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Term Paper

Ethical Business Scenario in Bangladesh with Future Potentiality.

:: Submitted To ::
Lecturer, Department of Management
Govt. College of Commerce ,Chattogram

:: Submitted By ::
Name : Rubel Dhar
Class Roll : 490
Registration No:
Session :2016-2017
MBA Department of Management
Govt. College Of Commerce , Chattogram.

Submission Date :
Govt. College of Commerce ,Chattogram.
Term Paper

Ethical Business Scenario in Bangladesh with

Future Potentiality.

Date :
Department Head
Faculty of Business administration
Govt. Commerce College ,Chattogram.
Subject: Submission to Term Paper.

Dear Sir,
At first I would like to thank you for giving me such an important job to prepare a Term paper
on “Ethical Business Scenario in Bangladesh with Future Potentiality.’’ In partial fulfillment of
the requirement of MBA program.

Though I have very little Knowledge about that so ,I have tried my best but there are certain
things which are lagging in the report.

I hope you will remark my report considering my limitations.

Sincerely Yours

Rubel Dhar

Class Roll : 490

Registration No:
Session :2016-2017
MBA Department of Management
Govt. College Of Commerce , Chattogram


At first ,I would like to convey my deepest gratitude to almighty God for giving me
the strength and the compose to finish the task with in the schedule time.
Dissertation is an important part of MBA program as one can gather knowledge.
In this regard term paper has been arrange on “Ethical Business Scenario in
Bangladesh with Future Potentiality.”

And I would like to pay my gratitude to my honorable supervising teacher

MOSHTAQ MUHAMMAD MURAD KHAN (Lecturer, Department of
Management Govt. College of Commerce ,Chattogram) who instructs me in the
right way and proper guidelines for preparing this term paper.
I also acknowledge my indebtedness to Abdul kader akib (founder of ICT School)
,Salma katun (executive at Grammen Telecom Trust ) who extended their
wholehearted cooperation to me despise their huge work load during my practical
orientation .At last I must mention the wonderful working environment and group
commitment of this sector that enake me a lot of deal to do and observe the
banking and other business sector .


Serial No. Subject Name Page no.

1 introduction

2 Objective of the study

Origin of Business Ethic

2 Primary and important sources of Business Ethic

3 Methodology

4 Scope Of The Study

5 Limitation of The Study

6 Business Ethics : Practice in Bangladesh

7 Problem of ethic business with potential

8 Solved of ethic business with potential


Introduction to Business Ethic
s Welcome to Business Ethics! So, a business is any organization or entity whose primary objective is to
provide goods or services for profit. Meanwhile, Ethics is the study of morality. In short, in this class,
we’ll be assessing the moral status of the sorts of decisions that are made in the context of buying and
selling goods and services. But, what is the nature of morality? We’ll focus on that question in unit one.
In unit two, we’ll explore the question, How does morality apply to businesses? Everything after that will
be an examination of the synthesis of these questions, and we will look at a bunch of specific issues
regarding morality and business. It’s common to hear someone say that “business ethics” is an
oxymoron—in other words, a contradiction of terms. “What a laugh!” they might say. “Businesses don’t
HAVE ethics!” But, this is simply not true—or, if it IS true in some sense (say, because lots of
businesspeople never stop to think about ethics, or else because they believe that morality does not
apply to decisions made in the name of business) then it is something we ought to work to fix. For, any
decision that affects some individual in a positive or a negative way is a MORAL decision—and decisions
made by businesses are among those that affect individuals the most! That being said, anyone who
owns, or runs, or works for a business—in short, almost ALL of us!—needs to be in the position to know
which decisions are the morally right ones, and which are the morally wrong ones. So, let’s begin by
getting some things straight about morality: 1. Morality is not merely etiquette: What is morally right
and morally wrong is not merely a matter of public opinion. Morally right actions are not synonymous
with whatever is considered appropriate by society at the time. Sure, there ARE certain th
Business Ethics
Social responsibility requires individuals engaging in business endeavors to behave
in anethical manner.
Ethics are principles of behavior that distinguish between right and wrong.
Ethical conduct conforms to what a group or society as a whole considers right
behavior.People working in business frequently face ethical questions.
Business ethics is theevaluation of business activities and behavior as right or
Ethical standards inbusiness are based on commonly accepted principles of behavior
established by the
expectations of society, the firm, the industry, and an individual’s personal values.


"Business Ethics"

can be defined as the critical, structured examination of howpeople &

institutions should behave in the world of commerce. In particular, it
involvesexamining appropriate constraints on the pursuit of self-interest, or
(for firms) profits,when the actions of individuals or firms affects others.
(9)With unethical business practices often receiving publicity, the public
sometimes believethat people in business are less ethical than others in society.

But ethical problemschallenge all segments of our society, including government,
churches, and highereducation.Most business leaders realize their firms cannot
succeed without the trust of customers andthe goodwill of society. A violation of
ethics makes trust and goodwill difficult to maintain.In thousands of companies,
executives and employees act according to the highest ethicalstandards.
Unfortunately managers in some firms behave unethically, and these instancesare
often highly publicized. Personnel executive say the major reason managers
behaveunethically is to obtain power and money.
Business ethics
is a wider term that includes many other sub ethics that are relevant to
therespective field. For example there is marketing ethics for marketing, ethics in
HR for HumanResource Department and the like. Business ethics itself is a part of
applied ethics; the lattertakes care of ethical questions in the technical, social,
legal and business ethics.
Origin of Business Ethics

When we trace the origin of business ethics we start with a period where
profitmaximization was seen as the only purpose of existence for a business. There
was noconsideration whatsoever for non-economic values, be it the people who
worked withorganizations or the society that allowed the business to flourish. It
was only in late
’s that both intelligentsia and the academics as well a
s the corporate began toshow interest in t

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