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Section 18 - Equipment A, B 18 - 1

Section 18


A. General 5. When determining the equipment for tugs, Section

27, E. is to be observed.
1. The equipment of anchors. chain cables, wires and When determining the equipment of barges and pontoons,
ropes is to be determined from Table 18.2 in accordance Section 31, G. is to be observed.
with the equipment numeral Z1 or Z2, respectively.
6. Ships built under survey of BKI and which are to
Note have the mark a stated in their Certificate and in the Register
Book must be equipped with anchors and chain cables
The anchoring equipment required by this Section is intended complying with the Rules for Materials, Volume V, and
of temporary mooring of a vessel within a harbour or having been tested on approved machines in the presence
sheltered area when the vessel is awaiting berth, tide, etc. of Surveyor.

The equipment is, therefore, not designed to hold a ship 7. For ships having three or more propellers, a reduction
off fully exposed coasts in rough weather or to stop a ship of the weight of the bower anchors and the chain cables may
which is moving or drifting. In this condition the loads on be considered.
the anchoring equipment increase to such a degree that
its components may be damaged or lost owing to the high
energy forces generated, particularly in large ships.
B. Equipment Numeral
The anchoring equipment required by this Section is designed
to hold a ship in good holding ground in conditions such
as to avoid dragging of the anchor. In poor holding ground 1. The equipment numeral Z1 for anchors and chain
the holding power of the anchors will be significantly cables is to be calculated as follows:

The equipment numeral formula for anchoring equipment Z1 =

required under this Section is based on an assumed current
speed of 2,5 m/sec, wind speed of 25 m/sec and a scope of
D = moulded displacement [ton] (in sea water having
chain cable between 6 and 10, the scope being the ratio
a density of 1,025 t/m3) to the summer load
between length of chain paid out and water depth.
It is assumed that under normal circumstances a ship will h = effective height from the summer load waterline
use only one bow anchor and chain cable at a time. to the top of the uppermost house

2. Every ship is to be equipped with at least one anchor = a + Ghi

a = distance [m], from the summer load water-line,
Windlass and chain stopper, if fitted, are to comply with amidships, to the upper deck at side
Rules for Machinery Installations, Volume III, Section 14,D.
A = area [m2], in profile view of the hull,
superstructures and houses, having a breadth
For the substructures of windlasses and chain stoppers, see
greater than B/4, above the summer load
Section 10, B.5.
waterline within the length L and up to the
height h
For the location of windlasses on tankers, see Section 24,
A.9. 3hi = sum of height [m] of superstructures and
deckhouses, measured on the centreline of each
3. For ships having the navigation Notation "L" tier having a breadth greater than B/4. Deck
(Coasting Service) affixed to their Character of Classi- sheer, if any, is to be ignored. For the lowest tier,
fication, the equipment may be determined as for one "h" is to be measured at centreline from the upper
numeral range lower than required in accordance with the deck or from a notional deck line where there
equipment numeral Z1 or Z2, respectively. is local discontinuity in the upper deck.

4. When determining the equipment for ships having Where a deckhouse having a breadth greater than B/4 is
the navigation notation "T" (Sheltered Shallow Water located above a deckhouse having a breadth of B/4 or less,
Service) affixed to their Character of Classification, the the wide house is to be included and the narrow house
provisions of Section 30, E. are to be observed. ignored.
18 - 2 Section 18 - Equipment C

Screens of bulwarks 1,5 m or more in height are to be be connected to their chain cables and positioned on board
regarded as parts of houses when determining h and A, e.g. ready for use.
the area shown in Fig. 18.1 as A1 is to be included in A.
The height of the hatch coamings and that of any deck cargo, It is to be ensured that each anchor can be stowed in the
such as containers, may be disregarded when determining hawse and hawse pipe in such a way that it remains firmly
h and A. secured in seagoing conditions. Details have to be
coordinated with the owner.


