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ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

Assessment of Dementia∗
David P. Salmon1 and Mark W. Bondi2,3
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from

Department of Neurosciences, 2 Department of Psychiatry, University of California,
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

San Diego, California 92093; 3 Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego,
California 92161; email:

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009. 60:257–82 Key Words

The Annual Review of Psychology is online at cognition, memory, Alzheimer’s disease

This article’s doi: Abstract

Neuropsychological studies show that cognitive deficits associated with
Copyright  c 2009 by Annual Reviews. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are distinct from age-associated cognitive de-
All rights reserved
cline. Quantitative and qualitative differences are apparent across many
0066-4308/09/0110-0257$20.00 cognitive domains, but are especially obvious in episodic memory (par-

The U.S. Government has the right to retain a ticularly delayed recall), semantic knowledge, and some aspects of ex-
nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any ecutive functions. The qualitatively distinct pattern of deficits is less
copyright covering this paper.
salient in very old AD patients than in younger AD patients. Although
decline in episodic memory is usually the earliest cognitive change that
occurs prior to the development of the AD dementia syndrome, asym-
metry in cognitive abilities may also occur in this “preclinical” phase of
the disease and predict imminent dementia. Discrete patterns of cogni-
tive deficits occur in AD and several neuropathologically distinct age-
associated neurodegenerative disorders. Knowledge of these differences
helps to clinically distinguish among various causes of dementia and
provides useful models for understanding brain-behavior relationships
that mediate cognitive abilities affected in various neurodegenerative

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

that can distinguish AD from normal aging or

Contents other neurodegenerative disorders that lead
to dementia. Accurate clinical diagnosis of
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
dementia and its underlying cause is crucial
for prognosis and the early and appropriate
application of disease-specific treatments that
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE . . . . . . . . 258
are currently available or in development.
The Impact of Aging on the
Neuropsychological research on dementia
Neuropsychological Detection
has focused on AD because it is the most com-
of Alzheimer’s Disease. . . . . . . . . . . 260
mon cause of dementia and is primarily defined
Neuropsychological Detection of
by its impact on cognition. This research has
“Preclinical” Alzheimer’s
led to increased knowledge about the particu-
Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
lar cognitive deficits that occur in the earliest
stages of AD, and this has enhanced the abil-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

ity to clinically diagnosis the disease early in its
SYNDROME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
course. The impact of aging on the ability to
detect AD has been described, and subtle cog-
nitive changes that might foreshadow the de-
velopment of dementia in those with “preclin-
OF DEMENTIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
ical” AD have been identified. The cognitive
Alzheimer’s Disease versus
manifestations of AD have been compared and
Huntington’s Disease . . . . . . . . . . . 266
contrasted to those of other age-related neu-
Alzheimer’s Disease versus Dementia
rodegenerative disorders in order to improve
with Lewy Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
differential diagnosis and provide information
Alzheimer’s Disease versus
about the neurological basis of various cognitive
Frontotemporal Dementia. . . . . . . 271
abilities that are affected. The contributions of
Alzheimer’s Disease versus
this research to the neuropsychological assess-
Vascular Dementia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
ment of dementia are reviewed below.
CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

The detection and characterization of cognitive Alzheimer’s disease is an age-related degener-
deficits associated with age-related neurode- ative brain disorder characterized by neuronal
generative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease atrophy, synapse loss, and the abnormal accu-
(AD) is the focus of growing clinical research mulation of amyloidogenic plaques and neu-
interest as increasing numbers of people rofibrillary tangles in medial temporal lobe
survive into older age. This interest is fueled limbic structures (e.g., entorhinal cortex, hip-
by the need to accurately detect the onset of pocampus) and the association cortices of the
cognitive changes that signal the beginning frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes (Braak &
Dementia: syndrome
of acquired intellectual of a progressive dementia syndrome and to Braak 1991). Consistent with these widespread
impairment of differentiate among disorders with distinct neuropathological changes, the primary clini-
sufficient severity to etiologies and sites of pathology. This can be cal manifestation of AD is a progressive global
interfere with social or a particularly difficult task given the insidious dementia syndrome that usually begins in later
onset and slow progression of most neurode- life (i.e., ages 60–70). In the usual case, the de-
functioning caused by
brain dysfunction generative diseases, but it is critically important mentia syndrome is characterized by prominent
given the lack of a reliable biological marker amnesia with additional deficits in language and

258 Salmon · Bondi

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

semantic knowledge, abstract reasoning, execu- produce intrusion errors (i.e., when previously
tive functions, attention, and visuospatial abili- learned information is produced during the at-
ties (Salmon & Bondi 1999). These cognitive tempt to recall new material) on both verbal
Executive functions:
deficits and the decline in everyday function and nonverbal memory tests, presumably due to higher-order cognitive
they produce are the core features of the AD increased sensitivity to interference and/or de- processes involved in
dementia syndrome and are the focus of clini- creased inhibitory processes (Butters et al. 1987, planning, concept
cal assessment of the disease. Jacobs et al. 1990). Evaluation of these charac- formation, problem
solving, cue-directed
Although the pattern of progression of AD teristics of the memory deficit associated with
behavior, and the
pathology is not fully known, evidence suggests AD is incorporated into several memory tests concurrent
that the earliest changes occur in medial tempo- that are effective for early detection of the dis- manipulation and
ral lobe structures (e.g., hippocampus, entorhi- ease (e.g., Buschke 1973, Buschke et al. 1997, retention of
nal cortex) that are critical for episodic memory Knopman & Ryberg 1989) and in clinical al- information
(Braak & Braak 1991). This is consistent with gorithms developed to differentiate AD from Episodic memory:
a wealth of neuropsychological evidence show- other types of dementia (e.g., Delis et al. 1991). memory for
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

ing that episodic memory impairment (i.e., am- As the neuropathology of AD spreads be-
events and episodes
nesia) is usually the earliest and most salient yond medial temporal lobe structures to the as- that depend upon
aspect of the AD dementia syndrome (for re- sociation cortices of the temporal, frontal, and temporal and/or
view, see Salmon 2000). Studies of the clini- parietal lobes (Braak & Braak 1991), a number spatial contextual cues
cal utility of episodic memory measures for the of higher-order cognitive abilities are affected. for their retrieval
early detection of AD have identified a number Patients with AD develop a semantic memory Semantic memory:
of characteristics that are quite effective in dif- deficit that manifests itself as a loss of general general fund of
knowledge that
ferentiating between mildly demented AD pa- knowledge and impairment of language abil-
consists of overlearned
tients and normal older adults. First, patients ities (i.e., aphasia). Patients with AD are often facts and concepts that
with very early AD are particularly impaired impaired on tests of confrontation naming, ver- are not dependent
on measures of delayed recall (i.e., have ab- bal fluency, and semantic categorization, and upon contextual cues
normally rapid forgetting), with several stud- have a reduced ability to recall overlearned facts for retrieval (e.g.,
meanings of words and
ies showing that absolute delayed recall scores (e.g., the number of days in a year) (for re-
or “savings” scores (i.e., amount recalled after views, see Chan et al. 1998, Hodges & Patterson geographical,
the delay divided by the amount recalled on 1995, Nebes 1989). Interestingly, patients are historical, and
the immediate learning trial) can differentiate highly consistent in the individual items they arithmetical facts)
mildly demented AD patients from healthy el- miss across different semantic memory tests
derly controls with approximately 85% to 90% that employ unique modes of access and out-
accuracy (for review, see Salmon 2000). Second, put (e.g., fluency versus confrontation naming;
to-be-remembered information is not accessi- Chertkow & Bub 1990, Hodges et al. 1992) or
ble after a delay even if retrieval demands are within the same test across unique evaluations
reduced by the use of recognition testing (e.g., (Norton et al. 1997). This suggests that AD re-
Delis et al. 1991). Third, AD patients exhibit sults in a true loss of semantic knowledge rather
an abnormal serial position effect characterized than only an impaired ability to retrieve in-
by an attenuation of the primacy effect (i.e., re- formation from intact semantic memory stores
call of words from the beginning of a list), sug- (also see Salmon et al. 1999). A similar loss of
gesting that they cannot effectively transfer in- knowledge is thought to contribute to the se-
formation from primary memory to secondary vere deficit that patients with AD exhibit in the
memory (e.g., Bayley et al. 2000). Fourth, se- ability to remember past events that were suc-
mantic encoding is less effective in improving cessfully remembered prior to the onset of the
the episodic memory performance of patients disease (i.e., retrograde amnesia) (for review, see
with AD than normal elderly individuals (for Salmon 2000).
review, see Bäckman & Small 1998). Fifth, pa- Deficits in executive functions responsi-
tients with AD have an enhanced tendency to ble for concurrent mental manipulation of • Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 259

