Miscellaneous Prelimaries PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
8700 Miscellaneous Prelimaries PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
8800 Miscellaneous Prelimaries PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
8900 Miscellaneous Prelimaries PACKAGE TO BE ADVISED
900 Architect
9100 Landscape Architect
9200 Structural Engineer
9300 Services Engineer
9400 Fire Engineer
9500 Cost Consultants
9600 Acoustic Engineer
9700 Building Control
9800 Legal
9900 Document Management System (ASITE)

The LOR Way Copyright Laing O'Rourke 2011

PRO.T.01.PPSS Brighton 3Ts 010212 (Revised June 2011) All rights reserved 3 of 3

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 39 of 74 February 2012

Procurement Plan (TORPS)
Week Commencing 20 February 2012
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals - 3Ts Project
Stage Complete
P - Programmed ( Programme Revision) Stage Due within 7 Days
No: L2505 F - Forecast Stage Overdue
Owner: Nick Kennedy A - Actual

Code Trade Proc Procurement PQQ Tender List Design Receipt of Package Scope Receipt of Receive of Package Assemble Out to Tender Tender Tender Post- Complete Finalisation Issue Submit LOR Recommendation Comments
Mnr Stream to Agreement Approval Team Initial Information Received BoQ / Pricing Package Review ITT Doc Tender Period Return Analysis Tender Tender Period Internal Cost Approved by the
LOR Cost by the Trust Received Scope Design Info Request Document Programme Meeting Period Period Meeting Analysis (weeks) LOR Proposal Trust
Proposal Review for Review Email Period Tender
(Weeks) Meeting Appraisal

(T) (O) (R)

1200 Demolition NJK 9 DemolitionP P (Target) 13/03/12 27/03/12 17/04/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 1 08/05/12 4 05/06/12 1 12/06/12 12/06/12 2 26/06/12 03/07/12 17/07/12
DemolitionF F
DemolitionA A
2100 Bearing & Secant Piling NJK 9 Bearing & P (Target) 13/03/12 27/03/12 17/04/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 1 08/05/12 4 05/06/12 1 12/06/12 12/06/12 2 26/06/12 03/07/12 17/07/12
Bearing & F
Bearing & A
2200 Substructure & Below Ground NJK 9 Substructure P (Target) 13/03/12 27/03/12 17/04/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 1 08/05/12 4 05/06/12 1 12/06/12 12/06/12 2 26/06/12 03/07/12 17/07/12
Drainage Substructure F
Substructure A
2500 Structural Steelwork NJK 9 Structural P (Target) 13/03/12 27/03/12 17/04/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 1 08/05/12 4 05/06/12 1 12/06/12 12/06/12 2 26/06/12 03/07/12 17/07/12
Structural F
Structural A
2400 Precast Structural Frame NJK 11 Precast P (Target) 30/03/12 13/04/12 04/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 1 25/05/12 6 06/07/12 1 13/07/12 13/07/12 2 27/07/12 03/08/12 17/08/12
Precast F
Precast A
3200 Precast Cladding Panels NJK 11 Precast P (Target) 30/03/12 13/04/12 04/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 1 25/05/12 6 06/07/12 1 13/07/12 13/07/12 2 27/07/12 03/08/12 17/08/12
Precast F
Precast A
3100 External Cladding NJK 11 External P (Target) 05/04/12 19/04/12 10/05/12 24/05/12 24/05/12 24/05/12 24/05/12 24/05/12 24/05/12 1 31/05/12 6 12/07/12 1 19/07/12 19/07/12 2 02/08/12 09/08/12 23/08/12
External F
External A
3300 Curtain Walling, Windows & NJK 11 Curtain P (Target) 30/03/12 13/04/12 04/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 1 25/05/12 6 06/07/12 1 13/07/12 13/07/12 2 27/07/12 03/08/12 17/08/12
External Doors Curtain F
Curtain A
3530 Metal Doors NJK 9 Metal DoorsP P (Target) 30/03/12 13/04/12 04/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 18/05/12 1 25/05/12 4 22/06/12 1 29/06/12 29/06/12 2 13/07/12 20/07/12 03/08/12
Metal DoorsF F
Metal DoorsA A
3510 Revolving & Sliding Doors NJK 9 Revolving & P (Target) 22/05/12 05/06/12 26/06/12 10/07/12 10/07/12 10/07/12 10/07/12 10/07/12 10/07/12 1 17/07/12 4 14/08/12 1 21/08/12 21/08/12 2 04/09/12 11/09/12 25/09/12
Revolving & F
Revolving & A
3600 Roof Coverings / Mansafe NJK 9 Roof P (Target) 05/04/12 19/04/12 10/05/12 24/05/12 24/05/12 24/05/12 24/05/12 24/05/12 24/05/12 1 31/05/12 4 28/06/12 1 05/07/12 05/07/12 2 19/07/12 26/07/12 09/08/12
Systems Roof F
Roof A
3610 Atrium Roof & Support Steelwork NJK 9 Atrium Roof P (Target) 13/03/12 27/03/12 17/04/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 1 08/05/12 4 05/06/12 1 12/06/12 12/06/12 2 26/06/12 03/07/12 17/07/12
Atrium Roof F
Atrium Roof A
3620 Canopies NJK 9 CanopiesP P (Target) 02/05/12 16/05/12 06/06/12 20/06/12 20/06/12 20/06/12 20/06/12 20/06/12 20/06/12 1 27/06/12 4 25/07/12 1 01/08/12 01/08/12 2 15/08/12 22/08/12 05/09/12
CanopiesF F
CanopiesA A
3630 Louvres NJK 9 LouvresP P (Target) 02/05/12 16/05/12 06/06/12 20/06/12 20/06/12 20/06/12 20/06/12 20/06/12 20/06/12 1 27/06/12 4 25/07/12 1 01/08/12 01/08/12 2 15/08/12 22/08/12 05/09/12
LouvresF F
LouvresA A
3700 Building Maintenance Units NJK 9 Building P (Target) 22/05/12 05/06/12 26/06/12 10/07/12 10/07/12 10/07/12 10/07/12 10/07/12 10/07/12 1 17/07/12 4 14/08/12 1 21/08/12 21/08/12 2 04/09/12 11/09/12 25/09/12
(BMU's) Building F
Building A
3520 Roller Shutters (Internal & NJK 9 Roller P (Target) 06/06/12 20/06/12 11/07/12 25/07/12 25/07/12 25/07/12 25/07/12 25/07/12 25/07/12 1 01/08/12 4 29/08/12 1 05/09/12 05/09/12 2 19/09/12 26/09/12 10/10/12
External - Fire) Roller F
Roller A
4100 Brickwork & Blockwork NJK 6 Brickwork & P (Target) 20/06/12 04/07/12 25/07/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 1 15/08/12 2 29/08/12 1 05/09/12 05/09/12 1 12/09/12 19/09/12 03/10/12
Brickwork & F
Brickwork & A
4200 Dry Linings, Partitions & Ceilings NJK 11 Dry Linings, P (Target) 23/02/12 08/03/12 29/03/12 12/04/12 12/04/12 12/04/12 12/04/12 12/04/12 12/04/12 1 19/04/12 6 31/05/12 1 07/06/12 07/06/12 2 21/06/12 28/06/12 12/07/12
Dry Linings, F
Dry Linings, A
4240 Fire Protection NJK 9 Fire P (Target) 11/04/12 25/04/12 16/05/12 30/05/12 30/05/12 30/05/12 30/05/12 30/05/12 30/05/12 1 06/06/12 4 04/07/12 1 11/07/12 11/07/12 2 25/07/12 01/08/12 15/08/12
Fire F
Fire A
4400 Screed & Hard / Soft Floor NJK 11 Screed & P (Target) 03/04/12 17/04/12 08/05/12 22/05/12 22/05/12 22/05/12 22/05/12 22/05/12 22/05/12 1 29/05/12 6 10/07/12 1 17/07/12 17/07/12 2 31/07/12 07/08/12 21/08/12
Finishes Screed & F
Screed & A
4500 Ceramic Tiling NJK 5 Ceramic P (Target) 27/06/12 11/07/12 01/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 0 15/08/12 2 29/08/12 1 05/09/12 05/09/12 1 12/09/12 19/09/12 03/10/12
Ceramic F
Ceramic A
4410 Raised Access Flooring NJK 9 Raised P (Target) 01/05/12 15/05/12 05/06/12 19/06/12 19/06/12 19/06/12 19/06/12 19/06/12 19/06/12 1 26/06/12 4 24/07/12 1 31/07/12 31/07/12 2 14/08/12 21/08/12 04/09/12
Raised F
Raised A
4600 Architectural Metalwork NJK 9 Architectural P (Target) 07/05/12 21/05/12 11/06/12 25/06/12 25/06/12 25/06/12 25/06/12 25/06/12 25/06/12 1 02/07/12 4 30/07/12 1 06/08/12 06/08/12 2 20/08/12 27/08/12 10/09/12
Architectural F
Architectural A

