Verb Tenses Mixed Esercises Past Present Tenses

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Olimpiada locală de limba engleză

27 februarie 2018
Limba engleză
Clasa a IX-a - normal

I. Read the following text and put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (10 x1p = 10p)

a) Clara is going to a summer school in England next month. She (1) ______ (DESERVE) it, she (2) ______
(BE) the best in her class, even in her school, now that I (3)______ (COME) to think of it. She (4) ______
(LEARN) English for ten years now and she (5) ______ (already send) the application form.
b) In the darkness as he (6) ______ (SIT) on the cliff that night, Tom (7) ______ (REMEMBER) things about
his childhood that (8) ______ (NOT COME BACK) to his mind in years. He (9) ______ (THINK) about his
parents who (10) ______ (BE KILLED) ten years before.

II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence (10 x 1p = 10 p)

1. Some people make (PREDICT)__________ that one day robots will take over the world.
2. Given the circumstances, the (CONTINUE)_________ of her studies is vital to her.
3. Monkeys are known to be (IMITATE)_________ animals.
4. The (LIKE)___________ between the twins was amazing.
5. Your (PRESUME)__________ that he did such a thing proved to be false.
6. The last diary (ENTER)_________ revealed her deep sorrow.
7. The (ABLE)_____________ of birds to find their way home is amazing.
8. I’ve been here so often that I’m getting a bit (BORE)__________ with this place.
9. His first movie was a critical (FAIL)__________.
10. I have just finished an absolutely (MARVEL) ____________ book by Charles Dickens.

III. Read the following text and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits in each gap (10 x 1p = 10p)

Both our ears work in the same way. Even if you only had one ear that worked 1_______, you would still hear sounds
and understand them. But having two ears helps us 2______ out more about what is going on around us. With two ears
we can tell 3______ direction a sound is coming from.

Ears act as direction finders because sound arrives at one ear before it 4______ the other ear. Your brain measures the
difference and 5______works out the direction of the sound. Even very young babies turn to 6______ in the direction a
noise is coming from.

As we grow up, we get better 7______ working out where a noise is coming from and how 8______ away the thing
making the noise is. This skill is called directional hearing and it was very important for our ancestors. They had to be
able to track animals to hunt food. They also had to know which way to run 9______large animals were tracking

1 A - appropriate B - good C - properly D –accordingly

2 A – find B - carry C - work D – see
3 A - which B - that C - where D – whose
4 A - arrives B - gets C - is D - reaches
5 A - rightly B - now C - automatically D - quick
6 A –look B - watch C - see D - notice
7 A – with B - at C - in D - about
8 A – deep B - long C - intense D - far
9 A - unless B - where C - when D - why
10 A – them B - it C - that D - in

IV. Translate the following text into Romanian (10p)

“Peggy, you know you are not the only person having to face this problem.”
“Yes, indeed, I’m one in every six Americans that suffer from fear of flying. When I cannot avoid boarding a plane, I
feel like a trapped animal. It is really awful. I can’t help looking for hidden dangers and get hysterical at the slightest

change in the tone of the plane’s engines. I’d call the flight attendant every ten minutes and ask her ‘How much longer
till we land?’”
“Have you tried to do something about your phobia?”
“Sure, two years ago I decided to treat it. I attended two courses and I have changed six therapists until now. I have a
whole collection of common sense statistics teaching me that flying is actually safer than walking.”


Read the text below and do the tasks that follow.

Lisa was weary after a long, hard day at the pottery factory where she works. But as she approached her home in the
English city of Stoke-on-Trent, her heart lightened; soon she would be having a nice cup of tea, putting her feet up and
watching Friends, her favourite TV series. But first, she needed to change out of her work clothes and pick up her
three-year-old son from his grandmother’s house nearby.
As Lisa walked up her garden path, she noticed a light flashing on and off in an upstairs bedroom. A shiver went down
her back. Could it be a burglar? Quietly, she crept round to the back of the house to see if there was any sign of a
break-in. Sure enough, a window was open and someone’s coat was hanging on the gatepost!
Well, 26-year-old Lisa didn’t fancy coming face to face with a burglar, so she ran to a neighbour’s house and rang the
police. But as she sat waiting for the police to arrive, Lisa’s curiosity got bigger and she decided to go back and see
what was going on. That’s when she saw a leg coming out of the downstairs front window. It was a man climbing out.
Lisa gasped in shock. The burglar was carrying her portable television!
At this point, Lisa saw red. She didn’t have many possessions and she’d saved long and hard to buy that set. Besides,
nobody was going to stop her from watching Friends.
‘Oh, no, you don’t,’ she muttered under her breath, as the fury swelled inside her. Without even stopping to think, she
tore across the garden and started shouting at the burglar: ‘Give me my TV! Drop it now!’ she screamed.

I. For each question choose the correct letter A, B, C or D (5 x 2p= 10p)

1. How was Lisa feeling as she walked home from work?

A. tired
B. anxious
C. depressed
D. relieved

2. What does ‘pick up’mean in the text?

A. contact
B. visit
C. collect
D. check

3. What first led Lisa to think there was a burglar in her house?
A. Something had been broken.
B. Something had been left outside.
C. Something was in the wrong place.
D. Something was moving inside.

4. Why didn’t Lisa wait in her neighbour’s house until the police arrived?
A. She was worried about losing her television.
B. She wanted to know what was happening.
C. She noticed something from her neighbour’s window.
D. She realised that the burglar was leaving.

5. What does ‘Lisa saw red’ mean?

A. She got impatient.
B. She felt frightened.
C. She got angry.
D. She felt brave.

II. Read the text again and write a narrative essay about one time when you had to deal with a dangerous
situation. (180-200 words) (50 p)

2 Notă: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Timp de lucru: 180 de minute.

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