Ensure Compliance With Pollution Prevention Requirements

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10. Menjamin dipenuhinya persyaratan-persyaratan pencegahan pencemaran.

(Ensure compliancewith pollution preventionrequirements)

1. The discharge of oily mixtures is not allowed within special areas unless, with
exemption of processed engine room bilge water, unless certain conditions are
satisfied. Which of these conditions must be satisfied ?

2. The oil record book for machinery space operations shall be completed on a tank
to tank basis whenever which of these operations take place ?
C. I, II, IV, V
D. II, IV, V, VI

3. Amongst other things, Part 1 of the Oil Record Book shows which of these ?
A. Period over which the IOPP certificate is valid
B. Period from …………. To …………..
C. Operational procedures and remarks
D. Master's name as well of the person relieving him against date


4. Which of these items must be recorded in the Oil Record Book -Part I,
concerning the disposal of oil residues (Sludges) ?
B. I, II, VI
C. I, Ill, VI
D. I, II

5. Which of these items concerning non-automatic discharge overboard of bilge

water from machinery spaces must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I ?
A. I, Ill, VI


6. Which of these items concerning the operation of machinery spaces must be

recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I ?
C. II, V, VI

7. Which of these items concerning automatic discharge overboard of bilge water

from machinery spaces must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I ?
A. I, II, V, VI
B. I, IV, V, VII
D. II, Ill, V, VII

8. Mat entries must be made in the Oil Record Book - Part I (machinery space
operations) about the condition of the Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control
system ?
A. The time when the system was started and the time when the system was
B. The time when the system was started and stopped, the ships speed and the
ppm of the affluent discharged
C. The time of system failure, the time that it was made operational again and
the reason for failure
D. The time when the system was started and the time when it was stopped and
the ppm of the effluent discharged

9. Which of these items concerning accidental or other exceptional discharges of

oil must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I ?
A. I, II, V, VII
B. I, II, III, V
D. I, II, V, VI

10. Handling fuel oils without proper care can lead to

A. overflow, pollution and gas formation.
B. gassing up, asphyxia and explosion.
C. fire or overflow.
D. explosion, fire and pollution.

11. Basic procedures for bunkering operations on all ships require that……should
personalty supervise all bunkering operations.
A. the 2nd engineer
B. the master
C. the chief engineer
D. a responsible person

12. Bunkering procedures for all ships require that communication should be
maintained with the shorelbarge staff in charge of the transfer ?
A. continuous
B. intermittent
C. frequent
D. occasional


13. Bunkering procedures on all ships require that the deck officer on watch be
informed prior to the starting of bunkering. This is because ……
A. the bunkering flag has to be hoisted and the oil spill recovery team put on
B. appropriate precautions have to betaken by the deck department
C. the time needs to be recorded exactly.
D. The is responsible for all communication with the shore or barge.

14. During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors ships have been
detained because
A. the oily water separator filters were found dirty.
B. the sludge tank was found full level.
C. the engine room bilges were found dirty.
D. The engineroombilgelineswerefounddirty.

15. During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors ships have been
detained because
A. an oil film was found in the overboard discharge pipe of the oily bilge water
B. oil was found leaking from the main/auxiliary engines crankcase doors.
C. an oily mixture was found in the internals of the bilge pump.
D. lubricating oil was transferred in port.

16. What maximum oil content must oiliwater separators generally discharge?
A. 600ppm
B. 1000ppm
C. 100ppm
D. 50ppm

17. What maximum oil content may be discharged overboard in 'Special Areas'?
A. 0ppm
B. 25ppm
C. 50ppm
D. l5ppm


18. Under what circumstance may untreated bilges be discharged overboard in

'Special Areas'?
A. Only in a case of emergency.
B. If the bilges are only to be lowered and not pumped right out.
C. When proceeding Full Ahead.
D. During the hours of darkness.

19. What happens if the separator oil content exceeds the equipment allowable
A. A visible alarm.
B. The discharge is dumped to the bilge
C. An audible alarm.
D. The pump is stopped and an alarm sounds.

20. What pollution certification must deep-sea vessels possess?

A. Safety Construction certificate.
B. IOPP certificate
C. MCA pollution certificate.
D. Lloyd's Machinery survey certificate

21. What is the purpose of the Oil Record Book?

A. Record fuel consumption.
B. Record quantity of fuel onboard.
C. Record all fuel bunkered and bilge discharges.
D. Record oily bilge levels.

22. Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited except when some conditions are
satisfied. One of these conditions for a tanker is that……….
A. the tanker is within a Special Area.
B. the tanker is not within a Special Area
C. the tanker is within a Designated Zone
D. the tanker is not within a Designated Zone


23. Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited except when some conditions are
satisfied. One of these conditions for an oil tanker is that…………
A. the tanker is more than 50 nautical mites from the nearest land.
B. the tanker is more than 25 nautical miles from the nearest land.
C. the tanker is more than 10 nautical miles from the nearest land.
D. the tanker is more than 100 nautical miles from the nearest land.

24. Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited except when some conditions are
satisfied. One of these conditions for a tanker is that ……….
A. the tanker is en route.
B. the tanker is in ballast condition.
C. the tanker is tank cleaning.
D. the tanker is loaded.

