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Most Amazing Key Benefits Of Automation Testing

Md. Shohidul Islam Robin 19 October 2013 Automation Products Tags: Amazing Benefits Of Automation Testing, benefits of automation testing

Key benefits of automation testing are some really needed outcomes from the testing processes. These are the most prominent
view points and measuring units of the working ability, strength, durability and performance of any sort of automation products.
There has been a good amount of response to this procedure as it comes out with superb in-time responses as well as the key
benefits of automation testing. If you are in the quest of knowing about them broadly, then this is the writing you are looking for!
You will have a vivid understanding on the key benefits of automation testing with some other relevant aspects of it.
What Is Automaton Testing System :
Automation testing refers to the examining of different kinds of automated systems, automated tools, machinery etc. for the
testing of their current status, working ability. In addition to that, key benefits of automation testing is rendered by these through
making comparison between current and previous results of different parameters. You already know that the automation
system is the system that automates the manually done tasks, so regular checking of resources’ status is greatly important for
the long lasting service of them. This is how the key benefits of automation testing comes into play.
Why People Widely Use This ?
There are so many definite and reasonable grounds for the users to use automation testing in their fields of work. However you
think, you will always find two basic and core reasons behind the usage of automation testing. They are as follows:
 Status check: Every single machine gets decayed and their working ability gets decreased with the usage of them.
This is why the user has to look for the solution about checking the status of the machines or products he is using. This
is the most prominent reason behind the people’s using of automation testing.
 Comparison of productivity: Comparison brings out the picture of a condition on a given state of time with another
one. For automation testing, it is done most often. By comparing productivity of machines, the user can easily find out
whether he is producing higher than the given phase of time or not. He then can build on the situation and work
thereby. This vital reason promotes the gaining of key benefits of automation testing in a big deal.
These reasons trigger the usage of automation testing among people concerned and newly concerned with it.
Some Most Amazing Key Benefits Of Automation Testing :
Now, let’s look at some of the key benefits of automation testing. I must say that these are bound to make you amazed in a
higher limit. Here they come:
1. Improved productivity: Automation testing improves the productivity of machines. You may ask, ”How this key
benefits of automation testing gets into act?” It is basically done without the user’s prior noticing! When the user
compares the previous outcomes or results of different parameters like start-up time, production time, different kinds of
timing of processing productstime etc. and finds that the current readings and results are not satisfactory, he definitely
tries to to use the products purposefully and with care and that results in furthermore productivity.
2. Accuracy improving: Accuracy is what is one of the most wanted requirements from any type of product or system.
Improved accuracy is one of the key benefits of automation testing too. When testing is done manually, there remains
possibilities of wrong data collection and input, but with automation testing, this kind of very much unexpected mistakes
have no chance happen. Automation testing can perform the same step over and over again as well as saving all the
records and calculations to provide an accurate information on the machines or products tested.
3. Easy to use: This part of key benefits of automation testing means a lot for the user. If the testing was a tiresome or
difficulty filled task, people would not appreciate using it. The user manual for different kinds of automation testing kits
makes the task furthermore easy.
4. Can be used multiple times: The automation testing procedure can be performed again and again, as many times the
user wants it to. But this same matter of testing would produce extreme amount of stress for the tester. This key
benefits of automation testing is a great addition to the field of different types of automation.
5. Requires minimal effort: Automation testing requires a very little amount of effort to make it happen. The user just
needs to set the testing kit according to the instructions inscribed in the manual and thus he gets all the necessary
results he is looking for. Tests like frequency, voltage metering, EMF calculation in a certain machine or area etc are
some of the examples of this key benefits of automation testing.
6. Utility in industrial productions: Automation testing is massively done in the field of industrial automation. As this
sector deals with heavy duty industrial products for massive figures of production, the machinery used for it is needed
to be always up to the mark in performance. The key benefits of automation testing shows here with regular checking
of machine life, ergonomics and machine-life.
7. Boost for networking: Key benefits of automation testing is vividly exhibited in network automation procedures as
well! The regular checking of network automation components, access points, access hotspots, network coverage
boosters etc. make the networking experience a real joyous one and filled with various cherished effective benefits.
8. Tracing changes in performance: The automation testing makes you find out the slightest of changes (that can be
positive or can be negative) in the overall processing tasks of the machines. This key benefits of automation testing
provides you with a decision-making ground about what you should do to pull up the productivity curve of the machines
and products for gaining sustainable performance.
9. Cost effective solution: Automation testing is a very much cost effective solution for testing of the automated
factories or firms. If done manually by manpower, not only time would be a factor but also paying the tester(s) would
also be a costly issue because, testing different kinds of systems and products is not a matter of joke and requires
tiresome hard work, hence the introduction of this key benefits of automation testing.
10. Team morale improvisation: For a firm to be in a productive form, strengthened team morale is a hugely important
factor. The key benefits of automation testing even contributes to this very factor too! How? By automating the testings
of different types of systems and tools a good amount of time is saved and different teams of different departments of
the firm can utilize that time in planning, mutual conversations and meetings. this improves their working skills and
those are definitely positive additions to the firm’s team morale prosperity.
Have A Look At Some Advanced Process Automation Technologies
Md. Shohidul Islam Robin 14 October 2013 Process Automation Tags: advanced process automation technologies

