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Install, operate and troubleshoot a small

enterprise branch network

Learner Guide
© Copyright, 2015 by North Coast TAFEnow

Date last saved: 28 September 2015 by Power, Rachael Version: 1 # of Pages = 50

Tristam Horn – Content writer and course adviser

TAFEnow Resource Development Team – Instructional and

graphic design

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Getting Started .................................................................................................................................. i

About this unit .................................................................................................................................................................... i

Elements and performance criteria............................................................................................................................. i

Icon Legends....................................................................................................................................................................... ii

Topic 1 - Describe the operation of data networks ........................................................................ 4

Describe the purpose and functions of various network elements ............................................................... 4

Open systems interconnection (OSI) and Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP)

Using a layered model approach to troubleshooting.......................................................................................13

Topic 2 - Implement a small switched network ............................................................................ 17

Perform, save and verify initial switch configuration tasks .............................................................................21

Topic 3 - Implement an IP addressing scheme & IP services to meet network requirements ... 27

Describe the need and role of addressing.............................................................................................................27

Configuring DHCP on a router ...................................................................................................................................30

Configuring Network Address Translation (NAT) for a small network ........................................................33

Configuring Static and Dynamic IP Addresses.....................................................................................................37

Topic 4 - Implement a small routed network ................................................................................ 40

Describe basic routing concepts ...............................................................................................................................40

Topic 5 – Implement and verify WAN links ................................................................................... 43

Describe different methods for connecting to a WAN .....................................................................................43

ISDN Ports ..........................................................................................................................................................................45

Topic 6 - Troubleshoot a small enterprise branch network ......................................................... 47

Identify and resolve common switched network issues ..................................................................................47

Getting Started
About this unit
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to utilise networking fundamentals,
including wide area network (WAN) technologies, basic security, routing and switching
fundamentals, and to configure simple networks.

It applies to individuals working in a network support position. They would use the
appropriate tools, equipment, software and protocols to install, operate, and troubleshoot, a
small enterprise branch network.

Elements and performance criteria

Elements define the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. The Performance Criteria
specify the level of performance required to demonstrate achievement of the Element. They
are also called Essential Outcomes.

Follow this link to find the essential outcomes needed to demonstrate competency in this

i|P a g e
Icon Legends
Learning Activities

Learning activities are the tasks and exercises that assist you in gaining a
clear understanding of the content in this workbook. It is important for you
to undertake these activities, as they will enhance your learning.

Activities can be used to prepare you for assessments. Refer to the

assessments before you commence so that you are aware which activities
will assist you in completing your assessments.

Case Studies

Case studies help you to develop advanced analytical and problem-solving

skills; they allow you to explore possible options and/or solutions to
complex issues and situations and to subsequently apply this knowledge
and these newly acquired skills to your workplace and life.

Discussions/Live chat

Whether you discuss your learning in an online forum or in a face-to-face

environment discussions allow you to create and consolidate new
meaningful knowledge.

Readings (Required and suggested)

The required reading is referred to throughout this Learner Guide. You will
need the required text for readings and activities.

The suggested reading is quoted in the Learner Guide, however you do not
need a copy of this text to complete the learning. The suggested reading
provides supplementary information that may assist you in completing the


A reference will refer you to a piece of information that will assist you with
understanding the information in the Learner Guide or required text.
References may be in the required text, another textbook on the internet.


A self-check is an activity that allows you to assess your own learning

progress. It is an opportunity to determine the levels of your learning and to
identify areas for improvement.

Work Flow

Shows a logical series of processes for completing tasks.

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Topic 1 - Describe the operation of
data networks
This topic will provide you with an understanding of how a computer network operates by
examining various network elements and protocols.

We will examine the OSI and TCP/IP models to gain an understanding of various protocols and
how data flows in a network. We will then examine techniques to identify and correct
common network problems using a layered model approach.

Describe the purpose and functions of various

network elements
Network elements include all of the hardware components which make up your network such

> adapters

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> cables and connectors

> routers and switches

> servers


A network adaptor, sometimes referred to as a Network Interface card (NIC) is what connects
your computer to a network.

