RSD Books - The Complete List - RSD Nation

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RSD BOOKS - THE COMPLETE LIST | RSD Nation http://www.rsdnation.



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Posted September 3rd, 2012 at 6:25 AM

Trusted Member
Join Date: 07/30/2012 | Posts: 1068

By popular demand, here now is the complete list of ALL recommended books here at RSDNation. Collected from different

threads, videos & blogs. Also includes Tyler's List, books that Owen read or mentioned. It is by no means final. I will continue to
update & add more as I see new recommendations. Categories will also be improved. So, its always a work in progress.

Feel free to comment and reply with more book recommendations and I will immediately add them to the list. That way we have
all book recommendations IN ONE SINGLE POST.

Hopefully this helps all of us with our personal reading goals, with quick referencing and of course cut all the 'book threads' that
keep popping up every couple of days or so.


The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida

The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand

The Power of Now - Eckart Tolle

A New Earth - Eckart Tolle

Practicing the Power of Now - Eckart Tolle

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Stillness Speaks - Eckart Tolle

Awaken the Giant Within - Anthony Robbins

Mastery - George Leonard

Personal Development for Smart People - Steve Pavlina

7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand

The Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman

Sperm Wars - Robin Baker

The Mood Cure - Julia Ross


Younger You - Eric Braverman

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150 Healthiest Foods - Jonny Bowde

The Clinton Tapes - Taylor Branch

How To Grow Fresh Air - B.C. Wolverton

The Relaxation Response - Herbert Benson

Nelson Mandela’s 600 page autobiography

The Great Divorce - C.S. Lewis

Fire In The Belly - Sam Keen

Driven From Within - Michael Jordan

Eckhart Tolle books

Branden books

Mastery - George Leonard

Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins

7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Steve Covey

The Narrow Road – Felix Dennis

Way of the Superior Man - David Deida

A Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

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Sex At Dawn – Christopher Ryan, Cecilda Jetha

Linchpin – Seth Godin

The War Of Art - Steven Pressfield

The Iliad – Homer

Odyssey – Homer

Great by Choice - Jim Collins

Tribal Leadership – Dave Logan

Do You! - Russell Simmons

John Carlton's marketing stuff

50th Law - 50 Cent

A First-Rate Madness - Nassir Ghaemi

Warrior of the Light - Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

The Talent Code - Daniel Coyle

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Long Way To Freedom - Nelson Mandela

Thinking Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman

Warrior of the Light - Paulo Coelho

Ask and It Is Given - Esther Hicks

Sperm Wars - Robin Baker

The Primal Blueprint - Mark Sisson

The Ultramind Solution - Mark Hyman

Built To Last - Jim Collins

Good To Great - Jim Collins

Tao of Jeet Kune Do - Bruce Lee

Super Rich - Russel Simmons

The Wheel of Time - Carlos Castaneda

Jed McKenna -- Spiritual Enlightment

Millionaire Next Door - Thomas Stanley

Spontaneous Happiness- Andrew Weil

Flow- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The Shallows-Nicholas Carr

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Healthy at 100-John Robbins

Primal Body, Primal Mind-Nora Gedgaudas

The Undefeated Mind-Alex Lickerman

Primal Connection-Mark Sisson

How Children Succeed-Paul Tough


Freedom from the Known - Jiddu Krishnamurti

The Wisdom of Insecurity - Alan Watts

Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse

The Art of Happiness - Dalai Lama

Mindfullnes for Beginners - Jon Kabat-Zinn

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The Book - Alan Watts

The Art of Zen - Alan Watts

Your Erroneous Zones - Wayne Dyer

There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, The Power of Intention, and Inspiration - Wayne Dyer

Real Magic: Creating Miracles in Everyday Life - Wayne Dyer

Epistulae morales ad Lucilium (English: Moral Epistles to Lucilius) - Seneca

The Discourses - Epictetus

That is That: Essays about Truth and Nature - Nirmala

Does it Matter? - Alan Watts

What About Now? Reminders for Being in the Moment - Gina Lake

Osho: Living Dangerously- Ordinary Enlightenment for Extraordinary Times - Osho

Loving What Is - Byron Katie

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

The Gay Science - Nietzsche

Bhagavad Gita

The Book of Secrets - Deepak Chopra

The First and Last Freedom - J. Krishnamurti

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Atheism: The Case Against God - G Smith

Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl

The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran

As You Think aka As a Man Thinketh - James Allen

Tao Te Ching - Lao Tsu

I Am That - Sri Maharaj Nisgardatta

Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzsche

Guttenplan, Hornsby, & Janaway

The Presence Process - Michael Brown

The Joy of Living Unlocking the Secret & Science of Happiness - Mingyur Rinpoche

The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

The Tibetan Book Of Living And Dying - Sogyal Rinpoche

The Dhammapada (Buddha's teachings)

Boethius The Consolation of Philosophy

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Abraham Maslow Motivation and Personality

Viktor Frankl Man's Search for Meaning

Become What You Are - Alan Watts

Encheiridion - Epictetus

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

The Science of Enlightenment (audio book) - Shinzen Young

The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living - The Dalai Lama & Howard C. Cutler

The Sun My Heart - Thich Nhat Hanh

Journey Into Now - Leonard Jacobson

Lucid Dreaming and Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming - Stephen LaBerge

Talking to Heaven, Reaching to Heaven, and Heaven and Earth - James van Praagh

Trust Your Vibes and Ask Your Guides - Sonia Choquette

Far Journeys - Robert Monroe

Power vs. Force - David Hawkins

Ask and It Is Given and The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent - Esther Hicks

The Power of Now and A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle

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The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra

The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield

Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman

Cosmic Trigger Vol I, Vol II, and Vol III - Robert Anton Wilson

A Course in Miracles - the Foundation for Inner Peace

The Disappearance of the Universe - Gary Renard

Bringers of the Dawn - Barbara Marciniak

Operation Terra - Sara Lyara Estes

Manifesting for Non-Gurus - Robert MacPhee

Diamond in your pocket – Gangaji

Confessions of a Philosopher - Brian Magee

Rude Awakening - Ciaran Healy

Myths to Live By (Joseph Campbell)


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works of Jeff Foster

works of Isaac Shapiro

works of Adyashanti

works of J. Krishnamurti

works of Papaji

works of Ramana Maharshi

works of Nisargadatta Maharaj

works of Shinzen Young

books by - Byron Katie

Meditation / Mindfulness

Guided Meditations on the Stages of the Path (with 15 hour mp3 meditation CD) by Thubten Chodron and H.H. the Dalai Lama