Advanced process automation technologies are the most improvised versions of process automation system. These are some
of the priceless additions to the vastly versatile and widely distributed field of Automation system. Technologies keep the
inventions alive for years, decades. For process automation, that vital task is being done by the advanced process automation
technologies. With the urge of optimum supremacy at work, these technologies are rendering exactly what the user wants. This
writing would take you deep into different kinds of advanced process automation technologies and also will talk about some
needful aspects of them.
What Is Process Automation Technologies ?
Process automation technologies are the inseparable parts of process automation system (a lot of people mix it up
with Business Process Automation, but actually that is not valid) which deal with automating process related tasks of
different kinds of work. Factories, industries of food, machinery, refinery and even product-making are some of the most
prominent working areas of process automation. It is a computer-controlled technology which provides superior control over
different kinds of machines and devices at processing tasks. This has broken the deadlock of lagging behind in factory-related
tasks which was a very cordially cherished one. At present, industries and factories around the world cannot think of running
their plants without the prior application of process automation technologies.
Main Difference Between Process Automation Technologies & Advanced Process Automation Technologies :
Actually, there lies a very tiny yet significant amount of difference between process automation technologies and advanced
process automation technologies. The difference could be measured by the time of launching the technology, the validity of the
technology and even could be figured out with the performance of those two kinds of technologies.
For discriminating between these two kinds of technologies, the latest ones are most prominently the advanced process
automation technologies because, these are furthermore well furnished and well ordered ones. On the other hand, the
previously launched ones could be symbolized as only process automation technologies, but not advanced. This point gets a
sound amount of weight for the drawbacks carried by the previously invented and used technologies. If a task is done in a
better way, better quality resultants come into being with the technology used, that is worthy of addressingas the advanced one.
Whatever inventions you now see on the technological sides of process automation, are surely the advanced process
automation technologies.
But both of them makes great contribution to the improvement of any type of processing works or other related works.
Some Most Modern And Advanced Process Automation Technologies :
In this portion of the writing, I would talk about some of the very recent advanced process automation technologies which are
now in operation in process related factories and industries around the world. These have made the work of people much more
enjoyable rather than make them tiresome.
1. Decoding and Encoding Technology: Decoding and encoding technology makes information security a lot more
stronger than ever before. By using this type of advanced process automation technologies data on various types of
products, tools and machinery items can easily be protected from being stolen or hacked. This very technology makes
data only readable to the process automation products like encoders and decoders for processing and converting them
into information for the user’s usage.
2. Energy Measuring Technology: Energy measuring technology is another type of advanced process automation
technologies. This one specializes in the measurement of energy units and other related necessary particulars. Along
with the consumption, the supply of power, the voltage measurement, reading of consuming electricity, gas, water or
utilities are done through using this very technology. This has made the billing of different kinds of plants simple. It has
become an inseparable part of the most modern houses also.
3. Advanced Process Control Technology: From the name Advanced process control technology you can understand
that this kind of advanced process automation technology deals with ensuring significant and sustainable grip over the
process tasks. Basically thistechnology is used in large industrial areas where it is difficult to maintain all the necessary
related tasks simultaneously. Not surprisingly, this technology is also used in plants that involve heavy machineries to
4. Modular Driven Technology: Modular driven technology is related massively with weapons like rifle making. It
definitely gives (the army or law enforcing agencies) or the user a good grip and accurate shooting experience.
Weapon industries depend on this very kind of advanced process automation technologies for producing superior
quality weapons.
5. Plug n Play Technology: Plug n play technology has made the use of manual electrical connectors backdated. This
advanced process automation technologies has made different kinds of electrical devices to work with the least amount
of anxiety in connection with the electricity. Heavy wiring or cabling is now rare due to this technology.
6. Mineral Collection and Extraction Technology: Mineral collection and extraction technology work for collecting
minerals, metal components from deep into the earth. This advanced process automation technologies has made
mineral extracting industry a very profitable one. This technology-enriched process automation tools has shown great
efficiency already.
7. Solar Power Technology: Solar power technology utilizes the hugest source of power on earth, the sun through
sunlight. This technology emphasizes on using sunlight for the production of electricity (power) for using it in various
types of purposes related to energy consumption. It is one of the most advanced process automation technologies ever
invented. This has lessened the pressure of power generation in a big margin and also has cut down power generation
cost and utility bills of various plants to a great extent.
8. Wastewater Management Technology: Water is the most available and also the most needed natural resources
which are needed for performing almost all kinds of work possible for the living creatures. The world depends on it
fervently. But if polluted or wasted water could be refined for reusing, scarcity of water around the world would be in an
acceptable scale and this very task can be handled well by the usage of wastewater management technology, one of
the most wonderfully blended advanced process automation technologies. This technology is very widely used in water
refining plants around the world.
That’s what was all about advanced process automation technologies.
A Realistic Overview of Process Automation System
Md. Shohidul Islam Robin 18 August 2013 Process Automation Tags: Process Automation, Process Automation system Overview

Process Automation is one magnificent classification of Automation. Around the world, already this form of automation has got
immense popularity among business world and industrial arena. Actually the factor which has made it a factor of so much
importance to those sectors is its unmatched utility and the vast usefulness. These key things have increased its demand to a
greater limit. In this writing I will be drawing your attention to specific details on related topics of Process Automation like its
importance in various fields, about the process and also will try to show you vividly some of its disadvantages.
What is Process Automation ?

Process Automation is a technical term, which refers to any sort of process that has beenautomated by using computers.
Computer softwares play a key role here too. The basic interest in this form of automation is to ensure efficiency and ease of
work. The heavy-weight industries and factories like refineries, knitting, waste processing, tanneries, baby food and beverage
producing factories etc. are the mostprominent users of Process Automation. Actually the load of different types of processing
tasks in those firms and plants are huge and controlling the whole process of tasks is a very needful matter to handle properly.
This is where this form of automation is good at and the immense boost is provided by the great utility-enriched Process
Automation Tools.

What Are The Components of The System ?

Basically computers are the main role-players in the whole system. Computer software’s play the role of controlling essential
hardware’s of the system. It is easily understandable that there are a wide range of software and hardware for using in various
processes. In addition, there is less need for human involvement for running the process, they only need to appear to operate
the system.
Why Process Automation Is Important For Factories, Business & IT Firms ?
It beggars no real description that Process Automation is of great importance to its related work-fields. Whenever a firm thinks
that it should apply this system, it shows that they truly want their firm to be well-equipped, advanced and is eager to enjoy the
sound production experience.
For any business, the main target of importance is its products. If the products are not produced with proper guidelines and if
they lack necessary proportion of ingredients, they cannot stand a chance of winning the consumers’ heart, let alone their being
market-friendly. The proper andjustified production process is ensured by this very system named Process Automation. It
automates what was not mechanized and ensures the products are produced by maintaining sets of standards. It only needs to
be operated with care, the rest is done with no hesitation by the system itself.
For IT firms, the main dealings are related with information. Data processing, data mining, data analyzing, information
gathering, retrieving information from different sources and supplying them to different sections of the firm, comparing and
tackling errors, providing decision-making grounds hardly with the presence of any mistake—all are some boundlessly
important tasks that Process Automation system does single-handedly. Enough said, right? As it helps reducing the stress of
workforce in performing lengthy and tiresome parts of the job, the rest of the work, operating and controlling the system is for
people working in the factories and firms.
Usefulness Of Process Automation :