Traditionally, network adaptors were installed as expansion cards inside your computer but as
the need for network and internet access became more ubiquitous, motherboard
manufacturers have been including network adaptors as “onboard” components.

Network adaptors may be wired or wireless with the most common wired network adaptor
being an Ethernet adaptor. These adaptors connect to the network using a Cat6 cable (usually
a blue or yellow cable that you have probably seen in a lab of computers). Most wired
adaptors these days are able to transmit data at around 1Gigabits per second.

Wireless adaptors are often built into laptop computers but can also be bought as USB
dongles. It’s also possible to install a wireless card into a desktop computer as an expansion

There are a number of different wireless standards but 802.11n which is quite common will
transmit data up to 300Mbps. Wireless networks are generally always slower than their wired

See the images below for some examples of common network adaptors.

Figure 1 – Common network adapters

PCI Ethernet Adaptor PCI Wireless Adaptor USB Wireless

Source: Wikimedia Commons

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Cables and connectors

Ethernet cables

Ethernet cables (the most common networking cable) consist of four “twisted pairs” of wires
and are sometimes called UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) or STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) cables.

Ethernet cables are sometimes referred to by their Category, for example Category 6 cable or
simply Cat6. Cat6 is a standardized cable for Gigabit Ethernet capable of speeds up to 1Gbps
but is limited to a maximum length of 100m.

Ethernet cables are terminated using RJ45 connectors.

Figure 2 – Ethernet cables

Cat6 twisted pairs RJ45 plug R145 plug and socket

Source: Wikipedia Commons

Fibre optic cables

Fibre optic cables have always provided a high rate of data throughput (over 100 petabits per
second in laboratory environments) and are a common way of linking various network
components such as routers and switches. Fibre optic communications are not susceptible to
electromagnetic interference and are ideal for connections which cover long distances.

Figure 3 – Fibre optic cable

Fibre optic cable illuminated by a laser A single strand of a fibre optic cable
Source: Wikipedia Commons

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A network switch allows you to connect two or more computers together to form a network.
Switches come in a variety of sizes and are often referred to by the number of “ports” they
have which in turn determines how many computers can be connected to it.

Switches may be “managed” or “unmanaged”. Unmanaged switches require no configuration

and will work straight out of the box. Managed switches will also work straight out of the box
for a basic network setup however they also provide the option of advanced network
configuration, some of which are detailed below.

Remote Monitoring – Allows you to monitor all traffic through a particular port to identify
network traffic issues.

Duplex settings – This setting determines the method of communication for a particular port.
It may be simplex, which means data can only be sent in one direction between two hosts.
Half-duplex, allows traffic to travel in both directions but only in one direction at a time. Full-
duplex allows data to travel in both directions simultaneously. As well as setting the direction
of travel, duplex settings also allow you to configure the speed at which a port will

MAC Filtering – Allows you to create rules for network access based on a computers MAC
address which is unique to every single network card.

VLAN Settings – VLANS or Virtual LANs allow you to create multiple network segments using a
single network switch. These networks may or may not be allowed to communicate with each
other depending on how the switch is configured. For example you may decide to split a 24-
port switch so that ports 1 to 12 are for one VLAN and ports 13 to 24 are for another network
or VLAN 2.

A real world example of VLAN could be a company that has a research and development team
network which is used for testing new software patches and preparing server upgrades before
they are rolled out to the rest of the company. Rather than buying switches and installing new
cabling just for the R&D network, the company may choose to create a separate VLAN using
existing hardware so that all R&D servers and computers will be on their own network.

Switches can be connected to other switches by copper UTP cables or more commonly fiber-
optic cables to further expand your network.

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Figure 4 – Switches

8 Port Unmanaged Switch 4 8 Port Managed Switch

Source: Wikipedia Commons


A router connects two or more networks so that computers on one network are able to
communicate with computers in other networks. They also ensure that data destined for one
network is not sent to the wrong network. Since the Internet is one huge network made up of
thousands of smaller networks, the use of routers is essential.

Figure 5 – Routers

Home ADSL modem router & wireless access point

Avaya Secure Router
Source: Wikipedia Commons

An ADSL modem is an example of a router as it connects your home network to other

networks on the internet. It may also connect wireless devices to the wired network within
your home.


