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Grade 12- ICT – MABINI

March 2018


We dedicate this research to God Almighty my creator, my strong Pillar, my

source of inspiration, wisdom, and understanding. He has been the source of for all of my
Strength throughout this research and on His wings only have I soared.

Mr. Jensen Ryan Tan Lim, The Researcher teacher and also our class adviser who
teach, lead, guide and help us to correct our papers for the better.

The Respondents, who are very cooperative and who willingly provide all
the essential data that served as Instrument in completion of study.

The Researcher Family, who gave their effort, financial and support to
inspired the researcher to achieve their goats to finish the research paper.


TITTLE PAGES ………………………………………………………………… 1

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………………. 2

TABLE OF CONTENT ………………………………………………………… 3-4


INTRODUCTION ………………….………………….………………….......... 5-10

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM …………………………………………... 11

SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY ……………………………...…………………... 12

SCOPE AND LIMITATION ……………………………………………………. 12

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ………………………………………………. 13-14

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ……………………………………………….. 15

DEFINITION OF TERMS ………………………………………………………. 16-17


REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE …………………………………………… 18-22





METHODOLOGY ……………………………………………………………….. 23

RESEARCH DESIGN …………………………………………………………... 23

RESEARCH INSTRUMENT ………….………………………………………… 23

DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE …………………………………………… 24

RESEARCH LOCAL ………………………………….…………………………. 24-26


The Problem and Its Background


The internet connectivity is a wireless fidelity or a facility that allow

computers, smartphones, or other Kind of devices to connect to the Internet or

communicate with one another within a particular time. Internet connectivity is a very

effective way for the students of LNCHS especially for the junior and senior high school

students in terms of their research, Assignment, projects, activity, etc. to gather and get

information they need even at home, LNCHS internet connectivity purposes is just for

study, not for leisure like online games. There is also a limit on connecting to the internet.

Wi-Fi is the name of a popular wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to

provide wireless high-speed Internet and network connections. A common misconception

is that the term Wi-Fi is short for "wireless fidelity," however this is not the case. Wi-Fi is

simply a trademarked phrase that means IEEE 802.7 TX.How Wi-Fi Networks Works Wi-

Fi networks have no physical wired connection between sender and receiver by using

radio frequency (RF) technology a frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum

associated with radio wave propagation. When an RF current is supplied to an antenna,

an electromagnetic field is created that then is able to propagate through space. The

internet is a globally connected network system that uses

TCP/IP to transmit data via various types of media. The internet is a network of global

exchanges including private, public, business, academic and government networks

connected by guided, wireless and fiber-optic technologies. The terms internet and World

Wide Web are often used interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same thing; the

internet refers to the global communication system, including hardware and

infrastructure, while the web is one of the services communicated over the internet. The

internet is the most cost- effective communications method in the world, in which

the following services are instantly available: Email, Web-enabled audio/video

conferencing Services, Online movies and gaming, Data transfer/file-sharing, often

through File Transfer Protocol (FTP) , Instant messaging, Internet forums, Social

networking, Online shopping, Financial services The internet originated with the U.S.

government, which began building a computer.

The internet originated with the U.S. government, which began building a

computer network in the 1960s known as ARPANET. In 1 985, the U.S. National

Science Foundation (NSF) commissioned the development of a university network

backbone called NSFNET. The system was replaced by new networks operated by

commercial internet service providers in 1995. The internet was brought to the public on

a larger scale at around this time. Mobile data keeps you connected on the Mobile data

is one way that mobile device users can gain wireless access to the internet. Depending

on how much you use the internet, and where, having a data- enabled device will give

you the best of both worlds, giving you on-the-go access to the information you need.

What's the difference between Wi-Fi and mobile data? Both Wi-Fi and mobile data do

essentially the same thing, and work together to let you access the internet, anytime,

anywhere. The primary difference for users is cost. Smartphones and tablets connect to

Wi-Fi through a wireless router - like the one you probably have installed at home, or the

one at your local coffee shop that allows its customers free internet access. Wi-Fi

only works within the range of its router, but it enables you to access data for no additional

charge. When you use data through your data plan, you can access the same

content as you would on Wi-Fi, including all of your apps, games, emails, movies and

more. However it goes through your mobile carrier's (such as Verizon, AT&T and T-

Mobile) network, and it subject to the terms of your data plan. The advantage is that,

while Wi-Fi only works within the range of a router, with your data plan, you can access

the internet on anywhere within range of a network signal. So, for example, if you're

traveling and need access to your maps app, your mobile data is what will help deliver

that app to you.