25. For existing tankers the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea should be no
more than ……..of the total quantity of the particular cargo of which the residue
formed part.
A. 1/25000
B. 1/100000
C. 1/15000
D. 1/50000

26. The instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content of a tanker shall not exceed…
A. 120 litres per nautical mile
B. 100 litres per nautical mile
C. 75 litres per nautical mile
D. 30 litres per nautical mile

27. For new tankers, the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea shall not exceed
….. of the total quantity of the particular cargo of which the residue formed part.
A. 1/10000
B. 1/15000
C. 1/25000
D. 1/30000


28. What is the meaning of the term "Combination Carrier " ?

A. A ship designed to carry either oil products or crude oil in bulk or in parcels
B. A cargo ship that has product oil tanks, example Palm Oil Tanks
C. A general term for vessels carrying more than one kind of cargo, example
reefer-container, log-bulk etc.
D. A ship designed to carry either oil or solid cargoes in bulk

29. According to Marpol, what does the term "oil "mean ?

A. Petroleum in any form including crude oil, fuel oil, sludge oil, oil refuse and
refined products
B. Any grade of crude oil or fuel oil
C. Any grade of crude oil, fuel oil or refined products
D. Any grade of crude oil

30. According to Marpol, what is the meaning of the term "oily mixture " ?
A. A mixture with oil content above 100 ppm
B. A mixture with oil content above 50 ppm
C. A mixture with any oil content
D. A mixture with oil content above 15 ppm

31. Under Marpol, can a chemical tanker be considered an oil tanker ?

A. Yes, when it is carrying a cargo or part cargo of oil in bulk
B. Yes, when it is carrying petrochemicals
C. Yes
D. No

32. According to Marpol, what is the meaning of the term "oil fuel" ?
A. A cargo of Heavy Fuel Oil , Intermediate Fuel or Diesel Oil
B. A cargo of refined oil with flashpoint above 60 degree C
C. Any oil used on board in connection with the propulsion and auxiliary
D. A cargo of refined oil for combustible purpose in thermal machinery or


33. Does the definition of an "oil tanker "applies to a gas carrier ?

A. Yes, when carrying chemicals or petrochemicals
B. No, it is not
C. Yes, it is
D. Yes, when carrying a cargo or part cargo of oil in bulk

34. According to Marpol, what does the term "new ship" mean ?
A. A ship for which the keel was laid or was in any similar stage of construction
after 30 June 1976
B. A ship for which the building contract was placed after 31 December 1995
C. A ship which was delivered after 31 December 1979
D. All of these.

35. What does the 'instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content "mean according to
Marpol ?
A. The total quantity of oil discharged at any moment
B. The rate of oil discharge in litres per hour at any instant divided by the speed
of the ship in knots at the same instant
C. The total quantity of oil discharged divided by the mileage covered during
the time of discharge by the ship
D. The total rate of oil discharged per hour divided by 3600

36. What is the best description of a "special area" as defined by Marpol ?

A. An area with a particular traffic characteristics where extra precautions are
B. A sea area where for recognised oceanographical and ecological conditions
and in view of traffic special prevention is required
C. An ecological endangered area where no oil mixture is to be discharged at
D. A sea area where in view of its particular dense traffic no
overboarddischarged of any oily mixture is allowed


37. What is the meaning of "slop tank" as defined by Marpol ?

A. A tank used for tank cleaning provided with heating coils
B. The two most aftward fitted wing tanks or the most aftward fated centre tank
C. Any tank where slops or sludges are collected
D. A tank specifically designed for the collection of tank D drainings, washings
or other oily mixtures

38. Which description given below is nearest to the description of clean ballast as
defined by Marpol ?
A. Its oil content is no more than 100 ppm and it will not produce visible traces
on the shore lines.
B. Its oil content is NIL and consequently would not leave any traces upon the
surface of the water or emulsion beneath the water surface.
C. Its oil content is no more than 50 ppm and will not produce visible traces on
adjoining shorelines, nor emulsion in the sea.
D. If discharged from a ship stationary in clean calm water on a clear day will
not produce visible traces of oil on the water surface nor emulsion below

39. Which answer is nearest to the Marpol description of segregated ballast ?

A. The clean ballast water which can only be pumped via segregated lines by
the clean ballast pump
B. Ballast water that cannot be pumped through cargo oil piping and for which
cargo pumps cannot be used
C. The ballast carried in the clean ballast tank via the segregated ballast pump
D. The ballast water introduced in a tank which is completely separated from
cargo or fuel oil system and permanently allocated to ballast

40. In order for a tanker to be called a "new oil tanker "according to Marpol, the date
on its building contract would read……………
A. after 1st January 1981.
B. after 31st of December 1980.
C. after 1st June 1982.
D. after 1st June 1979.


41. Marpol defines Crude Oil as ………….

A. a liquid hydrocarbon from which certain distillate fractions were removed.
B. liquid hydrocarbon to which certain distillate fractions ere added.
C. a non-treated liquid hydrocarbon mixture from which C neither distillate
fractions were removed nor added.
D. a liquid hydrocarbon mixture occurring naturally whether treated or not
irrespective of whether distillate fractions were removed or added.

42. Every oil tanker of ….. tons gross tonnage and above and every other ship of
tons gross tonnage and above shall be subject to Marpol (IOPP) surveys.
A. 500,1000
B. 400, 700
C. 150, 400
D. 250, 500

43. The initial Marpol (10PP) survey carried out before a ship enters service in order
to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations shall include …………
A. a complete survey of all wing tanks, centre tanks, stop tanks.
B. a complete survey of the associate pumping and piping systems, including
oil-discharging monitoring system, oil tittering and separating systems.
C. a complete survey of all piping.
D. a complete survey of its structure, equipment, fittings, systems arrangements
and materials in so far as the ship is covered by this Annex.

44. Periodical Marpol surveys are to be carried out at intervals as specified by the
administration. These intervals are not to exceed…………..
A. two and a half years.
B. three years.
C. two years.
D. five years.