Network servers are computers designed to process requests and deliver services to “client”
computers on the network. These servers will often run special operating systems such as
Windows Server or UNIX which enable it to perform various roles such as file and print
sharing, web and FTP services or even act as a proxy server.

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Network infrastructure

"Get Real" are a small real estate business who have just moved into a new office building and are
taking this opportunity to redesign their network infrastructure. The business requires the
following features:

> a total of 5 desktop computers will be connected to the network

> all computers must have access to an ADSL internet connection

> all computers must be able to access a server which shares files and print services

List all hardware, computers and cables you would require to make this network possible and
describe how you would connect it all together.

Hint: Building your network from the incoming internet connection, what is the first device you need to
make this work? Which device will allow you to connect the client computers together to form a


This article gives further detail on various networking components.

Should this link be unavailable please notify TAFENow and instead search the internet for “network
hardware components.

9|P a g e
Open systems interconnection (OSI) and
Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol
Open systems interconnection (OSI) model

The goal of the OSI Model was to standardise data networking protocols and allow computers
to communication across the globe. The OSI model I a conceptual framework of networking
protocols divided into 7 layers. Information is passed from one layer to the next down
through the stack and then back up again at the receiving end.

Figure 6 – The seven layers of the OSI model

7 Application

6 Presentation

5 Session

4 Transport

3 Network

2 Data Link

1 Physical

Layer 7 – application
This layer supports applications and end user processes such as web browsers, ftp and telnet

Layer 6 – presentation
The presentation layer interprets data and translates it into a form that the applications (in the
application layer) can accept. Examples of Layer 6 presentation include encryption, ASCII, GIF
and JPG.

Layer 5 – session
This layer establishes, maintains and closes connections between applications. Examples
include NetBIOS, Remote Procedure Calls and DNS.

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Layer 4 – transport
This layer manages end-to-end control of data such as ensuring all packets have arrived at
their destination and are still intact. The TCP protocol operates on this layer.

Layer 3 – network
This layer provides switching and routing technologies to create “virtual circuits” between

Layer 2 – data link

This layer encodes data into bits for transmission over the physical layer. It also decodes
incoming data. Errors from the physical layer are dealt with at this layer. Layer 2 Data Link
examples include PPP, ATM and IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet).

Layer 1 – Physical
This layer deals with the hardware aspects of sending and receiving data on a carrier,
including cables, cards, physical voltages and connectors.

How the OSI Layers Interact with each other?

Horizontal Layer Communication happens when layers on both computers talk to each other
directly. For example data generated at the Application Layer on your computer is designed
to be handled by the Application layer on a remote computer (e.g. A web server) using a
specific protocol, such as HTTP. Another example would be the voltages sent across an
Ethernet cable which are managed at the Physical Layer of both devices.

Vertical Layer Interaction happens on a single computer when one layer provides a service to
the next layer above it.

The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

The TCP/IP Network Model was developed around the same time as OSI and many networks
were compatible with both standards however by the early 1990’s TCP/IP had become the
common choice. These days the TCP/IP model of communication dominates the networking

Like the OSI Model, TCP/IP makes use of different protocols and standards at various layers in
the stack.

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Figure 7 – The five layers of the TCP/IP model

5 Application

4 Transport

3 Network (Internet)

2 Data Link

1 Physical

Note: earlier versions of the TCP/IP model combined the bottom two layers into a single
“Network Access Layer”.

Like OSI, the upper layers of TCP/IP focus on the applications that need to send and receive
data while the lower layers focus on how the data is delivered.

Layer 5 – Application

Here you will find protocols such as HTTP (used by web browsers), and POP3 and SMTP (used
by email clients).

Layer 4 – Transport

The Transport layer is responsible for providing error recovery and flow control. The two most
important protocols at this layer are TCP and UDP. TCP allows for reliable transmission of data
where UDB is less reliable but better suited to streaming services such as Voice over IP.

Layer 3 – Network (aka Internet Layer)

The most important protocol found at this layer is the Internet Protocol (IP) which allows for
addressing and routing. IP ensures each host on the network has a valid address and that data
is routed accordingly to reach its correct destination.

