Assalamualaikum Wr. WB

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Assalamualaikum Wr.

Good morning
My name is....
I’m from Twelve Natural Science Two
Today, I will explain about procedure “ How to make a glass of Teh manis
( sweet tea ) “
Materials :
 a tea bag / 1 tea pcs
 Sugar
 Hot water
 Spoon
 A glass
Steps :
 First, add two spoons of sugar into the glass
 second, put a tea into a glass
 Third, pour the hot water in to the glass
 Then, stir the tea until purely mixed
 And one glass Teh manis ready

Thank you
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Good morning
My name is....
I’m from Twelve Natural Science Two
Today, I will explain about procedure “ How to make a glass of Teh manis
( sweet tea ) “
Materials :
 a tea bag / 1 tea pcs
 Sugar
 Hot water
 Spoon
 A glass
Steps :
 First, put some water into a glass.
 Second, remain the tea bag into the glass. Wait until the water looks
 Next, Put some 2 tea spoon of sugar.
 Then, mix well
 And one glass teh manis ready

Thank you

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