National regulations concerning the provision of a spare

anchor, stream anchor or a stern anchor may need to be

2. Anchors shall be of approved design. The mass of

the heads of patent (ordinary stockless) anchors, including
pins and fittings, is not to be less than 60 % of the total mass
of the anchor.
Fig. 18.1 Effective area A1 of bulwark
3. For stock anchors, the total mass of the anchor,
including the stock, shall comply with the values in
2. The equipment numeral Z2 for the recommended Table 18.2. The mass of the stock shall be 20 % of this
selection of ropes as well as for the determination of the total mass.
design load for shipboard towing and mooring equipment
and supporting hull structure is to be calculated as follows: 4. The mass of each individual bower anchor may vary
by up to 7 % above or below the required individual mass
provided that the total mass of all the bower anchors is not
Z2 =
less than the sum of the required individual masses.

D = moulded displacement [t] in sea water having 5. Where special anchors approved as "High Holding
a density of 1,025 t/m3 to the summer load Power Anchors" are used, the anchor mass may be 75 %
waterline of the anchor mass as per Table 18.2.

h = effective height from the summer load waterline "High Holding Power Anchors" are anchors which are
to the top of the uppermost house suitable for ship's use at any time and which do not require
prior adjustment or special placement on the sea bed.
= a + Ehi
For approval as a "High Holding Power Anchor", satisfactory
a = distance [m], from the summer load waterline,
tests are to be made on various types of sea bottom and the
amidships, to the upper deck at side
anchor is to have a holding power at least twice that of a
Ehi = sum of height [m] of superstructures and patent anchor ("Admiralty Standard Stockless") of the same
deckhouses on the upper deck, measured on the mass. The mass of anchors to be tested should be
centreline of each tier. Deck sheer, if any, is to representative of the full range of sizes intended to be
be ignored. For the lowest tier, "h" is to be manufactured. The tests are to be carried out on at least two
measured at centreline from the upper deck or sizes of anchors in association with the chain cables
from a notional deck line where there is local appropriate to the weight. The anchors to be tested and the
discontinuity in the upper deck. standard stockless anchors should be of approx. the same
A = area [m2], in profile view of the hull,
superstructures and deckhouses above the The chain length used in the tests should be approx. 6 to
summer load waterline within the length L. 10 times the depth of water.

Screens of bulwarks, hatch coamings and deck The tests are normally to be carried out from a tug, however,
equipment, e.g., masts and lifting gear, as well alternative shore based tests (e.g. with suitable winches)
as containers on deck have to be observed for may be accepted.
the calculation of A. Three tests are to be carried out for each anchor and type
of bottom. The pull shall be measured by means of a
dynamometer or recorded by a recording instrument.
C. Anchors Measurements of pull based on rpm/bollard pull curve of
the tug may be accepted.
1. The number of bower anchors is to be determined Testing by comparison with a previously approved HHP
according to column 3 of Table 18.2. The anchors are to anchor may be accepted as a basis for approval. The
Section 18 - Equipment D, E 18 - 3

maximum mass of an anchor thus approved may be 10 times 5. Either stud link or short link chain cables may be
the mass of the largest size of anchor tested. used for stream anchors.

The dimensioning of the chain cable and of the windlass 6. For connection of the anchor with the chain cable
is to be based on the undiminished anchor mass according approved Kenter-type anchor shackles may be chosen in
to the Tables. lieu of the common Dee-shackles. A forerunner with swivel
is to be fitted between anchor and chain cable. In lieu of
6. Where stern anchor equipment is fitted, such a forerunner with swivel an approved swivel shackle may
equipment is to comply in all respects with the rules for be used. However, swivel shackles are not to be connected
anchor equipment. The mass of each stern anchor shall be to the anchor shank unless specially approved. A sufficient
at least 35 % of that of the bower anchors. The diameter number of suitable spare shackles are to be kept on board
of the chain cables and the chain length are to be determined to facilitate fitting of the spare anchor at any time. On
from the Tables in accordance with the anchor mass. Where owner's request the swivel shackle may be dispensed with.
a stern anchor windlass is fitted the requirements of Rules
for Machinery Installations, Volume III, Section 14, are 7. The attachment of the inboard ends of the chain cables
to be observed. to the ship's structure is to be provided with a mean suitable
to permit, in case of emergency, an easy slipping of the chain
7. Where a steel wire rope is to be used for the stern cables to sea operable from an accessible position outside
anchor instead of a chain cable the following has to be the chain locker.
The inboard ends of the chain cables are to be secured to
the structures by a fastening able to withstand a force not
7.1 The steel wire rope shall at least be as long as the less than 15% nor more than 30% of the rated breaking load
required chain cable. The strength of the steel wire rope of the chain cable.
shall at least be of the value for the required chain of grade