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

information, concept formation, problem solv- in a study by Salmon and colleagues (2002)
ing, and cue-directed behavior occur early in that compared the performances of 98 patients
the course of AD (Perry & Hodges 1999). The with early AD (i.e., scored ≥24 on the Mini-
ability to perform concurrent manipulation of Mental State Exam) and 98 gender-, age-, and
information appears to be particularly vulner- education-matched normal control subjects on
able. Lefleche & Albert (1995) demonstrated sensitive measures of learning and memory, ex-
that very mildly demented patients with AD ecutive abilities, language, and visuospatial abil-
were significantly impaired relative to elderly ities. The diagnosis of AD was verified in each
normal control subjects on tests that required of the AD patients by subsequent autopsy or
set shifting, self-monitoring, or sequencing, but longitudinal clinical evaluations that showed a
not on tests that required cue-directed attention typical course for the disease. Receiver Operat-
or verbal problem solving. Patients with AD ing Characteristic curve analyses showed excel-
have also been shown to be impaired on (a) dif- lent sensitivity and specificity for the detection
ficult problem-solving tests such as the Tower of very mild AD for learning and delayed recall
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

of London puzzle (Lange et al. 1995) and the measures from the California Verbal Learning
modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (Bondi Test (sensitivity: 95%–98%, specificity: 88%–
et al. 1993), (b) tests of relational integration 89%), the category fluency test (sensitivity:
(Waltz et al. 2004), and (c) various other clini- 96%, specificity: 88%), and Part B of the Trail-
cal neuropsychological tests that assess execu- Making Test (sensitivity: 85%, specificity: 83%)
tive functions such as the Porteus Maze Task, (see Figure 1). A diagnostic model obtained us-
Part B of the Trail-Making Test, and the Raven ing a nonparametric recursive partitioning pro-
Progressive Matrices Task (e.g., Grady et al. cedure (classification tree analysis) showed that
1988). a combination of performance on the category
Deficits in attention and visuospatial abili- fluency test (a measure of semantic memory and
ties develop during the course of AD, but are executive function) and the delayed recall mea-
usually less salient than other cognitive deficits sure of the Visual Reproduction Test accurately
in the early stages of disease (Butters et al. 1988, classified 96% of the patients with AD and 93%
Storandt et al. 1984). When attention deficits of the elderly normal control subjects, a level
do occur, they are usually evident on dual- of accuracy higher than achieved with any in-
processing tasks, tasks that require the disen- dividual cognitive measure. These results sup-
gagement and shifting of attention, and work- port the view that deficits in episodic memory
ing memory tasks that are dependent upon the (e.g., rapid forgetting), certain executive func-
control of attentional resources (for reviews, see tions (e.g., cognitive set shifting), and seman-
Parasuraman & Haxby 1993, Perry & Hodges tic knowledge are particularly characteristic of
1999). Visuospatial deficits associated with AD early AD.
usually affect visuoconstructional abilities as-
sessed by the Block Design Test, the Clock
Drawing Test, and complex figure copying (i.e., The Impact of Aging on the
apraxia), and visuoperceptual abilities tapped Neuropsychological Detection
by tests such as Judgment of Line Orienta- of Alzheimer’s Disease
tion or the Money Road Map Test (for reviews, Although much progress has been made in
see Cronin-Golomb & Amick 2001, Freedman identifying the typical pattern of cognitive
et al. 1994). deficits associated with early AD, the bound-
The neuropsychological research reviewed aries between normal age-related cognitive
above suggests that in the usual case, AD is change and early signs of AD remain especially
associated with a specific pattern of cognitive difficult to delineate in very elderly individuals
deficits that can effectively differentiate the dis- (i.e., over the age of 80). This is because many
ease from normal aging. This was confirmed of the early structural and functional brain

260 Salmon · Bondi

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

CVLT Trials 1-5 (T-Score) CVLT Long-Delay Free Recall (Z-Score)

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70

Sensitivity (%)
Sensitivity (%)

60 60

50 50
Cutpoint: < 36 Cutpoint: < -1.5
40 40
Sensitivity = 95% Sensitivity = 98%
30 Specificity = 89% 30 Specificity = 88%
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Specificity (%) Specificity (%)

Category Fluency Test Trail-Making Test: Part B

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70
Sensitivity (%)
Sensitivity (%)

60 60

50 50
Cutpoint: < 38 Cutpoint: > 130

40 40
Sensitivity = 96% Sensitivity = 85%
Specificity = 88% 30 Specificity = 83%

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Specificity (%) Specificity (%)

Figure 1
Receiver Operating Characteristic curves comparing sensitivity and specificity for the accurate diagnosis of early Alzheimer’s disease
(AD) achieved with the Trial 1–5 Learning measure from the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT), the Long-Delay Free Recall
measure from the CVLT, the Category Fluency Test (a semantic memory and executive function measure), and Part B of the
Trail-Making Test (an executive function measure). The maximally effective cut-point for memory and executive function measures
showed excellent sensitivity and specificity in distinguishing between very mild AD and normal aging. (Adapted from Salmon et al.
2002.) • Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 261

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

changes of AD overlap with changes observed in This difference in profiles was illustrated
normal aging. Normal aging is associated with in a study that directly compared the neu-
mild brain atrophy and increased white matter ropsychological test performance of AD pa-
MRI: magnetic
resonance imaging abnormality seen on magnetic resonance imag- tients who were Very-Old or Young-Old (Bondi
ing (MRI) scans (e.g., Jack et al. 1998, Jernigan et al. 2003). Despite achieving similar raw
et al. 2001, Pfefferbaum et al. 1994), decreased scores on all neuropsychological measures, the
hemodynamic response seen on functional MRI Young-Old and Very-Old AD patients dif-
scans (D’Esposito et al. 1999), and reduced fered in the severity and pattern of the cog-
synaptic density evident upon histopathologi- nitive deficits they exhibited in relation to
cal examination of brain tissue (Masliah et al. their age-appropriate controls (see Figure 2).
1993). These brain changes are thought to me- The Young-Old AD patients were generally
diate age-related decline in information pro- more impaired than the Very-Old patients and
cessing speed, executive function, learning ef- showed a typical AD profile. That is, they ex-
ficiency, and effortful retrieval (for review, see hibited worse deficits in episodic memory (i.e.,
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

Hedden & Gabrieli 2004). Because normal ag- savings scores) and executive functions than in
ing can detrimentally affect many of the same other cognitive domains. The Very-Old AD
cognitive abilities affected by AD, the promi- patients, in contrast, exhibited a similar level
nence of specific deficits related to AD may be of impairment across all cognitive domains so
much less evident in the Very-Old (over the that their deficit profile lacked the dispropor-
age of 80) than in the Young-Old (below the tionate saliency of memory and executive func-
age of 70), especially after performance is stan- tion deficits typical of the disease. Because the
dardized to that of the age-appropriate normal raw scores of the Young-Old and Very-Old AD
cohort. As a result, a less distinct and some- patients were similar, the driving force behind
what atypical cognitive deficit profile is associ- their unique deficit profiles was the age-related
ated with AD in the Very-Old compared to the differences in the performance of the nor-
Young-Old. mal control cohorts. Thus, normal aging can

Average Impairment Score (z-score)

0 Healthy Elderly



-3 AD Age > 80

-4 AD Age < 70



Language Visuospatial Executive Memory Savings

Figure 2
The average composite impairment score achieved by Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients older than age 80 or
younger than age 70 in the cognitive domains of language, visuospatial abilities, executive functions, and
memory (savings scores). The presented scores are z-scores referenced to the patient groups’ respective
age-appropriate healthy elderly control cohort. (Adapted from Bondi et al. 2003.)

