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INo.TJA.12014/6/2017-1 SNe BERIGovernment of India 3iaftar fas1t/Department of Space Tea AEERAntariksh Bhavan aieiftar fesiat/New BEL Road, ‘aaTqW/Bangalore-560 094. fegat/December X\ , 2017 aes / OFFICE MI fava/Subject: get SuIe Sa (ngs), safer faa, adage A dat Afere & Fat 14 (Jat RAI) Bt %. 10,000. & Av aaet aita 4%. 37,400- 67,000/- & aaa avs (Gor Faan) A fra % vq at viatrgira & BTU GX ste & dat A/ Filling up the post of Controller in ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Department of Space (DOS), Bengaluru in the Level 14 of Pay Matrix (7 CPC) and in the Pay Band of Rs.37,400- 67,000/- plus Grade Pay Rs.10,000/- (6 CPC) on deputation basis- regarding. RAND! ga fart & gat some Fe GEA), aiafter Ram (if), aaqe A aaa After a Fat 14 (Tat %aam) 3X %. 10,000 & Aoh Saat alka FF. 37,400-67,000/- Haar aes (oor Saar) A Rew & oe a eiaeraler H ane oe ae aT wera Bl ct feet SRE, Ura og aieiés reite| Hh Rar sean 81 Tata tangy H Saat ae ge Var eh waa ser dete Sais. & Raw 17 ye 2010 Hare. 6/8/2009%T. (aaa 11) & 3eqaR fafraima eet It is proposed to fill up one post of Controller in ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bengaluru, of this Department in the Level 14 of Pay Matrix (7° CPC) and Pay Band of Rs.37,400-67,000/- plus Grade Pay Rs.10,000/- (6 CPC) (Joint Secretary level) on deputation basis. The eligibility criteria as per Recruitment Rules is given in Annexure-I. The pay and other conditions of service of the selected Officer will be regulated in accordance with DoPT OM No.6/8/2009-Est.(Pay I!) dated June 17, 2010, as amended from time to time. 2. Reise, gat suas Sx Gide), siafter amr GEAR), drqs & serafta were ehh, Sits sare 2500 aatenftat $f areraeferer ore Neier sister srpeerer ere (FR) Ft GAT waa agi 4m 8 Controller will be the Administrative Head of ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore, which is the second largest Centre of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) having a manpower strength of about 2500 employees. 3, ma te aftanftat & aneear oe Pea Par sree, fares afta mreat gar araer fer & aur ga aes Peavee crater aS - () see H ee are woe a staege, (i) atart A cata CaR, igs, Ret are CALC, a RARE TISAT Sita can Ritad wants asa Rod da at F ca, A ETS eter enter (i) Bet aravatee, (iv) Bear aa sreerraeTener eFRe a Fear, We c waersContd......02/- -2- (y) ee 10 ast & cha; Hatt oe cee ae as a ote Gite, ae ay ei, ar sah ear gam Fear, (vy set om rE ae Seka Fear ae FB sat ee A RR itart eriqead ef ae, sears are Sere Sa; ser (vil) MAMLL FT few SepATT arte geraisdtvor Hitter sr THT Ta Applications of only such Officers will be considered as are routed through proper channel and are accompanied with (i) bio-data in the proforma at Annexure-II; (ii) ACR/APAR dossier of the Officer containing upto date APARs or clear photocopies of ACR/APAR for at least last five years duly attested by a Group-A Gazetted Officer; (ii) cadre clearance; (iv) clearance from vigilance and disciplinary angle; (v) statement giving details of major or minor penalties, if any, imposed on the officer during the last ten years; (vi) a certificate that in the event of selection, the Officer would be relieved to join the duties of the post; and (vii) certificate of Head of Office/Forwarding Authority as in Annexure-Ill 4. wat siareabeerittet wtexot au ass wands anise aa a sete g PR fauitta gor at sega cer or aearftel a order st dt. aes gan, Teds ae after (afta), sieat AUR, aiafter faann, aiaer waa, wl dtgca. ts, darax-560094 FT 29.01.2018 ae Aa al ot waeroa a 3 A setfad sa yanorcatiacaaat a arr dower adh gt, sat oe fear agt feet Great All Ministries / Departments / Cadre Authorities and the State Governments UTs are requested to forward the applications of willing and eligible Officers in the prescribed proforma to Shri K V Lakshmana Kumar, Officer on Special Duty (Pers.) Government of India, Department of Space, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore- 560 094 so as to reach latest by 29.01.2018, Applications not accompanied with the required certificates / documents stated in para 3 above will not be entertained ¢ Faas ar afta (ae Officer on Special Duty (Pers.) . &. dh we FAT / KV. Lakshmana Kumar aa # (To: Rivet ited (ae), wa Rae . Officer on Special Duty (Personne!) to Gol_ 1, ata Ba & ast Aareaifasrat 3 flay Secretaries of all the Ministries/ Departments of Government of India 2. wat asa aaniaa enfsa sexit & Hee afaay Chief Secretaries of all State Governments/UTs. 3. wait daet gfYaRVV/Al Cadre Authorities 4, aaah fee, vaansah, aria ud vier fant - Tae. & tanec & ee ear aa eS svt stor at eer sively set gqTechnical Director, NIC, Department of Personnel & Training for up-loading the circular under the heading ‘what is new’ in DoPT’s web-site immediately 5. faders, era chai.: geet daarge (Seve) We faaTae St stort Sq aeRIT ‘wu Director, ISPO: With a request to post the advertisement in ISRO website (internet). SEMANNEXURE-| 1 sons Se (qnsdta), stake emt Gi), dias A Page & ve 8g gee ae Eligibility criteria for the post of Controller in ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC). Department of Space (DOS) Bangalore 01 Ug aT aTA/Name of the post | friaw, sent sung Sx Greta), draw Controller, ISRO Satellite Centre, | | Bangalore | 02. |aat aus cen Ah daar]. 10,000- & Ah aaa wiga &. 37,400- (Bor Haan.) aaa Afera H ax) 67,000 (a4), Fae 14/ (vat FA.3r.y Rs.37400-67000/-(PB-4) plus. GP. Pay Band and Grade Pay (6"/ Rs.10,000 CPC) | | Level in the Pay Matix (7% CPC) | Level 14 in the Pay Matrix (7" CPC) 03 | UFFAT/Eligibility afea andre Bar a agrer Sar HR | F ala aifttard ot faite sree a Bee) ae aReT fae Be gt aT Biase veTaeth AC | [8 ast ft dar ft at Gerais aa | | | av, aie aig el, a darsit aida) ar wag. ‘wm ue 17 ast & frafaa dar A at, [Bret @ sits senate aot a aaa 4 ast # faaita far 4 ay Suitable Officers from All India Services or Central Services Group-A holding analogous | posts on regular basis or 8 years service lin the Junior Administrative Grade | | including services, if any, in the Non Functional Selection Grade) or 17 years regular service in Group-A posts out of | |which atleast 4 years regular service should be in Junior Administrative Grade.

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