7.2 Between anchor and steel wire rope a shot of E. Chain Locker
12,5 m in length or of the distance between stowed anchor
and windlass shall be provided. The smaller length has to
be taken. 1. The chain locker is to be of capacity and depth
adequate to provide an easy direct lead of the cables through
7.3 A cable winch must be provided according to the the chain pipes and self-stowing of the cables.
requirements for windlasses in Rules for Machinery
Installations, Volume III, Section 14, B. The minimum required stowage capacity without mud box
for the two bow anchor chains is as follows:

D. Chain Cables

d = chain diameter [mm] according to Table 18.2

1. The chain cable diameters given in the Tables apply
to chain cables made of chain cable materials specified in R = total length of stud link chain cable according
the requirements of Rules for Materials, Volume V, for the to Table 18.2
following grades:
The total stowage capacity is to be distributed on two chain
Grade K 1 (ordinary quality) lockers of equal size for the port and starboard chain cables.
The shape of the base areas shall as far as possible be
Grade K 2 (special quality) quadratic with a maximum edge length of 33 d. As an
alternative, circular base areas may be selected, the diameter
Grade K 3 (extra special quality) of which shall not exceed 30 – 35 d.
2. Grade K 1 material used for chain cables in Above the stowage of each chain locker in addition a free
conjunction with "High Holding Power Anchors" shall have depth of
a tensile strength Rm of not less than 400 N/mm2.
h = 1500 [mm]
3. Grade K 2 and K 3 chain cables shall be post
production quenched and tempered and purchased from is to be provided.
recognized manufacturers only.

4. The total length of chain given in the Table 18.2 is 2. The chain locker boundaries and their access openings
to be divided in approximately equal parts between the two are to be watertight to prevent flooding of essential
bower anchors. installation or equipment are aranged, in order to not affect
18 - 4 Section 18 - Equipment F

the proper operation of the ship after accidental flooding Table 18.1 Wire/ fibre ropes diameter
of the chain locker.

2.1 Special requirements to minimize the ingress of Fibre ropes

Steel Synthetic
water wire wire ropes
ropes 1) Poly- Poly- Poly- Polypro-
2.1.1 Spurling pipes and cable lockers are to be watertight amide2) amide ester pylene
up to the weather deck.
dia. dia. dia. dia. dia.
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
2.1.2 Where means of access is provided, it is to be closed
by a substantial cover and secured by closely spaced bolts. 12 30 30 30 30
13 30 32 32 32
2.1.3 Spurling pipes through which anchor cables are led 14 32 36 36 36
are to be provided with permanently attached closing 16 32 40 40 40
appliances to minimize water ingress. 18 36 44 44 44
20 40 48 48 48
3. Adequate drainage facilities of the chain locker are 22 44 48 48 52
to be provided. 24 48 52 52 56
26 56 60 60 64
28 60 64 64 72
4. Where the chain locker boundaries are also tank
32 68 72 72 80
boundaries their scantlings of stiffeners and plating are to
be determined as for tanks in accordance with Section 12. 36 72 80 80 88
40 72 88 88 96
Where this is not the case the plate thickness is to be 1)
According to DIN 3068 or equivalent
determined as for t2 and the section modulus as for W2
in accordance with Section 12, B.2. and B.3. respectively. Regular laid ropes of refined polyamide monofilaments and
The distance from the load centre to the top of the chain filament fibres.
locker pipe is to be taken for calculating the load.

1.3 Where the stream anchor is used in conjunction with

5. For th e location of chain lockers on tankers
a rope, this is to be a steel wire rope.
Section 24, A.9 is to be observed.