1 of 2
4700 Carpentry & Joinery NJK 9 Carpentry & P (Target) 03/05/12 17/05/12 07/06/12 21/06/12 21/06/12 21/06/12 21/06/12 21/06/12 21/06/12 1 28/06/12 4 26/07/12 1 02/08/12 02/08/12 2 16/08/12 23/08/12 06/09/12
Carpentry & F
Carpentry & A
4705 Doors & Ironmongery / Glazed NJK 11 Doors & P (Target) 03/04/12 17/04/12 08/05/12 22/05/12 22/05/12 22/05/12 22/05/12 22/05/12 22/05/12 1 29/05/12 6 10/07/12 1 17/07/12 17/07/12 2 31/07/12 07/08/12 21/08/12
Screens Doors & F
Doors & A
4710 Glazed Partitions NJK 8 Glazed P (Target) 29/05/12 12/06/12 03/07/12 17/07/12 17/07/12 17/07/12 17/07/12 17/07/12 17/07/12 1 24/07/12 4 21/08/12 1 28/08/12 28/08/12 1 04/09/12 11/09/12 25/09/12
Glazed F
Glazed A
4720 Reception Desks / Nurse Base NJK 8 Reception P (Target) 25/05/12 08/06/12 29/06/12 13/07/12 13/07/12 13/07/12 13/07/12 13/07/12 13/07/12 1 20/07/12 4 17/08/12 1 24/08/12 24/08/12 1 31/08/12 07/09/12 21/09/12
Stations Reception F
Reception A
5110 Bathroom Pods NJK 9 Bathroom P (Target) 11/04/12 25/04/12 16/05/12 30/05/12 30/05/12 30/05/12 30/05/12 30/05/12 30/05/12 1 06/06/12 4 04/07/12 1 11/07/12 11/07/12 2 25/07/12 01/08/12 15/08/12
Bathroom F
Bathroom A
5120 IPS Panels NJK 9 IPS PanelsP P (Target) 13/04/12 27/04/12 18/05/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 1 08/06/12 4 06/07/12 1 13/07/12 13/07/12 2 27/07/12 03/08/12 17/08/12
IPS PanelsF F
IPS PanelsA A
5130 Bed Hoists NJK 6 Bed HoistsP P (Target) 14/06/12 28/06/12 19/07/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 1 09/08/12 2 23/08/12 1 30/08/12 30/08/12 1 06/09/12 13/09/12 27/09/12
Bed HoistsF F
Bed HoistsA A
5140 Folding Screens NJK 8 Folding P (Target) 29/05/12 12/06/12 03/07/12 17/07/12 17/07/12 17/07/12 17/07/12 17/07/12 17/07/12 1 24/07/12 4 21/08/12 1 28/08/12 28/08/12 1 04/09/12 11/09/12 25/09/12
Folding F
Folding A
5150 WC Cubicles NJK 7 WC P (Target) 27/06/12 11/07/12 01/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 1 22/08/12 3 12/09/12 1 19/09/12 19/09/12 1 26/09/12 03/10/12 17/10/12
5200 Cubicle Tracks NJK 6 Cubicle P (Target) 27/06/12 11/07/12 01/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 15/08/12 1 22/08/12 2 05/09/12 1 12/09/12 12/09/12 1 19/09/12 26/09/12 10/10/12
Cubicle F
Cubicle A
5300 Window Blinds NJK 6 Window P (Target) 20/06/12 04/07/12 25/07/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 1 15/08/12 2 29/08/12 1 05/09/12 05/09/12 1 12/09/12 19/09/12 03/10/12
Window F
Window A
5310 Black Out / Laser Proof Blinds NJK 6 Black Out / P (Target) 20/06/12 04/07/12 25/07/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 1 15/08/12 2 29/08/12 1 05/09/12 05/09/12 1 12/09/12 19/09/12 03/10/12
Black Out / F
Black Out / A
5400 Aseptic Suite Fit-Out NJK 8 Aseptic Suite P (Target) 14/06/12 28/06/12 19/07/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 1 09/08/12 4 06/09/12 1 13/09/12 13/09/12 1 20/09/12 27/09/12 11/10/12
Aseptic Suite F
Aseptic Suite A
5500 Audiology Booths NJK 6 Audiology P (Target) 14/06/12 28/06/12 19/07/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 1 09/08/12 2 23/08/12 1 30/08/12 30/08/12 1 06/09/12 13/09/12 27/09/12
Audiology F
Audiology A
5600 Wall Protection Rails NJK 8 Wall P (Target) 20/06/12 04/07/12 25/07/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 1 15/08/12 4 12/09/12 1 19/09/12 19/09/12 1 26/09/12 03/10/12 17/10/12
Wall F
Wall A
4800 Painting & Decorations NJK 9 Painting & P (Target) 17/05/12 31/05/12 21/06/12 05/07/12 05/07/12 05/07/12 05/07/12 05/07/12 05/07/12 1 12/07/12 4 09/08/12 1 16/08/12 16/08/12 2 30/08/12 06/09/12 20/09/12
Painting & F
Painting & A
5000 Chapel Replacement NJK 8 Chapel P (Target) 14/06/12 28/06/12 19/07/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 1 09/08/12 4 06/09/12 1 13/09/12 13/09/12 1 20/09/12 27/09/12 11/10/12
Chapel F
Chapel A
5700 FF&E: Group 1 Equipment NJK 9 FF&E: Group P (Target) 13/04/12 27/04/12 18/05/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 1 08/06/12 4 06/07/12 1 13/07/12 13/07/12 2 27/07/12 03/08/12 17/08/12
FF&E: Group F
FF&E: Group A
5710 FF&E: Group 2 Equipment NJK 9 FF&E: Group P (Target) 13/04/12 27/04/12 18/05/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 01/06/12 1 08/06/12 4 06/07/12 1 13/07/12 13/07/12 2 27/07/12 03/08/12 17/08/12
FF&E: Group F
FF&E: Group A
5720 Catering Equipment NJK 9 Catering P (Target) 31/05/12 14/06/12 05/07/12 19/07/12 19/07/12 19/07/12 19/07/12 19/07/12 19/07/12 1 26/07/12 4 23/08/12 1 30/08/12 30/08/12 2 13/09/12 20/09/12 04/10/12
Catering F
Catering A
5730 Mortuary Equipment NJK 8 Mortuary P (Target) 31/05/12 14/06/12 05/07/12 19/07/12 19/07/12 19/07/12 19/07/12 19/07/12 19/07/12 1 26/07/12 4 23/08/12 1 30/08/12 30/08/12 1 06/09/12 13/09/12 27/09/12
Mortuary F
Mortuary A
5900 Wayfinding / Signage NJK 8 Wayfinding / P (Target) 03/07/12 17/07/12 07/08/12 21/08/12 21/08/12 21/08/12 21/08/12 21/08/12 21/08/12 1 28/08/12 4 25/09/12 1 02/10/12 02/10/12 1 09/10/12 16/10/12 30/10/12
Wayfinding / F
Wayfinding / A
6000 Mechanical, Electrical & Public NJK 21 Mechanical, P (Target) 13/03/12 27/03/12 17/04/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 01/05/12 1 08/05/12 14 14/08/12 2 28/08/12 28/08/12 3 18/09/12 25/09/12 09/10/12
Health Services Mechanical, F
Mechanical, A
6800 Lift Installations NJK 9 Lift P (Target) 03/05/12 17/05/12 07/06/12 21/06/12 21/06/12 21/06/12 21/06/12 21/06/12 21/06/12 1 28/06/12 4 26/07/12 1 02/08/12 02/08/12 2 16/08/12 23/08/12 06/09/12
Lift F
Lift A
7500 Hard / Soft Landscaping / External NJK 9 Hard / Soft P (Target) 04/04/12 18/04/12 09/05/12 23/05/12 23/05/12 23/05/12 23/05/12 23/05/12 23/05/12 1 30/05/12 4 27/06/12 1 04/07/12 04/07/12 2 18/07/12 25/07/12 08/08/12
Works Hard / Soft F
Hard / Soft A

2 of 2

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 42 of 74 February 2012

Brighton 3T's- Delivery Model & Market Testing Breakdown

Cost Plan- broken down into Packages Procurement Route

ECC Option A Compeditive
23 Sept 2011 OBC Refresh Helipad Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Site Wide Energy Lump Sum Tender Validated Costs

Subcontracted Packages 1200 Demolitions 1,078,781 196,740 488,775 288,266 105,000 1,078,781
2500 Structural Steelwork 2,676,934 1,677,519 725,337 214,448 59,630 2,676,934
2600 Miscellaneous Sub Structure Frame 98,275 98,275 98,275
2900 Miscellaneous Sub Structure Frame 147,300 43,000 104,300 147,300
3100 Masonry 3,320 3,320 3,320
3300 Metal & Glass Cladding 5,725,731 3,947,872 1,777,859 5,725,731
3310 Brise Soleil 221,272 153,248 68,024 221,272
3320 Cladding to Bridge Soffits 178,122 75,432 86,304 16,386 178,122
3400 Profiled Sheet Cladding 665,443 331,300 334,143 665,443
3500 Windows & External Doors 1,890,648 1,200 1,295,292 573,605 20,551 1,890,648
3510 Revolving & Sliding Doors 55,860 55,860 55,860
3520 Roller Shutters(Internal & External) 23,275 23,275 23,275
3600 Roof Coverings/Mansafe System 1,712,580 99,070 761,261 739,808 112,441 1,712,580
3620 Canopies 139,650 93,100 46,550 139,650
3630 Louvres 916,802 819,250 58,450 39,102 916,802
3700 Building Maintence Units 513,600 273,500 147,000 93,100 513,600
4100 Brickwork & Blockwork (Internal) 273,643 132,525 110,128 30,990 273,643
4200 Drylining & Partitions 6,515,165 7,850 4,855,717 1,651,598 6,515,165
4220 Screeding 1,400 1,400 1,400
4300 Ceilings 2,203,249 8,273 1,570,992 623,984 2,203,249
4400 Floor Finishings 3,776,648 14,469 2,644,966 1,111,933 5,280 3,776,648
4500 Stone & Ceramic Tiled Finishes 213,030 177,570 35,460 213,030
4600 Metalwork & Balustrading 731,195 278,700 452,495 731,195
4700 Carpentry & Joinery 89,642 49,803 39,839 89,642
4705 Doors & Ironmongery/Glased Screens 4,695,305 6,400 3,593,585 1,095,320 4,695,305
4710 Glazed Partitions 407,000 407,000 407,000
4800 Painting & Decorating 1,763,439 6,600 1,345,693 400,776 10,370 1,763,439
5100 Fit Out 3,655 3,655 3,655
5120 IPS Panels 347,400 217,750 129,650 347,400
5140 Folding Screens 219,545 199,195 20,350 219,545
5150 WC Cubicles 25,000 15,000 10,000 25,000
5160 Sound Absorption Panels 69,825 46,550 23,275 69,825
5400 Aseptic Suite Fit Out 24,900 24,900 24,900
5500 Audiology Booth 160,000 160,000 160,000
5700 FF&E Group 1 Equipment 6,612,331 4,861,239 1,738,607 12,485 6,612,331
5710 FF&E Group 2 Equipment incl'd above incl'd above
6800 Lift Installations 3,782,190 239,250 2,671,665 871,275 3,782,190
6975 BWIC with Engineering Services 2,264,718 1,348,033 437,569 826 478,290 ECC Option C- Target Cost Contracts 2,264,718
7200 External Works 2,516,690 1,053,378 1,305,162 158,150 2,516,690
7500 Hard Landscaping 33,604 33,604 Expanded 33,604
7600 Soft Landscaping 13,410 13,410 Labour 36 12,103,055 13,410 12,103,055
7999 External Services 196,000 196,000 Plant 14 4,706,744 196,000 4,706,744
9997 Refurbishment of Existing Boiler House 435,000 435,000 Materials - Concrete 17 5,715,332 435,000 5,715,332
9998 Artwork 1,400,000 800,000 600,000 Materials - Reinforcement 10 3,361,960 1,400,000 3,361,960
9999 Heritage 1,000,000 1,000,000 Materials- Other 8 2,689,568 1,000,000 2,689,568
1800 Local Authority (Section 106 Agreement) 500,000 250,000 250,000 Subcontractors 2 672,392 500,000 672,392
Preliminaries 13 4,370,548 4,370,548
SubTotal Packages 56,321,577 2,869,146 36,961,381 14,959,535 618,225 913,290 Nett 33,619,598
OH* P 3,361,960
LOR Companies Expanded Gross 36,981,558
2100 Bearing & Secant Piling 6,000,517 22,568 2,665,993 3,311,956 6,000,517
2200 Grounfworks, Substructure & below
ground Drainage 11,389,318 1,671 6,046,300 5,314,790 26,557 11,389,318
2300 Concrete Superstructure 25,088,240 22,772 15,178,535 9,005,489 881,444 25,088,240
2400 Precast Concrete Frame 504,000 378,000 126,000 504,000
3200 Precast Concrete Cladding 9,452,857 6,460,277 2,771,014 221,566 9,452,857

Sub Total- Expanded 52,434,932 47,011 30,729,105 20,529,249 1,129,567 0


Packages Market Tested

6000 AHU's 1,918,132 49,460 1,372,915 495,757 0 1,918,132
6001 BMS 3,748,360 31,475 2,468,242 932,044 316,599 3,748,360
6002 Bream 1,006,731 0 1,006,731 0 0 1,006,731
6003 CCTV 217,401 0 0 0 217,401 217,401
6004 CO plant 8,993 8,993 0 0 0 8,993
6005 CO2 Sensoring 31,953 0 10,688 21,265 0 31,953
6006 Commissioning 6,682 6,682 0 0 0 6,682
6007 Data & Comms 1,950,661 19,784 1,434,276 496,601 0 1,950,661
6008 Decant 177,608 0 0 0 177,608 177,608
6009 Dry Risers 155,158 0 106,223 48,935 0 155,158
6010 Ductwork 7,141,510 31,475 5,391,540 1,718,495 0 7,141,510
6011 Drainage 1,015,095 13,489 689,356 268,006 44,244 1,015,095
6012 External Lighting 131,815 0 0 0 131,815 131,815
6013 Fans 230,944 0 58,173 172,772 0 230,944
6014 Fire Alarm 1,548,594 7,644 1,096,642 444,308 0 1,548,594
6015 Fire Mains 83,183 83,183 0 0 0 83,183
6016 Fume Cupboard 24,287 0 0 24,287 0 24,287
6017 Gas fire fighting 99,736 0 74,754 24,981 0 99,736
6018 General Allowance 89,928 0 0 0 89,928 89,928
6019 HV Installation 881,010 0 0 0 881,010 881,010
6020 HV Housing 67,446 0 0 0 67,446 67,446
6021 Induction Loops 9,603 0 3,249 6,353 0 9,603
6022 Insulation 9,892 9,892 0 0 0 9,892
6023 IPS panels 312,410 0 195,818 116,592 0 312,410
6024 Irrigation Systen 61,801 0 61,801 0 0 61,801
6025 Jet Fans 59,790 0 59,790 0 0 59,790
6026 Lighting to upper levels 89,928 0 0 0 89,928 89,928
6027 Lightning Protection 82,667 6,745 54,221 21,701 0 82,667
6028 LV Pannels 1,992,218 0 1,552,772 405,723 33,723 1,992,218
6029 Medical Equipment 1,556,212 0 1,240,720 0 315,492 1,556,212
6030 Medical Gasses 2,000,252 0 1,499,241 501,011 0 2,000,252
6031 Nurse Call 1,172,851 0 1,130,031 42,820 0 1,172,851
6032 Oil Alteration 13,489 0 0 0 13,489 13,489
6033 PA System 130,903 0 98,115 32,788 0 130,903
6034 Package subs 873,336 0 599,303 274,033 0 873,336
6035 Pneumatic tube 300,173 0 300,056 117 0 300,173
6036 Ramp Heating 23,269 0 15,823 7,446 0 23,269
6037 Sanitaryware 2,262,263 1,349 1,696,509 564,406 0 2,262,263
6038 Sanitaryware Shut Off 123,603 0 123,603 0 0 123,603
6039 Security 1,715,178 17,986 1,146,677 550,515 0 1,715,178
6040 Site wide diversions 574,535 0 0 0 574,535 574,535
6041 Spinklers 556,385 0 391,998 164,387 0 556,385
6042 Switch board 10,988 0 10,988 0 0 10,988
6043 Subcontracts 5,866,433 0 0 0 5,866,433 5,866,433
6044 Strip Out 44,514 0 0 0 44,514 44,514
6045 Tanks 50,809 50,809 0 0 0 50,809
6046 Temporary and diversions 149,354 0 0 0 149,354 149,354
6047 Test & Commission 1,315,623 0 957,932 321,855 35,836 1,315,623
6048 Travel Information 21,496 0 21,496 0 0 21,496 ECC Option C- Target Cost Contracts
6049 TV System 100,133 0 74,754 25,379 0 100,133
6050 Ultra Clean Canopies 207,968 0 207,968 0 0 207,968
6051 UPS 676,899 4,496 531,884 140,519 0 676,899
6052 Utility Companies 336,014 0 0 0 336,014 336,014
6053 Water 159,597 0 0 0 159,597 159,597
6054 Water Consumption 197,942 0 197,942 0 0 197,942 CHt
6055 Water Metering 30,452 0 30,452 0 0 30,452 Market Tested Packages 43,809,614 43,809,614
6056 Water Recycling 185,404 0 185,404 0 0 185,404 43,809,614.21 Direct Materials 9,714,233 9,714,233
0 0 0 0 0 Direct Labour 14,571,350 14,571,350
Direct Delivery Packages 0 0 0 0 0 Preliminaries 9,548,725 9,548,725
6057 Electrical Services 9,927,973 185,612 6,774,002 2,750,374 217,986 9,927,973 Sub Total 77,643,922
6058 Mechanical services 13,965,078 320,641 8,209,637 2,788,093 2,646,708 13,965,078
6059 Miscellanous 392,532 7,639 195,912 152,485 36,496 392,532 24,285,583.26 Fee 11.2 8,696,119
0 0 0 0 0
Preliminaries 9,548,725 125,433 5,891,280 1,979,413 1,552,599 9,548,725 9,548,724.92 Gross 86,340,042
Fee @ 11.2% 8,696,119 110,072 5,282,919 1,735,268 4,955 1,562,905 8,696,119 8,696,119.31