Meditation: A Beginner's Guide to Start Meditating Now by Shinzen Young

Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn

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Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief: Guided Practices for Reclaiming Your Body and Your Life by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Guided Mindfulness Meditation Series 1 by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Present Moment, Wonderful Moment by Thich Nhat Hanh

Being Peace by Thich Nhat Hanh

Happiness: Essential Mindfulness Practices by Thich Nhat Hanh

The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh

Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life by Thich Nhat Hanh

Science of Being and Art of Living: Transcendental Meditation by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems Ronald D. Siegel

Mindfulness - Ellen J. Langer

Beginning Mindfulness: Learning the Way of Awareness - Andrew Weiss

Slowing Down to the Speed of Life: How to Create a More Peaceful, Simpler Life from the Inside Out - Richard Carlson, Joseph Bailey

Meditation for Dummies by Stephen Bodian

Start Where You Are by Pema Chodron

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Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond: A Meditator's Handbook - Ajahn Brahm

Focused and Fearless: A Meditator's Guide to States of Deep Joy, Calm, and Clarity - Shaila Catherine

Mindfulness in Plain English: 20th Anniversary Edition by Bhante Gunaratana

Quiet Mind: A Beginner's Guide to Meditation by Sharon Salzberg, Sakyong Mipham, Tulku Thondup, Larry Rosenberg

Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation: A 28-Day Program by Sharon Salzberg

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice by Shunryu Suzuki

Zen Meditation In Plain English by John Daishin Buksbazen

Meditations: Creative Visualization and Meditation Exercises to Enrich Your Life by Shakti Gawain

How to meditate by Kathleen McDonald

The Path of Mindfulness Meditation by Peter Strong PhD

Meditation for Beginners by Jack Kornfield

A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life by Jack Kornfield

Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagan

Stages of Meditation by The Dalai Lama

Meditation Now or Never - Steve Hagen

The Fine Arts of Relaxation, Concentration, and Meditation: Ancient Skills for Modern Minds by Joel Levey, Michelle Levey

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Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings, Meditations, and Exercises From The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Stillness Speaks - Eckhart Tolle

Guided Meditations for Busy People by Bodhipaksa

Tibetan Meditation: Practical teachings and step-by-step exercises on how to live in harmony, peace, and happiness by Tarthang Tulku

Running with the Mind of Meditation: Lessons for Training Body and Mind by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche

Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche - Turning the Mind into an Ally: Teachings on Meditation Starring Saykong Mipham Rinpoche

The Tibetan Book of Meditation by Christie McNally


The Paleo Solution - Robb Wolf

Integrative Nutrition - Joshua Rosenthal

The Paleo Diet - Loren Cordain

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Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us -
Michael Moss

The 4 Hour Body – Tim Ferris

The Ultramind Solution - Mark Hyman

The Blueprint – Mark Sisson

The Paleo Answer – Loren Cordain

The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth - Jonny Bowden

Younger You - Eric R. Braverman

Deep Nutrition - Catherine Shanahan

The UltraMind Solution: The Simple Way to Defeat Depression, Overcome Anxiety, and Sharpen Your Mind - Mark Hyman M.D.

Diet for a New America and The Food Revolution - John Robbins

The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion - Pete Egoscue

Anatomy of an Illness - Norman Cousins

The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide - Laura Bruno

Mastering Leptin (Byron Richards)

Body by Science (Doug Mcguff)

It Starts with Food (Mellissa Hartwig)

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The Sex God Method - Daniel Rose

She Comes First – Ian Kerner

The Female Brain - Louann Brizidine

Wild Nights - David Deida

Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality - Christopher Ryan, Cacilda Jethá

My Secret Garden – Nancy Friday

The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature - Geoffrey F. Miller

The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature - Matt Ridley

The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins

Sperm Wars: The Science of Sex - Robin Baker

The Extended Phenotype: The Long Reach of the Gene - Daniel C. Dennett

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Fall DVD ~ Eric Schaeffer

How to Drive your Woman Wild in Bed' - G. Masterton

Drive Your Woman Wild in Bed and Go All Night

101 Nights of Grrreat Sex: Secret Sealed Seductions for Fun-Loving Couples

Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns: The Romance and Sexual Sorcery of Sadomasochism

Squirms, Screams and Squirts: Going from Great Sex to Extraordinary Sex

The Enlightened Sex Manual: Sexual Skills for the Superior Lover

The Modern Kama Sutra: The Ultimate Guide to the Secrets of Erotic Pleasure

Oral Sex She'll Never Forget: 50 Positions and Techniques That Will Make Her Orgasm Like She Never Has Before

Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence

Sex Is Fun!: Creative Ideas for Exciting Sex

The Joy of Sex: The Ultimate Revised Edition

Sex God - Rob Bell

Getting the Sex You Want: Shed Your Inhibitions and Reach New Heights of Passion Together

Women's Anatomy of Arousal: Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure

The Threesome Handbook (Vicki Vantoch)

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Nina Hartley's Guide to Total Sex (Nina Hartley)

Slow Sex (Nicole Daedone)

The Low Down on Going Down (Marcy Michaels)

10 Rules of Anal Sex
269 Amazing Sex Games
40 Mistakes Men Make While Having Sex With Women
A Guide To Safe Sex Techniques
Advanced Anal Sex Techniques And Secrets
Advanced Fellatio Techniques And Secrets.txt
Anal Sex Techniques And Secrets
Anal Sex Techniques And Secrets
Another Sex Tutorial
Art Of Male Masturbation.txt
Attract Women Now
Back Door
Basic Arousal
Basic Fellatio Techniques
Becoming A Master Of Oral Sex v2
Becoming A Master of Oral Sex!
Becoming A Master Of Oral Sex
Best Penis Enlargement Exercises
Biological Basis of Tantric Sex.txt