Layer 2 – Data Link

The Data Link layer defines protocols such as Ethernet or Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) which
are responsible for delivering data across the physical network.

Layer 1 – Physical

Similar to OSI, the Physical layer in TCP/IP defines the standards for transmitting data over
some physical medium as well as any cables and connectors associated with this.

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ISO model or TCP/IP model

Use the ISO or TCP/IP model to describe how a request for a specific web page from your computer
to a webserver is handled at each layer in the stack.

Hint: Start at the Application layer on you your computer and work down through each layer of your
chosen model.


The following articles give further detail on the OSI and TCP/IP Models.

Should this link be unavailable please notify TAFENow and instead search the internet for “OSI and
TCP/IP Models”.

Using a layered model approach to

The OSI Model can be particularly useful when troubleshooting. One method of using a
layered approach to troubleshooting is to start at one end of the OSI model and work your
way up or down through the layers.

Troubleshooting using a layered approach requires you to have an understanding of which

protocols and devices operate at each layer as well as being aware of common problems
which can occur.


Check that all devices have power, cables are connected securely and are not damaged.

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Data-Link: This is where bits are converted to packets and vice versa. Devices at this layer
include network cards and some switches.


This layer handles network addressing and routing. It translates IP addresses into MAC
addresses, or computer names to MAC addresses. Common devices at this layer include
routers and managed switches. Some switches are even referred to as Layer 3 Switches
indicating that they are capable of performing some higher functions compared to a “Layer 2”


Protocols used on the transport layer include TCP, NetBIOS, RARP, ARP, and NetBEUI.

Session: The Session layer is used to create and manage sessions across a network. An
example of this would be Remote Desktop. If a user reported they were unable to connect to
your application server using Remote Desktop, then you might want to start your efforts at
this layer. NetBIOS and RPC are some of the protocols used on this layer.


This layer handles encryption, data compression and a few other things. An example of this
layer is your wireless router at home using WEP, WPA or another type of encryption.


This layer is used as a means of communication between the operating system, the
application, and the end user. So basically how programs talk to your operating system.

An example of this could be a program that doesn’t function like it normally would, maybe
you get error messages when you run your program, or maybe it won’t let you save your work.
This would be an application layer issue and that is where you should start your
troubleshooting efforts.

Some of the protocols used at this layer are SMB, FTP, AFP, TELNET, SMTP, and DNS.

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Identify what each of the following commands do and when they might be used:










Hint: Click the start button and type CMD.EXE then press enter to open a command prompt where you
can enter these commands.


After rearranging their office a user calls and complains that they cannot access any of the shares
on the server “wolverine”. They are also unable to access the internet. You ask them to type ‘ping’ (the IP address of the router) into a command prompt and they get the following

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Ping statistics for

15 | P a g e
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

a What layer of the OSI model do you think the problem could be on?
b What is the most likely problem and how would you go about troubleshooting it?


The following article gives further detail on various networking commands used in Windows.

Should this link be unavailable please notify TAFENow and instead search the internet for “Windows
network troubleshooting commands”.

16 | P a g e
Topic 2 - Implement a small switched
Before starting this topic watch the following YouTube video as it gives a good overall
description of how data travels across networks.

As you watch the movie think about the different layers of the OSI model and how data is sent
down through the layers and then back up again at the receiving end.

Warriors of the Net:

Network Segmentation

Network segmentation is when a computer network is split into smaller “subnetworks”

depending on which computers are allowed to access each other. The advantages of network
segmentation are generally better performance and improved security.

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Each segment can be protected from the other segments using a predefined set of rules (e.g.
computers in one segment may only be able to access a single server on another segment).

Figure 8 – Example of a segmented network

Image source:

Often, network segmentation will incorporate the creation of a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
which provides additional security to the network by ensuring any externally accessible
servers (e.g. web server) are on their own segment. That way if the web server or DNS server is
compromised the attacker does not necessarily have access to the corporate intranet.