The usefulness of Process Automation cannot be described shortly. You already had glimpses of it in the previous part of this
writing. Here comes some more of it.
1. Timely execution of work : When tasks are done timely, they become precious additions to the book of
achievements. All the cumulative efforts thus help the whole process to be done more efficiently, and who does not
know what efficiency means for a firm? It is a huge boost towards achieving the goals of the firm.
2. Increase in Productivity : Productivity cannot be gained easily. It needs cumulative efforts. Here meaningful
functioning of all the sections and divisions of the firm. Process Automation binds all the sections with the string of
workflow. For a sustainable productivity, it is mandatory for the firm’s managerial body to use the existing resources
properly to the fullest.
3. Implementing changes quickly :If there is any need for change in the work-process, the system is able to find it out
rapidly and also accordingly implement it, so that no disturbance can take place and hamper the harmony of working
environment, dissatisfactions of the workforce in the firm.
4. Maintaining of chronology : For any kind of factory work or official tasks, there is bound to be a sequence. By
maintaining so, the task can be done with the best prospect of solid execution. Many a times the workforce may have
the error of not maintaining the desired way properly in performing the tasks. No worries, Process Automation prevents
the firm from going astray.
All these set a firm on the most vulnerable phase of doubtlessly achieving success. But escaping from steps of work and that of
any process would not result in a desired outcome.
How to Find The Right Process Automation System For You :

However there are so many Benefits of Process Automation, it is a very important matter to determine which automation should
be used, which should not be. In other words, to choose between good ones and the perfect ones is a must to do. This needful
decision will help the firm reduce unwanted expenses and hampered work schedules. There are some sorts of automation like
factory process automation, business process automation, . The firm should have the exact knowledge about the whole
infrastructure of the firm, this will help in choosing the best automation procedure for the firm. Internal assessment of
employees, employee skill level and qualification to justify whether they would be able to cope up with the system—should
bring out positive results for the vital choosing of the perfect process.
Disadvantages of Process Automation :

In this world, nothing is of complete blessing. The Process Automation system is not an exception to that. Some disadvantage
can be like this:-
1. Increased dependency on automation : Workers may cherish to have all sorts of tasks automated, which increases
automation dependency and it is not a good thing for their overall health condition. A balance should be maintained
between automated tasks and manual tasks to avoid this problem.
2. High cost : Some of the equipments, machines and devices in the system are indeed very costly. A firm may not have
the monetary resources to afford them, also the costs incurred by currently running machines do occur huge expenses
due to consumption of electricity and resources. This is why Process Automation should be dealt with care and
dedication. The firm must look into this matter seriously whether they would be able to afford the expenses or not and
proceed accordingly.
But the good thing is, the disadvantages are not so much potential and are manageable if the management is intelligent
enough. Thus they can use Process Automation purposefully.
A Realistic Overview of Process Automation System
Md. Shohidul Islam Robin 18 August 2013 Process Automation Tags: Process Automation, Process Automation system Overview

Process Automation is one magnificent classification of Automation. Around the world, already this form of automation has got
immense popularity among business world and industrial arena. Actually the factor which has made it a factor of so much
importance to those sectors is its unmatched utility and the vast usefulness. These key things have increased its demand to a
greater limit. In this writing I will be drawing your attention to specific details on related topics of Process Automation like its
importance in various fields, about the process and also will try to show you vividly some of its disadvantages.
What is Process Automation ?
Process Automation is a technical term, which refers to any sort of process that has beenautomated by using computers.
Computer softwares play a key role here too. The basic interest in this form of automation is to ensure efficiency and ease of
work. The heavy-weight industries and factories like refineries, knitting, waste processing, tanneries, baby food and beverage
producing factories etc. are the mostprominent users of Process Automation. Actually the load of different types of processing
tasks in those firms and plants are huge and controlling the whole process of tasks is a very needful matter to handle properly.
This is where this form of automation is good at and the immense boost is provided by the great utility-enriched Process
Automation Tools.

What Are The Components of The System ?

Basically computers are the main role-players in the whole system. Computer software’s play the role of controlling essential
hardware’s of the system. It is easily understandable that there are a wide range of software and hardware for using in various
processes. In addition, there is less need for human involvement for running the process, they only need to appear to operate
the system.
Why Process Automation Is Important For Factories, Business & IT Firms ?
It beggars no real description that Process Automation is of great importance to its related work-fields. Whenever a firm thinks
that it should apply this system, it shows that they truly want their firm to be well-equipped, advanced and is eager to enjoy the
sound production experience.
For any business, the main target of importance is its products. If the products are not produced with proper guidelines and if
they lack necessary proportion of ingredients, they cannot stand a chance of winning the consumers’ heart, let alone their being
market-friendly. The proper andjustified production process is ensured by this very system named Process Automation. It
automates what was not mechanized and ensures the products are produced by maintaining sets of standards. It only needs to
be operated with care, the rest is done with no hesitation by the system itself.
For IT firms, the main dealings are related with information. Data processing, data mining, data analyzing, information
gathering, retrieving information from different sources and supplying them to different sections of the firm, comparing and
tackling errors, providing decision-making grounds hardly with the presence of any mistake—all are some boundlessly
important tasks that Process Automation system does single-handedly. Enough said, right? As it helps reducing the stress of
workforce in performing lengthy and tiresome parts of the job, the rest of the work, operating and controlling the system is for
people working in the factories and firms.
Usefulness Of Process Automation :

The usefulness of Process Automation cannot be described shortly. You already had glimpses of it in the previous part of this
writing. Here comes some more of it.
1. Timely execution of work : When tasks are done timely, they become precious additions to the book of
achievements. All the cumulative efforts thus help the whole process to be done more efficiently, and who does not
know what efficiency means for a firm? It is a huge boost towards achieving the goals of the firm.
2. Increase in Productivity : Productivity cannot be gained easily. It needs cumulative efforts. Here meaningful
functioning of all the sections and divisions of the firm. Process Automation binds all the sections with the string of
workflow. For a sustainable productivity, it is mandatory for the firm’s managerial body to use the existing resources
properly to the fullest.
3. Implementing changes quickly :If there is any need for change in the work-process, the system is able to find it out
rapidly and also accordingly implement it, so that no disturbance can take place and hamper the harmony of working
environment, dissatisfactions of the workforce in the firm.
4. Maintaining of chronology : For any kind of factory work or official tasks, there is bound to be a sequence. By
maintaining so, the task can be done with the best prospect of solid execution. Many a times the workforce may have
the error of not maintaining the desired way properly in performing the tasks. No worries, Process Automation prevents
the firm from going astray.
All these set a firm on the most vulnerable phase of doubtlessly achieving success. But escaping from steps of work and that of
any process would not result in a desired outcome.
How to Find The Right Process Automation System For You :

