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Unit Overview:

Objective- ​In this unit, students explore close reading and literary analysis strategies for literary texts. Through
student led literature groups, students will ​immerse themselves​ into the genre of science fiction through both
reading and writing. Students will learn about science fiction in a variety of ways. Immersion will include examining
different aspects and elements of science fiction as well as studying the craft of creating the genre from imagination.

This unit is considered part of another literature analysis unit. The first unit we studied Realistic Fiction (​The
Outsiders​), and this unit we will study Science Fiction by reading ​Jurassic Park​.

After reading ​Jurassic Park​, we will use the book to transition to both the Research/Inform/Explain and
Argue/Persuade units. You will explore varying aspects of ​real​ science that the fictional science in ​Jurassic Park​ was
inspired by. Then you will research the topic, inform an audience about your discoveries, explain how it used in
society, and argue or persuade if you think the science practice is ethical and/or useful.

Therefore, this entire “unit” (collection of 3 units) will take us quite a while!

By the end of the first unit, you should be able to…

a) understand human nature, relationships and development in science fiction stories
b) read and understand science fiction stories
c) think critically with regard to science fiction using problem-solving, knowledge construction and life-long
learning through completing learning-to-learn abilities
d) discuss science fiction stories orally and in writing

Possible Unit Assessments: Refer to the following rubric criteria before choosing your final assessment:

A: After watching the movie, you might notice that some key moments in the book were not featured in the movie.
Your assignment is to
-Write a brief synopsis of the scene missing.
-Describe why you believe the scene was important enough that it ​should​ have been in the movie.
-Descriptively write (as if you were a screenwriter on the 1997 set) how you would have directed the scene.
-When would you have incorporated the scene?
-How would you have had it develop?
-What would the characters be doing? Where would they be?
-Would you tweak the original scene at all?
*Note*: You are ​not​ typing the original scene word for word.

B: Write a literary analysis paper on any of the following topics:

-Compare and contrast how any of the characters changes as the story progresses. Find a ‘starting point’, ‘altering
event(s)’, and evaluation of change(s) the character goes through. Use examples from the story to support your
Ex: Donald Gennaro- When he first meets John Hammond, when he meets with his boss before departing for the
island, when he first sees the dinosaurs, and when he is flown off of the island.

-Compare and contrast Ian Malcolm and John Hammond.

a. How are the two characters similar? How are they different?
b. Compare the role that chaos theory plays in each of their lives.

-How is John Hammond a much different character in the novel than the person portrayed in the film?

Essential Questions
Science Fiction Essential Questions:
A. How can technology help and hurt our lives?
B. How do human interactions change because of technology?
C. Just because we can, should we?

Beyond this classroom students will understand...

D. Character conflict takes many forms.

E. Themes are messages about societal issues.
F. Writing changes in format and is governed by different rules based on the genre, audience, and purpose
(GAP) (Reading Strategy)
G. There is a connection between life and literature.
H. Literature is an opportunity to explore life and experiences through another perspective.
I. Conflicts faced by fictional characters may be magnified, but at their core often reflect common experiences
faced by many readers.

Reading Literature Targets: Speaking and Listening Targets:

1. I can provide an objective summary of a text. 10. I can prepare for a class discussion
2. I can analyze how dialogue or specific incidents reveal and participate by referring to my
information about characters or move the plot forward. findings during discussion.
3. I can analyze how a modern work of fiction uses theme, 11. I can ask and answer questions during
patterns, or character types from traditional stories, a discussion and elaborate on the
myths or religious texts. remarks of others.
4. I can cite textual evidence that strongly support my 12. I can acknowledge new ideas
inferences and analysis of a text. expressed and modify my views if
5. I can analyze the extent to which a filmed or live needed.
production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs
from the text or script, evaluating the choices made by
the director or actors.
6. I can use context clues to figure out word meanings.
7. I can distinguish among connotations and denotations of
8. I can interpret figures of speech in context.
9. I can read and comprehend literature at the eighth grade

Power Standard Targets

13. I can analyze different points of view in a text.
14. I can analyze how differences in the character's and the reader's points of view create suspense or humor.
15. I can determine a theme and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship
to the characters, setting, and plot.

Literature Circles:

In literature circles, small groups of students gather together to discuss a piece of literature _____ _________.
The discussion is guided by students' _____________ to what they have read. You may hear talk about events
and characters in the book, the author's craft, or personal experiences related to the story. Literature circles provide
a way for students to engage in ______________ thinking and reflection as they read, discuss, and respond to
books. Collaboration is at the heart of this approach. ​Literature circles can be a place for cooperative learning.
Students ________ ________ ____________ understand a text and make sense of it. ​Students reshape and
add onto their understanding as they construct meaning with other readers. ​Students are _________ to talk a lot,
(in contrast to the rest of their time at school) to debate and argue their ideas. Students are invited to bring their
experiences and feelings into the classroom and to share them. ​Finally, literature circles guide students to
________________ ________________ of what they read through structured discussion and extended
written and artistic response.