1.4 Wire ropes shall be of the following type:

F. Mooring Equipment S 6 x 24 wires with 7 fibre cores for breaking loads

of up to 500 kN
type: Standard
1. Ropes
S 6 x 36 wires with 1 fibre core for breaking loads of
1.1 The following items 1.2 to 1.6 and the Tables 18.1 more than 500 kN
and 18.2 for tow lines and mooring ropes are type: Standard.
recommendations only, a compliance with which is not a
condition of Class. Where wire ropes are stored on mooring winch drums, steel
cored wire ropes may be used e.g.:
1.2 For tow lines and mooring lines, steel wire ropes
as well as fibre ropes made of natural or synthetic fibres S 6 x 19 wires with 1 steel core
or wire ropes consisting of steel wire and fibre cores may type: Seale
be used. The breaking loads 1) specified in Table 18.2 are
valid for wire ropes and ropes of natural fibre (Manila) only. S 6 x 36 wires with 1 steel core
Where ropes of synthetic fibre are used, the breaking load type: Warrington-Seale.
is to be increased above the table values. The extent of
increase depends on the material quality.
1.5 Regardless of the breaking load, recommended in
The required diameters of synthetic fibre ropes used in lieu Table 18.2, the diameter of fibre ropes should not be less
of steel wire ropes may be taken from Table 18.1. than 20 mm.

1.6 The length of the individual mooring ropes may be

up to 7 % less than that given in the table provided that
The term "Breaking Load" used throughout this Section the total length of all the wires and ropes is not less than
means the "Nominal breaking load". the sum of the required individual lengths.
Section 18 - Equipment F 18 - 5

Where mooring winches on large ships are located on one 3. Supporting hull structure for mooring equipment
side of the ship, the lengths of mooring ropes should be
increased accordingly.
Strength calculations for supporting hull structures of
mooring equipment are to be based on net thicknesses.
For individual mooring lines with a breaking load above
500 kN the following alternatives may be applied:

.1 The breaking load of the individual mooring lines

specified in Table 18.2 may be reduced with tk = corrosion addition according to 4.
corresponding increase of the number of mooring
lines, provided that the total breaking load of all 3.1 Load considerations
lines aboard ship is not less than the rule value as
per Table 18.2. No mooring line, however, should
have a breaking load of less than 500 kN. 1) Unless greater safe working load (SWLGL) of
shipboard fittings is specified by the applicant, the
.2 The number of mooring lines may be reduced with design load applied to shipboard fittings and
corresponding increase of the breaking load of the supporting hull structures is to be 1,25 times the
individual mooring lines, provided that the total breaking strength of the mooring line according to
breaking load of all lines aboard ship is not less than Table 18.2 for the equipment numeral Z2.
the rule value specified in Table 18.2, however, the
number of lines should not be less than 6. When ropes with increased breaking strength are
used, the design load needs not to be in excess of
1,25 times the breaking strength of the mooring line
2. Shipboard fittings (mooring bollards and bitts, according to Table 18.2 for the equipment numeral
fairleads, stand rollers, chocks) Z2. This is not applicable, if the breaking strength
of the ropes is increased in accordance with 1.6.
The selection of shipboard fittings is to be made by the
shipyard in accordance with an industry standard (e.g. 2) The minimum design load applied to supporting hull
ISO 3913 Shipbuilding Welded Steel Bollards) accepted structures for winches, etc. is to be the design load
by BKI. When the shipboard fitting is not selected from acc. to (1). For capstans, the minimum design load
an accepted industry standard, the design load used to assess is to be 1,25 times the maximum hauling-in force.
its strength and its attachment to the ship is to be in
accordance with 3.
3) The design load is to be applied through the mooring
line according to the arrangement shown on the
2.1 Arrangement towing and mooring arrangements plan, see
Fig. 18.2.
Shipboard fittings for mooring are to be located on
longitudinals, beams and/or girders, which are part of the
deck construction so as to facilitate efficient distribution 4) When a specific SWLGL, that is greater than required
of the mooring load. Other arrangements may be accepted in 2.2 (1), is applied for a fitting at the request of
(for Panama chocks, etc.) provided the strength is confirmed the applicant, the fitting and the supporting hull
adequate for the service. structure have to be designed using the requested
SWLGL times 1,875 as design load.
2.2 Safe working load (SWLGL)

1) The safe working load for fittings is to be calculated

as follows:

FD = design load per 3.1.

