Progress Test 2018 11

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S I. Underline the correct option to complete the sentences: 9p
1. Martin ………………………. (crash) his car again.
a. crashed b. has crashed c. has crashing
2. I …………………………… (live) in Brasov for five years.
a. have lived b. living c. lived
3. I ……………………….. (see) “Chicago” last week and this week I ………………… (see) other two
great films.
a. saw b. have seen c. seen
A. seeing B. have seen C. saw
4. Somebody ………………… ( steal ) my bike. Now I have to buy a new one.
a. has been stealing b. am stealing c. stole
5. I …………………………… (graduate) from university in 2005.
a. graduated b. have graduated c. graduate
6. He …………………………… (walk) to work every day for the last six weeks.
a. has walked b. walk c. walked
7. I …………...never…………......... (be) to Canada.
a. has been b. were c. have been
8. They hope to ………….. the cause of the flu epidemic.
a. discover b. discovery c. discovering
S II. Mark the correct option to complete the sentences: 9p

1. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people ----
the same language?

will speak


had spoken

2. If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, ---- this
incident again.

I will never mention

I never mention

will I never mention

I don't mention
3. Unless you ---- all of my questions, I can't do anything to help you.



would answer

were answering
4. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I ---- it.

would never have believed

hadn't believed

don't believe

can't believe
5. ---- we truly understand others can we show sympathy towards them.

Only if


Even if

But for
6. My parents have been my emotional safety net and I ---- the hardships in
life without their constant support and attention.

didn't survive

wouldn't have survived

haven't survived

hadn't survived
7. If I were in your shoes, I think I ---- to her rather than try to explain what
has happened over the phone.


have spoken

would speak

will speak

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