45. At least one survey must to be carried out during the validity of the IOPP
certificate. This shall ensure that the equipment, pumps and piping systems
including ODME are in order. What is this survey called ?
A. The Annual survey
B. The Special survey
C. The Intermediate survey
D. The Midterm survey

46. Marpol permits additional inspections in order to ensure that the ship and its
equipment remain in all respects satisfactory for service. What are these
inspections called ?
A. Annual Inspections
B. Unscheduled inspections
C. Obligatory inspections
D. Special surveys

47. If Mandatory annual surveys are established by the Administration, how will it
effect unscheduled Inspections carried out according to Marpol ?
A. The unscheduled inspections shall no longer be obligatory
B. Only one unscheduled inspection per year is required
C. Unscheduled inspections are required once every two years
D. Two unscheduled inspections are required during a 5-year period

48. Who may carry out MARPOL surveys ?

A. Approved ship's officers
B. Port-State Control Inspectors
C. Coast Guard Inspectors
D. Surveyors nominated by Administrations or organisations recognised by


49. Who may carry out Marpol Inspections ?

A. Officers authorised by the Government having jurisdiction over the port in
which the ship is located, generally referred to as Port State Inspectors.
B. All of these.
C. Surveyors nominated by recognised organisations.
D. Coast Guard officers.

50. What is the meaning of a “harmful substance" under Marpol ?

A. Petroleum products and petrochemicals
B. Hydrocarbons in any form
C. Any substance creating harm to health and life or able to damage amenities.
D. Oils and fuels

51. What does "discharge" means in relation to harmful substances as defined by

Marpol ?
A. Dumping or disposal from the ship
B. Spilling, leaking or escape from the ship
C. Pumping, emptying or emitting from a ship
D. Any release how ever caused

52. What is the meaning of an incident" according to Marpol ?

A. The actual discharge into the sea of a harmful substance or effluents
containing such substances
B. B The probable discharge into the sea of oil or of an oily mixture
C. The actual or probable discharge into the sea of a harmful substance or
effluents containing such substances
D. The actual or probable discharge into the sea of oil or of an oily mixture

53. Penalties under the Law for violation of Marpol requirements shall be…..
A. adequate in severity to discourage violations and shall be equally severe
irrespective of where the violation occurs.
B. imposed by all countries, the severity depends on where the violation occurs.
C. imposed to warn against the global problem of pollution.
D. in all cases most severe.


54. To what administrative matter must you comply with if an incident under Marpol
occurs ?
A. A report shall be made without delay to the fullest extent in accordance with
Marpol Protocol 1.
B. A report of the incident is to be made to the vessel's Administration.
C. You are to write a full report of the incident to the vessels owners or
D. You are to note this incident in the Log Book.

55. A new oil tanker of less than 20,000 tons deadweight may be designated as…
A. a product / chemical carrier
B. a crude oil I product carrier
C. a product carrier
D. a crude oil tanker

56. Anew oil tankers of 20,000 tons deadweight and above which satisfy the
requirements for Segregated Ballast Tanks with Protective location as well as
COW may be designated as a ……
A. product carrier
B. crude oil / product carrier
C. crude oil tanker
D. petrochemical / product carrier

57. A new oil tanker of 20,000 tons or above satisfying the requirements SBT and
PL, but not fitted with COW should be designated as a …..….on the IOPP
A. crude oil 1 product carrier
B. crude oil tanker
C. product carrier
D. petrochemical tanker


58. New oil tankers of 20,000 tons dwt and above but less than 30,000 tons dwt
NOT fitted with SBT and PL should be designated as a …….on the IOPP
A. crude oil tanker
B. crude oil / product carrier
C. petrochemical tanker
D. product carrier

59. stew oil tankers of 70,000 dwt and above satisfying the requirements of SBT
may be designed as a …………….on the IOPP certificate.
A. crude oil /product carrier
B. product oil carrier
C. crude oil / petrochemical tanker
D. crude oil tanker

60. How would existing oil tankers of less than 40,000 tons dwt be designated on the
IOPP certificate ?
A. As a product carrier
B. As a crude oil tanker
C. As a crude oil / product carrier
D. As a crude oil / petrochemical tanker

61. For existing tankers of 40,000 tons dwt and above satisfying the requirements of
SBT, what should their designation be on the IOPP certificate ?
A. Product carrier
B. Crude oil tanker
C. Crude oil / petrochemical tanker
D. Crude oil / product carrier


62. For existing tankers of 40,000 tons dwt and above fitted only with a COW
system, what should their designation be on the IOPP certificate ?
A. Product carrier
B. Crude Oil / product carrier
C. Crude oil tanker
D. Crude oil / petrochemical tanker

63. Discharge of oily mixtures from machinery space bilges of tankers are prohibited
except when, amongst other requirements, which of the following equipment is
fitted ?
A. An Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment
B. Interface oily water detector
C. A 50 ppm Bilge Water Separator with alarm system
D. A 15 ppm oily bilge water separator with alarm system

64. When shall the IOPP Certificate cease to be valid ?

A. Any one of these
B. If significant alterations have taken place to materials without sanction
C. If significant alterations have taken place for fittings, equipment or
arrangements without sanction
D. If significant alterations have taken place in the ships construction without

65. When alterations to ships construction, equipment, materials , fittings or

arrangements are carried out without sanction the IOPP certificate ceases to be
valid. What is the exception ?
A. Improvement in ships construction
B. The direct replacement of equipment and fittings
C. Modification of arrangements as long as purpose and ay-out does not deviate
from Marpol requirements
D. Replacement of monitoring equipment as long as it is approved by the


66. What are the consequences if an IOPP intermediate survey is not carried out as
specified ?
A. The IOPP certificate remains valid, but when the overdue survey is carried
out, the stringency will depend on the duration of the elapsed time
B. The IOPP certificate shall cease to be valid and a survey corresponding to the
requisite survey is to be carried out .
C. The IOPP certificate shall cease to be valid when the C survey is 3 months
D. The IOPP certificate remains valid, however an unscheduled inspection is
to be carried out by the Port State inspection of the country of call

67. Amongst other requirements, what kind of arrangement is required for a tanker
in order to be allowed to discharge oily mixtures into the sea ?
A. Segregated ballast tanks
B. 15 ppm oil filtering equipment
C. Double hulls
D. A slop tank arrangement

68. An oil tanker is prohibited from discharging oily mixtures into the sea except
when certain conditions are satisfied. Which of the conditions mentioned here
must be satisfied ?