Sub Total - CHt 86,340,042 1,092,860 52,451,838 17,228,728 49,199 15,517,417 106,131,708 36,313,085 40,593,678

CS Cost Plan Total 195,096,551 4,009,017 120,142,324 52,717,512 1,796,991 16,430,707

Helipad Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Site Wide Energy

Cost Plan Adjustment -9,847,353 -5,356,919 -1,832,876 -2,048,936

Preliminaries Staff & Labour 15,334,600 4,674,479 10,660,121

Plant 5,372,163 5,372,163
Scaffolding 942,809 942,809
Offices etc 3,150,930 3,150,930
Services 1,299,507 781,859 517,649
Temporary Requirements 2,485,437 2,485,437
Miscellaneous 998,891 998,891
Other 918,544 918,544

Prelims 30,502,881 0 14,922,240 15,580,642

Design & Price Contingency Included within General Contingency 3.75% incl

Total Nett 215,752,079 100,774,789 49,402,449 54,125,384

Fee 7.5% 16,181,406 Insurance 2,373,273

Gross Total 231,933,485

Fees ( including Phase 2 & 3) Excluding Trust Fees (£10m) 31,680,647 31,680,647

Contract Total 263,614,132 100,774,789 83,456,369 54,125,384

Trust Fees 10,000,000

Decant 28,101,653
Equipment 29,700,000
Contingency 18,554,679
Optimism Bias 7,515,015
Inflation 17,376,336
VAT 64,134,411
Private Patients -18,882,413

Total 420,113,813

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 44 of 74 February 2012

BSUH 3Ts Scheme


January 2012
(Revision 3 February 2012)

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 45 of 74 February 2012


1. Introduction
2. Subcontract Packages
3. PSCM – Crown House Technologies Limited
4. In House Capability – Expanded Limited


A. Market Testing Package by Package Procurement Strategy Schedule

Revision By Purpose Date

- NJK Draft issued for comments 10 January 2012
1 NJK Revised following review meeting 12 January 2012
2 NJK Revised following T&T comments (30/01/12) and meeting with the Trust 30 January 2012
3 NJK Revised following T&T comments (15 February 2012) 16 February 2012

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 46 of 74 February 2012


The purpose of this document is to describe the procurement strategy package by package which will
be adopted by Laing O’Rourke (LOR) to deliver the market testing of the Brighton 3Ts Hospital Scheme
for the Brighton and Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust.

In particular, it describes the process that will be undertaken during engagement with Crown House
Technologies and Expanded Limited to demonstrate an ‘open book’ manner to provide full visibility
using robust procedures and systems to deliver affordability and best value for money to the Client at
all times.

This report is to be read in conjunction with LOR’s Procurement Strategy Report OBC Refresh dated
October 2011 Revision 4 (February 2012).

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 47 of 74 February 2012


In adherence to the processes described on the agreed Procurement Process Map V8 21.02.12(contained
within the Procurement Strategy Report OBC Refresh dated October 2011 Rev 4 - Appendix C) LOR will
undertake competitive market testing of each Subcontract package of works.

With the early incorporation of LOR’s Strategic Manufacturer Agreements (SMA’s) and Preferred
Supplier Agreements (PSA’s) LOR will demonstrate the costs associated with each supply component to
each package whilst gaining an understanding to the factors impacting on the condition of the supply
cost in that particular market.

With the implementation of LOR’s long term strategic and preferred agreements LOR will achieve a
commitment to the very best market value, dedicated design and technical resources, co-ordination
and interfacing awareness, manufacturer and cost planning representation with the exposure to future
developments, innovation and the commercial intelligence within the market place.

The Market Testing Package by Package Procurement Strategy Schedule contained within Appendix A
illustrates the market test regime together with the associated SMA/PSA for each package.

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 48 of 74 February 2012


We intend using a ‘single point’ tender for the M@E package using our in house subsidiary Crown
House Technologies (CHt) who are a PSCM to LOR with in the P21 Framework and were included,
along with Expanded Structures Ltd, within our procurement strategy statement included in the Phase 3
Contract documentation. At this stage in the design process, market testing the M@ E Package would
result in an increase in the time and cost risks associated with the project, as the benefits gained by
having CHt involved in all aspects of the design and cost model development to date would be largely

During the Phase 3 contract period CHt have been an integral part of the Project Team closely involved
in the design development and have been able to gain valuable insight into the project. Their
engagement with the designers and contribution to the production of the engineering services design
has enabled a holistic design to be developed which maximizes modularisation and installation
methods (that have been developed by CHt) and utilizes preferred specialist equipment and systems.

The input and involvement to date by CHt has resulted in an engineering services design that:

• Reflects the CHt offsite modularisation methodologies.

• Adopts the most efficient production @ installation methods
• Adopts the recommendations of preferred specialist equipment and systems suppliers.
• Provides a scheme that lends itself to ease of commissioning
• Provides design deliverables in a format that can be readily used by CHt (BIM) without the
need for re-working.

Notwithstanding the above, single sourcing this work will provide greater visibility and influence for the
Trust and their advisers, into the M@E supply chain, enabling total scrutiny of the sub packages and
input into the selection process. This effectively shortens the supply chain and reduces the risk to the
project, through total alignment of project objectives and behaviours. The Laing O’Rourke delivery
model ensures that there is a single team delivering the overall project and therefore decisions are
made for the benefit of the project and not individual business interests.

The contracting arrangements with CHt would be on an ECC Option C basis, giving the Trust the
opportunity to share in savings achieved.

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 49 of 74 February 2012

Within the OBC cost plan the overall value of the M@E work is £86.3m, the delivery route with
approximate values is as follows;

Cost Head Market Test Regime Value (£)

Subcontract packages Competitively tendered £43.8 million

Major Plant Items Competitively tendered Included in above

LOR Supply Chain Partner Competitively tendered £9.7 million

Direct Delivery @ Direct Off site/ Validation of costs @ £14.6 million

(cont.) Modularisation competitively tendered
Included in Direct Delivery

M@E prelims Validation of costs £2.5 million

P21 fee Tendered £8.7 million

Subcontract Packages (£43.8m):

The process for Market Testing will be as described in Sections 2 @ 4 of the Procurement Strategy
Report dated October 2011. These packages will be included in and managing using the same
processes as the other main contract packages included in the Package Procurement Strategy Schedule
included in Appendix D of the above report.

Major Plant Items (included in £43.8m):

The process would be identical to that described above for Subcontract Packages.

A list of preferred and alternative Subcontractors and Suppliers has been agreed with the Trust and its
advisors for inclusion in the market testing process.

LOR Supply Chain Partner (£9.7m):

The process for Market Testing will be as described in Sections 2 @ 4 of the Procurement Strategy
Report dated October 2011 using LOR Supply Chain Partners.

Direct Delivery and Direct off site Modularisation (£14.6m):

Aspects of the work will be self-delivered, bringing greater control, i.e. BMS, modular wiring, vertical
and horizontal service modules etc.

Major self delivered packages such as BMS will be competitively tested and validated in the market.

For those items self delivered, Labour rates will be developed from first principles and prices calculated
using labour norms used from CHt’s own data base, which can be validated against similar projects.
All aspects of these calculations will be visible to the Trust and its advisors.

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 50 of 74 February 2012

Materials would be procured using CHt’s framework agreements, historically validateed at 7.5F below
market and e-commerce catalogues for commodity products, which are continually validateed and list
in excess of 100,000 products. These agreements include a contractual obligation on suppliers to
provide lowest market rates which are fully auditable via third parties.

M&E Preliminaries (£2.5m):

This would be priced in a similar method to the main project preliminaries, again with full visibility to
the Trust and its advisers. This will allow analysis of the full project preliminaries, ensuring no
duplication exists and demonstrating the effectiveness of the LOR single delivery team.

P21 Fee (£8.7m):

The fee percentage is as agreed in the P21 PSCM Framework Agreement and therefore by definition
has been competitively tendered.

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 51 of 74 February 2012


We would propose using a ‘single point’ tender for this package using our in house subsidiary
‘Expanded Structures Ltd’. We would propose to appoint Expanded Structures Limited on an ECC
Option ‘C’ giving the Trust both visibility of cost and the opportunity to share in any savings. This will
be the first time that Expanded Structures Limited will be engaged on an Option ‘C’, previously all other
P21 schemes have been let on an Option ‘A’. This maintains greater control of project delivery and
reduces the risk during unstable market and economic conditions. This delivery model minimises team
interfaces, staff and ensures goals, processes and standards are consistent throughout the team. Most
of the labour force is directly employed and are trained to the same high standards of Health and
Safety as the rest of our employees. This procurement route also allows us to actively manage the
proportions of local labour to travelling labour.

The Department of Health Procure 21 Framework: Guidance Notice-‘The Benefits of Frameworks’


“Single sourcing for major or critical elements of schemes is supported by OGC and the National Audit
Office, both of which have endorsed ProCure21 as a best practice procurement model. Single sourcing
allows a much higher level of input into design, value and risk management, resulting in a better solution
for the client and greater certainty of successful delivery to site. Single sourced Supply Chain Members
must be prepared to demonstrate market levels and Value for Money within their pricing.”

In order to provide clarity of the respective values of the various proportions of the frame price, we
have produced an analysis of a number of hospital contracts to provide a typical split of the cost
centres for a reinforced concrete frame. Using the values within the OBC refresh for the frame, the
values of the cost heads are:

Cost Head Value (%) Value (£)

Labour 36 F £12,103,055

Plant 14 F £4,706,744

Concrete 17 F £5,715,332

Reinforcement 10 F £3,361,960

Other materials 8F £2,869,568

Subcontractors 2F £672,392

Preliminaries 13 F £4,370,548

Total 100F £33,619,598

OH@P 10F £ 3,361,960

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 52 of 74 February 2012

The pricing of the GMP for the above elements would be on a open book basis, providing total access
to the detailed rate build ups, materials and plant costs, labour outputs which predicate the pricing, to
the Trust’s cost advisers.

We would also share recent relevant analysis documentation produced for various NHS trusts, where
single action procurement of this package has been accepted and demonstrated to the satisfaction of
these Trust’s and their advisers that the price was value for money.

Whilst our normal contracting relationship with Expanded Structures Limited is using an ECC Option
‘A’, in order to provide the Trust with greater visibility and a share of any savings we would propose to
contract using Option ‘C’.

Considering each individual element of the frame package we would undertake the following processes
to demonstrate value for money and market levels in the current marketplace:

Labour (£12.1m):

Full details of the cost of employing labour, working hours and outputs would be provided. Operatives
are employed at rates and hours based on the respective working rule agreements for the industry and
are therefore common to all contractors capable of executing a package of this size. The cost
influencing factor is therefore outputs which can be considered at various levels, i.e average man hrs
per m3 for the frame, man hours for individual elements of the work. Much data is published to allow
comparison with ‘best practice’ industry delivery and value for money endorsements obtained from the
Trust’s Cost advisor or other independent cost advisors that the price represents value for money in the

This method will not necessarily produce a least cost solution but has advantages in maximizing the
service and commodity benefits from controlled expenditure and will allow scrutiny of the detailed build
ups to minimize risk of poor performance through inadequate pricing to the detriment of the project as
a whole.