However there are so many Benefits of Process Automation, it is a very important matter to determine which automation should
be used, which should not be. In other words, to choose between good ones and the perfect ones is a must to do. This needful
decision will help the firm reduce unwanted expenses and hampered work schedules. There are some sorts of automation like
factory process automation, business process automation, . The firm should have the exact knowledge about the whole
infrastructure of the firm, this will help in choosing the best automation procedure for the firm. Internal assessment of
employees, employee skill level and qualification to justify whether they would be able to cope up with the system—should
bring out positive results for the vital choosing of the perfect process.
Disadvantages of Process Automation :

In this world, nothing is of complete blessing. The Process Automation system is not an exception to that. Some disadvantage
can be like this:-
1. Increased dependency on automation : Workers may cherish to have all sorts of tasks automated, which increases
automation dependency and it is not a good thing for their overall health condition. A balance should be maintained
between automated tasks and manual tasks to avoid this problem.
2. High cost : Some of the equipments, machines and devices in the system are indeed very costly. A firm may not have
the monetary resources to afford them, also the costs incurred by currently running machines do occur huge expenses
due to consumption of electricity and resources. This is why Process Automation should be dealt with care and
dedication. The firm must look into this matter seriously whether they would be able to afford the expenses or not and
proceed accordingly.
But the good thing is, the disadvantages are not so much potential and are manageable if the management is intelligent
enough. Thus they can use Process Automation purposefully.
Best 10 Factory Automation Companies in The World
Md. Shohidul Islam Robin 13 September 2013 Factory Automation Tags: Factory Automation Companies in

Factory automation companies are the main powerhouse for factory automation system, because they provide the necessary
tools and products for it. The smooth running of the system and the business related to factory automation products hugely
depends on the companies. Not only they provide those precious products, but also are responsible for huge amount of human
resourcing and resource-making. This writing would give you a clearer picture on some of the finest factory automation
companies around the world with a brief overview on their overall activities.
What is a Factory Automation Company ?
The companies which deal in producing, manufacturing, marketing and selling factory automation products generally are factory
automation companies. Around the world, there are so many of this. They provide the consumer market with so many types of
products for running the factory automation system. Basically consumers get the products for the prior courtesy of those
companies. They run huge amount of industrial automation processes for making the products and accessories and thus are
often in need of focused backing up in respect to resources, capital, investment returns, expenses, usage of utilities, keep up
the essential working environment, rearing up and caring for the assurance of an efficient workforce and proper overall
maintenance of the firms etc.
A Precise Look At Some of The World’s Finest Factory Automation Companies :
In the world, as factory automation system has got immense momentum and advancement in usage, since then there has been
the need for factory automation companies to meet the needs and requirements. Now, almost every single factory automation
firms need the kind help of those companies as they are fully dependent on them regarding the factory automation products.
At present, there are a lot of factory automation companies that has earned immense pride and dignity among the people
concerned about factory automation for their up to the mark quality products. Not only production, those companies have years
of glory and positive outlook in case of product supplying, time-to-time modification of products, rendering recommendable
practice-history of organizational behavior. All these have resulted in productively for them and now they are very well-known
Now let’s have a close look at some of the profoundly established factory automation companies around the world:-
01. ABB Limited :
It is a Swedish-Swiss company, basically multinational one that has its offices in countries around the world like the UK,
Thailand, India etc among them in 100 countries they are operational. ABB Limited’s headquarter is situated at Zurich. This
factory automation companies has over 100000 employees and it is also well-known as one of the largest conglomerates. It
renders products like power systems, low voltage products, power products, discrete automation and motion etc.
02. Adept Technology Inc :
Another multinational factory automation companies that has its headquarters at San Francisco Bay area’s Pleasanton in
California. Not only automation, but this company also focuses on vision guidance, softwares and robotics. Germany, France,
Singapore these are some of the countries alongside the USA where Adept has their offices.
03. Bosch :
It has its headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany. This factory automation companies is a real prestigious one as it is the world’s
largest automotive component supplier. It was established in 1886 by Robert Bosch. Brakes, controls, electrical drives,
generators, starters etc are some of the core products that Bosch produces.
04. Brook Solutions :
Automation engineering, MES-needed industrial automation solution is rendered by Brook Solutions. It is an automation
engineering solutions company which, since 1996, has been honorably mentioned as one of the top 50 best managed
companies. This very factory automation companies has got other awards like Control Engineering Magazine 2009 System
Integrator of the Year for proving its accomplishments in the categories of technical experience, business development skills
and customer satisfaction.
05. Citect :
Specialized in the control and software industry, Citect had come into being as a subsidiary of Alfa Laval back in 1973. This
factory automation companies is a software development company. Invententions of Citect include Ampla (a Manufacturing
Execution System software), Cicode (a programming language) etc. in addition, Citect developed the software products like
CitectSCADA, CitectSCADA Reports etc.