Contact Us
Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex
Complete Idiot's Guide to Tantric Sex
Dangerous Men & Adventurous Women
Dictionary Of Sexology v1.0
Different Loving
Eating Pussy
Erotic Stories
Exotic Sex Positions
Female Ejaculation
Female Orgasm Black Book
Female Psychic Attack
Fertility Demystified
Forbidden Flowers
G-Spot - The Grafenberg Spot Mystery
Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms
Guide To G-Spot Orgasms & Female Ejaculation
Guide To Sex Toys
Gut Impact
How to Drive Women Crazy
How to Eat a Woman Out.txt
How to Fuck a Womans Brains Out
How To Get Into Threesomes
How to Get the Woman You Desire Into Bed
How To Give A Woman A 'Rush' Just - Looking At Her
How To Give Her Great Orgasm
How to have a XXX Life
How To Have Energy Orgasms
How To Have Multiple Orgasms
How To Have The Best Sex Humanly Possible
How to Hypnotize Your Lover
How To Make a Woman Orgasm
How to Make Her Orgasm

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How to Make Love all Night

How to Make Love to a Woman without Penetration.txt
How To Seduce A Woman - 3 Fears
How To Totally Mind-Fuck Almost Any Woman
How To Turn A Woman On, Satisfy Her In A Big Way
Lover's Guide
Male G-Spot
Male Libido
Male Multiple Orgasm Survey
Male Multiple Orgasms Are Possible
Mathematics and Sex
Men And Women In Bed
Men In Love
Men's Health Books
Mens Sexual Health Fitness for Satisfying Sex
Multi Orgasm Man
Multiple Male Orgasms
Murphy's Sex Law
My Secret Garden
Oral Sex Technique - Lover's Guide
Penis Enlargement Manual
Penis Enlargement Secrets
Penis Enlargement
Penis Enlargment
Penis Of Steel
Power In Sexual Relationships
Psychic Seduction

Contact Us
Secret Orgasm Tips Interview
Secrets For Creating Maximum Sexual Experience
Secrets Of Sensual Lovemaking - How To Give Her The Ultimate Pleasure
Secrets Of Total Satisfaction
Sex & Sexual Relationships
Sex and Common-Sense
Sex and the Perfect Lover
Sex Encyclopedia - How To Squirt
Sex For Dummies
Sex Magic
Sex Positions
Sex Tips From a Woman
Sex-Secrets to Creating Chemistry
Sexual Dictionary
Sexual Ecstasy - From Ancient Wisdom
Sexual Martial Arts And Sexercise
Sexual Secrets
Sexual Survey Results From Over 100 Women
Sexuality and Seniors
She Comes First
Soul Sex
Special Cunnilingus Techniques And Secrets
Special Cunnilingus Techniques and Secrets
Studies in the Psychology of Sex I
Studies in the Psychology of Sex II
Studies in the Psychology of Sex III
Studies in the Psychology of Sex IV
Studies in the Psychology of Sex V
Tantra Instructions for Life
Tantra Sex Positions
Tantric G Spot Orgasm
Tantric Polarity Process

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Tantric Sexual Yoga

Taoist Secrets of Love
Taoist Techniques For The Control Of The Sexual Energy I
Taoist Techniques For The Control Of The Sexual Energy II
The Art of Concious Loving
The Art Of Female Ejaculation
The Art of Oral Sex
The Art Of Oral Sex
The Book of Pleasure
The Deep Spot
The Don Juan Book
The Feminine Mystique
The G-Spot FAQ
The Globalization of Sexuality
The Jelqing Manual
The Multi Orgasmic Man
The Multi-orgasmic Man
The Natural Penis Enlargement Guide
The Secrets of Female Sexuality
The Sexual Key
The Tao Of Sexual Dating For Men
The Tao Of Sexual Mastery
The Ultimate Female Orgasm
The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women
The Ultimate Male Orgasm
The What Not to do Sex Guide
Thinking Womans Guide to Anal Sex
Top 10 Masturbation Tips From Women

Contact Us
Top 100 Sex Secrets
Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery
Ultimate Guide to Penis Enlargement Techniques
Understanding the G-Spot and Female Sexuality
Unlimited Stamina with Multiple Orgasms
Vatsyayana - The Kama Sutra
Wendi Friesen - How to Hypnotize Your Lover
When A Man Makes Love To A Woman
Women on Top
Yoga The Tantric Penis Lessons
Your Guide to Better Sex in 10 Easy Steps


The Game - Neil Strauss

The Noble Art of Seducing Women: My Foolproof Guide to Pulling Any Woman You Want by Kezia Noble

15 Steps to Becoming a Master Seducer by Kezia Noble

The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want by Richard La Ruina

Bang: More Lays In 60 Days by Roosh V

Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day by Roosh V

30 Bangs: The Shaping Of One Man's Game From Patient Mouse To Rabid Wolf by Roosh V

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Natural Art of Seduction by Richard La Ruina

Make Her Chase You: The Guide To Attracting Girls Who Are "Out Of Your League" Even If You'Re Not Rich Or Handsome by Tynan

Get Laid Or Die Trying – Jeff Allen

9 Ball – Jeff Allen

The Physical Game Book - Ozzie

Book of Pook

Tyler Digest

The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed by Mystery, Chris Odom and Neil Straus

Impro - Keith Johnstone

Impro for Storytellers - Keith Johnstone

The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give it to Them - W. Anton

Collection of Confidence – H yp n otic a

The Male Brain - Louann Brizendine M.D.

Assholes Finish First by Tucker Max

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Fight Club - Chuck Palaniuck

The Attraction Code - another pick up company

The Mating Mind - Geoffrey Miller

The Magic You Can Perform With Reframing

Jean Bobo - Modern Coin Magic

Melvin Helitzer - Comedy Writing Secrets, 2nd Edition

Humor - Igor Krichtafovitch


The Brain that Changes Itself

Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain - David Eagleman

The Blank Slate - Steven Pinker.