Figure 9 – Example of a segmented network with a DMZ

Image source:

18 | P a g e
LAN segmentation can be done using routers, bridges or switches. In the case of network
segmentation using switches, each segment is often called a Virtual LAN or VLAN. Improved
hardware performance, higher port density, lower per-port cost, and greater flexibility has
seen switches become a replacement technology for bridges and as complements to routing

Switching Technologies

Modern networks will use switches to connect computers together to form a network.
Computers are usually connected to the switch via Cat6 Twisted pair cables which are able to
support speeds of up to 10 gigabits per second. This is a good a good choice to ensure future
proofing of your networks

Figure 10 – Example of switches

Managed switches are capable of creating VLANS or virtual network segments which may or
may not be able to communicate with each other depending on how the switches are

Figure 11 – Another switch example

19 | P a g e
Managed switches are capable of creating VLANS or virtual network segments which may or
may not be able to communicate with each other depending on how the switches are

Figure 12 – Layer 3 switches

Layer 3 switches are self-learning. They will determine the Ethernet addresses in use on each
segment and build a table as they pass packets. When the switch receives a frame, it saves the
MAC address and port of the originator in the table which is known as a “routing table”. The
routing table is used to determine where to forward incoming data.


Web server

Following on from the scenario on Activity 1, “Get Real” would like to incorporate a web server into
their network. To ensure the security of all data on their intranet they would like the web server to
be located in a DMZ on a separate network segment. Draw a diagram of the network and label

20 | P a g e

The following articles give further detail on network segmentation and switching technologies:





Should this link be unavailable please notify TAFENow and instead search the internet for “network

Perform, save and verify initial switch

configuration tasks
The following instructions will demonstrate how to assign an IP address and password to a HP
ProCurve2524 managed switch using Putty and a serial connection.

Read the instructions carefully to gain an understanding of what is required in configuring a

brand new switch.

NOTE: Configuration via the serial cable is required as we are unable to connect to the switch
by IP address (it doesn’t have one yet!).

If you are using a newer computer, chances are you will be using a USB to Serial adapter. If you
are unfamiliar with the setup and configuration of these adapters visit THIS website for a
detailed guide on how to install them. Take particular note of the COM Port number
configuration setting as this will be needed later in the activity.

If you do not know the Management Password for your switch you will need to perform a
factory reset before starting this activity.

To execute the factory default reset, perform these steps:

1 With the power connected simultaneously press both the Reset and Clear buttons on the
front of the switch.

2 Continue to press the Clear button while releasing the Reset button.

21 | P a g e
3 When the Self-Test LED begins to flash, release the Clear button.

a Make sure the switch is turned OFF

b Connect a serial cable from the Console port on the front of the switch to the serial
port in the back of your computer.

Serial ports and connectors are sometimes referred to as RS-232 as this is the standard
used for communicating between serial devices.

c Download Putty from:
d Open Putty.exe
e Change the connection Type to Serial

f Click Open (A blank console window should appear)

g Connect the power to your switch – you should see some information appear in the
console window
h When you see the message Waiting for Speed Sense. Press <Enter>
twice to continue.
i Press Enter twice
j Press Enter again to continue
k At the command prompt type “menu” then press Enter to enter the menu
configuration mode.

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Setting a manager password

1 Select “Console Passwords Set Manager”

2 Enter a new password twice to confirm

3 Return to Main Menu

Assigning an IP Address

1 Select “Switch Configuration  IP Configuration”

2 Choose Edit

3 Enter the following settings

Gateway: The IP address of your router – Default TTL: 64

IP Config: Press the Space bar to change this to Manual. IP Address: The IP address you want
to assign. Subnet Mask: Your subnet mask

Press Enter then choose Save

24 | P a g e
4 Press Enter then choose Save

5 Return to the Main Menu

6 Logout (spacebar to choose Yes)

7 You can now safely power off the switch and disconnect the serial cable.



Because most people do not have access to a managed switch, for this activity you will be required
to document the steps involved in configuring your home ADSL modem. Be sure to include a
screenshot of each step.

The configuration setting you are required to set are:

> Assign a static IP address of to your modem

> Secure the modem with a password

> Verify your configuration by pinging from a computer connected to the modem

Hint: You may need to locate and download the user manual for your particular piece of hardware.

