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ISSN Print: 2151-7517, ISSN Online: 2151-7525, doi:10.5251/abjna.2016.

© 2016, ScienceHuβ,

Land Equivalent Ratio, Growth, Yield and Yield Components Response of

Mono-cropped vs. Inter-cropped Common Bean and Maize With and
Without Compost Application
Amanullah1*, Faisal Khan1, Haji Muhammad1, Abbas Ullah Jan2 and Ghaffar Ali2
Department of Agronomy, 2Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
The University of Agriculture Peshawar-25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan
*Email of the corresponding author:

Field experiment was conducted to investigate land equivalent ratio (LER), yield and yield
components of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Dargai Local) grown alone as mono
cropping and in various combinations (intercropping) in maize (Zea mays L., cv. Azam) with and
without compost application. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design
on farmer‟s field at Dargai, Malakand (Northwest Pakistan) during summer 2012. In case of
intercropping, growing common bean grown as T2 (two alternate rows of each crop) and T 4 (when
maize four rows were grown in center and two rows of bean on each side) had improved growth
(phenological development, plant height, leaves per plant and leaf area), higher yield components
(seeds per pod, pods per plant and 1000 grains weight) and higher yields (biomass yield, grain
yield and harvest index). Application of compost tremendously improved growth, increased yield
and yield components of common bean when grown alone in mono-cropping or inter-cropping.
The land equivalent ratio (LER) was higher in plots treated with compost than without compost
treated plots. Intercropping of common bean under compost treated plots had higher LER when
grown as T2 (1.14) and T4 (1.07) as compared with sole cropping (1.0). All other mixtures with
compost and without compost treated plots had less than one LER and should not be practiced
due to the harmful association between the two crops.

Key words: maize, common bean, intercropping, compost, LER, grain yield

INTRODUCTION helps to reduce weed populations once the crops are

established (Beets, 1990). Having a variety of root
Mixed cropping is the practice of growing more than
systems in the soil reduces water loss, increases
one crop in a field at a given time, while intercropping
water uptake and increases transpiration. This is
is the practice of growing more than one crop
important during times of water stress, as
simultaneously in alternating rows of the same field
intercropped plants use a larger percentage of
(Beets, 1990). The main advantage of intercropping
available water from the field than monocropped
is the more efficient utilization of the available
plants. Rows of maize in a field with a shorter crop
resources and the increased productivity compared
will reduce the wind speed above the shorter crops
with each sole crop of the mixture (Dhima et al.,
and thus reduce desiccation (Beets, 1990).
2007; Agegnehu et al., 2008; Launay et al., 2009;
Mucheru- Cereal-grain legume intercropping has potential to
address the soil nutrient depletion on smallholder
Muna et al., 2010). Cereal and legume intercropping
farms (Sanginga and Woomer, 2009). The legumes
is recognized as a common cropping system by the
play an important role in nitrogen fixation (Peoples
small scale farmers in developing countries (Ofori
and Craswell, 1992), and are important source of
and Stern, 1987; Tsubo and Mukhala, 2003).
nutrition for both humans and livestock (Nandwa et
Intercropped legumes fix most of their N from the
al., 2011). The low input and high risk environment
atmosphere and not compete with cereals for N
of the smallholder farmer benefits enormously from
resources (Adu-Gyamfi et al., 2007; Vesterager et al.,
intercropping (Rana and Pal, 1999). Cereal and
2008). Increased leaf cover in intercropping systems
legumes which has become a popular combination

