Social Studies - 6 Week Unit: 4th Grade - Texas Revolution

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Social Studies – 6 Week Unit

4th grade - Texas Revolution

Week Measurable Standards SS Themes Descriptions


Week Working with a History (3)(A)The time, This first week of the
One partner, students student is expected continuity, unit, the students
will research the to analyze the and change will be learning
Texas Revolution causes, major about the major
and create a events, and effects events of the Texas
timeline of the of the Texas Revolution.
major events as Revolution,
well as providing a including the Battle For this activity,
three sentences of the Alamo, the students will work
description of each Texas Declaration with a partner. They
event including at of Independence, will research the
least 14 of the 16 the Runaway Texas Revolution to
items from the Scrape, and the create a timeline of
checklist. Battle of San the major events.
Jacinto The timeline should
include dates,
events, where they
happened, and 3
summarizing what

My activity aligns to
the theme because
students are learning
about historical
events during the
time of the Texas

My activity aligns to
the standard
because the students
are learning about
the events during
the Texas

The objective aligns

with the theme and
the standard by
having the students
create a timeline of
the major events in
the Texas

Week Students will History (3)(A)The individuals, This second week of

Two research the Battle student is expected groups, and the unit, the
of the Alamo and to analyze the institutions students will be
create a flipbook of causes, major learning about the
four important events, and effects Battle of the Alamo.
individuals, of the Texas
providing a Revolution, For this activity,
description of who including the Battle students will
they were, why they of the Alamo, the research the the
were important, and Texas Declaration Battle of the Alamo
a picture or sketch of Independence, to create a flipbook
relating to that the Runaway of 4 important
individual including Scrape, and the individuals that
at least 10 of the 12 Battle of San played a role in the
items from the Jacinto battle. The flipbook
checklist. should at least
include who, why
they were important,
and a picture or
sketch for each of
the four individuals.

My activity aligns to
the theme because
students are learning
about individuals
who played major
roles in the Battle of
the Alamo.

My activity aligns to
the standard
because the students
are learning about
the individuals who
fought in the Battle
of the Alamo, which
was an important
event in the Texas

The objective aligns

with the theme and
the standard by
having the students
create a flipbook of
the important
individuals during
the Battle of the

Week Given a graphic History (3)(A)The power, This third week of

Three organizer, students student is expected governance, the unit, the
will interpret five to analyze the and students will be
phrases of the causes, major authority learning about the
Texas Declaration of events, and effects Texas Declaration of
Independence, of the Texas Independence.
rewriting them in Revolution,
their own words and including the Battle For this activity,
creating a sketch, of the Alamo, the students will work in
completing 8 of the Texas Declaration cooperative groups
10 items on the of Independence, to complete the
rubric. the Runaway given graphic
Scrape, and the organizer with their
Battle of San interpretation of the
Jacinto Texas Declaration of
Independence. There
will be five phrases
given from the
Declaration. For each
given phrase the
student will rewrite
the text in their own
words or
interpretation, and
draw a sketch for
each one as well.

My activity aligns to
the theme because
students are
interpreting an
important the
political aspects of
the state’s

My activity aligns to
the standard
because the students
are learning about
the Texas
Declaration of

The objective aligns

with the theme and
the standard by
having the students
complete a graphic
organizer in which
they are using
critical thinking to
interpret the
meaning of given
phrases from the

Week Students will write a History (3)(A)The culture This fourth week of
Four short story from the student is expected the unit, the
perspective of a to analyze the students will be
Texan leaving their causes, major learning about the
home during the events, and effects Runaway Scrape.
Runaway Scrape in of the Texas
which 4 out of 5 Revolution, For this activity,
items on a rubric including the Battle students will write a
are complete. of the Alamo, the creative short story
Texas Declaration from the perspective
of Independence, of a Texan leaving
the Runaway their home during
Scrape, and the the Runaway Scrape.
Battle of San Their story should
Jacinto include

Composition My activity aligns to

(12)(B). The the theme because
student is expected students are using
to compose writing to relate to
informational texts, an experience of a
including brief specific culture
compositions that during the Texas
convey information Revolution.
about a topic, using
a clear central idea My activity aligns to
and genre the standard
characteristics and because the students
craft are learning about
the Runaway Scrape
during the Texas

The objective aligns

with the theme and
the standard by
having the students
write a creative short
story in which they
write about the
culture from the
perspective of a
person affected by
the Runaway Scrape.