262 Salmon · Bondi

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

significantly affect the severity and pattern to be critical for episodic memory (Braak &
of neuropsychological deficits associated with Braak 1991), it is not surprising that the search
early AD and reduce the saliency of the deficit for preclinical cognitive markers of the disease
profile as a diagnostic marker of the disease. has focused largely on this aspect of cognition.
This finding has important clinical implications Indeed, a number of prospective longitudinal
because it identifies the significant risk of false studies of cognitive function in nondemented
negative diagnostic errors in very elderly AD older adults have shown that a subtle decline
patients if the clinician expects to see the typi- in episodic memory often occurs prior to the
cal deficit pattern characteristic of younger AD emergence of the obvious cognitive and behav-
patients. Accurate detection of AD in the very ioral changes required for a clinical diagnosis of
elderly patient may require a multifaceted ap- AD (for review, see Twamley et al. 2006). These
proach to diagnosis that integrates neuropsy- findings led to the development of formal crite-
chological assessment, neuroimaging, and ge- ria for mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a pre-
netic factors. dementia condition in elderly individuals that
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

is characterized by both subjective and objec-

tive memory impairment that occurs in the face
Neuropsychological Detection of of relatively preserved general cognition and
“Preclinical” Alzheimer’s Disease functional abilities (for reviews, see Albert &
It is commonly accepted that the neurodegen- Blacker 2006, Collie & Maruff 2000, Petersen
erative changes of AD begin well before clin- et al. 2001).
ical manifestations of the disease become ap- The course of episodic memory change dur-
parent (e.g., Katzman 1994). As the pathologic ing the preclinical phase of AD has been the
changes of AD gradually accumulate, a thresh- focus of a number of studies (Bäckman et al.
old for the initiation of the clinical symptoms 2001, Chen et al. 2001, Rubin et al. 1998, Small
of the disease is eventually reached. Once this et al. 2000, Storandt et al. 2002). These studies
threshold is crossed, cognitive deficits become suggest that memory performance may be poor
evident and gradually worsen in parallel with but stable a number of years prior to the de-
continued neurodegeneration. When the cog- velopment of the dementia syndrome in those
nitive deficits become global and severe enough with AD, and then decline rapidly in the pe-
to interfere with normal social and occupational riod immediately preceding the dementia diag-
functioning, established criteria for dementia nosis. Small et al. (2000) and Bäckman et al.
and a clinical diagnosis of AD are met. It is (2001), for example, found that episodic mem-
clear from this sequence of events that subtle ory was mildly impaired six years prior to de-
cognitive decline is likely to occur in a patient mentia onset, but changed little over the next
with AD well before the clinical diagnosis can three years. In contrast, Chen et al. (2001) and
be made with any certainty. Identification of Lange et al. (2002) showed a significant and
the cognitive changes that occur during this steady decline in episodic memory beginning
“preclinical” phase of the disease might pro- about three years prior to the dementia diag-
vide a reliable way to detect AD in its earliest nosis in individuals with preclinical AD. These
stages, when potential disease-modifying treat- results indicate that an abrupt decline in mem-
ments might be most effective (Thal 1999). Be- ory in an elderly individual might better predict
cause of the importance of this goal, the attempt the imminent onset of dementia than poor but
to identify preclinical cognitive changes of AD stable memory ability.
is one of the most active areas of neuropsycho- Although the search for cognitive changes in
logical research. preclinical AD has largely focused on episodic
In light of neuropathological evidence that memory, several recent reviews and meta-
the earliest changes of AD usually occur in the analyses suggest that largely nonspecific cog-
medial temporal lobe structures that are known nitive decline occurs in the two to three years • Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 263

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

preceding a dementia diagnosis (Bäckman et al. predilection for cortical layers (e.g., layer-III
2004, 2005; Twamley et al. 2006). Although and layer-V) and cell types (e.g., midsize pyra-
these studies consistently find a decline in midal neurons) that support connections be-
disconnection: the episodic memory, they also often reveal addi- tween functionally related cortical association
loss of effective tional deficits in executive functions, perceptual areas. This is most clearly seen in the limbic
interaction between speed, verbal ability, visuospatial skill, and at- system, where neurofibrillary tangle pathology
functionally related tention during the preclinical phase of AD. This in midsize pyramidal neurons of the entorhinal
cortical association
widespread decline in cognitive abilities mirrors cortex disconnects the hippocampus from neo-
evidence that multiple brain regions (e.g., me- cortex (e.g., Hyman et al. 1984). Although less
dial temporal lobes, frontal lobes, anterior cin- obvious, this disconnection also occurs in the
gulate cortex) are impaired in preclinical AD neocortex, where AD pathology in layer-III and
(Albert et al. 2001, Small et al. 2003). layer-V pyramidal neurons selectively disrupts
Consistent with this broader view, Jacobson corticocortical pathways that connect function-
and colleagues (2002) found that asymmetry in ally related cortical association areas (for review
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

cognitive performance can be a marker of pre- of the corticocortical disconnection, see Hof &
clinical AD. Based upon prior research doc- Morrison 1999).
umenting lateralized cognitive deficits (e.g., Neurophysiologically, cortical disconnec-
greater verbal than visuospatial deficits, or vice tion appears to lead to marked abnormalities
versa) in subgroups of mildly demented AD pa- in the interregional pattern of blood-flow acti-
tients, these investigators compared cognitively vation elicited during the performance of cog-
normal elderly adults with preclinical AD (i.e., nitive tasks (for review, see Delbeuck et al.
they were diagnosed with AD approximately 2003). It also appears to underlie reduced co-
one year later) and age- and education-matched herence (i.e., synchronization) between elec-
normal control subjects on a derived neuropsy- troencephalography signals measured at differ-
chological test measure that reflected the abso- ent scalp surface electrode sites that correspond
lute difference between verbal and visuospatial to neocortical association areas that must work
ability (i.e., a measure of cognitive asymmetry). in concert during integrative cognitive tasks
Although the groups performed similarly on in- (e.g., cross-modal stimulus processing) (e.g.,
dividual cognitive tests of memory, language, Dunkin et al. 1995, Hogan et al. 2003, Jelic et al.
and visuospatial ability, a greater proportion of 1996, Knott et al. 2000, Stevens et al. 2001).
the preclinical AD patients than the controls Evoked potential refractory effects related to
had asymmetric cognitive changes in either the presentation of intermodal stimuli (i.e., audi-
verbal or visuospatial direction that were ob- tory and visual) are also abnormally reduced in
scured when cognitive scores are averaged over patients with AD, consistent with impaired in-
the entire group. Thus, the consideration of teraction between visual and auditory cortical
both cognitive asymmetry and subtle declines systems (Golob et al. 2001).
in memory may improve the ability to detect Few studies have directly examined the be-
AD in its earliest, preclinical stages. havioral consequences of functional discon-
nectivity in patients with AD, but those that
have tend to find a selective impairment in in-
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AS A formation integration (Della Sala et al. 2000,
DISCONNECTION SYNDROME Freedman & Oscar-Berman 1997, Kurylo et al.
A growing body of evidence indicates that an 1996, Lakmache et al. 1998, Tippett et al.
important early consequence of AD is the loss 2003). This was illustrated in a study by Foster
of effective interaction between various regions and colleagues (1999) that examined the im-
of the cortex (e.g., De Lacoste & White 1993). pact of AD on “feature binding” (Treisman
From an anatomical perspective, neurofibril- 1996), the moment-by-moment ability to com-
lary tangles have been shown to have a strong bine discrete sensory inputs analyzed in distinct