Bluetooth is important for the rapidly growing Internet of things, including

smart homes and industrial applications. Given the importance of Bluetooth and it's

usage in an increasing number of applications, here are 6 interesting things about

Bluetooth that you didn't know! Bluetooth is a Wireless Technology Standard Wireless

technology standards require both a hardware and software component. The hardware

is required to be able to send the necessary signal via radio frequency, and the software

determines what's sent over that signal and how it's interpreted. Bluetooth is a Wireless

Technology Standard Wireless technology standards require both a hardware and

software component. The hardware is required to be able to send the necessary signal

via radio frequency, and the software determines what's sent over that signal and how

it's interpreted. This means that, to use Bluetooth, a device must have a tiny computer

chip with a Bluetooth radio. This also means that the software must be universally

accepted across all devices (hence, "standard"), otherwise they wouldn't be able to


Bluetooth is Named after a Viking Jim Kardach had been reading "The Long

Ships", by Frans G. Bengtsson, which is set in the Viking Age and includes Harald

"Blåtand" Gormsson, King of Denmark and Norway. The Anglicised version of Harald

"Blåtand" is Harald Bluetooth. He's known for uniting dissonant Viking tribes into the

Kingdom of Denmark. In a similar way, Bluetooth is thus meant to unite the many

wireless communications protocols under one standard. The Bluetooth logo is also a

combination of the runes for Harald Bluetooth's initials, H.B. Though unintentional,

there's another parallel between the Vikings and Bluetooth. Vikings made use of slaves

(called thralls), and so does Bluetooth. Bluetooth Uses Slavery When Bluetooth devices

connect to each other (for example, your phone and your wireless speaker), it's known

as a master-slave relationship. One of the devices is the master and the other devices

are slaves. The master transmits information to the slave and the slave listens for

information from the master. A master can have up to 7 slaves, which is why your

computer can be connected via Bluetooth to multiple devices at the same time (for
example, a wireless keyboard, mouse, printer, speaker, etc.). When devices are

connected together via Bluetooth, it's called a "piconet". Not only can a device be a

master in one piconet and a slave in a different piconet at the same time, but the

master-slave relationship can also switch. That's why you need to put your Bluetooth

device in pairing mode to connect it. It's becoming the master so that it can establish a

connection and then becomes the slave. This easy set-up for Bluetooth connections is

part of why... Bluetooth is Better than Wi-Fi (Sometimes) Wi-Fi is also a wireless

technology standard, but Bluetooth and Wi-Fi serve two separate purposes. Wi-Fi

(which is the brand name for the IEEE.802.11 standard) was meant to replace high-

speed cables, so it takes some setting up but supports high bandwidth. On the other

hand, Bluetooth was meant for portable equipment and related applications. It's great

when you need to connect two devices with minimal configuration (often just pressing a

button). Also, because Bluetooth uses weak signals, there's limited interference and

devices can communicate in "noisy' environments. That's why... Bluetooth is Great for

the Internet of Things in the Industrial Internet of things, machines often need to send

short bursts of data in extremely noisy environments. With potentially hundreds of

sensors and devices sending data, Wi-Fi poses too much hassle to setup. A drawback

of Bluetooth is lower bandwidth, but for many industrial applications this higher

bandwidth simply isn't needed

A hotspot is a physical location where people may obtain Internet access, typically

using Wi-Fi technology, via a wireless local area network (WLAN) using a router

connected to an internet service provider. Public hotspots may be created by a business

for use by customers, such as coffee shops or hotels. Public hotspots are typically

created from wireless access points configured to provide Internet access,

controlled to some degree by the venue. In its simplest form, venues that have

broadband Internet access can create public wireless access by configuring an access

point (AP), in conjunction with a router and connecting the AP to the Internet

connection. A single wireless router combining these functions may suffice Private

hotspots may be configured on a smartphone or tablet with a mobile network data plan

to allow Internet access to other devices via Bluetooth pairing or if both the hotspot

device and the device/s accessing it are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

The public can use a laptop or other suitable portable device to access the

wireless connection (usually Wi-Fi) provided. Of the estimated 150 million laptops, 14

million PDAs, and other emerging Wi-Fi devices sold per year for the last few years,

most include the Wi-Fi feature.