2) The SWLGL of each shipboard fitting is to be marked

(by weld bead or equivalent) on the deck fittings
used for mooring.

3) The above requirements on SWLGL apply for a

Fig. 18.2 Application of design loads
single post basis (no more than one turn of one cable).
5) The acting point of the mooring force on shipboard
4) The towing and mooring arrangements plan
fittings is to be taken at the attachment point of a
mentioned in H. is to define the method of use of
mooring line or at a change in its direction.
mooring lines.
18 - 6 Section 18 - Equipment G

For bollards, the acting point of the design load is G. Towing Equipment
to be taken at least equivalent to the diameter of the
pipe above deck level. Special designs have to be 1. Shipboard fittings
evaluated individually.
1.1 Arrangement and strength
3.2 Allowable stresses
Shipboard fittings for towing are to be located on
Normal stress: FN # ReH longitudinals, beams and/or girders, which are part of the
deck construction so as to facilitate efficient distribution
Shear stress: J # 0,6 ReH of the towing load. Other arrangements may be accepted
(for Panama chocks, etc.) provided the strength is confirmed
Equivalent stress: FV # ReH adequate for the intended service.

ReH = Nominal upper yield point of the material used The strength of shipboard fittings used for ordinary towing
[N/mm2] acc. Section 2, B.2. operations (not emergency towing) at bow, sides and stern
and their supporting hull structures are to be determined
on the basis of 1.1.1 and 1.1.2.
4. Corrosion addition
Strength calculations are to be based on net thicknesses
The total corrosion addition, tk, in mm, for both sides of
the hull supporting structure is not to be less than the tnet = t – tk
following values:
tk = corrosion addition, see F.4.
– Ships covered by CSR for bulk carriers and CSR
for double hull oil tankers: Total corrosion additions 1.1.1 Load considerations
defined in these rules
Unless greater safe working load (SWL) of shipboard fittings
– Other ships: 2,0 mm in general and 1,0 mm in dry is specified by the applicant, the minimum design load to
spaces be used is the following value of (1) or (2), whichever is

5. Equipment for mooring at single point moorings (1) for normal towing operations (e.g., in harbour) using
fittings at bow, sides and stern, 1,875 times the
5. 1 Upon request from the owner, BKI is prepared to intended maximum towing load (e.g. static bollard
certify that the vessel is specially fitted for compliance with pull) as indicated on the towing and mooring
Sections 2.1, 4.2 and 6. of the "Standards for equipment arrangements plan.
employed in the mooring of ships at single point moorings"
published by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum If the intended maximum towing load is not specified
(OCIMF), 1978. by the applicant, the nominal breaking strength of
the corresponding mooring lines according to Table
5. 2 The certificate may be issued if 18.2 for the equipment numeral Z2 is to be applied.

.1 plans showing the equipment and the arrangement (2) for other towing service using the forward main
as well as necessary substructures are submitted for towing fittings, in general arranged on forecastle
approval; deck at the vessel's centreline, the nominal breaking
strength of the tow line according to Table 18.2 for
.2 the chain stopper, Smith bracket, or other device the equipment numeral Z2.
for securing the chafing chain to the ship and the
structure to which it is attached are capable of (3) The design load is to be applied through the tow line
withstanding a load not less than the breaking according to the arrangement shown on the towing
strength of the chain corresponding to the size of and mooring arrangements plan, see Fig. 18.2.
the ship as given in Section 6 of the standards
stipulated in 5.1 above and calculations to For bollards, the acting point of the design load is
demonstrate this capability are submitted; to be taken at least equivalent to the diameter of the
pipe above deck level. Special designs have to be
.3 the chain bearing surface of the bow fairleads evaluated individually.
described in 6.1 of the standard stipulated in 3.5.1
above have a diameter at least seven times that of (4) When a specific SWLGL, that is greater than required
the associated chain; in 1.2, is applied for a fitting at the request of the
applicant, the fitting and the supporting hull structure
.4 the installation on board the ship is surveyed by have to be designed using the requested SWLGL times
BKI’s Surveyor. 1,875 as design load.
Section 18 - Equipment H 18 - 7