Plant (£4.7m):

Our in-house plant company Select Plant Hire has an agreed P21 set of framework rates and these
would be utilized where appropriate. Where it is considered by the team that these are no longer
appropriate detail build ups would be provided and/or market comparator rates provided for
validation and the demonstration of value for money.

Concrete (£5.7m):

We have Group wide agreements for the provision of concrete. We will obtain at least three competitive
quotations for the supply of concrete from the following suppliers:

• Cemex
• Hanson
• Lafarge
• London Concrete
• Tarmac

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 53 of 74 February 2012

Reinforcement (£3.4m):

The same principle would be used for the procurement of reinforcement, using Group wide agreements

• Express Reinforcements
• Kierbeck
• Romtech

Other Materials (£2.9m):

As above, using Group wide agreements;

For Timber:

• L@G Forest Products

• Travis Perkins
• Jewson

For Building Materials:

• WT Burden
• Travis Perkins
• Jewson

Subcontractors (£0.7m):

These would be market tested in an open book manner as described in the Procurement Strategy

Preliminaries (£4.4m):

From historic data we are able to further sub-divide our preliminaries to staff and other items as
Surveying equipment, scaffolding, edge protection, attendance labour, small tools, task lighting etc.

Plant related items would be procured as the Plant section above and staff would be based on P21
tendered rates.

Select Plant Limited

A schedule of rates for equipment are included within the P21 Framework and this will be used to price
plant with the preliminaries and self delivered elements.

Classification of equipment supplied by Select but not included in the framework rates for equipment
will be market tested.

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 54 of 74 February 2012

Appendix A – Market Testing Package by Package Procurement Strategy Schedule

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 55 of 74 February 2012



(Costs extracted from the 23 Sept 2011 OBC Refresh)

Package No. Package Title Total Helipad Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Site Wide Energy Package Tender Strategy NEC Subcontract
Market test regime Term Agreements (PSA/SMA/LRTA*) (Option A or C)

1200 Demolitions 1,078,781 196,740 488,775 288,266 105,000 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors Expanded Demolition to form part of the tender list A
2500 Structural Steelwork 2,676,934 1,677,519 725,337 214,448 59,630 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors SMA - Corus A
2600 Miscellaneous Sub Structure Frame 98,275 98,275
2900 Miscellaneous Sub Structure Frame 147,300 43,000 104,300
3100 Masonry 3,320 3,320 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors PSA - EH Smith LOR Brickwork - Direct labour to form part of the tender list A
3300 Metal 3 Glass Cladding 5,725,731 3,947,872 1,777,859 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors LOR Facades - Direct labour/SMA - Kawneer to form part of the tender list A
3310 Brise Soleil 221,272 153,248 68,024 To form part of package WP3400
3320 Cladding to Bridge Soffits 178,122 75,432 86,304 16,386 To form part of package WP3400
3400 Profiled Sheet Cladding 665,443 331,300 334,143 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
3500 Windows 3 External Doors 1,890,648 1,200 1,295,292 573,605 20,551 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors LOR Facades - Direct labour/SMA - Kawneer to form part of the tender list A
3510 Revolving 3 Sliding Doors 55,860 55,860 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
3520 Roller Shutters(Internal 3 External) 23,275 23,275 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
3600 Roof Coverings/Mansafe System 1,712,580 99,070 761,261 739,808 112,441 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors SMA - Kalzip/Fatra UK A
3620 Canopies 139,650 93,100 46,550 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
3630 Louvres 916,802 819,250 58,450 39,102 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
3700 Building Maintenance Units 513,600 273,500 147,000 93,100 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
4100 Brickwork 3 Blockwork (Internal) 273,643 132,525 110,128 30,990 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors PSA - EH Smith LOR Brickwork - Direct labour to form part of the tender list A
4200 Dry Linings 3 Partitions 6,515,165 7,850 4,855,717 1,651,598 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors SMA - Knauf/Lafarge (SIG) A
4220 Screeding 1,400 1,400 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
4300 Ceilings 2,203,249 8,273 1,570,992 623,984 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors SMA - Rockfon/SAS A
4400 Floor Finishings 3,776,648 14,469 2,644,966 1,111,933 5,280 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors SMA - Gradus/Forbo Nairn/Polyflor A
4500 Stone 3 Ceramic Tiled Finishes 213,030 177,570 35,460 To form part of package WP4400 SMA - Porcelanosa Group, Vetter to tender the ceramic tiled floor finishes only
4600 Metalwork 3 Balustrading 731,195 278,700 452,495 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
4700 Carpentry 3 Joinery 89,642 49,803 39,839 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors SMA - TDSL/Laidlaw A
4705 Doors 3 Ironmongery/Glazed Screens 4,695,305 6,400 3,593,585 1,095,320 Competitively tender to a minimum of 3 Manufacturers SMA - TDSL/Laidlaw A
4710 Glazed Partitions 407,000 407,000 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
4800 Painting 3 Decorations 1,763,439 6,600 1,345,693 400,776 10,370 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors SMA - ICI/PPG Architectural Coatings A
5100 Fit Out 3,655 3,655 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
5120 IPS Panels 347,400 217,750 129,650 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors by CHt SMA - SIG A
5140 Folding Screens 219,545 199,195 20,350 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
5150 WC Cubicles 25,000 15,000 10,000 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors SMA - SIG A
5160 Sound Absorption Panels 69,825 46,550 23,275 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Specialist Subcontractors A
5400 Aseptic Suite Fit Out 24,900 24,900 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Specialist Subcontractors A
5500 Audiology Booth 160,000 160,000 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Specialist Subcontractors A
5700 FF3E Group 1 Equipment 6,612,331 4,861,239 1,738,607 12,485 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors SMA - JTC, Deanstor, Quadraco A
5710 FF3E Group 2 Equipment incl'd above To form part of package WP5700 SMA - JTC, Deanstor, Quadraco
6800 Lift Installations 3,782,190 239,250 2,671,665 871,275 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors SMA - KONE, Schindler, Thyseen, Otis A
6975 BWIC with Engineering Services 2,264,718 1,348,033 437,569 826 478,290.00 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors LTA - Fire Protection/Diamond Drilling/Mastic Pointing A
7200 External Works 2,516,690 1,053,378 1,305,162 158,150 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
7500 Hard Landscaping 33,604 33,604 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors SMA - Charcon/Marshalls A
7600 Soft Landscaping 13,410 13,410 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
7999 External Services 196,000 196,000 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
9997 Refurbishment of Existing Boiler House 435,000 435,000.00 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors A
9998 Artwork 1,400,000 800,000 600,000 Engagement with appointed Artists C
9999 Heritage 1,000,000 1,000,000 Competitively tender to a minimum of 3 Specialist Subcontractors A
1800 Local Authority (Section 106 Agreement) 500,000 250,000 250,000 Competitively tender to a minimum of 3 Licensed Subcontractors A

Sub-total - Subcontract Packages 56,321,577 2,869,146 36,961,381 14,959,535 618,225 913,290.00


Package No. Package Title Total Helipad Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Site Wide Energy Package Tender Strategy NEC Subcontract
Market test regime Term Agreements (PSA/SMA/LRTA*) (Option A or C)

SMA - CPM/Hepworth/Aco/Saint Gobin/Grace Expanded Piling to form part of the

2100 Bearing 3 Secant Piling 6,000,517 22,568 2,665,993 3,311,956 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
tender list
SMA - CPM/Hepworth/Aco/Saint Gobin/Grace Expanded Piling to form part of the
2200 Groundworks, Substructure 3 below ground Drainage 11,389,318 1,671 6,046,300 5,314,790 26,557 Direct Delivery C
tender list
2300 Concrete Superstructure 25,088,240 22,772 15,178,535 9,005,489 881,444 Direct Delivery SMA - Cemex/Hanson/SIG/Express Reinforcements C
2400 Precast Concrete Frame 504,000 378,000 126,000 Direct Delivery SMA - Cemex/Hanson/SIG/Express Reinforcements C
3200 Precast Concrete Cladding 9,452,857 6,460,277 2,771,014 221,566 Direct Delivery SMA - Cemex/Hanson/SIG/Express Reinforcements C

Sub-total - Expanded 52,434,932 47,011 30,729,105 20,529,249 1,129,567 -


Package No. Package Title Total Helipad Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Site Wide Energy Package Tender Strategy NEC Subcontract
Market test regime Term Agreements (PSA/SMA/LRTA*) (Option A or C)

6000 AHU's 1,918,132 49,460 1,372,915 495,757 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6001 BMS 3,748,360 31,475 2,468,242 932,044 316,598.92 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6002 Bream 1,006,731 1,006,731 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6003 CCTV 217,401 217,401.08 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6004 CO plant 8,993 8,993 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6005 CO2 Sensoring 31,953 10,688 21,265 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6006 Commissioning 6,682 6,682 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6007 Data 3 Comms 1,950,661 19,784 1,434,276 496,601 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6008 Decant 177,608 177,607.91 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6009 Dry Risers 155,158 106,223 48,935 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C

1 of 2
Package No. Package Title Total Helipad Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Site Wide Energy Package Tender Strategy NEC Subcontract
Market test regime Term Agreements (PSA/SMA/LRTA*) (Option A or C)
6010 Ductwork 7,141,510 31,475 5,391,540 1,718,495 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6011 Drainage 1,015,095 13,489 689,356 268,006 44,244 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6012 External Lighting 131,815 131,814.75 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6013 Fans 230,944 58,173 172,772 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6014 Fire Alarm 1,548,594 7,644 1,096,642 444,308 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6015 Fire Mains 83,183 83,183 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6016 Fume Cupboard 24,287 24,287 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6017 Gas fire fighting 99,736 74,754 24,981 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6018 General Allowance 89,928 89,928.06 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6019 HV Installation 881,010 881,009.89 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6020 HV Housing 67,446 67,446.04 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6021 Induction Loops 9,603 3,249 6,353 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6022 Insulation 9,892 9,892 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6023 IPS panels 312,410 195,818 116,592 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6024 Irrigation Systen 61,801 61,801 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6025 Jet Fans 59,790 59,790 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6026 Lighting to upper levels 89,928 89,928.06 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6027 Lightning Protection 82,667 6,745 54,221 21,701 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6028 LV Pannels 1,992,218 1,552,772 405,723 33,723.02 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6029 Medical Equipment 1,556,212 1,240,720 315,491.91 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6030 Medical Gasses 2,000,252 1,499,241 501,011 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6031 Nurse Call 1,172,851 1,130,031 42,820 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6032 Oil Alteration 13,489 13,489.21 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6033 PA System 130,903 98,115 32,788 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6034 Package subs 873,336 599,303 274,033 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6035 Pneumatic tube 300,173 300,056 117 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6036 Ramp Heating 23,269 15,823 7,446 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6037 Sanitaryware 2,262,263 1,349 1,696,509 564,406 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6038 Sanitaryware Shut Off 123,603 123,603 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6039 Security 1,715,178 17,986 1,146,677 550,515 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6040 Site wide diversions 574,535 574,535.07 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6041 Spinklers 556,385 391,998 164,387 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6042 Switch board 10,988 10,988 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6043 Subcontracts 5,866,433 5,866,432.55 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6044 Strip Out 44,514 44,514.39 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6045 Tanks 50,809 50,809 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6046 Temporary and diversions 149,354 149,354.32 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6047 Test 3 Commission 1,315,623 957,932 321,855 35,836.33 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6048 Travel Information 21,496 21,496 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6049 TV System 100,133 74,754 25,379 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6050 Ultra Clean Canopies 207,968 207,968 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6051 UPS 676,899 4,496 531,884 140,519 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6052 Utility Companies 336,014 336,014.39 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6053 Water 159,597 159,597.12 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6054 Water Consumption 197,942 197,942 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6055 Water Metering 30,452 30,452 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C
6056 Water Recycling 185,404 185,404 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors C

Market Tested Packages Total 43,809,614 343,462 26,098,089 7,823,096 44,244 9,500,723

6057 Electrical Services 9,927,973 185,612 6,774,002 2,750,374 217,985.61 Direct Delivery C
6058 Mechanical services 13,965,078 320,641 8,209,637 2,788,093 2,646,707.73 Direct Delivery C
6059 Miscellanous 392,532 7,639 195,912 152,485 36,496.00 Direct Delivery C

Preliminaries 9,548,725 125,433 5,891,280 1,979,413 1,552,599.02

Fee @ 11.2E 8,696,119 110,072 5,282,919 1,735,268 4,955 1,562,905.28

Sub-total - Crown House Technologies 86,340,042 1,092,860 52,451,838 17,228,728 49,199 15,517,417

Package No. Package Title Total Helipad Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Site Wide Energy Package Tender Strategy NEC Subcontract
Market test regime Term Agreements (PSA/SMA/LRTA*) (Option A or C)