The iPass 2014 interactive map, that shows data provided by the analysts

Maravedis Rethink, shows that in December 2014 there are 46,000,000 hotspots

worldwide and more than 22,000,000 roamable hotspots. More than 1 0,900 hotspots

are on trains, planes and airports (Wi-Fi in motion) and more than 8,500,000 are

"branded" hotspots (retail, cafés, hotels). The region with the largest number of public

hotspots is Europe, followed by North America and Asia.


The objective of this study is to determine the advantage and disadvantage of

Internet Connectivity when it is used in educational purposes of our School.

1. What is the Profile of the respondents?

1.1 Age

1.2 Grade and Section

1.3 Gender

2. How Helpful the Free Internet Connectivity in terms of:

2.2 Studying

2.3 Academic Performance

2.4 Internet research

2.4 Reading Comprehension

3. Where do the students spending their daily allowance every day?

3.1 Foods

3.2 School Projects

3.3 Load

3.4 Other expenses


The weight of this study is designed in the significance of the following entities;

For general public, the result of this research gives an arrangement of information about

effects of free Wi-Fi for students on they education. for the researcher, the output of this

study make a new knowledge and realized deployment of technology and find out to an

area of research verily of free Wi-Fi for students on they education. for future researchers,

this research serves for related study a possible in contribution to the found of

knowledge, review and evaluation about the effect of free Wi-Fi to the students on they



Out of 5000 students of Lopez National Comprehensive high school. We’re going

to select a 60 students from grade 7 to grade 12 to conduct this research.

This limit coverage on grade 7 to grade 12 students. Its main point is to

identify the Wi-Fi and plan users.

This study considered the name of the students who are involve on the
research study happed to be my respondents. The students background gender, sex

and age the respondents are given same questionnaires and this study focuses on
the current year 2018-2019.


This research on the previous studies that were done regarding Wi-Fi and other

theories that related to Wi-Fi. This research also stresses on impacts done by free Wi-Fi

connectivity on the academic performance of students or Lopez National Comprehensive

High school The University of Pretoria (UP) also Invested in the Wi-Fi as they believed in

its ability to improve productivity on both staff and students. but at first the plan did not

work as they planned until they had to reinstall the infrastructure again (Arubanetworks,

2014), Both the UFS and the UP agreed that the installation of Wi-Fi in their universities

was the best decision they have taken and they can now see the benefits of it. As a result

of the installations. there was no need for the two institutions to build lots of computer

labs that can cost millions of rands just to provide Internet services to students and

lecturers (Arubanetworks. 2014). However, Lauricella and Kay (2010) argue that the use

of handhold devices can become a distraction to students during lectures. where by

students use these devices to access Internet and do other academic unrelated activities.

According to Ehrman (1995) as cited by Ogedebe (2012), the impact of Wi-Fi and Internet

on academic performance of the student has shown a positive reaction because now

students are able to access more information in short period of time. Also, students are

able do them.

Assignments and even submit on time because there is no longer a need for

them to print and submit their work. They just use their smartphone to connect and

submit On time online, however as they get used to the others start to use it for non-

academic purposes (Ogedebe, 2012) in addition, it also has a positive impact as

students can have a group discussion using video conferencing Susan (2001). says that

it important as it improves the interaction or communication between students and them

lecturers during schooling hours when they are rosy Doing their work According to

AwalS. Biial, Usman. Waqas ard Sehrish (2001). access to Information is very

Significant for studying purposes. Currently there IS a Lot of information •mat is

released every day and most of it is available on the Internet Also, it is not easy that an

institution can have all the recent books and the old ones in the library (Awais et al,

2001), With that being said. the Internet becomes a better way that anyone can get

information that both old and current.


This content identifies the advantage and disadvantage of Internet Connectivity in

Lopez national comprehensive high school that will help many students of LNCHS a lot

in terms of studying, research, Projects etc. This Internet connectivity that we conduct in

us research is having a limitation in using for gaming or in other kind of software like

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, that can be interrupt the students for their learning and

it will be useful in the way of Learning because it will be free for all those who are willing

to learn and it will save money instead of spending for it, especially for the next generation

of students in LNCHS that Will also conducting research, that will get their information or

data easy and faster. Input •demographic profile: •age •gender •commonly software that

their using process •gathering questionnaire •conducting interview output •the impact and

effectiveness of internet connectivity in studying of LNCHS students.

Input Process Output

- toidentifies the
advantage and
disadvantage of
 Gathering Internet Connectivity
 Age
Questionnaire in Lopez national
 Gender comprehensive high
 Grade / Section
 Conducting
Survey school that will help
many students of
LNCHS a lot in terms
of studying, research,
Projects etc.