(4) The SWLGL of each shipboard fitting is to be marked

1.1.2 Allowable stresses (by weld bead or equivalent) on the deck fittings
used for towing.
Normal stress: FN # ReH
For fittings, which are used for different mooring
Shear stress: J # 0,6 ReH or towing operations, the greater of the safe working
loads SWLGL is to be marked.
Equivalent stress: FV # ReH
(5) The above requirements on SWLGL apply for a single
ReH = Nominal upper yield point of the material used post basis (no more than one turn of one cable).
[N/mm2] acc. Section 2, B.2.
(6) The towing and mooring arrangements plan
mentioned in H. is to define the method of use of
1.2 Safe working load (SWL) towing lines.

(1) The safe working load for a shipboard fitting used

for normal towing operations is not to exceed the
following value: H. Towing and Mooring Arrangements Plan

The SWLGL for the intended use for each shipboard fitting
is to be noted in the towing and mooring arrangements plan
available on board for the guidance of the Master.
FD = design load per 1.1.1(1)
Information provided on the plan is to include in respect
(2) The safe working load for a shipboard fitting used of each shipboard fitting:
for other towing service (i.e., for the main towing
fittings) is not to exceed the following value: – location on the ship

– fitting type

FD = design load per 1.1.1(2).
– purpose (mooring / normal towing operations / other
(3) For chocks and bollards of which the strength shall towing services); and
comply with Panama Canal Regulations, the safe
working load is not to exceed the following value: – manner of applying towing or mooring line load
including limiting fleet angles.

This information is to be incorporated into the pilot card

in order to provide the pilot proper information on
harbour/escorting operations.
FD = design load according to Panama Canal
18 - 8 Section 18 - Equipment H

Table 18.2 Anchor, Chain Cables and Ropes

Stockless anchor Stud link chain cables Recommended ropes

Stream wire or
No. Equipment Stream
Bower anchor Bower anchors chain for stream Towline Mooring ropes
for numeral anchor
Reg. Z1 or Z2
Num- Mass Total Diameter Br. Br. Num- Br.
Length Length Length
ber 1) per anchor length d1 d2 d3 load2) load2) ber load2)