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016,7(2):40-49

among farmers was probably due to legumes ability the waste material is piled at the farm level,
to combat erosion and raise soil fertility levels composted and added into the soil he fertility status
(Matusso et al., 2012). Flexibility, maximization of can be improved and crop yields can significantly be
profit, minimization of risk, soil conservation and soil increased (Sarwar, 2005). The objective of this
fertility improvement are some of the principal research project was to investigate yield, yield
reasons for smallholder farmers to intercrop their components and land equivalent ratio of intercropped
farms/crops (Matusso et al., 2012). Further to that, maize and common bean with and without compost
they have the potentials to give higher yield than sole application.
crops, greater yield stability and efficient use of
nutrients (Seran and Brintha, 2010). Similarly, better
weeds control, improvement of quality by variety Field experiment was conducted to investigate
while cereal crops require larger area to produce growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L., cv. Azam)
same yield as cereals in an intercrop system (Ijoyah, and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., Dargai Local)
2012). Maize-legume intercrop could considerably grown alone as monocropping and in various
increase forage quantity and quality and lessening combinations (intercropping) with and without
condition for protein supplement (Ali and Mohammad, compost application in Northwest Pakistan at farmer
2012). field at Dargai, Malakand, during summer 2012.
Maize and beans are popular intercrop in many parts The detail of factors and there levels were:
of the world. Farmers can benefit from the high
protein of the beans as well as the improved soil
fertility. Bean-maize intercrop is a common practice Factor A: Composts (C) having two levels i.e. C1 =
in at high altitudes of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. However, with compost (1000 kg ha ) and C2 = without
its effect on crop productivity, and economic benefit Compost (0 kg ha ) and
has not been assessed so for. Organic matter
content is very low in Pakistani soils due to which Factor B: Intercropping (I) having seven levels and
over all fertility status is not higher enough to give the each was planted in eight rows per plot viz. I1 = Sole
enhanced yield of different crops (Zaka et al., 2004). (maize or common bean), I2 = 2 rows of bean-2 rows
In Pakistan, there is lack of research on using of maize and so on, I3 = Bean + maize mixed stand,
compost in field crops. Huge amounts of leaves, I4 = 2 rows of bean-4 rows of maize-2 rows of bean,
grass clippings, plant stalks, wines, weeds, twigs and I5 = 2 rows of maize-4 rows of beans-2 rows of
branches and the food wastes like fruit and maize, and I6 = 1 row of maize-1 rows of bean and so
vegetables scraps, and egg shells are wasted / burnt on. The detail of different intercropping in eight rows
every day that increasing environmental pollution. If each is given in Table 1.
Table-1. The seven intercropping arrangements used in the field experiment (each in eight rows
plot) with and without compost application.

Rows T1 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
1 γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ γ♣γ♣γ♣γ♣ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ γγγγγγ γγγγγγ
2 γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ♣γ♣γ♣γ♣γ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣
3 γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ γγγγγγ γ♣γ♣γ♣γ♣ γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ γγγγγγ
4 γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ γγγγγγ ♣γ♣γ♣γ♣γ γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣
5 γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ γ♣γ♣γ♣γ♣ γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ γγγγγγ
6 γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ♣γ♣γ♣γ♣γ γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣
7 γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ γγγγγγ γ♣γ♣γ♣γ♣ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ γγγγγγ γγγγγγ
8 γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ γγγγγγ ♣γ♣γ♣γ♣γ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ γγγγγγ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣
Crop Sole Sole Two Both Four Four One
Stands maize common alternate crops central central alternate
crop bean rows of grown rows of rows of row maize
crop maize and mixed maize and common and
common two rows of bean and common
bean crops common two rows of bean crop
bean on maize on
each side each side

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016,7(2):40-49

Two separate fields were used viz. one for with mixed with the soil during seedbed preparation.
compost and second without. The experiment in each Nitrogen at the rate of 120 kg N ha as urea was
field was laid out in randomized complete block applied to soil in three equal splits (at sowing, first
design using three replications. Each replication and second irrigation). Compost (Higo organic plus)
consisted of seven intercropping methods. A sub-plot was applied at the rate of 1000 kg ha to all plots in
size of 22.4 m by 5.4 m, having 8 rows, 4 m long and the experiment under compost. The chemical
70 cm apart was used. A uniform basal dose of 45 kg analysis (%) of Higo Organic Plus used in the
ha P2O5 as single super phosphate was applied and experiment is given in Table 2.

Table-2. The chemical analysis (%) of the compost (Higo Organic Plus) used in the experiment.