264 Salmon · Bondi

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

cortical regions (e.g., color, shape, location) into (color) cortical streams (Dobkins & Albright
a coherent representation of a single object. 1998). Enhancement of motion detection from
Feature binding was hypothesized to be par- luminance cues only requires the integration of
ticularly sensitive to cortical disconnection in information within the ventral stream.
AD because defective interaction among neo- Festa and colleagues (2005) showed that AD
cortical areas should produce a specific deficit patients had normal enhancement of motion
in effectively integrating distinct stimulus fea- detection with luminance cues, but enhance-
tures despite an intact ability to process each ment was significantly less than normal with
feature separately. Consistent with this notion, color cues (see Figure 3). That is, patients
Foster and colleagues (1999) found that patients could effectively bind information processed
with AD exhibited disproportionately greater within one visual stream, but could not cross-
response times (compared to normal controls) cortically bind information processed in sepa-
when required to identify targets on the basis rate cortical streams. This deficit could not be
of a conjunction of two or more features (i.e., easily attributed to general cognitive dysfunc-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

a conjunction search) than when required to tion because both luminance-motion and color-
identify targets solely on the basis of a single motion integration were normal in demented
feature (i.e., a feature search). Tales et al. (2002) patients with Huntington’s disease who do not
recently extended this finding by demonstrating have prominent cortical dysfunction. Rather,
that the selective impairment of patients with these results provide psychophysical evidence
AD on conjunction search tasks could not be at- for cortical disconnectivity in AD and suggest
tributed to different attentional demands inher- that AD might serve as a model system for
ent in conjunction versus single-feature tasks. investigating the neurocognitive substrates of
Building upon these previous findings, Festa sensory integration. The specificity of cortical
and colleagues (2005) examined the impact of
corticocortical disconnectivity in AD on the 1.0
Mean Color-Motion Integration Index

ability to integrate motion and color informa-

tion that is processed in distinct visual pro-
cessing “streams.” These streams are function- 0.8
ally segregated parallel cortical circuits that 0.7
analyze different aspects of the visual scene
(e.g., Ungerleider & Mishkin 1982). The dorsal
stream projecting from striate cortex to pari- 0.5
etal cortex selectively analyzes motion and lu-
minance contrast information, while the ventral
stream projecting from striate cortex to tempo- 0.3
ral cortex selectively analyzes form and color 0.2
information. Previous research has shown that
neurologically intact individuals can integrate
(i.e., bind) either type of surface feature (color 0.0
or luminance) with motion information in or- NC AD HD
der to substantially reduce thresholds for mo- Figure 3
tion detection (e.g., Croner & Albright 1997). The mean color-motion integration index scores achieved by normal control
Color or luminance information is equally ef- (NC) subjects, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients, and Huntington’s disease
fective in this regard even though enhancement (HD) patients on a visual sensory integration task. The color-motion
of motion detection from color cues places rel- integration index reflects the gain in motion direction detection derived from
using color information that segments coherently moving targets from
atively greater demand on cross-cortical inter- distracters. Patients with AD, but not those with HD, were significantly (∗ )
action since it requires the integration of in- impaired in integrating motion and color information. (Adapted from Festa
formation across ventral (motion) and dorsal et al. 2005.) • Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 265

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

disconnectivity in AD suggests that it may have and higher cognitive functions (Alexander et al.
potential as a cognitive marker for detecting and 1986). The cognitive and behavioral deficits as-
tracking progression of the disease. sociated with HD have been described as a “sub-
HD: Huntington’s
disease cortical dementia” syndrome that is broadly
characterized by slowness of thought, impaired
Lewy bodies attention, executive dysfunction, poor learn-
DISEASE FROM OTHER ing, visuoperceptual and constructional deficits,
FTD: frontotemporal AGE-RELATED CAUSES
dementia and personality changes such as apathy and de-
OF DEMENTIA pression (McHugh & Folstein 1975). This syn-
Although AD is the leading cause of demen- drome differs from the “cortical dementia” syn-
tia in the elderly, it has been known for some drome of AD (described above), and the two
time that dementia can arise from a wide va- disorders are often used as a model to study the
riety of etiologically and neuropathologically cortical-subcortical dementia distinction.
distinct disorders that give rise to different pat- Qualitative differences between AD and
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

terns of relatively spared and impaired cognitive HD exist in many aspects of cognition, and
abilities. Knowledge of these differences may they may aid in differentiating between sub-
lead to better understanding of the neurobio- cortical and cortical dementia syndromes. As
logical basis of specific cognitive deficits (and mentioned above, a severe deficit in episodic
normal cognition) and improve differential di- memory is characteristic of AD and has been
agnosis of various neurodegenerative disorders. attributed to ineffective consolidation (i.e.,
The remaining sections review similarities and storage) of new information (Salmon 2000).
differences in the cognitive deficits of AD and Patients with HD, in contrast, exhibit a mild-
those of other age-related causes of dementia to-moderate memory impairment that appears
including Huntington’s disease (HD), dementia to result from a general deficit in the ability to
with Lewy bodies (DLB), frontotemporal de- initiate and carry out systematic retrieval of
mentia (FTD), and vascular dementia. successfully stored information (Butters et al.
1985, 1986). This distinction was illustrated
in a study by Delis and colleagues (1991) that
Alzheimer’s Disease versus directly compared AD and HD patients on a
Huntington’s Disease rigorous test of verbal learning and memory,
HD is an inherited, autosomal dominant dis- the California Verbal Learning Test. Although
ease that results in the midlife (i.e., ages 30– the HD and AD patients had comparable im-
40) development of movement disorder (e.g., mediate and delayed free-recall deficits (based
chorea, dysarthria, gait disturbance, oculomo- on age-corrected normative data), they differed
tor dysfunction), behavioral changes (e.g., de- in several important ways. First, patients with
pression, irritability, anxiety) and dementia. AD exhibited equivalent deficits when memory
These deficits arise primarily from a progres- was assessed using free recall or recognition
sive deterioration of the neostriatum (caudate procedures, whereas patients with HD were less
nucleus and putamen) (Vonsattel & Di Figlia impaired with recognition testing than free re-
1998) that disrupts frontostriatal loops that call testing. The significant improvement with
consist of projections from the frontal neo- recognition testing suggests that HD patients’
cortex to the striatum, striatum to the globus memory impairment is attenuated when the
pallidus, globus pallidus to thalamus, and tha- need for effortful, strategic retrieval is reduced
lamus back to specific regions of frontal cor- (Butters et al. 1985, 1986). A similar improve-
tex (e.g., dorsolateral prefrontal, orbitofrontal, ment with recognition testing is observed in the
and anterior cingulate cortex) (Alexander et al. remote memory test performance of patients
1986). These circuits are believed to provide with HD (but not AD patients), presumably
a subcortical influence on both motor control a reflection of ineffective retrieval during free

266 Salmon · Bondi

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

recall (Sadek et al. 2004). Second, patients with whereas patients with HD have a higher-than-
AD exhibited significantly faster forgetting normal mean response latency, consistent with
over a delay interval than did patients with HD. the view that they have a normal-size semantic
Whereas HD patients retained approximately set but draw exemplars abnormally slowly due
70% of the initially acquired information over to a disruption of retrieval processes (Rohrer
a 20-minute delay, AD patients retained less et al. 1999). Studies using multidimensional
than 20%. The qualitative difference in the modeling techniques indicate that the network
performances of AD and HD patients is con- of semantic associations for patients with HD
sistent with the notion that information is not is virtually identical to that of control subjects,
effectively consolidated and rapidly dissipates whereas that of patients with AD is character-
in patients with AD, whereas information ized by weaker and more conceptually concrete
can be successfully stored but not effectively associations (for review, see Chan et al. 1998).
retrieved by patients with HD. This is not to Thus, AD appears to be characterized by a de-
say, however, that impaired retrieval is the only cline in the structure and organization of se-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