ARPANET - the team behind the internet

Computer chip - to process sharing files thru Bluetooth radio

Computers - it is one of the most accessible device that is using internet

FTP – it is use to exchange files between computer account, transfer files between an

account and desktop computer, or access online software archives.

Hotspot – it is a physical location where the Students may obtain internet access, typically

using WIFI technology

Internet – it is has always been to share and distribute information via network computers

Mobile Data – it allows the Student by their Smartphones to access the internet even

without Wi-Fi access.

NSFNET – a network that provided internet services to academic computer science


Online – its principal mission is learning FSU to enhance student access to the university

academic program.

Router – it is a networking device that forwards data pockets between computer or

smartphones network to connect with the internet which will help the students to easily

search and to gather data.

Smartphones – it is a multi-purpose mobile computing device which the students of

LNCHS can be used it to connect in free internet connectivity which they can apply there

Studying and learning.

TCP / IP – allow the computers to communicate over long distance network

Wi-Fi – connection that established using a wireless adapter to create hotspot-areas in

the vicinity of a wireless router that are connected to the network and allow the users to

access internet

WLAN-it is used by the mobile users that they can connect to a local area network (LAN)

through the wireless radio.


DSTP-it is used as a to create a page layouts that combine text and graphics.

Telenet - it is used as a simple, text-based network protocol that is used for accessing

remote computers over TCP/IP networks like the internet

Tymnet - this as a supervisor of a program that runs under timesharing on an XDS 940.
Its purpose is to build its circuit, perform diagnostics, keep statistics, and handle all
other matters of global importance network.
Merit Network - merit is the provides computer networking related services to
educational, government, healthcare and non-profit.
CERN - it is used to build a particle accelerator and detectors. Accelerators boost
beams of particles to high energies before beams are made to collide with each other or
with stationary targets.



The current web provides an infrastructure for working with distributed multimedia

documents, which are exchange using the familiar “http” or Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

But although a massive amount of data is available online, it is stored in so many different

formats that it has become difficult, if not impossible, to analyze and use in research

scientist in mathematics, statistics, and computer science.

Doctors, for example, often need to share information and data, but each doctor need to

share uploads data in his or her own formats,” reinhart said. “astronomers, physicists and

other researchers of then face the same problem.”

According to reihart, who developed DSTP with Emory Creel, a colleague at the National

Center for data mining, the new transfer protocol will unify the way data stored online.

Downloading data from different sites via high-speed networks and analyzing the data in

real-time will become possible for the first time.

“DSTP will standardize the way data is shared, the same way HTTP revolutionized the

way documents are shared,” Reinhart said. Researchers will be able to search, analyze

and mine databases simultaneously, even if the databased contain different types of

data.” Reinhart predicts DSTP will motivate more researchers to post data globally and

lead to “an avalanche” of new and existing data accessible and useful to a wider audience.

Six sites around the world, including the United Kingdom Australia, are participating this

week in demonstration of distributed data transfer using DSTP at the NASA/NREN

Gigabit Networking Workshop in Moffet Field, Calif.

DSTP is available free to the public. The software, along with a sample demonstration, is

available at http// the National Center for Data Mining is also

committed to creating the necessary infrastructure and software to support DSTP for

distributed data mining.

The internet, so powerful for sharing text, images, sounds and videos, is now weakest at

doing that for which it was originally designed- exchanging raw data between researchers.

The main purpose of the internet is offering effective information sharing and

communication globally using computers.

Notably, the internet is the biggest player in realization of the concept of globalization

today. With the internet, the world has become a global village. A person can now

communicate comfortably with anyone in corner of the world.

The computer is a global network of computers interconnected through different media

using a standard protocol. Essentially, a computer in America may be connected to

another computer in remote.

Evidently, the internet could be the biggest revolution in computing and communications

world. Initially, the internet was meant to connect researchers to share and communicate

their research information on a common platform. However, a lot has change, and the

functions of the internet are far wider than it was thought during its conceptual stages.

In short, the internet is useful in many ways, but communication and information sharing

are the most significant.

The history of the internet begins with the development of electronic computers in the

1950’s initial concept of the wide area networking originated in several computers science

laboratories in the United Kingdom, and France. The U.S. department and defense

awarded contracts as early as 1960’s, including for the development of the ARPANET

project, directed by Robert Taylor and manage by Lawrence Roberts. The first message

was sent over the ARPANET in 1969 from computer science professor Leonard

Kleinrock’s laboratory at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to the second

network, ARPANET, Tymnet, Merit Network, CYCLADES, and Telenet ,were developed

in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s using a variety of communications protocols. Donald

Davies first demonstrated packet switching in 1967 at the National Physics Laboratory

(NPL) in the UK, which become tested for UK research for almost two decades. The

ARPANET project led to the development of the protocols for internetworking, in which

multiple separate networks could be joined into a networks.

The internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) was developed by Rebert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf in

the 1970’s and become the standard networking protocol on the ARPANET, incorporating

concept from the French CYCLADES project directed by Louis Pouzin. In the early 1980’s

the NSF funded the establishment for national supercomputing centers at several

universities, and provided interconnectivity in 1986 with the NSFNET project, which also

created network access to supercomputer sites in the United States from research and

education organizations. Commercial Internet service providers (ISPs) began to emerge

in the late 1080’s. the ARPANET was decommissioned in 1090. Internet by officially

commercial entities emerged in several American cities by late 1989 and 1090, and the

NSFNET was decommissioned in 1995, removing the last restrictions on the use of the

Internet to carry commercial traffic.

In the 1080’s research at the CERN in Switzerland by British computer scientist Tim

Berners- Lee resulted in the World Wide Web, linking hypertext documents into an

information system, accessible from any node on the network. Since the mid-1090’s the

internet has had a revolutionary, including the rise of near-instant communication by

electronic mail, instant messaging, voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone calls,

two-way interactive video calls, and the World Wide Web with its discussion forums,

blogs, social networking, and online shopping sites. The research and education

community continues to develop and use advantage networks such as JANET in the

United Kingdom and Internet2 in the United States. Increasing amounts of data are

transmitted at higher and higher speeds over fiber optic networks operating at 1 Gbit/s,

10 Gbit/s, or more. The internet takeover of the global communication landscape was

almost instant in historical term: it only communicated 1% of the information flowing

through two-way telecommunications networking in the year 1993, already 51% by 2000,

and more than 97% of the telecommunicated information by 2007. Today the internet

continues to grows, driven by ever greater amounts of online information, commerce,

entertainment, and social networking. However, the future of the global internet may be

shaped by regional differences in the world.


The advantages of the internet connectivity the main advantage of the internet is its ability

to connect billions of computers and devices to each other. Not only does the internet

create convenience in sharing and receiving information between users, another

advantage of the modern internet is its ability for automation.

And most of all is on how the internet build by some experts in computer, testing on how

they can communicate to the others how to transfer files those are the good qualities of


The disadvantage of internet connectivity the people are spending more time in using

internet spending more time in their homes, getting weaker, sitting for a long time, and

the most disadvantage is that the internet can be addictive.

And most of all is on how the internet build by some experts in computer, testing on how

they can communicate to the others how to transfer files those are the good qualities of




This chapter present a description of the research design selection and description

of respondents, research instrument, data collection procedure and statistical treatment



This study use Descriptive Method to describe the profile of the respondents

such as age, gender which is a students from Lopez National Comprehensive High



The instrument that the researcher use to this study was the survey

questionnaires. The questionnaires are consisting of two (2) parts. 1st part is personal

data of respondents; 2nd part is focused on data gathering.


The questionnaire was personally distributed to the respondent. The data were

gathered from the respondents and organized according to the frequency of the

question answered in order to arrive at the interpretation of data.


The data gathered were classified, tabulated, directed and analyzed


1. Mean is the sum of the numbers divided by how numbers they are, this also

referred to as the average. The formula of mean is:

×= 𝑁

× - Mean

∑× – Total of sum of values

N - Number of values

2. Median is the middle number, put the data in order from smallest to largest. If

there is an even number of data items, take the mean of middle two.

For median, the formula is:

∑ − 𝐶𝑓
𝑀𝑑 = 𝐿 + [ ]𝑖

𝑀𝑑 – Median

𝐿 – Lower boundary

∑ 2 - total of half frequency

𝑓 - Frequency

𝐶𝑓 – Cumulative frequency

𝑖 - Interval

3. Rank it is consisting of assigning the average of the ranks as the rank for the

common frequency.

For Rank, the formula is:


a and b- average of rank

N- Number of Rank

r- Total of Rank

Example of rank formula:


4. Percentage a measure of a portion in relation to a whole, often expressed in

relation to how many of something there in per 100.
Percentage formula is:

𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 %
𝑤ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒 100

Example of percentage:

(2500÷4000) ×100%=62.5%


The research study was conducted at Lopez National Comprehensive High school, since

the students at the certain school was chosen to be respondents.


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