Staff 3 Labour 15,334,600

Plant 5,372,163 Select Plant Hire Limited P21 Term Agreement Rates C
8050 Scaffolding (Access Equipment) 942,809 Competitively tender to a minimum of 4 Subcontractors LTA - Stanford Scaffolding, Swift, PHD Access, Brogan Scaffolding A
Offices etc 3,150,930 Select Plant Hire Limited P21 Term Agreement Rates C
Services 1,299,507 A
Temporary Requirements 2,485,437 A
Miscellaneous 998,891 A
Other 918,544 A

Preliminaries 30,502,881


* PSA - Preferred Supplier Agreement

* SMA - Strategic Manufacturer Agreement
* LTA - Low Trade Agreement

2 of 2

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 58 of 74 February 2012






Floor Coverings Floor Coverings Floor Coverings


SF01 - Anti Static Theatres SF01 - Anti Static Theatres

1 SF-01 - Polyflor SD 2mm anti static vinyl 1,251 m £ 18.20 £ 22,768.20 1,229.00 m2 £ 16.97 £ 20,856.13 1,204.00 m2 £ 17.49 £ 21,057.96

41,451.42 SF02 - Vinyl - Wet Areas SF02 - Vinyl - Wet Areas

2 SF-02 - Polyflor Polysafe Hydro Wet areas vinyl 2,554 m £ 16.23 £ 2,870.00 m2 £ 18.76 £ 53,841.20 2,656.00 m2 £ 18.83 £ 50,012.48

SF-03 - Polyflor Polysafe Corona 2mm Slip

3 resistant vinyl 2,283 m £ 16.80 £ 38,354.40 SF03 - Vinyl - Slip Resistant 2,352.00 m2 £ 17.16 £ 40,360.32 SF03 - Vinyl - Slip Resistant 2,248.00 m2 £ 16.13 £ 36,260.24

SF-04 - Polysafe SD anti static vinyl factory SF04 - Raised Access Floor SF04 - Raised Access Floor
bonded to kingspan 600x600 raised access floors
4 to 200mm. 252 m £ 108.34 £ 27,301.68 339.00 m2 £ 90.74 £ 30,760.86 356.00 m2 £ 66.66 £ 23,730.96

Setting out steps to raised acces floors

5 proviosional sum 1 item £ 1,875.00 £ 1,875.00 £ - £ -

1,563.43 SF05 - Rubber Sports Floor SF05 - Rubber Sports Floor Polyflor Sport 67
6 SF-05 - Polyflor Gallery FX cushion vinyl 61 m £ 25.63 £ 63.00 m2 £ 26.72 £ 1,683.36 63.00 m2 £ 27.83 £ 1,753.29

SF-06 - Polyflor Classic Mystique or New Mystique SF06 - Sheet Flooring (Vinyl) SF06 - Sheet Flooring (Lino / Vinyl)
7 2mm Smooth vinyl 39,874 m £ 13.06 £ 520,754.44 39,706.00 m2 £ 13.24 £ 525,707.44 39,803.00 m2 £ 13.29 £ 528,981.87

SF-07 - Pilkingtons Terrazzo 300x300 Tiles SF07 - Terrazzo flooring Alternative - Vinyl tile SF07 - Terrazzo Flooring
59,804.25 in terrazzo style
8 ground and polished 659 m £ 90.75 £ 693.00 m2 £ 22.92 £ 15,883.56 685.00 m2 £ 80.39 £ 55,067.15

96,151.28 SF09 - Carpet Tiles - Offices Previous SF09 - Carpet Tiles - Offices Previous
9 SF-09 - Gradus Square Mile Carpet tiles 4,166 m £ 23.08 £ 4,255.00 m2 £ 24.61 £ 104,715.55 4,324.00 m2 £ 20.77 £ 89,809.48

2 2 2
10 SF-10 - Altro Stronghold 30 Vinyl to kitchens 486 m £ 23.35 £ 11,348.10 SF-10 - Altro Stronghold 30 Vinyl to kitchens 537 m £ 23.83 £ 12,796.71 SF-10 - Polyflor Ultima Stronghold Vinyl to kitchens 481 m £ 22.50 £ 10,822.50

11 SF-11 - Gradus Delta Impervious Sheet Carpet 196 m2

£ 25.67 £ 5,031.32 SF11 - Carpet Sheet Impervious - Patient Areas 132.00 m2 £ 24.83 £ 3,277.56
SF11 - Carpet Sheet Impervious - Patient Areas
144.00 m2 £ 23.15 £ 3,333.60

SF-12 - Epoxy Paint - Blastrack. 1ct Hydraseal, SF12 3 coat resin paint
1ct SF41 with silica sand broadcast into wet
12 SF-12 - Epoxy Paint 5,947 m2 £ 3.50 £ 20,814.50 layer, 2nd ct of SF41. 5,997 m2 £ 10.11 £ 60,629.67 5,418.00 m2 £ 7.92 £ 42,910.56

3,056.20 SF15 Concrete sealer

2 2
13 SF-15 - Concrete Sealer 740 m £ 4.13 £ 3,056.20 SF-15 - Concrete Sealer 740 m £ 4.13 £ 294.00 m2 £ 0.94 £ 276.36

SF16 - Timber Flooring SF16 - Timber Effect Vinyl Flooring - Plyflor Forest
SF-16 - Polyflor Forest FX Timber effect vinyl 88 m
£ 18.25 £ 1,606.00 m2 FX
14 89.00 £ 18.08 £ 1,609.12 90.00 m2 £ 18.00 £ 1,620.00

5,907.55 SF18 Mortuary finish 5,401.55 SF18 Polyflor Polysafe 2mm as flooring to
15 SF-18 - Altro Stronghold 30 3mm to Mortuary 253 m £ 23.35 £ 253 m2 £ 21.35 £ 258.00 m2 £ 16.13 £ 4,161.54
Floor Coverings Total £ 857,787.77 £ 880,579.23 £ 869,797.99

Skirtings Skirtings Skirtings

1 of 10


SK-01 - 100mm Set in Skirting 100mm coved SK01 - 100mm set in skirting SK01 - 100mm Set in Skirting Vinyl - for lino / vinyl
skirting to SF-02 Polyflor Polysafe 34,879 Lm £ 8.08 £ 281,822.32 sheet floor.
16 48,891.00 m2 £ 6.98 £ 341,259.18 45,583.00 lm £ 5.80 £ 264,381.40

17 SK-02 - 100mm Flat Skirting to carpet 3,101 Lm £ 4.88 £ 15,132.88 SK02 - 150mm Flat Skirting for Carpet 3,237.00 m2 £ 5.27 £ 17,058.99 SK02 - 100mm Flat Skirting for Carpet 3,093.00 lm £ 3.17 £ 9,804.81

SK03 - 100mm terrazo effect vinyl skirting - no SK03 - 100mm Terrazzo Skirting
18 SK-03 - 100mm High Terrazzo skirting 350 Lm £ 40.00 £ 14,000.00 cove former or capping strip but silicone at 350 Lm £ 8.72 £ 3,052.00 359.00 lm £ 31.83 £ 11,426.97

100mm coved skirting to SF-10 Altro Stronghold 100mm self coved skirting including cove 100mm coved skirting to Kitchen areas
19 to kitchen areas 394 Lm £ 9.33 £ 3,676.02 former C Capping to kitchen areas 362 lm £ 9.98 £ 3,612.76 462.00 lm £ 9.47 £ 4,375.14

20 £ - FS100 Skirting Lm £ 6.98 £ - 100mm coved skirting for Ensuite 3,928.00 lm £ 8.72 £ 34,252.16

21 £ - High sit in skirting Lm £ 3.93 £ - Capping to Ensuite 3,928.00 lm £ 0.78 £ 3,063.84

Omit Set in skirting to Ensuite

100mm coved skirting to SF-02 Polyflor Polysafe
22 Hydro 4,164 Lm £ 9.80 £ 40,807.20 £ - 3,928.00 lm -£ 5.80 -£ 22,782.40

100mm coved skirting SF-03 Polyflor Polysafe

23 Corona 2,479 lm £ 8.72 £ 21,616.88 £ - £ -

24 100mm Coved skirting to SF-18 A ltro Stronghold 133 Lm £ 9.33 £ 1,240.89 £ - £ -

Skirtings Total £ 378,296.19 £ 364,982.93 £ 304,521.92

Staircases Staircases Staircases

25 Polyflor Classic to risers ne 165mm 1,090 Lm £ 5.33 £ 5,809.70 Polyflor Mystique to stair landings 204.00 m2 £ 14.40 £ 2,937.60 SF06 Risers 1,163.00 lm £ 4.48 £ 5,210.24

26 Polyflor Classic to treads ne 280mm 955 Lm £ 6.00 £ 5,730.00 Ditto to treads C risers 2,219.00 lm £ 4.49 £ 9,963.31 SF06 Treads 1,018.00 lm £ 4.86 £ 4,947.48

27 Gradus AS11 Aluminium Nosing 1,090 Lm £ 11.90 £ 12,971.00 AS11 Nosings 1,111.00 lm £ 10.63 £ 11,809.93 Gradus nosings (AK52/ AS2) 1,163.00 lm £ 15.23 £ 17,712.49

28 Gradus FS303 PVC stringer 262 No. £ 15.50 £ 4,061.00 FS303 to closed stair stringer 368.00 lm £ 11.00 £ 4,048.00 FS303 to closed stair stringer 368.00 lm £ 11.00 £ 4,048.00

29 Gradus TA5b Landing Trim 74 Lm £ 18.75 £ 1,387.50 SO 100P to landings 229.00 lm £ 3.93 £ 899.97 Gradus TA5C landing trim 88.00 lm £ 16.12 £ 1,418.56

30 Gradus TA5b Stair Edge 664 No. £ 12.20 £ 8,100.80 Ta5 External Angles 816.00 nr £ 13.96 £ 11,391.36 Gradus TA5B side angle 707.00 no £ 16.33 £ 11,545.31

31 £ - Ditto straight lengths 296.00 lm £ 12.64 £ 3,741.44 £ -

Pilkington Quiligotti 400x400x28mm ceramic Tile Pilkington Quiligotti 400x400x28mm ceramic Pilkington Quiligotti 400x400x28mm ceramic Tile
32 precast tread ne300mm 32 Lm £ 23.58 £ 754.56 Tile precast tread ne300mm 32 Lm £ 23.58 £ 754.56 precast tread ne300mm 32 Lm £ 23.58 £ 754.56

33 Stair nosing 36 Lm £ 21.25 £ 765.00 SF06 Landing 1,552.00 m2 £ 15.24 £ 23,652.48

Application of a levelling / smoothing Screed and Application of a levelling / smoothing Screed

34 smoothing Screed laid to falls where necessary Included and smoothing Screed laid to falls where 2,870.00 m2 £ 4.07 £ 11,680.90 £ -

Preparing Structural Sub-Floors inc half landings Preparing Structural Sub-Floors inc half
35 and to stair trends and risers Included landings and to stair trends and risers £ -

Staircase Landings Staircase Landings Application of a levelling / smoothing Screed and

36 Included 204.00 m2 £ 4.41 £ 899.64 smoothing Screed laid to falls where necessary Included

Staircase Treads Staircase Treads Preparing Structural Sub-Floors inc half landings
37 Included 1,110.00 lm £ 3.46 £ 3,840.60 and to stair trends and risers Included

Staircases Total £ 39,579.56 £ 61,967.31 £ 69,289.12

Repair Damage to Subfloor Repair Damage to Subfloor Repair Damage to Subfloor

2 of 10


38 Repair Damage to Subfloor Included Repair Damage to Subfloor 1.00 Item £ 10,000.00 £ 10,000.00 Repair Damage to Subfloor Included

Repair Damage to Subfloor Total Included £ 10,000.00 Included

Multi Storey Car Park Multi Storey Car Park Multi Storey Car Park

Multi Storey Car Park - concrete sealer to Multi Storey Car Park - concrete sealer Multi Storey Car Park - concrete sealer to
floors (SF15) in staircases & nosings to floors (SF15) in staircases & nosings floors (SF15) in staircases & nosings

Core 1 - Level P2 to P1 Core 1 - Level P2 to P1 Core 1 - Level P2 to P1

39 Landings 83.00 m2 1.54 £ 127.82 Landings 83.00 m2 1.54 £ 127.82 Landings 83.00 m2 1.54 £ 127.82

40 Treads 40.00 lm 0.94 £ 37.60 Treads 40.00 lm 0.94 £ 37.60 Treads 40.00 lm 0.94 £ 37.60

41 Risers 46.00 lm 0.94 £ 43.24 Risers 46.00 lm 0.94 £ 43.24 Risers 46.00 lm 0.94 £ 43.24

42 Nosings - AK50A ramp back 46.00 lm 15.23 £ 700.58 Nosings - AK50A ramp back 46.00 lm 15.23 £ 700.58 Nosings - AK50A ramp back 46.00 lm 15.23 £ 700.58