cause of the episodic memory deficit in HD. mantic knowledge that does not occur in HD.
Some residual memory deficit is apparent even Deficits in attention, working memory, and
when retrieval demands are reduced (Brandt executive functions occur in both AD and HD,
et al. 1992; for review, see Montoya et al. 2006). but specific aspects of these cognitive processes
Qualitative differences in the language and are differentially affected in the two disorders.
semantic knowledge deficits exhibited by pa- A general deficit in attention is usually more
tients with AD and HD are evident on tests salient in patients with HD than in those with
of naming, verbal fluency, and semantic cate- AD (e.g., Butters et al. 1988). A deficit in shift-
gorization. Patients with AD exhibit a signifi- ing or allocating attention is often quite appar-
cant confrontation naming deficit (e.g., Bayles ent in HD (Hanes et al. 1995, Lange et al. 1995,
& Tomoeda 1983) that is not shared by patients Lawrence et al. 1996) and appears to be par-
with HD (Hodges et al. 1991), and the two ticularly evident when attentional shifts must
groups produce distinct patterns of naming er- be internally regulated (Sprengelmeyer et al.
rors wherein a greater proportion of AD errors 1995). The ability to effectively shift attention
are semantically based (e.g., superordinate er- between stimulus dimensions in a visual dis-
rors such as calling a “camel” an “animal”) and crimination task in which first one stimulus di-
a greater proportion of HD errors are percep- mension (e.g., color) and then another (e.g.,
tually based (e.g., calling a “pretzel” a “snake”) shape) was reinforced as correct was impaired in
(Hodges et al. 1991). On tests of verbal fluency, moderately to severely demented patients with
patients with HD are severely and equivalently HD, but not in patients with AD or in mildly
impaired on both letter-fluency (i.e., generate demented patients with HD (Lange et al. 1995,
words that begin with the letters F, A, or S) and Lawrence et al. 1996). All aspects of working
category-fluency (i.e., generate exemplars of memory are affected relatively early in HD, in-
animals, fruits, or vegetables) tasks, whereas pa- cluding the maintenance of information in the
tients with AD are more impaired on category- temporary memory buffers (e.g., as evidenced
fluency than on letter-fluency tasks (for reviews, by poor digit-span performance), inhibition of
see Henry et al. 2004, 2005). In addition, the irrelevant information, and the use of strate-
temporal dynamics of retrieval from seman- gic aspects of memory (e.g., planning, organi-
tic memory during the letter- and category- zation) to enhance free recall (for review, see
fluency tasks indicate that patients with AD Salmon et al. 2001). In contrast, AD is ini-
have a lower-than-normal mean latency consis- tially characterized by relatively mild working-
tent with the notion that they effectively draw memory deficits that primarily involve disrup-
exemplars from a semantic set that is abnor- tion of the central executive with sparing of the
mally small due to a loss of semantic knowledge, phonological loop and visuospatial scratchpad • Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 267

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

(Baddeley et al. 1991, Collette et al. 1999). It impaired on visuospatial tasks that required per-
is not until later stages of AD that all aspects sonal orientation (e.g., the Money Road Map
of the working memory system become com- Test). This dissociation was supported by the
promised (Baddeley et al. 1991, Collette et al. results of another study that examined the abil-
1999). ity to mentally rotate representations of ob-
The prominent deficits in attention and jects (Lineweaver et al. 2005). Patients with HD
working memory that occur in HD are accom- were significantly slower than normal control
panied by impairment of various executive func- subjects in performing mental rotation (perhaps
tions involved in planning and problem solv- due to general bradyphrenia) but were as accu-
ing such as goal-directed behavior, the ability rate as controls in making the rotation and re-
to generate multiple response alternatives, the porting the correct side of the target. Patients
capacity to resist distraction and maintain re- with AD, in contrast, performed the mental ro-
sponse set, and the cognitive flexibility to evalu- tation as quickly as controls but were signifi-
ate and modify behavior (for review, see Brandt cantly impaired in making an accurate rotation
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

& Bylsma 1993). Deficits in these abilities are and reporting the correct side of the target. This
apparent on a variety of tests that require ex- may reflect a deficit in extrapersonal visual ori-
ecutive functions such as the Wisconsin Card entation in AD secondary to neocortical dam-
Sorting Test (Paulsen et al. 1995, Peinemann age in brain regions thought to be involved in
et al. 2005, Pillon et al. 1991, Ward et al. 2006), processing visual motion (e.g., the middle tem-
the Stroop Test (Peinemann et al. 2005, Ward poral gyrus).
et al. 2006), the Tower of London Test (Lange
et al. 1995), the Gambling Decision Making
task (Stout et al. 2001), and tests of verbal Alzheimer’s Disease versus Dementia
concept formation (Hanes et al. 1995). These with Lewy Bodies
deficits progress throughout the course of dis- DLB is a clinico-pathologic condition char-
ease (Ho et al. 2003, Ward et al. 2006) but are acterized by a dementia syndrome that occurs
not unique to HD. A number of studies have in the presence of cell loss and the deposition
shown that extensive executive dysfunction also of Lewy bodies (abnormal intracytoplasmic
occurs in AD (for review, see Perry & Hodges eosinophilic neuronal inclusion bodies) in a
1999). Specific aspects of executive dysfunction subcortical pattern similar to that of Parkinson’s
may be more common in one dementia syn- disease (e.g., in brain stem nuclei including the
drome than in another, but few studies have di- substantia nigra, locus ceruleus, dorsal motor
rectly compared this aspect of cognition in the nucleus of the vagus, and substantia innom-
two disorders. inata), the presence of Lewy bodies diffusely
Although visuospatial deficits are charac- distributed throughout the limbic system (e.g.,
teristic of both AD (for review, see Cronin- cingulate, insula, amygdala, hippocampus,
Golomb & Amick 2001) and HD (Ward et al. entorhinal cortex, and transentorhinal cortex)
2006; for review, see Brandt & Butters 1986), and neocortex (e.g., temporal, parietal, and
relatively little is known about the specific com- frontal lobes), and in many cases AD pathology
ponents of visuospatial processing that might be (i.e., neuritic plaques, neurofibrillary tangles)
differentially affected in the two disorders. In that occurs in the same general distribution
one of the few studies to directly address this throughout the brain as in “pure” AD (for
issue, Brouwers and colleagues (1984) found review, see Ince & Perry 2005). There is
that patients with AD, but not those with HD, widespread depletion of cortical choline
were impaired on tests of visuoconstructional acetyltransferase in the neocortex and striatum
ability that required extrapersonal orientation in DLB (e.g., Tiraboschi et al. 2002) and a dis-
(e.g., copying a complex figure), whereas pa- ruption of dopaminergic input to the striatum
tients with HD, but not those with AD, were due to the loss of pigmented substantia nigra

268 Salmon · Bondi

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

neurons (Ince & Perry 2005). DLB is not rare tion of three-dimensional objects (for review,
and may occur in approximately 20% of all el- see Salmon & Hamilton 2006). These particu-
derly demented patients (McKeith et al. 1996). larly severe deficits in visuospatial and visuop-
PET: positron
The distribution of neuropathologic erceptual abilities are often apparent even when emission tomography
changes in DLB and AD is quite similar, so it DLB patients perform better than do AD pa-
is not surprising that the two disorders result tients on tests of verbal memory (e.g., Lambon
in similar dementia syndromes. Both disorders Ralph et al. 2001).
are initially characterized by the insidious onset The prominence of visuoperceptual, visu-
of cognitive decline with no other prominent ospatial, and visuoconstructional deficits in pa-
neurological abnormalities (Hansen et al. 1990, tients with DLB may be related to occipital cor-
McKeith et al. 1996). Memory impairment tex dysfunction that does not usually occur in
is often the earliest feature of both disorders, patients with AD. Studies using positron emis-
but with time, cognitive deficits become sion tomography (PET) or single-photon emis-
widespread and inexorably progress to severe sion computerized tomography (SPECT) neu-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

