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秋季 练习册 第 12 讲 答案

Hello Vocabulary .
2a Read the definitions and write the words.

n b

d g a t e s

l l l p

e n t r a n c e y

v a s e 9 d o

h h d n

10 a n t i q u e y

d d r

11 s o l v e

w 12
13 s t e a l

2c Complete and write the words in the correct column. What other words
do you know that begin with an, en, in, on and un?
Words beginning with…
an… en… in… on… un…

秋季 练习册 第 12 讲 答案

antique entrance internet online underground

enjoy inside onion understand

Hello Grammar .
3a Match the questions and the answers.
2F 3D 4A 5B 6E

3b Write the questions for these answers. The underlined words answer
the question!
2 a What did Amy buy? b Who bought the vase?
3 a What did Mum make? b Who made the cake?
4 a Who played tennis? b What did Harry play?
5 a Who did Joe meet? b Who met Tom?
6 a Who ate an ice cream? b What did Vicky eat?

3c Complete the questions using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
2 happened 3 wants 4 does, start 5 do / did, do
6 borrowed 7 did, eat 8 ate

Hello Reading and Listening .

4a Read the text and choose the correct word for each space.
2D 3B 4C 5C 6D
7C 8A 9B 10 C

4b There are five questions. Listen to the short conversations and choose
the correct answer for each question.
2C 3A 4B 5A


Presenter: Number one. Where is the boy’s mobile phone?

Boy: Mum, have you seen my phone?
Mum: You had it in your pocket last night.
Boy: Then I put it on my bedside table.
Mum: It isn’t in your bedroom now. What about your rucksack?
Boy: Yes, here it is.
秋季 练习册 第 12 讲 答案

Presenter: Number two. What did the girl buy?

Boy: Did you buy anything at the shops?
Girl: Yes. Well I nearly bought a jumper but it was too big, so I got this belt. I
saw a purse I really liked too.
Boy: So why didn’t you buy it?
Girl: I didn’t have enough money.

Presenter; Number three. What do the boys decide to watch?

Boy 1: What’s on TV tonight?
Boy 2: Well, there’s a documentary about the rainforest which looks good.
Boy 1: Can’t you record that?
Boy 2: OK. What about the football – or there’s an action film in space.
Boy 1: Let’s watch the film. I’m bored with football.

Presenter; Number four. What will the weather be like tomorrow afternoon?
Radio presenter: And now for the weather. Tomorrow will start cloudy with rain
later in the morning, clearing to give a bright sunny afternoon.

Presenter; Number five. What is Laura Taylor’s job?

Man: So Laura, did you always want to work in TV.
Woman: No. As a little girl I wanted to be a firefighter! After college I trained as
a camerawoman, but then decided that I wanted to be in front of the
camera, not behind it!

Hello Listening and Revision .

5a You will hear James talking about his favourite books. For each
question choose the correct answer A, B or C.
2A 3C 4B 5A 6B


Interviewer: James, what books did you read when you were younger?
James: I used to read all the time when I wasn’t studying or playing football, but
my favourite books were about a teenage spy called Alex Rider.
Interviewer: What did you like about the books?
James: Well, they were really exciting. When I started a new book I didn’t put it
down until I finished it, even though the books are quite long.
Interviewer: So how many Alex Rider books did you read?
James: I read six but there are four more which I haven’t read.
Interviewer: And have you seen the Alex Rider film?
James: Yes, but it wasn’t as good as the book. I think books are always better.
秋季 练习册 第 12 讲 答案

Interviewer: Do you still read a lot?

James: Not really. I still love reading but I don’t have much free time now.

5b Look and write the words.

2 ladder 3 antique 4 vase 5 gate
6 entrance 7 spy 8 shadow 9 hide
10 lock 11 steal 12 handle 13 solve

5c Use the words in 5b to complete the sentences. Use the correct form of
the verbs.
2 antiques 3 lock 4 entrance 5 spy
6 balcony 7 stole 8 handle 9 vase
10 hiding 11 solve 12 shadow 13 ladder


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