Core 2 - Level P2 to P1 Core 2 - Level P2 to P1 Core 2 - Level P2 to P1

43 Landings 60.00 m2 1.54 £ 92.40 Landings 60.00 m2 1.54 £ 92.40 Landings 60.00 m2 1.54 £ 92.40

44 Treads 38.00 lm 0.94 £ 35.72 Treads 38.00 lm 0.94 £ 35.72 Treads 38.00 lm 0.94 £ 35.72

45 Risers 43.00 lm 0.94 £ 40.42 Risers 43.00 lm 0.94 £ 40.42 Risers 43.00 lm 0.94 £ 40.42

46 Nosings - AK50A ramp back 43.00 lm 15.23 £ 654.89 Nosings - AK50A ramp back 43.00 lm 15.23 £ 654.89 Nosings - AK50A ramp back 43.00 lm 15.23 £ 654.89

Core 3 - Level P2 to P1 Core 3 - Level P2 to P1 Core 3 - Level P2 to P1

47 Landings - No clear lobby areas so excluded Landings - No clear lobby areas so excluded Landings - No clear lobby areas so excluded

48 Treads 72.00 lm 0.94 £ 67.68 Treads 72.00 lm 0.94 £ 67.68 Treads 72.00 lm 0.94 £ 67.68

49 Risers 81.00 lm 0.94 £ 76.14 Risers 81.00 lm 0.94 £ 76.14 Risers 81.00 lm 0.94 £ 76.14

50 Nosings - AK50A ramp back 81.00 lm 15.23 £ 1,233.63 Nosings - AK50A ramp back 81.00 lm 15.23 £ 1,233.63 Nosings - AK50A ramp back 81.00 lm 15.23 £ 1,233.63

Allowances to make good any of stairs prior to Allowances to make good any of stairs prior to Allowances to make good any of stairs prior to
51 sealing. Included sealing. Included sealing. Included

Multi Storey Car Park Total £ 3,110.12 Multi Storey Car Park Total £ 3,110.12 Multi Storey Car Park Total £ 3,110.12

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Thresholds and Sundries Thresholds and Sundries Thresholds and Sundries

All trims as required by the finishes schedule Carpet/ vinyl

and also incude as a minimum for trims
between differing floor finishes and stair
nosings and edgings where required to finish
52 Gradus T600 carpet to vinyl diminishing strip 258 Lm £ 6.00 £ 1,548.00 vinyl to open stair sides 896.00 Lm £ 13.06 £ 11,701.76 205.00 lm £ 7.00 £ 1,435.00
Gradus T200 vinyl to paint/sealer diminishing
53 strip 266 Lm £ 5.00 £ 1,330.00 £ - Carpet/ paint 224.00 lm £ 7.00 £ 1,568.00

Gradus AR260 heavy duty aluminium ramp Wood/ vinyl

54 between ceramics/wood and vinyl or floor paint 28 Lm £ 16.00 £ 448.00 £ - 4.00 lm £ 16.59 £ 66.36

Gradus CG1042 aluminium Nap trip between Ceramic trim

55 ceramics and carpet 6 Lm £ 10.00 £ 60.00 £ - 21.00 lm £ 12.12 £ 254.52

56 £ - £ - Lift Car thresholds 196.00 lm £ 15.03 £ 2,945.88

Thresholds and Sundries Total £ 3,386.00 £ 11,701.76 £ 6,269.76

Entrance Matting and Frames Entrance Matting and Frames Entrance Matting and Frames

Barrier / Entrance matting including all division

strips and coverings including for bedding un
SF-17 - Gradus Esplanade Plus 6000 12mm as required including necessary floor screed
closed construction 4880mm diameter circular and protection after the installation of the
57 matting. 1 No. £ 4,375.00 £ 4,375.00 matwell frame. 92.00 m2 £ 347.63 £ 31,981.96 Mat Type A 1.00 Item £ 4,957.89 £ 4,957.89

SF-17 - Gradus Espalande Plus 6000 12mm

58 closed construction 92 m £ 246.34 £ 22,663.28 Mat Type B 1.00 Item £ 1,508.01 £ 1,508.01

59 Entrance matting frame to Gradus Topguard 109 Lm £ 15.00 £ 1,635.00 Mat Type C 1.00 Item £ 6,247.47 £ 6,247.47

60 Mat Type D 1.00 Item £ 1,077.15 £ 1,077.15

61 Mat Type E 1.00 Item £ 1,508.01 £ 1,508.01

62 Mat Type F 1.00 Item £ 1,508.01 £ 1,508.01

63 Mat Type G 1.00 Item £ 861.72 £ 861.72

64 Mat Type H 1.00 Item £ 646.29 £ 646.29

65 Mat Type J 1.00 Item £ 430.86 £ 430.86

Entrance Matting and Frames £ 28,673.28 £ 31,981.96 £ 18,745.41

Movement Joints

66 Movement joint protection 500 Lm £ 8.08 £ 4,040.00 Movement joint protection 500 Lm £ 8.08 £ 4,040.00 Movement Joint Protection - Plywood during 505.00 lm £ 8.00 £ 4,040.00

67 Supply and install movement joint 500 Lm £ 235.00 £ 117,500.00 Supply and install movement joint 500 Lm £ 235.00 £ 117,500.00 Movement Joints 505.00 lm £ 200.00 £ 101,000.00

Movement Joint Total £ 121,540.00 £ 121,540.00 £ 105,040.00

Trunking to Specialist Rooms Trunking to Specialist Rooms Trunking to Specialist Rooms

4 of 10


Supply and install Howe Green Visedge Series Supply and install Howe Green Visedge Supply and install Howe Green Visedge Series
Aluminium access covers and frames, each Series Aluminium access covers and Aluminium access covers and frames, each
cover to be fitted with 4no. Lifting blocks and frames, each cover to be fitted with 4no. cover to be fitted with 4no. Lifting blocks and
stainless steel securing screws. This is based Lifting blocks and stainless steel securing stainless steel securing screws. This is based on
on continuous accesss cover. screws. This is based on continuous accesss continuous accesss cover.

68 Z2.LO.IMA.019 - 100 x 50mm 6.00 lm £ 438.72 £ 2,632.32 Z2.LO.IMA.019 - 100 x 50mm 6.00 lm £ 438.72 £ 2,632.32 Z2.LO.IMA.019 - 100 x 50mm 6.00 lm £ 438.72 £ 2,632.32

69 Z2.LO.IMA.024 - 100 x 50mm 6.00 lm £ 438.72 £ 2,632.32 Z2.LO.IMA.024 - 100 x 50mm 6.00 lm £ 438.72 £ 2,632.32 Z2.LO.IMA.024 - 100 x 50mm 6.00 lm £ 438.72 £ 2,632.32

70 Z2.LO.IMA.013 - 100 x 50mm 5.00 lm £ 401.81 £ 2,009.05 Z2.LO.IMA.013 - 100 x 50mm 5.00 lm £ 401.81 £ 2,009.05 Z2.LO.IMA.013 - 100 x 50mm 5.00 lm £ 401.81 £ 2,009.05

71 Z2.LO.IMA.169 - 150x 50mm 3.00 lm £ 530.09 £ 1,590.27 Z2.LO.IMA.169 - 150x 50mm 3.00 lm £ 530.09 £ 1,590.27 Z2.LO.IMA.169 - 150x 50mm 3.00 lm £ 530.09 £ 1,590.27

72 Z2.LO.IMA.119 - Only wall trunking requird Z2.LO.IMA.119 - Only wall trunking requird Z2.LO.IMA.119 - Only wall trunking requird

73 Z2.LO.IMA.043 - 100 x 75mm 12.00 lm £ 491.85 £ 5,902.20 Z2.LO.IMA.043 - 100 x 75mm 12.00 lm £ 491.85 £ 5,902.20 Z2.LO.IMA.043 - 100 x 75mm 12.00 lm £ 491.85 £ 5,902.20

74 Z2.LO.IMA.153 - 300 x 50mm 5.00 lm £ 667.90 £ 3,339.50 Z2.LO.IMA.153 - 300 x 50mm 5.00 lm £ 667.90 £ 3,339.50 Z2.LO.IMA.153 - 300 x 50mm 5.00 lm £ 667.90 £ 3,339.50

75 Z2.LO.IMA.088 - 200 x 50mm 12.00 lm £ 514.62 £ 6,175.44 Z2.LO.IMA.088 - 200 x 50mm 12.00 lm £ 514.62 £ 6,175.44 Z2.LO.IMA.088 - 200 x 50mm 12.00 lm £ 514.62 £ 6,175.44

76 Z2.LO.IMA.027 - 100 x 50mm 7.00 lm £ 551.96 £ 3,863.72 Z2.LO.IMA.027 - 100 x 50mm 7.00 lm £ 551.96 £ 3,863.72 Z2.LO.IMA.027 - 100 x 50mm 7.00 lm £ 551.96 £ 3,863.72

Trunking to Specialist Rooms Total £ 28,144.82 £ 28,144.82 £ 28,144.82

Cutting in Floor Patterns & Borders Cutting in Floor Patterns & Borders Cutting in Floor Patterns & Borders

Vinyl Sheet cutting in Floor designs to incl.

Vinyl Sheet cutting in Floor designs to incl. water water jet cut design work (see assumptions for Interior design expression / patterning C
77 jet cut design work (see assumptions for details) 1 No. £ 8,105.00 £ 8,105.00 details) 1 No. £ 8,105.00 £ 8,105.00 wayfinding inc all colours, cut outs and welds 1.00 item £ 8,500.00 £ 8,500.00

Pattern work to Terrazzo floor in main entrance Pattern work to Terrazzo floor in main entrance
78 corridor (see assumptions for details) 1 No. £ 6,875.00 £ 6,875.00 corridor (see assumptions for details) 1 No. £ 6,875.00 £ 6,875.00 Provision for all colours and cut outs 1.00 item £ 4,000.00 £ 4,000.00

Cutting in Floor Patterns & Borders Total £ 14,980.00 £ 14,980.00 £ 12,500.00

Wall Vinyl Wall Vinyl Wall Vinyl

Wall Vinyl to 410no. ensuites Polyflor Polyclad

Plus 2mm allow 4lm x 2400 high to each room Wall Vinyl to 410no. ensuites Polyflor Polyclad Plus
door architrave to IPS, welded to Polysafe Hydro Polyclad wall vinyl - Assumes floor to ceiling 2mm allow 4lm x 2400 high to each room door
79 Floor 3,936 m2 £ 26.60 £ - height of 2.50m 11,525.00 m2 £ 24.35 £ - architrave to IPS, welded to Polysafe Hydro Floor 3,936 m2 £ 24.35 £ -

CF20 cove to internal shower corners - allow 2nr CF20 cove to internal shower corners - allow CF20 cove to internal shower corners - allow 2nr x
80 x 2400 long to each room. 1,968 Lm £ 3.30 £ - 2nr x 2400 long to each room. 1,968 Lm £ 3.30 £ - 2400 long to each room. 1,968 Lm £ 3.30 £ -

Wall Vinyl £ - £ - £ -

Protection Protection Protection

bond to corridors C staircases areas C fire Protection to all floors - allow for Correx / t-bond
rated polymesh to rooms, firmly taped down. to corridors C staircase areas C fire rated
Allow for maintance during subcontract work polymesh to rooms, firmly taped down. Allow for
81 T-Bord / Correx to corridors 17,131 m2 £ 2.30 £ 39,401.30 and removal. 51,239.00 m2 £ 1.33 £ 68,147.87 maintenance during subcontract works and 13,345.00 m2 £ 1.15 £ 15,346.75

5 of 10


82 T-Bord / Correx to treads and risers 1,090 Lm £ 2.00 £ 2,180.00 Correx Protection to treads 1,110.00 lm £ 0.84 £ 932.40

Protection to all floors - allow for fire rated

polymesh to rooms, firmly taped down. Allow for
maintenance during subcontract works and
Polymesh sheet to rooms (to complt with LPS removal at completion - Polymesh
1207 (not incl. painted finish, specialist or raised
83 access panel-factory bonded vinyl rooms) 34,992 m2 £ 1.25 £ 43,740.00 £ - 40,035.00 m2 £ 0.80 £ 32,028.00

84 18mm Plywood protection to ceramic tiles 659 m2 £ 18.00 £ 11,862.00 £ - £ -

85 Maintenance of protection 1 Item £ 9,962.50 £ 9,962.50 £ - £ -

18mm ply protection (if required to hoist run

2 2 2
86 18mm ply protection (if required to hoist run offs) 120 m £ 18.00 £ 2,160.00 offs) 120 m £ 18.00 £ 2,160.00 18mm ply protection (if required to hoist run offs) 120 m £ 18.00 £ 2,160.00