69. A ship other than tanker of 000grt and above, but less than 10,0000, cannot
discharge oily mixtures from machinery spaces, unless certain conditions are
satisfied. Which of these conditions must be satisfied ?


D. I, IV, VI

70. What is the oil content of a mixture which may be discharged into the sea when
the ship is not in a special area ?
A. 100 ppm
B. 50 ppm
C. less than 15 ppm
D. 15 ppm

71. Is it permitted to introduce dillutants or to apply other chemical treatment to oily

mixtures prior to discharge these into the sea ?
A. Concentration of chemicals only 100 ppm
B. Not allowed at all
C. Oil dispersants are allowed
D. Dillutants are allowed


72. Ships other than tankers of less than z100grt cannot discharge oil or oilymixtures
while within a special area, except for the discharge of processed bilge water.
To do this which of these conditions must be satisfied ?
A. II, IV, V, IX
B. II, V, VI, IX
C. I, Ill, VI, VIII

73. Are the Marpol regulations governing discharge of oily mixtures applicable to
issues of safety at sea ?
A. They remain in force, only Government Organisations can decide to lift same
in case of emergencies.
B. They are not applicable when oil is released for the purpose of securing the
safety of a ship or saving life at sea.
C. They do not apply when life can be saved at sea at the cost of releasing oil in
the water
D. They remain in force at all times, they help promote safety as well.

74. The Marpol regulations prohibit discharges oil mixtures at sea. The regulations
will not apply if the discharge is the result of damage arising from which items
in this list ?
A. I, IV
B. IV, V
C. II, V


75. Marpol regulations prohibit oily mixture discharges at sea. The regulations do
not apply if the discharge is the result of damage to the ship or its equipment.
What is the exception ?
A. Damage to ship and equipment due operational error
B. Crew negligence
C. Intent to cause damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that damage could
probably result
D. Collision or groundings

76. It is possible to discharge substances containing oil, approved by the

Administration, (eg. oil dispersants) for the purpose of combating specific
pollution incidents, into the sea. Under which of these conditions ?
B. I, II, V

77. For new tankers of 20,000 tons dwt and above, the capacity of the segregated
ballast tanks shall be such hat, at any part of the voyage, the ships draught and
trim meet which of these requirements ?
A. I, Ill, IV, VI
B. I, II, IV, V
D. I, IV, V, VII


78. New tankers of 20,000 dwt and above shall in no case carry ballast water in
cargo tanks, except when which of these circumstances arise ?

A. IV, V
B. II, V
D. II, V

79. For the purpose of determining the capacity of the clean ballast tanks in tankers,
which tanks may be Included ?
A. Cofferdams as well as segregated ballast tanks
B. Segregated ballast tanks, fore and after peak tanks as well as cofferdams.
C. Segregated ballast tanks only
D. Fore and after peak tanks as well as segregated ballast tanks

80. Under which conditions are Fore Peak tanks, After Peak tanks and cofferdams
allowed to be included in the total capacity determination of Cars for tankers ?
A. Provided the protective location of the tanks is ensured
B. Provided they are to be connected with permanent piping to the ballast water
C. Provided an oily separating system of 15 ppm is to be fitted on board
D. Provided oil discharge monitoring equipment with automatic stop when 15
ppm level is exceeded is to be fitted


81. If a tanker with separate independent piping and pumps for CBT and operating
with COW is to change its designation to product carrier and vice versa, which
provisions will apply ?
A. Two IOPP certificates are issued, only one valid at the time. No survey is
required prior switching trades. Manual for both procedures required.
B. The tanker needs to be surveyed each time its switches trade
C. Crude oil is not allowed to be carried in tanks designated CBT in the crude
oil trade
D. The COW system needs to be blanked

82.If an oil tanker is used for the storage of oil and its machinery modified to
immobilise the ship, what are the requirements for SOT, COT, PL and COW ?
A. The requirements for SBT, PL and CBT do not apply
B. The requirements for SBT do not apply
C. The requirements for SBT and PL do not apply
D. The requirements for SBT, PL, CBT and COW do not apply

83. hi an oil tanker is used to receive dirty ballast from oil tankers, what are the
requirements for SBT, CBT, PL and COW ?
A. The requirement for SET does not apply
B. The requirements for SBT, PI and CET do not apply
C. The requirement for SBT and PL do not apply
D. The requirements for SBT, PL, CBT and COW do not apply

84. One of the requirements for an oil tanker operating with Dedicated Clean Ballast
shall be that it is equipped with…….
A. a crude oil washing system.
B. two separate slop tanks.
C. segregated ballast tanks and PL.
D. an oil content meter.


85. The regulations for existing tankers for SBT, CBT and COW shall not apply if
the tanker is engaged in specific trades provided reception facilities are existing
in ports. What document is to be endorsed ?
A. The oil record book
B. The bill of lading
C. The charter party
D. The ship's IOPP certificate

86. Existing oil tankers which complies at all times with SBT draught and trim
requirements without the use of ballast water, may be considered to comply with
SBT requirements in full provided which of these items apply ?

B. I, II, VI
C. II, V, VI

87. What is the purpose of Regulation 13 E - Rules for Protective Location of

Segregated Ballast Tanks on Oil Tankers ?
A. To provide a measure of protection against oil outflow in event of grounding
or collision
B. To facilitate trim and draught corrective operations on tankers
C. To reduce the bending moments on tankers
D. To reduce the shear forces on tankers


88. For Protective Location of Segregated ballast tanks, which of these items apply ?

89. Regulation 14 of Marpol states that no ballast water shall be carried in any fuel
oil tank. What is the exception ?
A. Ships with special nature of trade which stay for long time at sea, for
example: tugs, fishing boats
B. For exceptional long voyages, when the ships bunkers are depleted and
weather conditions are deteriorating
C. If the double bottom fuel tank is ruptures, the fuel tank may be filled with
ballast if stability requires this
D. In case of voyage repairs being carried out on board ships