Brain Rules - John Medina

Incognito: The Secret Lives of the brain

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Power Foods for the Brain: An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory - Neal Barnard

The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self & Soul – Daniel Dennett

Blind Watch Maker – Richard Dawkins

Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder – Richard Dawkins

The Selfish Gene – Richard Dawkins

Consciousness Explained - Daniel Dennett

You: The Owner's Manual - Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet Oz

works of Jon Kabat-Zinn


A Course in Miracles - Foundation for Inner Peace

Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson

Contact Us
Tropic of Cancer - Henry Miller

Impersonal Life - Joseph Brenner

Seth Speaks - Jane Roberts

Tao Te Ching - Stephen Mitchell

A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

Practicing the Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

Stillness Speaks – Eckhart Tolle

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques - Neenan and Dryden

Instant Enlightenment: Fast , Deep & Sexy - David Deida

Full Catastrophe Living - Jon Zinn

Wherever you Go There you are - Jon Zinn

Mindfulness in Plain English - Jon Zinn

The Platform Sutra and The Diamond Sutra - Red Pine

The Miracle of Mindfulness - Thich Nhat Hanh

Anything - Alan Watts

Descartes' Meditations

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The Open Secret - Tony Parsons

Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous George Berkeley

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

My Big TOE – Thomas Campbell

The Memory Book - Harry Lorayne

Creative Visualization - Shakti Gawain

Brain Building in Just 12 Weeks - Marilyn vos Savant

Chaos and Genius - James Gleick

The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

Blink - Malcolm Gladwell


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Freakonomics - Steven Levitt

Think & Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Malas – Nobel

Capital: Critique of Political Economy - Karl Marx

Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom

4 hour Work Week - Tim Ferris

How To Get Rich - Felix Dennis

Millionaire Fastlane - MJ DeMarco

books by - Thomas Sowell

books by - Milton Friedman

books by - Donald Trump

Do You! - Russell Simmons

How to Get Rich - Felix Dennis

The Millionaire Fastlane - MJ De Marco

Time Warrior - Steve Chandler

Do the Work - Steven Pressfield

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The War of Art - Steven Pressfield

The Narrow Road - Felix Dennis

Pitch Anything – Oren

Get Altitude - Eben Pagen

Cashvertising - Drew Eric Whitman

The Art of War - Sun Tzu and Samuel B. Griffith

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

The Master Key To Riches - Napoleon Hill

Scientific Advertising - Claude Hopkins

Psychology of Selling Manual - Tracy Brian

Feal the Fear and Do It Anyway

Wallace D. Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich

Cashflow Quadrant - Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

Contact Us
Getting Things Done - David Allen

Maximum Achievement and Time Power - Brian Tracy

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - Benjamin Franklin

Organizing From the Inside Out - Julie Morgenstern

Now, Discover Your Strengths - Marcus Buckingham

Is Your Genius at Work? - Dick Richards

The Power of Less - Leo Babauta

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone by Mark Goulston M.D. and Keith Ferrazzi

Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life by Stuart Diamond

24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success (William J. O' )

25 Myths You’ve Got to Avoid-If You Want to Manage Your Money Right (Jonathan Clements)

9 Steps to Financial Freedom (Suze Orman)

A Fortune At Your Feet (Kessler)

Aggressive Tax Avoidance for RE Investors (John T. Reed)

As a Man Thinketh (James Allen)

Benchmarking (Robert Camp)

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Beyond Stocks (John F. Merrill)

Buy It, Fix It, Sell It Profit (Kevin Myers)

Buying Your Own Business (Russell Robb)

Common Sense on Mutual Funds (John C. Bogle)

Conversations with Millionaires (Mike Litman and Jason Oman)

Creating Wealth (Robert G. Allen)

Debt Free - 30 (Jason Anthony & Karl Cluck)

Developing the Leaders Around You (John. C. Maxwell)

Dig Your Well Before You' re Thirsty (Harvey Mackay)

Direct from Dell (Michael Dell)

Eight Steps to Seven Figures (Charles Carlson)

E-Myth (Mike Gerber)

Multiple Streams of Internet Income (Robert Allen)

Fast Cash With Quick-Turn Real Estate (Ron Legrand)

Contact Us
Financial Security in Troubled Times; What You Need to Do Now (Ric Edelman)

Find It Buy It Fix It (Robert Irwin)

Flipping Properties (William Bronchik)

Get a Financial Life (Beth Kobliner)

Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher, William L. Ury and Bruce Patton

How I Turned $1000 into $5 Million in Real Estate (Nickerson)

How to be Rich (J. Paul Getty)

How to Become Financially Independent - Investing in RE (Al Lowry)

How to Borrow Your Way to Real Estate Riches: The Million Dolar Sure-Fire Formula for Amassing Wealth Today (Tyler Hicks)

How to Build a Real Estate Money machine (Wade Cook)

How to buy properties at 20% discount (John T. Reed )

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income: Buying Homes in Nice Areas with Nothing Down (Peter Conti & David Finkel)

How to Increase the Value of Real Estate (John T. Reed)

How to Make $1MM in RE in 3 Years (Tyler Hicks)

How to Master the Art of Selling from SmarterComics by Tom Hopkins and Bob Byrne

How to Pick Up Foreclosures (Wade Cook)

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How to Retire Rich

How to Sell Anything to Anyone

Investing for a Lifetime (Paul Merriman)

Investing in Fixer Uppers ( Jay Decima)

Investing in Real Estate (Andrew McLean & Gary Eldred)

Live Rich (Stephen M. Pollan and Mark Levine)

Loser' s Game (Charles Ellis)

Losing My Virginity (Richard Branson)

Magic of Thinking Success (David J. Schwartz, Ph. D.)

Making Big Money Investing In Real Estate (Peter Conti and David Finkel )

McGraw-Hill- 36 Hour Real Estate Investment book (Jack Cu mmings)

Million Dollar Habits (Robert Ringer)

Money for Life (Robert Sheard)

Money Lessons for a Lifetime

Contact Us
Money Secrets of The Rich (John Burley,)

Multiple Streams of Income (Robert Allen)

Onassis William Shawcross (Aristotle Onassis bio)

One Up on Wall Street (Peter Lynch)

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth (Ric Edelman)

Outperforming the Market: Everyone' s Guide to Higher-Profit, Lower-Risk Investing

Personal Finance for Dummies (Eric Tyson)

Real Estate Finance & Investment Manual (Cu mmings)

Real Estate Riches (Dolf De Roos)

Rental Real Estate: Section 1031 Exchanges (Holmes F. Crouch)

Retire Early and Live the Life You Want Now (John F. Wasik)

Retire Young, Retire Rich (Robert T. Kiyosaki)

Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Robert T. Kiyosaki)

Rich Dad' s Guide to Investing (Robert T. Kiyosaki)

Richard Branson - The Autobiography

Richest Man In Babylon (Clasen)

Science of Getting Rich (Wallace D. Wattles)

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Secrets of Power Negotiaters (Roger Dawson)

Sell like a Madman

Smart Couples Finish Rich (David Bach)

Start Small Finish Big: Fifteen Key Lessons to Start and Run Your Own Successful Business (Fred DeLuca, John P. Hayes)

Stocks for the Long Run (Siegel)

Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive (Harvey Mackay)