06.IDEC Corporation :
This company manufactures Automation and Control products. The birthplace of it is Osaka, Japan back in 1945 which turned
into a company 2 years later. Electromagnetic equipments like switches, timers, relays etc are for which this very factory
automation companies is well-known. Other than those, it produces barcode readers, LED opto-electromagnetic components,
sensors along with supplying automation and control products.
07. Invensys :
Headquarter situated in London, the UK, Invensys is one of the established factory automation companies in the world which
masters in global engineering and information technology. More than 50 countries in the world has its office and its products are
sold in around 180 countries of the world! 4 main segments organize Invensys: Software, Industrial Automation, Energy
Controls and Appliances. Each of the components have numerous products.
08. Interroll Worldwide Group :
Finest among many other factory automation companies, Interroll Worldwide Group has excelled in unit load handling systems,
internal logistics and automation. It was established in 1959 and it is listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange. Two divisions rule the
whole group, ‘Global Sales and Services’ and ‘Products and Technology.’ Due to effective performance, Interroll has got huge
amount of market share and a sound amount of audience of their products and services. It excels in specified product
marketing, R&D, Product Management and Strategic Purchasing to Product Technology and Manufacturing.
09. Moog Inc. :
Motion and fluid controls, and control systems for applications in aerospace, defense and medical device markets, Moog has
successfully established itself as a worldwide designer and manufacturer. Products of this factory automation companies
include satellite positioning controls, steering tactical and strategic missiles controls, aircraft and airplane controls, thrust vector
controls and controls for automatic ammunition loading in military combat vehicles etc.
10. Global CyberSoft :
This Company is relatively a very new one in the business, it was established in the year 2000 in Vietnam. It is a partner of
Microsoft, IBM and SAP Thailand. This factory automation companies is unique than others in the characteristic of being a
worldwide outsourcing company.
Top Benefits of Process Automation System
Md. Shohidul Islam Robin 25 April 2013 Process Automation Tags: Benefits of process automation, Top Benefits of Process Automation System

Actually there are many benefits of process automation. Some of these are explained below,Already we know what is process
automation .Many industrial fields use advanced automation to produce goods. This automation often involves robots, which
execute boring everyday jobs fast, precisely and carefully. Electronic and automobile manufacturing companies use robots,
often intended for 24 hours a whole daytime. The robots assemble and test procedures that ensure precision manufacturing.
They’re also used for painting and welding jobs. Before you choose to use robotics, weigh the expenses connected among the
undertaking against the profit. Here are massive primary costs of re-engineering the manufacturing lines, and probably the loss
of workers. Dropping expenses and rising manufacture add to earnings.Lets read some magic of Top Benefits of process

· Enhanced effectiveness :
A lot of business processes span system, department, or yet outdoor business buddies. Manual attempt, poor hand-offs flanked
by department or associates, and the universal incapacity to check generally development results is an important misuse for the
majority professes. Process automation eliminates or radically reduces these harms with an ensuing drop in work hours,
moment length, and amplified throughput which is one of the effective benefits of process automation.
· Increased Manufacturing :
Process automation system easily makes your production with automation technology. Automating processes that are presently
being implemented physically, those Can employment additional professionally as well as can take on new or extra workloads.
Process automation allows us just before increase to the confront of being asked to do other through fear.
· Short succession Times :
Time is money. By automation process, they’re unbroken moving, hand-offs are a unit expedited, consistency is assured, and
cycle times to finish the method area unit shortened. Obtaining the merchandise or service to the tip user or to plug faster will
result in necessary monetary advantages.Different acceptable benefits of process automation.
· Trustworthy Process completion :
Reliability comes from having a familiar technique that’s unspoken and follow at any time. Process automation makes the
method straight forward to know and enforces adherence to the method steps. This eliminates steps are usually found in
manual processes, leading to consistent, reliable measures that assist in creating selections and implementing method
enhancements.And that is the benefits of process automation actually.
· Dependable Process conclusion :
Reliability comes from accepting a accustomed address that’s bland and cause at any time.It’s also one more benefits of
process automation. Adjustment automation makes the adjustment aboveboard to perceive and enforce devotes to the change
leader. This eliminates absent accomplish usually begin in chiral processes, arch to dependable, trustworthy measures that
abutment increating a selection and implement modification enhancements.
· Ability to speedily modify :
Another benefits of process automation is that the loyal, consistent The information provided can enable you to recognize the
need for change or improvement quickly and then be Able to make that transform and position it addicted to outcome in a more
rapid and more controlled manner than you could with a manual process. The ability to change quickly provides a significant
business benefit.
· Prepared competences :
Can annihilate data-entry errors, accommodate cachet inquiries from suppliers, abate exceptions by bidding suppliers to actual
their invoices adore they accomplish it addicted to the back to end method, and advance cyber banking expenses pretty than
by verifying.
· Improved client Services with pleasure :
Customers are abundant added annoyed if they accept timely, top superior articles as well as services.Process automation
enables you to body bend ability into your articles and services, facilitate connected step up, and find the artifact or account to
your chump faster. Happy barter are echo customers.isn’t this a excellent benefits of process automation ?
· Cheap expenses and better earnings :
All of the aloft allowances aftereffect in absolute bottom-line aftereffects of bargain costs, adeptness to yield on added work,
and bigger success. All equipment any aggregation is seeking,It’s one of the greatest benefits of process automation.
· Show the inventive way :
The business action automation arrangement helps the sale with selling team in allocation out the acceptable lead which is able
to be full complex for condoning and scoring. Since the sale and the commerce team resolve be accessing the aforementioned
information, the advance bearing becomes a bland process.Another good benefits of process automation.
Some Best Process Automation Products & How Do They Work
Md. Shohidul Islam Robin 19 September 2013 Process Automation Tags: best process automation products