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26 | P a g e
Topic 3 - Implement an IP addressing
scheme & IP services to meet network

Describe the need and role of addressing


IP addressing and subnetting video

Watch the following video for in depth information on IP addressing and subnetting


27 | P a g e
Alternatively, should the video be unavailable, try the following website.


A network address serves as a unique identifier for a computer on a network. When set up
correctly, computers can determine the addresses of other computers on the network and use
these addresses to send messages to each other.

The most common form of network addressing is using the IP protocol. IP addresses consist of
four bytes (32 bits) that uniquely identify all computers on the public Internet. e.g.

More recently we have seen the introduction of IP v6 which uses a 128 bit address written in
hexadecimal notation which looks something like this 2001:db8:ffff:1:201:02ff:fe03:0405. IP v6
was developed to provide more IP addresses as the internet grew and more devices were
being connected.

IP addresses may be static (defined by the user) or dynamic (allocated automatically from a
pool of IP addresses). Dynamic IP addresses are allocated by a DHCP server, in your home
network this is probably your ADSL modem router. Larger networks will have a dedicated
server for managing IP addresses across the network.

IP addresses are always used in conjunction with a subnet mask. A subnet mask is used to
divide an IP address into its Network and Host addresses. For example if an IP address of has a subnet mask of then the network part of the address is
192.168.0 and the host part is simply the .1 at the end.

IP addresses may be public or private. Public addresses are assigned by InterNIC and are
guaranteed to be globally unique on the Internet, they are used by computers which require
direct access to the internet such as web servers and email servers.

Private IP addresses are used by hosts within an organization that do not require direct access
to the internet (such as workstations that just need to browse the net).

Private IP addresses are typically used on local networks including home, school and business

An IP address is considered private if the IP number falls within one of the IP address ranges
reserved for private uses. The following private IP address ranges exist:

28 | P a g e
TAFEnow to to (APIPA only*) to to

*APIPA stands for Automatic Private IP Addressing and is automatically assigned to a host if it
is unable to contact a DHCP server.

Devices with private IP addresses cannot connect directly to the Internet. Likewise, computers
outside the local network cannot connect directly to a device with a private IP. Instead, access
to such devices must be brokered by a router or similar device that supports Network Address
Translation (NAT). NAT hides the private IP numbers but can selectively transfer messages to
these devices, affording a layer of security to the local network. A home ADSL router/modem
is able to do this.



Describe the need and role of addressing in a network

Hint: Discuss WHY we have IP addresses, what they are used for and why they must be unique within out


Private IP addressing

Describe the purpose of using private IP addressing. What are the advantages of using private IP

Hint: Discuss when private IP addressing is used and what limitations it has.

29 | P a g e

The following articles give further detail on IP addressing.






Should these links be unavailable please notify TAFENow and instead search the internet for “IP

Configuring DHCP on a router

Below are instructions for configuring DHCP on a TP-Link 150M Wireless N ADSL2+ Modem

1 Open your browser and enter the modem’s IP address ( in the address bar and
press ENTER

2 When prompted enter a username and password of “admin”

Click “OK”

30 | P a g e
3 From the menu on the left choose Advanced setup then LAN

4 Assign an appropriate private IP address to your modem. This example uses:



5 Assign an appropriate private IP address to your modem. This example uses:



31 | P a g e
6 Enable DHCP Server and specify a start and end IP address range within your chosen
private IP address range. This example will use to

7 Click Save/Apply

The DHCP service should now be running on your modem.


Configuring DHCP for your home ADSL modem

> Document the steps involved in configuring DHCP for your home ADSL modem. Be sure to
include screen shots of each step.

> Verify that DHCP is working by providing screenshots of the following commands.



Hint: You may need to locate and download the user manual for your particular piece of hardware.