N P K C/N OM OC pH EC Zn Cu Fe Mn
-1 -1
---------------------------------------%------------------------- dSm -----------mg kg (ppm)--------
2.8 3.0 3.0 4.5 40 11.7 7.1 8.6 145 56 380 228

Statistical Analysis values of the plots applied with compost produced

more seeds pod (3) than the plots without compost
Data was collected on grain yield and yield -1
(2). Number of pods plant of common ban was
components of both crops. The data were
significantly affected by compost, intercropping and
statistically analyzed combined over compost
interaction (Table 3). The mean values of the plots
according to Steel et al. (1997) and means were
applied with compost produced significantly more
compared using LSD test (P < 0.05). In the sole -1
number of pods plant (31) than the plots without
common bean and maize crops, the grain yield
compost (26). Different intercropping resulted in
data was taken on eight rows and then converted -1
-1 significantly more pods plant (29-31) than sole
into grain yield (kg ha ). In case of intercropping
common bean crop (25). Among the intercropping,
the grain yield data was taken on the basis of four -1
the common bean produced maximum pods plant
rows of both crops in each plot and then converted
-1 (31) in T6, followed by T4 (30), while the less number
into grain yield (kg ha ). -1
of pods plant (25) was obtained in T 1. The
Land Equivalent Ratio: Land equivalent ratio interaction between C x I (Fig. 1) indicated that there
(LER) is the most common index adopted in was no significant difference in pods per plant of sole
intercropping to measure the land productivity. It is common with and without compost plots. However,
often used as an indicator to determine the significantly higher pods per plant were recorded for
efficacy of intercropping (Brintha and Seran, all intercropped common bean stands under compost
2009). The LER is a standardized index that is applied plots than plots received no compost.
defined as the relative area required by sole crops Thousand grains weight of common ban was
to produce the same yield as intercrops (Mead and significantly affected by compost, intercropping and
Willey, 1980). The LER is the ratio of land required interaction (Table 3). The plots under compost
by pure (sole) crop to produce the same yield as produced heavier thousand grains weight (306.08 g)
that of intercrop was determined according to the than the plots without compost (298.46 g).
following formula: Intercropped common bean crop had higher
thousand grains weight (298.63-315.0 g) than the
LER = YCB in mixed stand + Y MZ in mixed stand
sole common bean (297.63 g). Among the
YCB in pure stand Y MZ in pure stand
intercropping, the common bean produced maximum
1000 grains weight (315.00 g) in T 6, followed by T2
LER = Land equivalent ratio (301.63 g), while the lowest 1000-grains weight
YCB = Yield of common bean crop (297.63 g) was recorded in T 1. The interaction
YMZ = Yield of maize crop
between C x I (Fig. 2) indicated that there was no
significant difference in 1000-grains weight of
RESULTS common bean mixed stand with maize or four
common bean rows grown in center of maize crop
Compost (C) had significant, while intercropping (I) with and without compost application. However,
and interaction (C x I) had non-significant effect on significantly higher 1000-grains weight under
seeds pod of common bean (Table 3). The mean compost applied plots with sole common bean, when