dementia. Because of these similarities, patients roimaging have shown that relatively early DLB
with DLB are often clinically diagnosed as is characterized by hypometabolism and de-
having probable or possible AD during life creased blood flow in primary visual and visual-
(e.g., Merdes et al. 2003). However, several association cortex that is not evident in AD
clinical features occur with a higher prevalence (e.g., Minoshima et al. 2001). These metabolic
in patients with DLB than in those with pure changes are paralleled by pathologic changes
AD. These features include mild spontaneous in occipital cortex of patients with DLB that
motor features of Parkinsonism (e.g., bradyki- include white matter spongiform change with
nesia, rigidity, and masked facies, but without coexisting gliosis (Higuchi et al. 2000) and, in
a resting tremor), recurrent and well-formed some cases, deposition of Lewy bodies (e.g.,
visual hallucinations, and fluctuating cognition Gomez-Tortosa et al. 1999). Because occipital
with pronounced variations in attention or cortex pathology is rare in pure AD, it is not sur-
alertness (for review, see McKeith et al. 2005). prising that the visuoperceptual and visuospa-
These clinical distinctions form the basis for tial abilities that may be dependent upon these
consensus criteria adopted by the International cortices are disproportionately impaired in pa-
Consortium on DLB to clinically diagnose tients with DLB.
DLB and distinguish it from AD (McKeith Patients with DLB often also have dispro-
et al. 1996, 2005). portionately severe deficits in executive func-
Given the difficulty in clinically differenti- tions and attention in comparison to equally de-
ating DLB from AD, a number of studies of mented patients with pure AD. This difference
autopsy-confirmed or clinically diagnosed pa- is evident on tests of attention such as the Wech-
tients have attempted to delineate the two disor- sler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised Digit
ders further based on patterns of neuropsycho- Span subtest or the Cancellation Test, tests of
logical deficits. These studies have consistently initiation and systematic retrieval from seman-
shown that the most salient neuropsychological tic memory such as the Initiation/Perseveration
difference between the two disorders is a dis- subscale of the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale
proportionately severe visuospatial and visuo- or the phonemic verbal fluency test, and
constructive deficit in patients with DLB. This tests of abstract reasoning such as the Raven
has been shown using tests of visual percep- Colored Progressive Matrices or the Wechsler
tion (e.g., segregation of overlapping figures), Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised Similarities
tests of visual search (e.g., parallel search tasks subtest (for review, see Salmon & Hamilton
that usually elicit the pop-out phenomenon), 2006). A series of studies using a computer-
and tests that require drawing simple and com- based testing paradigm (i.e., the Cambridge
plex two-dimensional figures or the construc- Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery) • Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 269

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

demonstrated that patients with DLB were cus attention (Sahgal et al. 1992b), and a spatial
more impaired than patients with AD on a working-memory task that assessed both spatial
conditional pattern-location paired-associates memory and the ability to use an efficient search
learning task (Galloway et al. 1992), a delayed strategy (Sahgal et al. 1995). These prominent
matching-to-sample task (Sahgal et al. 1992a), a attention and executive function deficits are
visual search task that assessed the ability to fo- similar to those that occur in patients with basal
ganglia dysfunction that interrupts fronto-
100 striatal circuits (e.g., HD). These circuits may
DLB be affected in two ways in patients with DLB:
by direct neocortical Lewy body pathology in
the association areas of the frontal lobes and
Mean Percent Retained

70 by substantia nigra pathology that interrupts

60 dopaminergic projections to the striatum.
When superimposed upon the AD pathology
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

that is also often present in the frontal cortex of
40 patients with DLB, these pathological changes
may result in disproportionately severe deficits
in executive function and attention.
20 In contrast to DLB patients’ disproportion-
10 ately severe deficits in visuospatial abilities, ex-
ecutive functions, and attention, their memory
CVLT Savings Scores Logical Memory Savings Scores deficit is generally less severe than that of AD
patients and may reflect a qualitative differ-
ence in the processes affected. This was illus-
1.0 trated in a study that directly compared the per-
formances of patients with autopsy-confirmed
DLB (all with concomitant AD pathology) or
Mean CVLT Recognition Scores

pure AD on the California Verbal Learning Test
and the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised Log-
0.6 ical Memory Test (Hamilton et al. 2004). Al-
though the two groups were equally impaired
in their ability to learn new verbal information
0.4 on these tests, DLB patients exhibited better re-
tention and better recognition memory than did
patients with pure AD. These results suggest
0.2 that a deficit in retrieval plays a greater role in
the memory impairment of patients with DLB
than in that of patients with AD. Although the
Recognition Discriminability Accuracy Index (PR) pattern of deficits does not rule out the possi-
Figure 4 bility that poor encoding contributes to mem-
The average scores achieved by normal control (NC) subjects, patients with ory impairment in both disorders, it appears
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) that DLB patients have better retention than
on various learning and memory measures from the California Verbal Learning do patients with AD when retrieval demands
Test (CVLT) and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised Logical are reduced through the use of the recogni-
Memory Test. Despite similar levels of global cognitive impairment, the DLB
tion format (see Figure 4). The observed dif-
patients were less impaired than the AD patients on measures of retention
(memory savings score) and recognition memory (recognition discriminability ferences are consistent with neuropathologic
and recognition accuracy index). PR, percent retained. (Adapted from (Lippa et al. 1998) and MRI (Barber et al. 2001,
Hamilton et al. 2004.) Hashimoto et al. 1998) evidence that medial

270 Salmon · Bondi

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

temporal lobe structures important for memory & Miller 2006, Grossman 2002, Neary 2005).
(e.g., hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, parahip- FTD accounts for approximately 6%–12% of
pocampal gyrus) are less severely affected in all cases of dementia (Kertesz 2006).
DLB than in AD. A combination of only mod- Recent attempts to differentiate FTD and
erate medial temporal lobe damage and fronto- AD based on the nature and severity of be-
striatal dysfunction might explain the less severe havioral symptoms have met with some success
retention deficit and greater impact of deficient (see Kertesz 2006). However, the disorders are
retrieval processes in DLB than in AD. clinically similar and remain difficult to distin-
The general pattern of greater visuospatial, guish during life (Mendez et al. 1993, Varma
attention, and executive function impairment et al. 1999). This has led some investigators
in DLB than AD, and greater memory impair- to propose that consideration of the patterns
ment in AD than DLB, has been confirmed in of cognitive deficits associated with FTD and
a number of recent studies that compared clin- AD might aid in clinically distinguishing be-
ically diagnosed or autopsy-diagnosed patient tween the two disorders. A number of studies
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

groups on batteries of neuropsychological tests suggest that patients with FTD are more im-
(Ferman et al. 2006, Guidi et al. 2006, Johnson paired than those with AD on tests of verbal
et al. 2005, Kraybill et al. 2005, Stavitsky fluency (Frisoni et al. 1995, Lindau et al. 1998,
et al. 2006). Consideration of these patterns Mathuranath et al. 2000) or less impaired on
of deficits (particularly those of visuospatial tests of memory (Binetti et al. 2000, Frisoni
abilities) may have important clinical utility in et al. 1995, Lindau et al. 1998, Pachana et al.
distinguishing between AD and DLB in mildly 1996, Thomas-Anterion et al. 2000) and visu-
demented patients (Tiraboschi et al. 2006). ospatial abilities (Elfgren et al. 1994, Mendez
et al. 1996). Unfortunately, these findings are
often based on relatively small, clinically de-
Alzheimer’s Disease versus fined (not autopsy-confirmed) patient samples
Frontotemporal Dementia that are susceptible to cross-contamination, and
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a clinico- on studies that compared FTD and AD pa-
pathologic condition characterized by deteri- tients who were at different stages of illness.
oration of personality and cognition associated In addition, the ability to detect differences
with prominent frontal and temporal lobar was attenuated by the choice of neuropsycho-
atrophy. A number of conditions fall under the logical test in some studies, such as those that
rubric of FTD including Pick’s disease, familial may have failed to find a significant difference
chromosome 17-linked frontal lobe dementia, in the visuospatial-constructional abilities of
dementia lacking distinctive histopathology, FTD and AD patients because they used a Rey-
semantic dementia, and primary progressive Osterrieth Complex Figure task that is known
aphasia (for review, see Kertesz 2006). Al- to require attention and organizational abilities
though each of these variants has a unique dependent on the frontal lobes (Frisoni et al.
clinical presentation, the most common variant 1995, Lindau et al. 1998, Pachana et al. 1996,
of FTD typically begins with the insidious Varma et al. 1999).
onset of personality and behavioral changes Several studies that examined profiles of
(e.g., inappropriate social conduct, apathy, cognitive deficits associated with FTD and AD
disinhibition, perseverative behavior, loss of suggest that FTD patients have a greater deficit
insight, hyperorality, decreased speech output) in executive functions than in other cogni-
that are accompanied or soon followed by tive abilities, whereas AD patients have exec-
cognitive deficits that include alterations in ex- utive dysfunction that is proportional to their
ecutive functions, attention, and/or language, deficits in language and visuospatial abilities
often with relative sparing of visuospatial and less prominent than their episodic memory
abilities and memory (for reviews, see Boxer deficit (Forstl et al. 1996, Rascovsky et al. • Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 271