The 16% Solution - Joel Moskowitz

The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires (Brian Tracy)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey)

The Art of the Deal (Donald Trump)

How to Make Money in Stocks - William J. O’Neil

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator - Edwin Lefevre

Baruch: My Own Story - Bernard Baruch

One up on Wall Street - Peter Lynch

Contact Us
How I made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market - Nicolas Darvas

The Battle for Investment Survival - Gerald M. Loeb

The Type-Z Guide to Success With Ease - Marc Allen

The Millionaire Course - Marc Allen

Built to Last - Jim Collins

Good to Great - Jim Collins

Think & Grow Rich - Napolean Hill

Millionaire Mind Intensive - T Harv Eker

A Year of Growing Rich - Napoleon Hill

Psychology of Selling Manual - Tracy Brian

Tested Advertising Methods - John Caples

Scientific Advertising - Claude Hopkins

Triggers - Joe Sugarman

Losing my Virginity - Richard Branson

The Entrepreneur Equation (Carol Roth)

The Personal MBA - Josh Kaufman

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The Education of Millionaires - Michael Ellsberg


The Complete Idiot's Guide to Working Less, Earning More - Jeff Cohen

Making a Living Without a Job, revised edition: Winning Ways for Creating Work That You Love - Barbara Winter

101 Weird Ways to Make Money: Cricket Farming, Repossessing Cars, and Other Jobs With Big Upside and Not Much Competition -
Steve Gillman

Work at Home Now: The No-nonsense Guide to Finding Your Perfect Home-based Job, Avoiding Scams, and Making a Great Living -
Christine Durst, Michael Haaren

150 Jobs You Can Start Today: Creative Ways to Make Money Now - Deborah Jacobson

The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future - Chris Guillebeau & his website

One Thousand Ways to Make $1000 (Practical Suggestions, Based on Actual Experience, for Starting a Business of Your Own and
Making Money in Your Spare Time) - F. C. Minaker

The Career Guide for Creative and Unconventional People - Carol Eikleberry

Zen and the Art of Making a Living: A Practical Guide to Creative Career Design - Laurence G. Boldt

Contact Us
What Color Is Your Parachute? 2012: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers - Richard N. Bolles

How to Write & Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit: Your Guide to Writing ...How-To Content - Robert W. Bly

Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer - Moira Anderson Allen

Paid To Speak: Best Practices For Building A Successful Speaking Business - National Speakers Association

How to Make it Big in the Seminar Business - Paul Karasik

Getting Started in Consulting - Alan Weiss

The Lean Startup - Eric Ries

The Laptop Millionaire by Mark Anastasi


The Little Book That Beats the Market, Joel Greenblatt

You Can Be a Stock Market Genius: Uncover the Secret Hiding Places of Stock Market Profits - Joel Greenblatt

Beating the Street - Peter Lynch, John Rothchild

Learn to Earn: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics of Investing and Business - Peter Lynch, John Rothchild

Getting a Job in Hedge Funds: An Inside Look at How Funds Hire - Adam Zoia, Aaron Finkel

20 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

One Up On Wall Street : How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market by Peter Lynch and John Rothchild

The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing. A Book of Practical Counsel (Revised Edition) by Benjamin Graham

Technical Analysis from A to Z, 2nd Edition by Steve Achelis

The Warren Buffett Way, Second Edition by Robert G. Hagstrom, Kenneth L. Fisher

Investing For Dummies - Eric Tyson

The Money Masters - John Train

Money Masters Of Our Time - John Train

New Money Masters - John Train

GENERAL PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (will be categorized soon)

Social Intelligence - Daniel Goleman

Contact Us
Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman

Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self-Deception - Daniel Goleman

Learned Optimism - Martin Seligman

Flourish - Martin Seligman

The Now Habit - Neil Fiore

Laughter – Provine

Changing For Good - James Prochaska

Wishcraft - Barbara Sher

Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation

Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Change

Find Your Focus Zone - Lucy Jo Palladino

The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg

The Feeling Good handbook - David d. Burns

No More Mister Nice Guy - Robert Glover

Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life right now - Henriette Anne Klauser PhD

Self Discipline in 10 days - Theodore Bryant

21 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

Thinking, Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman

Outliers - Malcom Gladwell

Tipping point - Malcom Gladwell

Blink - Malcom Gladwell

What the Dog Saw - Malcom Gladwell

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World - Harry Browne

Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card

The Fire Starter Sessions - Danielle LaPorte

Healing Your Emotional Self - Beverly Engel

The Confidence Gap: A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt - Russ Harris, Steven Hayes PhD

The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living - Russ Harris, Steven Hayes

The Confidence Gap - Dr Russ Harris

The Blank Slate - Steven Pinker

Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life

Contact Us
Richard Koch - The 80/20 Principle

Pitch Anything - Oren Klaff

Iceberg Slim – PIMP

The Alchemist - P Coelho

The Talent Code - Daniel Coyle

The Little Book of Talent - Daniel Coyle

Talent Is Overrated - Geoff Colvin

Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time by Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz

Frogs Into Princes - Richard Bandler and John Grinder

Dangerous Men and Adventurous Women - Jane Ann Krentz

Change or Die - Alan Deutchman

No More Mr. Nice Guy - Robert Glover

Psycho-Cybernetics - Dr. Maxwell Maltz

100 Simple Secrets of Happy People - D. Niven

Three Laws of Performance - Steve Zaffron, Dave Loga

The Book of Secrets: 112 Keys to the Mystery Within by Osho

22 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

The Power of Full Engagement - Tony Schwartz

No Excuses - Brian Tracy

Psychology of Selling Manual - Tracy Brian

Maximum Achievement - Brian Tracy

The Psychology of Achievement: Develop the Top Achiever's Mindset - Brian Tracy

Radical Honesty - Brad Blanton

Jim Rohn The Challenge to Succeed - A Philosophy for Successful Living Workbook

A Philosophy for Successful Living Workbook - Jim Rohn The Challenge to Succeed

50th Law - 50 Cent

48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene

Art of Seduction - Robert Greene

33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene

10 Mental Laws

Seeds of Light (Elizabeth K. Stratton?)