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016,7(2):40-49

common bean was grown in one or two alternate Compost, intercropping and interaction had
rows with maize, and when two rows of common significant effects on number of seeds ear of maize
bean were grown on each side of four center rows of (Table 4). Plots applied with compost produced
maize (Fig. 2). The results indicated that composts significantly more seeds ear (476) than the plots
and intercropping had significant effects, while without compost (349). The average of intercropped
interaction had non-significant effects on the grain stands had more number of seeds ear (417) than
yield of common bean (Table 3). The mean values of the sole maize crop (391). Among the intercropping,
the plots applied with compost produced significantly maize produced maximum seeds ear (447) in T6,
higher grain yield (491 kg ha ) than the plots without followed by T5 (439), while the lowest number of
-1 -1
compost (406 kg ha ). Sole bean crop had seeds ear (363) was recorded in T2. The interaction
significantly higher grain yield (826 kg ha ) than the between C x I (Fig. 3) indicated that significantly
various intercropping (346-424 kg ha ). Among the higher number of seeds per ear was observed for
intercropping, the common bean produced maximum sole and all intercropped maize plots under compost
grain yield (424 kg ha ) in T2, followed by T4 (379 kg applied plots. However, the increase was higher with
-1 -1
ha ), while the lowest grain yield (346 kg ha ) each compost than without compost when maize was
was obtained from T5 and T6. grown as sole crop (Fig. 3). Compost had significant
while intercropping and interaction had non-
significant effects on number of rows ear (Table 4).
Plots applied with compost produced significantly
more rows ear (13) than the plots without compost
(12). Compost and intercropping had significant
effects, while interaction had non-significant effects
on the thousand grains weight of maize (Table 4).
The mean values of the plots applied with compost
produced higher thousand grains weight (214.88 g)
than the plots without compost (208.58 g). Sole
maize crop had higher thousand grains weight
(218.38 g) than the weight of intercropping. Among
the intercropping, maximum 1000-grains weight
(214.63 g) was recorded for T2, followed by T4 and T5
each (211.50 g), while the lowest 1000-grains weight
Fig.1. Number of pods plant of common bean as (204.00 g) was recorded for T6. Grain yield was
affected by interaction between intercropping and significantly affected by compost and intercropping,
compost (C x I). while interaction had non-significant effects on the
grain yield of maize (Table 4). The plots under
compost produced higher grain yield (1600 kg ha )
than the plots without compost (1157 kg ha ). The
sole maize crop had higher grain yield (2344 kg ha )
than the average grain yield of all intercropped
stands (1185 kg ha ). Among the intercropping, the
maize crop produced maximum grain yield (1228 kg
-1 -
ha ) when grown as T4, followed by T6 (1217 kg ha
1 -1
), while the lowest grain yield (1083 kg ha ) was
obtained in T5.

Fig.2. Thousand grains weight (g) of common bean

as affected by interaction between intercropping and
compost (C x I).

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016,7(2):40-49

-1 -1
Table-3. Number of seeds pod , pods plant , 1000-grains weight and grain yield of common bean as
affected by intercropping with and without compost application.

Seeds Pods 1000-grains weight Grain

-1 -1
pod plant (g) yield
Intercropping (kg ha )
T1=Sole Bean Crop 3 25 297.63 826
T2=2 BR + 2 MR + 2 BR + 2 MR 2 29 301.63 424
T3=Bean mixed with maize 3 29 300.25 368
T4=2 BR + 4 MR + 2 BR 3 30 300.50 379
T5=2 MR + 4 BR + 2 MR 2 29 298.63 346
T6=1 BR + 1 MR + 1 BR + 1 MR 2 31 315.00 346
LSD (P ≤ 0.05) ns 3.1 6.01 122.4
With Compost 3 31 306.08 491
Without Compost 2 26 298.46 406
LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 0.4 1.8 3.43 70.7
Intercropping x Compost ns * * ns

Where: * = significant at P ≤ 0.0, ns = Non-significant, LSD = Least Significant Difference, BR = Bean Row
and MR = Maize Row

Table-4. Number of seeds and rows ear , 1000-grains weight and grain yield of maize as affected by
intercropping with and without compost application.

Seeds Rows 1000-grains weight Grain

-1 -1
ear ear (g) yield
Intercropping (kg ha )
T1=Sole Maize Crop 391 13 218.38 2344
T2=2 BR + 2 MR + 2 BR + 2 MR 363 13 214.63 1194
T3=Maize mixed with bean 407 13 210.38 1205
T4=2 BR + 4 MR + 2 BR 428 13 211.50 1228
T5=2 MR + 4 BR + 2 MR 439 12 211.50 1083
T6=1 BR + 1 MR + 1 BR + 1 MR 447 12 204.00 1217
LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 37.6 ns 9.89 445.8
With Compost 476 13 214.88 1600
Without Compost 349 12 208.58 1157
LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 21.7 0.9 5.71 257.4
Intercropping x Compost * ns ns ns

Where: * = significant at P ≤ 0.0, ns = Non-significant, LSD = Least Significant Difference, BR = Bean Row
and MR = Maize Row

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016,7(2):40-49

Table-5. Land equivalent ratio (LER) of crops grown alone and mixed with each other with and
without compost application.