Best Process Automation Products are the inseparable parts of Process Automation system. The factories that run processing
activities of different kinds of products, are very much dependent on the Best Process Automation Products. So, having a
precise knowledge on this very topic would help you be able to understand the worth of the system in today’s industrial
advancements; you may also get help in finding out proper solutions and clear up your concepts about those products for using
them in your process automation firm.
What Does Best Process Automation Products Refer to?
Process Automation system actually refers to the system which tends to automate the manual tasks with the help of a
computerized working infrastructure and Process Automation system software. On the other hand, Best Process Automation
Products are the key ingredients by which the system gets into working mode and performs all sorts of process automation
stuffs at the firm or factory. The immense benefits of process automation are brought to you by those heavy-duty performances
of the Best Process Automation Products.
Some Necessary Best Process Automation Products
Now, it is time that you get into the part of knowing about some of the very much necessary Best Process Automation Products.
The system is designed in such a method that it diminishes human work to a greater amount and integrates applications,
restructures labor resources and ensures less involvement of human labor. All these Best Process Automation Products are of
great utility and if they are used in a persistent manner, they are sure to bring you the desired results!
 Encoders :
Encoders are the products that transforms or converts information from one format to another for fulfilling the purposes related
with secrecy, security, speed, space saving, standardization etc. These Best Process Automation Products that come with
features like auto feeding, conversion of codes in multiple mediums or formats etc. Some kinds of encoders are: MICR
encoders, linear encoders, rotary encoders, optical encoders, dynamic auto-encoders etc. All of them have different types of
working criterions.
 Decoders :
Decoders are just the opposite to encoders. What encoders encode, decoders just break it out and reveal the converted original
information. When there is an encoder working, it is sensible to keep a decoder too, this enhances smooth working. This type of
Best Process Automation Products usage include barcode scanning, product information collecting from the product
package, barcode readingetc.
 Network Security System :
Network Security System is that kind of Best Process Automation Products which helps greatly to enhance the inner network
component security shielding in the production or processing method. Process Automation gets into the path of huge fluency
when it is integrated with the latest updates and furnishings and so integrating it with network-building and promoting, it would
work even more greatly. But the network is to be kept safe from threatening malwares, spywares, viruses and other malicious
elements. Network Security systems protect the Process automation system by blocking, deleting, permanently disabling
activities of those malicious elements and keep the system smoothly running. It also keeps the network automation in proper
 Spectrometers :
Spectrometers are critically built Best Process Automation Products which deal with quantitative measurement of reflection or
transmission of wavelengths. Basically it works with micro-sized components like ingredients of anything that is in the
processing method. Ingredient analyzing, proportion measuring of ingredients in a blend, finding out or sorting micro
contaminants in any solution or product are some of its vitally important performed tasks. Spectrometers could be different
types like: mass spectrometers, micro spectrometers etc.
 Wireless Gateways :
Wireless gateways are computer networking devices among Best Process Automation Products which help to build and hold
the information supplied through packets by another network to the process automation system network. These also commonly
provide firewall functions and features simultaneously. Excessive wiring is diminished and smartly handled by wireless
gateways and thus more desk space is saved too. Providing a user friendly web interface, no special software using,
customization of settings and programming as desired are some of very much handy features of wireless gateways.
 Pilot Light :
Pilot lights are Best Process Automation Products that work as an ignition source for enhancing the power of gas burners. It is
actually a small gas flame and kept alight to serve that very purpose. In the processing method, gaseous burning is one of
common and major tasks. Pilot lights enhance the accuracy of those burners largely. These are also ideal for using as operator
controls for machineries and equipments. Different sorts of integrated terminal covers with different kinds of screw terminal
connections are one key feature of pilot lights.
 Electrical Energy Logger :
For conducting key electrical measurements like voltage, current, power, power factor in order to find out energy wastage
sources, electrical energy logger plays it role in Process Automation system. The family of Best Process Automation Products
is largely made to be potential by the addition of this product. Real time measurement of energy-related resource consumption
is vital for cutting down excessive costs for the firm. Moreover, quality maintenance of products also is involved with it, hence
the need for electrical energy logger. The device is software-run and needs to be set to the working devices for perfect reading
of information on energy.
 Switching Modules :
Switching modules interconnect the power (electricity) supplying point with the components of Process Automation. Modules
make the network connections and benefits vividly stronger and the internal accessing of electricity easier and long-lasting. As
electricity is the key thing for running the system, these kinds of Best Process Automation Products are truly vital.
 Thermal Imaging Cameras:
For identifying hidden hit-driven problems, thermal imaging cameras work at their best. These cameras can detect very small
amount of temperature differences from a distance and convert that object’s invisible infrared radiation to a visible color image.
These types of Best Process Automation Products also work for diagnosing heat exchanger and motor or compressor issues,
observe integrity of thermal insulation, reveal over-heated electrical circuits, support maintenance and repair efforts by
documenting problem areas and what not!
All these were some of widely used Best Process Automation Products worldwide.
Home Automation Technologies That You Use Daily
Md. Shohidul Islam Robin 18 September 2013 Home Automation Tags: home automation technologies

Home Automation technologies are sheer blessings from the automation subclass of Home Automation. These make life of
people furthermore easy and comfortable. In 21st century lifestyle, Home Automation technologies literally have brought about a
huge revolution.
What Home Automation Technologies Refer To?
The term Home Automation technologies refers to the different kinds of technologies by using them we maintenance of home
could be very easily done and adding to the comfort living by automating the day to day activities could be done in grand style.
The immense boost in enjoying what we do and how we do any household tasks has been redefined by those great
technologies. The latent desire of having a splendid home lifestyle has been successfully fulfilled by those gifts of intonational

Home Automation Technologies: Fields of Work :