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

2002, Starkstein et al. 1994). In a study that In a related study, Rascovsky and colleagues
retrospectively compared the cognitive profiles (2007) compared the performances of autopsy-
of patients with autopsy-confirmed FTD or AD confirmed FTD and AD patients on letter and
VaD: vascular
dementia who were matched for education and level of semantic category fluency tests to determine if
dementia at the time of testing, Rascovsky and distinct patterns of deficits might be evident on
colleagues (2002) found that FTD patients per- these relatively simple tasks. Although both ver-
formed significantly worse than AD patients bal fluency tasks utilize frontal lobe–mediated
on word-generation tasks that are sensitive to executive processes, distinct patterns were hy-
frontal lobe dysfunction (i.e., letter and cate- pothesized because semantic category fluency
gory fluency tests), but significantly better on requires a search through semantic or concep-
tests of memory (i.e., Mattis Dementia Rat- tual memory and is critically dependent upon
ing Scale Memory subscale) and visuospatial knowledge of the physical and/or functional at-
abilities (i.e., Block Design and Clock Draw- tributes that define a particular semantic cate-
ing tests) that are sensitive to dysfunction of gory, whereas letter fluency requires the use of
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

medial temporal and parietal association cor- phonemic cues to guide retrieval and may thus
tices. A logistic regression model using letter require greater effort and more active strate-
fluency, memory subscale, and Block Design gic search than semantic category fluency. Re-
test scores provided good discriminability be- sults showed that despite similar age, education,
tween the groups, correctly classifying 91% of and dementia severity, FTD patients performed
AD patients and 77% of FTD patients. Similar worse than AD did patients overall, and letter
levels of diagnostic accuracy were observed in fluency was worse than semantic fluency for the
studies comparing clinically diagnosed patients FTD patients, whereas semantic fluency was
on executive function, visuospatial, and mem- worse than letter fluency for the AD patients
ory tests (Elfgren et al. 1994, Gregory et al. (see Figure 5). A derived measure of the dis-
1997, Libon et al. 2007, Lipton et al. 2005). parity between letter and semantic fluency (the
Semantic Index) correctly classified 92% of AD
AD FTD patients and 85% of FTD patients for an overall
0 correct classification of nearly 90%. The unique
patterns of fluency deficits in FTD and AD
may be indicative of differences in the relative
contribution of frontal lobe–mediated retrieval
deficits (most prominent in FTD) and temporal
-2 lobe–mediated semantic deficits (most promi-
z scores

nent in AD) in the two disorders.

Alzheimer’s Disease versus
Vascular Dementia
Letter Fluency * Vascular dementia (VaD) refers to a cumula-
Semantic Fluency tive decline in cognitive functioning secondary
to multiple or strategically placed infarctions,
ischemic injury, or hemorrhagic lesions. The
Figure 5
clinical and neuropathologic presentation of
Mean z-scores achieved by patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and patients
VaD is quite heterogeneous, and a variety of
with frontotemporal dementia (FTD; excluding semantic dementia) on the
letter fluency and semantic category fluency tests. FTD patients were more conditions fall under the general rubric of VaD.
impaired on the letter fluency than semantic fluency task, whereas AD patients As Hodges & Graham (2001) pointed out, these
were more impaired on the semantic fluency than letter fluency task. ∗ p < 0.05, conditions generally fall into three large cate-
∗∗ p < 0.01. (Adapted from Rascovsky et al. 2007.)
gories: multi-infarct dementia associated with

272 Salmon · Bondi

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

multiple large cortical infarctions (usually af- are more impaired than those with subcorti-
fecting 10cc or more of brain tissue), demen- cal VaD on tests of episodic memory (partic-
tia due to strategically placed infarction (e.g., ularly delayed recall) (Desmond 2004, Graham
left angular gyrus damage related to infarc- et al. 2004, Kertesz & Clydesdale 1994, Lafosse
tion of the posterior branch of the medial cere- et al. 1997, Lamar et al. 1997). In addition,
bral artery), and subcortical ischemic vascular these studies suggest that the executive dys-
dementia due to subcortical small vessel dis- function associated with subcortical VaD is its
ease that results in multiple lacunar strokes, most prominent deficit, perhaps because sub-
leukoaraiosis (Binswanger’s disease), or diffuse cortical pathology interrupts frontosubcorti-
white matter pathology. cal circuits that mediate this aspect of cogni-
Specific research criteria for the broadly de- tion. Indeed, a study by Price and colleagues
fined diagnosis of VaD have been proposed (2005) showed that VaD patients with a signif-
(e.g., Chui et al. 1992, Roman et al. 1993). icant volume of white matter abnormality on
In general, these guidelines require that mul- imaging exhibited a profile of greater execu-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

tiple cognitive deficits (i.e., dementia) occur in tive/visuoconstructional impairment than im-
the presence of focal neurological signs and pairment of memory and language abilities.
symptoms and/or laboratory (e.g., computer- Although neuropsychological studies pro-
ized tomography or MRI scan) evidence of vide consistent evidence for distinct cognitive
cerebrovascular disease that is thought to be profiles in subcortical VaD and AD, most of
etiologically related to the cognitive impair- these studies employed clinically diagnosed
ment. A relationship between dementia and patients without autopsy confirmation of
cerebrovascular disease is often indicated if the diagnosis. This may have led to some degree
onset of dementia occurs within several months of misclassification of patients across groups
of a recognized stroke, cognitive functioning because AD and VaD are quite heterogeneous
abruptly deteriorates, or the course of cognitive and can overlap in their clinical presentations.
deterioration is fluctuating or stepwise. In one To avoid this potential confound, Reed and
set of diagnostic criteria (Roman et al. 1993), colleagues (2007) recently compared the pro-
VaD can be subcategorized on the basis of the files of neuropsychological deficits exhibited
suspected type of vascular pathology (as deter- by patients with autopsy-confirmed subcortical
mined by clinical, radiologic, and neuropatho- VaD or AD. Consistent with previous studies
logic features), and possible or probable VaD of clinically diagnosed patients, patients with
may be assigned depending on the certainty of AD had a deficit in episodic memory (both
the contribution of cerebrovascular disease to verbal and nonverbal) that was significantly
the dementia syndrome. Definite VaD is diag- greater than their executive function deficit. In
nosed only on the basis of histopathologic evi- contrast, patients with subcortical VaD had a
dence of cerebrovascular disease that occurs in deficit in executive functions that was greater
the absence of neurofibrillary tangles and neu- than their deficit in verbal (but not nonverbal)
ritic plaques exceeding those expected for age episodic memory, but this difference was not
(i.e., AD) and without clinical evidence of any significant. An analysis of individual patient
other disorder capable of producing dementia profiles was carried out to explore these differ-
(e.g., Pick’s disease, diffuse Lewy body disease). ences further. This analysis showed that 71%
Recent studies of the neuropsychological of AD patients exhibited a profile with memory
deficits associated with VaD have primarily impairment more prominent than executive
focused on differentiating between subcorti- dysfunction, whereas only 45% of patients
cal VaD and AD. These studies largely show with subcortical VaD exhibited a profile with
that patients with subcortical VaD are more more prominent executive dysfunction than
impaired than those with AD on tests of ex- memory impairment. Interestingly, relatively
ecutive functions, whereas patients with AD severe cerebrovascular disease at autopsy was • Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 273

ANRV364-PS60-10 ARI 27 October 2008 16:15

often not associated with clinically significant occur as a normal consequence of aging and
cognitive decline. When the profile analysis those that signal the onset of a dementia syn-
was restricted to those patients who exhibited drome caused by AD or another neurodegen-
significant cognitive impairment at their erative disease. Clinical and experimental neu-
clinical assessment, the distinction between ropsychological research has identified many of
subcortical VaD and AD patients was more the basic cognitive processes that are adversely
pronounced, with 79% of AD patients ex- affected by AD and is beginning to uncover
hibiting a low memory profile (5% with a low the earliest preclinical cognitive changes that
executive profile) and 67% of subcortical VaD might predict the subsequent development of
patients exhibiting a low executive profile (0% dementia and AD in nondemented individuals.
with a low memory profile). The results of this Neuropsychological research has also made
study suggest that relatively distinct cognitive considerable progress in delineating different
deficit profiles might be clinically useful in dif- patterns of relatively preserved and impaired
ferentiating between subcortical VaD and AD, cognitive abilities that distinguish between AD
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

but additional research with autopsy-diagnosed and other age-associated neurodegenerative

patients is needed to further define the deficit disorders. Greater understanding of the cog-
profile that will be most useful in this regard. nitive distinctions between these disorders can
aid in the development of better differential
diagnosis and has important implications for
CONCLUSIONS the nature of brain-behavior relationships
Considerable progress has been made in differ- underlying memory, language, executive
entiating between the cognitive changes that functions, and other cognitive abilities.