32 | P a g e
Configuring Network Address Translation (NAT)
for a small network

Below are instructions for configuring a TP-Link 150M Wireless N ADSL + Modem Router

1 Open your browser and enter the modem’s IP address ( in the address bar and
press Enter

2 When prompted enter a username and password of “admin”

3 Click “OK”

33 | P a g e
4 From the menu on the left choose Quick setup

5 Choose a WAN Type of ADSL WAN

6 Click “Next”

34 | P a g e
7 Enter your username and password as required by your ISP

8 Leave all other settings as they are

9 Click Next

10 Tick “enable wireless”

11 Give your wireless network a name

12 Change the authentication method to WPA-2 Personal and enter a network key (wireless

13 Click “Next”

35 | P a g e
14 Verify your settings are correct and click “Confirm”

15 Your modem is now configured and internet access should be possible from client


Configuring NAT for home modem

Document the steps involved in configuring NAT for your home ADSL modem. Be sure to include
screen shots of each step.

Verify your configuration by pinging and provide a screen shot of the result.

Hint: You may need to locate and download the user manual for your particular piece of hardware.

36 | P a g e
Configuring Static and Dynamic IP Addresses
To configure your IP address setting in Windows 7 follow the steps below:

1 Click the Start button and type “Network and Sharing”

2 Click “Network and Sharing Center”

3 Click on “Change Adapter Settings

4 Right-Click on the adapter you want to configure and choose Properties

37 | P a g e
5 In the Properties window which appears double-click on Internet Protocol Version 4

6 Here you can specify to Obtain IP address automatically (for DHCP) or Use the following IP
address to manually configure the IP address.

NOTE: The Default Gateway is the IP address of the router which takes you out of this subnet
(i.e. the IP address of your modem)

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Configuring simulation

Most servers are configured with a static IP address. Simulate configuring a server with a static IP
address by changing the IP address of your computer to

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Topic 4 - Implement a small routed
Describe basic routing concepts
Routing involves the delivery of datagrams between hosts located on different networks.

These routing mechanisms are either static or dynamic in nature. Static means manual
configuration is necessary. Dynamic mechanisms involve routing protocols that facilitate the
exchange of information, allowing routers to learn and adapt to changes in a network's

Without routing the internet as we know it would not be possible. Routing allows for
networks to be linked in a mesh (or net) structure with more than one possible path between
nodes. Routing protocols determine the best path for data to take and provide alternatives if
links go down.

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There are a number of different routing protocols which are used to build routing tables and
determine which is the best path for data to take. Examples of these are:

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes traffic between autonomous systems. An
autonomous system is a network or group of networks under common administration and
with common routing policies. BGP exchanges routing information for the Internet and is the
protocol used between ISPs.

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

OSPF is a routing protocol developed for IP networks by the IGP working group of the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF). It was derived from several research efforts, including a version
of OSI's IS-IS routing protocol.

OSPF has two primary characteristics:

> It is an open protocol. Its specification is in the public domain. (RFC 1247).

> It is based on the Shortest Path First (SPF) algorithm, sometimes known as the Dijkstra

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is Cisco's proprietary routing protocol,
based on IGRP.



Explain how the internet uses routing technology to provide redundancy.

Hint: Describe basic routing concepts using BGP as an example.

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The following articles give further detail on routing concepts and protocols:



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Topic 5 – Implement and verify WAN
Describe different methods for connecting to a
WANs are used to connect LANs and other types of networks together, so that users and
computers in one location can communicate with users and computers in other locations.
Many WANs are built for one particular organization and are private. Others, built by Internet
service providers, provide connections from an organization's LAN to the Internet. WANs are
often built using leased lines. Leased lines can be very expensive. Instead of using leased lines,
WANs can also be built using less costly circuit switching or packet switching methods.

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Leased Lines

A leased line provides a Point-to-point connection between two LANs. It is secure but can
become expensive. Typically, leased lines are used by businesses to connect geographically
distant offices. Unlike normal dial-up connections, a leased line is always active. The fee for the
connection is a fixed monthly rate. The primary factors affecting the monthly fee are distance
between end points and the speed of the circuit. Because the connection doesn't carry
anybody else's communications, the carrier can assure a given level of quality. Protocols used
by Leased lines include Point-to-point Protocol (PPP) and High-Level Data Link Control

Circuit switching

These are relatively cheaper connections and rely on making a physical circuit path between
two points. Dial up connections are examples of this. They use the landline telephone
infrastructure for data transmission. The speed offered is usually 30 Kbps to 150 Kbps. The
protocols used are PPP or Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN).