90. Under Marpol, can a ship carry oil in the Fore Peak Tank ?
A. Only tugs
B. No, not on any vessel
C. Only fishing vessels
D. Only tug boats and fishing vessels

91. Under Marpol, slop tanks shall have the capacity to retain the slop generated by
tank washings, oil and dirty ballast residues. Their total capacity shall not be less
than ….. % of the tank capacity.
A. 2.5
B. 5
C. 3
D. 1


92. In an existing tanker, which tanks can be designated as slop tanks ?

A. Any tank provided with adequate means for collecting dirty ballast residue
and tank washings from the cargo tanks.
B. Any tank separated form the ships' side by a distance of at least 3 metres
C. Any tank fitted with overboard discharge facilities.
D. Any tank closed to the atmosphere and fitted with an oily water separation

93. At least two slop tanks are required for……..

A. new oil tankers of 20,000 tons dwt and above.
B. new oil tankers of 70,000 tons dwt and above.
C. new and existing oil tankers above 150,000 tons dwt.
D. new oil tankers of 4.0,000 tons dwt and above.

94. Which of these are the requirements for an Oil Discharge Monitoring and
Control System ?

A. I, II, Ill, IV, VI, VII



95. An Instruction Manual for Oil Retention and Oil Discharge Monitoring is required
on board. This manual must mention all operations and ……..
A. instructions to ensure that at no time oil shall be discharged.
B. shall be approved by the Administration.
C. all automatic operations. The manual shall be approved by the
D. shall be approved by the Administration. It must contain instructions to
ensure that no oil can be discharged except in compliance with regulations

96. No oil discharge monitoring equipment is to be fitted on tankers if trading in

specific areas or within 50 miles from the nearest land provided that which of
these items apply ?

A. I, Ill, IV, V, VIII

B. I, II, III, IV, V
C. I, II, Ill, IV, VII
D. I, II, Ill, V, VII


97. Under Marpol, any ship of 10,000 tons gross and above shall be fitted with
which of these items of equipment for oily-water separation and oily mixture
discharges ?
A. I
B. Ill

98. Any ship of 400 tons gross and above but less than 10000 tons, which does not
carry ballast water in fuel oil tanks shall be fitted with a …….oil filtering
equipment for engine bilge discharge.
A. 100 ppm
B. 15 ppm
C. 30 ppm
D. 150 ppm

99. Which of these design requirements must be met by oil filtering equipment fitted
on ships of 10,000 grt and above ?

A. II, Ill, V, VII

B. I, Ill, VI, VII
C. I. III, V, VI


100. Must the ship's Oil Record Book (part I or part II) be of Standard Format and/or
may it be part of the ship's official Log Book ?
A. It may be part of the ships official Log, its format is not standard but must
contain the required information.
B. It is no part of the ship's Log, its format is Standard as specified.
C. It is not part of the ship's official Log, its format is not standard but must
contain all required information.
D. It may be part of the ship's Log, its format is Standard as specified.

101. In the event of accidental or exceptional discharges (for example allowed

discharge in order to save life), a statement shall be made in the oil record
book explaining what ?
A. The amount and the specifications of the oil discharged
B. The circumstances of and the reasons for the discharge
C. The report of the accident indicating precautions
D. The amount discharged and the reasons for it

102. Each operation as specified by regulations must be noted in the oil record book
without delay and…..…..
A. The Chief Officer is to sign when the operations are completed and be
countersigned by the Master.
B. The entries match operations completed after which it is signed by the
C. When the operations are completed will be signed by the Officer or in charge
during the time of the operation.
D. Will be signed by the Officer or Officers in charge of the operation and each
completed page will be signed by the Master.

103. Where is the Oil Record Book to be kept on board ?

A. At a place where it is readily available
B. In the ship's office
C. On the bridge
D. I the Master's cabin


104. Who can certified true copies of Oil Record Books ?

A. A Notary Public
B. The Master
C. The Officers of the Flag State
D. Port Authorities

105. Of the four categories of discharges associated with the operation of offshore
platforms for which type or types is Marpol 73.(03 applicable ?

A. Type, I, Ill and IV

B. Type I only
C. Type IV only
D. Type I and Type IV

106. Which of the following oils is not an asphalt solution ?

A. Roofers Flux
B. Blending Stocks
C. Straight run residue
D. Solvent

107. Which of the following products is not listed under "oils" in Appendix I of
Marpol Annex I ?
A. Clarified
B. Road Oil
C. Automotive
D. Spindle oil


108. the following products is not listed as "gasoline blending stock" in Appendix I
of Marpol AnnexI?
A. Reformates
B. Polymer fuel
C. Flashed feed stock
D. Alkylates fuel

109. Which of the following products is not listed under "gasolines" in Appendix I
of Marpol AnnexI?
A. Fuel oil No 1 D
B. Fuel oil No 1
C. Fuel oil No 4
D. Fuel oil No 2

110. The Record of Construction and Equipment, has a chapter about Tanks for Oil
Residues (Sludges). What information is recorded in this chapter ?
A. The location and capacity of the sludge tanks
B. The total tank capacity in m3 and the means for disposal of oil residue in
addition to the provision of sludge tanks
C. The number and capacity of sludge tanks and means of connection to open
deck sludge connection
D. The capacity of the sludge tanks and the pumping arrangements

111. The Record of Construction and Equipment for ships other than tanker contains
information in Chapter II about oil discharge from the machinery space and fuel
tanks. Which of these item are included ?
A. II, Ill, IV, VI, VII
B. I. II, Ill, IV, V, VI, VII
C. I, II, Ill, IV, VI, VII
D. I, II, Ill, IV, V, VII


112. If ships other than tankers have spaces constructed and utilised to carry oil in
bulk of a capacity of ……. or more, the regulations of Annex I for oil tankers
A. 100 T
B. 400 T
C. 500 cubic metres
D. 200 cubic metres

113. There are 6 annexes to MARPOL 73R8 (Annex Ito VI). They dealing with
pollution caused by ……..
A. I = Oil, II = Noxious liquid in bulk, III = Harmful packaged
substances, IV = Sewage, V = Garbage, VI = Air pollution.
B. I = Garbage, II = Air pollution, Ill = Sewage, IV = Harmful packaged
substances, V = Noxious liquid in bulk, VI = Oil.
C. I = Sewage, II = Noxious liquids in bulk, Ill = Oil, IV = Harmful packaged
substances, V = Air pollution, VI = Garbage.
D. I= Oil, II = Sewage, Ill = Garbage, IV = Harmful packaged substances, V =
Noxious liquids in bulk, VI = Air pollution.