Week Students will History (3)(A)The people, This fifth week of the
Five research the Battle student is expected places, and unit, the students
of San Jacinto and to analyze the environment will be learning
create a map causes, major about the Battle of
showing where the events, and effects San Jacinto.
battle took place of the Texas
and the route each Revolution, For this activity,
army took for their including the Battle students will
approach, as well as of the Alamo, the research the Battle
a short summary of Texas Declaration of San Jacinto and
the battle including of Independence, create a map of how
4 of the 5 items on the Runaway both armies
a checklist. Scrape, and the approached, as well
Battle of San as a short summary
Jacinto of what happened
during the 18 minute
battle including the
casualties for both

My activity aligns to
the theme because
students are learning
about two groups of
people in relation to
the specific place the
battle occurred.

My activity aligns to
the standard
because the students
are learning about
the Battle of San

The objective aligns

with the theme and
the standard by
having the students
research the Battle
of San Jacinto and
create a map
showing where the
battle took place and
the route each army
took for their
Week Working with a History (3)(A)The Power, This last week of the
Six partner, students student is expected governance unit, the students
will complete a to analyze the and will be taking a field
given worksheet causes, major authority trip to San Jacinto
during the visit to events, and effects Museum of History.
the museum, of the Texas
followed by creating Revolution, For this activity,
a project relating to including the Battle students will work
the political of the Alamo, the with a partner and
outcomes of the Texas Declaration take notes on the
Battle of San of Independence, field trip via the
Jacinto, meeting 3 the Runaway given fill in the blank
of the 4 criteria on a Scrape, and the worksheet -
rubric. Battle of San scavenger hunt
Jacinto style. When they get
back to class and
they will work with
the same partner to
create a project
based on the political
outcomes of the
battle via
Powerpoint, poster,
or brochure -
students may do
their project on
whatever they like as
long as it relates
back to the Battle of
San Jacinto and how
the outcome affected
the Texas

My activity aligns to
the theme because
students are
completing a
worksheet and
creating a project on
the political
outcomes of the
Battle of San Jacinto
and its effect on the
Texas Revolution.

My activity aligns to
the standard
because the students
are learning about
the Battle of San
Jacinto during a visit
to the San Jacinto
Museum of History.

The objective aligns

with the theme and
the standard by
having the students
work with a partner
to complete a given
worksheet during the
visit to the museum
and creating a
project relating to
the political
outcomes of the
Battle of San Jacinto
during the Texas

B. In week 6, the students will be taking a field trip to the San Jacinto Museum of History.
The students will not only be touring the museum but also experiencing the battleground for
this 18 minute battle from 150 years ago. While at the museum, they will learn about
Texas history during this time period through videos, artifacts and interactions with the tour

B1. The history standard for this week, History(3)(A)The student is expected to analyze the
causes, major events, and effects of the Texas Revolution, including the Battle of the
Alamo, the Texas Declaration of Independence, the Runaway Scrape, and the Battle of San
Jacinto, aligns with the students taking a field trip to the San Jacinto Museum of History
because they will be learning about important events relating to the Texas Revolution
particularly the Battle of San Jacinto and its importance to the revolution.

The measurable objective for this week, Working with a partner, students will complete a
given worksheet during the visit to the museum, followed by creating a project relating to
the political outcomes of the Battle of San Jacinto, meeting 3 of the 4 criteria on a rubric,
aligns with the students taking a field trip to the San Jacinto Museum of History because
they are learning the information that they will need to complete the given worksheet with
their partner as well as information they can use in their assigned projects.