Contact Us
A Path With Heart - Jack Kornfield

Our Appointment With Life - Thich Nhat Hanh and Annabel Laity

Seekers Guide to Freedom - Guy Finley

Fire In The Belly - Sam Keen

You Can't Turn Back

The Secret - Rhonda Byrne

The Millenium Trilogy - Steig Larsson

Changing for Good - James Prochaska

Leadership and Self Deception - Arbinger Institute

Paradox of Choice - Barry Schwartz

The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

The Road Less Travelled - M. Scott Peck

Winning through Enlightenment - Ron Smothermon

Believing Bullshit - Stephen Law

Les Liaisons Dangereuses - Jean-Pierre Chodlerdos de Laclos

The Success Principles - Jack Canfield

Waiting - Ha Jin

23 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

Oscar Wilde - Richard Ellman

The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway

Zen in the Art of Archery - Eugen Herrigel

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert M. Pirsig

The How of Happiness - Sonja Lyubomirsky

Beyond Positive Thinking - Dr. Robert Anthony

Change Your Life in Seven Days - Paul McKenna

Thick Face Black Heart - Chin-Ning Chu

Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness - Gillian Butler

How to think like Leonardo Davinci - Michael Gelb

Games People Play - Eric Berne

Being and Time - Heidegger

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway - Susan Jeffers

Living with Our Genes: Why They Matter More Than You Think - Dean H. Hamer

Contact Us
What to Say When you Talk To Yourself - Shad Helmstetter

Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality - Tad James

Phoenix Theraputic Patterns of Milton H. Erickson - David Gordon

Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme - Richard Brodie

A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality - Ken Wilber

Mind-lines: Lines For Changing Minds - L. Michael Hall

How to Argue & Win Every Time: At Home, At Work, In Court, Everywhere, Everyday - Gerry Spence

Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them, and When to Leave Them - Carole Lieberman

Thinking About Thinking With Nlp - Joseph Yeager

Half Empty, Half Full: Understanding the Psychological Roots of Optimism - Susan C. Vaughan

The Age of Manipulation: The Con in Confidence, The Sin in Sincere - Wilson Bryan Key

Visual Persuasion: The Role of Images in Advertising - Paul Messaris

Phoenix: Therapeutic Patterns of Milton H. Erickson - David Gordon

Silent Power - Stuart Wilde

Secret of Creating Your Future - James Tad

The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation - Matt Ridley

24 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

The Dangerous Passion: Why Jealousy Is as Necessary as Love and Sex - David M. Buss

Modern Coin Magic - Jean Bobo

Mind Lines - Michael Hall

Motivation Success - Shakti Gawain - Creative Visualization

The Magic You Can Perform With Reframing

Beliefs - Robert Dilts

A brief History of time - Stephen Hawkings

Who Are you Really - Gary Null

Iron John: A Book About Men – Robert Bly

177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class

As a Man Thinketh – James Allen

Codependent No More - Melody Beattie

Thresholds of the Mind - Bill Harris

The Psychology of Self Esteem - Nathaniel Branden

Contact Us
The Six Pillars of Self-esteem - Nathaniel Branden

Six Pillars of Self-Esteem - Nathaniel Branden

The Psychology of Romantic Love - Nathaniel Branden

Assholes Finish First - Tucker Max

John R. Little - Body - Science

A Brief History of Everything - Ken Wilber

Spontaneous Happiness - Andrew Well

How to Read Book - Chalres Van Doren

This Will Make You Smart - John Brockman

Pitch Anything - Oren Klaff

The Pedant's Revolt - Andrea Barham

War of the Worldviews - Leonard Mlodin / Deepak Chopra

Catch 22 - Kurt Vonnegut

The ZigZag Principle - Rich Christiansen

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Joe Dispenza

Opening the Mind's Eye - Ian Robertson

Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson

25 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts - Gabor Gate MD

The Silent Pulse - George Leonard

The Moral Animal - Robert Wright

Use Your Brain to Change Your Life - Daniel G. Amen

Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy - Thomas Sowell

Give Me a Break – John Stossel

The Theory of Poker: A Professional Poker Player Teaches You How To Think Like One - David Sklansky

The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do To Get More of It - Kelly McGonigal

Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength - Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney

Using Your Brain for a Change - Richard Bandler

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway - Susan Jeffers

The Psychology of Winning - Denis Waitley

The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want - Sonja Lyubomirsky

The Prince - Machiavelli

Contact Us
Yoritomo and Clausewitz

The Golden Man - Philip K. Dick

Choke - Chuck Palahniuk

Welcome to the Monkey House - Kurt Vonnegut

The Stranger - Albert Camus

I am Legend - Richard Matheson

Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldrich - Philip K. Dick

Guns, Germs, and Steel - Jared Diamond

Musashi - Eiji Yoshikawa

2001 Space Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke

I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell - Tucker Max

Alphabet of Manliness - Maddox

The Art of Speed Reading People - Tieger

How to Argue and Win Everytime - Gerry Spence

What to Say When You Talk to Your Self - Shad Hemlstetter

The Silent Language Of Love - Julius Fast

26 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Joseph Murphy

Take me to Truth-Undoing the Ego - Sanchez and Vieira

James Tad - Secret of Creating Your Future

Michael Hall - Mind Lines

Michael Hall Ph.D - The Magic You Can Perform With Reframing

Robert Dilts - Beliefs

Autobiography - Benjamin Franklin

Self-Reliance - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Walden - Henry David Thoreau

Self-Help - Samuel Smiles

As a Man Thinketh - James Allen

The Game of Life and How to Play It - Florence Scovell Shinn

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

The Power of Positive Thinking - Norman Vincent Peale

Contact Us
The Phenomenon of Man - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Joseph Murphy

Creative Visualization - Shakti Gawain

The Road Less Traveled - M. Scott Peck

Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes - William Bridges

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy - David D. Burns

You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay

The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By - Carol S. Pearson

The Power of Myth - Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway - Susan Jeffers

Mindfulness: Choice and Control in Everyday Life - Ellen J. Langer

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Women Who Run with the Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Men Are from Mars,Women Are from Venus - John Gray

Thomas Moore Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life

Steve Andreas & Charles Faulkner (NLP Comprehensive Team) NLP: The New Technology of Achievement

Marianne Williamson A Return to Love

27 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

James Hillman The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling

Alain de Botton How Proust Can Change Your Life

Richard Carlson Don't Sweat the Small Stuff… And It's All Small Stuff

Richard Koch The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less

Philip C. McGraw Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doin hat Matters

Martha Beck Finding Your Own North Star: How to Claim the Life You Were Meant to Live

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World - Harry Browne

The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky, Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky

Richard Branson - Autobiography: Losing my Virginity (not directly game-related)

Galapagos - Kurt Vonnegut

The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas

Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom

Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman

Power of a Positive No - William Ury

Contact Us
Getting to Yes - Roger Fisher, William L. Ury

Bargaining for Advantage - G. Richard Shell

Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in Strategic Interaction - Colin Camerer

Fooled - Randomness - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters - Alan S. Miller and Satoshi Kanazawa

Freakonomics - Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner

Superfreakonomics - Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner

Predictably Irrational - Dan Ariely

Dare - Gary Leboff

Sex, Ecology, Spirituality - Ken Wilber

The Revolt of the Masses - Ortega y Gasset

The Iron Flute - Nyogen Senzaki

The Gateless Gate - Koun Yamada and Ruben L. F. Habito

Thick Face, Black Heart - Chin-Ning Chu

In Search of the Miraculous - P. D. Ouspensky

The Path of Least Resistance - Robert Fritz

28 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman

Tom Butler-Bowdon - 50 Self-Help Classics

Tom Butler-Bowdon - 50 Success Classics

Sex-Ploytation - Matthew Fitzgerald

The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho and Alan R. Clarke

The Hagakure: The Code of The Samurai

Born To Run - Christopher McDougall

Body - Science - John Little and Doug McGuff

Conditioned Reflex Therapy - Andrew Salter

Beyond Success and Failure: Ways to Self-Reliance and Maturity - Willard Beecher and Marguerite Beecher

Joseph Heller - Something Happened

Michel Houellebecq - Possibility of an Island (and other books as well)

Jostein Gaarder - The Orange Girl

Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Brothers Karamazov

Contact Us
Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway - Susan Jeffers

Bill Harris - Thresholds of the Mind

Calvin and Hobbes - Bill Watterson

The Black Swan: Second Edition: The Impact of the Highly Improbable: With a new section: "On Robustness and Fragility" - Nassim
Nicholas Taleb

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom - Miguel Ruiz

The Seat of the Soul - Gary Zukav

Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality Anthony De Mello

Beyond Success and Failure: Ways to Self-Reliance and Maturity - Willard Beecher and Marguerite Beecher

Your Magic Powers of Persuasion - Vernon Howard

The Open Secret - Tony Parsons

I hope You'd Die Soon - Richard Sylvester

The Telling Stones - Riktam Barry

Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation

Law of Success - Napolean Hill

177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class: The Thought Processes, Habits and Philosophies of the Great Ones by Steve Siebold

I Can Make You Confident - Paul Mcknenna

29 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

Self-Discipline in 10 days: How To Go From Thinking to Doing by Theodore Bryan

Pulling Your Own Strings: Dynamic Techniques for Dealing with Other People and Living Your Life As You Choose - Wayne W. Dyer

Manifest Your Destiny: Nine Spiritual Principles for Getting Everything You Want, The - Wayne W. Dyer

Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits by Wayne W. Dyer

Biology of belief - Bruce liton

The War of Art - Steven Pressfield

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Collins Business Essentials) - Robert B. Cialdini

Becoming a Life Change Artist: 7 Creative Skills to Reinvent Yourself at Any Stage of Life - Fred Mandell and Kathleen Jordan

Getting Things Done - David Allen

First You Have To Row A Little Boat - Richard Bode

The Art of War- Sun Tsu

Byron Katie - The Work

The Ultimate Anti-Career Guide - Rick Jarow

The Silent Language: - Edward Twitchell Hall

Contact Us
Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box - Arbinger Institut

Get off your but. - Sean Stephenson

Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do About It Now - Jane B. Burka and Lenora M. Yuen

Self-Discipline in 10 days: How To Go From Thinking to Doing - Theodore Bryant

The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature - Geoffrey F. Miller

Dangerous Passion - David M. Buss

Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them, and When to Leave Them - Carole Lieberman and Lisa Collier Cool

The Evolution Of Desire - David M. Buss

The Moral Animal: Why We Are, the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology - Robert Wright

On Human Nature: Revised Edition - Edward O. Wilson

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway - Susan J. Jeffers

Ultimate Secret to Getting Absolutely Everything You Want, The - Mike Hernacki

Changing for Good: A Revolutionary Six-Stage Program for Overcoming Bad Habits and Moving Your Life Positively Forward - James O.
Prochaska, John Norcross and Carlo DiClemente

Hard Goals : The Secret to Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success - Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield and Ron McMillan

This Year I Will...: How to Finally Change a Habit, Keep a Resolution, or Make a Dream Come True - M. J. Ryan

30 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

Find Your Focus Zone: An Effective New Plan to Defeat Distraction and Overload - Lucy Jo Palladino

The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance - W. Timothy Gallwey, Zach Kleiman and Pete

American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis

The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald

Lord of the Flies - William Golding

A Hero of Our Time - Lermontov

1984 - Orwell

Island - Aldous Huxley

Flatland - Edwin A. Abbott

The Old Man and The Sea - Ernest Hemingway

Catch 22 - Joseph Heller

The Stand - Stephen King

Call of the Wild / White Fang - Jack London

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

Contact Us
The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

Catch 22 - Joseph Heller

Incarnations of Immortality - Piers Anthony

-On a Pale Horse
-Bearing an Hourglass
-With a Tangled Skein
-Wielding a Red Sword
-Being a Green Mother
-For Love of Evil
-And Eternity

The Iliad and The Odyssey - Homer

Lord of the Flies - William Golding

Mark Twain: Four Complete Novels - Mark Twain

Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach

The Real Frank Zappa Book - Frank Zappa

Status Anxiety - Alain De Botton

A Journey - Tony Blair

Muscle Gaining secrets - Jason Ferrugia


31 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman

Booky Wook I & II - Russell Brand

Peaceful Warrior The Movie

Humes Dialogue on Natural Religion - G. Humes

The Road Less Traveled - M. Scott Peck

One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The Book of Not Knowing by Peter Ralston