Packet switching

Two major packet switching modes exist; connectionless packet switching, also known as
datagram switching, and connection-oriented packet switching, also known as virtual circuit
switching. In the first case each packet includes complete addressing or routing information.

The packets are routed individually, sometimes resulting in different paths and out-of-order
delivery. In the second case a connection is defined and preallocated in each involved node
before any packet is transferred. The packets include a connection identifier rather than
address information, and are delivered in order. X.25 and Frame Relay are examples of
Connection Oriented Packet Switching. The internet (IPv4/IPv6) is an example of a
Connectionless Packet Switched network.

Cell Relay

Similar to packet switching, but uses fixed length cells instead of variable length packets. Data
is divided into fixed-length cells and then transported across virtual circuits. The use of fixed
length cells means that there is considerable overhead with this method of connection.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is an example of a Cell Relay protocol.

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Connecting to a WAN


One of the main methods of connecting the router to your service provider's network is via a
serial port. Depending on your service provider connection, you may be provided with a
Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit (CSU/DSU). The CSU/DSU serves the same purpose a
modem (modulator/demodulator) in that it prepares your digital data to be sent over a
telephone company network that may not be carrying a digital signal.

Figure 13 – CSU/DSU

Integrated CSU/DSU

Over the years, to reduce cost or complexity, it has become common for people to integrate
the CSU/DSU components into their routers. Rather than having another bulky device sitting
in your communications room, you can have the functionality of the CSU/DSU integrated into
the circuitry of your router.

The drawback is that if you decide to change the type of connection you have, you may need
to change your router. Consequently, Cisco came up with the WAN Interface Card (WIC) port,
which allows you to change the type of service provider connection you use at a minimum
cost, allowing you to reuse your existing router.

ISDN Ports
With the prevalence of ISDN connections it is possible to buy routers which have built-in ISDN
connections. You are limited to using these routers with an ISDN connection however they are
often cheaper.

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Describe when you would need to use a Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit (CSU/DSU) and
what its function is.


The following articles give further detail on WAN technologies.


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46 | P a g e
Topic 6 - Troubleshoot a small
enterprise branch network

Identify and resolve common switched network

Common switched network issues may include, auto-negotiation problems, configuration
issues, media issues, switch-hardware failures.

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Auto-negotiation is an Ethernet procedure by which two connected devices choose common

transmission parameters, such as speed, duplex mode, and flow control. In this process, the
connected devices first share their capabilities regarding these parameters and then choose
the highest performance transmission mode they both support. In the OSI model, auto-
negotiation resides in the physical layer. It is possible to override auto-negotiation with
manual settings which can result in poor network performance, for example if one computer
is set to use full-duplex and the other is set to half duplex.

Configuration issues

Configuration issues are probably the most common type of network problem you will
encounter and can range from something as simple as an invalid IP address to an incorrectly
configured VLAN on a switch.

Media Issues

Media issues relate to physical problems with the network infrastructure. Cables that are
broken, cut or damaged or interference on WiFi frequencies are both examples of media

Switch hardware failures

These are self-explanatory however it does happen that switches develop intermittent faults
which can be hard to diagnose. Overheating and faulty ports are common things to watch out
for. Ensuring the firmware is up to date is also a good idea.


Internet access

You are unable to access the internet and notice this icon in the system tray:

What are possible causes for this and how would you go about troubleshooting this issue?

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Address conflict

You turn on your computer and receive the following message “There is an IP address conflict with
another system on the network”. How would you go about troubleshooting this issue?


IP address configuration

Your computer is configured to obtain an IP address automatically and your modem/router is

configured with an IP address of but you are unable to connect to the internet.

You try to ping the router but all it says is “Request timed out”.

Running IPCONIFG /ALL shows you have an IP address of

What could be the problem?

Hint: What is the significance of an IP address starting with 169.254?


TRACERT command

Explain in detail what the TRACERT command does and what it is used for. How is it different to

49 | P a g e

The following articles give further detail on the TRACERT command.




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“troubleshooting with tracert”


ADSL line filter

What does an ADSL line filter do and why is it needed?


The following articles give further detail on ADSL line filters.


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