They are... They are not….

Issues and/or notes of literature groups in the past:

Targets included in Literature Groups Targets included in Assessment

1. I can provide an objective summary of a text. 2. I can analyze how dialogue or specific incidents reveal
3. I can analyze how a modern work of fiction uses theme, patterns, information about characters or move the plot forward.
or character types from traditional stories, myths or religious texts. 4. I can cite textual evidence that strongly support my inferences
4. I can cite textual evidence that strongly support my inferences and analysis of a text.
and analysis of a text. 5. I can analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a
6. I can use context clues to figure out word meanings. story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script,
7. I can distinguish among connotations and denotations of words. evaluating the choices made by the director or actors.
8. I can interpret figures of speech in context. 13. I can analyze different points of view in a text.
9. I can read and comprehend literature at the eighth grade level. 14. I can analyze how differences in the character's and the reader's
10. I can prepare for a class discussion and participate by referring points of view create suspense or humor.
to my findings during discussion. 15. I can determine a theme and analyze its development over the
11. I can ask and answer questions during a discussion and course of the text, including its relationship to the characters,
elaborate on the remarks of others. setting, and plot.
12. I can acknowledge new ideas expressed and modify my views if
13. I can analyze different points of view in a text.

◎ ​I can learn about elements specific to the Science Fiction genre.

Elements of Science Fiction (Sci-Fi)

What do you know about science fiction already?

Definition: Science fiction is a genre of speculative fiction (having supernatural or futuristic elements), based on
imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes.

What ‘themes’ of science fiction have you already read?

Science fiction also...

-often focuses on science principles and ___________________

-tries to make _______________ about life in the future
-uses literature to comment on important issues in _______________

What other ‘things’ about SF can we brainstorm in the following categories?

Plot/action Setting Symbols Characters Key Ideas/ Themes

Name: __________________________ #: ______ Date: _______

This document is homework.

◎​I can answer essential questions about Science Fiction texts.

A. How can technology help and hurt our lives?

B. How do human interactions change because of technology?
C. Just because we can, should we?

Read the following article(s) to help you answer the following essential questions (in complete sentences):

A) How can technology help and hurt our lives?

Help Hurt

B) How do human interactions change because of technology?


C) Just because we can, should we? You can answer both yes, and no. Use evidence from any of the texts to
support your answer.


D) How do you think these essential questions relate to the Science Fiction genre? Specifically in Jurassic park?


Rubric for grading (2x)

4- Got it! 99% 3- Almost There! 2- Moving There 1- Just starting… 0- Not evident 0%
Learning Target/s 86% 76% 66%

My answers were My answers had some

My answers were mostly My answers lacked
explicit, clear, and focus and clarity, but it is
I can answer essential showed evidence that I
clear, and showed some
evident that I could have
clarity and focus. It is
I did not turn in this
evidence that I read and clear that I did not read
questions about Science completely read and read the text(s) more assignment, or it was left
understood the texts that the text(s) and I had incomplete.
Fiction texts. understood the texts carefully to more
focused on my learning difficulty answering my
focused on my learning effectively answer my
target. focus questions.
target. focus questions.

A brief description of time and space….

Obviously the condensation of 13.8 billion years into 365 days causes calendar time to speed up – a lot! At this
rate, there are:

-438 years ​per second,​ -1.58 million years per hour and -37.8 million years per day.

In other words, an actual second is 13,812,768,000 times longer than a Cosmic Calendar second

Notable dates to mark:

January 1: 13.8 billion years ago: Big Bang
September 6: 4.54 billion years ago: Earth
September 7: 4.53 billion years ago: Moon
September 14: 4.1 billion years ago: Life on Earth (bacterial life)
December 20: 0.45 billion years ago: Land Plants
December 25: 0.23 billion years ago: Dinosaurs (Mesozoic Era)
Triassic Period (42 million years)
Jurassic Period (52 million years)
Cretaceous Period (81 million years)
December 30: 0.065 billion years ago: Dinosaur Extinction

December 31st:
12 a.m.: 40 million years ago: Dawn of the primates
14:24 hrs – Primitive Humans were born.
22:24 hrs – Stone tools were used by humans and fire was domesticated.
23:59 hrs and 48 seconds – The Pyramids were built by the Egyptians.
23:59 hrs and 54 seconds – Buddha was born and the Roman Empire was formed.
23:59 hrs and 55 seconds – Christ was born, which marked the beginning of the Roman calendar (0 AD).
23:59 hrs and 58 seconds – Eastern Europeans ‘discovered’ America
23:59 hrs and 59 seconds – The world as we know it… with Justin Bieber in it.