Courage - The Joy of Living Dangerously by Osho

The Crowd by Gustave Le Bon

Shape Shifter by Geoff Thompson

On the Road-Jack Kerouac

The Carl Rogers Reader

Toxic Parents by Susan Forward

Narcissism by Alexander Lowen

Contact Us
The Drama of The Gifted Child by Alice Miller

Healing the Shame that Binds You by John Bradshaw

Bad Pharma - Ben Goldacre

Homecoming by John Bradshaw

For Your Own Good by Alice Miller

Real Time Relationships by Stefan Molyneux

Self-Therapy by Jay Earley

The Psychology of Self-esteem by Nathaniel Branden

On Becoming A Person By Carl Rogers

Memo by Oddbjorn By

books by - Matt Ridley

books by - Joel Osteen (christian self-help)

books by - Paulo Coelho

books by - Jim Rohn

books by - Douglas Adams

books by - Christopher Moore

32 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

books by - Terry Pratchett

books by - Chuck Pahlanuik

books by - George Orwell

Free 350+ page book on speedread -

Extreme Productivity: Boost Your Results, Reduce Your Hours by Robert C. Pozen
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen
Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Getting Things Done by David Allen
Inner Productivity: A Mindful Path to Efficiency and Enjoyment in Your Work by Christopher R. Edgar
The Instant Productivity Kit: 21 Simple Ways to Get More Out of Your Job, Yourself and Your Life, Immediately by Len Merson

Getting Organized: Improving Focus, Organization and Productivity by Chris Crouch
Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long by David Rock
Focus: A simplicity manifesto in the Age of Distraction by Leo Babauta
18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done by Peter Bregman
Find Your Focus Zone: An Effective New Plan to Defeat Distraction and Overload by Lucy Jo Palladino

Contact Us

Unlimited Power - Tony Robbins

Personal Power - Tony Robbins

Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins

Notes from a Friend: A Quick and Simple Guide to Taking Charge of Your Life - Anthony Robbins

Giant Steps : Author Of Awaken The Giant And Unlimited Power - Anthony Robbins

Breakthrough - Anthony Robbins

The Power of Habit- Charles Duhigg

Authentic Happiness- Martin Seligman

Rewire your Brain-John Arden

The Plastic Mind-Sharon Beegley

How to Get Our Your Own Way-Tyrese Gibson

Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

Following Through by S. Levenson

Daring Greatly - Brené Brown

Mastery - Robert Greene

33 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure


How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

Nonviolent Communication - Marshall Rosenberg

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus - John Gray

Doing What Works, Doing What Matters – Dr. Phil

Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay - Mira Kirshenbaum

Should I Stay or Go? - Lee Raffel

Keys to The Kingdom (Alison Armstrong)

Contact Us

Life on Purpose - Dr. Brad Swift

There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, The Power of Intention, and Inspiration - Wayne Dyer

Man’s Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Frank

A Child Called It, The Lost Boy, and A Man Named Dave - Dave Pelzer

Happy for No Reason - Marci Shimoff

Rosebudd the American Pimp - John Dickson

The Practicing Mind - Thomas Steiner


The Redemptive Self by Dan Mcadams

Fit for Life - Harvey and Marilyn Diamond

Subliminal by Leonard Mlodinow (neuroscience and psychology)

Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein (polgyamy and jealousy ideas, sci fi novel)

Anything by Bruce Kumar Frantzis on qi gong, breathing, Martial Arts, meditation (

34 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

RSD BOOKS - THE COMPLETE LIST When you start preparing for death you soon realize that you must
look into your life - now - and come to face the truth of your self. Death is like a mirror in which the true meaning of life is reflected. -
Sogyal Rinpoche

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Posted September 3rd, 2012 at 6:45 AM #1

Respected Member
Join Date: 05/07/2012 | Posts: 534

Great post man, should keep me busy for a few weeks!

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Posted September 3rd, 2012 at 8:25 AM #2

Respected Member
Join Date: 04/13/2012 | Posts: 317

Wow, great value here.


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Posted September 3rd, 2012 at 9:10 AM #3

Respected Member

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Join Date: 10/18/2009 | Posts: 432

Gor blimey this list is loooooooooong.

It's the man who's willing to crucify himself relentlessly who becomes successful - Jeffy

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Posted September 3rd, 2012 at 11:50 AM #4

Ray Allen
Join Date: 03/17/2012 | Posts: 68

Lol, it's almost 900 books in here. If you read one book per week it's gonna take you 18.75 years to read them all)) So I better start

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Posted September 3rd, 2012 at 12:07 PM #5

Trusted Member
Join Date: 07/30/2012 | Posts: 1068

Read only what you want / need.

Learn to speed read.

Use audiobooks.

Read/listen while doing other things.

lplvlsl wrote:
Lol, it's almost 900 books in here. If you read one book per week it's gonna take you 18.75 years to read them all)) So I better

35 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

start now)

RSD BOOKS - THE COMPLETE LIST When you start preparing for death you soon realize that you must
look into your life - now - and come to face the truth of your self. Death is like a mirror in which the true meaning of life is reflected. -
Sogyal Rinpoche

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Posted September 3rd, 2012 at 12:16 PM #6

Respected Member
Join Date: 04/07/2012 | Posts: 585

nice job.. This should be a sticky :P

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Posted September 3rd, 2012 at 5:04 PM #7

Respected Member
Join Date: 10/18/2009 | Posts: 432

Some more to add to Tylers 'mentioned' list.......

Spontaneous Happiness- Andrew Weil

Flow- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

and others for self help

Contact Us
The Power of Habit- Charles Duhigg
Authentic Happiness- Martin Seligman
Rewire your Brain-John Arden
The Plastic Mind-Sharon Beegley
How to Get Our Your Own Way-Tyrese Gibson
It's the man who's willing to crucify himself relentlessly who becomes successful - Jeffy

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Posted September 3rd, 2012 at 7:35 PM #8

Trusted Member
Join Date: 07/30/2012 | Posts: 1068

^^ thx added
RSD BOOKS - THE COMPLETE LIST When you start preparing for death you soon realize that you must
look into your life - now - and come to face the truth of your self. Death is like a mirror in which the true meaning of life is reflected. -
Sogyal Rinpoche

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Posted September 3rd, 2012 at 7:53 PM #9

Respected Member
Join Date: 11/20/2011 | Posts: 471

Thank you, Klaus.

RSD Bootcamp Alumnus : Jeffy & Alex in Melbourne, November 2011

36 of 37 1/3/2019, 5:00 PM

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Posted September 3rd, 2012 at 8:18 PM #10

RSD Moderation Team
Join Date: 04/15/2012 | Posts: 1279

Great! Add Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown in Self help or General development section.
I'll definitely learn to speed read for this lol.

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"In the cosmos of time, your greatest decision is no more than a fart in the wind"

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