B2. While at the museum, students will learn about Texas history during this time period
through videos, artifacts and interactions with the tour guides. The students will use the
information they learn throughout their time at the museum to complete a provided
worksheet. The worksheet will turn into part of their research, which they will analyze and
use to complete their presentations.
C. Week 4

1. There are two standards for this week’s lesson activity:

History (3)(A)The student is expected to analyze the causes, major events, and effects of
the Texas Revolution, including the Battle of the Alamo, the Texas Declaration of
Independence, the Runaway Scrape, and the Battle of San Jacinto

Composition (12)(B). The student is expected to compose informational texts, including

brief compositions that convey information about a topic, using a clear central idea and
genre characteristics and craft.

a. There is one measurable objective for this week’s lesson activity: Students will write a
short story from the perspective of a Texan leaving their home during the Runaway Scrape
in which 4 out of 5 items on a rubric are complete.

2. For this week’s lesson activity, the following materials are needed:

-Internet access

D1. The lesson for this week connects both of the standards by requiring the students to
use methods of inquiry such as analyzing, questioning, and problem solving. The students
will use these methods to brainstorm what life would have been like for the Texans leaving
their homes during the Runaway Scrape, and develop a way to show it from the Texan’s
perspective when writing their short story.

D2. In order to successfully complete this week’s lesson activity, the students will need to
have basic research skills when using the computer. They will also need to know how to
write an informative paper as well as how to write from another person’s point of view.


ELL: The teacher will provide reading materials and handouts that include both the
student’s native language as well as English. The teacher will also continue to check for
understanding throughout the activity. This will help the students because it provides the
language being learned as well as the native language, so that they are learning instead of
staying within their comfort zone.

ADHD: The teacher can provide accommodations such as giving step by step instructions
and having the student repeat them back, giving a short review before moving on to new
skills, highlighting key words on handouts, providing rubrics, as well as allowing the student
to use mind maps to organize their thoughts and ideas. This will help the students because
it provides the opportunity for them to clearly understand concepts and what the teacher is
expecting them to know and do.
E. After the students have completed their paper, the teacher will grade it using a rubric.

1 point ½ point 0 points

Runaway Clearly mentioned the Somewhat mentioned the Did not mention the
Scrape Runaway Scrape in the paper Runaway Scrape in the paper Runaway Scrape in the

Accurate Historically accurate Somewhat historically Not historically accurate


Texan Clearly written from a Texan’s Somewhat written from a Not written from a Texan’s
perspective perspective Texan’s perspective perspective.

Format The topic, central idea and at The topic, central idea and at The topic, central idea and
least 4 key points are least 2 key points are key points are not conveyed
conveyed in the paper conveyed in the paper in the paper

Spelling and 0-4 spelling and grammatical 5-10 spelling and grammatical 11 or more spelling and
grammar errors errors grammatical errors

E1. For the students who did not meet the objective above, there would be remediation in
small groups. The teacher may need to align remediation activities with each of the students
individual learning style. For the students who struggled in the Social Studies part of the
activity, the teacher would show related videos and go back over the details of the Runaway
Scrape, making sure to check for understanding along the way. For the students who
struggled in the Writing part of the activity, the teacher would go over how to write from a
different perspective, as well as providing a mind map to allow the students to organize
their thoughts and information correctly. For the students who did meet the objective, there
will be an enrichment activity to allow the students to take what they know and apply it to
the assigned activity allowing them to use higher level thinking and analysis. The teacher
can have these students design a skit based on if they had just fought and won the Battle of
San Jacinto.


San Jacinto Museum of History (2018). Retrieved March 29, 2018 from

Texas Education Agency. (2017). 19 TAC Chapter 110. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills

for English Language Arts and Reading. Retrieved March 28, 2018, from

Texas Education Agency. (2011). 19 TAC Chapter 113. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills

for Social Studies. Retrieved March 28, 2018, from

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