114. Annex II of Marpol 73/78 deals mainly with ……

A. the construction, ballast procedures, category of ballast and the operational
procedures of petroleum tankers
B. the pollution hazards from chemical tankers and their arrangementsfor
discharge of cargo residues
C. the labeling and packaging of harmful substances carried as packages
D. the handling and discharge of garbage


115. Annex IV of Marpol, deals with Sewage. How does it affect shipboard operations
concerning processing and treatment of sewage ?
A. Only a collecting tank is required for all countries for the time being
B. It is required by the United States only and an approved sewage plant must
be installed on board
C. Discharge is for the time being allowed anywhere as long a sewage plant is
on board
D. The regulations are not yet universally in force, but a number of countries
have adapted them and have stingent regulations

116. How do the requirements of Marpol stand in relation to national or port

regulations ?
A. Only Japan and the United States have additional regulations to be complied
B. Only Australia has additional regulations to be complied with
C. They are the same for any country which has ratified the Marpol convention
D. national regulations in the ports visited may be more tingent and must be
complied with

117. Marpol Annex IV concerning sewage is not yet in force, but a number of countries
(example USA) have adapted it and have stringent regulations. The regulations
concern which of these items ?

A. II, Ill, IV, V, VI

C. I, Ill, V, VII, VIII
D. I, II, Ill, V, VII

118. Which of these waters are the Special Areas as defined by Marpol Annex V ?

119. According to Annex V of Marpol , no garbage can be thrown overboard inside

the Special Areas. Which is the exception ?
A. Paper, metal and glass ground up to less than 25 mm beyond 25 miles
B. Glass ground up to less than 25 mm beyond 25 miles offshore
C. Comminuted (ground up) food waste may be thrown overboard beyond 12
miles offshore
D. Paper ground up to less than 25 mm beyond 12 miles offshore

120. Marpol garbage disposal regulations outside Special Areas specify that within 3
miles from the nearest land and in all inland waters……….
A. you cannot throw plastics overboard.
B. you cannot throw anything overboard.
C. you cannot throw plastics, dunnage, lining and packing materials that float
D. you cannot throw paper, crockery, rags, glass metal or food overboard unless
ground to less than 25 mm.

121. Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that dunnage, lining
and packing materials that float …….
A. maybe thrown overboard outside 3 miles offshore.
B. may not be thrown overboard at anytime.
C. may be thrown overboard outside 12 miles offshore.
D. may be thrown overboard outside 25 miles offshore.


122. Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that paper, crockery,
rags, metal , glass and food may be thrown overboard within 3 to 12 miles
offshore, provided it is ground to less than ………in size.
A. 5mm
B. 10mm
C. 30 mm
D. 25 mm

123. Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that plastics….
A. cannot be thrown overboard at anytime
B. cannot be thrown overboard within 12 miles offshore
C. cannot be thrown overboard within 3 miles offshore
D. cannot be thrown overboard within 25 miles offshore

124. Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that paper, crockery,
glass, metal, food and rags, bigger in size than 25 mm may only be thrown
overboard outside ……. miles offshore.
A. 3
B. 25
C. 12
D. 10

125. Marpol Annex V garbage disposal regulations outside special Areas specify the
type of garbage which can be thrown overboard at a given distance offshore. Is
this universally accepted ?
A. Yes, except food, some countries have restrictions
B. Yes, accepted by all states and regions
C. Regional or state variations can further restrict the disposal of garbage
D. Yes, except dunnage


126. Outside special areas there are three ways of disposing of garbage produced on
board ships. From this list, choose the 3 ways ?

A. II, Ill, V
B. I, IV, V
C. I, II, IV

127. Why is on board training important in relation to pollution prevention ?

A. Because pollution related incidents are on the increase and all efforts are
needed to reduce them
B. Because many schools and training facilities are considered sub-standard
C. Because MARPOL is not compulsory taught in nautical schools
D. Because each ship has her own characteristics and equipment with which the
new crew member must become familiar

128. How can an on board pollution prevention training program help the new crew
member know clearly what is expected of him ?
A. By teaching and pointing out to the new crew members which are the weak
spots which may cause pollution
B. By composing a realistic training program with special emphasis on the
personal responsibilities and duties of the trainee
C. By teaching the new crew member the requirements of Marpol concerning
pollution of the seas
D. By teaching him the risks of oil transferring operations (bunkers as well as


129. For on board pollution prevention training to work, it is important that …..
A. a quite considerate amount of time is spent with the incoming new crew
member for the first week on board
B. the Master puts up a rigid discipline.
C. the trainees have an adequate background in pollution control
D. it is continuous and stresses safe, pollution free operations

130. Which of these items should be included in an on board pollution prevention

training program?

A. I. III, V, VI
C. I, II, V, VII
D. II, Ill, IV, VI

131. Which of these items can help make on

board pollution prevention training
effective ?
B. I, II, IV, V, IX
C. I, Ill, V, VII, IX


132. To prevent pollution you should look at how the operations that may lead to
pollution are conducted on board of your ship and ask yourself 3 questions.
What are these questions ?