Crop Stands With Compost Without Compost Mean

T1 Sole Crops (Average) 1.00 1.00 1.00
T2 2 BR + 2 MR + 2 BR + 2 MR 1.14 0.88 1.01
T3 Bean and maize mixture 0.97 0.95 0.96
T4 2 BR + 4 MR + 2 BR 1.07 0.88 0.98
T5 2 MR + 4 BR + 2 MR 0.90 0.86 0.88
T6 1 BR + 1 MR + 1 BR + 1 MR 0.99 0.88 0.93
Mean 1.01 0.89

experiment demonstrated that the plots without compost

resulted in lower yield and yield components in both
crops indicating the importance of compost application
in the multiple cropping systems in Pakistan. Korsaeth
et al. (2002) reported that application of compost is
important in sustaining farming by providing plant N-
supply. Application of compost in crop production is very
important by managing large volumes of organic wastes
and improvement in crop production (Lasaridi and
Stetiford, 1999).
Intercropping is a type of mixed cropping and defined as
the agricultural practice of cultivating two or more crops
in the same space at the same time (Hugar and Palled,
Fig.3. Number of seeds per ear of maize as 2008). Intercropped common bean resulted in
affected by interaction between intercropping and significantly more pods plant-1, higher thousand grains
compost (C x I). weight than the sole common bean (Table 3). Santalla
et al. (2001) reported that seed size in bush bean was
DISCUSSION longer in intercropping with maize than with sweet corn.
Composts are the product resulting from the controlled In contrast to our results, Francis et al. (1978) reported
biological decomposition of organic wastes which are that number of pods plant-1 was reduced in bush bean
potentially beneficial to plant growth when used as soil while intercropping with maize crop. The discrepancies
amendments (Amanullah, 2014). In case of common in our results and with those of Francis et al. (1978) may
bean, the compost applied plots produced significantly be due to the differences in the varieties/species used
more number of pods plant-1, 1000-grains weight and and environmental conditions. Numbers of pods per
grain yield than the plots without compost application okra plant were lower in maize-okra intercropping
(Table 3). Similarly, the maize crop produced compared to monocropping due to nutrients and light
significantly more number of rows ear-1, seed ear-1, competition (Ijoyah and Jimba, 2012). Santalla et al.
1000-grains weight and grain yield than the plots without (2001) found a significant variety × cropping system
compost application (Table 4). The increase in the yield interaction for grain yield of sole and intercropped bean
and yield components of both crops under compost crops. They observed greatest reduction in bean yield
applied plats may be attributed to the improvement in occurred in intercropping with field maize (55%) than in
soil physical and chemical properties, capacity to absorb intercropping with sweet maize (44%) but it was not
more macro/micro-nutrients from the soil and stimulation consistent across all bean varieties. In our experiment
of soil microorganism (Biala, 2000). Nzabi et al. (2000) the intercropped maize had more number of seeds ear-1
reported that maize intercropped with Dolichos spp and seeds ear-1 than sole maize crop (Table 4). The
(legume) had the highest mean yield, followed by maize higher yield components of maize (grass) in
intercropped with soybeans, and pure stand of maize intercropping with common bean (legume) probably
under the incorporation of crop residues, while without may be due to more N availability because legumes
crop residue incorporation had significantly reduced provide symbiotic N to the associated grass (Gettle et
yield and yield components indicating the importance of al., 1996; Adu-Gyamfi et al., 2007; Vesterager et al.,
composts in crop production. The results of our 2008) and thereby improve yield and yield