Jurassic Park

Author: Michael Crichton

Summary:​ In this classic tale of science gone out of control, InGen, a genetics company in the hands of John
Hammond have developed Jurassic Park. Just off the coast of Costa Rica, this park is not your ordinary resort, it
has brought dinosaurs alive from pre-historic times. Here to test it out for the first time are Lex and Tim,
paleontologists Grant and Ellie as well as others from the financial and scientific communities (like renowned
mathematician Malcom of the chaos theory). However, when one of the employees attempts to steal dinosaur
embryos, the entire park is put off kilter. Suddenly, everyone is fighting to remain alive at the hands of animals that
went extinct millions of years ago. The reader flips through the pages as he or she asks the question: who will make
it out alive?

Why This Book Is Valuable in the Classroom:​ It is captivating, thought provoking, and is a timeless and classic
story. It will be one of those books that you MUST finish and cannot put down. It calls into question scientific
discovery and what stops scientific progress. In addition to this, there are so many scientific concepts that you can
talk about in conjunction with this book. From the law of superposition, to fossils, to populations, to genetics, to
pre-historic history and dinosaurs this book is a great combination of science and literature.

Things to be Careful About: ​Obviously, the level of caution needed to be taken with Jurassic Park depends greatly
on the maturity of our class, grade-level you’re reading it in, and our school community. With all of those varying
factors, it is important that there are parts of our book that have varying levels of appropriateness. For purpose of
being forthcoming and transparent, I have listed some (maybe not all) aspects that come with warning:

SWEARING:​ H***, D***, A**,God/Jesus/Christ, S***, B******/B****

VIOLENCE:​ -Description of dinosaur victim being mauled “the man’s skin was shredded—ripped---across his
shoulder, and again across his thigh.” (Page 4) -Babies being stolen (Page 26), Infant mortality graph (Page 88)
-Goat gets ripped to shreds as part of the T-Rex exhibit (145, 147, 148, 149) -Nedry gets killed. “And with horror he
suddenly knew he was holding his own intestines in his hands. The dinosaur had torn him open. His guts had fallen
out.” (Page 197) -Ed Regis gets killed (215-217) -Find Ed Regis’ body page (221-224) -Find an injured Malcom (227)
-“Leaving a splash of hot blood.” (259) -“And the red haunch of a killed hadrosaur that lay on its side behind the
tyrannosaur.” (264) -The killed sauropod claiming the kill as its own.” (267) -Find Nedry’s body (272-274) -T-Rex:
296-298 -Fight with raptor (309), (311), (330-333), (336) -Standing on someone’s ear (339) -Use key of dead body
guard (349-353) -Describing things dying from poison gas (379)

ALCOHOL AND CIGARETTES:​ -“Want a beer? Jesus, yeah…How long you been out here? About sixty
cases…We measure time in beer. We start in June with a hundred cases. We’ve gone through about sixty so far.”
(Page 33) -“Beer into his hand” (Page 34) -“Smoking a cigarette” (Page 98) -“Lit another cigarette.” (245)
-Drunkenly (248) -Lighting another cigarette (251) -Whiskey (288) -You’re drunk (324), in drunken agitation (324)

OTHER:​ -“I could look at your legs all day.” (Page 72) -“And was looking at the blond woman’s legs.” (Page 93)
-“Does anyone go out and, ah, lift up the dinosaurs’ skirts to have a look? I mean, how does one determine the sex of
dinosaurs, anyway?” (Page 109) -“Oh balls” (140) -“Really? The shorts, you think?” (Page 169) -Talk about sexual
reproduction of dinosaurs (282)

Iterations​: You will notice that Jurassic Park is broken into different ‘sections’. Each section is called an
“iteration”. By definition, and ​iteration​ is the repetition of a mathematical or computational procedure
applied over and over again to the result of a previous application, typically as a means of obtaining
successively closer approximations to the solution of a problem.

All these “Iterations” are the

phases of what’s known as a
Dragon Curve, which is a
fractal that’s created by
taking a line and then
applying a couple of simple
transformations to it, then
doing that over and over
again until a really
complicated structure
emerges—one that’s more
than the sum of its parts and that couldn’t have been predicted, given the straightforward instructions
necessary to draw the thing.