Actually ensuring the improved maintenance and delivering ease to the daily have-to-do activities, the Home Automation
technologies hold up the total territory of any home. One can wish to automate the lighting solutions, he can use lighting
automation. There is a definite need for ensuring security of home so he can use home security products. Again need for
controlling the overall heat and temperature at your home, you can use temperature controlling Home Automation technologies.
In a nutshell, you cannot easily escape yourself away from those wonderfully improvised technologies for your comfort.
The most needed point to remember here that, if the day to day activities could not be transformed into automated from
manual mode of performing those, the Home Automation system is nothing but a failed case. So, figuring out how to use the
Home Automation technologies is a real vital factor. As there is immense demand of people and there are so many options to
choose from, a sensible decision would bring definite success in usingThis technologies with perfection.
Some Inseparable Home Automation technologies of Daily Life :
Now, you are about to go through the most vital part of the writing. I will be discussing some of the most commonly used Home
Automation technologies for you here so that you can achieve a sustainable and to-the-point knowledge on them.
When you are at home, you get to do a lot of stuffs. But when you have the power of technologies around you to perform them,
those tasks becomes fun! How? Here is how it happens…
1. Among the Home Automation technologies, security-ensuring technology is one of the vital ones. Whenever there is a
need of eliminating threats of strangers, this technology gets into the act. It may appear to be hard, but the home
security technology is not at all hard to start and get the benefits out of it. Surveillance cameras, CCTV cameras,
remote sensors, face detection device, fingerprint reader device are some of the finest and most used products of this
kind of Home Automation technologies. Now you can have a tension free life while at home as you don’t have to worry
for robbers or any sort of strangers to approach a mishap on you and your family, belongings.
2. Homeostatic Technology takes care of home temperature for your comfortable living. The temperature is centrally
controlled by this technology. You get to experience dynamic control on the temperature, at any time, as you wish.
Moreover, there is option for setting room by room different settings.
3. Sound Controlling Technology is one of the Home Automation technologies that give you immense access in
controlling sounds in your sound-emitting objects and devices. Now you can enjoy more vivid sound effects that render
you feelings like you are watching or hearing them live!
4. Home Cleaning Technology makes you clean up your home timely. You have the freedom to clean up your house now
in every sort of sensitive area like floors, pillows, bedcovers, toilets and washrooms – every single area with
those Home Automation technologies-enabled products. Vacuum cleaners, cleaning brushes, bars using germ-
cleaning ingredients makes you have a superior hygienic and clean home.
5. Communications Technology is another vital one that you use every day. It makes keeping contact with the people of
your own social world close to you and thus keeps the relationships alive lively. This type of Home Automation
technologies get to your usage through mobile phones, telephone landlines, intercoms etc.
6. Lighting Automation Technology works for controlling every kinds of management of lighting for home usage (official
usage too gets included with the technology also.) The need for this technology is to automate lighting devices so that
there is more ease and less human intervention needed for performing them. In contemporary world, lighting
automation productshave been engaged in writing innumerable success stories. Programmed lighting, separate
lighting, room by room individual lighting are some of jolly good examples regarding benefits of Home
Automation technologies at work with lighting automation.
7. Air Conditioning Technology with innovative features makes your home furthermore comfortable to live in. You get to
use this very lucrative technology through air conditioners mainly. Intelligent cooling, optimized cooling, eco-friendly
cooling are the most common features of air conditioning technology these days. Moreover, you can now breathe fresh
air as ACs of today has got dust and bad odor filtering technology enriched with them. This is how you get to be sure of
staying away from various viral and respiratory organ-related diseases like frequent cold and cough, difficulties in
proper breathing etc.
8. Wireless Home Automation Technologies are now what surrounds you. Automated Lock and Key Technology and their
products give you the clearest of ideas in this regard. You can control the locking of doors and unlock them with a
single touch on the controlling device. This type of This technologies could be easily merged with smart devices like
mobile phones too!
9. Intelligent Window Management Technology makes your home get in touch with sunlight and outside environment as
you desire. You get to open and close the windows any time or in any scheduled time through using this kind of Home
Automation technologies and their products.
Some Home Automation Systems That You Definitely Can Use
Md. Shohidul Islam Robin 28 August 2013 Home Automation Tags: home automation systems

Home Automation Systems are the key components that make up the whole system of Home Automation. In modern day
human lifestyle, luxury and comfortable living is what matters significantly and the Home Automation Systems are there to
render a magnificent amount of ease and control in doing almost every single sort of household tasks. You will get to know
about some of the mention-worthy Home Automation Systems and their vivid relationships with our lives. Hope you will love it!
Home Automation System : What Is This ?
In the beginning, I would like to present here a simplified Home Automation definition, which is: A system that is responsible for
automating almost all sorts of tasks at home that were done manually and also provides a comfortable controlling solution. It
works effectively in dragging down the excessive costs too. The Home Automation Systems are the complementary part of the
system that literally constitute the system, in other words, those are like the main patronizing elements of the system. Home
Automation Systems create the satisfaction base for the system and influences the popularity among others with its divergent
How Home Automation Systems Are Truly Involved With Our Lives ?
The fact is, it is a general understanding that if the system Home Automation does not go with the lives of its users, the
immense desire for using it and usage of the system would really not have grown any day. Not only usage, but also the
maintenance of feasibility of Home Automation system also plays a useful role in building the illusion regarding Home
Automation Systems.
But the question that arises in your mind is, HOW? Here is how the magic happens!
As, by now you know those products are they main trick-master for their intense involvement with the consumers’ lives, let’s
see how they create reliable grounds in the whole process:-
01. Temperature Control system :
There is Temperature Control system, which gives you the control over the temperature in the whole house for your comfort.
Also room-to-room cooling and heating can also be set through this Home Automation Systems for personal and classified
luxury of each and every member at home.
02. Access Controlling System :
There is Access Controlling System which looks intensively over the entrance and exit ways of the house to ensure security of
home. In case of suspicious entrance of any person the system automatically can detect it and also scheduled closing of doors
and gateways could be done by these Home Automation Systems.
03. Lighting automation system :
Lighting Automation system is there for you to control the lighting related tasks at home. These Home Automation Systems also
give superior control over scheduled lighting and place-to-place lighting for reduction of excessive use of electricity, this results
in a lower figured utility-sage bill in the end of the month.
04. Sound Controlling System :
The sound Controlling system controls the level of sound in your home theatre system and allows you to enjoy movies, music
and even live performances at home in the big screens.
05. Video Surveillance system :
Video Surveillance system is another Home Automation Systems that shows the clearest of pictures for the people entering the
house from outside. By using it, you can figure out whom you know and whom you don’t among the guests. In addition, it
prevents a lot of robberies and helps in enhancing home security.
06. Telephoning system :
The centralized Telephoning system is there to provide sustainable telephoning solutions for the home-dwellers. You can make
all sorts of calls like incoming, outgoing and even international calls through it. Moreover, intercom is there to provide inter-room
communication in the house for any emergency usage.
07. Interior Cleaning System :
Interior Cleaning System helps cleaning up the house a lot more easily than ever before. Dust is, as you know, a very common
thing in the house, which is a must to clean up for preventing health-declination due to those. For this reason, this type of Home
Automation Systems has products like vacuum cleaner, automated floor cleaning products that could be used for hygienically
cleaning up the house.
08. Interior Design System :
Interior Design System helps you get over the hesitation in decorating your house. With its specified solutions and suggestions,
you can decide where to put the TV or Home Theatre System, the sofa set, bed of flooring bed sheets, and even think about
matching the color of tablemats with the tiles and that of the wall’s and so on. In one word, this very kind of Home Automation
Systems provides you with a decision-making power on complete beautification of your home.
09. Automated window system :
The automated window system enables you to open and close the windows at home automatically, also you can either choose
to automatically make this happen or make it a scheduled work by fixing times in the system products. You no longer need to
walk to all the windows from opening and closing them for using this Home Automation Systems.
10. Fire Extinguishing System :
The Automated Fire Extinguishing System is one very important system for using at home. There can be fired in any slight
mistake or unintentionally through short-circuit of electricity, and panic seizes abruptly the most, when you see fire in your
sweet home. Quickly stopping the fire is very necessary for reducing the internal damage of the house and also to build on the
damage for guiding it back towards the “OK condition.” This very Home Automation Systems include water downpouring points
on the ceilings for immediate watering over the fire so that the damage could be nipped in the bud. In addition, this system is
able to detect whether there is a fire within the occurrence of it and start working accordingly by ringing siren or alarm.
I hope you loved this writing on Home Automation Systems. Stay tuned with me for knowing more on automation systems and
kindly make me know your thoughts.
10 Best Industrial Automation Products For Raising Future Industries
Md. Shohidul Islam Robin 25 September 2013 Industrial Automation Tags: Best Industrial Automation Products