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016,7(2):40-49

components. In contrast to common bean, the sole bean in intercropping under compost plots resulted in
maize crop had higher thousand grains weight than higher LER (Table 5) when grown as T 2 and T4
intercropped maize (Table 4). The decrease in 1000- indicting beneficial association between the two. A
grains weight of maize with common bean LER greater than 1.0 has also been reported with
intercropped may be attributed to the shading effect maize-soybean (Addo-Quaye et al., 2011; Solanki et
of common bean on maize. As the common bean al., 2011), maize-cowpea (Dahmardeh et al., 2010;
variety (Dargai Local) was runner type that over Hugar and Palled, 2008), and maize-common beans
shaded the maize crop. Factors such as shading, (Yilmaz et al., 2008; Odhiambo and Ariga, 2001). The
planting density, rooting system, and nutrient higher productivity of the two intercropping in T2 and
competition need to be considered while T4 over monocropping may have resulted from
intercropping of different crops (Ijoyah and Fanen, complementary and efficient use of growth resources
2012; Ijoyah and Jimba, 2012). Maize yield by the component crops (Li et al., 2006). For
components and yield was generally higher in high instance, Sivakumar and Virmani (1980) observed
solar intensities (Adesoji et al., 2013) and shading that in maize-pigeon pea intercropping, dry matter
reduced its yield and yield components. Both sole production per unit of PAR intercepted was higher in
common bean and maize crops crop had significantly the mixture than in sole crops. Rao and Mathuva
higher grain yield (826 and 2344 kg ha , (2000) reported that the annual grain legume-based
respectively) than all intercropping. In our cropping systems were 32–49% more profitable than
experiment, the increase in grain yield of sole continuous sole maize, making them attractive to
common bean and maize was attributed to the small farmers in semi-arid tropics. In our study all
doubled plot area than all intercropped plots. The other intercropping arrangements except T 2 and T4
intercropped common bean and maize shared half of with and without compost had less than one LER and
their plot area with each other and therefore resulted should not be practiced due to the harmful
in less grain yield per unit area than the sole crops. association between the two crops. The lower LER
Our results agree with those of Willey and Osiru can be explained by the findings of Ofori and Stern
(1972) who observed lower grain yield in (1986) and Davis et al. (1984) who reported that light
intercropped common bean, and Francis et al. (1978) is the most important factor determining LER of
who reported lower grain yield in bush bean than sole maize and soybean intercropping and LER declines
crops. Ofori and Stern (1987) reported that the yield when legume becomes severely shaded.
of the legume component decline on normal by about Intercropping of legumes with cereals is one of the
52% of the sole crop yield whereas the cereal yield most practical multi-cropping techniques (Li et al.,
was condensed by only 11%. Adams (1967) and 2006) to increase crop yields and to improve land-
Atuahene-Amankwa (1997) found the number of use efficiency (Bhatti et al., 2006; Gao et al., 2010).
pods plant most readily affected by intercropping Legume/cereal intercropping is a practical method to
that could be the possible reason for lower grain yield conserve soil and to increase economic returns
under intercropped legumes than sole crops. (Diebel et al., 1995; Clark et al., 1998; Smith and
However, in our study the pods plant in common Carter, 1998). Recently, the finding of Hussain (2013)
bean was significantly increased while intercropping shows the benefit of intercropping in terms of
in maize because of the support of maize plants and reduced weed population, increased land utilization
so greater exposure to light than sole common bean and economic benefit.
crop, but the grain yield per unit area in both crops
was reduced in intercropping because of sharing
50% of their plot area with each other. Rao and Intercropping of maize and common bean with
Mathuva (2000) reported that maize-cowpea compost application had higher LER when grown two
sequential and pigeonpea/maize intercropping alternate rows of each crop (1.14) and when the
systems produced, respectively, 17 and 24% higher maize four rows were grown in center and two rows
maize yields than continuous sole maize, but maize– of common bean was grown on each side (1.07) as
pigeonpea rotation yielded only marginally better. compared with sole cropping of maize and common
bean each (LER = 1.0). All other mixtures with
When two crops are grown together, yield
compost and without compost had less than one LER
advantages occur because of differences in their use
and should not be practiced due to the harmful
of resources (Willey et al., 1983). The land equivalent
association between the two crops. Application of
ratio (LER) was more with compost than without
compost helps retain soil moisture and make
compost application. Growing maize and common

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016,7(2):40-49

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to slow release and can lead improve crop growth act 2601, Environment Australia, Canberra.
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