If a fractal is a model for a system that’s unsteady and rough and on the verge of collapse, if a fractal is,
geometrically, ​between​ dimensions, then maybe what makes something scary is that it shows people
whose lives/psyches are on the verge of collapse—whose lives are being pulled down into a vicious cycle (a
spiral), at the bottom of which they’ll be crushed/swallowed/flushed into the abyss, for either external
reasons (hungry large animals, colonizing armies, inclement weather, etc.), internal ones (unfulfilled
needs or desires, addiction, etc.), or some combination of both.

How do you predict this relates to ​Jurassic Park​?

Schedule of Reading:


WK 1 7 8 9 10 11

Word Gen #5

WK 2 14 15 16 17 18

Vocab #5 SSR Reading Day

WK 3 21 22 23 24 25

NO SCHOOL Final Q2 SSR presentation date Q2 ENDS

Vocab/content #6 Quiz

WK 1 28 29 30 31 1

Word Gen #6 ½ day


WK 2 4 5 6 7 8

Vocab #6

WK 3 11 12 13 15 15

Vocab/content #7 Quiz Q3 SSR Presentation # No school?

WK 1 18 19 20 21 22

No school

WK 2 25 26 27 28 1

½ day

WK 3 4 5 6 7 8

Each literature circle day, you will be responsible for completing all of the components for each scheduled reading.
That will include:

● Chapter summaries- how does the content connect to each chapter title?
● Vocabulary
● Connector- what happened in the story that can connect to modern time and/or modern medicine?
● Theme- cite supporting examples
● Comprehension questions/discussion questions

Each time you and your group meet, you will be responsible for leading the discussion for ​at least​ one of those
topics listed above.

Literature Group Targets:

◎I can ​follow rules​, set goals, meet deadlines and carry out my assigned role in shared discussions and
decision-making with peers.
◎I can come to discussions ​prepared​ to share my ideas because I have read or studied the required material.
◎I can use context clues to figure out what words.
◎I can ask questions to connect group members' ideas and answer questions with relevant information.

Dinosaur Dictionary​: Refer to this page if you want a quick visual of the dinosaurs in the book!

Apatosaurus Brachiosaurus Callovosaurus

Camarasaurus Cearadactylus Coelurosaurs

Dilophosaurus Dryosaurus Hadrosaurus

Microceratops Othnielia Procompsognathus

Pterodactyl Stegosaurus Styracosaurus

Triceratops Tyrannosaurus Velociraptor

Character Dictionary

Dr. Alan Ellie Sattler

Grant Donald Gennaro

Nedry Dr. Henry Wu
Tim & Lex

Robert Dr. Harding

John Arnold Muldoon

Ed Regis
Bob Morris

Ian Malcolm

Goal target: I can analyze a fiction text and connect its themes.
Essential Questions
D) Character conflict takes many forms. &
E) Themes are messages about societal issues.

The writer starts with an idea; as the story develops, it is influenced by the writer's own philosophy or
observation of the _____________ condition. This is the theme, the quality that brings with it a sense
of values and drama. Themes are also meant for the reader to be exposed to _______________ issues.

A theme is a dominant thought, a unifying vision, a moral. It is the ____________ _________ behind
your story. People sometimes confuse _________ with theme. The plot is the series of events that proves
or disproves the theme. Plot is a series of conflicts, literal happenings.

Common conflicts are

-man against man, -man against nature, and -man against himself.

Theme communicates a kind of truth about the way human beings act, think, or feel in a way that
word-for-word truth cannot.

Quotes that drive a theme in Jurassic Park:

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None

Reading #____: pages_________________

Directions​- for ​each​ reading section, complete the following components. In the next literature group meeting,
you will be responsible for leading the group discussion about ​at least​ one of these components.

What ‘chapters’ did you read? Write a 1-5 sentence summarizing:

Chapter title(s) Summary

Vocabulary- What vocabulary (other than dinosaur words) did you come across? These should be words you might
have needed to use ​context clues​ to figure out. Do as many as possible, per section. You may leave 1-2 blank in case
another person in your group finds a word you did not find.

Page # Word Meaning

Sticky notes section- write down any of the following that you may have thought of while you were reading:
-Questions -Predictions -Connections -Discussion questions

Page # Brief event/scene description Thought

Theme: Keep notes of quotes/events that support one of the main themes of Jurassic Park. Refer to prior page in
our notes.

Page #/ Event Happening How does it support one of our themes?

Self evaluation: Rank your achievement AND participation in this group meeting:
Preparation:​ Work is thoughtful, and complete ​4- ALL ​3- Most ​2- Some ​1- A little ​0- None
Participation:​Ready, on topic, appropriate, focused​ ​4- Completely ​ 3​ - Mostly ​2- Partially ​1- Minimally ​0- None


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