Remove builders stair protection and make good

87 prior to finishing floorcoverings 1,090 Lm £ 2.00 £ 2,180.00 £ - Polymesh protection to Kitchen 481 m2 £ 0.87 £ 418.47

Protection Total £ 111,485.80 £ 71,240.27 £ 49,953.22

Screeds - Sub Floor preparation Screeds - Sub Floor preparation Screeds - Sub Floor preparation

Clean floors and prepare for DPM's including

edge grind / hand grid to rooms as required and 6mm Isocrete including Blast-tracking, 2 Coats
88 hoover. (not incl Plant Rooms) 55,454 m £ 1.30 £ 72,090.20 Blastrack subfloor - 1 pass only 56,665.00 m2 £ 1.13 £ 64,031.45 DPM 60,315.00 m2 £ 12.90 £ 778,063.50

Epoxy Damp Proof Membrane (Tremco 2 coat

89 DPM) (not Incl. Plant Rooms) 55,454 m £ 5.50 £ 304,997.00 2 coats of R755 DPM - 2nd ct sand blinded 56,665.00 m2 £ 5.72 £ 324,123.80 £ -

90 Primer to DPM/Sand (not incl. Plant Rooms) 55,454 m £ 0.90 £ 49,908.60 £ - £ -

6mm Pumped Smoothing Compound (Tremco

91 Unismooth) (not incl. Plant Rooms) 55,454 m £ 5.75 £ 318,860.50 6mm Henkel XXL screed 56,665.00 m2 £ 6.11 £ 346,223.15 £ -

92 70mm Screed to Imaging rooms 432 m £ 24.00 £ 10,368.00 70mm thick to imaging Rooms 438.00 m2 £ 46.15 £ 20,213.70 70mm K Screed 489.00 m2 £ 26.87 £ 13,139.43

93 25mm raised threshold screed to fire fighter lifts 23 m £ 13.75 £ 316.25 25mm thick Firearms to lift 27.00 m2 £ 30.83 £ 832.41 Ramped build up to fire fighting lift lobbies 29.00 m2 £ 38.83 £ 1,126.07

94 35mm screed to revolving door 9 m £ 14.82 £ 133.38 35mm thick to Revolving doors 8.00 m2 £ 33.41 £ 267.28 K Screed 35mm 8.00 m2 £ 42.15 £ 337.20

95 40mm screed to Kitchen 171 m £ 16.75 £ 2,864.25 £ - £ -

40mm screed to external area of shower 40mm screed to external area of shower 40mm screed to external area of shower
2 2 2
96 pods/kitchen 1,427 m £ 40.33 £ 57,550.91 pods/kitchen 1,427 m £ 40.33 £ 57,550.91 pods/kitchen 1,427 m inc inc

Hand Applied screed laid to falls in areas such

40-15mm screed laid to falls in ensuites (Isocrete as EN-suite/WC Showers and Mortuary etc
97 K Screed) 1,771 m2 £ 35.05 £ 62,073.55 40mm thick laid to falls 3,090.00 m2 £ 30.95 £ 95,635.50 K screed in shower areas 25-40mm 2,798.00 m2 £ 28.15 £ 78,763.70

98 Staircase Metal Pan Insert 14 m £ 16.75 £ 234.50 35mm thick to staircase tread pans 17.00 m2 £ 33.41 £ 567.97 K Screed to Metal stair 18.00 m2 £ 43.95 £ 791.10

99 Foam off Perimeters and recesses 5,180.00 m2 £ 0.64 £ 3,315.20

Extra Over for installation to SRI (based on

theartres etc shown on original floor finishes
100 Extra Over for SR1 Tolerance 1,498.00 m2 £ 8.24 £ 12,343.52 drawings) 1,498.00 m2 INC INC

6 of 10


101 Install only manhole Cover and Frame 0.00 m2 £ 216.58 £ - Install Manhole Cover 3.00 no INC INC

102 100mm thick laid to falls in Mortuary 69.00 m2 £ 59.47 £ 4,103.43 K Screed 25-100mm laid to falls 59.00 m2 £ 83.49 £ 4,925.91

Screeds - Sub Floor preparation Total £ 879,397.14 £ 929,208.32 £ 877,146.91

Preliminaries - Floor Finishes Preliminaries - Floor Finishes Preliminaries - Floor Finishes

Staff Staff Staff

103 Contracts Manager Included Contracts Manager 40.00 Week £ 1,525.00 £ 61,000.00 Contracts Manager 40.00 Week £ 1,179.50 £ 47,180.00
104 Site Manger Included Site Manger (2 no. 40 weeks each) 80.00 Week £ 1,125.00 £ 90,000.00 Site Manger 40.00 Week £ 948.68 £ 37,947.20
105 Safety C Environmental Consultant (1 per month) Included Safety C Environmental Consultant 10.00 Week £ 200.00 £ 2,000.00 Safety C Environmental Consultant (1 per month) 40.00 Week £ 102.56 £ 4,102.40
106 Quantity Surveyor (Part Time 1.5 days per week) Included Quantity Surveyor Included Quantity Surveyor (Part Time 1.5 days per week) 40.00 Week £ 1,230.72 £ 49,228.80
107 Planner Included Planner Included Planner N/A
108 Design Included Design £ 13,415.90 Design N/A
109 Engineer Included Engineer Included Engineer N/A
110 Admin Included Admin Included Admin N/A
111 Non Working Supervisor Included Non Working Supervisor Included Non Working Supervisor N/A
112 Labourer Included Labourer (3no.) 120.00 Week £ 400.00 £ 48,000.00 Labourer Included

Site Accommodation Site Accommodation Site Accommodation

113 Site/Offices store Included Site/Offices store Included Site/Offices store Included
114 Telephones Included Telephones (mobilisation cost included) 44.00 Week £ 50.00 £ 2,200.00 Telephones Included
115 Photocopying Included Photocopying Included Photocopying Included
116 I.T. Included I.T. 40.00 Week £ 50.00 £ 2,000.00 I.T. Included
117 Consumables Included Consumables Included Consumables Included
118 Drawing Copying Included Drawing Copying Included Drawing Copying Included
119 Storage Containers Included Storage Containers (2 no.) 80.00 Week £ 25.00 £ 2,000.00 Storage Containers Included
120 Two way Radio Included Two way Radio 5.00 no £ 185.00 £ 925.00 Two way Radio Included
121 Stainoary / Admin Included Stainoary / Admin 40.00 Week £ 10.00 £ 400.00 Stainoary / Admin Included

Plant & Equipment Plant & Equipment Plant & Equipment

122 Access equipment Included Access equipment Included Access equipment Included
123 Plant, Small Tools C Consumables, Included Plant, Small Tools C Consumables, Included Plant, Small Tools C Consumables, Included
124 PPE Included PPE Included PPE Included
125 Fencing Included Fencing Included Fencing Included
126 Forklift C Driver 76.00 £ 1,200.00 £ 91,200.00 Forklift C Driver 40.00 Week £ 820.00 £ 32,800.00 Forklift C Driver 40.00 Week £ 461.52 £ 18,460.80
127 Offloading and Distribution Included Offloading and Distribution Included Offloading and Distribution 40.00 Week £ 820.48 £ 32,819.20

Temporary Works Temporary Works Temporary Works

128 Protection (including maintenance and removal) Included Protection (including maintenance and Included Protection (including maintenance and removal) Included
129 Rubbish Disposal Included Rubbish Disposal Included Rubbish Disposal 40.00 Week £ 410.00 £ 16,400.00
130 Container for materials 2.00 no £ 1,750.00 £ 3,500.00 Container for materials Included Container for materials Included

Documentation & Drawing Documentation & Drawing Documentation & Drawing

131 Design Documentation Included Design Documentation Included Design Documentation Included
132 As-Built Drawings Included As-Built Drawings Included As-Built Drawings Included
133 Operating Manuals Included Operating Manuals Included Operating Manuals Included
134 OCM Manuals Included OCM Manuals 1.00 Week £ 1,500.00 £ 1,500.00 OCM Manuals Included
135 Building Manual CD-Rom Included Building Manual CD-Rom Included Building Manual CD-Rom Included
136 Health C Safety File Included Health C Safety File Included Health C Safety File Included
137 Quality Assurance Included Quality Assurance Included Quality Assurance Included
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
138 CDM Included CDM Included CDM Included
139 Bond 1.00 no £ 20,000.00 £ 20,000.00 Bond N/A Bond 1.00 Nr £ 18,460.00 £ -
140 Warranties N/A Warranties N/A Warranties N/A
141 Parent Company Guarantee Parent Company Guarantee Included Parent Company Guarantee N/A
142 Testing and Commissioning Included Testing and Commissioning Included Testing and Commissioning Included
143 Sample and Mock-Ups Included Sample and Mock-Ups Included Sample and Mock-Ups Included
144 Prelim Build up Included Prelim Build up Included Prelim Build up Included
145 Gully Protection 410.00 no £ 8.00 £ 3,280.00 Gully Protection Included Gully Protection Included
146 Gully Protection Disposal 410.00 no £ 2.00 £ 820.00 Gully Protection Disposal Included Gully Protection Disposal Included
147 Pallet Truck Included Pallet Truck 1.00 Week £ 4,500.00 £ 4,500.00 Pallet Truck Included
148 Equipment Included Equipment 40.00 Week £ 100.00 £ 4,000.00 Equipment Included
149 Car Parking Included Parking (10 no.) 400.00 week £ 4.00 £ 1,600.00 Car Parking Included

Preliminaries - Floor Finishes & Screeds Total £ 118,800.00 Preliminaries - Floor Finishes Total £ 266,340.90 Preliminaries - Floor Finishes Total £ 206,138.40

7 of 10


Preliminaries - Screeds Preliminaries - Screeds Preliminaries - Screeds

Staff Staff Staff

150 Contracts Manager Included Contracts Manager Contracts Manager Included
151 Site Manger Included Site Manger 36.00 week £ 1,525.00 £ 54,900.00 Site Manger 36.00 wks £ 948.68 £ 34,152.48
152 Safety C Environmental Consultant Included Safety C Environmental Consultant 9.00 week £ 200.00 £ 1,800.00 Safety C Environmental Consultant 36.00 wks £ 102.56 £ 3,692.16
153 Quantity Surveyor Included Quantity Surveyor Included Quantity Surveyor Included
154 Planner Included Planner Included Planner Included
155 Design Included Design Included Design Included
156 Engineer Included Engineer Included Engineer Included
157 Admin Included Admin £ 360.00 Admin Included
158 Other Included Other Other Included

Site Accommodation Site Accommodation Site Accommodation

159 Site/Offices store Included Site/Offices store Included Site/Offices store Included
160 Telephones Included Telephones £ 1,900.00 Telephones Included
161 Photocopying Included Photocopying Included Photocopying Included
162 I.T. Included I.T. £ 1,190.00 I.T. Included
163 Consumables Included Consumables £ 360.00 Consumables Included
164 Drawing Copying Included Drawing Copying Included Drawing Copying Included
165 Storage Containers Included Storage Containers £ 1,200.00 Storage Containers Included
166 Two way Radio Included Two way Radio £ 740.00 Two way Radio Included

Plant & Equipment Plant & Equipment Plant & Equipment

167 Access equipment (pallet truck) Included Access equipment (pallet truck) £ 4,000.00 Access equipment Included
168 Plant, Small Tools C Consumables, Included Plant, Small Tools C Consumables, Included Plant, Small Tools C Consumables, Included
169 PPE Included PPE £ 3,600.00 PPE Included
170 Fencing Included Fencing £ 1,000.00 Fencing Included
171 Forklift C Driver Included Forklift C Driver 36.00 week £ 725.00 £ 26,100.00 Forklift C Driver 36.00 wks £ 461.52 £ 16,614.72

Temporary Works Temporary Works Temporary Works

172 Protection (including maintenance and removal) Included Protection (including maintenance and Included Protection (including maintenance and removal) Included
173 Rubbish Disposal Included Rubbish Disposal Included Rubbish Disposal Included

Documentation & Drawing Documentation & Drawing Documentation & Drawing

174 Design Documentation Included Design Documentation Included Design Documentation Included
175 As-Built Drawings Included As-Built Drawings Included As-Built Drawings 10.00 no £ 100.00 £ 1,000.00
176 Operating Manuals Included Operating Manuals £ 1,000.00 Operating Manuals 10.00 no £ 250.00 £ 2,500.00
177 Building manual Paper copy Included Building manual Paper copy Included Building manual Paper copy Included
178 Building Manual CD-Rom Included Building Manual CD-Rom Included Building Manual CD-Rom Included
179 Health C Safety File Included Health C Safety File Included Health C Safety File Included
180 Quality Assurance Included Quality Assurance Included Quality Assurance Included