A. I, III, V
D. I, II, V

133. Pick the flue operations, from this list, which when conducted on cargo ships
may lead to a pollution incident ?


B. I, II, Ill, IV, VI


134. Permanently posted information and procedures concerning bunkering and

transfer procedures should be available on board in a place where they can be
easily seen and used. Where on board?
A. Either on the bunker manifold values OR in the engine control room OR near
the fuel oil transfer pumps
B. Either on the bridge OR on deck, OR by the manifolds
C. Either in the alleyways near the main entrance OR near the bunkers
emergency shut off valves OR in the cargo — control room
D. Either in the engine control room OR near the fuel transfer pumps OR in the
emergency headquarters

135. There is potential for pollution when starting taking ballast on non-SBT tankers
because oil may backflow into the sea via the sea chests. In order to prevent this
a notice should be placed on the ballast pump. Which one ?

136. Containment is critical when oil has spilled on deck. Pollution can be avoided if
prompt action and careful preparation for containment is carried out. Which
three of these items are vital ?

A. I, II, IV
C. I, III, V
D. II, IV, V


137. In order to contain oil spills Gutter Bars (Fish Plates) should be regularly
inspected to make sure that……..
A. the fastenings are not worn.
B. the coating is intact.
C. they have not developed cracks or holes.
D. they are correctly fitting

138. Tank overflows while loading oil cargo or bunkering are one of the most common
cases of oil pollution. Which flue of these items are the main preventive
measures against tank overflow ?


B. I. Ill, IV, V, VI
C. I, II, Ill, VI, VII
D. I, Ill, V, VI, VII


139. Topping off procedures during oil cargo loading or bunkering is a most critical
operation. Which fire of these precautions or actions must be taken ?


C. I, Ill, V, VI, VII

140. Here are FIVE items concerning topping off procedures during oil cargo loading
and bunkering. Which one of these is not true ?

A. III - is not true

B. II - is not true
C. V - is not true
D. I- is not true


141. During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors ships have been
detained because ……..
A. no electrical drawing of the oily bilge separator alarm was posted.
B. no instructions to operate the oily bilge water separator were posted.
C. no pollution placards were posted.
D. no up to date deck port log was kept.

142. These items are standard inspection items for Marpol as given in guidelines to
inspectors and surveyors. Which item does not belong ?

A. Item VII - does not belong

B. Item VI - does not belong
C. Item II - does not belong
D. item V - does not belong


143. An Oil Record Book, Part 1,shall be provided to every ship of 400 tons gross
tonnage and above to record machinery space operations.Out of below
mentioned operations, it is compulsory to record:
A. Bunkering of bulk lubricating oil.
B. Transfer of oil from settling - to daytank.
C. Discharge of water from Aft, Peak Tank.
D. Purification of HFO.

144. Any ship of 10.000 tons gross tonnage and above shall be fitted with oily-water
separating equipment for the control of machinery space bilges.What kind of
equipment is required in this connection?
A. Either Oil fitting equipment , or Oily-water
separating equipment , or combination of both.
B. Oil fitting equipment only.
C. Sludge separating tank.
D. Oily-water separating equipment only.

145. Are there any restrictions about how much sludge we can pump overboard on the
sea voyage?
A. Maximum is 30 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/30000
part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
B. Maximum is 60 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/30000
part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
C. Maximum is 30 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/10000
part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
D. There isn’t any restrictions of pumping sludge from
ships outside special areas

146. For how long time must the printout from the Oil Discharge Monitoring
Equipment (ODME) be retained onboard?
A. Three years
B. Six months
C. Two years
D. Four years

147. If you use chemicals for cleaning up an oil-spill on the water, what would the
chemicals do?
A. Disperse or dissolve the oil into the water
B. Absorb the oil for easy removal
C. Remove the oil from the water
D. Contain the oil within a small area

148. In case of a pollution in US waters, who shall notify the cleaning up contractor
A. Qualified Individual
B. Emergency response team
C. The Master
D. The shipowner

149. In which areas is plastic material accepted for overboard disposal?

A. Not permissible any where.
B. 100 n.m. from shore line.
C. In specially designated areas (ref. MARPOL).
D. In coastal waters.

150. Is there any special area under MARPOL where it is forbidden to pump out any
sludge or oil residues?
A. There are special areas where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge
or oil residues
B. There are 3 special areas: the Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and
Black Sea where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues
C. There are 4 special areas: the Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea
and Black Sea where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil
D. There isn’t any special area where it is forbidden to pump out any
sludge or oil residues


151. MARPOL - Annex I. Your vessel sailed from Bahrain heading for Singapore. 2
days after departure, you would like to empty your machinery space bilges.
What will be the correct procedures in this connection?
A. Call the bridge and request for position and permission to discharge
overboard through oily water separating and filtering equipment.
B. Discharge overboard through oily-water separating and filtering
equipment without calling the bridge.
C. Call the bridge and request for position and permission to discharge
directly overboard.
D. Wait till after darkness and discharge in most convenient way.

152. MARPOL - Annex IV. Your ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment
plant certified by the Administration. During discharge, while vessel is awaiting
pilot off Cape Henry, USA, the surrounding water is iscoloured. What kind of
action would be appropriate to take?
A. Stop discharge.
B. Continue discharge since the treatment plant is of an approved type.
C. Reduce discharge rate in order to have less discolouration of
surrounding water.
D. Continue discharge since Annex IV of MARPOL is internationally
not yet in force.