1. Cognitive deficits associated with AD can be differentiated from age-associated cognitive
decline by quantitative and qualitative differences in episodic memory, semantic knowl-
edge, and some aspects of executive functions. However, the qualitatively distinct pattern
of deficits is less salient in very old AD patients than in younger AD patients.
2. Decline in episodic memory (particularly delayed recall) is usually the earliest cognitive
change that occurs prior to the development of the AD dementia syndrome and may pre-
dict imminent dementia. Recent evidence suggests that asymmetry in cognitive abilities
may also occur in this preclinical phase of AD.
3. The cortical neuropathology of AD appears to result in a loss of functional connec-
tivity that allows effective interaction between distinct and relatively intact cortical
information-processing systems. This loss has been demonstrated in AD patients’ im-
paired ability to bind distinct visual stimulus features that are effectively processed in dif-
ferent cortical streams (i.e., motion and color). This behavioral manifestation of cortical
disconnectivity has potential as a cognitive marker for detecting and tracking progression
of AD.
4. Distinct patterns of cognitive deficits occur in AD and other age-associated neurodegen-
erative disorders such as Huntington’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, frontotempo-
ral dementia, and vascular dementia. Differences in the cognitive profiles associated with
these various disorders can aid in differential diagnosis and provide a useful model for
understanding brain-behavior relationships that mediate the affected cognitive abilities.

274 Salmon · Bondi

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1. The early diagnosis of AD in a preclinical stage that might be most amenable to treatments
that halt or slow disease progression remains an extremely important goal. It is essential
to recognize and verify the accuracy of subtle cognitive abnormalities (e.g., poor delayed
recall performance, cognitive asymmetry) that might identify those nondemented elderly
individuals who are destined to develop dementia.
2. The role of cortical disconnectivity in producing the specific pattern of cognitive deficits
that occurs in early AD needs to be determined. Furthermore, the identification of cog-
nitive processes that are particularly vulnerable to the effects of cortical disconnectivity
in early AD might provide a cognitive marker that could be used to assess the effects
of medications that specifically target cortical function (e.g., the N-methyl-D-aspartate
receptor antagonist memantine).
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009.60:257-282. Downloaded from
by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

3. It remains difficult to estimate rate of cognitive decline in AD and other age-related neu-
rodegenerative diseases, but emerging evidence suggests that certain aspects of current
cognitive performance can predict subsequent rate of global cognitive decline in patients
with AD (e.g., Chan et al. 1995). Further research is needed to confirm this possibility
and to generalize it to other neurodegenerative disorders such as DLB and FTD.
4. There is a continuing need to identify differences in the profiles of cognitive deficits
associated with AD and other age-related neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., DLB, FTD)
and to determine how these profiles can be incorporated with other clinical features to
improve the accuracy of differential diagnosis in very mildly demented individuals. Accu-
rate early diagnosis is a particularly important goal since the various neurodegenerative
disorders are likely to respond differently to the potential treatments for dementia that
are in development.

The authors are not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this

Measures of episodic
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS memory and executive
function predicted the
The preparation of this review was supported by funds from NIA grants AG-05131, AG-12963, development of
and AG-12674 to the University of California, San Diego. dementia within three
years in patients with
mild memory difficulty.
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Annual Review of

Contents Volume 60, 2009

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Emotion Theory and Research: Highlights, Unanswered Questions,

and Emerging Issues
Carroll E. Izard p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Concepts and Categories
Concepts and Categories: A Cognitive Neuropsychological Perspective
Bradford Z. Mahon and Alfonso Caramazza p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p27
Judgment and Decision Making
Mindful Judgment and Decision Making
Elke U. Weber and Eric J. Johnson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p53
Comparative Psychology
Comparative Social Cognition
Nathan J. Emery and Nicola S. Clayton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p87
Development: Learning, Cognition, and Perception
Learning from Others: Children’s Construction of Concepts
Susan A. Gelman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 115
Early and Middle Childhood
Social Withdrawal in Childhood
Kenneth H. Rubin, Robert J. Coplan, and Julie C. Bowker p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 141
Adulthood and Aging
The Adaptive Brain: Aging and Neurocognitive Scaffolding
Denise C. Park and Patricia Reuter-Lorenz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 173
Substance Abuse Disorders
A Tale of Two Systems: Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance
Abuse Disorders Treatment for Adolescents
Elizabeth H. Hawkins p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 197

AR364-FM ARI 11 November 2008 15:42

Therapy for Specific Problems

Therapy for Specific Problems: Youth Tobacco Cessation
Susan J. Curry, Robin J. Mermelstein, and Amy K. Sporer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 229
Adult Clinical Neuropsychology
Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia
David P. Salmon and Mark W. Bondi p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 257
Child Clinical Neuropsychology
Relations Among Speech, Language, and Reading Disorders
Bruce F. Pennington and Dorothy V.M. Bishop p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 283
Attitude Structure
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by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

Political Ideology: Its Structure, Functions, and Elective Affinities

John T. Jost, Christopher M. Federico, and Jaime L. Napier p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 307
Intergroup relations, stigma, stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination
Prejudice Reduction: What Works? A Review and Assessment
of Research and Practice
Elizabeth Levy Paluck and Donald P. Green p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 339
Cultural Influences
Personality: The Universal and the Culturally Specific
Steven J. Heine and Emma E. Buchtel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 369
Community Psychology
Community Psychology: Individuals and Interventions in Community
Edison J. Trickett p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 395
Leadership: Current Theories, Research, and Future Directions
Bruce J. Avolio, Fred O. Walumbwa, and Todd J. Weber p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 421
Training and Development
Benefits of Training and Development for Individuals and Teams,
Organizations, and Society
Herman Aguinis and Kurt Kraiger p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 451
Marketing and Consumer Behavior
Conceptual Consumption
Dan Ariely and Michael I. Norton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 475

viii Contents
AR364-FM ARI 11 November 2008 15:42

Psychobiological Mechanisms
Health Psychology: Developing Biologically Plausible Models Linking
the Social World and Physical Health
Gregory E. Miller, Edith Chen, and Steve Cole p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 501
Health and Social Systems
The Case for Cultural Competency in Psychotherapeutic Interventions
Stanley Sue, Nolan Zane, Gordon C. Nagayama Hall, and Lauren K. Berger p p p p p p p p p p 525
Research Methodology
Missing Data Analysis: Making It Work in the Real World
John W. Graham p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 549
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by b-on: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online on 10/27/10. For personal use only.

Psychometrics: Analysis of Latent Variables and Hypothetical Constructs

Latent Variable Modeling of Differences and Changes with
Longitudinal Data
John J. McArdle p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 577
The Renaissance of Field Experimentation in Evaluating Interventions
William R. Shadish and Thomas D. Cook p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 607
Timely Topics
Adolescent Romantic Relationships
W. Andrew Collins, Deborah P. Welsh, and Wyndol Furman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 631
Imitation, Empathy, and Mirror Neurons
Marco Iacoboni p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 653
Predicting Workplace Aggression and Violence
Julian Barling, Kathryne E. Dupré, and E. Kevin Kelloway p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 671
The Social Brain: Neural Basis of Social Knowledge
Ralph Adolphs p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 693
Workplace Victimization: Aggression from the Target’s Perspective
Karl Aquino and Stefan Thau p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 717


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 50–60 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 743

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 50–60 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 748

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