[kg] [m] [mm] [mm] [mm] [m] [kN] [m] [kN] [m] [kN]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
101 up to 50 2 120 40 165 12,5 12,5 12,5 80 65 180 100 3 80 35
102 50 - 70 2 180 60 220 14 12,5 12,5 80 65 180 100 3 80 35
103 70 - 90 2 240 80 220 16 14 14 85 75 180 100 3 100 40
104 90 - 110 2 300 100 247,5 17,5 16 16 85 80 180 100 3 110 40
105 110 - 130 2 360 120 247,5 19 17,5 17,5 90 90 180 100 3 110 45
106 130 - 150 2 420 140 275 20,5 17,5 17,5 90 100 180 100 3 120 50
107 150 - 175 2 480 165 275 22 19 19 90 110 180 100 3 120 55
108 175 - 205 2 570 190 302,5 24 20,5 20,5 90 120 180 110 3 120 60
109 205 - 240 2 660 302,5 26 22 20,5 180 130 4 120 65
110 240 - 280 2 780 330 28 24 22 180 150 4 120 70
111 280 - 320 2 900 357,5 30 26 24 180 175 4 140 80
112 320 - 360 2 1020 357,5 32 28 24 180 200 4 140 85
113 360 - 400 2 1140 385 34 30 26 180 225 4 140 95
114 400 - 450 2 1290 385 36 32 28 180 250 4 140 100
115 450 - 500 2 1440 412,5 38 34 30 180 275 4 140 110
116 500 - 550 2 1590 412,5 40 34 30 190 305 4 160 120
117 550 - 600 2 1740 440 42 36 32 190 340 4 160 130
118 600 - 660 2 1920 440 44 38 34 190 370 4 160 145
119 660 - 720 2 2100 440 46 40 36 190 405 4 160 160
120 720 - 780 2 2280 467,5 48 42 36 190 440 4 170 170
121 780 - 840 2 2460 467,5 50 44 38 190 480 4 170 185
122 840 - 910 2 2640 467,5 52 46 40 190 520 4 170 200
123 910 - 980 2 2850 495 54 48 42 190 560 4 170 215
124 980 - 1060 2 3060 495 56 50 44 200 600 4 180 230
125 1060 - 1140 2 3300 495 58 50 46 200 645 4 180 250
126 1140 - 1220 2 3540 522,5 60 52 46 200 690 4 180 270
127 1220 - 1300 2 3780 522,5 62 54 48 200 740 4 180 285
128 1300 - 1390 2 4050 522,5 64 56 50 200 785 4 180 305
129 1390 - 1480 2 4320 550 66 58 50 200 835 4 180 325
130 1480 - 1570 2 4590 550 68 60 52 220 890 5 190 325
131 1570 - 1670 2 4890 550 70 62 54 220 940 5 190 335
132 1670 - 1790 2 5250 577,5 73 64 56 220 1025 5 190 350
133 1790 - 1930 2 5610 577,5 76 66 58 220 1110 5 190 375
134 1930 - 2080 2 6000 577,5 78 68 60 220 1170 5 190 400
135 2080 - 2230 2 6450 605 81 70 62 240 1260 5 200 425
136 2230 - 2380 2 6900 605 84 73 64 240 1355 5 200 450
137 2380 - 2530 2 7350 605 87 76 66 240 1455 5 200 480
138 2530 - 2700 2 7800 632,5 90 78 68 260 1470 6 200 480
139 2700 - 2870 2 8300 632,5 92 81 70 260 1470 6 200 490
140 2870 - 3040 2 8700 632,5 95 84 73 260 1470 6 200 500
141 3040 - 3210 2 9300 660 97 84 76 280 1470 6 200 520
142 3210 - 3400 2 9900 660 100 87 78 280 1470 6 200 555
143 3400 - 3600 2 10500 660 102 90 78 280 1470 6 200 590
144 3600 - 3800 2 11100 687,5 105 92 81 300 1470 6 200 620
145 3800 - 4000 2 11700 687,5 107 95 84 300 1470 6 200 650
146 4000 - 4200 2 12300 687,5 111 97 87 300 1470 7 200 650
147 4200 - 4400 2 12900 715 114 100 87 300 1470 7 200 660
148 4400 - 4600 2 13500 715 117 102 90 300 1470 7 200 670
149 4600 - 4800 2 14100 715 120 105 92 300 1470 7 200 680
150 4800 - 5000 2 14700 742,5 122 107 95 300 1470 7 200 685
151 5000 - 5200 2 15400 742,5 124 111 97 300 1470 8 200 685
152 5200 - 5500 2 16100 742,5 127 111 97 300 1470 8 200 695
153 5500 - 5800 2 16900 742,5 130 114 100 300 1470 8 200 705
154 5800 - 6100 2 17800 742,5 132 117 102 300 1470 9 200 705
155 6100 - 6500 2 18800 742,5 120 107 300 1470 9 200 715
156 6500 - 6900 2 20000 770 124 111 300 1470 9 200 725
157 6900 - 7400 2 21500 770 127 114 300 1470 10 200 725
158 7400 - 7900 2 23000 770 132 117 300 1470 11 200 725
159 7900 - 8400 2 24500 770 137 122 300 1470 11 200 735
160 8400 - 8900 2 26000 770 142 127 300 1470 12 200 735
161 8900 - 9400 2 27500 770 147 132 300 1470 13 200 735
162 9400 - 10000 2 29000 770 152 132 300 1470 14 200 735
163 10000 - 10700 2 31000 770 137 300 1470 15 200 735
164 10700 - 11500 2 33000 770 142 300 1470 16 200 735
165 11500 - 12400 2 35500 770 147 300 1470 17 200 735
166 12400 - 13400 2 38500 770 152 300 1470 18 200 735
167 13400 - 14600 2 42000 770 157 300 1470 19 200 735
168 14600 - 16000 2 46000 770 162 300 1470 21 200 735
d1 = Chain diameter Grade K 1 (Ordinary quality) see C.1.
d2 = Chain diameter Grade K 2 (Special quality) See also D see F.1.2
d3 = Chain diameter Grade K 3 (Extra special quality)

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