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous

181 CDM Included CDM CDM
182 Bond N/A Bond £ - Bond 0.00 item £ 5,800.00 £ -
183 Warranties N/A Warranties N/A Warranties
184 Parent Company Guarantee N/A Parent Company Guarantee N/A Parent Company Guarantee
185 Testing and Commissioning Included Testing and Commissioning Included Testing and Commissioning Included
186 Sample and Mock-Ups Included Sample and Mock-Ups Included Sample and Mock-Ups Included
187 Gully Protection Included Gully Protection Included Gully Protection 383.00 no £ 15.00 £ 5,745.00
188 Gully Protection Disposal Included Gully Protection Disposal Included Gully Protection Disposal Included
189 Car Parking Included Car Parking £ 4,032.00 Car Parking Included

Preliminaries - Screeds Total Included £ 102,182.00 £ 63,704.36


190 Floor Finishes £ 118,800.00 £ 266,340.90 £ 206,138.40

191 Screeds Included £ 102,182.00 £ 63,704.36

Preliminaries Total £ 118,800.00 £ 368,522.90 £ 269,842.76

Temporary Heating

Andrew Sykes heating during screeding phase Andrew Sykes heating during screeding phase Andrew Sykes heating during screeding phase
allowing for 18 weeks, 1 x heater (incl. fuel) allowing for 18 weeks, 1 x heater (incl. fuel) allowing for 18 weeks, 1 x heater (incl. fuel) based
192 based on programme rev.k. 1 item £ 75,600.00 £ 75,600.00 based on programme rev.k. 1 item £ 75,600.00 £ 75,600.00 on programme rev.k. 1 item N/A N/A

8 of 10


Andrew Sykes heating during floorcovering phase Andrew Sykes heating during floorcovering
allowing for 1 heater from 10th Dec - 15th March phase allowing for 1 heater from 10th Dec -
2010. 2nd heater required from 4th Feb 2010 to 15th March 2010. 2nd heater required from Andrew Sykes heating during floorcovering phase -
193 8th Mar 2010 and 3rd 1 item £ 125,442.00 £ 125,442.00 4th Feb 2010 to 8th Mar 2010 and 3rd 1 item £ 125,442.00 £ 125,442.00 Screed at the risk of the Subcontractor 1 item £ 50,000.00 £ 50,000.00

Temporary Heating Total £ 201,042.00 £ 201,042.00 £ 50,000.00

Summary Summary Summary

194 Floor Coverings £ 857,787.77 Floor Coverings £ 880,579.23 Floor Coverings £ 869,797.99
195 Skirtings £ 378,296.19 Skirtings £ 364,982.93 Skirtings £ 304,521.92
196 Staircases £ 39,579.56 Staircases £ 61,967.31 Staircases £ 69,289.12
197 Multi Storey Car Park £ 3,110.12 Multi Storey Car Park £ 3,110.12 Multi Storey Car Park £ 3,110.12
198 Repair Damage to Subfloor Included Repair Damage to Subfloor £ 10,000.00 Repair Damage to Subfloor Included
199 Threshold C Sundries £ 3,386.00 Threshold C Sundries £ 11,701.76 Threshold C Sundries £ 6,269.76
200 Entrance Matting C Frames £ 28,673.28 Entrance Matting C Frames £ 31,981.96 Entrance Matting C Frames £ 18,745.41
201 Movement Joints £ 121,540.00 Movement Joints £ 121,540.00 Movement Joints £ 105,040.00
202 Trunking to Specialist Rooms £ 28,144.82 Trunking to Specialist Rooms £ 28,144.82 Trunking to Specialist Rooms £ 28,144.82
203 Cutting in Floor Patterns C Borders £ 14,980.00 Cutting in Floor Patterns C Borders £ 14,980.00 Cutting in Floor Patterns C Borders £ 12,500.00
204 Wall Vinyl £ - Wall Vinyl £ - Wall Vinyl £ -
205 Protection £ 111,485.80 Protection £ 71,240.27 Protection £ 49,953.22
206 Screeds £ 879,397.14 Screeds £ 929,208.32 Screeds £ 877,146.91
207 Preliminaries £ 118,800.00 Preliminaries £ 368,522.90 Preliminaries £ 269,842.76
208 Temporary Heating £ 201,042.00 Temporary Heating £ 201,042.00 Temporary Heating £ 50,000.00

Sub-total £ 2,786,222.68 Sub-total £ 3,099,001.62 Sub-total £ 2,664,362.03

Less Commercial Discount £ 30,000.00 Less 5I Discount £ 154,950.08 Less 5I Discount £ 133,218.10
Less One Off Commercial Discount £ 31,143.93
Total £ 2,756,222.68 Total £ 2,944,051.54 Total £ 2,500,000.00

Optional Extras Optional Extras Optional Extras

Heating Options

Andrew Sykes heating during screeding phase Allow for special threshold detail at entrance to
allowing for 18 weeks, 1 x heater (incl. fuel) en-suite shower rooms to prevent water from
based on programme rev.k. 1 item £ 75,600.00 £ 75,600.00 running into corridor areas 464.00 Lm £ 11.80 £ 5,475.20

Andrew Sykes heating during floorcovering phase

allowing for 1 heater from 10th Dec - 15th March
2010. 2nd heater required from 4th Feb 2010 to Polyflor SD self-coved skirting incl cove
8th Mar 2010 and 3rd 1 item £ 125,442.00 £ 125,442.00 former 1 lm £ 7.33 £ -

Polysafe Hydro self-coved skirting incl cove

Protection in correx all over former 1 lm £ 10.61 £ -

e/o item MM Correx to all areas less the Astra / Corona self-coved skirting incl cove
maintenance cost 34,554 m £ 0.31 £ 10,711.74 former 1 lm £ 7.38 £ -

Forest FX self-coved skirting incl cove

Rates former 1 lm £ 7.61 £ -

Mystique self-coved skirting incl cove

Sub Floor preparation former 1 lm £ 7.02 £ -

6mm Screed C DPM to Plant Room 6 1,229 m2 £ 13.02 £ 16,001.58 E/O cost for Capping strip 1 lm £ 0.74 £ -

Gradus Topguard Barrier Matting as per

6mm Screed C DPM to Plant Room 5 278 m £ 13.02 £ 3,619.56 spec - colour Grey 1 m2 £ 347.63 £ -

Heating - 1nr 3-Phase Electric Heater (

6mm Screed C DPM to Energy Centre 1,480 m2 £ 13.02 £ 19,269.60 weekly hire rate ) 1 nr £ 84.50 £ -

Manhole cover installation 1 ea. £ 235.00 £ 235.00

Movement Joint Protection Lm £ 8.08 £ -

Supply and Install movement joint Lm £ 235.00 £ -

e/0 item SS for to achieve SR1 finish to the same

thickness m2 £ 2.00 £ -

9 of 10


Cost Saving options

SF-03 - Polyflor Polysafe Standard 2mm Slip

resistant vinyl 2,301 m2 £ 16.33 £ 37,575.33

SF-06 - Polyflor 2000PUR 2mm Smooth vinyl 40,103 m £ 12.52 £ 502,089.56

SF-07 - H R Johnson Prefinished Terrazzo

appearance ceramic tiles 300x300, finished with
a lithofin impregnator to seal 693 m2 £ 59.75 £ 41,406.75

SK-03 - 100mm High HR Johnson Prefinished

Terrazzo Appearance skirting Lm £ 37.29 £ -

HR Johnson Prefinished Terrazzo appearance

ceramic tiles precast tread ne300mm Lm £ 21.80 £ -

SF-16 - Polyflor Forest FX Timber Effect vinyl 88 m £ 18.25 £ 1,606.00

SF-17 - Miliken Obex Forma 4000mm diameter

circular matting 1 No. £ 2,712.50 £ 2,712.50

SF-17 - Miliken Obex Forma Entrance matting 14 m £ 190.00 £ 2,660.00

SF-09 - Gradus Square Mile Carpet tiles 4,166 m £ 16.72 £ 69,655.52

e/0 Item no. 15 Altro A19 2 part polyurethane

adhesive m2 £ 1.85 £ -

10 of 10

Brighton 3Ts Procurement Strategy Report V4 69 of 74 February 2012

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals
Brighton 3Ts


Package: Soft Flooring

Last Update: February 1, 2011

Package Budget

Stage D Addendum Package Budget

Cost Plan: £54,565 Tender Return Value £62,639

Scope Gaps £1,800
Inflationary Allowance inc LOR OH&P £1,611

Sub Total £54,565 Out-Turn Forecast Cost £66,050

Changes Impacting on Project

Change Requests Package Transfers

CR 0-10 CR 11-20 CR 21-30 CR 31-40 CR 41-50 CR 51-60 PT ref Value

£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 No:1
£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 No:2
£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 No:3
£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 No:4
£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 No:5
£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 No:6
£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 No:7
£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 No:8
£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 No:9
£0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 No:10

Total CR value £0 PT total £0

Revised Package Budget Pre-Tender Estimate

Package Scope

Description of Package Works

Carpet and underlay, Marmoleum floor including entrance matwell and RAF.

Provided by sub
Preliminary Items Included in Package Scope Provided by LO'R contractor

Site accomodation Yes

Waste removal Yes
Plant Yes
Transportation Yes
Craneage N/A
Storeage Yes
Wefare Yes
Protection Yes

1 of 5
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals
Brighton 3Ts

Soft Flooring

Scope Overlap With Other Packages

Plant room floor finish - by Painting and Decorating contractor.

Key Interfaces With other Packages Owner

Bathroom pods. LOR

Concrete finish.

Package Tender Process

Procurement Strategy: Single Stage

Number of Tenders Invited: 4

Number of Tenders Received 4


Initial Tender Returns

Description Company
Carpet and underlay to block 1 6,064.00 9,094.00 6,428.00 60,920.00
Carpet and underlay to block 2 11,600.00 17,398.00 12,297.00 inc
Marmoleum to block 1 4,690.00 5,525.00 7,164.00 inc
Marmoleum to block 2 9,129.00 10,754.00 13,945.00 inc
Entrance matting to block 1 998.00 1,172.00 1,580.00 998.00
Entrance matting to block 2 998.00 985.00 1,031.00 998.00
RAF to block 1 1,437.00 1,437.00 1,437.00 1,437.00
RAF to block 2 240.00 240.00 240.00 240.00
Sub floor preperation to carpetted area 3,538.00 3,377.00 3,537.00 inc
Sub floor preperation to lino area 3,384.00 2,615.00 inc inc
Thresholds,Expansion/Movement joints,framing and diminishing stps 1,513.00 1,405.00 943.00 inc
Protection 3,933.00 4,326.00 6,144.00 3,933.00
Fixed price exc exc exc exc
Firm price exc exc exc exc
Just in time deliveries - inc inc inc
Off site storeage 1,150.00 1,150.00 1,150.00 1,150.00
Unlimited visits 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,650.00
Others/misc 1,280.00 1,280.00 1,280.00 1,280.00
DPM beneath Marmoleum 4,230.00 3,261.00 4,230.00 45,600.00
Primer 1,423.00 615.00 1,423.00 inc
Latex inc inc inc inc
Shot blasting
STR 1,730.00 1,269.00 1,730.00 1,730.00
Hoover inc inc inc inc
Distribution inc 1,888.00 inc inc
Clean of Marmoleum see e-mail 25 05 10 1,692.00
seal raw edges see e-mail 25 05 10 1,960.00

Tender Submission £62,639.00 £69,441.00 £66,209.00 £119,936.00 £0.00

Contractor's discount net net net net net
LOR OH&P 1,566 1,736 1,655 2,998 -
Package Total £64,205 £71,177 £67,864 £122,934 £0

2 of 5
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals
Brighton 3Ts

Soft Flooring

Revised Tenders Returned following Interviews


Description Company

Tender Submission
Contractor's discount*
Package Total

3 of 5
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals
Brighton 3Ts

Soft Flooring

Adjustments to tender

Scope gap items to be included in tender package.

Description AGREED Company

Vertical distribution inc
Clean to marmoleum. (By LOR) inc
Lockable storage area 1,800
Trim between pod and bedroom 0
Re-Strech broadloom carpet exc
Sealing to raw edges. LOR allowance. AC to price. inc
Mastic sealant to resiliant floor areas. e/w

Impact on Tender Price £1,800 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Provisional Sum Items

Description Client Risk Contractor Risk

Impact on Tender Price £0 £0

Package Value Engineering/Buildability Improvements

Pre-Tender Contractor Input/Buildability

Post-Tender Contractor Input/Buildability

VE Opportunities

4 of 5
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals
Brighton 3Ts

Soft Flooring

Outstanding Actions

A Subcontractor price the following by 24 May 2010

Clean down marmoleum.
Seal raw edges.

Reconciliation With Budget

Forecast Package Cost: £54,565

Updated Package Budget: £54,565

Deviation From Package Budget: -£9,538

Commercial Team Recommendations


The above recommendation has been agreed and approved by the undersigned:

Director Date Director Date

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