Best Industrial Automation Products pave the way of working in an industry. Boosting up the internal energy and reinforcing the
existing resources in the best possible manner is made by those products. Throughout the world, the never-ending run for
success in every aspect is now the most prominent characteristic of people. Best industrial Automation Products are there to
render this very service in case of industrial competitions. This writing takes closer to some of the very finest industrial
automation products and show you why they are worth saying so.
What Is The Definition of Industrial Automation Products :
For defining industrial automation products, it is a very common understanding hat those are the building components
of industrial automation system. Actually industrial automation system works mostly for making industrial tasks automated
rather than keeping them done in manual mode. The system is able to do that vital job only with the help of the industrial
automation products. The Best Industrial Automation Products are the products that are the most efficient, more dynamic at
work and greatly purposeful for making the job done successfully. These help grow the industries withundoubted benefits.

How Best Industrial Automation Products Help In Raising Future Companies :

In the past, people had to rely on their physical strength and stamina for successful working at factories and industries. There
were no real checking of real-time multitasking, no good amount of checking and determination of efficiency. In many cases,
people had to rely on nature’s kindness and grace. But the things are not the same now, those days of lagging backwards are
gone. The field of automation and best industrial automation products have evolved. Those have solely contributed to massive
revolutionary outcomes regarding industrial automation.
Not surprisingly, people tend to use these products due to their linking with up to date modern and latest industrial automation
technologies. If solid boost in production is the eventual choice and goal of a firm or industry, they are bound to use at least
some of the Best Industrial Automation Products and look forward to increasing the usage. These have made industrial working
experiencewonderfully capable of being sustainable and noteworthy. However, there have been a lot of industrial automation
companies build up and being run over the years.
The help in raising future companies as successful ones by the direct influence of Best Industrial Automation Products holds
significances like:
 Accuracy enhancement: Accuracy of work has been greatly furnished by the Best Industrial Automation Products.
These put strong concentrations in timely doing tasks and new benchmarks could be fixed up for gaining furthermore
upper class accuracy.
 Limited labor, maximum output: Within the input of minimum but adequate labor, the Best Industrial Automation
Products is sure of giving you back the best possible results. Every single unit of labor is magnified to the output and
thus those products prepare the proper breeding ground for the future industries as ever more efficient ones.
 Loosened workforce pressure: As the products are capable of making multitasking a mere toy game, the workforce
enjoys working with the system too which holds immense importance for the progression of companies. Moreover, no
serious kind of pressure is there for them to face, no extensive hardworking is needed to deliver also. This is what
makes them work ever so freely and enjoy what they do.
 Controlling of tasks: Superior control of tasks and result checking with regular and immediate inspection by the Best
Industrial Automation Products have positively influenced the industrial automation to come out very much beneficial
for the companies working through it. Result checking and performance measuring are two key things that could easily
be done by them and these adds to the productivity of the companies vastly.
Just Use These Products :
Well, it is time for talking about some of the Best Industrial Automation Products that are continuously rendering potential
advantages to industrial automation companies. Here we go!
01. Soldering machines:
Lasers are one-directional powerful lights that are being used for so many purposes. Soldering machines in industries run on
through this very product. Electronic components are soldered to printed circuit boards (PCB) by using this one of Best
Industrial Automation Products.
02. Human Machine Interface :
This is the part of machines that handles the interaction between human and machine. These are common parts of so
many processing machines, products and tools which make sure that the proper connection between the user and the machine
is perfectly made. This makes the proper usage of the machines in a great extent.
03. Servo Drives and Motors :
Servo products are those kind of Best Industrial Automation Products which tend to high performance in controlling techniques
and tasks along with superb flexibility. Wide range of motion controllers could be arranged and made to work with it. These tend
to take control over automation systems through the drives. Moreover, by maintaining pulse duty or continuous duty, servo
drivers and motors can optimize their performance.
04. Photovoltaic Grid-Tie Inverters :
For converting Direct Current (DC) flow into Alternative Current (AC), grid-tie inverters are used. Photovoltaic grid-tie inverters
do the same work using semiconductors which shows the photovoltaic effects. This type of Best Industrial Automation Products
are widely used in power stations, transports, rural electrification, standalone devices, solar roadways, telecommunication and
05. Plastic Joining Products :
Plastic joining needs to be done for completing various purposes. Adding up plastic for making up a system or system
component building, increasing working capability of any existing mother-product are some of the main purposes of plastic
joining. Best Industrial Automation Products which join in plastic, play these kind of roles in factories and industries every single
day! Laser welders, Vibration welders, Ultrasonic welders, Hot Plate welders, Spin welders, Infrared welders, rotary systems
are some of the plastic joining products.
06. Metal Welding Products :
Metal welding is done for joining and mixing metallic components, parts. These are mostly fast and cost-effective Best Industrial
Automation Products. Sealers, splicers, spot welders, seam welders are some examples of metal welding products.
07. Laser Welders :
Unmatched in performance and flexibility, most laser welders render clean welding technologies and advantages where
precision welding is necessary. Radiance system and custom system integrate the laser welders.
08. Flying Shear :
Flying shear is the kind of Best Industrial Automation Products which is used to cut a continuous product in the production
process to set length at line speed. In this way the main production process does not get hampered at all and the machine
productivity is maximized. It is a common industrial application and also known as “Flying Knife.”
09. Thermal Processing Products :
Thermal processing products deal with tasks like heat staking, thermal insertion, swaging, degating, date stamping etc. These
products can definitely be sustainable alternatives to welding products.
10. Soft Starters :
Best Industrial Automation Products also include soft starters which work for motor control and in rendering constant-speed-
applications. Soft starters are simple economical methods of controlling AC motors for fixed speed applications.

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