153. MARPOL - Annex V. Disposal of garbage outside "Special Areas". After

unpacking spares, you are left with a limited amount of packing materials. Is this
prohibited, if not, what will be the nearest distance to land for disposal into the
sea of these materials?
A. This is prohibited
B. 3 miles
C. 12 miles
D. 25 miles


154. MARPOL - Annex V. Disposal of garbage. Your vessel is in the Red Sea
(Special Area) and the Chief Cook is requesting to have some food waste burned
in the incinerator. Due to problems with incinerator, you decide to have the
waste ground in the Grinder (Lump size max. 25 mm) and disposed off into the
sea. Is this prohibited, if not, how far from nearest land is this legal?
A. 12 miles
B. This is prohibited
C. 3 miles
D. 25 miles

155. Most minor oilspills are caused by:

A. Human error
B. Equipment failure
C. Major casualties
D. Unforeseeable circumstances

156. New MARPOL regulations came into effect from July 93 stating that the previous
instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content (60 litters per nautical mile) was
changed to:
A. 30 litters per nautical mile
B. 25 litters per nautical mile
C. 20 litters per nautical mile
D. 10 litters per nautical mile

157. Notification logging procedures .(OPA-90)

A. Every report or message must be logged including time and date
B. Only initial reports to be logged
C. Only verbal reports for documentation
D. Only communication with USCG


158. Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least (OPA-90):

A. Once a month
B. Once a week
C. Once a year
D. Once every six months

159. Ships of 10.000 tons gross tonnage and more, shall be fitted with oil filtering
equipment, complying with Reg.14 (7) of MARPOL for the control of
machinery space bilges. What would be the maximum oil content of oily-water
mixture to pass through the filter?
A. 15 ppm
B. 100 ppm
C. 30 ppm
D. 60 ppm/n.m

160. Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by doing what?
A. Plugging the scuppers
B. Driving wooden plugs into the vents
C. Closing the lids on the vents
D. Plugging the sounding pipes

161. The OPA-90 notification requirement is:

A. Notify as soon as you have knowledge of any spill, or threat of a
B. Notify as soon as you have knowledge of a spill exceeding 10
gallons of oil
C. Notify only if you mean that own vessel might be responsible
D. Notify only if you mean that own vessel might be tracked and


162. What does the term DISCHARGE mean, as used in the Oil Pollution
A. All the other alternatives
B. Spilling
C. Leaking
D. Dumping

163. What is definition on clean ballast as per MARPOL Annex 1?

A. Ballast with an oil content of less than 15 ppm
B. Ballast with an oil content of less than 45 ppm
C. Ballast with an oil content of less than 1 %
D. There isn’t any definition on clean ballast

164. What is the best way to avoid pollution from small oil-spills aboard a ship?
A. Contain any oil-spill onboard the ship
B. Rig an oil boom around the ship
C. Have dispersing chemicals ready for use in case of oil-spill
D. Have sawdust ready for use

165. What is the disadvantage of using chemicals on an oil-spill on the water?

A. The chemicals make it difficult to remove the oil from the water
B. The water gets a white colour, which makes it easy to detect the oil-
C. It is difficult to apply the chemicals if the oil drifts away from the
ship's side
D. It is difficult to apply chemicals if there is any wind

166. What is the purpose of the O.D.M.E. (Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment)
printer ?
A. To prove that oil has been pumped
overboard according to regulations
B. To prove that the O.D.M.E. system has been used
C. To prove fault conditions in the O.D.M.E
D. None of the mentioned


167. What should you do with the ashes from your vessels incinerator which had
burned garbage containing plastics?
A. Discharge to a shore facility only
B. Discharge at sea providing you are more than 25 miles offshore
C. Discharge at sea providing you are more than 12 miles offshore
D. Discharge at sea providing you are not in any river or estuary

168. What would be the preferred colour to use when maintaining the paint on shell,
plating, structure and bottom/tanktopp in the engine room?
A. White or light grey to ensure all minor spills and leakages are noticed
and dealt with.
B. Dark brown/red colour to camuflage any minor leakages and oil
C. Whatever paint is available.
D. The same colour as machinery and equipment.

169. When a pollution incident occurs there is a plan for actions to be undertaken.
State which of following priority sequences to be considered:
A. Stop pumps - report - clean up?
B. Clean up - report - stop pumps?
C. Report - stop pumps - clean up?
D. Stop pumps - clean up - report?

170. Which of the connections you are shown, are the dedicated shore connection
(MARPOL-connection) for discharging of sewage ?
A. 4
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3


171. Which of the following would be considered pollution, when discharged

overboard, under the US water pollution laws?
A. All of the mentioned
B. Garbage
C. Hazardous substances
D. Oil

172. Which PPM is allowed for discharging of "Bilge Water" overboard?

A. 15 PPM
B. 100 PPM
C. 50 PPM
D. 0 PPM

173. Which statement(s) is true of a gasoline spill?

A. It is visible for a shorter time than a fuel oil spill
B. It is not covered by the pollution law
C. It does little harm to marine life
D. It will sink more rapidly than crude oil

174. Why shall a duly qualified officer supervise any potential polluting operation?
A. To avoid pollution.
B. To relieve the master.
C. To inform the authorities.
D. To restrict pollution.

175. You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Algeria, in the
Mediterranean Sea. Are you allowed to dump food waste overboard?
A. No, food waste can not be dumped overboard
B. Yes, all kind of food waste can be dumped overboard
C. Yes, the food waste can be dumped if it is ground so that the resulting
particles can pass through a screen with 25 mm openings
D. Yes, the food waste can be dumped if it is ground so that the resulting
particles can pass through a screen with 50 mm openings


176. You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Nigeria, West Africa. Are
you allowed to dump empty glass bottles overboard ?
A. Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are
ground so that the resulting particles can pass
through a screen with 25 mm openings
B. No, glass bottles can not be dumped
C. Yes, glass bottles can be dumped overboard
D. Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting
particles can pass through a screen with 50 mm openings

177. You are onboard a vessel off the West African coast. You want to dump a
mixture of food waste, glass bottles and floating packing materials. Is this
allowed? and if so, how far off the coast would you have to be?
A. This is prohibited
B. 3 nautical miles off the coast
C. 12 nautical miles off the coast
D. 25 nautical miles off the coast

178. You are taking fuel on your vessel in the US when you notice oil on the water
around your vessel. You are to stop taking fuel and:
A. Notify the US Coast Guard
B. Begin clean up operations
C. Leave the area
D. Notify the Corps of Engineers


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